The finest raisins are those of the sun, so called; being the plumpest bunches, which are left to ripen fully upon the vine, after their stalks have been half cut through. The amount of raisins imported for home consumption was, in the year 1836, 156,495 cwts.; in 1837, 152,635 cwts. In Lancashire and Cheshire a different mode is adopted, both as to the measure and divisions of the reed. The Manchester and Bolton reeds are counted by the number of splits, or, as they are there called, dents, contained in 241/4 inches of the reed. These dents, instead of being arranged in hundreds, porters, and splits, as in Scotland, are calculated by what is there termed hares or bears, each containing 20 dents, or the same number as the porter in the Scotch reeds. The Cheshire or Stockport reeds, again, receive their designation from the number of ends or threads contained in one inch, two ends being allowed for every dent, that being the almost universal number in every species and description of plain cloth, according to the modern practice of weaving, and also for a great proportion of fanciful articles. The number of threads in the warp of a web is generally ascertained with considerable precision by means of a small magnifying glass, fitted into a socket of brass, under which is drilled a small round hole in the bottom plate of the standard. The number of threads visible in this perforation, ascertains the number of threads in the standard measure of the reed. Those used in Scotland have sometimes four perforations, over any one of which the glass may be shifted. The first perforation is 1/4 of an inch in diameter, and is therefore well adapted to the Stockport mode of counting; that is to say, for ascertaining the number of ends or threads per inch; the second is adapted for the Holland reed, being 1/200th part of 40 inches; the third is 1/700th of 37 inches, and is adapted for the now almost universal construction of Scotch reeds; and the fourth, being 1/200th of 34 inches, is intended for the French cambrics. Every thread appearing in these respective measures, of course represents 200 threads, or 100 splits, in the standard breadth; and thus the quality of the fabric may be ascertained with considerable precision, even after the cloth has undergone repeated wettings, either at the bleaching-ground or dye-work. By counting the other way, the proportion which the woof bears to the warp is also known, and this forms the chief use of the glass to the manufacturer and operative weaver, both of whom are previously acquainted with the exact measure of the reed. Comparative Table of 37-inch reeds, being the standard used throughout Europe, for linens, with the Lancashire and Cheshire reeds, and the foreign reeds used for holland and cambric.
In the above table, the 37-inch is placed first. It is called Scotch, not because it either originated or is exclusively used in that country. It is the general linen reed of all Europe; but in Scotland it has also been adopted as the regulator of her cotton manufactures. 1. On procuring nitric acid for parting.—a is a platinum retort or alembic; b is its capital, terminating above in a tubulure, to which a kneed tube of platinum, about 2 feet long, is adapted; c is the tubulure of the retort, for supplying acid during the process, and for inspecting its progress. It is furnished with a lid ground air-tight, which may be secured in its place by a weight. e is a stoneware pipe, about two inches diameter, and several feet long, according to the locality in which the operation is to be carried on. It is made in lengths fitted to one another, and secured at the joints with loam-lute. The one bend of this earthenware hard salt-glazed pipe is adapted to receive the platinum tube, and the other bend is inserted into a tubulure in the top of the stoneware drum f. The opening l, l, in the middle of the top of f, is g, g, is a tub in which the stoneware cistern stands, surrounded with water, kept constantly as cold as possible by passing a stream through it; the spring water entering by a pipe that dips near to the bottom, and the hot water escaping at the upper edge. With the above apparatus, the manufacture of pure nitric acid is comparatively easy and economical. Into the alembic a, 100 pounds (or thereby) of pure nitre, coarsely bruised if the crystals be large, are to be put; the capital is then to be adapted, and the platinum tube (the only movable one) luted into its place. Twenty pounds of strong sulphuric acid are now to be introduced by the tubulure c, and then its lid must be put on. No heat must yet be applied to the alembic. In about an hour, another ten pounds of acid may be poured in, and so every hour, till 60 pounds of acid have been added. A few hours after the affusion of the last portion of acid, a slight fire may be kindled in the furnace k. By judicious regulation of the heat, the whole acid may be drawn off in 24 hours; its final expulsion being aided by the dexterous introduction of a quart or two of boiling water, in small successive portions, by the tubulure c, whose lid must be instantly shut after every inspersion. The most convenient strength of acid for the parting process, is when its specific gravity is about 1·320, or when a vessel that contains 16 ounces of pure water, will contain 211/8 of the aquafortis. To this strength it should be brought very exactly by the aid of a hydrometer. Its purity is easily ascertained by letting fall into it a few drops of solution of silver; and if no perceptible milkiness ensues, it may be accounted good. Should a white cloud appear, a few particles of silver may be introduced, to separate whatever muriatic acid may be present, in the form of chloride of silver. Though a minute quantity of sulphuric acid should exist in the nitric, it will be of no consequence in the operation of parting. 2. On parting by the nitric acid, called by the Mexicans, “Il apartado.”—The principle on which this process is founded, is the fact of silver being soluble in nitric acid, while gold is insoluble in that menstruum. If the proportion of gold to that of silver be greater than one to two, then the particles of the former metal so protect or envelop those of the latter, that the nitric acid, even at a boiling heat, remains quite inactive on the alloy. It is indispensable, therefore, that the weight of the silver be at least double that of the gold. 100 pounds of silver take 38 pounds of nitric acid, of specific gravity 1·320, for oxidizement, and 111 for solution of the oxide; being together 149; but the refiner often consumes, in acid of the above strength, more than double the weight of silver, which shows great waste, owing to the imperfect means of condensation employed for recovering the vapours of the boiling and very volatile acid. By the apparatus above delineated, the 38 pounds of acid expended in oxidizing the silver, become nitrous gas in the first place, and are afterwards reconverted in a great measure into nitric acid by absorption of atmospherical oxygen; so that not one-fifth need be lost, under good management. As the acid must be boiled on the granulated garble, or alloy, to effect the solution of the silver, by proper arrangements the vapours may be entirely condensed, and nearly the whole acid be recovered, except the 111 parts indispensable to constitute nitrate of silver. Hence, with economical management, 120 pounds of such acid may be assigned as adequate to dissolve 100 of silver associated with 50 of gold. It must here be particularly observed, that 100 pounds of copper require 130 pounds of the above acid for oxidizement; and 390 for solution of the oxide; being 520 pounds in whole, of which less than 1/4 part could be recovered by the above apparatus. It is therefore manifest that it is desirable to employ silver pretty well freed from copper by a previous process; and always, if practicable, a silver containing some gold. These data being assumed as the bases of the parting operation, 60 pounds of gold and silver alloy or garble finely granulated, containing not less than 40 pounds of silver, are to be introduced into the ten-gallon alembic of platinum, fig. 931., and 80 pounds of nitric acid, of 1·320, is to be poured over the alloy; a quantity which will measure 6 gallons imperial. As for the bulk of the alloy, it is considerably less than half a gallon. Abundance By the extent of stoneware conducting pipe e, which should not be less than 40 feet, by the dimensions and coldness of the cistern f, and by the regenerating influence of the vertical aerial pipe filled with moist pebbles i, i, it is clear, that out of the 80 pounds of nitric acid, specific gravity 1·320, introduced at first, from 20 to 30 will be recovered. Whenever the effervescence and disengagement of nitrous red fumes no longer appear on opening the orifice c, the fire must be removed, and the vessel may be cooled by the application of moist cloths. The alembic may be then disengaged from the platinum tube, and lifted out of its seat. Its liquid contents must be cautiously decanted off, through the orifice c, into a tub nearly filled with soft water. On the heavy pulverulent gold which remains in the vessel, some more acid should be boiled, to carry off any residuary silver. This metallic powder, after being well washed with water, is to be dried, fused along with a little nitre or borax, and cast into ingots. Plates of copper being immersed in the nitric solution contained in wooden or stoneware cisterns, will throw metallic silver down, while a solution of nitrate of copper, called blue water, will float above. The pasty silver precipitate is to be freed from the nitrate of copper, first, by washing with soft water, and next, by strong hydraulic pressure in cast-iron cylinders. The condensed mass, when now melted in a crucible along with a little nitre and borax, is fine silver. The above apparatus has the further advantage of enabling the operator to recover a great portion of his nitric acid, by evaporating the blue water to a state approaching to dryness, with the orifices at c, and at the top of the capital, open. In the progress of this evaporation, nothing but aqueous vapour escapes. Whenever the whole liquid is dissipated, the pipe d is to be re-adjusted, and the lid applied closely to c. The heat being now continued, and gradually increased, the whole nitric acid will be expelled from the copper oxide, which will remain in a black mass at the bottom of the alembic. The contrivance for letting water trickle upon the pebbles, must be carefully kept in play, otherwise much of the evolved acid would be dissipated in nitrous fumes. With due attention to the regenerative plan, a great part of the acid may be recovered, at no expense but that of a little fuel. The black oxide of copper thus obtained, is an economical form of employing that metal for the production of the sulphate; 100 pounds of it, with 1221/2 of sulphuric acid diluted with water, produce 3121/2 pounds of crystallized sulphate of copper. A leaden boiler is best adapted for that operation. 100 pounds of silver are precipitable from its solution in nitric acid, by 29 of copper. If more be needed, it is a proof that a wasteful excess of acid has existed in the solution. In parting by nitric acid, the gold generally retains a little silver; as is proved by the cloud of chloride of silver which it affords, at the end of some hours, when dissolved in aqua regia. And on the other hand, the silver retains a little gold. These facts induced M. DizÉ, when he was inspector of the French mint, to adopt some other process, which would give more accurate analytical results; and after numerous experiments, he ascertained that sulphuric acid presented great advantages in this point of view, since with it he succeeded in detecting, in silver, quantities of gold which had eluded the other plan of parting. The suggestion of M. DizÉ has been since universally adopted in France. M. Costell, about nine or ten years ago, erected in Pomeroy-street, Old Kent-road, a laboratory upon the French plan, for parting by sulphuric acid; but he was not successful in his enterprise; and since he relinquished the business, Mr. Matheson introduced the same system into our Royal Mint, under the management of M. Costell’s French operatives. In the Parisian refineries, gold, to the amount of one-thousandth part of the weight, has been extracted from all the silver which had been previously parted by the nitric acid process; being 3500 francs in value upon every thousand kilogrammes of silver. I shall give first a general outline of the method of parting by sulphuric acid, and then describe its details as I have lately seen them executed upon a magnificent scale in an establishment near Paris. The most suitable alloy for refining gold, by the sulphuric-acid process, is the compound of gold, silver, and copper, having a standard quality, by the cupel, of from 900 to 950 milliÈmes, and containing one-fifth of its weight of gold. The best proportions of the three metals are the following:—silver, 725; gold, 200; copper, 75; = 1000. It has been found that alloys which contain more copper, afford solutions that hold some anhydrous sulphate of that metal in solution, which prevents the gold from being readily separated; and that alloys containing more gold, are not acted on easily by the sulphuric acid. The refiner ought, therefore, when at all convenient, to reduce the alloys that he has to treat, to the above-stated proportions. He may effect this purpose either by fusing the coarser alloys with nitre in a crucible, or by adding finer alloy, or even fine silver, or finally, by subjecting the coarser alloys to a previous cupellation with lead on For an alloy of the above description, the principal Parisian refiners are in the habit of employing thrice its weight of sulphuric acid, in order to obtain a clear solution of sulphate of silver, which does not too suddenly concrete on cooling, so as to obstruct its discharge from the alembic by decantation. A small increase in the quantity of copper, calls for a considerable increase in the quantity of acid. Generally speaking, one-half of the sulphuric acid strictly required for converting the silver and copper into sulphates, is decomposed into sulphurous acid, which is lost to the manufacturer, unless he has recourse to the agency of nitrous acid. The process for silver containing but little gold, consists of five different operations. 1. Upon several furnaces, one foot in diameter, egg-shaped alembics of platinum are mounted, into each of which are put 3 kilogrammes (8 lbs. troy) of the granulated silver, containing a few grains of gold per pound, and 6 kilogrammes of concentrated sulphuric acid. The alembics are covered with conical capitals, ending in bent tubes, which conduct the acid vapours into lead pipes of condensation; and the furnaces are erected under a proper hood. As the cold acid is inoperative, it must be set a boiling, at which temperature it gives up one atom of its oxygen to the metal, and is transformed into sulphurous acid, which escapes in a gaseous state. Some of the undecomposed sulphuric acid immediately combines with the oxide into a sulphate, which subsides, in the state of a crystalline powder, to the bottom of the vessel. The solution goes on vigorously, with a copious disengagement of sulphurous acid gas, only during the two or three first hours; after which it proceeds slowly, and is not completed till after a digestion of nearly twelve hours more. During the ebullition a considerable quantity of sulphuric acid vapour escapes along with the sulphurous acid gas; the former of which is readily condensed in a large leaden receiver immersed in a cistern of cold water, if need be. It has been proposed to condense the sulphurous acid, by leading it over extensive surfaces of lime-pap, as in the coal-gas purifiers. 2. When the whole silver has been converted into sulphate, this is to be emptied out of the alembic into water contained in a round-bottomed receiver lined with lead, and diluted till the density of the solution marks from 15° to 20° BaumÉ. The small portion of gold, in the form of a brown powder, which remains undissolved, having been allowed to settle to the bottom, the supernatant solution of silver is to be decanted carefully off into a leaden cistern, and the powder being repeatedly edulcorated with water, the washings are to be added to it. The silver is now to be precipitated by plunging plates of copper in the solution, and the magma which falls is to be well washed, and freed from the residuary particles of sulphate of copper by powerful compression. 3. The silver, precipitated and dried as above described, is melted in a crucible, and cast into an ingot. 4. The gold powder is also dried and cast into an ingot, a little nitre being added in the fusion, to oxidize and separate any minute particles of copper that may perchance have been protected from the solvent action of the acid. 5. As the sulphate of copper is of considerable value, its solution is to be neutralized, evaporated in leaden pans to a proper strength, and set aside to crystallize in leaden cisterns. The farmers throughout France consume an immense quantity of this salt. They sprinkle a weak solution of it (at 2° or 3° BaumÉ) over their grain before sowing it, in order to protect it against the ravages of birds and insects. The pure gold, at the instant of its separation from the alloy by the action of sulphuric acid, being in a very fine powder, and lying in close contact with the platinum, under the influence of a boiling menstruum, which brightens the surfaces of the two metals, and raises their temperature to fully the 600th degree of Fahrenheit’s scale, tends to become partially soldered to the platinum, and may thus progressively thicken the bottom of the still. The importance of preserving this vessel entire, and of economizing the fuel requisite to heat its contents, induces the refiner to detach the crust of gold from time to time, by passing over the bottom of the still, in small quantities, a dilute nitro-muriatic acid, which acts readily on gold, but not on platinum. But as this operation is a very delicate one, it must be conducted with great circumspection. The danger of such adhering deposits is much increased by using too high a heat, and too small a body of acid, relatively to the metals dissolved. Hence it is advantageous to employ alembics of large size. Should any lead or tin get into the platinum still, while the hot acid is in it, the precious vessel would be speedily destroyed; an accident which has not unfrequently happened. Each operation may be conveniently finished in twelve hours; The Parisian refiners restore to the owners the whole of the gold and silver contained in the ingots, reserving to themselves the copper which formed the alloy, and charging only the sum of 51/2 francs per kilogramme (2·68 lbs. troy) for the expense of the parting of the metals. If they are employed to refine an ingot of silver containing less than one-tenth of gold, they retain for themselves a two-thousandth part of the gold, and all the copper, existing in the alloy; return all the rest of the gold, with the whole of the silver, in the ingot; and give, besides, to the owners a premium or bonus, which amounted lately to 3/4 of a franc on the kilogramme of metal. Should the owner desire to have the whole of the gold and silver contained in his ingot, the refiner then demands from him 2 francs and 68 centimes per kilogramme, retaining the copper of the alloy. As to silver ingots of low standard, the perfection of the refining processes is such, that the mere copper contained in them pays all the costs; for in this case, the refiner restores to the proprietor of the ingot as much fine silver as the assay indicated to exist in the ingot, contenting himself with the copper of the alloy. See infrÀ. The chemical works of M. Poizat, called affinage d’argent, on the bank of the canal de l’Ourcq, in the vicinity of Paris, are undoubtedly the most spacious and best arranged for refining the precious metals, which exist in the world. On being introduced to this gentleman, by my friend and companion M. Clement-Desormes, he immediately expressed his readiness to conduct me through his fabrique, politely alluding to the French translation of my Dictionary of Chemistry, which lay upon the desk of his bureau. The principal room is 240 feet long, 40 feet wide, and about 30 feet high. A lofty chimney rises up through the middle of the apartment, and another at each of its ends. The one space, 120 feet long, to the right of the central chimney, is allotted to the processes of dissolving the silver, and parting the gold; the other, to the left, to the evaporation and crystallization of the sulphate of copper, and the concentration of the recovered sulphuric acid. M. Poizat melts his great masses of silver in pots made of malleable iron, capable of holding several cwts. each; and granulates it by pouring it into water contained in large iron pans. The granulated silver is dried with heat, and carried into a well lighted office enclosed by glazed casements, to be weighed, registered, and divided into determinate portions. Each of these is put into a cast-iron pot, of a flattened hemispherical shape, about 2 feet in diameter, covered with an iron lid, made in halves, and hinged together in the middle line. From the top of the fixed lid a bent pipe issues, and proceeds downwards into an oblong leaden chest sunk beneath the floor. Four of the above cast-iron pots stand in a line across the room, divided into two ranges, with an intervening space for passing between them. The bottoms of the pots are directly heated by the flame, one fire serving for two pots. Two parts of concentrated sulphuric acid by weight are poured upon every part of granulated silver, and kept gently boiling till the whole silver be converted into a pasty sulphate. From the underground leaden chests, a leaden pipe, 4 inches in diameter, rises vertically, and enters the side of a leaden chamber, which is supported upon strong cross-beams or rafters, a little way beneath the roof of the apartment. This chamber, which is 30 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 6 feet high, is intended to condense the sulphuric acid vapours, along with some of the sulphurous acid; that of the latter being promoted by the admission of nitrous gas and air, which convert it into sulphuric acid. From the further end of this chamber, a large square leaden pipe returns with a slight slope towards the middle of the room, and terminates at the right-hand side of the central chimney, in a small leaden chest, for receiving the drops of acid which are condensed in the pipe. From that chest a pipe issues, to discharge into the high central chimney the incondensable gases, and also to maintain a constant draught through the whole series of leaden chambers back to the cast-iron hemispherical pots. Besides the above cast-iron pots, destined to dissolve only the coarse cupreous silver, containing a few grains of gold per pound, there are, in the centre of the apartment, at the right-hand side of the chimney, 6 alembics of platinum, in which the rich alloys of gold and silver are treated in the process of refining gold. The pasty sulphate of silver obtained in the iron pots, is transferred by cast-iron ladles with long handles into large leaden cisterns, adjoining the pots, and there diluted with a little water to the density of 36° BaumÉ. Into this liquor, steam is admitted through a series of upright leaden pipes arranged along the side of the cistern, which speedily causes ebullition, and dilutes the solution eventually to the 22d degree of BaumÉ. In this state, the liquid supersulphate is run off by leaden syphons into large oblong leaden cisterns, rounded at the bottom; and is there exposed to the action of ribands of copper, like thin wood shavings. The metallic silver precipitates in a pasty form; and the The precipitate of silver, called by the English, water-silver, and by the French, chaux d’argent, is drained, then strongly squeezed in a square box of cast iron, by the action of a hydraulic press; in which 60 pounds of silver are operated upon at once. The silver lumps are dried, melted in black lead crucibles, in a furnace built near the silver end of the room, where the superintendent sits in his bureau—a closet enclosed by glazed casements, like a green-house. The whole course of the operations is so planned, that they are made to commence near the centre with the mixed metals, and progressively approach towards the office end of the apartment as the parting processes advance. Here the raw material, after being granulated and weighed, was given out, and here the pure gold and silver are finally eliminated in a separate state. The crystallized sulphate of copper fetched, two years ago, 30l. a ton. It is almost all sold to the grocers in the towns of the agricultural districts of France. In the above establishment of M. Poizat, silver to the value of 10,000l. can be operated upon daily. There is a steam engine of 6-horse power placed in a small glazed chamber at one side of the parting hall, which serves to work all his leaden pumps for lifting the dilute sulphuric acid and acidulous solutions of copper into their appropriate cisterns of concentration, as also to grind his old crucibles, and drive his amalgamation mill, consisting of a pair of vertical round-edged wheels, working upon one shaft, in a groove formed round a central hemisphere—of cast iron. After the mercury has dissolved out of the ground crucibles all the particles of silver which it can find, the residuary earthy matter is sold to the sweep-washers. The floor of the hall around the alembics, pots, and cisterns, is covered with an iron grating, made of bars having one of their angles uppermost, to act as scrapers upon the shoes of the operatives. The dust collects in a vacant space left beneath the grating, whence it is taken to the amalgamation mill. The processes are so well arranged and conducted by M. Poizat, that he can execute as much business in his establishment with 10 workmen as is elsewhere done with from 40 to 50; and with less than 3 grains of gold, in one Paris pound or 7561 grains of silver, he can defray the whole expenses of the parting or refining. Since 26 parts of copper afford 100 of the crystallized sulphate, the tenth of copper present in the dollars, and most foreign coins, will yield nearly four times its weight of blue vitriol; a subsidiary product of considerable value to the refiner. The works of M. Poizat are so judiciously fitted up as to be quite salubrious, and have not those “very mischievous effects upon the trachea,” which Mr. Matheson states as being common in his refinery works in the Royal Mint. For gold bullion containing silver, and more than 100/1000 of gold, 6 fr. 12 c. per kilogramme, = 2 fr. 29 c. per lb. troy. For silver bullion, containing from 1/1000 to 100/1000 of gold (called dorÉs), 3 fr. 27 c. per kilogramme, = 1 fr. 22 c. per lb. troy. For the Monnaie, the charges are— For gold refined by sulphuric acid, when alloyed with copper only, from 898/1000 to 1/1000, 5 fr. per kilogramme, = 1 fr. 86 c. per lb. troy. For gold alloyed with copper and silver, whatever be the quantity of silver, 5 fr. 75 c. per kilogramme, = 2 fr. 12 c. per lb. troy. There are about ten bullion refiners by sulphuric acid in the environs of Paris; two of whom, M. Poizat St. AndrÉ, and M. ChauviÈre, are by far the most considerable; the former working about 300 kilogrammes (= 804 lbs. troy) daily, and the latter about two-thirds of that quantity. In former times, when competition was open in London, Messrs. Browne and Brinde were wont to treat 6 cwts. of silver, or 9 cwts. of gold alloy, daily, for several months in succession. The result of free trade in refining bullion at Paris is, that the silver bars imported into London from South America, &c., are mostly sent off to Paris to be stripped of the few grains of gold which they may contain, and are then brought back to be sold here. Three grains of gold in one Paris lb. of silver, pay the refiners there for taking them out. What a disgrace is thus brought upon our manufacturing industry and skill, by the monopoly charges in refining and assaying granted to two individuals in our Royal Mint. Mr. Bingley’s charges for assaying at the Royal Mint in London, are— For an assay of gold, 4s.; for a parting assay of gold and silver, 6s.; for a silver assay, 2s. 6d.—charges which absorb the profits of many a transaction. The charges at the Royal Mint of Paris, for assays made under the following distinguished chemical savants—Darcet, Directeur; BrÉant, Verificateur; Chevillot and Pelouze, Essayeurs; are—
M. Gay Lussac is the assayer of the Bureau de Garantie at the Monnaie Royale, an office which corresponds to the Goldsmiths’ Hall at London. The silver assays in all the official establishments of Europe, except the two in London, are made by the humid method, and are free from those errors and blunders which daily annoy and despoil the British bullion merchant, who is compelled by the Mint and Bank of England to buy and sell by the cupellation assay of Mr. Bingley. See Assay and Silver. The inventor has contrived a mode of constructing a refrigerator, so that any quantity of wort or other hot fluid may be cooled by an equal quantity of cool water; the process being performed with great expedition, simply by passing the two fluids through very narrow passages, in opposite directions, the result of which is, that the cold liquor imbibes the heat from the wort, or other fluid, and the temperature of the hot fluid is reduced in the same ratio. Figs. 932, 933, and 934. represent different forms in which the apparatus is proposed to be made. The two first have zigzag passages; the third, channels running in convolute curves. These channels or passages are of very small capacity in thickness, but of great length, and of any breadth that may be required, according to the quantity of fluid intended to be cooled or heated. Fig. 935. is the section of a portion of the apparatus shown at figs. 932. and 933. upon an enlarged scale; it is made by connecting three sheets of copper or any other thin metallic plates together, leaving parallel spaces between each plate for the passage of the fluids, represented by the black lines. These spaces are formed by occasionally introducing between the plates thin straps, ribs, or portions of metal, by which means very thin channels are produced, and through these channels the fluids are intended to be passed, the cold liquor running in one direction, and the hot in the reverse direction. Supposing that the passages for the fluids are each one-eighth of an inch thick, then the entire length for the run of the fluid should be about 80 feet, the breadth of the apparatus being made according to the quantity of fluid intended to be passed through it in a given time. If the channels are made a quarter of an inch thick, then their length should be extended to 160 feet; and any other dimensions in similar proportions: but a larger channel than one quarter of an inch, the patentee considers would be objectionable. It is, however, to be observed, that the length here recommended, is under the consideration, that the fluids are driven through the apparatus by some degree of hydrostatic pressure from a head in the delivery-vats above; but if the fluids flow without pressure, then the lengths of the passages need not be quite so great. In the apparatus constructed as shown in perspective at fig. 932., and further The two cocks e and k, being now opened, the wort or other liquor is drawn off, or otherwise conducted away through the cock k, and the water through e. If the apertures of the two cocks e and k, are equal, and the channels equal also, it follows that the same quantity of wort, &c., will flow through the channel h, h, h, in a given time, as of water through the channel c, c; and by the hot fluid passing through the apertures in contact with the side of the channel which contains the cold fluid, the heat becomes abstracted from the former, and communicated to the latter; and as the hot fluid enters the apparatus at that part which is in immediate contact with the part where the cooling fluid is discharged, and the cold fluid enters the apparatus at that part where the wort is discharged, the consequence is, that the wort or other hot liquor becomes cooled down towards its exit-pipe nearly to the temperature of cold water; and the temperature of the water, at the reverse end of the apparatus, becomes raised nearly to that of the boiling wort. It only remains to observe, that by partially closing either of the exit-cocks, the quantity of heat abstracted from one fluid, and communicated to the other, may be regulated; for instance, if the cock e of the water-passage be partially closed, so as to diminish the quantity of cold water passed through the apparatus, the wort or other hot fluid conducted through the other passages will be discharged at a higher temperature, which in some cases will be desirable, when the refrigerated liquor is to be fermented. Fig. 933. exhibits an apparatus precisely similar to the foregoing, but different in its position; for instance, the zigzag channels are made in obliquely descending planes. a is the funnel for the hot liquor, whence it descends through the pipe d into the channel c, c (see fig. 935.), and ultimately is discharged through the pipe b, at the cock e. The cold water being introduced into the funnel f, and passing down the pipe i, enters the zigzag channel h, h, and, rising through the apparatus, runs off by the pipe g, and is discharged at the cock below. The passages of this apparatus for heating and cooling fluids, may be bent into various contorted figures; one form found particularly convenient under some applications, is that represented at fig. 934., which is contained in a cylindrical case. The passages here run in convolute curves, the one winding in a spiral to the centre, the other receding from the centre. The wort or other hot liquor intended to be cooled, is to be introduced at the funnel a, and passing down the pipe b, is delivered into the open passage c, which winds round to the central chamber d, and is thence discharged through the pipe e, at the cock f. The cold water enters the apparatus at the funnel g, and proceeding down the pipe h, enters the A similar ingenious apparatus for cooling brewers’ worts, or wash for distillers, and also for condensing spirits in place of the ordinary worm tub, is called by the inventor, Mr. Wheeler, an Archimedes condenser, or refrigerator, the peculiar novelty of which consists in forming the chambers for the passage of the fluids in spiral channels, winding round a central tube, through which spiral channels the hot and cold fluids are to be passed in opposite directions. Fig. 936. represents the external appearance of the refrigerator, enclosed in a cylindrical case; fig. 937., the same, one-half of the case being removed to show the form of the apparatus within; and fig. 938., a section cut through the middle of the apparatus perpendicularly, for the purpose of displaying the internal figure of the spiral channels. The apparatus is proposed to be made of sheet copper, tinned on its surface, and is formed by cutting circular pieces of thin copper, or segments of circles, and connecting them together by rivets, solder, or by any other convenient means, as coppersmiths usually do; these circular pieces of copper being united to one another, in the way of a spiral or screw, form the chambers through which the fluids are to pass within, in an ascending or descending inclined plane. In figs. 937. and 938., a, a, is the central tube or standard (of any diameter that may be found convenient), round which the spiral chambers are to be formed; b, b, are the sides of the outer case, to which the edges of the spiral fit closely, but need not be attached; c, c, are two of the circular plates of copper, connected together by rivets at the edges, in the manner shown, or by any other suitable means; d, is the chamber, formed by the two sheets of copper, and which is carried round from top to bottom in a spiral or circular inclined plane, by a succession of circular plates connected to each other. The hot fluid is admitted into the spiral chamber d, through a trumpet or wide-mouthed tube e, at top, and is discharged at bottom by an aperture and cock f. The cold water which is to be employed as the cooling material, is to be introduced through the pipe g, in the centre, from whence discharging itself by a hole at bottom, the cold water occupies the interior of the cylindrical case b, and rises in the spiral passage h, between the coils of the chamber, until it ascends to the top of the vessel, and then it flows away by a spout i, seen in fig. 936. It will be perceived that the hot fluid enters the apparatus at top, and the cold fluid at bottom, passing each other, by means of which an interchange of temperatures takes place through the plates of copper, the cooling fluid passing off at top in a heated state, by means of the caloric which it has abstracted from the hot fluid; and the hot fluid passing off through the pipe and cock at bottom, in a very reduced state of temperature, by reason of the caloric which it held having been given out to the cooling fluid. Fig. 939. is a side view and section of Wagenmann’s apparatus for cooling worts; fig. 940., a view from above. The preceding contrivances seem to be far preferable. a, a, is the tub for receiving the apparatus, whose central upright shaft b, rests upon a step c, in the bottom, and revolves at top in a bush at d, made fast to a bar e, fixed flat across the mouth of the tub. The shaft may be driven by the two bevel wheels f, f, at right angles to each other, and the horizontal rod turned by hand; or the whole may be impelled by any power. g, is an iron basin for receiving the cold water from the spout h, supplied by a well; it flows out of the basin through two tubes i i, down into the lower part of the cooler k k. The cooler consists of two flat vessels, both of which are formed of a flat interior plate, and an arched exterior one, so that their transverse section is plano-convex. The water which flows along the tubes i i, spreads itself upon the bottom of the cooler, and then rises through the scabbard-shaped tubes l l, &c., into the upper annular vessel m m; whence it is urged by hydrostatic pressure, in a now heated state, through the slanting tubes n n, which terminate in the common pipe o, of the annular basin p p, and is thence discharged by the pipe q. The basin p p, is supported by the two bearers r, made fast to the cross-beam e. There is in the lowest part of the hollow ring at bottom, a screw plug, which may be opened when it is desired to discharge the whole contents, and to wash it with a stream of water. Resins possess the following general properties:—They are soluble in alcohol, insoluble in water, and melt by the application of heat, but do not volatilize without partial decomposition. They have rarely a crystalline structure, but, like gums, they Resins are insoluble in water, but dissolve in considerable quantities in alcohol, both hot and cold. This solution reddens tincture of litmus, but not syrup of violets; it is decomposed by water, and a milkiness ensues, out of which the particles of the resin gradually agglomerate. In this state it contains water, so as to be soft, and easily kneaded between the fingers; but it becomes hard and brittle again when freed by fusion from the water. The resins dissolve in ether and the volatile oils, and, with the aid of heat, combine with the unctuous oils. They may be combined by fusion with sulphur, and with a little phosphorus. Chlorine water bleaches several coloured resins, if they be diffused in a milky state through water. The carburet of sulphur dissolves them. Resins are little acted upon by acids, except by the nitric, which converts them into artificial tan. They combine readily with the alkalis and alkaline earths, and form what were formerly reckoned soaps: but the resins are not truly saponified; they rather represent the acid constitution themselves, and, as such, saturate the salifiable bases. Every resin is a natural mixture of several other resins, as is the case also with oils; one principle being soluble in cold alcohol, another in hot, a third in ether, a fourth in oil of turpentine, a fifth in naphtha, &c. The soft resins, which retain a certain portion of volatile oil, constitute what are called balsams. Certain other balsams contain benzoic acid. The solid resins are, amber, animÉ, benzoin, colophony (common rosin), copal, dammara, dragon’s blood, elemi, guaiac, lac, resin of jalap, ladanum, mastic, sandarach, storax, takamahac. They may be divided into three general classes: 1st. The circular retort, from twelve to twenty inches in diameter, and from six to nine feet in length. This retort is used in Manchester and some other places, in general for the distillation of cannel, or Scotch parrot coal. It answers for the distillation of a coal which retains its form in lumps, and is advantageous only from the facility with which its position is changed, when partially destroyed by the action of fire on the under side. 2nd. The small or London D retort, so called in consequence of its having first been used by the chartered company in London, being still in use at their works, and recommended 3rd. The York D retort, (so called in consequence of its having been introduced by Mr. Outhit, of York,) and the modifications of it, among which I should include the elliptic retort, as having the same general purpose in view. The difference between the London and York D retorts, consists only in an extension of surface upon which the coal is spread. See Gas-light. Rhodium resembles platinum in appearance. Any heat which can be produced in a chemical furnace is incapable of fusing it; and the only way of giving it cohesive solidity, is to calcine the sulphuret or arseniuret of rhodium in an open vessel at a white heat, till all the sulphur or arsenic be expelled. A button may thus be obtained, somewhat spongy, having the colour and lustre of silver. According to Wollaston, the specific gravity of rhodium is 11. It is insoluble by itself in any acid; but when an alloy of it with certain metals, as platinum, copper, bismuth, or lead, is treated with aqua regia, the rhodium dissolves along with the other metals; but when alloyed with gold or silver, it will not dissolve along with them. It may, however, be rendered very soluble by mixing it in the state of a fine powder with chloride of potassium or sodium, and heating the mixture to a dull-red heat, in a stream of chlorine gas. It thus forms a triple salt, very soluble in water. The solutions of rhodium are of a beautiful rose colour, whence its name. In the dry way, it dissolves by heat in bisulphate of potassa; and disengages sulphurous acid gas in the act of solution. There are two oxides of rhodium. Rhodium combines with almost all the metals; and, in small quantity, melted with steel, it has been supposed to improve the hardness, closeness, and toughness of this metal. Its chief use at present is for making the inalterable nibs of the so-named rhodium pens. The quantity of rice entered for home consumption in the year 1836, was—
Rice Paper, as it is called, on which the Chinese and Hindoos paint flowers so prettily, is a membrane of the bread-fruit tree, the Artocarpus incisifolia of naturalists. About 80 teeth are supposed to be set in the cylinder, projecting so as to reach very nearly the central shaft; in which there is a corresponding number of teeth, that pass freely between the former. The cylinder is shown inclined in the figure which accompanies the specification; but it may be placed also upright or horizontal, and may be mounted in any convenient frame-work. The central shaft should be put in rapid rotation, while the cylinder receives a slow motion in the opposite direction. The rice, as cleaned by that action, is discharged at the lower end of the cylinder, where it falls into a shute (shoot), and is conducted to the ground. The machine may be driven by hand, or by any other convenient power. Rice consists chiefly of starch, and therefore cannot by itself make a proper bread. It is used in the cotton factories to form weavers’ dressings for warps. The Chinese reduce its flour into a pulp with hot water, and mould it into figures and plates, which they afterwards harden, and ornament with engravings, resembling those of mother-of-pearl. When a decoction of rice is fermented and distilled, it affords the sort of ardent spirit called arrack in the East Indies. The first part of the process of rope-making by hand, is that of spinning the yarns or threads, which is done in a manner analogous to that of ordinary spinning. The spinner carries a bundle of dressed hemp round his waist; the two ends of the bundle being assembled in front. Having drawn out a proper number of fibres with his hand, he twists them with his fingers, and fixing this twisted part to the hook of a whirl, which The next part of the process previous to tarring, is that of warping the yarns, or stretching them all to one length, which is about 200 fathoms in full-length rope-grounds, and also in putting a slight turn or twist into them. The third process in rope-making, is the tarring of the yarn. Sometimes the yarns are made to wind off one reel, and, having passed through a vessel of hot tar, are wound upon another, the superfluous tar being removed by causing the yarn to pass through a hole surrounded with spongy oakum; but the ordinary method is to tar it in skains or hanks, which are drawn by a capstan with a uniform motion through the tar-kettle. In this process, great care must be taken that the tar is boiling neither too fast nor too slow. Yarn for cables requires more tar than for hawser-laid ropes; and for standing and running rigging, it requires to be merely well covered. Tarred cordage has been found to be weaker than what is untarred, when it is new; but the tarred rope is not so easily injured by immersion in water. The last part of the process of rope-making, is to lay the cordage. For this purpose two or more yarns are attached at one end to a hook. The hook is then turned the contrary way from the twist of the individual yarn, and thus forms what is called a strand. Three strands, sometimes four, besides a central one, are then stretched at length, and attached at one end to three contiguous but separate hooks, but at the other end to a single hook; and the process of combining them together, which is effected by turning the single book in a direction contrary to that of the other three, consists in so regulating the progress of the twists of the strands round their common axis, that the three strands receive separately at their opposite ends just as much twist as is taken out of them by their twisting the contrary way, in the process of combination. Large ropes are distinguished into two main classes, the cable-laid and hawser-laid. The former are composed of nine strands, namely, three great strands, each of these consisting of three smaller secondary strands, which are individually formed with an equal number of primitive yarns. A cable-laid rope eight inches in circumference, is made up of 333 yarns or threads, equally divided among the nine secondary strands. A hawser-laid rope consists of only three strands, each composed of a number of primitive yarns, proportioned to the size of the rope; for example, if it be eight inches in circumference, it may have 414 yarns, equally divided among three strands. Thirty fathoms of yarn are reckoned equivalent in length to eighteen fathoms of rope cable-laid, and to twenty fathoms hawser-laid. Ropes of from one inch to two inches and a half in circumference are usually hawser-laid; of from three to ten inches, are either hawser or cable laid; but when more than ten inches, they are always cable-laid. Every hand-spinner in the dock-yard is required to spin, out of the best hemp, six threads, each 160 fathoms long, for a quarter of a day’s work. A hawl of yarn, in the warping process, contains 336 threads. The following are Captain Huddart’s improved principles of the rope manufacture:— 1. To keep the yarns separate from each other, and to draw them from bobbins revolving upon skewers, so as to maintain the twist while the strand or primary cord is forming. 2. To pass them through a register, which divides them by circular shells of holes; the number in each concave shell being conformable to the distance from the centre of the strand, and the angle which the yarns make with a line parallel to it, and which gives them a proper position to enter. 3. To employ a tube for compressing the strand, and preserving the cylindrical figure of its surface. 4. To use a gauge for determining the angle which the yarns in the outside shell make with a line parallel to the centre of the strand, when registering; because according to the angle made by the yarns in this shell, the relative lengths of all the yarns in the strand will be determined. 5. To harden up the strand, and thereby increase the angle in the outside shell; which compensates for the stretching of the yarns, and the compression of the strands. A great many patents have been obtained, and worked with various degrees of success, for making ropes. Messrs. Cartwright, Fothergill, Curr, Chapman, Balfour, and Huddart, All improvements in the manufacture of cordage at present in use, either in her Majesty’s yards or in private rope-grounds, owe their superiority over the old method of making cordage to Captain Huddart’s invention of the register plate and tube. Mr. Balfour took out a patent for the manufacture of cordage about a month before Captain Huddart; but the formation of his strand was to be accomplished by what he called a top minor, (in the form of a common top, with pins to divide the yarns,) which upon trial could not make cordage so good as by the common mode. On seeing Captain Huddart’s specification, Mr. Balfour, five years after, procured another patent, in which he included a plate and tube, but which was not sufficiently correct, and experience in the navy proved the insufficiency of the cordage. Captain Huddart’s plate and tube were then adopted in the king’s yards, and he gave his assistance for the purpose. Captain Huddart then invented and took a patent for a machine, which by registering the strand at a short length from the tube, and winding it up as made, preserved an uniformity of twist, or angle of formation, from end to end of the rope, which cannot be accomplished by the method of forming the strands down the ground, where the twist is communicated from one end to the other of an elastic body upwards of 300 yards in length. This registering-machine was constructed with such correctness, that when some were afterwards required, no alteration could be made with advantage by the most skilful and scientific mechanic of that day, Mr. Rennie. Thus the cold register was carried to the greatest perfection. A number of yarns cannot be put together in a cold state, without considerable vacancies, into which water may gain admission; Captain Huddart, therefore, formed the yarns into a strand immediately as they came from the tar-kettle, which he was enabled to do by his registering-machine, and the result was most satisfactory. This combination of yarns was found by experiment to be 14 per cent. stronger than the cold register; it constituted a body of hemp and tar impervious to water, and had great advantage over any other cordage, particularly for shrouds, as after they were settled on the mast-head, and properly set up, they had scarcely any tendency to stretch, effectually secured the mast, and enabled the ship to carry the greatest press of sail. In order more effectually to obtain correctness in the formation of cables and large cordage, Captain Huddart constructed a laying-machine, which has carried his inventions in rope-making to the greatest perfection, and which, founded on true mathematical principles, and the most laborious calculations, is one of the noblest monuments of mechanical ability since the improvement of the steam-engine by Mr. Watt. By this machine, the strands receive that degree of twist only which is necessary, and are laid at any angle with the greatest regularity; the pressure is regulated to give the required elasticity, and all parts of the rope are made to bear equally. In no one instance has a rope or cable thus formed, been found defective in the lay, or stiff, or difficult to coil. Such a revolution in the manufacture of cordage could not be accomplished without great expense, as the works at Limehouse fully testify; and considerable opposition necessarily arose. Captain Huddart’s first invention was, however, generally adopted, as soon as the patent expired; and experience has established the great importance of his subsequent improvements. His cordage has been supplied in large quantities to her Majesty’s navy, and has received the most satisfactory reports. The following description of one of the best modern machines for making ropes on Captain Huddart’s plan, will gratify the intelligent reader. Fig. 942 enlarged (100 kB) Fig. 942. exhibits a side elevation of the tackle-board and bobbin-frame at the head of the ropery, and also of the carriage or rope-machine in the act of hauling out and twisting the strands. Fig. 943. is a front elevation of the carriage. Fig. 944. is a yarn-guide, or board, or plate, with perforated holes for the yarns to pass through before entering the nipper. Figs. 945. and 946. are side and front views of the nipper for pressing the rope-yarns. a is the frame for containing the yarn bobbins. The yarns are brought from the frame, and pass through a yarn-guide at b. c is a small roller, under which the rope-yarns pass; they are then brought over the reel d, and through another yarn-guide e, after which they enter the nippers at v, and are drawn out and formed into strands by the carriage. The roller and reel may be made to traverse up and down, so as to regulate the motion of the yarns. The carriage runs on a railway. f, f, is the frame of the carriage; g, g, are the small wheels on which it is supported; k, k, is an endless rope, reaching from the head to the bottom of the railway, and is driven by a steam-engine; m, m, is a wheel with gubs at the back of it, over which the endless rope passes, and gives motion to the machinery of the carriage. n, is the ground rope for taking out the carriage, as will be afterwards described. On the shaft of m, m, are two bevel wheels 3, 3, with a shifting catch between them; these bevel wheels are loose upon the shaft, but when the catch is put into either of them, this last then keeps motion with the shaft, while the other runs loose. One of these wheels serves to communicate the twist to the strand in drawing out; the other gives the opposite or after turn to the rope in closing. 4, 4, is a lever for shifting the catch accordingly. 5, is a third bevel wheel, which receives its motion from either of the other two, and communicates the same to the two spur wheels 6, 6, by means of the shaft x. These can be shifted at pleasure; so that by applying wheels of a greater or less number of teeth above and beneath, the twist given to the strands can be increased or diminished accordingly. The upper of these two communicates motion, by means of the shaft o, to another spur wheel 8, which working in the three pinions above, 9, 9, gives the twist to the strand hooks. The carriage is drawn out in the following manner. On the end of the shaft of m, m, is the pinion 3, which, working in the large wheel R, gives motion to the ground-rope shaft upon its axis. In the centre of this shaft is a curved pulley or drum t, round which the ground rope takes one turn. This rope is fixed at the head and foot of the ropery; so that when the machinery of the carriage is set a-going by the endless rope k, k, and gives motion to the ground-rope shaft, as above described, the carriage will necessarily move along the railway; and the speed may be regulated either by the diameter of the circle formed by the gubs on the wheel m, m, or by the number of teeth in the pinion 3. At T, is a small roller, merely for preventing the ground rope from coming up among the machinery. At the head of the railway, and under the tackle-board, is a wheel and pinion Z, with a crank for tightening the ground rope. The fixed machinery at the head, for hardening or tempering the strands, is similar to that on the carriage, with the exception of the ground-rope geer, which is unnecessary. The motion is communicated by another endless rope, (or short band, as it is called, to distinguish it from the other,) which passes over gubs at the back of the wheel 1, 1. When the strands are drawn out by the carriage to the requisite length, the spur wheels 3, R, are put out of geer. The strands are cut at the tackle-board, and fixed to the hooks 1, 1, 1; after which they are hardened or tempered, being twisted at both ends. When this operation is finished, three strands are united on the large hook h, the top put in, and the rope finished in the usual way. In preparing the hemp for spinning an ordinary thread or rope-yarn, it is only heckled over a large keg or clearer, until the fibres are straightened and separated, so as to run freely in the spinning. In this case, the hemp is not stript of the tow, or cropt, unless it is designed to spin beneath the usual grist, which is about 20 yarns for the strand of a three-inch strap-laid rope. The spinning is still performed by hand, being found not only to be more economical, but also to make a smoother thread, than has yet been effected by machinery. Various ways have been tried for preparing the yarns for tarring. That which seems now to be most generally in use, is, to warp the yarns upon the stretch as they are spun. This is accomplished by having a wheel at the foot, as well as the head of the walk, so that the men are able to spin both up and down, and also to splice their threads at both ends. By this means, they are formed into a haul, resembling the warp of a common web, and a little turn is hove into the haul, to preserve it from getting foul in the tarring. The advantages of warping from the spinners, as above, instead of winding on winches, as formerly, are, 1st, the saving of this last operation altogether; 2dly, the complete check which the foreman has of the quantity of yarn spun in the day; 3dly, that the quality of the work can be subjected to the minutest inspection at any time. In tarring the yarn, it is found favourable to the fairness of the strip, to allow it to pass around or under a reel or roller in the For a long period, the manner of laying the yarns into ropes, was by stretching the haul on the rope-ground, parting the number of yarns required for each strand, and twisting the strands at both ends, by means of hand-hooks, or cranks. It will be obvious that this method, especially in ropes of any considerable size, is attended with serious disadvantages. The strand must always be very uneven; but the principal disadvantage, and that which gave rise to the many attempts at improvement, was, that the yarns being all of the same length before being twisted, it followed, when the rope was finished, that while those which occupied the circumference of the strand were perfectly tight, the centre yarns, on the other hand, as they were now greatly slackened by the operation of hardening or twisting the strands, actually would bear little or no part of the strain when the rope was stretched, until the former gave way. The method displayed in the preceding figures and description, is among the latest and most improved; Every yarn is given out from the bobbin frame as it is required in twisting the rope; and the twist communicated in the out-going of the carriage, can be increased or diminished at pleasure. In order to obtain a smooth and well-filled strand, it is necessary also, in passing the yarns through the upper board, to proportion the number of centre to that of outside yarns. In ordinary sized ropes, the strand seems to have the fairest appearance, when the outside yarns form from 2/3ds to 3/4ths of the whole quantity, in the portion of twist given by the carriage in drawing out and forming the strands. In laying cables, torsion must be given both behind and before the laying top. Figs. 947, 948, 949. represent the powerful patent apparatus employed for this purpose. A, is a strong upright iron pillar, supported upon the great horizontal beam N, N, and bearing at its upper end the three-grooved laying top M. H, H, are two of the three great bobbins or reels round which the three secondary strands or small hawsers are wound. These are drawn up by the rotation of the three feeding rollers I, I, I, thence proceed over the three guide pulleys K, K, K, towards the laying top M, and finally pass through the tube O, to be wound upon the cable-reel D. The frames of the three bobbins H, H, H, do not revolve about the fast pillar A, as a common axis; but each bobbin revolves round its own shaft Q, which is steadied by a bracing collet at N, and a conical step at its bottom. The three bobbins are placed at an angle of 120 degrees apart, and each receives a rotatory motion upon its axis from the toothed spur wheel B, which is driven by the common central spur wheel C. Thus each of the three secondary cords has a proper degree of twist put into it in one direction, while the cable is laid, by getting a suitable degree of twist in an opposite direction, from the revolution of the frame or cage G, G, round two pivots, the one under the pulley E, and the other over O. Mr. William Norvell, of Newcastle, obtained a patent in May, 1833, for an improvement adapted to the ordinary machines employed for twisting hempen yarns into strands, affording, it is said, a simpler and more eligible mode of accomplishing that object, and also of laying the strands together, than has been hitherto effected by machinery. The yarns spun from the fibres of hemp, are wound upon bobbins, and these bobbins are mounted upon axles, and hung in the frame of the machine, as shown in the elevation, fig. 950., from which bobbins the several ends of yarn are passed upwards through slanting tubes; by the rotation of which tubes, and of the carriages in which the bobbins are suspended, the yarns become twisted into strands, and also the strands are laid so as to form ropes. Fig. 950 enlarged (152 kB) His improvements consist, first, in the application of three or more tubes, two of which are shown in fig. 950, placed in inclined positions, so as to receive the strands immediately above the press-block a, a, and nearly in a line with A, the point of closing or laying the rope. B1, and B3, are opposite side views; B2, an edge view; and B, a side section of the same. He does not claim any exclusive right of patent for the tubes themselves, but only for their form and angular position. Secondly, in attaching two common flat sheaves, or pulleys, C, C, fig. 950., to each of the said tubes, nearly round which each strand is lapped or coiled, to prevent it from slipping, as shown in the section B1. The said sheaves or pulleys are connected by a crown or centre wheel D, loose upon b, b, the main or upright axle; E, E, is a smaller wheel upon each tube, working into the said crown or centre wheel, and fixed upon the loose box I, on each of the tubes. F, F, is a toothed or spur wheel, fixed also upon each of the loose boxes I, and working into a smaller wheel G, upon the axis 2, of each tube; H, is a bevel wheel fixed upon the same axis with G, and working into another bevel wheel J, fixed upon the cross axle 3, of each tube; K, is a spur wheel attached to the same axis with J, at the opposite end, and working into L, another spur wheel of the same size upon each of the tubes. By wheels thus arranged and connected with the sheaves or pulleys, as above described, a perfectly equal strain or tension is put upon each strand as drawn forward over the pulley C. Thirdly, the invention consists in the introduction of change wheels M, M, M, M, fig. 950., for putting the forehard or proper twist into each strand before the rope is Upon the lower end of each spindle the bevel wheels N, N, are attached, and driven by other bevel wheels O, O, fixed immediately above each press-block a, a. On the top end of each spindle or axle 4, 4, is attached one of the change wheels, working into the other change wheel fixed upon the bottom end of each of the tubes, whereby the forehard or proper twist in the strands for all sizes of ropes, is at once attained, by simply changing the sizes of those two last described wheels, which can be very readily effected, from the manner in which they are attached to the tubes B, B, and 4, 4. From the angular position of the tubes towards the centre, the strands are nearly in contact at their upper ends, where the rope is laid, immediately below which the forehard or proper twist is given to the strands. Fourthly, in the application of a press-block P, of metal, in two parts, placed directly above and close down to where the rope is laid at A, the inside of which is polished, and the under end is bell-mouthed; to prevent the rope from being chafed in entering it, a sufficient grip or pressure is put upon the rope by one or two levers and weights 5, 5, acting upon the press-block, so as to adjust any trifling irregularity in the strand or in the laying; the inside of which being polished, gives smoothness, and by the said levers and weights, a proper tension to the rope, as it is drawn forward through the press-block. By the application of this block, ropes may be made at once properly stretched, rendering them decidedly preferable and extremely advantageous, particularly for shipping, inclined planes, mines, &c. The preceding description includes the whole of Mr. Norvell’s improvements; the remaining parts of the machine being similar to those now in use, may be briefly described as follows:—A wheel or pulley c, is fixed independently of the machine, over which the rope passes to the drawing motion represented at the side; d, d, is a grooved wheel, round which the rope is passed, and pressed into the groove by means of the lever and weight e, e, acting upon the binding sheaf f, to prevent the rope from slipping. After the rope leaves the said sheave, it is coiled away at pleasure. g, g, are two change wheels, for varying the speed of the grooved wheel d, d, to answer the various sizes of ropes; h, is a spiral wheel, driven by the screw k, fixed upon the axle l; m, is a band-wheel, which is driven by a belt from the shaft of the engine, or any other communicating power; n, n, is a friction strap and striking clutch. The axle q, is driven by two change wheels p, p; by changing the sizes of those wheels, the different speeds of the drum R, R, for any sizes of ropes, are at once effected. The additional axle s, and wheels t, t, shown in fig. 951., are applied occasionally for reversing the motion of the said drums, and making what is usually termed left-hand ropes; u, figs. 950. and 951., show a bevelled pinion, driving the main crown wheel v, v, which wheel carries and gives motion to the drums R, R; w, w, is a fixed or sun wheel, which gives a reverse motion to the drums, as they revolve round the same, by means of the intervening wheels x, x, x, whereby the reverse or retrograding motion is produced, and which gives to the strands the right twist. The various retrograding motions, or right twists for all sizes and descriptions of ropes, may be obtained by changing the diameters of the pinions y, y, y, on the under ends of the drum spindles; the carriages of the intervening wheels x, x, x, being made to slide round the ring z, z; W, W, is the framework of the machine and drawing motion; T, T, T, are the bobbins containing the yarns; their number is varied to correspond with the different sizes of the machines. The machine here described, in elevation and plan, is calculated to make ropes from three to seven and one-half inches in circumference, and to an indefinite length. Messrs. Chapman of Newcastle, to whom the art of rope-making is deeply indebted, having observed that rope yarn is considerably weakened by passing through the tar-kettle, that tarred cordage loses its strength progressively in cold climates, and so rapidly in hot climates as to be scarcely fit for use in three years, discovered that the deterioration was due to the reaction of the mucilage and acid of the tar. They accordingly proposed the following means of amelioration. 1. Boiling it with water, in order to remove these two soluble constituents. 2. Concentrating the washed tar by heat, till it becomes pitchy, and then restoring the plasticity which it thereby loses, by the addition of tallow, or animal or expressed oils. In 1807, the same able engineers obtained a patent for a method of making a Relative Strength of Cordage, shroud laid.
The above statement is the result of several hundred experiments. I have introduced this manufacturing project, not as a pattern to imitate, but as an example to deter; as affording a very instructive lesson of the danger of rushing headlong into most extensive enterprises, without fully verifying, upon a moderate scale, the probability of their ultimate success. The capital, labour, and time annually wasted upon visionary schemes of this sort, got up by chamber chemists, are incalculably great. No more essential service could be rendered to the cause of productive industry, than to unmask the thousand and one chimerical inventions which disgrace our lists of patents during the last thirty years. These remarks have been suggested by the circumstance, that 50,000l. were squandered upon the rosin-gas concern; a fact communicated to me by an eminent capitalist, who was induced by fallacious statements to embark largely in the speculation. Had 100l. been employed beforehand, by a dispassionate practical man, in making judicious trials, and in calculating the chances of eventual profit and loss, it would have been demonstrated, as clearly as noonday, that rosin could never compete with pitcoal in the production of gas-light. Whatever ingenuity was expended in getting up the following apparatus, may be regarded as an additional ignis fatuus to mislead the public, and divert their thoughts from the abyss that lay before them. The main preliminary to be settled, in all new undertakings, is the soundness of the principle. By neglecting this point, projectors perpetually realize the expiatory fable of the DanaÏds. The retort e, e, fig. 952., is seen charged with coke, which is in the first instance raised to a bright red heat, by means of the furnace beneath. The common brown rosin of commerce, which is deposited in the tank a, is to be mixed with the essential oil (condensed from the rosin vapours in a preceding operation) in the proportion of one hundred pounds of the former to ten gallons of the latter. The influence of the flame and heated air beneath serves to preserve this in a fluid state, and by a damper passing across the aperture in the chimney the temperature of the fluid may be exactly regulated. A wire-gauze screen at f, reaches to the bottom of the tank, and prevents the solid rosin, or any impurity with which it may be mixed, from choking the stopcock. The melted rosin having passed by the stopcock b, funnel c, and syphon d, into the retort, falls on the coke, and in its passage through the ignited mass, becomes decomposed. On arriving at the other end of the retort, a large portion of the oil of turpentine, in The essential oil, when it leaves the refrigerator, is conveyed, by the syphon l, to a cistern beneath. The necessity for employing a syphon will be apparent, when it is borne in mind that the tube prevents the escape of the gas, which would otherwise pass away from the box with the essential oil. Another pipe and syphon m, n, serve to convey the condensed essential oil from the top cistern. Lees that have been used more than three or four times, are not considered to be equally fit for exciting fermentation, when mixed with the sweets, as fresher lees. The wort is made, in Jamaica, by adding to 1000 gallons of dunder, 120 gallons of molasses, 720 gallons of skimmings (= 120 of molasses in sweetness), and 160 gallons of water; so that there may be in the liquid nearly 12 per cent. of solid saccharum. Another proportion, often used, is 100 gallons of molasses, 200 gallons of lees, 300 gallons of skimmings, and 400 of water; the mixture containing, therefore, 15 per cent. of sweets. These two formulÆ prescribe so much spent wash, according to my opinion, as would be apt to communicate an unpleasant flavour to the spirits. Both the fermenting and flavouring principles reside chiefly in the fresh cane juice, and in the skimmings of the clarifier; because, after the syrup has been boiled, they are in a great measure dissipated. I have made many experiments upon fermentation and distillation from West India molasses, and always found the spirits to be perfectly exempt from any rum flavour. The fermentation goes on most uniformly and kindly in very large masses, and requires from 9 to 15 days to complete; the difference of time depending upon the strength of the wort, the condition of its fermentable stuff, and the state of the weather. The progress of the attenuation of the wash should be examined from day to day with a hydrometer, as I have described in the article Distillation. When it has reached nearly to its maximum, the wash should be as soon as possible transferred by pumps into the still, and worked off by a properly regulated heat; for if allowed to stand over, it will deteriorate by acetification. Dr. Higgins’s plan, of suspending a basket full of limestone in the wash-tuns, to counteract the acidity, has not, I believe, been found to be of much use. It would be better to cover up the wash from the contact of atmospheric air, and to add perhaps a very little sulphite of lime to it, both of which means would tend to arrest the acetous fermentation. But one of the best precautions against the wash becoming sour, is to preserve the utmost cleanliness among all the vessels in the distillery. They should be scalded at the end of every round with boiling water and quicklime. About 115 gallons of proof rum are usually obtained from 1200 gallons of wash. The proportion which the product of rum bears to that of sugar, in very rich moist plantations, is rated, by Edwards, at 82 gallons of the former to 16 cwt. of the latter; but the more usual ratio is 200 gallons of rum to 3 hogsheads of sugar. But this proportion will necessarily vary with the value of rum and molasses in the market, since whichever fetches the most remunerating price, will be brought forward in the greatest quantity. In one considerable estate in the island of Grenada, 92 gallons of rum were made for every hogshead (16 cwts.) of sugar. See Still.