ULRICH SCHMIDT’S voyage to the River Plate was published for the first time, in a Collection of Voyages, edited by the booksellers, Sebastian Franck and Sigismund Feyerabend, in the middle of the 16th century, at Frankfort-on-Main. The title of this collection is: “Warhafftige Beschreibunge aller theil der Welt, darinn nicht allein etliche alte Landtschafften, KÖnigreich, Provinzen, Insulen, auch fÜrnehme Stedt und MÄrckte (so denn allen Welt-beschreibern bekant seind), mit fleiss beschrieben werden, sondern auch sehr viel neuwe, so zu vnsern zeiten zu Wasser durch vil sorgliche und vormals vngebrauchte Schiffarten erfunden seyn, welche im andern disem nachfolgenden Buch von Schiffarten genaÑt auss rechtem grundt der Cosmography vnd Geometry erfunden, angezeigt werden. Dessgleichen auch etwas von New gefundenen Welten, vnd aller darinn gelegenen VÖlcker, ihrer Religion vnd Glaubens sachen, ihrem Regiment, Pollicey, Gewerb, handtierung vnd andern gebreuchen mehr, etc., auss etlichen glaubwirdigen (fÜrnehmer Scribenten) BÜchern mit grosse mÜhe vnd arbeyt, etc. “Durch Sebastian Franck von WÖrd, zum ersten an tag geben, jetst aber mit sondern fleiss auff ein neuwes vbersehen, vnd in ein wolgeformtes Handtbuch verfasset. Anno MDLXVII.” The book of Schmidt appeared in the second part of this collection under the following title: “Warhafftige vnd liebliche Beschreibung etlicher fÜrnemen Indianischen Landtschafften vnd Insulen, die vormals in keiner Chronicken gedacht, vnd erstlich in der Schiffart Vlrici Schmidts von Straubingen, mit grosser gefahr erkÜndigt, vnd von ihm selber auffs fleissigst beschrieben vnd dargethan.” The next edition was published, in 1599, by de Bry in his great collection known as Grands et Petits Voyages, which appeared in German and Latin. The Latin title is: “Collectiones Peregrinationum in Indiam Occidentalem et in Indiam Orientalem 25 partibus comprehensÆ a Theodoro, Joann Theodoro de Bry, et À Math. Merian publicatÆ. Francofurti et Oppenheimii, De Bry et Merian, 1590, 1634. AmericÆ Pars VII.—Schmidel, Verissima et jucundissima descriptio prÆcipuarum quarundam IndiÆ regionum et Insularum, quÆ quidem nullis ante hÆc tempora visÆ cognitÆque iam primum ab Vlrico Fabro Straubingensi, multo cum periculo inuentÆ et ab eodem summa diligentia consignatÆ fuerunt, ex germanico in latinum sermonem conuersa, autore M. Gotardo Arthvs Dantiscano. Illustrata verÒ pulcherrimis imaginibus, et in lucem emissa, studio et opera Theodorici de Bry piÆ memoriÆ, relictÆ viduÆ et filiorum. Anno Christi M.D.XCIX.” First edition, Frankfort, 1599; and second edition (three plates printed in the text), 1625. The title of the German abridged edition of de Bry’s collection is: “America, das ist Erfindung vnd Offenbahrung der Newen Weldt, deroselbigen VÖlcker Gestalt, Sitten, GebrÄuch, Policey vnd Gottesdienst, in dreissig vornehmtste Schiffahrten kÜrtzlich vnd ordentlich zusammen gefasset vnd mit seinen Marginalien vnd Register erklÄret: Durch M. Philippum Zieglerum von WÜrzburg, E.C. Vnd vber die Vorigen mit vielen newen vnd nothwendigen Landtaffeln vnd KupfferstÜcken auffs schÖnste gezieret, vnd in Truck gegeben von Johan-Theodoro de Bry, Buchhandlern vnd BÜrgern zu Oppenheim. Gedruct zu Franckfurt am Mayn, durch Nicolaum Hoffmann. Anno MDCXVII.”
In 1598 Levinus Hulsius had begun to publish his great collection of voyages, entitled: “Sammlung von 26 schiffahrten in verschiedene fremde LÄnder durch Lev. Hulsium und einige andere aus dem HollÄndischen ins Deutsche Übersetz und mit allerhand Anmerkungen versehen.” Frankfort, Nurnberg, Oppenheim and Hanover, 1598 to 1660. Schmidt’s voyage appeared in this collection, in 1599, under this title: “Warhafftige Historien Einer Wunderbaren Schiffart, welche Vlrich Schmidel von Straubing, von anno 1534 biss anno 1554, in Americam oder Newenwelt bey Brasilia und Rio della Plata gethan. Was er in diesen Neuntsehen Jahren aussgestanden vnd was fÜr seltsame Wunderbare LÄnder vnd Leuter gesehen: durch ermelten Schmidel selbs beschrieben, an jetst aber an Tag geben mit Verbesserung vnd Corrigierung der StÄtt, LÄnder vnd Flussnamen, dessgleichen mit einer nothwendigen Landtaffel, Figuren vnd anderer mehr Erklerung, gezieret Durch Levinvm Hulsivm. NoribergÆ, Impensis L. H. 1599.” This book was reprinted by Hulsius in 1602 at Nurnberg, and in 1612 at Frankfort-on-Main. There are 16 plates in the British Museum copy, but the map and two plates are missing. In this edition, dedicated to Johann Philip, Bishop of Bamberg, the following epilogue occurs: “And so after the lapse of twenty years, through the special grace and providence of Almighty God, I have returned to the place whence I set out; but meanwhiles I have in my peregrination of these Indian nations experienced no little danger to body and life, great hunger and misery, care and anxiety, sufficiently made known and set forth in this historical narrative. I say therefore let praise, honour and thanks be given to Almighty God who has helped me to come back once more so happily to the place whence I full twenty years before had started.” And in the Latin edition of this same collection, a new version of Schmidt’s book was published under this title: “Vera historia admirandÆ cujusdam navigationis quam Huldericus Schmidel, Straubiugensis, ab anno 1534 usque ad annum 1554 in Americam vel novum mundum justa Brasiliam et Rio della Plata confecit, quid per hoce annos 19 sustinuerit, quam varias et quam mirandas regiones at homines viderit. Ab ipso Schmidelio Germanice descripta: nunc vero, emendatis et correctis urbium, regionum et fluminum, nominibus, Adjecta etiam tabula geographica, figuris et aliis notationibus quibusdam in hanc formam reducta. NoribergÆ, 1599. Impensis Levini Hulsii.” 4to. In 1707 a Dutch translation was published at Leyden in the collection of the bookseller Van der Aa, entitled: “Naaukeurige versameling der gedenk-waardigste Reysen na Oost en West-Indien, mitsgaders andere Gewesten gedaan; Zedert Jaarhet 1535 tot 1541, Te Leyden, door Pieter van der Aa, 1706-7.” Fol. and small 8vo. Schmidt’s voyage appears in vol. 48 of the smaller edition under this title: “Gedenkwaardige Scheeps-Togten na Rio de la Plata in’t Zuyderdeel van America, en Verscheydene andere voorname Americaanische Landschoppen, verrigt onder der Spaanschen Admiraal Pedro de Mendoza, Anno 1535, en de Volgende Jaren.... Bescheven door Ulrich Schmidt van Straubingen.... Nu aldeerst uyt’t Hoogduytsch vertaald.” The first edition in the Spanish language of the book of Schmidt appeared in the first volume of the collection entitled: Historiadores primitivos de las Indias Occidentales, que juntÓ, tradujo en parte, y sacÓ Á luz, ilustrados con eruditas notas y copiosos indices, Don Andreas Gonzalez de Barcia. 3 vol., fol., Madrid, 1749. It is entitled: “Historia y descubrimiento del Rio de la Plata y Paraguay.” (Translated from the Latin edition of Hulsius.)
This version of Barcia was reprinted, with all his notes, in the third volume of the Coleccion de obras y documentos relativos Á la Historia antigua y moderna de las provincias del Rio de la Plata, ilustrados con notas y disertaciones, by Pedro de Angelis.—Buenos Aires, 1835-37. 6 vols., fol. The title of Schmidt’s book in this collection is: “Viaje al Rio de la Plata y Paraguay, por Ulderico Schmidel,” 1836. A French translation of the Latin edition of Hulsius was published in 1837 in the collection entitled Voyages, Relations et MÉmoires originaux pour servir À l’histoire de la dÉcouverte de l’AmÉrique, publiÉs pour la premiÈre fois en franÇais, par H. Ternaux-Compans.—Paris, 1837-41, 20 vols., 8vo. The work of Schmidt is in the first volume, under this title: “Histoire vÉritable d’un voyage curieux fait par Ulrich Schmidel, de Straubing, dans l’AmÉrique ou le Nouveau Monde, par le BrÉsil, et le Rio de la Plata, depuis l’annÉe 1534 jusqu’en 1554, ou l’on verra tout ce qu’il a souffert pendant ces dix-neuf ans, et la description des pays et des peuples extraordinaires qu’il a visitÉs. Ouvrage Écrit par lui-mÊme, et publiÉ de nouveau aprÈs corrections des noms de villes, de pays et de riviÈres.” II. ALVAR NUÑEZ CABEZA DE VACA. The first edition of this important narrative of the Adelantado Alvar NuÑez was published at Valladolid in 1555, in one small 4to. volume, together with his account of his travels and shipwrecks in Florida, which had been edited some years before. The general title of this book is: “La relacion y comentarios del gobernador Alvar NuÑez CabeÇa de Vaca, de lo acaecido en las dos jornadas que hizo Á las Indias.” Valladolid, 1555. 1 vol. Small 4to. The second part of this book is entitled: “Comentarios de Alvar NuÑez Cabeza de Vaca, por Pedro Hernandez, escribano del Adelantado.” The second edition of the Comentarios is in the second volume of Historiadores Primitivos, by Barcia. Madrid, 1749. The third edition is in the Biblioteca de Autores EspaÑoles, by Rivadeneyra, vol. 22. Madrid, 1863. Ternaux-Compans published a translation into French in the third volume of his Voyages et Relations. Paris, 1837-41. L. L. D. THE MAP. The dividing line between Spanish and Portuguese territories in the accompanying map differs only in one-and-a-half or two degrees of longitude from that drawn by M. Adolpho de Varnhagen in his Historia Geral do Brazil. The question about the present boundary of those territories has been settled by modern treaties. It must also be remarked that the boundaries of the ancient Province of Rio de la Plata, in 1534, were very soon modified by the Spanish Government, who did the same thing by the four other Provinces into which the Continent of South America south of the equator was divided in that year. L. L. D. SOUTH AMERICA IN THE XVI CENTURY. (Click on image to enlarge.)