A. - Abacoten, Indian chief, 132
- Abangobi, Indian chief, 111
- Abipones, Indian tribe, xxxvi, 16
- Abrego, Diego de, quarrels with Francisco de Mendoza, 78 seq.;
- his name also written Abreu and Abriego, 79;
- his cousins marry Irala’s daughters, 79 seq.
- AburuÑes, 266
- Achkere. See AracarÉ
- Achkeres, why so called, 42;
- no tribe of that name, ib.
- Acosta, Diego de, 240
- ——, Gonzalo de, 122
- ——, author of “History of the Indies” referred to, 66
- AcuÑa, Hector de, 207
- Adelantado, the title, xv, 35, 96
- Agazes, Indian tribe (Aygais), xxxvi, 16, 18;
- their war with the Spaniards, 18 seq.;
- their place, 19, 22, 23, 54, 131;
- their treatment of captives, ib.;
- their wars, 131 seq.;
- peace with, 132 seq.;
- peace broken by, 150 seq.; 153;
- judgment passed on, 158, 238;
- expedition to punish, 239
- Alabos, Indian chief, 132
- Alcalde Mayor, 158
- Algarroba, the seed of the carob-tree, 18
- All Saints’ Eve, 33, 165
- Almenza, Martin de, 136, 137, 159
- Almirante (Almiranda), a Spanish title, 89
- Alvar Nunez. See Cabeza de Vaca
- Amazon, xxxiii
- Amazons, xxxix, riches of, 45;
- reports concerning, 45 seq.;
- island inhabited by, 46, note, ib.;
- their king’s name, ib.; 48
- America, partition of, xxi;
- Amida. See Sheep
- Amne. See Sheep
- Anchieta, the missionary, xxxiii
- Andalusia, 5
- Andes, Cordillera of, xxxiii, xxxvi
- Andrada, Francisco d’, 159, 251
- Angelis, Don Pedro de, editor of Schmidt’s voyage referred to, xxiii
- Anghiera, Pedro Martyr de, xxv
- Angra, justice of, 261
- AÑiriri, Indian chief, 107
- Anta, or Tapir. See Sheep
- Antilles, sea of the, xxxiii
- Antorff. See Antwerp
- Ants, red and black, 200;
- antidote against stings of, ib.
- Antwerp, xv, xxiv, 1, 81, 88, 91
- Anzures, Pero, Gobernacion of, 65;
- sent to conquer Chunchos, 73, note
- AracarÉ (Achkere), Indian chief, 37, 160;
- his treachery, 161 seq., 163;
- executed by Spaniards, 164
- Argentina, pampas of, xxxiii
- Argentina, poem, 10
- Arianicosies, Indian tribe, 223, 224, 226, 233
- Armenta, Bernardo de, a Franciscan friar, 100, 105, 116, 136, 159, 175;
- Armeven (Armuia), 91
- Aroaz, Juan de, notary, 108
- Arquebusiers, 107, 177
- Arroba, a Spanish weight, 195
- Arrows made of cane, 11
- Artaneses, Indian tribe, 212
- Arthus, Prof. Gotard, xxii
- Arumaya river, 73
- Ascension. See Asuncion
- Asher, J., his essay on “Hulsius’s Voyages” referred to, xxx
- Assumption, Feast of the, 22
- Asuelles. See Anzures
- Asuncion (Desumsion), city of, xxii;
- founded, 22, note; 24, 27, 28, 35;
- distance from Santa Catalina, 36; 38, 39, 51, 57, 59, 61;
- latitude of, 74;
- besieged, 79; 81, 86;
- always Ascension in the Commentaries, 102, 103, 104, 105, 109, 115, 118, 122, 123, 124, 125, 127, 128, 132, 134, 135, 137, 138, 149, 156, 157, 160, 161, 164, 165, 166;
- fire at, ib.;
- rebuilt, 167; 173, 177, 179, 180, 181;
- return of expedition to, 237 seq., 239, 260, 263
- Atabare, or TabarÉ, Indian chief, his hostility to the Spaniards, 170 seq., 180;
- offers to accompany the expedition, 181
- Ave Maria, 142
- Aygais. See Agazes
- Ayolas (Eyollas), Juan de, xxvi, xxvii, 6;
- placed in command, 12; 13, 14;
- sails up ParanÁ, ib.;
- takes LambarÉ, 21, 22; 23, 24, 26;
- death of, 27, 62;
- sick Spaniards left by, 70, 102, 103, 109, 123, 124, 182, 185, 186, 187
- Azara, Don Felix de, his opinion of Schmidt’s voyage, xxxv, 4
B. - Bachacheis. See MbaiÁs
- Bachereos. See Xarayos
- Bachkeku or wacheku. See Bananas
- Bagenberg, 25
- Bananas, 63
- Barba, Don Diego de, 146
- Barbacoas or parrillas for roasting meat, 154
- Barchkonis, 66, 68
- Barcia, de, his translation referred to, xxiii, 6, 35, 37, 65
- Barco Centenera, the pseudo-poet, 10
- Bareia, 81
- Barter trade, 15
- Batates. See Guatatas
- Bats, vampire, 199 seq.
- Beni, River, 73
- Bermejo, Rio (Red River), 19
- Bigg-Wither, referred to, 108
- Black River, the lagoon, 195
- Blood of wild beasts drank by Indians, 7
- Blue stone worn in lip, 72
- Boa, the, 84
- Boar, wild, 15, 19, 118, 135
- Bodelle. See Rodela
- Bonas Aeieres. See Buenos Ayres
- Bone Speranso. See Buena Esperanza
- Brabant, 91
- Bravo, Anton, bastinadoed, 252
- Brazil, xiv, xviii;
- Brazilian (Brazil) wood, xxii, xxviii, 85, 86
- Breastplates on horses, 146
- Bresa, Baron de la, xxiv
- Brigantines (Parchkadienes), xxvi, 10, 12, 13, 21, 28, 34, 37, 39, 40, 49, 51, 59, 62, 162
- Buena Esperanza, or Corpus Christi, founded by Mendoza, 15, note, 22
- Buenos Ayres (Bonas Aeires), Santa Maria de, foundation of, xxvi, 7;
- besieged, 11; 31, 32, 33, 34, 36;
- province of, 81; 101, 102, 103, 104, 106;
- abandoned, xvi, 123, 124, 125;
- relief sent to, 127, seq.; 164, 165,
- measures to re-establish, 165
- Bull, Papal, xxi
- Bullets, stone, 8
- Burton, Sir Richard, his edition of Hans Stade referred to, xviii
C. - Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar NuÑez, his parentage, xiii, xvi;
- opposed by Irala, ib.;
- judgment and acquittal of, xvii;
- Commentaries of, ib.; xviii, xx, xxvii;
- route opened by, xviii, xx, xxx;
- referred to, 27, 35 seq.;
- Schmidt’s opinion of, 35, note, 41, 49, 51, 52;
- arrest and imprisonment of, 52 seq.;
- is sent to Spain, 53;
- honesty and capacity of, ib., note;
- horrible treatment suffered by, ib.;
- his captivity in Florida, 95;
- returns to Spain, ib.;
- offers to lead a relief expedition, ib.;
- appointed Adelantado, 96;
- equips at his own cost an expedition, ib.;
- vessels bought by, ib.;
- is detained in Cadiz, ib.;
- sets sail, ib.;
- arrives at La Palma, ib.;
- sails towards Cape Verd, ib.;
- takes possession of Cananea, 99;
- arrives at Santa Catalina, ib.;
- disembarks his people, 100;
- treats Indians kindly, ib., 107;
- protects monks, 101;
- clothes Spanish refugees, 103 seq.;
- hastens to Asuncion, 104;
- opens route overland, ib.;
- leaves Santa Catalina, 106;
- begins his march, ib.;
- enters the interior, 107;
- discovers Indian settlements, ib.;
- takes possession of territory for king, 107;
- his name, 108;
- his generosity to Indians, 109;
- protects natives, 109 seq.;
- writes to Asuncion, 118;
- descends the YguazÚ, 120;
- orders rafts to be made, 121;
- arrives at Asuncion, 125;
- shows his credentials, ib.;
- recognised as governor, ib.;
- his orders to rebuild Buenos Ayres, 128;
- summons meeting of clergy, 128;
- assembles native vassals, 129;
- makes peace with Agazes, 132;
- clothes needy Spaniards, 134;
- reduces taxation, ib.;
- arrests officers, ib.;
- consults clergy, 136 seq.;
- leads expedition against GuaycurÚs, 139;
- narrow escape of, 143;
- restores order in his troops, ib.;
- his dispositions for attack, 146;
- inquires into the acts of the Agazes, 151;
- receives the submission of GuaycurÚs, 154;
- sends further relief to Buenos Ayres, 159;
- prepares to explore province, 159 seq.;
- orders vessels to be built, 162;
- returns thanks for safety of Spaniards, 166;
- supplies destitute Spaniards, 167;
- assembles clergy and officers, 168;
- orders brigantines to be equipped, 169;
- supports friendly Indians, 170;
- writes to Irala, 173;
- animosity against, 175;
- orders depositions to be taken, 176;
- starts on voyage of discovery, 177;
- builds a church, ib.;
- reaches Tapua, 178;
- stays at Itapuan, 183;
- treats with PayaguÁs, 186 seq.;
- orders soundings to be taken, 191;
- speaks with Guaxarapos, 192;
- takes possession of Los Reyes, 198;
- cautions Spaniards and GuaranÍs, 198;
- bitten by a vampire bat, 199 seq.;
- holds a council, 205;
- decides on an advance, 215;
- arrives at Rio Caliente, 216;
- is advised to return, 220;
- sends Ribera to TapuÁ, 221;
- summons chiefs of Los Reyes, 222;
- sends for provisions, 223;
- sends Hernando Ribera to the Xarayes, 225;
- recalls Mendoza, 233;
- falls sick with fever, 236;
- remains at Los Reyes, 237;
- orders Indian girls to be restored, 237;
- returns to Asuncion, 238;
- conspiracy against, 239 seq.;
- his property seized, 242;
- his life threatened, 245;
- his imprisonment, 247;
- corresponds with his friends, 247 seq.;
- asks for a confessor, 251, 253;
- appoints a deputy, 257;
- is chained on the brigantine, 257;
- poison administered to, 259;
- his chains filed asunder, 260;
- arrives at the Azores, 261;
- in Spain, ib.;
- is arrested and kept a prisoner eight years, 262;
- acquitted and released, ib.;
- losses sustained by, ib.
- Cabeza de Vaca, Pedro EstopiÑan, nephew of Alvar NuÑez, sent by sea to Buenos Ayres, 36, 106, 107;
- arrives at Asuncion, 164;
- his report, ib.;
- seized and put in irons, 258;
- sent to Spain, ib.
- Cabot, Sebastian, expedition under, xiv, xxv;
- fort of, 15;
- referred to, 202
- Cabrera (Gabrero), Alonso, arrives from Spain, 14, 32, 33, 52, 125;
- letter signed by, 165; 240, 243, 256, 259;
- files the governor’s chains asunder, 260;
- loses his reason and kills his wife, 262
- ——, Antonio, 37
- Caceres, Felipe de, 52;
- Cacocies Chaneses. See Xarayes
- Cactus hedge round Indian village, 67
- Cadiz (Calles), 1, 88, 90, 98
- CaguazÚ, Indian settlement, 136, 137
- Calderon, 31
- Calles. See Cadiz
- Camire, Indian chief, 211, 212, 265
- Camoati, GuaranÍ word for beehives, 77
- Campo, el (the plain), 104, 107
- Camus, M., his collection of voyages referred to, xxxiv
- Cananea, 36, 99, 100
- Canaria, 96
- Canary Islands, their distance from San Lucar, 2; 4
- Candelaria, port of, 102, 185;
- latitude of, 186;
- now CorumbÁ, ib.
- CandirÉes, Indian tribe, 203, 232
- Cannibalism, remarks on, xxxvi seq.;
- denied by the editor of this book, xxxviii;
- Schmidt’s notices of, 20;
- C. de Vaca’s notices of, 129, 234, 254
- Canoes, 13;
- Cape Verde, 96, 261;
- Capibara, or Capincho, water-hog, 184;
- Capitana, name of ship, 96, 124, 127
- Captives in war, treatment of, 20, 129 seq.
- Caracas, province of, xxiv
- Caravels (Karabella), 32, 35
- Carcaraes, Indian tribe, 203, 232
- Carch Karaisch. See Guaycurus
- Cardas, a kind of teasel, 155
- Cardos (Cardes), Spanish for thistle, 69
- Carendies. See Quirandis
- Carib and Caniba, name given by Indians of Hayti to their enemies, xxxvii
- Carieba, 57;
- Carios, name by which Schmidt calls the GuaranÍs, 14, 15, 19;
- extent of their country, 19;
- their superiority for work, ib.;
- their customs, 20;
- their cannibalism, ib.;
- their treatment of prisoners, ib.;
- their war, ib.;
- their town, ib.;
- their forts, 21;
- pits dug by
, ib.;
- their fight with the Spaniards, ib.;
- their submission, 22;
- build a town for the Spaniards, ib.; 27, 28, 37, 38, 40, 41;
- their insurrection, 54;
- expedition against, 55 seq.;
- their fortifications, 56, 57, 59;
- defeat of, 59;
- join Irala’s expedition, 62; 64, 70, 71, 76, 81, 82, 83, 102
- Carob bean (Prosopis dulcis mimosa), 18, 135;
- flour and wine made of, ib.
- Casas, BartolomÉ, de las, xxv;
- abridges Columbus’ Journal, xxxvii
- Casca, de. See La Gasca
- Cassia trees, 189;
- Castellano, gold coin, value of, 242
- Castille, 258
- Centenera. See Barco
- Ceuti, lemon of, 189
- Chaco, Indians of the, xiv; xvi
- ChanÉs (Chameses, Chaneses), Indian tribe, 65, 66, 102, 103, 191, 197, 202, 203, 231, 232
- Charles V, King of Spain, xiii, xxiii;
- his partiality for Flemings, xxiv seq.;
- abdication of, xxix
- CharÚas, tribe of Indians, xxxvi, 6 seq.; 11
- Chaves, Nuflo de, sent to Peru, 75, 76; 244
- Cheriguanos, now named Moxos and Chiquitos, their country, xxvii, 37
- Chimencos, Indian tribe, 203, 232
- Chiquitos, xxvii
- Chunchos, territory of, 73
- Cipoyay, Indian chief, 107
- Cock, crow of, saves a
D. - Dabere. See TabarÉ
- Dantas. See Sheep
- Danube, river, 60
- Darts, tipped with flint, 8, 54, 67
- De Bry, his collection referred to, xxii;
- publishes Schmidt’s voyage, xxx
- Deer, 44, 45, 66, 68, 118, 148, 149
- Demerieff. See Teneriffe
- Desumsion. See Asuncion
- Diaz, Ruy, 62
- Diembus. See Timbus
- Diess. See Diaz
- Doberim Carolus. See Dubrin
- Domingo, an Indian, 176
- Dorantes, Pedro (the factor), reconnoitres a way inland, 104;
- Dryandri, Dr. Johann, Stade’s work written by, xxx
- Duarte, Lope, a confederate of Irala, 259
- Dubrin, Carlos, 14
- Duechkamin, town of, 19;
- M. Ternaux, erroneous identification of, ib.;
- probably Tomina, ib., note
E. - Ear ornaments, 40
- Earthquake, 165
- El Golondrino (the Swallow), name of vessel, 265
- Escalera, Antonio d’, 251
- Espinosa. See Salazar
- Espiritu Santo, province and port of, 86
- EstopiÑan, Pedro. See Cabeza de Vaca
- Eyolla. See Irala
- Eyollas, Johann. See Ayolas
F. - Farol, Spanish for lantern, 90
- Fenugreek, 18;
- not the herb from which the wine was made, ib., 24, 25
- Ferdinand and Isabella, xiii
- Fish, 5, 87;
- extraordinary numbers of, 189, 194;
- gold, 195
- Flemings, funds supplied by, xxiv;
- favours shown to, xxv;
- take part in expedition, ib.;
- their struggle for independence, xxx
- Flemish merchants, xv
- Flooded land, marching through, 47
- Floods on Paraguai, 41, 47, 193, 194
- Florida, xvii, 35
- Flying-fishes, 5
- Francisco, a converted Indian, succours the Christians, 122, 127
- Franck, Sebastian, his Collection of Voyages, xvi, xxix, xxx
- Frio, cape, 99
- Fucar, the word, xxiv
- Fuegians, cannibalism attributed to, xxxviii
- Fuggers, family of wealthy merchants, xxiv, xxviii
- Furs of the Indians, 9
G. - Gabaretha, 81
- Gabrero. See Cabrera
- Galan, Francisco Ruiz, 29
- Game, abundance of, 229
- Garcia, Alejo, the fabulous, 202
- Garcia, the interpreter, 190 seq.;
- his expedition into the interior, 191, 202;
- not the pilot of that name, 202; 209, 231
- Garcia Diego, the pilot, xiv, 202
- Garcia, Ruy, sent by Irala to Peru, 75
- Gastra, de. See Caceres
- Geese, 15, 19, 63, 66, 68, 118;
- kept by Indians to destroy crickets, 168
- Germans take part in Mendoza’s expedition, xxv
- Gold and silver, 45, 48, 49, 90, 212, 214, 232, 244
- Gold plates worn for ornaments, 48
- Gomara, Francisco Lopez de, xxvii
- Gomera, island, 2
- Gonzales, BartolomÉ, 241
- Gonzalo, an Indian, 103
- Gran Canaria, 100
- GuaÇani, an Indian chief, his hostility to the Spaniards, 170, 180, 181, 191
- Guadalquivir, comparison with, 117
- Guadix, 253
- Guaira (or ParanÁ), Jesuit missions in, 111;
- Guanacos, 63
- Guapay, river, 65, 73.
- GuaranÍ family, xx
- GuaranÍ language, xxxiii, 16, 129, 206
- GuaranÍs, only one nation of, xxxv;
- divisions of, ib.; 107;
- their cannibalism, ib.; 110, 111, 112, 114;
- settlements of, 117;
- arrayed for battle, 121; 123;
- pillaged by Agazes, 131 seq., 133; 140;
- march to battle, 141;
- panic among 144;
- timidity of, 146; 148, 149, 150;
- chiefs sent for, 152, 153, 155;
- attack Buenos Ayres, 165;
- extreme point occupied by, 182, 184
- GuaranÍs, of the interior, 203, 204, 206, 210 seq., 213, 215, 217, 228, 231;
- Guatatas, 142, 146, 153
- Guatos, a tribe of Indians, 213, 227, 234
- GuaycurÚs (GuaicurÚs), a tribe of warriors and hunters, 15, 16, 25;
- their food, ib.;
- their habits, 135;
- feared by other tribes, ib.;
- kind to their wives, ib.;
- injuries committed by, 136;
- proclaimed enemies, 137;
- message sent to, ib.;
- their movements watched, 138, 140; 142, 144;
- their mode of beheading prisoners, 147;
- defeat of, ib.;
- allow liberty to their women, 148; 149, 150;
- captives set free, 152;
- submission of, 153 seq.;
- their barter with the Spaniards, 155, 157
- GuayviaÑo, port of, 177, 182, 183
- Guaxarapos, country of, 189;
- GuazÚ, Chera, an Indian chief, 13
- Gulgaises. See GuaicurÚs
- Guzman, Alonso Riquelme de (called by Schmidt, Richkell), father of Ruy Diaz, 79
- Guzman, Ruy Diaz, author of La Argentina, xxvii, 27, 73, 79
H. - Hammocks, 84
- Hannego. See Vanegas
- Hayti, xxxvi
- Heads of enemies, how preserved, 55
- Hens, 15, 19, 63, 66, 68
- Hernandez, Andres, 245
- ——, Juan, 29
- ——, Pero, or Pedro, secretary of Cabeza de Vaca, 37;
- Herrera, Antonio de, the historian, referred to, xxv, xxvii, 1, 15, 27
- ——, Rodrigo de, 251
- Herrezuelo, Luiz de, a monk, 159
- Hidalgo, the word, 252
- Hieronimus, 70
- Hoces, Juan de, 270
- Honey, abundance of, 77; 110, 124
- Horses and mares brought from Spain, 7;
- Hortigosa, Gaspar de, 270
- Hulcken, large merchantmen, 88
- Hulsius, Levinus, his edition of Schmidt’s voyage referred to, xxx, xxxiii;
- Hulst, or Hulsen, Johann von, a merchant, 81, 86
I. - Iegnis, King of the Amazons, 46
- Iepedii, or Ipiti river. See Bermejo
- Ieperis. See Yapirus
- Iguape, xiv
- Iguazu. See Yguazu
- Indians, their fear of the horses, 110, 117;
- remove their camps, 110;
- cordial reception by, 115, 123;
- their deference for old women, 119;
- houses of, 124;
- attack Spaniards, 126;
- protection of, 128 seq.;
- their cannibalism, 129;
- swiftness of foot of, 135;
- converted, 136, 160, 163;
- custom of, 140;
- Spaniards dependent on, 144; 148;
- accompany Spaniards on their discovery, 163;
- complaints by, 176;
- in war paint, 178;
- habits of, 193 seq.;
- their ornaments, 207
- Inriquizava. See Yeruquihaba
- Ipaneme (IpanÉ) river and port, 60, 181, 182, 191
- Irala, Domingo Martinez de, principal part taken by, xvi;
- personal ambition of, ib.,
- defence of, xvii; xxvi seq.;
- obtains title of governor, xxviii; xxx, 14, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34;
- yields up government to Cabeza de Vaca, 36;
- subdues the Carios, 38;
- supposed author of conspiracy against Cabeza de Vaca, 53;
- elected governor, ib.;
- attacks and defeats the Carios, 57 seq.;
- advances against TabarÉ, 60;
- proposes expedition, 61;
- sends messengers to Peru, 65;
- his letter, 73; 75, 78;
- marries his daughters to Spaniards, 80; 102;
- is blamed for the death of Ayolas, 103;
- withdraws from the country of the PayaguÁs, ib.; 125, 143;
- sent to explore Upper Paraguai, 160, 165;
- returns from his exploration, 167;
- his report, 168;
- ordered to assist Mendoza, 172;
- makes peace with hostile chiefs, 174; 185, 241;
- elected deputy governor, 243 seq.; 249, 252, 253, 254, 258, 259
- Iron plates, a mistake of author’s, 58
- Isabella, Queen of Spain, 148
- Itabitan. See Itapuan
- Itapuan, 183
- Itaqui, two ports of that name, 180
- Itati, 212
- Itatis, 37, 41, 43
J. K. - Kalles. See Cadiz
- Karchkonis, or Karckkockios, 66, 68, 71 seq., 77
- Keyser, Christoff, agent of Fugger, 80
- Kueremagbas. See MbaiÁs
- Kumero. See Gomera
- Kuniglin, probably guinea-pigs, 66
L. - La Gasca, governor of Peru, 65, 74
- LambarÉ, 20
- La Palma, island of, 4, 96, 97
- La Plata. See Rio de la Plata
- Las Piedras, or Pan de AzÚcar, 160 seq.
- Lauchstein. See Lujan
- Leagues, Castilian, 4
- Lebron, friar Alonzo, 100, 105, 116, 136, 159, 175, 250
- Lezcano, Juan Gabriel de, 159
- Lieme. See Lima
- Locusts, crops eaten by, 68
- Lopez, Antonio, a pilot, 104
- Lima, 74, 76
- Lip ornaments, 20, 37, 40, 43, 72, 214, 230
- Lisbon, xxiv, xxviii, 81, 85
- Llamas, or great sheep of Peru, 63;
- used for riding, ib., 204
- Los Reyes, port of, 168, 169, 174, 189, 191, 196;
- curious rocks near, ib.;
- shallows of, 197;
- Indians of, 199;
- church built at, 201, 203, 205, 213, 215, 220, 221, 225, 231, 233, 234, 235, 237, 263, 264, 265
- Loxa, wife of Alonso Cabrera, 262
- Luchsam, JÖrg. See Lujan
- Lujan, Jorge, 6, 10
M. - Machin, a Biscayan, 259
- Machkaria, an Indian chief, 56
- Machkasis, Rio, 66, 73, 75
- Machkokios, 65, 73
- Machkuerendas, perhaps Mocoretas, 16;
- Maijeaijs. See MbaiÁs
- Maijegoni, or Maigenos, 67, 70 seq.
- Maipai. See Mepenes
- Maize wine, 230
- Malaria, from putrefying fish, 236
- Manchossa. See Mendoza
- Mandepore, Mandcoch parpij, Mandeochade, Mandioch Mandapore. See Manioc
- MandubÍs, mandues or manduÍs (pea-nuts), 25, 37, 40, 41, 63, 118, 155, 199
- Manioc, 14, 15, 19, 37, 41, 63;
- Mantles made by Indian women, 45, 49, 65, 155
- Mapennis. See Mepenes
- MaraÑon, sierra of, 267
- Marilla, BartolomÉ de la, 244
- Markets for sale and barter of Indian commodities, 155
- Marroni, 67
- Martin Garcia, Island, 33
- Matanza river, de la, 9
- Mataraes, Indian tribe, 188
- Matto Grosso, xxvii
- MayÁes. See MbaiÁs
- Mayas, 153
- MbaiÁs, their kindness to the Spaniards, 18;
- their mode of piercing the nose, ib.; 26, 54;
- their mode of fighting, 55; 57, 63;
- attack by, 64;
- slaughter of, 65; 66, 203
- MbiaÇÁ or MbiaÇai, the country opposite Santa Catalina Island, 35, 83, 100
- Mechseckheim. See Mexico
- Mello, Homem de, referred to, 121
- Mendoza, Antonio de, 29, 30;
- ——, Diego, death of, 8
- ——, Don Pedro de, first Adelantado of Rio de la Plata, xv, xvi, xxi, xxv, xxvi, xxvii;
- his expedition, 1, note;
- appoints Juan Osorio to the command, 5; 6, 7, 8, 10, 12;
- dies on the voyage back to Spain, 13; 32, 35, 70, 95, 101, 102
- ——, Don Francisco, 52, 240
- ——, Gonzalo de, 32, note;
- sent to relieve Buenos Ayres, 159;
- disaster to, 165;
- sent to obtain supplies from Indians, 169;
- writes to the governor, 170 seq.;
- commands the rear flotilla, 190;
- sent for provisions, 223;
- his orders, 224 seq., 226 seq., 233
- ——, Jorge de, his love-adventure not known in history, 2 note, 4
- Mepen, Pedro, 234
- Mepenes, or Abipones, 17;
- their hostility, ib.;
- they only fight on water, 18, 63
- Merchireses, Indian tribe, 142
- Mexico, 4
- Miguel, a converted Indian, 109
- Miranda, a Spaniard killed, 238
- Miranda, Luis de, the priest, 251, 259
- Molina, Pedro de, 253 seq.
- Monkeys pull and throw down pine-cones to eat, 113
- Monks, obstinacy of, 116;
- consulted, 159;
- take to flight, 175 seq.
- Montoya, Ruiz de, the missionary, xxxiii
- Moors, pointed beards of, 266
- Morales, a gentleman of Seville, 241
- MormosÉn, Indian chief, 137, 138
- Moussy, Martin de, referred to, 121
- Moxos, xxvii
- Musical instruments of Indians, 44
N. - Naperus. See Yapirus
- Navarrete, his Collection of Voyages referred to, xxxii, xxxvii
- Navigation, rules observed in, 33, 89
- Niedhart, Sebastian, xxv, 2, 80
- Nigua, GuaranÍ for the small flea known in W. Africa as “Jigger”, 74
- Nova Hispania, 4, 75
- Nuremberg, 2;
- Nythart, Hans, his translation of Terence’s play of “The Eunuch”, 52
O. - Ocampo, Augustin de, an officer sent by Irala to Peru, 75
- Old age rare among Indians, 50
- OÑate, Pedro d’, 240
- Orejones, why so called, 200;
- compared with the Incas, ib., 230
- Orejon, Francisco, a Spaniard, 118
- Orellana, a Spanish officer, the first to navigate the river Amazon, 46
- Orthuses. See Urtuesses
- Osorio, Juan, 5;
- Ossorig, Hans. See Osorio
- Ostriches, 15, 19, 44, 63, 66, 68, 141, 149
- Ostrich flesh, 138
- Oviedo, Fernandez de, the historian, xxvi
P. - Pabesse. See PavÉs
- Pabon, Johan, 8
- Pacheco, a mulatto, 190
- Padades. See Potatoes
- Paeime, or Paine, Heinrich, xxv, 2, 3
- Palm tree, 48;
- Palm nuts, flour made of, 216
- Palma (Palman), 2, 3, 4.
- Palometa (Palmede), teeth of, used by Indians for beheading prisoners, 54, 147
- Paniagua, Francisco Gonzales, 269, 270
- Parabor, or Parabog. See Paraguai
- Parabor, parabog, or paraog, a GuaranÍ word, 20, ethnological note
- Paraguai, conquest of, xvii, xviii;
- conquerors of, xxx;
- language spoken in, xxxiii
- —— river, xiv, xix, xxvi;
- expedition up, 14; 18, 19, 20, 23, 26, 28, 35, 37, 39, 41, 44, 51;
- affluents of, 60; 62, 102, 103;
- province of, 111, 118; 125, 131, 132, 135, 137, 149, 153, 163, 167, 181, 182, 189, 190;
- loses itself, 195; 202, 203, 212, 263
- Paraiso, Isla del, 41, 43
- ParanÁ, xxxvi, province of, 36, 108, 111;
- river, xiv, xxvi;
- width of, 6, 7, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 28, 33;
- originally called Rio de Solis, ib. note; 35, 81, 103, 108;
- also called Rio de la Plata, 120;
- width of, 121; 122, 126, 127, 128, 164, 165
- Parana Wassu, or GuazÚ. See Parana river
- ParanÁ-panÉ river, now called ParanÁ-panema, 111
- Paranon. See Parana
- Parchkadienes. See Brigantines
- Paredes, Francisco de, 259, 260
- Parnawuie, a Spaniard, 76
- Parroni, 67
- Parrots, 66;
- kept by natives, 127;
- feathers used for ornament, 141
- Pat, or podell, a boat, 3, 6, 12
- Patos, port of Los, xxvi
- Paves (Pabesse), 56
- Pavon, Juan, 29, 241
- Payaguas (Peijembas or Peyssennas), an Indian tribe, 23;
- food of, 24, 25, 26;
- slay Ayolas and his Spaniards, 27, 28, 103, 182;
- parley with, 186;
- chief of, 187;
- flight of, 188, 193
- PaysunÓes, Indian tribe, 203, 230, 232
- Pea-nuts. See Mandubis
- Peihoni, 66, 67
- Peijembas. See PayaguÁs
- Peijssenas, probably the same as the PayaguÁs, 26, 66, 69 seq.
- Peischo Spaide. See Swordfish
- Pequiry R., tributary of ParanÁ, 118, 119, 126
- Peralta, Francisco de, 241
- Perobazanes, 265
- Peru, xvi, xxvii;
- Pesche-spate, or Peje-espada. See Swordfish
- Pesche de ferre, or Peces-sierras, 5, 87
- Phillip II, King of Spain, xxix
- Pilot, punishment of, 34
- Pine-trees, great size of, 112;
- Pinzon, Vicente YaÑez, 84
- Pique. See Nigua
- Piraputanas, native name for shad, 229
- Piratininga. See San Paulo
- Piseron. See Pizarro
- Pitfalls made by Indians, 21
- Pizarro, El MarquÉs Don Francisco, 75;
- ——, Gonzalo, his rebellion, 74, 75;
- Plate, river. See Rio de la Plata
- Polyphemus, fable of, xxxviii
- Portugal, king of, xiv, 5, 81, 85, 88;
- Portuguese, 4, 5, 120
- Portuguese territory, how delimited, xxi, 81
- Potatoes, (Padades), 14, 25, 40, 41, 63;
- Potosi (called by Schmidt, Poduesis), 76
- Priesiell. See Brazil
- Protestants, French, try to set foot in Brazil, xxix
- Pupebaie, an Indian chief, 110
- Purchas, his Pilgrims, xxiii
Q. - Quintana referred to, xxv
- Quirandis, a tribe of Indians, 7, 8;
R. - Ramallo, Juan (called by Schmidt, Reinmelle), 84, 85;
- historical note, ib.;
- his sons, ib.;
- his family the founders of the city of San Paulo, ib.
- Rasquin, Jaime, 240
- Ray, wound inflicted by, 200;
- its tail used for tattooing, 207
- Real Consejo de las Indias, 262
- Ribera, Francisco de, 41;
- ——, Hernando de, 41, 42, 46, 49;
- sent to explore, 225;
- returns from his exploration, 236;
- narrative of, 263-270
- Rio Caliente, 216
- Riogenea. See Rio de Janeiro
- Rio de Janeiro, xxviii;
- meaning of the name, 5, 6;
- by whom discovered, 5; 86, 99
- Rio de la Plata, conquest of, xiii;
- discovery of, xiv; xv, xvii, xviii, xxvi, xxx, xxxv, 1, 2, 6, 13, 19, 20;
- government of, 32; 35, 42, 76;
- province of, xx;
- how divided, 81; 95, 100, 106, 120
- Riodellaplata. See Rio de la Plata
- Rio del Oro, 193
- Rodela, 56
- Romero, Johann (or Juan), 12, 159;
- left in command at Los Reyes, 215;
- his report, 222
- Rosario, xiv
- Rossel, or Rosel, Peter, xxiv, xxix, 86;
- mentioned by Hans Staden, ib.;
- receives Schmidt kindly, ib.
- Ruiz, Francisco, 243
- Rutia, Miguel de, an officer sent by Irala to Peru, 75
S. - Sabalos, or shad, 229
- Salazar, Captain Juan de, 6, 39, 146;
- left as lieutenant of the governor, 177;
- desired to complete the caravel, 178; 238, 256, 257
- —— Juan de, a monk, 159, 259, 260
- Salinas del JaurÚ, 65, 72, 74
- Salinas, Sancho de, 244
- Salleisser. See Salazar
- Salt region, 72
- Salvaischo, Lazarum, 6, historical note
- Samacosis, or Surukusis, 37, 40, 41, 42, 51;
- San Antonio, cape, 6, 33
- Sancte Augo. See Santiago
- San Fernando, Point, 33
- San Francisco, colony of, xix;
- river, island, and bay of, 99, 105
- San Juan, river, 165
- San Lucar de Barrameda, xviii, 2, 88
- San Paulo (or Pablo) in Brazil, 85;
- San ThomÉ, island of, 50
- San Vicente (or Santos), xv, xix, xxi, xxiv, xxviii;
- capitania of, 36;
- first Portuguese colony in Brazil, 84, 85, 86
- Sancti Spiritus, xiv
- Sanabria, Don Diego de, takes command on death of his father, xviii;
- his armada dispersed, ib.;
- his unfortunate enterprize, xix
- —— Don Juan de, appointed third adelantado of Rio de la Plata, xviii
- Santa Catalina (or St. Catherine), island, xix, xx, xxii, xxvi, 32;
- a possession of Spain, ib., 33, 35;
- given to Cabeza de Vaca, 36; 99, 100, 101, 104, 105, 107;
- province of, 108; 124, 127, 164
- Santa Lucia, hills, 191
- Santa Maria, cape, 6, 33;
- distance from it to San Gabriel, Island, 34
- —— Puerto de. See Buenos Ayres
- Santa Martha, sierras of, 265, 267
- Santiago, battle-cry of Spaniards, 146
- Santiago or St. Iago Island, one of the Cape Verd Islands, 4, 5, 50
- Schaubhut, a fish, 5
- Schelebethueba, 84
- Scherues. See Xarayos
- Schetz or Schetzen, Heinrich, 88
- Schetzen, Erasmus, xxiv, xxviii, xxix, 81, 85, 86
- Schmidt, Ulrich, his lineage unknown, xiii seq.;
- agent of Flemish merchants, xv;
- his name, ib.;
- first edition of his book, xvi;
- period embraced by his voyage, xvii, xx;
- links his fortune with Irala, xxvii;
- not noticed by the chroniclers, ib., xxviii;
- does not mention Hans Stade, xxix;
- errors committed by, xxxiv;
- Azara’s opinion of, xxxv;
- leaves Antwerp, 1;
- arrives at Cadiz, ib.;
- at San Lucar, 2;
- at island of La Palma, ib.;
- erroneous distances given by, 4;
- historical notes, ib., 5;
- arrives at Rio de la Plata, 6;
- helps to found Buenos Ayres, 7 seq.;
- fights against Quirandis, ib.;
- ascends the ParanÁ, 12;
- the Paraguai, 18;
- fights against Agazes, 19;
- and Carios, 21;
- at Asuncion, 23;
- takes part in expedition of Ayolas, 24 seq.;
- returns with Irala, 26;
- descends the Paraguai and Parana, 28;
- at Corpus Christi, 30;
- at Buenos Ayres, 32;
- sails for Santa Catalina, ib.;
- is shipwrecked, 34;
- walks to San Gabriel, ib.;
- ascends the Parana, 35;
- remains at Asuncion, ib.;
- records arrival of Cabeza de Vaca, 36;
- takes part in Irala’s expeditions, 37 seq.;
- his remarks on the Xarayos, 44;
- on the Amazons, 45 seq.;
- marches through flooded land, 46 seq.;
- his booty, 49;
- his observations on climate, 50;
- astronomical errors of, 50 seq.;
- his remarks on Alvar NuÑez Cabeza de Vaca, 51 seq.;
- his illness, 53;
- an accomplice in conspiracy against Alvar NuÑez, ib.;
- his remarks on native warfare, 54 seq.;
- takes part in military operations, 57 seq.;
- is disabled and rides on a sheep, 63;
- captives and booty taken by, 65;
- queer names given by, ib.;
- is selected for important duty, 69;
- gains favour among the men, ib.;
- takes part in expedition to Peru, 71 seq.;
- his opinion of Pizarro, 74;
- his remarks on Peru, 75;
- on the fertility of the country, 77;
- his share of slaves, 78;
- receives letter from Seville, 80;
- applies for leave of absence, ib.;
- letters and report delivered by, ib.;
- sets out on homeward journey, 81;
- curious names of places mentioned by, ib.;
- comes to the Tapis, 82;
- his account of that people, ib.;
- two of his companions killed, ib.;
- is attacked and defends himself, 83;
- forests described by, 83;
- fatigues endured by, 84;
- arrives at San Vicente, 85;
- is received by Peter Rossel, ib.;
- sails from San Vicente, ib.;
- puts into Espiritu Santo, 88;
- arrives at Lisbon, ib.;
- posts to Seville, ib.;
- arrives at San Lucar, ib.;
- at Cadiz, ib.;
- narrowly escapes shipwreck, 90;
- at Cadiz, ib.;
- sails for Holland, 91;
- arrives at Isle of Wight, ib.;
- at Antwerp, ib.
- Schmidt, editions of his Voyage, xxii.
- Schue Eiiba Thuescha, 84
- Segura, Pedro, 80
- Segurola, Don Saturnino, his collection of MSS., xxiii
- Seville, xiv, xv, xxiv, xxvi, xxviii, 2, 78, 80, 88, 241
- Sheep, Indian, 15, 19, 25, 45, 56, 63, 68, 118
- Siberis, 47, 48, 50, 68 seq.
- Sibylla. See Seville
- Sierra do Mar, 108
- Sierra, meaning of the word, 116
- Silver, pieces of, xiv;
- Skins of tiger, tapir, deer, etc., 155
- Smith, Buckingham, translation of Cabeza de Vaca’s Naufragios, referred to, xvii
- Snake, monstrous, 16
- Sococies, 191, 197, 202, 224
- Socorinos, 224, 234
- Solis, Juan Diaz de, xiv, 84
- Solorzano, 240
- Sosa, Hernando de, 247
- Sousa, Martin Affonzo de, sent to Brazil, xiv;
- factory established by, xxiv;
- colony founded by, 85;
- his captaincy and discovery, 120
- ——, ThomÉ de, xix<
- Spain, xxx;
- propaganda against, power of, xxxi;
- conquests of, how based, xxi
- Spaniards discover Rio Janeiro, 5;
- suffer from famine, 9 seq.;
- execution of three, 10;
- ill-treated by their officers, 101, 103;
- perilous position of, 126 seq.;
- their wars with natives, 131 seq.;
- drowned in crossing river, 139;
- land and establishments of, 151;
- critical situation of, 165;
- escape the fire at Asuncion, 166;
- their destitute condition, 167;
- wounded by poisonous arrows, 173;
- health of, 184;
- wild fruit eaten by, 189;
- suffer from fever, 233;
- discontent of, 238
- Spanish government, colonial policy of, xxx;
- Spanish Jesuit missionaries, xxxiii
- Spanish words Germanised, 24, 56
- Stade, Hans, his narrative, xviii seq.;
- he is contemporary with Schmidt, ib.;
- by whom written, xxx;
- not mentioned by Schmidt, xxix;
- mistakes made by, 85, 86
- St. Andrew’s Day, 91
- St. Anthony’s Day, 85
- St. Bartholomew’s Day, 2
- St. Domingo, island of, 261
- St. Fernando, mountain of, 24, 40, 62;
- St. Gabriel, island of, 6, 7;
- distance from, to Cape Santa Maria, 34, 260
- St. Hieronymus’s Day, 88
- St. Iago, island of, 97;
- climate of, ib.;
- gold plentiful in, ib.
- See Santiago
- St. James’s Day, 80
- St. Jerome, cannibalism attributed to the Scotch in the time of, xxxviii
- St. John’s Day, 12, 86
- St. John’s bread, 18, 24
- St. Mark, name of brigantine, 197
- Sthuesia river, possibly the Xejuy, or IpanÉ, 60
- Stockades, 57
- Suelapa, erroneous rendering of an Indian name, 30
- Sugar factories in Brazi
T. - TabarÉ, (Dabere or Thabere), brother of AracarÉ, 38 seq.; 58, 59;
- Tabellino, Diego, 37
- Tabor, Indian chief, 132
- Tamacoxas, also called Samacosis and Machkasis, 73, 76, 77
- TapapirazÚ, an Indian chief, 109
- Tapis (Tapii), Toppis, or Tupys, the tribes inhabiting the south of Brazil, xix, xxviii, 5, 81 seq. ethnological note;
- their habits, 82;
- their language, ib.;
- hostility of, 83, 216, 229
- TapuÁ, an Indian village, 137, 138, 178, 179
- TapuaguazÚ, 218, 219, 228, 230
- Taquari river, tributary of Parana-panÉ, 111
- Tarapecosies, a tribe, 231, 232
- Tardes. See Darts
- Targets, made of skins, 56 seq.
- Teasel (cardas), used instead of hemp and thread, 155;
- Teneriffe island, 2
- Terceira, one of the Azores, 88
- Teste de Terzero. See Terceira
- Thiembus. See Timbus
- Thistles used for food, 7, 48, 164
- Thohanna, 66, 67
- Thraso, the soldier in Terence’s play of “The Eunuch”, 52
- Three Kings’ Day, 91, 167
- Tibagi river, affluent of Parana-panemÁ, 108
- Tiger, man killed by, 126;
- panic caused by, 143 seq.;
- skins of, 155
- Timbus (Tyembus or Thiembus), an Indian tribe, described, 12 seq.; 14, 15;
- island inhabited by, 22;
- chief of, killed by Spaniards, 29;
- treachery of, 30 seq., 32
- TocanguasÚ, an Indian chief, 107; 108
- Tocangusir, an Indian chief, 111
- Tomina, 19
- Tonina (tunny-fish), 87
- Topyis. See Tapis
- Tordesillas, treaty of, xiv, xxi
- Traveller’s tree, the (Urania speciosa), 68
- Truxillo, 244
- Tucuman, 19
- Tuguy, the place, 112, 113
- Tupi, Tupis, Tupin, Tape. See Tapis
- Turkish corn or maize, 33, 37, 40, 63, 66
U. - Unhealthy country, 50
- Ure, Martin de, 241, 253
- Uretabere, village, 269
- Urquaie. See Uruguay
- Ursa Major, constellation of, 51
- Urtueses (Orthuses), 47;
- Uruguay river, 83
V. - Vaca, Cabeza de. See Cabeza
- Vaca, Pedro, 260
- Valderas, Juan, notary, 264
- Valdivieso, Sebastian, 270
- Valladolid, xvii, 238
- Valle, Pedro Diaz del, 244
- Vanegas, Garcia, 52, 240, 245, 253;
- threatens the governor’s life, 257;
- kisses the governor’s feet, 260;
- his terrible end, 262
- Vardellesse, Germanised form of Spanish fortaleza, 24
- Vera, Don Pedro, grandfather of Alvar NuÑez, xiii;
- province named after, 36; 108
- Vergara, Captain, 161
- ——, Francisco Ortiz de (called by Schmidt, Fergere), 79
- Vicenda. See San Vicente
- Viejo, port, 234
- Villegaignon takes possession of Rio de Janeiro, xxix
W. - Welzer, Jacob, xxiv, xxv, 2
- West Indies, slaves introduced into, xxv
- Weybingen, no village of that name, 24, 25
- Whale, length and capacity of, 1
- Whales, harm done by, 86 seq.
- Wiessay. See MbiaÇÁ
- Wight, Isle of, 91
- Wild boar, 118, 216, 229
- Wine made of the carob bean, 18;
- Women, sale and barter of, 20
- Worms, white (weevil), fried for food, 115
- Wydt. See Wight
X. - Xaqueses, 197, 234
- Xaquetes, 191
- Xarayos, Xarayes or Guarayos (Scherues), 40, 41, 43;
- King of, 44, 46, 47, 50; 168, 205;
- chief of, 207;
- their dress, 209;
- their habits, 211 seq.;
- country of, 213, 214, 217, 225, 226, 263, 265
- Xeme, the measure, 200
Y. - YacarÉ, a GuaranÍ word for the amphibious animals, 42
- Yacareati River, 263, 265, 269
- Yaiva River, 263, 265
- YapirÚs or Apirus, YaperÚs (Jeperis or Naperus), a tribe of PayaguÁs, 26, 54, 56, 57, 61, 149, 153;
- peace made with, 156;
- deputation from, ib.;
- nomadic habits of, 157
- Yeruquihaba (Juberich Sabaiie), 58, 59;
- distance of, from Asuncion, 59, 81, 179
- Ygatu. See Yguatu
- Yguaron, an Indian chief, 122
- YguatÚ River, affluent of ParanÁ, 117
- YguatÚ, probably Igatu, now JaurÚ River, 195;
- YguazÚ, IguazÚ, or Iguassu River, affluent of ParanÁ, xxviii, 108, 118, 119;
- fall of, 120 seq.;
- latitude of, 123
- YtabucÚ or ItapucÚ River, 105, 106
Z. - Zchemiaisch Saluaischo, a tribe of small people, 16, 17
- Zchemui. See Chanes
- Zchera Wassu. See Guazu
- Zechuas, 11
- Zechurias. See Charuas
- Zeeland, 91
- Zeicho Lijemii, an erroneous rendering of a chief’s name, 29
- Zeyhannis, 66, 68