In the experiments made before the honourable committee at the London University, Mr. Pereira showed, first, that when a jet of coal-gas alone, or an explosive mixture of coal-gas and air, impinged upon the wire-gauze cylinder of one of Davy’s lamps with a certain force, the flame generally passed through the meshes, of which there were from 950 to 1024 in the square inch. When a mixture of four parts of hydrogen, and one of coal-gas was directed in a jet upon the lighted lamps of Davy, Stevenson, Dillon, Wood of Killingworth (called the refrigerating lamp), Robson, and Clanny, the flame readily passed; but when thrown upon the lamp of Upton and Roberts, it did not once pass, causing merely slight detonations within the lamp. When the force of the jet was augmented, it extinguished the light. This lamp was finally subjected to the still severer test of a mixture of four parts of atmospherical air, and one of hydrogen; yet it did not explode it. When exposed to a mixture of two-thirds of air, and one of hydrogen, the lamp was immediately extinguished. The following, out of many certificates, appears to me decisive in favour of this improvement of Davy’s lamp. It comes from an experienced pitman, in a very deep and extensive coal mine, which I know to be replete with explosive gas, as I have myself visited it in company with its accomplished engineer, John Buddle, Esq. “I hereby certify that I have this day tried Messrs. Upton and Roberts’ new patent safety lamp, in the Jarrow colliery; and I state, as an experienced pitman, having been thirty-two years master wasteman in that colliery, that I greatly prefer this new lamp to the common Davy lamp. I had it between five and six hours on trial in the pit. I consider that it gives about three times the light of the Davy lamp, as I could see at least ten yards before me in a straight line; and of its great safety I can have no doubt, as it does not fill with flame, as the Davy does. And although I had this extra light, there was much less oil consumed. I consider it a good working lamp. “Jarrow Colliery, near Newcastle on Tyne, March 31, 1836.” (Signed) “ROBERT FAIRLY.” Fig. 953., is a vertical section through the middle of the lamp. a, a, is the oil-cistern, showing the fold of the wick; it is covered at top with b, b, several layers of wire gauze; c, c, is the perforated brass ring, under these layers, for admitting air, which is reverberated upon the burning wick by the cupola c; d, d, is the cylinder of glass, surrounding the wire-cloth one; e, e, is the safety brass hood, which screws down in the frame, so as to cover in the top of the glass chimney; f, is the arched wire for suspending the lamp to the girdle of the miner; g, is the bent tube for supplying oil to the cistern; and h is the safety-trimmer, shown more distinctly in the figure illustrative of the Lamp of Davy. Between the glass and the cage there should be a space of about one-tenth of an inch, forming an annular chimney for the free ventilation of the flame; and between the under edge of the hood e, and the upper rim of the glass, there should likewise be an interval, as also vent-holes in the top of the hood, for the free escape of the smoke. The orifice of the little tube g, should be rather lower than the ring of holes c, otherwise the oil, when incautiously poured into it, might overflow them, and prevent the lamp from burning. The figure is drawn somewhat in perspective. As the naked cage of Davy often gets red-hot with flame; as it is sometimes used for hours by miners in this most hazardous state; as this lamp gives so little light as to tempt rash men to remove its safety-cage; The patentees have, I am told, been put to so much trouble and expense in trying to introduce this life-protector into our coal-mines, that they have in a great measure abandoned the business. Messrs. Smith of Birmingham have meanwhile undertaken to make the lamps. Saffron is employed as a seasoning in French cookery. It is also used to tinge confectionary articles, liqueurs, and varnishes; but rarely as a pigment. Here it is extracted in the following manner. Glass globes coated with loam are filled with the soot pressed down by wooden rammers, a space of only two or three inches being left vacant, near their mouths. These globes are set in round orifices formed in the ridge of a long vault, or large horizontal furnace flue. Heat is gradually applied by a fire of dry camels’ dung, and it is eventually increased till the globes become obscurely The sal ammoniac obtained by this process is dull, spongy, and of a grayish hue; but nothing better was for a long period known in commerce. Forty years ago, it fetched 2s. 6d. a pound; now, perfectly pure sal ammoniac may be had at one-fifth part of that price. Various animal offals develope during their spontaneous putrefactive fermentation, or their decomposition by heat, a large quantity of free or carbonated ammonia, among their volatile products. Upon this principle many sal ammoniac works have been established. In the destructive distillation of pitcoal, there is a considerable quantity of ammoniacal products, which are also worked up into sal ammoniac. The first attempts made in France to obtain sal ammoniac profitably in this manner, failed. A very extensive factory of the kind, which experienced the same fate, was under the superintendence of the celebrated BaumÉ, and affords one out of a thousand instances where theoretical chemists have shown their total incapacity for conducting operations on the scale of manufacturing economy. It was established at Gravelle near Charenton, and caused a loss to the shareholders in the speculation of upwards of 400,000 francs. This result closed the concern in 1787, after a foolish manipulation of 27 years. For ten years after that event, all the sal ammoniac consumed in France was imported into it from foreign countries. Since then the two works of MM. Payen and Pluvinet were mounted, and seem to have been tolerably successful. Coal soot was, prior to the introduction of the gas-works, a good deal used in Great Britain for obtaining sal ammoniac. In France, bones and other animal matters are distilled in large iron retorts, for the manufacture of both animal charcoal and sal ammoniac. These retorts are iron cylinders, 2 or 3 feet in diameter, and 6 feet long. Figs. 954. and 955. show the form of the furnace, and the manner in which the cylinders are arranged; the first being a longitudinal, the second a transverse section of it. A, the ash-pits under the grates; B, the fireplaces, arched over at top; C, the vault or bench of fire-bricks, perforated inside with eight flues for distributing the flame; D, a great arch, with a triple voussoir D, d', d'', under which the retorts are set. The first arch D, is perforated with twenty vent-holes; the second, with four vent-holes; through which the flame passes to the third arch, and thence to the common chimney-stalk. The retorts e, are shut by the door e' (fig. 955.), luted, and made fast with screw-bolts. Their other ends e'' terminate in tubes f, f, f, which all enter the main pipe h. The condensing pipe proceeds slantingly downwards from the further end of h, and dips into a large sloping iron cylinder immersed in cold water. See Gas-light and Stove, for a better plan of furnace. The filters used in the large sal ammoniac works in France are represented in fig. 956. The apparatus consists——1. of a wooden chest a, lined with lead, and which is turned over at the edges; a socket of lead b, soldered into the lowest part of the bottom, serves to discharge the liquid; 2. of a wooden crib or grating formed of rounded rods, The two boilers for evaporating and decomposing are made of lead, about one quarter of an inch thick, set upon a fire-brick vault, to protect them from the direct action of the flame. Through the whole extent of their bottoms above the vault, horizontal cast-iron plates, supported by ledges and brick compartments, compel the flame and burned air, as they issue from the arch, to percur many sinuosities before they pass up the chimney. This floor of cast iron is intended to support the bottom of the boiler, and to diffuse the heat more equably. The leaden boilers are surrounded with brickwork, and supported at their edges with a wooden frame. They may be emptied at pleasure into lower receivers, called crystallizers, by means of leaden syphons and long-necked funnels. The crystallizers are wooden chests lined with lead, 15 inches deep, 3 or 4 feet broad, and from 6 to 8 feet long; and may be inclined to one side at pleasure. A round cistern receives the drainings of the mother-waters. The pump is made of lead, hardened with antimony and tin. The subliming furnace is shown in figs. 957. and 958. by a transverse and longitudinal section. a is the ash-pit; b, the grate and fireplace; c, the arch above them. This arch, destined to protect the bottles from the direct action of the fire, is perforated with vent-holes, to give a passage to the products of combustion between the subliming vessels. d, d, are bars of iron, upon which the bottoms of the bottles rest; e, stoneware bottles, protected by a coating of loam from the flame. Fig. 959. shows the cast-iron plates, a, b, c, which, placed above the vaults, receive each two bottles in a double circular opening. At the extremity of the above furnace, a second one, called the drier, fig. 960., receives the products of the combustion of the first, at A, under horizontal cast-iron plates, and upon which the bottom of a rather shallow boiler B, rests. After passing twice under these plates, round a longitudinal brick partition b, b', b'', the products of combustion enter the smoke chimney C. See plan, fig. 961. The boiler set over this furnace should have no soldered joints. It may be 31/2 feet Bones, blood, flesh, horns, hoofs, woollen rags, silk, hair, scrapings of hides and leather, &c., may be distilled for procuring ammonia. When bones are used, the residuum in the retort is bone black. The charcoal from the other substances will serve for the manufacture of prussian blue. The bones should undergo a degree of calcination beyond what the ammoniacal process requires, in order to convert them into the best bone black; but the other animal matters should not be calcined up to that point, otherwise they are of little use in the prussian blue works. If the bones be calcined, however, so highly as to become glazed, their decolouring power on syrups is nearly destroyed. The other substances should not be charred beyond a red-brown heat. The condensed vapours from the cylinder retorts afford a compound liquor holding carbonate of ammonia in solution, mixed with a large quantity of empyreumatic oil, which floats at top. Lest incrustations of salt should at any time tend to obstruct the tubes, a pipe should be inserted within them, and connected with a steam boiler, so as to blow steam through them occasionally. The whole liquors mixed have usually a density of 8° or 9° BaumÉ (1·060). The simplest process for converting their carbonate of ammonia into muriate, is to saturate them with muriatic acid, to evaporate the solution in a leaden boiler till a pellicle appears, to run it off into crystallizers, and to drain the crystals. Another process is, to decompose the carbonate of ammonia, by passing its crude liquor through a layer of sulphate of lime, 3 or 4 inches thick, spread upon the filters, fig. 956. The liquor may be laid on with a pump; it should never stand higher than 1 or 2 inches above the surface of the bruised gypsum, and it should be closely covered with boards, to prevent the dissipation of the volatile alkali in the air. When the liquor has passed through the first filter, it must be pumped upon the second; or the filters being placed in a terrace form, the liquor from the first may flow down upon the second, and thus in succession. The last filter should be formed of nearly fresh gypsum, so as to ensure the thorough conversion of the carbonate into sulphate. The resulting layers of carbonate of lime should be washed with a little water, to extract the sulphate of ammonia interposed among its particles. The ammoniacal liquor thus obtained must be completely saturated, by adding the requisite quantity of sulphuric acid; even a slight excess of acid can do no harm. It is then to be evaporated, and the oil must be skimmed off in the course of the concentration. When the liquid sulphate has acquired the density of about 1·160, sea salt should be added, with constant stirring, till the whole quantity equivalent to the double decomposition be introduced into the lead boiler. The fluid part must now be drawn off by a syphon into a somewhat deep reservoir, where the impurities are allowed to subside; it is then evaporated by boiling, till the sulphate of soda falls down in granular crystals, as the result of the mutual reaction of the sulphate of ammonia and muriate of soda; while the more soluble muriate of ammonia remains in the liquor. During this precipitation, the whole must be occasionally agitated with wooden paddles; the precipitate being in the intervals removed to the cooler portion of the pan, in order to be taken out by copper rakes and shovels, and thrown into draining-hoppers, placed near the edges of the pan. The drained sulphate of soda must be afterwards washed with cold water, to extract all the adhering sal ammoniac. The liquor thus freed from the greater part of the sulphate, when sufficiently concentrated, is to be drawn off by a lead syphon, into the crystallizers, where, at the end of 20 or 30 hours, it affords an abundant crop of crystals of sal ammoniac. The mother-water may then be run off, the crystallizers set aslope to drain the salt, and the salt itself must be washed, first by a weak solution of sal ammoniac, and lastly with water. It must be next desiccated, by the apparatus fig. 960., into a perfectly dry powder, then put into the subliming stoneware balloons, by means of a funnel, and well rammed down. The mouth of the bottle is to be closed with a plate or inverted pot of any kind. The fire must be nicely regulated, so as to effect the sublimation of the pure salt from the under part of the bottle, with due regularity, into a white cake in the upper part. The neck of the bottle should be cleared from time to time with a long steel skewer, to prevent the risk of choking, and consequent bursting; but in spite of every precaution, several of the bottles crack almost in every operation. In Scotland, sal ammoniac is sublimed in cast-iron pots lined with thin fire-tiles, made in segments accommodated to the internal surface of the pots; the vapour being received and condensed into cakes, within balloons of green glass set over their mouths. The salt, when taken out, and freed by scraping from any adhering ochreous or other impurities, is ready for the market, being sold in hollow spherical masses. The residuum in the pots or bottles may be partially worked up in another operation. The greatest evil is produced by the mixture or even contact of iron, because its peroxide readily rises in vapour with the sal ammoniac, and tinges it of a red or yellow colour. The most ordinary process for converting the ammoniacal liquor of the gas works into The best white sal ammoniac is in spheroidal cakes of about one foot diameter, three or four inches thick in the middle, somewhat thinner at the edges, and is semi-transparent or translucent. Each lump weighs about one quarter of a cwt. As it is easily volatilized by heat, it may be readily examined as to its sophistication with other salts. Sal ammoniac has a certain tenacity, and is flexible under the hammer or pestle. It is principally used in tinning of cast-iron, wrought iron, copper, brass, and for making the various ammoniacal preparations of pharmacy. In a chemical factory near Glasgow, 7200 gallons of ammoniacal liquor, obtained weekly from the gas-works, are treated as follows:—The liquor is first rectified by distillation from a waggon-shaped wrought-iron boiler, into a square cistern of iron lined with lead. 4500 lbs. of sulphuric acid, of specific gravity 1·625, are then slowly added to the somewhat concentrated distilled water of ammonia. The produce is 2400 gallons of sulphate of ammonia, slightly acidulous, of specific gravity 1·150, being of such strength as to deposit a few crystals upon the sides of the lead-lined iron tank in which the saline combination is made. It is decomposed by common salt. From the 7200 gallons of the first crude liquor, 900 gallons of tar are got by subsidence, and 200 gallons of petroleum are skimmed off the surface. The tar is converted, by a moderate boiling in iron pans, into good pitch. Salts, may be justly divided into three orders: 1. The binary, consisting of two single members; such as the bromides, chlorides, cyanides, fluorides, iodides, carburets, phosphurets, sulphurets, &c. 2. The bi-binary, consisting of two double members; such as the borates, bromates, carbonates, chlorates, sulphates, sulphites, hyposulphites, sulphohydrates, &c. 3. The ternary, consisting of two single members of one genus, and one member of another; such as the boro-fluorides, silico-fluorides, sulpho-cyanides, chloriodides, &c. The species of each order may exist in three states, constituting neutral salts; supersalts; and subsalts; as for example, the chloride of sodium, the bisulphate of potassa, the subnitrate of lead, &c. In the above arrangement, cyanogen is allowed to represent a simple substance, from its forming analogous compounds with chlorine and iodine. The neutral state of salts is commonly indicated by their solutions not changing the colours of litmus, violets, or red cabbage; the sub-state of salts, by their turning the violet and cabbage green; and the super-state of salts, by their changing the purple of litmus, violets, and cabbage, red; but to the generality of this criterion there are some exceptions. The atomic theory may be advantageously resorted to, in this predicament. 1. When one prime equivalent of the one member (whether single or double) of a salt, combines with one prime of the other member, a neutral salt is the result, as in chloride of sodium or nitrate of potassa. 2. When two primes of the electro-negative member combine with one prime of the electro-positive, a supersalt is formed, as bichloride of tin, or bisulphate of potassa. 3. When one prime of the electro-negative member combines with two or more primes of the electro-positive, a subsalt is produced, as the subacetate and subchromate of lead, &c. This important species of the saline class possesses, even in mass, a crystalline structure, derived from the cube, which is its primitive form. It has generally a foliated texture, and a distinct cleavage; but it has also sometimes a fibrous structure. The massive salt has a vitreous lustre. It is not so brittle as nitre; it is nearly as hard as alum, a little harder than gypsum, and softer than calcareous spar. Its specific gravity varies from 2·0 to 2·25. When pure, it is colourless, translucent, or transparent. On exposure to heat, it commonly decrepitates; but some kinds of rock salt enter quietly into fusion at an elevated temperature, a circumstance which has been ascribed to their having been originally subjected to the action of fire. According to M. Gay Lussac, 100 parts of water dissolve—
Native chloride of sodium, whether obtained from the waters of the ocean, from saline lakes, from salt springs, or mineral masses, is never perfectly pure. The foreign matters present in it vary with its different origins and qualities. These are, the sulphates of lime, magnesia, soda, muriates of magnesia and potash, bitumen, oxide of iron, clay in a state of diffusion, &c. Muriate of potash has been detected, in the waters of the ocean, in the sal-gem of Berchtesgaden in Bavaria, of Hallein in the territory of Salzbourg, and in the salt springs of Rosenheim. The more heterogeneous the salt, the more soluble is it, by the reciprocal affinity of its different saline constituents; and thus a delicate hydrometer, plunged in saturated brine, may serve to show approximately the quality of the salt. I find that the specific gravity of a saturated solution of large-grained cubical salt, is 1·1962 at 60° F. 100 parts of this brine contain 251/2 of salt, (100 w. + 34·2 s.) From mutual penetration, 100 volumes of the aqueous and saline constituents form rather less than 96 of the solution. Among the varieties in the form of this salt, the octahedral, the cubo-octahedral, and the dodecahedral, have been mentioned; but there is another, called the funnel or hopper-shaped, which is very common. It is a hollow rectangular pyramid, which forms at the surface of the saline solution in the course of its evaporation, commencing with a small floating cube, upon which lines of other little cubes attach themselves to the edges of the upper face; whereby they form and enlarge the sides of a hollow pyramid, whose apex, the single cubic crystal, is downward. This sinks by degrees as the aggregation goes on above, till a pyramidal boat of considerable size is constructed. A Table of the results of the Analyses of several varieties of Culinary Salt.
The geological position of rock salt is between the coal formation and the lias. The great rock-salt formation of England occurs within the red marl, or new red sandstone, the bunter-sandstein of the Germans, so called, because its colours vary from red to salmon and chocolate. This mineral stratum frequently presents streaks of light blue, verdigris, buff, or cream colour; and is chiefly remarkable for containing considerable masses or beds of gypsum. At Northwich, in the vale of the Weaver, the rock salt consists of two beds, together not less than 60 feet thick, which are supposed to constitute large insulated masses, about a mile and a half long, and nearly 1300 yards broad. There are other deposits of rock salt in the same valley, but of inferior importance. The uppermost bed occurs at 75 feet beneath the surface, and is covered with many layers of indurated red, blue, and brown clay, interstratified more or less with sulphate of lime, and interspersed with argillaceous marl. The second bed of rock salt lies 311/2 feet below the first, being separated from it by layers of indurated clay, with veins of rock salt running through them. The lowest bed of salt was excavated to a depth of 110 feet, several years ago. The beds or masses of rock salt are occasionally so thick, that they have not been yet bored through, though mined for many centuries. This is the case with the immense mass of Wieliczka, and the lower bed at Northwich. But in ordinary cases, this thickness varies from an inch or two to 12 or 15 yards. When the strata are thin, they are usually numerous; but the beds, layers, or masses never exhibit throughout a great extent any more than an illusory appearance of parallelism; for when they are explored at several points, enlargements are observed, and such diminutions as cause the salt to disappear sometimes altogether. This mineral is not deposited, therefore, in a geological stratum, but rather in lenticular masses, of very variable extent and thickness, placed alongside of each other at unequal distances, and interposed between the courses of the other formations. Sometimes the rock salt is disseminated in small masses or little veins among the calcareous and argillaceous marls which accompany or overlie the greater deposits. Bitumen, in small particles, hardly visible, but distinguishable by the smell, occurs in all the minerals of the saliferous system. It has been remarked, that the plants which grow generally on the sea shores, such as the Triglochinum maritimum, the Salicornia, the Salsola kali, the Aster trifolium, or farewell to summer, the Glaux maritima, &c., occur also in the neighbourhood of salt mines and salt springs, even of those which are most deeply buried beneath the surface. The interior of rock-salt mines, after digging through the strata of clay marl, &c. is extremely dry; so that the dust produced in the workings becomes an annoyance to the miners, though in other respects the excavations are not at all insalubrious. Salt springs occur nearly in the same circumstances, and in the same geological formation It has been imagined that there are two other periods of geological formation of this substance; one much more antient, belonging to the transition series of rocks; the other relatively modern, among secondary strata. To the former has been referred the salt formation of Bex, that of Cardonne, &c. But M. Brongniart assigns valid reasons for rejecting this supposition. M. Beudant, indeed, refers to the secondary strata above the chalk, the rock-salt formation of Wieliczka, and of the base of the Carpathians; placing these among the plastic clay and lignites. The mines of rock salt do not appear to possess any determinate elevation upon the surface of the earth. Immense masses of it are met with at very great depths below the level of the sea, (the mine of Wieliczka is excavated 860 feet beneath the soil,) and others exist at a considerable altitude, as that of Hallein near Salzbourg, which is 3300 feet above the level of the sea, and the saline rock of Arbonne in Savoy, which is nearly 4000 feet higher, situated at the great elevation of 7200 feet above the level of the sea, and consequently in the region of perpetual snow. The rock is a mass of saccharoid and anhydrous gypsum, imbued with common salt, which is extracted by lixiviation; after which the gypsum remains porous and light. The inland seas, salt lakes, and salt marshes, have their several localities obviously independent of peculiar geological formations. The ocean is, however, the most magnificent mine of salt, since this chloride constitutes about one-thirtieth part of its weight; being pretty evenly diffused throughout its waters, when no local cause disturbs the equilibrium. The largest proportion of salt held in solution in the open sea, is 38 parts in 1000, and the smallest 32. In a specimen taken by Mr. Wilkinson, out of the Red Sea, at Berenice, I found 43 parts of salt in 1000. The specific gravity of the water was 1·035. Were it requisite to extract the chloride of sodium from sea-water by fuel alone, many countries, even maritime, would find the process too costly. The salt is therefore obtained from it in two different manners; 1. by natural evaporation alone; 2. by natural and artificial evaporation combined. The first method is employed in warm regions, under the form of saline tanks, or brine reservoirs, called also brine-pits. These are large shallow basins, the bottom of which is very smooth, and formed of clay. They are excavated along the sea-shore, and consist of— 1st. A large reservoir, deeper than the proper brine-pits, which is dug between them and the sea. This reservoir communicates with the sea by means of a channel provided with a sluice. On the sea-shore, these reservoirs may be filled at high water, though the tides are rather inconvenient than advantageous to brine-pits. 2dly. The brine-pits, properly so called, which are divided into a number of compartments by means of little banks. All these compartments have a communication with each other, but so that the water frequently has a long circuit to make, from one set to another. Sometimes it must flow 400 or 500 yards, before it reaches the extremity of this sort of labyrinth. The various divisions have a number of singular names, by which they are technically distinguished. They should be exposed to the north, north-east, or north-west winds. The water of the sea is let into these reservoirs in the month of March, where it is exposed on a vast surface to evaporation. The first reservoir is intended to detain the water till its impurities have subsided, and from it the other reservoirs are supplied, as their water evaporates. The salt is considered to be on the point of crystallizing when the water begins to grow red. Soon after this, a pellicle forms on the surface, which breaks, and falls to the bottom. Sometimes the salt is allowed to subside in the first compartment; at others, the strong brine is made to pass on to the others, where a larger surface is exposed to the air. In either case the salt is drawn out, and left upon the borders to drain and dry. The salt thus obtained, partakes or the colour of the bottom on which it is formed; and is hence white, red, or gray. Sea water contains, in 1000 parts, 25 of chloride of sodium, 5·3 sulphate of magnesia, 3·5 chloride of magnesium, 0·2 carbonate of lime and magnesia, 0·1 sulphate of lime, besides 1/2000 of sulphate and muriate of potash. It also contains iodide of sodium, and bromide of magnesium. Its average spec. grav. is from 1·029 to 1·030. Sea-water and weak brines may be concentrated either by the addition of rock salt, by spontaneous evaporation in brine-pits (see suprÀ), or by graduation. Houses for the last purpose are extensively employed in France and Germany. The weak brine is pumped into an immense cistern on the top of a tower, and is thence allowed to flow down the surface of bundles of thorns built up in regular walls, between parallel wooden frames. At Salza, near SchÖnebeck, the graduation-house is 5817 feet long, the thorn Figs. 965, 966, 967. represent the construction of a salt-pan, its furnace, and the salt store-room of the works at DÜrrenberg; fig. 967. being the ground plan, fig. 966. The bottoms of the several flues have a gradual ascent above the level of the fire-grate. A special chimney o, rises above the ash-pit, to carry off the smoke, which may chance to regurgitate in certain states of the wind. p, p, are iron pipes laid upon each side of the ash-pit (see figs. 966. and 967.), into which cold air is admitted by the flue q, r, where, becoming heated, it is conducted through iron pipes s, and thence escapes at t, into the stove-room. Upon both sides of the hot flues in the stove-room, hurdle-frames u, u, are laid, each of which contains 11 baskets, and every basket, except the undermost, holds 60 pounds of salt, spread in a layer 2 inches thick. v, v, show the pipes by which the pan is supplied with graduated brine. Description of the Steam-trunk, in fig. 968. In front of the pan a, a, there are two upright posts, upon which, and in holes of the back wall, two horizontal beams b, b, are supported. The pillars c, c, are sustained upon the bearers d, d. At e, e, a deep quadrangular groove is made in the beams, for fixing down the four boards which form the bottom of the steam-way. In this groove any condensed water from the steam collects, and is carried off by a pipe f, to prevent it falling back into the pan. Upon the three sides of the pan not in contact with the wall, there are three rows of boards hinged upon planks b, b. Behind the upper one, a board is hung on at g, upon which the boiled salt is laid to drain. The In proportion as the brine becomes concentrated by evaporation, more is added from the settling reservoir of the graduation-house, till finally small crystals appear on the surface. No more weak brine is now added, but the charge is worked off, care being taken to remove the scum, as it appears. In some places the first pan is called a schlot-pan, in which the concentration is carried only so far as to cause the deposition of the sludge, from which the saline solution is run into another pan, and gently evaporated, to produce the precipitation of the fine salt. This salt should be continually raked towards the cooler and more elevated sides of the pan, and then lifted out with cullender-shovels into large conical baskets, arranged in wooden frames round the border of the pan, so that the drainage may flow back into the boiling liquor. The drained salt is transferred to the hurdles or baskets in the stove-room, which ought to be kept at a temperature of from 120° to 130°, Fahr. The salt is then stowed away in the warehouse. The graduation range should be divided lengthwise into several sections: the first to receive the water of the spring, the lake, or the sea; the second, the water from the first shower-receiver; the third, the water from the second receiver; and so on. The pumps are usually placed in the middle of the building, and lift the brine from the several receivers below into the alternate elevated cisterns. The square wooden spouts of distribution may be conveniently furnished with a slide-board, attached to each of their sides, to serve as a general valve for opening or shutting many trickling orifices at once. The rate of evaporation at Moutiers is exhibited by the following table:—
From the above table it appears that no less than 10 falls of the brine have been required to bring the water from the specific gravity 1·010 to 1·140, or 18° BaumÉ. The evaporation is found to proceed at nearly the same rate with the weaker water, and with the stronger, within the above limits. When it arrives at a density of from 1·140 to 1·16, it is run off into the settling cisterns. M. Berthier calculates, that upon an average, in ordinary weather, at Moutiers, 60 kilogrammes of water (13 gallons, imp.) are evaporated from the fagots, in the course of 24 hours, for every square foot of their surface. Without the aid of currents of air artificially warmed, such an amount of evaporation could not be reckoned upon in this country. In the schlotting, or throwing down of the sediment, a little bullock’s blood, previously beaten up with some cold brine, promotes the clarification. When the brine acquires, by brisk ebullition, the density of 1·200, it should be run off from the preparation, to the finishing or salting pans. The mother-water contains a great deal of chloride of magnesium, along with chloride of sodium, and sulphate of magnesia. Since the last two salts mutually decompose each other at a low temperature, and are transformed into sulphate of soda, which crystallizes, and muriate of magnesia, which remains dissolved, the mother-water with The chloride of magnesium, or bittern, not only deteriorates the salt very much, but occasions a considerable loss of weight. It may, however, be most advantageously got rid of, and converted into chloride of sodium by the following simple expedient:—Let quicklime be introduced in equivalent quantity to the magnesia present, and it will precipitate this earth, and form chloride of calcium, which will immediately react upon the sulphate of soda in the mother-water, with the production of sulphate of lime and chloride of sodium. The former being sparingly soluble, is easily separated. Lime, moreover, decomposes directly the chloride of magnesium, but with the effect of merely substituting chloride of calcium in its stead. But in general there is abundance of sulphate of soda in brine springs to decompose the chloride of calcium. A still better way of proceeding with sea-water, would be to add to it, in the settling tank, the quantity of lime equivalent to the magnesia, whereby an available deposit of this earth would be obtained, at the same time that the brine would be sweetened. Water thus purified may be safely crystallized by rapid evaporation. In summer, the saturated boiling brine is crystallized by passing it over vertical ropes; for which purpose 100,000 metres (110,000 yards) are mounted in an apartment 70 metres (77 yards) long. When the salt has formed a crust upon the ropes about 21/2 inches thick, it is broken off, allowed to fall upon the clean floor of the apartment, and then gathered up. The salting of a charge, which would take 5 or 6 days in the pan, is completed in this way in 17 hours; but the mother-waters are more abundant. The salt is, however, remarkably pure. The boilers constructed at Rosenheim, in Bavaria, evaporate 31/2 pounds of water for every pound of wood burned; which is reckoned a favourable result; but some of those described under Evaporation, would throw off much more. “The rock salt mines and principal brine springs are in Cheshire; and the chief part of the Cheshire salt, both fossil and manufactured, is sent by the river Weaver to Liverpool, a very small proportion of it being conveyed elsewhere, by canal or land carriage. There are brine springs in Staffordshire, from which Hull is furnished with white salt; and in Worcestershire, from which Gloucester is supplied. If to the quantity shipped by the Weaver, 100,000 tons of white salt are added annually for internal consumption and exports, exclusive of Liverpool, the total manufacture will be approached very nearly; but as there is now no check from the excise, it is impossible to ascertain it exactly. Fossil salt is used in small quantities at some of the Cheshire manufactories, to strengthen the brine, but is principally exported; some to Ireland, but chiefly to Belgium and Holland.” M. Clement-Desormes, engineer and chief actionnaire of the great salt-works of Dieuze, in France, informs me that the internal consumption of that kingdom is rather more than 200,000 tons per annum, being at the rate of 61/2 kilogrammes for each individual of a population estimated at 32,000,000. As the retail price of salt in France is 10 sous per kilogramme (of 21/5 lbs. avoird.), while in this country it is not more than 2 sous (1 penny), its consumption per head will be much greater with us; and, taking into account the immense quantity of salted provisions that are used, it may be reckoned at 22 lbs.; whence our internal consumption will be 240,000 tons, instead of 100,000, as quoted above, from the tables published by the Board of Trade. In 1836, 9,622,427 bushels, of 56 lbs. = 240,560 tons of salt, value 173,923l., were exported from the United Kingdom, of which 1,350,849 bushels went to Russia; 1,235,086 to Belgium; 314,132 to the Western coast of Africa; 1,293,560 to the British North American colonies; 2,870,808 to the United States of America; 53,299 to New South Wales, Van Diemen’s Land, and other Australian settlements; 58,735 to the British West Indies; and 90,655 to Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, and Man. Sandal wood is used in India, along with one-tenth of sapan wood (the CÆsalpinia sapan of Japan, Java, Siam, Celebes, and the Philippine isles), principally for dyeing silk and cotton. Trommsdorf dyed wool, cotton, and linen a carmine hue by dipping them alternately in alkaline solution of the sandal wood, and in an acidulous bath. Bancroft obtained a fast and brilliant reddish-yellow, by preparing wool with an alum and tartar bath, and then passing it through a boiling bath of sandal wood and sumac. Pelletier did not succeed in repeating this experiment. According to Togler, wool, silk, cotton, and linen, mordanted with salt of tin, and dipped in a cold alcoholic tincture of the wood, or the same tincture mixed with 8 parts of boiling water, become of a superb ponceau-red colour. With alum, they took a scarlet-red; with sulphate of iron, a deep violet, or brown-red. Unluckily these dyes do not stand exposure to light well. The resin comes to us in pale yellow, transparent, brittle, small tears, of a spherical or cylindrical shape. It has a faint aromatic smell, does not soften, but breaks between the teeth, fuses readily with heat, and has a specific gravity of from 1·05 to 1·09. It contains three different resins; one soluble in spirit of wine, somewhat resembling pinic acid (see Turpentine); one not soluble in that menstruum; and a third, soluble only in alcohol of 90 per cent. It is used as pounce-powder for strewing over paper erasures, as incense, and in varnishes. 1. The bouillon, or the colouring-bath.—For 100 pounds of cloth, put into the water, when it is little more than lukewarm, 6 pounds of argal, and stir it well. When the water becomes too hot for the hand, throw into it, with agitation, one pound of cochineal in fine powder. An instant afterwards, pour in 5 pounds of the clear mordant G, (see Tin Mordants,) stir the whole thoroughly as soon as the bath begins to boil, introduce the cloth, and wince it briskly for two or three rotations, and then more slowly. At the end of a two-hours’ boil, the cloth is to be taken out, allowed to become perfectly cool, and well washed at the river, or winced in a current of pure water. (See an automatic plan of washing described under the article Rinsing Machine.) 2. The rougie, or finishing dye.—The bouillon bath is emptied, and replaced with water for the rougie. When it is on the point of boiling, 51/2 pounds of cochineal in fine powder are to be thrown in, and mixed with care; when the crust, which forms upon the surface, opens of itself in several places, 14 pounds of solution of tin (as above) are to be added. Should the liquor be likely to boil over the edges of the kettle, it must be refreshed with a little cold water. When the bath has become uniform, the cloth is to be put in, taking care to wince it briskly for two or three turns; then to boil it bodily for an hour, thrusting it under the liquor with a rod whenever it rises to the surface. It is lastly taken out, aired, washed at the river, and dried. As no person has done more for the improvement of the scarlet dyes than PoËrner, I shall here give his processes in detail. Bouillon, or colouring.—For every pound of cloth or wool, take 14 drams of cream of tartar. When the bath is boiling, and the tartar all dissolved, pour in successively 14 drams of solution of tin, (Mordant F, Tin,) and let the whole boil together during a few minutes. Now introduce the cloth, and boil it for 2 hours; then take it out, and let it drain and cool. Rougie, or dye.—For every pound of woollen stuff, take 2 drams of cream of tartar. When the bath begins to boil, add 1 ounce of cochineal reduced to fine powder, stir the mixture well with a rod of willow or any white wood, and let it boil for a few minutes. Then pour in, by successive portions, 1 ounce of solution of tin (Mordant F), stirring continually with the rod. Lastly, dye as quickly as possible. The colour will be a beautiful scarlet. Second scarlet process of PoËrner, the bouillon being the same as above given, and always estimated for 1 pound of cloth or wool. Rougie.—Take one ounce of cochineal in fine powder, and two ounces of solution of tin without tartar. Third scarlet process of PoËrner; the bouillon being as above. Rougie for a pound of cloth.—Take two drams of cream of tartar, one ounce of cochineal, one ounce of solution of tin, and two ounces of sea salt: dye as in process 1. The salt helps the dye to penetrate into the cloth. Tables of the Composition of the Bouillon and Rougie, by different Authors, for 100 pounds of Cloth or Wool. Composition of the Bouillon.
Composition of the Rougie.
M. Lenormand states that he has made experiments of verification upon all the formulÆ of the preceding tables, and declares his conviction that the finest tint may be obtained by taking the bouillon of Scheffer, and the rougie No. 4. of PoËrner. The solution which produced the most brilliant red, is that made according to the process of mordant B (Tin). M. Robiquet has given the following prescription for making a printing scarlet, for well-whitened woollen cloth. Boil a pound of pulverized cochineal in four pints of water down to two pints, and pass the decoction through a sieve. Repeat the boiling three times upon the residuum, mix the eight pints of decoction, thicken them properly with two pounds of starch, and boil into a paste. Let it cool down to 104° F., then add four ounces of the subjoined solution of tin, and two ounces of ordinary salt of tin (muriate). When a ponÇeau red is wanted, two ounces of pounded curcuma (turmeric) should be added. The solution of tin above prescribed, is made by taking—one ounce of nitric acid, of specific gravity 36° B. = 1·33; one ounce of sal ammoniac; four ounces of grain tin. The tin is to be divided into eight portions, and one of them is to be put into the acid mixture every quarter of an hour. A solution of chlorate of potassa (chloride?) is said to beautify scarlet cloth in a remarkable manner. Bancroft proposed to supplant the nitro-muriatic acid, by a mixture of sulphuric and muriatic acids, for dissolving tin; but I do not find that he succeeded in persuading scarlet-dyers to adopt his plans. In fact the proper base is, in my opinion, a mixture of the protoxide and peroxide of tin; and this cannot be obtained by acting upon the metal with the murio-sulphuric acid. He also prescribed the extensive use of the quercitron yellow to change the natural crimson of the cochineal into scarlet, thereby economizing the quantity of this expensive dye-stuff. See Lac Dye. When cold water is added to the mixed solutions, immediately after the precipitate Both of the above colours are rank poisons. The first was detected a few years ago, as the colouring-matter of some Parisian bonbons, by the conseil de salubritÉ; since which the confectioners were prohibited from using it, by the French government. Among the spots which alter the colours fixed upon stuffs, some are caused by a substance which may be described as simple, in common language; and others by a substance which results from the combination of two or more bodies, that may act separately or together upon the stuff, and which may therefore be called compound. Simple stains.—Oils and fats are the substances which form the greater part of simple stains. They give a deep shade to the ground of the cloth; they continue to spread for several days; they attract the dust, and retain it so strongly, that it is not removable by the brush; and they eventually render the stain lighter coloured upon a dark ground, and of a disagreeable gray tint upon a pale or light ground. The general principle of cleansing all spots, consists in applying to them a substance which shall have a stronger affinity for the matter composing them, than this has for the cloth, and which shall render them soluble in some liquid menstruum, such as water, spirits, naphtha, oil of turpentine, &c. See Bleaching. Alkalis would seem to be proper in this point of view, as they are the most powerful solvents of grease; but they act too strongly upon silk and wool, as well as change too powerfully the colours of dyed stuffs, to be safely applicable in removing stains. The best substances for this purpose are—1. Soap. 2. Chalk, fuller’s earth, soap-stone or steatite (called in this country French chalk). These should be merely diffused through a little water into a thin paste, spread upon the stain, and allowed to dry. The spot requires now to be merely brushed. 3. Ox-gall and yolk of egg have the property of dissolving fatty bodies without affecting perceptibly the texture or colours of cloth, and may therefore be employed with advantage. The ox-gall should be purified, to prevent its greenish tint from degrading the brilliancy of dyed stuffs, or the purity of whites. Thus prepared (see Gall), it is the most precious of all substances known for removing these kinds of stains. 4. The volatile oil of turpentine will take out only recent stains; for which purpose it ought to be previously purified by distillation over quicklime. Wax, rosin, turpentine, pitch, and all resinous bodies in general, form stains of greater or less adhesion, which may be dissolved out by pure alcohol. The juices of fruits, and the coloured juices of all vegetables in general, deposit upon clothes marks in their peculiar hues. Stains of wine, mulberries, black currants, morellos, liquors, and weld, yield only to soaping with the hand, followed by fumigation with sulphurous acid; but the latter process is inadmissible with certain coloured stuffs. Iron mould or rust stains may be taken out almost instantaneously with a strong solution of oxalic acid. If the stain is recent, cream of tartar will remove it. Compound spots.—That mixture of rust of iron and grease called cambouis by the French, is an example of this kind, and requires two distinct operations; first, the removal of the grease, and then of the rust, by the means above indicated. Mud, especially that of cities, is a compound of vegetable remains, and of ferruginous matter in a state of black oxide. Washing with pure water, followed if necessary with soaping, will take away the vegetable juices; and then the iron may be removed with As to those stains which change the colour of the stuff, they must be corrected by appropriate chemical reagents or dyes. When black or brown cloth is reddened by an acid, the stain is best counteracted by the application of water of ammonia. If delicate silk colours are injured by soapy or alkaline matters, the stains must be treated with colourless vinegar of moderate force. An earthy compound for removing grease spots is made as follows:—Take fuller’s earth, free it from all gritty matter by elutriation with water; mix with half a pound of the earth so prepared, half a pound of soda, as much soap, and eight yolks of eggs well beat up with half a pound of purified ox-gall. The whole must be carefully triturated upon a porphyry slab; the soda with the soap in the same manner as colours are ground, mixing in gradually the eggs and the ox-gall previously beat together. Incorporate next the soft earth by slow degrees, till a uniform thick paste be formed, which should be made into balls or cakes of a convenient size, and laid out to dry. A little of this detergent being scraped off with a knife, made into a paste with water, and applied to the stain, will remove it. Purified ox-gall is to be diffused through its own bulk of water, applied to the spots, rubbed well into them with the hands till they disappear, after which the stuff is to be washed with soft water. It is the best substance for removing stains on woollen clothes. The redistilled oil of turpentine may also be rubbed upon the dry clothes with a sponge or a tuft of cotton, till the spot disappear; but it must be immediately afterwards covered with some plastic clay reduced to powder. Without this precaution, a cloud would be formed round the stain, as large as the part moistened with the turpentine. Oxalic acid may be applied in powder upon the spot previously moistened with water, well rubbed on, and then washed off with pure water. Sulphurous acid is best generated at the moment of using it. If the clothes be much stained, they should be suspended in an ordinary fumigating chamber. For trifling stains, the sulphur may be burned under the wide end of a small card or paper funnel, whose upper orifice is applied near the cloth. Manipulations of the scourer.—These consist, first, in washing the clothes in clear soft water, or in soap-water. The cloth must be next stretched on a sloping board, and rubbed with the appropriate reagent as above described, either by a sponge or a small hard brush. The application of a redhot iron a little way above a moistened spot often volatilizes the greasy matter out of it. Stains of pitch, varnish, or oil paint, which have become dry, must first be softened with a little fresh butter or lard, and then treated with the powder of the scouring ball. When the gloss has been taken from silk, it may be restored by applying the filtered mucilage of gum tragacanth; stretching it upon a frame to dry. Ribbons are glossed with isinglass. Lemon juice is used to brighten scarlet spots, after they have been cleaned. Fig. 969. represents the whole of the seal engraver’s lathe. It consists of a table on which is fixed the mill, a small horizontal Having fixed the tool best adapted to his style of work in the mill, the artist applies to its cutting point, or edge, some diamond-powder, mixed up with olive oil; and turning the wheel, he holds the stone against the tool, so as to produce the wished-for delineation and erosion. A similar apparatus is used for engraving on glass. In order to give the highest degree of polish to the engraving, tools of boxwood, pewter, or copper, bedaubed with moistened tripoli or rotten-stone, and lastly, a brush, are fastened to the mill. These are worked like the above steel instruments. Modern engravings on precious stones, have not in general the same fine polish as the antient. The article Gems, in Rees’ CyclopÆdia, contains a variety of valuable information on this subject, equally interesting to the artist and the scholar. If shellac be compounded into sealing-wax, immediately after it has been separated by fusion from the palest qualities of stick or seed lac, it then forms a better and less brittle article, than when the shellac is fused a second time. Hence sealing-wax, rightly prepared in the East Indies, deserves a preference over what can be made in other countries, where the lac is not indigenous. Shellac can be restored in some degree, however, to a plastic and tenacious state by melting it with a very small portion of turpentine. The palest shellac is to be selected for bright-coloured sealing-wax, the dark kind being reserved for black. The following prescription may be followed for making red sealing-wax:—Take 4 ounces of shellac, 1 ounce of Venice turpentine (some say 11/2 ounces), and 3 ounces of vermillion. Melt the lac in a copper pan suspended over a clear charcoal fire, then pour the turpentine slowly into it, and soon afterwards add the vermillion, stirring briskly all the time of the mixture with a rod in either hand. In forming the round sticks of sealing-wax, a certain portion of the mass should be weighed while it is ductile, divided into the desired number of pieces, and then rolled out upon a warm marble slab, by means of a smooth wooden block, like that used by apothecaries for rolling a mass of pills. The oval sticks of sealing-wax are cast in moulds, with the above compound in a state of fusion. The marks of the lines of junction of the mould-box may be afterwards removed by holding the sticks over a clear fire, or passing them over a blue gas-flame. Marbled sealing-wax is made by mixing two, three, or more coloured kinds of it, while they are in a semi-fluid state. From the viscidity of the several masses, their incorporation is left incomplete, so as to produce the appearance of marbling. Gold sealing-wax is made simply by stirring gold-coloured mica spangles into the melted resins. Wax may be scented by introducing a little essential oil, essence of musk, or other perfume. If 1 part of balsam of Peru be melted along with 99 parts of the sealing-wax composition, an agreeable fragrance will be exhaled in the act of sealing with it. Either lamp black or ivory black serves for the colouring-matter of black wax. Sealing-wax is often adulterated with rosin; in which case it runs into thin drops at the flame of a candle. Selenium, after being fused and slowly cooled, appears of a bluish-gray colour, with a glistening surface; but it is reddish brown, and of metallic lustre when quickly cooled, This singular substance, apparently intermediate in its constitution between sulphur and metals, has not hitherto been applied to any use in the arts. The dried native sepia is prepared for the painter, by first triturating it with a little caustic lye, then adding more lye, boiling the liquid for half an hour, filtering, next saturating the alkali with an acid, separating the precipitate, washing it with water, and finally drying it with a gentle heat. The pigment is of a brown colour, and a fine grain. It is prepared from the skins of horses, wild asses, and camels; of strips cut along the chine, from the neck towards the tail, apparently because this stronger and thicker portion of the skin is best adapted to the operations about to be described. These fillets are to be steeped in water till the epidermis becomes loose, and the hairs easily come away by the roots; after which they are to be stretched upon a board, and dressed with the currier’s fleshing-knife. They must be kept continually moist, and extended by cords attached to their edges, with the flesh side uppermost upon the board. Each strip now resembles a wet bladder, and is to be stretched in an open square wooden frame by means of strings tied to its edges, till it be as smooth and tense as a drum-head. For this purpose it must be moistened and extended from time to time in the frame. The grain or hair side of the moist strip of skin must next be sprinkled over with a kind of seeds called Allabuta, which are to be forced into its surface either by tramping with the feet, or with a simple press, a piece of felt or other thick stuff being laid upon the seeds. These seeds belong probably to the Chenapodium album. They are lenticular, hard, of a shining black colour, farinaceous within, about the size of poppy seed, and are sometimes used to represent the eyes in wax figures. The skin is exposed to dry in the shade, with the seeds indented into its surface; after which it is freed from them by shaking it, and beating upon its other side with a stick. The outside will be then horny, and pitted with small hollows corresponding to the shape and number of the seeds. In order to make the next process intelligible, we must advert to another analogous and well-known operation. When we make impressions in fine-grained dry wood with steel punches or letters of any kind, then plane away the wood till we come to the level of the bottom of these impressions, afterwards steep the wood in water, the condensed or punched points will swell above the surface, and place the letters in relief. Snuff-boxes have been sometimes marked with prominent figures in this way. Now shagreen is treated in a similar manner. The strip of skin is stretched in an inclined plane, with its upper edge attached to hooks, and its under one loaded with weights, in which position it is thinned off with a proper semi-lunar knife, but not so much as to touch the bottom of the seed-pits or depressions. By maceration in water, the skin is then made to swell, and the pits become prominent over the surface which had been shaved. The swelling is completed by steeping the strips in a warm solution of soda, after which they are cleansed by the action of salt brine, and then dyed. In the East the following processes are pursued. Entirely white shagreen is obtained by imbuing the skin with a solution of alum, covering it with the dough made with Turkey wheat, and after a time washing this away with a solution of alum. The strips are now rubbed with grease or suet, to diminish their rigidity, then worked carefully in hot water, curried with a blunt knife, and afterwards dried. They are dyed red with decoction of cochineal or kermes, and green with fine copper filings and sal ammoniac, the solution of this salt being first applied, then the filings being strewed upon the skin, which must be rolled up and loaded with weights for some time; blue is given with indigo, quicklime, soda, and honey; and black, with galls and copperas. Sienite forms a considerable part of the Criffle, a hill in Galloway. It takes its name from the city of Syene, in the Thebaid, near the cataracts of the Nile, where this rock abounds. It is an excellent building-stone, and was imported in large quantities from Egypt by the Romans, for the architectural and statuary decorations of their capital. The above silicate of potassa and soda is the compound called soluble glass, which applied in solution to the surface of wood, calico, paper, &c., renders them unsusceptible of taking fire on the contact of an ignited body. Silica, as thus prepared, is a white powder, rough to the touch, gritty between the teeth, absolutely insoluble in water, acids, and most liquids. Its specific gravity is 2·66. It cannot be fused by the most intense heat of our furnaces, but at the flame of the oxy-hydrogen blowpipe it melts into a limpid colourless glass. By peculiar chemical methods, an aqueous solution of it may be made artificially, similar to what nature presents us with in many thermal springs, as in those of Reikum and of Geyser in Iceland, and of most mineral waters, in minute quantity. There is no acid except the fluoric which can directly dissolve dry or calcined silica. Silica is composed of 48·04 silicon, and 51·96 oxygen. The specific gravity of silk is 1·300, water being 1·000. It is by far the most tenacious or the strongest of all textile fibres, a thread of it of a certain diameter being nearly three times stronger than a thread of flax, and twice stronger than hemp. Some varieties of silk are perfectly white, but the general colour in the native state is a golden yellow. The production of silk was unknown in Europe till the sixth century, when two monks, who brought some eggs of the silkworm from China or India to Constantinople, were encouraged to breed the insect, and cultivate its cocoons, by the Emperor Justinian. Several silk manufactures were in consequence established in Athens, Thebes, and Corinth, not only for rearing the worm upon mulberry-leaves, but for unwinding its cocoons, for twisting their filaments into stronger threads, and weaving these into robes. The Venetians having then and long afterwards intimate commercial relations with the Greek empire, supplied the whole of western Europe with silk goods, and derived great riches from the trade. About 1130, Roger II., king of Sicily, set up a silk manufacture at Palermo, and another in Calabria, conducted by artisans whom he had seized and carried off as prisoners of war in his expedition to the Holy Land. From these countries, the silk industry soon spread throughout Italy. It seems to have been introduced into Spain at a very early period, by the Moors, particularly in Murcia, Cordova, and Granada. The last town, indeed, possessed a flourishing silk trade when it was taken by Ferdinand in the 15th century. The French having been supplied with workmen from Milan, commenced, in 1521, the silk manufacture; but it was not till 1564 that they began successfully to produce the silk itself, when Traucat, a working gardener at Nismes, formed the first nursery of white mulberry-trees, and with such success, that in a few years he was enabled to propagate them over many of the southern provinces of France. Prior to this time, some French noblemen, on their return from the conquest of Naples, had introduced a few silkworms with the mulberry into Dauphiny; but the business had not prospered in their hands. The mulberry plantations were greatly encouraged by Henry IV.; and since then they have been the source of most beneficial employment to the French people. James I. was most solicitous to introduce the breeding of silkworms into England, and in a speech from the throne he earnestly recommended his subjects to plant mulberry-trees; but he totally failed in the project. This country does not seem to be well adapted for this species of husbandry, on account of the great prevalence of blighting east winds during the months of April and May, when the worms require a plentiful supply of mulberry-leaves. The manufacture of silk goods, however, made great progress during that king’s peaceful and pompous reign. In 1629 it had become so considerable in London, that the silk-throwsters of the city and suburbs were formed into a public corporation. So early as 1661 they employed 40,000 persons. The revocation of the edict of Nantes, in 1685, contributed in a remarkable manner to the increase of the English silk trade, by the influx of a large colony of skilful French weavers, who settled in Spitalfields. The great silk-throwing mill mounted at Derby, in 1719, also served to promote the extension of this branch of manufacture; for soon Till the year 1826, however, our silk manufactures in general laboured under very grievous fiscal burdens. Foreign organzine, or twisted raw silk, paid an import duty of 14s. 71/2d. per pound; raw Bengal silk, 4s.; and that from other places, 5s. 71/2d. Mr. Huskisson introduced a bill at that time, reducing the duty on organzine to 5s., and the duty on other raw silk to 3d. per pound. The total prohibition of the import of French manufactured silks, which gave rise to so much contraband trade, was also converted into a duty of 30 per cent. ad valorem. During the reign of the prohibitory system, when our silk weavers had no variety of patterns to imitate, and no adequate stimulus to excel, on account of the monopoly which they possessed in the home market, the inferiority of their productions was a subject of constant pride and congratulation among the Lyonnais; and accordingly the English could not stand their competition any where. At that time, the disadvantage on English silk goods, compared to French, was estimated in foreign markets at 40 per cent.; of late years it certainly does not exceed 20, notwithstanding the many peculiar facilities which France enjoys for this her favourite staple. The silkworm, called by entomologists PhalÆna bombyx mori, is, like its kindred species, subject to four metamorphoses. The egg, fostered by the genial warmth of spring, sends forth a caterpillar, which, in its progressive enlargement, casts its skin either three or four times, according to the variety of the insect. Having acquired its full size in the course of 25 or 30 days, and ceasing to eat during the remainder of its life, it begins to discharge a viscid secretion, in the form of pulpy twin filaments, from its nose, which harden in the air. These threads are instinctively coiled into an ovoid nest round itself, called a cocoon, which serves as a defence against living enemies and changes of temperature. Here it soon changes into the chrysalis or nymph state, in which it lies swaddled, as it were, for about 15 or 20 days. Then it bursts its cearments, and comes forth furnished with appropriate wings, antennÆ, and feet, for living in its new element, the atmosphere. The male and the female moths couple together at this time, and terminate their union by a speedy death, their whole existence being limited to two months. The cocoons are completely formed in the course of three or four days; the finest being reserved as seed worms. From these cocoons, after an interval of 18 or 20 days, the moth makes its appearance, perforating its tomb by knocking with its head against one end of the cocoon, after softening it with saliva, and thus rendering the filaments more easily torn asunder by its claws. Such moths or aurelias are collected and placed upon a piece of soft cloth, where they couple and lay their eggs. The eggs, or grains as they are usually termed, are enveloped in a liquid which causes them to adhere to the piece of cloth or paper on which the female lays them. From this glue they are readily freed, by dipping them in cold water, and wiping them dry. They are best preserved in the ovum state at a temperature of about 55° F. If the heat of spring advances rapidly in April, it must not be suffered to act on the eggs, otherwise it might hatch the caterpillars long before the mulberry has sent forth its leaves to nourish them. Another reason for keeping back their incubation is, that they may be hatched together in large broods, and not by small numbers in succession. The eggs are made up into small packets, of an ounce, or somewhat more, which in the south of France are generally attached to the girdles of the women during the day, and placed under their pillows at night. They are, of course, carefully examined from time to time. In large establishments, they are placed in an appropriate stove-room, where they are exposed to a temperature gradually increased till it reaches the 86th degree of Fahrenheit’s scale, which term it must not exceed. Aided by this heat, nature completes her mysterious work of incubation in eight or ten days. The teeming eggs are now covered with a sheet of paper pierced with numerous holes, about one-twelfth of an inch in diameter. Through these apertures the new-hatched worms creep upwards instinctively, to get at the tender mulberry leaves strewed over the paper. The nursery where the worms are reared, is called by the French a magnaniÈre; it ought to be a well-aired chamber, free from damp, excess of cold or heat, rats and other vermin. It should be ventilated occasionally, to purify the atmosphere from the noisome emanations produced by the excrements of the caterpillars and the decayed leaves. The scaffolding of the wicker-work shelves should be substantial; and they should be from 15 to 18 inches apart. A separate small apartment should be allotted to the sickly worms. Immediately before each moulting, the appetite of the worms begins to flag; it ceases altogether at that period of cutaneous metamorphosis, but revives speedily after the skin is fairly cast, because the internal parts of the animal are thereby allowed freely to develop themselves. At the end of the second age, the worms are half an inch long; and should then be transferred from the small room in which they were first hatched, into the proper apartment where they are to When they have ceased to eat, either in the fourth or fifth age, agreeably to the variety of the bombyx, and when they display the spinning instinct by crawling up among the twigs of heath, &c., they are not long of beginning to construct their cocoons, by throwing the thread in different directions, so as to form the floss, filoselle, or outer open network, which constitutes the bourre or silk for carding and spinning. The cocoons destined for filature, must not be allowed to remain for many days with the worms alive within them; for should the chrysalis have leisure to grow mature or come out, the filaments at one end would be cut through, and thus lose almost all their value. It is therefore necessary to extinguish the life of the animal by heat, which is done either by exposing the cocoons for a few days to sunshine, by placing them in a hot oven, or in the steam of boiling water. A heat of 202° F. is sufficient for effecting this purpose, and it may be best administered by plunging tin cases filled with the cocoons into water heated to that pitch. 80 pounds French (88 Eng.) of cocoons, are the average produce from one ounce of eggs, or 100 from one ounce and a quarter; but M. Folzer of Alsace obtained no less than 165 pounds. The silk obtained from a cocoon is from 750 to 1150 feet long. The varnish by which the coils are glued slightly together, is soluble in warm water. The silk husbandry, as it may be called, is completed in France within six weeks from the end of April, and thus affords the most rapid of agricultural returns, requiring merely the advance of a little capital for the purchase of the leaf. In buying up cocoons, and in the filature, indeed, capital may be often laid out to great advantage. The most hazardous period in the process of breeding the worms, is at the third and fourth moulting; for upon the 6th day of the third age, and the seventh day of the fourth, they in general eat nothing at all. On the first day of the fourth age, the worms proceeding from one ounce of eggs will, according to Bonafons, consume upon an average twenty-three pounds and a quarter of mulberry leaves; on the first of the fifth age, they will consume forty-two pounds; and on the sixth day of the same age, they acquire their maximum voracity, devouring no less than 223 pounds. From this date their appetite continually decreases, till on the tenth day of this age they consume only fifty-six pounds. The space which they occupy upon the wicker tables, being at their birth only nine feet square, becomes eventually 239 feet. In general the more food they consume, the more silk will they produce. A mulberry-tree is valued, in Provence, at from 6d. to 10d.; it is planted out of the nursery at four years of age; it is begun to be stripped in the fifth year, and affords an increasing crop of leaves till the twentieth. It yields from 1 cwt. to 30 cwt. of leaves, according to its magnitude and mode of cultivation. One ounce of silkworm eggs is worth in France about 21/2 francs; it requires for its due development into cocoons about 15 cwt. of mulberry leaves, which cost upon an average 3 francs per cwt. in a favourable season. One ounce of eggs is calculated, as I have said, to produce from 80 to 100 pounds of cocoons, of the value of 1 fr. 52 centimes per pound, or 125 francs in whole. About 8 pounds of reeled raw silk, worth 18 francs a pound, are obtained from these 100 pounds of cocoons. There are three denominations of raw silk; viz., organzine, trame (shute or tram), and floss. Organzine serves for the warp of the best silk stuffs, and is considerably twisted; tram is made usually from inferior silk, and is very slightly twisted, in order that it may spread more, and cover better in the weft; floss, or bourre, consists of the shorter broken silk, which is carded and spun like cotton. Organzine and trame may contain from 3 to 30 twin filaments of the worm; the former possesses a double twist, the component filaments being first twisted in one direction, and the compound thread in the opposite; the latter receives merely a slender single twist. Each twin filament gradually diminishes in thickness and strength, from the surface of the cocoon, where the animal begins its work in a state of vigour, to the centre, where it finishes it, in a state of debility and exhaustion; because it can receive no food from the moment of its beginning to spin by spouting forth its silky substance. The winder is attentive to this progressive attenuation, and introduces the commencement of some cocoons to compensate for the The quality of the raw silk is determined by first winding off 400 ells of it, equal to 475 metres, round a drum one ell in circumference, and then weighing that length. The weight is expressed in grains, 24 of which constitute one denier; 24 deniers constitute one ounce; and 16 ounces make one pound, poids de marc. This is the Lyons rule for valuing silk. The weight of a thread of raw silk 400 ells long, is two grains and a half, when five twin filaments have been reeled and associated together. Raw silk is so absorbent of moisture, that it may be increased ten per cent. in weight by this means. This property has led to falsifications; which are detected by enclosing weighed portions of the suspected silk in a wire-cloth cage, and exposing it to a stove-heat of about 78° F. for 24 hours, with a current of air. The loss of weight which it thereby undergoes, demonstrates the amount of the fraud. There is an office in Lyons called the Condition, where this assay is made, and by the report of which the silk is bought and sold. The law in France requires, that all the silk tried by the Condition must be worked up into fabrics in that country. In the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, for January, 1837, there are two very valuable papers upon silkworms; the first, upon those of Assam, by Mr. Thomas Hugon, stationed at Nowgong; the second by Dr. Heifer, upon those which are indigenous to India. Besides the Bombyx mori, the Doctor enumerates the following seven species, formerly unknown:—1. The wild silkworm of the central provinces, a moth not larger than the Bombyx mori. 2. The Joree silkworm of Assam, Bombyx religiosÆ, which spins a cocoon of a fine filament, with much lustre. It lives upon the pipul tree (Ficus religiosa), which abounds in India, and ought therefore to be turned to account in breeding this valuable moth. 3. Saturnia silhetica, which inhabits the cassia mountains in Silhet and Dacca, where its large cocoons are spun into silk. 4. A still larger Saturnia, one of the greatest moths in existence, measuring ten inches from the one end of the wing to the other; observed by Mr. Grant, in Chirra Punjee. 5. Saturnia paphia, or the Tusseh silkworm, is the most common of the native species, and furnishes the cloth usually worn by Europeans in India. It has not hitherto been domesticated, but millions of its cocoons are annually collected in the jungles, and brought to the silk factories near Calcutta and Bhagelpur. It feeds most commonly on the hair-tree (Zizyphus jujuba), but it prefers the Terminalia alata, or Assam tree, and the Bombax heptaphyllum. It is called Koutkuri mooga, in Assam. 6. Another Saturnia, from the neighbourhood of Comercolly. 7. Saturnia assamensis, with a cocoon of a yellow-brown colour, different from all others, called mooga, in Assam; which, although it can be reared in houses, thrives best in the open air upon trees, of which seven different kinds afford it food. The Mazankoory mooga, which feeds on the Adakoory tree, produces a fine silk, which is nearly white, and fetches 50 per cent. more than the fawn-coloured. The trees of the first year’s growth produce by far the most valuable cocoons. The mooga which inhabits the soom-tree, is found principally in the forests of the plains, and in the villages. The tree grows to a large size, and yields three crops of leaves in the year. The silk is of a light fawn colour, and ranks next in value to the Mazankoory. There are generally five breeds of mooga worms in the year; 1. in January and February; 2. in May and June; 3. in June and July; 4. in August and September; 5. in October and November; the first and last being the most valuable. The Assamese select for breeding, such cocoons only as have been begun to be formed in the largest number on the same day, usually the second or third after the commencement; those which contain males being distinguishable by a more pointed end. They are put in a closed basket suspended from the roof; the moths, as they come forth, having room to move about, after a day, the females (known only by their large body) are taken out, and tied to small wisps of thatching-straw, selected always from over the hearth, its darkened colour being thought more acceptable to the insect. If out of a batch, there should be but few males, the wisps with the females tied to them are exposed outside at night; and the males thrown away in the neighbourhood find their way to them. These wisps are hung upon a string tied across the roof, to keep them from vermin. The eggs laid after the first three days are said to produce weak worms. The wisps are taken out morning and evening, and exposed to the sunshine, and in ten days after being laid, a few of them are hatched. The wisps being then hung up to the tree, the young worms find their way to the leaves. The ants, whose bite is fatal to the worm in its early stages, are destroyed by rubbing the trunk of the tree with molasses, and tying dead fish and toads to it, to attract these rapacious insects in large numbers, when they are destroyed with fire; a process which needs to be repeated several times. The ground under the trees is also well cleared, to render it easy to pick up and replace the worms which fall down. They are prevented from coming to
On being tapped with the finger, the body renders a hollow sound; the quality of which shows whether they have come down for want of leaves on the tree, or from their having ceased feeding. As the chrysalis is not soon killed by exposure to the sun, the cocoons are put on stages, covered up with leaves, and exposed to the hot air from grass burned under them; they are next boiled for about an hour in a solution of the potash, made from incinerated rice-stalks; then taken out, and laid on cloth folded over them to keep them warm. The floss being removed by hand, they are then thrown into a basin of hot water to be unwound; which is done in a very rude and wasteful way. The plantations for the mooga silkworm in Lower Assam, amount to 5000 acres, besides what the forests contain; and yield 1500 maunds of 84 lbs. each per annum. Upper Assam is more productive. The cocoon of the Koutkuri mooga is of the size of a fowl’s egg. It is a wild species, and affords filaments much valued for fishing-lines. See Silkworm Gut. 8. The Arrindy, or Eria worm, and moth, is reared over a great part of Hindustan, but entirely within doors. It is fed principally on the Hera, or Palma christi leaves, and gives sometimes 12 broods of spun silk in the course of a year. It affords a fibre which looks rough at first; but when woven, becomes soft and silky, after repeated washings. The poorest people are clothed with stuff made of it, which is so durable as to descend from mother to daughter. The cocoons are put in a closed basket, and hung up in the house, out of reach of rats and insects. When the moths come forth, they are allowed to move about in the basket for twenty-four hours; after which the females are tied to long reeds or canes, twenty or twenty-five to each, and these are hung up in the house. The eggs that are laid the first three days, amounting to about 200, alone are kept; they are tied up in a cloth, and suspended to the roof till a few begin to hatch. These eggs are white, and of the size of turnip-seed. When a few of the worms are hatched, the cloths are put on small bamboo platters hung up in the house, in which they are fed with tender leaves. After the second moulting, they are removed to bunches of leaves suspended above the ground, beneath which a mat is laid to receive them when they fall. When they cease to feed, they are thrown into baskets full of dry leaves, among which they form their cocoons, two or three being often found joined together. Upon this injudicious practice I have already animadverted. 9. The Saturnia trifenestrata, has a yellow cocoon of a remarkably silky lustre. It lives on the soom-tree in Assam, but seems not to be much used. The mechanism of the silk filature, as lately improved in France, is very ingenious. Figs. 973. and 974. exhibit it in plan and longitudinal view. a is an oblong copper basin containing water heated by a stove or by steam. It is usually divided by transverse partitions into several compartments, containing 20 cocoons, of which there are 5 in one group, as shown in the figure. b, b, are wires with hooks or eyelets at their ends, through which the filaments run, apart, and are kept from ravelling. c, c, the points where the filaments cross and rub each other, on purpose to clean their surfaces. d, is a spiral groove, working upon a pin point, to give the traverse motion alternately to right and left, whereby the thread is spread evenly over the surface of the reel e. f, f, are the pulleys, which by means of cords transmit the rotatory movement of the cylinder d, to the reel e. g, is a friction lever or tumbler, for lightening or slackening the endless The expense of reeling the excellent Cevennes silk is only 3 francs and 50 centimes per Alais pound; from 4 to 5 cocoons going to one thread. That pound is 92 hundredths of our avoirdupois pound. In Italy, the cost of reeling silk is much higher, being 7 Italian livres per pound, when 3 to 4 cocoons go to the formation of one thread; and 6 livres when there are from 4 to 5 cocoons. The first of these raw silks will have a titre of 20 to 24 deniers; the last, of 24 to 28. If 5 to 6 cocoons go to one thread, the titre will be from 26 to 32 deniers, according to the quality of the cocoons. The Italian livre is worth 71/2d. English. The woman employed at the kettle receives one livre and five sous per day; and the girl who turns the reel, gets thirteen sous a day; both receiving board and lodging in addition. In June, July, and August, they work 16 hours a day, and then they wind a rubo or ten pounds weight of cocoons, which yield from 1-5th to 1-6th of silk, when the quality is good. The whole expenses amount to from 6 to 7 livres upon every ten pounds of cocoons; which is about 2s. 8d. per English pound of raw silk. The raw silk, as imported into this country in hanks from the filatures, requires to be regularly wound upon bobbins, doubled, twisted, and reeled in our silk-mills. These processes are called throwing silk, and their proprietors are called silk throwsters; terms probably derived from the appearance of swinging or tossing which the silk threads exhibit during their rapid movements among the machinery of the mills. A representation of a French mill for throwing silk, is given in the Dictionnaire Technologique, under the article Moulinage de Soie. But it is a most awkward, operose, and defective piece of machinery, quite unworthy of being presented to my readers. It was in Manchester that throwing-mills received the grand improvement upon the antient Italian plan, which had been originally introduced into this country by Sir Thomas Lombe, and erected at Derby. That improvement is chiefly due to the eminent factory engineers, Messrs. Fairbairn and Lillie, who transferred to silk the elegant mechanism of the throstle, so well known in the cotton trade. Still, throughout the silk districts of France the throwing mills are generally small, not many of them turning off more than 1000 pounds of organzine per annum, and not involving 5000l. of capital. The average price of throwing organzine in that country, where the throwster is not answerable for loss, is 7 francs; of throwing trame, from 4 fr. to 5 fr. (per kilogramme?) Where the throwster is accountable for loss, the price is from 10 fr. to 11 fr. for organzine, and from 6 to 7 for trame. In Italy, throwing adds 3s. 9d. to the price of raw silk, upon an average. I should imagine, from the perfection and speed of the silk-throwing machinery in this country, as about to be described, that the cost of converting a pound of raw silk either into organzine or trame must be considerably under any of the above sums. SILK-THROWING MILL. The first process to which the silk is subjected, is winding the skeins, as imported, off upon bobbins. The mechanism which effects this winding off and on, is technically called the engine, or swift. The bobbins to which the silk is transferred, are wooden The wooden table A, shown here in cross section, is sometimes of great length, extending 20 feet, or more, according to the size of the apartment. Upon this the skeins are laid out. It is supported by the two strong slanting legs B, B, to which the bearings of the light reel C are made fast. These reels are called swifts, apparently by the same etymological casuistry as lucus À non lucendo; for they turn with reluctant and irregular slowness; yet they do their work much quicker than any of the old apparatus, and in this respect may deserve their name. At every eighth or tenth leg there is a projecting horizontal piece D, which carries at its end another horizontal bar a, called the knee rail, at right angles to the former. This protects the slender reels or swifts from the knees of the operatives. These swifts have a strong wooden shaft b, with an iron axis passing longitudinally through it, round which they revolve, in brass bearings fixed near to the middle of the legs B. Upon the middle of the shaft b, a loose ring is hung, shown under c, in fig. 976., to which a light weight d, is suspended, for imparting friction to the reel, and thus preventing it from turning round, unless it be drawn with a gentle force, such as the traction of the thread in the act of winding upon the bobbin. Fig. 976. is a front view of the engine. B, B, are the legs, placed at their appropriate distances (scale 11/2 inch to the foot); C, C, are the swifts. By comparing figs. 975. and 976., the structure of the swifts will be fully understood. From the wooden shaft b, six slender wooden (or iron) spokes e, e, proceed, at equal angles to each other; which are bound together by a cord f, near their free ends, upon the transverse line f of which cord, the silk thread is wound, in a hexagonal form; due tension being given to the circumferential cords, by sliding them out from the centre. Slender wooden rods To the table A, fig. 975., are screwed the light cast-iron slot-bearings I, I, wherein the horizontal spindles or skewers rest, upon which the bobbins revolve. The spindles (see F, fig. 981.) carry upon one end a little wooden pulley h, whereby they press and revolve upon the larger driving pulleys g, of the shaft E. These pulleys are called stars by our workmen. The other ends of the spindles, or skewers, are cut into screws, for attaching the swivel nuts i (fig. 981.), by which the bobbins K, K, are made fast to their respective spindles. Besides the slots, above described, in which the spindles rest when their friction pulleys h, are in contact with the moving stars g, there is another set of slots in the bearings, into which the ends of the spindles may be occasionally laid, so as to be above the line of contact of the rubbing periphery of the star g, in case the thread of any bobbin breaks. Whenever the girl has mended the thread, she replaces the bobbin-spindle in its deeper slot-bearings, thereby bringing its pulley once more into contact with the star, and causing it to revolve. G is a long ruler or bar of wood, which is supported upon every eighth or twelfth leg B, B. (The figure being, for convenience of the page, contracted in length, shows it at every sixth leg.) To the edge of that bar the smooth glass rods k, are made fast, over which the threads glide from the swifts, in The motions of the various parts of the engine are given as follows. Upon the end of the machine, represented in fig. 975., there are attached to the shafts E (fig. 976.), the bevel wheels 1 and 2, which are set in motion by the bevel wheels 3 and 4, respectively. These latter wheels are fixed upon the shaft m, fig. 975. m is moved by the main steam shaft which runs parallel to it, and at the same height, through the length of the engine apartment, so as to drive the whole range of the machines. 5 is a loose wheel or pulley upon the shaft m, working in geer with a wheel upon the steam shaft, and which may be connected by the clutch n, through the hand lever or geering rod o (figs. 975. and 976.), when the engine is to be set at work. 6 is a spur wheel upon the shaft m, by which the stud wheel 7, is driven, in order to give the traverse motion to the guide bar H. This wheel is represented, with its appendages, in double size, figs. 979. and 980., with its boss upon a stud p, secured to the bracket q. In an eccentric hole of the same boss, another stud r, revolves, upon which the little wheel s, is fixed. This wheel s, is in geer with a pinion cut upon the end of the fixed stud p; and upon it is screwed the little crank t, whose collar is connected by two rods u (figs. 975. and 976.), to a cross-piece v, which unites the two arms w, that are fixed upon the guide bar H, on both sides of the machine. By the revolution of wheel 7, the wheel s will cause the pinion of the fixed stud p to turn round. If that wheel bear to the pinion the proportion of 4 to 1, then the wheel s will make, at each revolution of the wheel 7, one-fourth of a revolution; whereby the crank t will also rotate through one-fourth of a turn, so as to be brought nearer to the centre of the stud, and to draw the guide bar so much less to one side of its mean position. At the next revolution of wheel 7, the crank t will move through another quadrant, and come still nearer to the central position, drawing the guide bars still less aside, and therefore causing the bobbins to wind on more thread in their middle than towards their ends. The contrary effect would ensue, were the guide bars moved by a single or simple crank. After four revolutions of the wheel 7, the crank t will stand once more as shown in fig. 980., having moved the bar H through the whole extent of its traverse. The bobbins, when filled, have the appearance represented in fig. 982.; the thread having been laid on the mall the time in diagonal lines, so as never to coincide with each other. Doubling is the next operation of the silk throwster. In this process, the threads of two or three of the bobbins, filled as above, are wound together in contact upon a single bobbin. An ingenious device is here employed to stop the winding-on the moment that one of these parallel threads happens to break. Instead of the swifts or reels, a creel is here mounted for receiving the bobbins from the former machine, two or three being placed in one line over each other, according as the threads are to be doubled or trebled. Though this machine is in many respects like the engine, it has some additional parts, whereby the bobbins are set at rest, as above mentioned, when one of the doubling threads gets broken. Fig. 983. is an end view, from which it will be perceived that the machine is, like the preceding, a double one, with two working sides. Fig. 984. is a front view of a considerable portion of the machine. Fig. 985. shows part of a cross section, to explain minutely the mode of winding upon a single bobbin. Fig. 986. is the plan of the parts shown in fig. 985.; these two figures being drawn to double the scale of figs. 983. and 984. A, A, figs. 983. and 984. are the end frames, connected at their tops by a wooden stretcher, or bar-beam, a, which extends through the whole length of the machine; this bar is shown also in figs. 985. and 986. B, B, are the creels upon each side of the machine, or bobbin bearers, resting upon wooden beams or boards, made fast to the arms or brackets C, about the middle of the frames A. D, D, are two horizontal iron shafts, which pervade the whole machine, and carry a series of light movable pulleys, called stars, c, c, (figs. 985, 986.) which serve to drive the The spindles with their bobbins revolve in two slot-bearings F, F, fig. 986., screwed to the bar-beam a, which is supported by two or three intermediate upright frames, such as A'. The slot-bearings F, have also a second slot, in which the spindle with the bobbin is laid at rest, out of contact of the star wheel, while its broken thread is being mended. G is the guide bar (to which the cleaner slit pieces g, g, are attached), for making the thread traverse to the right and the left, for its proper distribution over the surface of the bobbin. The guide bar of the doubling machine is moved with a slower traverse than in the engine; otherwise, in consequence of the different obliquities of the paths, the single threads would be readily broken, h, h, is a pair of smooth rods of iron or brass, placed parallel to each of the two sides of the machine, and made fast to the standards H, H, which are screwed to brackets projecting from the frames A, A'. Over these rods the silk threads glide, in their passage to the guide wires g, g, and the bobbins E, E. I, I, is the lever board upon each side of the machine, upon which the slight brass bearings or fulcrums i, i, one for each bobbin in the creel, are made fast. This board bears the balance-lever k, l, with the fullers n, n, n, which act as dexterous fingers, and stop the bobbin from winding-on the instant a thread may chance to break. The levers k, l, swing upon a fine wire axis, which passes through their props i, i, their arms being shaped rectangularly, as shown at k, k', fig. 986. The arm l, being heavier than the arm k, naturally rests upon the ridge bar m, of the lever board I. n, n, n, are three wires, resting at one of their ends upon the axis of the fulcrum i, i, and having each of their other hooked ends suspended by one of the silk threads, as it passes over the front steel rod h, and under The motions are given to the doubling machine in a very simple way. Upon the end of the framing, represented in fig. 983., the shafts D, D, bear two spur wheels 1 and 2, which work into each other. To the wheel 1, is attached the bevel wheel 3, driven by another bevel wheel 4 (fig. 984.), fixed to a shaft that extends the whole length of the apartment, and serves, therefore, to drive a whole range of machines. The wheel 4 may be put in geer with the shaft, by a clutch and geer-handle, as in the silk engine, and thereby it drives two shafts, by the one transmitting its movement to the other. The traverse motion of the guide bar G, is effected as follows:—Upon one of the shafts D, there is a bevel wheel 5, driving the bevel wheel 6, upon the top of the upright shaft p (fig. 984., to the right of the middle); whence the motion is transmitted to the horizontal shaft q, below, by means of the bevel wheels 7 and 8. Upon this shaft q, there is a heart-wheel r, working against a roller which is fixed to the end of the lever s, whose fulcrum is at t, fig. 983. The other end of the lever s, is connected by two rods (shown by dotted lines in fig. 984.) to a brass piece which joins the arms u (fig. 984.), of the guide bars G. To the same cross piece a cord is attached, which goes over a roller v, and suspends a weight w, by means of which the lever s, is pressed into contact with the heart-wheel r. The fulcrum t, of the lever s, is a shaft which is turned somewhat eccentric, and has a very slow rotatory motion. Thus the guide bar, after each traverse, necessarily winds the silk in variable lines, to the side of the preceding threads. The motion is given to this shaft in the following way. Upon the horizontal shaft q, there is a bevel wheel g (figs. 983. and 984.), which drives the wheel 10 upon the shaft x; on whose upper end, the worm y works in the wheel 11, made fast to the said eccentric shaft t; round which the lever s, swings or oscillates, causing the guide bars to traverse. The spinning silk-mill.—The machine which twists the silk threads, either in their single or doubled state, is called the spinning mill. When the raw singles are first twisted in one direction, next doubled, and then twisted together in the opposite direction, an exceedingly wiry, compact thread, is produced, called organzine. In the spinning mill, either the singles or the doubled silk, while being unwound from one set of bobbins, and wound upon another set, is subjected to a regular twisting operation; in which process the thread is conducted as usual through guides, and coiled diagonally upon the bobbins by a proper mechanism. Fig. 988. exhibits an end view of the spinning mill; in which four working lines are shown; two tiers upon each side, one above the other. Some spinning mills have Fig. 989. is a front view, where, as in the former figure, the two working lines are shown. Fig. 990. is a cross section of a part of the machine, to illustrate the construction and play of the working parts; figs. 996, 997. are other views of fig. 990. Fig. 991. shows a single part of the machine, by which the bobbins are made to revolve. Figs. 992. and 993. show a different mode of giving the traverse to the guide bars, than that represented in fig. 990. Figs. 994. and 995. show the shape of the full bobbins, produced by the action of these two different traverse motions. The upper part of the machine being exactly the same as the under part, it will be sufficient to explain the construction and operation of one of them. A, A, are the end upright frames or standards, between which are two or three intermediate standards, according to the length of the machine. They are all connected at their sides by beams B and C, which extend the whole length of the machines. D, D, are the spindles, whose top bearings a, a, are made fast to the beams B, and their bottoms turn in hard brass steps, fixed to the bar C. These two bars together are c, c, are the wharves or whorls, turned by a band from the horizontal tin cylinder in the lines of E, E, fig. 988., lying in the middle line between the two parallel rows of spindles D, D. F, F, are the bobbins containing the untwisted doubled silk, which are simply pressed down upon the taper end of the spindles. d, d, are little flyers, or forked wings of wire, attached to washers of wood, which revolve loose upon the tops of the said bobbins F, and round the spindles. One of the wings is sometimes bent upwards, to serve as a guide to the silk, as shown by dotted lines in fig. 990. e, e, are pieces of wood pressed upon the tops of the spindles, to prevent the flyers from starting off by the centrifugal force. G, are horizontal shafts bearing a number of little spur wheels f, f. H, are slot-bearings, similar to those of the doubling-machine, which are fixed to the end and middle frames. In these slots, the light square cast-iron shafts or spindles g, fig. 989., are laid, on whose end the spur wheel h is cast; and when the shaft g lies in the front slot of its bearing, it is in geer with the wheel f, upon the shaft G; but when it is laid in the back slot, it is out of geer, and at rest. See F, F, fig. 986. Upon these little cast-iron shafts or spindles g, fig. 991., the bobbins or blocks I, are thrust, for receiving, by winding-on, the twisted or spun silk. These blocks are made of a large diameter, in order that the silk fibres may not be too much bent; and they are but slightly filled, at each successive charge, lest, by increasing their diameter too much, they should produce too rapid an increase in the rate of winding, with proportional diminution in the twist, and risk of stretching or tearing the silk. They are therefore the more frequently changed. K, K, are the guide bars, with the guides i, i, through which the silk passes, being drawn by the revolving bobbins I, and delivered or laid on by the flyers d, d, from the rotatory twisting-bobbins F. The operation of the machine is therefore simple, and the motions are given to the parts in a manner equally so. Upon the shaft of the tin cylinder or drum, exterior to the frame, the usual fast and loose pulleys, or riggers, L, L', are mounted, for driving the whole machine. These riggers are often called steam-pulleys by the workmen, from their being connected by bands with the steam-driven shaft of the factory. In order to allow the riggers upon the shafts of the upper and the under drums to be driven from the same pulley upon the main shaft, the axis of the under drum is prolonged at L, L, and supported at its end, directly from the floor, by an upright bearing. Upon the shafts of the tin cylinders there is also a fly-wheel M, to equalize the motion. Upon the other ends of these shafts, namely at the end of the spinning-mill, represented in fig. 988., the pinions 1 are fixed, which drive the wheels 3, by means of the intermediate or carrier wheel 2; called also the plate wheel, from its being hollowed somewhat like a trencher. 1, is called the change-pinion, because it is changed for another, of a different size and different number of teeth, when a change in the velocity of wheels 2 and 3 is to be made. To allow a greater or smaller pinion to be applied at 1, the wheel 2 is mounted upon a stud k, which is movable in a slot concentric with the axis of the wheel 3. This slot is a branch from the cross bar N. The smaller the change-pinion is, the nearer will the stud k approach to the vertical line joining the centres of wheels 1 and 3; and the more slowly will the plate wheel 2 be driven. To the spur wheel 3, a bevel wheel 4, is fixed, with which the other also revolves loose upon a stud. The bevel wheel 5, upon the shaft l, is driven by the bevel wheel 4; and it communicates motion, by the bevel wheels 6 and 7, to each of the horizontal shafts G, G, extending along the upper and under tiers of the machine. At the left-hand side of the top part of fig. 988. the two wheels 6 and 7 are omitted, on purpose to show the bearings of the shaft G, as also the slot-bearings for carrying the shafts or skewers of the bobbins. If it be desired to communicate twist in the opposite direction to that which would be given by the actual arrangement of the wheels, it is necessary merely to transpose the carrier wheel 2, from its present position on the right hand of pinion 1, to the left of it, and to drive the tin cylinder by a crossed or close strap, instead of a straight or open one. The traverse motion of the guide is given here in a similar way to that of the engine, (fig. 975.) Near one of the middle or cross-frames of the machine (see fig. 990.) the wheel f, in geer with a spur wheel h, upon one of the block-shafts, drives also a spur wheel m, that revolves upon a stud, to which wheel is fixed a bevel wheel n, in geer with the bevel wheel o. To wheel o, the same mechanism is attached as was described under figs. 979. and 980., and which is here marked with the same letters. To the crank-knob r, fig. 990., a rod x, is attached, which moves or traverses the guide bar belonging to that part of the machine; to each machine one such apparatus is fitted. In figs. 992. and 993. another mode of traversing the guide bar is shown, which is generally used for the coarser qualities of silk. Near to one of the middle frames, one of the wheels f, in geer with the spur wheel m, and the bevel wheel n, both revolving on one stud, gives motion also to the wheel o, fixed upon a shaft a', at whose other end the elliptical wheel b' is fixed, which drives a second elliptical wheel c', in such a way that the larger diameter of the one plays in geer with the smaller diameter of the other; the teeth being so cut as to take into each other in all positions. The crank-piece d' is screwed upon the face of the wheel c', at such a distance from its centre as may be necessary to give the desired length of traverse motion to the guide bar for laying the silk spirally upon the blocks. The purpose of the elliptical wheel is to modify the simple crank motion, which would wind on more silk at the ends of the bobbins than in their middle, and to effect an equality of winding-on over the whole surface of the blocks. In fig. 993. the elliptical wheels are shown in front, to illustrate their mode of operating upon each other. Fig. 994. is a block filled by the motion of the eccentric, fig. 900.; and fig. 995. is a block filled by the elliptical mechanism. As the length of the motions of the bar in the latter construction remains the same during the whole operation, the silk, as it is wound on the blocks, will slide over the edges, and thereby produce the flat ends of the barrel in fig. 995. The conical ends of the block (fig. 994.) are produced by the continually shortened motions of the guide bar, as the stud approaches, in its sun-and-planet rotation, nearer to the general centre. Figs. 996, 997. are two different views of the differential mechanism described under fig. 990. The bent wire x, fig. 990., is called the guider iron. It is attached at one end to the pivot of the sun-and-planet wheel-work t, s, o, and at the other to the guide bar f, f, fig. 989. The silk threads pass through the guides, as already explained. By the motion communicated to the guide bar (guider), the diamond pattern is produced, as shown in fig. 994. THE SILK AUTOMATIC REEL. In this machine, the silk is unwound from the blocks of the throwing-mill, and formed into hanks for the market. The blocks being of a large size, would be productive of much friction, if made to revolve upon skewers thrust through them, and would cause frequent breakage of the silk. They are, therefore, set with their axes upright upon a board, and the silk is drawn from their surface, just as the weft is from a cop in the shuttle. On this account the previous winding-on must be executed in a very regular manner; and preferably as represented in fig. 994. Fig. 998. is a front view of the reel; little more than one-half of it being shown. Fig. 999. is an end view. Here the steam-pulleys are omitted, for fear of obstructing the view of the more essential parts. A, A, are the two end framings, connected by mahogany stretchers, which form the table B, for receiving the bobbins C, C, which are sometimes weighted at top with a lump of lead, to prevent their tumbling. D is the reel, consisting of four long laths of wood, which are fixed upon iron frames, attached to an octagonal wooden shaft. The arm which sustains one of these laths is capable of being bent inwards, by loosening a tightening hook, so as to permit the hanks, when finished, to be taken off, as in every common reel. The machine consists of two equal parts, coupled together at a, to facilitate the removal of the silk from either half of the reel; the attendant first lifting the one part, and then the other. E is the guide bar, which by a traverse motion causes the silk to be wound on in a cross direction. b and c are the wire guides, and d are little levers lying upon the cloth-covered guide bar E. The silk in its way from the block to the reel, passes under these levers, by which it is cleaned from loose fibres. On the other end of the shaft of the reel, the spur wheel 1 is fixed, which derives motion from wheel 2, attached to the shaft of the steam-pulley F. Upon the same shaft there is a bevel wheel 3, which impels the wheel 4 upon the shaft e; to whose end a plate is attached, to which the crank f is screwed, in such a way as to give the proper length of traverse motion to the guide bar E, connected to that crank or eccentric stud by the jointed rod g. Upon the shaft of the steam-pulleys F, there is a worm or endless screw, to the left of f, fig. 999., which works in a wheel 5; attached to the short upright shaft h (fig. 998.). At the end of h, there is another worm, which works in a wheel 6; at whose circumference there is a stud i, which strikes once at every revolution against an arm attached to a bell, seen to the left of G; thus announcing to the reel-tenter that a measured length of silk has been wound upon her reel. e is a rod or handle, by which the fork l, with the strap, may be moved upon the fast or loose pulley, so as to set on or arrest the motion at pleasure. Throwsters submit their silk to scouring and steaming processes. They soak the The wages of the workpeople in the silk-throwing mills of Italy are about one half of their wages in Manchester; but this difference is much more than counterbalanced by the protecting duty of 2s. 10d. a pound upon thrown silk, and the superior machinery of our mills. In 1832, there was a power equal to 342 horses engaged in the silk-throwing mills of Manchester; and of about 100 in the mills of Derby. The power employed in the other silk mills of England and Scotland has not been recorded. There is a peculiar kind of silk called marabout, containing generally three threads, made from the white Novi raw silk. From its whiteness, it takes the most lively and delicate colours without the discharge of its gum. After being made into tram by the single twist upon the spinning mill, it is reeled into hanks, and sent to the dyer without further preparation. After being dyed, the throwster re-winds and re-twists it upon the spinning mill, in order to give it the whipcord hardness which constitutes the peculiar feature of marabout. The cost of the raw Novi silk is 19s. 6d. a pound; of throwing it into tram, 2s. 6d.; of dyeing, 2s.; of re-winding and re-twisting, after it has been dyed, about 5s.; of waste, 2s., or 10 per cent.; the total of which sum is 31s.; being the price of one pound of marabout in 1832. An Estimate of the Annual Quantities of Silk produced or exported from the several Countries in the World, exhibiting also the Countries to which exported.
Note.—These estimates exclude the silk manufactured in Italy. The declared value of the silk manufactures exported from the United Kingdom in 1836, was 917,822l.; and in 1837, only 494,569. The deficit in the last year was owing to the commercial crisis in the United States; which country took, the preceding year, our silk goods to the value of 524,301l. When pure and planished, silver is the brightest of the metals. Its specific gravity in the ingot is 10·47; but, when condensed under the hammer or in the coining press, it becomes 10·6. It melts at a bright red heat, a temperature estimated by some as equal to 1280° Fahr., and by others to 22° Wedgewood. It is exceedingly malleable and ductile; affording leaves not more than 1/100000 of an inch thick, and wire far finer than a human hair. By Sickingen’s experiments, its tenacity is, to that of gold and platinum, as the numbers 19, 15, and 261/4; so that it has an intermediate strength between these two metals. Pure atmospheric air does not affect silver, but that of houses impregnated with sulphuretted hydrogen, soon tarnishes it with a film of brown sulphuret. It is distinguished chemically from gold and platinum by its ready solubility in nitric acid, and from almost all other metals, by its saline solutions affording a curdy precipitate with a most minute quantity of sea salt, or any soluble chloride. Silver occurs under many forms in nature:— 1. Native silver, possesses the greater part of the above properties; yet, on account of its being more or less alloyed with other metals, it differs a little in malleability, lustre, density, &c. It sometimes occurs crystallized in wedge-form octahedrons, in cubes, and cubo-octahedrons. At other times it is found in dendritic shapes, or arborescences, resulting from minute crystals implanted upon each other. But more usually it presents itself in small grains without determinable form, or in amorphous masses of various magnitude. The gangues (mineral matrices) of native silver are so numerous, that it may be said to occur in all kinds of rocks. At one time it appears as if filtered into their fissures, at another as having vegetated on their surface, and at a third, as if impasted in their substance. Such varieties are met with principally in the mines of Peru. The native metal is found in almost all the silver mines now worked; but especially in that of Kongsberg in Norway, in carbonate and fluate of lime, &c.; at Schlangenberg in Siberia, in a sulphate of barytes; at AllÉmont, in a ferruginous clay, &c. In the article Mines, I have mentioned several large masses of native silver that have been discovered in various localities. The metals most usually associated with silver in the native alloy, are gold, copper, arsenic, and iron. At Andreasberg and Guadalcanal it is alloyed with about 5 per cent. of arsenic. The auriferous native silver is the rarest; it has a brass-yellow colour. 2. Antimonial silver.—This rare ore is yellowish-blue; destitute of malleability; even very brittle; spec. grav. 9·5. It melts before the blowpipe, and affords white fumes of oxide of antimony; being readily distinguished from arsenical iron, and arsenical cobalt, by its lamellar fracture. It consists of from 76 to 84 of silver, and from 24 to 16 of antimony. 3. Mixed antimonial silver.—At the blowpipe it emits a strong garlic smell. Its constituents are, silver 16, iron 44, arsenic 35, antimony 4. It occurs at Andreasberg. 4. Sulphuret of silver.—This is an opaque substance, of a dark-gray or leaden hue; slightly malleable, and easily cut with a knife, when it betrays a metallic lustre. The silver is easily separated by the blowpipe. It consist of, 13 of sulphur to 89 of silver, 5. Red sulphuret of silver; silver glance.—Its spec. grav. is 5·7. It contains from 84 to 86 of silver. 6. Sulphuretted silver, with bismuth.—Its constituents are, lead 35, bismuth 27, silver 15, sulphur 16, with a little iron and copper. It is rare. 7. Antimoniated sulphuret of silver, the red silver of many mineralogists, is an ore remarkable for its lustre, colour, and the variety of its forms. It is friable, easily scraped by the knife, and affords a powder of a lively crimson red. Its colour in mass, is brilliant red, dark red, or even metallic reddish-black. It crystallizes in a variety of forms. Its constituents are,—silver from 56 to 62; antimony from 16 to 20; sulphur from 11 to 14; and oxygen from 8 to 10. The antimony being in the state of a purple oxide in this ore, is reckoned to be its colouring principle. It is found in almost all silver mines; but principally in those of Freyberg, Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines, and Guadalcanal. 8. Black sulphuret of silver; is blackish, brittle, cellular, affording globules of silver at the blowpipe. It is found only in certain mines, at AllÉmont, Freyberg; more abundantly in the silver mines of Peru and Mexico. The Spaniards call it negrillo. 9. Chloride of silver, or horn silver.—In consequence of its semi-transparent aspect, its yellowish or greenish colour, and such softness that it may be cut with the nail, this ore has been compared to horn, and may be easily recognised. It melts at the flame of a candle, and may be reduced when heated along with iron or black flux, which are distinctive characters. It is seldom crystallized; but occurs chiefly in irregular forms, sometimes covering the native silver as with a thick crust, as in Peru and Mexico. Its density is only 4·74. Chloride of silver sometimes contains 60 or 70 per cent. of clay; and is then called butter-milk ore, by the German miners. The blowpipe causes globules of silver to sweat out of it. This ore is rather rare. It occurs in the mines of Potosi, of Annaberg, Freyberg, AllÉmont, Schlangenberg, in Siberia, &c. 10. Carbonate of silver, a species little known, has been found hitherto only in the mine of S. Wenceslas, near Wolfache. Table of the Quantities of Silver brought into the Market every year, on an average, from 1790 to 1802.
Thus the New Continent furnished twelve times more silver than the Old. For more detailed statistics of silver, see the end of the article. The following is Mr. Ward’s description of the treatment of silver ores in Mexico:— “After returning from San Augustin,” says he, “I passed the whole of the afternoon at the hacienda (metallurgic works) of Salgado, in which the ores of the Valenciana mine are reduced. The hacienda, of which a representation is given below, fig. 1001. contains forty-two crushing-mills, called arrastres, and thirty-six stampers. The ore, on being extracted from the mine, is placed in the hands of the pepenadores, men and women, who break all the larger pieces with hammers, and after rejecting those in which no metallic particles are contained, divide the rest into three classes” (inferior, middling, and rich). “These are submitted to the action of the morteros (stamps), one of which, of eight stampers, is capable of reducing to powder ten cargas of ore (each of 350 lbs.) in twenty-four hours. This powder not being thought sufficiently fine for the quicksilver to act upon with proper effect, it is transferred from the morteros to the arrastres (crushing-mills, see wood-cut), in which water is used. Each of these reduces to a fine impalpable metalliferous mud, six quintals (600 lbs.) of powder in 1001 The Gallera of the Hacienda of Salgado Fig. 1002. represents the rude grinding apparatus used at the lavaderos, or gold washings, in Chile. The streamlet of water conveyed to the hut of the gold washer, is received upon a large rude stone, whose flat surface has been hollowed out into a shallow basin, and in the same manner into 3 or 4 others in succession; the auriferous particles are thus allowed to deposit themselves in these receptacles, while the lighter earthy atoms, still suspended, are carried off by the running water. The gold thus collected is mixed with a quantity of ferruginous black sand and stony matter, which requires the process of trituration, effected by the very rude and simple trapiche shown in the figure; consisting of two stones, the under one being about three feet in diameter, and slightly concave. The upper stone is a large spherical boulder of syenitic granite, about two feet in diameter, having on its upper part two iron plugs fixed oppositely, to which is secured, by lashings of hide, a transverse horizontal pole of canela (cinnamon) wood, about 10 feet long; two men seated on the extremities of this lever, work it up and down alternately, so as to give to the stone a rolling motion, which is sufficient to crush and grind the materials placed beneath it. The washings thus ground, are subjected to the action of running water, upon inclined planes formed of skins, by which process the siliceous particles are carried off, while a portion of the ferruginous matter, mixed with the heavier grains of gold, is extracted by a loadstone; it is again washed, till nothing but pure gold-dust remain. The whole process is managed with much dexterity; and if there were much gold to be separated, it The trapiche, ingenio, or mill, for grinding the ores of silver, is a very simple piece of mechanism. A place is chosen where a small current of water, whose section will present a surface of six inches diameter, can be brought to a spot where it can fall perpendicularly ten or twelve feet; at this place a well is built of this depth, about 6 feet in diameter; in its centre is fixed an upright shaft, upon a central brass pin; it is confined above by a wooden collar. A little above its foot, the shaft has a small wheel affixed to it, round which are fixed a number of radiating spokes, shaped at the end somewhat like cups, and forming altogether a horizontal wheel, four feet in diameter. Upon the slanting edges of the cups, the water is made to strike with the force it has acquired in falling down a nearly perpendicular trough, scooped out of the solid trunk of a tree. This impression makes the wheel turn with a quick rotatory motion. The upright axis rises about 6 feet above the top of the well, at about half which height is inserted a small horizontal arm, four feet long, which serves as an axle to a ponderous mill-stone of granite, of from four to six feet diameter, which is made to roll on its edge in a circular trough, sometimes made of the same material, and sometimes of hard wood. The weight of this quickly rolling stone effects the pulverization of the ore. In some cases, it is taken out in the dry state, and sifted; but more generally the separation of the finely ground particles is accomplished by the action of running water. For this purpose a small stream is made to trickle into the circular trough, by which the pounded ore is worked up into a muddy consistence, and the finer particles flow off with the excess of water, through a notch cut in the margin of the trough. This fine matter is received in little pools, where the pounded ore is left to settle; and the clear water being run off, the powder is removed from the bottom, and carried to the place of amalgamation. The ingenios, or stamping-mills, are driven by a small breast water-wheel, of five feet diameter, and one foot broad. Fig. 1003. will give a sufficient idea of their construction. The long horizontal shaft, fixed on the axis of the wheel, is furnished with 5 or 6 cams placed at different situations round the shaft, so as to act in succession on the projecting teeth of the upright rods or pestles. Each of these weighs 200 pounds, and works in a corresponding oblong mortar of stone or wood. The patio, or amalgamation floor, fig. 1004., is a large flat space, open to the sky, 312 feet in length, by 236 in breadth, and securely surrounded by strong walls. It is paved with large unhewn blocks of porphyry, and is capable of containing 24 tortas, or flat circular collections of lama, of about 50 feet diameter, and 7 inches deep, when the patio is not filled, (but of somewhat smaller dimensions when nearly so,) ranged in 4 rows, and numbered from the left-hand corner. At one end a small space is generally set apart for the assays, which are made each on one monton. The following description of Mexican amalgamation is given by Captain Lyon. A torta of Zacatecas contains 60 montons of 20 quintals each, and is thus formed:—In the first instance, a square space, of the requisite size for a torta, is marked out, and enclosed by a number of rough planks, which are propped in their places on the patio floor by large stones, and dried horse-dung and dust are piled round their edges to prevent the escape of the lama. A heap of saltierra (salt mixed with earthy impurities) is then piled in the centre, in the proportion of 2 fanegas (each = 1·6 English bushels) and a half to the monton, = 150 for the torta. After this, the lama, or ore ground into a The repaso, or treading out, is continued by six horses, which are guided by one man, who stands in the lama, and directs them all by holding all their long halters. This operation is much more effectual in a morning than an evening, and occupies about five or six hours. When the magistral is well mixed, the quicksilver is applied, by being sprinkled through pieces of coarse cloth doubled up like a bag, so that it spurts out in very minute particles. The second treading of the horses then follows; after which the whole mixture is turned over by six men with wooden shovels, who perform the operation in an hour. The torta is then smoothed and left at rest for one entire day, to allow the incorporation to take place. It undergoes the turning by shovels and treading by horses every other day, until the amalgamator ascertains that the first admixture of quicksilver is found to be all taken up by the silver; and this he does by vanning or washing a small quantity of the torta in a little bowl. A new supply is then added, and when this has done its duty, another is applied to catch any stray particles of silver. On the same day, after a good repaso, the torta is removed on hand-barrows by the labourers, to the lavaderos, in order that it may receive its final cleansing. The general method of proportioning the quicksilver to the tortas, is by allowing that every marco of silver which is promised by trial of the ores as the probable produce of a monton, will require in the whole process 4 lbs. In metals of five to six marcs and a half per monton (of the average richness of Zacatecas), 16 lbs. of quicksilver were incorporated for every monton, = 900 lbs. for the torta. On the day of the second addition, the proportion is 5 lbs. the monton; and when the torta is ready to receive the last dose of quicksilver, it is applied at the rate of 7 lbs. the monton, = 420 lbs.; making a total of 1620 lbs. of quicksilver. With poorer ores, less quicksilver and less magistral are required. The usual time for the completion of the process of amalgamation, is from 12 to 15 days in the summer, and 20 to 25 in the winter. This is less than a third of the time taken at some other mines in Mexico. This rapidity is owing to the tortas being spread very flat, and receiving thereby the stronger influence of the sun. In the Mexican mines, only one monton is commonly mixed at a time; and the lama is then piled in a small conical heap or monton. Lavadero, or washing vat.—Here the prepared tortas are washed, in order to carry off the earthy matters, and favour the deposition of the amalgam at the bottom. Each vat is about 8 feet deep, and 9 in diameter; and solidly built in masonry. A large horizontal wheel, worked by mules, drives a vertical one, which turns a horizontal wheel fitted round a perpendicular wooden shaft, revolving upon an iron pivot at the bottom of the vat. To the lower end of this shaft, four cross-beams are fitted, from which long wooden teeth rise to the height of 5 feet. Their motion through the water being rapid, keeps all the lighter particles afloat, while the heavier sink to the bottom. The large wheel is worked by four mules, two at each extremity of the cross-beam. Water is supplied from an elevated tank. It requires 12 hours’ work of one tub to wash a torta. Eight porters are employed in carrying the prepared lama of the torta in hand-barrows to the vats. The earthy matter receives a second washing. The amalgam is carried in bowls into the azogueria, where it is subjected to straining through the strong canvas bottom of a leather bag. The hard mass left in the bag is moulded into wedge-shaped masses of 30 lbs., which are arranged in the burning-house, (fig. 1005.), to the number of 11, upon a solid copper stand, called baso, having a round hole in its centre. Over this row of wedges several others are built; and the whole pile is called pina. Each circular range is firmly bound round with a rope. The base is placed over a pipe which leads to a small tank of water for condensing the quicksilver; a cylindrical space being left in the middle of the pina, to give free egress to the mercurial vapours. A large bell-shaped cover, called capellina, is now hoisted up, and carefully lowered over the pina, by means of pulleys. A strong lute of ashes, saltierra, and lama is applied to its lower edge, and made to fit very closely to the plate on which the base stands. A wall of fire-bricks is then built loosely round the capellina, and this space is filled with burning charcoal, which is thrice replenished, to keep it burning all night. After the heat has been applied 20 hours, the bricks and ashes are removed, the luting broken, and the capellina hoisted up. The burned silver is then found in a hard mass, which is broken up, weighed, and carried to the casting-house, to be formed into bars of about 1080 ounces each. The loss of silver in burning, is about 5 ounces to each bar (barra), and the loss of quicksilver, from 21/2 upon the good metals, to 9 upon the coarse. Molina told Mr. Miers, that the produce of the galena ores of Uspaltata did not average more than 2 marcs per caxon of 5000 lbs., which is an excessively poor ore. The argentiferous galena ores of Cumberland afford 11 marcs per caxon; while the average produce of the Potosi silver ores is only 5 or 6 marcs in the same quantity. These comparisons afford the clearest evidence that the English mode of smelting can never be brought into competition with the process of amalgamation as practised in America. Humboldt, Gay Lussac, Boussingault, Karsten, and several other chemists of note, have offered solutions of the amalgamation enigma of Mexico and Peru. The following seems to be the most probable rationale of the successive steps of the process:— The addition of the magistral (powder of the roasted copper pyrites), is not for the purpose of disengaging muriatic acid from the sea salt (saltierra), as has been supposed, since nothing of the kind actually takes place; but, by reciprocal or compound affinity, it serves to form chloride of copper, and chloride of iron, upon the one hand, and sulphate of soda, upon the other. Were sulphuric acid to be used instead of the magistral, as certain novices have prescribed, it would certainly prove injurious, by causing muriatic acid to exhale. Since the ores contain only at times oxide of silver, but always a great abundance of oxide of iron, the acid would carry off both partly, but leave the chloride of silver in a freer state. A magistral, such as sulphate of iron, which is not in a condition to generate the chlorides, will not suit the present purpose; only such metallic sulphates are useful as are ready to be transformed into chlorides by the saltierra. This is peculiarly the case with sulphate of copper. Its deuto-chloride gives up chlorine to the silver, becomes in consequence a protochloride, while the chloride of silver, thus formed, is revived, and amalgamated with the quicksilver present, by electro-chemical agency which is excited by the saline menstruum; just as the voltaic pile of copper and silver is rendered active by a solution of sea salt. A portion of chloride of mercury will be simultaneously formed, to be decomposed in its turn by the sulphate of silver resulting from the mutual action of the acidified pyrites, and the silver or its oxide in the ore. An addition of quicklime counteracts the injurious effect of too much magistral, by decomposing the resulting sulphate of copper. Quicksilver being an excellent conductor of heat, when introduced in too great quantities, is apt to cool the mass too much, and thereby enfeebles the operation of the deuto-chloride of copper upon the silver. There is a method of extracting silver from its ores by what is called imbibition. This is exceedingly simple, consisting in depriving, as far as possible, the silver of its gangue, then melting it with about its own weight of lead. The alloy thus procured, contains from 30 to 35 per cent. of silver, which is separated by cupellation on the great scale, as described under ores of Lead. In this way the silver is obtained at Kongsberg in Norway. The amalgamation works at HalsbrÜcke, near Freyberg, for the treatment of silver ores by mercury, have been justly admired as a model of arrangement, convenience, and regularity; and I shall conclude this subject with a sketch of their general distribution. Fig. 1006 enlarged (241 kb) Fig. 1006. presents a vertical section of this great usine or hÜttenwerk, subdivided into four main departments. The first, A, B, is devoted to the preparation and roasting of the matters intended for amalgamation. The second, B, C, is occupied with two successive Thus, from one extremity of this building to the other, the workshops follow in the order of the processes; and the whole, over a length of 180 feet, seems to be a natural laboratory, through which the materials pass, as it were of themselves, from their crude to their refined condition; so skilfully economized and methodical are the labours of the workmen; such are the regularity, precision, concert, and facility, which pervade this long series of combinations, carriages, movements, and metamorphoses of matter. Here we distinguish the following objects:— 1. In division A, B; a, a, is the magazine of salt; b, b, is the hall of preparation of the ores; on the floor of which they are sorted, interstratified, and mixed up with salt; c, c, are the roasting furnaces; in each of which we see, 1, the fireplace; 2, 3, the reverberatory hearth, divided into two portions, one a little higher than the other, and more distant from the fireplace, called the drier. The materials to be calcined fall into it, through a chimney 6. The other part 2, of the hearth is the calcining area. Above the furnace are chambers of sublimation 4, 5, for condensing some volatile matters which escape by the opening 7. e is the main chimney. 2. In the division B, C, we have d, the floor for the coarse sifting; beneath, that for the fine sieves; from which the matters fall into the hopper, whence they pass down to g, the mill-house, in which they are ground to flour, exactly as in a corn-mill, and are afterwards boulted through sieves, p, f, is the wheel machinery of the mill. 3. The compartment C, D, is the amalgamation work, properly speaking, where the casks are seen in their places. The washing of the residuums is effected in the shop l, below. k, k, is the compartment of revolving casks. 4. In the division D, E, the distillation process is carried on. There are four similar furnaces, represented in different states, for the sake of illustration. The wooden drawer is seen below, supporting the cast-iron basin, in which the tripod with its candelabra for bearing the amalgam saucers is placed. q is a store chamber. At B, are placed the pulleys and windlass for raising the roasted ore, to be sifted and ground; as also for raising the milled flour, to be transported to the amalgamation casks. At D, the crane stands for raising the iron bells that cover the amalgamation candelabra. Details of the Amalgamation Process, as practised at HalsbrÜcke.—All ores which contain more than 7 lbs. of lead, or 1 lb. of copper, per cent., are excluded from this reviving operation (anquickverfahren); because the lead would render the amalgam very impure, and the copper would be wasted. They are sorted for the amalgamation, in such a way that the mixture of the poorer and richer ores may contain 71/2, or, at most, 8 loths (of 1/2 oz. each) of silver per 100 lbs. The most usual constituents of the ores are, sulphur, silver, antimonial silver (speissglanzsilber), bismuth, sulphurets of arsenic, of copper, iron, lead (nickel, cobalt), zinc, with several earthy minerals. It is essential that the ores to be amalgamated shall contain a certain proportion of sulphur, in order that they may decompose enough of sea salt in the roasting to disengage as much chlorine as to convert all the silver present into a chloride. With this view, ores poor in sulphur are mixed with those that are richer, to make up a determinate average. The ore-post is laid upon the bed-floor, in a rectangular heap, about 17 ells long, and 41/2 ells broad (13 yards and 31/2); and upon that layer the requisite quantity of salt is let down from the floor above, through a wooden tunnel; 40 cwts. of salt being allotted to 400 cwts. of ore. The heap being made up with alternate strata to the desired magnitude, must be then well mixed, and formed into small bings, called roast-posts, weighing each from 31/2 to 41/2 cwts. The annual consumption of salt at HalsbrÜcke is 6000 cwts.; it is supplied by the Prussian salt-works. Roasting of the Amalgamation Ores.—The furnaces appropriated to the roasting of the ore-posts are of the reverberatory class, provided with soot chambers. They are built up alongside of the bed-floor, and connected with it by a brick tunnel. The prepared ground ore (erzmehl) is spread out upon the hearth, and dried with incessant turning over; then the fire is raised so as to kindle the sulphur, and keep the ore redhot for one or two hours; during which time, dense white-gray vapours of arsenic, antimony, and water, are exhaled. The desulphuration next begins, with the appearance of a blue flame. This continues for three hours, during which the ignition is kept up; and the mass is diligently turned over, in order to present new surfaces, and to prevent any caking. Whenever sulphurous acid ceases to be formed, the finishing calcination is to be commenced with increased firing; the object being now to decompose the sea salt by means of the metallic sulphates that have been generated, to convert them into chlorides, with the simultaneous production of sulphate of soda. The stirring is to be continued till the proofs taken from the hearth no longer betray the smell of sulphurous, but only of muriatic acid gas. This roasting stage lasts commonly three quarters of an hour, 13 or 14 furnaces are worked at the same time at HalsbrÜcke; and each turns out in a During the last roasting, the ore increases in bulk by one fourth, becomes in consequence a lighter powder, and of a brown colour. When this process is completed, the ore is raked out upon the stone pavement, allowed to cool, then screened in close sieve-boxes, in order to separate the finer powder from the lumps. These are to be bruised, mixed with sea salt, and subjected to another calcination. The finer powder alone is taken to the millstones, of which there are 14 pairs in the establishment. The stones are of granite, and make from 100 to 120 revolutions per minute. The roasted ore, after it has passed through the boulter of the mill, must be as impalpable as the finest flour. The Amalgamation.—This (the verquicken) is performed in 20 horizontal casks, arranged in 4 rows, each turning upon a shaft which passes through its axis; and all driven by the water-wheel shown in the middle of fig. 1006. The casks are 2 feet 10 inches long, 2 feet 8 inches wide, inside measure, and are provided with iron ends. The staves are 31/2 inches thick, and are bound together with iron hoops. They have a double bung-hole, one formed within the other, secured by an iron plug fastened with screws. They are filled by means of a wooden spout terminated by a canvas hose; through which 10 cwts. of the boulted ore-flour (erzmehl) are introduced after 3 cwts. of water have been poured in. To this mixture, from 3/4 to 7/8 of a cwt. of pieces of iron, 11/2 inch square, and 3/8 thick, are added. When these pieces get dissolved, they are replaced by others from time to time. The casks being two thirds full, are set to revolve for 11/2 or 2 hours, till the ore-powder and water become a uniform pap; when 5 cwts. of quicksilver are poured into each of them. The casks being again made tight, are put in geer with the driving machinery, and kept constantly revolving for 14 or 16 hours, at the rate of 20 or 22 turns in the minute. During this time they are twice stopped and opened, in order to see whether the pap be of the proper consistence; for if too thick, the globules of quicksilver do not readily combine with the particles of ore; and if too thin, they fall and rest at the bottom. In the first case, some water must be added; in the second, some ore. During the rotation, the temperature rises, so that even in winter it sometimes stands so high as 104° F. The chemical changes which occur in the casks are the following:—The metallic chlorides present in the roasted ore are decomposed by the iron, whence results muriate of iron, whilst the deutochloride of copper is reduced partly to protochloride, and partly to metallic copper, which throw down metallic silver. The mercury dissolves the silver, copper, lead, antimony, into a complex amalgam. If the iron is not present in sufficient quantity, or if it has not been worked with the ore long enough to convert the copper deutochloride into a protochloride, previously to the addition of the mercury, more or less of the last metal will be wasted by its conversion into protochloride (calomel). The water holds in solution sulphate of soda, undecomposed sea salt, with chlorides of iron, manganese, &c. As soon as the revivification is complete, the casks must be filled with water, set to revolve slowly (about 6 or 8 times in the minute), whereby in the course of an hour, or an hour and a half at most, a great part of the amalgam will have collected at the bottom; and in consequence of the dilution, the portion of horn silver held in solution by the sea salt will fall down and be decomposed. Into the small plug in the centre of the bung, a small tube with a stopcock is now to be inserted, to discharge the amalgam into its appropriate chamber. The cock must be stopped whenever the brown muddy residuum begins to flow. The main bung being then opened, the remaining contents of the casks are emptied into the wash-tun, while the pieces of iron are kept back. The residuary ore is found to be stripped of its silver within 5/32 or 7/40 of an ounce per cwt. The emptying of all the casks, and charging them again, takes 2 hours; and the whole process is finished within 18 or 20 hours; namely, 1 hour for charging, 14 to 16 hours for amalgamating; 11/2 hour for diluting; 1 hour for emptying. In 14 days, 3200 cwts. of ore are amalgamated. For working 100 cwts. of ore, 141/2 lbs. of iron, and 2 lbs. 121/2 ounces of mercury, are required; whence, for every pound of silver obtained, 0·95 of an ounce of mercury are consumed. Trials have been made to conduct the amalgamation process in iron casks, heated to 150° or 160° Fahrenheit, over a fire; but though the de-silvering was more complete, the loss by mercury was so much greater as to more than counterbalance that advantage. Treatment of the Amalgam.—It is first received in a moist canvas bag, through which the thin uncombined quicksilver spontaneously passes. The bag is then tied up and subjected to pressure. Out of 20 casks, from 3 to 31/2 cwts. of solid amalgam are thus procured, which usually consist of 1 part of an alloy, containing silver of 12 or 13 loths (in 16), and 6 parts of quicksilver. The foreign metals in that alloy are, copper, lead, Fig. 1007. represents the apparatus for distilling the amalgam in the HalsbrÜcke works, marked m in fig. 1006. a is the wooden drawer, sliding in grooves upon the basis q; B is an open basin or box of cast iron, laid in the wooden drawer; y is a kind of iron candelabra, supported upon four feet, and set in the basin B; under d are five dishes or plates, of wrought iron, with a hole in the centre of each, whereby they are fitted upon the stem of the candelabra, 3 inches apart, each plate being successively smaller than the one below it. 3 indicates a cast-iron bell, furnished with a wrought-iron frame and hook, for raising it by means of a pulley and cord. s is a sheet-iron door for closing the stove, whenever the bell has been set in its place. The box a, and the basin B, above it, are filled with water, which must be continually renewed, through a pipe in the side of the wooden box, so that the iron basin may be kept always submersed and cool. The drawer a, being properly placed, and the plates under d being charged with balls of amalgam (weighing altogether 3 cwts.), the bell 3 is to be let down into the water, as at y, and rested upon the lower part of the candelabra. Upon the ledge 1, which defines the bottom of the fireplace, a circular plate of iron is laid, having a hole in its middle for the bell to pass through. Upon this plate chips of fir-wood are kindled, then the door s, which is lined with clay, is closed and luted tight. The fuel is now placed in the vacant space k, round the upper part of the bell. The fire must be fed in most gradually, first with turf, then with charcoal; whenever the bell gets red, the mercury volatilizes, and condenses in globules into the bottom of the basin B. At the end of 8 hours, should no more drops of mercury be heard to fall into the water, the fire is stopped. When the bell has become cool, it is lifted off; the plates are removed from the candelabra d; and this being taken out, the drawer a is slid away from the furnace. The mercury is drained, dried, and sent again into the amalgamation works. The silver is fused and refined by cupellation. The solid amalgam which is distilled in the above apparatus, would be distilled more profitably out of iron trays set in the mercurial retorts described and figured in pages 809, 810. From 3 cwts. of amalgam, distilled under the bell, from 95 to 100 marcs (1/2 lbs.) of teller silver (dish silver) are procured, containing from 10 to 131/2 parts of fine silver out of 16; one-fifth part of the metal being copper. The teller silver is refined in quantities of 160 or 170 marcs, in black-lead crucibles filled within two inches of their brims, and submitted to brisk ignition. The molten mass exhales some vapours, and throws up a liquid slag, which being skimmed off, the surface is to be strewed over with charcoal powder, and covered with a lid. The heat having been briskly urged for a short time, the charcoal is then removed along with any fresh slag that may have risen, in order to observe whether the vapours have ceased. If not, fresh charcoal must be again applied, the crucible must be covered, and the heat increased, till fumes are no longer produced, and the surface of the silver becomes tranquil. Finally, the alloy, which contains a little gold, and much copper, being now from 11 to 13 lÖthig (that is, holding from 11 to 13 parts of fine silver in 16 parts), is cast into iron moulds, in ingots of 60 marcs. The loss of weight by evaporation and skimming of the slag amounts to 2 per cent.; the loss in silver is quite inconsiderable. The dust from the furnace (tiegelÖfen) is collected in a large condensation chamber of the chimney, and affords from 40 to 50 marcs of silver per cwt. The slags and old crucibles are ground and sent to the small amalgamation mill. The earthy residuum of the amalgamation casks being submitted to a second amalgamation, affords out of 100 cwts. about 2 lbs. of coarse silver. This is first fused along with three or four per cent. of a mixture of potashes and calcined quicksalz, (impure sulphate of soda), and then refined. The supernatant liquor that is drawn out of the tanks in which the contents of the casks are allowed to settle, consists chiefly of sulphate of soda, along with some common salt, sulphates of iron and manganese, and a little phosphate, arseniate, and fluate of soda. The earthy deposit contains from 1/4 to 9/32 of a loth of silver per cwt., but no economical method of extracting this small quantity has yet been contrived. The following is the mode of conducting the cupellation. Before putting the lead into the furnace, a floor is made in it of ashes beat carefully down (see 6, fig. 1010.); and there is left in the centre of this floor a circular space, somewhat lower than the rest of the hearth, where the silver ought to gather at the end of the operation. The cupel is fully six feet in diameter. In forming the floor of a cupel, 35 cubic feet of washed wood ashes, usually got from the soap works, are employed. The preparation of the floor requires 21/2 hours’ work; and when it is completed, and the movable dome of iron plate has been lined with loam, 84 quintals (cwt.) of lead are laid on the floor, 42 quintals being placed in the part of the furnace farthest from the bellows, and 42 near to the fire-bridge; to these, scoriÆ containing lead and silver are added, in order to lose nothing. The movable lid is now luted on the furnace, and heat is slowly applied in the fireplace, by burning fagots of fir-wood, which is gradually raised. Section 1010. is in the line C, D, of 1009. At the end of three hours, the whole lead being melted, the instant is watched for when no more ebullition can be perceived on the surface of the bath or melted metal; then, but not sooner, the bellows are set a-playing on the surface at the rate of 4 or 5 strokes per minute, to favour the oxidizement. In five hours, reckoned from the commencement of the process, the fire is smartly raised; when a grayish froth (abstrich) is made to issue from the small aperture x of the furnace. This is found to be a brittle mixture of oxidized metals and impurities. The workman now glides the rake over the surface of the bath, so as to draw the froth out of the furnace; and, as it issues, powdered charcoal is strewed upon it, at the aperture x, to cause its coagulation. The froth skimming lasts for about an hour and a half. After this time, the litharge begins to form, and it is also let off by the small opening x; its issue being aided by a hook. In proportion as the floor of the furnace gets impregnated with litharge, the workman digs in it a gutter for the escape of the liquid litharge: it falls in front of the small aperture, and concretes in stalactitic forms. By means of the two movable valves suspended before the tuyÈres n, n, (fig. 1010.) the workman can direct the blast as he will over the surface of the metal. The wind should be made to cause a slight curl on the liquid, so as to produce circular undulations, and gradually propel a portion of the litharge generated, towards the edges of the cupel, and allow this to retain its shape till the end of the operation. The stream of air should drive the greater part of the litharge towards the small opening x, where the workman deepens the outlet for it, in proportion as the level of the metal bath descends, and the bottom of the floor rises by the apposition of the litharge formed. Litharge is thus obtained during about 12 hours; after which period the cake of silver begins to take shape in the centre of the cupel. Towards the end of the operation, when no more than four additional quintals of litharge can be looked for, and when it forms solely in the neighbourhood of the silver cake in the middle of the floor, great care must be taken to set apart the latter portions, because they contain silver. About this period, the fire is increased, and the workman places before the little opening x a brick, to serve as a mound to the efflux of litharge. The use of this brick is,—1, to hinder the escape of the silver in case of any accident; for example, should an explosion take place in the furnace; 2, to reserve a magazine of litharge, should that still circulating round the silver cake be suddenly absorbed by the cupel, for in this dilemma the litharge must be raked back on the silver; 3, to prevent the escape of the water that must be thrown on the silver at the end of the process. When the argentiferous litharge, collected in the above small magazine, is to be removed, it is let out in the form of a jet, by the dexterous use of the iron hook. Lastly, after 20 hours, the silver cake is seen to be well formed, and nearly circular. The moment for stopping the fire and the bellows is indicated by the sudden disappearance of the coloured particles of oxide of lead, which, in the latter moments of oxidation, undulate with extreme rapidity over the slightly convex surface of the silver bath, moving from the centre to the circumference. The phenomenon of their total disappearance is called the lightning, or fulguration. Whenever this occurs, the plate of silver being perfectly clean, there is introduced into the furnace, by the door q, a wooden spout, along which water, previously heated, is carefully poured on the silver. The cupellation of 84 quintals of argentiferous lead takes in general 18 or 20 hours’ working. The promptitude of the operation depends on the degree of purity of the leads employed, and on the address of the operator, with whom also lies the economy of fuel. A good workman completes the cupellation of 84 quintals with 300 billets, each equivalent to a cubic foot and eight-tenths of wood (Hartz measure); others consume 400 billets, or more. In general, the cupellation of 100 quintals of lead, executed at the rate of 84 quintal charges, occasions a consumption of 790 cubic feet of resinous wood billets. The products of the charge are as follow:—
Note.—The marc is 7 oz. 2 dwts. 4 gr. English troy; and the loth is half an ounce. 16 loths make a marc. 100 pounds Cologne are equal to 103 pounds avoirdupois; and the above quintal contains 116 Cologne pounds. The loss of lead inevitable by this operation, is estimated at 4 parts in 100. It has been diminished as much as possible in the Frankenscharn works of the Hartz, by leading the smoke into long flues, where the lead fumes are condensed into a metallic soot. The silver cake receives a final purification at the Mint, in a cupel on a smaller scale. From numerous experiments in the great way, it has been found that not more than 100 quintals of lead can be profitably cupelled at one operation, however large the furnace, and however powerful and multiplied the bellows and tuyÈres may be; for the loss on either the lead or the silver, or on both, would be increased. In one attempt, no less than 500 quintals were acted on, in a furnace with two fireplaces, and four escapes for the litharge; but the silver remained disseminated through the lead, and the lightning could not be brought on. The chief object in view was economy of fuel. Reduction of the Litharge.—This is executed in a slag-hearth, with the aid of wood charcoal. Such is the train of operations by which the cupriferous galena schlich, or ground ore Silver-smelting Works of Frankenscharn, near Clausthal. Frankenscharn worksFig. 1012 enlarged (291 kB) Fig. 1012. exhibits the plan and elevation of these smelting-works, near Clausthal, in the Hartz, for lead ores containing copper and silver, where about 84,000 cwts. of schlich (each of 123 Cologne pounds) are treated every year. This quantity is the produce of 30 distinct mines, as also of nearly as many stamp and preparation works. All these different schlichs, which belong to so many different joint-stock companies, are confounded and worked up together in the same series of metallurgic operations; the resulting mixture being considered as one and the same ore belonging to a single undertaking; but in virtue of the order which prevails in this royal establishment, the rights of each of the companies, and consequently of each shareholder, are equitably regulated. A vigorous control is exercised between the mines and the stamps, as also between the stamps and the smelting-houses; while the cost of the metallurgic operations is placed under the officers of the crown, and distributed, upon just principles, among the several mines, according to the quantities of metal furnished by each. From these arrangements, the following important advantages flow:— 1. The poor ores may be smelted with profit, without putting the companies to any risk or expense in the erection of new works; 2, by the mixture of many different ores, the smelting and metallic product become more easy and abundant; 3, the train of the operations is conducted with all the lights and resources of science; and 4, the amount of metal brought into the market is not subject to such fluctuations as might prove injurious to their sale. The following is the series of operations:— 1, The fusion of the schlich (sludge); 2, the roasting of the mattes under a shed, and their treatment by four successive re-meltings; 3, the treatment of the resulting black copper; 4, the liquation; 5, the reliquation (ressuage); 6, the refining of the copper; 7, the cupellation of the silver; 8, the reduction of the litharge into lead. The 5th and 6th processes are carried on at the smelting works of Altenau. The buildings are shown at A, B, C, and the impelling stream of water at D; the upper figure being the elevation; the lower, the plan of the works. a, is the melting furnace, with a cylinder bellows behind it; b, c, d, furnaces similar to the preceding, with wooden bellows, such as fig. 1013; e, is a furnace for the same purpose, with three tuyÈres, and a cylinder bellows; f, the large furnace of fusion, also with three tuyÈres; g, a furnace with seven tuyÈres, now seldom used; h, low furnaces, like the English slag-hearths (krummofen), employed for working the last mattes; k, slag-hearths for reducing the litharge; m, the area of the liquation; n, p, cupellation furnaces. x, y, a floor which separates Here 89,600 quintals of schlich are annually smelted, which furnish—
This weight amounts to one twenty-fifth of the weight of ore raised for the service of the establishment. Eight parts of ore furnish, on an average, about one of schlich. The bellows are constructed wholly of wood, without any leather; an improvement made by a bishop of Bamberg, about the year 1620. After receiving different modifications, they were adopted, towards 1730, in almost all the smelting-works of the continent, except in a few places, as Carniola, where local circumstances permitted a water blowing-machine to be erected. These pyramidal shaped bellows, composed of movable wooden boxes, have, however, many imperfections: their size must often be inconveniently large, in order to furnish an adequate stream of air; they do not drive into the furnace all the air which they contain; they require frequent repairs; and, working with great friction, they waste much mechanical power. Fig. 1014. represents such wooden bellows, consisting of two chests or boxes, fitted into each other; the upper or moving one being called the fly, the lower or fixed one, the seat (gite). In the bottom of the gite, there is an orifice furnished with a clack-valve d, opening inwards when the fly is raised, and shutting when it falls. In order that the air included in the capacity of the two chests may have no other outlet than the nose-pipe m, the upper portion of the gite is provided at its four sides with small square slips of wood c, c, c, which are pressed against the sides of the fly by strong springs of iron wire b, b, b, while they are retained upon the gite by means of small square pieces of wood a, a, a, a. The latter a, a, are perforated in the centre, and adjusted upon rectangular stems, called buchettes; they are attached, at their lower ends, to the upright sides of the gite G. P is the driving-shaft of a water-wheel, which, by means of cams or tappets, depresses the fly, while the counterweight Q, fig. 1013., raises it again. Figs. 1015, 1016, 1017, 1018. represent the moderately high (demihauts, or half-blast,) furnaces employed in the works of the lower Hartz, near Goslar, for smelting the silvery lead ores extracted from the mine of Rammelsberg. See its section, in fig. 737. Fig. 1015. is the front elevation of the twin furnaces, built in one body of masonry; fig. 1016. is a plan taken at the level of the tuyÈres, in the line v, l, 6. of fig. 1017.; figs. 1017. and 1018. exhibit two vertical sections; the former in the line A, B, the latter in the line C, D, of fig. 1016. In these four figures the following objects may be distinguished. a, b, c, d, a balcony or platform, which leads to the place of charging n; e, f, wooden stairs, by which the charging workmen mount from the ground p, q, of the works, to the platform; g, h, brickwork of the furnaces; i, k, wall of the smelting-works, against which they are supported; l, upper basin of reception, hollowed out of the brasque (or ground charcoal bed) 6; m, arch of the tuyÈre v, by which each furnace receives the blast of two In figs. 1015 and 1017., l, z, is the brickwork of the foundations; m, conduits (called evaporatory), for the exhalation of the moisture; 4, a layer of slags, rammed above; 5, a bed of clay, rammed above the slags; 6, a brasque, composed of one part of clay, and two parts of ground charcoal, which forms the sole of the furnace. The excellent refinery furnace, or treibheerd, of FrederickshÜtte, near Tarnowitz, in Upper Silesia, is represented in figs. 1019. and 1020. a, is the bottom, made of slag or cinders; b, the foundation, of fire-bricks; c, the body of the hearth proper, composed of a mixture of 7 parts of dolomite, and 1 of fire-clay, in bulk; d, the grate of the air furnace; e, the fire-bridge; f, the dome or cap, made of iron plate strengthened with bars, and lined with clay-lute, to protect the metal from burning; g, the door of the fireplace; h, the ash-pit; i, the tap-hole; k, k, the flue, which is divided by partitions into several channels; l, the chimney; m, a damper-plate for regulating the draught; n, a back valve, for admitting air to cool the furnace, and brushes to sweep the flues; o, tuyÈre of copper, which by means of an iron wedge may be sloped more or less towards the hearth; p, the schnepper, a round piece of sheet iron, hung before the eye of the tuyÈre, to break and spread the blast; q, the outlet for the glassy litharge. Lime-marl has been found to answer well for making the body of the hearth-sole, as it absorbs the vitrified litharge freely, without combining with it. A basin-shaped hollow is formed in the centre, for receiving the silver at the end of the process; and a gutter is made across the hearth for running off the glÄtte or fluid litharge. Figs. 1021, 1022. represent the eliquation hearth of Neustadt. Fig. 1021. is a cross section; fig. 1022. is a front view; and fig. 1023. a longitudinal section. It is formed by two walls a, a, 31/2 feet high, placed from 1/2 to 1 foot apart, sloped off at top with iron plates, 3 inches thick, and 18 inches broad, called saigerscharten, or refining plates, b, b, inclined 3 inches towards each other in the middle, so as to leave at the lowest point a slit 21/2 inches wide between them, through which the lead, as it sweats out by the heat, is allowed to fall into Figs. 1024. and 1025. represent the refining furnaces of FrederickshÜtte by Tarnowitz; a, is the fire-door; b, the grate; c, the door for introducing the silver; d, the movable test, resting upon a couple of iron rods e, e, which are let at their ends into the brickwork. They lie lower than would seem to be necessary; but this is done in order to be able to place the surface of the test at any desired level, by placing tiles f, f, under it; g, the flue, leading to a chimney 18 feet high. For the refining of 100 marks of blicksilber, of the fineness of 151/2 loths (half ounces) per cwt., 3 cubic feet of pitcoal are required. The test or cupel must be heated before the impure silver and soft lead are put into it. At these smelting-houses from 150 to 160 cwt. of very pure workable lead (lead containing merely a little silver) are put into the furnace at once, and from 10 to 14 cwt. run off in vitrified oxide; the remainder is then refined with some pure lead, when an alloy containing from 141/2 to 151/2 loths of blicksilber per cwt. is obtained. English refining furnaces.—The refining of lead is well performed in some works in the neighbourhood of Alston-moor, in reverberatory furnaces, figs. 1026. and 1027., whose fireplace is 22 inches square, and is separated from the sole by a fire-bridge, 14 inches in breadth. The flame, after having passed over the surface of the lead in the cupel, enters two flues e, e, on the opposite side of the furnace, which terminate in a chimney i, i, i, i, 40 feet high. At the bottom of the chimney are openings f, f, for taking out the metallic dust deposited within. These openings are shut during the process. The cupel or test, which constitutes, in fact, the sole of the hearth in which the operation takes place, is movable. It consists of a vertical elliptical ring of iron, In forming the cupel, several layers of a mixture of moistened bone ashes, and fern ashes, in very fine powder, are put into the test-frame. The bone ash constitutes from 1/8 to 1/16 of the bulk of the mixture, according to the purity of the fern ashes employed, estimated by the proportion of potash they contain, which has the property of semi-vitrifying the powder of burnt bones, of thus removing its friability, and rendering it more durable. The layers of ashes are strongly beat down, till the frame is entirely filled. The mass thus formed is then hollowed out by means of a little spade, made on purpose, till it is only three quarters of an inch thick above the iron bars near the centre of the bottom. A flange, 2 inches broad, is made at the upper part, and 21/2 inches at the lower part, except on the front or breast, which is 5 inches thick. In this anterior part, there is hollowed out an opening of an inch and a quarter broad, and 6 inches long, with which the outlet or gateway of the litharge communicates. The cupel thus prepared is placed in the refining furnace. It rests in an iron ring built into the brickwork. The arched roof of the furnace is 12 inches above the cupel near the fire-bridge, and 9 inches near the flue at the other end. The tuyÈre is placed in the back of the furnace, opposite to the side at which the litharge is allowed to overflow. Openings g, g, are left at the sides of each cupel, either for running off or for introducing melted lead. Refining of lead to extract its silver.—This operation, which the lead of Derbyshire cannot be submitted to with advantage, is performed in a certain number of the smelting-houses at Alston-moor, and always upon leads reduced in the Scotch furnace. The cupel furnace above described, must be slowly heated, in order to dry the cupel without causing it to crack, which would infallibly be produced by sudden evaporation of the moisture in it. When it has been thus slowly brought to the verge of a red heat, it is almost completely filled with lead previously melted in an iron pot. The cupel may be charged with about 5 cwt. At the temperature at which the lead is introduced, it is immediately covered with a gray pellicle of oxide; but when the heat of the furnace has been progressively raised to the proper pitch, it becomes whitish-red, and has its surface covered over with litharge. Now is the time to set in action the blowing-machine, the blast of which, impelled in the direction of the great axis of the cupel, drives the litharge towards the breast of the cupel, and makes it flow out by the gateway prepared for it, through which it falls upon a cast-iron plate, on a level with the When a sufficient number of these pieces of rich lead have been procured, so that by their respective quality, as determined by assaying, they contain in whole from 1000 to 2000 ounces of silver, they are re-melted to extract their silver, in the same furnace, but in a cupel which differs from the former in having at its bottom a depression capable of receiving at the end of the process the cake of silver. In this case a portion of the bottom remains uncovered, on which the scoriÆ may be pushed aside with a little rake, from the edges of the silver. The experiments of MM. Lucas and Gay Lussac have proved that fine silver, exposed to the air in a state of fusion, absorbs oxygen gas, and gives it out again in the act of consolidation. The quantity of oxygen thus absorbed may amount to twenty-two times the volume of the silver. The following phenomena are observed when the mass of metal is considerable; for example, from 40 to 50 pounds. The solidification commences at the edges, and advances towards the centre. The liquid silver, at the moment of its passage to the solid state, experiences a slight agitation, and then becomes motionless. The surface, after remaining thus tranquil for a little, gets all at once irregularly perturbed, fissures appear in one or several lines, from which flow, in different directions, streams of very fluid silver, which increase the original agitation. The first stage does not yet clearly manifest the presence of gas, and seems to arise from some intestine motion of the particles in their tendency to group, on entering upon the process of crystallization, and thus causing the rupture of the envelop or external crust, and the ejection of some liquid portions. After remaining some time tranquil, the metal presents a fresh appearance, precisely analogous to volcanic phenomena. As the crystallization continues, the oxygen gas is given out with violence at one or more points, carrying with it melted silver from the interior of the surface, producing a series of cones, generally surmounted by a small crater, vomiting out streams of the metal, which may be seen boiling violently within them. These cones gradually increase in height by the accumulation of metal thrown up, and that which becomes consolidated on their sloping sides. The thin crust of metal on which they rest, consequently experiences violent impulses, being alternately raised and depressed by such violent agitation, that were it not for the tenacity and elasticity of the metal, there would evidently arise dislocation, fissures, and other analogous accidents. At length several of the craters permanently close, while others continue to allow the gas a passage. The more difficult this is, the more the craters become elevated, and the more their funnels contract by the adhesion or coagulation of a portion of the metal. The projection of globules of silver now becomes more violent; the latter being carried to great distances, even beyond the furnace, and accompanied by a series of explosions, repeated at short intervals. It is generally the last of these little volcanoes that attains the greatest altitude, and exhibits the foregoing phenomena with the greatest energy. It is, moreover, observable, that these cones do not all arise at the same time, some having spent their force, when others commence forming at other points. Some reach the height of an inch, forming bases of two or three inches in diameter. The time occupied by this exhibition is at least from half to three quarters of an hour. During the formation of these cones, by the evolution of gas, portions of silver are shot forth, which assume, on induration, a form somewhat cylindrical, and often very fantastic, notwithstanding the incompatibility which appears to exist between the fluidity of the silver and these elongated figures. Their appearance is momentary, and without any symptoms of gas, although it is impossible to decide whether they may not arise from its influence; they seem, in fact, to resemble the phenomena of the first volcanic period. Till very recently the only operations employed for separating silver from lead in the English smelting-works, were the following:— 1. Cupellation, in which the lead was converted into a vitreous oxide, which was floated off from the surface of the silver. 2. Reduction of that oxide, commonly called litharge. 3. Smelting the bottoms of the cupels, to extract the lead which had soaked into them, in a glassy state. Cupellation and its two complementary operations were, in many respects, objectionable processes; from the injurious effects of the lead vapours upon the health of the workmen; from the very considerable loss of metallic lead, amounting to 7 per cent. at least; and, lastly, from the immense consumption of fuel, as well as from the vast amount of manual labour incurred in such complicated operations. Hence, unless the lead were tolerably rich in silver, it would not bear the expense of cupellation. The patent process lately introduced by Mr. Pattinson, of Newcastle, is not at all prejudicial to the health of workmen; it does not occasion more than 2 per cent. of loss of lead, and in other respects it is so economical, that it is now profitably applied in Northumberland to alloys too poor in silver to be treated by cupellation. This process is founded upon the following phenomena. After melting completely an alloy of lead and silver, if we allow it to cool very slowly, continually stirring it meanwhile with a rake, we shall observe at a certain period a continually increasing number of imperfect little crystals, which may be taken out with a drainer, exactly as we may remove the crystals of sea salt deposited during the concentration of brine, or those of sulphate of soda, as its agitated solution cools. On submitting to analysis the metallic crystals thus separated, and also the liquid metal deprived of them, we find the former to be lead almost alone, but the latter to be rich in silver, when compared with the original alloy. The more of the crystalline particles are drained from the metallic bath, the richer does the mother liquid become in silver. In practice, the poor lead is raised by this means to the standard of the ordinary lead of the litharge works; and the better lead is made ten times richer. This very valuable alloy is then submitted to cupellation; but as it contains only a tenth part of the quantity of lead subjected to crystallization, the loss in the cupel will be obviously reduced to one-tenth of what it was by the former process; that is, 7/10 of a per cent., instead of 7. These nine-tenths of the lead separated by the drainer, are immediately sent into the market, without other loss than the trifling one, of about 1/2 per cent., involved in reviving a little dross skimmed off the surface of the melted metal at the beginning of the operation. Hence the total waste of lead in this method does not exceed 2 per cent. And as only a small quantity of lead requires to be cupelled, this may be done with the utmost slowness and circumspection; whereby loss of the precious metal, and injury to the health of the workpeople, are equally avoided. The crystallization refinery of Mr. Pattinson is an extremely simple smelting-house. It contains 3 hemispherical cast-iron pans, 41 inches in diameter, and 1/4 of an inch thick. The three pans are built in one straight line, the broad flange at their edge being supported upon brickwork. Each pan has a discharge pipe, proceeding laterally from one side of its bottom, by which the melted metal may be run out when a plug is withdrawn, and each is heated by a small separate fire. Three tons of the argentiferous lead constitute one charge of each pan; and as soon as it is melted, the fire is withdrawn; the flue, grate-door, and ash-pit, are immediately closed, and made air-tight with bricks and clay-lute. The agitation is now commenced, with a round bar of iron terminated with a chisel point, the workman being instructed merely to keep moving that simple rake constantly in the pan, but more especially towards the edges, where the solidification is apt to begin. He must be careful to take out the crystals, progressively as they appear, with an iron drainer, heated a little higher than the temperature of the metal bath. The liquid metal lifted in the drainer, flows readily back through its perforations, and may be at any rate effectually detached by giving the ladle two or three jogs. The solid portion remains in the form of a spongy, semi-crystalline, semi-pasty mass. The proportion of crystals separated at each melting, depends upon the original quality of the alloy. If it be poor, it is usually divided in the proportion of two-thirds of poor crystals, and one-third of rich liquid metal; but this proportion is reversed if the alloy contain a good deal of silver. Let us exemplify, by the common case of a lead containing 10 ounces of silver per ton. Operating upon three tons of this alloy, or 60 cwt., containing 30 oz. of silver, there will be obtained in the first operation—
Each of these alloys (a) and (b) will be joined to alloys of like quality obtained in the treatment of one or several other portions of three tons of the primitive alloy. Again, three tons of each of these rich alloys are subjected to the crystallization process, and thus in succession. Thus poorer and poorer lead is got on the one hand, and richer and richer alloys on the other. Sometimes the mother metal is parted from a great body of poor crystals, by opening the discharge-pipe, and running off the liquid, while the workman keeps stirring, to facilitate the separation of the two. 25 fodders, 15 cwts., 49 lbs. = 540 cwts., 49 lbs. of alloy, holding 5 oz. of silver per fodder, in the whole 130 oz., afforded, after three successive crystallizations—
The expenses of the new method altogether, including 3s. per fodder of patent dues are about one-third of the old; being 17l. 13s. and 54l. 16s. respectively, upon 84 cwts. of lead, at 29 oz. per fodder. In the conditions above stated, the treatment of argentiferous lead occasions the following expenses:—
Admitting that the treatment of silver holding lead is economically possible only when the profit is equal to one-tenth of the gross expenses of the process, we may easily calculate, with the preceding data, that it is sufficient for the lead to have the following contents in silver:—
To conclude, the refining by crystallization reduces the cost of the parting of lead and silver, in the proportion of 3 to 1; and allows of extracting silver from a lead which contains only about 3 oz. per ton. In England, the new method produces at present very advantageous results, especially in reference to the great masses to which it may be applied. In 1828, the quantity of lead annually extracted from the mines in the United Kingdom had been progressively raised to 47,000 tons. Reduced almost to one-half of this amount in 1832, by the competition of the mines of la Sierra de Gador, the English production began again to increase in 1833. In 1835, 35,000 tons of lead were obtained, one-half of which only having a mean content of 81/2 oz. of silver per ton, was subjected to cupellation, and produced 14,000 oz. of that precious metal. The details of this production are—
In 1837, the production of lead amounted probably to 40,000 tons; upon which the introduction of the new method would have the effect not only of reducing considerably the cost of parting the 20,000 tons of lead containing 8 oz. of silver per ton, but of permitting the extraction of 4 or 5 oz. of silver, which may be supposed to exist upon an average in the greater portion of the remaining 20,000 tons. Otherwise, this mass of the precious metal would have had no value, or have been unproductive. There are two oxides of silver; called argentic oxide, and suroxide, by Berzelius. 1. The first is obtained by adding solution of caustic potassa, or lime-water, to a solution of nitrate of silver. The precipitate has a brownish-gray colour, which darkens when dried, and contains no combined water. Its specific gravity is 7·143. On exposure to the sun, it gives out a certain quantity of oxygen, and becomes a black powder. This oxide is an energetic base; being slightly soluble in pure water, reacting like the alkalis upon reddened litmus paper, and displacing, from their combinations with the alkalis, a portion of the acids, with which it forms insoluble compounds. It is insoluble in the caustic lyes of potassa or soda. By combination with caustic ammonia, it forms fulminating silver. This formidable substance may be prepared by precipitating the nitrate of silver with lime-water, washing the oxide upon a filter, and spreading it upon gray paper, to make it nearly dry. Upon the oxide, still moist, water of ammonia is to be poured, and allowed to remain for several hours. The powder which becomes black, is to be freed from the supernatant liquor by decantation, divided into small portions while moist, and set aside to dry upon bits of porous paper. Fulminating silver may be made more expeditiously by dissolving the nitrate in water of pure ammonia, and precipitating by the addition of caustic potassa lye in slight excess. If fulminating silver be pressed with a hard body in its moist state, it detonates with unparalleled violence; nay, when touched even with a feather, in its dry state, it frequently explodes. As many persons have been seriously wounded, and some have been killed, by these explosions, the utmost precautions should be taken, especially by young chemists, in its preparation. This violent phenomenon is caused by the sudden production of water and nitrogen, at the instant when the metallic oxide is reduced. The quiescent and Sulphuret of silver, which exists native, may be readily prepared by fusing the constituents together; and it forms spontaneously upon the surface of silver exposed to the air of inhabited places, or plunged into eggs, especially rotten ones. The tarnish may be easily removed, by rubbing the metal with a solution of cameleon mineral, prepared by calcining peroxide of manganese with nitre. Sulphuret of silver is a powerful sulpho-base; since though it be heated to redness in close vessels, it retains the volatile sulphides, whose combinations with the alkalis are decomposed at that temperature. It consists of 87·04 of silver, and 12·96 of oxygen. A small quantity of tin, alloyed with silver, destroys its ductility. The best method of separating these two metals, is to laminate the alloy into thin plates, and distil them along with corrosive sublimate. The bichloride of tin comes over in vapours, and condenses in the receiver. Silver and lead, when combined, are separated by heat alone in the process of cupellation, as described in the article Assay, and in the reduction of silver ores. See An alloy, containing from one-twelfth to one-tenth of copper, constitutes the silver coin of most nations; being a harder and more durable metal under friction than pure silver. When this alloy is boiled with a solution of cream of tartar and sea-salt, or scrubbed with water of ammonia, the superficial particles of copper are removed, and a surface of fine silver is left. Chloride of silver is obtained by adding muriatic acid, or any soluble muriate, to a solution of nitrate of silver. A curdy precipitate falls, quite insoluble in water, which being dried and heated to dull redness, fuses into a semi-transparent gray mass, called, from its appearance, horn-silver. Chloride of silver dissolves readily in water of ammonia, and crystallizes in proportion as the ammonia evaporates. It is not decomposed by a red heat, even when mixed with calcined charcoal; but when hydrogen or steam is passed over the fused chloride, muriatic acid exhales, and silver remains. When fused along with potassa (or its carbonate), the silver is also revived; while oxygen (or also carbonic acid) gas is liberated, and chloride of potassium is formed. Alkaline solutions do not decompose chloride of silver. When this compound is exposed to light, it suffers a partial decomposition, muriatic acid being disengaged. See Assay by the humid method. The best way of reducing the chloride of silver, says Mohr, is to mix it with one-third of its weight of colophony (black rosin), and to heat the mixture moderately in a crucible till the flame ceases to have a greenish-blue colour; then suddenly to increase the fire, so as to melt the metal into an ingot. The subchloride may be directly formed, by pouring a solution of deuto-chloride of copper or iron upon silver leaf. The metal is speedily changed into black spangles, which, being immediately washed and dried, constitute subchloride of silver. If the contact of the solutions be prolonged, chloride would be formed. The bromide, cyanide, fluoride, and iodide of silver, have not been applied to any use in the arts. Sulphate of silver may be prepared by boiling sulphuric acid upon the metal. See Refining of Gold and Silver. It dissolves in 88 parts of boiling water, but the greater part of the salt crystallizes in small needles, as the solution cools. It consists of 118 parts of oxide, combined with 40 parts of dry acid. Solutions of the hyposulphite of potassa, soda, and lime, which are bitter salts, dissolve chloride of silver, a tasteless substance, into liquids possessed of the most palling sweetness, but not at all of any metallic taste. The iodide of silver is remarkable, like some other metallic compounds, for changing its colour alternately with heat and cold. If a sheet of white paper be washed over with a solution of nitrate of silver, and afterwards with a somewhat dilute solution of hydriodate of potash, it will immediately assume the pale yellow tint of the cold silver iodide. On placing the paper before the fire, it will change colour from a pale primrose to a gaudy brilliant yellow, like the sun-flower; and on being cooled, it will again resume the primrose hue. These alternations may be repeated indefinitely, like those with the Fulminate of silver is prepared in the same way as Fulminate of Mercury, which see. On the 10th of February, 1798, the Lords of the Privy Council appointed the Hon. Charles Cavendish, F. R. S., and Charles Hatchett, Esq., F. R. S., to make investigations upon the wear of gold coin by friction. Their admirable experiments were begun in the latter end of 1798, and completed in April 1801, having been instituted and conducted with every mechanical aid, as devised by these most eminent chemical philosophers, and provided, at no small expense, by the government. The following are the important conclusions of their official report:— “Gold made standard by a mixture of equal parts of silver and copper, is not so soft as gold alloyed only with silver; neither is it so pale; for it appears to be less removed from the colour of fine gold, than either the former or the following metal. “Gold, when alloyed with silver and copper, when annealed, does not become black, but brown; and this colour is more easily removed by the blanching liquor, or solution of alum, than when the whole of the alloy consists of copper. It may also be rolled and stamped with great facility; and, under many circumstances, it appears to suffer less by friction than gold alloyed by silver or copper alone. “If copper alone forms the alloy, it must be dissolved and separated from the surface of each piece of coin, in the process of annealing and blanching. “Upon a comparison of the different qualities of the three kinds of standard gold, it appears (strictly speaking) that gold made standard by silver and copper is rather to be preferred for coin.” It will, undoubtedly, seem not a little strange to the uninitiated, that this report, and its important deductions, should have been of late years entirely set at nought, without any scientific reason or research, apparently for the purpose of giving a certain official in our Mint a good job, in sweating out all the silver from our sovereigns, and replacing it, in the new coinage, with copper, taking on an average 3d. worth of silver out of each ounce of our excellent gold coin, and charging the country 61/2d. for its extraction, besides the very considerable expense in providing fine copper to replace the silver. The pretence set up for this extraordinary degradation of the gold, was, that our coin might peradventure be exported, in order to be de-silvered abroad, a danger which could have been most readily averted, by leaving out as much gold in every sovereign as was equivalent to the silver introduced, and thus preserving its intrinsic value in precious metal. When the film of fine gold which covers each of our present pieces has been rubbed off from the prominent parts, these must appear of a very different and deeper colour than the flat part or ground of the coin. “The reason, therefore, is sufficiently apparent, says Mr. Hatchett, why gold which is alloyed with silver only, cannot be liable to this blemish;” and with one-half of silver alloy, it must be much less liable to it, than with copper alone. Why did the political economists in the recent Committee of the House of Commons on the Mint, blink this question, of public economy and expediency? Gold, as imported from America, Asia, and Africa, contains on an average nearly the right proportion of silver for making the best coin; and were it alloyed to our national standard, of 22 parts of gold, 1 of silver, and 1 of copper, as defined by Messrs. Cavendish and Hatchett, then by simply adding the deficient quantities of one or two of these metals, by the rule of alligation, the very considerable expense would be saved to the nation, and sulphureous nuisance to the Tower Hamlets, now foolishly incurred in de-silvering and cuprifying sovereigns at the Royal Mint. It was long imagined in Europe, that the average metallic contents of the silver ores of Mexico and Peru, were considerably greater than those of Saxony and Hungary. Much poorer ores, however, are worked among the Cordilleras than in any part of Europe. The mean product of the whole silver ores that are annually reduced in Mexico, amounts only to from 0·18 to 0·25 of a per cent.; that is, from 3 to 4 ounces in 100 lbs.; the true average being, perhaps, not more than 21/2. It is by their greater profusion of ores, not their superior richness, that the mines of South America surpass those of Europe. Gold and Silver produced in Forty Years, from 1790 to 1830.
Returns of the Dollars coined at the different Mints in Mexico.
Peru.—Returns of Gold and Silver coined at the Mints of Lima and Casco.
Returns of Silver in Bars produced at the different Smelting-works in Peru.
Returns of Silver in Dollars exported from the Provinces of Chili.
Santiago—Mint Coinage.
The production of Silver in the kingdom of Saxony, amounted to—
The mine of HimmelsfÜrst alone produces annually 10,000 marcs. The quantity of Silver produced in the Prussian states was—
The whole annual production of Europe, and Asiatic Russia, has been rated by Humboldt at 292,000 marcs; by other authorities, at 310,000; while at the beginning of the present century, that of the Spanish colonies in America was 3,349,160 marcs, or The English Mint silver contains 222 pennyweights of fine silver, and 18 of copper, in the troy pound of 240 pennyweights; or 92·5 in 100 parts. 1 pound troy = 5760 grains, contains 65·8 shillings, each weighing 87·55 grains. The French silver coin contains one-tenth of copper, and a franc weighs 5 grammes = 77·222 grains troy. The Prussian dollar, (thaler), is the standard coin; 101/2 thaler weigh 1 marc; hence, 1 thaler weighs 343·7 grains troy, and contains 257·9 grains of fine silver; being 75 per cent. of silver, and 25 of alloy. The Austrian coin contains 13/288 of alloy, according to Wasserberg; which is only 41/2 per cent. The principal steps of this operation are the following:— 1. The smoothing down the sharp edges, and polishing the surface of the copper; called Émorfiler by the French artists. 2. The annealing; or, making the piece to be silvered redhot, and then plunging it in very dilute nitric acid, till it be bright and clean. 3. Pumicing; or, clearing up the surface with pumice-stone and water. 4. The warming, to such a degree merely as, when it touches water, it may make a slight hissing sound; in which state it is dipped in the very weak aquafortis, whereby it acquires minute insensible asperities, sufficient to retain the silver leaves that are to be applied. 5. The hatching. When these small asperities are inadequate for giving due solidity to the silvering, the plane surfaces must be hatched all over with a graving tool; but the chased surfaces need not be touched. 6. The bluing, consists in heating the piece till its copper or brass colour changes to blue. In heating, they are placed in hot tools made of iron, called mandrins in France. 7. The charging, the workman’s term for silvering. This operation consists in placing the silver leaves on the heated piece, and fixing them to its surface by burnishers of steel, of various forms. The workman begins by applying the leaves double. Should any part darken in the heating, it must be cleared up by the scratch-brush. The silverer always works two pieces at once; so that he may heat the one, while burnishing the other. After applying two silver leaves, he must heat up the piece to the same degree as at first, and he then fixes on with the burnisher four additional leaves of silver; and he goes on charging in the same way, 4 or 6 leaves at a time, till he has applied, one over another, 30, 40, 50, or 60 leaves, according to the desired solidity of the silvering. He then burnishes down with great pressure and address, till he has given the surface a uniform silvery aspect. Silvering by the precipitated chloride of silver.—The white curd obtained by adding a solution of common salt to one of nitrate of silver, is to be well washed and dried. One part of this powder is to be mixed with 3 parts of good pearlash, one of washed whiting, and one and a half of sea salt. After clearing the surface of the brass, it is to be rubbed with a bit of soft leather, or cork moistened with water, and dipped in the above powder. After the silvering, it should be thoroughly washed with water, dried, and immediately varnished. Some use a mixture of 1 part of the silver precipitate, with 10 of cream of tartar, and this mixture also answers very well. Others give a coating of silver by applying with friction, in the moistened state, a mixture of 1 part of silver-powder precipitated by copper, 2 parts of cream of tartar, and as much common salt. The piece must be immediately washed in tepid water very faintly alkalized, then in slightly warm pure water, and finally wiped dry before the fire. See Plated Manufacture. The inferior kinds of plated buttons get their silver coating in the following way:— 2 ounces of chloride of silver are mixed up with 1 ounce of corrosive sublimate, 3 pounds of common salt, and 3 pounds of sulphate of zinc, with water, into a paste. The buttons being cleaned, are smeared over with that mixture, and exposed to a moderate degree of heat, which is eventually raised nearly to redness, so as to expel the mercury from the amalgam, formed by the reaction of the horn silver and the corrosive sublimate. The copper button thus acquires a silvery surface, which is brightened by clearing and burnishing. Leather is silvered by applying a coat of parchment size, or spirit varnish, to the surface, and then the silver leaf, with pressure. In some shops, semi-cylinders of copper, three quarters of an inch thick, have been substituted for those of iron, in singeing goods prior to bleaching them. The former last three months, and do 1500 pieces with one ton of coal; while the latter, which are an inch and a half thick, wear out in a week, and do no more than from 500 to 600 pieces with the same weight of fuel. In the early part of the year 1818, Mr. Samuel Hall enrolled the specification of a patent for removing the downy fibres of the cotton thread from the interstices of bobbin-net lace, or muslins, which he effected by singeing the lace with the flame of a gas-burner. The second patent granted to Mr. Hall, in April, 1823, is for an improvement in the above process; viz., causing a strong current of air to draw the flame of the gas through the interstices of the lace, as it passes over the burner, by means of an aperture in a tube placed immediately above the row of gas-jets, which tube communicates with an air-pump or exhauster. Fig. 1032. shows the construction of the apparatus complete, and manner in which it operates; a, a, is a gas-pipe, supplied by an ordinary gasometer; from this pipe, several small ones extend upwards to the long burner b, b. This burner is a horizontal tube, perforated with many small holes on the upper side, through which, as jets, the gas passes; and when it is ignited, the bobbin-net lace, or other material intended to be singed, is extended and drawn rapidly over the flame, by means of rollers, which are not shown in the figure. The simple burning of the gas, even with a draught chimney, as in the former specification, is found not to be at all times efficacious; the patentee, therefore, now introduces a hollow tube c, c, with a slit or opening, immediately over the row of burners; and this tube, by means of the pipes d, d, d, communicates with the pipe e, e, e, which leads to the exhausting apparatus. This exhausting apparatus consists of two tanks, f and g, nearly filled with water, and two inverted boxes or vessels, h and i, which are suspended by rods to the vibrating beam k; each of the boxes is furnished with a valve opening upwards; l, l, are pipes extending from the horizontal part of the pipe e, up into the boxes or vessels h and i, which pipes have valves at their tops, also opening upward. When the vessel h descends, the water in the tank forces out the air contained within the vessel at the valve m; but when that vessel rises again, the valve m being closed, the air is drawn from the pipe e, through the pipe l. The same takes place in the vessel i, from which the air in its descent is expelled through the valve n, and, in its ascent, draws the air To adjust the draught from the gas-burners, there are stopcocks introduced into several of the pipes d; and to regulate the action of the exhausting apparatus, an air vessel o, is suspended by a cord or chain passing over pulleys, and balanced by a weight p. There is also a scraper introduced into the tube c, which is made, by any convenient contrivance, to revolve and slide backwards and forwards, for the purpose of removing any light matter that may arise from the goods singed, and which would otherwise obstruct the air passage. Two of these draught tubes c, may be adapted and united to the exhausting apparatus, when a double row of burners is employed, and the inclination of the flame may be directed upwards, downwards, or sideways, according to the position of the slit in the draft tube, by which means any description of goods may, if required, be singed on both sides at one operation. The greater part of the bobbin-net lace made in England, is sent to Mr. Hall’s works, at Basford, near Nottingham, to be singed; and at a reduction of price truly wonderful. He receives now only one farthing for what he originally was paid one shilling.
1. Mica-slate.—This is a mountain rock of vast continuity and extent, of a schistose texture, composed of the minerals mica and quartz, the mica being generally predominant. 2. Clay-slate.—This substance is closely connected with mica; so that uninterrupted transitions may be found between these two rocks in many mountain chains. It is a simple schistose mass, of a bluish-gray or grayish-black colour, of various shades, and a shining, somewhat pearly internal lustre on the faces, but of a dead colour in the cross fracture. Clay-slate is extensively distributed in Great Britain. It skirts the Highlands of Scotland, from Lochlomond by Callender, Comrie, and Dunkeld; resting on, and gradually passing into mica-slate throughout the whole of that territory. Roofing-slate occurs, on the western side of England, in the counties of Cornwall and Devon; in various parts of North Wales and Anglesea; in the north-east parts of Yorkshire, near Ingleton, and in Swaledale; as also in the counties of Cumberland and Westmorland. It is likewise met with in the county of Wicklow and other mountainous districts of Ireland. All the best beds of roofing-slate improve in quality as they lie deeper under the surface; near to which, indeed, they have little value. A good roofing-slate should split readily into thin even laminÆ; it should not be absorbent of water either on its face or endwise, a property evinced by its not increasing perceptibly in weight after immersion in water; and it should be sound, compact, and Cleaving and dressing of the slates.—The splitter begins by dividing the block, cut lengthwise, to a proper size, which he rests on end, and steadies between his knees. He uses a mallet and a chisel, which he introduces into the stone in a direction parallel to the folia. By this means he reduces it into several manageable pieces, and he gives to each the requisite length, by cutting cross grooves on the flat face, and then striking the slab with the chisel. It is afterwards split into thinner sections, by finer chisels dexterously applied to the edges. The slate is then dressed to the proper shape, by being laid on a block of wood, and having its projecting parts at the ends and sides cut off with a species of hatchet or chopping-knife. It deserves to be noticed, that blocks of slate may lose their property of divisibility into thin laminÆ. This happens from long exposure to the air, after they have been quarried. The workmen say, then, that they have lost their waters. For this reason, the number of splitters ought to be always proportioned to the number of block-hewers. Frost renders the blocks more fissile; but a supervening thaw renders them quite refractory. A new frost restores the faculty of splitting, though not to the same degree; and the workmen therefore avail themselves of it without delay. A succession of frosts and thaws renders the quarried blocks quite intractable. 3. Whet-slate, or Turkey hone, is a slaty rock, containing a great proportion of quartz, in which the component particles, the same as in clay-slate and mica-slate, but in different proportions, are so very small as to be indiscernible. 4. Polishing slate. Colour, cream-yellow, in alternate stripes; massive; composition impalpable; principal fracture, slaty, thin, and straight; cross fracture, fine earthy; feels fine, but meagre; adheres little, if at all, to the tongue; is very soft, passing into friable; specific gravity in the dry state, 0·6; when imbued with moisture, 1·9. It is supposed to have been formed from the ashes of burnt coal. It is found at Planitz, near Zwickau, and at Kutschlin near Bilin in Bohemia. 5. Drawing-slate, or black chalk; has a grayish-black colour; is very soft, sectile, easily broken, and adheres slightly to the tongue; spec. grav. 2·11. The streak is glistening. It occurs in beds in primitive and transition clay-slate; also in secondary formations, as in the coal-measures of most countries. It is used in crayon drawing. Its trace upon paper is regular and black. The best kinds are found in Spain, Italy, and France. Some good black chalk occurs also in Caernarvonshire and in the island of Islay. 6. Adhesive slate, has a light greenish-gray colour, is easily broken or exfoliated, has a shining streak, adheres strongly to the tongue, and absorbs water rapidly, with the emission of air-bubbles and a crackling sound. 7. Bituminous shale, is a species of soft, sectile slate-clay, much impregnated with bitumen, which occurs in the coal-measures. 8. Slate-clay, has a gray or grayish-yellow colour; is massive, with a dull glimmering lustre from spangles of mica interspersed. Its slaty fracture approaches at times to earthy; fragments, tabular; soft, sectile, and very frangible; specific gravity, 2·6. It adheres to the tongue, and crumbles down when immersed for some time in water. It is found as an alternating bed in the coal-measures. (See the sections of the strata under Pitcoal.) When breathed upon, it emits a strong argillaceous odour. When free from lime and iron, it forms an excellent material for making refractory fire-bricks, being an infusible compound of alumina and silica; one of the best examples of which is the schist known by the name of Stourbridge clay. Imported for home consumption in 1834, 162,232 lbs.; in 1835, 96,649; in 1836, 79,531; duty, 4d. per lb. Soaps are distinguished into two great classes, according to their consistence; the hard and the soft; the former being produced by the action of soda upon fats, the latter by that of potash. The nature of the fats contributes also somewhat to the consistence of soaps; thus tallow, which contains much stearine and margarine, forms with potash a more consistent soap than liquid oils will do, which consist chiefly of oleine. The drying oils, such as those of linseed and poppy, produce the softest soaps. 1. Of the manufacture of hard soap.—The fat of this soap, in the northern countries of Europe, is usually tallow, and in the southern, coarse olive oil. Different species of grease are saponified by soda, with different degrees of facility; among oils, the olive, sweet almond, rapeseed, and castor oil; and among solid fats, tallow, bone grease, and butter, are most easily saponified. According to the practice of the United Kingdom, six or seven days are required to complete the formation of a pan of hard soap, and a day or two more for settling the impurities, if it contains rosin. From 12 to 13 cwt. of tallow are estimated to produce one ton of good soap. Some years ago, in many manufactories the tallow used to be saponified with potash lyes, and the resulting soft soap was converted, in the course of the process, into hard soap, by the introduction of muriate of soda, or weak kelp lyes, in sufficient quantity to furnish the proper quantity of soda by the reaction of the potash upon the neutral salts. But the high price of potash, and the diminished price as well improved quality of the crude sodas, have led to their general adoption in soap-works. The soda-ash used by the soap-boiler, contains in general about 36 per cent. of real soda, in the state of dry carbonate, mixed with muriate of soda, and more or less undecomposed sulphate. I have met lately with soda-ash, made from sulphate of soda, in which the materials had been so ill worked, and so imperfectly decomposed, as to contain 16 per cent. of sulphate, a circumstance equally disgraceful, as it was ruinous to the soda manufacturer. The barillas from Spain and Teneriffe contain from 18 to 24 per cent. of real soda. The alkali in both states is employed in England; barilla being supposed by many to yield a finer white or curd soap, on account of its freedom from sulphur. The crude soda of either kind being ground, is to be stratified with lime in cylindrical cast-iron vats, from 6 to 7 feet wide, and from 4 to 5 feet deep; the lowest layer consisting, of course, of unslaked or shell quicklime. The vats have a false bottom, perforated with holes, and a lateral tubulure under it, closed commonly with a wooden plug, similar to the Épine of the French soap pans, by which the lyes trickle off clear and caustic, after infiltration through the beds of lime. The quantity of lime must be proportional to the carbonic acid in the soda. Upon 1 ton of tallow put into the soap pan, about 200 gallons of soda lye, of specific gravity 1·040, being poured, heat is applied, and after a very gentle ebullition of about 4 hours, the fat will be found to be completely saponified, by the test of the spatula, trowel, or pallet knife; for the fluid lye will be seen to separate at once upon the steel blade, from the soapy paste. Such lyes, if composed of pure caustic soda, would contain 4 per cent. of alkali; but from the presence of neutro-saline matter, they seldom contain so much as 2 per cent.; in fact, a gallon may be estimated to contain not more than 2 ounces; so that 200 gallons contain 25 pounds of real soda. The fire being withdrawn from the soap pan, the mass is allowed to cool during one hour, or a little more, after which the spent lyes, which are not at all alkaline, are run off by a spigot below, or pumped off above, by a pump set into the pan. A second similar charge of lye is now introduced into the pan, and a similar boiling process is renewed. Three such boils may be given in the course of one day’s work, by an active soap-maker. Next day the same routine is resumed with somewhat stronger lyes, and so progressively, till, towards the sixth day, the lye may have the density of 1·160, and will be found to contain 6 per cent. of real soda. The barillas always contain a small proportion of potash, to which their peculiar value, in making a less brittle or more plastic hard soap than the factitious sodas, may with great probability be ascribed. Chemistry affords many analogies, especially in mineral waters, where salts, apparently incompatible, co-exist in dilute solutions. We may thus conceive how a small quantity of stearate or oleate of potash may resist the decomposing action of the soda salts. The same modification of the consistence of hard soap may, however, be always more conveniently produced by a proper admixture of oleine with stearine. Soda which contains sulphurets is preferred for making the mottled or marbled soap, whereas the desulphuretted soda makes the best white curd soap. Mottling is usually given in the London soap-works, by introducing into the nearly finished soap in the pan a certain quantity of the strong lye of crude soda, through the rose spout of a watering-can. The dense sulphuretted liquor, in descending through the pasty mass, causes the marbled appearance. In France a small quantity of solution of sulphate of iron is added during the boiling of the soap, or rather with the first service of the lyes. The alkali seizes the acid of the sulphate, and sets the protoxide of iron free, to mingle with the paste, to absorb more or less oxygen, and to produce thereby a variety of tints. A portion of oxide combines also with the stearine to form a metallic soap. When the oxide passes into the red state, it gives the tint called manteau Isabelle. As soon as the mottler has broken the paste, and made it pervious in all directions, he ceases to push his rake from right to left, but only plunges it perpendicularly, till he reaches the lye; then he raises it suddenly in a vertical line, making it act like the stroke of a piston in a pump, whereby he lifts some of the lye, and spreads it over the surface of the paste. In its subsequent descent through the numerous fissures and channels, on its way to the bottom of the pan, the coloured lye impregnates the soapy particles in various forms and degrees, whence a varied marbling results. Three pounds of olive oil afford five pounds of marbled Marseilles soap of good quality, and only four pounds four ounces of white soap; showing that more water is retained by the former than the latter. Oil of grains, as linseed and rapeseed, do not afford so solid a soda soap as oil of olives; but tallow affords a still harder soap with soda. Some of the best Windsor soap made in London contains one part of olive oil (gallipoli) for every nine parts of tallow. Much of the English hard soap is made with kitchen and bone fat, of a very coarse quality; the washing of the numerous successive lyes, however, purifies the foul fats, and deprives them of their offensive smell in a great degree. It is common now at Marseilles to mix ten per cent. of the oil of grains with olive oil; for which purpose a large proportion of the oils extracted from seeds in the mills of the Department du Nord is sent to Marseilles; but five per cent. of poppy-seed oil, mixed with tallow, renders the soap made with the mixture stringy and unfit for washing; because the two species of fat refuse to amalgamate. The affinity between the stearine of tallow and the alkali, is so great that a soap may be speedily made from them in the cold. If we melt tallow at the lowest possible temperature, and let it cool to the fixing point, then add to it half its weight of caustic lye, at 36° B., agitating meanwhile incessantly with a pallet knife, we shall perceive, at the end of some hours of contact, the mixture suddenly acquire a very solid consistence, and at the same moment assume a marked elevation of temperature, proving the phenomenon to be due to chemical attraction. In some trials of this kind, the thermometer has risen from 54° to 140° F. According to recent experiments made in Marseilles, 100 pounds of olive oil take, for their conversion into soap, 54 pounds of crude soda, of 36 per cent. alkaline strength. One part of lime is employed for rendering three parts of the soda caustic. The richer the oil is in stearine, the more dilute should be the lye used in the saponification; and vice vers when it abounds in oleine. For oil of the former kind, the first lyes added have a density of from 8° to 9° B.; but for the latter kind, the density is from 10° to 11°. When four parts of olive oil are mixed with one part of poppy, rape, or linseed oil, as is now the general practice at Marseilles, then for such a mixture the first lyes have usually a specific gravity of from 20° to 25°, the second from 10° to 15°, and the third from 4° to 5°, constituting a great difference from the practice in Great Britain, where the weaker lyes are generally employed at the commencement. The chief reason for this practice is, however, to be found in the more complete causticity of the weak than of the strong lyes, according to the slovenly way in which most of our soap-boilers prepare them. Indeed, one very extensive manufacturer of soap in London assured me that the lyes should not be caustic; an extraordinary assertion, upon which no comment need be made. In common cases, I would recommend the first combination of the ingredients In a Marseilles soap-house, there are four lye-vats in each set: No. 1. is the fresh vat, into which the fresh alkali and lime are introduced; No. 2. is called the avanÇaire, being one step in advance; No. 3. is the small avanÇaire, being two steps in advance, and therefore containing weaker liquor; No. 4. is called the water vat, because it receives the water directly. Into No. 3. the moderately exhausted or somewhat spent lyes are thrown. From No. 3. the lye is run or pumped into No. 2., to be strengthened; and in like manner from No. 3. into No. 1. Upon the lime paste in No. 4., which has been taken from No. 3., water is poured; the lye thus obtained is poured upon the paste of No. 3., which has been taken from No. 2. No. 3. is twice lixiviated; and No. 2., once. The receiver under No. 1. has four compartments; into No. 1. of which the first and strongest lye is run; into No. 2. the second lye; into No. 3. the third lye; and into No. 4. the fourth lye, which is so weak as to be used for lixiviation, instead of water; (pour d’avances). The lime of vat No. 4., when exhausted, is emptied out of the window near to which it stands; in which case the water is poured upon the contents of No. 3.; and upon No. 2. the somewhat spent lyes. No. 1. is now the avanÇaire of No. 4; because this has become, in its turn, the fresh vat, into which the fresh soda and quicklime are put. The lye discharged from No. 3. comes, in this case, upon No. 2.; and after being run through it, is thrown upon No. 1. 144 pounds of oil yield at Marseilles, upon an average, not more than from 240 to 244 pounds of soap; or 100 pounds yield about 168; so that in making 100 pounds of soap, at this rate nearly 60 pounds of oil are consumed. OF YELLOW OR ROSIN SOAP. Rosin, although very soluble in alkaline menstrua, is not however susceptible, like fats, of being transformed into an acid, and will not of course saponify, or form a proper soap by itself. The more caustic the alkali, the less consistence has the resinous compound which is made with it. Hence fat of some kind, in considerable proportion, must be used along with the rosin, the minimum being equal parts; and then the soap is far from being good. As alkaline matter cannot be neutralized by rosin, it preserves its peculiar acrimony in a soap poor in fat, and is ready to act too powerfully upon woollen and all other animal fibres to which it is applied. It is said that rancid tallow serves to mask the strong odour of rosin in soap, more than any oil or other species of fat. From what we have just said, it is obviously needless to make the rosin used for yellow soaps pass through all the stages of the saponifying process; nor would this indeed be proper, as a portion of the rosin would be carried away, and wasted with the spent lyes. The best mode of proceeding, therefore, is first of all to make the hard soap in the usual manner, and at the last service or charge of lye, namely, when this ceases to be absorbed, and preserves in the boiling-pan its entire causticity, to add the proportion of rosin intended for the soap. In order to facilitate the solution of the rosin in the soap, it should be reduced to coarse powder, and well incorporated by stirring with the rake. The proportion of rosin is usually from one-third to one-fourth the weight of the tallow. The boil must be kept up for some time with an excess of caustic lye; and when the paste is found, on cooling a sample of it, to acquire a solid consistence, and when diffused in a little water, not to leave a resinous varnish on the skin, we may consider the soap to be finished. We next proceed to draw off the superfluous lyes, and to purify the paste. For this purpose, a quantity of lyes at 80° B. being poured in, the mass is heated, worked well with a rake, then allowed to settle, and drained of its lyes. A second service of lyes, at 4° B., is now introduced, and finally one at 2°; after each of which, there is the usual agitation and period of repose. The pan being now skimmed, and the scum removed for another operation, the soap is laded off by hand-pails into its frame-moulds. A little palm oil is usually employed in the manufacture of yellow soap, in order to correct the flavour of the rosin, and brighten the colour. This soap, when well made, ought to be of a fine wax-yellow hue, be transparent upon the edges of the bars, dissolve readily in water, and afford, even with hard pump-water, an excellent lather. The frame-moulds for hard soap are composed of strong wooden bars, made into the form of a parallelogram, which are piled over each other, and bound together by screwed iron rods, that pass down through them. A square well is thus formed, which in large soap factories is sometimes 10 feet deep, and capable of containing a couple of tons of soap. Mr. Sheridan some time since obtained a patent for combining silicate of soda with hard soap, by triturating them together in the hot and pasty state with a crutch in an iron pan. In this way from 10 to 30 per cent. of the silicate may be introduced. Such soap possesses very powerful detergent qualities, but it is apt to feel hard and be somewhat gritty in use. The silicated soda is prepared by boiling ground flints in a strong caustic lye, till the specific gravity of the compound rises to nearly double the Hard soap, after remaining two days in the frames, is at first divided horizontally into parallel tablets, 3 or 4 inches thick, by a brass wire; and these tablets are again cut vertically into oblong nearly square bars, called wedges in Scotland. The soap-pans used in the United Kingdom are made of cast iron, and in three separate pieces joined together by iron-rust cement. The following is their general form:—The two upper frusta of cones are called curbs; the third, or undermost, is the pan, to which alone the heat is applied, and which, if it gets cracked in the course of boiling, may easily be lifted up within the conical pieces, by attaching chains or cords for raising it, without disturbing the masonry, in which the curbs are firmly set. The surface of the hemispherical pan at the bottom, is in general about one-tenth part of the surface of the conical sides. The white ordinary tallow soap of the London manufacturers, called curd soap, consists, by my experiments, of—fat, 52; soda, 6; water, 42; = 100. Nine-tenths of the fat, at least, is tallow. I have examined several other soaps, and have found their composition somewhat different. The foreign Castile soap of the apothecary has a specific gravity of 1·0705, and consists of—
English imitation of Castile soap, spec. grav. 0·9669, consists of—
A perfumer’s white soap was found to consist of—
Glasgow white soap—
Glasgow brown rosin soap—
A London cocoa-nut oil soap was found to consist of—
This remarkable soap was sufficiently solid; but it dissolved in hot water with extreme facility. It is called marine soap, because it washes linen with sea water. A poppy-nut-oil hard soap consisted of—
The soap known in France by the name of soap in tables consists, according to M. Thenard’s analysis, of—
M. D’Arcet states the analysis of Marseilles soap at—
SOFT SOAP. The principal difference between soaps with base of soda, and soaps with base of potash, depends upon their mode of combination with water. The former absorb a large quantity of it, and become solid; they are chemical hydrates. The others experience a much feebler cohesive attraction; but they retain much more water in a state of mere mixture. Three parts of fat afford, in general, fully five parts of soda soap, well dried in the open air; but three parts of fat or oil will afford from six to seven parts of potash soap of moderate consistence. This feebler cohesive force renders it apt to deliquesce, especially if there be a small excess of the alkali. It is, therefore, impossible to separate it from the lyes; and the washing or relargage, practised on the hard-soap process, is inadmissible in the soft. Perhaps, however, this concentration or abstraction of water might be effected by using dense lyes of muriate of potash. Those of muriate or sulphate of soda change the potash into a soda soap, by double decomposition. From its superior Soft soaps are usually made in this country with whale, seal, olive, and linseed oils, and a certain quantity of tallow; on the continent, with the oils of hempseed, sesame, rapeseed, linseed, poppy-seed, and colza; or with mixtures of several of these oils. When tallow is added, as in Great Britain, the object is to produce white and somewhat solid grains of stearic soap in the transparent mass, called figging, because the soap then resembles the granular texture of a fig. The potash lyes should be made perfectly caustic, and of at least two different strengths; the weakest being of specific gravity 1·05; and the strongest, 1·20, or even 1·25. Being made from the potashes of commerce, which contain seldom more than 60 per cent., and often less, of real alkali, the lyes correspond in specific gravity to double their alkaline strength; that is to say, a solution of pure potash, of the same density, would be fully twice as strong. The following is the process followed by respectable manufacturers of soft soap (savon vert, being naturally or artificially green,) upon the continent. A portion of the oil being poured into the pan, and heated to nearly the boiling point of water, a certain quantity of the weaker lye is introduced; the fire being kept up so as to bring the mixture to a boiling state. Then some more oil and lye are added alternately, till the whole quantity of oil destined for the pan is introduced. The ebullition is kept up in the gentlest manner possible, and some stronger lye is occasionally added, till the workman judges the saponification to be perfect. The boiling becomes progressively less tumultuous, the frothy mass subsides, the paste grows transparent, and it gradually thickens. The operation is considered to be finished when the paste ceases to affect the tongue with an acrid pungency, when all milkiness and opacity disappear, and when a little of the soap placed to cool upon a glass-plate, assumes the proper consistency. A peculiar phenomenon may be remarked in the cooling, which affords a good criterion of the quality of the soap. When there is formed around the little patch, an opaque zone, a fraction of an inch broad, this is supposed to indicate complete saponification, and is called the strength; when it is absent, the soap is said to want its strength. When this zone soon vanishes after being distinctly seen, the soap is said to have false strength. When it occurs in the best form, the soap is perfect, and may be secured in that state by removing the fire, and then adding some good soap of a previous round, to cool it down, and prevent further change by evaporation. 200 pounds of oil require for their saponification—72 pounds of American potash of moderate quality, in lyes at 15° B.; and the product is 460 pounds of well-boiled soap. If hempseed oil have not been employed, the soap will have a yellow colour, instead of the green, so much in request on the continent. This tint is then given by the addition of a little indigo. This dye-stuff is reduced to fine powder, and boiled for some hours in a considerable quantity of water, till the stick with which the water is stirred, presents, on withdrawing it, a gilded pellicle over its whole surface. The indigo paste diffused through the liquid, is now ready to be incorporated with the soap in the pan, before it stiffens by cooling. M. Thenard states the composition of soft soap at—potash 9·5, + oil 44·0, + water 46·5, = 100. Good soft soap of London manufacture, yielded to me—potash 8·5, + oil and tallow 45, + water 46·5. Belgian soft or green soap afforded me—potash 7, + oil 36, + water 57, = 100. Scotch soft soap, being analyzed, gave me—potash 8, + oil and tallow 47, + water 45. Another well-made soap—potash 9, + oil and fat 34, + water 57. A rapeseed-oil soft soap, from Scotland, consisted of—potash 10, + oil 51·66, + water 38·33. An olive-oil (gallipoli) soft soap, from ditto, contained—potash with a good deal of carbonic acid 10, oil 48, water 42, = 100. A semi-hard soap, from Verviers, for fulling woollen cloth, called savon Économique, consisted of, potash 11·5, + fat (solid) 62, + water 26·5, = 100. The following is a common process, in Scotland, by which good soft soap is made:— 273 gallons of whale or cod oil, and 4 cwt. of tallow, are put into the soap-pan, with 250 gallons of lye from American potash, of such alkaline strength that 1 gallon contains 6600 grains of real potash. Heat being applied to the bottom pan, the mixture froths up very much as it approaches the boiling temperature, but is prevented from boiling over by being beat down on the surface, within the iron curb or crib which surmounts the cauldron. Should it soon subside into a doughy-looking paste, we may infer that the lye has been too strong. Its proper appearance is that of a thin glue. We should now introduce about 42 gallons of a stronger lye, equivalent to 8700 gr. of potash per gallon; and after a short interval, an additional 42 gallons; and thus successively It is generally supposed, and I believe it to be true, from my own numerous experiments upon the subject, that it is a more difficult and delicate operation to make a fine soft soap of glassy transparency, interspersed with the figged granulations of stearate of potash, than to make hard soap of any kind. Soft soap is made in Belgium as follows:—For a boil of 18 or 20 tons, of 100 kilogrammes each, there is employed for the lyes—1500 pounds of American potashes, and 500 to 600 pounds of quicklime. The lye is prepared cold in cisterns of hewn stone, of which there are usually five in a range. The first contains the materials nearly exhausted of their alkali; and the last the potash in its entire state. The lye run off from the first, is transferred into the second; that of the second into the third; and so on to the fifth. In conducting the empatage of the soap, they put into the pan, on the eve of the boiling-day, six aimes (one ohm, = 30 gallons imperial,) of oil of colza, in summer, but a mixture of that oil with linseed oil in winter, along with two aimes of potash lye at 13° B., and leave the mixture without heat during eight hours. After applying the fire, they continue to boil gently till the materials cease to swell up with the heat; after which, lye of 16° or 17° must be introduced successively, in quantities of one quarter of an aime after another, till from 2 to 4 aimes be used. The boil is finished by pouring some lye of 20° B., so that the whole quantity may amount to 91/2 aimes. It is considered that the operation will be successful, if from the time of kindling the fire till the finish of the boil, only five hours elapse. In order to prevent the soap from boiling over, a wheel is kept revolving in the pan. The operative considers the soap to be finished, when it can no longer be drawn out into threads between the finger and thumb. He determines if it contains an excess of alkali, by taking a sample out during the boil, which he puts into a tin dish; where if it gets covered with a skin, he pours fresh oil into the pan, and continues the boil till the soap be perfect. No wonder the Belgian soap is bad, amid such groping in the dark, without one ray of science! SOFT TOILET SOAPS. The soft fancy toilet soaps are divisible into two classes: 1. good potash soap, coloured and scented in various ways, forms the basis of the Naples and other ordinary soft soaps of the perfumer; 2. pearl soap (savon nacrÉ), which differs from the other both in physical aspect and in mode of preparation. Ordinary soft Toilet Soap.—Its manufacture being conducted on the principles already laid down, presents no difficulty to a man of ordinary skill and experience; the only point to be strictly attended to, is the degree of evaporation, so as to obtain soap always of uniform consistence. The fat generally preferred is good hog’s lard; of which 30 pounds are to be mixed with 45 pounds of a caustic lye marking 17° on BaumÉ’s scale; the temperature is to be gradually raised to ebullition, but the boil must not be kept up too long or too briskly, till after the empatage or saponification is completed, and the whole of the lye intimately combined with the fatty particles; after this, the evaporation of the water may be pushed pretty quickly, by a steady boil, till copious vapours cease to rise. This criterion is observed when the paste has become too stiff to be stirred freely. The soap should have a dazzling snowy whiteness, provided the lard has been well refined, by being previously triturated in a mortar, melted by a steam heat, and then strained. The lard soap so prepared, is semi-solid, and preserves always the same appearance. If the paste is not sufficiently boiled, however, it will show the circumstance very soon; for in a few days the soap will become gluey and stringy, like a tenacious mass of birdlime. This defect may not only be easily avoided, but easily remedied, by subjecting the paste to an adequate evaporation. Such soaps are in great request for shaving, and are most convenient in use, especially for travellers. Hence their sale has become very considerable. Pearl soft Soap.—It is only a few years since the process for making this elegant soap became known in France. It differs little from the preceding, and owes its beautiful aspect merely to minute manipulations, about to be described. Weigh out 20 pounds of purified hog’s lard on the one hand; and 10 pounds of potash lye at 36° B. on the other. Put the lard into a porcelain capsule, gently heated upon a sand-bath, stirring it constantly with a wooden spatula; and when it is half melted, and has a milky appearance, pour into it only one-half of the lye, still stirring, and keeping up the same temperature, with as little variation as possible. While the saponification advances gradually, we shall perceive, after an hour, some fat floating on the surface, like a film of oil, and at the same time the soapy granulations falling to the bottom. We must then add the second portion of the lye; whereon the granulations immediately disappear The soap, though completely made, has yet no pearly appearance. This physical property is developed only by pounding it strongly in a marble mortar; whereby all its particles, which seemed previously separated, combine to form a homogeneous paste. The perfume given to it, is always essence of bitter almonds; on which account the soap is called almond cream, crÈme d’amandes. HARD SOAPS FOR THE TOILET. The soaps prepared for the perfumer, are distinguished into different species, according to the fat which forms their basis. Thus there is soap of tallow, of hog’s lard, of oil of olives, of almonds, and palm oil. It is from the combination of these different sorts, mingled in various proportions, and perfumed agreeably to the taste of the consumer, that we owe the vast number of toilet soaps sold under so many fantastic names. One sort is rarely scented by itself, as a mixture of several is generally preferred; in which respect every perfumer has his peculiar secret. Some toilet soaps, however, require the employment of one kind more than of another. Formerly the Windsor soap was made in France, wholly with mutton suet; and it was accordingly of inferior value. Now, by mixing some olive oil or lard with the suet, a very good Windsor soap is produced. I have already stated, that the fat of the London Windsor is, nine parts of good ox tallow, and one of olive oil. A soap made entirely with oil and soda, does not afford so good a lather as when it contains a considerable proportion of tallow. The soaps made with palm oil are much used; when well made, they are of excellent quality, and ought to enter largely into all the coloured sorts. They naturally possess the odour of violets. The soaps made with oil of almonds are very beautiful, and preserve the agreeable smell of their perfume; but being expensive, are introduced sparingly into the mixtures by most manufacturers. Some perfumers are in the habit of making what may be called extempore soaps, employing lyes at 36° BaumÉ in their formation. This method, however, ought never to be adopted by any person who prefers quality to beauty of appearance. Such soap is, indeed, admirably white, glistening, contains no more water than is necessary to its constitution, and may therefore be sold the day after it is made. But it has counterbalancing disadvantages. It becomes soon very hard, is difficultly soluble in water, and, if not made with tallow, does not lather well. Hog’s lard is very commonly used, for making that soap. Twenty kilogrammes of the fat are taken, to ten kilogrammes of soda lye, at 36° B. (specific gravity 1·324); as soon as the former is nearly fluid, 5 kilogrammes of the lye are introduced, and the mixture is continually agitated during an hour with a wooden spatula. The temperature should never be raised above 150° Fahr. at the commencement of the operation; at the end of one hour, 5 other kilogrammes of lye are to be added, with careful regulation of the heat. The paste thus formed by the union of the fat and alkali, ought to be perfectly homogeneous, and should increase in consistence every hour, till it becomes firm enough to be poured into the frame; during which transfer, the essential oils destined to scent it, should be introduced. Next day the soap is hard enough; nor does it differ in appearance from ordinary soap, only it requires prompt manipulation to be cut into bars and cakes; for when neglected a day or two, it may become too brittle for that purpose, and too hard to take the impression of the stamps in relief. Such an article gets the name of little-pan soap, on account of the small quantity in which it is usually manufactured. Hard soap, made in the common way, is, on the contrary, called large-pan soap. This extemporaneous compound is now seldom or never made by respectable manufacturers. In making Windsor soap, the admixture of olive oil is advantageous; because, being richer in oleine than suet, it saponifies less readily than it, and thus favours the formation of a more perfect neutral combination. When the soap cuts, or parts from the lye, when the paste becomes clotty, or, in the language of the operative, when the grain makes its appearance, the fire should be immediately withdrawn, that the impurities may be allowed to subside. This part of the operation lasts 12 hours at least; after which, the soap, still hot, becomes altogether fluid and perfectly neutral. For every 1000 pounds of the paste, there must be introduced 9 pounds of essences, mingled in the following proportions:—6 pounds of essence of carui; 11/2 ditto lavender (finest); 11/2 ditto rosemary. The mixture must be well stirred, in order to get completely saturated with the perfumes; and this may be readily done without at all touching or stirring up the The above method of scenting Windsor soap is practised only in the largest establishments; in the smaller, the soap is pailed out of the soap-pans, into a pan provided with a steam case or jacket, and there mixed with the essential oils, by means of appropriate heat and agitation. The most fashionable toilet soaps are, the rose, the bouquet, the cinnamon, the orange-flower, the musk, and the bitter almond or peach blossom. Soap À la rose.—This is made of the following ingredients: 30 pounds of olive-oil soap; 20 of good tallow soap. Toilet soaps must be reduced to thin shavings, by means of a plane, with its under face turned up, so that the bars may be slid along it. These shavings must be put into an untinned copper pan, which is surrounded by a water-bath, or steam. If the soap be old and hard, 5 pounds of water must be added to them; but it is preferable to take fresh-made soaps, which may melt without addition, as soap some time kept does not readily form a homogeneous paste. The fusion is commonly completed in an hour, or thereby, the heat being applied at 212° F., to accelerate the progress, and prevent the dissolution of the constituent water of the soap. For this purpose the interior pan may be covered. Whenever the mass is sufficiently liquefied, 11/2 ounces of finely ground vermillion are to be introduced, and thoroughly mixed, after which the heat may be taken off the pan; when the following perfumes may be added with due trituration:—3 ounces of essence of rose; 1 ditto cloves; 1 ditto cinnamon; 21/2 ditto bergamot; = 71/2. The scented soap being put into the frames, speedily consolidates. Some recommend to pass the finished fused soap through a tammy cloth, in order to free it from all clots and impurities; a very proper precaution in the act of transferring it to the frame. If the preceding instructions be observed, we obtain a soap perfect in every point of view; possessing a delicious fragrance, equally rich and agreeable, a beautiful roseate hue, and the softest detergent qualities, which keeping cannot impair. Such a soap has, in fact, been known to retain every property in perfection during four or five years. When the essential oils are particularly volatile, they should not be added to the soap till its temperature has fallen to about 140° Fahr.; but in this case a more careful trituration is required. The economy is, however, ill bestowed; for the cakes made of such cooler soap, are never so homogeneous and glossy. Soap au bouquet.—30 pounds of good tallow soap; 4 ounces of essence of bergamot; oil of cloves, sassafras, and thyme, 1 ounce each; neroli, 1/2 ounce. The colour is given with 7 ounces of brown ochre. Cinnamon Soap.—30 pounds of good tallow soap; 20 ditto of palm-oil soap. Perfumes:—7 ounces of essence of cinnamon; 11/4 ditto sassafras; 11/4 ditto bergamot. Colour:—1 pound of yellow ochre. Orange-flower Soap.—30 pounds of good tallow soap; 20 ditto palm-oil soap. Perfumes:—71/2 ounces essence of Portugal; 71/2 ditto amber. Colour:—91/2 ounces, consisting of 81/4 of a yellow-green pigment, and 11/4 of red lead. Musk Soap.—30 pounds of good tallow soap; 20 ditto palm-oil soap. Perfumes:—Powder of cloves, of pale roses, gilliflower, each 41/2 ounces; essence of bergamot, and essence of musk, each 31/2 ounces. Colour:—4 ounces of brown ochre, or Spanish brown. Bitter Almond Soap.—Is made by compounding, with 50 pounds of the best white soap, 10 ounces of the essence of bitter almonds. LIGHT SOAPS. The apparatus employed for making these soaps, is a copper pan, heated by a water-bath; in the bottom of the pan there is a step, to receive the lower end of a vertical shaft, to which arms or paddles are attached, for producing constant agitation, by causing them to revolve among the liquefied mass. Into a pan so mounted, 50 pounds of a good oil soap of any kind are put (for a tallow soap does not become frothy enough), and melted by proper heat, with the addition of 3 or 4 pounds of water. By the rapid rotation of the machine, an abundant thick lather is produced, beginning first at the bottom, and creeping gradually upwards to the top of the pan, when the operation should be stopped; the soap having by this time doubled its volume. It must now be pailed off into the frame, allowed to cool, and then cut into cakes. Such soap is exceedingly pleasant at the wash-stand, feeling very soft upon the skin, affording a copious thick lather, and dissolving with the greatest ease. TRANSPARENT SOAPS. These soaps were for a long time manufactured only in England, where the process was kept a profound secret. They are now made every where. Equal parts of tallow soap, made perfectly dry, and spirit of wine, are to be put into a copper still, which is plunged in a water-bath, and furnished with its capital and refrigeratory. The heat applied to effect the solution should be as slight as possible, to avoid evaporating too much of the alcohol. The solution being effected, must be suffered to settle; and after a few hours’ repose, the clear supernatant liquid is drawn off into tin frames, of the form desired for the cakes of soap. These bars do not acquire their proper degree of transparency till after a few weeks’ exposure to dry air. They are now planed, and subjected to the proper mechanical treatment for making cakes of any form. The soap is coloured with strong alcoholic solution of archil for the rose tint, and of turmeric for the deep yellow. Transparent soaps, however pleasing to the eye, are always of indifferent quality; they are never so detergent as ordinary soaps, and they eventually acquire a disagreeable smell.
Caustic soda is a white brittle mass, of a fibrous texture, a specific gravity of 1·536, melting at a heat under redness, having a most corrosive taste and action upon animal matters, dissolving readily in both water and alcohol, attracting carbonic acid when exposed to the atmosphere, but hardly any water, and falling thereby into an efflorescent carbonate; it forms soaps with tallow, oils, wax, rosin; dissolves wool, hair, silk, horn, alumina, silica, sulphur, and some metallic sulphurets. It consists of 77·66 soda, and 22·34 water. A solution of caustic soda affords no precipitate with solution of chloride of platinum, or tartaric acid, as a solution of caustic potash never fails to do. The following Table of the quantity of Caustic Soda contained in Lyes of different densities, has been given by Richter:—
Soda free from water, can be obtained only by the combustion of sodium, which see. Of manufactured soda, the variety most antiently known is barilla, the incinerated ash of the Salsola soda. This plant is cultivated with great care by the Spaniards, especially in the vicinity of Alicant. The seed is sown in light low soils, which are embanked towards the sea shore, and furnished with sluices, for admitting an occasional overflow of salt water. When the plants are ripe, the crop is cut down and dried; the I have analyzed many varieties of barilla. Their average quantity of free or alkalimetrical soda, is about 17 per cent.; though several contain only 14 parts in the hundred, and a few upwards of 20. This soda is chiefly a carbonate, with a little sulphuret and sulphite; and is mixed with sulphate and muriate of soda, carbonate of lime, vegetable carbon, &c. Another mode of manufacturing crude soda, is by burning sea-weed into kelp. Formerly very large revenues were derived by the proprietors of the shores of the Scottish islands and Highlands, from the incineration of sea-weed by their tenants, who usually paid their rents in kelp; but since the tax has been taken off salt, and the manufacture of a crude soda from it has been generally established, the price of kelp has fallen extremely low. The crystals of soda-carbonate, as well as the soda-ash of British commerce, are now made altogether by the decomposition of sea salt. The manufacture divides itself into three branches:—1. The conversion of sea salt, or chloride of sodium, into sulphate of soda. 2. The decomposition of this sulphate into crude soda, called black balls by the workmen. 3. The purification of these balls, either into a dry white soda-ash or into crystals. 1. The preparation of the sulphate of soda.—Figs. 1033, 1034, 1035. represent the furnace for converting the muriate of soda into the sulphate. The furnace must be built interiorly of the most refractory fire-bricks, such as are used for glasshouses, but of the ordinary brick size; except the bridges C, G, N, which should be formed of one mass, such as what is called a Welsh lump. A is the ash-pit; B, the grate; C, the first bridge, between the fire and the first calcining hearth, D, D; F, F, is its roof; G, the second bridge, between the calcining hearth and the decomposing hearth I, I, I; the roof of which is K, K. This hearth I, I, is lined with a lead square pan, 5 or 6 inches deep, sloped at the back opening, in fig. 1035., marked M'; which deficient part of the upright side is filled up with two bricks placed one over the other, as shown at m, m, fig. 1034., and luted with clay, to confine the semi-liquid mass in the pan, I, I. Some manufacturers make this pan 8 inches deep, and line its bottom and sides with bricks or siliceous sandstone, to protect the lead from the corrosive action of the acid. There are others who consider this precaution troublesome, as the points of the pan which become leaky are thereby concealed. In the roof of the decomposing hearth, one or two syphon funnels R, of lead, are inserted when the charge of acid (sulphuric) is to be poured down upon the salt in I, I, to save the risk of any annoyance from the fumes of the muriatic acid. O, O, is a chimney filled with round flint nodules, which are kept continually moist by the trickling of a streamlet of water upon the topmost layer. The muriatic gas meeting this descending film of water upon so extensive a surface, becomes absorbed, and runs out below in a liquid form. When the acid is required in a somewhat concentrated state, this chimney should be made both high and capacious. Such a plan, moreover, is very valuable for abating the nuisance caused by the disengagement of the muriatic acid gas; which is otherwise apt to sterilize the surrounding vegetation. A fire being kindled in the grate B, figs. 1033. and 1034., 3 cwt. of salt in powder are to be thrown by a shovel into the pan I, through the door M, fig. 1035., or m, m, fig. 1034. Two hundred weight and a half of oil of vitriol, of specific gravity 1·844 having been diluted with from 25 to 30 per cent. of water, and well mixed, or 3 cwts. at 56° BaumÉ, are to be slowly poured in by the funnel, and diffused among the muriate of soda, by an occasional stir with an iron rake cased with sheet lead. Fumes of muriatic acid will now plentifully escape, and, passing up the condensing-shaft O, will flow down As soon as that charge is taken out, (the fire being meanwhile checked by opening the door T, fig. 1034., and shutting partially the ash-pit opening at A,) a fresh charge must be introduced as above described. The nearly decomposed saline matter during the second charging of the hearth I, will have grown cool and concrete. It must be shovelled into the calcining hearth D, D, fig. 1033., by the back door Q, fig. 1035., where it will receive a higher degree of heat; and, by the expulsion of the remaining part of the muriatic acid, it will become a perfect sulphate of soda. It should be finally brought into a state of semi-fusion. When a sample of it, taken out on the end of the rake or trowel-shaped scraper, emits no fumes, the conversion is accomplished. From 3 cwts. of common salt, or muriate of soda, rather more than 31/2 cwts. of perfect sulphate should be obtained, quite free from metallic impurity. The next step is the conversion of the sulphate into a crude soda. One of the most improved soda furnaces is that, employed in a few factories, represented in figs. 1036, 1037, and 1038. In the section fig. 1037., there are two hearths in one furnace, the one elevated above the level of the other by the thickness of a brick, or about 3 inches. A is the preparatory shelf, where the mixture to be decomposed is first laid in order to be thoroughly heated, so that when transferred to the lower or decomposing hearth B, it may not essentially chill it, and throw back the operation. C is the fire-bridge, and D is the grate. In the horizontal section, or ground plan, fig. 1038., we see an opening in the front corresponding to each hearth. This is a door, as shown in the side view or elevation of the furnace, fig. 1036.; and each door is shut by an iron square frame filled with a fire-tile or bricks, and suspended by a chain over a pulley fixed in any convenient place. See Pitcoal, coking of, p. 1041. The workman, on pushing up the door lightly, makes it rise, because there is a counterweight at the other end of each chain, which balances the weight of the frame and bricks. In the ground plan, only one smoke-flue is shown; and this construction is preferred by many manufacturers; but others choose to have two flues, one from each shoulder, as at a, b; which two flues afterwards unite in one vertical chimney, from 25 to 40 feet high; because the draught of a soda-furnace must be very sharp. Having sufficiently explained the construction of this improved furnace, I shall now proceed to describe the mode of making soda with it. The materials with which the sulphate is decomposed into a rough carbonate of soda, are chalk or ground limestone, and ground coal or charcoal. The proportions in which these three substances are mixed, influence in a remarkable degree the success of the Sulphate of soda, 100 parts: carbonate of lime (chalk or limestone), from 110 to 120 parts; if pure, 110; if a little impure or damp, 120: pit coal, 50 parts. These materials must be separately ground by an edge-stone mill, and sifted into a tolerably fine powder. They must be then very carefully mixed. Attention to these particulars is of no little importance to the success of the soda process. One hundred parts or pounds of sulphate of soda are equivalent to 75 parts of carbonate, and when skilfully decomposed, will generally yield fully 70 pounds. A charge for the decomposing furnace with the preparatory shelf should not exceed 200 lbs., or perhaps 180; therefore if 75 pounds of ground sulphate of soda, with 80 pounds of chalk or limestone (ground), and 37 pounds of ground coal; be well mixed, they will constitute one charge. This charge must be shovelled in upon the hearth A, or shelf of preparation, (fig. 1037.); and whenever it has become hot (the furnace having been previously brought to bright ignition), it is to be transferred to the decomposing hearth or laboratory B, by an iron tool, shaped exactly like an oar, called the spreader. This tool has the flattened part from 2 to 3 feet long, and the round part, for laying hold of and working by, from 6 to 7 feet long. Two other tools are used; one, a rake, bent down like a garden hoe at the end; and another, a small shovel, consisting of a long iron rod terminated with a piece of iron plate, about 6 inches long, 4 broad, sharpened and tipped with steel, for cleaning the bottom of the hearth from adhering cakes or crusts. Whenever the charge is shoved by the sliding motion of the oar down upon the working hearth, a fresh charge should be thrown into the preparation shelf, and evenly spread over its surface. The hot and partially carbonized charge being also evenly spread upon the hearth B, is to be left untouched for about ten minutes, during which time it becomes ignited, and begins to fuse upon the surface. A view may be taken of it through a peep-hole in the door, which should be shut immediately, in order to prevent the reduction of the temperature. When the mass is seen to be in a state of incipient fusion, the workman takes the oar and turns it over breadth by breadth in regular layers, till he has reversed the position of the whole mass, placing on the surface the particles which were formerly in contact with the hearth. Having done this, he immediately shuts the door, and lets the whole get another decomposing heat. After five or six minutes, jets of flame begin to issue from various parts of the pasty-consistenced mass. Now is the time to incorporate the materials together, turning and spreading by the oar, gathering them together by the rake, and then distributing them on the reverse part of the hearth; that is, the oar should transfer to the part next the fire-bridge the portion of the mass lying next the shelf, and vice versÂ. The dexterous management of this transposition characterizes a good soda-furnacer. A little practice and instruction will render this operation easy to a robust clever workman. After this transposition, incorporation, and spreading, the door may be shut again for a few minutes, to raise the heat for the finishing off. Lastly, the rake must be dexterously employed to mix, shift, spread, and incorporate. The jets, called candles, are very numerous, and bright at first; and whenever they begin to fade, the mass must be raked out into cast-iron moulds, placed under the door of the laboratory to receive the ignited paste. One batch being thus worked off, the other, which has lain undisturbed on the shelf, is to be shoved down from A to B, and spread equally upon it, in order to be treated as above described. A third batch is then to be placed on the shelf. The article thus obtained should contain at least 22 per cent. of real soda, equivalent to 37 per cent. of dry carbonate, or to 100 of crystals. A skilful workman can turn out a batch in from three quarters of an hour to an hour, producing a perfect carbonate, which yields on solution an almost colourless liquid, nearly destitute of sulphur, and containing hardly any decomposed sulphate. In some soda-works, where the decomposing furnace is very large, and is charged with a ton of materials at a time, it takes two men to work it, and from five to six hours to complete a batch. Having superintended the operation of the above-described small furnace, and examined its products, I feel warranted to recommend its adoption. The following materials and products show the average state of this soda process:— Materials—100 parts of sulphate of soda, ground, equivalent to 7·5 of carbonate; 110 of chalk or ground limestone; 55 of ground coal: in the whole, 265. Products—168 parts of crude soda, at 33 per cent. = 55·5 of dry carbonate.
But these products necessarily vary with the skill of the workman. In another manufactory the following proportions are used:—Six stones, of 14 lbs. each, of dry ground sulphate of soda, are mixed with 3 of chalk and 3 of coal. This mixture, weighing 11/2 cwt., forms a batch, which is spread upon the preparation shelf of the furnace (figs. 1037. and 1038.), as above described, and gradually heated to incipient ignition. It is then swept forwards to the lower area B, by the iron oar, and spread evenly by the rake. Whenever it begins to soften under the rising heat of the laboratory (the side doors being meanwhile shut), the mass must be laboriously turned over and incorporated; the small shovel, or paddle, being employed to transfer, by the interchange of small portions at a time, in rapid but orderly succession, the whole materials from the colder to the hotter, and from the hotter to the colder parts of the hearth. The process of working one batch takes about an hour, during the first half of which period it remains upon the preparation shelf. The average weight of the finished ball is 1 cwt., and its contents in alkalimetrical soda are 33 pounds. Where the acidulous sulphate of iron from pyrites may be had at a cheap rate, it has been long ago employed, as at Hurlett in Scotland, instead of sulphuric acid, for decomposing the chloride of sodium. Mr. Turner’s process of preparing soda, by decomposing sea salt with litharge and quicklime, has been long abandoned, the resulting patent yellow, or sub-chloride of lead, having a very limited sale. 2. The extraction of pure soda from the crude article.—The black balls must be broken into fragments, and thrown into large square iron cisterns, furnished with false bottoms of wooden spars; when the cisterns are nearly full of these lumps, water is pumped in upon them, till they are all covered. After a few days, the lixiviation is effected, and the lye is drawn off either by a syphon or by a plug-hole near the bottom of the cistern, and run into evaporating vessels. These may be of two kinds. The surface-evaporating furnace, shown in fig. 1039., is a very admirable invention for economizing vessels, lime, and fuel. The grate A, and fireplace, are separated from the evaporating laboratory D, by a double fire-bridge B, C, having an interstitial space in the middle, to arrest the communication of a melting or igniting heat towards the lead-lined cistern D. This cistern may be 8, 10, or 20 feet long, according to the magnitude of the soda-work, and 4 feet or more wide. Its depth should be about 4 feet. It consists of sheet lead, of about 6 pounds weight to the square foot, and it is lined with one layer of bricks, set in roman or hydraulic cement, both along the bottom and up the sides and ends. The lead comes up to the top of C, and the liquor, or lye, may be filled in to nearly that height. Things being thus arranged, a fire is kindled upon the grate A; the flame and hot air sweep along the surface of the liquor, raise its temperature there rapidly to the boiling point, and carry off the watery parts in vapour up the chimney E, which should be 15 or 20 feet high, to command a good draught. But, indeed, it will be most economical to build one high capacious chimney stalk, as is now done at Glasgow, Manchester, and Newcastle, and to lead the flues of the several furnaces above described into it. In this evaporating furnace the heavier and stronger lye goes to the bottom, as well as the impurities, where they remain undisturbed. Whenever the liquor has attained to the density of 1·3, or thereby, it is pumped up into evaporating cast-iron pans, of a flattened somewhat hemispherical shape, and evaporated to dryness while being diligently stirred with an iron rake and iron scraper. This alkali gets partially carbonated by the above surface-evaporating furnace, and is an excellent article. When pure carbonate is wanted, that dry mass must be mixed with its own bulk of ground coal, sawdust, or charcoal, and thrown into a reverberatory furnace, like fig. 1038., but with the sole all upon one level. Here it must be exposed to a heat not exceeding 650° or 700° F.; that is, a little above the melting heat of lead; the only object being to volatilize the sulphur present in the mass, and carbonate the alkali. Now, it has been found, that if the heat be raised to distinct redness, the sulphur will not go off, but will continue in intimate union with the soda. This process is called calking, and the furnace is called a calker furnace. It may be six or eight feet long, and four or five feet broad in the hearth, and requires only one door in its side, with a hanging iron frame filled with a fire-tile or bricks, as above described. This carbonating process may be performed upon several cwts. of the impure soda, mixed with sawdust, at a time. It takes three or four hours to finish the desulphuration; and it must be carefully turned over by the oar and the rake, in order to burn the coal into carbonic acid, and to present the carbonic acid to the particles of caustic soda diffused through the mass, so that it may combine with them. When the blue flames cease, and the saline matters become white, in the midst of the coaly matter, the batch may be considered as completed. It is raked out, and when cooled, lixiviated in great iron cisterns with false bottoms, covered with mats. The watery solution being drawn off clear by a plug-hole, is evaporated either to dryness, in hemispherical cast-iron pans, as above described, or only to such a strength that it shows a pellicle upon its surface, when it may be run off into crystallizing cisterns of cast iron, or lead-lined wooden cisterns. The above dry carbonate is the best article for the glass manufacture. Crystallized carbonate of soda, contains 623/4 per cent. of water. The crystals are colourless transparent rhomboids, which readily effloresce in the air, and melt in their own water of crystallization. On decanting the liquid from the fused mass, it is found that one part of the salt has given up its water of crystallization to another. By evaporation of that fluid, crystals containing one-fifth less water than the common carbonate are obtained. These do not effloresce in the air. Mineral soda, the sesquicarbonate, (Anderthalb kohlensaures natron, Germ.); is found in the province of Sukena, in Africa, between Tripoli and Fezzan. It forms a stratum no more than an inch thick, just below the surface of the soil. Its texture is striated crystalline, like fibrous gypsum. Several hundred tons of it are collected annually, which are chiefly consumed in Africa. This species of soda does not effloresce like the Egyptian, or the manufactured soda crystals, owing to its peculiar state of composition and density. It was analyzed by Klaproth, under its native name of trona, and was found to consist, in 100 parts, of—soda, 37; carbonic acid, 38; sulphate of soda, 2·5; water, 22·5, in 100. This soda is, therefore, composed of—3 atoms of carbonic acid, associated with 2 atoms of soda, and 4 of water; while our commercial soda crystals are composed of—1 atom of carbonic acid, 1 atom of soda, and 10 atoms of water. There are six natron lakes in Egypt. They are situated in a barren valley, called Bahr-bela-ma, about thirty miles to the west of the Delta. There are natron lakes also in Hungary, which afford in summer a white saline efflorescent crust of carbonate of soda, mixed with a little sulphate. There are several soda lakes in Mexico, especially to the north of Zacatecas, as also in many other provinces. In Columbia, 48 English miles from Merida, mineral soda is extracted from the earth in great abundance, under the name of urao. Bicarbonate of soda (Doppelt kohlensaures natron, Germ.); is prepared, like bicarbonate of potassa, by transmitting carbonic acid gas through a cold saturated solution of pure carbonate of soda, till crystalline crusts be formed. The bicarbonate may also be obtained in four-sided tables grouped together. It has an alkaline taste and reaction upon litmus paper, dissolves in 13 parts of cold water, and is converted by boiling water into the sesquicarbonate, with the disengagement of one fourth of its carbonic acid. It consists of—37 of soda, 52·35 carbonic acid, and 10·65 water. The same apparatus may serve for making any species of aerated water, in imitation of any natural spring. All that is necessary for this purpose, is to put into the cistern Q, the neutro-saline matter, earths, metallic oxides, pure water, &c., each in due proportion, according to the most accredited analysis of the mineral water to be imitated, to agitate that mixture, to suck it into the condenser H, through the pipe R, and then to impregnate it to the due degree, by pumping in the appropriate gas, previously contained in the gasometer F. Thus, to make Seltzer water, for each 12 pounds troy, = 69,120 grains, or 1 gallon imperial very nearly, take 55 grains of dry carbonate of soda, 17 of carbonate of lime, 18 of carbonate of magnesia, 31/2 of subphosphate of alumina, 3 of chloride of potassium, 155 of chloride of sodium, and 3 of finely precipitated silica. Put these materials into the cistern Q, and charge the gasometer F with 353 cubic inches of carbonic acid gas. Then work the machine by the handle of the wheel X, as explained below, and regulate the introduction of the liquid and the gas in aliquot portions; for example, if the condenser H admits half a gallon of water at a time, that quantity of liquid should be charged with 176 cubic inches of the gas, being one half of the whole quantity. The sulphuretted mineral waters may be imitated in like manner, by taking the proportions of their constituents, as given in Table II. of Waters, Mineral. IMPROVED SODA-WATER APPARATUS, AS MADE BY MR. HAYWARD TYLER, OF MILTON STREET. Fig. 1040. front view of the soda-water machine. Fig. 1041. end view of the same. A, lead generator, for making the gas. B, lead pot, for holding sulphuric acid. C, handle for moving the agitator of the receiver, which stirs up the ingredients in the lead generator. a, cap and screw, for charging the lead pot with sulphuric acid. b, swivel-joint, which is movable, for occasionally throwing in portions of sulphuric acid for generating gas. c, stuffing-box for agitator. d, large cap and screw, for charging the lead generator with whiting and water. e, cap and screw, for emptying contents of ditto. D, lead pipe, to convey the gas from the lead generator to gasometer. E, wood tub, filled with water, for gasometer to work in. F, copper gasometer. G, strong iron frame, for gasometer and tub to stand on, firmly fixed together by three wrought-iron rods, f, f. g, g, two pulleys, for carrying rope and counterbalance weight h, for balancing copper gasometer. i, cock for discharging atmospheric air contained in the gasometer before making the gas. k, cock for occasionally emptying the water out of the tub. l, union joint, to which is fixed a copper pipe, passing through the water in the tub, to deliver the gas as generated into the copper gasometer. m, another union joint, with a similar copper pipe, passing through the water in the tub, and projecting two or three inches above the surface of the water, to convey the gas from the copper gasometer to the soda-water machine. H, H, condenser for aerating the soda-water. I, safety valve. K, K, bottling valve. L, bottling nipple. M, M, soda-water pump. N, valve-piece. O, O, piston of the pump. P, pipe for conducting gas from the gasometer to pump. Q, copper pan for holding the solution of soda. R, copper pipe for conducting the solution of soda to the force pump. S, S, two cocks for regulating the admission of the solution and gas to the pump. T, copper pipe through which the soda-water is forced to the condenser. U, pinion wheel, to give motion to the agitator revolving inside the condenser. V, V, wheel for driving ditto. W, W, cast-iron frame for carrying machinery. X, X, cast-iron fly-wheel. Z, wrought-iron crank. Y, Z, Z, wood stools and curb, upon which the whole of the machinery is fixed. In all soldering processes, the following conditions must be observed: 1. the surfaces to be united must be entirely free from oxide, bright, smooth, and level; 2. the contact of air must be excluded during the soldering, because it is apt to oxidize one or other of the surfaces, and thus to prevent the formation of an alloy at the points of union. This exclusion of air is effected in various ways. The locksmith encases in loam the objects of iron, or brass, that he wishes to subject to a soldering heat; the silversmith and brazier mix their respective solders with moistened borax powder; the coppersmith and tinman apply sal ammoniac, rosin, or both, to the cleaned metallic surfaces, before using the soldering-iron to fuse them together with the tin alloy. The strong solder of the coppersmith consists of 8 parts of brass and 1 of zinc; the latter being added to the former, previously brought into a state of fusion. The crucible must be immediately covered up for two minutes till the combination be completed. The melted alloy is to be then poured out upon a bundle of twigs held over a tub of water, into which it falls in granulations. An alloy of 3 parts of copper and 1 of zinc forms a still stronger solder for the coppersmiths. When several parts are to be soldered successively upon the same piece, the more fusible alloys, containing more zinc, should be used first. A softer solder for coppersmiths is made with 6 parts of brass, 1 of tin, and 1 of zinc; the tin being first added to the melted brass, then the zinc; and the whole well incorporated by stirring. The edges of sheet lead for sulphuric acid chambers, and its concentration pans, are joined together by melted lead itself, because any solder containing tin would soon be corroded. With this view, the two edges being placed in contact, are flattened down into a long wooden groove, and secured in their situation by a few brass pins driven into the wood. The surfaces are next brightened with a triangular scraper, rubbed over with candle grease, and then covered with a stream of hot melted lead. The riband of lead thus applied is finally equalized by being brought into partial fusion with the plumber’s conical iron heated to redness; the contact of air being prevented by sprinkling rosin over the surface. The sheets of lead are thus burned together, in the language of the workmen. The soot of pitcoal has not been analyzed with any minuteness. It contains some sulphate and carbonate of ammonia, along with bituminous matter. At 60° its specific gravity is 0·943. It melts at 112·5°; 100 parts of alcohol at 0·821 dissolve 31/2 of it, of which 0·9 are deposited on cooling. Warm ether dissolves it in very large quantities. It is soluble also in the fat of volatile oils; and if the solutions have been saturated while hot, the greater part of the spermaceti crystallizes on cooling. When this substance has been purified by digesting alcohol upon it repeatedly, what remains is the cetine of Chevreul, or pure spermaceti. Its melting point has now become 116° F., and its boiling point 616° F., at which it distils without alteration. Caustic alkaline lyes saponify it with difficulty. By the above ingenious plan, Mr. Sheridan tells me he has obtained 28 gallons of proof spirit from a quarter of grain, instead of the average product 21, being an increase of 25 per cent. The experiment was tried upon a considerable scale at Messrs. Currie’s great distillery near London; but could not be established as a mode of manufacture, on account of the excise laws, which prohibit the distillers from carrying on the two processes of fermentation and distillation at the same time. Dilute sulphuric acid has been recommended for bleaching sponges, after the calcareous impurities have been removed by muriatic acid. Chlorine water answers better. The glass proper for receiving these vitrifying pigments, should be colourless, uniform, and difficult of fusion; for which reason crown glass, made with little alkali, or with kelp, is preferred. When the design is too large to be contained on a single pane, several are fitted together, and fixed in a bed of soft cement while painting, and then taken asunder to be separately subjected to the fire. In arranging the glass pieces, care must be taken to distribute the joinings so that the lead frame-work may interfere as little as possible with the effect. A design must be drawn upon paper, and placed beneath the plate of glass; though the artist cannot regulate his tints directly by his pallet, but by specimens of the colours producible from his pallet pigments after they are fired. The upper side of the glass being sponged over with gum-water, affords, when dry, a surface proper for receiving the colours, without the risk of their running irregularly, as they would be apt to do, on the slippery glass. The artist first draws on the plate, with a fine pencil, all the traces which mark the great outlines and shades of the figures. This is usually done in black, or, at least, some strong colour, such as brown, blue, green, or red. In laying on these, the painter is guided by the same principles as the engraver, when he produces the effect of light and shade by dots, lines, or hatches; and he employs that colour to produce the shades, which will harmonize best with the colour which is to be afterwards applied; but for the deeper shades, black is in general used. When this is finished, the whole picture will be represented in lines or hatches similar to an engraving finished up to the highest effect possible; and afterwards, when it is dry, the vitrifying colours are laid on by means of larger hair pencils; their selection being regulated by the burnt specimen tints. When he finds it necessary to lay two colours adjoining, which are apt to run together in the kiln, he must apply one of them to the back of the glass. But the few principal colours to be presently mentioned, are all fast colours, which do not run, except the yellow, which must therefore be laid on the opposite side. After colouring, the artist proceeds to bring out the lighter effects by taking off the colour in the proper place, with a goose quill cut like a pen without a slit. By working this upon the glass, he removes the colour from the parts where the lights should be the strongest; such as the hair, eyes, the reflection of bright surfaces and light parts of draperies. The blank pen may be employed either to make the lights by lines, or hatches and dots, as is most suitable to the subject. By the metallic preparations now laid upon it, the glass is made ready for being fired, in order to fix and bring out the proper colours. The furnace or kiln best adapted for this purpose, is similar to that used by enamellers. See Enamel, and the Glaze-kiln; under Pottery. It consists of a muffle or arch of fire-clay or pottery, so set over a fireplace, and so surrounded by flues, as to receive a very considerable heat within, in the most equable and regular manner; otherwise some parts of the glass will be melted; while, on others, the superficial film of colours will remain unvitrified. The mouth of the muffle, and the entry for introducing fuel to the fire, should be on opposite sides, to prevent as much as possible the admission of dust into the muffle, whose mouth should be closed with double folding-doors of iron, furnished with small peep-holes, to allow the artist to watch the progress of the staining, and to withdraw small trial slips of glass, painted with the principal tints used in the picture. The muffle must be made of very refractory fire-clay, flat at its bottom, and only 5 or 6 inches high, with such an arched top as may make the roof strong, and so close on all sides as to exclude entirely the smoke and flame. On the bottom of the muffle a smooth bed of sifted lime, freed from water, about half an inch thick, must be prepared for receiving the pane of glass. Sometimes several plates of glass are laid over each other with a layer of dry pulverulent lime between each. The fire is now lighted, and most gradually raised, lest the glass should be broken; and after it has attained to its full heat, it must be kept up for 3 or 4 hours, more or less, according to the indications of the trial slips; the yellow colour being principally watched, as it is found to be the best criterion of the state of the others. When the colours are properly burnt in, the fire is suffered to die away, so as to anneal the glass. STAINED-GLASS PIGMENTS. Flesh colour.—Take an ounce of red lead, two ounces of red enamel (Venetian glass enamel, from alum and copperas calcined together), grind them to fine powder, and work this up with spirits (alcohol) upon a hard stone. When slightly baked, this produces a fine flesh colour. Black colour.—Take 141/2 ounces of smithy scales of iron, mix them with two ounces of white glass (crystal), an ounce of antimony, and half an ounce of manganese; pound and grind these ingredients together with strong vinegar. A brilliant black may also be obtained by a mixture of cobalt blue with the oxides of manganese and iron. Another black is made from three parts of crystal glass, two parts of oxide of copper, and one of (glass of) antimony worked up together, as above. Brown colour.—An ounce of white glass or enamel, half an ounce of good manganese; ground together. Red, rose, and brown colours, are made from peroxide of iron, prepared by nitric acid. The flux consists of borax, sand, and minium in small quantity. Red colour, may be likewise obtained from one ounce of red chalk pounded, mixed with two ounces of white hard enamel, and a little peroxide of copper. A red, may also be composed of rust of iron, glass of antimony, yellow glass of lead, such as is used by potters (or litharge), each in equal quantity; to which a little sulphuret of silver is added. This composition, well ground, produces a very fine red colour on glass. When protoxide of copper is used to stain glass, it assumes a bright red or green colour, according as the glass is more or less heated in the furnace, the former corresponding to the orange protoxide, the latter having the copper in the state of peroxide. Bistres and brown reds, may be obtained by mixtures of manganese, orange oxide of copper, and the oxide of iron called umber, in different proportions. They must be previously fused with vitreous solvents. Green colour.—Two ounces of brass calcined into an oxide, two ounces of minium, and eight ounces of white sand; reduce them to a fine powder, which is to be enclosed in a well luted crucible, and heated strongly in an air-furnace for an hour. When the mixture is cold, grind it in a brass mortar. Green may, however, be advantageously produced by a yellow on one side, and a blue on the other. Oxide of chrome has been also employed to stain glass green. A fine yellow colour.—Take fine silver laminated thin, dissolve in nitric acid, dilute with abundance of water, and precipitate with solution of sea salt. Mix this chloride of silver, in a dry powder, with three times its weight of pipe-clay well burnt and pounded. The back of the glass pane is to be painted with this powder; for when painted on the face, it is apt to run into the other colours. Another yellow can be made by mixing sulphuret of silver with glass of antimony, and yellow ochre previously calcined to a red-brown tint. Work all these powders together, and paint on the back of the glass. Or silver laminÆ melted with sulphur, and glass of antimony, thrown into cold water, and afterwards ground to powder, afford a yellow. A pale yellow may be made with the powder resulting from brass, sulphur, and glass of antimony, calcined together in a crucible, till they cease to smoke; and then mixed with a little burnt yellow ochre. The fine yellow of M. Merand, is prepared from chloride of silver, oxide of zinc, white-clay, and rust of iron. This mixture, simply ground, is applied on the glass. Orange colour.—Take 1 part of silver powder, as precipitated from the nitrate of that metal by plates of copper, and washed; mix it with 1 part of red ochre and 1 of yellow, by careful trituration; grind into a thin pap with oil of turpentine or lavender, and apply this with a brush, dry, and burn in. In the Philosophical Magazine, of December, 1836, the anonymous author of an ingenious essay, “On the Art of Glass-painting,” says, that if a large proportion of ochre has been employed with the silver, the stain is yellow; if a small proportion, it is orange-coloured; and by repeated exposure to the fire, without any additional colouring-matter, the orange may be converted into red; but this conversion requires a nice management of the heat. Artists often make use of panes coloured throughout their substance in the glass-house pots, because the perfect transparency of such glass gives a brilliancy of effect, which enamel painting, always more or less opaque, cannot rival. It was to a glass of this kind that the old glass-painters owed their splendid red. This is, in fact, the only point in which the modern and antient processes differ; and this is the only part of the art which was ever really lost. Instead of blowing plates of solid red, the old glass-makers (like those of Bohemia, for some time back,) used to flash a thin layer of brilliant red over a substratum of colourless glass; by gathering a lump of the latter upon the end of their iron rod in one pot, covering it with a layer of the former in another pot, then blowing out the two together into a globe or cylinder, to be opened into circular tables, or into rectangular plates. The elegant art of tinging glass red by protoxide of copper, and flashing it on common crown glass, has become general within these few years. That gold melted with flint glass stains it purple, was originally discovered and practised, as a profitable secret, by Kunckel. Gold has been recently used at Birmingham for giving a beautiful rose-colour to scent bottles. The proportion of gold should be very small, and the heat very great, to produce a good effect. The glass must contain either the oxide of lead, bismuth, zinc, or antimony; for crown glass will take no colour from gold. Glass combined with this metal, when removed from the crucible is generally of a pale rose-colour; nay, sometimes is as colourless as water, and does not assume its ruby colour till it has been exposed to a low red heat, either under a muffle or at the lamp. This operation must be nicely regulated; because a slight excess of fire destroys the colour, leaving the glass of a dingy brown, but with a blue (green?) transparency, like that of gold leaf. It is metallic gold which gives the colour; and, indeed, the oxide is too easily reduced, not to be converted into the metal by the intense heat which is necessarily required. Upon the kindred art of painting in enamel, Mr. A. Essex has published an interesting paper in the same journal, for June, 1837, in which he says that the antient ruby glass, on being exposed to the heat of a glass-kiln, preserves its colour unimpaired, while the modern suffers considerable injury, and in some cases becomes almost black. Hence the latter cannot be painted upon, as the heat required to fix the fresh colour would destroy the beauty of the original basis. To obviate this difficulty, the artist paints upon a piece of plain glass the tints and shadows necessary for blending the rich ruby glow with the other parts of his picture, leaving those parts untouched where he wishes the ruby to appear in undiminished brilliancy, and fixes the ruby glass in the picture behind the painted piece, so that in such parts, the window is double-glazed. Mr. Essex employs, as did the late Mr. Muss, chrome oxide alone for greens; and he rejects the use of iron and manganese in his enamel colours. Coloured transparent glass is applied as enamel in silver and gold bijouterie, previously bright-cut in the metal with the graver or the rose-engine. The cuts, reflecting the rays of light from their numerous surfaces, exhibit through the glass, richly stained with gold, silver, copper, cobalt, &c., a gorgeous play of prismatic colours, varied with every change of aspect. When the enamel is to be painted on, it should be made opalescent by oxide of arsenic, in order to produce the most agreeable effect. The artist in enamel has obtained from modern chemistry, preparations of the metals platinum, uranium, and chromium, which furnish four of the richest and most useful colours of his palette. Oxide of platinum produces a substantive rich brown, formerly unknown in enamel painting; a beautiful transparent tint, which no intensity or repetition of firing can injure. Colours proper for enamel painting, he says, are not to be purchased; those sold for the purpose, are adapted only for painting upon china. The constituents of the green enamel used by his brother, Mr. W. Essex, are, silica, borax, oxide of lead, and oxide of chrome. Mr. Essex’s enamelling furnace is a cubic space of about 12 inches, and contains a fire-clay muffle, without either bottom or back, which is surrounded with coke, except in front. The entire draught of air which supplies the furnace, passes through the muffle; the plates and paintings being placed on a thin slab, made of tempered fire-clay, technically termed planche, which rests on the bed of coke-fuel. As the greatest heat is at the back of the muffle, the picture must be turned round while in the fire, by means of a pair of spring tongs. The above furnace serves for objects up to five inches in diameter; but for larger works a different furnace is required, for the description of which I must refer to the original paper. Relatively to the receipts for enamel colours, and for staining and gilding on glass, for which twenty guineas were voted by the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, in the session of 1817, to Mr. R. Wynn, Mr. A. Essex says, in p. 446. of his essay—“the unfortunate artist who shall attempt to make colours for the purpose of painting in enamel from these receipts, will assuredly find, to his disappointment, that they are utterly useless.” In page 449. he institutes a comparison between Mr. Wynn’s complex farrago for green, as published in the Transactions of the Society, with the simple receipt of his brother, as given above. It is a remarkable circumstance, that not one of our enamel artists, during a period of twenty years, should have denounced the fallacy of these receipts, and the folly of sanctioning imposture by a public reward. Should Mr. Essex’s animadversions be just, the well-intentioned Society in the Adelphi may, from the negligence of its committee, come to merit the sobriquet, “For the Discouragement of Arts.” The peculiar feature of improvement in this manufacture consists in producing the spoon, ladle, or fork perfect at one blow in the stamping-machine, and requiring no further manipulation of shaping, but simply trimming off the barb or fin, and polishing the surface, to render the article perfect and finished. Heretofore, in employing a stamping-machine, or fly-press, for manufacturing spoons, ladles, and forks, it has been the practice to give the impressions to the handles, and to the bowls or prongs, by distinct operations of different dies, and after having so partially produced the pattern upon the article, the handles had to be bent and formed by the operations of filing and hammering. By his improved form of dies, which, having curved surfaces and bevelled edges, allow of no parts of the faces of the die and counter-die to come into contact, he is enabled to produce considerable elevations of pattern and form, and to bring up the article perfect at one blow, with only a slight barb or fin upon its edge. In the accompanying drawings, fig. 1042. is the lower or bed die for producing a spoon, seen edgewise; fig. 1043. is the face of the upper or counter-die, corresponding; fig. 1044. is a section, taken through the middle of the pair of dies, showing the space in which the metal is pressed to form the spoon. To manufacture spoons, ladles, or forks according to his improved process, he first forges out the ingot into flat pieces, of the shape and dimensions of the die of the intended article; and if a spoon or ladle is to be made, gives a slight degree of concavity to the bowl part; but, if necessary, bends the back, in order that it may lie more steadily, and bend more accurately, upon the lower die; if a fork, he cuts or otherwise removes portions of the metal at those parts which will intervene between the prongs; and, having thus produced the rude embryo of the intended article, scrapes its entire surface clean and free from oxidation-scale or fire-strain, when it is ready to be introduced into the stamping-machine. He now fixes the lower die in the bed of the stamping-machine, shown at a, a, in the elevations figs. 1045. and 1046., and fixes, in the hammer b, the upper or counter-die On striking the blow, in the operation of stamping the article, the hammer will recoil and fly up some distance, and if allowed to fall again with reiterated blows, would injure both the article and the dies; therefore, to avoid this inconvenience, he causes the hammer on recoiling to be caught by a pair of palls locking into racks on the face of the standards, seen in figs. 1045. and 1046. In fig. 1045. the hammer b, of the stamping-machine, is seen raised and suspended by a rope attached to a pair of jointed hooks or holders d, d, the lower ends of which pass into eyes e, e, extending from the top of the hammer. When the lever or trigger t is drawn forward, as in fig. 1046., the two inclined planes g, g, on the axle h, press the two legs of the holders d, d, inward, and cause their hooks or lower ends to be withdrawn from the eyes e, e, when the hammer instantly falls, and brings the dies together: such is the ordinary construction of the stamping-machine. On the hammer falling from a considerable elevation, the violence of the blow causes it to recoil and bound upwards, as before mentioned; it therefore becomes necessary to catch the hammer when it has rebounded, in order to prevent the dies coming again together; this is done by the following mechanism:— Two latch levers i, i, are connected by joints to the upper part of the hammer, and two pall levers k, k, turning upon pins, are mounted in the bridge l, affixed to the hammer. Two springs m, m, act against the lower arms of these levers, and press them outwards, for the purpose of throwing the palls at the lower ends of the levers into the teeth of the ratchet racks n, n, fixed on the sides of the upright standards. Previously to raising the hammer, the upper ends of the pall levers k, are drawn back, and the latches i, being brought down upon them, as in fig. 1045., the levers k are confined, and their palls prevented from striking into the side racks; but as the hammer falls, the ends of the latches i strike upon the fingers o, o, fixed to the side standards, and liberate the palls, the lower ends of which, when the hammer rebounds, after stamping, catch into the teeth of the racks, as in fig. 1046., and thereby prevent the hammer from again descending. 1. Ordinary starch.—This may be extracted from the following grains:—wheat, rye, barley, oats, buckwheat, rice, maize, millet, spelt; from the siliquose seeds, as peas, beans, lentiles, &c.; from tuberous and tap roots, as those of the potato, the orchis, manioc; arrowroot, batata, &c. Different kinds of corn yield very variable quantities of starch. Wheat differs in this respect, according to the varieties of the plant, as well as the soil, manure, season, and climate. See Bread. Wheat partly damaged by long keeping in granaries, may be employed for the manufacture of starch, as this constituent suffers less injury than the gluten; and it may be used either in the ground or unground state. 1. With unground wheat.—The wheat being sifted clean, is to be put into cisterns, covered with soft water, and left to steep till it becomes swollen and so soft as to be easily crushed between the fingers. It is now to be taken out, and immersed in clear water of a temperature equal to that of malting-barley, whence it is to be transferred into bags, which are placed in a wooden chest containing some water, and exposed to strong pressure. The water rendered milky by the starch being drawn off by a tap, fresh water is poured in, and the pressure is repeated. Instead of putting the swollen grain into bags, some prefer to grind it under vertical edge-stones, or between a pair of horizontal rollers, and then to lay it in a cistern, and separate the starchy liquor by elutriation with successive quantities of water well stirred up with it. The residuary matter in the sacks or cisterns contains much vegetable albumen and gluten, along with the husks; when exposed to fermentation, it affords a small quantity of starch of rather inferior quality. The above milky liquor, obtained by expression or elutriation, is run into large cisterns, where it deposits its starch in layers successively less and less dense; the uppermost containing a considerable proportion of gluten. The supernatant liquor being drawn off, and fresh water poured on it, the whole must be well stirred up, allowed again to settle, and the surface-liquor again withdrawn. This washing should be repeated as long as the water takes any perceptible colour. As the first turbid liquor contains a mixture of gluten, sugar, gum, albumen, &c., it ferments readily, and produces a certain portion of vinegar, which helps to dissolve out the rest of the mingled gluten, and thus to bleach the starch. It is, in fact, by the action of this fermented or soured water, and repeated washing, that it is purified. After the last deposition and decantation, there appears on the surface of the starch a thin layer of a slimy mixture of gluten and albumen, which, being scraped off, serves for feeding pigs or oxen; underneath will be found a starch of good quality. The layers of different sorts are then taken up with a wooden shovel, transferred into separate cisterns, where they are agitated with water, and passed through fine sieves. After this pap is once more well settled, the clear water is drawn off, the starchy mass is taken out, and laid on linen cloths in wicker baskets, to drain and become partially dry. When sufficiently firm, it is cut into pieces, which are spread upon other cloths, and thoroughly desiccated in a proper drying-room, which in winter is heated by stoves. The upper surface of the starch is generally scraped, to remove any dusty matter, and the resulting powder is sold in that state. Wheat yields, upon an average, only from 35 to 40 per cent. of good starch. It should afford more by skilful management. 2. In this country, wheat crushed between iron rollers is laid to steep in as much water as will wet it thoroughly; in four or five days the mixture ferments, soon afterwards settles, and is ready to be washed out with a quantity of water into the proper fermenting vats. The common time allowed for the steep, is from 14 to 20 days. The next process consists in removing the stuff from the vats into a stout round basket set across a back below a pump. One or two men keep going round the basket, stirring up the stuff with strong wooden shovels, while another keeps pumping water, till all the farina is completely washed from the bran. Whenever the subjacent back is filled, the liquor is taken out and strained through hair sieves into square frames or cisterns, where it is allowed to settle for 24 hours; after which the water is run off from the deposited starch by plug taps at different levels in the side. The thin stuff, called slimes, upon the surface of the starch, is removed by a tray of a peculiar form. Fresh water is now introduced, and the whole being well mixed by proper agitation, is then poured upon fine silk sieves. What passes through is allowed to settle for 24 hours; the liquor being withdrawn, and then the slimes, as before, more water is again poured in, with agitation, when the mixture is again thrown upon the silk sieve. The milky liquor is now suffered to rest for several days, 4 or 5, till the starch becomes settled pretty firmly at the bottom of the square cistern. If the starch is to have the blue tint, The starch is now fit for boxing, by shovelling the cleaned deposit into wooden chests, about 4 feet long, 12 inches broad, and 6 inches deep, perforated throughout, and lined with thin canvas. When it is drained and dried into a compact mass, it is turned out by inverting the chests upon a clean table, where it is broken into pieces 4 or 5 inches square, by laying a ruler underneath the cake, and giving its surface a cut with a knife, after which the slightest pressure with the hand will make the fracture. These pieces are set upon half-burned bricks, which by their porous capillarity imbibe the moisture of the starch, so that its under surface may not become hard and horny. When sufficiently dried upon the bricks, it is put into a stove (which resembles that of a sugar refinery), and left there till tolerably dry. It is now removed to a table, when all the sides are carefully scraped with a knife; it is next packed up in the papers in which it is sold; these packages are returned into the stove, and subjected to a gentle heat during some days; a point which requires to be skilfully regulated. Mr. Samuel Hall obtained a patent for bleaching starch by chloride of lime in 1821. Chlorine water would probably be preferable, and might prove useful in operating upon damaged wheat. The sour water of the starch manufacture contains, according to Vauquelin, acetic acid, acetate of ammonia, alcohol, phosphate of lime, and gluten. During the drying, starch splits into small prismatic columns, of considerable regularity. When kept dry, it remains unaltered for a very long period. When it is heated to a certain degree in water, the envelopes of its spheroidal particles burst, and the farina forms a mucilaginous emulsion, magma, or paste. When this apparent solution is evaporated to dryness, a brittle horny-looking substance is obtained, quite different in aspect from starch, but similar in chemical habitudes. When the moist paste is exposed for 2 or 3 months to the air in summer, the starch is converted into sugar to the amount of one-third or one-half of its weight, into gum, and gelatinous starch called amidine by De Saussure, with occasionally a resinous matter. This curious change goes on even in close vessels. Starch from potatos.—From the following table of analyses, it appears that potatos contain from 24 to 30 per cent. of dry substance:—
Manufacture of potato starch.—The potatos are first washed in a cylindrical cage formed of wooden spars, made to revolve upon a horizontal axis, in a trough filled with water to the level of the axis. They are then reduced to a pulp by a rasping machine, similar to that represented in figs. 1047, 1048., where a is a wooden drum covered with sheet-iron, roughened outside with numerous prominences, made by punching out holes from the opposite side. It is turned by a winch fixed upon each end of the shaft. The drum is enclosed in a square wooden box, to prevent the potato-mash from being scattered about. The hopper b is attached to the upper frame, has its bottom concentric with the rasp-drum, and nearly in contact with it. The pulp chest c is made to slide out, so as when full to be readily replaced by another. The two slanting boards d, d, conduct the pulp into it. A moderate stream of water should be made to play into the hopper upon the potatos, to prevent the surface of the rasp from getting foul with fibrous matter. Two men, with one for a relay, will rasp, with such a machine, from 21/2 to 3 tons of potatos in 12 hours. The potato pulp must be now elutriated upon a fine wire or hair sieve, which is set upon a frame in the mouth of a large vat, while water is made to flow upon it from a spout with many jets. The pulp meanwhile must be stirred and kneaded by the hand, or by a mechanical brush-agitator, till almost nothing but fibrous particles are left upon the sieve. These, however, generally retain about 5 per cent. of starch, which cannot be separated in this way. This parenchyma should therefore be subjected to a separate rasping upon another cylinder. The water turbid with starch is allowed to settle for some In trials made with St. Etienne’s rasp and starch machinery, in Paris, which was driven by two horses, nearly 18 cwt. of potatos were put through all the requisite operations in one hour, including the pumping of the water. The product in starch amounted to from 17 to 18 per cent. of the potatos. The quicker the process of potato-starch making, the better is its quality. Starch from certain foreign plants.—1. From the pith of the sago palm. See Sago. 2. From the roots of the Maranta arundinacea, of Jamaica, the Bahamas, and other West India islands, the powder called arrow-root is obtained, by a process analogous to that for making potato starch. 3. From the root of the Manioc, which also grows in the West Indies, as well as in Africa, the cassava is procured, by a similar process. The juice of this plant is poisonous, from which the wholesome starch is deposited. When dried with stirring upon hot iron plates, it agglomerates into small lumps, called tapioca; being a gummy fecula. The characters of the different varieties of starch can be learnt only from microscopic observation; by which means also their sophistication or admixture may be readily ascertained. Starch, from whatever source obtained, is a white soft powder, which feels crispy, like flowers of sulphur, when pressed between the fingers; it is destitute of taste and smell, unchangeable in the atmosphere, and has a specific gravity of 1·53. I have already described the particles as spheroids enclosed in a membrane. The potato contains some of the largest, and the millet the smallest. Potato starch consists of truncated ovoids, varying in size from 1/300 to 1/3000 of an inch; arrow-root, of ovoids varying in size from 1/800 to 1/2000 of an inch; flower starch, of insulated globules about 1/1000 of an inch; cassava, of similar globules assembled in groups. These measurements I have made with a good achromatic microscope, and a divided glass-slip micrometer of Tully. For the saccharine changes which starch undergoes by the action of diastase, see Fermentation. Lichenine, a species of starch obtained from Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica), as well as inuline, from elecampane (Inula Helenium), are rather objects of chemical curiosity, than of manufactures. There is a kind of starch made in order to be converted into gum for the calico-printer. This conversion having been first made upon the great scale in this country, has occasioned the product to be called British gum. The following is the process pursued in a large and well conducted establishment near Manchester. A range of four wooden cisterns, each about 7 or 8 feet square, and 4 feet deep, is provided. Into each of them 2000 gallons of water being introduced, 121/2 loads of flour are stirred in. This mixture is set to ferment upon old leaven left at the bottom of the backs, during 2 or 3 days. The contents are then stirred up, and pumped off into 3 stone cisterns, 7 feet square and 4 feet deep; as much water being added, with agitation, as will fill the cisterns to the brim. In the course of 24 hours the starch forms a firm deposit at the bottom; and the water is then syphoned off. The gluten is next scraped from the surface, and the starch is transferred into wooden boxes pierced with holes, which may be lined with coarse cloth, or not, at the pleasure of the operator. The starch, cut into cubical masses, is put into iron trays, and set to dry in a large apartment, two stories high, heated by a horizontal cylinder of cast-iron traversed by the flame of a furnace. The drying occupies two days. It is now ready for conversion into gum, for which purpose it is put into oblong trays of sheet iron, and heated to the temperature of 300° F. in a cast-iron oven, which holds four of these trays. Here it concretes into irregular semi-transparent yellow-brown lumps, which are ground into To prove whether starch be quite free from gluten, or whether it be mixed with any wheat flour, diffuse 12 grains of it through six ounces of water, heat the mixture to boiling, stirring it meanwhile with a glass slip. If the starch be pure, no froth will be seen upon the surface of the pasty fluid; or if any be produced during the stirring, it will immediately subside after it; but if the smallest portion of gluten be present, much froth will be permanently formed, which may be raised by stirring into the appearance of soap-suds. Figs. 1049, 1050 enlarged (177 kB) A is the box containing the paste, when the goods are to be starched or stiffened: a, a winch, when it is desired to turn the machine B, is the drying part of the machine: k, k, its iron framing; l, l, &c., five drums, or hollow copper cylinders, heated with steam: m, m, m, &c., small copper drums, in pairs, turning freely on shafts under the former, for stretching the goods, and airing them, during their passage through the machine: n, n, is the main steam-pipe, from which branch off small copper tubes, o, o, &c., which conduct the steam through stuffing-boxes into the cavity of the drying-drums. There are similar tubes upon the other ends of the drums, for discharging the condensed water through similar stuffing-boxes: q, q, are valves, opening internally, for admitting the air whenever the steam is taken off, or becomes feeble, to prevent the drums from being crushed by the unbalanced pressure of the atmosphere upon their external surfaces. C, is the cloth-beam, from which the starching roller draws forward the goods; d, d, are two rollers, of which the lower is provided with a band-pulley or rigger, driven by a similar pulley fixed upon the shaft of the starching roller d. These two rollers pull the goods through the drying machine, and then let them fall either upon a table or the floor. Stearic acid, prepared by the above process, contains combined water, from which it cannot be freed. It is insipid and inodorous. After being melted by heat, it solidifies at the temperature of 158° Fahrenheit, and affects the form of white brilliant needles grouped together. It is insoluble in water, but dissolves in all proportions in boiling anhydrous alcohol, and on cooling to 122°, crystallizes therefrom, in pearly plates; but if the concentrated solution be quickly cooled to 112°, it forms a crystalline mass. A dilute solution affords the acid crystallized in large white brilliant scales. It dissolves in its own weight of boiling ether of 0·727, and crystallizes on cooling in beautiful scales, of changing colours. It distils over in vacuo without alteration; but if the retort contains a little atmospheric air, a small portion of the acid is decomposed during the distillation; while the greater part passes over unchanged, but slightly tinged brown, and mixed with traces of empyreumatic oil. When heated in the open air, and Stearic acid put into a strong watery infusion of litmus, has no action upon it in the cold; but when hot, the acid combines with the alkali of the litmus, and changes its blue colour to red; so that it has sufficient energy to abstract from the concentrated tincture all the alkali required for its neutralization. If we dissolve bi-stearate of potash in weak alcohol, and pour litmus water, drop by drop, into the solution, this will become red, because the litmus will give up its alkali to a portion of the bi-stearate, and will convert it into neutral stearate. If we now add cold water, the reddened mixture will resume its blue tint, and will deposit bi-stearate of potash in small spangles. In order that the alcoholic solution of the bi-stearate may redden the litmus, the alcohol should not be very strong. From the composition of stearate of potash, the atomic weight of the acid appears to be 106·6; hydrogen being 1; for 18 : 48× 2 ? 100 : 533·3 = 5 atoms of acid. From the stearate of soda, it appears to be 104; and from that of lime, 102. The stearate of lead, by Chevreul, gives 109 for the atomic weight of the acid. The margaric and oleic acids seem to have the same neutralizing power, and the same atomic weight. The preceding numbers will serve to regulate the manufacture of stearic acid for the purpose of making candles. Potash and soda were first prescribed for saponifying fat, as may be seen in M. Gay Lussac’s patent, under the article Candle; and were it not for the cost of these articles, they are undoubtedly preferable to all others in a chemical point of view. Of late years lime has been had recourse to, with perfect success, and has become subservient to a great improvement in candle-making. The stearine block now made by many London houses, though containing not more than 2 or 3 per cent. of wax, is hardly to be distinguished from the purified produce of the bee. The first process is to boil the fat with quicklime and water in a large tub, by means of perforated steam pipes distributed over its bottom. From the above statements we see that about 11 parts of dry lime are fully equivalent to 100 of stearine and oleine mixed: but as the lime is in the state of hydrate, 14 parts of it will be required when it is perfectly pure; in the ordinary state, however, as made from average good limestone, 16 parts may be allowed. After a vigorous ebullition of 3 or 4 hours, the combination is pretty complete. The stearate being allowed to cool to such a degree as to allow of its being handled, becomes a concrete mass, which must be dug out with a spade, and transferred into a contiguous tub, in order to be decomposed with the equivalent quantity of sulphuric acid diluted with water, and also heated with steam. Four parts of concentrated acid will be sufficient to neutralize three parts of slaked lime. The saponified fat now liberated from the lime, which is thrown down to the bottom of the tub in the state of sulphate, is skimmed off the surface of the watery menstruum into a third contiguous tub, where it is washed with water and steam. The washed mixture of stearic, margaric, and oleic acids, is next cooled in tin pans; then shaved by large knives, fixed on the face of a fly-wheel, called a tallow cutter, preparatory to its being subjected in canvas or caya bags to the action of a powerful hydraulic press. Here a large portion of the oleic acid is expelled, carrying with it a little of the margaric. The pressed cakes are now subjected to the action of water and steam once more, after which the supernatant stearic acid is run off, and cooled in moulds. The cakes are then ground by a rotatory rasping-machine to a sort of mealy powder, which is put into canvas bags, and subjected to the joint action of steam and pressure in a horizontal hydraulic press of a peculiar construction, somewhat similar to that which has been long used in London for pressing spermaceti. The cakes of stearic acid thus freed completely from the margaric and oleic acids, are subjected to a final cleansing in a tub with steam, and then melted into hemispherical masses called blocks. When these blocks are broken, they display a highly crystalline texture, which would render them unfit for making candles. This texture is therefore broken down or comminuted by fusing the stearine in a plated copper pan, along with one thousandth part of pulverized arsenious acid, after which it is ready to be cast into candles in appropriate moulds. See Candle. 1051Scale 3-20ths of an inch to the foot. Stearine pressA, A, are two hydraulic presses; B the frame; C, the cylinder; D, the piston or ram; E, the follower; F, the recess in the bottom to receive the oil; G, twilled woollen bags with the material to be pressed, having a thin plate of wrought iron between each; H, apertures for the discharge of the oil; I, cistern in which the pumps are fixed; K, framing for machinery to work in; L, two pumps, large and small, to inject the water into the cylinders; M, a frame containing three double branches; N, three branches, each having two stops or plugs, by which the action of one of the pumps may be intercepted from, or communicated to, one or both of the presses; the large pump is worked at the beginning of the operation, and the small one towards the end; by these branches, one or both presses may be discharged when the operation is finished; O, two pipes from the pumps to the branches; P, pipe to return the water from the cylinders to the cisterns; Q, pipes leading from the pumps through the branches to the cylinders; R, conical drum, fixed upon the main shaft Y, driven by the steam-engine of the factory; S, a like conical drum to work the pumps; T, a narrow leather strap to communicate the motion from R to S; U, a long screw bearing a nut, which works along the whole length of the drum; V, the fork or guide for moving the strap T; W, W, two hanging bearings to carry the drum S; X, a pulley on the spindle of the drum S; Y, the main shaft; Z, fly-wheel with groove on the edge, driven by the pulley X; on the axis of S, is a double crank, which works the two pumps L. a, is a 1. Steel of cementation, bar or blistered steel.—With the exception of the Ulverstone charcoal iron, no bars are manufactured in Great Britain capable of conversion into steel at all approaching in quality to that made from the Madras, Swedish, and Russian irons, so largely imported for that purpose. The first rank is assigned to the Swedish iron stamped with a circle enclosing the letter L (hence called hoop L); which fetches the high price of 36l. 10s. per ton, while excellent English coke-iron may be had for one-fifth of the price. The other Swedish irons are sold at a much lower rate, though said to be manufactured in the same way; and therefore the superiority of the Dannemora iron must be owing to some peculiarity in the ore from which it is smelted. The steel recently made in the Indian steel-works at Chelsea, from Mr. Heath’s Madras iron, rivals that from the hoop L. The Sheffield furnace for making bar or blistered steel, called the furnace of cementation, is represented in fig. 1054. in a cross section, and in fig. 1055. in a ground plan. The hearth of this oblong quadrangular furnace, is divided by a grate into two parts, upon each side of which there is a chest a, called a trough, made of fire-clay, or fire-tiles. The breadth of the grate varies according to the quality of the fuel. b, b, are air-holes; c, c, flues leading to the chimney d, d. To aid the draught of the smoke and the flame, an opening e, is made in the middle of the flat arch of the furnace. In one of its shorter sides (ends), there are orifices f, f, through which the long bars of iron may be put in and taken out; g, is the door by which the steel-maker enters, in filling or emptying the trough; h, is a proof hole, at which small samples of the steel, in the act of its conversion, may be drawn out. The furnace is built under a conical hood or chimney, from 30 to 50 feet high, for aiding the draught, and carrying off the smoke. The two chests are built of fire-stone grit. They are 8, 10, or even 15 feet long, and from 26 to 36 inches in width and depth; the lower and smaller they are, the more uniform will the quality of the steel be. A great breadth and height of trough are incompatible The cement consists of ground charcoal (sometimes of soot), mixed with one-tenth of ashes, and some common salt; the charcoal of hard wood being preferred. Ground coke is inadmissible, on account of the sulphur, silica, and clay which it generally contains. Possibly the salt serves to vitrify the particles of silica in the charcoal, and thus to prevent their entering into combination with the steel. As for the ashes, it is difficult to discover their use. The best steel may be made without their presence. The bottom of the trough being covered with two inches of the powder of cementation, the bars are laid along in it, upon their narrow edge, the side bar being one inch from the trough, and the rest being from 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch apart. Above this first layer of iron bars, fully half an inch depth of the powder is spread, then a new series of bars is stratified, and so on till the trough is filled within six inches of the top. This space is partially filled with old cement powder, and is covered with refractory damp sand. Sometimes the trough is filled to the surface with the old cement, and then closely covered with fire-tiles. The bars should never be allowed to touch each other, or the trough. The fire must be carefully urged from 2 to 4 days, till it acquires the temperature of 100° Wedgewood; which must be steadily maintained during the 4, 6, 8, or 10 days requisite for the cementation; a period dependent on the size of the furnace, and which is determined by the examination of the proof pieces, taken out from time to time. In the front or remote end of the furnace, fig. 1054., a door is left in the outer building, corresponding to a similar one in the end of the interior vault, through which the workman enters for charging the furnace with charcoal and iron bars, as also for taking out the steel after the conversion. Small openings are likewise made in the ends of the chests, through which the extremities of a few bars are left projecting, so that they may be pulled out and examined, through small doors opposite to them in the exterior walls. These tap holes, as they are called, should be placed near the centre of the end stones of the chests, that the bars may indicate the average state of the process. The joinings of the fire-stones are secured with a finely ground Stourbridge clay. The interval between the two chests (in furnaces containing two, for many have only one,) being covered with an iron platform, the workman stands on it, and sifts a layer of charcoal on the bottom of the chests evenly, about half an inch thick; he then lays a row of bars, cut to the proper length, over the charcoal, about an inch from each other; he next sifts on a second stratum of charcoal-dust, which, as it must serve for the bars above, as well as below, is made an inch thick; thus, he continues to stratify, till the chest be filled within two inches of the top; and he covers the whole with the earthy detritus found at the bottom of grindstone troughs, or any convenient fire-loam. It is obvious that the second series of bars should correspond vertically with the interstices between the first series, and so in succession. The trial-rods are left longer than the others, and their projecting ends are encrusted with fire-clay, or imbedded in sand. The iron platform being removed, and all the openings into the vault closed, the fire is lighted, and very gradually increased, to avoid every risk of cracking the gritstone by too sudden a change of temperature; and the ignition being finally raised to about 100° Wedgewood, but not higher, for fear of melting the metal, must be maintained at a uniform pitch, till the iron have absorbed the desired quantity of carbon, and have been converted as highly as the manufacturer intends for his peculiar object. From six to eight days may be reckoned a sufficient period for the production of steel of moderate hardness, and fit for tilting into shear steel. A softer steel, for saws and springs, takes a shorter period; and a harder steel, for fabricating chisels used in cutting iron, will need longer exposure to the ignited charcoal. But, for a few purposes, such as the bits for boring cast iron, the bars are exposed to two or three successive processes of cementation, and are hence said to be twice or thrice converted into steels. The higher the heat of the furnace, the quicker is the process of conversion. The furnace being suffered to cool, the workman enters it again, and hands out the steel bars, which being covered with blisters, from the formation and bursting of vesicles on the surface filled with gaseous carbon, is called blistered steel. This steel is very irregular in its interior texture, has a white colour, like frosted silver, and displays crystalline angles and facettes, which are larger the further the cementation has been urged, or the greater the dose of carbon. The central particles are always smaller than those near the surface of the bar. In such a furnace as the above, twelve tons of bar iron may be converted at a charge. The absorption and action of the carbonaceous matter, to the amount of about a half per cent., occasions fissures and cavities in the substance of the blistered bars, which render the steel unfit for any useful purpose in tool-making, till it be condensed and rendered uniform by the operation of tilting, under a powerful hammer driven by machinery. See Iron. The heads of the tilt-hammers for steel weigh from one and a half to two hundred pounds. Those in the neighbourhood of Sheffield are much simpler than the one referred to in the note. They are worked by a small water-wheel, on whose axis is another wheel, bearing a great number of cams or wipers on its circumference, which strike the tail of the hammer in rapid succession, raise its head, and then let it fall smartly on the hot metal rod, dexterously presented on its several parts to the anvil beneath it, by the workman. The machinery is adapted to produce from 300 to 400 blows per minute; which on this plan requires an undue and wasteful velocity of the float-boards. Were an intermediate toothed wheel substituted between the water-wheel and the wiper-wheel, so that while the former made one turn, the latter might make three, a much smaller force of water would do the work. The anvils of the tilt-hammer are placed nearly on a level with the floor of the mill-house; and the workman sits in a fosse, dug on purpose, in a direction perpendicular to the line of the helve, on a board suspended from the roof of the building by a couple of iron rods. On this swinging seat, he can advance or retire with the least impulse of his feet, pushing forward the steel bar, or drawing it back with equal rapidity and convenience. At a small distance from each tilt, stands the forge-hearth, for heating the steel. The bellows for blowing the fire are placed above-head, and are worked by a small crank fixed on the end of the axis of the wheel, the air being conveyed by a copper pipe down to the nozzle. Each workman at the tilt has two boys in attendance, to serve him with hot rods, and to take them away after they are hammered. In small rods, the bright ignition originally given at the forge soon declines to darkness; but the rapid impulsions of the tilt revive the redness again in all the points near the hammer; so that the rod, skilfully handled by the workman, progressively ignites where it advances to the strokes. Personal inspection alone can communicate an adequate idea of the precision and celerity with which a rude steel rod is stretched and fashioned into an even, smooth, and sharp-edged prism, under the operation of the tilt-hammer. The heat may be clearly referred to the prodigious friction among the particles of so cohesive a metal, when they are made to slide so rapidly over each other in every direction during the elongation and squaring of the rod. 2. Shear steel derives its name from the accidental circumstance of the shears for dressing woollen cloth being usually forged from it. It is made by binding into a bundle, with a slender steel rod, four parallel bars of blistered steel, previously broken into lengths of about 18 inches, including a fifth of double length, whose projecting end may serve as a handle. This faggot, as it is called, is then heated in the forge-hearth to a good welding heat, being sprinkled over with sand to form a protecting film of iron slag, carried forthwith to the tilt, and notched down on both sides to unite all the bars together, and close up every internal flaw or fissure. The mass being again heated, and the binding rings knocked off, is drawn out into a uniform rod of the size required. Manufacturers of cutlery are in the habit of purchasing the blistered bars at the conversion furnaces, and sending them to tilt-mills to have them drawn out to the proper size, which is done at regular prices to the trade; from 5 to 8 per cent. discount being allowed on the rude bars for waste in the tilting. The metal is rendered so compact by the welding and hammering, as to become susceptible of a much finer polish than blistered steel can take; while the uniformity of its body, tenacity, and malleability are at the same time much increased; by which properties it becomes well adapted for making table knives and powerful springs, such as those of gun-locks. The steel is also softened down by this process, probably from the expulsion of a portion of its carbon during the welding and subsequent heats; and if these be frequently or awkwardly applied, it may pass back into common iron. 3. Cast steel is made by melting, in the best fire-clay crucibles, blistered steel, broken down into small pieces of convenient size for packing; and as some carbon is always dissipated in the fusion, a somewhat highly converted steel is used for this purpose. The furnace is a square prismatic cavity, lined with fire-bricks, 12 inches in each side, and 24 deep, with a flue immediately under the cover, 31/2 inches by 6, for conducting the smoke into an adjoining chimney of considerable height. In some establishments a dozen such furnaces are constructed in one or two ranges, their tops being on a level with the floor of the laboratory, as in brass-foundries, for enabling the workmen more Cast-steel works much harder under the hammer than shear steel and will not, in its usual state, bear much more than a cherry-red heat without becoming brittle; nor can it bear the fatigue incident to the welding operation. It may, however, be firmly welded to iron, through the intervention of a thin film of vitreous boracic acid, at a moderate degree of ignition. Cast steel, indeed, made from a less carburetted bar steel, would be susceptible of welding and hammering at a higher temperature; but it would require a very high heat for its preparation in the crucible. Iron may be very elegantly plated with cast steel, by pouring the liquid metal from the crucible into a mould containing a bar of iron polished on one face. In this circumstance the adhesion is so perfect as to admit of the two metals being rolled out together; and in this way the chisels of planes and other tools may be made, at a moderate rate and of excellent quality, the cutting-edge being formed in the steel side. Such instruments combine the toughness of iron with the hardness of steel. For correcting the too high carbonization of steel, or equalizing the too highly converted exterior of a bar with the softer steel of the interior, the metal requires merely to be imbedded, at a cementing heat, in oxide of iron or manganese; the oxygen of which soon abstracts the injurious excess of carbon, so that the outer layers may be even converted into soft iron, while the axis continues steely; because the decarbonizing advances far more rapidly than the carbonizing. Fig. 1056. represents the mould for making crucibles for the cast-steel works. M, M, is a solid block of wood, to support the two-handled outside mould N, N. This being rammed full of the proper clay dough or compost (see Crucible), the inner mould is to be then pressed vertically into it, till it reaches the bottom P, being directed and facilitated in its descent by the point K. A cord passes through O, by which the inner mould is suspended over a pulley, and guided in its motions. When a plate of polished steel is exposed to a progressive heat, it takes the following colours in succession: 1. a faint yellow; 2. a pale straw-colour; 3. a full yellow; 4. a brown yellow; 5. a brown with purple spots; 6. a purple; 7. a bright blue; 8. a full blue; 9. a dark blue, verging on black; after which the approach to ignition supersedes all these colours. If the steel plate has been previously hardened by being dipped in cold water or mercury when red-hot, then those successive shades indicate or correspond to successive degrees of softening or tempering. Thus, No. 1. suits the hard temper of a lancet, which requires the finest edge, but little strength of metal; No. 2. a little softer, for razors and surgeons’ amputating instruments; No. 3. somewhat more toughness, for penknives; No. 4. for cold chisels and shears for cutting iron; No. 5. for axes and plane-irons; No. 6. for table knives and cloth shears; No. 7. for swords and watch springs; No. 8. for small fine saws and daggers; No. 9. for large saws, whose teeth need to be set with pliers, and sharpened with a file. After ignition, if the steel be very slowly cooled, it becomes exceedingly soft, and fit for the engraver’s purposes. Hardened steel may be tempered to the desired pitch, by plunging it in metallic baths heated to the proper thermometric degree, as follows: for No. 1. 430° Fahr.; No. 2. 450°; No. 3. 470°; No. 4. 490°; No. 5. 510°; No. 6. 530°; No. 7. 550°; No. 8. 560°; No. 9. 600°. Small steel tools are most frequently tempered, after hardening, by covering their surface with a thin coat of tallow, and heating them in the flame of a candle till the tallow diffuses a faint smoke, and then thrusting them into the cold tallow. Rinman long ago defined steel to be any kind of iron which, when heated to redness, and then plunged in cold water, becomes harder. But several kinds of cast iron are susceptible of such hardening. Every malleable and flexible iron, however, which may be hardened in that way, is a steel. Moreover, steel may be distinguished from pure iron by its giving a After hardening, steel seems to be quite a different body; even its granular texture becomes coarser or finer according to the degree of heat to which it was raised; it grows so hard as to scratch glass, and resist the keenest file, while it turns exceedingly brittle. When a slowly cooled steel rod is forged and filed, it becomes capable of affording agreeable and harmonious sounds by its vibrations; but hard-tempered steel affords only dull deafened tones, like those emitted by a cracked instrument. The good quality of steel is shown by its being homogeneous; being easily worked at the forge; by its hardening and tempering well; by its resisting or overcoming forces; and by its elasticity. To ascertain the first point, the surface should be ground and polished on the wheel; when its lustre and texture will appear. The second test requires a skilful workman to give it a heat suitable to its nature and state of conversion. The size and colour of the grain are best shown by taking a bar forged into a razor form; hardening and tempering it; and then breaking off the thin edge in successive bits with a hammer and anvil. If it had been fully ignited only at the end, then, after the hardening, it will display, on fracture, a succession in the aspect of its grains from that extremity to the other; as they are whiter and larger at the former than the latter. The other qualities become manifest on filing the steel; using it as a chisel for cutting iron; or bending it under a heavy weight. Much interest was excited a few years back by the experiments of Messrs. Stodart and Faraday on the alloys of steel with silver, platinum, rhodium, and iridium. Steel refuses to take up in fusion more than one five-hundreth part of silver; but with this minute quantity of alloy, it is said to bear a harder temper, without losing its tenacity. When pure iron is substituted for steel, the alloys so formed are much less subject to oxidation in damp air than before. With three per cent. of iridium and osmium, an alloy was obtained which had the property of tempering like steel, and of remaining clean and bright, in circumstances when simple iron became covered with rust. “Upon the whole,” says the editor of the Quarterly Journal of Science, giving a report of these experiments in his 14th volume, p. 378, “though we consider these researches upon the alloys of steel as very interesting, we are not sanguine as to their important influence upon the improvement of the manufacture of cutlery, and suspect that a bar of the best ordinary steel, selected with precaution, and most carefully forged, wrought, and tempered, under the immediate inspection of the master, would afford cutting instruments as perfect and excellent as those composed of wootz, or of the alloys.” Case-hardening of iron, is a process for converting a thin film of the outer surface into steel, while the interior remains as before. Fine keys are generally finished in this way. See Case-hardening. So great is the affinity of iron for carbon, that, in certain circumstances, it will absorb it from carburetted hydrogen, or coal-gas, and thus become converted into steel. On this principle, Mr. Macintosh of Glasgow obtained a patent for making steel. His furnace consists of one cylinder of bricks built concentrically within another. The bars of iron are suspended in the innermost, from the top; a stream of purified coal-gas circulates freely round them, entering below and escaping slowly above, while the bars are maintained in a state of bright ignition by a fire burning in the annular space between the cylinders. The steel so produced is of excellent quality; but the process does not seem to be so economical as the ordinary cementation with charcoal powder. Damasking of steel, is the art of giving to sabre blades a variety of figures in the style of watering. See Damascus Blades. Several explanations have been offered of the change in the constitution of steel, which accompanies the tempering operation; but none of them seems quite satisfactory. It seems to be probable that the ultimate molecules are thrown by the sudden cooling into a constrained state, so that their poles are not allowed to take the position of strongest attraction and greatest proximity; and hence the mass becomes hard, brittle, and somewhat less dense. An analogous condition may be justly imputed to hastily cooled glass, which, like hardened steel, requires to be annealed by a subsequent nicely graduated heat, under the influence of which the particles assume the position of repose, and constitute a denser, softer, and more tenacious body. The more sudden the cooling of ignited steel, the more unnatural and constrained will be the distribution of its particles, and also the more refractory, an effect produced by plunging it into cold mercury. This excess of hardness is removed in any required degree by judicious annealing or tempering. The state of the carbon present in the steel may also be modified by the rate of refrigeration, as Mr. Karsten and M. BrÉant conceive happens with cast iron and the damask metal. If the uniform distribution and combination of the carbon through the mass, determine the peculiarity of white cast iron, which is a hard and Mr. Oldham, printing engineer of the Bank of England, who has had great experience in the treatment of steel for dies and mills, says that, for hardening it, the fire should never be heated above the redness of sealing-wax, and kept at that pitch for a sufficient time. On taking it out, he hardens it by plunging it, not in water, but in olive oil, or rather naphtha, previously heated to 200° F. It is kept immersed only till the ebullition ceases, then instantly transferred into cold spring water, and kept there till quite cold. By this treatment the tools come out perfectly clean, and as hard as it is possible to make cast-steel, while they are perfectly free from cracks, flaws, or twist. Large tools are readily brought down in temper by being suspended in the red-hot muffle till they show a straw-colour; but for small tools, he prefers plunging them in the oil heated to 400 degrees; and leaves them in till they become cold. “The common mode of softening steel,” says Mr. Baynes, “is to put it into an iron case, surrounded with a paste made of lime, cow’s gall, and a little nitre and water; then to expose the case to a slow fire, which is gradually increased to a considerable heat, and afterwards allowed to go out, when the steel is found to be soft and ready for the engraver.” Indian steel, or wootz.—The wootz ore consists of the magnetic oxide of iron, united with quartz, in proportions which do not seem to differ much, being generally about 42 of quartz and 58 of magnetic oxide. Its grains are of various size, down to a sandy texture. The natives prepare it for smelting by pounding the ore, and winnowing away the stony matrix, a task at which the Hindoo females are very dexterous. The manner in which iron ore is smelted and converted into wootz or Indian steel, by the natives at the present day, is probably the very same that was practised by them at the time of the invasion of Alexander; and it is a uniform process, from the Himalaya mountains to Cape Comorin. The furnace or bloomery in which the ore is smelted, is from 4 to 5 feet high; it is somewhat pear-shaped, being about 2 feet wide at bottom, and one foot at top; it is built entirely of clay, so that a couple of men can finish its erection in a few hours, and have it ready for use the next day. There is an opening in front about a foot or more in height, which is built up with clay at the commencement, and broken down at the end, of each smelting operation. The bellows are usually made of a goat’s skin, which has been stripped from the animal without ripping open the part covering the belly. The apertures at the legs are tied up, and a nozzle of bamboo is fastened in the opening formed by the neck. The orifice of the tail is enlarged and distended by two slips of bamboo. These are grasped in the hand, and kept close together in making the stroke for the blast; in the returning stroke they are separated to admit the air. By working a bellows of this kind with each hand, making alternate strokes, a pretty uniform blast is produced. The bamboo nozzles of the bellows are inserted into tubes of clay, which pass into the furnace at the bottom corners of the temporary wall in front. The furnace is filled with charcoal, and a lighted coal being introduced before the nozzles, the mass in the interior is soon kindled. As soon as this is accomplished, a small portion of the ore, previously moistened with water, to prevent it from running through the charcoal, but without any flux whatever, is laid on the top of the coals, and covered with charcoal to fill up the furnace. In this manner ore and fuel are supplied; and the bellows are urged for 3 or 4 hours, when the process is stopped; and the temporary wall in front being broken down, the bloom is removed by a pair of tongs from the bottom of the furnace. It is then beaten with a wooden mallet, to separate as much of the scoriÆ as possible from it, and, while still red-hot, it is cut through the middle, but not separated, in order merely to show the quality of the interior of the mass. In this state it is sold to the blacksmiths, who make it into bar iron. The proportion of such iron made by the natives from 100 parts of ore, is about 15 parts. In converting the iron into steel, the natives cut it into pieces, to enable it to pack better in the crucible, which is formed of refractory clay, mixed with a large quantity of charred husk of rice. It is seldom charged with more than a pound of iron, which is put in with a proper weight of dried wood chopped small, and both are covered with one or two green leaves; the proportions being in general 10 parts of iron to 1 of wood and leaves. The mouth of the crucible is then stopped with a handful of tempered clay, rammed in very closely, to exclude the air. The wood preferred is the Cassia auriculata, and the leaf that of the Asclepias gigantea, or The natives prepare the cakes for being drawn into bars by annealing them for several hours in a small charcoal furnace, actuated by bellows; the current of air being made to play upon the cakes while turned over before it; whereby a portion of the combined carbon is probably dissipated, and the steel is softened; without which operation the cakes would break in the attempt to draw them. They are drawn by a hammer of a few pounds weight. The natives weld two pieces of cast steel, by giving to each a sloping face, jagged all over with a small chisel; then applying them with some calcined borax between, and tying them together with a wire, they are brought to a full red heat, and united by a few smart blows of a hammer. The ordinary bar iron of Sweden and England, when converted by cementation into steel, exhibits upon its surface numerous small warty points, but few or no distinct vesicular eruptions; whereas the Dannemora and the Ulverston steels present, all over the surface of the bars, well raised blisters, upwards of three-eighths of an inch in diameter horizontally, but somewhat flattened at top. Iron of an inferior description, when highly converted in the cementing-chest, becomes gray on the outer edges of the fracture; while that of Dannemora acquires a silvery colour and lustre on the edges, with crystalline facets within. The highly converted steel is used for tools that require to be made very hard; the slightly converted, for softer and more elastic articles, such as springs and sword blades. In respect of rapidity and extent of work, stills had attained to an extraordinary pitch of perfection in Scotland about thirty years ago, when legislative wisdom thought fit to levy the spirits duty, per annum, from each distiller, according to the capacity of his still. It having been shown, in a report presented to the House of Commons in 1799, that an 80-gallon still could be worked off in eight minutes, this fact was made the basis of a new fiscal law, on the supposition that the maximum of velocity had been reached. But, instigated by the hopes of enormous gains at the expense of the revenue, the distillers soon contrived to do the same thing in three minutes, by means of broad-bottomed shallow stills, with stirring-chains, and lofty capitals. In the year 1815, that preposterous law, which encouraged fraud and deteriorated the manufacture, was repealed. The whiskey duties having been since levied, independently of the capacity of the still, upon the quantity produced, such rapid operations have been abandoned, and processes of economy in fuel, and purity in product, have been sought after. One of the greatest improvements in modern distilleries, is completing the analysis of crude spirit at one operation. Chemists had been long familiar with the contrivance of Woulfe, for impregnating with gaseous matter, water contained in a range of bottles; but they had not thought of applying that plan to distillation, when Edouard Adam, an illiterate workman of Montpellier, after hearing accidentally a chemical lecture upon that apparatus, bethought himself of converting it into a still. He caused the boiling-hot vapours to chase the spirits successively out of one bottle into another, so as to obtain in the successive vessels alcohol of any desired strength and purity, “at one and the same heat.” He obtained a patent for this invention in 1801, and was soon afterwards enabled, by his success on the small scale, to set up in his native city a magnificent distillery, which excited the admiration of all the practical chemists of that day. In November, 1805, he obtained a certificate of certain improvements for extracting from wine, at one process, the whole of its alcohol. Adam was so overjoyed, after making his first experiments, that he ran about the streets of Montpellier, telling every body of the surprising results of his invention. Several competitors soon entered the lists with him, especially Solimani, professor of chemistry in that city, and Isaac The principles of spirituous distillation may be stated as follows:—The boiling point of alcohol varies with its density or strength, in conformity with the numbers in the following table:—
See also the table under Alcohol, page 16. Hence, the lower the temperature of the spirituous vapour which enters the refrigeratory apparatus, the stronger and purer will the condensed spirit be; because the offensive oils, which are present in the wash or wine, are less volatile than alcohol, and are brought over chiefly with the aqueous vapour. A perfect still should, therefore, consist of three distinct members; first, the cucurbit, or kettle; second, the rectifier, for intercepting more or less of the watery and oily particles; and third, the refrigerator, or condenser of the alcoholic vapours. These principles are illustrated in the construction of the still represented in figs. 1057, 1058, 1059, 1060, 1061.; in which the resources of the most refined French stills are combined with a simplicity and solidity suited to the grain distilleries of the United Kingdom. Three principal objects are obtained by the arrangement here shown; first, the extraction from fermented wort or wine, at one operation, of a spirit of any desired cleanness and strength; second, great economy of time, labour, and fuel; third, freedom from all danger of blowing up or boiling over, by mismanaged firing. When a combination of water, alcohol, and essential oil, in the state of vapour, is passed upwards through a series of winding passages, maintained at a determinate degree of heat, between 170° and 180°, the alcohol alone, in any notable proportion, will retain the elastic form, and will proceed onwards into the refrigeratory tube, in which the said passages terminate; while the water and the oil will be in a great measure condensed, arrested, and thrown back into the body of the still, to be discharged with the effete residuum. The system of passages or channels, represented in fig. 1058., is so contrived as to bring the mingled vapours which rise from the alembic a, into ample and intimate contact with metallic surfaces, maintained, in a water-bath, at a temperature self-regulated by a heat-governor. See Thermostat. The neck of the alembic tapers upwards, as shown at b, fig. 1057.; and at c, fig. 1058., it enters the bottom, or ingress vestibule, of the rectifier c, f. f is its top or egress vestibule, which communicates with the bottom one by parallel cases or rectangular channels d, d, d, of which the width is small, compared with the length and height. These cases are open at top and bottom, where they are soldered or riveted into a general frame within the cavity, enclosed by the two covers f, c, which are secured round their edges e, e, e, e, with bolts and packing. Each case is occupied with a numerous series of shelves or trays, placed at small distances over each other, in a horizontal or slightly inclined position, of which a side view is given in fig. 1059., and cross sections at d, d, d, fig. 1058. Each shelf is turned up a little at the two edges, and at one end, but sloped down at the other end, that the liquor admitted at the top may be made to flow slowly backwards and forwards in its descent through the system of shelves or trays, as indicated by the darts and spouts in fig. 1059. The shelves of each case are framed together by two or more vertical metallic rods, which pass down through them, and are fixed to each shelf by solder, or by screw-nuts. By this means, if the cover f, be removed, the sets of shelves may be readily lifted out of the cases and cleaned; for which reason they are called movable. The intervals i, i, i, fig. 1058., between the cases, are left for the free circulation of the water contained in the bath-vessel g, g; these intervals being considerably narrower than the cases. Fig. 1060. represents in plan the surface of the rectifying cistern, shown in two different sections in figs. 1058. and 1059. h, k, figs. 1058. and 1060., is the heat-governor, Fig. 1061. is the cold condenser, of similar construction to the rectifier, fig. 1058.; only the water cells should be here larger in proportion to the vapour channels d, d. This refrigeratory system will be found very powerful, and it presents the great advantage of permitting its interior to be readily inspected and cleansed. It is best made of laminated tin, hardened with a little copper alloy. The mode of working the preceding apparatus will be understood by the following instructions. Into the alembic, a, let as much fermented liquor be admitted as will protect its bottom from being injured by the fire, reserving the main body in the charging-back. Whenever the ebullition in the alembic has raised the temperature of the water-bath g, g, to the desired pitch, whether that be 170°, 175°, or 180°, the thermostatic instrument is to be adjusted by its screw-nut, and then the communication with the charging-back is to be opened by moving the index of the stopcock o, over a proper portion of its quadrantal arch. The wash will now descend in a slender equable stream, through the pipe o, f, thence spread into the horizontal tube p, p, and issue from the orifices of distribution, as seen in the figure, into the respective flat trays or spouts. The manner of its progress is seen for one set of trays, in fig. 1059. The direction of the stream in each shelf is evidently the reverse of that in the shelf above and below it; the turned-up end of one shelf corresponding to the discharge slope of its neighbour. By diffusing the cool wash or wine in a thin film over such an ample range of surfaces, the constant tendency of the bath to exceed the proper limit of temperature is counteracted to the utmost, without waste of time or fuel; for the wash itself, in transitu, becomes boiling-hot, and experiences a powerful steam distillation. By this arrangement a very moderate influx of cold water, through the thermostatic stopcock, suffices to temper the bath; such an extensive vaporization of the wash producing a far more powerful refrigerant influence than its simple heating to ebullition. It deserves to be remarked, that the maximum distillatory effect, or the bringing over the greatest quantity of pure spirits in the least time, and with the least labour and fuel, is here accomplished without the least steam pressure in the alembic; for the passages are Towards the end of the process, after all the wash has entered the alembic, it may be sometimes desirable, for the sake of despatch, to modify the thermostat, by its adjusting-screw, so that the bath may take a higher temperature, and allow the residuary feints to run rapidly over, into a separate cistern. This weak fluid may be pumped back into the alembic, as the preliminary charge of a fresh operation. The above plan of a water-bath regulated by the thermostat, may be used simply as a rectifying cistern, without transmitting the spirit or wash down through it. The series of shelves will cause the vapours from the still to impinge against a most extensive system of metallic surfaces, maintained at a steady temperature, whereby their watery and crude constituents will be condensed and thrown back, while their fine alcoholic particles will proceed forwards to the refrigeratory. Any ordinary still may be readily converted into this self-rectifying form, by merely interposing the cistern, fig. 1058., between the alembic and the worm-tub. The leading novelty of the present invention is the movable system of shelves or trays, enclosed in metallic cases, separated by water, combined with the thermostatic regulator. By this combination, any quality of spirits may be procured at one step from wash or wine, by an apparatus, simple, strong and easily kept in order. The empyreumatic taint which spirits are apt to contract from the action of the naked fire on the bottom of the still, may be entirely prevented by the use of a bath of potash lye, p, p, fig. 1057.; for thus a safe and effectual range of temperature, of 300° F., may be conveniently obtained. The still may also be used without the bath vessel. Mr. D. T. Shears, of Southwark, obtained a patent in March, 1830, for certain improvements and additions to stills, which are ingenious. They are founded upon a previous patent, granted to Joseph Corty, in 1818; a section of whose contrivance is shown in fig. 1062., consisting of a first still a, a second still b, a connecting tube c, from the one end to the other, and the tube d, which leads from the second still-head down through the bent tube e, e, to the lower part of the condensing apparatus. The original improvements described under Corty’s patent, consisted further, in placing boxes f, f, f, of the condensing apparatus in horizontal positions, and at a distance from each other, in order that the vapour might ascend through them, for the purpose of discharging the spirit by the top tube g, and pipe h, into the worm, in a highly rectified or concentrated state. In each of the boxes f, there is a convex plate or inverted dish i, i, i, and the vapour in rising from the tube e, strikes against the concave or under part of the first dish, and then escapes round its edges, and over its convex surface, to the under part of the second dish, and so on to the top, the condensed part of the vapour flowing down again into the still, and the spirit passing off by the pipe h, at top; and as the process of condensation will be assisted by cooling the vapour as it rises, cold water is made to flow over the tops of the boxes f, from a cock k, and through small channels or tubes on the sides of the boxes, and is ultimately discharged by the pipe l, at bottom. Fig. 1063. represents a peculiarly shaped tube a, through which the spirit is described as passing after leaving the end of the worm at b, which tube is open to the atmospheric Now the improvements claimed under the present patent, are exhibited in figs. 1064, 1065, and 1066. Fig. 1064. represents the external appearance of a still, the head of which is made very capacious, to guard against over-boiling by any mismanagement of the fire; fig. 1065. is the same, partly in section. On the top of the still-head is formed the first-described rectifying apparatus, or series of condensing boxes. The vapour from the body of the still filling the head, meets with the first check from the dish or lower vessel i, and after passing under its edges, ascends and strikes against the lower part of the second dish or vessel i, and so on, till it ultimately leaves the still-head by the pipe at top. This part of the apparatus is slightly altered from the former, by the substitution of hollow convex vessels, instead of the inverted dishes before described, which vessels have rims descending from their under surfaces, for the purpose of retaining the vapour. The cold water, which, as above described, flowed over the tops of the boxes f, for the purpose of cooling them, now flows also through the hollow convex vessels i, within the boxes, and by that means greatly assists the refrigerating process, by which the aqueous parts of the vapour are more readily condensed, and made to fall down and flow back again into the body of the still, while the spirituous parts pass off at top to the worm, in a very high state of rectification. After the water employed for the refrigeration has passed over all the boxes, and through all the vessels, it is carried off by the pipe m, through the vessel n, called the wash-heater; that is, the vessel in which the wash is placed previous to introducing it into the still. The pipe m, is coiled round in the lower part of the vessel n, in order that the heated water may communicate its caloric to the wash, instead of losing the heat by allowing the water to flow away. After the heated water has made several turns round the wash heater, it passes out at the curved pipe o, which is bent up, in order to keep the coils of the pipe within always full of water. Instead of the coiled pipe n, last described, the patentee proposes sometimes to pass the hot water into a chamber in a tub or wooden vessel, as at n, in fig. 1061., in which the wash to be heated occupies the upper part of the vessel, and is separated from the lower part by a thin metallic partition. The swan-neck h, figs. 1064. and 1065., which leads from the head of the still, conducts the spirit from the still through the wash-heater, where it becomes partially cooled, and gives out its heat to the wash; and from thence the spirit passes to the worm tub, and being finally condensed, is passed through a safety tube, as (fig. 1058.) before described, and by the funnel is conducted into the cask below. Should any spirit rise in the wash-heater during the above operation, it will be carried down to the worm by the neck p, and coiled pipe, and discharged at its lower end; or it may be passed into the still-head, as shown in fig. 1062. A patent was obtained by Mr. Æneas Coffey, in August, 1830, for a still, which has been since mounted in several distilleries. It is economical in fuel, labour, and time, but is said not to produce a clean spirit, without peculiar attention. The apparatus is represented in fig. 1067. a, b, c, d, is a sectional view of that part of the still wherein the wash is deprived of its alcohol, and the vapours analyzed. It is described as consisting of a chamber or vessel a, with the vertical chamber b, c, placed above it; the lower half of this chamber is divided into compartments by horizontal The patentee states that it is requisite the wash should be passed through the pipe k, with sufficient velocity and force, so as to prevent the deposition of sediment in the pipe; the wash in its passage through the pipe k, will gradually become increased in temperature as it passes through the spent wash in the chamber, and the close vessel d, until it is discharged nearly at the boiling point on the upper plate in the chamber, where it comes in contact with the vapours arising from the vessel a. It is to be observed, that the wort does not reach the boiling point while in the pipe k, k; to ascertain which, a thermometer is placed on the pipe, and by increasing or diminishing the quantity of wash, its temperature may be regulated. The wash, after being discharged from the pipe k, descends from plate to plate as before mentioned, at which time a supply of steam from a boiler, or generator is admitted into the apparatus, through the pipe. The lower part of this pipe in the vessel a, is pierced with a number of small holes, so as to spread the steam over the vessel; it then rises upwards, passing through the plate by the small holes and valves, and through the stratum or sheet of wash flowing over them; the wash, as it descends, gives out a portion of its alcohol to the steam, as it passes over every plate, until it is entirely deprived of its spirit, which it will generally do by the time it arrives at the 7th or 8th plate; but it is better to employ a greater number, to guard against accidents or neglect. A small steam pipe rises from the chamber a, with its upper end opening into the box or chamber; into this chamber the end of a worm projects from the cistern of cold water; the steam rising up the pipe is nearly all condensed in the worm, and flows back into the chamber a, by the pipe. The small portion of the steam uncondensed, is allowed to escape at the upper end of the worm, and the flame of a small lamp or taper is to be constantly kept over the orifice; when, should the least quantity of alcohol descend with the wash into the chamber a, it will rise with the steam through the pipe and worm, and immediately take fire from the flame of the lamp or taper, thereby warning the attendant to increase the supply of steam or diminish the quantity of wash, as may seem necessary. I shall conclude this article with a description of the cheap still which is commonly employed by the chemists in Berlin for rectifying alcohol. a, is the ash-pit; b, the fireplace; c, c, the flues, which go spirally round the sides of the cucurbit d; e, the capital, made of block tin, and furnished with a brass edge, which fits tight to a corresponding edge on the mouth of d; f, f, the slanting pipes of the capital; g, the oval refrigeratory, made of copper; h, the water-gauge glass tube; i, a stopcock for emptying the vessel; k, do., for drawing off the hot water from the surface; l, tube for the supply of cold water. A double cylinder of tin is placed in the refrigeratory, of which the outer one m, m, stands upon three feet, and is furnished with a discharge pipe n. The inner one o, o, which is open above, receives cold water through the pipe p, and lets the warm water flow off through the short tube q, into the refrigeratory. In the narrow space between the two cylinders, the vapours proceeding from the capital are condensed, and pass off in the liquid state through n. The refrigeratory is made oval, in order to receive two condensers alongside of each other in the line of the longer axis; though only one, and that in the middle, is represented in the figure. Mr. Keene obtained a patent, about a year ago, for making a factitious stone-paste in the following way:—He dissolves one pound of alum in a gallon of water, and in this solution he soaks 84 pounds of gypsum calcined in small lumps. He exposes these lumps in the open air for about eight days, till they become apparently dry, and then calcines them in an oven at a dull-red heat. The waste heat of a coke oven is well adapted for this purpose. (See Pitcoal, coking of.) These lumps, being ground and sifted, afford a fine powder, which, when made up into a paste with the proper quantity of water, forms the petrifying ground. The mass soon concretes, and after being brushed over with a thin layer of the petrifying paste, may be polished with pumice, &c., in the usual way. It then affords a body of great compactness and durability. If half a pound of copperas be added to the solution of the alum, the gypsum paste, treated as above, has a fine cream or yellow colour. This stone stands the weather well. I have recently performed some careful experiments upon this subject, and find that when the fuel is burning so slowly in the stove as not to heat the iron surface above the 250th or 300th degree of Fahr., there is a constant deflux of carbonic acid gas from the ash-pit into the room. This noxious emanation is most easily evinced by applying the beak of a matrass, containing a little Goulard’s extract (solution of subacetate of lead), to a round hole in the door of the ash-pit of a stove in this languid state of combustion. In a few seconds the liquid will become milky, by the reception of carbonic acid gas. I shall be happy to afford ocular demonstration of this fact to any incredulous votary of the pseudo-economical, anti-ventilation, stoves now so much in vogue. There is no mode in which the health and life of a person can be placed in more insidious jeopardy, than by sitting in a room with its chimney closed up with such a choke-damp-vomiting stove. That fuel may be consumed by an obscure species of combustion, with the emission of very little heat, was clearly shown in Sir H. Davy’s Researches on Flame. “The facts detailed on insensible combustion,” says he, “explain why so much more heat is obtained from fuel when it is burned quickly, than slowly; and they show that, in all cases, the temperature of the acting bodies should be kept as high as possible; not only because the general increment of heat is greater, but likewise because those combinations are prevented, which, at lower temperatures, take place without any considerable production of heat. These facts likewise indicate the source of the great error into which experimenters have fallen, in estimating the heat given out in the combustion of charcoal; and they indicate methods by which the temperature may be increased, and the limits to certain methods.” These conclusions are placed in a strong practical light by the following simple experiments:—I set upon the top orifice of a small cylindrical stove, a hemispherical copper pan, containing six pounds of water, at 60° F., and burned briskly under it 31/2 pounds of coke in an hour; at the end of which time, 41/2 pounds of water were boiled off. On burning the same weight of coke slowly in the same furnace, surmounted by the same pan, in the course of 12 hours, little more than one-half the quantity of water was exhaled. Yet, in the first case, the aerial products of combustion swept so rapidly over the bottom of the pan, as to communicate to it not more than one-fourth of the effective heat which might have been obtained by one of the plans described in the article Evaporation; while, in the second case, these products moved at least 12 times more slowly across the bottom of the pan, and ought therefore to have been so much the more effective in evaporation, had they possessed the same power or quantity of heat. Stoves, when properly constructed, may be employed both safely and advantageously to heat entrance-halls upon the ground story of a house; but care should be taken not to vitiate the air by passing it over ignited surfaces, as is the case with most of the patent stoves now foisted upon the public. Fig. 1073. exhibits a vertical section of a stove which has been recommended for power and economy; but it is highly objectionable, as being apt to scorch the air. The flame of the fire A, circulates round the horizontal pipes of cast iron, b b, c c, d d, e e, which receive the external air at the orifice b, and conduct it up through the series, till it issues highly heated at K, L, and may be thence conducted wherever it is wanted. The smoke escapes through the chimney B. This stove has evidently two prominent faults; first, it heats the air-pipes very unequally, Fig. 1074. exhibits a transverse vertical section of a far more economical and powerful stove, in which the above evils are avoided. The products of combustion of the fire A, rise up between two brick walls, so as to play upon the bed of tiles B, where, after communicating a moderate heat to the series of slanting pipes whose areas are represented by the small circles a, a, they turn to the right and left, and circulate round the successive rows of pipes b b, c c, d d, e e, and finally escape at the bottom by the flues g, g, pursuing a somewhat similar path to that of the burned air among a bench of gas-light retorts. It is known, that two-thirds of the fuel have been saved in the gas-works by this distribution of the furnace. For the purpose of heating apartments, the great object is to supply a vast body of genial air; and, therefore, merely such a moderate fire should be kept up in A, as will suffice to warm all the pipes pretty equably to the temperature of 220° Fahr.; and, indeed, as they are laid with a slight slope, are open to the air at their under ends, and terminate at the upper in a common main pipe or tunnel, they can hardly be rendered very hot by any intemperance of firing. I can safely recommend this stove to my readers. If the tubes be made of stoneware, its construction will cost very little; and they may be made of any size, and multiplied so as to carry off the whole effective heat of the fuel, leaving merely so much of it in the burned air, as to waft it fairly up the chimney. I shall conclude this article by a short extract of a paper which was read before the Royal Society, on the 16th of June, 1836, upon warming and ventilating apartments; a subject to which my mind had been particularly turned at that time, by the Directors of the Customs Fund of Life Assurance, on account of the very general state of indisposition and disease prevailing among those of their officers (nearly 100 in number) engaged on duty in the Long Room of the Custom House, London. “The symptoms of disorder experienced by the several gentlemen (about twenty in number), whom I examined, out of a great many who were indisposed, were of a very uniform character. The following is the result of my researches:— “A sense of tension or fulness of the head, with occasional flushings of the countenance, throbbing of the temples, and vertigo, followed, not unfrequently, with a confusion of ideas, very disagreeable to officers occupied with important and sometimes intricate calculations. A few are affected with unpleasant perspiration on their sides. The whole of them complain of a remarkable coldness and languor in their extremities, more especially the legs and feet, which has become habitual, denoting languid circulation in these parts, which requires to be counteracted by the application of warm flannels on going to bed. The pulse is, in many instances, more feeble, frequent, sharp, and irritable, than it ought to be, according to the natural constitution of the individuals. The sensations in the head occasionally rise to such a height, notwithstanding the most temperate regimen of life, as to require cupping, and at other times depletory remedies. Costiveness, though not a uniform, is yet a prevailing symptom. “The sameness of the above ailments, in upwards of one hundred gentlemen, at very various periods of life, and of various temperaments, indicates clearly sameness in the cause. “The temperature of the air in the Long Room ranged, in the three days of my experimental inquiry, from 62° to 64° of Fahrenheit’s scale; and in the Examiner’s Room it was about 60°, being kept somewhat lower by the occasional shutting of the hot-air valve, which is here placed under the control of the gentlemen; whereas that of the Long Room is designed to be regulated in the sunk story, by the fireman of the stove, who seems sufficiently careful to maintain an equable temperature amidst all the vicissitudes of our winter weather. Upon the 7th of January, the temperature of the open “The hot air discharged from the two cylindrical stove-tunnels into the Long Room was at 90° upon the 7th, and at 110° upon the 11th. This air is diluted, however, and disguised, by admixture with a column of cold air, before it is allowed to escape. The air, on the contrary, which heats the Examiner’s Room, undergoes no such mollification, and comes forth at once in an ardent blast of fully 170°; not unlike the simoom of the desert, as described by travellers. Had a similar nuisance, on the greater scale, existed in the Long Room, it could not have been endured by the merchants and other visitors on business: but the disguise of an evil is a very different thing from its removal. The direct air of the stove, as it enters the Examiner’s Room, possesses, in an eminent degree, the disagreeable smell and flavour imparted to air by the action of red-hot iron; and, in spite of every attention on the part of the fireman to sweep the stove apparatus from time to time, it carries along with it abundance of burned dusty particles. “The leading characteristic of the air in these two rooms, is its dryness and disagreeable smell. In the Long Room, upon the 11th, the air indicated, by Daniell’s hygrometer, 70 per cent. of dryness, while the external atmosphere was nearly saturated with moisture. The thermometer connected with the dark bulb of that instrument stood at 30° when dew began to be deposited upon it; while the thermometer in the air stood at 64°. In the court behind the Custom-house, the external air being at 35°, dew was deposited on the dark bulb of the hygrometer by a depression of only 3°; whereas in the Long Room, on the same day, a depression of 34° was required to produce that deposition. Air, in such a dry state, would evaporate 0·44 in. depth of water from a cistern in the course of twenty-four hours; and its influence on the cutaneous exhalents must be proportionably great. “As cast iron always contains, beside the metal itself, more or less carbon, sulphur, phosphorus, or even arsenic, it is possible that the smell of air passed over it in an incandescent state, may be owing to some of these impregnations; for a quantity of noxious effluvia, inappreciably small, is capable of affecting not only the olfactory nerves, but the pulmonary organs. I endeavoured to test the air as it issued from the valve in the Examiner’s Room, by presenting to it pieces of white paper moistened with a solution of nitrate of silver, and perceived a slight darkening to take place, as if by sulphurous fumes. White paper, moistened with sulphuretted hydrogen water, was not in the least discoloured. The faint impression on the first test paper, may be, probably, ascribed to sulphurous fumes, proceeding from the ignition of the myriads of animal and vegetable matters which constantly float in the atmosphere, as may be seen in the sunbeam admitted into a dark chamber: to this cause, likewise, the offensive smell of air, transmitted over red-hot iron, may in some measure be attributed, as well as to the hydrogen resulting from the decomposition of aqueous vapour, always present in our atmosphere in abundance; especially close to the banks of the Thames, below London Bridge. “When a column of air sweeps furiously across the burning deserts of Africa and Arabia, constituting the phenomenon called simoom by the natives, the air becomes not only very hot and dry, but highly electrical, as is evinced by lightning and thunder. Dry sands, devoid of vegetation, cannot be conceived to communicate any noxious gas or vapour to the atmosphere, like the malaria of marshes, called miasmata: it is, hence, highly probable that the blast of the simoom owes its deadly malignity, in reference to animal as well as vegetable life, simply to extreme heat, dryness, and electrical disturbance. Similar conditions, though on a smaller scale, exist in what is called the bell, or cockle, apparatus for heating the Long Room and the Examiner’s apartment in the Custom-house. It consists of a series of inverted, hollow, flattened pyramids of cast iron, with an oblong base, rather small in their dimensions, to do their work sufficiently in cold weather, when moderately heated. The inside of the pyramids is exposed to the flames of coke furnaces, which heat them frequently to incandescence, while currents of cold air are directed to their exterior surfaces by numerous sheet-iron channels. The incandescence of these pyramids, or bells, as they are vulgarly called, was proved by pieces of paper taking fire when I laid them on the summits. Again, since air becomes electrical when it is rapidly blown upon the surfaces of certain bodies, it occurred to me that the air which escapes into the Examiner’s Room might be in this predicament. It certainly excites the sensation of a cobweb playing round the head, which is well known to all who are familiar with electrical machines. To determine this point, I presented a condensing gold-leaf electrometer to the said current of hot air, and obtained faint divergence with negative electricity. The electricity must be impaired in its tension, however, in consequence of the air escaping through an iron grating, and striking against the flat iron valves, both of which tend to restore the electric equilibrium. The air blast, moreover, by being diffused round the glass of the “The fetid burned odour of the stove air, and its excessive avidity for moisture, are of themselves, however, sufficient causes of the general indisposition produced among the gentlemen who are permanently exposed to it in the discharge of their public duties. “From there being nearly a vacuum, as to aqueous vapour, in the said air, while there is nearly a plenum in the external atmosphere round about the Custom-house, the vicissitudes of feeling in those who have occasion to go out and in frequently, must be highly detrimental to health. The permanent action of an artificial desiccated air on the animal economy may be stated as follows:— “The living body is continually emitting a transpirable matter, the quantity of which, in a grown up man, will depend partly on the activity of the cutaneous exhalents, and partly on the relative dryness or moisture of the circumambient medium. Its average amount, in common circumstances, has been estimated at 20 ounces in twenty-four hours. “When plunged in a very dry air, the insensible perspiration will be increased; and, as it is a true evaporation or gasefaction, it will generate cold proportionably to its amount. Those parts of the body which are most insulated in the air, and furthest from the heart, such as the extremities, will feel this refrigerating influence most powerfully. Hence the coldness of the hands and feet, so generally felt by the inmates of the apartment, though its temperature be at or above 60°. The brain, being screened by the skull from this evaporating influence, will remain relatively hot, and will get surcharged, besides, with the fluids which are repelled from the extremities by the condensation, or contraction, of the blood-vessels, caused by cold. Hence the affections of the head, such as tension, and its dangerous consequences. If sensible perspiration happen, from debility, to break forth from a system previously relaxed, and plunged into dry air, so attractive of vapour, it will be of the kind called a cold clammy sweat on the sides and back, as experienced by many inmates of the Long Room. “Such, in my humble apprehension, is a rationale of the phenomena observed at the Custom-house. Similar effects have resulted from hot-air stoves of a similar kind in many other situations. “After the most mature physical and medical investigation, I am of opinion that the circumstances above specified cannot act permanently upon human beings, without impairing their constitutions, and reducing the value of their lives. The Directors of the Customs Fund are therefore justified in their apprehensions, ‘that the mode of heating the Long Room is injurious to the health of persons employed therein, and that it must unduly shorten the duration of life.’ “It may be admitted, as a general principle, that the comfort of sedentary individuals, occupying large apartments during the winter months, cannot be adequately secured by the mere influx of hot air from separate stove-rooms: it requires the genial influence of radiating surfaces in the apartments themselves, such as of open fires, of pipes, or other vessels filled with hot water or steam. The clothing of our bodies, exposed to such radiation in a pure, fresh, somewhat cool and bracing air, absorbs a much more agreeable warmth than it could acquire by being merely immersed in an atmosphere heated even to 62° Fahr., like that of the Long Room. In the former predicament, the lungs are supplied with a relatively dense air, say at 52° Fahr.; while the external surface of the body or the clothing is maintained at, perhaps, 70° or 75°. This distinctive circumstance has not, I believe, been hitherto duly considered by the stove doctors, each intent on puffing his own pecuniary interest; but it is obviously one of great importance, and which the English people would do well to keep in view; because it is owing to our domestic apartments being heated by open fires, and our factories by steam pipes, that the health of our population, and the expectation of life among all orders in this country, are so much better than in France and Germany, where hot-air stoves, neither agreeable nor inoffensive, and in endless variety of form, are generally employed. “In conclusion, I take leave to state to you my firm conviction that the only method of warming your Long Room and subsidiary apartments, combining salubrity, safety, and economy, with convenience in erection and durable comfort in use, is by a series of steam pipes laid along the floor, at the line of the desk partitions, in suitable lengths, with small arched junction-pipes rising over the several doorways, to keep the passages clear, and at the same time to allow a free expansion and contraction in the pipes, thereby providing for the permanent soundness of the joints.” It would not be difficult to construct a stove or stove-grate which should combine economy and comfort of warming an apartment, with briskness of combustion and durability of the fire, without any noxious deflux of carbonic acid. See Chimney. After the straw has been about a month in the mow, it is removed to a meadow and spread out, that the dew may act upon it, together with the sun and air, and promote the bleaching, it being necessary frequently to turn the straw while this process is going on. The first process of bleaching being complete, the lower joint and root is pulled from the straw, leaving the upper part fit for use, which is then sorted according to qualities; and after being submitted to the action of steam, for the purpose of extracting its colour, and then to a fumigation of sulphur, to complete the bleaching, the straws are in a condition to be platted or woven into hats and bonnets, and are in that state imported into England in bundles, the dried ears of the wheat being still on the straw. Straw may be easily bleached by a solution of chloride of lime, and also by sulphuring. For the latter purpose, a cask open at both ends, with its seams papered, is to be set upright a few inches from the ground, having a hoop nailed to its inside, about six inches beneath the top, to support another hoop with a net stretched across it, upon which the straw is to be laid in successive handfuls loosely crossing each other. The cask having been covered with a tight overlapping lid, stuffed with lists of cloth, a brazier of burning charcoal is to be inserted within the bottom, and an iron dish containing pieces of brimstone is to be put upon the brazier. The brimstone soon takes fire, and fills the cask with sulphurous acid gas, whereby the straw gets bleached in the course of three or four hours. Care should be taken to prevent such a violent combustion of the sulphur as might cause black burned spots, for these cannot be afterwards removed. The straw, after being aired and softened by spreading it upon the grass for a night, is ready to be split, preparatory to dyeing. Blue is given by a boiling-hot solution of indigo in sulphuric acid, called Saxon blue, diluted to the desired shade; yellow, by decoction of turmeric; red, by boiling hanks of coarse scarlet wool in a bath of weak alum water, containing the straw; or directly, by cochineal, salt of tin, and tartar. Brazil wood and archil are also employed for dyeing straw. For the other colours, see their respective titles in this Dictionary. Sugar, extracted either from the cane, the beet, or the maple, is identical in its properties and composition, when refined to the same pitch of purity; only that of the beet seems to surpass the other two in cohesive force, since larger and firmer crystals of it are obtained from a clarified solution of equal density. It contains 5·3 per cent. of combined water, which can be separated only by uniting it with oxide of lead, into what has been called a saccharate; made by mixing syrup with finely ground litharge, and evaporating the mixture to dryness upon a steam-bath. When sugar is exposed to a heat of 400° F., it melts into a brown pasty mass, but still retains its water of composition. Sugar thus fused is no longer capable of crystallization, and is called caramel by the French. It is used for colouring liqueurs. Indeed sugar is so susceptible of change by heat, that if a colourless solution of it be exposed for some time to the temperature of boiling water, it becomes brown and partially uncrystallizable. Acids exercise such an injurious influence upon sugar, that after remaining in contact with it for a little while, though they be rendered thoroughly neutral, a great part of the sugar will refuse to crystallize. Thus, if 3 parts of oxalic or tartaric acid be added to sugar in solution, no crystals of sugar can be obtained by evaporation, even though the acids be neutralized by chalk or carbonate of lime. By boiling cane sugar with dilute sulphuric acid, it is changed into starch sugar. Manufacturers of sugar should be, therefore, particularly watchful against every acidulous taint or impregnation. Nitric acid converts sugar into oxalic and malic acids. Alkaline matter is likewise most detrimental to the grain of sugar; as is always evinced by the large quantity of molasses formed, when an excess of temper lime has been used in clarifying the juice of the cane or the beet. When one piece of lump sugar is rubbed against another in the dark, a phosphorescent light is emitted. Sugar is soluble in all proportions in water; but it takes four parts of spirits of wine, of spec. grav. 0·830, and 80 of absolute alcohol, to dissolve it, both being at a boiling temperature. As the alcohol cools, it deposits the sugar in small crystals. Caramelized and uncrystallizable sugar dissolves readily in alcohol. Pure sugar is unchangeable in the air, even when dissolved in a good deal of water, if the solution be kept covered and in the dark; but with a very small addition of gluten, the solution soon begins to ferment, whereby the sugar is decomposed into alcohol and carbonic acid, and ultimately into acetic acid. Sugar forms chemical compounds with the salifiable bases. It dissolves readily in That syrup possesses the property of dissolving the alkaline earths, lime, magnesia, strontites, barytes, was demonstrated long ago by Mr. Ramsay of Glasgow, by experiments published in Nicholson’s Journal, vol. xviii. page 9, for September 1807. He found that syrup is capable of dissolving half as much lime as it contains of sugar; and as much strontites as sugar. Magnesia dissolved in much smaller quantity, and barytes seemed to decompose the sugar entirely. These results have been since confirmed by Professor Daniell. Mr. Ramsay characterized sugar treated with lime as weak, from its sweetening power being impaired; from its solution he obtained, after some time, a deposit of calcareous carbonate. M. Pelouze has lately shown that the carbonic acid in this case is derived from the atmosphere, and is not formed at the expense of the elements of the sugar, as Mr. Daniell had asserted. Sugar forms with oxide of lead two combinations; the one soluble, the other insoluble. Oxide of lead digested in syrup dissolves to a certain amount, forms a yellowish liquor, which possesses an alkaline reaction, and leaves after evaporation an uncrystallizable, viscid, deliquescent mass. If syrup be boiled with oxide of lead in excess, if the solution be filtered boiling hot, and if the phial be corked in which it is received, white bulky flocks will fall to its bottom in the course of 24 hours. This compound is best dried in vacuo. It is in both cases light, tasteless, and insoluble in cold and boiling water; it takes fire like German tinder (Amadou), when touched at one point with an ignited body, and burns away, leaving small globules of lead. It dissolves in acids, and also in neutral acetate of lead, which forms with the oxide a subsalt, and sets the sugar free. Carbonic acid gas passed through water, in which the above saccharate is diffused, decomposes it with precipitation of carbonate of lead. It consists of 58·26 parts of oxide of lead, and 41·74 sugar, in 100 parts. From the powerful action exercised upon sugar by acids and oxide of lead, we may see the fallacy and danger of using these chemical reagents in sugar-refining. Sugar possesses the remarkable property of dissolving the oxide, as well as the subacetate of copper (verdigris), and of counteracting their poisonous operation. Orfila found that a dose of verdigris, which would kill a dog in an hour or two, might be swallowed with impunity, provided it was mixed with a considerable quantity of sugar. When a solution of sugar is boiled with the acetate of copper, it causes an abundant precipitate of protoxide of copper; when boiled with the nitrates of mercury and silver, or the chloride of gold, it reduces the respective bases to the metallic state. The following Table shows the quantities of Sugar contained in Syrups of the annexed specific gravities.
If the decimal part of the number denoting the specific gravity of syrup, be multiplied by 26, the product will denote very nearly the quantity of sugar per gallon in pounds weight, at the given specific gravity. Sugar has been analyzed by several chemists; the following Table exhibits some of their results:—
Of the sugar cane, and the extraction of sugar from it.—Humboldt, after the most elaborate historical and botanical researches in the New World, has arrived at the conclusion, that before America was discovered by the Spaniards, the inhabitants of that continent and the adjacent islands were entirely unacquainted with the sugar canes, with any of our corn plants, and with rice. The progressive diffusion of the cane has been thus traced out by the partisans of its oriental origin. From the interior of Asia it was transplanted first into Cyprus, and thence into Sicily, or possibly by the Saracens directly into the latter island, in which a large quantity of sugar was manufactured in the year 1148. Lafitau relates the donation made by William the Second, king of Sicily, to the convent of St. Benoit, of a mill for crushing sugar canes, along with all its privileges, workmen, and dependencies: which remarkable gift bears the date of 1166. According to this author, the sugar cane must have been imported into Europe at the period of the Crusades. The monk Albertus Aquensis, in the description which he has given of the processes employed at Acre and at Tripoli to extract sugar, says, that in the Holy Land, the Christian soldiers being short of provisions, had recourse to sugar canes, which they chewed for subsistence. Towards the year 1420, Dom Henry, regent of Portugal, caused the sugar cane to be imported into Madeira from Sicily. This plant succeeded perfectly in Madeira and the Canaries; and until the discovery of America these islands supplied Europe with the greater portion of the sugar which it consumed. The cane is said by some to have passed from the Canaries into the Brazils; but by others, from the coast of Angola in Africa, where the Portuguese had a sugar colony. It was transported in 1506, from the Brazils and the Canaries, into Hispaniola or Hayti, where several crushing-mills were constructed in a short time. It would appear, moreover, from the statement of Peter Martyr, in the third book of his first Decade, written during the second expedition of Christopher Columbus, which happened between 1493 and 1495, that even at this date the cultivation of the sugar cane was widely spread in St. Domingo. It may therefore be supposed to have been introduced here by Columbus himself, at his first voyage, along with other productions of Spain and the Canaries, and that its cultivation had come into considerable activity at the period of his second expedition. Towards the middle of the 17th century, the sugar cane was imported into Barbadoes from Brazil, then into the other English West Indian possessions, into the Spanish Islands on the coast of America, into Mexico, Peru, Chile, and, last of all, into the French, Dutch, and Danish colonies. The sugar cane, Arundo saccharifera, is a plant of the graminiferous family, which varies in height from 8 to 10, or even to 20 feet. Its diameter is about an inch and a half; its stem is dense, brittle, and of a green hue, which verges to yellow at the approach of maturity. It is divided by prominent annular joints of a whitish-yellow colour, the plane of which is perpendicular to the axis of the stem. These joints are placed about 3 inches apart; and send forth leaves, which fall off with the ripening of the plant. The leaves are 3 or 4 feet long, flat, straight, pointed, from 1 to 2 inches in breadth, of a sea-green tint, striated in their length, alternate, embracing the stem by their base. They are marked along their edges with almost imperceptible teeth. In the 11th or 12th month of their growth, the canes push forth at their top a sprout 7 or 8 feet in height, nearly half an inch in diameter, smooth, and without joints, to which the name arrow is given. This is terminated by an ample panicle, about 2 feet long, divided into several knotty ramifications, composed of very numerous flowers, of a white colour, apetalous, and furnished with 3 stamens, the anthers of which are a little oblong. The roots of the sugar cane are jointed and nearly cylindrical; in diameter they are about one twelfth of an inch; in their utmost length 1 foot, presenting over their surface a few short radicles. The stem of the cane in its ripe state is heavy, very smooth, brittle, of a yellowish-violet, or whitish colour, according to the variety. It is filled with a fibrous, spongy, dirty-white pith, which contains very abundant sweet juice. This juice is elaborated separately in each internodary portion, the functions of which are in this respect independent of the portions above and below. The cane may be propagated by seeds or buds with equal facility; but it is usually done by cuttings or joints of proper lengths, from 15 to 20 inches, in proportion to the nearness of the joints, which are generally taken from the tops of the canes, just below the leaves. There are several varieties of the sugar-cane plant. The first, and longest known, is the creole, or common sugar cane, which was originally introduced at Madeira. It grows freely in every region within the tropics, on a moist soil, even at an elevation of 3000 feet above the level of the sea. In Mexico, among the mountains of Caudina-Masca, it is cultivated to a height of more than 5000 feet. The quantity and quality of sugar which it yields, is proportional to the heat of the place where it grows, provided it be not too moist and marshy. The second variety of this plant is the Otaheitan cane. It was introduced into the West Indies about the end of the 18th century. This variety, stronger, taller, with longer spaces between the joints, quicker in its growth, and much more productive in sugar, succeeds perfectly well in lands which seem too much impoverished to grow the ordinary cane. It sends forth shoots at temperatures which chill the growth and development of the creole plant. Its maturation does not take more than a year, and is accomplished sometimes in nine months. From the strength of its stem, and the woodiness of its fibres, it better resists the storms. It displays a better inflorescence, weighs a third more, affords a sixth more juice, and a fourth more sugar, than the common variety. Its main advantage, however, is to yield four crops in the same time that the creole cane yields only three. Its juice contains less feculency and mucilage, whence its sugar is more easily crystallized, and of a fairer colour. Besides these two varieties, another kind is described by Humboldt and Bonpland, under the name of the violet sugar-cane, for its haum and leaves are of this colour. It was transported from Batavia in 1782. It flowers a month sooner than the rest, that is, in August, but it yields less solid sugar, and more liquid, both of which have a violet tint. In saying that the cane may be propagated by seeds as well as buds, we must remark, that in all the colonies of the New World, the plant flowers, indeed, but it then sends forth a shoot (arrow), that is, its stem elongates, and the seed-vessel proves abortive. For this reason, the bud-joints must there be used for its propagation. It grows to seed, however, in India. This circumstance occurs with some other plants, which, when propagated by their roots, cease to yield fertile seeds; such as the banana, the bread-fruit, the lily, and the tulip. In the proper season for planting, the ground is marked out by a line into rows three or four feet asunder, in which rows the canes are planted about two feet apart. The series of rows is divided into pieces of land 60 or 70 feet broad, leaving spaces of about 20 feet, for the convenience of passage, and for the admission of sun and air between the stems. Canes are usually planted in trenches, about 6 or 8 inches deep, made with the hand-hoe, the raised soil being heaped to one side, for covering-in the young cane; into the holes a negro drops the number of cuttings intended to be inserted, the digging being performed by other negroes. The earth is then drawn about the hillocks with the hoe. This labour has been, however, in many places better and more cheaply performed by the plough; a deep furrow being made, into which the cuttings are regularly planted, and the mould then properly turned in. If the ground is to be afterwards kept clear by the horse-hoe, the rows of canes should be 5 feet asunder, and the hillocks 21/2 feet distant, with only one cane left in one hillock. After some shoots appear, the sooner the horse-hoe is used, the more will the plants thrive, by keeping the weeds under, and stirring up the soil. Plant-canes of the first growth have been known to yield, on the brick-mould of Jamaica, in very fine seasons, 21/2 tons of sugar per acre. The proper season for planting the cane-slips, containing the buds, namely, the top part of the cane, stripped of its leaves, and the two or three upper joints, is in the interval between August and the beginning of November. Favoured by the autumnal weather, the young plants become luxuriant enough to shade the ground before the dry season sets in; thereby keeping the roots cool and moderately moist. By this arrangement the creole canes are ripe for the mill in the beginning of the second year, so as to enable the manager to finish his crop early in June. There is no greater error in the colonist than planting canes at an improper season of the year, whereby his whole system of operations becomes disturbed and, in a certain degree, abortive. The withering and fall of a leaf afford a good criterion of the maturity of the cane-joint to which it belonged; so that the eight last leafless joints of two canes, which are cut the same day, have exactly the same age and the same ripeness, though one of the canes be 15 and the other only 10 months old. Those, however, cut towards the end of the dry season, before the rains begin to fall, produce better sugar than those cut in the rainy season, as they are then somewhat diluted with watery juice, and require more evaporation to form sugar. It may be reckoned a fair average product, when one pound of sugar is obtained from one gallon (English) of juice. Rattoons (a word corrupted from rejettons) are the sprouts or suckers that spring from the roots or stoles of the canes that have been previously cut for sugar. They are commonly ripe in 12 months; but canes of the first growth are called plant-canes, being the direct produce of the original cuttings or germs placed in the ground, and require a longer period to bring them to maturity. The first yearly return from the roots that are cut over, are called first rattoons; the second year’s growth, second rattoons; and so on, according to their age. Instead of stocking up his rattoons, holing, and planting the land anew, the planter suffers the stoles to continue in the ground, and contents When the planted canes are ripe, they are cut close above the ground, by an oblique section, into lengths of 3 or 4 feet, and transported in bundles to the mill-house. If the roots be then cut off, a few inches below the surface of the soil, and covered up with fine mould, they will push forth more prolific offsets or rattoons, than when left projecting in the common way. OF SUGAR MILLS. The first machines employed to squeeze the canes, were mills similar to those which serve to crush apples in some cider districts, or somewhat like tan-mills. In the centre of a circular area, of about 7 or 8 feet in diameter, a vertical heavy wheel was made to revolve on its edge, by attaching a horse to a cross beam projecting horizontally from it, and making it move in a circular path. The cane pieces were strewed on the somewhat concave bed in the path of the wheel, and the juice expressed flowed away through a channel or gutter in the lowest part. This machine was tedious and unproductive. It was replaced by the vertical cylinder-mill of Gonzales de Velosa; which has continued till modern times, with little variation of external form, but is now generally superseded by the sugar-mill with horizontal cylinders. Specification of, and Observations on, the Construction and Use of the best Horizontal Sugar-mill. Fig. 1075. Front elevation of the entire mill. Fig. 1076. Horizontal plan. Fig. 1077. End elevation. Fig. 1078. Diagram, showing the dispositions of the feeding and delivering rollers, feeding board, returner, and delivering board. Fig. 1075. A, A, solid foundation of masonry; B, B, bed plate; C, C, headstocks or standards; D, main shaft (seen only in fig. 1076.); E, intermediate shaft; F, F, plummer-blocks of main shaft D, (seen only in fig. 1076.); H, driving pinion on the fly-wheel shaft of engine; I, first motion mortise wheel driven by the pinion; K, second motion pinion, on the same shaft; L, second motion mortise-wheel, on the main shaft; M, brays of wood, holding the plummer-blocks for shaft D; N, wrought-iron straps connecting the brays to the standards C, C; O, O, regulating screws for the brays; P, top roller and gudgeons; Q and R, the lower or feeding and delivering rollers; S, clutch for the connexion of the side of lower rollers Q and R, to the main shaft (seen only in fig. 1076.); T, T, the drain gutters of the mill-bed (seen only in fig. 1076.). The same letters of reference are placed respectively on the same parts of the mill in each of figs. 1075, 1076, and 1077. The relative disposition of the rollers is shown in the diagram, fig. 1078., in which A is the top roller; B, the feeding roller; C, the delivering roller; D, the returner; E, the feed board; F, the delivering board. The rollers are made two inches and a quarter to two inches and a half thick, and ribbed in the centre. The feeding and delivering rollers have small flanges at their ends (as shown in fig. 1075.), between which the top roller is placed; these flanges prevent the pressed canes or begass from working into the mill-bed. The feeding and top rollers are generally fluted, and sometimes diagonally, enabling them the better to seize the canes from the feed-board. It is, however, on the whole, considered better to flute the feeding roller only, leaving the top and delivering rollers plane; when the top roller is fluted, it should be very slightly, for, after the work of a few weeks, its surface becomes sufficiently rough to bite the canes effectively. The practical disadvantage of fluting the delivering rollers, is in the grooves carrying round a portion of liquor, which is speedily absorbed by the spongy begass, as well as in breaking the begass itself, and thus causing great waste. The feed board is now generally made of cast iron, and is placed at a considerable inclination, to allow the canes to slip the more easily down to the rollers. The returner is also of cast iron, serrated on the edge, to admit the free flowing of the liquor to the mill-bed. The concave returner, formerly used, was pierced with holes to drain off the liquor, but it had the serious disadvantage of the holes choking up with the splinters of the cane, and has therefore been discarded. The delivering board is of cast iron, fitted close to the roller, to detach any begass that may adhere to it, and otherwise mix with the liquor. In Demerara, Surinam, Cayenne, and the alluvial district of Trinidad, it is usual to attach to the mill a liquor-pump, with two barrels and three adjustments of stroke. This is worked from the gudgeon of the top roller. In action, the liquor from the gutter of the mill-bed runs into the cistern of the pump, and is raised by the pump to the gutter which leads to the clarifier or coppers. Such pumps have brass barrels and copper discharging pipes, are worked with a very slow motion, and require to be carefully adjusted to the quantity of liquor to be raised, which, without such precaution, is either not drawn off sufficiently quick, or is agitated with air in the barrels, and delivered to the gutter in a state of fermentation. In working this mill, the feeding roller is kept about half an inch distant from the upper roller, but the delivering roller is placed so close to it, as to allow the begass to pass through unbroken. The practice with this mill is to cut the sugar canes into short lengths of about three feet, and bring them to the mill tied up in small bundles; there the feeder unties them, throws them on the feed board, and spreads them so that they may cross each The relative merits of horizontal and vertical sugar-mills on this construction, may be thus stated:—The horizontal mill is cheaper in construction, and is more easily fixed; the process of feeding is performed at about one-half of the labour, and in a much superior manner; the returner guides the canes to receive the last pressure more perfectly; and the begass is not so much broken as in the vertical mill; but left tolerably entire, so as to be tied, dried, and stored, with less trouble and waste. The vertical mill has a considerable advantage, in being more easily washed; and it can be readily and cheaply mounted in wooden framing; but the great labour of feeding the vertical mill, renders it nearly inapplicable to any higher power than that of about ten horses. In situations where the moving power is a windmill, or a cattle gin, the vertical mill may be preferred. The scale of produce of such mills varies according to the climate and soil. In Demerara, a well constructed engine and mill will produce about 100 gallons of liquor per hour for each horse power. The dimensions of the most approved horizontal mills are these:—
The surface speed of the rollers is 3·4 or 3·6 feet per minute; and to provide for the varying resistance arising from irregular feeding, or the accidental crossing of the canes, by which the engine is often brought up so suddenly as to break the fly-wheel shaft, it is necessary to make both the shaft and the fly-wheel of unusual strength and weight. Sugar is manufactured in the East Indies by two distinct classes of persons; the ryots, who raise the sugar cane, extract its juice, and inspissate it to a syrupy consistence; and the goldars, who complete the conversion into sugar. The ryots are the farmers, or actual cultivators of the soil; but, properly speaking, they are merely peasants, toiling under oppressive landlords, and miserably poor. After they cut the canes, they extract the juice by one or other of the rude mills or mortars presently to be described, and boil it down to an entire mass, which is generically called goor, without making any attempt to clarify it, or separate the granular Several sorts of cane are cultivated in India. The Cadjoolee (fig. 1079.) is a purple-coloured cane; yields a sweeter and richer juice than the yellow or light coloured, but in less quantities, and is harder to press. It grows in dry lands. When eaten raw, it is somewhat dry and pithy in the mouth, but is esteemed very good for making sugar. It is not known to the West India planter. The leaves rise from a point 6 feet above the ground. An oblique and transverse section of the cane is represented by the parts near the bottom of the figure. The Pooree is a light-coloured cane, yellow, inclining to white, deeper yellow when ripe and on rich ground. West India planters consider it the same sort as one of theirs. It is softer and more juicy than the preceding, but the juice is less rich, and produces a weaker sugar. It requires seven parts of pooree juice to make as much goor as is produced from six of the cadjoolee. Much of this cane is brought to the Calcutta market, and eaten raw. The Cullorah thrives in swampy lands, is light-coloured, and grows to a great height. Its juice is more watery, and yields a weaker sugar also than the cadjoolee. However, since much of Bengal consists of low grounds, and since the upland canes are apt to suffer from drought, it deserves encouragement in certain localities. It is only large farms that cut an acre of cane in a year; one mill, therefore, and one set of the implements used in inspissating the juice, although very rude and simple, serve for several farms, and generally belong to some wealthy man, who lets them out for hire to his poorer neighbours, the whole of whom unite to clear each other’s fields by turns; so that though many people and cattle are employed at one of these miserable sets of works, very few indeed are hired, and the greater part of the labour is performed by the common stock of the farms. The inspissated juice, or extract of cane, called by the natives goor, is of two kinds; one of which may be termed cake extract, and the other pot extract; both being often denominated jaggery, as above stated, by the English residents. One-third of an acre of good land in the southern districts, is reckoned by the farmers to produce 18,891 pounds of cane, and 1,159 pounds of pot extract. Its produce in cake extract is about 952 pounds. I shall now describe the primitive rude mill and boiler used in preparing the extract of sugar cane, and which are usually let to the ryots by the day. The mill in Dinajpur, fig. 1080. is on the principle of a pestle and mortar. The pestle, however, does not beat the canes, but is rubbed against them, as is done in many chemical triturations; and the moving force is two oxen. The mortar is generally a tamarind tree, one end of which is sunk deep in the ground, to give it firmness. The part projecting a, a, a, a, may be about two feet high, and a foot and a half in diameter; and in the upper end a hollow is cut, like the small segment of a sphere. In the centre of this, a The boiling apparatus is somewhat better contrived, and is placed under a shed, though the mill is without shelter. The fireplace is a considerable cavity dug in the ground, and covered with an iron boiler p, fig. 1081. At one side of this, is an opening q, for throwing in fuel; and opposite to this, is another opening, which communicates with the horizontal flue. This is formed by two parallel mud walls r, r, s, s, about 20 feet long, 2 feet high, and 18 inches distant from each other. A row of eleven earthen boilers t, is placed on these walls, and the interstices u, are filled with clay, which completes the furnace-flue, an opening v, being left at the end, for giving vent to the smoke. The juice, as it comes from the mill, is first put into the earthen boiler that is most distant from the fire, and is gradually removed from one boiler to another, until it reaches the iron one, where the process is completed. The fireplace is manifestly on the same model as the boiler range in the West Indies, and may possibly have suggested it, since the Hindostan furnace is, no doubt, of immemorial usage. The execution of its parts is very rude and imperfect. The inspissated juice that can be prepared in 24 hours by such a mill, with 16 men and 20 oxen, amounts to no more than 476 lbs.; and it is only in the southern parts of the district, where the people work night and day, that the sugar-works are so productive. In the northern districts, the people work only during the day, and inspissate about one-half the quantity of juice. The average daily make of a West India sugar-house, is from 2 to 3 hogsheads, of 16 cwts each. The Indian manufacturers of sugar purchase the above inspissated juice or goor from the farmers, and generally prefer that of a granular honey consistence, which is offered for sale in pots. As this, however, cannot conveniently be brought from a distance, some of the cake kind is also employed. The boilers are of two sizes; one adapted for making at each operation about ten cwt.; the other, about eight and a half. The latter is the segment of a sphere, nine feet diameter at the mouth; the former is larger. The boiler is sunk into a cylindrical cavity in the ground, which serves as a fireplace, so that its edge is just above the floor of the boiling-house. The fuel is thrown in by an aperture close to one side of the boiler, and the smoke escapes by a horizontal chimney that passes out on the opposite side of the hut, and has a small round aperture, about ten feet distant from the wall, in order to lessen the danger from fire. Some manufacturers have only one boiler; others as many as four; but each boiler has a separate hut, in one end of which is some spare fuel; and in the other, some bamboo stages, which support cloth strainers, that are used in the operation. This hut is about twenty-four cubits long, and ten broad; has mud walls, six cubits high; and is raised about one cubit above the ground. For each boiler, two other houses are required: one in which the cane extract is separated by straining from the molasses, is about twenty cubits long by ten wide; another, about thirty cubits long, by eight wide, is that in which, after the extract has been strained, boiled and clarified, the treacle is separated from the sugar by an operation analogous to claying. Each sugar manufacturer has a warehouse besides, of a size proportional to the number of his boilers. About 960 pounds of pot extract being divided into four parts, each is put into a bag of coarse sackcloth, hung over an equal number of wide-mouthed earthen vessels, and is besprinkled with a little water. These drain from the bags about 240 lbs. of a substance analogous to West Indian molasses. The remainder in the bags is a kind of coarse muscovado sugar; but is far from being so well drained and freed from molasses as that of the Antilles. The 720 lbs. of this substance are then put into a boiler with 270 pounds of water, and the mixture is boiled briskly for 144 minutes, when 180 additional pounds of water are added, and the boiling is continued for 48 minutes more. An alkaline solution is prepared from the ashes of the plantain tree, strewed over straw placed in the bottom of an earthen pot perforated with holes. Ninety pounds of water are passed through; and 6 pounds of the clear lixivium are added to the boiling syrup, whereby a thick scum is raised, which is removed. After 24 minutes, four and a half pounds of alkaline solution, and about two-fifths of a pound of raw milk, are added; after which the boiling and skimming are continued 24 minutes. This must be repeated from five to seven times, until no more scum appears. 240 pounds of water being now added, the liquor is to be poured into a number of strainers. These are bags of coarse cotton cloth, in the form of inverted quadrangular pyramids, each of which is suspended from a frame of wood, about 2 feet square. The operation of straining occupies about 96 minutes. The strained liquor is divided into three parts: one of these is put into a boiler, with from half a pound to a pound and a half of alkaline solution, one-twelfth of a pound of milk, and 12 pounds of water. After having boiled for between 48 and 72 minutes, three quarters of a pound of milk are added, and the liquor is poured, in equal portions, into four refining pots. These are wide at the mouth, and pointed at the bottom; but are not conical, for the sides are curved. The bottom is perforated, and the stem of a plantain leaf forms a plug for closing the aperture. The two remaining portions of the strained liquor are managed in exactly the same manner; so that each refining pot has its share of each portion. When they have cooled a little, the refining pot is removed to the curing-house, and placed on the ground for 24 hours; next day they are placed on a frame, which supports them at some distance from the ground. A wide-mouthed vessel is placed under each, to receive the viscid liquor that drains from them. In order to draw off this more completely, moist leaves of the Valisneria spiralis are placed over the mouth of the pot, to the thickness of two inches; after 10 or 12 days, these are removed; when a crust of sugar, about half an inch in thickness is found on the surface of the boiled liquor. The crust being broken and removed, fresh leaves are repeatedly added, until the whole sugar has formed; which requires from 75 to 90 days. When cake extract is used, it does not require to be strained before it be put into the boiler. On the above-described operose and preposterous process, it is needless to make any remarks. While it is adhered to with the tenacity of Hindu habit, the West Indies has no reason to fear the competition of the East, in the manufacture of sugar, provided the former avail themselves of the aids which chemical and mechanical science are ready to supply. In every part of the Behar and Putna districts, several of the confectioners prepare the coarse article called shukkur, which is entirely similar in appearance to the inferior Jamaica sugars. They prepare it by putting some of the thin extract of sugar cane into coarse sackcloth bags, and by laying weights on them, they squeeze out the molasses; a process perfectly analogous to that contemplated in several English patents. The sugar-mill at Chica Ballapura is worked by a single pair of buffaloes or oxen, fig. 1082., going round with the lever A, which is fixed on the top of the right-hand roller. The two rollers have endless screw heads B, which are formed of 4 spiral grooves and 4 spiral ridges, cut in opposite directions, which turn into one another, when the mill is working. These rollers and their heads are of one piece, made of the toughest and hardest wood that can be got, and such as will not impart any bad taste to the juice. They are supported in a thick strong wooden frame, and their distance from each other is regulated by means of wedges, which pass through mortises in the frame planks, and a groove made in a bit of some The mill used in Burdwan and near Calcutta, is simply two small wooden cylinders, grooved, placed horizontally, close to each other, and turned by two men, one at each end. This simple engine is said completely, but slowly, to express the juice. It is very cheap, the prime cost not being two rupees; and being easily moved from field to field, it saves much labour in the carriage of the cane. Notwithstanding this advantage, so rude a machine must leave a large proportion of the richest juice in the cane-trash. It is curious to find in the antient arts of Hindostan exact prototypes of the sugar-rollers, horizontal and upright, of relatively modern invention in the New World. The sugar-mill of Chinapatam, fig. 1083., consists of a mortar, lever, pestle, and regulator. The mortar is a tree about 10 feet in length, and 14 inches in diameter: a is a plan of its upper end; b is an outside view; and c is a vertical section. It is sunk perpendicularly into the earth, leaving one end two feet above the surface. The hollow is conical, truncated downwards, and then becomes cylindrical, with a hemispherical projection in its bottom, to allow the juice to run freely to the small opening that conveys it to a spout, from which it falls into an earthen pot. Round the upper mouth of the cone is a circular cavity, which collects any of the juice that may run over from the upper ends of the pieces of cane; and thence a canal conveys this juice, down the outside of the mortar, to the spout. The beam d, is about sixteen feet in length, and six inches in thickness, being cut out from a large tree that is divided by a fork into two arms. In the fork an excavation is made for the mortar b, round which the beam turns horizontally. The surface of this excavation is secured by a semicircle of strong wood. The end towards the fork is quite open, for changing the beam without trouble. On the undivided end of the beam sits the bullock-driver e, whose cattle are yoked by a rope which comes from the end of the beam; and they are prevented from dragging out of the circle by another rope, which passes from the yoke to the forked end of the beam. On the arms f, a basket is placed, to hold the cuttings of cane; and between this and the mortar sits the man who feeds the mill. Just as the pestle comes round, he places the pieces of cane sloping down into the cavity of the mortar; and after the pestle has passed, he removes those that have been squeezed. OF THE MANUFACTURE OF SUGAR IN THE WEST INDIES. Cane-juice varies exceedingly in richness, with the nature of the soil, the culture, the season, and variety of the plant. It is an opaque fluid, of a dull gray, olive, or olive-green colour; in taste, balmy and saccharine; exhaling the balsamic odour of the cane; slightly viscid; and of a specific gravity varying from 1·033 to 1·106, according to circumstances. When fresh, it consists of two parts; the one liquid, the other solid; the latter of which being merely suspended in the former, and, therefore, separable in a great measure by filtration or repose. The solid matter consists of fragments of the cellular parenchyma of the cane, its fibres, and bark, mechanically protruded through the mill; mixed with a very abundant greenish substance, like that called chlorophyle by chemists. When left to itself in the colonial climates, the juice runs rapidly into the acetous fermentation; twenty minutes being, in many cases, sufficient to bring on this destructive change. Hence arises the necessity of subjecting it immediately to clarifying Whenever the stream from the mill cistern has filled the clarifier with fresh juice, the fire is lighted, and the temper, or dose of slaked lime, diffused uniformly through a little juice, is added. If an albuminous emulsion be used to promote the clarifying, very little lime will be required; for recent cane-liquor contains no appreciable portion of acid to be saturated. In fact, the lime and alkalies in general, when used in small quantity, seem to coagulate the glutinous extractive matter of the juice, and thus tend to brighten it up. But if an excess of temper be used, the gluten is taken up again by the strong affinity which is known to exist between sugar and lime. Excess of lime may always be corrected by a little alum-water. Where canes grow on a calcareous marly soil, in a favourable season the saccharine matter gets so thoroughly elaborated, and the glutinous mucilage so completely condensed, that a clear juice and a fine sugar may be obtained without the use of lime. As the liquor grows hot in the clarifier, a scum is thrown up, consisting of the coagulated feculencies of the cane-juice. The fire is now gradually urged till the temperature approaches the boiling point; to which, however, it must not be suffered to rise. It is known to be sufficiently heated, when the scum rises in blisters, which break into white froth; an appearance observable in about forty minutes after kindling the fire. The damper being shut down, the fire dies out; and after an hour’s repose, the clarified liquor is ready to be drawn off into the last and largest in the series of evaporating pans. In the British colonies, these are merely numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, beginning at the smallest, which hangs right over the fire, and is called the teache; because in it the trial of the syrup, by touch, is made. The flame and smoke proceed in a straight line along a flue to the chimney-stalk at the other end of the furnace. The area of this flue proceeds, with a slight ascent from the fire, to the aperture at the bottom of the chimney; so that between the surface of the grate and the bottom of the teache, there is a distance of 28 inches; while between the bottom of the flue and that of the grand, No. 5., at the other end of the range, there are barely 18 inches. In some sugar-houses there is planted, in the angular space between each boiler, a basin, one foot wide and a few inches deep, for the purpose of receiving the scum which thence flows off into the grand copper, along a gutter scooped out on the margin of the brickwork. The skimmings of the grand are thrown into a separate pan, placed at its side. A large cylindrical cooler, about 6 feet wide and 2 feet deep, has been placed in certain sugar-works near the teache, for receiving successive charges of its inspissated syrup. Each finished charge is called a skipping, because it is skipped or laded out. The term striking is also applied to the act of emptying the teache. When upon one skipping of syrup in a state of incipient granulation in the cooler, a second skipping is poured, this second congeries of saccharine particles agglomerates round the first as nuclei of crystallization, and produces a larger grain; a result improved by each successive skipping. This principle has been long known to the chemist, but does not seem to have been always properly considered or appreciated by the sugar-planter. From the above described cooler, the syrup is transferred into wooden chests or boxes, open at top, and of a rectangular shape; also called coolers, but which are more properly crystallizers or granulators. These are commonly six in number; each being about one foot deep, seven feet long, and five or six feet wide. When filled, such a mass is collected, as to favour slow cooling, and consequent large-grained crystallization. If these boxes be too shallow, the grain is exceedingly injured, as may be easily shown by pouring some of the same syrup on a small tray; when, on cooling, the sugar will appear like a muddy soft sand. The criterion by which the negro boilers judge of the due concentration of the syrup in the teache, is difficult to describe, and depends almost entirely on the sagacity and experience of the individual. Some of them judge by the appearance of the incipient grain on the back of the cooling ladle; but most decide by “the touch,” that is, the feel and appearance of a drop of the syrup pressed and then drawn into a thread between the thumb and fore-finger. The thread eventually breaks at a certain limit of extension, shrinking from the thumb to the suspended finger, in lengths somewhat proportional That weak sugars are such as contain an inferior proportion of carbon in their composition, was first deduced by me from my experiments on the ultimate analysis of vegetable and animal bodies; an account of which was published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society for 1822. Since then Dr. Prout has arrived at results comfirmatory of my views. See Philosophical Transactions for 1827. Thus, he found pure sugar-candy, and the best refined sugar, to contain 42·85 parts of carbon per cent.; East India sugar-candy, 41·9 parts; East India raw sugar in a thoroughly dry state, but of a low quality, 40·88; manna sugar, well refined, 28·7; sugar from Narbonne honey, 36·36; sugar from starch, 36·2. Hence, by caramelizing the syrup in the teache, not only is the crystallizable sugar blackened, but its faculty of crystallizing impaired, and the granular portion rendered weaker. A viscous syrup containing much gluten and sugar, altered by lime, requires a higher temperature to enable it to granulate, than a pure saccharine syrup; and therefore the thermometer, though a useful adjuvant, can by no means be regarded as a sure guide, in determining the proper instant for striking the teache. The colonial curing-house is a capacious building, of which the earthen floor is excavated to form the molasses reservoir. This is lined with sheet lead, boards, tarras, or other retentive cement; its bottom slopes a little, and it is partially covered by an open massive frame of joist-work, on which the potting casks are set upright. These are merely empty sugar hogsheads, without headings, having 8 or 10 holes bored in their bottoms, through each of which the stalk of a plantain leaf is stuck, so as to protrude downwards 6 or 8 inches below the level of the joists, and to rise above the top of the cask. The act of transferring the crude concrete sugar from the crystallizers into these hogsheads, is called potting. The bottom holes, and the spongy stalks stuck in them, allow the molasses to drain slowly downwards into the sunk cistern. In the common mode of procedure, sugar of average quality is kept from 3 to 4 weeks in the curing-house; that which is soft-grained and glutinous, must remain 5 or 6 weeks. The curing-house should be close and warm, to favour the liquefaction and drainage of the viscid caramel. Out of 120 millions of pounds of raw sugar, which used to be annually shipped by the St. Domingo planters, only 96 millions were landed in France, according to the authority of Dutrone, constituting a loss by drainage in the ships of 20 per cent. The average transport waste at present in the sugars of the British colonies cannot be estimated at less than 12 per cent., or altogether upwards of 27,000 tons! What a tremendous sacrifice of property! Within these few years a very considerable quantity of sugar has been imported into Great Britain in the state of concentrated cane-juice, containing nearly half its weight of granular sugar, along with more or less molasses, according to the care taken in the boiling operations. I was at first apprehensive that the syrup might undergo some change on the voyage; but among more than a hundred samples which I have analyzed for the custom-house, I have not perceived any traces of fermentation. Since sugar softens in its grain at each successive solution, whatever portion of the crop may be destined for the refiner, should upon no account be granulated in the colonies; but should be transported in the state of a rich cane-syrup to Europe, transferred at once into the blowing-up cistern, subjected there to the reaction of bone black, and passed through bag-filters, or through layers of the coarsely ground black, previously to its final concentration in the vacuum pan. Were this means generally adopted, I am convinced that 30 per cent. would be added to the amount of home-made sugar loaves corresponding to a given quantity of average cane-juice; while 30 per cent., would be taken from the amount of molasses. The saccharine matter now lost by drainage from the hogsheads in the ships, amounting to from 10 to 15 per cent., would, also be saved. The produce of the cane would, on this plan, require less labour in the colonies, and might be exported 5 or 6 weeks earlier than at present, because the period of drainage in the curing-house would be spared. It does not appear that our sugar colonists have availed themselves of the proper chemical method of counteracting that incipient fermentation of the cane-juice, which sometimes supervenes, and proves so injurious to their products. It is known that grape-must, feebly impregnated with sulphurous acid, by running it slowly into a cask in which a few sulphur matches have been burned, will keep without alteration for a year; and if must, so muted, is boiled into a syrup within a week or ten days, it retains no sulphureous odour. A very slight muting would suffice for the most fermentable cane-juice: An Account of Sugar Imported into the United Kingdom during the years ending 5th January, 1837, and 5th January, 1838.
An Account of Sugar Exported in the year ended 5th January, 1838, compared with the Exports of the preceding Year.
Syrup intended for forming clayed sugar must be somewhat more concentrated in the teache, and run off into a copper cooler, capable of receiving three or four successive skippings. Here it is stirred to ensure uniformity of product, and is then transferred by ladles into conical moulds, or formes, made of coarse pottery, having a small orifice at the apex, which is stopped with a plug of wood wrapped in a leaf of maize. These pots are arranged with the base upwards. As their capacity, when largest, is greatly less than that of the smallest potting-casks, and as the process lasts several weeks, the claying-house requires to have very considerable dimensions. Whenever the syrup is properly granulated, which happens usually in about 18 or 20 hours, the plugs are removed from the apices of the cones, and each is set on an earthen pot to receive the drainings. At the end of 24 hours, the cones are transferred over empty pots, and the molasses contained in the former ones is either sent to the fermenting-house or sold. The claying now begins, which consists in applying to the smoothed surface of the sugar at the base of the cone, a plaster of argillaceous earth, or tolerably tenacious loam in a pasty state. The water diffused among the clay escapes from it by slow infiltration, and descending with like slowness through the body of the sugar, carries along with it the residuary viscid syrup which is more readily soluble than the granulated particles. Whenever the first magma of clay has become dry, it is replaced by a second; and this occasionally in its turn by a third, whereby the sugar cone gets tolerably white and clean. It is then dried in a stove, cut transversely into frusta, crushed into a coarse powder on wooden trays, and shipped off for Europe. Clayed sugars are sorted into different shades of colour according to the part of the cone from which they were cut; under the denomination in French commerce of premier, second, troisiÈme, petit, commun, and tÊte; the last or the tip being an indifferent article. The clayed sugar of Cuba is called Havannah sugar, from the name of the shipping port. Clayed sugar can be made only from the ripest cane-juice, for that which contains much gluten would be apt to get too much burned by the ordinary process of boiling, to bear the claying operation. The syrups that run off from the second, third, and fourth application of the clay-paste, are concentrated afresh in a small building apart, called the refinery, and yield tolerable sugars. Their drainings go to the molasses cistern. The cones remain for 20 days in the claying-house, before the sugar is taken out of them. Claying is seldom had recourse to in the British plantations, on account of the increase of labour, and diminution of weight in the produce, for which the improvement SUGAR REFINING. Raw, or muscovado sugar, as imported from the colonies, is contaminated more or less with gluten, lime, but particularly caramel, which give its grains a yellow brown tint, an empyreumatic odour, and a soft clammy feel in the hand. If such sugar be dissolved in water, and the syrup be evaporated by a gentle heat, it will afford a sugar of still inferior quality and appearance. This rapid deterioration is in some measure owing to the injurious operation of a prolonged heat upon the crystalline structure, but chiefly to the chemical reaction of the glutinous ferment and lime upon the sugar. The first care of the refiner should therefore be the immediate abstraction of these noxious alteratives, which he effects by the process called meltings; that is, mixing up the sugar in a pan with hot water or steam into a pap, and transferring this pap into large sugar-moulds. Whenever these become cool, their points are unplugged, and they are set to drain for a few days in a warm apartment. Sugar thus cleansed is well prepared for the next refining process; which consists in putting it into a large square copper cistern along with some lime-water, (a little bullock’s blood,) and from 5 to 20 per cent. of bone black, and blowing it up with steam; or, in other words, injecting steam through the mixture from numerous orifices in copper pipes laid along the bottom and sides of the vessel. Under the influence of the heat and agitation thus occasioned, the saccharine matter is perfectly dissolved and incorporated with the albumen of the blood and the bone black. Instead of the blood, many refiners employ a mixture of gelatinous alumina and gypsum, called finings, prepared by adding a solution of alum to a body of lime-water, collecting, washing, and draining the precipitate upon a filter. Other refiners use both the blood and finings, with advantage. Bone black is now very frequently employed by the sugar-refiner, not in a fine meal, but in a granular state, like corned gunpowder, for the purpose of decolouring his syrups; in which case, he places it in a box, in a stratum 8 or 10 inches thick, and makes the syrup percolate downwards through it, into a cistern placed beneath. By this means it is deprived of colour, and forms the claircÉ of the French refiner. When the blowing up cistern is charged with sugar, finely ground bone black, and blood, the mixture must be passed through a proper system of filters. That now most in use is the creased bag filter, represented in figs. 1084, 1085, 1086. The apparatus consists of an upright square wooden case a, a, about 6 or 8 feet high, furnished with a door of admission to arrange the interior objects; beneath is a cistern with an educting-pipe for receiving and carrying off the filtered liquor; and above the case is another cistern e, which, like the rest, is lined with tinned sheet copper. Into the upper cistern, the syrup mixed with animal charcoal is introduced, and passes thence into the mouths e, e, of the several filters d, d. These consist, each of a bag of thick tweeled cotton cloth, about 12 or 15 inches in diameter, and 6 or 8 feet long, which is inserted into a narrow bottomless bag of canvas, about 5 inches in diameter, for the purpose of folding the filter-bag up into a small space, and thus enabling a great extent of filtering surfaces to be compressed into one box. The orifice of each compound bag is tied round a conical brass month-piece or nozzle e, which screws tight into a corresponding opening in the copper bottom of the upper cistern. From 40 to 60 bags are mounted in each filter case. The liquor which first passes is generally tinged a little with the bone black, and must be pumped back into the upper cistern, for refiltration. In cold weather the interior of the case may be kept warm by a proper distribution of steam-pipes. Fig. 1085. shows one mode of forming the funnel-shaped nozzles of the bags, in which they are fixed by a bayonet catch. Fig. 1086. shows the same made fast by means of a screwed cap, which is more secure. The next process in sugar-refining is the evaporation of the clarified syrup to the granulating or crystallizing pitch. The more rapidly this is effected, and with the less scorching injury from fire, the better and greater is the product in sugar-loaves. No apparatus answers the refiner’s double purpose of safety and expedition so well as the vacuum-pan of Howard. Fig. 1087. shows the structure of a single vacuum-pan. The horizontal diameter of the copper spheroid A, is not less than 5 feet; the depth of the under hemisphere is at A, represents the vacuum spheroid; B, the neck with the lid. From the side of B, a pipe passes into the lower extremity of the bent pipe C, D, which terminates in the vertical pipe E, connected with the vacuum main-pipe K, proceeding horizontally from the air-pump (not shown in the figure). At the top of E, a valve, movable by a screw H, is placed for establishing or cutting off the connexion with the air-pump at pleasure. Behind F, is the measure cistern, from which the successive charges are admitted into the pan. This measure is filled with the clear syrup, by opening the stopcock I, on the pipe under the ceiling, which communicates with the filter-cistern placed above. G is the valve or plug-hole, at the bottom of the pan, for discharging the granulating syrup. This plug is opened by means of a powerful lever attached to it; the connexion with the air-pump being previously intercepted. L, is the barometer, or manometer, for showing the state of the vacuum corresponding to the temperature. N, N, is a cistern-pipe for receiving any little syrup which may accidentally boil over the neck B. Its contents are let off by a stopcock at its bottom from time to time. M shows the place of the proof-stick, an ingenious brass rod for taking out a sample of syrup without admitting air. See infrÀ. The charging-cistern contains about 20 gallons. This quantity of syrup being first admitted, and brought to a certain pitch of concentration, a second measure is introduced, the inspissation of which is supposed by some refiners to cause an agglomeration of saccharine matter round the first crystalline particles. The repetition of this process for two or three times is imagined to produce the large brilliant grain of vacuum-pan sugar. This hypothesis is more specious than sound, because the granulating syrup discharged from the pan is subjected to a heat of 180° or 190° in the subjacent steam-cased receiver, whereby the granulations are again reduced to a very small size. Into this receiver, two or three skippings or discharges of the pan are admitted in succession, and the whole are diligently mixed and agitated by a stirring oar. It is by this process that the granulating tendency is promoted and determined. From this receiver (absurdly enough called a cooler) the moulds are filled in the usual way, by means of copper basins or large ladles. The case of the under hemisphere of the vacuum-pan is filled with steam, generated under a pressure of four or five pounds on the square inch; the heat of which causes the interior syrup to boil rapidly while the air-pump is kept in action. A small escape-pipe for waste steam must be placed at the opposite side of the case or jacket, to ensure its equal Fig. 1088. exhibits the general arrangement of the vacuum-pans, and their subsidiary apparatus. Here are shown, on the ground floor, the heaters e, e, (miscalled coolers), into which the concentrated syrup is let down. These heaters are made of copper, in one piece, surrounded with a cast-iron jacket, bolted at the flange or brim to it. Each pan contains, when full, about 350 gallons, equivalent to nearly 35 cwt. of crystallized sugar. They are furnished with steam-cocks and waste steam-pipes. Under the level of the spheroids d, d, the horizontal main-pipe is seen, for supplying the cases with steam. In the face of each pan, above the line b, b, the handle of the proof-stick appears, like that of a stop-cock. The distribution of the measure cisterns, and some other parts of the pans, is slightly varied in this representation from the former. From the bottom of the liquor cisterns C, C, pipes descend to the charging measures a, a, below. The cisterns C, C, are made of copper, and contain each about 400 gallons. Six tons of refined sugar can be turned out daily in a three-pan house. Fig. 1089. represents in section another form of the vacuum-pan, a is the spheroidal copper vessel, supported by four iron columns b, b. It may be discharged by means of the pipe c, which is secured with a conical valve d. This may be opened or shut, by acting on the lever e. The lower of the two hemispheres of which the pan is composed The vacuum-pan was originally heated solely by the admission of steam between the double bottom; but of late years the heat has been also applied to the syrup through several coils of pipe placed within the pan, filled with steam at a temperature many degrees above 212° F., sometimes so high as 250°. By this double application of heat, the evaporating power of a pan has been vastly increased. The latest made pans have a considerably flat bottom, fig. 1090.; a spiral pipe, laid close upon it; and between the under hemisphere and the upper one, there is a space a, a, 21/2 feet high, to give the syrup room for frothing up without boiling over. The space b, of the bottom receives steam of common pressure, and the spiral tubes, of high pressure. A pan like this is now making for a house in London, which is to work off 16 tons of sugar-loaves daily. The proof-stick, fig. 1095., consists of a cylindrical rod, capable of being screwed air-tight into the pan in an oblique direction downwards. The upper or exterior end is open; the under, which dips into the syrup, is closed, and has on one side a slit a (figs. 1091, 1092.), or notch, about 1/2 inch wide. In this external tube, there is another shorter tube b, capable of moving round in it, through an arc of 180°. An opening upon the under end e, corresponds with the slit in the outer tube, so that both may be made to coincide, fig. 1091. A. A wooden plug d, is put in the interior tube, but so as not to shut it entirely. Upon the upper end there is a projection or pin, which catches in a slit of the inner tube, by which this may be turned round at pleasure. In the lower end of the plug there is a hole e, which can be placed in communication with the lateral openings in both tubes. Hence it is possible, when the plug and the inner tube are brought into the proper position, A, fig. 1091., to fill the cavity of the wooden rod with the syrup, and to take it out without Whenever a proof has been taken, the wooden plug must be placed in reference to the inner tube, as shown in fig. 1091. c, and then be turned into the position A; when the cavity of the plug will again be filled with syrup. c must be now turned back to the former position, whereby all intercourse with the vacuum-pan is cut off; the plug being drawn out a little, and placed out of communication with the inner tube. The plug is then turned into the position B, drawn out, and the proof examined by the fingers. Table showing the boiling point of syrup, at the corresponding atmospheric pressure within the vacuum-pan:—
The large double steam-basin, which receives several successive skippings of the concentrated granulating syrup, serves to heat it from the temperature of 160° or 170°, at which it leaves the vacuum-pan, up to 200° or thereby, before it is filled out into the moulds; for were it introduced in the cooler state, it would not concrete into sufficiently compact loaves. The following apparatus is used in many French sugar-houses, for concentrating syrups, called the swing pan, or chaudiÈre À bascule. It is represented in fig. 1096. in elevation, and in fig. 1097. in ground plan. a, is the pan; b, its spout; c, the axis or pivot round which it swings, so as to empty itself, when raised behind by the chain d; e, is the furnace door; f, the passage to the fireplace and grate g; h, h, h, side flues for conducting the smoke into the chimney. The duly clarified, concentrated, granulated, and reheated syrup, is transferred, by means of copper basins, from the coolers into conical moulds, made either of brown and somewhat porous earthenware, or of sheet iron, strongly painted. The sizes of the moulds vary, from a capacity of 10 pound loaves, to that of 56 pound bastards—a kind of soft brown sugar obtained by the concentration of the inferior syrups. These moulds have the orifices at their tips closed with bits of twisted paper, and are set up in rows close to each other, in an airy apartment adjoining the coolers. Here they are left several hours, commonly the whole night, after being filled, till their contents become solid, and they are lifted next morning into an upper floor, kept at a temperature of about 80° by means of steam pipes, and placed each over a pot to receive the syrup drainings—the paper plug being first removed, and a steel wire, called a piercer, being thrust up to clear away any concretion from the tip. Instead of setting the lower portion of the inverted cones in pots, some refiners arrange them in wooden racks, with their apices suspended over longitudinal gutters of lead or zinc, laid with a slight slope upon the floor, and terminating in a sunk cistern. The syrup which flows off spontaneously is called green syrup. It is kept separate. In the course of two or three days, when the drainage is nearly complete, some finely clarified syrup, made from loaf sugar, called liquor by the refiners, is poured to the depth of about an inch upon the base of each cone, the surface having been previously rendered level and solid by an iron tool, called a bottoming trowel. The liquor, in percolating downwards, being already a saturated syrup, can dissolve none of the crystalline sugar, but only the coloured molassy matter; whereby, at each successive liquoring, the loaf becomes whiter, from the base to the apex. A few moulds, taken promiscuously, are emptied from time to time, to inspect the progress of the blanching operation; and when the loaves appear to have acquired as much colour, according to the language of refiners, as is wanted for the particular market, they are removed from the moulds, turned on a lathe at the tips, if necessary, set for a short time upon their bases, to diffuse their moisture equally through them, and then transferred into a stove heated to 130° or 140° by steam pipes, where they are allowed to remain for two or three days, till they be baked thoroughly dry. They are then taken out of the stove, and put up in blue paper for sale. In the above description of sugar-refining, I have said nothing of the process of claying the loaves, because it is now nearly obsolete, and abandoned in all well-appointed BEET-ROOT SUGAR. The physical characters which serve to show that a beet-root is of good quality, are its being firm, brittle, emitting a creaking noise when cut, and being perfectly sound within; the degree of sweetness is also a good indication. The 45th degree of latitude appears to be the southern limit of the successful growth of beet in reference to the extraction of sugar. Extraction of Sugar from the Beet.—The first manipulations to which the beets are exposed, are intended to clear them from the adhering earth and stones, as well as the fibrous roots and portions of the neck. It is desirable to expose the roots, after this operation, to the action of a cylinder washing-machine. The parenchyma of the beet is a spongy mass, whose cells are filled with juice. The cellular tissue itself, which forms usually only a twentieth or twenty-fifth of the whole weight, consists of ligneous fibre. Compression alone, however powerful, is inadequate to force out all the liquor which this tissue contains. To effect this object, the roots must be subjected to the action of an instrument which will tear and open up the greatest possible number of these cells. Experiments have, indeed, proved, that by the most considerable pressure, not more than 40 or 50 per cent. in juice from the beet can be obtained; whilst the pulp procured by the action of a grater produces from 75 to 80 per cent. The beet-root rasp of Moulfarine is represented in figs. 1098, 1099. a, a, is the frame-work of the machine; b, the feed-plate made of cast iron, divided by a ridge into two parts; c, the hollow drum; d, its shaft, upon either side of whose periphery nuts are screwed for securing the saw blades e, e, which are packed tight against each other by means of laths of wood; f, is a pinion upon the shaft of the drum, into which the wheel g works, and which is keyed upon the shaft h; i, is the driving rigger; k, pillar of support; l, blocks of wood, with which the workman pushes the beet-roots against the revolving-rasp; m, the chest for receiving the beet-pap; n, the wooden cover of the drum, lined with sheet iron. The drum should make 500 or 600 turns in the minute. A few years ago, M. Dombasle introduced a process of extracting the juice from the beet without either rasping or hydraulic pressure. The beets were cut into thin slices, by a proper rotatory blade-machine; these slices were put into a macerating cistern, with about their own bulk of water, at a temperature of 212° F. After half an hour’s maceration, the liquor was said to have a density of 2° B., when it was run off into a second similar cistern, upon other beet-roots; from the second, it was let into a third, and so on to a fifth; by which time, its density having risen to 51/2°, it was ready for the process of defecation. Juice procured in this way is transparent, and requires little lime for its purification; but it is apt to ferment, or to have its granulating power impaired I have seen the following operations successfully executed in a beet-root factory near Lille, and have since verified their propriety in my own laboratory upon white beets, grown near Mitcham in Surrey. My product was nearly 5 per cent.; it was very fair, and large grained, like the vacuum-pan sugar of Demerara, but without its clamminess. The roots were washed by a rotatory movement upon a grating made like an Archimedes’ screw, formed round the axis of a squirrel-cage cylinder, which was laid horizontally beneath the surface of water in an oblong trough. It was turned by hand rapidly, with the intervention of a toothed wheel and pinion. The roots, after being sufficiently agitated in the water, were tossed out by the rotation at the end of the cylinder furthest from the winch. They were next hoisted in a basket up through a trap hole into the floor above, by means of a cord and pulley moved by mechanical power; a six-horse steam engine, upon Woolfe’s expansive principle, being employed to do all the heavy work. They were here subjected to the mechanical grater (rape mÉcanique), see fig. 1098, 1099., which had, upon its sloping feed-table, two square holes for receiving at least two beets at a time, which were pushed forwards by a square block of wood held in the workman’s hand by means of a strap. The rasp was a drum, having rows of straight saws placed half an inch apart round its periphery, parallel to the axis, with teeth projecting about 1/8 of an inch. The space between each pair of saws was filled with a wedge of wood. The steel slips, or saw plates, were half an inch broad, twelve inches long, and serrated on both their longitudinal edges, so that when the one line of teeth was blunted, the other could be turned out. The drum made 750 turns per minute. The pulp from the rasp fell into a flat trough placed beneath, whence it was shovelled into small bags. Each bag had its mouth folded over, was laid upon a wicker plate, and spread flat with a rolling-pin. The bags and hurdles were then piled in the hydraulic press. There were three presses, of which the two allotted to the first pressure were charged alternately, and the third was reserved for a final and more durable pressure of the marc. See Press, hydraulic, and Stearine Press. The juice flowed over the edges of the wicker plates, and fell into the sill-plate of the press, which was furnished with upright borders, like a tray, through whose front side a pipe issued, that terminated in a leathern hose, for conducting the juice into an elevated cistern in the boiling-house. Here one pound of slaked lime was mixed with every four hectolitres (about 88 gallons imp.) of juice. The mixture was made to boil for a little while in a round pan alongside, whence it was decanted into oblong flat filters, of blanket stuff. The filtered liquor, which had in general a spec. gravity of 15° BaumÉ, (about double that of the fresh juice), was now briskly concentrated by boiling, in an oblong pan, till it acquired the density of 28° B. The fire being damped with raw coal, the syrup was run off rapidly by a stopcock into a large basin with a swing handle, and immediately replaced by fresh defecated liquor. The basin was carried by two men to the opposite side of the boiling-house, and emptied into a cistern set on a high platform, whose horizontal discharge-pipe was provided with a series (five) of stopcocks, placed respectively over five copper chests (inverted truncated pyramids), containing a thick bed of granular bone black, covered with a perforated copper plate. The hot syrup thus filtered had a pale straw-colour, and was subsequently evaporated in swing pans, figs. 1096, 1097., over a brisk fire, in quantities equivalent to half a cwt. of sugar, or four hectolitres of average juice. MAPLE SUGAR. The manufacture of sugar from the juice of a species of maple tree, which grow spontaneously in many of the uncultivated parts of North America, appears to have been first attempted about 1752, by some of the farmers of New England, as a branch of rural economy. The sugar maple, the Acer saccharinum of LinnÆus, thrives especially in the states of New York and Pennsylvania, and yields a larger proportion of sugar than that which grows upon the Ohio. It is found sometimes in thickets which cover five or six acres of land; but it is more usually interspersed among other trees. They are supposed to arrive at perfection in forty years. The extraction of maple sugar is a great resource to the inhabitants of districts far removed from the sea; and the process is very simple. After selecting a spot among surrounding maple trees, a shed is erected, called the sugar-camp, to protect the boilers and the operators from the vicissitudes of the weather. One or more augers, three-fourths of an inch in diameter; small troughs for receiving the sap; tubes of elder or sumach, 8 or 10 inches long, laid open through two-thirds of their length, and corresponding in size to the auger-bits; pails for emptying the troughs, and carrying the sap to the camp; boilers capable of holding 15 or 16 gallons; moulds for receiving the syrup inspissated to the proper consistence for concreting into a loaf of sugar; and, The trees are bored obliquely from below upwards, at 18 or 20 inches above the ground, with two holes 4 or 5 inches asunder. Care must be taken that the auger penetrates no more than half an inch into the alburnum, or white bark; as experience has proved that a greater discharge of sap takes place at this depth than at any other. It is also advisable to perforate in the south face of the trunk. The trough, which contains from two to three gallons, and is made commonly of white pine, is set on the ground at the foot of each tree, to receive the sap which flows through the two tubes inserted into the holes made with the auger; it is collected together daily, and carried to the camp, where it is poured into casks, out of which the boilers are supplied. In every case, it ought to be boiled within the course of two or three days from flowing out of the tree, as it is liable to run quickly into fermentation, if the weather become mild. The evaporation is urged by an active fire, with careful skimming during the boiling; and the pot is continually replenished with more sap, till a large body has at length assumed a syrupy consistence. It is then allowed to cool, and passed through a woollen cloth, to free it from impurities. The syrup is transferred into a boiler to three-fourths of its capacity, and it is urged with a brisk fire, till it acquires the requisite consistence for being poured into the moulds or troughs prepared to receive it. This point is ascertained, as usual, by its exhibiting a granular aspect, when a few drops are drawn out into a thread between the finger and the thumb. If in the course of the last boiling, the liquor froth up considerably, a small bit of butter or fat is thrown into it. After the molasses have been drained from the concreted loaves, the sugar is not at all deliquescent, like equally brown sugar from the cane. Maple sugar is in taste equally agreeable with cane sugar, and it sweetens as well. When refined, it is equally fair with the loaf sugar of Europe. The period during which the trees discharge their juices is limited to about six weeks. Towards the end of the flow, it is less abundant, less saccharine, and more difficult to be crystallized. Quantity of Sugar brought into the Markets of the World, in the year 1838.
Stoneware vessels, with salt glaze, answer best for crystallizers. Their edges should be smeared with candle-grease, to prevent the salt creeping over them by efflorescent vegetation. The crystals are to be drained, and dried in a stove-room very slightly heated. It deserves remark, that linen, mats, wood, and paper, imbued with sugar of lead, and strongly dried, readily take fire, and burn away like tinder. When the motherwaters cease to afford good crystals, they should be decomposed by carbonate of soda, or by lime skilfully applied, when a carbonate or an oxide will be obtained, fit for treating with fresh vinegar. The supernatant acetate of soda may be employed for the extraction of pure acetic acid. A main point in the preparation of sugar of lead, is to use a strong acid; otherwise much time and acid are wasted in concentrating the solution. This salt crystallizes in colourless, transparent, four and six sided prisms, from a moderately concentrated solution; but from a stronger solution, in small needles, which have a yellow cast if the acid has been slightly impure. It has no smell, a sweetish astringent metallic taste, a specific gravity of 2·345; it is permanent in the air at ordinary temperatures, but effloresces when heated to 95°, with the loss of its water of crystallization and some acid, falling into a powder, which passes, in the air, slowly into carbonate of lead. The crystals dissolve in 11/2 times their weight of water at 60°, but in much less of boiling water, and in 8 parts of alcohol. The solution feebly reddens litmus paper, but has an alkaline reaction upon the colours of violets and turmeric. The constituents of the salt are, 58·71 oxide of lead, 27·08 acetic acid, and 14·21 water, in 100. Acetate of lead is much used in calico-printing. It is poisonous, and ought to be prepared and handled with attention to this circumstance. There are two subacetates of lead; the first of which, the ter-subacetate, has three atoms of base to one of acid, and is the substance long known by the name of Goulard’s extract. It may be obtained by digesting with heat a solution of the neutral acetate, upon pure litharge or massicot. The solution affords white crystalline scales, which do not taste so sweet as sugar of lead, dissolve in not less than 30 parts of water, are insoluble in alcohol, and have a decided alkaline reaction upon test paper. Carbonic acid, transmitted through the solution, precipitates the excess of the oxide of lead, in the state of a carbonate, a process long ago prescribed by Thenard for making white-lead. This subacetate consists of 88·66 of oxide, and 13·34 acid, in 100 parts. It is employed for making the orange sub-chromate of lead, as also sometimes in surgery. A sex-subacetate, containing six atoms of base, may be obtained by adding ammonia in excess to a solution of the preceding salt, and washing the precipitate with dilute water of ammonia. A white powder is thus formed, that dissolves sparingly in cold water, but gives a solution in boiling water, from which white silky needles are deposited. It consists of 92·86 oxide, and 7·14 acid. This liquor used formerly to be concentrated directly in leaden vessels; but the first stage of the operation is now carried on in stone canals of considerable length, vaulted over with bricks, into which the liquor is admitted, and subjected at the surface to the action of flame and heated air, from a furnace of the reverberatory kind, constructed at one end, and discharging its smoke by a high chimney raised at the other. See Soda Manufacture. Into this oblong trough, resting on dense clay, and rendered tight in the joints by water-cement, old iron is mixed with the liquor, to neutralize the excess of acid generated from the pyrites, as also to correct the tendency to superoxidizement in copperas, which would injure the fine green colour of the crystals. After due concentration and saturation in this surface evaporator, the solution is run off into leaden boilers, where it is brought to the proper density for affording regular crystals, which it does by slow cooling, in stone cisterns. Copperas forms sea-green, transparent, rhomboidal prisms, which are without smell, but have an astringent, acerb, inky taste; they speedily become yellowish-brown in the air, by peroxidizement of the iron, and effloresce in a warm atmosphere: they dissolve in 1·43 parts of water at 60°, in 0·27 at 190°, and in their own water of crystallization at a higher heat. This salt is extensively used in dyeing black, especially hats, in making ink and prussian blue, for reducing indigo in the blue vat, in the China blue dye, for making the German oil of vitriol, and in many chemical and medicinal preparations. There is a persulphate and subpersulphate of iron, but they belong to the domain of chemistry. The first may be formed, either by dissolving with heat one part of red oxide of iron (colcothar) in one-and-a-half of concentrated sulphuric acid, or by adding some nitric acid to a boiling-hot solution of copperas. It forms with galls and logwood a very black ink, which is apt to become brown-black. When evaporated to dryness, it appears as a dirty white pulverulent substance, which is soluble in alcohol. It consists, in 100 parts, of 39·42 of red oxide of iron, and 60·58 sulphuric acid. Hydrated peroxide of iron, prepared by precipitation with alkali from solution of the persulphate, is an excellent antidote against poisoning by arsenic. A French peruquier, who had swallowed two drams of arsenious acid, was, after an interval of twenty minutes, treated with the oxide precipitated from 6 ounces of that salt by caustic potash. It was diffused in 20 quarts of weak syrup, and administered in successive doses. After repeated vomiting and purging, the patient felt no more pain, and was pronounced by the physician to be quite convalescent. In the copperas and alum works, a very large quantity of ochrey sediment is obtained; which is a peroxide of iron, containing a little sulphuric acid and alumina. This deposit, calcined in reverberatory hearths, becomes of a bright-red colour; and when ground and elutriated, in the same way as is described under white lead, forms a cheap pigment, in very considerable demand, called English red, in the French market. Colcothar of Vitriol, and Crocus of Mars, are old names for red oxide of iron. This brown-red powder is obtained in its purest state, by calcining dried sulphate of iron in a furnace till all its acid be expelled, and its base become peroxidized. It must be levigated, elutriated, and dried. This powder is employed extensively in the steel manufacture, for giving the finishing lustre to fine articles; it is used by silversmiths under the name of plate powder and rouge; and by the opticians for polishing the specula of reflecting telescopes. Much of the crocus in the market, is made, however, from the copperas and alum sediments, and is greatly inferior to the article prepared by the last process. The finest rouge is made by precipitating the oxide with soda, then washing and calcining the powder. An excellent powder for applying to razor-strops, is made by igniting together in a crucible equal parts of well-dried copperas and sea salt. The heat must be slowly raised and well regulated, otherwise the materials will boil over in a pasty state, and the product will be in a great measure lost. When well made, out of contact of air, it has the brilliant aspect of plumbago. It has a satiny feel, and is a true fer olegiste, similar in composition to the Elba iron ore. It requires to be ground and elutriated; after which it affords, on drying, an impalpable powder, that may be either rubbed on a strop of smooth buff leather, or mixed up with hog’s-lard or tallow into a stiff cerate. Magnesian limestone being digested with as much muriatic acid as will dissolve out its lime only, will, after washing, afford, with the equivalent quantity of sulphuric acid, a pure sulphate of magnesia; and this is certainly the simplest and most profitable process for manufacturing this salt upon the great scale. Many prepare it directly, by digesting upon magnesian limestone the equivalent saturating quantity of dilute sulphuric acid. The sulphate of lime being separated by subsidence, the supernatant solution of sulphate of magnesia is evaporated and crystallized. This salt is composed of, magnesia 16·72, sulphuric acid 32·39, and water 50·89. When free from muriate, it tends to effloresce in the air. It dissolves in 4 parts of water at 32°, in 3 parts at 60°, in 1·4 at 200°, and in its own water of crystallization at a higher heat. Sulphur is an abundant product of nature; existing sometimes pure or merely mixed, and at others in intimate chemical combination with oxygen, and various metals, forming sulphates and sulphurets. See Ores of Copper, Iron, Lead, &c., under these metals. Fig. 1100. represents one of the cast-iron retorts used at Marseilles for refining sulphur, wherein it is melted and converted into vapours, which are led into a large chamber for condensation. The body a, of the retort is an iron pot, 3 feet in diameter outside, 22 inches deep, half an inch thick, which weighs 14 cwt., and receives a charge of 8 cwt. of crude sulphur. The grate is 8 inches under its bottom, whence the flame rises and plays round its sides. A cast-iron capital b, being luted to the pot, and covered with sand, the opening in front is shut with an iron plate. The chamber d, is 23 feet long, 11 feet wide, and 13 feet high, with walls 32 inches thick. In the roof, at each gable, valves or flap-doors, e, 10 inches square, are placed at the bottom of the chimney c. The cords for opening the valves are led down to the side of the furnace. The entrance to the chamber is shut with an iron door. In the wall opposite to the retorts, there are two apertures near the floor, for taking out the sulphur. Each of the two retorts belonging to a chamber is charged with 71/2 or 8 cwts. of sulphur; but one is fired first, and with a gentle heat, lest the brimstone froth should overflow; but when the fumes begin to rise copiously, with a stronger flame. The distillation commences within an hour of kindling the fire, and is completed in six hours. Three hours after putting fire to the first retort, the second is in like manner set in operation. When the process of distillation is resumed, after having been some time suspended, explosions may be apprehended, from the presence of atmospherical air; to obviate the danger of which, the flap-doors must be opened every 10 minutes; but they should remain closed during the setting of the retorts, and the reflux of sulphurous fumes or acid should be carried off by a draught-hood over the retorts. The distillation is carried on without interruption during the week, the charges being repeated four times in the day. By the third day, the chamber acquires such a degree of heat as to preserve the sulphur in a liquid state; on the sixth, its temperature becoming nearly 300° F., gives the sulphur a dark hue, on which account the furnace is allowed to cool on the Sunday. The fittest distilling temperature is about 248°. The sulphur is drawn off through two iron pipes cast in the iron doors of the orifices on the side of the chamber opposite to the furnace. The iron stoppers being taken out of the mouths of the pipes, the sulphur is allowed to run along an iron spout placed over red-hot charcoal, into the appropriate wooden moulds. Native sulphur in its pure state is solid, brittle, transparent, yellow, or yellow bordering It is extracted from the minerals containing it, at Solfatara, by the following process:— Ten earthen pots, of about a yard in height, and 41/2 gallons imperial in capacity, bulging in the middle, are ranged in a furnace called a gallery; five being set on the one side, and five on the other. These are so distributed in the body of the walls of the gallery, that their belly projects partly without, and partly within, while their top rises out of the vault of the roof. The pots are filled with lumps of the sulphur ore of the size of the fist; their tops are closed with earthenware lids, and from their shoulder proceeds a pipe of about 2 inches diameter, which bends down, and enters into another covered pot, with a hole in its bottom, standing over a tub filled with water. On applying heat to the gallery, the sulphur melts, volatilizes, and runs down in a liquid state into the tubs, where it congeals. When one operation is finished, the pots are re-charged, and the process is repeated. In Saxony and Bohemia, the sulphurets of iron and copper are introduced into large earthenware pipes, which traverse a furnace-gallery; and the sulphur exhaled flows into pipes filled with cold water, on the outside of the furnace. 900 parts of sulphuret afford from 100 to 150 of sulphur, and a residuum of metallic protosulphuret. See Metallurgy and Copper. Volcanic sulphur is purer than that extracted from pyrites; and as the latter is commonly mixed with arsenic, and some other metallic impregnations, sulphuric acid made of it would not answer for many purposes of the arts; though a tolerably good sulphuric acid may be made directly from the combustion of pyrites, instead of sulphur, in the lead chambers. The present high price of the Sicilian sulphur is a great encouragement to its extraction from pyrites. It is said that the common English brimstone, such as was extracted from the copper pyrites of the Parys mine of Anglesey, contained fully a fifteenth of residuum, insoluble in boiling oil of turpentine, which was chiefly orpiment; while the fine Sicilian sulphur, now imported in vast quantities by the manufacturers of oil of vitriol, contains not more than 3 per cent. of foreign matter, chiefly earthy, but not at all arsenical. Sulphur has been known from the most remote antiquity. From its kindling at a moderate temperature, it is employed for readily procuring fire, and lighting by its flame other bodies not so combustible. At Paris, the preparation of sulphur matches constitutes a considerable branch of industry. The sulphurous acid formed by the combustion of sulphur in the atmospheric air, is employed to bleach woollen and silken goods, as also cotton stockings; to disinfect vitiated air, though it is inferior in power to nitric acid vapour and chlorine; to kill mites, moths, and other destructive insects in collections of zoology; and to counteract too rapid fermentation in wine-vats, &c. As the same acid gas has the property of suddenly extinguishing flame, sulphur has been thrown into a chimney on fire, with the best effect; a handful of it being sometimes sufficient. Sulphur is also employed for cementing iron bars in stone; for taking impressions from seals and cameos, for which purpose it is kept previously melted for some time, to give the casts an appearance of bronze. Its principal uses, however, are for the manufactures of vermillion, or cinnabar, gunpowder, and sulphuric acid. See Metallurgy, page 823, for the description of Gahn’s furnace for extracting sulphur from pyrites. Pyrites as a bi-sulphuret, consisting of 45·5 parts of iron, and 54·5 of sulphur, may, by proper chemical means, be made to give off one half of its sulphur, or about 27 per cent.; but great care must be taken not to generate sulphurous acid, as is done very wastefully by the Fahlun and the Goslar processes. By the latter, indeed, not more than 1 or 2 parts of sulphur are obtained, by roasting 100 parts of the pyritous ores of the Rammelsberg mines. In these cases, the sulphur is burned, instead of being sublimed. The residuum of the operation, when it is well conducted, is black sulphuret of iron, which may be profitably employed for making copperas. The apparatus for extracting sulphur from pyrites should admit no more air than is barely necessary to promote the sublimation.—Sicily produced last year 70,000 tons of sulphur, and Tuscany Sulphuring-rooms are sometimes constructed upon a great scale, in which blankets, shawls, and woollen clothes may be suspended freely upon poles or cords. The floor should be flagged with a sloping pavement, to favour the drainage of the water that drops down from the moistened cloth. The iron or stoneware vessels, in which the sulphur is burned, are set in the corners of the apartment. They should be increased in number according to the dimensions of the place, and distributed uniformly over it. The windows and the entrance door must be made to shut hermetically close. In the lower part of the door, there should be a small opening, with a sliding shutter, which may be raised or lowered by the mechanism of a cord passing over a pulley. The aperture by which the sulphurous acid and azotic gases are let off, in order to carry on the combustion, should be somewhat larger than the opening at the bottom. A lofty chimney carries the noxious gases above the building, and diffuses them over a wide space, their ascension being promoted by means of a draught-pipe of iron, connected with an ordinary stove, provided with a valve to close its orifice when not kindled. When the chamber is to be used, the goods are hung up, and a small fire is made in the draught-stove. The proper quantity of sulphur being next put into the shallow pans, it is kindled, the entrance door is closed, as well as its shutter, while a vent-hole near the ground is opened by drawing its cord, which passes over a pulley. After a few minutes, when the sulphur is fully kindled, that vent-hole must be almost entirely shut, by relaxing the cord; when the whole apparatus is to be let alone for a sufficient time. The object of the preceding precautions is to prevent the sulphurous acid gas escaping from the chamber by the seams of the principal doorway. This is secured by closing it imperfectly, so that it may admit of the passage of somewhat more air than can enter by the upper seams, and the smallest quantity of fresh air that can support the combustion. The velocity of the current of air may be increased at pleasure, by enlarging the under vent-hole a little, and quickening the fire of the draught-stove. Before opening the entrance door of the apartment, for the discharge of the goods, a small fire must be lighted in the draught furnace, the vent-hole must be thrown entirely open, and the sliding shutter of the door must be slid up, gradually more and more every quarter of an hour, and finally left wide open for a proper time. By this means the air of the chamber will become soon respirable. Into a long horizontal furnace, or gallery of brickwork, a series of earthenware retorts, of a pear shape, is arranged, with curved necks fitted into stoneware bottles or condensers. Each retort is charged with sulphate of iron, which has been previously heated to moderate redness. The first product of the distillation, a slightly acidulous phlegm, is allowed to escape; then the retort and receiver are securely luted together. The fire is now raised, and urged briskly for 36 hours, whereby the strong sulphuric acid is expelled, in the form of heavy white vapours, which condense in the cold receiver into an oily-looking liquid. The latter portions, when received in a separate refrigerator, frequently concrete into a crystalline mass, formerly called glacial oil of vitriol. About 64 pounds of strong acid may be obtained from 600 pounds of copperas. It is brown-coloured; and varies in specific-gravity from 1·842 to 1·896. Its boiling point is so low as 120° Fahr. When re-distilled in a glass retort, into a receiver surrounded with ice, a very moderate heat sends over white fumes, which condense into a soft solid, in silky filaments, like asbestos, tough, and difficult to cut. When this is exposed to The production of sulphuric acid from sulphur and nitre may be elegantly illustrated by means of a glass globe with a stoppered hole at its side, and four bent glass tubes inserted into a leaden cap in its upper orifice. The first tube is to be connected with a heated matrass, disengaging sulphurous acid from copper filings and sulphuric acid; the second with a retort, disengaging more slowly deutoxide of azote (nitric oxide) from copper filings and nitric acid; the third with a vessel for furnishing steam in a moderate current towards the end of the process, when no water has been previously admitted into the balloon; the fourth tube may be upright, and terminate in a small funnel. Through the opening in the side of the globe, atmospherical air is to be admitted from time to time, by removing the stopper; after which, the residuary lighter azote may be allowed to escape by the funnel orifice. The nitric oxide first absorbs oxygen from the air, becomes, in consequence, nitrous acid vapour, which giving up one third of its oxygen to the sulphurous acid, converts this, with the aid of water, into sulphuric acid, while itself returning to the state of nitric oxide, is again qualified to take oxygen from the air, and to transfer it to the sulphurous acid gas; and thus in perpetual rotation. These oxygenating and disoxygenating processes continue until nearly the whole oxygen of the atmospheric air contained in the globe is consumed. Were there little aqueous vapour present, those gases would soon cease to operate upon each other; for though the nitric oxide became nitrous acid, this would oxygenate little of the sulphurous acid, because the three substances would condense into white crystals upon the sides of the balloon, like hoar frost upon a window-pane in winter. These indicate a deficiency of aqueous vapour, and an excess of nitrous acid. On the admission of steam, the crystals disappear, the sulphuric acid is liquefied, the nitrous acid is converted into nitric acid and nitric oxide; the former of which combines with the water, while the latter is converted by the atmospheric oxygen into nitrous acid vapour. A certain quantity of water is therefore requisite to prevent the formation of that crystalline compound, which condenses the nitrous acid, and renders it inoperative in transforming fresh portions of sulphurous acid into sulphuric. On these principles alone is it possible to oxygenate the sulphurous acid, by the nitrous acid resuming and surrendering a dose of oxygen, in perpetual alternation. It was MM. Clement and Desormes who first had the sagacity to trace these complicated changes. They showed that nitrous acid gas and sulphurous acid gas mixed, react on each other through the intervention of moisture; that there resulted thence a combination of sulphuric acid, deutoxide of azote (nitrous gas), and water; that this crystalline compound was instantly destroyed by more water, with the separation of the sulphuric acid in a liquid state, and the disengagement of nitrous gas; that this gas re-constituted nitrous acid at the expense of the atmospheric oxygen of the leaden chamber, and thus brought matters to their primary condition. From this point, starting again, the particles of sulphur in the sulphurous acid, through the agency of water, became fully oxygenated by the nitrous acid, and fell down in heavy drops of sulphuric acid, while the nitrous gas derived from the nitrous acid, had again recourse to the air for its lost dose of oxygen. This beautiful interchange of the oxygenous principle was found to go on, in their experiments, till either the sulphurous acid, or oxygen in the air, was exhausted. They verified this proposition, with regard to what occurs in sulphuric acid chambers, by mixing in a crystal globe the three substances, deutoxide of azote, sulphurous acid, and atmospheric air. The immediate production of red vapours indicated the transformation of the deutoxide into nitrous acid gas; and now the introduction of a very little water caused the proper reaction, for opaque vapours rose, which deposited white star-form crystals on the surface of the glass. The gases were once more transparent and colourless; but another addition of water melted these crystals with effervescence, when ruddy vapours appeared. In this manner the phenomena were made to alternate, till the oxygen of the included air was expended, or all the sulphurous acid was converted into sulphuric. The residuary gases were found to be nitrous acid gas, and azote, without sulphurous acid gas; while unctuous sulphuric acid bedewed the inner surface of the globe. Hence, they justly concluded their new theory of the manufacture of oil of vitriol to be demonstrated. In consequence of their discovery, the manufacture of this acid has received such In the manufacture of sulphuric acid upon the great scale, two different systems of working were long prevalent; the intermittent or periodical, and the continuous or uniform. Both were carried on in large leaden chambers. In the former, the chambers were closed during the period of combustion and gaseous combination, but were opened from time to time to introduce fresh atmospheric air. This method is, I believe, generally abandoned now, on account of the difficulties and delays attending it, though it afforded large products in skilful hands. In the latter, a continuous current of air is allowed to enter at the oven in front of the chamber for the combustion of the sulphur, and there is a constant escape of nitrogen gas, with a little sulphurous acid gas, at the remote end of the roof. Fig. 1101. represents a sulphuric acid chamber, a, a, are the brick or stone pillars upon which it rests; b, b, are the sustaining wooden beams or joists; c, is the chimney for the discharge of the nitrogen; d, is the roof, and e, the sole of the hearth for the combustion of the sulphur; f, is the cylindrical tunnel, or pipe of lead or cast iron, for conducting the gasiform materials into the chamber; g, is the steam-boiler; and h, the steam-pipe. That plan is variously modified, by different oil-of-vitriol makers in this country and in France. Very frequently, the oven e, d, is not situated under the chamber, but is built at the end of it, as at i, and arched over with brick, the crown being 9 inches thick. The pipe f, 18 inches in diameter, is then placed outside of the chamber, being inserted into a brick chimney, and, turning rectangularly, enters it opposite k. The sole of the hearth e, is a thick plate of cast iron (not hollowed as shown in the figure), 5 or 6 feet long, and 3 or 4 broad, with a small fireplace constructed beneath it, whose smoke-flue runs outwards, under the floor, to the side wall of the building. The oven is in this case about 2 feet in height, from the sole to the roof; and it has an iron door, about 12 inches by 15, which slides up and down in a tightly-fitted iron frame. This door is frequently placed in the side of the oven, parallel to the long side of the leaden chamber. A stout collar of lead is bolted to the chamber, where the pipe enters it. At the middle of the side of the chamber, about 2 feet above the ground, a leaden trough is fixed, which serves as a syphon-funnel and water-trap for introducing water to the acid gases. Several manufacturers divide the chamber into a series of rectangular compartments, by parallel leaden screens, 10 or 12 feet asunder, and allow these compartments to communicate by a narrow opening, or a hole 1 foot square, in the top and bottom of each screen alternately. Thus the fumes, which enter from the chimney-pipe over k, will be forced, by the screen at b, to descend to 1, and pass through the opening there, to get into the second compartment, whence they will escape near the top at 2, thus circulating up and down, so as to occasion a complete agitation and intermixture of their heterogeneous particles. Into the side of the chamber, opposite to the centre of each compartment, a lead pipe enters, and proceeds towards the middle of the area, terminating in a narrow orifice, for discharging a jet of high-pressure steam from a boiler loaded with 40 pounds upon the square inch. This boiler should be placed under a shed exterior to the building. It deserves to be noted, that the incessant tremors produced in this pipe by the escape of the steam, cause the orifice to contract, and eventually to close almost entirely, just as the point of a glass tube does when exposed directly to the flame of a blowpipe. Provision should therefore be made against this event, by the chemical engineer. Equidistant between the middle point and each end of the chamber, two round holes are cut out in its side, about 16 inches in diameter, and 2 feet from the floor; the sheet The outlet c, on the top of the chamber, is sometimes joined to a long pipe of lead laid nearly horizontally, with a slight inclination upwards, along the roof, for favouring the condensation and return of acid matter. At the extremity l, of the chamber, which, having a downward slope of 1 inch in every 20 feet, should stand from 3 to 6 inches (according to its length) lower than i, one leg of an inverted syphon pipe is fixed by fusion, into which the liquid of the chamber passing, will show by its altitude the depth on the bottom within. From the cup-shaped orifice of that bent-up pipe, the acid of the chamber is drawn off by an ordinary leaden syphon into the concentration pans. The sheet lead of which the sides and top are made, should weigh from 5 to 6 pounds per square foot; that of the bottom should be nearly of double thickness. Having now detailed, with sufficient minuteness, the construction of the chamber, I shall next describe the mode of operating with it. There are at least two plans at present in use for burning the sulphur continuously in the oven. In the one, the sulphur is laid on the hearth e, (or rather on the flat hearth in the separate oven, above described,) and is kindled by a slight fire placed under it; which fire, however, is allowed to go out after the first day, because the oven becomes by that time sufficiently heated by the sulphur flames to carry on the subsequent combustion. Upon the hearth, an iron tripod is set, supporting, a few inches above it, a hemispherical cast-iron bowl (basin) charged with nitre and its decomposing proportion of strong sulphuric acid. In the other plan, 12 parts of bruised sulphur, and 1 of nitre, are mixed in a leaden trough on the floor with 1 of strong sulphuric acid, and the mixture is shovelled through the sliding iron door upon the hot hearth. The successive charges of sulphur are proportioned, of course, to the size of the chamber. In one of the largest, which is 120 feet long, 20 broad, and 16 high, 12 cwt. are burned in the course of 24 hours, divided into 6 charges, every fourth hour, of 2 cwt. each. In chambers of one-sixth greater capacity, containing 1400 metres cube, 1 ton of sulphur is burned in 24 hours. This immense production was first introduced at Chaunay and Dieuze, under the management of M. Clement-Desormes. The bottom of the chamber should be covered at first with a thin stratum of sulphuric acid, of spec. grav. 1·07, which decomposes nitrous acid into oxygen and nitrous gas; but not with mere water, which would absorb the nitrous acid vapours, and withdraw them from their aerial sphere of action. The vapour of nitric acid, disengaged from the nitre on the hearth of the oven, when brought into intimate contact with the sulphurous acid, either gives up oxygen to it, becomes itself nitrous gas, and converts it into sulphuric acid; or combines with the sulphurous acid into the crystalline compound above described, which, the moment it meets with moisture, is decomposed into sulphuric acid and nitrous gas. The atmospherical oxygen of the chamber immediately reconverts this gas into nitrous or nitric acid fumes, which are again ready, with the co-operation of sulphurous acid gas and aqueous vapour, to produce fresh quantities of hydrous sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol) and nitrous gas. At low temperatures, this curious play of chemical affinities has a great tendency to form the crystalline compound, and to deposit it in a crust of considerable thickness (from one-half to one inch) on the sides of the chamber, so as to render the process inoperative. A circumstance of this kind occurred, in a very striking manner, during winter, in a manufacture of oil of vitriol in Russia; and it has sometimes occurred, to a moderate extent, in Scotland. It is called, at Marseilles, the maladie des chambres. It may be certainly prevented, by maintaining the interior of the chamber, by a jet of steam, at a temperature of 100° F. When these crystals fall into the dilute acid at the bottom, they are decomposed with a violent effervescence, and a hissing gurgling noise, somewhat like that of a tun of beer in brisk fermentation. M. Clement-Desormes demonstrated the proposition relative to the influence of temperature by a decisive experiment. He took a glass globe, furnished with three tubulures, and put a bit of ice into it. Through the first opening he then introduced sulphurous acid gas; through the second, oxygen; and through the third, nitrous gas (deutoxide of azote). While the globe was kept cool, by being plunged in iced water, no sulphuric acid was formed, though all the ingredients essential to its production were present. But on exposing the globe to a temperature of 100° Fahr., the four bodies began immediately to react on each other, and oil of vitriol was condensed in visible striÆ. The introduction of steam is a modern invention, which has vastly facilitated and increased the production of oil of vitriol. It serves, by powerful agitation, not only to mix the different gaseous molecules intimately together, but to impel them against each other, and thus bring them within the sphere of their mutual chemical attraction. This is its mechanical effect. Its chemical agency is still more important. By supplying moisture at every point of the immense included space, it determines the formation of hydrous sulphuric acid, from the compound of nitric, nitrous, sulphurous, and dry sulphuric acids. No sooner is this reaction accomplished, than the nitrous gas resumes its oxygen, from the continuous atmospherical current, and becomes again fit to operate a like round of transmutations with sulphurous acid, steam, and oxygen. The nitrogen (azote), which ought to be the only residuum in a perfectly regulated vitriol chamber, escapes, by its relative lightness, at the opening c, in the roof, or, more properly speaking, is displaced by the influx of the heavier gases at the entrance-pipe. On the intermittent plan, after the consumption of each charge, and condensation of the product, the chamber was opened, and freely ventilated, so as to expel the residuary azote, and replenish it with fresh atmospheric air. In this system there were four distinct stages or periods:—1. Combustion for two hours; 2. Admission of steam, and settling, for an hour and a half; 3. Conversion, for three hours, during which interval the drops of strong acid were heard falling like heavy hailstones on the bottom; 4. Purging of the chamber, for three quarters of an hour. By the continuous method, sulphuric acid may be currently obtained in the chambers, of the specific gravity 1·350, or 1·450 at most; for, when stronger, it absorbs and retains permanently much nitrous acid gas; but by the intermittent, so dense as 1·550, or even 1·620; whence in a district where fuel is high priced, as near Paris, this method recommended itself by economy in the concentration of the acid. In Great Britain, and even in most parts of France, however, where time, workmen’s wages, and interest of capital, are the paramount considerations, manufacturers do not find it for their interest in general to raise the density of the acid in the chambers above 1·400, or at most 1·500; as the further increase goes on at a retarded rate, and its concentration from 1·400 to 1·600, in leaden pans, costs very little. At about the specific gravity of 1·35, in Great Britain, the liquid of the chambers is run off, by the syphon above described, into a leaden gutter or spout, which discharges it into a series of rectangular vessels made of large sheets of lead, of 12 or 14 lbs. to the square foot, simply folded up at the angles into pans 8 or 10 inches deep, resting upon a grate made of a pretty close row of wrought-iron bars of considerable strength, under which the flame of a furnace plays. Where coals are very cheap, each pan may have a separate fire; but where they are somewhat dear, the flame, after passing under the lowest pan of the range, which contains the strongest acid (at about 1·600), proceeds upwards with a slight slope to heat the pans of weaker acid, which, as it concentrates, is gradually run down by syphons to replenish the lower pans, in proportion as their aqueous matter is dissipated. The 3 or 4 pans constituting the range are thus placed in a straight line, but each at a different level, terrace-like; en gradins, as the French say. When the acid has thereby acquired the density of 1·650, or 1·700 at most, it must be removed from the leaden evaporators, because, when of greater strength, it would begin to corrode them; and it is transferred into leaden coolers, or run through a long refrigeratory worm-pipe surrounded by cold water. In this state it is introduced into glass or platinum retorts, to undergo a final concentration, up to the specific gravity of 1·842, or even occasionally 1·845, in consequence of slight saline impurities. When glass retorts are used, they are set in a long sand-bath over a gallery furnace, resting on fire tiles, under which a powerful flame plays; and as the flue gradually ascends from the fireplace, near to which it is most distant from the tiles; to the remoter end, the heat acts with tolerable equality on the first and last retort in the range. When platinum stills are employed, they are fitted into the inside of cast-iron pots, which protect the thin bottom and sides of the precious metal. The fire being applied directly to the iron, causes a safe, rapid, and economical concentration of the acid. The iron pots, with their platinum interior, filled with concentrated boiling-hot oil of vitriol, are lifted out of the fire-seat by tackle, and let down into a cistern of cold water, to effect the speedy refrigeration of the acid, and facilitate its transvasion into carboys packed in osier baskets lined with straw. Sometimes, however, the acid is cooled by running it The under stopcock a, being shut, and the leg b, being plunged to nearly the bottom of the still, the worm is to be filled with concentrated cold acid through the funnel c. If that stopcock is now shut, and a opened, the acid will flow out in such quantity as to rarefy the small portion of air in the upper part of the pipe b, sufficiently to make the hot acid rise up over the bend, and set the syphon in action. The flow of the fluid is to be so regulated by the stopcock a, that it may be greatly cooled in its passage by the surrounding cold water in the vessel f, which may be replenished by means of the tube and funnel d, and overflow at e. A manufacturer of acid in Scotland, who burns in each chamber 210 pounds of sulphur in 24 hours, being at the rate of 420 pounds for 20,000 cubic feet (= nearly 2000 metres cube) has a product of nearly 3 pounds of concentrated oil of vitriol for every pound of sulphur and twelfth of a pound of nitre. The advantage of his process results, I conceive, from the lower concentration of the acid in the chambers, which favours its more rapid production. The platinum retort admits of from 4 to 6 operations in a day, when it is well mounted and managed. It has a capital of platinum, furnished with a short neck, which conducts the disengaged vapours into a lead worm of condensation; and the liquid thus obtained is returned into the lead pans. Great care must be taken to prevent any particles of lead from getting into the platinum vessel, since at the temperature of boiling sulphuric acid, the lead unites with the precious metal, and thus causes holes in the retort. These must be repaired by soldering-on a plate of platinum with gold. Before the separate oven or hearth for burning the sulphur in contact with the nitre was adopted, this combustible mixture was introduced into the chamber itself, spread on iron trays or earthen pans, supported above the water on iron stands. But this plan was very laborious and unproductive. It is no longer followed. One of the characters of the good quality of sulphuric acid, is its dissolving indigo without altering its fine blue colour. Sulphuric acid, when well prepared, is a colourless and inodorous liquid, of an oily aspect, possessing a specific gravity, in its most concentrated state, of 1·842, when redistilled, but as found in commerce, of 1·845. It is eminently acid and corrosive, so that a single drop will communicate the power of reddening litmus to a gallon of water, and will produce an ulcer of the skin when allowed to remain upon it. If swallowed in its strongest state, in even a small quantity, it acts so furiously on the throat and stomach as to cause intolerable agony and speedy death. Watery diluents, mixed with chalk or magnesia, are the readiest antidotes. At a temperature of about 600° F., or a few degrees below the melting point of lead, it boils and distils over like water. This is the best method of procuring sulphuric acid free from the saline and metallic matters with which it is sometimes contaminated. The affinity of sulphuric acid for water is so strong that, when exposed in an open saucer, it imbibes one-third of its weight from the atmosphere in 24 hours, and fully six times its weight in a few months. Hence it should be kept excluded from the air. If four parts, by weight, of the strongest acid be suddenly mixed with one part of water, both being at 50° F., the temperature of the mixture will rise to 300°; while, on the other hand, if four parts of ice be mixed with one of sulphuric acid, they immediately liquefy and sink the thermometer to 4° below zero. From the great attraction existing between this acid and water, a saucer of it is employed to effect the rapid condensation of aqueous vapour as it exhales from a cup of water placed over it; both standing under the exhausted receiver of an air-pump. By the cold produced by this unchecked evaporation in vacuo, the water is speedily frozen. To determine the purity of sulphuric acid, let it be slowly heated to the boiling point of water, and if any volatile acid matter be present, it will evaporate, with its characteristic smell. The presence of saline impurity, which is the common one, is discovered by evaporating a given weight of it in a small capsule of platinum placed on red-hot cinders. If more than two grains remain out of 500, the acid may be reckoned to be Of all the acids, the sulphuric is most extensively used in the arts, and is, in fact, the primary agent for obtaining almost all the others, by disengaging them from their saline combinations. In this way, nitric, muriatic, tartaric, acetic, and many other acids, are procured. It is employed in the direct formation of alum, of the sulphates of copper, zinc, potassa, soda; in that of sulphuric ether, of sugar by the saccharification of starch, and in the preparation of phosphorus, &c. It serves also for opening the pores of skins in tanning, for clearing the surfaces of metals, for determining the nature of several salts by the acid characters that are disengaged, &c. According to the analysis of Dr. Thomson, the crystalline compound deposited occasionally in the leaden chambers above described consists of—
He admits that the proportion of water is a little uncertain; and that the presence of sulphurous acid was not proved by direct analysis. When heated with water, the crystalline matter disengages nitrous gas in abundance; lets fall some sulphate of lead; and the liquid is found to be sulphuric acid. When heated without water, it is decomposed with emission of nitrous gas and fuming nitric acid; leaving a liquid which, mixed with water, produces a brisk effervescence, consisting chiefly of nitrous gas. The following Table shows the quantity of concentrated and dry sulphuric acid in 100 parts of dilute, at different densities, by my experiments, published in the Quarterly Journal of Science, for October, 1817:—