WACKE, is a massive mineral, intermediate between claystone and basalt. It is of a greenish-gray colour; vesicular in structure; dull, opaque; streak shining; soft, easily frangible; spec. grav. 2·55 to 2·9; it fuses like basalt. WADD, is the provincial name of plumbago in Cumberland; and also of an ore of manganese in Derbyshire, which consists of the peroxide of that metal, associated with nearly its own weight of oxide of iron. WADDING (Ouate, Fr.; Watte, Germ.); is the spongy web which serves to line ladies’ pelisses, &c. Ouate, or Wat, was the name originally given to the glossy downy tufts found in the pods of the plant commonly called Apocyn, and by botanists Asclepias syriaca, which was imported from Egypt and Asia Minor for the purpose of stuffing cushions, &c. Wadding is now made with a lap or fleece of cotton prepared by the carding-engine (see Carding, Cotton Manufacture), which is applied to tissue paper by a coat of size, made by boiling the cuttings of hare-skins, and adding a little alum to the gelatinous solution. When two laps are glued with their faces together, they form the most downy kind of wadding. WAFERS. There are two manners of manufacturing wafers: 1, with wheat flour and water, for the ordinary kind; and 2, with gelatine. 1. A certain quantity of fine flour is to be diffused through pure water, and so mixed as to leave no clotty particles. This thin pap is then coloured with one or other of the matters to be particularly described under the second head; and which are, vermillion, sulphate of indigo, and gamboge. The pap is not allowed to ferment, but must be employed immediately after it is mixed. For this purpose a tool is employed, consisting of two plates of iron, which come together like pincers or a pair of tongs, leaving a certain small definite space betwixt them. These plates are first slightly heated, greased with butter, filled with the pap, closed, and then exposed for a short time to the heat of a charcoal fire. The iron plates being allowed to cool, on opening them, the thin cake appears dry, solid, brittle, and about as thick as a playing-card. By means of annular punches of different sizes, with sharp edges, the cake is cut into wafers. 2. The transparent wafers are made as follows:— Dissolve fine glue, or isinglass, in such a quantity of water, that the solution, when cold, may be consistent. Let it be poured hot upon a plate of mirror glass, (previously warmed with steam, and slightly greased,) which is fitted in a metallic frame, with edges just as high as the wafers should be thick. A second plate of glass, heated and greased, is laid on the surface, so as to touch every point of the gelatine, resting on the edges of the frame. By this pressure, the thin cake of gelatine is made perfectly uniform. When the two plates of glass get cold, the gelatine becomes solid, and may easily be removed. It is then cut with proper punches into discs of different sizes. The colouring-matters ought not to be of an insalubrious kind. For red wafers, carmine is well adapted, when they are not to be transparent; but this colour is dear, and can be used only for the finer kinds. Instead of it, a decoction of brazil wood, brightened with a little alum, may be employed. For yellow, an infusion of saffron or turmeric has been prescribed; but a decoction of weld, fustic, or Persian berries, might be used. Sulphate of indigo, partially saturated with potash, is used for the blue wafers; and this mixed with yellow, for the greens. Some recommend the sulphate to be nearly neutralized with chalk, and to treat the liquor with alcohol, in order to obtain the best blue dye for wafers. Common wafers are, however, coloured with the substances mentioned at the beginning of the article; and for the cheaper kinds, red lead is used instead of vermillion, and turmeric instead of gamboge. WALNUT HUSKS, or PEELS (Brout des noix, Fr.); are much employed by the French dyers for rooting or giving dun colours. WARP (Chaine, Fr.; Kette, Auschweif, Zettel, Germ.); is the name of the longitudinal threads or yarns, whether of cotton, linen, silk, or wool, which being decussated at right angles by the woof or weft threads, form a piece of cloth. The warp yarns are parallel, and continuous from end to end of the web. See Weaving, for a description of the warping-mill. WASH, is the fermented wort of the distiller. WASHING. See Bleaching, and Scouring. WATERING OF STUFFS (Moirage, Fr.); is a process to which silk and other textile fabrics are subjected, for causing them to exhibit a variety of undulated reflections, and plays of light. It is produced by sprinkling water upon the goods, and then passing them through a calender, either with cold or hot rollers, plain or variously indented. WATER-PROOF CLOTH. See Caoutchouc, and Gelatine. A patent was obtained, in August, 1830, by Mr. Thomas Hancock, for rendering textile fabrics impervious to water and air, by spreading the liquid juice of the caoutchouc tree upon the surfaces of the goods, and then exposing them to the air to dry. It does not appear that this project has been realized in our manufactures. Mr. William Simpson Potter proposes, in his patent, of April, 1835, to render fabrics water-proof by imbuing them with a solution of isinglass, alum, and soap, by means of a brush applied to the wrong side of the cloth, distended upon a table. After it is dry, it must be brushed on the wrong side, against the grain. Then the brush is to be dipped in clean water, and passed lightly over the cloth. The gloss caused by the above application can be taken off by brushing the goods when they are dry. Cloth so prepared is said to be impervious to water, but not to air. I have examined woollen cloth now on sale in a shop in the Strand, which may be breathed through with the greatest facility, but which retains water upon its surface, as is evinced by a body of water standing upon a concave piece of it tied over a show-glass in the window. Mr. Sievier’s plan of rendering cloth water-proof, for which he obtained a patent in December, 1835, consists in spreading over it, with a brush, a solution of India rubber in spirits of turpentine, at one or more applications, and then applying a similar solution mixed with acetate of lead, litharge, sulphate of zinc, gum mastic, or other drying material. He next takes wool, or other textile material, cut into proper lengths, and spreads it upon the surface of the fabric varnished in this manner, for the purpose of forming the nap or pile. He then presses the cloth by means of rollers, or brushes, so as to fix the nap firmly to its surface. WATERS, MINERAL—Table I. Analyses of the principal Mineral Waters of Germany. Grains of Anhydrous Ingredients in One Pound Troy. | Carlsbad. | ms. | Schlesi- scher. Obersalz- brunnen. | Marien- bad. Kreutzbr. | Auscho- witz. Ferdi- nands- brunnen. | Eger. Franzens- brunnen. | Pyr- mont. | Spa. Pouhon. | Fach- ingen. | Geilnau. | Seltzer. | Seid- schutz. | PÜllna. | Carbonate of Soda | 7 | ·2712 | 8 | ·0625 | 6 | ·1133 | 5 | ·3499 | 4 | ·5976 | 3 | ·8914 | | 0 | ·5531 | 12 | ·3328 | 4 | ·9658 | 4 | ·6162 | | | Ditto of Lithia | 0 | ·0150 | 0 | ·0405 | 0 | ·0127 | 0 | ·0858 | 0 | ·0507 | 0 | ·0282 | | | | | | | | Ditto of Baryta | | 0 | ·0022 | | | | | | | | | 0 | ·0014 | | | Ditto of Strontia | 0 | ·0055 | 0 | ·0080 | 0 | ·0165 | 0 | ·0028 | 0 | ·0040 | 0 | ·0023 | | | | | 0 | ·0144 | | | Ditto of Lime | 1 | ·7775 | 0 | ·8555 | 1 | ·7497 | 2 | ·9509 | 3 | ·0085 | 1 | ·3501 | 4 | ·7781 | 0 | ·7387 | 1 | ·8667 | 2 | ·2279 | 1 | ·4004 | 5 | ·1045 | 0 | ·5775 | Ditto of Magnesia | 1 | ·0275 | 0 | ·5915 | 1 | ·4107 | 2 | ·0390 | 2 | ·2867 | 0 | ·5040 | | 0 | ·8425 | 1 | ·2983 | 1 | ·6282 | 1 | ·5000 | 0 | ·8235 | 4 | ·8045 | Do. (Proto) of Manganese | 0 | ·0048 | 0 | ·0028 | | 0 | ·0288 | 0 | ·0692 | 0 | ·0322 | 0 | ·0364 | 0 | ·0389 | | | | 0 | ·0032 | | Ditto (Proto) of Iron | 0 | ·0208 | 0 | ·0120 | 0 | ·0480 | 0 | ·1319 | 0 | ·2995 | 0 | ·1762 | 0 | ·3213 | 0 | ·2813 | | | | 0 | ·0095 | | Sub-Phos. of Lime | 0 | ·0012 | | | | | 0 | ·0172 | | 0 | ·0102 | 0 | ·0061 | | 0 | ·0007 | 0 | ·0117 | 0 | ·0026 | Ditto of Alumina | 0 | ·0019 | 0 | ·0014 | 0 | ·0045 | | 0 | ·0040 | 0 | ·0092 | 0 | ·0110 | 0 | ·0064 | | | 0 | ·0020 | 0 | ·0088 | | Sulphate of Potassa | | 0 | ·4050 | 0 | ·2220 | | | | 0 | ·0314 | 0 | ·0598 | | 0 | ·2154 | 0 | ·2978 | 3 | ·6705 | 3 | ·6000 | Ditto of Soda | 14 | ·9019 | | 2 | ·2095 | 28 | ·5868 | 16 | ·9022 | 18 | ·3785 | 1 | ·6092 | 0 | ·0289 | 0 | ·1267 | 0 | ·0315 | | 17 | ·6220 | 92 | ·8500 | Ditto of Lithia | | | | | | | 0 | ·0067 | | | | | | | Ditto of Lime | | | | | | | 5 | ·0265 | | | | | 1 | ·1287 | 1 | ·9500 | Ditto of Strontia | | | | | | | 0 | ·0154 | | | | | 0 | ·0347 | | Ditto of Magnesia | | | | | | | 2 | ·3684 | | | | | 62 | ·3535 | 69 | ·8145 | Nitr. of Magnesia | | | | | | | | | | | | 5 | ·9302 | | Chlor. of Potassium | | 0 | ·0338 | | | | | | | | | 0 | ·2685 | | | Ditto of Sodium | 5 | ·9820 | 5 | ·7255 | 0 | ·8752 | 10 | ·1727 | 6 | ·7472 | 6 | ·9229 | | 0 | ·3371 | 3 | ·2337 | 0 | ·4072 | 12 | ·9690 | | | Ditto of Magnesium | | | | | | | 0 | ·8450 | | | | | 1 | ·2225 | 14 | ·7495 | Fluoride of Calcium | 0 | ·0184 | 0 | ·0014 | | | | | | | | | 0 | ·0013 | | | Alumina | | | | 0 | ·0023 | | | | | | 0 | ·0185 | | | | Silica | 0 | ·4329 | 0 | ·3104 | 0 | ·2531 | 0 | ·2908 | 0 | ·5023 | 0 | ·3548 | 0 | ·3727 | 0 | ·3739 | 0 | ·0657 | 0 | ·2021 | 0 | ·2265 | 0 | ·0900 | 0 | ·1320 | Total | 31 | ·4606 | 16 | ·0525 | 12 | ·9152 | 49 | ·6417 | 34 | ·4719 | 31 | ·6670 | 15 | ·4221 | 3 | ·2691 | 18 | ·9300 | 9 | ·6966 | 21 | ·2982 | 98 | ·0133 | 188 | ·4806 | Carbonic Acid Gas in 100 cubic inches | 58 | 51 | 98 | 105 | 146 | 154 | 160 | 136 | 135 | 163 | 126 | 20 | 7 | Temperature (F.) | Sprud. | 165° | Neub. | 138° | MÜhl. | 128° | Ther. | 122° | | | 58° | 53° | 46° | 53° | 56° | 50° | 50° | 51° | 58° | 58° | 58° | Analyzed by | Berzelius. | Struve. | Struve. | Berzelius. | Steinmann. | Berzelius | Struve. | Struve. | Bischoff. | Struve. | Struve. | Struve. | Struve. | Grains of Anhydrous Ingredients in One Pound Troy. | Carlsbad. | ms. | Schlesi- scher. Obersalz- brunnen. | Marien- bad. Kreutzbr. | Auscho- witz. Ferdi- nands- brunnen. | Carbonate of Soda | 7 | ·2712 | 8 | ·0625 | 6 | ·1133 | 5 | ·3499 | 4 | ·5976 | Ditto of Lithia | 0 | ·0150 | 0 | ·0405 | 0 | ·0127 | 0 | ·0858 | 0 | ·0507 | Ditto of Baryta | | 0 | ·0022 | | | | Ditto of Strontia | 0 | ·0055 | 0 | ·0080 | 0 | ·0165 | 0 | ·0028 | 0 | ·0040 | Ditto of Lime | 1 | ·7775 | 0 | ·8555 | 1 | ·7497 | 2 | ·9509 | 3 | ·0085 | Ditto of Magnesia | 1 | ·0275 | 0 | ·5915 | 1 | ·4107 | 2 | ·0390 | 2 | ·2867 | Do. (Proto) of Manganese | 0 | ·0048 | 0 | ·0028 | | 0 | ·0288 | 0 | ·0692 | Ditto (Proto) of Iron | 0 | ·0208 | 0 | ·0120 | 0 | ·0480 | 0 | ·1319 | 0 | ·2995 | Sub-Phos. of Lime | 0 | ·0012 | | | | | Ditto of Alumina | 0 | ·0019 | 0 | ·0014 | 0 | ·0045 | | 0 | ·0040 | Sulphate of Potassa | | 0 | ·4050 | 0 | ·2220 | | | Ditto of Soda | 14 | ·9019 | | 2 | ·2095 | 28 | ·5868 | 16 | ·9022 | Ditto of Lithia | | | | | | Ditto of Lime | | | | | | Ditto of Strontia | | | | | | Ditto of Magnesia | | | | | | Nitr. of Magnesia | | | | | | Chlor. of Potassium | | 0 | ·0338 | | | | Ditto of Sodium | 5 | ·9820 | 5 | ·7255 | 0 | ·8752 | 10 | ·1727 | 6 | ·7472 | Ditto of Magnesium | | | | | | Fluoride of Calcium | 0 | ·0184 | 0 | ·0014 | |
Table II.—The Composition of other celebrated Mineral Waters. Names of the Springs. | Grains of water. | Cubic Inches of Gases. | Carbonates of | Sulphates of | Muriates of | Silica. | Alu- mina. | Resins. | Tem- pera- ture. | Oxy- gen. | Car- bonic acid. | Sulph. hydro- gen. | Azote. | Soda. | Lime. | Mag- nesia. | Iron. | Soda. | Lime. | Mag- nesia. | Iron. | Soda. | Lime. | Mag- nesia. | Potash. | | | | | | | grs. | grs. | grs. | grs. | grs. | grs. | grs. | grs. | grs. | grs. | grs. | grs. | grs. | grs. | grs. | | | Kilburn (1)—acidulous. | 138240 | | 84 | ·0 | 36 | ·0 | | | 2 | ·4 | 1 | ·25 | 0 | ·31/4 | 18 | ·2 | 13 | ·0 | 91 | ·0 | | 6 | ·0 | 0 | ·6 | 2 | ·8 | | | | 6 | ·0 | cold | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Sul- phu- rous. | | - | Harrowgate (2) | 103643 | | 8 | ·0 | 19 | ·0 | 7 | ·0 | | 18 | ·5 | 5 | ·5 | | | | 0 | ·5 | | 615 | ·5 | 3 | ·0 | 9 | ·1 | | | | | cold | Moffat (2) | 103643 | | 1 | ·0 | 10 | ·0 | 4 | ·0 | | | | | | | | | 3 | ·6 | | | | | | | cold | Aix-la-Chapelle (3) | 8940 | | | 13 | ·06 | | | 15 | ·25 | 5 | ·89 | | | | | | 6 | ·21 | | | | | | | 143° | Enghein (4) | 92160 | | 18 | ·5 | 7 | ·0 | | | 21 | ·4 | 1 | ·35 | | | 33 | ·3 | 5 | ·8 | | 2 | ·4 | | 8 | ·0 | | | | | cold | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Sa- line. | | - | Seidlitz | 58309 | | 8 | ·0 | | | | 6 | ·7 | 21 | ·0 | | | 41 | ·1 | 14 | ·44 | | | | 36 | ·5 | | | | | cold | Cheltenham (5) | 103643 | | 30 | ·3 | 3 | ·0 | 12 | ·0 | | | 12 | ·5 | 5 | ·0 | 48 | ·0 | 40 | ·0 | | | 5 | ·0 | | 12 | ·5 | | | | | cold | Plombieres (6) | 14600 | | | | | 36 | ·0 | 0 | ·4 | | | 1 | ·0 | | | | 2 | ·0 | | | | | | | cold | Dunblane (7) sp. gr. 1·00475 | 7291 | | | | | | 0 | ·5 | | 0 | ·17 | 3 | ·7 | | | | 21 | ·0 | 20 | ·8 | | | | | | cold | Pitcaithley (7) | 7291 | | 1 | ·0 | | | | 0 | ·5 | | | 0 | ·9 | | | | 12 | ·7 | 20 | ·2 | | | | | | cold | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Cha- ly- be- ate. | | - | Tunbridge (3) | 103643 | 1 | ·4 | 10 | ·6 | | 4 | ·0 | | | | 1 | ·0 | | 1 | ·25 | | | 0 | ·5 | | 2 | ·25 | | | | | cold | Brighton (8) | 58309 | | 18 | ·0 | | | | | | | | 32 | ·7 | | 11 | ·2 | 12 | ·2 | | 6 | ·0 | | 1 | ·12 | | | cold | Toplitz (9) | 22540 | | | | | 13 | ·5 | 16 | ·5 | | 32 | ·5 | | | | | 61 | ·3 | 28 | ·5 | | | | 15 | ·1 | | cold | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Cal- car- eous, nearly pure. | | - | Bath (10) | 15360 | | 2 | ·4 | | | | 1 | ·6 | | 0 | ·004 | 3 | ·0 | 18 | ·0 | | | 6 | ·6 | | | | 0 | ·4 | | | 114° | Buxton (11) | 58309 | | | | 2 | ·0 | | 10 | ·5 | | | | 2 | ·5 | | | 1 | ·5 | | | | | | | 82° | Bristol (12) | 58309 | | 30 | ·3 | | | | 13 | ·5 | | | 11 | ·2 | 11 | ·7 | | | 4 | ·0 | | 7 | ·25 | | | | | 74° | Matlock | 58309 | | | | | | | | | | trace | | | | | | | | | | 66° | Malvern (13) | 58309 | | | | | 5 | ·33 | 1 | ·6 | 0 | ·92 | 0 | ·625 | 2 | ·896 | | | | 1 | ·55 | | | | | | | cold | | Dead Sea | (14) sp. gr. | 1 | ·211 | 100 | | | | | | | | | | | ·054 | | | 10 | ·676 | 3 | ·8 | 10 | ·1 | | | | | | Do. | (15) sp. gr. | 1 | ·245 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 7 | ·8 | 10 | ·6 | 24 | ·2 | | | | | | Do. | (16) sp. gr. | 1 | ·2283 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 6 | ·95 | 4 | ·0 | 15 | ·31 | | | | | | Sea water, Forth (7) | 7291 | | | | | | | | | 25 | ·6 | | | | 159 | ·3 | 5 | ·7 | 35 | ·5 | trace[70] | | | | | (1) | Schmesser. | (2) | Garnet. | (3) | Babington. | (4) | Fourcroy. | (5) | Fothergill. | (6) | Vauquelin. | (7) | Dr. Murray. | (8) | Marcet. | (9) | John. | (10) | Phillips. | (11) | Pearson. | (12) | Carrick. | (13) | Dr. Philip. | (14) | Dr. Marcet. | (15) | Klaproth. | (16) | M.
Gay Lussac. | [70] | Dr. Wollaston. | | | Names of the Springs. | Grains of water. | Cubic Inches of Gases. | Oxy- gen. | Car- bonic acid. | Sulph. hydro- gen. | Azote. | | | | | | | | Kilburn (1)—acidulous. | 138240 | | 84 | ·0 | 36 | ·0 | | Sul- phu- rous. | | - | Harrowgate (2) | 103643 | | 8 | ·0 | 19 | ·0 | 7 | ·0 | Moffat (2) | 103643 | | 1 | ·0 | 10 | ·0 | 4 | ·0 | Aix-la-Chapelle (3) | 8940 | | | 13 | ·06 | | Enghein (4) | 92160 | | 18 | ·5 | 7 | ·0 | | | | | | | | Sa- line. | | - | Seidlitz | 58309 | | 8 | ·0 | | | Cheltenham (5) | 103643 | | 30 | ·3 | 3 | ·0 | 12 | ·0 | Plombieres (6) | 14600 | | | | | Dunblane (7) sp. gr. 1·00475 | 7291 | | | | | Pitcaithley (7) | 7291 | | 1 | ·0 | | | | | | | | | Cha- ly- be- ate. | | - | Tunbridge (3) | 103643 | 1 | ·4 | 10 | ·6 | | 4 | ·0 | Brighton (8) | 58309 | | 18 | ·0 | | | Toplitz (9) | 22540 | | | | | | | | | | | Cal- car- eous, nearly pure. | | - | Bath (10) | 15360 | | 2 | ·4 | | | Buxton (11) | 58309 | | | | 2 | ·0 | Bristol (12) | 58309 | | 30 | ·3 | | | Matlock | 58309 | | | | | Malvern (13) | 58309 | | | | | | Dead Sea | (14) sp. gr. | 1 | ·211 | 100 | | | | | Do. | (15) sp. gr. | 1 | ·245 | | | ·0 | 15 | ·31 | | Sea water, Forth (7) | 7291 | 159 | ·3 | 5 | ·7 | 35 | ·5 | trace[70] | (1) | Schmesser. | (2) | Garnet. | (3) | Babington. | (4) | Fourcroy. | (5) | Fothergill. | (6) | Vauquelin. | (7) | Dr. Murray. | (8) | Marcet. | (9) | John. | (10) | Phillips. | (11) | Pearson. | (12) | Carrick. | (13) | Dr. Philip. | (14) | Dr. Marcet. | (15) | Klaproth. | (16) | M. Gay Lussac. | [70] | Dr. Wollaston. | | | Names of the Springs. | Grains of water. | Silica. | Alu- mina. | Resins. | Tem- pera- ture. | | | grs. | grs. | grs. | | | Kilburn (1)—acidulous. | 138240 | | | 6 | ·0 | cold | Sul- phu- rous. | | - | Harrowgate (2) | 103643 | | | | cold | Moffat (2) | 103643 | | | | cold | Aix-la-Chapelle (3) | 8940 | | | | 143° | Enghein (4) | 92160 | | | | cold | | | | | | | Sa- line. | | - | Seidlitz | 58309 | | | | cold | Cheltenham (5) | 103643 | | | | cold | Plombieres (6) | 14600 | | | | cold | Dunblane (7) sp. gr. 1·00475 | 7291 | | | | cold | Pitcaithley (7) | 7291 | | | | cold | | | | | | | Cha- ly- be- ate. | | - | Tunbridge (3) | 103643 | | | | cold | Brighton (8) | 58309 | 1 | ·12 | | | cold | Toplitz (9) | 22540 | | 15 | ·1 | | cold | | | | | | | Cal- car- eous, nearly pure. | | - | Bath (10) | 15360 | 0 | ·4 | | | 114° | Buxton (11) | 58309 | | | | 82° | Bristol (12) | 58309 | | | Mineral waters may, in most cases, be artificially prepared, by the skilful application of the knowledge derived from analysis, with such precision as to imitate very closely the native springs. When the various earthy or metallic constituents, are held in solution by carbonic acid, or sulphuretted, they should be placed along with their due proportions of water, in the receiver of the aerating machine (see Soda Water), and then the proper quantity of gas should be injected into the water. Sufficient agitation will be given by the action of the forcing-pump to promote their solution. WAX (Cire, Fr.; Wachs, Germ.); is the substance which forms the cells of bees. It was long supposed to be derived from the pollen of plants, swallowed by these insects, and merely voided under this new form; but it has been proved by the experiments, first of Mr. Hunter, and more especially of M. Huber, to be the peculiar secretion of a certain organ, which forms a part of the small sacs, situated on the sides of the median line of the abdomen of the bee. On raising the lower segments of the abdomen, these sacs may be observed, as also scales or spangles of wax, arranged in pairs upon each segment. There are none, however, under the rings of the males and the queen. Each individual has only eight wax sacs, or pouches; for the first and the last ring are not provided with them. M. Huber satisfied himself by precise experiments that bees, though fed with honey, or sugar alone, produced nevertheless a very considerable quantity of wax; thus proving that they were not mere collectors of this substance from the vegetable kingdom. The pollen of plants serves for the nourishment of the larvÆ. But wax exists also as a vegetable product, and may, in this point of view, be regarded as a concrete fixed oil. It forms a part of the green fecula of many plants, particularly of the cabbage; it may be extracted from the pollen of most flowers; as also from the skins of plums, and many stone fruits. It constitutes a varnish upon the upper surface of the leaves of many trees, and it has been observed in the juice of the cow-tree. The berries of the Myrica angustifolia, latifolia, as well as the cerifera, afford abundance of wax. Bees’ wax, as obtained by washing and melting the comb, is yellow. It has a peculiar smell, resembling honey, and derived from it, for the cells in which no honey has been deposited, yield a scentless white wax. Wax is freed from its impurities, and bleached, by melting it with hot water or steam, in a tinned copper or wooden vessel, letting it settle, running off the clear supernatant oily-looking liquid into an oblong trough with a line of holes in its bottom, so as to distribute it upon horizontal wooden cylinders, made to revolve half immersed in cold water, and then exposing the thin ribbons or films thus obtained to the blanching action of air, light, and moisture. For this purpose, the ribbons are laid upon long webs of canvas stretched horizontally between standards, two feet above the surface of a sheltered field, having a free exposure to the sunbeams. Here they are frequently turned over, then covered by nets to prevent their being blown away by winds, and watered from time to time, like linen upon the grass field in the old method of bleaching. Whenever the colour of the wax seems stationary, it is collected, remelted, and thrown again into ribbons upon the wet cylinder, in order to expose new surfaces to the blanching operation. By several repetitions of these processes, if the weather proves favourable, the wax eventually loses its yellow tint entirely, and becomes fit for forming white candles. If it be finished under rain, it will become gray on keeping, and also lose in weight. In France, where the purification of wax is a considerable object of manufacture, about four ounces of cream of tartar, or alum, are added to the water in the first melting-copper, and the solution is incorporated with the wax by diligent manipulation. The whole is left at rest for some time, and then the supernatant wax is run off into a settling cistern, whence it is discharged by a stopcock or tap, over the wooden cylinder revolving at the surface of a large water-cistern, kept cool by passing a stream continually through it. The bleached wax is finally melted, strained through silk sieves, and then run into circular cavities in a moistened table, to be cast or moulded into thin disc pieces, weighing from two to three ounces each, and three or four inches in diameter. Neither chlorine, nor even the chlorides of lime and alkalis, can be employed with any advantage to bleach wax, because they render it brittle, and impair its burning quality. Wax purified, as above, is white and translucent in thin segments; it has neither taste nor smell; it has a specific gravity of from 0·960 to 0·966; it does not liquefy till it be heated to 1541/2° F.; but it softens at 86°, becoming so plastic, that it may be moulded by the hand into any form. At 32° it is hard and brittle. It is not a simple substance, but consists of two species of wax, which may be easily separated by boiling alcohol. The resulting solution deposits, on cooling, the waxy body called cerine. The undissolved wax, being once and again treated with boiling alcohol, finally affords from 70 to 90 per cent. of its weight of cerine. The insoluble residuum is the myricine of Dr. John, so called because it exists in a much larger proportion in the wax of the Myrica cerifera. It is greatly denser than wax, being of the same specific gravity as water; and may be distilled without decomposition, which cerine undergoes. See these two articles. Wax is adulterated sometimes with starch; a fraud easily detected by oil of turpentine, which dissolves the former, and leaves the latter substance; and more frequently with mutton suet. This fraud may be discovered by dry distillation; for wax does not thereby afford, like tallow, sebacic acid (benzoic), which is known by its occasioning a precipitate in a solution of acetate of lead. It is said that two per cent. of a tallow sophistication may be discovered in this way. Bees’ wax imported for home consumption:—in 1835, unbleached, 4,449 cwts.; bleached, 243 cwts.;—in 1836, unbleached, 4,673 cwts.; bleached, 121 cwts. Duty, when from British possessions, 10s.; from foreign, 30s. WAX, MINERAL, or Ozocerite, is a solid, of a brown colour, of various shades, translucent, and fusible like bees’ wax; slightly bituminous to the smell, of a foliated texture, a conchoidal fracture, but wanting tenacity, so that it can be pulverized in a mortar. Its specific gravity varies from 0·900 to 0·953. Candles have been made of it in Moldavia, which give a tolerable light. It occurs at the foot of the Carpathians near Slanik, beneath a bed of bituminous slate-clay, in masses of from 80 to 100 pounds weight. Layers of brown amber are found in the neighbourhood. It is associated with variegated sandstone, rock salt, and beds of coal (lignite?). It is analogous to hatchetine. Something similar has been discovered in a trouble at Urpeth colliery, near Newcastle, 60 fathoms beneath the surface. Ozocerite consists of different hydro-carburetted compounds associated together; the whole being composed, ultimately, of—hydrogen 14, carbon 86, very nearly. Warper WEAVING (Tissage, Fr.; Weberei, Germ.); is performed by the implement called loom in English, mÉtier À tisser in French, and weberstuhl in German. The process of warping must always precede weaving. Its object is to arrange all the longitudinal threads, which are to form the chain of the web, alongside of each other in one parallel plane. Such a number of bobbins, filled with yarn, must therefore be taken as will furnish the quantity required for the length of the intended piece of cloth. One-sixth of that number of bobbins is usually mounted at once in the warp mill, being set loosely in a horizontal direction upon wire skewers, or spindles, in a square frame, so that they may revolve, and give off the yarn freely. The warper sits at A, fig. 1159., and causes the reel B to revolve, by turning round with his hand the wheel C, with the endless rope or band D. The bobbins filled with yarn are placed in the frame E. There is a sliding piece at F, called the heck box, which rises and falls by the coiling and uncoiling of the cord G, round the central shaft of the reef H. By this simple contrivance, the band of warp-yarns is wound spirally, from top to bottom, upon the reel. I, I, I, are wooden pins which separate the different bands. Most warping mills are of a prismatic form; having twelve, eighteen, or more sides. The reel is commonly about six feet in diameter, and seven feet in height, so as to serve for measuring exactly upon its periphery the total length of the warp. All the threads from the frame E, pass through the heck F, which consists of a series of finely-polished hard-tempered steel pins, with a small hole at the upper part of each, to receive and guide one thread. The heck is divided into two parts, either of which may be lifted by a small handle below, while their eyes are placed alternately. Hence, when one of them is raised a little, a vacuity is formed between the two bands of the warp; but when the other is raised, the vacuity is reversed. In this way, the lease is produced at each end of the warp, and it is preserved by appropriate wooden pegs. The lease being carefully tied up, affords a guide to the weaver for inserting his lease-rods. The warping mill is turned alternately from right to left, and from left to right, till a sufficient number of yarns are coiled round it to form the breadth that is wanted; the warper’s principal care being to tie immediately every thread as it breaks, otherwise deficiencies would be occasioned in the chain, injurious to the appearance of the web, or productive of much annoyance to the weaver. Hindu loom The simplest and probably the most antient of looms, now to be seen in action, is that of the Hindu tanty, shown in fig. 1160. It consists of two bamboo rollers; one for the warp, and another for the woven cloth; with a pair of heddles, for parting the warp, to permit the weft to be drawn across between its upper and under threads. The shuttle is a slender rod, like a large netting needle, rather longer than the web is broad, and is made use of as a batten or lay, to strike home or condense each successive thread of weft, against the closed fabric. The Hindu carries this simple implement, with his water pitcher, rice pot, and hooka, to the foot of any tree which can afford him a comfortable shade; he there digs a large hole, to receive his legs, along with the treddles or lower part of the harness; he next extends his warp, by fastening his two bamboo rollers, at a proper distance from each other, with pins, into the sward; he attaches the heddles to a convenient branch of the tree overhead; inserts his great toes into two loops under the geer, to serve him for treddles; lastly, he sheds the warp, draws through the weft, and beats it close up to the web with his rod-shuttle or batten. Old-fashioned loom The European loom is represented in its plainest state, as it has existed for several centuries, in fig. 1161. A is the warp-beam, round which the chain, has been wound; B represents the flat rods, usually three in number, which pass across between its threads, to preserve the lease, or the plane of decussation for the weft; C shows the heddles or healds, consisting of twines looped in the middle, through which loops, the warp yarns are drawn, one half through the front heddle, and the other through the back one; by moving which, the decussation is readily effected. The yarns then pass through the dents of the REED under D, which is set in a movable swing-frame E, called the lathe, lay, and also batten, because it beats home the weft to the web. The lay is freely suspended to a cross-bar F, attached by rulers, called the swords, to the top of the lateral standards of the loom, so as to oscillate upon it. The weaver, sitting on the bench G, presses down one of the treddles at H, with one of his feet, whereby he raises the corresponding heddle, but sinks the alternate one; thus sheds the warp, by lifting and depressing each alternate thread, through a little space, and opens a pathway or race-course for the shuttle to traverse the middle of the warp, upon its two friction rollers M, M. For this purpose, he lays hold of the picking-peg in his right hand, and, with a smart jerk of his wrist, drives the fly-shuttle swiftly from one side of the loom to the other, between the shed warp yarns. The shoot of weft being thereby left behind from the shuttle pirn or cop, the weaver brings home, by pulling, the lay with its reed towards him by his left hand, with such force as the closeness of the texture requires. The web, as thus woven, is wound up by turning round the cloth beam I, furnished with a ratchet-wheel, which takes into a holding tooth. The plan of throwing the shuttle by the picking-peg and cord, is a great improvement upon the old way of throwing it by hand. It was contrived exactly a century ago, by John Kay, of Bury in Lancashire, but then resident in Colchester, and was called the fly-shuttle, from its speed, as it enabled the weaver to make double the quantity of narrow cloth, and much more broad cloth, in the same time. The cloth is kept distended, during the operation of weaving, by means of two pieces of hard wood, called a templet, furnished with sharp iron points in their ends, which take hold of the opposite selvages or lists of the web. The warp and web are kept longitudinally stretched by a weighted cord, which passes round the warp-beam, and which tends continually to draw back the cloth from its beam, where it is held fast by the ratchet tooth. See Fustian, Jacquard Loom, Reed, and Textile Fabrics. Details og power loom The greater part of plain weaving, and much even of the figured, is now performed by the power loom, called mÉtier mÉcanique À tisser, in French. Fig. 1162. represents the cast-iron power loom of Sharp and Roberts. A, A', are the two side uprights, or standards, on the front of the loom. D, is the great arch of cast iron, which binds the two sides together. E, is the front cross-beam, terminating in the forks e, e; whose ends are bolted to the opposite standards A, A', so as to bind the framework most firmly together. G', is the breast beam, of wood, nearly square; its upper surface is sloped a little towards the front, and its edge rounded off, for the web to slide smoothly over it, in its progress to the cloth beam. The beam is supported at its end upon brackets, and is secured by the bolts g', g'. H, is the cloth beam, a wooden cylinder, mounted with iron gudgeons at its ends, that on the right hand being prolonged to carry the toothed winding wheel H'. k' is a pinion in geer with H'. H'', is a ratchet wheel, mounted upon the same shaft h''', as the pinion h'. h', is the click of the ratchet wheel H''. k''', is a long bolt fixed to the frame, serving as a shaft to the ratchet wheel H'', and the pinion h'. I, is the front heddle-leaf, and I', the back one. J, J, J', J', jacks or pulleys and straps, for raising and depressing the leaves of the heddles. J'', is the iron shaft which carries the jacks or system of pulleys J, J, J', J'. K, a strong wooden ruler, connecting the front heddle with its treddle. L, L', the front and rear marches or treddle-pieces, for depressing the heddle leaves alternately, by the intervention of the rods k, (and k', hid behind k). M, M, are the two swords (swing bars) of the lay or batten. N, is the upper cross-bar of the lay, made of wood, and supported upon the squares of the levers n, n', to which it is firmly bolted. N', is the lay-cap, which is placed higher or lower, according to the breadth of the reed; it is the part of the lay which the hand-loom weaver seizes with his hand, in order to swing it towards him. n', is the reed contained between the bar N, and the lay-cap N'. O, O, are two rods of iron, perfectly round and straight, mounted near the ends of the batten-bar N, which serve as guides to the drivers or peckers o, o, which impel the shuttle. These are made of buffalo hide, and should slide freely on their guide-rods. O', O', are the fronts of the shuttle-boxes; they have a slight inclination backwards. P, is the back of them. See figs. 1163. and 1164. O'', O'' are iron plates, forming the bottoms of the shuttle-boxes. p, small pegs or pins, planted in the posterior faces P (fig. 1164.) of the boxes, round which the levers P' turn. These levers are sunk in the substance of the faces P, turn round pegs p, being pressed from without inwards, by the springs p'. P'', fig. 1162. (to the right of K,) is the whip or lever, (and Q'', its centre of motion, corresponding to the right arm and elbow of the weaver,) which serves to throw the shuttle, by means of the pecking-cord p'', attached at its other end to the drivers o, o. On the axis of Q'', a kind of eccentric or heart wheel is mounted, to whose concave part, the middle of the double band or strap r, being attached, receives impulsion; its two ends are attached to the heads of the bolts r', which carry the stirrups r'', that may be adjusted at any suitable height, by set screws. S (see the left-hand side of fig. 1162.), is the moving shaft, of wrought iron, resting on the two ends of the frame, S' (see the right-hand side), is a toothed wheel, mounted exteriorly to the frame, upon the end of the shaft S. S'' (near S'), are two equal elbows, in the same direction, and in the same plane, as the shaft S, opposite to the swords M, M, of the lay. Z, is the loose, and Z', the fast pulley, or riggers, which receive motion from the steam-shaft of the factory, Z'', a small fly-wheel, to regulate the movements of the main shaft of the loom. T, is the shaft of the eccentric tappets, cams, or wipers, which press the treddle levers alternately up and down; on its right end is mounted T', a toothed wheel in geer with the wheel S', of one half its diameter. T'', is a cleft clamping collar, which serves to support the shaft T. U, is a lever, which turns round the bolt u, as well as the click h''. U', is the click of traction, for turning round the cloth beam, jointed to the upper extremity of the lever U; its tooth u', catches in the teeth of the ratchet wheel H''. u'', is a long slender rod, fixed to one of the swords of the lay M, serving to push the lower end of the lever U, when the lay retires towards the heddle leaves. X, is a wrought-iron shaft, extending from the one shuttle-box to the other, supported at its ends by the bearings x, x. Y, is a bearing, affixed exteriorly to the frame, against which the spring bar Z, rests, near its top, but is fixed to the frame at its bottom. The spring falls into a notch in the bar Y, and is thereby held at a distance from the upright A, as long as the band is upon the loose pulley z'; but when the spring bar is disengaged, it falls towards A, and carries the band upon the fast pulley z, so as to put the loom in geer with the steam-shaft of the factory. Weaving, by this powerful machine, consists of four operations: 1. to shed the warp by means of the heddle leaves, actuated by the tappet wheels upon the axis Q', the rods k, k', the cross-bar E, and the eyes of the heddle leaves I, I'; 2. to throw the shuttle (see fig. 1161.), by means of the whip lever P'', the driver cord p, and the pecker o; 3. to drive home the weft by the batten N, N'; 4. to unwind the chain from the warp beam, and to draw it progressively forwards, and wind the finished web upon the cloth beam H, by the click and toothed wheel mechanism at the right-hand side of the frame. For more minute details, the reader may consult The Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain, vol. ii. p. 291.
WEFT (Trame, Fr.; Eintrag, Germ.); is the name of the yarns or threads which run from selvage to selvage in a web. WELD (VouËde, Fr.; Wau, Gelbkraut, Germ.); is an annual herbaceous plant, which grows all over Europe, called by botanists Reseda luteola. The stems and the leaves dye yellow; and among the dyes of organic nature, they rank next to the Persian berry for the beauty and fastness of colour. The whole plant is cropped when in seed, at which period its dyeing power is greatest; and after being simply dried, is brought into the market. Chevreul has discovered a yellow colouring principle in weld, which he has called luteoline. It may be sublimed, and thus obtained in long needle-form, transparent yellow crystals. Luteoline is but sparingly soluble in water; but it nevertheless dyes alumed silk and wool of a fine jonquil colour. It is soluble in alcohol and ether; it combines with acids, and especially with bases. When weld is to be employed in the dye-bath, it should be boiled for three quarters of an hour; after which the exhausted plant is taken out, because it occupies too much room. The decoction is rapidly decomposed in the air, and ought therefore to be made only when it is wanted. It produces with, Solution of isinglass | a slight turbidity. | Litmus paper | a faint reddening. | Potash lye | a golden yellow tint. | Solution of alum | a faint yellow. | Protoxide salts of tin | a rich yellow | | - | precipitation. | Acetate of lead | ditto | Salts of copper | a dirty yellow-brown | Sulphate of red oxide of iron | a brown, passing into olive. | A lack is made from decoction of weld with alum, precipitated by carbonate of soda or potassa. See Yellow Dye. WELDING (Souder, Fr.; Schweissen, Germ.); is the property which pieces of wrought iron possess, when heated to whiteness, of uniting intimately and permanently under the hammer, into one body, without any appearance of junction. The welding temperature is usually estimated at from 60° to 90° of Wedgewood. When a skilful blacksmith is about to perform the welding operation, he watches minutely the effect of the heat in his forge-fire upon the two iron bars; and if he perceives them beginning to burn, he pulls them out, rolls them in sand, which forms a glassy silicate of iron upon the surface, so as to prevent further oxidizement; and then laying the one properly upon the other, he incorporates them by his right-hand hammer, being assisted by another workman, who strikes the metal at the same time with a heavy forge-hammer. Platinum is not susceptible of being welded, as many chemical authors have erroneously asserted. Mr. T. H. Russell, of Handsworth, near Birmingham, obtained a patent, in May, 1836, for manufacturing welded iron tubes, by drawing or passing the skelp, or fillet of sheet iron, five feet long, between dies or holes, formed by a pair of grooved rollers, placed with their sides contiguous; for which process, he does not previously turn up the skelp from end to end, but he does this so as to bring the edges together at the time when the welding is performed. He draws the skelp through two or more pairs of the above pincers or dies, each of less dimension than the preceding. In making tubes of an inch of internal diameter, a skelp four inches and a half broad is employed. The twin rollers revolve on vertical axes, which may be made to approach each other to give pressure; and they are kept cool by a stream of water, while the skelp, ignited to the welding heat, is passed between them. They are affixed at about a foot in front of the mouth of the furnace, on a draw-bench; there being a suitable stop within a few inches of the rollers, against which the workman may place a pair of pincers, having a bell-mouthed hole or die, for welding and shaping the tube. In the first passage between the rollers, a circular revolving plate of iron is let down vertically between them, to prevent the edges of the skelp from overlapping, or even meeting. The welding is performed at the last passage. WELLS, ARTESIAN. See also Artesian Wells. The following account of a successful operation of this kind, lately performed at Mortlake, in Surrey, deserves to be recorded. The spot at which this undertaking was begun, is within 100 feet of the Thames. In the first instance, an auger, seven inches in diameter, was used in penetrating 20 feet of superficial detritus, and 200 feet of London clay. An iron tube, 8 inches in diameter, was then driven into the opening, to dam out the land-springs and the percolation from the river. A 4-inch auger was next introduced through the iron tube, and the boring was continued until, the London clay having been perforated to the depth of 240 feet, the sands of the plastic clay were reached, and water of the softest and purest nature was obtained; but the supply was not sufficient, and it did not reach the surface. The work was proceeded with accordingly; and after 55 feet of alternating beds of sand and clay had been penetrated, the chalk was touched upon. A second tube, 41/2 inches in diameter, was then driven into the chalk, to stop out the water of the plastic sands; and through this tube an auger, 31/2 inches in diameter, was introduced, and worked down through 35 feet of hard chalk, abounding with flints. To this succeeded a bed of soft chalk, into which the instrument suddenly penetrated to the depth of 15 feet. On the auger being withdrawn, water gradually rose to the surface, and overflowed. The expense of the work did not exceed 300l. The general summary of the strata penetrated is as follows:—Gravel, 20 feet; London clay, 250; plastic sands and clays, 55; hard chalk with flints, 35; soft chalk, 15; = 375 feet. WHALEBONE (Baleine, Fr.; Fischbeine, Germ.); is the name of the horny laminÆ, consisting of fibres laid lengthwise, found in the mouth of the whale, which, by the fringes upon their edges, enable the animal to allow the water to flow out, as through rows of teeth (which it wants), from between its capacious jaws, but to catch and detain the minute creatures upon which it feeds. The fibres of whalebone have little lateral cohesion, as they are not transversely decussated, and may, therefore, be readily detached in the form of long filaments or bristles. The blades, or scythe-shaped plates, are externally compact, smooth, and susceptible of a good polish. They are connected, in a parallel series, by what is called the gum of the animal, and are arranged along each side of its mouth, to the number of about 300. The length of the longest blade, which is usually found near the middle of the series, is the gauge adopted by the fishermen to designate the size of the fish. The greatest length hitherto known has been 15 feet, but it rarely exceeds 12 or 13. The breadth, at the root end, is from 10 to 12 inches; and the average thickness, from four to five tenths of an inch. The series, viewed altogether in the mouth of the whale, resemble, in general form, the roof of a house. They are cleansed and softened before cutting, by boiling for two hours in a long copper. Whalebone knife Whalebone, as brought from Greenland, is commonly divided into portable junks or pieces, comprising ten or twelve blades in each; but it is occasionally subdivided into separate blades, the gum and the hairy fringes having been removed by the sailors during the voyage. The price of whalebone fluctuates from 50l. to 150l. per ton. The blade is cut into parallel prismatic slips, as follows:—It is clamped horizontally, with its edge up and down, in the large wooden vice of a carpenter’s bench, and is then planed by the following tool: fig. 1165. A, B, are its two handles; C, D, is an iron plate, with a guide-notch E; F, is a semicircular knife, screwed firmly at each end to the ends of the iron plate C, D, having its cutting edge adjusted in a plane, so much lower than the bottom of the notch E, as the thickness of the whalebone slip is intended to be; for different thicknesses, the knife may be set by the screws at different levels, but always in a plane parallel to the lower guide surface of the plate C, D. The workman, taking hold of the handles A, B, applies the notch of the tool at the end of the whalebone blade furthest from him, and with his two hands pulls it steadily along, so as to shave off a slice in the direction of the fibres; being careful to cut none of them across. These prismatic slips are then dried, and planed level upon their other two surfaces. The fibrous matter detached in this operation, is used, instead of hair, for stuffing mattresses. From its flexibility, strength, elasticity, and lightness, whalebone is employed for many purposes: for ribs to umbrellas or parasols; for stiffening stays; for the framework of hats, &c. When heated by steam, or a sand-bath, it softens, and may be bent or moulded, like horn, into various shapes, which it retains, if cooled under compression. In this way, snuff-boxes, and knobs of walking-sticks, may be made from the thicker parts of the blade. The surface is polished at first with ground pumice-stone, felt, and water; and finished with dry quicklime, spontaneously slaked, and sifted. WHEAT. (Triticum vulgare, Linn.; Froment, Fr.; Waizen, Germ.) See Bread, Gluten, and Starch. WHEEL CARRIAGES. Though this manufacture belongs most properly to a treatise upon mechanical engineering, I shall endeavour to describe the parts of a carriage, so as to enable gentlemen to judge of its make and relative merits. The external form may vary with every freak of fashion; but the general structure of a vehicle, as to lightness, elegance, and strength, may be judged of from the following figure and description. Chariot Fig. 1166. shows the body of a chariot, hung upon an iron carriage, with iron wheels, axletrees, and boxes; the latter, by a simple contrivance, is close at the out-head, by which means the oil cannot escape; and the fastening of the wheel being at the in-head, as will be explained afterwards, gives great security, and prevents the possibility of the wheel being taken off by any other carriage running against it. Axletree arm Fig. 1167. shows the arm of an axletree, turned perfectly true, with two collars in the solid, as seen at G and H. The parts from G to B are made cylindrical. At K is a screw nail, the purpose of which will be explained in fig. 1171. Fig. 1168. is the longitudinal section of a metal nave, which also forms the bush, for the better fitting of which to the axletree, it is bored out of the solid, and made quite air-tight upon the pin; and for retaining the oil, it is left close at the out-head D. Collet Fig. 1169. represents a collet, made of metal, turned perfectly true, the least diameter of which is made the same with that part of the axletree M, fig. 1167., and its greatest diameter the same with that of the solid collar G, fig. 1167. This collet is made with a joint at S, and opens at p. Two grooves are represented at qq, qq, which are seen at the same letters in fig. 1170., as also the dovetail r, in both figures. Fig. 1170. is an edge view of the collet, fig. 1169. Axletree arm Fig. 1171. is a longitudinal section of an axletree arm, nave or bush, and fastening. A, B, is the arm of the axletree, bored up the centre from B to E. C, C, D, the nave, which answers also for the bush. P, S, the collet (see figs. 1169. and 1170.), put into its place. q, q, two steel pins, passing through the in-head of the bush, and filling up the grooves in the collet. W, W, a caped hoop, sufficiently broad to cover the ends of said pins, and made fast to the bush by screws. This hoop, when so fastened to the bush, prevents the possibility of the pins q, q, from getting out of their places. u, u, is a leather washer, interposed betwixt the in-head of the bush and the larger solid collar of the axletree, to prevent the escape of oil at the in-head. K, is a screw, the head of which is near the letter K, in fig. 1167. This screw being undone, and oil poured into the hole, it flows down the bore in the centre of the axletree arm, and fills the space B, left by the arm being about one inch shorter than the bore of the bush, and the screw, being afterwards replaced, keeps all tight. In putting on the wheel, a little oil ought to be put into the space betwixt the collet P, S, and the larger collar. The collar P, S, being movable round the axletree arm, and being made fast to the bush by means of the two pins q, q, revolves along with the bush, acting against the solid collar G, of the arm, and keeps the wheel fast to the axletree, until by removing the caped hoop W, W, and driving out the pins q, q, the collet becomes disengaged from the bush. The dovetail, seen upon the collet at r, fig. 1170., has a corresponding groove cut in the bush, to receive it, in consequence of which the wheel must of necessity be put on so that the collet and pins fit exactly. These wheels very rarely require to be taken off, and they will run a thousand miles without requiring fresh oiling. The spokes of the wheel, made of malleable iron, are screwed into the bush or nave at C, C, figs. 1168. 1171., all round. The felloes, composed merely of two bars of iron, bent into a circle edgeways, are put on, the one on the front, the other on the back, of the spokes, which have shoulders on both sides to support the felloes, and all three are attached together by rivets through them. The space between the two iron rings forming the felloes, should be filled up with light wood, the tire then put on, and fastened to the felloes by bolts and glands clasping both felloes. This is a carriage without a mortise or tenon, or wooden joint of any kind. It is, at an average, one-seventh lighter than any of those built on the ordinary construction. The design of Mr. W. Mason’s patent invention, of 1827, is to give any required pressure to the ends of what are called mail axletrees, in order to prevent their shaking in the boxes of the wheels. This object is effected by the introduction of leather collars in certain parts of the box, and by a contrivance, in which the outer cap is screwed up, so as to bear against the end of the axletree with any degree of tightness, and is held in that situation, without the possibility of turning round, or allowing the axletree to become loose. Wheelbox and axletree Fig. 1172. shows the section of the box of a wheel, with the end of the axletree secured in it. The general form of the box, and of the axle, is the same as other mail axles, there being recesses in the box for the reception of oil. At the end of the axle, a cap a, is inserted, with a leather collar enclosed in it, bearing against the end of the axle; which cap, when screwed up sufficiently tight, is held in that situation by a pin or screw passed through the cap a, into the end of the iron box; a representation of this end of the iron box being shown at fig. 1173. In the cap a, there is also a groove for conducting the oil to the interior of the box, with a screw at the opening, to prevent it running out as the wheel goes round. The particular claims of improvement are, the leather collar against the end of the axle; the pin going through one of the holes in the end of the box, to fix it; and the channel for conducting the oil. Mr. Mason’s patent, of August, 1830, applies also to the boxes and axles of that construction of carriage wheels which are fitted with the so called mail-boxes; but part of the invention applies to other axles. Wheel nave Fig. 1174. represents the nave of a wheel, with the box for the axle within it, both shown in section longitudinally; fig. 1175. is a section of the axle, taken in the same direction; and fig. 1176. represents the screw cap and oil-box, which attaches to the outer extremity of the axle-box. Supposing the parts were put together, that is, the axle inserted into the box, then the intention of the different parts will be perceived. The cylindrical recess a, in the box of the nave, is designed to fit the cylindrical part of the axle b; and the conical part c, of the axle, to shoulder up against a corresponding conical cavity in the box, with a washer of leather to prevent its shaking. A collar d, formed by a metallic ring, fits loosely upon a cylindrical part of the axle, and is kept there by a flange or rim, fixed behind the cone c. Several strong pins f, f, are cast into the back part of the box; which pins, when the wheel is attached, pass through corresponding holes in the collar d; and nuts being screwed on to the ends of the pins f, behind the collar, keep the wheel securely attached to the axle. The screw-cap g, is then inserted into the recess h, at the outer part of the box, its conical end and small tube i, passing into the recess k, in the end of the axle. The parts being thus connected, the oil contained within the cap g, will flow through the small tube i, in its end, into the recess or cylindrical channel l, within the axle, and will thence pass through a small hole in the side of the axle, into the cylindrical recess a, of the box; and then lodging in the groove and other cavities within the box, will lubricate the axle as the wheel goes round. There is also a small groove cut on the outside of the axle, for conducting the oil, in order that it may be more equally distributed over the surface and the bearings. This construction of the box and axle, as far as the lubrication goes, may be applied to the axles of wheels in general; but that part of the invention which is designed to give greater security in the attachment of the wheel to the carriage, applies particularly to mail axles. Parts of carriage Mr. William Mason’s patent invention for wheel carriages, of August, 1831, will be understood by reference to the annexed figures. Fig. 1177. is a plan showing the fore-axletree bed a, a, of a four-wheeled carriage, to which the axletrees b, b, are jointed at each end; fig. 1178. is an enlarged plan; and fig. 1179. an elevation, or side view of one end of the said fore-axletree bed, having a Collinge’s axletree jointed to the axletree bed, by means of the cylindrical pin or bolt c, which passes through and turns in a cylindrical hole d, formed at the end of the axletree bed, shown also in the plan view, fig. 1180., and section, fig. 1181. Parts of undercarriage The axletree b, is firmly united with the upper end e, of the pin or bolt c; and to the lower end of it, which is squared, the guide piece f, is also fitted, and secured by the screw g, and cap or nut h, seen in fig. 1179., and in section in fig. 1182. There are leather washers i, i, let into recesses made to receive them in the parts a, b, and f, the intent of which is to prevent the oil from escaping that is introduced through the central perpendicular hole seen in fig. 1182., which hole is closed by means of a screw inserted into it. The oil is diffused, or spread over the surface of the cylinder c, by means of a side branch leading from the bottom of the hole into a groove formed around the cylinder, and also by means of two longitudinal gaps or cavities made within the hole, as shown in figs. 1180. and 1181. The guide piece f, is affixed at right angles with the axletree b, as shown in fig. 1178., and turns freely and steadily in the cylindrical hole d, made to receive one end of the iron fore-axletree bed a. In like manner, the opposite fore axletree b, fig. 1177., is jointed to the other end of the iron fore-axletree bed. The outer ends of the guide pieces f, f, are jointed to the splinter-bar n, fig. 1181, as follows:—Fig. 1183. is a plan, and fig. 1184. a section of the joint o, in fig. 1177., shown on an enlarged scale; a cylindrical pin or bolt c, is firmly secured in the splinter-bar, and round the lower part of the said pin or bolt the guide piece f, turns, and is made fast in its place by the screw g, and screwed nut h. Parts of undercarriage Oil is conveyed to the lower part of the cylindrical pin c, in a similar manner to that already described, and two leather washers are likewise furnished, to prevent its escape. The connecting joint at the opposite end of the splinter-bar n, is constructed in a similar manner. The futchel or socket p, p, for the pole of the carriage, must also be jointed to the middle of the fore-axletree bed and splinter-bar, in a similar manner. The swingletrees q, q, fig. 1177., are likewise jointed in the same way to the splinter-bar. Fig. 1185. is a side view of these parts. The fore wheels of the carriage, fig. 1177., are furnished with cast-iron boxes, as usual. The dotted lines show the action of the pole p, p, upon the splinter-bar n, and as communicated through the latter to the guide pieces f, f, connected with the axletrees b, b, so as to lock the wheels r, r, as shown in that figure. The axletree may be incased in the woodwork of the fore-bed of the carriage, as usual, and as shown by dotted lines in the back end view thereof, fig. 1186.; and the framing s, fig. 1187., may be affixed firmly upon the said woodwork, in any fit and proper manner, as well as the fore-springs t, t, shown in figs. 1186. and 1187., and likewise in the side view, fig. 1188. In certain cases it may be desirable to fix the cylindrical pin or bolt c, firmly in the splinter-bar n, in the manner shown in figs. 1189. and 1190.; the swingletrees q, q, and guide pieces f, f, turning freely above and below upon the said pin or bolt, and secured in their places thereon by screws and screwed nuts, oil being also supplied through holes formed in both ends of the said pin or bolt, and leather washers provided, as in the above-described instances. Mr. Gibbs, engineer, and Mr. Chaplin, coach-maker, obtained a patent, in 1832, for the construction of a four-wheeled carriage which shall be enabled to turn within a small compass, by throwing the axles of all the four wheels simultaneously into different positions. They effect this object by mounting each wheel upon a separate jointed axle, and by connecting the free ends of the four axles by jointed rods or chains, with the pole and splinter-bar in front of the carriage. Details of wheel To fix the ends of the spokes of wheels to the felloe or rim, with greater security than had been effected by previous methods, is the object of a contrivance for which William Howard obtained a patent, in February, 1830. Fig. 1191. shows a portion of a wheel constructed on this new method; a, is the nave, of wood; b, b, b, wooden spokes, inserted into the nave in the usual way; c, c, is the rim or felloe, intended to be formed by one entire circle of wrought iron; d, and e, e, are the shoes or blocks, of cast iron, for receiving the ends of the spokes, which are secured by bolts to the rim on the inner circumference. The cap of the block d, is removed, for the purpose of showing the internal form of the block; e, e, have their caps fixed on, as they would appear when the spokes are fitted in. One of the caps or shoes is shown detached, upon a larger scale, at fig. 1192., by which it will be perceived that the end of the spoke is introduced into the shoe on the side. It is proposed that the end of the spoke shall not reach quite to the end of the recess formed in the block, and that it shall be made tight by a wedge driven in. The wedge piece is to be of wood, as fig. 1193., with a small slip of iron within it; and a hole is perforated in the back of the block or shoe, for the wedge to be driven through. When this is done, the ends of the spokes become confined and tight; and the projecting extremities of the wedges being cut off, the caps are then attached on the face of the block, as at e, e, by pins riveted at their ends, which secures the spokes, and renders it impossible for them to be loosened by the vibrations as the wheel passes over the ground. One important use of the wedges, is to correct the eccentric figure of the wheel, which may be readily forced out in any part that may be out of the true form, by driving the wedge up further; and this, it is considered, will be a very important advantage, as the nearer a wheel can be brought to a true circle, the easier it will run upon the road. The periphery of the wheel is to be protected by a tire, which may be put on in pieces, and bolted through the felloe; or it may be made in one ring, and attached, while hot, in the usual way. Mr. Reedhead’s patent improvements in the construction of carriages, are represented in the following figures. They were specified in July, 1833. Steering wheel construction Steering wheel construction Fig. 1194. is a plan or horizontal view of the fore part of a carriage, intended to be drawn by horses, showing the fore wheels in their position when running in a straight course; fig. 1195. is a similar view, showing the wheels as locked, when in the act of turning; fig. 1196. is a front end elevation of the same; fig. 1197. is a section taken through the centre of the fore axletree; and fig. 1198. is a side elevation of the general appearance of a stage-coach, with the improvements appended: a, a, are two splinter-bars, with their roller-bolts, for connecting the traces of the harness; these splinter-bars are attached, by the bent irons b, b, to two short axletrees or axle-boxes c, c, which carry the axles of the fore wheels d, d, and turn upon vertical pins or bolts e, e, passed through the fore axletree f, the splinter-bars and axle-boxes being mounted so as to move parallel to each other, the latter partaking of any motion given to the splinter-bars by the horses in drawing the carriage forward, and thereby producing the locking of the wheels, as shown fig. 1195.; and in order that the two wheels, and their axles and axle-boxes, together with the splinter-bars a, a, may move simultaneously, the latter are connected by pivots to the end of the links or levers g, g, which are attached to the arms i, i, which receive the pole of the coach by a hinge-joint or pin h; the arms i, i, turning on a vertical fulcrum-pin k, passed through the main axletree, f, as the pole is moved from one side to the other. Wheels The axles o, o, are firmly fixed into the naves of the wheels, as represented in the side view of a wheel detached, at fig. 1200., the axles being mounted so as to revolve within their boxes in the following manner:—The axle-boxes, which answer the purpose of short axletrees, are formed of iron, and consist of one main or bottom plate l, seen best in figs. 1200. and 1199.; upon this bottom plate is formed the chamber m, m, carrying the two anti-friction rollers n, n, which turn on short axles passed through the sides and partition at the upper part of the chambers. These anti-friction rollers bear upon the cylindrical parts of the axle o, of each wheel, and support the weight of the coach; p, is a bearing firmly secured in the axle-box to the plate l, for the end of the axle o, to run in, the axle being confined in its proper situation by a collar and screw-nut on its end; e, is the vertical pin or bolt before mentioned, upon which the axle-bar turns when the wheels are locking, which bolt is enlarged within the box, and has an eye for the axle to pass through, being firmly secured to the plate l, and also to the sides of the box. Fig. 1200. is a plan or horizontal view of an axle and its box, belonging to one of the fore wheels; a piece q, is fixed to the under side of the main axletree, which supports the ends of the plates l, and thereby relieves the pins e, e, of the strain they would otherwise have to withstand. The axles of the hind wheels are mounted upon similar plates l, l, with bearings and chambers with anti-friction rollers; but as these are not required to lock, the plates l, l, are fixed on to the under side of the hind axletree by screw-nuts; there are small openings or doors, which can be removed for the purpose of unscrewing the nuts and collars of the bearings p, when the wheel is required to be taken off the carriage, when the axle can be withdrawn from the boxes. If it should be thought necessary, other chambers with friction rollers, may be placed on the under side of the plate l, to bear up the end of the axles, and relieve the bearing p. In order to stop or impede the progress of a carriage in passing down hills, there is a grooved friction or brake wheel t, fixed, by clamps or otherwise, on to the spokes of one of the hind wheels; u, is a brake-band or spring, of metal, encircling the friction wheel, one end of which band is fixed into the standard v, upon the hind axletree, and the other end connected by a joint to the shorter end of the lever w, which has its fulcrum in the standard v; this lever extends up to the hind seat of the coach, as shown in fig. 1198., and is intended to be under the command of the guard or passengers of the coach, and when descending a hill, or on occasion of the horses running away, the longer end of the lever is to be depressed, which will raise the shorter end, and, consequently, bring the band or spring u, in contact with the surface of the friction wheel, and thereby retard its revolution, and prevent the coach travelling too fast; or, instead of attaching the friction brake to the hind wheel, as represented in fig. 1198., it may be adapted to the fore wheels, and the end of the lever brought up to the side of the foot-board, or under it, and within command of the coachman, the standard which carries the fulcrum being made to move upon a pivot, to accommodate the locking of the wheels. It will be observed, that by these improved constructions of the carriage, and mode of locking the patentee is enabled to use much larger fore wheels than in common, and that the splinter-bars will always be in the position of right angles with the track or way of the horses in drawing the carriage, by which they are much relieved, and always pull in a direct and equal manner. A manifest defect in all four-wheeled carriages, involving vast superfluous friction, is the small size of the front wheels; a defect which has existed ever since Walter Rippon made “the first hollow turning coach with pillars and arches for her majesty Queen Mary, being then her servant,” until the railroad era, when our engineers remedied the defect by equalizing the wheels, at the expense of another defect—sacrificing the power of turning, and thus producing great lateral friction; whence a train of evil consequences result:—necessarily increased strength, and consequently increased weight of the carriages; increased power and weight of the engine to draw them, and overcome the friction; and, of course, increased strength of rails, and greater solidity of railway. These defects are at last remedied by an invention patented by Mr. William Adams, author of a work entitled “English Pleasure Carriages.” Instead of placing the perch-bolt, or turning centre, as is commonly done, over the front axle, he places it at a convenient distance between the front and hind axles; so that when turning the carriage the front wheels, instead of turning beneath the body, as is common, turn outside of it, and the driver’s seat turns with them; thus giving him a perfect command over his horses in all positions, instead of the usual dangerous plan, which renders a driver liable to be pulled off his box by a restive horse, when in the act of turning. A carriage constructed on Mr. Adams’ plan may also be driven round a corner at full speed, without any risk of overturning, as the weight is equally poised on the axles in all positions. It is well known that the oversetting of stage coaches usually takes place when turning a corner, the momentum urging the vehicle in a right line, while the horses are pulling at an angle. By the new arrangement the front wheels may be made equal to the hind ones, or of any desirable height, and at the same time the body may be kept as low as may be thought convenient, even almost close to the ground, if desired. Thus two important objects, hitherto deemed incompatible, are combined—high wheels and a low centre of gravity. These carriages are therefore essentially safety carriages, while the friction is reduced to a minimum. The principle, in its various modifications, is applicable to every variety of carriage, both those of the simply useful kind, and those where beauty of form and colour are prime requisites. Another most important part of Mr. Adams’ invention, is his new mode of spring suspension; applying the principle of the bow and string, for the first time, to obviate the effects of concussion in wheel carriages. All the springs hitherto in use for wheel carriages, have been friction springs, composed of long sliding surfaces, uncertain in their action, and liable to quick destruction by rust. But Mr. Adams’ springs are essentially elastic, being formed of single plates abutting endways, so that all friction is removed, and they can be hermetically sealed within paint to prevent their corrosion. He has various modes of applying the bow, either single or double, above or below the axle; but one most important feature is, that the axle being attached to the flexible cords or braces, the concussion which affects the wheels, either laterally, vertically, or in the line of progress, is perfectly intercepted, without the unpleasant oscillation experienced in carriages where the same purpose is accomplished by the use of the curved or C spring. Mr. Adams’ brace being, at the same time, a non-conductor of sound, the rattling of the wheels does not annoy the rider as in ordinary carriages. His springs are equally applicable to vehicles with two and four wheels. The advantages of these carriages may be thus summed up:—A great diminution of the total weight; a diminution of resistance in draught equal to about one third; increase of safety to the riders; increased durability of the vehicle; absence of noise and vibration; absence of oscillation. To these qualities, so desirable to all, and especially those of delicate nervous temperament, may be added—greater economy, both in the first cost and maintenance. The whirling public so blindly follows fashionable caprice in the choice of a carriage, as to have hitherto paid too little attention to this fundamental improvement; but many intelligent individuals have fully verified its practical reality. Having inspected various forms of two-wheeled and four-wheeled carriages, in the patentee’s premises in Drury Lane, I feel justified in recommending them as being constructed on the soundest mechanical principles; and have no doubt, that if reason be allowed to decide upon their merits, they will ere long be universally preferred by all who seek for easy-moving, safe, and comfortable vehicles. WHETSLATE, is a massive mineral of a greenish-gray colour; feebly glimmering; fracture, slaty or splintery; fragments tabular; translucent on the edges; feels rather greasy; and has a spec. grav. of 2·722. It occurs in beds, in primitive and transition slates. Very fine varieties of whetslate are brought from Turkey, called honestones, which are in much esteem for sharpening steel instruments. WHEY (Petit lait, Fr.; Molken, Germ.); is the greenish-gray liquor which exudes from the curd of milk. Scheele states, that when a pound of milk is mixed with a spoonful of proof spirit, and allowed to become sour, the whey filtered off, at the end of a month or a little more, is a good vinegar, devoid of lactic acid. WHISKEY; is dilute alcohol, distilled from the fermented worts of malt or grains. WHITE LEAD, Carbonate of lead, or Ceruse. (Blanc de plomb, Fr.; Bleiweiss, Germ.) This preparation is the only one in general use for painting wood and the plaster walls of apartments white. It mixes well with oil, without having its bright colour impaired, spreads easily under the brush, and gives a uniform coat to wood, stone, metal, &c. It is employed either alone, or with other pigments, to serve as their basis, and to give them body. This article has been long manufactured with much success at Klagenfurth in Carinthia, and its mode of preparation has been lately described with precision by Marcel de Serres. The great white-lead establishments at Krems, whence, though incorrectly, the terms white of Kremnitz became current on the continent, have been abandoned. 1. The lead comes from Bleyberg; it is very pure, and particularly free from contamination with iron, a point essential to the beauty of its factitious carbonate. It is melted in ordinary pots of cast iron, and cast into sheets of varying thickness, according to the pleasure of the manufacturer. These sheets are made by pouring the melted lead upon an iron plate placed over the boiler; and whenever the surface of the metal begins to consolidate, the plate is slightly sloped to one side, so as to run off the still liquid metal, and leave a lead sheet of the desired thinness. It is then lifted off like a sheet of paper; and as the iron plate is cooled in water, several hundred weight of lead can be readily cast in a day. In certain white-lead works these sheets are one twenty-fourth of an inch thick; in others, half that quantity; in some, one of these sheets takes up the whole width of the conversion-box; in others, four sheets are employed. It is of consequence not to smooth down the faces of the leaden sheets; because a rough surface presents more points of contact, and is more readily attacked by acid vapours, than a polished one. 2. These plates are now placed so as to expose an extensive surface to the acid fumes, by folding each other over a square slip of wood. Being suspended by their middle, like a sheet of paper, they are arranged in wooden boxes, from 41/2 to 5 feet long, 12 to 14 inches broad, and from 9 to 11 inches deep. The boxes are very substantially constructed; their joints being mortised; and whatever nails are used, being carefully covered. Their bottom is made tight with a coat of pitch about an inch thick. The mouths of the boxes are luted over with paper, in the works where fermenting horsedung is employed as the means of procuring heat, to prevent the sulphuretted and phosphuretted hydrogen from injuring the purity of the white lead. In Carinthia it was formerly the practice, as also in Holland, to form the lead sheets into spiral rolls, and to place them so coiled up in the chests; but this plan is not to be recommended, because these rolls present obviously less surface to the action of the vapours, are apt to fall down into the liquid at the bottom, and thus to impair the whiteness of the lead. The lower edges of the sheets are suspended about two inches and a half from the bottom of the box; and they must not touch either one another or its sides, for fear of obstructing the vapours in the first case, or of injuring the colour in the second. Before introducing the lead, a peculiar acid liquor is put into the box, which differs in different works. In some, the proportions are four quarts of vinegar, with four quarts of wine-lees; and in others, a mixture is made of 20 pounds of wine-lees, with 81/2 pounds of vinegar, and a pound of carbonate of potash. It is evident that in the manufactories where no carbonate of potash is employed in the mixture, and no dung for heating the boxes, it is not necessary to lute them. 3. The mixture being poured into the boxes, and the sheets of lead suspended within them, they are carried into a stove-room, to receive the requisite heat for raising round the lead the corrosive vapours, and thus converting it into carbonate. This apartment is heated generally by stoves, is about 9 feet high, 30 feet long, and 24 feet wide, or of such a size as to receive about 90 boxes. It has only one door. The heat should never be raised above 86° Fahr.; and it is usually kept up for 15 days, in which time the operation is, for the most part, completed. If the heat be too high, and the vapours too copious, the carbonic acid escapes in a great measure, and the metallic lead, less acted upon, affords a much smaller product. When the process is well managed, as much carbonate of lead is obtained, as there was employed of metal; or, for 300 pounds of lead, 300 of ceruse are procured, besides a certain quantity of metal after the crusts are removed, which is returned to the melting-pot. The mixture introduced into the boxes serves only once; and if carbonate of potash has been used, the residuary matter is sold to the hatters. 4. When the preceding operation is supposed to be complete, the sheets, being removed from the boxes, are found to have grown a quarter of an inch thick, though previously not above a twelfth of that thickness. A few pretty large crystals of acetate of lead are sometimes observed on their edges. The plates are now shaken smartly, to cause the crust of carbonate of lead formed on their surfaces to fall off. This carbonate is put into large cisterns, and washed very clean. The cistern is of wood, most commonly of a square shape, and divided into from seven to nine compartments. These are of equal capacity, but unequal height, so that the liquid may be made to overflow from one to the other. Thereby, if the first chest is too full, it decants its excess into the second, and so on in succession. See Rinsing Machine. The water poured into the first chest, passes successively into the others, a slight agitation being meanwhile kept up, and there deposits the white lead diffused in it proportionally, so that the deposit of the last compartment is the finest and lightest. After this washing, the white lead receives another, in large vats, where it is always kept under water. It is lastly lifted out in the state of a liquid paste, with wooden spoons, and laid on drying-tables to prepare it for the market. The white lead of the last compartment is of the first quality, and is called on the continent silver white. It is employed in fine painting. When white lead is mixed in equal quantities with ground sulphate of barytes, it is known in France and Germany by the name of Venice white. Another quality, adulterated with double its weight of sulphate of barytes, is styled Hamburgh white; and a fourth, having three parts of sulphate to one of white lead, gets the name of Dutch white. When the sulphate of barytes is very white, like that of the Tyrol, these mixtures are reckoned preferable for certain kinds of painting, as the barytes communicates opacity to the colour, and protects the lead from being speedily darkened by sulphureous smoke or vapours. The high reputation of the white lead of Krems was by no means due to the barytes, for the first and whitest quality was mere carbonate of lead. The freedom from silver of the lead of Villach, a very rare circumstance, is one cause of the superiority of its carbonate; as well as the skilful and laborious manner in which it is washed, and separated from any adhering particle of metal or sulphuret. In England, lead is converted into carbonate in the following way.—The metal is cast into the form of a network grating, in moulds about 15 inches long, and 4 or 5 broad. Several rows of these are placed over cylindrical glazed earthen pots, about 4 or 5 inches in diameter, containing some treacle-vinegar, which are then covered with straw; above these pots another range is piled, and so in succession, to a convenient height. The whole are imbedded in spent bark from the tan-pit, brought into a fermenting state by being mixed with some bark used in a previous process. The pots are left undisturbed under the influence of a fermenting temperature for eight or nine weeks. In the course of this time the lead gratings become, generally speaking, converted throughout into a solid carbonate, which when removed is levigated in a proper mill, and elutriated with abundance of pure water. The plan of inserting coils of sheet lead into earthenware pipkins containing vinegar, and imbedding the pile of pipkins in fermenting horsedung and litter, is now little used; because the coil is not uniformly acted on by the acid vapours, and the sulphuretted hydrogen evolved from the dung is apt to darken the white lead. In the above processes, the conversion of lead into carbonate, seems to be effected by keeping the metal immersed in a warm, humid atmosphere, loaded with carbonic and acetic acids; and hence a pure vinegar does not answer well; but one which is susceptible, by its spontaneous decomposition in these circumstances, of yielding carbonic acid. Such are tartar, wine-lees, molasses, &c. Another process has lately been practised to a considerable extent in France, though it does not afford a white lead equal in body and opacity to the products of the preceding operations. M. Thenard first established the principle, and MM. Brechoz and Leseur contrived the arrangements of this new method, which was subsequently executed on a great scale by MM. Roard and Brechoz. A subacetate of lead is formed by digesting a cold solution of uncrystallized acetate, over litharge, with frequent agitation. It is said that 65 pounds of purified pyrolignous acid, of specific gravity 1·056, require, for making a neutral acetate, 58 pounds of litharge; and hence, to form the subacetate, three times that quantity of base, or 174 pounds, must be used. The compound is diluted with water, as soon as it is formed, and being decanted off quite limpid, is exposed to a current of carbonic acid gas, which, uniting with the two extra proportions of oxide of lead in the subacetate, precipitates them in the form of a white carbonate, while the liquid becomes a faintly acidulous acetate. The carbonic acid may be extricated from chalk, or other compounds, or generated by combustion of charcoal, as at Clichy; but in the latter case, it must be transmitted through a solution of acetate of lead before being admitted into the subacetate, to deprive it of any particles of sulphuretted hydrogen. When the precipitation of the carbonate of lead is completed, and well settled down, the supernatant acetate is decanted off, and made to act on another dose of litharge. The deposit being first rinsed with a little water, this washing is added to the acetate; after which the white lead is thoroughly elutriated. This repetition of the process may be indefinitely made; but there is always a small loss of acetate, which must be repaired, either directly or by adding some vinegar. In order to obtain the finest white lead by the process with earthen pots containing vinegar buried in fermenting tan, and covered by a grating of lead, the metal should be so thin as to be entirely convertible into carbonate; for whenever any of it remains, it is apt to give a gray tint to the product: if the temperature of the fermenting mass is less than 90° Fahr., some particles of the metal will resist the action of the vinegar, and degrade the colour; and if it exceeds 122°, the white verges into yellow, in consequence of some carbonaceous compound being developed from the principles of the acetic acid. The dung and tan have been generally supposed to act in this process by supplying carbonic acid, the result of their fermentation; but it is now said that this explanation is inexact, because the best white lead can be obtained by the entire exclusion of air from the pots in which the carbonation of the metal is carried on. We are thence led to conclude that the lead is oxidized at the expense of the oxygen of the vinegar, and carbonated by the agency of its oxygen and carbon; the hydrogen of the acid being left to associate itself with the remaining oxygen and carbon, so as to constitute an ethereous compound: thus, supposing the three atoms of oxygen to form, with one of lead and one of carbon, an atom of carbonate, then the remaining three atoms of carbon and three of hydrogen would compose olefiant gas. It is customary on the continent to mould the white lead into conical loaves, before sending them into the market. This is done by stuffing well-drained white lead into unglazed earthen pots, of the requisite size and shape, and drying it to a solid mass, by exposing these pots in stove-rooms. The moulds being now inverted on tables, discharge their contents, which then receive a final desiccation; and are afterwards put up in pale-blue paper, to set off the white colour by contrast. Nothing in all the white-lead process is so injurious as this pot operation; a useless step, fortunately unknown in Great Britain. Neither greasing the skin, nor wearing thick gloves, can protect the operators from the diseases induced by the poisonous action of the white lead; and hence they must be soon sent off to some other department of the work. It has been supposed that the differences observed between the ceruse of Clichy and the common kinds, depend on the greater compactness of the particles of the latter, produced by their slower aggregation; as also, according to M. Robiquet, on the former containing considerably less carbonic acid. See infrÀ. Ham's apparatus Mr. Ham proposed, in a patent dated June, 1826, to produce white lead with the aid of the following apparatus, a, a, (fig. 1201.) are the side-walls of a stove-room, constructed of bricks; b, is the floor of bricks laid in Roman cement; c, c, are the side-plates, between which and the walls, a quantity of refuse tanner’s bark, or other suitable vegetable matter, is to be introduced. The same material is to be put also into the lower part at d (upon a false bottom of grating?) The tan should rise to a considerable height, and have a series of strips of sheet lead e, e, e, placed upon it, which are kept apart by blocks or some other convenient means, with a space open at one end of the plates, for the passage of the vapours; but above the upper plates, boards are placed, and covered with tan, to confine them there. In the lower part of the chamber, coils of steam-pipe f, f, are laid in different directions to distribute heat; g, is a funnel-pipe, to conduct vinegar into the lower part of the vessel; and h, is a cock to draw it off, when the operation is suspended. The acid vapours raised by the heat, pass up through the spent bark, and on coming into contact with the sheets of lead, corrode them. The quantity of acid liquor should not be in excess; a point to be ascertained by means of the small tube i, at top, which is intended for testing it by the tongue. k, is a tube for inserting a thermometer, to watch the temperature, which should not exceed 170° Fahr. I am not aware of what success has attended this patented arrangement. The heat prescribed is far too great. A magnificent factory has been recently erected at West Bromwich, near Birmingham, to work a patent lately granted to Messrs. Gossage and Benson, for making white lead by mixing a small quantity of acetate of lead in solution with slightly damped litharge, contained in a long stone trough, and passing over the surface of the trough currents of hot carbonic acid, while its contents are powerfully stirred up by a travelling-wheel mechanism. The product is afterwards ground and elutriated, as usual. The carbonic acid gas is produced from the combustion of coke. I am told that 40 tons of excellent white lead are made weekly by these chemico-mechanical operations. Messrs. Button and Dyer obtained a patent about a year and a half ago, for making white lead by transmitting a current of purified carbonic acid gas, from the combustion of coke, through a mixture of litharge and nitrate of lead, diffused and dissolved in water, which is kept in constant agitation and ebullition by steam introduced through a perforated coil of pipes at the bottom of the tub. The carbonate of lead is formed here upon the principle of Thenard’s old process with the subacetate; for the nitrate of lead forms with the litharge a subnitrate, which is forthwith transformed into carbonate and neutral nitrate, by the agency of the carbonic acid gas. I have discovered that all sorts of white lead produced by precipitation from a liquid, are in a semi-crystalline condition; appear, therefore, semi-transparent, when viewed in the microscope; and do not cover so well as white lead made by the process of vinegar and tan, in which the lead has remained always solid during its transition from the blue to the white state; and hence consists of opaque particles. A patent was obtained, in December, 1833, by John Baptiste Constantine Torassa, and others, for making white lead by agitating the granulated metal, or shot, in trays or barrels, along with water, and exposing the mixture of lead-dust and water to the air, to be oxidized and carbonated. It is said that upwards of 100,000l. have been expended at Chelsea, by a joint stock company, in a factory constructed for executing the preceding most operose and defective process; which has been, many years ago, tried without success in Germany. I am convinced that the whole of these recent projects for preparing white lead, are inferior in economy, and quality of produce, to the old Dutch process, which may be so arranged as to convert sheets of blue lead thoroughly into the best white lead, within the space of 12 days, at less expense of labour than by any other plan. White lead, as obtained by precipitation from the acetate, subacetate, and subnitrate, is a true carbonate of the metal, consisting of one prime equivalent of lead 104, one of oxygen 8, and one of carbonic acid 22; whose sum is 134, the atomic weight of the compound; or, of lead, 77·6; oxygen, 6; carbonic acid, 16·4; in 100 parts. It has been supposed, by some authors, that the denser and better-covering white lead of Krems and Holland is a kind of subcarbonate, containing only 9 per cent. of carbonic acid; but this view of the subject does not accord with my researches. WICK (MÈche, Fr.; Docht, Germ.); is the spongy cord, usually made of soft spun cotton threads, which by capillary action, draws up the oil in lamps, or the melted tallow or wax in candles, in small successive portions, to be burned. In common wax and tallow candles, the wick is formed of parallel threads; in the stearine candles, the wick is plaited upon the braiding machine, moistened with a very dilute sulphuric acid, and dried, whereby as it burns, it falls to one side and consumes without requiring to be snuffed; in the patent candles of Mr. Palmer, one-tenth of the wick is first imbued with subnitrate of bismuth ground up with oil, the whole is then bound round in the manner called gimping; and of this wick, twice the length of the intended candle is twisted double round a rod, like the caduceus of Mercury. This rod with its coil being inserted in the axis of the candle mould, is to be enclosed by pouring in the melted tallow; and when the tallow is set, the rod is to be drawn out at top, leaving the wick in the candle. As this candle is burned, the ends of the double wick stand out sideways beyond the flame; and the bismuth attached to the cotton being acted on by the oxygen of the atmosphere, causes the wick to be completely consumed, and, therefore, saves the trouble of snuffing it. WINCING-MACHINE, is the English name of the dyer’s reel, which he suspends horizontally, by the ends of its iron axis in bearings, over the edge of his vat, so that the line of the axis, being placed over the middle partition in the copper, will permit the piece of cloth which is wound upon the reel, to descend alternately into either compartment of the bath, according as it is turned by hand to the right or the left. For an excellent self-acting or mechanical wince, see Dyeing. WINE, is the fermented juice of the grape. In the more southern states of Europe, the grapes, being more saccharine, afford a more abundant production of alcohol, and stronger wines, as exemplified in the best port, sherry, and madeira. The influence of solar heat upon the vines may, however, be mitigated by growing them to moderate heights on level ground, and by training them in festoons under the shelter of trees. In the more temperate climates, such as the district of Burgundy, the finer flavoured wines are produced; and there the vines are usually grown upon hilly slopes fronting the south, with more or less of an easterly or westerly direction, as on the CÔte d’Or, at a distance from marshes, forests, and rivers, whose vapours might deteriorate the air. The plains of this district, even when possessing a similar or analogous soil, do not produce wines of so agreeable a flavour. The influence of temperature becomes very manifest in countries further north, where, in consequence of a few degrees of thermometric depression, the production of generous agreeable wine becomes impossible. The land most favourable to the vine is light, easily permeable to water, but somewhat retentive by its composition; with a sandy subsoil, to allow the excess of moisture to drain readily off. Calcareous soils produce the highly esteemed wines of the CÔte d’Or; a granitic debris forms the foundation of the lands where the Hermitage wines are grown; siliceous soil interspersed with flints furnishes the celebrated wines of ChÂteau-Neuf, FertÉ, and La Gaude; schistose districts afford also good wine, as that called la Malgue. Thus we see that lands differing in chemical composition, but possessed of the proper physical qualities, may produce most agreeable wines; and so also may lands of like chemical and physical constitution produce various kinds of wine, according to their varied exposure. As a striking example of these effects, we may adduce the slopes of the hills which grow the wines of Montrachet. The insulated part towards the top furnishes the wine called Chevalier Montrachet, which is less esteemed, and sells at a much lower price, than the delicious wine grown on the middle height, called true Montrachet. Beneath this district, and in the surrounding plains, the vines afford a far inferior article, called bastard Montrachet. The opposite side of the hills produces very indifferent wine. Similar differences, in a greater or less degree, are observable relatively to the districts which grow the Pomard, Volnay, Beaune, Nuits, Vougeot, Chambertin, RomanÉe, &c. Every where it is found, that the reverse side of the hill, the summit, and the plain, although generally consisting of like soil, afford inferior wine to the middle southern slopes. Amelioration of the soil.—When the vine lands are too light or too dense, they may be modified, within certain limits, by introducing into them either argillaceous or siliceous matter. Marl is excellent for almost all grounds which are not previously too calcareous, being alike useful to open dense soils, and to render porous ones more retentive. Manure.—For the vine, as well as all cultivated plants, a manure supplying azotized or animal nutriment may be used with great advantage, provided care be taken to ripen it by previous fermentation, so that it may not, by absorption in too crude a state, impart any disagreeable odour to the grape; as sometimes happens to the vines grown in the vicinity of great towns, like Paris, and near Argenteuil. There is a compost used in France, called animalized black, of which from 1/3 to 1/2 of a litre (old English quart) serves sufficiently to fertilize the root of one vine, when applied every year, or two years. An excess of manure, in rainy seasons especially, has the effect of rendering the grapes large and insipid. The ground is tilled at the same time as the manure is applied, towards the month of March; the plants are then dressed, and the props are inserted. The weakness of the plants renders this practice useful; but in some southern districts, the stem of the vine, when supported at a proper height, acquires after a while sufficient size and strength to stand alone. The ends of the props or poles are either dipped in tar, or charred, to prevent their rotting. The bottom of the stem must be covered over with soil, after the spring rains have washed it down. The principal husbandry of the vineyard consists in digging or ploughing to destroy the weeds, and to expose the soil to the influence of the air, during the months of May, June, and occasionally in August. The vintage, in the temperate provinces, generally takes place about the end of September; and it is always deteriorated whenever the fruit is not ripe enough before the 15th or 20th of October; for, in this case, not only is the must more acid, and less saccharine, but the atmospherical temperature is apt to fall so low during the nights, as to obstruct more or less its fermentation into wine. The grapes should be plucked in dry weather, at the interval of a few days after they are ripe; being usually gathered in baskets, and transported to the vats in dorsels, sufficiently tight to prevent the juice from running out. Whenever a layer about 14 or 15 inches thick has been spread on the bottom of the vat, the treading operation begins, which is usually repeated after macerating the grapes for some time, when an incipient fermentation has softened the texture of the skin and the interior cells. When the whole bruised grapes are collected in the vat, the juice, by means of a slight fermentation, reacts, through the acidity thus generated, upon the colouring-matter of the husks, and also upon the tannin contained in the stones and the fruit-stalks. The process of fermentation is suffered to proceed without any other precaution, except forcing down from time to time the pellicles and pedicles floated up by the carbonic acid to the top; but it would be less apt to become acetous, were the mouths of the vats covered. With this view, M. Sebille Auger introduced with success his elastic bung in the manufacture of wine in the department of the Maine-et-Loire. With whatever kind of apparatus the fermentation may have been regulated, as soon as it ceases to be tumultuous, and the wine is not sensibly saccharine or muddy, it must be racked off from the lees, by means of a spigot, and run into the ripening tuns. The marc being then gently squeezed in a press, affords a tolerably clear wine, which is distributed among the tuns in equal proportions; but the liquor obtained by stronger pressure, is reserved for the casks of inferior wine. In the south of France the fermentation sometimes proceeds too slowly, on account of the must being too saccharine; an accident which is best counteracted by maintaining a temperature of about 65° or 68° F., in the tun-room. When the must, on the other hand, is too thin, and deficient in sugar, it must be partially concentrated by rapid boiling, before the whole can be made to ferment into a good wine. By boiling up a part of the must for this purpose, the excess of ferment is at the same time destroyed. Should this concentration be inconvenient, a certain proportion of sugar must be introduced, immediately after racking it off. The specific gravity of must varies with the richness and ripeness of the grapes which afford it; being in some cases so low as 1·0627, and in others so high as 1·1283. This happens particularly in the south of France. In the district of the Necker in Germany, the specific gravity varies from 1·050 to 1·090; in Heidelberg, from 1·039, to 1·091; but it varies much in different years. After the fermentation is complete, the vinous part consists of water, alcohol, a colouring-matter, a peculiar aromatic principle, a little undecomposed sugar, bitartrate and malate of potash, tartrate of lime, muriate of soda, and tannin; the latter substances being in small proportion. It is known that a few green grapes are capable of spoiling a whole cask of wine, and therefore they are always allowed to become completely ripe, and even sometimes to undergo a species of slight fermentation, before being plucked, which completes the development of the saccharine principle. At other times the grapes are gathered whenever they are ripe, but are left for a few days on wicker-floors, to sweeten, before being pressed. In general the whole vintage of the day is pressed in the evening, and the resulting must is received in separate vats. At the end usually of 6 or 8 hours, if the temperature be above 50° F., and if the grapes have not been too cold when plucked, a froth or scum is formed at the surface, which rapidly increases in thickness. After it acquires such a consistence as to crack in several places, it is taken off with a skimmer, and drained; and the thin liquor is returned to the vat. A few hours afterwards another coat of froth is formed, which is removed in like manner, and sometimes a third may be produced. The regular vinous fermentation now begins, characterized by air-bubbles rising up the sides of the staves, with a peculiar whizzing as they break at the surface. At this period all the remaining froth should be quickly skimmed off, and the clear subjacent must, be transferred into barrels, where it is left to ripen by a regular fermentation. The white wines, which might be disposed to become stringy, from a deficient supply of tannin, may be preserved from this malady by a due addition of the footstalks of ripe grapes. The tannin, while it tends to preserve the wines, renders them also more easy to clarify, by the addition of white of egg, or isinglass. The white wines should be racked off as soon as the first frosts have made them clear, and at the latest by the end of the February moon. By thus separating the wine from the lees, we avoid, or render of little consequence, the fermentation which takes place on the return of spring, and which, if too brisk, would destroy all its sweetness, by decomposing the remaining portion of sugar. The characteristic odour possessed by all wines, in a greater or less degree, is produced by a peculiar substance, which possesses the characters of an essential oil. As it is not volatile, it cannot be confounded with the aroma of wine. When large quantities of wine are distilled, an oily substance is obtained towards the end of the operation. This may also be procured from the wine lees which are deposited in the casks after the fermentation has commenced. It forms one 40,000th part of the wine; and consists of a peculiar new acid, and ether, each of which has been called the oenanthic. The acid is analogous to the fatty acids, and the ether is liquid, but insoluble in water. The acid is perfectly white when pure, of the consistence of butter at 60°, melts with a moderate heat, reddens litmus, and dissolves in caustic and carbonated alkalis, as well as in alcohol and ether. Œnanthic ether is colourless, has an extremely strong smell of wine, which is almost intoxicating when inhaled, and a powerful disagreeable taste. Liebig and Pelouze. Sparkling wines.—In the manufacture of these, black grapes of the first quality are usually employed, especially those gathered upon the vine called by the French noirien, cultivated on the best exposures. As it is important, however, to prevent the colouring-matter of the skin from entering into the wine, the juice should be squeezed as gently and rapidly as possible. The liquor obtained by a second and third pressing is reserved for inferior wines, on account of the reddish tint which it acquires. The marc is then mixed with the grapes of the red-wine vats. The above nearly colourless must, is immediately poured into tuns or casks, till about three-fourths of their capacity are filled, when fermentation soon begins. This is allowed to continue under the control of the elastic bung, above mentioned, for about 15 days, and then three-fourths of the casks are filled up with wine from the rest. The casks are now closed by a bung secured with a piece of hoop iron nailed to two contiguous staves. The casks should be made of new wood, but not of oak—though old white wine casks are occasionally used. In the month of January the clear wine is racked off, and is fined by a small quantity of isinglass dissolved in old wine of the same kind. Forty days afterwards a second fining is required. Sometimes a third may be useful, if the lees be considerable. In the month of May the clear wine is drawn off into bottles, taking care to add to each of them a small measure of what is called liquor, which is merely about 3 per cent. of a syrup made by dissolving sugar-candy in white wine. The bottles being filled, and their corks secured by packthread and wire, they are laid on their sides, in this month, with their mouths sloping downwards at an angle of about 20 degrees, in order that any sediment may fall into the neck. At the end of 8 or 10 days, the inclination of the bottles is increased, when they are slightly tapped, and placed in a vertical position; so that after the lees are all collected in the neck, the cork is partially removed for an instant, to allow the sediment to be expelled by the pressure of the gas. If the wine be still muddy in the bottles, along with a new dose of liquor, a small quantity of fining should be added to each, and the bottles should be placed again in the inverted position. At the end of two or three months, the sediment collected over the cork, is dexterously discharged; and if the wine be still deficient in transparency, the same process of fining must be repeated. Sparkling wine (vin mousseux), prepared as above described, is fit for drinking usually at the end of from 18 to 30 months, according to the state of the seasons. It is in Champagne that the lightest, most transparent, and most highly flavoured wines, have been hitherto made. The breakage of the bottles in these sparkling wines amounts frequently to 30 per cent., a circumstance which adds greatly to their cost of production. Weak wines of bad growths ought to be consumed within 12 or 15 months after being manufactured; and should be kept meanwhile in cool cellars. White wines of middling strength ought to be kept in casks constantly full, and carefully excluded from contact of air, and the racking off should be done as quickly as possible. As the most of them are injured by too much fermentation, this process should be so regulated as always to leave a little sugar undecomposed. It is useful to counteract the absorption of oxygen, and the consequent tendency to acidity, by burning a sulphur match in the casks into which they are about to be run. This is done by hooking the match to a bent wire, kindling and suspending it within the cask through the bung-hole. Immediately on withdrawing the match, the cask should be corked, if the wine be not ready for transfer. If the burning sulphur be extinguished on plunging it into the cask, it is a proof of the cask being unsound, and unfit for receiving the wine; in which case it should be well cleansed, first with lime-water, then with very dilute sulphuric acid, and lastly with boiling water. Wine-cellars ought to be dry at bottom, floored with flags, have windows opening to the north, be so much sunk below the level of the adjoining ground as to possess a nearly uniform temperature in summer and winter; and be at such a distance from a frequented highway or street as not to suffer vibration from the motion of carriages. Wines should be racked off in cool weather; the end of February being the fittest time for light wines. Strong wines are not racked off till they have stood a year or eighteen months upon the lees, to promote their slow or insensible fermentation. A syphon well managed serves better than a faucet to draw off wine clear from the sediment. White wines, before being bottled, should be fined with isinglass; red wines are usually fined with whites of eggs beat up into a froth, and mixed with two or three times their bulk of water. But some strong wines, which are a little harsh from excess of tannin, are fined with a little sheep or bullock’s blood. Occasionally a small quantity of sweet glue is used for this purpose. The following maladies of wines, are certain accidental deteriorations, to which remedies should be speedily applied. La-pousse (pushing out of the cask), is the name given to a violent fermentative movement, which occasionally supervenes after the wine has been run off into the casks. If these have been tightly closed, the interior pressure may increase to such a degree as to burst the hoops, or cause the seams of the staves or ends to open. The elastic bungs already described, will prevent the bursting of the casks; but something must be done to repress the fermentation, lest it should destroy the whole of the sugar, and make the wine unpalatably harsh. One remedy is, to transfer the wine into a cask previously fumigated with burning sulphur; another is, to add to it about one thousandth part of sulphite of lime; and a third, and perhaps the safest, is to introduce half a pound of mustard-seed into each barrel. At any rate the wines should be fined whenever the movements are allayed, to remove the floating ferment which has been the cause of the mischief. Turning sour.—The production of too much acid in a wine, is a proof of its containing originally too little alcohol, of its being exposed too largely to the air, or to vibrations, or to too high a temperature in the cellar. The best thing to be done in this case is, to mix it with its bulk of a stronger wine in a less advanced state, to fine the mixture, to bottle it, and to consume it as soon as possible, for it will never prove a good keeping wine. This distemper in wines formerly gave rise to the very dangerous practice of adding litharge as a sweetener; whereby a quantity of acetate or sugar of lead was formed in the liquor, productive of the most deleterious consequences to those who drunk of it. In France, the regulations of police, and the enlightened surveillance of the council of salubrity, have completely put down this gross abuse. The saturation of the acid by lime and other alkaline bases has generally a prejudicial effect, and injures more or less the vinous flavour and taste. Ropiness or viscidity of wines.—The cause of this phenomenon, which renders wine unfit for drinking, was altogether unknown, till M. FranÇois, an apothecary of Nantes, demonstrated that it was owing to an azotized matter, analogous to gliadine (gluten); and in fact it is the white wines, especially those which contain the least tannin, which are subject to this malady. He also pointed out the proper remedy, in the addition of tannin under a rather agreeable form, namely, the bruised berries of the mountain-ash (sorbier), in a somewhat unripe state; of which one pound, well stirred in, is sufficient for a barrel. After agitation, the wine is to be left in repose for a day or two, and then racked off. The tannin by this time will have separated the azotized matter from the liquor, and removed the ropiness. The wine is to be fined and bottled off. The taste of the cask, which sometimes happens to wine put into casks which had remained long empty, is best remedied by agitating the wine for some time with a spoonful of olive oil. An essential oil, the chief cause of the bad taste, combines with the fixed oil, and rises with it to the surface. According to a statement in the Dictionnaire Technologique, the annual produce of a hectare of vineyard, upon the average of 113 years, in the district of Volnay, is 1779 litres, which fetch 0·877 francs each, or 200 francs the piece of 228 litres, amounting in all to 1672 francs. Deducting for expenses and taxes (contributions) 572 francs, there remain 1100 francs of net proceeds; and as the value of the capital may be estimated at 23,000 francs, the profit turns out to be no more than 5 per cent. The net proceeds in the growths of Beaune, Nuits, &c., does not exceed 600 francs per hectare (2·4 acres), and therefore is equivalent to only 21/2 per cent. upon the capital. The quantity of alcohol contained in different wines, has been made the subject of elaborate experiments by Brande and Fontenelle; but as it must evidently vary with different seasons, the results can be received merely as approximative. The only apparatus required for this research, is a small still and refrigeratory, so well fitted up as to permit none of the spirituous vapours to be dissipated. The distilled liquor should be received in a glass tube, graduated into one hundred measures, of such capacity as to contain the whole of the alcohol which the given measure of wine employed is capable of yielding. In the successive experiments, the quantity of wine used, and of spirit distilled over, being the same in volume, the relative densities of the latter will show at once the relative strengths of the wines. A very neat small apparatus has been contrived for the purpose of analyzing wines in this manner, by M. Gay Lussac. It is constructed, and sold at a moderate price, by M. Collardeau, No. 56, Rue Faubourg St. Martin, Paris. The proportion given by Brande (Table I.), has been reduced to the standard of absolute alcohol by Fesser; and that by Fontenelle (Table II.), to the same standard by Schubarth; as in the following tables:— Table I. Name of the Wine. | Sp. grav. | 100 measures, contain at 60° F. | Alcohol of 0·825. | Absolute alcohol. | Port Wine | 0 | ·97616 | 21 | ·40 | 19 | ·82 | Do. | 0 | ·97200 | 25 | ·83 | 23 | ·92 | Mean | 0 | ·97460 | 23 | ·49 | 21 | ·75 | Madeira | 0 | ·97810 | 19 | ·34 | 17 | ·91 | Do. | 0 | ·97333 | 21 | ·42 | 22 | ·61 | Sherry | 0 | ·97913 | 18 | ·25 | 17 | ·00 | Do. | 0 | ·97700 | 19 | ·83 | 18 | ·37 | Bordeaux, Claret | 0 | ·97410 | 12 | ·91 | 11 | ·95 | Do. | 0 | ·97092 | 16 | ·32 | 15 | ·11 | Calcavella | 0 | ·97920 | 18 | ·10 | 16 | ·76 | Lisbon | 0 | ·97846 | 18 | ·94 | 17 | ·45 | Malaga | 0 | ·98000 | 17 | ·26 | 15 | ·98 | Bucellas | 0 | ·97890 | 18 | ·49 | 17 | ·22 | Red Madeira | 0 | ·97899 | 18 | ·40 | 17 | ·04 | Malmsey | 0 | ·98090 | 16 | ·40 | 15 | ·91 | Marsala | 0 | ·98190 | 15 | ·26 | 14 | ·31 | Do. | 0 | ·98000 | 17 | ·26 | 15 | ·98 | Champagne (rose) | 0 | ·98608 | 11 | ·30 | 10 | ·46 | ChaDo.agne(white) | 0 | ·98450 | 12 | ·80 | 11 | ·84 | Burgundy | 0 | ·98300 | 14 | ·53 | 13 | ·34 | Do. | 0 | ·98540 | 11 | ·95 | 11 | ·06 | White Hermitage | 0 | ·97990 | 17 | ·43 | 16 | ·14 | Red do. | 0 | ·98495 | 12 | ·32 | 11 | ·40 | Hock | 0 | ·98290 | 14 | ·37 | 13 | ·31 | Do. | 0 | ·98873 | 8 | ·88 | 8 | ·00 | Vin de Grave | 0 | ·98450 | 12 | ·80 | 11 | ·84 | Frontignac | 0 | ·98452 | 17 | ·79 | 11 | ·84 | CÔte-RotÍ | 0 | ·98495 | 12 | ·27 | 11 | ·36 | Roussillon | 0 | ·98005 | 17 | ·24 | 15 | ·96 | Cape Madeira | 0 | ·97924 | 18 | ·11 | 16 | ·77 | Muscat | 0 | ·97913 | 18 | ·25 | 17 | ·00 | Constantia | 0 | ·97770 | 19 | ·75 | 18 | ·29 | Tinto | 0 | ·98399 | 13 | ·30 | 12 | ·32 | Schiraz | 0 | ·98176 | 15 | ·52 | 14 | ·35 | Syracuse | 0 | ·98200 | 15 | ·28 | 14 | ·15 | Nice | 0 | ·98263 | 14 | ·63 | 13 | ·64 | Tokay | 0 | ·98760 | 9 | ·88 | 9 | ·15 | Raisin wine | 0 | ·97205 | 25 | ·77 | 23 | ·86 | Drained grape wine | 0 | ·97925 | 18 | ·11 | 16 | ·77 | LachrymÆ Christi | — | 19 | ·70 | 18 | ·24 | Currant wine | 0 | ·97696 | 20 | ·55 | 19 | ·03 | Gooseberry wine | 0 | ·98550 | 11 | ·84 | 10 | ·96 | Elder wine | | - | 0 | ·98760 | 9 | ·87 | 9 | ·14 | Cyder | Perry | Brown Stout | 0 | ·99116 | 6 | ·80 | 6 | ·30 | Ale | 0 | ·98873 | 8 | ·88 | 8 | ·00 | Porter | — | 4 | ·20 | 3 | ·89 | Rum | 0 | ·93494 | 53 | ·68 | 49 | ·71 | Hollands | 0 | ·93855 | 51 | ·60 | 47 | ·77 | Scotch whiskey | — | 54 | ·32 | 50 | ·20 | Irish whiskey | — | 53 | ·90 | 49 | ·91 |
Table II. Name of the Wine. | Absolute alcohol. | Roussillon (Eastern Pyrenees.) | | Rive-saltes | 18 | yrs. old | 9·156 | Banyulls | 18 | | 9·223 | Collyouvre | 15 | | 9·080 | Salces | 10 | | 8·580 | Department of the Aude. | | Fitou and LeucatÉ | 10 | | 8·568 | Lapalme | 10 | | 8·790 | Sijeau | 8 | | 8·635 | Narbonne | 8 | | 8·379 | Lezignan | 10 | | 8·173 | Mirepeisset | 10 | | 8·589 | Carcasonne | 8 | | 7·190 | Department of l’Herault. | | Nissau | 9 | | 7·896 | Beziers | 8 | | 7·728 | Montagnac | 10 | | 8·108 | MÈze | 10 | | 7·812 | Montpellier | 5 | | 7·413 | Lunel | 8 | | 7·564 | Frontignan | 5 | | 7·098 | Red Hermitage | 4 | | 5·838 | White do. | 7·056 | Burgundy | 4 | | 6·195 | Grave | 3 | | 5·838 | Champagne (sparkling) | 5·880 | Do. white do. | 5·145 | Do. rose | 4·956 | Bordeaux | 6·186 | Toulouse | 5·027 | WINE, FAMILY, may be made by the following recipe:—Take black, red, white currants, ripe cherries (black hearts are the best), and raspberries, of each an equal quantity. To 4 pounds of the mixed fruit, well bruised, put 1 gallon of clear soft water; steep three days and nights, in open vessels, frequently stirring up the magma; then strain through a hair sieve; press the residuary pulp to dryness, and add its juice to the former. In each gallon of the mixed liquors dissolve 3 pounds of good yellow muscovado sugar; let the solution stand other three days and nights, frequently skimming and stirring it up; then tun it into casks, which should remain full, and purging at the bung-hole, about two weeks. Lastly, to every 9 gallons, put 1 quart of good Cognac brandy (but not the drugged imitations made in London with grain whiskey), and bung down. If it does not soon become fine, a steeping of isinglass may be stirred into the liquid, in the proportion of about half an ounce to 9 gallons. I have found that the addition of an ounce of cream of tartar to each gallon of the fermentable liquor, improves the quality of the wine, and makes it resemble more nearly the produce of the grape. WINE-STONE, is the deposit of crude tartar, called argal, which settles on the sides and bottoms of wine casks. WIRE-DRAWING. (TrÉfilerie, Fr.; Draht-ziehen, Drahtzug, Germ.) When an oblong lump of metal is forced through a series of progressively diminishing apertures in a steel plate, so as to assume in its cross section the form and dimensions of the last hole, and to be augmented in length at the expense of its thickness, it is said to be wire-drawn. The piece of steel called the draw-plate is pierced with a regular gradation of holes, from the largest to the smallest; and the machine for overcoming the lateral adhesion of the metallic particles to one another, is called the draw-bench. The pincers which lay hold of the extremity of the wire, to pull it through the successive holes, are adapted to bite it firmly, by having the inside of the jaws, cut like a file. For drawing thick rods of gilt silver down into stout wire, the hydraulic press has been had recourse to with advantage. Wire drawing bench Fig. 1202. represents a convenient form of the draw-bench, where the power is applied by a toothed wheel, pinion, and rack-work, moved by the hands of one or two men working at a winch; the motion being so regulated by a fly-wheel, that it does not proceed in fits and starts, and cause inequalities in the wire. The metal requires to be annealed, now and then, between successive drawings, otherwise it would become too hard and brittle for further extension. The reel upon which it is wound is sometimes mounted in a cistern of sour small beer, for the purpose of clearing off, or loosening at least, any crust of oxide formed in the annealing, before the wire enters the draw-plate. When, for very accurate purposes of science or the arts, a considerable length of uniform wire is to be drawn, a plate with one or more jewelled holes, that is, filled with one or more perforated rubies, sapphires, or chrysolites, can alone be trusted to, because the holes even in the best steel become rapidly wider by the abrasion. Through a hole in a ruby 0·0033 of an inch in diameter, a silver wire 170 miles long has been drawn, which possessed at the end, the very same section as at the beginning; a result determined by weighing portions of equal length, as also by measuring it with a micrometer. The hole in an ordinary draw-plate of soft steel becomes so wide, by drawing 14,000 fathoms of brass wire, that it requires to be narrowed before the original sized wire can be again obtained. Wire, by being diminished one-half, one-third, one-fourth, &c., in diameter, is augmented in length respectively, four, nine, sixteen times, &c. The speed with which it may be prudently drawn out, depends upon the ductility and tenacity of the metal; but may be always increased the more the wire becomes attenuated, because its particles progressively assume more and more of the filamentous form, and accommodate themselves more readily to the extending force. Iron and brass wires, of 0·3 inch in diameter, bear drawing at the rate of from 12 to 15 inches per second; but when of 0·025 (1/40) of an inch, at the rate of from 40 to 45 inches in the same time. Finer silver and copper wire may be extended from 60 to 70 inches per second. By enclosing a wire of platinum within one of silver ten times thicker, and drawing down the compound wire till it be 1/300 of an inch, a wire of platinum of 1/3000 of an inch, will exist in its centre, which may be obtained apart, by dissolving the silver away in nitric acid. This pretty experiment was first made by Dr. Wollaston. The French draw-plates are so much esteemed, that one of the best of them used to be sold in this country, during the late war, for its weight in silver. The holes are formed with a steel punch; being made large on that side where the wire enters, and diminishing with a regular taper to the other side. In the act of drawing, they must be well supplied with grease for the larger kinds of wire, and with wax for the smaller. WOAD (VouËde, Pastel, Fr.; Waid, Germ; Isatis tinctoria, Linn.); the glastum of the antient Gauls and Germans; is an herbaceous plant which was formerly much cultivated, as affording a permanent blue dye, but it has been in modern times well nigh superseded by indigo. Pliny says, “A certain plant which resembles plantago, called glastum, is employed by the women and girls in Great Britain for dyeing their bodies all over, when they assist at certain religious ceremonies; they have then the colour of Ethiopians.”—Hist. Nat. cap. xxii. § 2. When the arts, which had perished with the Roman empire, were revived, in the middle ages, woad began to be generally used for dyeing blue, and became an object of most extensive cultivation in many countries of Europe. The environs of Toulouse and Mirepoix, in Upper Languedoc, produced annually 40,000,000 pounds of the prepared woad, or pastel, of which 200,000 bales were consumed at Bordeaux. Beruni, a rich manufacturer of this drug, became surety for the payment of the ransom of his king, Francis I., then the prisoner of Charles V. in Spain. The leaves of woad are fermented in heaps, to destroy certain vegetable principles injurious to the beauty of the dye, as also to elaborate the indigoferous matter present, before they are brought into the market; but they should be carefully watched during this process. Whenever the leaves have arrived at maturity, a point judged of very differently in different countries, they are stripped off the plant, a cropping which is repeated as often as they shoot, being three or four times in Germany, and eight or ten times in Italy. The leaves are dried as quickly as possible, but not so much as to become black; and they are ground before they get quite dry. The resulting paste is laid upon a sloping pavement, with gutters for conducting the juice which exudes into a tank; the heap being tramped from time to time, to promote the discharge of the juice. The woad ferments, swells, and cracks in many places, which fissures must be closed; the whole being occasionally watered. The fermentation is continued for twenty or thirty days, in cold weather; and if the leaves have been gathered dry, as in Italy, for four months. When the fermented heap has become moderately dry, it is ground again, and put up in cakes of from one to three pounds; which are then fully dried, and packed up in bundles for the market. Many dyers subject the pastel to a second fermentation. 1,600 square toises (fathoms) of land afford in two cuttings at least 19,000 pounds of leaves, of which weight four-fifths are lost in the fermentation, leaving 3,880 pounds of pastel, in loaves or cakes. When good, it has rather a yellow, or greenish-yellow, than a blue colour; it is light, and slightly humid; it gives to paper a pale-green trace; and improves by age, in consequence of an obscure fermentation; for if kept four years, it dyes twice as much as after two years. According to Hellot, 4 pounds of Guatimala indigo produce the same effect as 210 pounds of the pastel of Albi. At Quins, in Piedmont, the dyers estimate that 6 pounds of indigo are equivalent to 300 of pastel; but Chaptal thinks the indigo underrated. Pastel will dye blue of itself, but it is commonly employed as a fermentative addition to the proper blue vat, as described under Indigo. Fresh woad, analyzed by Chevreul, afforded, in 100 parts, 65·4 of juice. After being steeped in water, the remaining mass yielded, on expression, 29·65 of liquid; being in whole, 95·05 parts, leaving 4·95 of ligneous fibre. The juice, by filtration, gave 1·95 of green fecula. 100 parts of fresh woad, when dried, are reduced to 13·76 parts. Alcohol, boiled upon dry woad, deposits, after cooling, indigo in microscopic needles; but these cannot be separated from the vegetable albumine, which retains a greenish-gray colour. WOLFRAM, is the native tungstate of iron and manganese, a mineral which occurs in primitive formations, along with the ores of tin, antimony, and lead, in the Bohemian Erzgebirge, in Cornwall, Switzerland, North America, &c. It is used by chemists for obtaining tungstic acid and tungsten.
WOOD (Bois, Fr.; Holz, Germ.); is the hard but porous tissue between the pith and the bark of trees and shrubs, through which the chief part of the juices are conducted from the root towards the branches and leaves, during the life of the vegetable. The ligneous fibre is the substance which remains, after the plant has been subjected to the solvent action of ether, alcohol, water, dilute acids, and caustic alkaline lyes. It is considered by chemists that dry timber consists, on an average, of 96 parts of fibrous, and 4 of soluble matter, in 100; but that these proportions vary somewhat with the seasons, the soil, and the plant. All kinds of wood sink in water, when placed in a basin of it under the exhausted receiver of an air-pump; showing their specific gravity to be greater than 1·000. That of fir and maple is stated, by chemical authors, to be 1·46; and that of oak and beech, at 1·53; but I believe them to have all the same spec. grav. as the fibre of flax; namely, 1·50, as determined by me some years ago.[71] Wood becomes snow-white, when exposed to the action of chlorine; digested with sulphuric acid, it is transformed first into gum, and, by ebullition with water, afterwards into grape-sugar; with concentrated nitric acid, it grows yellow, loses its coherence, falls into a pulverulent mass, but eventually dissolves, and is converted into oxalic acid; with strong caustic alkaline lyes, in a hot state, it swells up excessively, dissolves into a homogeneous liquid, and changes into a blackish-brown mass, containing oxalic and acetic acids. The composition of wood has been examined by Gay Lussac and Thenard, and Dr. Prout. The first two chemists found it to consist, in 100 parts, of— | Oak. | Beech. | Carbon | 52 | ·53 | 51 | ·45 | Hydrogen | 5 | ·69 | 5 | ·82 | Oxygen | 41 | ·78 | 42 | ·73 | According to Dr. Prout, the oxygen and hydrogen are in the exact proportions to form water. Willow contains 50, and box 49·8 per cent. of carbon; each containing, therefore, very nearly 44·444 of oxygen, and 5·555 of hydrogen. In the analyses of Gay Lussac and Thenard, there is a great excess of hydrogen above what the oxygen requires to form water. Authenrieth stated, some years ago, that he found that fine sawdust, mixed with a sufficient quantity of wheat flour, made a coherent dough with water, which formed an excellent food for pigs; apparently showing that the digestive organs of this animal could operate the same sort of change upon wood as sulphuric acid does. Table of the Distillation of One Pound of Wood, dried, at 86° Fahr. Name of the wood. | Weight of wood acid. | One ounce of the acid saturates of carbonate of potash. | Weight of the combustible oil. | Weight of the charcoal. | | Ounces. | Grains. | Ounces. | Ounces. | White birch | 7 | | 44 | | 1 | 1/4 | 3 | 3/4 | Red beech | 7 | | 44 | | 1 | 1/2 | 3 | 3/4 | Prick wood (spindle tree) | 7 | 1/2 | 40 | | 1 | 3/4 | 3 | 1/2 | Large leaved linden | 6 | 3/4 | 41 | | 2 | | 3 | 3/4 | Red or scarlet oak | 7 | | 40 | | 1 | 1/2 | 4 | 1/4 | White beech | 6 | 1/2 | 40 | | 1 | 3/4 | 3 | 3/4 | Common ash | 7 | 1/2 | 34 | | 1 | 1/2 | 3 | 1/2 | Horse chestnut | 7 | 1/2 | 31 | | 1 | 1/2 | 3 | 1/2 | Italian poplar | 7 | 1/4 | 30 | | 1 | 1/2 | 3 | 3/4 | Silver poplar | 7 | 1/4 | 30 | | 1 | 1/4 | 3 | 3/4 | White willow | 7 | 1/4 | 28 | | 1 | 1/2 | 3 | 1/2 | Root of the sassafras laurel | 6 | 3/4 | 29 | | 1 | 3/4 | 4 | 1/4 | Wild service tree | 7 | | 28 | | 1 | 3/4 | 3 | 1/2 | Basket willow | 8 | | 27 | | 1 | 1/2 | 3 | 1/2 | Dogberry tree | 7 | | 27 | | 2 | | 3 | 1/2 | Buckthorn | 7 | 1/2 | 26 | | 1 | 1/2 | 3 | 1/2 | Logwood | 7 | 3/4 | 26 | | 1 | 1/2 | 4 | | Alder | 7 | 1/4 | 22 | | 1 | 1/2 | 3 | 1/2 | Juniper | 7 | 1/4 | 23 | | 1 | 3/4 | 3 | 1/2 | White fir (deal) | 6 | 1/2 | 23 | | 2 | 1/4 | 3 | 1/2 | Common pine wood | 6 | 3/4 | 22 | | 1 | 3/4 | 3 | 1/2 | Savine tree | 7 | | 20 | | 1 | 3/4 | 3 | 3/4 | Red deal (pine) | 6 | 1/2 | 18 | | 2 | 1/4 | 3 | 3/4 | Guiac wood | 6 | | 16 | | 2 | 1/2 | 4 | 1/4 |
WOOF, is the same as Weft. WOOLLEN MANUFACTURE. In reference to textile fabrics, sheep’s wool is of two different sorts, the short and the long stapled; each of which requires different modes of manufacture in the preparation and spinning processes, as also in the treatment of the cloth after it is woven, to fit it for the market. Each of these is, moreover, distinguished in commerce by the names of fleece wools and dead wools, according as they have been shorn at the usual annual period from the living animal, or are cut from its skin after death. The latter are comparatively harsh, weak, and incapable of imbibing the dyeing principles, more especially if the sheep has died of some malignant distemper. The annular pores, leading into the tubular cavities of the filaments, seem, in this case, to have shrunk and become obstructed. The time of year for sheep-shearing most favourable to the quality of the wool, and the comfort of the animal, is towards the end of June and beginning of July;—the period when Lord Leicester holds his celebrated rural fÊte for that interesting purpose. The wool of the sheep has been surprisingly improved, by its domestic culture. The mouflon (Ovis aries), the parent stock from which our sheep is undoubtedly derived, and which is still found in a wild state upon the mountains of Sardinia, Corsica, Barbary, Greece, and Asia Minor, has a very short and coarse fleece, more like hair than wool. When this animal is brought under the fostering care of man, the rank fibres gradually disappear; while the soft wool round their roots, little conspicuous in the wild animal, becomes singularly developed. The male most speedily undergoes this change, and continues ever afterwards to possess far more power in modifying the fleece of the offspring, than the female parent. The produce of a breed from a coarse-woolled ewe, and a fine-woolled ram, is not of a mean quality between the two, but half-way nearer that of the sire. By coupling the female thus generated, with such a male as the former, another improvement of one-half will be obtained, affording a staple three-fourths finer than that of the grandam. By proceeding inversely, the wool would be as rapidly deteriorated. It is, therefore, a matter of the first consequence in wool husbandry, to exclude from the flock all coarse-fleeced rams. Long wool is the produce of a peculiar variety of sheep, and varies in the length of its fibres from 3 to 8 inches. Such wool is not carded like cotton, but combed like flax, either by hand or appropriate machinery. Short wool is seldom longer than 3 or 4 inches; it is susceptible of carding and felting, by which processes the filaments become first convoluted, and then densely matted together. The shorter sorts of the combing wool are used principally for hosiery, though of late years the finer kinds have been extensively worked up into merino and mousseline-de-laine fabrics. The longer wools of the Leicestershire breed are manufactured into hard yarns, for worsted pieces, such as waistcoats, carpets, bombasines, poplins, crapes, &c. The wool of which good broad cloth is made, should be not only shorter, but, generally speaking, finer and softer than the worsted wools, in order to fit them for the fulling process. Some wool-sorters and wool-staplers acquire by practice great nicety of discernment in judging of wools by the touch and traction of the fingers. Two years ago, I made a series of observations upon different wools, and published the results. The filaments of the finer qualities varied in thickness from 1/1100 to 1/1500 of an inch; their structure is very curious, exhibiting, in a good achromatic microscope, at intervals of about 1/300 of an inch, a series of serrated rings, imbricated towards each other, like the joints of Equisetum, or rather like the scaly zones of a serpent’s skin. See Philosophy of Manufactures, figs. 11, 12., page 91. second edition. There are four distinct qualities of wool upon every sheep; the finest being upon the spine, from the neck to within 6 inches of the tail, including one-third of the breadth of the back; the second covers the flanks between the thighs and the shoulders; the third clothes the neck and the rump; and the fourth extends upon the lower part of the neck and breast down to the feet, as also upon a part of the shoulders and the thighs, to the bottom of the hind quarter. These should be torn asunder, and sorted, immediately after the shearing. The harshness of wools is dependent not solely upon the breed of the animal, or the climate, but is owing to certain peculiarities in the pasture, derived from the soil. It is known, that in sheep fed upon chalky districts, wool is apt to get coarse; but in those upon a rich loamy soil, it becomes soft and silky. The ardent sun of Spain renders the fleece of the Merino breed harsher than it is in the milder climate of Saxony. Smearing sheep with a mixture of tar and butter, is deemed favourable to the softness of their wool. All wool, in its natural state, contains a quantity of a peculiar potash-soap, secreted by the animal, called in this country the yolk; which may be washed out by water alone, with which it forms a sort of lather. It constitutes from 25 to 50 per cent. of the wool, being most abundant in the Merino breed of sheep; and however favourable to the growth of the wool on the living animal, should be taken out soon after it is shorn, lest it injure the fibres by fermentation, and cause them to become hard and brittle. After being washed in water, somewhat more than lukewarm, the wool should be well pressed, and carefully dried. England grows annually about 1,000,000 packs of wool, and imports 100,000 bags. Wool imported into the United Kingdom, in 1836, 64,239,977 lbs.; in 1837, 48,356,121 lbs. Retained for home consumption, in 1836, 60,724,795 lbs.; in 1837, 43,148,297 lbs. Duty received, in 1836, £190,075; in 1837, £118,519. Having premised these general observations on wool, I shall now proceed to treat of its manufacture, beginning with that of wool-combing, or THE WORSTED MANUFACTURE. In this branch of business, a long stapled and firm fibre is required to form a smooth level yarn, little liable to shrink, curl, or felt in weaving and finishing the cloth. It must not be entangled by carding, but stretched in lines as parallel as possible, by a suitable system of combing, manual or mechanical. When the long wool is brought into the worsted factory, it is first of all washed by men with soap and water, who are paid for their labour by the piece, and are each assisted by a boy, who receives the wool as it issues from between the drying squeezers (see Bleaching). The boy carries off the wool in baskets, and spreads it evenly upon the floor of the drying-room, usually an apartment over the boilers of the steam-engine, which is thus economically heated to the proper temperature. The health of the boys employed in this business is found to be not at all injured. Steel combs The wool, when properly dried, is transferred to a machine called the plucker, which is always superintended by a boy of 12 or 14 years of age, being very light work. He lays the tresses of wool pretty evenly upon the feed-apron, or table covered with an endless moving web of canvas, which, as it advances, delivers the ends of the long tufts to a pair of fluted rollers, whence it is introduced into a fanning apparatus, somewhat similar to the willow employed in the cotton manufacture, which see. The filaments are turned out, at the opposite end of this winnowing machine, straightened, cleaned, and ready for the combing operation. According to the old practice of the trade, and still for the finer descriptions of the long staple, according to the present practice, the wool is carded by hand. This is far more severe labour than any subservient to machinery, and is carried on in rooms rendered close and hot by the number of stoves requisite to heat the combs, and so enable them to render the fibres soft, flexible, and elastic. This is a task at which only robust men are engaged. They use three implements: 1. a pair of combs for each person; 2. a post, to which one of the combs can be fixed; 3. a comb-pot, or small stove for heating the teeth of the combs. Each comb is composed either of two or three rows of pointed tapering steel teeth, b, fig. 1203., disposed in two or three parallel planes, each row being a little longer than the preceding. They are made fast at the roots to a wooden stock or head c, which is covered with horn, and has a handle d, fixed into it at right angles to the lines of the teeth. The spaces between these two or three planes of teeth, is about one-third of an inch at their bottoms, but somewhat more at their tips. The first combing, when the fibres are most entangled, is performed with the two-row toothed combs; the second or finishing combing, with the three-row toothed. Post In the workshop a post is planted (fig. 1204.) upright, for resting the combs occasionally upon, during the operation. An iron stem g, projects from it horizontally, having its end turned up, so as to pass through a hole in the handle of the comb. Near its point of insertion into the post, there is another staple point h, which enters into the hollow end of the handle; which, between these two catches, is firmly secured to the post. The stove is a very simple affair, consisting merely of a flat iron plate, heated by fire or steam, and surmounted with a similar plate, at an interval sufficient to allow the teeth to be inserted between them at one side, which is left open, while the space between their edges, on the other sides, is closed to confine the heat. In combing the wool, the workman takes it up in tresses of about four ounces each, sprinkles it with oil, and rolls it about in his hands, to render all the filaments equally unctuous. Some harsh dry wools require one-sixteenth their weight of oil, others no more than a fortieth. He next attaches a heated comb to the post, with its teeth pointed upwards, seizes one-half of the tress of wool in his hands, throws it over the teeth, then draws it through them, and thus repeatedly: leaving a few straight filaments each time upon the comb. When the comb has in this way collected all the wool, it is placed with its points inserted into the cell of the stove, with the wool hanging down outside, exposed to the influence of the heat. The other comb, just removed in a heated state from the stove, is planted upon the post, and furnished in its turn with the remaining two-ounce tress of wool; after which it supplants the preceding at the stove. Having both combs now hot, he holds one of them with his left hand over his knee, being seated upon a low stool, and seizing the other with his right hand, he combs the wool upon the first, by introducing the teeth of one comb into the wool stuck in the other, and drawing them through it. This manipulation is skilfully repeated, till the fibres are laid truly parallel, like a flat tress of hair. It is proper to begin by combing the tips of the tress, and to advance progressively, from the one end towards the other, till at length the combs are worked with their teeth as closely together as is possible, without bringing them into collision. If the workman proceeded otherwise, he would be apt to rupture the filaments, or tear their ends entirely out of one of the combs. The flocks left at the end of the process, because they are too short for the comber to grasp them in his hand, are called noyls. They are unfit for the worsted spinner, and are reserved for the coarse cloth manufacture. The wool finally drawn off from the comb, though it may form a uniform tress of straight filaments, must yet be combed again at a somewhat lower temperature, to prepare it perfectly for the spinning operation. From ten to twelve slivers are then arranged in one parcel. To relieve the workman from this laborious and not very salubrious task, has been the object of many mechanical inventions. One of these, considerably employed in this country and in France, is the invention of the late Mr. John Collier, of Paris, for which a patent was obtained in England, under the name of John Platt, of Salford, in November, 1827. It consists of two comb-wheels, about ten feet in diameter, having hollow iron spokes filled with steam, in order to keep the whole apparatus at a proper combing heat. The comb forms a circle, made fast to the periphery of the wheel, the teeth being at right angles to the plane of the wheel. The shafts of the two wheels are mounted in a strong frame of cast iron; not, however, in horizontal positions, but inclined at acute angles to the horizon, and in planes crossing each other, so that the teeth of one circular comb sweep with a steady obliquity over the teeth of the other, in a most ingenious manner, with the effect of combing the tresses of wool hung upon them. The proper quantity of long wool, in its ordinary state, is stuck in handfuls upon the wheel, revolving slowly, by a boy, seated upon the ground at one side of the machine. Whenever the wheel is dressed, the machine is made to revolve more rapidly, by shifting its driving-band on another pulley; and it is beautiful to observe the delicacy and precision with which it smoothes the tangled tress. When the wools are set in rapid rotation, the loose ends of the fleece, by the centrifugal force, are thrown out, in the direction of radii, upon the teeth of the other revolving comb-wheel, so as to be drawn out and made truly straight. The operation commences upon the tips of the tresses, where the wheels, by the oblique posture of their shafts, are at the greatest distance apart; but as the planes slowly approach to parallelism, the teeth enter more deeply into the wool, till they progressively comb the whole length of its fibres. The machines being then thrown out of geer, the teeth are stript of the tresses by the hand of the attendant; the noyls, or short refuse wool, being also removed, and kept by itself. This operation being one of simple superintendence, not of handicraft effort and skill, like the old combing of long wool, is now performed by boys or girls of 13 and 14 years of age; and places in a striking point of view the influence of automatic mechanism, in so embodying dexterity and intelligence in a machine, as to render the cheap and tractable labour of children a substitute for the high-priced and often refractory exertions of workmen too prone to capricious combinations. The chief precaution to be taken with this machine, is to keep the steam-joints tight, so as not to wet the apartments, and to provide due ventilation for the operatives. Worsted spinner The following machine, patented by James Noble, of Halifax, worsted-spinner, in February, 1834, deserves particular notice, as its mode of operation adapts it well also for heckling flax. In fig. 1205. the internal structure is exhibited. The frame-work a, a, supports the axle of a wheel b, b, in suitable bearings on each side. To the face of this wheel is affixed the eccentric or heart-wheel cam c, c. On the upper part of the periphery of this cam or heart-wheel, a lever d, d, bears merely by its gravity; one end of which lever is connected by a joint to the crank e. By the rotation of the crank e, it will be perceived that the lever d, will be slidden to and fro on the upper part of the periphery of the eccentric or heart-wheel cam c, the outer end of the lever d, carrying the upper or working comb or needle-points f, as it moves, performing an elliptical curve, which curve will be dependent upon the position of the heart-wheel cam c, that guides it. A movable frame g, carries a series of points h, which are to constitute the lower comb or frame of needles. Into these lower needles the rough uncombed wool is to be fed by hand, and to be drawn out and combed straight by the movements of the upper or working comb. As it is important, in order to prevent waste, that the ends of the wool should be first combed out, and that the needle-points should be made to penetrate the wool progressively, the movable frame g, is in the first instance placed as far back as possible; and the action of the lever d, during the whole operation, is so directed by the varying positions of the cam-wheel, as to allow the upper comb to enter at first a very little way only into the wool; but as the operation of combing goes on, the frame with the lower combs is made to advance gradually, and the relative positions of the revolving heart cam-wheel c, being also gradually changed, the upper or working needles are at length allowed to be drawn completely through the wool, for the purpose of combing out straight the whole length of its fibre. In order to give to the machine the necessary movements, a train of toothed wheels and pinions is mounted, mostly on studs attached to the side of the frame; which train of wheels and pinions is shown by dots in the figure, to avoid confusion. The driving power, a horse or steam-engine, is communicated by a band to a rigger on the short axle i; which axle carries a pinion, taking into one of the wheels of the train. From this wheel the crank e, that works the lever d, is driven; and also, by geer from the same pinion, the axle of the wheel b, carrying the eccentric or heart-wheel cam, is also actuated, but slower than the crank-axle. At the end of the axle of the wheel b, and cam c, a bevel pinion is affixed, which geers into a corresponding bevel pinion on the end of the lateral shaft k. The reverse end of this shaft has a worm or endless screw l, taking into a toothed wheel m; and this last-mentioned toothed wheel geers into a rack at the under part of the frame g. It will hence be perceived, that by the movements of the train of wheels, a slow motion is given to the frame g, by which the lower needles carrying the wool are progressively advanced as the operation goes on; and also, that by the other wheels of the train, the heart-wheel cam is made to rotate, for the purpose of giving such varying directions to the stroke of the lever which slides upon its periphery, and to the working comb, as shall cause the comb to operate gradually upon the wool as it is brought forward. The construction of the frames which hold the needles, and the manner of fixing them in the machine, present no features of importance; it is therefore unnecessary to describe them farther, than to say, that the heckles are to be heated when used for combing wool. Instead of introducing the wool to be combed into the lower needles by hand, it is sometimes fed in, by means of an endless feeding-cloth, as shown in fig. 1206. This endless cloth is distended over two rollers, which are made to revolve, for the purpose of carrying the cloth with the wool forward, by means of the endless screw and pinions. Combing machines A slight variation in the machine is shown at fig. 1207., for the purpose of combing wool of long fibre, which differs from the former only in placing the combs or needle points upon a revolving cylinder or shaft. At the end of the axle of this shaft, there is a toothed wheel, which is actuated by an endless screw upon a lateral shaft. The axle of the cylinder on which the needles are fixed, is mounted in a movable frame or carriage, in order that the points of the needles may, in the first instance, be brought to act upon the ends of the wool only, and ultimately be so advanced as to enable the whole length of the fibres to be drawn through. The progressive advancement of this carriage, with the needle cylinder, is effected by the agency of the endless screw on the lateral shaft before mentioned. Some combing-machines reduce the wool into a continuous sliver, which is ready for the drawing-frame; but the short slivers produced by the hand combing, must be first joined together, by what is called planking. These slivers are rolled up by the combers ten or twelve together, in balls called tops, each of which weighs half a pound. At the spinning-mill these are unrolled, and the slivers are laid on a long plank or trough, with the ends lapping over, in order to splice the long end of one sliver into the short end of another. The long end is that which was drawn off first from the comb, and contains the longer fibres; the short is that which comes last from the comb, and contains the shorter. The wool-comber lays all the slivers of each ball the same way, and marks the long end of each by twisting up the end of the sliver. It is a curious circumstance, that when a top or ball of slivers is unrolled and stretched out straight, they will not separate from each other without tearing and breaking, if the separation is begun at the short ends; but if they are first parted at the long ends, they will readily separate. The machine for combing long wool, for which Messrs. Donisthorpe and Rawson obtained a patent in April, 1835, has been found to work well, and therefore merits a detailed description:— Fig. 1208. is an elevation; fig. 1209. an end view; and fig. 1210. a plan; in which a, a, is the framing; b, the main shaft, bearing a pinion which drives the wheel and shaft c, in geer with the wheel d, on the shaft e. Upon each of the wheels c and d, there are two projections or studs f, which cause the action of the combs g, g, of which h, h, are the tables or carriages. These are capable of sliding along the upper guide rails of the framing a. Through these carriages or tables h, h, there are openings or slits, shown by dotted lines, which act as guides to the holders i, i, of the combs g, g, rendering the holders susceptible of motion at right angles to the course pursued by the tables h. The combs are retained in the holders i, i, by means of the lever handles j, j, which move upon inclined surfaces, and are made to press on the surface of the heads of the combs g, g, so as to be retained in their places; and they are also held by studs affixed to the holders, which pass into the comb-heads. From the under side of the tables, forked projections i, i, stand out, which pass through the openings or slits formed in the tables h h; these projections are worked from side to side by the frame k, k, which turning on the axis or shaft l, l, is caused to vibrate, or rock to and fro, by the arms m, moved by the eccentric groove n, made fast to the shaft e. The tables h, are drawn inwards, by weights suspended on cords or straps o, o, which pass over friction pulleys p, p; whereby the weights have a constant tendency to draw the combs into the centre of the machine, as soon as it is released by the studs f, passing beyond the projecting arms g, on the tables. On the shaft c, a driving-tooth or catch r, is fixed, which takes into the ratchet wheel s, and propels one of its teeth at every revolution of the shaft c. This ratchet wheel turns on an axis at t; to the ratchet the pulley v is made fast, to which the cord or band w is secured, as also to the pulley x, on the shaft y. On the shaft y, there are two other pulleys z, z, having the cords or bands A, A, made fast to them, and also to the end of the gauge-plates B, furnished with graduated steps, against which the tables h, h, are drawing at each operation of the machine. In proportion as these gauge-plates are raised, the nearer the carriages or tables h, will be able to advance to the centre of the machine, and thus permit the combs g, g, to lay hold of, and comb, additional lengths of the woolly fibres. The gauge-plates B, are guided up by the bars C, which pass through openings, slots, or guides, made in the framing a, as shown by D. To the ratchet wheel s, an inclined projection E, is made fast, which in the course of the rotation of the ratchet wheel, comes under the lever F, fixed to the shaft G, that turns in bearings H. To this shaft the levers I and J, are also fixed; I serving to throw out the click or catch K, from the ratchet wheel, by which the parts of the machine will be released, and restored to positions ready for starting again. The lever J, serves to slide the drum upon the driving shaft b, out of geer, by means of the forked handle L, when the machine is to be stopped, whenever it has finished combing a certain quantity of wool. The combs which hold the wool have a motion upwards, in order to take the wool out of the way of the combs g, g, as these are drawn into the centre of the machine; while the holding combs descend to lay the wool among the points of the combs g, g. For obtaining this upward and downward motion, the combs M, M, are placed upon the frame N, and retained there just as the combs g, g, are upon the holders i, i. The framing N is made fast to the bar or spindle O, which moves vertically through openings in the cross-head P, and the cross-framing of the machine Q; from the top of which, there is a strap passes over pulleys with a weight suspended to it; the cross-head being supported by the two guide-rods R, fixed to the cross-framing Q. It is by the guide-rods R, and the spindle O, that the frame N is made to move up and down; while the spindle is made to rise by the studs f, as the wheels c and d come successively under the studs s, on the spindle O. A quantity of wool is to be placed on each of the combs g, g, and M, M, the machine being in the position shown in fig. 1210. When the main shaft b, is set in motion, it will drive by its pinion the toothed wheel c, and therefrom the remaining parts of the machine. The first effect of the movement will be to raise the combs M, M, sufficiently high to remove the wool out of the way of the combs g, g, which will be drawn towards the centre of the machine, as soon as they are released by the studs f, passing the projecting arms q, on the tables h; but the distance between the combs g, g, and the combs H, H, will depend on the height to which the gauge-plates B, have been raised. These plates are raised one step at each revolution of the shaft c; the combs g, g, will therefore be continually approaching more nearly to the combs M, M, till the plates B, are so much raised as to permit the tables h, to approach the plates B, below the lowest step or graduation, when the machine will continue to work. Notwithstanding the plates B, continuing to rise, there being only parallel surfaces against which the tables come, the combs g, g, will successively come to the same position, till the inclined projection E, on the ratchet wheel s, comes under the lever F, which will stop the machine. The wool which has been combed, is then to be removed, and a fresh quantity introduced. It should be remarked, that the combs g, g, are continually moving from side to side of the machine, at the same time that they are combing out the wool. The chief object of the invention is obviously to give the above peculiar motions to the combs g, g, and M, M; which may be applied also to combing goat-hair. For the purposes of the worsted manufacture, wool should be rendered inelastic to a considerable degree, so that its fibres may form long lines, capable of being twisted into straight level yarn. Mr. Bayliffe, of Kendal, has sought to accomplish this object, first, by introducing into the drawing machine a rapidly revolving wheel, in contact with the front drawing roller, by whose friction the filaments are heated, and at the same time deprived of their curling elasticity; secondly, by employing a movable regulating roller, by which the extent of surface on the periphery of the wheel that the lengths of wool is to act upon, may be increased or diminished at pleasure, and, consequently, the effect regulated or tempered as the quality of the wool may require; thirdly, the employment of steam in a rotatory drum, or hollow wheel, in place of the wheel first described, for the purpose of heating the wool, in the process of drawing, in order to facilitate the operation of straightening the fibres. Drawing wheel These objects may be effected in several ways; that is, the machinery may be variously constructed, and still embrace the principles proposed. Fig. 1211. shows one mode:—a, is the friction wheel; b, the front drawing roller, placed in the drawing frame in the same way as usual; the larger wheel a, constituting the lower roller of the pair of front drawing rollers; c, and d, are the pair of back drawing rollers, which are actuated by geer connected to the front rollers, as in the ordinary construction of drawing machines, the front rollers moving very considerably faster than the back rollers, and, consequently, drawing or extending the fibres of the sliver of wool, as it passes through between them; e, is a guide roller, bearing upon the periphery of the large wheel; f, is a tension roller, which presses the fibres of the wool down upon the wheel a. Now, supposing the back rollers c and d to be turned with a given velocity, and the front roller b to be driven much faster, the effect would be, that the fibres of wool constituting the sliver, passing through the machine, would be considerably extended between b and d, which is precisely the effect accomplished in the ordinary drawing frame; but the wheel a, introduced into the machine in place of the lower front drawing roller, being made to revolve much faster than b, the sliver of wool extended over the upper part of its periphery from b, to the tension roller f, will be subjected to very considerable friction from the contact; and, consequently, the natural curl of the wool will be taken out, and its elasticity destroyed, which will enable the wool to proceed in a connected roving down to the spindle or flyer h, where it becomes twisted or spun into a worsted thread. In order to increase or diminish the extent to which the fibres of wool are spread over the periphery of the wheel a, a regulating roller is adapted to the machine, as shown at g, in place of the tension roller f. This regulating roller g, is mounted by its pivots in bearings on the circular arms h, shown by dots. These circular arms turn loosely upon the axle of the wheel a, and are raised or depressed by a rack and a winch, not shown in the figure; the rack taking into teeth on the periphery of the circular arms. It will hence be perceived, that by raising the circular arms, the roller g, will be carried backward, and the fibres of wool pressed upon the periphery of the wheel to a greater extent. On the contrary, the depression of the circular arms will draw the roller g, forward, and cause the wool to be acted upon by a smaller portion of the periphery of the wheel a, and consequently subject it to less friction. When it is desired to employ steam for the purpose of heating the wool, the wheel a, is formed as a hollow drum, and steam from a boiler, in any convenient situation, is conveyed through the hollow axle to the interior of the drum, which, becoming heated by that means, communicates heat also to the wool, and thereby destroys its curl and elasticity. Breaking-frame Breaking-frame.—Here the slivers are planked, or spliced together, the long end of one to the short end of another; after which they are drawn out and extended by the rollers of the breaking-frame. A sketch of this machine is given in fig. 1212. It consists of four pairs of rollers A, B, C, D. The first pair A, receives the wool from the inclined trough E, which is the planking-table. The slivers are unrolled, parted, and hung loosely over a pin, in reach of the attendant, who takes a sliver, and lays it flat in the trough, and the end is presented to the rollers A, which being in motion, will draw the wool in; the sliver is then conducted through the other rollers, as shown in the figure: when the sliver has passed half through, the end of another sliver is placed upon the middle of the first, and they pass through together; when this second is passed half through, the end of a third is applied upon the middle of it, and in this way the short slivers produced by the combing are joined into one regular and even sliver. The lower roller C receives its motion from the mill, by means of a pulley upon the end of its axis, and an endless strap. The roller which is immediately over it, is borne down by a heavy weight, suspended from hooks, which are over the pivots of the upper roller. The fourth pair of rollers D, moves with the same velocity as C, being turned by means of a small wheel upon the end of the axis of the roller C, which turns a wheel of the same size upon the axis of the roller D, by means of an intermediate wheel d, which makes both rollers turn the same way round. The first and second pairs of rollers, A and B, move only one-third as quick as C and D, in order to draw out the sliver between B and C to three times the length it was when put on the planking-table. The slow motion of the rollers A, is given by a large wheel a, fixed upon the axis of the roller A, and turned by the intermediate cog-wheels b, c, and d; the latter communicates between the rollers C and D. The pinions on the rollers C and D being only one-third the size of the wheel a, C and D turn three times as fast as A, for b, c, and d, are only intermediate wheels. The rollers B turn at the same rate as A. The upper roller C is loaded with a heavy weight, similar to the rollers A; but the other rollers, B and D, are no further loaded than the weight of the rollers. The two pairs of rollers A, B, and C, D, are mounted in separate frames; and that frame which contains the third and fourth pairs C, D, slides upon the cast-iron frame F, which supports the machine, in order to increase or diminish the distance between the rollers B and C. There is a screw f, by which the frame of the rollers is moved, so as to adjust the machine according to the length of the fibres of the wool. The space between B and C should be rather more than the length of the fibres of the wool. The intermediate wheels b and c, are supported upon pieces of iron, which are movable on centres; the centre for the piece which supports the wheel b is concentric with the axis of the roller A; and the supporting piece for the wheel c is fitted on the centre of the wheel d. By moving these pieces the intermediate wheels b and c can be always kept in contact, although the distance between the rollers is varied at times. By means of this breaking-frame, the perpetual sliver, which is made up by planking the sliver together, is equalized, and drawn out three times in length, and delivered into the can G. Drawing-frame.—Three of these cans are removed to the drawing-frame, which is similar to the breaking-frame, except that there is no planking-table E. There are five sets of rollers, all fixed upon one common frame F, the breaking-frame, which we have described, being the first. As fast as the sliver comes through one set of rollers, it is received into a can, and then three of these cans are put together, and passed again through another set of rollers. In the whole, the wool must pass through the breaker and four drawing-frames before the roving is begun. The draught being usually four times at each operation of drawing, and three times in the breaking, the whole will be 3 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 768; but to suit different sorts of wool, the three last drawing-frames are capable of making a greater draught, even to five times, by changing the pinions; accordingly the draught will be 3 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 1500 times. The size of the sliver is diminished by these repeated drawings, because only three slivers are put together, and they are drawn out four times; so that, in the whole, the sliver is reduced to a fourth or a ninth of its original bulk. The breaking-frame and drawing-frame which are used when the slivers are prepared by the combing-machines, are differently constructed; they have no planking-table, but receive three of the perpetual slivers of the combing-machine from as many tin cans, and draw them out from ten to twelve times. In this case, all the four rollers contribute to the operation of drawing: thus the second rollers B, move 21/2 times as fast as the rollers A; the third rollers C, move 8 times as fast as A; and the fourth rollers E, move 101/2 times as fast as A. In this case, the motion is given to the different rollers by means of bevelled wheels, and a horizontal axis, which extends across the ends of all the four rollers, to communicate motion from one pair of rollers to another. There are three of these systems of rollers, which are all mounted on the same frame; and the first one through which the wool passes, is called the breaking-frame; but it does not differ from the others, which are called drawing-frames. The slivers which have passed through one system of rollers, are collected four or five together, and put through the drawing-rollers. In all, the slivers pass through three drawings, and the whole extension is seldom less than 1000 times, and for some kinds of wool much greater. After the drawing of the slivers is finished, a pound weight is taken, and is measured by means of a cylinder, in order to ascertain if the drawing has been properly conducted; if the sliver does not prove of the length proposed, according to the size of worsted which is intended to be spun, the pinions of some of the drawing-frames are changed, to make the draught more or less, until it is found by experiment that one pound of the sliver measures the required length. Roving-frame.—This is provided with rollers, the same as the drawing-frames: it takes in one or two slivers together, and draws them out four times. By this extension, the sliver becomes so small, that it would break with the slightest force, and it is therefore necessary to give some twist; this is done by a spindle and flyer. See Roving, under Cotton Manufacture. Spinning-frame.—This is so much like the roving-frame, that a short description will be sufficient. The spindles are more delicate, and there are three pairs of rollers, instead of two; the bobbins, which are taken off from the spindles of the roving-frame, when they are quite full, are stuck upon skewers, and the roving which proceeds from them is conducted between the rollers. The back pair turns round slowly; the middle pair turns about twice for once of the back rollers; and the front pair makes from twelve to seventeen turns for one turn of the back roller, according to the degree of extension which is required. The spindles must revolve very quickly in the spinning-frame, in order to give the requisite degree of twist to the worsted. The hardest twisted worsted is called tammy warp; and when the size of this worsted is such as to be 20 or 24 hanks to the pound weight, the twist is about 10 turns in each inch of length. The least twist is given to the worsted for fine hosiery, which is from 18 to 24 hanks to the pound. The twist is from 5 to 6 turns per inch. The degree of twist is regulated by the size of the whirls or pulleys upon the spindle, and by the wheel-work which communicates the motion to the front rollers from the band-wheel, which turns the spindles. It is needless to enter more minutely into the description of the spinning machinery, because the fluted roller construction, invented by Sir Richard Arkwright, fully described under Cotton Manufacture, is equally applicable to worsted. The difference between the two, is chiefly in the distance between the rollers, which, in the worsted-frame, is capable of being increased or diminished at pleasure, according to the length of the fibres of the wool; and the draught or extension of the roving is far greater than in the cotton. Reeling.—The bobbins of the spinning-frame are placed in a row upon wires before a long horizontal reel, and the threads from 20 bobbins are wound off together. The reel is exactly a yard in circumference, and when it has wound off 80 turns, it rings a bell; the motion of the reel is then stopped, and a thread is passed round the 80 turns or folds which each thread has made. The reeling is then continued till another 80 yards is wound off, which is also separated by interweaving the same thread; each of these separate parcels is called a ley, and when 7 such leys are reeled, it is called a hank, which contains 560 yards. When this quantity is reeled off, the ends of the binding thread are tied together, to bind each hank fast, and one of the rails of the reel is struck to loosen the hanks, and they are drawn off at the end of the reel. These hanks are next hung upon a hook, and twisted up hard by a stick; then doubled, and the two parts twisted together to make a firm bundle. In this state, the hanks are weighed by a small index-machine, which denotes what number of the hanks will weigh a pound, and they are sorted accordingly into different parcels. It is by this means that the number of the worsted is ascertained as the denomination for its fineness: thus No. 24. means, that 24 hanks, each containing 560 yards, will weigh a pound, and so on. This denomination is different from that used for cotton, because the hank of cotton contains 840 yards, instead of 560; but in some places the worsted hank is made of the same length as the cotton. To pack up the worsted for market, the proper number of hanks is collected to make a pound, according to the number which has been ascertained; these are weighed as a proof of the correctness of the sorting, then tied up in bundles of one pound each, and four of these bundles are again tied together. Then 60 such bundles are packed up in a sheet, making a bale of 240 pounds, ready for market. Of the treatment of short wool for the cloth manufacture.—Short wool resembles cotton, not a little in the structure of its filaments, and is cleaned by the willy, as cotton is by the willow, which opens up the matted fleece of the wool-stapler, and cleans it from accidental impurities. Sheep’s wool for working into coarse goods, must be passed repeatedly through this machine, both before and after it is dyed; the second last time for the purpose of blending the different sorts together, and the last for imbuing the fibres intimately with oil. The oiled wool is next subjected to a first carding operation called scribbling, whereby it is converted into a broad thin fleece or lap, as cotton is by the breaker-cards of a cotton mill. The woollen lap is then worked by the cards proper, which deliver it in a narrow band or sliver. By this process the wool expands greatly in all its dimensions; while the broken or short filaments get entangled by crossing in every possible direction, which prepares them for the fulling operation. See Carding, under Cotton Manufacture. The slubbing machine, or billy, reduces the separate rolls of cardings into a continuous slightly twisted spongy cord, which is sometimes called a roving. Fig. 1213. is a perspective representation of the slubbing machine in most common use. A, A, is the wooden frame; within which is the movable carriage D, D, which runs upon the lower side rails at a, a, on friction wheels at 1, 2, to make it move easily backwards and forwards from one end of the frame to the other. The carriage contains a series of steel spindles, marked 3, 3, which receive rapid rotation from a long tin drum F, by means of a series of cords passing round the pulley or whorl of each spindle. This drum, 6 inches in diameter, is covered with paper, and extends across the whole breadth of the carriage. The spindles are set nearly upright in a frame, and about 4 inches apart; their under ends being pointed conically, turn in brass sockets called steps, and are retained in their position by a small brass collet, which embraces each spindle at about the middle of its length. The upper half of each spindle projects above the top of the frame. The drum revolves horizontally before the spindles, having its axis a little below the line of the whorls; and receives motion, by a pulley at one of its ends, from an endless band which passes round a wheel E, like the large domestic wheel formerly used in spinning wool by hand, and of similar dimensions. This wheel is placed upon the outside of the main frame of the machine, and has its shafts supported by upright standards upon the carriage D. It is turned by the spinner placed at Q, with his right hand applied to a winch R, which gives motion to the drum, and thereby causes the spindles to revolve with great velocity. Each spindle receives a soft cylinder or carding of wool, which comes through beneath a wooden roller C, C, at the one end of the frame. This is the billy roller, so much talked of in the controversies between the operatives and masters in the cotton factories, as an instrument of cruel punishment to children, though no such machine has been used in cotton mills for half a century at least. These woollen rolls proceed to the series of spindles, standing in the carriage, in nearly a horizontal plane. By the alternate advance and retreat of the carriage upon its railway, the spindles are made to approach to, and recede from, the roller C, with the effect of drawing out a given length of the soft cord, with any desired degree of twist, in the following manner:— The carding rolls are laid down straight, side by side, upon the endless cloth, strained in an inclined direction between two rollers, one of which is seen at B, and the other lies behind C. One carding is allotted to a spindle; the total number of each in one machine being from 50 to 100. The roller C, of light wood, presses gently with its weight upon the cardings, while they move onwards over the endless cloth, with the running out of the spindle carriage. Immediately in front of the said roller, there is a horizontal wooden rail or bar G, with another beneath it, placed across the frame. The carding is conducted through between these two bars, the movable upper one being raised to let any aliquot portion of the roll pass freely. When this bar is again let down, it pinches the spongy carding fast; whence this mechanism is called the clasp. It is in fact the clove, originally used by Hargreaves in his cotton-jenny. The movable upper rail G, is guided between sliders, and a wire 7, descends from it to a lever C. When the spindle carriage D, D, is wheeled close home to the billy roller, a wheel 5, lifts the end 6 of the lever, which, by the wire 7, raises the upper bar or rail G, so as to open the clasp, and release all the card rolls. Should the carriage be now drawn a little way from the clasp bars, it would tend to pull a corresponding length of the cardings forward from the inclined plane B, C. There is a small catch, which lays hold of the upper bar of the clasp G, and hinders it from falling till the carriage has receded to a certain distance, and has thereby allowed from 7 to 8 inches of the cardings to be taken out. A stop upon the carriage then comes against the catch, and withdraws it; thus allowing the upper rail to fall and pinch the carding, while the carriage, continuing to recede, draws out or stretches that portion of the roll which is between the clasp and the spindle points. But during this time the wheel has been turned to keep the spindles revolving, communicating the proper degree of twist to the cardings in proportion to their extension, so as to prevent them from breaking. It might be imagined that the slubbing cords would be apt to coil round the spindles; but as they proceed in a somewhat inclined direction to the clasp, they receive merely a twisting motion, continually slipping over the points of the spindles, without getting wound upon them. Whenever the operative or slubber has given a due degree of twist to the rovings, he sets about winding them upon the spindles into a conical shape, for which purpose he presses down the faller-wire 8, with his left hand, so as to bear it down from the points of the spindles, and place it opposite to their middle part. He next makes the spindles revolve, while he pushes in the carriage slowly, so as to coil the slubbing upon the spindle into a conical cop. The wire 8, regulates the winding-on of the whole series of slubbings at once, and receives its proper angle of depression for this purpose from the horizontal rail 4, which turns upon pivots in its ends, in brasses fixed on the standards, which rise from the carriage D. By turning this rail on its pivots, the wire 8 may be raised or lowered in any degree. The slubber seizes the rail 4 in his left hand, to draw the carriage out; but in returning it, he depresses the faller-wire, at the same time that he pushes the carriage before him. The cardings are so exceedingly tender, that they would readily draw out, or even break, if they were dragged with friction upon the endless cloth of the inclined plane. To save this injurious traction, a contrivance is introduced for moving the apron. A cord is applied round the groove in the middle part of the upper roller, and after passing over pulleys, as shown in the figure, it has a heavy weight hung at the one end, and a light weight at the other, to keep it constantly extended, while the heavy weight tends to turn the rollers with their endless cloth round in such a direction as to bring forward the rovings, without putting any strain upon them. Every time that the carriage is pushed home, the larger weight gets wound up; and when the carriage is drawn out, the greater weight turns the roller, and advances the endless apron, so as to deliver the carding at the same rate as the carriage runs out; but when the proper quantity is delivered, a knot in the rope arrives at a fixed stop, which does not permit it to move any further; while at the same instant the roller 5 quits the lever 6, and allows the upper rail G, of the clasp to fall, and pinch the carding fast; the wheel E, being then set in motion, makes the spindles revolve; and the carriage being simultaneously drawn out, extends the slubbings while under the influence of twisting. In winding up the slubbings, the operative must take care to push in the carriage, and to turn the wheel round at such rates that the spindles will not take up faster than the carriage moves on its railway, or he would injure the slubbings. The machine requires the attendance of a child, to bring the cardings from the card-engine, to place them upon the sloping feed-cloth, and to join the ends of the fresh ones carefully to the ends of the others newly drawn under the roller. Slubbings intended for warp-yarn must be more twisted than those for weft; but each must receive a degree of torsion relative to the quality of the wool and of the cloth intended to be made. In general, however, no more twist should be given to the slubbings than is indispensable for enabling them to be drawn out to the requisite slenderness without breaking. This twist forms no part of the twist of the finished yarn, for the slubbing will be twisted in the contrary direction, when spun afterwards in the jenny or mule. I may here remark, that various machines have been constructed of late years for making continuous card-ends, and slubbings, in imitation of the carding and roving of the Cotton Manufacture; to which article I therefore refer my readers. The wool slubbings are now spun into yarn, in many factories, by means of the mule. Indeed, I have seen in France the finest yarn, for the mousseline-de-laine fabrics, beautifully spun upon the self-actor mule of Sharp and Roberts.[72] Tentering.—When the cloth is returned from the fulling-mill (which see), it is stretched upon the tenter-frame, and left in the open air till dry. In the woollen manufacture, as the cloth suffers, by the operation of the fulling-mill, a shrinkage of its breadth to well nigh one-half, it must at first be woven of nearly double its intended width when finished. Superfine six-quarter broad cloths must therefore be turned out of the loom twelve-quarters wide. Burling is the name of a process, in which the dried cloth is examined minutely in every part, freed from knots or uneven threads, and repaired by sewing any little rents, or inserting sound yarns in the place of defective ones. Teasling.—The object of this operation is to raise up the loose filaments of the woollen yarn into a nap upon one of the surfaces of the cloth, by scratching it either with thistle-heads, called teasels, or with teasling-cards or brushes, made of wire. The natural teasels are the balls which contain the seeds of the plant called Dipsacus fullorum; the scales which form the balls, project on all sides, and end in sharp elastic points, that turn downwards like hooks. In teasling by hand, a number of these balls are put into a small wooden frame, having crossed handles, eight or ten inches long; and when thus filled, form an implement not unlike a curry-comb, which is used by two men, who seize the teasel-frame by the handles, and scrub the face of the cloth, hung in a vertical position from two horizontal rails, made fast to the ceiling of the workshop. First, they wet the cloth, and work three times over, by strokes in the direction of the warp, and next of that of the weft, so as to raise all the loose fibres from the felt, and to prepare it for shearing. In large manufactories, this dressing operation is performed by a machine called a gig-mill, which originally consisted, and in most places still consists, of a cylinder bristled all over with the thistle-heads, and made to revolve rapidly while the cloth is drawn over it in a variety of directions. If the thistle be drawn in the line of the warp, the points act more efficaciously upon the weft, being perpendicular to its softer spun yarns. Inventors who have tried to give the points a circular or oblique action between the warp and the weft, proceed apparently upon a false principle, as if the cloth were like a plate of metal, whose substance could be pushed in any direction. Teasling really consists in drawing out one end of the filaments, and leaving the body of them entangled in the cloth; and it should seize and pull them perpendicularly to their length, because in this way it acts upon the ends, which being least implicated, may be most readily disengaged. When the hooks of the thistles become clogged with flocks of wool, they must be taken out of the frame or cylinder, and cleaned by children with a small comb. Moisture, moreover, softens their points, and impairs their teasling powers; an effect which needs to be counterbalanced, by taking them out, and drying them from time to time. Many contrivances have, therefore, been proposed, in which metallic teasels of an unchangeable nature, mounted in rotatory machines, driven by power, have been substituted for the vegetable, which being required in prodigious quantities, become sometimes excessively scarce and dear in the clothing districts. In 1818, several schemes of that kind were patented in France, of which those of M. Arnold-Merick, and of MM. Taurin frÈres, of Elboeuf, are described in the 16th volume of Brevets d’Invention expirÉs. Mr. Daniell, cloth manufacturer in Wilts, renewed this invention under another form, by making his rotatory cards with two kinds of metallic wires, of unequal lengths; the one set, long, thin, and delicate, representing the points of the thistle; the other, shorter, stiffer, and blunter, being intended to stay the cloth, and to hinder the former from entering too far into it. But none of these processes have succeeded in discarding the natural teasel from the most eminent manufactories. The French government purchased, in 1807, the patent of Douglas, an English mechanist, who had, in 1802, imported into France, the best system of gig-mills then used in the west of England. A working set of his machines having been placed in the Conservatoire des Arts, for public inspection, they were soon introduced into most of the French establishments, so as generally to supersede teasling (lainage) by hand. A description of them was published in the third volume of the Brevets d’Invention. The following is an outline of some subsequent improvements:— 1. As it was imagined that the seesaw action of the hand operative was in some respects more effectual than the uniform rotation of a gig-mill, this was attempted to be imitated by an alternating movement. 2. Others conceived that the seesaw motion was not essential, but that it was advantageous to make the teasels or cards act in a rectilinear direction, as in working by hand; this action was attempted by placing the two ends of the teasel-frame in grooves formed like the letter D, so that the teasel should act on the cloth only when it came into the rectilinear part. Mr. Wells, machine-maker, of Manchester, obtained a patent, in 1832, for this construction. 3. It was supposed that the teasels should not act perpendicularly to the weft, but obliquely or circularly upon the face of the cloth. Mr. Ferrabee, of Gloucester, patented, in 1830, a scheme of this kind, in which the teasels are mounted upon two endless chains, which traverse from the middle of the web to the selvage or list, one to the right, and another to the left hand, while the cloth itself passes under them with such a velocity, that the effect, or resultant, is a diagonal action, dividing into two equal parts the rectangle formed by the weft and warp yarns. Three patent machines of Mr. George Oldland—the first in 1830, the second and third in 1832—all proceed upon this principle. In the first, the teasels are mounted upon discs made to turn flat upon the surface of the cloth; in the second, the rotating discs are pressed by corkscrew spiral springs against the cloth, which is supported by an elastic cushion, also pressed against the discs by springs; and in the third machine, the revolving discs have a larger diameter, and they turn, not in a horizontal, but a vertical plane. 4. Others fancied that it would be beneficial to support the reverse side of the cloth by flat hard surfaces, while acting upon its face with cards or teasels. Mr. Joseph Cliseld Daniell, having stretched the cloth upon smooth level stones, teasels them by hand. 5. Messrs. Charlesworth and Mellor obtained a patent, in 1829, for supporting the back of the cloth with elastic surfaces, while the part was exposed to the teasling action. 6. Elasticity has also been imparted to the teasels, in the three patent inventions of Mr. Sevill, Mr. J. C. Daniell, and Mr. R. Atkinson. 7. It has been thought useful to separate the teasel-frames upon the drum of the gig-mill, by simple rollers, or by rollers heated with steam, in order to obtain the combined effect of calendering and teasling. Mr. J. C. Daniell, Mr. G. Haden, and Mr. J. Rayner, have obtained patents for contrivances of this kind. 8. Several French schemes have been mounted for making the gig-drum act upon the two sides of the cloth, or even to mount two drums on the same machine. Mr. Jones, of Leeds, contrived a very excellent method of stretching the cloth, so as to prevent the formation of folds or wrinkles. (See Newton’s Journal, vol. viii., 2nd series, page 126.) Mr. Collier, of Paris, obtained a patent, in 1830, for a greatly improved gig-mill, upon Douglas’s plan, which is now much esteemed by the French clothiers. The following figures and description exhibit one of the latest and best teasling machines. It is the invention of M. Dubois and Co., of Louviers, and is now doing excellent work in that celebrated seat of the cloth manufacture. In the fulling-mill, the woollen web acquires body and thickness, at the expense of its other dimensions; for being thereby reduced about one-third in length, and one-half in breadth, its surface is diminished to one-third of its size as it comes out of the loom; and it has, of course, increased threefold in thickness. As the filaments drawn forth by teasling, are of very unequal lengths, they must be shorn to make them level, and with different degrees of closeness, according to the quality of the stuff, and the appearance it is desired to have. But, in general, a single operation of each kind is insufficient; whence, after having passed the cloth once through the gig-mill, and once through the shearing-machine (tondeuse), it is ready to receive a second teasling, deeper than the first, and then to suffer a second shearing. Thus, by the alternate repetition of these processes, as often as is deemed proper, the cloth finally acquires its wished-for appearance. Both of these operations are very delicate, especially the first; and if they be ill conducted, the cloth is weakened, so as to tear or wear most readily. On the other hand, if they be skilfully executed, the fabric becomes not only more sightly, but it acquires strength and durability, because its face is changed into a species of fur, which protects it from friction and humidity. Figs. 1214, 1215., represent the gig-mill in section, and in front elevation. A, B, C, D, A', B', C', D', being the strong frame of iron, cast in one piece, having its feet enlarged a little more to the inside than to the outside, and bolted to large blocks in the stone pavement. The two uprights are bound together below by two cross-beams A'', being fastened with screw-bolts at the ears a'', a''; and at top, by the wrought-iron stretcher-rod D, whose ends are secured by screw-nuts at D, D'. The drum is mounted upon a wrought-iron shaft F, which bears at its right end (fig. 1215.), exterior to the frame, the usual riggers, or fast and loose pulley, ff'', f', which give motion to the machine by a band from the main shaft of the mill. On its right end, within the frame, the shaft F, has a bevel wheel F', for transmitting movement to the cloth, as shall be afterwards explained. Three crown wheels G, of which one is shown in the section, fig. 1214., are, as usual, keyed by a wedge to the shaft F. Their contour is a sinuous[1321] [1322] band, with six semi-cylindrical hollows, separated alternately by as many portions of the periphery. One of these three wheels is placed in the middle of the shaft F, and the other two, towards its extremities. Their size may be judged of, from inspection of fig. 1214. After having set them so that all their spokes or radii correspond exactly, the 16 sides H, are made fast to the 16 portions of the periphery, which correspond in the three wheels. These sides are made of sheet iron, curved into a gutter form, fig. 1214., but rounded off at the end, fig. 1215., and each of them is fixed to the three felloes of the wheels by three bolts h. The elastic part of the plate iron allows of their being sufficiently well adjusted, so that their flat portions furthest from the centre may lie pretty truly on a cylindrical surface, whose axis would coincide with that of the shaft F. Frame and clamps Between the 16 sides there are 16 intervals, which correspond to the 16 hollowings of each of the wheels. Into these intervals are adjusted, with proper precautions, 16 frames bearing the teasels which are to act upon the cloth. These are fitted in as follows:—Each has the shape of a rectangle, of a length equal to that of the drum, but their breadth only large enough to contain two thistle-heads set end to end, thus making two rows of parallel teasels throughout the entire length, (see the contour in fig. 1214.) A portion of the frame is represented in fig. 1216. The large side I, against which the tops of the teasels rest, is hollowed out into a semi-cylinder, and its opposite side is cleft throughout its whole length, to receive the tails of the teasels, which are seated and compressed in it. There are, moreover, cross-bars i, which serve to maintain the sides of the frame I, at an invariable distance, and to form short compartments for keeping the thistles compact. The ends are fortified by stronger bars k, k, with projecting bolts to fasten the frames between the ribs. The distance of the sides of the frame I, I', ought to be such, that if a frame be laid upon the drum, in the interval of two ribs, the side I will rest upon the inclined plane of one of the ribs, and the side I' upon the inclined plane of the other, (see fig. 1214.); while at the same time the bars k, of the two ends of the frame, rest upon the flat parts of the ribs themselves. This point being secured, it is obvious, that if the ends of the bars k be stopped, the frame will be made fast. But they need not be fixed in a permanent manner, because they must be frequently removed and replaced. They are fastened by the clamp, (figs. 1217, 1218.), which is shut at the one end, and furnished at the other with a spring, which can be opened or shut at pleasure. 2 and 4, in fig. 1215. (near the right end of the shaft F), shows the place of the clamp, figs. 1217, 1218. The bar of the right hand is first set in the clamp, by holding up its other end; the frame is then let down into the left-hand clamp. The cloth is wound upon the lower beam Q, fig. 1214.; thence it passes in contact with a wooden cylinder T, turning upon an axis, and proceeds to the upper beam P, on to which it is wound: by a contrary movement, the cloth returns from the beam P to Q, over the cylinder T; and may thus go from the one to the other as many times as shall be requisite. In these successive circuits it is presented to the action of the teasels, under certain conditions. In order to be properly teasled, it must have an equal tension throughout its whole breadth during its traverse; it must be brought into more or less close contact with the drum, according to the nature of the cloth, and the stage of the operations; sometimes being a tangent to the surface, and sometimes embracing a greater or smaller portion of its contour, it must travel with a determinate speed, dependent upon the velocity of the drum, and calculated so as to produce the best result: the machine itself must make the stuff pass alternately from one winding beam to the other. In fig. 1215., before the front end of the machine, there is a vertical shaft L, as high as the framework, which revolves with great facility, in the bottom step l, the middle collet l', and top collet l'', in the prolongation of the stretcher D. Upon this upright shaft are mounted—1. a bevel wheel L'; 2. an upper bevel pinion M, with its boss M'; 3. a lower bevel pinion N, with its boss N'. The bevel wheel L' is keyed upon the shaft L, and communicates to it the movement of rotation which it receives from the pinion f, with which it is in geer; but the pinion f, which is mounted upon the shaft F of the drum, participates in the rotation which this shaft receives from the prime mover, by means of the fast rigger-pulley f'. The upper pinion M is independent upon the shaft L; that is to say, it may be slidden along it, up and down, without being driven by it; but it may be turned in an indirect manner by means of six curved teeth, projecting from its bottom, and which may be rendered active or not, at pleasure; these curved teeth, and their intervals, correspond to similar teeth and intervals upon the top of the boss M', which is dependent, by feathered indentations, upon the rotation of L, though it can slide freely up and down upon it. When it is raised, therefore, it comes into geer with M. The pinion N, and its boss, have a similar mode of being thrown into and out of geer with each other. The bosses M' and N', ought always to be moved simultaneously, in order to throw one of them into geer, and the other out of geer. The shaft L serves to put the cloth in motion, by means of the bevel wheels P'' and Q'', upon the ends of the beams P, Q, which take into the pinions M and N. The mechanism destined to stretch the cloth is placed at the other end of the machine, where the shafts of the beams P, Q, are prolonged beyond the frame, and bear at their extremities P' and Q', armed each with a brake. The beam P (fig. 1214.), turns in an opposite direction to the drum; consequently the cloth is wound upon P, and unwound from Q. If, at the same time as this is going on, the handle R', of the brake-shaft, be turned so as to clasp the brake of the pulley Q', and release that of the pulley P', it is obvious that a greater or smaller resistance will be occasioned in the beam Q, and the cloth which pulls it in unwinding, will be able to make it turn only when it has acquired the requisite tension; hence it will be necessary, in order to increase or diminish the tension, to turn the handle R' a little more or a little less in the direction which clasps the brake of the pulley Q'; and as the brake acts in a very equable manner, a very equable tension will take place all the time that the cloth takes to pass. Besides, should the diminution of the diameter of the beam Q, render the tension less efficacious in any considerable degree, the brake would need to be unclamped a very little, to restore the primitive tension. When the cloth is to be returned from the beam P, to the beam Q, Z must be lowered, to put the shaft L out of geer above, and in geer below; then the cloth-beam Q, being driven by that vertical shaft, it will turn in the same direction as the drum, and will wind the cloth round its surface. In order that it may do so, with a suitable tension, the pulley Q' must be left free, by clasping the brake of the pulley P', so as to oppose an adequate resistance. The cloth is brought into more or less close contact with the drum as follows:—There is for this purpose a wooden roller T, against which it presses in passing from the one winding beam to the other, and which may have its position changed relatively to the drum. It is obvious, for example, that in departing from the position represented in fig. 1214., where the cloth is nearly a tangent to the drum, if the roller T' be raised, the cloth will cease to touch it; and if it be lowered, the cloth will, on the contrary, embrace the drum over a greater or less portion of its periphery. For it to produce these effects, the roller is borne at each end, by iron gudgeons, upon the heads of an arched rack T'' (fig. 1214.), where it is held merely by pins. These racks have the same curvature as the circle of the frame, against which they are adjusted by two bolts; and by means of slits, which these bolts traverse, they may be slidden upwards or downwards, and consequently raise or depress the roller T. But to graduate the movements, and to render them equal in the two racks, there is a shaft U, supported by the uprights of the frame, and which carries, at each end, pinions U', U'', which work into the two racks T', T'': this shaft is extended in front of the frame, upon the side of the head of the machine (fig. 1215.), and there it carries a ratchet wheel u, and a handle u'. The workman, therefore, requires merely to lay hold of the handle, and turn it in the direction of the ratchet wheel, to raise the racks, and the roller T, which they carry; or to lift the click or catch, and turn the handle in the opposite direction, when he wishes to lower the roller, so as to apply the cloth to a larger portion of the drum. CLOTH CROPPING. Of machines for cropping or shearing woollen cloths, those of Lewis and Davis have been very generally used. Fig. 1219. is an end view, and fig. 1220. is a side view, of Lewis’s machine, for shearing cloth from list to list. Fig. 1221. is an end view of the carriage, with the rotatory cutter detached from the frame of the machine, and upon a larger scale: a, is a cylinder of metal, on which is fixed a triangular steel wire; this wire is previously bent round the cylinder in the form of a screw, as represented at a, a, in fig. 1219., and, being hardened, is intended to constitute one edge of the shear or cutter. Cloth shearing machine Carriage and plates The axis of the cylindrical cutter a, turns in the frame b, which, having proper adjustments, is mounted upon pivots c, in the standard of the travelling carriage d, d; and e, is the fixed or ledger blade, attached to a bar f, which constitutes the other edge of the cutter; that is, the stationary blade, against which the edges of the rotatory cutter act; f and g, are flat springs, intended to keep the cloth (shown by dots) up against the cutting edges. The form of these flat springs f, g, is shown at figs. 1222. and 1223., as consisting of plates of thin metal cut into narrow slips (fig. 1222.), or perforated with long holes, (fig. 1223.) Their object is to support the cloth, which is intended to pass between them, and operate as a spring bed, bearing the surface of the cloth against the cutters, so that its pile or nap may be cropped off or shorn as the carriage d is drawn along the top rails of the standard or frame of the machine h, h, by means of cords. The piece of cloth to be shorn, is wound upon the beam k, and its end is then conducted through the machine, between the flat springs f and g (as shown in fig. 1221.), to the other beam l, and is then made fast; the sides or lists of the cloth being held and stretched by small hooks, called habiting hooks. The cloth being thus placed in the machine, and drawn tight, is held distended by means of ratchets on the ends of the beams k and l, and palls. In commencing the operation of shearing, the carriage d, must be brought back, as in fig. 1221., so that the cutters shall be close to the list; the frame of the cutters is raised up on its pivots as it recedes, in order to keep the cloth from injury, but is lowered again previously to being put in action. A band or winch is applied to the rigger or pulley m, which, by means of an endless cord passed round the pulley n, at the reverse end of the axle of m, and round the other pulleys o and p, and the small pulley q, on the axle of the cylindrical cutter, gives the cylindrical cutter a very rapid rotatory motion; at the same time a worm, or endless screw, on the axle of m and n, taking into the teeth of the large wheel r, causes that wheel to revolve, and a small drum s, upon its axle, to coil up the cord, by which the carriage d, with the cutters a and e, and the spring bed f and g, are slowly, but progressively, made to advance, and to carry the cutters over the face of the cloth, from list to list; the rapid rotation of the cutting cylinder a, producing the operation of cropping or shearing the pile. Upon the cutting cylinder, between the spiral blades, it is proposed to place stripes of plush, to answer the purpose of brushes, to raise the nap or pile as the cylinder goes around, and thereby assist in bringing the points of the wool up to the cutters. The same contrivance is adapted to a machine for shearing the cloth lengthwise. Shearing machine Fig. 1224. is a geometrical elevation of one side of Mr. Davis’s machine. Fig. 1225. a plan or horizontal representation of the same, as seen in the top; and fig. 1226. a section taken vertically across the machine near the middle, for the purpose of displaying the working parts more perfectly than in the two preceding figures. These three figures represent a complete machine in working condition, the cutters being worked by a rotatory motion, and the cloth so placed in the carriage as to be cut from list to list. a, a, a, is a frame or standard, of wood or iron, firmly bolted together by cross braces at the ends and in the middle. In the upper side-rails of the standard, there is a series of axles carrying anti-friction wheels b, b, b, upon which the side-rails c, c, of the carriage or frame that bears the cloth runs, when it is passing under the cutters in the operation of shearing. The side-rails c, c, are straight bars of iron, formed with edges v, on their under sides, which run smoothly in the grooves of the rollers b, b, b. These side-rails are firmly held together by the end stretchers d, d. The sliding frame has attached to it the two lower rollers e, e, upon which the cloth intended to be shorn is wound; the two upper lateral rollers f, f, over which the cloth is conducted and held up; and the two end rollers g, g, by which the habiting rails h, h, are drawn tight. In preparing to shear a piece of cloth, the whole length of the piece is, in the first place, tightly rolled upon one of the lower rollers e, which must be something longer than the breadth of the cloth from list to list. The end of the piece is then raised, and passed over the top of the lateral rollers f, f, whence it is carried down to the other roller e, and its end or farral is made fast to that roller. The hooks of the habiting rails h, h, are then put into the lists, and the two lower rollers e, e, with the two end rollers g, g, are then turned, for the purpose of drawing up the cloth, and straining it tight, which tension is preserved by ratchet wheels attached to the ends of the respective rollers, with palls dropping into their teeth. The frame carrying the cloth, is now slidden along upon the top standard rails by hand, so that the list shall be brought nearly up to the cutter i, i, ready to commence the shearing operation; the bed is then raised, which brings the cloth up against the edges of the shears. Shearing machine The construction of the bed will be seen by reference to the cross section fig. 1226. It consists of an iron or other metal roller k, k, turned to a truly cylindrical figure, and covered with cloth or leather, to afford a small degree of elasticity. This roller is mounted upon pivots in a frame l, l, and is supported by a smaller roller m, similarly mounted, which roller m, is intended merely to prevent any bending or depression of the central part of the upper roller or bed k, k, so that the cloth may be kept in close contact with the whole length of the cutting blades. In order to allow the bed k to rise and fall, for the purpose of bringing the cloth up to the cutters to be shorn, or lowering it away from them after the operation, the frame l, l, is made to slide up and down in the grooved standard n, n, the movable part enclosed within the standard being shown by dots. This standard n, is situated about the middle of the machine, crossing it immediately under the cutters, and is made fast to the frame a, by bolts and screws. There is a lever o, attached to the lower cross-rail of the standard, which turns upon a fulcrum-pin, the extremity of the shorter arm of which lever acts under the centre of the sliding-frame, so that by the lever o, the sliding-frame, with the bed, may be raised or lowered, and when so raised, be held up by a spring catch j. Details of cutters It being now explained by what means the bed which supports the cloth is constructed, and brought up, so as to keep the cloth in close contact with the cutters, while the operation of shearing is going on; it is necessary, in the next place, to describe the construction of the cutters, and their mode of working; for which purpose, in addition to what is shown in the first three figures, the cutters are also represented detached, and upon a larger scale, in fig. 1227. In this figure is exhibited a portion of the cutters in the same situation as in fig. 1221.; and alongside of it is a section of the same, taken through it at right angles to the former; p, is a metallic bar or rib, somewhat of a wedge form, which is fastened to the top part of the standard a, a, seen best in fig. 1220. To this bar a straight blade of steel g, is attached by screws, the edge of which stands forward even with the centre or axis of the cylindrical cutter i, and forms the ledger blade, or lower fixed edge of the shears. This blade remains stationary, and is in close contact with the pile or nap of the cloth, when the bed k, is raised, in the manner above described. The cutter or upper blade of the shears, is formed by inserting two or more strips of plate steel r, r, in twisted directions, into grooves in the metallic cylinder i, i, the edges of which blades r, as the cylinder i revolves, traverse along the edge of the fixed or ledger blade g, and by their obliquity produce a cutting action like shears; the edges of the two blades taking hold of the pile or raised nap, as the cloth passes under it, shaves off the superfluous ends of the wool, and leaves the face smooth. Rotatory motion is given to the cutting cylinder i, by means of a band leading from the wheel s, which passes round the pulley fixed on the end of the cylinder i, the wheel s being driven by a band leading from the rotatory part of a steam-engine, or any other first mover, and passed round the rigger t, fixed on the axle s. Tension is given to this band by a tightening pulley u, mounted on an adjustable sliding-piece v, which is secured to the standard by a screw; and this rigger is thrown in and out of geer by a clutch-box and lever, which sets the machine going, or stops it. In order to give a drawing stroke to the cutter, which will cause the piece of cloth to be shorn off with better effect, the upper cutter has a slight lateral action, produced by the axle of the cutting cylinder being made sufficiently long to allow of its sliding laterally about an inch in its bearings; which sliding is effected by a cam w, fixed at one end. This cam is formed by an oblique groove, cut round the axle, (see w, fig. 1227.) and a tooth x, fixed to the frame or standard which works in it, as the cylinder revolves. By means of this tooth, the cylinder is made to slide laterally, a distance equal to the obliquity of the groove w, which produces the drawing stroke of the upper shear. In order that the rotation of the shearing cylinder may not be obstructed by friction, the tooth x, is made of two pieces, set a little apart, so as to afford a small degree of elasticity. The manner of passing the cloth progressively under the cutters is as follows:—On the axle of the wheel s, and immediately behind that wheel, there is a small rigger, from which a band passes to a wheel y, mounted in an axle turning in bearings on the lower side-rail of the standard a. At the reverse extremity of this axle, there is another small rigger 1, from which a band passes to a wheel 2, fixed on the axle 3, which crosses near the middle of the machine, seen in fig. 1226. Upon this axle there is a sliding pulley 4, round which a cord is passed several times, whose extremities are made fast to the ends of the sliding carriage d; when, therefore, this pulley is locked to the axle, which is done by a clutch box, the previously described movements of the machine cause the pulley 4 to revolve, and by means of the rope passed round it, to draw the frame, with the cloth, slowly and progressively along under the cutters. It remains only to point out the contrivance whereby the machinery throws itself out of geer, and stops its operations, when the edge of the cloth or list arrives at the cutters. At the end of one of the habiting rails h, there is a stop affixed by a nut and screw 5, which, by the advance of the carriage, is brought up and made to press against a lever 6; when an arm from this lever 6, acting under the catch 7, raises the catch up, and allows the hand-lever 8, which is pressed upon by a strong spring, to throw the clutch-box 10, out of geer with the wheel 8; whereby the evolution of the machine instantly ceases. The lower part of the lever 6, being connected by a joint to the top of the lever j, the receding of the lever 6, draws back the lower catch j, and allows the sliding frame l, l, within the bed k, to descend. By now turning the lower rollers e, e, another portion of the cloth is brought up to be shorn; and when it is properly habited and strained, by the means above described, the carriage is slidden back, and, the parts being all thrown into geer, the operation goes on as before. Mr. Hirst’s improvements in manufacturing woollen cloths, for which a patent was obtained in February, 1830, apply to that part of the process where a permanent lustre is given usually by what is called roll-boiling; that is, stewing the cloth, when tightly wound upon a roller, in a vessel of hot water or steam. As there are many disadvantages attendant upon the operation of roll-boiling, such as injuring the cloths, by overheating them, which weakens the fibre of the wool, and also changes some colours, he substituted, in place of it, a particular mode of acting upon the cloths, by occasional or intermitted immersion in hot water, and also in cold water, which operations may be performed either with or without pressure upon the cloth, as circumstances may require. The apparatus which he proposes to employ for carrying on his improved process, is shown in the accompanying drawing. Fig. 1228. is a front view of the apparatus, complete, and in working order; fig. 1229. is a section, taken transversely through the middle of the machine, in the direction of fig. 1230.; and fig. 1230. is an end view of the same; a, a, a, is a vessel or tank, made of iron or wood, or any other suitable material: sloping at the back and front, and perpendicular at the ends. This tank must be sufficiently large to admit of half the diameter of the cylinder or drum b, b, b, being immersed into it, which drum is about four feet diameter, and about six feet long, or something more than the width of the piece of cloth intended to be operated upon. This cylinder or drum b, b, is constructed by combining segments of wood cut radially on their edges, secured by screw-bolts to the rims of the iron wheels, having arms, with an axle passing through the middle. The cylinder or drum being thus formed, rendered smooth on its periphery, and mounted upon its axle in the tank, the piece of cloth is wound upon it as tightly as possible, which is done by placing it in a heap upon a stool, as at c, fig. 1229., passing its end over and between the tension-rollers d, e, and then securing it to the drum, the cloth is progressively drawn from the heap, between the tension-rollers, which are confined by a pall and ratchet, on to the periphery of the drum, by causing the drum to revolve upon its axis, until the whole piece of cloth is tightly wound upon the drum; it is then bound round with canvas or other wrappers, to keep it secure. If the tank has not been previously charged with clean and pure water, it is now filled to the brim, as shown at fig. 1229., and opening the stopcock of the pipe f, which leads from a boiler, the steam is allowed to blow through the pipe, and discharge itself at the lower end, by which means the temperature of the water is raised in the tank to about 170° Fahr. Before the temperature of the water has got up, the drum is set in slow rotatory motion, in order that the cloth may be uniformly heated throughout; the drum making about one rotation per minute. The cloth, by immersion in the hot water, and passing through the cold air, in succession, for the space of about eight hours, gets a smooth soft face, the texture not being rendered harsh, or otherwise injured, as is frequently the case by roll-boiling. Uniform rotatory motion to the drum is shown in fig. 1228., in which g is an endless screw or worm, placed horizontally, and driven by a steam-engine or any other first mover employed in the factory. This endless screw takes into the teeth of, and drives, the vertical wheel h, upon the axle of which the coupling-box i, i, is fixed, and, consequently, continually revolves with it. At the end of the shaft of the drum, a pair of sliding clutches k, k, are mounted, which, when projected forward, as shown by dots in fig. 1228., produce the coupling or locking of the drum-shaft to the driving wheel, by which the drum is put in motion; but on withdrawing the clutches k, k, from the coupling-box i, i, as in the figure, the drum immediately stands still. After operating upon the cloth in the way described, by passing it through hot water for the space of time required, the hot water is to be withdrawn by a cock at the bottom, or otherwise, and cold water introduced into the tank in its stead; in which cold water the cloth is to be continued turning, in the manner above described, for the space of twenty-four hours, which will perfectly fix the lustre that the face of the cloth has acquired by its immersion in the hot water, and leave the pile or nap, to the touch, in a soft silky state. In the cold-water operation he sometimes employs a heavy pressing roller l, which, being mounted in slots in the frame or standard, revolve with the large drum, rolling over the back of the cloth as it goes round. This roller may be made to act upon the cloth with any required pressure, by depressing the screws m, m, or by the employment of weighted levers, if that should be thought necessary. Pressing is the last finish of cloth to give it a smooth level surface. The piece is folded backwards and forwards in yard lengths, so as to form a thick package on the board of a screw or hydraulic press. Between every fold sheets of glazed paper are placed to prevent the contiguous surfaces of cloth from coming into contact; and at the end of every twenty yards, three hot iron plates are inserted between the folds, the plates being laid side by side, so as to occupy the whole surface of the folds. Thin sheets of iron not heated are also inserted above and below the hot plates to moderate the heat. When the packs of cloth are properly folded, and piled in sufficient number in the press, they are subjected to a severe compression, and left under its influence till the plates get cold. The cloth is now taken out and folded again, so that the creases of the former folds may come opposite to the flat faces of the paper, and be removed by a second pressure. In finishing superfine cloths, however, a very slight pressure is given with iron plates but moderately warmed. The satiny lustre and smoothness given by strong compression with much heat is objectionable, as it renders the surface apt to become spotted and disfigured by rain. WOOTZ, is the Indian name of steel. WORT, is the fermentable infusion of malt or grains. See Beer. WOULFE’S APPARATUS, is a series of vessels, connected by tubes, for the purpose of condensing gaseous products in water. See Acetic Acid, fig. 1.; also Muriatic Acid.