

FAHLERZ. Gray copper-ore, called also Panabase, from the many oxides it contains.

FAINTS, is the name of the impure spirit, which comes over first and last in the distillation of whiskey; the former being called the strong, and the latter, which is much more abundant, the weak faints. This crude spirit is much impregnated with fetid essential oil, is therefore very unwholesome, and must be purified by rectification.

FAN (Eventail, Fr.; FÄcher, Germ.); is usually a semi-circular piece of silk or paper, pasted double, enclosing slender slips of wood, ivory, tortoise-shell, whale-bone, &c., arranged like the tail of a peacock in a radiating form, and susceptible of being folded together, and expanded at pleasure. This well-known hand ornament is used by ladies to cool their faces by agitating the air. Fans made of feathers, like the wing of a bird, have been employed from time immemorial by the natives of tropical countries.

Fan is also the name of the apparatus for winnowing corn. For an account of the powerful blowing and ventilating fan machine, see Foundry and Ventilator.

FARINA (Farine, Fr.; Mehl, Germ.); is the flour of any species of corn, or starchy root, such as potato, arrow root, &c. See Bread and Starch.

FATS, (Graisses, Fr.; Fette, Germ.) occur in a great number of the animal tissues, being abundant under the skin in what is called the cellular membrane, round the kidneys, in the folds of the omentum, at the base of the heart, in the mediastinum, the mesenteric web, as well as upon the surface of the intestines, and among many of the muscles. They vary in consistence, colour, and smell, according to the animals from which they are obtained; thus, they are generally fluid in the cetaceous tribes, soft and rank-flavoured in the carnivorous, solid and nearly scentless in the ruminants, usually white and copious in well-fed young animals; yellowish and more scanty in the old. Their consistence varies also according to the organ of their production; being firmer under the skin, and in the neighbourhood of the kidneys, than among the movable viscera. Fat forms about one twentieth of the weight of a healthy animal. But as taken out by the butcher it is not pure, for being of a vesicular structure it is always enclosed in membranes, mixed with blood, blood-vessels, lymphatics, &c. These foreign matters must first be separated in some measure mechanically, after the fat is minced small, and then more completely by melting it along with hot water, passing it through a sieve, and letting the whole cool very slowly. By this means a cake of cleansed fat will be obtained. Many plans of purifying fats have been proposed; one of the best is to mix two per cent. of strong sulphuric acid with a quantity of water, in which the tallow is heated for some time with much stirring; to allow the materials to cool, to take off the supernatant fat, and re-melt it with abundance of hot water. More tallow will thus be obtained, and that considerably whiter and harder than is usually procured by the melters.

I have found that chlorine, and chloride of lime do not improve, but rather deteriorate the appearance of oils and other fatty bodies. According to Appert, minced suet subjected to the action of high-pressure steam in a digester, at 250° or 260° F., becomes so hard as to be sonorous when struck, whiter, and capable when made into candles, of giving a superior light. A convenient mode of rendering minced tallow, or melting it, is to put it in a tub, and drive steam through it from numerous orifices in ramifying pipes placed near the bottom. Mr. Watt assures me that his plan of purifying fats, patented in March 1836, has been quite successful. He employs dilute sulphuric acid, to which he adds a little nitric acid, with a very small quantity of bichromate of potash, “to supply oxygen;” and some oxalic acid. These are mixed with the fat in the steaming tub. When the lumps of it are nearly dissolved, he takes for every ton of fat, one pound of strong nitric acid, diluted with one quart of water; to which he adds two ounces of alcohol, naphta, sulphuric ether, or spirits of turpentine; and after introducing this mixture, he continues the boiling for half an hour. The fat is finally washed.—As I do not comprehend the modus operandi of these ingredients, I shall abstain from any comment upon the recipe.

Others have proposed to use vegetable or animal charcoal first, especially for rancid oils, then to heat them with a solution of sulphate of copper and common salt, which is supposed to precipitate the fetid albuminous matter. Milk of lime has been also prescribed; but it is I believe always detrimental.

Davidson treats whale oil with infusion of tan, in order to separate the gelatine and albumine in flocks; next with water and chloride of lime, to destroy the smell; and lastly, with dilute sulphuric acid, to precipitate all the lime in the state of a sulphate. This is certainly one of the cheapest and most effective methods of purifying that substance.

Braconnot and Raspail have shown that solid animal fats are composed of very small, microscopic, partly polygonal, partly reniform particles, which are connected together by very thin membranes. These may be ruptured by mechanical means, then separated by triturating the fresh fats with cold water, and passing the unctuous matter through a sieve. The particles float in the water, but eventually collect in a white granular crystalline appearance, like starch. Each of them consists of a vesicular integument, of the nature of stearine, and an interior fluid like elaine, which afterwards exudes. The granules float in the water, but subside in spirits of wine. When digested in strong alcohol, the liquid part dissolves, but the solid remains. These particles differ in shape and size, as obtained from different animals; those of the calf, ox, sheep, are polygonal, from 1/50 to 1/350 of an inch in diameter; those of the sow are kidney-shaped, and from 1/50 to 1/100; those of man are polygonal, and from 1/50 to 1/600; those of insects are spherical, and at most 1/500 of an inch.

Fats all melt at a temperature much under 212° F. When strongly heated with contact of air, they diffuse white pungent fumes, then blacken, and take fire. When subjected to distillation, they afford a changed fluid oil, carburetted hydrogen, and the other products of oily bodies. Exposed for a certain time to the atmosphere, they become rancid, and generate the same fat acids as they do by saponification. In their fresh state they are all composed principally of stearine, margarine, and oleine, with a little colouring and odorous matter; and, in some species, hircine, from the goat; phocenine, from the dolphin; and butyrine, from butter. By subjecting them to a great degree of cold, and compressing them between folds of blotting paper, a residuum is obtained, consisting chiefly of stearine and margarine; the latter of which may be dissolved out by oil of turpentine.

Beef and Mutton Suet.—When fresh, this is an insipid, nearly inodorous fat, of a firm consistence, almost insoluble in alcohol, entirely so if taken from the kidneys and mesenteric web of the ox, the sheep, the goat, and the stag. It varies in its whiteness, consistence, and combustibility, with the species and health of the animals. That of the sheep is very white, and very solid. They may all be purified in the manner above described. Strong sulphuric acid develops readily the acid fats by stirring it through melted suet. Alkalis, by saponification, give rise at once to the three acids,—the stearic, margaric, and oleic. Beef suet consists of stearine, margarine, and oleine; mutton and goat suet contain a little hircine. The specific gravity of the tallow, of which common candles are made is, by my experiments, 0·936. The melting point of suet is from 98° to 104° F. The proportion of solid and fluid fat in it is somewhat variable, but the former is in much larger proportion. Mutton suet is soluble in 44 parts of boiling alcohol, of 0·820; beef suet in 44 parts. Marrow fat consists of 76 of stearine, and 24 of oleine; it melts at 115° F.

Hog’s-lard is soft, fusible at 81° F., convertible, by an alkaline solution, into a stearate, margarate, oleate, and glycerine. Its sp. grav. is 0·938, at 50° F; It consists of 62 of oleine, and 38 of stearine, in 100 parts.

Goose-fat, consists of 68 oleine and 32 stearine.

Butter, in summer, consists of 60 of oleine and 40 of stearine; in winter, of 35 of oleine, and 65 of stearine; the former substance being yellow and the latter white. It differs, however, as produced from the milk of different cows, and also according to their pasture.

The ultimate constituents of stearine, according to Chevreul are, 79 carbon; 11·7 hydrogen; and 9·3 oxygen, in 100 parts.

1,294,009 cwts. of the tallow imported in 1837, were retained for internal consumption. See Margarine, Oleine, Soap, Stearine.

FAULTS (Failles, Fr.); in mining, are disturbances of the strata which interrupt the miner’s operations, and put him at fault, to discover where the vein of ore or bed of coal has been thrown by the convulsions of nature. Many examples of faults are exhibited under Pitcoal.

FEATHERS (Plumes, Fr.; Federn, Germ.), constitute the subject of the manufacture of the Plumassier, a name given by the French (and also the English) to the artisan who prepares the feathers of certain birds for ornaments to the toilette of ladies and for military men, and to him also who combines the feathers in various forms. We shall content ourselves with describing the method of preparing ostrich feathers, as most others are prepared in the same way.

Several qualities are distinguished in the feathers of the ostrich; those of the male, in particular, are whiter and more beautiful. Those upon the back and above the wings are preferred; next, those of the wings, and lastly, of the tail. The down is merely the feathers of the other parts of the body, which vary in length from 4 to 14 inches. This down is black in the males, and gray in the females. The finest white feathers of the female have always their ends a little grayish, which lessens their lustre, and lowers their price. These feathers are imported from Algiers, Tunis, Alexandria, Madagascar, and Senegal; this being the order of their value.

The scouring process is thus performed:—4 ounces of white soap, cut small, are dissolved in 4 pounds of water, moderately hot, in a large basin; and the solution is made into a lather by beating with rods. Two bundles of the feathers, tied with packthread, are then introduced, and are rubbed well with the hands for five or six minutes. After this soaping they are washed in clear water, as hot as the hand can bear.

The whitening or bleaching is performed by three successive operations.

1. They are immersed in hot water mixed with Spanish white, and well agitated in it; after which they are washed in three waters in succession.

2. The feathers are azured in cold water containing a little indigo tied up in a fine cloth. They should be passed quickly through this bath.

3. They are sulphured in the same way as straw hats are (see Sulphuring); they are then dried by hanging upon cords, when they must be well shaken from time to time to open the fibres.

The ribs are scraped with a bit of glass cut circularly, in order to render them very pliant. By drawing the edge of a blunt knife over the filaments they assume the curly form so much admired. The hairs of a dingy colour are dyed black. For 20 pounds of feathers, a strong decoction is made of 25 pounds of logwood in a proper quantity of water. After boiling it for 6 hours, the wood is taken out, 3 pounds of copperas are thrown in; and, after continuing the ebullition for 15 or 20 minutes, the copper is taken from the fire. The feathers are then immersed by handfuls, thoroughly soaked, and worked about; and left in for two or three days. They are next cleansed in a very weak alkaline lye, and soaped three several times. When they feel very soft to the touch, they must be rinsed in cold water, and afterwards dried. White feathers are very difficult to dye a beautiful black. The acetate of iron is said to answer better than the sulphate, as a mordant.

For dyeing other colours, the feathers should be previously well bleached by the action of the sun and the dew; the end of the tube being cut sharp like a toothpick, and the feathers being planted singly in the grass. After fifteen days’ exposure, they are cleared with soap as above described.

Rose colour or pink, is given with safflower and lemon juice.

Deep red, by a boiling hot bath of Brazil wood, after aluming.

Crimson. The above deep red feathers are passed through a bath of cudbear.

Prune de Monsieur. The deep red is passed through an alkaline bath.

Blues of every shade, are dyed with the indigo vat.

Yellow; after aluming, with a bath of turmeric or weld.

Other tints may be obtained by a mixture of the above dyes.

Feathers have some more useful employments than the decoration of the heads of women and soldiers. In one case, they supply us with a soft elastic down on which we can repose our wearied frames, and enjoy sweet slumbers. Such are called bed feathers. Others are employed for writing, and these are called quills.

Goose feathers are most esteemed for beds, and they are best when plucked from the living bird, which is done thrice a year, in spring, midsummer, and the beginning of harvest. The qualities sought for in bed feathers, are softness, elasticity, lightness, and warmth. Their only preparation when cleanly gathered are a slight beating to clear away the loose matter, but for this purpose they must be first well dried either by the sun or a stove. Bleaching with lime water is a bad thing, as they can never be freed from white dust afterwards.

The feathers of the eider duck, anas mollissima, called eider down, possess in a superior degree all the good qualities of goose down. It is used only as a covering to beds, and never should be slept upon, as it thereby loses its elasticity.

Quills for writing. These consist usually of the feathers plucked out of the wings of geese. Dutch quills have been highly esteemed, as the Dutch were the first who hit upon the art of preparing them well, by clearing them both inside and outside from a fatty humour with which they are naturally impregnated, and which prevents the ink from flowing freely along the pens made with them. The Dutch for a long time employed hot cinders or ashes to attain this end; and their secret was preserved very carefully, but it at length transpired, and the process was then improved. A bath of very fine sand must be kept constantly at a suitable temperature, which is about 140° F.; into this, the quill end of the feather must be plunged, and left in it a few instants. On taking them out they must be strongly rubbed with a piece of flannel, after which they are found to be white and transparent. Both carbonate of potash in solution and dilute sulphuric acid have been tried to effect the same end, but without success. The yellow tint which gives quills the air of age, is produced by dipping them for a little in dilute muriatic acid, and then making them perfectly dry. But this process must be preceded by the sand-bath operation. The above is the French process.

Quills are dressed by the London dealers in two ways; by the one, they remain of their natural colour; by the other, they acquire a yellow tint. The former is called the Dutch method, and the principal workman is called a Dutcher. He sits before a small stove fire, into which he thrusts the barrel of the quill for about a second, then lays its root quickly below his blunt-edged knife called a hook, and, pressing this firmly with the left hand, draws the quill briskly through with his right. The bed on which the quill is laid to receive this pressure is called the plate. It is a rectangular smooth lump of iron, about 3 inches long, 11/2 broad, and 21/2 thick, which is heated on his stove to about the 350th degree Fahr. The hook is a ruler of about 15 inches in length, somewhat like the patten-makers’ knife, its fulcrum being formed at the one end by a hook and staple, and the power of pressure being applied by the hand at the other end. The quill, rendered soft and elastic by the heat, endures the strong scraping action of the tool, and thus gets stripped of its opaque outer membrane, without hazard of being split. A skilful workman can pass 2000 quills through his hands in a day of 10 hours.

They are next cleaned by being scrubbed by a woman with a piece of rough dog-fish skin, and finally tied up by a man in one quarter of hundred bundles.

In another mode of dressing quills, they are steeped a night in decoction of turmeric, to stain them yellow; taken out and dried in warm sand contained in a pot, then scraped by the Dutcher as above described. The first are reckoned to make the best pens, though the second may appear more beautiful.

Crow quills for draughtsmen, as well as swan quills, are prepared in the same way. The quills plucked from well-fed living birds have most elasticity, and are least subject to be moth-eaten. The best are those plucked, or which are spontaneously cast in the month of May or June, because they are then fully ripe. In the goose’s wing the five exterior feathers only are valuable for writing. The first is the hardest and roundest of all, but the shortest. The next two are the best of the five. They are sorted into those of the right and the left wing, which are differently bent. The heaviest quills are, generally speaking, the best. Lately, steaming for four hours has been proposed as a good preparation.

FECULA (Fecule, Fr.; StÄrkemehl, Germ.); sometimes signifies corn flour, sometimes starch from whatever source obtained.

FELSPAR (Orthose, Fr.; Feldspath, Germ.) is a mineral crystallizing in oblique rhomboidal prisms, susceptible of two cleavages; lustre more pearly than vitreous; spec. grav. 2·39 to 2·58; scratches glass; yields no water when calcined; fusible at the blowpipe into a white enamel; not affected by acids. The liquid left from its analytical treatment with nitrate of baryta, nitric acid, and carbonate of ammonia, affords on evaporation an alkaline residuum which precipitates platina from its chloride, and appears from this, as well as other tests, to be potash. Felspar consists of—silica, 66·75; alumina, 17·50; potash, 12; lime, 1·25; oxide of iron, 0·75. Rose. This mineral is a leading constituent of granite; and in its decomposed state furnishes the petuntse or Cornish stone, so much used in the porcelain and best pottery manufactures.

FELTING; (Feutrage, Fr.; Filzen, Germ.) is the process by which loose flocks of wool, and hairs of various animals, as the beaver, rabbit, hare, &c., are mutually interlaced into a compact textile fabric. The first step towards making felt is to mix, in the proper proportions, the different kinds of fibres intended to form the stuff; and then, by the vibratory strokes of the bowstring, to toss them up in the air, and to cause them to fall as irregularly as possible, upon the table, opened, spread, and scattered. The workman covers this layer of loose flocks with a piece of thick blanket stuff slightly moistened; he presses it with his hands, moving the hairs backwards and forwards in all directions. Thus the different fibres get interlaced, by their ends pursuing ever tortuous paths; their vermicular motion being always, however, root foremost. As the matting gets denser, the hand pressure should be increased in order to overcome the increasing resistance to the decussation.

A first thin sheet of soft spongy felt being now formed, a second is condensed upon it in like manner, and then a third, till the requisite strength and thickness be obtained. These different pieces are successively brought together, disposed in a way suitable to the wished-for article, and united by continued dexterous pressure. The stuff must be next subjected to the fulling mill. See Hat Manufacture.

FERMENT (Eng. and Fr.; Hefe, Germ.) is the substance which, when added in a small quantity to vegetable or animal fluids, tends to excite those intestine motions and changes which accompany fermentation. It seems to be the result of an alteration which vegetable albumen and gluten undergo with contact of air amidst a fermenting mass. The precipitate or lees which fall down when fermentation is finished consist of a mixture of the fermenting principle with the insoluble matters contained in the fermented liquor, some of which, like hordeine, existed in the worts, and others are probably generated at the time.

To prepare a pure ferment, or at least a compound rich in that principle, the precipitate separated during the fermentation of a clear infusion of malt, commonly called yeast or barm, is made use of. This pasty matter must be washed in cold distilled water, drained and squeezed between the folds of blotting paper. By this treatment it becomes a pulverulent mass, composed of small transparent grains, yellowish gray when viewed in the compound microscope. It contains much water, and is therefore soft, like moist gluten and albumen. When dried, it becomes like these bodies, translucid, yellowish brown, horny, hard, and brittle. In the soft humid state it is insipid, inodorous, insoluble in water and alcohol. If, in this state, the ferment be left to itself at a temperature of from 60° to 70° F., but not in too dry a situation, it putrefies with the same phenomena as vegetable gluten and albumen, and leaves, like them, a residuum resembling old cheese.

At the beginning of this change, particularly if the ferment be enclosed in a limited portion of air, there is an absorption of oxygen gas with a fivefold disengagement of carbonic acid gas; while acetic acid makes its appearance in the substance. When distilled by itself it affords the same products as gluten. Dilute acids dissolve it very readily; and so does potash with the production of ammonia, a peculiar circumstance, for in dissolving gluten the alkali causes no such evolution.

The property possessed by yeast of determining the fermentation of a properly diluted solution of sugar is very fleeting, and is lost by very trifling alterations. It is destroyed by complete desiccation, and cannot be restored by moistening it again. The attempts made in London to squeeze out the liquid part of yeast in bags placed in a powerful press, and to obtain a solid cake, in order to transport ferment to India, have had but a very partial success; for its virtue is so impaired that it will rarely excite a perfect fermentation in the best prepared worts. The same method is adopted in Germany, to send yeast to only moderate distances; and therefore with more advantage.

If yeast be boiled for ten minutes, it loses the greater part of its fermenting power, and by longer boiling it becomes inert.

When alcohol is poured upon yeast, it immediately destroys its fermenting faculties, though, on filtering it off, it seems to carry no remarkable principle with it. One thousandth part of sulphuric acid equally deprives yeast of its peculiar property, and so does a little strong acetic acid. All the acids and the salts, especially those which part readily with their oxygen, produce the same effect. A very small quantity of sulphurous acid, or sulphites, mustard powder, particularly the volatile oil of mustard, and in general the volatile oils that contain sulphur, as well as the vegetables which yield them, such as horse-radish and garlick, all kill the fermenting agent. Lastly, fermentation is completely stopped by a moderate depression of temperature.

During fermentation the yeast undergoes a change; it loses the property of causing another wort to ferment. This change probably depends upon the chemical reaction between the ferment and the sugar that is decomposed; for a certain quantity of yeast can effect the fermentation of only a certain quantity of sugar, and all the sugar exceeding this quantity remains unaltered in the liquor. It has been concluded from some rather loose experiments, that one part and a half of yeast (supposed to be in the dry state), is adequate to the fermentation of a solution of 100 parts of pure sugar. When such a solution is fermented by the precise proportion of yeast, the fermenting principle is exhausted, for no new yeast is formed in it. There is a deposit indeed to about half the weight of the yeast employed, of a white matter insoluble in water, which affords no ammonia by dry distillation, and is incapable of acting as a ferment upon a fresh saccharine solution.

Of all the bodies convertible into yeast during fermentation, vegetable gluten and albumen possess the most rapid and energetic powers. But ordinary glue, isinglass, animal fibrine, curd or caseum, albumine, urine and other azotized substances, all enjoy the property of causing a solution of sugar to ferment; with this difference, that whilst yeast can establish a complete fermentation in less than an hour, at a temperature of about 68°, the above substances require several days, with a heat of from 77° to 87° F., for becoming ferments, and for occasioning fermentation. Substances devoid of nitrogen do not produce a ferment.

FERMENTATION. (Eng. and Fr.; GÄhrung, Germ.) When organic substances, under the influence of water, air, and warmth, are abandoned to the reciprocal operation of their proximate principles, (sugar, starch, gluten, &c.), they are entirely changed and decomposed, so that their ultimate principles (oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and in some cases azote,) combine in new proportions, and thus give birth to various new compounds. To this process, the general name of fermentation has been given. These operations and their products differ according to the differences of the substances, and of the circumstances in which they are placed. The following may be enumerated as sufficiently distinct species of fermentation. 1. The saccharine fermentation, in which starch and gum are changed into sugar. 2. The vinous fermentation, in which sugar is converted into alcohol. 3. The mucilaginous fermentation, in which sugar is converted into slime, instead of alcohol. 4. The acetous fermentation, in which alcohol and other substances are converted into vinegar. 5. The putrid fermentation or putrefaction, which characterizes particularly the decomposition of azotized organic substances.

1. The saccharine fermentation. When a paste made by boiling one part of starch with twelve parts of water is left entirely to itself, water merely being stirred in as it evaporates, at the end of a month or two in summer weather it is changed into sugar, equal in weight to from one third to one half of the starch, and into gum, equal to from one fifth to one tenth, with a residuum of starch paste somewhat altered. This saccharifying process advances much quicker through the co-operation of vegetable albumine or gluten, acting as a ferment. If we boil two parts of potato starch into a paste with twenty parts of water, mix this paste with one part of the gluten of wheat flour, and set the mixture for 8 hours in a temperature of from 122° to 167° F., the mixture soon loses its pasty character, and becomes by degrees limpid, transparent and sweet, passing at the same time first into gum, and then into sugar. The remainder consists of the unchanged starch with the altered gluten, which has become sour, and has lost the faculty of acting upon fresh portions of starch. It is probable, however, that the sugar formation in the first case, when the starch undergoes a spontaneous change, may be due to the action of a small portion of gluten and albumine left in the starch, since a putrefactive smell is eventually evolved indicative of that azotized matter. The gum into which during this process the starch is first converted, and which becomes afterwards sugar, is of the same nature as British gum, formed by the roasting of starch.

This production of sugar takes place in the germination and kiln-drying of malt; and the mashing of the brewer as well as the sweetening of bread in baking, rests upon the same principles. In many cases the vinous fermentation precedes the saccharification, or accompanies it; the starchy parts of the fermenting mass changing into sugar, while the previously formed sugar becomes wine or beer. In the sweetening of fruits by keeping, a similar process occurs; the gummy and starchy fibres become sugar from the action of the glutinous ferment which they contain; as happens also to the juices of many fruits which sweeten for a little while after they have been expressed.

The nature of this sugar formation through the influence of gluten upon starch, is undoubtedly the same as the conversion of starch into sugar, by boiling it with sulphuric acid; though the whole theory of this change is not entirely developed.

The most energetic substance for the conversion of starch into sugar, is the malt of barley. According to the researches of Payen and Persoz, the gum which by this process is first formed, may be prevented from going into sugar, by merely exposing it to a boiling heat, and hence we have it in our power either to make sugar or gum at pleasure. Of finely ground malt from 10 to 25 parts must be taken for 100 parts of starch. Into a pan placed in a water bath, 400 parts of water being warmed to from 77° to 86° F., the ground malt must be stirred in, and the temperature must be raised to 140°. The 100 parts of starch must now be added, and well mixed. The heat is then to be increased to 158°F.; and be so regulated that it shall not fall below 149°, nor rise above 167°. In the course of 20 or 30 minutes the originally milky and pasty liquid will become gradually more attenuated, and eventually it will turn as fluid nearly as water. This is the point of time in which the starch has passed into gum, or into the substance lately denominated dextrine by the chemists. Should this mucilaginous matter, which appears to be a mixture of gum and a little starchy sugar, be wished for in that state, the temperature of the liquid must be suddenly raised to the boiling point, whereby the further action of the malt upon it is stopped. But on the other hand if sugar be desired, then the temperature must be steadily maintained at from 158° to 167° for three quarters of an hour, in which time the greater part of the starch will have become sugar, and from the evaporation of the fluid a starchy syrup will be obtained, entirely similar to that procurable by the action of very dilute sulphuric acid upon starch.

The substance which operates this saccharine change, or the appropriate yeast of the sugar fermentation, which had been previously imagined to be a residuum of gluten or vegetable albumen in the germinated grain, has been traced by Payen and Persoz to a peculiar proximate vegetable principle called by them diastase. This substance is generated during the germination of barley, oats, and wheat, and may be obtained separately by infusing the ground malt in a small quantity of cold water, straining off the liquor, then filtering it, and heating the clear solution in a water bath to the temperature of 158° F. The greater part of the vegetable albumen is thus coagulated, and must be separated by a fresh filtration; the liquid is afterwards treated with alcohol as long as the flocculent precipitate of diastase falls. In order to purify it still more completely from the azotized matter, it may be once more dissolved in water, and again precipitated by alcohol. When dried at a low temperature, it appears as a white solid, which contains no azote, is insoluble in strong alcohol, but dissolves in weak alcohol and water. Its solution is neutral and tasteless; and if left to itself, it changes spontaneously sooner or later according to the degree of warmth, and becomes sour. At the temperature of from 149° to 168°, it has the property of converting starch into gum or dextrine, and sugar; and, when sufficiently pure, it does this with such energy, that one part of it is capable of saccharifying 2000 parts of dry starch. It acts the more rapidly the larger its proportion. Whenever the solution of diastase with starch or dextrine, has been heated to the boiling point, it loses the property of transforming these substances. One hundred parts of well malted barley appear to contain about one part of this new body.

2. The Vinous Fermentation.—In this fermentation the sugar existing in watery solution is, by the operation of the ferment or yeast, converted into alcohol, with disengagement of carbonic acid gas. If we dissolve one part of pure sugar in ten parts of water, and leave the solution in a temperature of from 68° to 77° F., which is that most favourable to fermentation, it will remain unaltered. But if we stir into that solution some beer yeast, the phenomena of fermentation soon appear in the above circumstances; for carbonic acid gas is evolved, with intestine movements of the liquid, and an increase of its temperature. A body of yeast rises to the surface, and exhibits a continual formation and rupture of air bubbles. At length the sugar being in a great measure decomposed, the motions cease, the liquor becomes clear, and instead of being a syrup, it is now a dilute alcohol. The yeast has by this time fallen to the bottom in a somewhat compact form, and of a whitish colour, deprived of the property of exciting fermentation in fresh syrup, provided no undue excess of it was added at first, for that alone would remain effective. Experience shows that for the conversion of a determinate quantity of sugar by fermentation, a determinate quantity of yeast is necessary, which has been estimated at about 11/2 per cent. in the dry state. When the yeast has been decomposed by fermenting its definite proportion of sugar, it loses its fermentable property, and leaves the excess of sugar unaffected, forming a sweet vinous solution. The same thing happens if the yeast be separated from the wort by a filter in the progress of the fermentation, for then all intestine motion speedily stops, although much saccharine matter remains.

In the juices of sweet fruits, of grapes, for example, the ferment is intimately associated with the sugar. It is at first soluble and inactive, till it absorbs oxygen from the atmosphere, whereby it becomes an operative ferment, but, at the same time, insoluble, so as to precipitate at the end of the process. When the expressed juice of the grape, or must, is inclosed in a vessel out of contact of air, and there subjected to the heat of boiling water, the small portion of oxygen present is rendered inactive, and the liquor experiences no fermentative change. If the grapes be squeezed in an atmosphere deprived of oxygen, and confined in the same, the juice will also remain unaltered. Recently expressed grape juice is limpid, and manifests the commencement of fermentation by the separation of the yeasty substance, which can take place only with access of air. The solution becomes turbid after a certain time, gas begins to be evolved, and the separated ferment decomposes the sugar. At the end of the process the yeast collects at the bottom of the vessel, usually in larger quantity than was sufficient to complete the fermentation; and hence a considerable portion of it possesses still the fermentative faculty. The fermentation itself, when once begun, that is, whenever the yeasty particles are evolved, and float in the liquid, for which evolution a very minute quantity of oxygen is sufficient, is thenceforth independent of the contact of air, and goes on as well in close as in open vessels; so that the production of alcohol and carbonic acid depends solely upon the mutual reaction of the ferment and the sugar.

The yeast, which may be obtained tolerably pure from a fine infusion of malt in a state of fermentation, after being washed with cold water to separate the soluble, gummy, and saccharine matter, and after being pressed between folds of blotting paper, constitutes a pulverulent, grayish yellow, granular substance, destitute of both taste and smell, insoluble both in water and alcohol. Cold water dissolves, indeed, only 1/400, and boiling water very little more.

The essentially operative constituent of yeast is a peculiar azotized matter, which in the wine vat is mixed with some tartar and other salts, and in the beer tun with gum, starch, &c. This animalized substance may be obtained in a separate state, according to Braconnot, by acting upon the washed yeast powder with a weak lye of carbonate of potash, and by decomposing the solution with vinegar, whereby the matter is thrown down in a gelatinous form. The substance thus obtained is insoluble in cold water and alcohol, but dissolves readily in very dilute alkaline lyes, and even in lime water. When diffused through water, it assumes a homogeneous aspect, as if it were really dissolved; but when this mixture is heated, the animalized matter coagulates, and separates in thick flocks. In this state it has lost its former properties, being no longer soluble in alkaline lyes, even when concentrated. Acids exercise no solvent power over this peculiar matter; they precipitate it from its solutions, as do also the earthy and metallic salts, which, moreover, combine with it. This is also the case with tannin. The combination of the ferment stuff with acids increases the stability of its constitution, and counteracts its tendency to influence solutions of sugar. These properties of the operative principle of yeast explain many of the phenomena of fermentation, as we shall presently see.

The animalized matter of yeast resembles gluten, albumen, caseum, and other azotized substances; if any one of these be put into a saccharine solution ready for fermentation, it will begin to operate a change, when aided by warmth and time, if it be previously decomposed in some measure to facilitate its influence; or if these substances be brought into a slightly putrescent state beforehand, they will cause more speedy fermentation. Thus white of egg, when added to saccharine liquors, requires a period of three weeks, with a temperature of 96° F., before it will excite fermentation; afterwards the excess of the albumen forms a precipitate which may be used instead of yeast upon other sweet worts. The rapidity with which such azotized substances are capable of being converted into ferments of more or less purity and power is very variable; vegetable gluten and albumen being best fitted for this purpose. This conversion is accelerated when the sweet liquor in which the substance is diffused or dissolved has already begun to ferment; whence it appears that the presence of carbonic acid gas, combined with the liquor, is here of singular influence. Upon it, in fact, the formation and elimination of the yeast in fermenting liquors depend.

A solution of pure sugar, which has been made to ferment by the addition of yeast, furnishes no new yeast; but there remains after the process a portion of the yeast originally mixed, in an altered inoperative condition, should its quantity have been exactly adequate to the decomposition of the sugar, or in an operative state, should the quantity have been originally excessive.

But if the fermentable liquor contains vegetable albumen and gluten, as is commonly the case with the sweet juices of fruits and beer worts, these substances become changed into ferments in the course of the fermentation induced by the yeast, and, being superfluous, so to speak, for that particular process, they remain entire at the end, and may be collected for use in other operations.

Upon this principle is founded the increased production of yeast, and the manufacture of what has been called artificial barm, in which the fermentation is conducted chiefly with a view to the formation of yeast. To the fermenting mass, those kinds of meal are added which abound in albumen and gluten, as barley, beans, or wheat, for instance; and the process is similar to the production of a great lump of leaven, from the action of a small piece of it upon dough. The following prescription will illustrate this subject. Take three ounces of bean flour, add to it five quarts of boiling water, and boil the mixture for half an hour. Pour the decoction into a vessel, and stir into it, while hot, 56 ounces of wheaten flour. After the mixture cools to the temperature of 54° F., add to it about two quarts of beer barm, stirring the whole well together. About 24 hours after the commencement of the fermentation, incorporate with the mixture 112 ounces of barley or bean flour, till it becomes a uniform dough, which must be thoroughly kneaded, rolled out into cakes about an inch thick, and cut into pieces of the size of a dollar. These cakelets must be dried upon laths in the sun in favourable weather, and then put up in a dry situation. For use, one of these discs is to be broken into pieces, laid in warm water, and set in a warm place during 12 hours. The soft mass will then serve the purpose of beer yeast.

Or we may mix equal parts of barley malt, wheat malt, and crushed rye, pour water at the temperature of 122° F. over them into a tub till it stand a span above their surface; then stir well together, and allow the whole to remain at rest for a few hours, till it cools to about 65° F. We must now add for each pound of the mingled meals, a quarter of an ounce of beer barm. The tub must be then covered, and preserved at a temperature of 63° F. The husks, as they begin to rise to the surface, in consequence of the fermentation, must be taken off, and squeezed through a cloth over the vessel. When the meal comes afterwards to subside to the bottom, the whole must be strained through a canvas bag, and freed from the superfluous moisture by squeezing. The bag with its doughy mass must next be surrounded with dry ashes, to remove the remaining humidity, and to arrest any further fermentation. This consistent ferment may be used instead of beer yeast.

It is difficult to prepare an artificial yeast without barm. The best process for this purpose is the following. Take five parts of honey, one part of powdered tartar, and sixteen parts of wheat or barley malt, stir the whole in water of the temperature of 122° F., and place in a fermenting heat; when the yeast will, as usual, be eliminated.

The change which gluten or vegetable albumen undergoes in the different kinds of meal, when it becomes a ferment, consists apparently in an oxidation, since analysis shows that this ferment contains more oxygen than gluten does.

It has been already stated that yeast in its liquid condition readily putrefies, and becomes altogether useless for the process of fermentation. In order to preserve it for some time, it must be dried to such a degree as to resist spontaneous decomposition without losing its fermentative faculty; but completely dried yeast loses that property, and does not recover it by being again moistened. Beer barm may be dried after being washed several times with cold water, till the last quantity comes off clear; but the insoluble portion must be allowed to settle fully before the water is poured away from it. The residuum being freed as much as possible from water, by drainage and pressure between flannel cloths, is to be dried in the shade by a current of warm air as quickly as possible, with the aid of frequent turning over. It must be afterwards kept in dry earthen vessels. Yeast may also be preserved a short time in activity by being kneaded with as much barley or wheat flour as it can take up without losing the doughy consistence. Dried yeast has, however, always an impaired activity. The easiest and most certain method of preserving yeast in its primitive power, is by mixing it, after pressure in flannel, with as much pulverized sugar as will render it dry, and putting up the mixture in air-tight vessels. The fermentative power of yeast is destroyed by the following means: 1. as already stated, by making it completely dry either by the evaporation of the water, or its abstraction by alcohol; 2. by boiling, which if continued for ten minutes renders yeast quite inoperative; 3. by the action of such substances as dissolve out its essential constituents; by alkalis, for instance, since the particles of yeast seem to be operative only in their insoluble granular state; 4. by such substances as form combinations with it, and thereby either alter its nature, or at least increase the cohesion of its constituent parts, so that they can no longer operate upon sweet liquors by the decomposing affinity of its ultimate particles. Such bodies are the acids, especially the mineral ones, tannin and most salts, particularly the metallic, which unite with the yeast into new compounds. The volatile oils which contain sulphur exercise the same paralyzing influence upon yeast.

The circumstances which promote, and are necessary to, the vinous fermentation are, conformably to the above views, the following:—1. The presence of the proper quantity of active yeast, and its proper distribution through the worts. If in the course of a slack fermentation the yeast subsides to the bottom, the intestine motions cease entirely, but they may be excited anew by stirring up the ingredients, or rousing the tun, as the brewers say. 2. A certain degree of warmth, which should never be less than 51° F., nor more than 86°; the temperature of from 68° to 77° being the most propitious for the commencement and progress of fermentation. When other circumstances are the same, the rapidity of the fermentation is proportional to the temperature within certain limits, so that by lowering it, the action may be moderated at pleasure. 3. The fermentation proceeds the better and more equably the greater the mass of fermenting liquor, probably on account of the uniformly high temperature, as well as the uniform distribution of the active particles of the yeast by the greater energy of the intestine movements. 4. The saccharine solution must be sufficiently diluted with water; when too much concentrated it will not ferment. Hence very sweet musts furnish wines containing much undecomposed sugar. For a complete fermentative action, one part of sugar should be dissolved in ten parts of water.

Fermentation maybe tempered or stopped: 1. by those means which render the yeast inoperative, particularly by the oils that contain sulphur, as oil of mustard; as also by the sulphurous and sulphuric acids. The operation of the sulphurous acid in obstructing the fermentation of must consists partly, no doubt, in its absorbing oxygen, whereby the elimination of the yeasty particles is prevented. The sulphurous acid, moreover, acts more powerfully upon fermenting liquors that contain tartar, as grape juice, than sulphuric acid. This acid decomposes the tartaric salts, and, combining with their bases, sets the vegetable acid free, which does not interfere with the fermentation; but the sulphurous acid operates directly upon the yeast: 2. by the separation of the yeast, either with the filter or by subsidence: 3. by lowering the temperature to 45° F. If the fermenting mass become clear at this temperature, and be drawn off from the subsided yeast, it will not ferment again, though it should be heated to the proper pitch.

The products of vinous fermentation are carbonic acid gas, and alcohol; of which the former escapes during the process, except in the case of the sparkling wines, like champaign, that are partially fermented in close vessels. The alcohol remains in the fermented liquor. 100 parts of sugar afford by complete decomposition nearly 50 parts of alcohol. According to Thenard, 100 parts of sugar are converted into 46·8 parts of carbonic acid, and 49·38 of alcohol; besides 3·82 parts of carbon otherwise employed, which the sugar contained, above what is present in the former two products. This chemist found in the fermented liquor 4 per cent. of an extractive matter, soluble in water, and having an acidulous reaction, to whose formation, probably, that excess of carbon may be necessary. In what way the action of the yeasty particles upon the saccharine substance is carried on in the vinous fermentation, or what may be the interior working of this process, is not accurately understood. The quantitative relation of the carbonic acid and alcohol to the sugar is pretty well made out; but the determination of the ultimate principles of the ferment itself, before and after the vinous change, and of the residuum dissolved in the fermented liquor, has not been well ascertained. It is probable that the yeast undergoes in the process a similar decomposition to that of the putrefactive, and that its elementary constituents enter into new combinations, and abstract so much carbon and hydrogen from the sugar, that the remainder, amounting to 96 per cent. of the whole, may constitute one atom of alcohol and one of carbonic acid.

3. The slimy or glutinous fermentation.—This process takes place in weak solutions of sugar, at ordinary fermenting temperatures, where, from defect of good yeast, the vinous fermentation cannot proceed. In such circumstances from one part of sugar, one third part of gum is formed. According to Desfosses however, 100 parts of sugar afford 109·48 of gum or slime. This is formed when one part of sugar is dissolved in twenty parts of water, which had been previously boiled with washed barm or gluten, and then filtered. The process proceeds slowly and quietly, equally well in close vessels, as with contact of air, and continues at ordinary temperatures about 12 days; but it goes on more rapidly and completely at the heat of from 77° to 86° F. A small quantity of hydrogen and carbonic acid gas is disengaged, in the proportion of two to one by volume. The fermented liquor becomes turbid, and assumes a tough thready appearance, like a decoction of linseed. A small addition of sulphuric or sulphurous acid, of muriatic acid and alum, or of tannin, impedes this species of fermentation; because these substances combine, as in the vinous fermentation, with the ferment into an insoluble precipitate, unsusceptible of further change. In many wines, especially when bottled, this slimy fermentation occurs, and occasions their ropiness, which may be best remedied or prevented by the addition of as much tannin as will precipitate the dissolved mucous matter. This species of fermentation attacks very rapidly the rinsing waters of the sugar refiner, which always contain some fermentative gluten. A little alum is the best preventative in this case, because it precipitates the dissolved ferment.

4. The acetous or sour fermentation.—In this process, alcohol, more or less dilute, is resolved into water and vinegar, in consequence of the operation of the ferment; oxidizement of the alcohol being effected by the oxygen of the atmospherical air. The requisites of this process have been already detailed under the article Acetic Acid. They are the presence of atmospherical air; alcohol diluted to a certain degree with water ferment or yeast, and a temperature above 66° F. The most active ferments are such substances as have already passed into the acetous state; hence vinegar, especially when it contains some yeasty particles, or is combined with porous and spongy bodies, so as to multiply its points of contact with the vinous liquor, is particularly powerful. Common yeast may also be employed for vinegar ferments, if it be imbued with a little vinegar, with leaven, crusts of bread soaked in vinegar, the stalks and husks of grapes, sawdust and shavings of beech or oak impregnated with vinegar, or the slimy sediment of vinegar casks called mother; all of which operate as ferments chiefly in consequence of the vinegar which they contain. The inside shavings of the staves of vinegar tuns act on the same principle.

The acetous fermentation may, moreover, go on along with the vinous in the same liquor, when this contains sugar as well as alcohol. Whilst the acidification of the alcohol is effected by the absorption of oxygen from the atmosphere, the sugar becomes alcohol with disengagement of carbonic acid, and then passes into vinegar. Since most liquors intended for making vinegar, such as wine, juices of fruits, ales, &c., contain still a little sugar, they disengage always a little carbonic acid. Besides spirits, some other substances, such as gum, the mucilage of plants, and starch paste, directly ferment into vinegar. Sugar also seems to be convertible into vinegar without any vinous change. The albuminous matter of potato juice, precipitated by vinegar, serves as a proper ferment for that purpose, when added in its moist state to weak syrup. 5. See Putrefaction.

Mr. William Black, in his treatise on Brewing, has, with much ingenuity and apparent truth, endeavoured to show that the process of fermentation is strongly influenced by electricity, not only that of the atmosphere, as has been long known from the circumstance of beer and wine becoming speedily sour after thunderstorms, but the voltaic, produced by electric combinations of metals in the fermenting tuns. He therefore recommends these tuns to be made with as little metallic work as possible, and to be insulated from the floor of the brewhouse. For the propriety of this advice he adduces some striking examples. Wort which had become stationary in its fermentation, on being pumped out of square gyles imbedded in the floor, into casks placed upon wooden stillions, began immediately to work very well, and gained about 6 degrees of attenuation while throwing off its yeast. From the stagnation of the process in the gyles, he had in the morning predicted an approaching thunderstorm, which accordingly supervened in the course of the evening. In further support of his views he instances the fact, that, in dairies where the milk is put into porcelain vessels, and placed upon wooden shelves, it is seldom injured by lightning; but when contained in wooden or leaden vessels, and placed upon the ground, it almost invariably turns sour in thundery weather. His general conclusion is “that the preservation or destruction of beer depends upon electricity; and the most certain mode of preservation is to insulate as much as possible, both the squares and all other utensils or vessels connected with the brewing or storing of beer.”

Mr. Black further considers that unsoundness of worts is often the result of electricity excited between the mash tun and the copper.

Why is beer liable to get spoiled in thunder storms, though apparently well insulated in glass bottles?

I shall conclude this article with Mr. Black’s description of the phenomena of beer fermentation. In every regular process there are five distinct stages. In the first we see a substance like cream forming all round the edges of the gyle tun; which extends towards the centre until the whole is creamed over, constituting the first change. Next a fine curl appears like cauliflower, which also spreads over the square surface, and according to the strength and appearance of this curl, the quality of the fermentation may be predicated. This he calls the second stage. What is technically called the stomach or vinous vapour now begins to be smelt, and continues to gain strength till the process is concluded. From the vinous energy of this odour, and the progressive attenuation of the wort, the vigour of the fermentation may be inferred. The experienced brewer is much guided in his operations by the peculiarity of this effluvium. The third change is when the cauliflower or curling top rises to a fine rocky or light yeasty head; and when this falls down, the fourth stage has arrived. Finally the head should rise to what is called close yeasty, having the appearance of yeast all over. About this period the gas becomes so powerful as to puff up occasionally in little bells or bladders about the size of a walnut, which immediately break. The bells should appear bright and clear. If they be opaque or whey coloured, there is some unsoundness in the wort. The great point is to add just so much yeast as to carry the fermentation completely through these five changes at the regular periods.

FERROCYANATE, or, more correctly, FERROCYANIDE. (Ferrocyanure, Fr.; Eisencyanid, Germ.) Several compounds of cyanogen and metals possess the property of uniting together into double cyanides; of which there are none so remarkable in this respect, as the protocyanide of iron. This appears to be capable of combining with several simple cyanides, such as that of potassium, sodium, barium, strontium, calcium, and ammonium. The only one of these double cyanides of any importance in manufactures is the first, which is described under its commercial name, Prussiate of Potash.

FERROPRUSSIATES; another name for Ferrocyanides.

FIBRE, VEGETABLE, called also Lignine; (Ligneux, Fr.; Pflanzen-faserstoff, Germ.) is the most abundant and general ingredient of plants, existing in all their parts, the root, the leaves, the stem, the flowers, and the fruit; amounting in the compact wood to 97 or 98 per cent. It is obtained in a pure state by treating saw-dust successively with hot alcohol, water, dilute muriatic acid, and weak potash lye, which dissolve, first, the resinous; second, the extractive, and saline matters; third, the carbonate and phosphate of lime; and, lastly, any residuary substances. Ligneous fibres, such as saw-dust, powdered barks, straw, hemp, flax, linen, and cotton cloth, are convertible by the action of strong sulphuric acid into a gummy substance analogous to dextrine, and a sugar resembling that of the grape.

If we put into a glass mortar 24 parts, by weight, of dry old cordage, chopped small, and sprinkle over it 34 parts of sulphuric acid, by degrees, so as to avoid heating the mixture, while we constantly stir it; and if, in a quarter of an hour, we triturate the mass with a glass pestle, the fibres will disappear without the disengagement of gas. A tenacious mucilage will be produced, almost entirely soluble in water. The gum being thus formed, may be separated from the acid by dilution with water, and addition of the requisite quantity of chalk; then straining the saturated liquid through linen cloth, concentrating it by evaporation, throwing down any remaining lime by oxalic acid, filtering anew, and mixing the mucilage with alcohol in great excess, which will take up the free acid, and throw down the gum. From 24 parts of hemp fibres thus treated, fully 24 parts of a gummy mass may be obtained, containing, however, probably some water.

When, instead of saturating the diluted acid paste with chalk, we boil it for 10 hours, the gummy matter disappears, and is replaced by sugar, which may be purified without any difficulty, by saturation with chalk, filtration, and evaporation to the consistence of syrup. In 24 hours crystallization begins, and, in 2 or 3 days, a concrete mass of grape sugar is formed; which needs merely to be pressed strongly between old linen cloths doubled, and then crystallized a second time. If this syrup be treated with bone black, a brilliant white sugar will be procured. 20 parts of linen rags yield 23 of good sugar. Braconnot. Guerin got 871/2 of dry sugar from 100 parts of rags, treated with 250 of sulphuric acid. See Wood.

FIBRINE, (Eng. and Fr.; Thierischer Faserstoff, Germ.) constitutes the principal part of animal muscle; it exists in the chyle, the blood, and may be regarded as the most abundant constituent of animal bodies. It may be obtained in a pure state by agitating or beating new drawn blood with a bundle of twigs, when it will attach itself to them in long reddish filaments, which may be deprived of colour by working them with the hands under a streamlet of cold water, and afterwards freed from any adhering grease by digestion in alcohol or ether.

Fibrine, thus obtained, is solid, white, flexible, slightly elastic, insipid, inodorous, denser than water, but containing 4 fifths of its weight of it, and without action on litmus. When dried, it becomes semi-transparent, yellowish, stiff, and brittle: water restores its softness and flexibility. 100 parts of fibrine consist of 53·36 carbon, 19·68 oxygen, 7·02 hydrogen, and 19·31 azote. As the basis of flesh, it is a very nutritious substance, and is essential to the sustenance of carnivorous animals.

FILE (Lime, Fr.; Feile, Germ.), is a well known steel instrument, having teeth upon the surface for cutting and abrading metal, ivory, wood, &c.

When the teeth of these instruments are formed by a straight sharp-edged chisel, extending across the surface, they are properly called files; but when by a sharp-pointed tool, in the form of a triangular pyramid, they are termed rasps. The former are used for all the metals, as well as ivory, bone, horn, and wood; the latter for wood and horn.

Files are divided into two varieties, from the form of their teeth. When the teeth are a series of sharp edges, raised by the flat chisel, appearing like parallel furrows, either at right angles to the length of the file, or in an oblique direction, they are termed single cut. But when these teeth are crossed by a second series of similar teeth, they are said to be double cut. The first are fitted for brass and copper, and are found to answer better when the teeth run in an oblique direction. The latter are suited for the harder metals, such as cast and wrought iron and steel. Such teeth present sharp angles to the substance, which penetrate it, while single cut files would slip over the surface of these metals. The double cut file is less fit for filing brass and copper, because its teeth would be very liable to become clogged with the filings.

Files are also called by different names according to their various degrees of fineness. Those of extreme roughness are called rough; the next to this is the bastard cut; the third is the second cut; the fourth, the smooth; and the finest of all, the dead smooth. The very heavy square files used for heavy smith-work, are sometimes a little coarser than the rough; they are known by the name of rubbers.

Files are also distinguished from their shape, as flat, half-round, three-square, four-square, and round. The first are sometimes of uniform breadth and thickness throughout, and sometimes tapering. The cross section is a parallelogram. The half-round is generally tapering, one side being flat, and the other rounded. The cross section is a segment of a circle, varying a little for different purposes, but seldom equal to a semi-circle. The three-square generally consists of three equal sides, being equilateral prisms, mostly tapering; those which are not tapering are used for sharpening the teeth of saws. The four-square has four equal sides, the section being a square. These files are generally thickest in the middle, as is the case with the smith’s rubber. In the round file, the section is a circle, and the file generally conical.

The heavier and coarser kinds of files are made from the inferior marks of blistered steel. Those made from the Russian iron, known by the name of old sable, called from its mark CCND, are excellent. The steel made from the best Swedish iron, called hoop L or Dannemora, makes the finest Lancashire files, for watch and clock makers; a manufacture for which the house of Stubbs in Warrington is celebrated.

The steel intended for files is more highly converted than for other purposes, to give them proper hardness. It should however be recollected, that if the hardness be not accompanied with a certain degree of tenacity, the teeth of the file break, and do but little service.

Small files are mostly made of cast steel, which would be the best for all others, if it were not for its higher price. It is much harder than the blistered steel, and from having been in the fluid state, is entirely free from those seams and loose parts so common to blistered steel, which is no sounder than as it comes from the iron forge before conversion.

The smith’s rubbers are generally forged in the common smith’s forge, from the converted bars, which are, for convenience, made square in the iron before they come into this country. The files of lesser size are made from bars or rods, drawn down from the blistered bars, and the cast ingots, and known by the name of tilted steel.

The file-maker’s forge consists of large bellows, with coak as fuel. The anvil-block, particularly at Sheffield, is one large mass of mill-stone girt. The anvil is of considerable size, set into and wedged fast into the stone; and has a projection at one end, with a hole to contain a sharp-edged tool for cutting the files from the rods. It also contains a deep groove for containing dies or bosses, for giving particular forms to the files.

The flat and square files are formed entirely by the hammer. One man holds the hot bar, and strikes with a small hammer. Another stands before the anvil with a two-handed hammer. The latter is generally very heavy, with a broad face for the large files. They both strike with such truth as to make the surface smooth and flat, without what is called hand-hammering. This arises from their great experience in the same kind of work. The expedition arising from the same cause is not less remarkable.

The half-round files are made in a boss fastened into the groove above mentioned. The steel being drawn out, is laid upon the rounded recess, and hammered till it fills the die.

The three-sided files are formed similarly in a boss, the recess of which consists of two sides, with the angle downwards. The steel is first drawn out square, and then placed in a boss with an angle downwards, so that the hammer forms one side, and the boss two. The round files are formed by a swage similar to those used by common smiths, but a little conical.

The file-cutter requires an anvil of a size greater or less, proportioned to the size of his files, with a face as even and flat as possible. The hammers weigh from one to five or six pounds. The chisels are a little broader than the file, sharpened to an angle of about 20 degrees. The length is just sufficient for them to be held fast between the finger and thumb, and so strong as not to bend with the strokes of the hammer, the intensity of which may be best conceived by the depth of the impression. The anvil is placed in the face of a strong wooden post, to which a wooden seat is attached, at a small distance below the level of the anvil’s face. The file is first laid upon the bare anvil, one end projecting over the front, and the other over the back edge of the same. A leather strap now goes over each end of the file, and passes down upon each side of the block to the workman’s feet, which, being put into the strap on each side, like a stirrup, holds the file firmly upon the anvil as it is cut. While the point of the file is cutting, the strap passes over one part of the file only, the point resting upon the anvil, and the tang upon a prop on the other side of the strap. When one side of the file is single cut, a fine file is run slightly over the teeth, to take away the roughness; when they are to be double cut, another set of teeth is cut, crossing the former nearly at right angles. The file is now finished upon one side, and it is evident that the cut side cannot be laid upon the bare anvil to cut the other. A flat piece of an alloy of lead and tin is interposed between the toothed surface and the anvil, while the other side is cut, which completely preserves the side already formed. Similar pieces of lead and tin, with angular and rounded grooves, are used for cutting triangular and half-round files.

Rasps are cut precisely in the same way, by using a triangular punch instead of a flat chisel. The great art in cutting a rasp is to place every new tooth as much as possible opposite to a vacancy.

Many abortive attempts have been made to cut the teeth of files by machinery. The following plan, for which a patent was obtained by Mr. William Shilton, of Birmingham, in April 1833, is replete with ingenious mechanical resources, and deserves to succeed.

The blanks of steel for making the files and rasps, are held in a pair of clamps in connexion with a slide, and are moved forward at intervals under the head of the tilt hammer which carries the tool; the distance which the blank is to be advanced at every movement being dependent upon the required fineness or coarseness of the cut of the file, which movement is effected and regulated by a rack and pinion, actuated by a pall and ratchet wheel, or the movement may be produced by any other convenient means.

When the machine is employed for cutting or indenting the teeth of rasps, the cutting tool being pointed and only producing one tooth at a blow, the tilt hammer carrying the tool must be made to traverse at intervals across the width of the blank piece of steel from one edge to the other and back again; the blank being advanced in length only when the hammer has produced the last cut or tooth toward either edge of the rasp.

In order to render this invention better understood, two views of the apparatus for producing the cross-cut or teeth of the files, are given.

File cutting machine

Fig. 384* and 385 enlarged (149 kB)

Fig. 384*. is an elevation of the upper part of the file-cutting machine, as seen on one side; fig. 385. is a plan or horizontal view, as the machine appears on the top.

a, is the head of the tilt hammer placed in the end of the lever b, which is mounted on an axle c, turning in proper bearings in the frame work of the machine; d, is the tilt wheel mounted on another axle s, also turning in bearings on the frame work of the machine, and having any required number of projections or tappets upon it for depressing the tail or shorter end of the hammer or tilt lever b.

The tilt wheel d, receives its rotatory motion from the toothed wheel f, mounted upon the same axle, and it takes into geer with a pinion g, upon the main shaft h, which is actuated by a band passed from any first mover to the rigger on its end, or in any other convenient manner. The bed upon which the blank piece of steel bears is marked i. This bed is firmly supported upon masonry placed upon proper sleepers: j, is one of the blank pieces of steel under operation, and is shown secured in the pair of jaws or holding clamps k, mounted on centre pins in the slide l, fig. 385.; which slide is held down by a spring and slide beneath, and is moved backwards and forwards in the machine upon the (v) edges m, m, of the frame, by means of the rack n, and its pinion; the latter being mounted upon the axle of the ratchet wheel p, and which ratchet wheel is made to turn at intervals by means of the pall q, upon the end of the lever r, fig. 385. This lever is depressed, after every cut has been effected upon the blank by means of the teeth or tappets of the wheel s, coming in contact with the inclined plane t, upon the lever r. The tappet wheel s, is mounted upon the end of the axle e, of the tilt wheel, and consequently revolves with it, and by depressing the lever r, every time that a tooth passes the inclined plane t, the click q, is made to drive the ratchet wheel p, and thereby the advancing movement of the blank is effected after each blow of the tilt hammer.

There is a strong spring u, attached to the upper side of the tilt hammer, its end being confined under an adjustable inclined plane v, mounted in the frame w, which inclined plane can be raised or lowered by its adjusting screws as required, to produce more or less tension of the spring.

A similar spring is placed on the under side of the tilt hammer, to raise and sustain the cutter or tool clear of the bed after every blow, and in conjunction with safety holders or catchers, to counteract any vibration or tendency the spring u, may have to cause the hammer to reiterate the blow.

The end of the lower spring acts on an inclined plane, mounted in the frame w, which has an adjusting screw similar to v, to regulate the tension of the spring.

In case the under spring should raise, that is, return the hammer, with sufficient force or velocity to cause the top spring u, to reiterate the blow, the ends of the safety holders or catchers are made to move under and catch the tail of the lever b, immediately on its being raised by the under springs, which is effected by the following means:—The holders are mounted upon a plate or carriage 1, fig. 384., which turns upon a small pin or axle mounted in the ears of a cross bar; the upper ends of the holders are kept inclined towards the tail of the tilt hammer by means of a spring fixed to the cross bar, and which acts upon one end of the plate or carriage 1.

In order that the holders may be removed out of the way of the tail of the hammer b, when the tilt wheel is about to effect a blow, the tooth of the tilt wheel which last acted upon the hammer comes in contact with an inclined plane fixed on the plate or carriage 1, and by depressing that end of the plate, causes the upper ends of the holders to be withdrawn from under the tail of the hammer b. The tilt wheel continuing to revolve, the next tooth advances, and depresses the tail of the hammer, but before it leaves the tail of the hammer, the tooth last in operation will have quitted the inclined plane and allowed the spring to return the holders into their former position. After the tooth has escaped from the tail of b, the hammer will immediately descend and effect the blow or cut on the blank, and as the tail of the hammer rises, it will come in contact with the inclined planes at the upper ends of the holders, and force them backwards; and as soon as the tail of the hammer has passed the top of the holders, the spring will immediately force the holders forward under the tail of the hammer, and prevent the hammer rising again until the next tooth of the tilt wheel is about to depress the end of the hammer, when the same movements of the parts will be repeated, and the machine will continue in operation until a sufficient length of the blank of steel (progressively advanced under the hammer) has been operated upon, when it will be thrown out of geer by the following means:—

Upon the sliding bar 6, there is placed an adjustable stop, against which the foremost end of the slide l l, fig. 385. comes in contact, as it is moved forward by the rack n, and its pinion. The sliding bar 6, is connected at its left end to the bent lever 8, the other end of this lever being formed into a forked arm, which embraces a clutch upon the main shaft, and as the slide l continues to advance, it will come in contact with a stop; and when it has brought a sufficient length of the blank pieces of steel under the operation of the cutting tool, the slide l, in its progress, will have moved that stop and the bar 6 forward, and that bar, by means of the bent lever 8, will withdraw the clutch on the main shaft, from locking into the boss of the fly-wheel, and consequently stop the further progress of the machine; the rigger and fly-wheel turning loosely upon the main shaft.

The cut file can now be removed from out of the clamps, and reversed to cut the other side, or another blank piece put in its place; and after throwing back the pall q of the ratchet wheel p, the slide l, and with it the fresh blank may be moved back into the machine by turning the winch handle, on the axle of the ratchet wheel p, the reverse way, which will turn the pinion backwards, and draw back the rack n, without affecting any other parts of the machine; and on moving back the bar 6, by the handle 11, placed on the stop, the clutches will be thrown into geer again, and the machine proceed to cut the next blank.

When the blanks have been thus cut on one side, and are reversed in the machine to form the teeth upon the other side, there should be a piece of lead placed between the blank and the bed to protect the fresh cut teeth.

It will be seen that the position of the stop upon the bar 6, will determine the length or extent of the blank piece of steel which shall be cut or operated upon; and in order that the progressive movement of the blanks under the cutting tool may be made to suit different degrees of fineness or coarseness of the teeth (that is the distance between the cuts), there is an adjusting screw upon the lever r, the head of which screw stops against the under side of an ear projecting from the frame-work, and thereby determines the extent of the motion of the lever r, when depressed by the tappets of the wheel s, acting upon the inclined plane t, consequently determining the number of teeth the ratchet wheel p shall be moved round by the pall q; and hence the extent of motion communicated by the rack and pinion to the slide l, and the blank j, which regulates the distance that the teeth of the file are apart, and the lever r is forced upwards by a spring pressing against its under side.

It will be perceived that the velocity of the descent of the hammer, and consequently the force of the blow, may be regulated by raising or lowering the inclined plane v of the spring u; and in order to accommodate the bed upon which the blanks rest to the different inclinations they may be placed at, that part of the bed is formed of a semi-globular piece of hardened steel, which fits loosely into a similar concavity in the bed r, and is therefore capable of adjusting itself, so that the blanks shall be properly presented to the cutting tool, and receive the blow or cut in an equal and even manner; or the piece of steel may be of a conical shape, and fit loosely in a similar shaped concavity.

There are guides 16, placed on the top of the bed i, for the purpose of keeping the blanks in their proper position towards the cutting tool, and these can be regulated to suit blanks of any width, by turning the right and left handed screw 17. There is also another adjustable stop on the jaws or clamps k which serves as a guide when placing the blanks within the jaws: and 19 is a handle or lever for raising the clamps when required, which has a weight suspended from it for the purpose of keeping down the blanks with sufficient pressure upon the bed.

The cutting tool in the face of the hammer, can be placed at any required angle or inclination with the blank, it being secured in the head of the hammer by clamps and screws. In cutting fine files a screw is employed in preference to the rack and pinion, for advancing the slide l, and the blank piece of steel in the machine.

Hardening of files.—This is the last and most important part of file making. Whatever may be the quality of the steel, or however excellent the workmanship, if it is not well hardened all the labour is lost.

Three things are strictly to be observed in hardening; first, to prepare the file on the surface, so as to prevent it from being oxidated by the atmosphere when the file is red hot, which effect would not only take off the sharpness of the tooth, but render the whole surface so rough that the file would, in a little time, become clogged with the substance it had to work. Secondly, the heat ought to be very uniformly red throughout, and the water in which it is quenched, fresh and cold, for the purpose of giving it the proper degree of hardness. Lastly, the manner of immersion is of great importance, to prevent the files from warping, which in long thin files is very difficult.

The first object is accomplished by laying a substance upon the file, which when it fuses, forms as it were, a varnish upon the surface, defending the metal from the action of the oxygen of the air. Formerly the process consisted in first coating the surface of the file with ale grounds, and then covering it over with pulverized common salt, (muriate of soda.) After this coating became dry, the files were heated red hot, and hardened; after this, the surface was lightly brushed over with the dust of cokes, when it appeared white and metallic, as if it had not been heated. This process has lately been improved, at least so far as relates to the economy of the salt, which from the quantity used, and the increased thickness, had become a serious object. Those who use the improved method are now consuming about one fourth the quantity of salt used in the old method. The process consists in dissolving the salt in water to saturation, which is about three pounds to the gallon, and stiffening it with ale grounds, or with the cheapest kind of flour, such as that of beans, to about the consistence of thick cream. The files require to be dipped only into this substance, and immediately heated and hardened. The grounds or the flour are of no other use, than to give the mass consistence, and by that means to allow a larger quantity of salt to be laid upon the surface. In this method, the salt forms immediately a firm coating. As soon as the water is evaporated, the whole of it becomes fused upon the file. In the old method the dry salt was so loosely attached to the file, that the greatest part of it was rubbed off into the fire, and was sublimed up the chimney, without producing any effect.

The carbonaceous matter of the ale grounds is supposed to have some effect in giving hardness to the file, by combining with the steel, and rendering it more highly carbonated. It will be found, however, upon experiment, that vegetable carbon does not combine with iron, with sufficient facility to produce any effect, in the short space of time a file is heating, for the purpose of hardening. Some file makers are in the habit of using the coal of burnt leather, which doubtless produces some effect; but the carbon is generally so ill prepared for the purpose, and the time of its operation so short, as to render the result inconsiderable. Animal carbon, when properly prepared and mixed, with the above hardening composition, is capable of giving hardness to the surface even of an iron file.

This carbonaceous matter may be readily obtained from any of the soft parts of animals, or from blood. For this purpose, however, the refuse of shoemakers and curriers is the most convenient. After the volatile parts have been distilled over, from an iron still, a bright shining coal is left behind, which, when reduced to powder, is fit to mix with the salt. Let about equal parts, by bulk, of this powder, and muriate of soda be ground together, and brought to the consistence of cream, by the addition of water. Or mix the powdered carbon with a saturated solution of the salt, till it become of the above consistence. Files which are intended to be very hard, should be covered with this composition, previous to hardening. All files intended to file iron or steel, particularly saw files, should be hardened with the aid of this mixture, in preference to that with the flour or grounds. Indeed, it is probable, that the carbonaceous powder might be used by itself, in point of economy, since the ammonia or hartshorn, obtained by distillation, would be of such value as to render the coal of no expense. By means of this method the files made of iron, which, in itself, is unsusceptible of hardening, acquire a superficial hardness sufficient for any file whatever. Such files may, at the same time, be bent into any form; and, in consequence, are particularly useful for sculptors and die-sinkers.

The next point to be considered is the best method of heating the file for hardening. For this purpose a fire, similar to the common smiths’ fire, is generally employed. The file is held in a pair of tongs by the tang, and introduced into the fire, consisting of very small cokes, pushing it more or less into the fire for the purpose of heating it regularly. It must frequently be withdrawn with the view of observing that it is not too hot in any part. When it is uniformly heated, from the tang to the point, of a cherry red colour, it is fit to quench in the water. At present an oven, formed of fire-bricks, is used for the larger files, into which the blast of the bellows is directed, being open at one end, for the purpose of introducing the files and the fuel. Near to the top of the oven are placed two cross bars, on which a few files are placed, to be partially heating. In the hardening of heavy files, this contrivance affords a considerable saving, in point of time, while it permits them also to be more uniformly and thoroughly heated.

After the file is properly heated for the purpose of hardening, in order to produce the greatest possible hardness, it should be cooled as soon as possible. The most common method of effecting this is by quenching it in the coldest water. Some file-makers have been in the habit of putting different substances in their water, with a view to increase its hardening property. The addition of sulphuric acid to the water was long held a great secret in the hardening of saw files. After all, however, it will be found, that clear spring water, free from animal and vegetable matter, and as cold as possible, is the best calculated for hardening files of every description.

In quenching the files in water, some caution must be observed. All files, except the half-round, should be immersed perpendicularly, as quickly as possible, so that the upper part shall not cool. This management prevents the file from warping. The half-round file must be quenched in the same steady manner; but, at the same time that it is kept perpendicular to the surface of the water, it must be moved a little horizontally, in the direction of the round side, otherwise it will become crooked backwards.

After the files are hardened, they are brushed over with water, and powdered cokes, when the surface becomes perfectly clean and metallic. They ought also to be washed well in two or three clean waters, for the purpose of carrying off all the salt, which, if allowed to remain, will be liable to rust the file. They should moreover be dipped into lime-water, and rapidly dried before the fire, after being oiled with olive oil, containing a little oil of turpentine, while still warm. They are then finished.

FILLIGREE (Filigrane, Fr.; Filigran, or Feine Drahtgeflecht, Germ.); is, as the last term justly expresses it, intertwisted fine wire, used for ornamenting gold and silver trinkets. The wire is seldom drawn round, but generally flat or angular; and soldered by gold or silver solder with borax and the blowpipe. The Italian word, filigrana, is compounded of filum and granum, or granular net-work; because the Italians, who first introduced this style of work, placed small beads upon it.

FILTRATION (Eng. and Fr.; Filtriren, Germ.), is a process purely mechanical, for separating a liquid from the undissolved particles floating in it, which liquid may be either the useful part, as in vegetable infusions, or of no use, as the washings of mineral precipitates. The filtering substance may consist of any porous matter in a solid, foliated, or pulverulent form; as porous earthen ware, unsized paper, cloth of many kinds, or sand. The white blotting paper sold by the stationers answers extremely well for filters in chemical experiments, provided it be previously washed with dilute muriatic acid, to remove some lime and iron that are generally present in it. Filter papers are first cut square, and then folded twice diagonally into the shape of a cornet, having the angular parts rounded off. Or the piece of paper being cut into a circle, may be folded fan-like from the centre, with the folds placed exteriorly, and turned out sharp by the pressure of the finger and thumb, to keep intervals between the paper and the funnel into which it is fitted, to favour the percolation. The diameter of the funnel should be about three-fourths of its height, measured from the neck to the edge. If it be more divergent, the slope will be too small for the ready efflux of the fluid. A filter covered with the sediment is most conveniently washed by spouting water upon it with a little syringe. A small camel’s-hair paint brush is much employed for collecting and turning over the contents in their soft state. Agitation or vibration is of singular efficacy in quickening percolation, as it displaces the particles of the moistened powders, and opens up the pores which had become closed. Instead of a funnel, a cylindrical vessel may be employed, having its perforated bottom covered with a disc of filtering powder folded up at the edges, and made tight there by a wire ring. Linen or calico is used for weak alkaline liquors; and flannels, twilled woollen cloth, or felt-stuff for weak acid ones. These filter bags are often made conical like a fool’s cap, and have their mouths supported by a wooden or metallic hoop. Cotton wool put loose into the neck of a funnel answers well for filtering oils upon the small scale. In the large way, oil is filtered in conical woollen bags, or in a cask with many conical tubes in its bottom, filled with tow or cotton wool. Stronger acid and alkaline liquors must be filtered through a layer of pounded glass, quartz, clean sand, or bruised charcoal. The alcarrhazas are a porous biscuit of stone ware made in Spain, which are convenient for filtering water, as also the porous filtering stone of Teneriffe, largely imported into England at one time, but now superseded in a great measure by the artificial filters patented under many forms, consisting essentially of strata of gravel, sand, and charcoal powder.

It is convenient to render the filter self-acting, by accommodating the supply of liquid to the rate of percolation, so that the pressure upon the porous surface may be always equally great. Upon the small scale, the lamp-fountain or bird’s-glass form so generally used for lamps, will be found to answer.

Filtration apparatus

Fig. 386. represents a glass bottle A, partly filled with the fluid to be filtered, supported in the ring of a chemical stand, and having its mouth inverted into the same liquor in the filter funnel. It is obvious, that whenever this liquor by filtration falls below the lip of the bottle, air will enter into it, let down a fresh supply to feed the filter, and keep the funnel regularly charged. If larger quantities are to be operated upon, the following apparatus may be employed. Fig. 387. A B is a metallic vessel which may be made air-tight; C is the under pipe provided with a stopcock R, for letting down the liquor into the filter a b. The upper pipe t, through which the fluid is poured by means of the funnel E, has also a stopcock which opens or shuts, at the same time, the small side tube u t, through which, during the entrance of the fluid, the air is let off from the receiver. A glass tube g, shows the level of the liquor in the body of the apparatus. In using it, the cock R must be first closed, and the cock S must be opened to fill the receiver. Then the filter is set a going, by re-opening the cock R, so as to keep the fluid in the filter upon a level with the opening of the tube C. Both these pieces of apparatus are essentially the same.

In many manufactures, self-acting filters are fed by the plumber’s common contrivance of a ball-cock in which the sinking and rising of the ball, within certain limits, serves to open or shut off the supply of liquor, as it may be required or not. Dumont has adopted this expedient for his system of filtering syrup through a stratum of granularly ground animal charcoal or bone-black. Fig. 388. is a front view of this apparatus with 4 filters C; and fig. 389. is a cross section. The framework B supports the cistern A, in which the syrup is contained. From it the liquor flows through the stop-cock b, and the connection-tube a, into the common pipe c, which communicates, by the short branch tubes e, with each of the four filters. The end of the branch tube, which is inside of the filter tub, is provided with a stopcock d f, whose opening, and thereby the efflux of the liquor from the cistern through the tube a, is regulated by means of the float-ball g. Upon the brickwork D the filter tub stands, furnished at h with a false bottom of zinc or copper pierced with fine holes; besides which, higher up at i there is another such plate of metal furnished with a strong handle k, by which it may be removed, when the bone-black needs to be changed. In the intervening space l, the granular coal is placed. o is the cover of the filter tub, with a handle also for lifting it. One portion of it may be raised by a hinge, when it is desired to inspect the progress of the filtration within. m m is a slender vertical tube, forming a communication between the bottom part h, and the upper portion of the filter, to admit of the easy escape of the air from that space, and from among the bone-black as the syrup descends; otherwise the filtration could not go on. p is the stopcock through which the fluid collected in the space under h is let off from time to time into the common pipe q, fig. 388. r is a trickling channel or groove lying parallel to the tube q, and in which, by means of a tube s, inserted at pleasure, the syrup is drawn off in case of its flowing in a turbid state, when it must be returned over the surface of the charcoal.

The celerity with which any fluid passes through the filter depends, 1. upon the porosity of the filtering substance; 2. upon the pressure exercised upon it; and 3. upon the extent of the filtering surface. Fine powders in a liquor somewhat glutinous, or closely compacted, admit of much slower filtration than those which are coarse and free; and the former ought, therefore, to be spread in a thinner stratum and over a more extensive surface than the latter, for equal effect; a principle well exemplified in the working of Dumont’s apparatus, just described.

Filtration apparatus

In many cases filtration may be accelerated by the increase of hydrostatic or pneumatic pressure. This happens when we close the top of a filtering cylinder, and connect it by a pipe with a cistern of fluid placed upon a higher level. The pressure of the air may be rendered operative also either by withdrawing it partially from a close vessel, into which the bottom of the filter enters, or by increasing its density over the top of the liquor to be filtered. Either the air pump or steam may be employed to create a partial void in the receiver beneath the filter. In like manner, a forcing pump or steam may be employed to exert pressure upon the surface of the filtering liquor. A common syphon may, on the same principle, be made a good pressure filter, by making its upper leg trumpet-shaped, covering the orifice with filter paper or cloth, and filling the whole with liquor, the lower leg being of such length so as to create considerable pressure by the difference of hydrostatic level. This apparatus is very convenient either on the small or great scale, for filtering off a clear fluid from a light muddy sediment. The pressure of the atmosphere may be elegantly applied to common filters, by the apparatus represented in fig. 390., which is merely a funnel inclosed within a gasometer. The case A B bears an annular hollow vessel a b, filled with water, in which receiver the cylindrical gasometer d, e, f, i, is immersed. The filter funnel C is secured at its upper edge to the inner surface of the annular vessel a b. In consequence of the pressure of the gasometer regulated by the weight g, upon the air inclosed within it, the liquid is equally pressed, and the water in the annular space rises to a corresponding height on the outer surface of the gasometer, as shown in the figure. Were the apparatus made of sheet iron, the annular space might be charged with mercury.

In general, relatively to the application of pressure to filters, it may be remarked, that it cannot be pushed very far, without the chance of deranging the apparatus, or rendering the filtered liquor muddy. The enlargement of the surface is, generally speaking, the safest and most efficacious plan of increasing the rapidity of filtration, especially for liquids of a glutinous nature. This expedient is well illustrated in the creased bag filter now in use in most of the sugar refineries of London. See Sugar.

In many cases it is convenient so to construct the filtering apparatus, as that the liquid shall not descend, but mount by hydrostatic pressure. This method has two advantages: 1. that without much expensive apparatus, any desired degree of hydrostatic pressure may be given, as also that the liquid may be forced up through several filtering surfaces placed alongside of each other; 2. that the object of filtering, which is to separate the particles floating in the fluid without disturbing the sediment, may be perfectly attained, and thus very foul liquids be cleared without greatly soiling the filtering surface.

Water purifier

Such a construction is peculiarly applicable to the purification of water, either alone, or combined with the downwards plan of filtration. Of the former variety an example is shown in fig. 391. The wooden or zinc conical vessel is provided with two perforated bottoms or sieves e e, betwixt which the filtering substance is packed. Over this, for the formation of the space h h, there is a third shelf, with a hole in its middle, through which the tube d b is passed, so as to be water tight. This places the upper open part of the apparatus in communication with the lowest space a. From the compartment h h a small air tube l runs upwards. The filtering substance consists at bottom of pebbles, in the middle of gravel, and at the top of fine sand, which may be mixed with coarsely ground bone-black, or covered with a layer of the same. The water to be filtered being poured into the cistern at top, fills through the tube b d the inferior compartment a, from which the hydrostatic pressure forces the water upward through the perforated shelf, and the filtering materials. The pure water collects in the space h h, while the air escapes by the small tube l, as the liquid enters. The stopcock i serves to draw off the filtered water. As the motion of the fluid in the filter is slow, the particles suspended in it have time to subside by their own gravity; hence there collects over the upper shelf at d, as well as over the under one at a, a precipitate or deposit which may be washed out of the latter cavity by means of the stopcock m.

Up- and down-flow filter

As an example of an upwards and downwards filter, fig. 392. may be exhibited. A B C D is a wooden or metallic cistern furnished with the perforated shelf c d near its under part, upon which a vertical partition is fixed through the axis of the vessel. A semicircular perforated shelf is placed at a, and a second similar one at b. These horizontal shelves rest upon brackets in the sides of the cisterns, so that they may be readily lifted out. The space G is filled with coarse sand, J with moderately fine, and H with very fine. The foul water is poured into the chamber E, and presses through G J H and into the space F; whence it may be drawn by the stopcock f.

Filtration apparatus

Fig. 393. represents in section a filtering apparatus consisting of two concentric chambers; the interior being destined for downwards filtration, and the exterior for upwards. Within the larger cistern A, a smaller one B is placed concentrically, with its under part, and is left open from distance to distance, to make a communication between the interior cavity and the exterior annular space. These cavities are filled to the marked height with sand and gravel. The inner cylindrical space has fine sand below, then sharper sand with granular charcoal, next coarse sand, and lastly gravel. The annular space has in like manner fine sand below. The foul water is introduced by the pipe E, the orifice at whose end is acted upon by a ball-cock with its lever a; whereby the water is kept always at the same level in the inner vessel. The water sinks through the sand strata of the middle vessel, passes outwards at its bottom into the annular space, thence up through the sand in it, and collecting above it, is let off by the stopcock on the pipe b. When a muddy deposit forms after some time, it may be easily cleared out. The cord e, running over the pulleys f f, being drawn tight, the ball lever will shut up the valve. The stopcock d made fast to the conducting tube E must then be opened, so that the water now overflows into the annular space at A; the tube c, in communication with the inner space B, being opened by taking out the stopper h. The water thereby percolates through the sand strata in the reverse direction of its usual course, so as to clear away the impurities in the space B, and to discharge them by the pipe c h. An apparatus of this kind of moderate size is capable of filtering a great body of water. It should be constructed for that purpose of masonry; but upon a small scale it may be made of stone-ware.

Filtration apparatus

A convenient apparatus for filtering oil upwards is represented in fig. 394. g is an oil cask, in which the impure parts of the oil have accumulated over the bottom. Immediately above this, a pipe a is let in, which communicates with an elevated water cistern n. f is the filter, (placed on the lid of the cask) furnished with two perforated shelves, one at e and another at d; which divide the interior of the filter into three compartments. Into the lower space immediately over the shelf e, the tube b, furnished with a stopcock enters, to establish a communication with the cask; the middle cavity e is filled with coarsely ground charcoal or other filtering materials; and the upper one has an eduction pipe l. When the stopcocks of the tubes a and b are opened, the water passes from the cistern into the oil cask, occupies from its density always the lowest place, and presses the oil upwards, without mixing the two liquids; whereby first the upper and purer portion of the oil is forced through tube b into the filter, and thence out through the pipe l. When the fouler oil follows, it deposits its impurities in the space under the partition c, which may from time to time be drawn off through the stopcock k, while the purer oil is pressed upwards through the filter. In this way the different strata of oil in the cask may be filtered off in succession, and kept separate, if found necessary for sale or use, without running any risk of mixing up the muddy matter with what is clear. According to the height of the water cistern n, will be the pressure, and of course the filtering force. When the filter gets choked with dirt, it may be easily re-charged with fresh materials.

In filtering caustic alkaline lyes through linen or quartz, it is proper to exclude the free contact of air; which is done by inclosing the upper vessel, and attaching a pipe of communication between its cover, and the shoulder of the lower vessel, or recipient of the lyes. In proportion as these flow down, they will displace their bulk of air, and drive it into the top of the upper vessel above the foul lyes.

Many modifications of the above described apparatus are now on sale in this country; but certainly the neatest, most economical, and effective means of transforming the water of a stagnant muddy pool, into that of a crystalline fountain, is afforded by the Royal Patent Filters of George Robins.

FIRE ARMS, Manufacture of. This art is divided into two branches, that of the metallic and of the wooden work. The first includes the barrel, the lock, and the mounting, as also the bayonet and ramrod, with military arms. The second comprises the stock, and in fowling pieces, likewise the ramrod.

1. The Barrel. Its interior is called the bore; its diameter, the calibre; the back end, the breech; the front end, the muzzle; and the closing of the back end, the breech pin or plug. The barrel is generally made of iron. Most military musquets and low-priced guns are fashioned out of a long slip of sheet-iron folded together edge-wise round a skewer into a cylinder, are then lapped over at the seam, and welded at a white heat. The most ductile and tenacious soft iron, free from all blemishes, must be selected for this slip. It is frequently welded at the common forge, but a proper air-furnace answers better, not being so apt to burn it. It should be covered with ashes or cinders. The shape of the bore is given by hammering the cylinder upon a steel mandril, in a groove of the anvil. Six inches of the barrel at either end are left open for forming the breech and the muzzle by a subsequent welding operation; the extremity put into the fire being stopped with clay, to prevent the introduction of cinders. For every length of two inches, there are from two to three welding operations, divided into alternating high and low heats; the latter being intended to correct the defects of the former. The breech and muzzle are not welded upon the mandril, but upon the horn of the anvil; the breech being thicker in the metal, is more highly heated, and is made somewhat wider to save labour to the borer. The barrel is finally hammered in the groove of the anvil without the mandril, during which process it receives a heat every two minutes. In welding, the barrel extends about one-third in length; and for musquets, is eventually left from 3 to 31/2 feet long; but for cavalry pistols, only 9 inches.

The best iron plates for gun-barrels are those made of stub iron, that is of old horse-shoe nails welded together, and forged into thin bars, or rather narrow ribands. At one time damascus barrels were much in vogue; they were fashioned either as above described, from plates made of bars of iron and steel laid parallel, and welded together, or from ribands of the same damascus stuff coiled into a cylinder at a red heat, and then welded together at the seams. The best modern barrels for fowling pieces are constructed of stub-nail iron in this manner. The slip or fillet is only half an inch broad or sometimes less, and is left thicker at the end which is to form the breech, and thinner at the end which is to form the muzzle, than in the intermediate portion. This fillet being moderately heated to increase its pliancy, is then lapped round the mandril in a spiral direction till a proper length of cylinder is formed; the edges being made to overlap a little in order to give them a better hold in the welding process. The coil being taken off the mandril and again heated, is struck down vertically with its muzzle end upon the anvil, whereby the spiral junctions are made closer and more uniform. It is now welded at several successive heats, hammered by horizontal strokes, called jumping, and brought into proper shape on the mandril. The finer barrels are made of still narrower, stub-iron slips, whence they get the name of wire twist. On the Continent, barrels are made of steel wire, welded together lengthwise, then coiled spirally into a cylinder. Barrels that are to be rifled, require to be made of thicker iron, and that of the very best quality, for they would be spoiled by the least portion of scale upon their inside. Soldiers’ musquets are thickened a little at the muzzle, to give a stout holding to the bayonet.

Boring bit

The barrels thus made are annealed with a gentle heat in a proper furnace, and slowly cooled. They are now ready for the borer, which is an oblong square bit of steel, pressed in its rotation against the barrel, by a slip of wood applied to one of its flat sides, and held in its place by a ring of metal. The boring bench works horizontally, and has a very shaky appearance, in respect at least of the bit. In some cases, however, it has been attempted to work the barrels and bits at an inclination to the horizon of 30°, in order to facilitate the discharge of the borings. The barrel is held in a slot by only one point, to allow it to humour the movements of the borer, which would otherwise be infallibly broken. The bit, as represented in fig. 395., has merely its square head inserted into a clamp-chuck of the lathe, and plays freely through the rest of its length.

Musquet boring bench

Fig. 396. represents in plan the boring bench for musquet barrels; f f is the sledge or carriage frame in which the barrel is supported; a is the revolving chuck of the lathe, into which the square end of the bit, fig.. 395., is inserted; b is the barrel, clamped at its middle to the carriage, and capable of being pressed onwards against the tapering bit of the borer, by the bent lever c, worked by the left hand of the operative against fulcrum knobs at d, which stand about two inches asunder. Whenever the barrel has been thereby advanced a certain space to the right, the bent end of the lever is shifted against another knob or pin. The borer appears to a stranger to be a very awkward and unsteady mechanism, but its perpetual vibrations do not affect the accuracy of the bore. The opening broach may be of a square or pentagonal form; and either gradually tapered from its thickest part, or of uniform diameter till within two inches of the end, whence it is suddenly tapered to a point.

A series of bits may be used for boring a barrel, beginning with the smallest and ending with the largest. But this multiplication of tools becomes unnecessary, by laying against the cutting part of the bit, slips of wood, called spales, of gradually increasing thickness, so that the edge is pressed by them progressively further from the axis. The bore is next polished. This is done by a bit with a very smooth edge, which is mounted as above, with a wedge of wood besmeared with a mixture of oil and emery. The inside is finished by working a cylindrical steel file quickly backwards and forwards within it, while it is revolving slowly.

In boring, the bit must be well oiled or greased, and the barrel must be kept cool by letting water trickle on it; for the bit, revolving at the rate of 120 or 140 times a minute, generates a great deal of heat. If a flaw be detected in the barrel during the boring, that part is hammered in, and then the bit is employed to turn it out.

Many sportsmen are of opinion that a barrel with a bore somewhat narrowed towards the muzzle serves to keep shot better together; and that roughening its inside with pounded glass has a good effect, with the same view. For this purpose, also, fine spiral lines have been made in their interior surface. The justness of its calibre is tried by means of a truly turned cylinder of steel, 3 or 4 inches long, which ought to move without friction, but with uniform contact from end to end of the barrel. Whatever irregularities appear must be immediately removed.

The outer surface of the barrel is commonly polished upon a dry grindstone, but it is better finished, and less dangerously to the workman, at a turning lathe with a slide rest. If a stone be used, it should be made to revolve at the mouth of a tunnel of some kind, into which there is a good draught to carry off the ferruginous particles. A piece of moist cloth or leather should be suspended before the orifice.

Rifle barrels have parallel grooves of a square or angular form cut within them, each groove being drawn in succession. These grooves run spirally, and form each an aliquot part of a revolution from the chamber to the muzzle. Rifles should not be too deeply indented; only so much as to prevent the ball turning round within the barrel. and the spires should be truly parallel, that the ball may glide along with a regular pace. See infra.

The Parisian gun-makers, who are reckoned very expert, draw out the iron for the barrels at hand forges, in fillets only one-ninth of an inch thick, one inch and a half broad, and four feet long. Twenty-five of these ribands are laid upon each other, between two similar ones of double thickness, and the bundle, weighing 60 pounds, bound with wire at two places, serves to make two barrels. The thicker plates are intended to protect the thinner from the violence of the fire in the numerous successive heats necessary to complete the welding, and to form the bundle into a bar two-thirds of an inch broad, by half an inch thick; the direction of the individual plates relatively to the breadth being preserved. This bar folded flat upon itself, is again wrought at the forge, till it is only half an inch broad, and a quarter of an inch thick, while the plates of the primitive ribands are now set perpendicular to the breadth of the narrow fillet; the length of which must be 15 or 16 feet French (16 or 17 English), to form a fowling piece from 28 to 30 inches long. This fillet, heated to a cherry red in successive portions, is coiled into as close a spiral as possible, upon a mandril about two-fifths of an inch in diameter. The mandril has at one end a stout head for drawing it out, by means of the hammer and the grooves of the anvil, previous to every heating. The welding is performed upon a mandril introduced after each heat; the middle of the barrel being first worked, while the fillets are forced back against each other, along the surface of the mandril, to secure their perfect union. The original plates having in the formation of the ultimate long riband become very thin, appear upon the surface of the barrel like threads of a fine screw, with blackish tints to mark the junctions. In making a double-barrelled gun, the two are formed from the same bundle of slips, the coils of the one finished fillet being turned to the right hand, and those of the other to the left.

The Damascus barrels forged as above described, from a bundle of steel and iron plates laid alternately together, are twisted at the forge several times, then coiled and welded as usual. Fifteen Parisian workmen concur in one operation: six at the forge; two at the boring mill; seven at filing, turning, and adjusting; yet all together make only six pairs of barrels per week, which are sold at from 100 to 300 francs the pair, ready for putting into the stock.


The breeching is of three kinds: the common; the chamber, plug, or mortar, fig. 397.; and the patent, fig. 398. The common was formerly used for soldiers’ musquets and inferior pieces. The second is a trifling improvement upon it. In the patent breeching, the screws do not interfere with the touch-hole, and the ignition is quicker in the main chamber.

Percussion lock

The only locks which it is worth while to describe are those upon the percussion principle, as flint locks will certainly soon cease to be employed even in military musquets. Forsyth’s lock (fig. 399.) was an ingenious contrivance. It has a magazine a, for containing the detonating powder, which revolves round a roller b, whose end is screwed into the breech of the barrel. The priming powder passes through a small hole in the roller, which leads to a channel in communication with the chamber of the gun.

The pan for holding the priming is placed immediately over the little hole in the roller. There is a steel punch c, in the magazine, whose under end stands above the pan, ready to ignite the priming when struck upon the top by the cock d, whenever the trigger is drawn. The punch immediately after being driven down into the pan is raised by the action of a spiral spring. For each explosion, the magazine must be turned so far round as to let fall a portion of the percussion powder into the pan; after which it is turned back, and the steel punch recovers its proper position for striking another blow into the pan.

Percussion lock

The invention of the copper percussion cap was another great improvement upon the detonating plan. Fig. 400. represents the ordinary percussion lock, which is happily divested of three awkward projections upon the flint lock, namely, the hammer, hammer spring, and the pan. Nothing now appears upon the plate of the lock, but the cock or striking hammer, which inflicts the proper blow upon the percussion cap. It is concave, with a small metallic ring or border, called a shield or fence, for the purpose of enclosing the cap, as it were, and preventing its splinters doing injury to the sportsman, as also protecting against the line of flame which may issue from the touch-hole in the cap nipple. This is screwed into the patent breech, and is perforated with a small hole.

Sommerville's lock

The safety lock of Dr. Somerville is a truly humane invention. Its essential feature is a slide stop or catch, placed under the trigger A, fig. 401. It is pulled forward into a notch in the trigger, by means of a spring B, upon the front of the guard, which is worked by a key C, pressing upon the spring when the piece is discharged. In another safety plan there is a small movable curved piece of iron, A, which rises through an opening B, in the lock-plate C, and prevents the cock from reaching the nipple, as represented in the figure, until it is drawn back within the plate of the lock when the piece is fired.

To fire this gun, two different points must be pressed at the same time. If by accident the key which works the safety be touched, nothing happens, because the trigger is not drawn; and the trigger touched alone can produce no effect, because it is locked. The pressure must be applied to the trigger and the key at the same instant, otherwise the lock will not work.

The French musquet is longer than the British, in the proportion of 44·72 inches to 42; but the French bayonet is 15 inches, whereas the British is 17.

Diameter of the bore 0 ·75in. 0 ·69.in.
Diameter of the ball 0 ·676 0 ·65
Weight of the ball in oz. 1 ·06 0 ·958
Weight of the firelock and bayonet in libs. 12 ·25 10 ·980
Length of the barrel and bayonet 59 ·00 59 ·72
de Berenger's protector

Within these few years a great many contrivances have been brought forward, and several have been patented for fire arms. The first I shall notice is that of Charles Random, Baron de Berenger. Fig. 402. shows the lock and breech of a fowling piece, with a sliding protector on one of the improved plans; a is the hammer, b the nipple of the touch-hole, c a bent lever, turning upon a pin, fixed into the lock-plate at d. The upper end of this bent lever stands partly under the nose of the hammer, and while in that situation stops it from striking the nipple. A slider g f h, connected with the under part of the gun-stock, is attached to the tail of the bent lever at i; and when the piece is brought to the shoulder for firing, the hand of the sportsman pressing against the bent part of the slider at g, forces this back, and thereby moves the end of the lever c forwards from under the nose of the cock or hammer, as shown by the dotted lines. The trigger being now drawn, the piece will be discharged; and on removing the hand from the end g, of the slider f, the spring at h acting against the guard, will force the slider forward, and the lever into the position first described.

Redford's plug

Mr. Redford, gun-maker of Birmingham, proposes a modification of the lock for small fire-arms, in which the application of pressure to the sear spring for discharging the piece is made by means of a plug, depressed by the thumb, instead of the force of the finger exerted against the trigger. Fig. 403. represents a fowling piece partly in section. The sear spring is shown at a. It is not here connected with the trigger as in other locks; but is attached by a double-jointed piece to a lever b, which turns upon a fulcrum pin in its centre. At the reverse end of this lever an arm extends forwards, like that of an ordinary sear spring, upon which arm the lower end of the plug c is intended to bear; and when this plug is depressed by the thumb bearing upon it, that end of the lever b will be forced downwards, and the reverse end will be raised, so as to draw up the end of the sear spring, and set off the piece. For the sake of protection, the head of the plug c is covered by a movable cap d, forming part of a slider e, which moves to and fro in a groove in the stock, behind the breech end of the barrel; this slider e is acted upon by the trigger through levers, which might be attached to the other side of the lock-plate; but are not shown in this figure to avoid confusion. When the piece is brought to the shoulder for firing, the fore-finger must be applied as usual to the trigger, but merely for the purpose of drawing back the slider e, and uncovering the head of the plug; when this is done, the thumb is to be pressed upon the head of the plug, and will thus discharge the piece. A spring bearing against the lever of the slider e, will, when the finger is withdrawn from the trigger, send the slider forward again, and cover the head of the plug, as shown.

It is with pleasure I again advert to the humane ingenuity of the Rev. John Somerville, of Currie. In April, 1835, he obtained a patent for a further invention to prevent the accidental discharge of fire arms. It consists in hindering the hammer from reaching the nipple of a percussion lock, or the flint reaching the steel of an ordinary one, by the interposition of movable safety studs or pins, which protrude from under the false breech before the hammers of the locks, and prevent them from descending to strike. These safety studs or pins are moved out of the way by the pressure of the right hand of the person using the gun only when in the act of firing, that is, when the force of the right hand and arm is exerted to press the butt end of the stock of the gun against the shoulder while the aim is taken and the trigger pulled. In carrying the gun at rest, the proper parts of the thumb or hand do not come over Mr. Somerville’s movable buttons or studs.

Somerville's studs

Fig. 404. is a side view of part of a double percussion gun; and fig. 405. is a top or plan view, which will serve to explain these improvements, and show one, out of many, methods of carrying them into effect. A is the stock of the gun; B the barrels; C the breech; D the nipples; E the false breech, on the under side of which the levers which work the safety studs or pins are placed; F is the shield of the false breech; G, triggers; H the lock-plate; and I the hammers: all of which are constructed as usual: a a are the safety studs or pins, which protrude before the shield F, and work through guide pieces on the under side of the false breech. The button piece is placed in the position for the thumb of the right hand to act upon it; but when the pressure of the ball of the right thumb is to produce the movement of the safety studs, it must be placed in or near the position K; and when the heel of the right hand is to effect the movements of the safety studs, the button piece must be placed at L, or nearly so.

In these last two positions, the lever (which is acted upon by the button piece to work the safety studs through a slide) would require to be of a different shape and differently mounted. When the hammers are down upon the nipples after discharging the gun, the ends of the safety pins press against the inner sides of the hammers. When this invention is adapted to single-barrelled guns, only one pin, a, one lever and button piece will be required.

Richards's percussion cap

Mr. Richards, gun-maker, Birmingham, patented, in March, 1836, a modification of the copper cap for holding the percussion powder, as represented fig. 406.; in which the powder is removed from the top of the cap, and brought nearer the mouth; a being the top, b the sides, and c the position of the priming. The dotted lines show the direction of the explosion, whereby it is seen that the metal case is opened or distended only in a small degree, and not likely to burst to pieces, as in the common caps, the space between a and c being occupied by a piece of any kind of hard metal d, soldered or otherwise fastened in the cap.

George Lovell, Esq., director of the Royal Manufactory of Arms at Enfield, has recently made a great improvement upon the priming chamber. He forms it into a vertical double cone, joined in the middle by the common apex; the base of the upper cone being in contact with the percussion cap, presents the most extensive surface to the fulminate upon the one hand, while the base of the under one being in a line with the interior surface of the barrel, presents the largest surface to the gunpowder charge, upon the other. In the old nipple the apex of the cone being at its top, afforded very injudiciously the minimum surface to the exploding force.Guns, Rifling of the Barrels.—The outside of rifle barrels is, in general, octagonal. After the barrel is bored, and rendered truly cylindrical, it is fixed upon the rifling machine. This instrument is formed upon a square plank of wood 7 feet long, to which is fitted a tube about an inch in diameter, with spiral grooves deeply cut internally through its whole length; and to this a circular plate is attached, about 5 inches diameter, accurately divided in concentric circles, into from 5 to 16 equal parts, and supported by two rings made fast to the plank, in which rings it revolves. An arm connected with the dividing graduated plate, and pierced with holes, through which a pin is passed, regulates the change of the tube in giving the desired number of grooves to the barrel. An iron rod, with a movable handle at the one end, and a steel cutter in the other, passes through the above rifling tube. This rod is covered with a core of lead one foot long. The barrel is firmly fixed by two rings on the plank, standing in a straight line on the tube. The rod is now drawn repeatedly through the barrel, from end to end, until the cutter has formed one groove of the proper depth. The pin is then shifted to another hole in the dividing plate, and the operation of grooving is repeated till the whole number of riflings is completed. The barrel is next taken out of the machine, and finished. This is done by casting upon the end of a small iron rod a core of lead, which, when besmeared with a mixture of fine emery and oil, is drawn, for a considerable time, by the workmen, from the one end of the barrel to the other, till the inner surface has become finely polished. The best degree of spirality is found to be from a quarter to half a revolution in a length of three feet.

Military Rifles.—An essential improvement in this destructive arm has lately been introduced into the British service, at the suggestion of Mr. Lovell:

Barrel rifling and balls

The intention in all rifles is to impart to the ball a rotatory or spinning motion round its axis, as it passes out through the barrel. This object was attained, to a certain degree, in the rifles of the old pattern, by cutting seven spiral grooves into the inside of the barrel, in the manner shewn by fig. 407., the spherical ball, fig. 408., being a little larger than the bore, was driven down with a mallet, by which the projecting ribs were forced into the surface of the ball, so as to keep it in contact with their curvatures, during its expulsion. Instead of this laborious and insecure process, the barrel being now cut with only two opposite grooves, fig. 409., and the ball being formed with a projecting belt, or zone, round its equator, of the same form as the two grooves, fig. 410., it enters so readily into these hollows, that little or no force is required to press it down upon the powder. So much more hold of the barrel is at the same time obtained, that instead of one quarter of a turn, which was the utmost that could be safely given in the old way, without danger of stripping the ball, a whole turn round the barrel, in its length, can be given to the two grooved rifles; whereby a far more certain and complete rotatory motion is imparted to the ball. The grand practical result is, that better practice has been performed by several companies of the Rifle Corps, at 300 yards, than could be produced with the best old military rifles at 150 yards; the soldier being meanwhile enabled to load with much greater ease and despatch. The belt is bevelled to its middle line, and not so flat as shown in the figure.

This mode of rifling is not, however, new in England. In fact, it is one of the oldest upon record; and appears to have fallen into disuse from faults in the execution. The idea was revived within the last few years in Brunswick, and it was tried in Hanover also, but with a lens-shaped (LinsenfÖrmig) ball. The judicious modifications and improvements it has finally received in Mr. Lovell’s hands, have brought out all its advantages, and rendered it, when skilfully used, a weapon of unerring aim, even at the prodigious distance of 700 yards.

Mr. Lovell’s Lock.

The locks, also, for the military service generally, are now receiving an important improvement by means of his labours, having been simplified in a remarkable manner. The action of the main spring is reversed, as shown by fig. 411.; thus rendering the whole mechanism more solid, compact, and convenient; while the ignition of the charge being effected by percussion powders in a copper cap, the fire of the British line will, in future, be more murderous than ever, as a mis-fire is hardly ever experienced with the fire-arms made at the Royal manufactory, under Mr. Lovell’s skilful superintendence.

FIRE-DAMP; the explosive carburetted hydrogen of coal mines. See Pitcoal.

FIRE-WORKS. (Feux d’artifice, Fr.; Feuerwerke, Germ.) The composition of luminous devices with explosive combustibles, is a modern art resulting from the discovery of gunpowder. The finest inventions of this kind are due to the celebrated Ruggieri, father and son, who executed in Rome and Paris, and the principal capitals of Europe, the most brilliant and beautiful fireworks that were ever seen. The following description of their processes will probably prove interesting to many of my readers.

The three prime materials of this art are, nitre, sulphur, and charcoal, along with filings of iron, steel, copper, zinc, and resin, camphor, lycopodium, &c. Gunpowder is used either in grain, half crushed, or finely ground, for different purposes. The longer the iron filings, the brighter red and white sparks they give; those being preferred which are made with a very coarse file, and quite free from rust. Steel filings and cast-iron borings contain carbon, and afford a more brilliant fire, with wavy radiations. Copper filings give a greenish tint to flame; those of zinc, a fine blue colour; the sulphuret of antimony gives a less greenish blue than zinc, but with much smoke; amber affords a yellow fire, as well as colophony, and common salt; but the last must be very dry. Lampblack produces a very red colour with gunpowder, and a pink with nitre in excess. It serves for making golden showers. The yellow sand or glistening mica, communicates to fire-works golden radiations. Verdigris imparts a pale green; sulphate of copper and sal-ammoniac, a palm-tree green. Camphor yields a very white flame and aromatic fumes, which mask the bad smell of other substances. Benzoin and storax are used also on account of their agreeable odour. Lycopodium burns with a rose colour and a magnificent flame; but it is principally employed in theatres to represent lightning, or to charge the torch of a fury.

Fire-works are divided into three classes: 1. those to be set off upon the ground; 2. those which are shot up into the air; and 3. those which act upon or under water.

Composition for jets of fire; the common preparation for rockets not more than 3/4 of an inch in diameter, is: gunpowder, 16 parts; charcoal, 3 parts. For those of larger diameter: gunpowder, 16; steel filings, 4.

Brilliant revolving wheel; for a tube less than 3/4 of an inch: gunpowder, 16; steel filings, 3. When more than 3/4: gunpowder, 16; filings, 4.

Chinese or Jasmine fire; when less than 3/4 of an inch: gunpowder, 16; nitre, 8; charcoal (fine), 3; sulphur, 3; pounded cast-iron borings (small), 10. When wider than 3/4: gunpowder, 16; nitre, 12; charcoal, 3; sulphur, 3; coarse borings, 12.

A fixed brilliant; less than 3/4 in diameter: gunpowder, 16; steel filings, 4; or, gunpowder, 16; and finely pounded borings, 6.

Fixed suns are composed of a certain number of jets of fire distributed circularly, like the spokes of a wheel. All the fusees take fire at once through channels charged with quick matches. Glories are large suns with several rows of fusees. Fans are portions of a sun, being sectors of a circle. The Patte d’oie is a fan with only three jets.

The mosaic represents a surface covered with diamond shaped compartments, formed by two series of parallel lines crossing each other. This effect is produced by placing at each point of intersection, four jets of fire, which run into the adjoining ones. The intervals between the jets must be associated with the discharge of others, so as to keep up a succession of fires in the spaces.

Palm trees. Ruggieri contrived a new kind of fire, adapted to represent all sorts of trees, and especially the palm. The following is the composition of this magnificent green fire-work: crystallized verdigris, 4 parts; sulphate of copper, 2; sal-ammoniac, 1. These ingredients are to be ground and moistened with alcohol. An artificial tree of any kind being erected, coarse cotton rovings about 2 inches in diameter, impregnated with that composition, are to be festooned round the trunk, branches, and among the leaves; and immediately kindled before the spirits have had time to evaporate.

Cascades, imitate sheets or jets of water. The Chinese fire is best adapted to such decorations.

Fixed stars. The bottom of a rocket is to be stuffed with clay, and one diameter in height of the first preparation being introduced, the vacant space is to be filled with the following composition, and the mouth tied up. The pasteboard must be pierced into the preparation, with five holes, for the escape of the luminous rays, which represent a star.

Composition of fixed stars:—

Ordinary. Brighter. Coloured.
Nitre, 16 12 0
Sulphur, 4 6 6
Gunpowder meal, 4 12 16
Antimony, 2 1 2

Lances, are long rockets of small diameter, made with cartridge paper. Those which burn quickest should be the longest. They are charged by hand without any mould, with rods of different lengths, and are not strangled at the mouth, but merely stuffed with a quick match of tow. These lances form the figures of great decorations; they are fixed with sprigs upon large wooden frame works, representing temples, palaces, pagodas, &c. The whole are placed in communication by conduits, or small paper cartridges like the lances, but somewhat conical, that they may fit endwise into one another to any extent that may be desired. Each is furnished with a match thread fully 11/2 inches long, at its two ends.

Composition for the white lances: nitre, 16; sulphur, 8; gunpowder, 4 or 3. For a bluish-white: nitre, 16; sulphur, 8; antimony, 4. For blue lances: nitre, 16; antimony, 8. For yellow: nitre, 16; gunpowder, 16; sulphur, 8; amber, 8. For yellower ones: nitre, 16; gunpowder, 16; sulphur, 4; colophony, 3; amber, 4. For greenish ones: nitre, 16; sulphur, 6; antimony, 6; verdigris, 6. For pink lances; nitre, 16; gunpowder, 3; lampblack, 1. Others less vivid are made with: nitre, 16; colophony, 3; amber, 3; lycopodium, 3.

Cordage is represented in fire-works, by imbuing soft ropes with a mixture of, nitre, 2; sulphur, 16; antimony, 1; resin of juniper, 1.

The Bengal flames rival the light of day. They consist of, nitre, 7; sulphur, 2; antimony, 1. This mixture is pressed strongly into earthen porringers, with some bits of quick match strewed over the surface. These flames have a fine theatrical effect for conflagrations.

Revolving suns, are wheels upon whose circumference rockets of different styles are fixed, and which communicate by conduits, so that one is lighted up in succession after another. The composition of their common fire is, for sizes below 3/4 of an inch: gunpowder meal, 16; charcoal, not too fine, 3. For larger sizes: gunpowder, 20; charcoal, not too fine, 4. For fiery radiations: gunpowder, 16; yellow micaceous sand, 2 or 3. For mixed radiations: gunpowder, 16; pitcoal, 1; yellow sand, 1 or 2.

The waving or double Catherine wheels, are two suns turning about the same axis in opposite directions. The fusees are fixed obliquely and not tangentially to their peripheries. The wheel spokes are charged with a great number of fusees; two of the four wings revolve in the one direction, and the other two in the opposite; but always in a vertical plane.

The girandoles, caprices, spirals, and some others have on the contrary a horizontal rotation. The fire-worker may diversify their effects greatly by the arrangement and colour of the jets of flame. Let us take for an example the globe of light. Imagine a large sphere turning freely upon its axis, along with a hollow hemisphere, which revolves also upon a vertical axis passing through its under pole. If the two pieces be covered with coloured lances or cordage, a fixed luminous globe will be formed, but if horizontal fusees be added upon the hemisphere, and vertical fusees upon the sphere, the first will have a relative horizontal movement, the second a vertical movement, which being combined with the first, will cause it to describe a species of curve, whose effect will be an agreeable contrast with the regular movement of the hemisphere. Upon the surface of a revolving sun, smaller suns might be placed, to revolve like satellites round their primaries.

Ruggieri exhibited a luminous serpent pursuing with a rapid winding pace, a butterfly which flew continually before it. This extraordinary effect was produced in the following way. Upon the summits of an octagon he fixed eight equal wheels turning freely upon their axles, in the vertical plane of the octagon. An endless chain passed round their circumference, going from the interior to the exterior, covering the outside semi-circumference of the first, the inside of the second, and so in succession; whence arose the appearance of a great festooned circular line. The chain, like that of a watch, carried upon a portion of its length a sort of scales pierced with holes for receiving coloured lances, in order to represent a fiery serpent. At a little distance there was a butterfly constructed with white lances. The piece was kindled commonly by other fireworks, which seemed to end their play, by projecting the serpent from the bosom of the flames. The motion was communicated to the chain by one of the wheels, which received it like a clock from the action of a weight. This remarkably curious mechanism was called by the artists a salamander.

The rockets which rise into the air with a prodigious velocity, are among the most common, but not least interesting fire-works. When employed profusely they form those rich volleys of fire which are the crowning ornaments of a public fÊte. The cartridge is similar to that of the other jets, except in regard to its length, and the necessity of pasting it strongly, and planing it well; but it is charged in a different manner. As the sky-rockets must fly off with rapidity, their composition should be such as to kindle instantly throughout their length, and extricate a vast volume of elastic fluids. To effect this purpose, a small cylindric space is left vacant round the axis; that is, the central line is tubular. The fire-workers call this space the soul of the rocket (ame de la fusÉe). On account of its somewhat conical form, hollow rods, adjustable to different sizes of broaches or skewers, are required in packing the charge; which must be done while the cartridge is sustained by its outside mould, or copper cylinder. The composition of sky-rockets is as follows:—

When the bore is 3/4 of
an inch;
3/4 to 11/4; 12/3;
Nitre 16 16 16
Charcoal 7 8 9
Sulphur 4 4 4
Brilliant Fire.
Nitre 16 16 16
Charcoal 6 7 8
Sulphur 4 4 4
Fine steel filings 3 4 5
Chinese Fire.
Nitre 16 16 16
Charcoal 4 5 6
Sulphur 3 3 4
Fine borings of cast iron 3 coarser 4 mixed 5

The cartridge being charged as above described, the pot must be adjusted to it, with the garniture; that is, the serpents, the crackers, the stars, the showers of fire, &c. The pot is a tube of pasteboard wider than the body of the rocket, and about one third of its length. After being strangled at the bottom like the mouth of a phial, it is attached to the end of the fusee by means of twine and paste. These are afterwards covered with paper. The garniture is introduced by the neck, and a paper plug is laid over it. The whole is inclosed within a tube of pasteboard terminating in a cone, which is firmly pasted to the pot. The quick-match is now finally inserted into the soul of the rocket. The rod attached to the end of the sky-rockets to direct their flight, is made of willow or any other light wood. M. Ruggieri replaced the rod by conical wings containing explosive materials, and thereby made them fly further and straighter.

The garnitures of the sky-rocket pots are the following:—

1. Stars are small, round, or cubic solids, made with one of the following compositions, and soaked in spirits. White stars, nitre, 16; sulphur, 8; gunpowder, 3. Others more vivid consist of nitre, 16; sulphur, 7; gunpowder, 4.

Stars for golden showers, nitre, 16; sulphur, 10; charcoal, 4; gunpowder, 16; lamp-black, 2. Others yellower are made with nitre, 16; sulphur, 8; charcoal, 2; lamp-black, 2; gunpowder, 8.

The serpents are small fusees made with one or two playing cards; their bore being less than half an inch. The lardons are a little larger, and have three cards; the vetilles are smaller. Their composition is, nitre, 16; charcoal, not too fine, 2; gunpowder, 4; sulphur, 4; fine steel filings, 6.

The petards are cartridges filled with gunpowder and strangled.

The saxons are cartridges clayed at each end, charged with the brilliant turning fire, and perforated with one or two holes at the extremity of the same diameter.

The cracker is a round or square box of pasteboard, filled with granulated gunpowder, and hooped all round with twine.

Roman candles are fusees which throw out very bright stars in succession. With the composition (as under) imbued with spirits and gum-water, small cylindric masses are made, pierced with a hole in their centre. These bodies, when kindled and projected into the air, form the stars. There is first put into the cartridge a charge of fine gunpowder of the size of the star; above this charge a star is placed; then a charge of composition for the Roman candles.

The stars, when less than 3/4 of an inch, consist of nitre, 16; sulphur, 7; gunpowder, 5. When larger, of nitre, 16; sulphur, 8; gunpowder, 8.

Roman candles, nitre, 16; charcoal, 6; sulphur, 3. When above 3/4 of an inch nitre, 16; charcoal, 8; sulphur, 6.

The girandes, or bouquets, are those beautiful pieces which usually conclude a fire-work exhibition; when a multitude of jets seem to emblazon the sky in every direction, and then fall in golden showers. This effect is produced by distributing a number of cases open at top, each containing 140 sky-rockets, communicating with one another by quick-match strings planted among them. The several cases communicate with each other by conduits, whereby they take fire simultaneously, and produce a volcanic display.

The water fire-works are prepared like the rest; but they must be floated either by wooden bowls, or by discs and hollow cartridges fitted to them.

Blue fire for lances may be made with nitre, 16; antimony, 8; very fine zinc filings, 4. Chinese paste for the stars of Roman candles, bombs, &c.:—Sulphur, 16; nitre, 4; gunpowder meal, 12; camphor, 1; linseed oil, 1; the mixture being moistened with spirits.

The feu grÉgois of Ruggieri, the son:—Nitre, 4; sulphur, 2; naphtha, 1. See Pyrotechny and Rockets.

The red fire composition is made by mixing 40 parts of nitrate of strontia, 13 of flowers of sulphur, 5 of chlorate of potash, and 4 of sulphuret of antimony.

White fire is produced by igniting a mixture of 48 parts nitre; 131/4 sulphur; 71/4 sulphuret of antimony; or, 24 nitre, 7 sulphur, 2 realgar; or, 75 nitre, 24 sulphur, 1 charcoal; or, finally, 100 of gunpowder meal, and 25 of cast-iron fine borings.

The blue fire composition is, 4 parts of gunpowder meal; 2 of nitre; sulphur and zinc, each 3 parts.

FISH-HOOKS (HameÇons, Fr.; Fischangeln, Germ.); are constructed with simple tools, but require great manual dexterity in the workmen. The iron wire of which they are made should be of the best quality, smooth, and sound. A bundle of such wire is cut in lengths, either by shears or by laying it down upon an angular wedge of hard steel fixed horizontally in a block or anvil, and striking off the proper lengths by the blows of a hammer. In fashioning the barbs of the hooks, the straight piece of wire is laid down in the groove of an iron block made on purpose, and is dexterously struck by the chisel in a slanting direction, across so much of the wire as may be deemed necessary. A sharp-pointed little wedge is thus formed, whose base graduates into the substance of the metal.

The end of the wire where the line is to be attached is now flattened or screw-tapped; the other end is sharp pointed, and the proper twisted curvature is given. The soft iron hooks are next case-hardened, to give them the steely stiffness and elasticity, by imbedding them in animal charcoal contained in an earthen or iron box; see Case-Hardening; after which they are brightened by heating and agitating them with bran, and finally tempered by exposure to a regulated temperature upon a hot iron plate. Hooks for salt-water fishing are frequently tinned, to prevent them wearing rapidly away in rust. See Tin Plate.

FLAKE WHITE; is the name sometimes given to pure white-lead.

FLAME (Flamme, Fr. and Germ.); is the combustion of an explosive mixture of an inflammable gas or vapour with air. That it is not, as many suppose, combustion merely at the exterior surface, is proved by plunging a fragment of burning phosphorus or sulphur into the centre of a large flame of alcohol. Either of these bodies will continue to burn there with its peculiar light; thus proving that oxygen is mixed with the whole of the burning vapour. If we mix good coal gas with as much atmospheric air as can convert all its carbon into carbonic acid, the mixture will explode with a feeble blue light; but if we mix the same gas with a small quantity of air, it will burn with a rich white flame. In the latter case, the carbonaceous particles are precipitated, as Sir H. Davy first showed, in the interior of the flame, become incandescent, and constitute white light: for from the ignition of solid matter alone can the prismatic rays be emitted in that concentrated union. Towards the interior of the flame of a candle, a lamp, or a gas jet, where the air is scanty, there is a deposition of solid charcoal, which first by its ignition, and afterwards by its combustion, increases in a high degree the intensity of the light. If we hold a piece of fine wire gauze over a jet of coal gas close to the orifice, and if we then kindle the gas, it will burn above the wire with its natural brilliancy; but if we elevate the gauze progressively higher, so as to mix more and more air with it before it reaches the burning point, its flame will become fainter and less white. At a certain distance it becomes blue, like that of the above explosive mixture. Since the combustion of all the constituents is in this case direct and complete, the heat becomes greatest in proportion nearly as the light is diminished. If a few platina wires be held in that dim flame they will grow instantly white hot, and illuminate the apartment. On reversing the order of this experiment, by lowering progressively a flat piece of wire gauze from the summit towards the base of a gas flame, we shall find no charcoal deposited at its top, because plenty of air has been introduced there to convert all the carbon of the gas into carbonic acid, and therefore the apex is blue; but as we descend, more and more charcoal will appear upon the meshes. At the very bottom, indeed, where the atmospheric air impinges upon the gauze, the flame is again blue, and no charcoal can therefore be deposited.

The fact of the increase of the brilliancy and whiteness of flame by the development and ignition of solid matter in its bosom, illustrates many curious phenomena. We can thus explain why olefiant gas affords the most vivid illumination of all the gases; because, being surcharged with charcoal, its hydrogen lets it go in the middle of the flame, as it does in an ignited porcelain tube, whereby its solid particles first get ignited to whiteness, and then burn away. When phosphorus is inflamed, it always yields a pure white light, from the ignition of the solid particles of the snowy acid thus produced.

In the blowpipe, the inner blue flame has the greatest heat, because there the combustion of the whole fatty vapour is complete. The feeble light of burning hydrogen, carbonic oxide, and sulphur, may, upon the principles now expounded, be increased by simply placing in them a few particles of oxide of zinc, slender filaments of amianthus, or fine platina wire. Upwards of twenty years ago, I demonstrated in my public lectures in Glasgow, that by narrowing the top of a long glass chimney over an argand flame either from oil or coal gas, the light could be doubled, at the same cost of material. The very tall chimneys used by the Parisian lampists are very wasteful. I find that with a narrow chimney of half the length of theirs, I can have as good a light, and save 30 per cent. of the oil. Thus the light of a flame may be increased by diminishing its heat, or the intensity of its combustion; and conversely the heat of a flame may be increased by diminishing its light.

FLANNEL; a plain woollen stuff of a rather open and slight fabric.

FLAX. By this term we understand the bast or inner bark of the Linum usitatissimum, which is spun into yarn for weaving linen webs. This plant blossoms in June or July, and commonly ripens its seeds in September. As varieties, we distinguish the spring flax, with short knotty stems, whose seed capsules at the period of maturity, spring open with a perceptible sound; and the close flax, with longer smoother stems, whose capsules give out their seeds only when threshed. The Germans, who have bestowed much attention upon the culture of flax, call the former Klanglein or Springlein, and the latter Dreschlein. This is the kind most commonly grown, but from the difference of climate, soil, and culture, it affords flax of very different qualities. The best ground for this plant is an open, somewhat friable clay, mingled with sand and mould. The early flax is usually sown in the end of April or beginning of May, the late, in June. The seeds ought to be sown thick, whereby the stalks are forced to grow more slender, and the fibres of the bast or harl are not only smoother and finer, but more uniform in length. If the raising of seed be the principal object, the flax must be more thinly sown, whereby it will produce stronger stalks, but more knotty, with shorter fibres, and more productive of tow.

Whenever the flax is ripe, which is shown by the bottom of the stalk becoming yellow, and the leaves beginning to drop off, it must be immediately reaped by pulling it up by the roots. The seeds are still immature, fit merely for the oil press, and not for sowing. When the seed crop is the object, the plant must be suffered to acquire its full maturity; in which case the fibres are less fine and soft.

The flax is carried off the field in bundles to be rippled, or stripped of its seeds, which is done by drawing it by handfuls, through an iron comb with teeth eight inches long, fixed upright in a horizontal beam. When the seeds are more fully ripened, they may be separated by the threshing mill.

The operations next performed upon the flax, will be understood by attending to the structure of the stem. In it, two principal parts are to be distinguished; the woody heart or boon, and the harl (covered outwardly with a fine cuticle), which encloses the former like a tube, consisting of parallel lines. In the natural state, the fibres of the harl are attached firmly not only to the boon, but to each other by means of a green or yellowish substance. The rough stems of the flax after being stripped of their seeds, lose in moisture by drying in warm air, from 55 to 65 per cent. of their weight; but somewhat less when they are quite ripe and woody. In this dry state, they consist in 100 parts of from 20 to 23 per cent. of harl, and from 80 to 77 per cent. of boon. The latter is composed upon the average of 69 per cent. of a peculiar woody substance, 12 per cent. of a matter soluble in water, and 19 per cent. of a body not soluble in water, but in alkaline lyes. The harl contains at a mean 58 per cent. of pure flaxen fibres, 25 parts soluble in water (apparently extractive and albumen), and 17 parts insoluble in water, being chiefly gluten. By treating the harl with either cold or hot water, the latter substance is dyed brown by the soluble matter, while the fibres retain their coherence to one another. Alkaline lyes, and also, though less readily, soap water, dissolve the gluten, which seems to be the cement of the textile fibres, and thus set them free.

The cohesion of the fibres in the rough harl is so considerable that by mechanical means, as by beating, rubbing, &c., a complete separation of them cannot be effected, unless with great loss of time, and rupture of the filaments. This circumstance shows the necessity of having recourse to some chemical method of decomposing the gluten. The process employed with this view is a species of fermentation, to which the flax stalks are exposed; it is called retting, a corruption of rotting, since a certain degree of putrefaction takes place. The German term is rusting. This is the first important step in the preparation of flax. After the retting is completed, the boon of the stalks must be removed by the second operation called breaking, and other subordinate processes. The harl freed from the woody parts contains still a multitude of fibres, more or less coherent, or entangled, and of variable lengths, so as to be ill adapted for spinning. These are removed by the heckle, which separates the connected fibres into their finest filaments, removes those that are too short, and disentangles the longer ones.

I. Of retting.—The fermentation of this process may be either rendered rapid by steeping the flax in water, or slow by using merely the ordinary influence of the atmospheric damp, dews, and rain. Hence the distinction of water-retting and dew-retting. Both may also be combined.

Prior to being retted, the flax should be sorted according to the length and thickness of its stalks, and its state of maturity; the riper the plant, the longer must the retting last. The due length of the process is a point too little studied.

Water-retting.—When flax stalks are macerated in water, at a temperature not too low, fermentation soon begins, evinced in the dingy infusion, by disengagement of carbonic acid gas, and the production of vinegar. If the flax be taken out at the end of a few days, dried, and rubbed, the textile filaments are found to be easily separable from each other. By longer continuance of the steep, the water ceases to be acid, it becomes to a certain degree alkaline, from the production of ammonia, diffuses a fetid odour, from the disengagement of sulphuretted hydrogen gas, along with the carbonic acid; the acetous fermentation being in fact now changed into the putrid. The filaments become yellowish brown, afterwards dark brown and lose much of their tenacity, if the process be carried further.

When the operation is conducted with discernment, the water-retting may be completed by the acetous fermentation alone, as the putrefaction should never be suffered to proceed to any length; because when over-retted, flax is partially rotten, gets a bad colour, and yields a large proportion of tow.

For water-retting, the flax must be bound up in sheaves, placed in layers over each other in the water, or sometimes upright, with the roots undermost. Straw may be put below to keep it from touching the ground, and boards may be laid upon the top, with weights to hold it immersed about a foot beneath the surface, especially when the fermentative gases make it buoyant. As soon as it sinks at the end of the fermentation, it must be inspected at least twice a day, and samples must be taken out to see that no over-retting ensues. A single day too long often injures the flax not a little. We may judge that the retting is sufficient when the harl separates easily from the boon by the fingers, when the boon breaks across without bending, and when several stalks knotted together sink to the bottom upon being thrown into the water. For this completion, a shorter or longer time is required according to the quality of the flax, the temperature, &c., so that the term may vary from five to fourteen days. It may be done either in running or in stagnant water. For the latter purpose, tanks five feet deep are dug in the ground. In stagnant water, the process is sooner finished, but it is more hazardous, and gives a deeper stain to the fibres, than in a stream, which carries off much of the colour. The best place for steeping flax is a pond with springs of water at its bottom; or a tank into which a rivulet of water can be occasionally admitted, while the foul water is let off. For every fresh quantity of flax, the pond should be emptied, and supplied with clear water. Water impregnated with iron, stains flax a permanent colour, and should therefore never be used. After retting, the flax should be taken out without delay, rinsed in clean water, and exposed in an airy situation to dry by the sun.

Rough rippled flax stalks, well seasoned before being retted, and dried afterwards, show a loss of weight, amounting to 20 or 30 per cent., affecting both the boon and the harl. This loss is greater the finer the stems, and the longer the retting. The harl contains, beside the textile filaments, a certain portion of a glutinous cement; but nothing soluble in water. The destruction of the gluten cannot be pushed to the last point by steeping, without doing an essential injury to the filaments.

Dew-retting.—The fetid and noxious exhalations which the water-retting diffuses over an extensive district of country, and the danger of over-retting in that way, especially with stagnant water, are far from recommending that process to general adoption. Dew-retting accomplishes the same purpose, by the agency of the air, dews, and rain, in a much more convenient, though far slower manner. The flax, with this view, should be spread out thin upon meadow or grass lands, but never upon the bare ground, and turned over, from time to time, till the stems, on being rubbed between the fingers, show that the harl and the boon are ready to part. The duration of dew-retting is, of course, very various, from 2 to 6, or 8 weeks, as it depends upon the state of the weather; a moist air being favourable, and dry sunshine the reverse. The loss of weight by dew-retting is somewhat less than by water-retting; and the textile fibres are of a brighter colour, softer and more delicate to the touch.

Mixed retting.—This may be fairly regarded as the preferable plan, the retting being begun in the water, and finished in the air. The flax should be taken out of the steep whenever the acetous fermentation is complete, before the putrid begins, and exposed, for 2 or 3 weeks, on the grass.

II. The breaking is performed by an instrument called a brake. In order to give the wood or boon such a degree of brittleness as to make it part readily from the harl, whereby the execution of this process is rendered easy, the flax should be well dried in the sun, or what is more suitable to the late period of the year, in a stove. Such is often attached to the bakers’ ovens in Germany, and other flax-growing countries. The drying temperature should never exceed 120° F., for a higher heat makes it brittle, easy to tear, and apt to run into tow. Before subjecting the flax to the brake, the stems should be equalized and laid parallel by the hand, and the entangled portions should be straightened with a coarse heckle. The brake has one general construction, and consists of two principal parts, the frame or case, and the sword or beater. In the simplest brakes, the frame e, fig. 412., is a piece of wood cleft lengthwise in the middle, supported by the legs a and c. The sword f, also of hard wood, is formed with an edge beneath, and turns round the centre of motion at q, when seized by the handle h, and moved up and down. As it descends, the sword enters the cleft of the frame, and breaks the flax stalks laid transversely upon it, scattering the boon in fragments.

Flax brake

But those hand brakes are more convenient which are provided with a double cleft, or triple row of oblong teeth; with a double sword. This construction will be understood by inspecting figs. 412, 413, 414. Fig. 412. is the section of that side at which the operative sits; fig. 413. is a section in the line A, B, of fig. 412; and fig. 414., the ground plan. The whole machine is made of hard wood, commonly red beech. Two planks, a and c, form the legs of the implement. a is mortised in a heavy block, to give the brake a solid bearing; two stretchers d, bind a and c, firmly together. The frame e consists of three thin boards, which are placed edgewise, and have their ends secured in a and c. The sword f is a piece of wood, so chamfered from i to k, that it appears forklike, and embraces the middle piece of the frame; its centre of motion is the wooden pin q; in front is the handle h, which the operative seizes with the right hand. Both the lathes of the frame, and those of the sword are sharpened, from l to the front end, as is best shown in fig. 413.; but the edges must not be too sharp, for fear of injuring the flax; and, for the same reason, the sword should not sink too far between the lathes of the frame. Such hand-brakes are laborious in use, and often tear the harl into tow. The operative, usually a female, in working the brake, seizes with her left hand a bundle of flax, lays it transversely across the frame, and strikes it smartly with repeated blows of the sword, pushing forwards continually new portions of the flax into the machine. She begins with the roots, turns next round the tips, then goes on through the length of the stalks. Flax is frequently exposed twice to the brake, with a stove drying between the two applications.

Flax brake

Fig. 415, 416, 417 enlarged (127 kB)

The brake machines afford a far preferable means of cleaning flax than the above hand tools. The essential part of such a machine, consists in several deeply fluted rollers of wood or iron, whose teeth work into each other, and while they stretch out the flaxen stalks betwixt them, they break the wood or boon, without doing that violence to the harl which hand mechanisms are apt to do. The following may be regarded as one of the best constructions hitherto contrived for breaking flax. Fig. 415. is a view of the right side of this machine. Fig. 416., the view from behind, where the broken flax issues from between the rollers. The frame is formed by the two side pillars or walls a, a, which are mortised into the bottom b, b; and are firmly fixed to it by braces. Two transverse rods d, d, secure the base, two others d' d'', the sides. In each of these a lateral arm e, is mortised in an oblique direction; a cross bar f, unites both arms. Fig. 417. shows the inside of the left side of the frame, with the subsidiary parts. The three rollers g, i, k, may be made of red beech, with iron gudgeons, and fluted in their length, each of the flutes being 5/12 of an inch broad, and 4/12ths deep. The large roller g, bears upon the right side, a handle h, which on being turned, sets the whole train in motion. The side partitions a, a, are furnished with brasses in whose round holes l, g, fig. 417., the gudgeons g work. For the extremities of the two smaller rollers, there are at a and e, slots in brasses, as may be seen in fig. 415. Within the partition a, there are movable brasses l, for the pivots of i and k, shewn in fig. 417. Each brass slides in a groove, between two ledges. A strong cord made fast at m to the partition a, runs over the brass of i, next over that of k, then descends perpendicularly, and passes over the cross bar n, fig. 415. and 416. This construction being repeated at both ends of the rollers, the rod n, binds both cords. Against the cross bar d' of the frame, a lever o is sustained, which lies upon the rod n, and carries a weight p. The farther or nearer this weight hangs towards the end of the lever, it stretches the cord more or less, and presses by means of the brasses l, the rollers i, k, towards the main roller g. A table q, serves for spreading out the flax to be broken, and a second one r, for the reception of the stalks at their issuing from between the rollers. Both tables hang by means of iron hooks to rings of the frame s, t, fig. 415. and 417., and are supported by the movable legs u, u, u, fig. 415. and 416. In using the machine the operative lays an evenly spread handful of flax upon the table q, introduces their root ends with his left hand between the rollers g and i, and turns round the handle h, with the right. The stems are first broken betwixt g and i, then between g and k, and come out upon the table r. The handle is moved alternately forwards and backwards, in order that the flax may be rolled alternately in the same directions, and be more perfectly broken. The boon falls down in very small pieces, and the harl remains expanded in parallel bands. This should be drawn over the points of a heckle, then laid for a couple of days in a cellar to absorb some moisture, and afterwards worked once more through the machine, whereby the flax acquires a peculiar softness.

The advantages of this brake machine are chiefly the following:—

It takes up little room, and from its simplicity is easily and cheaply constructed; it requires no more power to work, than the ordinary hand-brake; it tears none of the filaments, and grinds nothing except the boon, in consequence of the flutings of the rollers going much less deep into each other, than the sword of the hand-brake; it prevents all entanglements of the flax, whence in the subsequent heckling the quantity of short fibres or tow is diminished; and it accomplishes the cleaning of even the shortest flax, which cannot be well done by hand machines.

The comminution of the boon of the stems, which is the object of the breaking process, can however be performed by threshing or beating, although in this way the separation of the woody matter from the textile fibres is much less completely effected.


It is the practice in Great Britain, instead of breaking, to employ a water-driven wooden mallet, between which and a smooth stone the flax is laid. In that part of Belgium where the preparation of flax has been studied, the brake is not used, but beating by means of the Bott-hammer, to the great improvement, it is said, of the flax. The Bott-hammer, fig. 418., is a wooden block, having on its under face, channels or flutings, 5 or 6 lines deep, and it is fixed to a long bent helve or handle. In using it, a bundle of the dried flax stalks is spread evenly upon the floor, then powerfully beaten with the hammer, first at the roots, next at the points, and lastly in the middle. When the upper surface has been well beat in this way, it is turned over, that the under surface may get its turn. The flax is then removed, and well shaken to free it from the boon.


By the brake or the hammer the whole wood is never separated from the textile fibres, but a certain quantity of chaffy stuff adheres to them, which is removed by another operation. This consists either in rubbing or shaking. The rubbing is much practised in Westphalia, and the neighbouring districts. In this process, the operative lays the rubbing apron on a piece of dressed leather, one foot square, upon her knee; then seizes a bundle of flax in the middle with her left hand, and scrapes it strongly with the Ribbe-knife held in her right, fig. 419. This tool, which consists of a wooden handle s, and a thin iron blade r, with a blunt and somewhat bent edge, acts admirably in cleaning and also in parting the filaments, without causing needless waste in flax previously well broken.

The winnowing, which has the very same object as the rubbing, is, however, much more generally adopted than the latter. Two distinct pieces of apparatus belong to it, namely, the swing-stock and the swing-knife. The first consists of an upright board with a groove in its side, into which a handful of flax is so placed that it hangs down over half the surface of the board. While the left hand holds the flax fast above, the right carries the swing-knife, a sabre-shaped piece of wood from 11/2 to 2 feet long, planed to an edge on the convex side, and provided with a handle. With this knife the flax is struck parallel to the board, with perpendicular blows, so as to scrape off its woody asperities. The breadth of the swing-knife is an important circumstance; when too narrow it easily causes the flax to twist round it, and thereby tears away a portion of the fibres. When 8 or 10 inches broad, it is found to act best. Knives made of iron will not answer, for they injure the filaments.


Figs. 420, 421. show the best construction of the swing-stock. The board a has for its base a heavy block of wood b, upon which two upright pins e e, are fixed. The band f, which is stretched between the pins, serves to guide the swing-knife in its movements, and prevent the operative from wounding his feet. The under edge of the groove c, upon which the flax comes to be laid, is cut obliquely and rounded off (see d in fig. 420.); thus we perceive that the swing-knife can never strike against that edge, so as to injure the flax.

Belgian alternative for swing-knife

Fig. 422. exhibits the form of a very convenient implement which is employed in Belgium instead of the swing-knife. It is a sort of wooden hatchet, which is not above two lines thick, and at the edge g h is reduced to the thickness of the back of a knife. The fly k gives force to the blow, and preserves the tool in an upright position. The short flat-pressed helve i is glued to that side of the leaf which in working is turned from the swing-stock; and is, moreover, fastened with a wooden pin.

The rubbing and swinging throw off the coarsest sort of tow, by separating and shaking out the shortest fibres and those that happen to get torn. That tow is used for the inferior qualities of sacking, being mixed with many woody fibres.

We may in general estimate that 100 pounds of the stalks of retted flax, taken in the dry state, afford from 45 to 48 pounds of broken flax, of which, in the swinging or scutching, about 24 pounds of flax, with 9 or 10 pounds of scutch tow are obtained. The rest is boon-waste. The breaking of 100 pounds of stalks requires, in the ordinary routine of a double process by hand, about 20 hours; and with the above described machine, from 17 to 18 hours. To scutch 100 pounds of broken flax clean, 130 hours of labour are required by the German swinging method.

Bundy's machine

Mr. Bundy obtained a patent in 1819, for certain machinery for breaking and preparing flax, which merits description here. Fig. 423. A A A A, is the frame made either of wood or metal, which supports the two conical rollers B and C. These revolve independently of each other in proper brass bearings. A third conical roller D is similarly supported under the top piece E of the machine. All these rollers are frusta of cones, made of cast iron. Whatever form of tooth be adopted, they must be so shaped and disposed with regard to each other as to have considerable play between them, in order to admit the quantity of flax stem which is intended to be broken and prepared. The upper piece E of the machine which carries the upper conical roller D, is fixed or attached to the main frame A A A A by strong hinges or any other moveable joint at G, and rods of iron or other sufficiently strong material; H H is attached at its upper end by a joint to the top piece E, through a hole near I, and is fixed at its lower end by another joint K to the treadle or lever K L, which turns upon the joint or hinges M. A spring or weight (but the former is preferable for many reasons) is applied to the machine in such manner, that its action will always keep the upper piece E, and consequently the upper roller D, in an elevated or raised position above the rollers B and C, when the machine is not in action; and of course the end L of the treadle will also be raised, which admits of the flax to be worked being introduced between the rollers, viz. over the two lower rollers B, C, and under the upper roller D; such a spring may be applied in a variety of ways, as between the top piece E, and the top or platform of the machine at N; or it may be a strong spiral wire spring, having its upper end fastened to the platform while its lower extremity is fixed to the rod H H, round which it coils as shown at O, or it may be placed under the end L of the treadle; but in every case its strength must be no more than will be just sufficient to raise the upper roller D about two inches from the lower rollers, otherwise it will occasion unnecessary fatigue to the person working the machine.

The manner of using it is as follows: the upper and lower rollers being separated as aforesaid, a small handful of dried flax or hemp stems is to be introduced between them, and held extended by the two hands, while the rollers are brought together by the pressure of the foot upon the treadle L. This pressure being continued, the flax or hemp is to be drawn backwards and forwards by the hands between the rollers, in a direction at right angles to their axes, and eventually withdrawn by pulling with one hand only. The foot is now to be removed until the flax or hemp is again replaced, and each end is this way to be drawn several times through the machine, until such ends are respectively finished.

By a succession of these operations, using the pressure of the foot upon L, each time that the flax or hemp is introduced between the rollers, and regulating such pressure according to the progress of the work, the flax or hemp will soon be sufficiently worked, and the fibre brought into a clean and divided state fit for bleaching; or if it be required to spin it in the yellow state, it may be made sufficiently fine by a longer continuation of the same process, particularly if worked between the smaller ends of the rollers.


Indeed, the operation may be commenced and continued for some time, with the larger part of the rollers, and finished with their smaller ends; and, in this point of view, the invention of conical rollers will be found both convenient and useful; for as the flutes, grooves, or teeth, vary in their distance from each other at all points between the large and small ends, so it becomes almost impossible for the workman to draw the flax or hemp through such rollers in the same track; and thus the breaking of the boon must be much more irregular, and the fibre will be much more effectually cleansed than it can be by the flutes, grooves, or teeth of cylinders, or other such contrivances formerly employed; because they would probably fall frequently upon the same points of the fibres. If it is intended that the flax shall be bleached before it is spun, then the second part of Mr. Bundy’s invention may be had recourse to, which consists in moving certain trays or cradles in the water, or other fluid used for bleaching the flax or hemp, in the manner following, viz.: The flax or hemp, after having been broken and worked in the machine, should be divided into small quantities of about one ounce each, and these should be tied loosely in the middle with a string, and in this state laid in the trays or cradles, and then be soaked in cold soft water for a day or two, when each parcel should be worked separately, while wet, through a machine, precisely similar to that already described, except only that the rollers should be cylindrical, and made entirely of wood with metal axles, and the teeth, which will be parallel, should be similar in form to those shown in section at Q, fig. 423*. Such operation will loosen the gluten and colouring matter, for the rinsing and wringing which must follow. The flax must then be again disposed in a flat and smooth manner, in such trays or cradles, and once more set to soak in sufficient soft water to cover it, in which a small quantity of soap, in the proportion of about seven pounds of soap to each hundred weight of flax, has been previously dissolved, and in this state it should remain for two or three days longer, and then be finally worked through the machine, rinsed with clear water, and wrung; which will render it sufficiently white for most purposes.

III. The Heckling.—We have already stated that, by the operation of heckling, a three-fold object is proposed: 1. the parting of the filaments into their finest fibrils; 2. the separation of the short fibres which are unfit for spinning; 3. the equable and parallel arrangements of the long filaments. The instrument of accomplishing these objects is a comb-fashioned tool, called the heckle or hackle; a surface studded more or less thickly with metal points, called heckle teeth; over which the flax is drawn in such a way that the above three required operations may be properly accomplished.


The common construction of the heckle is the following: (see fig. 424.) Fig. 424. is the ground plan, and fig. 425. is the section. Upon an oblong plank a b, two circular or square blocks of wood c and d are fixed, in which the heckle teeth stand upright. To give these a firmer hold they are stuck into holes in a brass or iron plate, with which the upper surface of c and d is covered. Both heckles may be either associated upon one board or separated; and of different finenesses; that is, the teeth of the one may be thinner, and stand closer together; because the complete preparation of the flax requires for its proper treatment, a two-fold heckling; one upon the coarse, and one upon the fine heckle; nay, sometimes 3 or 4 heckles are employed of progressive fineness. The heckle teeth are usually made of iron, occasionally of steel, and from 1 to 2 inches long. Their points must be very sharp and smooth, all at an equal level, and must all graduate very evenly into a cylindrical stem, like that of a sewing needle, without any irregularity. The face of the heckle block must be uniformly beset with teeth, which is done by different arrangements, some persons setting them in a circle, and others in parallel rows; the former being practised in Germany, the latter in England. The coarse heckle is furnished with teeth about one tenth of an inch thick, one and a quarter of an inch long, and tapering from the middle into a very fine point. In the centre of the circular heckle is a tooth planted; the rest are regularly set in 12 similar concentric circles, of which the outermost is 53/4 inches in diameter. The fine heckles contain no fewer than 1109 teeth. Instead of making the points of the teeth round, it is better to make them quadrangular, in a rhombus form, in which case the edges serve to separate or dissect the fibres.

The operation of heckling is simple in principle, although it requires much experience to acquire dexterity. The operative seizes a flock of flax by the middle with the right hand, throws it upon the points of the coarse heckle, and draws it towards him, while he holds the left hand upon the other side of the heckle, in order to spread the flax, and to prevent it from sinking too deeply among the teeth. From time to time the short fibres or tow sticking to the teeth are removed. Whenever one half of the length of the strake of flax is heckled, it is turned round to heckle the other half. This process is repeated upon the fine heckle. From 100 pounds of well-cleaned flax, about 45 or 50 pounds of heckled flax may be obtained by the hand labour of 50 hours; the rest being tow, with a small waste in boony particles and dust. The process is continued, till by careful handling little more tow is formed.

Many contrivances have been made to heckle by machinery, but it may be doubted whether any of them as yet make such good work with so little loss as hand labour. In heckling by the hand, the operative feels at once the degree of resistance, and can accommodate the traction to it, or throw the flax more or less deep among the teeth, according to circumstances, and draw it with suitable force and velocity. To aid the heckle in splitting the filaments, three methods have been had recourse to; beating, brushing, and boiling with soap-water, or an alkaline lye.

Beating flax either after it is completely heckled, or between the first and second heckling, is practised in Bohemia and Silesia. Each heckled tress of flax is folded in the middle, twisted once round, its ends being wound about with flaxen threads; and this head, as it is called, is then beat by a wooden mallet upon a block, and repeatedly turned round till it has become hot. It is next loosened out, and rubbed well between the hands. The brushing is no less a very proper operation for parting the flax into fine filaments, softening and strengthening it without risk of tearing the fibres. This process requires in tools, merely a stiff brush made of swines’ bristles, and a smooth board, 3 feet long and one foot broad, in which a wooden pin is made fast. The end of the flax is twisted two or three times round this pin to hold it, and then brushed through its whole length. Well heckled flax suffers no loss in this operation; unheckled, only a little tow; which is of no consequence, as the waste is thereby diminished in the following process. A cylindrical brush turned by machinery might be employed here to advantage.

The boiling of flax with potash lye alone, or with lye and soap, dissolves that portion of the glutinous cement which had resisted the retting, completes the separation of the fibres, and is therefore a good practical means of improving flax. When it is performed upon the heckled fibres, a supplementary brushing is requisite to free it from the dust, soapy particles, &c.

Can flax be prepared without retting?—The waste of time and labour in the steeping of flax; the dyeing of the fibres consequent thereon, which must be undone by bleaching; the danger of injuring the staple by the action of putrescent water; and, lastly, the diminished value of flax which is much water-retted, are all circumstances which have of late years suggested the propriety of superseding that process entirely by mechanical operations. It was long hoped, that by the employment of breaking machines, the flax merely dried could be freed from its woody particles, while the textile filaments might be sufficiently separated by a subsequent heckling. Experience has, however, proved the contrary. The machines, which consisted for the most part of fluted rollers of iron or wood, though expensive, might have been expected to separate the ligneous matter from the fibres; but, in the further working of the flax no advantage was gained over the water-retting process.

1. Unretted flax requires a considerably longer time for breaking than retted, under the employment of the same manipulations.

2. Unretted stalks deliver in the breaking and heckling a somewhat greater product than the same weight of flax which has been retted; but there is no real advantage in this, as the greater weight of the unretted flax consists in the remainder of ligneous or glutinous matter, which being foreign to the real fibre, must be eventually removed. In the bleaching process, the water and the alkaline lyes take away that matter, so that the weight of the bleached fibre is not greater from the unretted than the retted flax.

3. The parting of the fibres in the unretted stalks is imperfectly effected by the heckling, the flax either remains coarser as compared with the retted article, and affords a coarser thread, or if it be made to receive greater attenuation by a long continued heckling, it yields incomparably more torn filaments and tow.

4. The yarn of unretted flax feels harder, less glossy, and rougher; and, on account of these qualities, turns out worse in the weaving than the retted flax. Nor is the yarn of unretted flax, whether unbleached or bleached, in any degree stouter than the yarn of the retted flax.

5. Fabrics of unretted flax require for complete bleaching about a sixth less time and materials than those of the retted. This is the sole advantage, but it is more than counterbalanced by the other drawbacks above specified.

In Mr. Wordsworth’s improved apparatus for heckling flax and hemp, a succession of stricks is subjected to the operation of several series of revolving heckles of different degrees of fineness, for the purpose of gradually separating or combing the long fibres, and dressing them smooth; while at the same time, the tow or entangled refuse portions of the material taken off from the stricks by the heckle points are removed from the heckles by rotatory brushes and rollers covered with wire cards, and discharged into suitable receivers, whence it may be taken to a carding engine, to be worked in the ordinary way.

Heckling machine

Fig. 426 enlarged (103 kB)

The accompanying figures represent in plan and section, the heckling machine which is made double, for the purpose of allowing two series of stricks of flax to be acted upon at one time. Fig. 426. is a horizontal view of the machine; fig. 427. is an end view, the whole being represented in working order, and the respective letters of reference pointing out corresponding parts of the machine.

Heckling machine

A A are two large barrels or drums, upon the surfaces of which are fixed longitudinally several series of brass ribs a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, holding heckle points. These ribs are placed at small distances apart round the barrels, all the heckle points standing radially from the axes, and the barrels are mounted upon axles supported by pedestals, with plummer blocks bearing on the rails of the end frames. B B, are two horizontal wheels or pulleys turning upon vertical shafts, which pulleys conduct an endless chain C C C C, carrying the holders, whereon the stricks of flax or other material intended to be heckled are suspended.

At one end of the axle of each of the barrels a toothed wheel D D, is made fast, and these are connected by a similar wheel E, and a pinion F, fig. 427., the latter being fixed upon the axle of the driving rigger G.

The power of a steam engine, or any other first mover, being applied by a band and rigger, or otherwise to the axle of G, the pinion F, is driven round, which, being in geering with the toothed wheels E and D D, causes the heckle barrels A A to revolve simultaneously in opposite directions, as shown by the arrows in fig. 427.

The stricks of flax intended to be operated upon are severally confined between pairs of clamps k, fastened together, which clamps, with the stricks, are then suspended in their respective holders H H, attached to the endless chain C: the lower portion of the flax hanging down for the purpose of being acted upon by the rotatory heckles, while the upper portions are turned up in loops and confined by spring levers attached to each carrier.

The respective holders of the clamps consist of a forked frame, with hooks at the lower parts of their arms, which receive the ends of the clamps k, that confine the strick of flax. From the upper part of each forked frame, a perpendicular pin extends, which pins when inserted into the sockets l l l, in front of the chain, form axles for the frames to turn upon at certain periods of the operation.

On the upper end of each pin, a small arm or tappet piece m, fig. 427., is fixed, standing at right angles to the face of the forked frame of the holder H. Those tappets as the endless chain conducts the holders along at certain periods, come in contact with stationary pins or wipers n n, fixed to the guide rails o, on which the chain C slides; and these wipers acting against the tappets as they pass, cause the holders to be turned round at those periods for the purpose of bringing the reverse side of the strick of flax on to the heckle points.

Let it now be supposed, that all the holders connected to the endless chain have been furnished with stricks of flax, or other material to be heckled, and that the barrels A A, are put in motion in the way described, revolving in the direction of the arrows shown in fig. 427. A pinion on the end of the axles of one of the barrels A, will drive a train of toothed geer J K L M and N, on the axle of the latter, of which there is a bevelled pinion taking into a bevelled wheel, turning horizontally at the lower end of the perpendicular shaft of one of the chain pulleys. It will hence be perceived that as the barrels go round, such rotatory motion will be communicated to the pulley B, as will cause it to drive the chain C forward, and by that means conduct the several stricks of flax progressively along the barrel.

When each successive holder, with its strick of flax or other material, is brought to the part z, fig. 426., the fibres come in contact with the rotatory barrel, and first strike upon the series of coarse heckles a a, placed upon an inclined or conical surface of the barrel, by which means the lower ends of the flax in each strick are first acted upon; and as it advances, the upper part, and ultimately the whole length of the long fibres of the suspended strick are gradually brought on to the heckles, which progressive operation prevents the long fibres from being broken, and causes a smaller quantity of tow to be produced than is usually taken off in any of the ordinary modes of heckling.

After the strick of flax or other material has been carried by the travelling chain past the first inclined or conical surface a, of the heckling barrel, it then comes upon the cylindrical part b, of the barrel, which is also furnished with coarse heckles that penetrate and comb down the whole pendant lengths of the fibres. But in order that both sides of the strick of flax may be equally operated upon, the holder is now to be turned round upon its pin or pivot, which movement is effected by one arm of the lever or tappet m, (as the carrying chain moves onward), coming against the stationary pin or wiper n, which changes the position of the holder, as shown at p, in the horizontal view fig. 426.

The under part of the guide rail o, upon which the chain slides, is at this part cut away, for the purpose of allowing the holder to turn round horizontally; and a pin or projection at the under side of the guide rail, as the chain continues moving, acts against the side of the carrier frame, and forces it into a position parallel with the chain. The other side of the strick of flax is by these means brought on to the heckles of the second inclined or conical surface of the barrel at c; and the travelling chain proceeding onward, the fibres of the material are in succession passed over and combed by the heckles of increasing fineness, d, e, and f, on the cylindrical part of the revolving barrel, until the strick having arrived at the second wiper n, the frame or holder is at q, turned round as before, and the reverse side of the strick, or that first operated upon by the heckles a and b, is brought progressively on to the heckles of increasing fineness, g, h, and i; and having passed the last series of rotatory heckles, the holders are in succession to be removed from the machine, the material having been sufficiently dressed.

The clamps of the holders are now opened by the attendant, and the stricks of flax or other material are taken out, and again placed between the clamps in reversed positions, in order that the other ends of the fibres may be operated upon. The clamps, with the stricks, are then suspended again in the holders, the uncombed ends of the fibres hanging down upon the heckle barrel.

In order to avoid interrupting the continual operation of the machine, it is proposed that the strick, on its second introduction, shall be placed in the holders on the opposite side at y, which is one of the reasons for constructing a double machine, and the strick being thence carried along by the travelling endless chain in the way already described, the fibres will be first brought under the operation of the coarse heckles on the inclined or conical surface of the second revolving barrel, and then of the other heckles increasing in fineness on the cylindrical part of the barrel, until having reached the end, as in the former instance, the fibres of the flax may be considered to be sufficiently dressed, and may then be withdrawn.

It may be necessary here to remark, that as different kinds and qualities of material will require different degrees of working by the heckles, this can be effected by varying the comparative speeds of the travelling holders and the heckle barrels. These comparative speeds, it will be perceived, depend upon the diameters of the wheels and pinions by which the pulley B is driven from the rotation of the heckle barrel. These wheels and pinions are therefore intended to be removed and changed for others of different diameters, as circumstances may require. It will be perceived that the faster the stricks travel through the machine compared to the rotatory speed of the heckle barrels, so much the less will the material be acted upon by the rotatory heckles; but as different qualities of material must be differently operated upon, according to circumstances, it is impossible to set out any definite speeds or proportions of speed: that will, however, be readily perceived by competent workmen when working at the machine.

In the process of opening the fibres of the material by the rotatory heckles, a quantity of short or loose fibres, as tow, will be taken off the stricks by the heckle points, and will remain adhering to the barrel between the points of the heckles: in order, therefore, to remove this tow, or other loose entangled materials from the heckles, several series of brushes, or blocks, with bristles, are affixed longitudinally to rotatory barrels Q Q.

These brush barrels are mounted parallel to the heckle barrels upon axles, supported in plummer blocks affixed to brackets extending from the end frames of the machine. Those parts of the brush barrels which are opposite to the cylindrical portions of the heckle barrel are cylindrical, and those parts which are opposite to the bevels are contra-bevelled, or made as frustums of cones reversed, or in an opposite angle, as r, s, so as to run parallel to the inclined surfaces of the heckle barrels a and c.

Upon the periphery of these barrels Q Q, ribs or blocks, with bristles or brushes, are fixed longitudinally, at suitable distances apart, the bristles all standing radially from the axle, and taking into the points of the heckles.

Rotatory motions are given to the brush barrels Q Q, by bands passing from the riggers at G, over pulleys R R, fixed at the end of each of the axles of the brush barrels. Hence, it will be perceived, that the barrels Q Q will revolve in opposite directions to the heckle barrels, and with sufficient speed to enable the brushes to pass through between the points of the heckles, and in so doing, to remove the tow or other loose matter therefrom.

The tow or other loose fibrous material collected upon the brushes is transferred thence on to wire cards placed round the periphery of the barrels S S, which barrels are mounted upon axles parallel to the brush rollers, and turn in plummer blocks upon brackets, extending from the end frames of the machine.

These barrels are cylindrical, and covered with sheets of wire cards at those parts which are opposite to the cylindrical portions of the brush barrels, but those portions of the barrel S, which are opposite to the bevelled points r and s, of the brush barrels, are bevelled or made conical at t u, to fit or correspond with the inclined surfaces r and s; these are covered with sheets of wire card also.

Rotatory motions are communicated to the card barrels S S, by bands from the pulley T, fixed on to the side of the toothed wheel M, (see fig. 427.) which band drives similar pulleys V V, mounted upon studs fixed in the end frame. Upon the side of each of these pulleys V V, a pinion t is fixed, which pinion takes into the teeth of the wheel W, on the end of the axle of each of the card barrels S S; by which means such slow motions are given to the barrels S, as will allow the brushes of the barrels Q to comb off, and deposit the tow or other fibrous material upon the wire cards as they revolve, and from whence it is to be removed by a doffing comb, and let fall into any convenient receptacle below, in the same way as in ordinary carding engines.

The doffing combs, X X X, are formed to the shape of the card barrels, and are attached to straight bars extending along the machine on both sides, which are supported at their extremities by levers Y Y, vibrating upon fulcrum pivots at w w. To these levers perpendicular rods Z Z are connected by joints, and the lower end of each of these rods is attached to an eccentric disk, roller or crank x x, on the axle of the brush barrel; whence it will be perceived that by the rotation of the eccentrics x, the levers Y will be made to vibrate and strike off, or doff the tow or other material from the card barrels, in a similar manner to the operations of the doffing comb of an ordinary carding engine.

Mr. Evans’ patent improvements in machinery for preparing and dressing flax and hemp apply, first, to the operation of scutching, swingling, or beating away the boom or woody particles of the rind which covers the flax, or hemp, in its rough state; and, secondly, to the subsequent operation of heckling, combing, or opening of the fibres of the material preparatory to spinning it into yarns.

Fig. 428. represents the scutching or swingling machine, in different positions. Fig. 428. is an end view of the machine in operation; fig. 429. is a front view of the same. The essential parts of the machine, and those in which the invention especially consists, are two pairs of revolving beaters or scutchers, each formed by long ribs or blades mounted upon arms. The blades of the beaters a a, may be made of ribs of hard wood, or other suitable material, broad but thin, and slightly rounded on their edges, to prevent their cutting the fibres of the flax or hemp when they strike it. The two blades are placed parallel to each other, and mounted upon a hexagonal frame, the arms b b inclining or forming obtuse angles with the blades, and from the middle of the arms short axles c c, extend, upon which the beaters revolve.

The axles of both pairs of beaters are mounted in plummer boxes, bearing upon horizontal rails at the ends of the machine, as shown in fig. 428., and are at such distance apart as will allow of the arms and the beaters of each pair passing alternately within those of the other pair as they revolve in opposite directions, which they are enabled to do without coming in contact, in consequence of the inclination of the arms.

On the axle at one end of each pair of beaters a toothed wheel d, is affixed, and these wheels being of similar diameters, and taking into each other, cause the beaters to revolve with similar speed in opposite directions, rotatory motion being given to them by a band and rigger fixed upon one of the axles; and in order that the beaters in revolving may not come in contact as they pass, the positions of the two pairs are so arranged that the blades of one shall be in a perpendicular situation, while those of the other are horizontal.

The rind of the flax or hemp having been previously broken by any of the ordinary modes of performing that operation, small bunches or stricks of the material are spread out, and their ends confined between the jaws of clamps or holders.


These clamps or holders differ considerably from the clamps which are commonly used. I shall therefore particularly describe their construction, before showing them in operation. Fig. 430. and 431. are views of the clamp in two different positions; a and b are two boards united together by a hinge c, at top, which of course allows them to shut and open. The lower parts, forming the jaws of the clamps, are made with teeth or indentations, between which parts the ends of the flax or hemp are securely held when the clamps are brought together; d d, are two pieces projecting from the board b, at the end of each of which is an eye shown by dots, and at the back of the board a, (see fig. 430.,) there is a double armed lever e, turning upon a fixed pin f, which lever carries two circular wedges g g. These wedges pass into the eyes of the pieces d d, when the clamps are closed, and hold them fast. There is a segment ratchet h, at the upper part of the board a, which turns upon a stud i, and is pressed downward by a spring k. This ratchet receives the end of the lever e, and consequently keeps the circular wedges firm in the eyes, which hold the clamps securely together, and prevents their opening by the shaking of the machine.

When it is required to open the clamps, the ratchet h must be raised, and the lever e pushed aside by its handle l, which draws the circular wedges f from the eyes of the pieces d d, and the boards of the clamps immediately separate. For the convenience of suspending the holders in the machines, a piece of sheet iron m, is bent at right angles, and fastened to the back of the board b, as seen in fig. 431., forming a groove by means of which the holders are enabled to slide into the machine and hang there.

These clamps or holders are, when charged with the material, placed in the scutching machine, as shown at e e e in figs. 428. and 429., bearing upon the edge-rail or bar f. The beaters are now made to revolve in the manner already described, by which the edges of the blades will strike against the pendent stricks of flax or hemp alternately on each side, and beat off, scutch or swingle the boom from the material, and render it fit for the operation of heckling which is to follow.

The whole machine is encased with boards, to prevent the inconvenience arising from dust, and an apparatus might be adapted with a blower to conduct away the dust created by the machine, and to discharge it out of the building.

In introducing these stricks of flax or hemp into the machine, the holder is placed upon the projecting end of the bar or edge-rail f, and is thence slidden into the machine; and after the material has been sufficiently scutched or swingled, the holders with the stricks are removed through the top of the machine, and others successively introduced at the end, and pushed along the rail.

If, however, it should be thought desirable, the stricks may be progressively carried through the scutching machine, and delivered into a similar edge-rail in the heckling machine, there to be operated upon in the way about to be described, by which means the whole process of scutching and heckling may go on without interruption.

Heckling machine

Fig. 432. represents the heckling or combing machine by which the fibres of the material are to be opened, and the tow removed. It is a transverse section, taken nearly through the middle, in a vertical direction. Perpendicular standards form the ends of the machine, which are connected together by longitudinal rods or bars secured by nuts. The heckle points intended to act upon the flax are mounted in the frames a, b, c, and d, and the stricks of flax held in the clamps e, e, e, as described, are suspended from the bar or edge-rail extending through the machine.

In order to render the principles of this machine and its mode of working evident, it may be desirable to show in an abstract form the manner in which the heckles are brought into operation upon the flax, and for this purpose two diagrams are delineated in figs. 433, 434.

Suppose two sets of combs or heckle points be mounted upon frames a and b, as in these figures, each frame being moveable by means of cranks c, c, and d, d, connected in such manner that they both turn with the same speed in opposite directions, it is evident that every part of the frames and combs will move in circles corresponding to those described by the cranks; the points of the combs travelling in the directions of the arrows, and in circles represented by dots.


During this movement, whilst performing the first descending quarter of the circle, the cranks bring the frames together as in fig. 433. They begin after this to separate in describing the second descending quarter, and come to the position fig. 434., when, continuing to revolve, they move further from each other in describing the first ascending quarter of the circle, and arrive at the position where the distance is the greatest; lastly, they describe the second ascending quarter returning to the third position. If, therefore, a strick of flax be suspended between the two sets of combs as in fig. 433., and the rotatory motion be continued for a sufficient length of time, the flax will be combed in the whole length which is submitted to the actions of the combs, although the points severally have only operated in very small space.

Such a system of combs or heckles would make a very good and simple heckling engine, if it were not for the inconvenience experienced by the points dragging some of the fibres with them when withdrawing from the flax, which would produce a great waste of material; and to obviate this it would be necessary to introduce some contrivance for clearing the points, which must be attended with considerable complication. The plan, however, of the present improved engine, affords the means of producing the same effect by more simple and efficient means.


There are two series of combs, see fig. 435., attached to two movable frames represented at a and b. Each frame is formed by vertical bars a b, with lateral branches or arms, which carry the heckle points. The branches or arms are parallel, and at equal distances apart, but fixed in such positions in each frame that they may occupy the intervening space when the frames are brought together as fig. 436. The frames are put in motion by means of revolving cranks to which they are attached, as shown in fig. 436., and when the cranks turn upon their axes, the branches of one frame pass between those of the other without touching. This forms what may be called a set of combs; but one of the improved machines contains two such sets, the points of the combs of one set being opposed to the points of the combs in the other set.

The way in which the series of combs that compose one set act upon the flax, is shown in the side view, fig. 435. When the cranks are nearly vertical, the points of both frames are away from the flax, but as the cranks move round in the direction of the arrows, the frames come into another position, and it is then that the points or heckles of one of the frames a, begin to penetrate the flax, and descending they comb or divide its fibres. The rotation of the cranks continuing, the two frames a and b come into the position shown at fig. 435., the points of the frame a, withdrawing from the flax, and those of the frame b, approaching and pushing the fibres off from the former, which are now combed by the descending stroke of the points.

It will hence be perceived that as the combs of the frame a and b, respectively advance, they will push forward the whole of the strick of flax, and render it impossible for the fibres to be raised and entangled, as each frame in advancing clears the fibres from the points which preceded it.


A single set, however, of such combs or heckles acting only on one side of the flax, would but imperfectly perform the operation of opening its fibres; it is therefore necessary, in order to accomplish the desired object in the most effectual way, that two such sets of combs or heckles should be brought to act on opposite sides of the strick of flax, which may be done in the manner shown in the figures. The cranks of the two opposite sets of comb-frames or heckles a, b, and c, d, are connected by a pair of toothed wheels e, f, as fig. 437., or by four toothed wheels, by which the heckles are actuated at once, the two sets moving in opposite directions, but with similar speeds, and the combing or heckling of the material will go on in the way shown in the figure last indicated.

Thus far I have considered only two frames of combs or heckles constituting a set, as acting upon each side of the strick of flax; but in order to perform a greater quantity of work, several sets may be mounted in one machine, working alongside of each other, extending over the breadth of the machine. The combs may then be supported upon three frames, of which the middle one may have branches or arms extending upon both sides, and the other two frames branches extending inwards only. To drive the frames so arranged they must be connected to treble cranks.

Such is the principle of the improved machine for combing or heckling, exhibited in the several figures of which I now proceed to describe the particular construction. The machine or engine, fig. 432., has four sets of combs, acting both at the back and front of the flax; a b are the front set of combs, and c d, the back set of combs; e e e, are the clamps holding the stricks of flax previously scutched, which clamps hang upon the edge-rail. The comb frames are attached at top and bottom to the cranks g g, which are all connected by toothed geer, and driven by a band and rigger.

The combs or heckles being put in motion in the way described, act upon the suspended stricks of flax, and upon their fibres, as explained; which stricks are progressively conducted through the machine by their clamps sliding upon the edge-rail through the agency of the endless chain, to which the clamps are severally attached, by a hook falling into one of the links. The chain is driven by a spur wheel upon the axle of a bevel wheel, which receives a slow rotatory motion through a bevel pinion on the axis of a similar wheel, actuated by another pinion on the end of the upper crank axle. By these means, clamps, with the stricks of flax placed on the edge-rail, are slowly carried through the machine, when the flax will be gradually acted upon first by heckle points of a coarse kind, set wide apart, and ultimately by finer points set near together; after which, the clamp with the strick of flax is discharged from the machine, at the reverse end of the edge-rail. But should the workman neglect to remove the holder or clamp, when it arrives at the end of the rail, the machine would be stopped by means of a jointed lever, having a fork at its end, which pushes the band from the fast rigger on to the loose one, and throws off the driving power.

As the combs or heckles, in acting upon the flax to divide its fibres, tear parts of the fibres, and reduce them into tow, the downward motion of the heckles brings the tow with them out of the flax, which is deposited between two fluted rollers p p, fig. 432., and is by them conducted down to the large drum q, where it becomes lapped in two endless sheets round the periphery of the drum; the one of coarse tow, the other of fine, the adhesion being assisted by a pressing roller r; and when a quantity of the tow has been thus accumulated round the periphery of the drum, it may be removed thence by cutting it off in sheets. The fluted rollers, and also the large drum, are driven by geer bands.

After the strick of flax has been thus carried through the scutching machine or the heckling machine, the jaws of the clamps are to be opened, the ends of the flax reversed, and the strick again confined in the clamps, so that the other end of the strick may be operated upon in a similar way. In order to prevent any part of the flax from attaching itself to the branches of the movable frames, each frame is furnished with a shield or guard of polished iron or brass plate, which covers a part of the combs and the heads of the screws by which they are fixed to the branches. When the plate metal is bent into the form of a shield, it is slipped on to the branches of the heckle frames, and is sufficiently elastic to hold fast.

But it is to be observed, that the edges of the shields are to vary in the extent of their projection according to the situation in which they are to be placed; those which are to shield the upper branches of heckles are to project but little, so as to leave the points uncovered and free to enter the strick of flax; but the shields of the lower heckles are to project considerably over the points, to prevent them from penetrating too far into the fibres, which is so contrived for the purpose of facilitating the falling of the tow, which would otherwise be with difficulty removed from the lower combs, were it thrust upon the whole length of the points.

It being advantageous that each strick of flax should be combed near the lower extremities before the middle is acted upon, it is necessary, in order to obtain this effect, to remove some of the points of the combs in the upper branches. By these means, the operation of the heckles upon the flax begins and proceeds gradually, and ceases at the opposite extremity of the machine in the same gradual way, which is very advantageous in clearing completely the flax from the tow.

IV. Flax spinning.—If we compare flax with other spinning materials, such as wool and cotton, we shall find it to possess several characteristic properties. While cotton and wool are presented by nature in the form of insulated fibres, the former requiring merely to be separated from its seeds, and the latter to be purified from dirt and grease before being delivered to the spinner, flax must have its filaments separated from each other by tedious and painful treatment. In reference to the spinning and the subsequent operations, the following properties of flax are influential and important:—

1. The considerable length of the fibres, which renders it difficult, on the one hand, to form a fine, level, regular thread, on the other, gives the yarn a considerably greater tenacity, so that it cannot be broken by pulling out the threads from each other, but by tearing them across.

2. The smooth and slim structure of the filaments, which gives to linen its peculiar polished aspect, and feel so different from cotton, and especially from woollen stuffs, unless when disguised by dressing. The fibres of flax have no mutual entanglement, whereby one can draw out another as with wool, and they must therefore be made adhesive by moisture. This wetting of the fibres renders them more pliant and easier to twist together.

3. The small degree of elasticity, by which the simple fibres can be stretched only one twenty-fifth of their natural length before they break, while sheep’s wool will stretch from one-fourth to one half before it gives way.

Good flax should have a bright silver gray or yellowish colour (inclining neither to green nor black); it should be long, fine, soft, and glistening, somewhat like silk, and contain no broad tape-like portions, from undissevered filaments. Tow differs from flax in having shorter fibres, of very unequal length, and more or less entangled. Hemp agrees in its properties essentially with flax, and must be similarly treated in the spinning processes.

The manufacture of linen and hemp yarn, and the tow of either, may be effected by different processes; by the distaff, the hand-wheel, and spinning machinery. It will be unnecessary to occupy the pages of this volume with a description of the first two well known domestic employments. I shall therefore proceed directly to describe the last method, or

Spinning of Flax by Machinery.—This branch of manufacture has been much more recently brought to a practical state than the spinning of cotton and wool by machines, of which the cause must be sought for in the nature of flax as above described. The first attempts at the machine spinning of flax, went upon the principle of cutting the filaments into short fragments before beginning the operation. But in this way the most valuable property of linen yarn, its cohesive force, was greatly impaired; or these attempts were restricted to the spinning of tow, which on account of its short and somewhat tortuous fibres, could be treated like cotton, especially after it had been further torn by the carding engine. The first tolerably good results with machinery seem to have been obtained by the brothers Girard at Paris, about the year 1810. But the French have never carried the apparatus to any great practical perfection. The towns of Leeds in Yorkshire, of Dundee in Scotland, and Belfast in Ireland, have the merit of bringing the spinning of flax by machines into a state of perfection little short of that for which the cotton trade has been so long celebrated.

For machine spinning, the flax is sometimes heckled by hand, and sometimes by machinery. The series of operations is the following:—

1. The heckling.

2. The conversion of the flax into a band of parallel rectilinear filaments, which forms the foundation of the future yarn.

3. The formation of a sliver from the riband, by drawing it out into a narrower range of filaments.

4. The coarse spinning, by twisting the sliver into a coarse and loose thread.

5. The fine spinning, by the simultaneous extension and twisting of that coarse thread.

The spinning of tow requires a different treatment: we shall first treat of the heckling of flax by machines; and secondly, of the mechanical spinning of flax. The mechanical carding and spinning of tow are very similar to those of cotton; which see. Though machine heckling be far from perfect, yet the tow it throws off can be spun into very good yarn by machines, while it would afford very indifferent yarn to the hand spinner.

All heckle machines have this common property, that the flax is not drawn through them, as in working by hand, but on the contrary, the system of heckles is moved through the flax properly suspended or laid. Differences exist in the shape, arrangement, and movements of the heckles, as also in regard to the means by which the adhering tow is removed from them. The simplest and most common construction is to place the heckles upon the surface of a horizontal cylinder, while the flax is held either by mechanical means or by the hand during its exposure to the heckle points. Many machines have been made upon this principle. It is proper in this case to set the heckle teeth obliquely in the direction in which the cylinder turns, whereby they penetrate the fibres in a more parallel line, effect their separation more easily, and cause less waste in torn filaments. To conduct the flax upon the cylinders, two horizontal fluted rollers of iron are employed, which can be so modified in a moment by a lever as to present the flax more or less to the heckling mechanism. The operator seizes a tress lock of flax with her hand and introduces it between the fluted rollers, so that the tips on which the operation must begin, reach the heckles first, and by degrees the advancing flax gets heckled through two-thirds or three-fourths of its length, after which the tress or strick is turned, and its other end is subjected to the same process. By its somewhat rapid revolution the heckle cylinder creates a current of air which not only carries away the boomy particles, but also spreads out the flax like a sheaf of corn upon the spikes, effecting the same object as is done by the dexterous swing of the hand. The tow collects betwixt the teeth of the heckle, and may, when its quantity has become considerable, be removed in the form of a flock of parallel layers.


The essential parts of such a construction will be understood from fig. 438., though the fluted rollers are absent. The flax a, b, is held by the hand, or in a kind of clamp. The cylinder is partly covered with a curvilinear plate of iron c, d, which serves to sustain the flax, and to guide it in circular tresses round the periphery of the heckle. At the beginning it is placed near b, when the tips of the flax are only presented to the heckles; during the working the shield is continually drawn back in the direction from d to c, and thus lets the operation be performed upon the remaining part of the flax.


First operation; the conversion of flax into ribands or slivers.—This is effected by subjecting the flax to a series of advancing gills or heckle-teeth, and at the same time drawing out its fibres by means of rollers. Figs. 439, 440, 441, show the outline of the construction of a machine for this purpose. Here two rows of heckles are placed alongside of each other, though only one of them be shown in the ground plan, fig. 440., in order to allow the parts beneath the other to be seen. The flax is placed in the sheet iron channels a a, by laying down one handful after another, so that the points of the second strick reach to only the middle of the first, and thus preserve a uniformity of thickness in the feeding. This process is necessary, since, as every one knows, the heckled stricks are always thick in the middle, and thin at the ends. The flax being introduced between the rollers b and c, is drawn out by their agency, and at the same time subdivided by the heckles d, between whose teeth the pins of the roller e press it down. At the rollers f3 it is loosened from the heckles by the transverse bars which rise from the springs g, after which it is seized by the rollers h i, and drawn again. A little beyond these rollers, it runs through a funnel l, in order to gather the fibres together; in front of these rollers the slivers from both rows of heckles are united, and proceed in one riband through that polished brass funnel; the rollers m n extend this riband, pressing it gently together, and then let it fall into a tin can. The union of the two slivers contributes to the uniformity, since the irregular thicknesses are thereby compensated. The diameter of the roller c, is equal to that of each of the cylinders f, f1, f2, f3; and the whole five move with equal velocity. The same correspondence exists between the rollers n and i. Thus the sliver of flax is not stretched either by its passage from e, upon the heckles, nor between i and n, but solely in passing from the heckles to the rollers i h. The heckle teeth of this machine do not stand perpendicularly, but are bent somewhat backwards; so as to retain the flax more firmly. The revolving cylindrical brush o, is placed over and a little in front of the pressing roller h, in order to take off all the filaments of flax adhering to their circumference, and to toss them onwards where they may again unite with the slivers. For the sake of perspicuity, the rollers h, and those brushes are left out in fig. 440., but the latter are particularly shown in fig. 442., while a portion of their axis q, is however shown in fig. 440. The pressure of the cylinder h, upon the cylinder i, is produced by the weight r, fig. 439., which hangs upon the lever s; the lever pulls down at t, a vertical rod, whose upper hook-shaped end embraces the axis of h in the middle of its length.


Second principal operation; the formation of rovings.—Mr. Wordsworth’s improvements in machinery for preparing, drawing, and roving flax, hemp, wool, and other fibrous substances, consists in a novel contrivance or mechanism to be adapted to the machine commonly called the gill, employed for preparing, drawing, and roving flax and hemp, and for combing and spinning long wool; which improvements allow the points of the travelling heckles to continue longer in operation than in the ordinary construction of gill, and cause the heckle points to be withdrawn from the fibres at the end of the stroke without the possibility of their drawing the fibres down with them.

Flax rover
Flax rover
Flax rover

The manner of effecting this object will be seen by reference to the several figures which exhibit a gill on this improved plan in different views. Fig. 443. is a plan or horizontal view, exhibiting the upper surface of the machine; and fig. 444. is a longitudinal section taken through the middle of the machine: fig. 445. is a representation of the front of the machine, but in which several parts have been removed to show the action of the heckles more perfectly.


The several heckles a a a are formed by a series of needles or heckle points set into a metal bar, as represented on an enlarged scale in figs. 446. and 447. These bars are each of them suspended in a frame or carriage b b b (shown in two views at figs. 448. and 449.), by means of double jointed levers c c, seen in two positions, at figs. 450. and 451.; the heckle bar, its levers and carriage or frame, being shown put together in figs. 452. and 453.

When the heckles are in operation, the points are raised, as in fig. 452.; but when they are withdrawn from the fibres, then the points are sunk down into the carrying frames, as fig. 453.

These two positions of the heckles are produced by the knobs or parts d, that project from the jointed levers c, acting against the edges of guide bars, which will be explained in describing the operations of the machine.

The several heckles are adapted and made to work in the machine by attaching the ends of the respective frames or carriages b, to travelling endless chains e e, seen in figs. 443., 444., and 445. These endless chains pass over fluted guide rollers f f, seen best in figs. 444. and 445., and over horizontal bars g g, seen best in figs. 443. and 444. The chains with the heckles are driven through the machine by rotatory spur wheels h h; see figs. 443. and 444., the teeth of which take into the spaces between the cylindrical parts of the several heckle carriages b b, and consequently drive the heckles forward; and these spur wheels are actuated by a train of toothed geer from the first driving shaft i, which gives motion to all the operative parts of the machine.

If flax, hemp, long wool, or other fibrous material, be passed into the machine at the back part by a feeding cloth or creeper through a guide k, best seen in figs. 443. and 444., and be conducted under and over the feeding rollers l, m, and n, and over the heckles a a a to the drawing rollers o and p, and thence to the flyer and bobbin, or to a receiving can, the fibres will be opened in their progress, and combed by the points of the heckles entering into and separating the fibres, the material being drawn by a different speed to that with which the heckles travel.

This operation of preparing, drawing, and roving flax and hemp, and the general construction of a machine of this kind being well understood, it is not necessary to explain its details, excepting as respects those parts which constitute the present improvements.

It will be perceived, by reference to figs. 443. and 444., that the knobs d, which project from the jointed levers c, as they travel along the machine, bear against the outer edges of the two fixed guide bars q q that extend along the top of the machine above the heckles, which keep the heckle points raised, as in fig. 451. This will also be very evidently seen in the front view of the machine, fig. 445., where the upper heckle bar a is raised in its carriage b, by the knobs d d bearing against the outer edges of these guide bars q q. But when the endless chains e e, which support and conduct the frames or carriages of the heckles, have advanced the heckle points to within a very little distance of the drawing rollers (see fig. 444.) then the knob d of the jointed levers at each end of the heckle bar passes the ends of the guide bars q q, and they immediately come in contact with two inclined planes r r, seen in figs. 443. and 444., which instantly depress the levers c, and consequently cause the heckle bar a, with its points to descend in the frame or carriage b, withdrawing the points from the fibres of the material almost in a perpendicular direction.

The heckles that have become thus depressed pass with their carriages by the traversing of the endless chains along the under part of the machine, and when they arrive at the back, and begin to rise, the guide bars q q, being at their commencement slightly bent, conduct the knobs b of the levers c until they are forced back into the positions first described, whereby the heckle points are raised, as they come to the upper part of the machine, into effective operation. The fibres of material operated upon, after passing through the drawing process between the rollers, may be roved, twisted, or spun, by the employment of a bobbin and flyer, as shown in fig. 444., or may be delivered into a can, to be roved, twisted, or spun, by other machinery, by substituting a pair of conducting rollers instead of the bobbin and flyer, which shall conduct the sliver of material into a tin can below.

The descent of the heckles a, into their frames b, by the falling of the levers c, c, precludes the possibility of the fibres of the material operated upon being carried down under the machine by the points, as frequently happens in gill machines of the ordinary construction; and this mode of mounting the heckles and traversing them with the assistance of the guide bars q, q, and inclined planes r, r, allows the heckle points to be brought much nearer to the drawing rollers o, p, by means of the metal bars in which the heckle points or needles are set, falling below the centre of the endless chain e, e, as shown in figs. 443. and 444., and thereby affords the means of preparing, drawing, and roving various qualities of flax, hemp, wool and other fibrous materials, particularly such as have a much shorter staple than any fibrous materials hitherto operated upon in gill machinery.

Another most ingenious and effective improvement made of late years in the flax spinning machinery, is that patented by Messrs. Westley and Lawson, in August 1833, and since then introduced into practice with great advantage. It applies to the gill or mechanism employed for opening, straightening, and separating the fibres of flax, hemp, and long wool in the operation of slivering. The peculiar feature here is a method of driving the heckle bars through the gill machine by means of perpetual screws or worm shafts, instead of by chains and spur wheels, as in the former constructions.

The heckle bars which lie across the machine, are, by the present patentees, supported at their ends by fixed horizontal guide rails, on which they slide, while the extremities of the heckle bars are inserted in the helical grooves of the worm shafts, which are placed in horizontal positions at the sides of the machine; and hence the rotatory motions given to these screw shafts, cause the heckle bars to be driven along the guide rails with an uniform simultaneous movement.

The heckle bars having performed their usual office, that is, having combed and separated the fibres of the material as they move onward, are at the front part of the machine depressed and put out of operation by means of rotatory cams; and by the assistance of guide levers, each heckle bar, when it arrives at the end of the upper horizontal guide rail, is conducted down to the lower horizontal guide rails, where the extremities of the comb-bars falling into the helical grooves of a lower pair of worm shafts, revolving in an opposite direction to the former, thereby give the heckle bars a retrograde movement. When they arrive at the back end of their horizontal guide rails, they are, by similar rotatory cams, raised again to the upper horizontal guide rails, which coming into geer with the upper worm shafts, are moved onwards as at first.

By this means a succession of heckles is continually advancing upon the upper guide rails, having their points in constant operation between the fibres of the textile materials, while their vertical position is secured during their whole course.

Gill machine
Gill machine
Gill machine

Fig. 454. is a horizontal representation of a gill machine, shewing the present improvements; but some of the upper portions of the machine are removed, to let the working parts be seen more clearly. Fig. 455. is a side view of the gill; and fig. 456. a vertical section taken longitudinally. The driving rigger or pulley a, is fixed upon the front roller b, commonly called the drawing roller, because when pressed upon by the upper wooden roller c, it draws out the fibres between them. The rollers d, e, f, are the ordinary back or holding rollers, for retaining the fibres, while they suffer powerful traction by the rollers b, c, over the needles or points of the heckle bars. The upper guide rail above mentioned, upon which the heckle bars slide, is shown at g, in fig. 456., and the lower guide rail at h; the series of heckle bars with their needles are represented at i, i, i, i, i, i; the upper worm shafts k, k, are mounted in brackets made fast to the sides of the frame; a similar pair of worm shafts l, being mounted in like manner below. These worm shafts k and l, on each side are connected together by toothed wheels m, and upon the axles of the lower worm shafts, bevelled pinions n are fixed, which take into corresponding bevel pinions on the transverse shaft or axle o. This shaft o, being connected by a train of toothed wheel work with the axle of the drawing roller b, as shown in figs. 454. and 455., the rotation of the roller b, causes the shaft o to turn also, and the bevel geer n and o, produce the rotatory motion of the worm shafts k and l, which turn in contrary directions.

It will be seen, from fig. 454., that the ends of the heckle bars i, have nibs or projections which fall into the grooves of the screw or worm shaft, and that being supported below, upon their guide rails, as the worm-shafts k k revolve, the upper range of heckle bars will be progressively advanced towards the front part of the machine. By referring to fig. 456. it will be perceived, that as each heckle bar arrives at the front end of the guide rail g, a finger p, called a tappet or cam, on the shaft k, strikes it down to the lower guide rails h; and, in order that its descent may be truly vertical, weighted levers q q, in front, are made to press against the face of the heckle bar as it descends. This bar having now arrived at the lower guide rails h, lets fall its nibs into the grooves of the lower worm shafts l, by whose rotation the heckle bar is made to retrograde, or return towards the back of the machine. When the heckle bar has reached the hinder end of the guide rail h, a finger or tappet, r, on the lower worm shaft, comes under it and raises the heckle bar, guided by the back-weighted levers s, as shown in fig. 456., till it is elevated to the level of the upper guide rail g; when the threads of the upper worm-shafts take hold of its nibs as before, and conduct it forward upon the guide rail in the way already described. Thus the continued rotation of the worm shafts k k, and l l, causes the whole series of heckle bars to travel along the guide rails, and the tappets p and r, by alternately depressing and raising them at the ends of the said rails, cause them to move in a regular circuit, yet so as to preserve their verticality.

The claim made under this patent is, for every mode in which screw or worm shafts may be adapted to conduct the bars carrying the needles or heckle-teeth through a machine for preparing, drawing, or roving textile fibres.

In December 1835, Messrs. Hope and Dewhurst obtained a patent for improvements in the manufacture of flax, which deserve notice. These are of both a chemical and mechanical nature. The first consists in steeping the flax in dilute sulphuric acid, of a certain strength, and for a certain time, proportioned to the quality of the fibres, the coarser requiring the stronger application. By this means the gummy matter and the outer shell will be loosened and easily detached. It is then to be passed between squeezing rollers, afterwards well washed, boiled in a solution of soap and water for a few hours, and finally passed again through the rollers. These processes may be repeated till the flax acquires the desired glossiness and separation of fibres. It is next to be beaten, and passed once or twice over an ordinary heckle or stiff brush.

The second part, or the mechanical, is represented by the figures 457., 458., 459., 460., and 461. Fig. 457. is a sectional elevation in part of the construction of the spindle, bobbin and flyer proposed for spinning all kinds of flax or hemp. Fig. 458. answers for spinning coarser yarns; fig. 459. shows how yarns are to be spun for weft, and wound upon what is called a “pin cop bobbin.”

a a a is the stationary or fixed spindle of the ordinary throstle frame, which is surrounded by the tube b b, and connected to the wharve or pulley c, by which the flyer d is driven. The flyer is furnished with guides or conductors e e, which lead the yarn immediately to the bobbin; this flyer is also provided with a small central shaft which supports it, and runs in the small cup or recess at the top of the stationary spindle a, and is fixed with the flyer to the tube b b, which is altogether carried round or driven by the wharve c.

It will be seen by fig. 460., that the wharve c, and tube b, are connected at bottom by a half-lap coupling joint or clutch; this is for the purpose of allowing the tube b to be slidden up the spindle, and more readily removing the bobbin when it is full of yarn, without stopping the frame, or removing the band from the wharve c, the tube of which runs in the step or cup h, fixed upon the bolster rail near the bottom of the throstle frame. The traversing of the bobbin or the copping motion is effected exactly in the same manner as in ordinary throstles, that is, by the lifting and lowering of the copping rail i, which in this instance supports the bobbin. In fig. 458. the flyer is constructed of twice the length of the bobbin, to allow this to rise and fall freely within it, and is connected at top by a slight cross piece, for the purpose of preventing the arms of the flyer from expanding by the centrifugal force, when turning with great velocity. The flyer for spinning coarse numbers requires to have an inner tube k, to support the spindle. The bobbins are supported upon a washer l, l. The spindle is allowed to revolve in a slight degree by the friction of the drag-weight m, m. This weight has a hole formed in it with a flat side, as shown in fig. 461.

Flax has been for a long period spun wet in the mills; a method no doubt copied from the practice of housewives moistening their yarn with their saliva at the domestic wheel. Within a few years the important improvement has been introduced, of substituting hot for cold water, in the troughs through which the fibres in the act of spinning pass. By this means a much finer, smoother, and more uniform thread can be spun than in the old way. The flax formerly spun to twelve pounds a bundle, is, with hot water, spun to six. The inconvenience of the spray thrown from the yarn on the flyers remains; aggravated by increased heat and dampness of the room, where this hot process goes on. Being a new expedient, it receives daily changes and ameliorations. When first employed, the troughs of hot water were quite open; they are now usually covered in, so as almost entirely to obviate the objections to which they were previously liable. With the covers has been also introduced a new method of piecening or joining on any end, which may have been run down, namely, by splicing it to the adjoining roving, whereby it is carried through the water without imposing a necessity on the spinner to put her hand into the water at all. In some places she uses a wire, for the purpose of drawing through the end of the roving to mend a broken yarn.

This may be considered the inherent evil of flax-spinning,—the spray thrown off by the wet yarn, as it whirls about with the flyer of the spindles. A working dress, indeed, is generally worn by the spinners; but, unless it be made of stuff impermeable to water, like Macintosh’s cloth, it will soon become uncomfortable, and cause injury to health by keeping the body continually in a hot bath. In some mills, water-proof cloth and leather aprons have actually been introduced, which are the only practicable remedy; for the free space which must be left round the spindles for the spinner to see them play, is incompatible with any kind of fixed guard or parapluie.

There was before the late Factory Bill passed, a class of very young children employed in the flax mills, under the name of little doffers, forming generally a troop of from four to ten in each spinning-room, who, the moment they perceived the bobbins of any frame or side of a frame exhausted of roving, ran together, and furnished it with full ones as quickly as possible. They were not numerous in all, but they had an occupation requiring a great activity and attention. It was practised also in the fine spinning-rooms, which are perfectly free from dust; and, as it involved a kneeling and stooping position, seemed peculiarly appropriate to children, and is still done by them at a somewhat more advanced age.

Fine spinning mechanism

The adjoining fig. 462. will serve to explain the mechanism by which the fine spinning of flax is performed. The front pair of drawing rollers represented at F, was at one time moistened by letting water trickle upon it, from a vessel B, furnished with a stopcock placed a little above, or by immersing one half of the under-roller in the water-trough as at A. The roller pair C, which receives the fine rovings from bobbins placed on skewers or upright pins in the creel behind, is so mounted as to be fixed at any desired distance from the front rollers F. This distance should be always a little more than the average length of the filaments of the line; for if it were equal to it, they would be seized at both ends by the two pairs of rollers, which move with different velocities, and would be torn asunder, instead of being drawn out alongside of each other. The front rollers indeed move in many such machines four times faster than the back pair. The rest of this flax-spinning apparatus resembles in every respect the throstle frame of the cotton-spinner. The thread, as it escapes from the front rollers, gets twisted by the spindle and flyer, and wound up in constant progression on the bobbin, the motion of the latter being retarded either by a washer of leather beneath its lower end, or sometimes, as shown in the figure, by a weighted lever H, suspended from a cord, which embraces the pulley-groove turned on the lower end of the bobbin. This friction of this cord on the pulley, which may be varied by changing the length of leverage at which the weight acts, gives the bobbin the requisite retardation for winding up the yarn.

The bobbin G, at the same time that it has this retarded movement of revolution on its axis, has another motion up and down on the spindle I, to present itself at different points to the thread, and to cause the equal distribution of this over the surface of the bobbin-barrel. This latter motion is given by a double eccentric L, which by turning slowly on its axis, makes the balance-lever M oscillate, and thereby raises or depresses the bobbin-rail with its row of spindles. N is a section of the long tin drum, which extends the whole breadth of the frame, and communicates its rotatory motion, derived from the steam-pulley, to the spindles, by the intervention of the endless cotton cords O, as also to the fluted rollers C, F, and to the axis of the heart-shaped or eccentric wheel L, working in an endless screw.

The ratio of the velocity of the rollers of supply C, with the front or delivering rollers F, and with the spindles, is proportional to the fineness of the yarn. For low numbers, the draught is usually fourfold. The speed of the spindles also varies with the quality of the yarn, according as it is intended for warp or weft; the former requiring more twist than the latter; but never so much as to cause it to snarl into a knot, when left free to turn on itself.

One of the most important improvements hitherto made in the spinning of flax is that for which James Kay, of Preston, obtained a patent in July, 1825. Its peculiar feature is the maceration in warm water of the slivers or rovings, previously to spinning them, by conducting them into tin cans, with open bottoms, fitted into circular boxes having holes like a cullender, and immersed into a trough of warm water. The slivers as they pass from the rollers are let fall through the cans into these boxes, when they are to be repeatedly pressed and beaten down by a plunger, or the action of rollers, as may be most convenient. The material must be thoroughly freed from air, and macerated. After five or six hours it is to be removed from the water, and placed in its compressed state at the back part of a drawing and spinning machine. The cake being now turned over, the end of the roving first deposited in the can is drawn out with care, then raised up, and passed over a tension roller to the drawing apparatus. The first pair of rollers for the drawing process merely retains the filaments; while at a distance of two inches and a half the drawing rollers are placed. Both are fluted for the purpose of taking firm hold of the material; and the drawing pair is made to move eight times quicker than the retaining. As the flax fibres have in this state little or no elasticity, and as they adhere loosely in their macerated condition, the drawing rollers must be placed thus close to the retaining rollers, and being made to move at a proper speed, produce an extremely attenuated thread.

The adjoining table represents, in three compartments, the most important rooms in a flax-mill, viz.:—

I. The tow preparing room.

II. The line preparing room for the long flax.

III. One room of spinning machines as a pattern for the rest.


A, lap machine; B, 4-feet breaker card; C, 3 feet 6 inches ditto; D, 3-feet finisher card, 3 workers; E, cut tow, second drawing, 5 heads; F, cut tow, first drawing, 4 heads; G, cut tow, reg. roving, 32 spindles; H, 4-feet breaker card; I, 4-feet finisher ditto; K, long tow, first drawing, 3 heads; L, long tow, second drawing, 4 heads; M, long tow, roving 4 spindles.


A, cut line, first drawing; B, cut line, second drawing, 4 heads; C, cut line, third drawing, 5 heads; D, cut line, reg. roving 32 spindles each; E, long line, first drawing; F, long line, second drawing, 3 heads each; G, long line, third drawing, 4 heads each; H, long line, roving 16 spindles.


I. The line preparing room comprehends:—

  • 1. Heckling machines with heckles.
  • 2. Line spreaders, or first drawing slivers.
  • 3. Frames for the second drawing, of 3 heads each.
  • 4. Frames for the third drawing, of 4 heads each.
  • 5. Roving frames of 16 spindles each.
  • 6. Spare fallers for first drawing with gills.
  • 7. Ditto ditto for second and third drawing with ditto.
  • 8. Ditto ditto for roving.

II. The cut flax line preparing room:—

  • 1. Sets of heckling frames (excentric.)
  • 2. Cutting or breaking machine.
  • 3. Line spreaders or drawing ditto.
  • 4. Frames for second drawing, 4 heads each.
  • 5. Ditto es for third ditto,awing,5 ditto.
  • 6. Ditto, regulator roving, 32 spindles each.
  • 7. Spare fallers with gills for first drawing.
  • 8. Ditto, dittors with gills for second and third ditto.
  • 9. Ditto, ditto, with gills for roving.

III. Long or uncut flax tow preparation:—

  • 1. Lap machine.
  • 2. Breaker cards, 4 feet diameter.
  • 3. Finisher ditto, ditto.
  • 4. Frames for first drawing, 3 heads each.
  • 5. Ditto for second drawing, 3 heads each.
  • 6. Ditto for roving, 16 spindles each.
  • 7. Spare fallers, with gills for first and second drawing.
  • 8. Ditto, ditto, ditto,h gillsfor roving.

IV. Cut flax tow preparation:—

  • 1. Lap machine.
  • 2. First breaker cards, 4 feet diameter.
  • 3. Second ditto, ditto, 3 feet 6 inches ditto.
  • 4. Finisher cards with 8 workers.
  • 5. First drawing frames, of 4 heads each.
  • 6. Second ditto, ditto, of 5 ditto.
  • 7. Frames for regulator roving, 32 spindles each frame.
  • 8. Spare fallers with gills for first and second drawing.
  • 9. Ditto, ditto,s with gills for roving.

V. Spinning rooms for both lines and tows:—spindles in frames in a number proportional to the number of the above preparation machines; and consequently to the quantity and quality of the flax yarn intended to be spun.

VI. Utensils and tools; such as cards clothing with needle pointed filleting.

Observations upon the above statement of the series of machinery requisite in a modern flax mill of the most improved construction:—

The long or uncut flax to be spun into yarns averaging 30 leas per lb.

Each heckling machine will produce about 41/2 cwts. per day, which would be distributed into 200 lbs. of line, and 2662/3 of tow.

The total with 3 machines would be therefore 600 lbs. of line, and 800 lbs. of tow.

The preceding statement contains three systems of line preparing, each system being composed of

  • 1 line spreader, or first drawing;
  • 1st frame of 3 heads; 2d ditto, 2 slivers each;
  • 1 ditto ofof 4 ditto;s;3d ditto, ditto ditto;
  • 2 ditto rovings of 32 spindles, which are capable of supplying about 640 spinning ditto;
  • 1 line spreader being allowed for contingencies.

The above statement contains 3 systems of tow (uncut) preparation, each system being composed of

  • 1 breaker card;
  • 2 finisher ditto,
  • 1 frame of first drawing, 3 heads of 4 slivers each;
  • 1 dittoe of second ditto, 4 ditto,s of 4 ditto ditto;
  • 21/3 ditto rovings or 37 spindles, which are capable of supplying about 660 spinning ditto;
  • 1 lap machine being sufficient for 2 or 3 systems;
  • 1 extra finisher is deemed desirable.

The statement contains 2 systems of heckling machines for cut flax, a system consisting of either 8 or 10 machines; for the coarser work, 8 machines in succession finer and finer, are sufficient; but for the finest 10 or 12 are required. Each system will produce between 2 and 300 lbs. per diem, of raw flax, heckled, divided on the average into 170 lbs. line, 280 lbs. tow, which will about equal the supply of the 5th system contained in the statement, each consisting of

  • 1 line spreader or 1st drawing;
  • 1 frame 2d drawing; 4 heads 4 slivers each;
  • 1 dittoe 3d ditto,ing; 5 dittods4 ditto ditto;
  • 1 ditto roving 32 spindles;
    and are capable of supplying about 480 ditto, of spinning.

The statement contains 2 systems of tow (cut flax) preparings, each system being composed of

  • 2 second breaker card;
  • 4 finishers ditto;
  • 4 frames 1st drawing, 4 heads each 4 slivers;
  • 4 dittoes 2d ditto,ing, 5 ditto ditto,h 4 ditto;
  • 4 regulator rovings 128 spindles, and are capable to supply about 1800 spinning ditto.
  • 1 first-breaker card and lap frame are sufficient to 2 or 3 systems.

Summary view:—

Long or uncut line 3 systems of 640 spindles = 1920
Ditto tow 3 ditto 660 ditto 1980 3900
Cut line 5 ditto 480 ditto 2400
Ditto tow 2 ditto 1800 ditto 3600 6000
Total of spinning spindles 9900

3900 spindles, at an average of 30 leas yarn per lb., would turn off 9 leas per spindle per diem with waste circa 1400 lbs.

6000 spindles, at an average of 100 leas yarn per lb., would turn off 6 leas per spindle per diem with waste circa 450 lbs.

Yarns produced: £. s. d.
Of average 30 leas per lb. per week circa 1050 boles at 9s. 472 10 0
Of ditto 100 ditto 1080 486 0 0
Total weekly produce 2130 958 10 0
£. s. d.
Weekly charges, wages, &c. 150 0 0
Flax 400 0 0
Weekly expenses 40 0 0
Interest on 60,000l. 10 per annum 120 0 0 710 0 0
Weekly profit 248 10 0

Measures of flax yarn; and statistics of the linen trade for the United Kingdom.

One lea of flax yarn at Leeds is = 300 yards.
One spindle Scotch = 38 leas = 11400 yards.
One rand = 6 ditto = 1800 ditto.
One dozen is 12 rands = 72 ditto = 21600 ditto.

When yarn is estimated in Nos. it implies the number of leas in one pound weight; as in cotton, it means the number of hanks of 840 yards each in one pound.

Imports of flax and tow, or codilla of hemp and flax, at a duty of 1d. per cwt., in

1834. 1835. 1837. 1838.
lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
811,722 740,814 1,529,116 1,002,256
Retained for consumption.
794,272 728,143 1,532,059 1,002,408
Linen yarn exported 2,611,215
Linen manufactures exported, in-
cluding flax yarn, declared value
£3,208,139 £3,645,097 £2,613,293

FLINT. (Pierre À fusil, Fr; Feuerstein, Germ.) The fracture of this fossil is perfectly conchoidal, sometimes glossy, and sometimes dull on the surface. It is very hard, but breaks easily, and affords very sharp-edged splintery fragments; whence it is a stone which strikes most copious sparks with steel. It is feebly translucid, has so fine and homogeneous a texture as to bear polishing, but possesses little lustre. Its colours are very various, but never vivid. The blackish-brown flint is that usually found in the white chalk. It is nearly black and opaque, loses its colour in the fire, and becomes grayish-white, and perfectly opaque. Flints occur almost always in nodules or tubercular concretions of various and very irregular forms. These nodules, distributed in strata among the chalk, alongside of one another and almost in contact, form extensive beds; interrupted, indeed, by a multitude of void spaces, so as to present, if freed from the earthy matter in which they are imbedded, a species of network with meshes, very irregular both in form and dimension.

The nodules of silex, especially those found in the chalk, are not always homogeneous and solid. Sometimes there is remarked an organic form towards their centre, as a madrepore or a shell, which seems to have served as their nucleus; occasionally the centre is hollow, and its sides are studded over with crystals of quartz, carbonate of iron, pyrites, concretionary silex or calcedony, filled with pulverulent silica nearly pure, or silex mixed with sulphur; a very singular circumstance.

Flints are observed to be generally humid when broken immediately after being dug out of the ground; a property which disappears after a short exposure to the air. When dried they become more brittle and more splintery, and sometimes their surfaces get covered at old fractures with a thin film or crust of opaque silex.

Flints calcined and ground to a powder enter into the composition of all sorts of fine pottery ware.

The next important application of this siliceous substance is in the formation of gun-flints, for which purpose it must be cut in a peculiar manner. The following characters distinguish good flint nodules from such as are less fit for being manufactured. The best are somewhat convex, approaching to globular; those which are very irregular, knobbed, branched and tuberose, are generally full of imperfections. Good nodules seldom weigh more than 20 pounds; when less than 2, they are not worth the working. They should have a greasy lustre, and be particularly smooth and fine grained. The colour may vary from honey-yellow to blackish-brown, but it should be uniform throughout the lump, and the translucency should be so great as to render letters legible through a slice about one-fiftieth of an inch thick, laid down upon the paper. The fracture should be perfectly smooth, uniform, and slightly conchoidal; the last property being essential to the cutting out of perfect gun-flints.

Four tools are employed by the gun-flint makers.

First, a hammer or mace of iron with a square head, from 1 to 2 pounds weight, with a handle 7 or 8 inches long. This tool is not made of steel, because so hard a metal would render the strokes too harsh, or dry as the workmen say, and would shatter the nodules irregularly, instead of cutting them with a clean conchoidal fracture.

Second, a hammer with 2 points, made of good steel well hardened, and weighing from 10 to 16 ounces, with a handle 7 inches long passing through it in such a way that the points of the hammer are nearer the hand of the workman than the centre of gravity of the mass.

Third, the disc hammer or roller, a small solid wheel, or flat segment of a cylinder, parallel to its base, only two inches and a third in diameter, and not more than 12 ounces in weight. It is formed of steel not hardened, and is fixed upon a handle 6 inches long, which passes through a square hole in its centre.

Fourth, a chisel tapering and bevelled at both extremities, 7 or 8 inches long, and 2 inches broad, made of steel not hardened; this is set on a block of wood, which serves also for a bench to the workmen. To these 4 tools a file must be added, for the purpose of restoring the edge of the chisel from time to time.

After selecting a good mass of flint, the workman executes the following four operations on it.

1. He breaks the block. Being seated upon the ground, he places the nodule of flint on his left thigh, and applies slight strokes with the square hammer to divide it into smaller pieces of about a pound and a half each, with broad surfaces and almost even fractures. The blows should be moderate, lest the lump crack and split in the wrong direction.

2. He cleaves or chips the flint. The principal point is to split the flint well, or to chip off scales of the length, thickness, and shape adapted for the subsequent formation of gun flints. Here the greatest dexterity and steadiness of manipulation are necessary; but the fracture of the flint is not restricted to any particular direction, for it may be chipped in all parts with equal facility.

The workman holds the lump of flint in his left hand, and strikes with the pointed hammer upon the edges of the great planes produced by the first breaking, whereby the white coating of the flint is removed in small scales, and the interior body of the flint is laid bare; after which he continues to detach similar scaly portions from the clean mass.

These scaly portions are nearly an inch and a half broad, two inches and a half long, and about one-sixth of an inch thick in the middle. They are slightly convex below, and consequently leave in the part of the lump from which they were separated a space slightly concave, longitudinally bordered by two somewhat projecting straight lines or ridges. The ridges produced by the separation of the first scales must naturally constitute nearly the middle of the subsequent pieces; and such scales alone as have their ridges thus placed in the middle are fit to be made into gun-flints. In this manner the workman continues to split or chip the mass of flint in various directions, until the defects usually found in the interior render it impossible to make the requisite fractures, or until the piece is too-much reduced to sustain the smart blows by which the flint is divided.

3. He fashions the gun-flints. Five different parts may be distinguished in a gun-flint. 1. The sloping facet or bevel part, which is impelled against the hammer of the lock. Its thickness should be from two to three twelfths of an inch; for if it were thicker it would be too liable to break; and if more obtuse, the scintillations would be less vivid. 2. The sides, or lateral edges, which are always somewhat irregular. 3. The back or thick part opposite the tapering edge. 4. The under surface, which is smooth and rather concave. And 5. The upper face, which has a small square plane between the tapering edge and the back, for entering into the upper claw of the cock.

In order to fashion the flint, those scales are selected which have at least one of the above mentioned longitudinal ridges; the workman fixes on one of the two tapering borders to form the striking edge, after which the two sides of the stone that are to form the lateral edges, as well as the part that is to form the back, are successively placed on the edge of the chisel in such a manner that the convex surface of the flint, which rests on the forefinger of the left hand, is turned towards that tool. Then with the disc hammer he applies some slight strokes to the flint just opposite the edge of the chisel underneath, and thereby breaks it exactly along the edge of the chisel.

4. The finishing operation is the trimming, or the process of giving the flint a smooth and equal edge; this is done by turning up the stone and placing the edge of its tapering end upon the chisel, in which position it is completed by 5 or 6 slight strokes of the disc hammer. The whole operation of making a gun-flint, which I have used so many words to describe, is performed in less than one minute. A good workman is able to manufacture 1000 good chips or scales in a day (if the flint-balls be of good quality), or 500 gun-flints. Hence, in the space of 3 days, he can easily cleave and finish 1000 gun-flints without any assistance.

A great quantity of refuse matter is left, for scarcely more than half the scales are good, and nearly half the mass in the best flints is incapable of being chipped out; so that it seldom happens that the largest nodules furnish more than 50 gun-flints.

Flints form excellent building materials; because they give a firm hold to the mortar by their irregularly rough surfaces, and resist, by their nature, every vicissitude of weather. The counties of Kent, Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk contain many substantial specimens of flint-masonry.

FLOSS, of the puddling furnace, is the fluid glass floating upon the iron produced by the vitrification of the oxides and earths which are present.

FLOSS-SILK (Filoselle, Bourre de soie, or fleuret, Fr.); is the name given to the portions of ravelled silk broken off in the filature of the cocoons, which is carded like cotton or wool, and spun into a soft coarse yarn or thread, for making bands, shawls, socks, and other common silk fabrics. The floss or fleuret, as first obtained, must be steeped in water, and then subjected to pressure, in order to extract the gummy matter, which renders it too harsh and short for the spinning wheel. After being dried it is made still more pliant by working a little oil into it with the hands. It is now ready to be submitted to the carding engine. See Cotton Manufacture. It is spun upon the flax wheel.

The female peasants of Lombardy generally wear clothes of homespun floss silk. Of late years, by improved processes, pretty fine fabrics of this material have been produced both in England and France. M. Ajac, of Lyons, presented at one of the French national exhibitions of the objects of industry, a great variety of scarfs and square shawls, of bourre de sole, closely resembling those of cachemere.

FLOUR; the finely ground meal of wheat, and of any other corns or cerealia. See Bread.

FLOUR OF WHEAT, Adulterations of, to detect.

The first method is by specific gravity. If potato flour be added, which is frequently done in France, since a vessel which contains one pound of wheat flour will contain one pound and a half of the fecula, the proportion of this adulteration may be easily estimated. If gypsum or ground bones be mixed with the flour, they will not only increase its density still more; but they will remain after burning away the meal.

The second method is by ascertaining the quantity of gluten which the suspected sample will afford, by the process prescribed under the article Bread. The two following chemical criteria may also be employed.

1st. Nitric acid has the property of colouring wheat flour of a fine orange yellow, whereas it affects the colour neither of fecula nor starch.

2nd. Pure muriatic acid colours good wheat flour of a deep violet, but dissolves fecula or starch, and forms with it a light, colourless, viscous fluid, decomposable by alkalis. It may also be observed, that as fecula absorbs less water than flour, this affords a ready means of detection.

The adulteration with bean or pea flour may be detected by pouring boiling water upon it, which developes the peculiar smell of these two substances.

FLOWERS (Fleurs, Fr.; Blumen, Germ.) of benzoin, of sulphur, of zinc, &c., is the appellation given by the older chemists to such substances as were obtained in a pulverulent or rather minutely crystalline form by the process of sublimation.

FLOWERS, ARTIFICIAL, MANUFACTURE OF. The art of representing by flowers, leaves, plants, &c., vegetable nature in her ornamental productions, constitutes the business of the artificial florist. The Italians appear to have been the first people in Europe who excelled in the art of making artificial flowers; but of late years the French have been most ingenious in this branch of industry.

Ribbons folded in different forms and of different colours were originally employed for imitating flowers, by being attached to wire stems. This imitation soon gave way to that by feathers, which are more delicate in texture, and more capable of assuming a variety of flower-like figures. But a great difficulty was encountered in dyeing them with due vivacity. The savages of South America manufacture perfect feather flowers, derived from the brilliant plumage of their birds, which closely resemble the products of vegetation. The blossoms and leaves are admirable, while the colours never fade.

The Italians employ frequently the cocoons of the silkworm for this purpose; these take a brilliant dye, preserve their colour, and possess a transparent velvety appearance, suitable for petals. Of late years, the French have adopted the finest cambric for making petals, and the taffeta of Florence for the leaves. M. de BernardiÈre employs whalebone in very thin leaves for artificial flowers; and by bleaching and dyeing them of various hues, he has succeeded in making his imitations of nature to be very remarkable.

The colouring matters used in flower dyeing are the following:—

For red; carmine dissolved in a solution of salt of tartar.

For blue; indigo dissolved in sulphuric acid, diluted and neutralized in part by Spanish whitening.

For bright yellow; a solution of turmeric in spirit of wine. Cream of tartar brightens all these colours.

For violet; archil, and a blue bath.

For lilac; archil.

Some petals are made of velvet, and are coloured merely by the application of the finger dipped in the dye.

FLUATES, more properly fluorides (Eng. and Fr.; FlusssÄure, Germ.); compounds of fluorine and the metals; as fluor spar, for example, which consists of fluorine and calcium.

FLUOR SPAR. (Chaux fluatÉe, Fr.; Spath fluor, Germ.) This mineral often exhibits a variety of vivid colours. It crystallizes in the cubic system; with regular octahedral and tetrahedral cleavages; spec. grav. 3·1 to 3·2; scratches calc spar, but is scratched by a steel point; usually phosphorescent with heat; fusible at the blowpipe into an opaque bead; acted on by the acids, with disengagement of a vapour which corrodes glass; its solution affords precipitates with the oxalates, but not with ammonia. Its constituents are, fluorine, 48·13; calcium, 51·87 in 100.

Fluor spar occurs subordinate to metallic veins; as to those of lead, in Derbyshire; of tin, in Saxony and Bohemia; but it is found also in masses or veins, either in crystalline rocks, associated with quartz, heavy spar, &c., as in Auvergne, Forez, Vosges, Norberg in Sweden; Norway; Petersburg; near Hall; Gourock, in Scotland, &c.; or among secondary limestones, slates, and sandstones, in Derbyshire, Cumberland, Cornwall, and New Jersey. It exists also in the amygdaloids of Scotland, and in the volcanic products of Monte Somma at Vesuvius. The variously coloured specimens, called Derbyshire spar, are worked upon the turning lathe into vases and other ornamental objects.

FLUX, (Eng. and Fr.; Fluss, Germ.) signifies any substance capable of promoting the fusion of earths or metallic ores by heat. White flux is the residuum of the deflagration in a red hot crucible, of a mixture of two parts of nitre, and one of cream of tartar. It is in fact merely a carbonate of potash. Black flux is obtained when equal parts of nitre and tartar are deflagrated. It owes its colour to the carbonaceous matter of the tartaric acid, which remains unconsumed; the quantity of nitre being too small for that purpose. The presence of the charcoal renders this preparation a convenient flux for reducing calcined or oxidized ores to the metallic state. Limestone, fluor-spar, borax, and several earthy or metallic oxides are employed as fluxes in metallurgy.

FLY POWDER; the black coloured powder obtained by the spontaneous oxidizement of metallic arsenic in the air.

FODDER; is the name of a weight by which lead and some other metals are sold in this country. It varies in its amount in different parts of the kingdom; being in Northumberland estimated at 21 cwts., and in other counties 22, 23 or even more cwts.

FONDUS; is the name given by the French to a particular style of calico printing resembling the rainbow, in which the colours are graduated or melted (fondus) into one another, as in the prismatic spectrum. See Paper hangings, for a description of the process.

FORGE; (Eng. and Fr.; Feuer, Germ.) is the name either of the furnace, where wrought iron is hammered and fashioned with the aid of heat, or the great workshop where iron is made malleable. The former is called a smith’s forge, the latter a shingling mill. See Iron.


Fig. 466. represents a portable truck forge of a very commodious construction. A is the cylindric leather bellows, pressed down by a helical spring, and worked by means of the handle at B, which moves the horizontal shaft C, with its two attached semicircular levers and chains. D, is the pipe which conducts the blast to the nozzle at E. The hearth may be covered with a thin fire-tile or with cinders. F is a vice fixed to the strong rectangular frame. This apparatus answers all the ordinary purposes of a smith’s forge; and is peculiarly adapted to ships, and to the execution of engineering jobs upon railways, or in the country. The height is 2 feet 6 inches; the length is 2 feet 9 inches; the width 2 feet. Weight about 2 cwt.

FORMIATES; are compounds of formic acid, with the salifiable bases. Many of them are susceptible of crystallization.

FORMIC ACID; (Acide Formique, Fr.; AmeisensÄure, Germ.) exists in the bodies of wood ants, associated with the malic or acid of apples. The artificial formation of this animal secretion, is one of the most remarkable triumphs of modern chemistry. If 10 parts of tartaric acid, 14 of black oxide of manganese, 15 of concentrated sulphuric acid, and from 20 to 30 of water be mixed and distilled in a retort, formic acid will be the liquid product; while carbonic acid will be disengaged. It may also be generated from other mixtures. This acid is transparent and colourless, of a pungent sour smell, a strongly acid taste, of specific gravity 1·1168 at 60° F., and may be re-distilled without suffering any change. It contains in its most concentrated form 193/4 per cent. of water. The dry acid, as it exists in the formiates, is composed of 32·54 carbon, 2·68 hydrogen, and 64·78 oxygen; or of two volumes carbonic oxide gas, and one volume of vapour of water. It reduces the oxides of mercury and silver to the metallic state. It has not hitherto been applied to any use in the arts.

FORMULÆ, CHEMICAL, are symbols representing the different substances, simple and compound.

Name. Formula. Oxygen
= 100.
= 1.
Oxygen O 100·000 16·026
Hydrogen H 6·2398 1·000
2H 12·4796 2·000
Nitrogen N 88·518 14·186
2N 177·086 28·372
Phosphorus P 196·155 31·436
2P 392·310 68·872
Chlorine Cl 221·325 35·470
2Cl 442·650 70·940
Iodine I 768·781 123·206
2I 1537·562 246·412
Carbon C 76·437 12·250
2C 152·875 24·500
Boron B 135·983 21·793
2B 271·966 43·586
Silicon Si 277·478 44·469
Selenium Se 494·582 79·263
Arsenic As 470·042 75·329
2As 940·084 150·659
Chromium Cr 351·819 56·383
2Cr 703·638 112·766
Molybdenum Mo 598·525 95·920
Tungstenium Tu or W 1183·200 189·621
Antimony Sb 806·452 129·243
2Sb 1612·904 258·486
Tellurium Te 806·452 129·243
Tantalum Ta 1153·715 184·896
2Ta 2307·430 369·792
Titanium Ti 389·092 62·356
Gold (aurum) Au 1243·013 199·207
2Au 2486·026 398·415
Platina Pt 1215·220 194·753
Rhodium R 750·680 120·305
2R 1501·360 240·610
Palladium Pd 714·618 114·526
Silver (argentum) Ag 1351·607 216·611
Mercury (hydrargyrus) Hg 1265·822 202·863
2Hg 2531·645 405·725
Copper (cuprum) Cu 395·695 63·415
2Cu 791·390 126·829
Uranium U 2711·360 434·527
2U 5422·720 869·154
Bismuth Bi 1330·376 213·208
2Bi 2660·752 426·416
Tin (stannum) Sn 735·294 117·839
Lead (plumbum) Pb 1294·498 207·458
2Pb 2588·996 414·917
Cadmium Cd 696·767 111·665
Zinc Zn 403·226 64·621
Nickel Ni 369·675 59·245
Cobalt Co 368·991 59·135
2Co 737·982 118·270
Iron (ferrum) Fe 339·213 54·363
2Fe 678·426 108·725
Manganese Mn 355·787 57·019
2Mn 711·575 114·038
Cerium Ce 574·718 92·105
2Ce 1149·436 184·210
Zirconium Zr 420·238 67·348
2Zr 840·476 134·696
Yttrium Y 401·840 64·395
Beryllium (glucinum) Be 331·479 53·123
2Be 662·958 106·247
Aluminum Al 171·167 27·431
2Al 342·234 54·863
Magnesium Mg 158·353 25·378
Calcium Ca 256·019 41·030
Strontium Sr 547·285 87·709
Baryum Ba 856·88 137·325
Lithium L 127·757 20·474
Natrium (sodium) Na 290·897 46·620
2Na 581·794 93·239
Kalium (potassium) K 489·916 78·515
Ammonia 2N 2H3 214·474 34·372
Cyanogen 2NC 329·911 52·872
Sulphuretted hydrogen 2HS 213·644 34·239
Hydrochloric acid 2HCl 455·129 72·940
Hydrocyanic acid 2HNC 342·390 54·872
Water 2. 112·479 18·026
Protoxide of nitrogen 2. 277·036 44·398
Deutoxide of nitrogen . 188·518 30·212
Nitrous acid 2... 477·036 76·449
Nitric acid .·.·. 677·036 108·503
Hyposulphurous acid . 301·165 48·265
Sulphurous acid .. 401·165 64·291
Hyposulphuric acid .·.·. 902·330 144·609
Sulphuric acid ... 501·165 80·317
Phosphoric acid .·.·. 892·310 143·003
Chloric acid .·.·. 942·650 151·071
Perchloric acid ::: 1042·650 167·097
Iodic acid .·.·. 2037·562 326·543
Carbonic acid .. 276·437 44·302
Oxalic acid 2... 452·875 72·578
Boracic acid 2::: 871·966 139·743
Silicic acid ... 577·478 92·548
Selenic acid .. 694·582 111·315
Arsenic acid .·.·. 1440·084 230·790
Protoxide of chrome 2... 1003·638 160·840
Chromic acid ... 651·819 104·462
Molybdic acid ... 898·525 143·999
Tungstic, or wolfram acid ... 1483·200 237·700
Oxide of antimony 2... 1912·904 306·565
Antimonious acid .. 1006·452 161·296
.... 2012·904 322·591
Antimonic acid 2.·.·. 2112·904 338·617
Oxide of tellurium .. 1006·452 161·296
Tantalic acid ... 2607·430 417·871
Titanic acid .. 589·092 94·409
Protoxide of gold . 2586·026 414·441
Peroxide of gold ... 2786·026 446·493
Oxide of platina .. 1415·220 226·086
Oxide of rhodium 2... 1801·360 228·689
Oxide of palladium . 814·618 130·552
Oxide of silver . 1451·607 232·637
Protoxide of mercury . 2631·645 421·752
Peroxide of mercury . 1365·822 218·889
Protoxide of copper . 801·390 142·856
Peroxide of copper . 495·695 79·441
Protoxide of uranium . 2811·360 450·553
Peroxide of uranium 2... 5722·720 917·132
Oxide of bismuth 2... 2960·752 474·49
Protoxide of tin . 835·294 133·866
Peroxide of tin .. 935·294 149·892
Oxide of lead . 1394·498 223·484
Minium ... 2888·996 462·995
Brown oxide of lead .. 1494·498 239·511
Oxide of cadmium . 796·767 12 7·691
Oxide of zinc . 503·226 80·649
Oxide of nickel . 469·675 75·271
Oxide of cobalt . 468·991 75·161
Peroxide of cobalt ... 1037·982 166·349
Protoxide of iron . 439·213 70·389
Peroxide of iron ... 978·426 156·804
Protoxide of manganese . 455·787 73·045
Oxide of manganese ... 1011·575 162·117
Peroxide of manganese .. 555·787 89·071
Manganesic acid .·.·. 1211·575 194·169
Protoxide of cerium . 674·718 108·132
Oxide of cerium ... 1449·436 232·289
Zirconia ... 1140·476 182·775
Yttria . 501·840 80·425
Glucina, or berryllia ... 962·958 154·325
Alumina ... 642·334 109·942
Magnesia . 258·353 41·404
Lime . 356·019 57·056
Strontia . 647·285 103·735
Baryta . 956·880 153·351
Lithia . 227·757 36·501
Natron, or soda . 390·897 62·646
Peroxide of sodium ... 881·794 141·318
Kali, or potassa . 589·916 94·541
Peroxide of potassium ... 789·916 126·593
Sulphate of potassa .... 1091·081 174·859
Protosulphate of iron .... 940·378 150·706
Persulphate of iron ...... 2481·906 FOUNDING of metals, chiefly of Iron. The operations of an iron foundry consist in re-melting the pig-iron of the blast furnaces, and giving it an endless variety of forms, by casting it in moulds of different kinds, prepared in appropriate manners. Coke is the only kind of fuel employed to effect the fusion of the cast iron.

The essential parts of a well-mounted iron foundry, are,

1. Magazines for pig irons of different qualities, which are to be mixed in certain proportions, for producing castings of peculiar qualities; as also for coal, coke, sands, clay, powdered charcoal, and cow-hair for giving tenacity to the loam mouldings.

2. One or more coke ovens.

3. A workshop for preparing the patterns and materials of the moulds. It should contain small edge millstones for grinding and mixing the loam, and another mill for grinding coal and charcoal.

4. A vast area, called properly the foundry, in which the moulds are made and filled with the melted metal. These moulds are in general very heavy, consisting of two parts at least, which must be separated, turned upside down several times, and replaced very exactly upon one another. The casting is generally effected by means of large ladles or pots, in which the melted iron is transported from the cupola, where it is fused. Hence the foundry ought to be provided with cranes, having jibs movable in every direction.

5. A stove in which such moulds may be readily introduced, as require to be entirely deprived of humidity, and where a strong heat may be uniformly maintained.

6. Both blast and air furnaces, capable of melting speedily the quantity of cast-iron to be employed each day.

7. A blowing machine to urge the fusion in the furnaces.

Fig. 467. represents the general plan of a well-mounted foundry.

a, is a cupola furnace of which the section and view will be afterwards given; it is capable of containing 5 tons of cast-iron.

a', is a similar furnace, but of smaller dimensions, for bringing down 13/4 tons.

a'', is a furnace like the first, in reserve for great castings.

b, b, b, b, a vast foundry apartment, whose floor to a yard in depth, is formed of sand and charcoal powder, which have already been used for castings, and are ready for heaping up into a substratum, or to be scooped out when depth is wanted for the moulds. There are besides several cylindrical pits, from five to seven yards in depth, placed near the furnaces. They are lined with brick work, and are usually left full of moulding sand. They are emptied in order to receive large moulds, care being had that their top is always below the orifice from which the melted metal is tapped.

These moulds, and the ladles full of melted metal are lifted and transported by the arm of one or more men, when their weight is moderate; but if it be considerable, they are moved about by cranes whose vertical shafts are placed at c, d, e, in correspondence, so that they may upon occasion transfer the load from one to another. Each crane is composed principally of an upright shaft, embraced at top by a collet, and turning below upon a pivot in a step; next of a horizontal beam, stretched out from nearly the top of the former, with an oblique stay running downwards, like that of a gallows. The horizontal beam supports a movable carriage, to which the tackle is suspended for raising the weights. This carriage is made to glide backwards or forwards along the beam by means of a simple rack and pinion mechanism, whose long handle descends within reach of the workman’s hand.


By these arrangements in the play of the three cranes, masses weighing five tons may be transported and laid down with the greatest precision upon any point whatever in the interior of the three circles traced upon fig. 467. with the points c, d, e, as centres.

c, d, e, are the steps, upon which the upright shafts of the three cranes rest and turn. Each shaft is 16 feet high.

f, f, is the drying stove, having its floor upon a level with that of the foundry.

f', f', is a supplementary stove for small articles.

g, g, g, are the coaking ovens.

h, is the blowing machine or fan.

i, is the steam-engine, for driving the fan, the loam-edge stones,

k, and the charcoal mill.

i'', are the boiler and the furnace of the engine.

k', workshop for preparing the loam and other materials of moulding.

l, is the apartment for the patterns.

The pig-iron, coals, &c. are placed either under sheds or in the open air, round the above buildings; where are also a smith’s forge, a carpenter’s shop, and an apartment mounted with vices for chipping and rough cleaning the castings by chisels and files.

Such a foundry may be erected upon a square surface of about 80 yards in each side, and will be capable, by casting in the afternoon and evening of each day, partly in large and partly in small pieces, of turning out from 700 to 800 tons per annum, with an establishment of 100 operatives, including some moulding boys.

Of making the Moulds.—1. Each mould ought to present the exact form of its object.

2. It should have such solidity that the melted metal may be poured into it, and fill it entirely without altering its shape in any point.

3. The air which occupies the vacant spaces in it, as well as the carburetted gases generated by the heat, must have a ready vent; for if they are but partially confined, they expand by the heat, and may crack, even blow up the moulds, or at any rate become dispersed through the metal, making it vesicular and unsound.

There are three distinct methods of making the moulds:—

1. In green sand; 2. In baked sand; 3. In loam.

To enumerate the different means employed to make every sort of mould exceeds the limits prescribed to this work. I shall merely indicate for each species of moulding, what is common to all the operations; and I shall then describe the fabrication of a few such moulds as appear most proper to give general views of this peculiar art.

Moulding in green sand.—The name green is given to a mixture of the sand as it comes from its native bed, with about one twelfth its bulk of coal reduced to powder, and damped in such a manner as to form a porous compound, capable of preserving the forms of the objects impressed upon it. This sand ought to be slightly argillaceous, with particles not exceeding a pin’s head in size. When this mixture has once served for a mould, and been filled with metal, it cannot be employed again except for the coarsest castings, and is generally used for filling up the bottoms of fresh moulds.

For moulding any piece in green sand, an exact pattern of the object must be prepared in wood or metal; the latter being preferable, as not liable to warping, swelling, or shrinkage.

A couple of iron frames form a case or box, which serves as an envelope to the mould. Such boxes constitute an essential and very expensive part of the furniture of a foundry. It is a rectangular frame, without bottom or lid, whose two largest sides are united by a series of cross bars, parallel to each other, and placed from 6 to 8 inches apart.

The two halves of the box carry ears corresponding exactly with one another; of which one set is pierced with holes, but the other has points which enter truly into these holes, and may be made fast in them by cross pins or wedges, so that the pair becomes one solid body. Within this frame there is abundance of room for containing the pattern of the piece to be moulded with its encasing sand, which being rammed into the frame, is retained by friction against the lateral faces and cross bars of the mould.

When a mould is to be formed, a box of suitable dimensions is taken asunder, and each half, No. 1. and No. 2., is laid upon the floor of the foundry. Green sand is thrown with a shovel into No. 1. so as to fill it; when it is gently pressed in with a rammer. The object of this operation is to form a plane surface upon which to lay in the pattern with a slight degree of pressure, varying with its shape. No. 1. being covered with sand, the frame No. 2. is laid upon it, so as to form the box. No. 2. being now filled carefully with the green sand, the box is inverted, so as to place No. 1. uppermost, which is then detached and lifted off in a truly vertical position; carrying with it the body of sand formed at the commencement of the operation. The pattern remains imbedded in the sand of No. 2., which has been exactly moulded upon a great portion of its surface. The moulder condenses the sand in the parts nearest to the pattern, by sprinkling a little water upon it, and trimming the ill-shaped parts with small iron trowels of different kinds. He then dusts a little well-dried finely-sifted sand over all the visible surface of the pattern, and of the sand surrounding it; this is done to prevent adhesion when he replaces the frame No. 1.

He next destroys the preparatory smooth bed or area formed in this frame, covers the pattern with green sand, replaces the frame 1. upon 2. to reproduce the box, and proceeds to fill and ram No. 1., as he had previously done No. 2. The object of this operation is to obtain very exactly a concavity in the frame No. 1., having the shape of the part of the model impressed coarsely upon the surface formed at the beginning, and which was meant merely to support the pattern and the sand sprinkled over it, till it got imbedded in No. 2.

The two frames in their last position, along with their sand, may be compared to a box of which No. 1. is the lid, and whose interior is adjusted exactly upon the enclosed pattern.

If we open this box, and after taking out the pattern, close its two halves again, then pour in melted metal till it fill every void space, and become solid, we shall obviously attain the wished-for end, and produce a piece of cast iron similar to the pattern. But many precautions must still be taken before we can hit this point. We must first lead through the mass of sand in the frame No. 1., one or more channels for the introduction of the melted metal; and though one may suffice for this purpose, another must be made for letting the air escape. The metal is run in by several orifices at once, when the piece has considerable surface, but little thickness, so that it may reach the remotest points sufficiently hot and liquid.

The parts of the mould near the pattern must likewise be pierced with small holes, by means of wires traversing the whole body of the sand, in order to render the mould more porous, and to facilitate the escape of the air and the gases. Then, before lifting off the frame No. 1., we must tap the pattern slightly, otherwise the sand enclosing it would stick to it in several points, and the operation would not succeed. These gentle jolts are given by means of one or more pieces of iron wire which have been screwed vertically into the pattern before finally ramming the sand into the frame No. 1., or which enter merely into holes in the pattern. These pieces are sufficiently long to pass out through the sand when the box is filled; and it is upon their upper ends that the horizontal blows of the hammer are given; their force being regulated by the weight and magnitude of the pattern. These rods are then removed by drawing them straight out; after which the frame No. 1. may be lifted off smoothly from the pattern.

The pattern itself is taken out, by lifting it in all its parts at once, by means of screw pins adjusted at the moment. This manoeuvre is executed, for large pieces, almost always by several men, who while they lift the pattern with one hand, strike it with the other with small repeated blows to detach the sand entirely, in which it is generally more engaged than it was in that of the frame No. 1. But in spite of all these precautions, there are always some degradations in one or other of the two parts of the mould; which are immediately repaired by the workman with damp sand, which he applies and presses gently with his trowel, so as to restore the injured forms.

Hitherto I have supposed all the sand rammed into the box to be of one kind; but from economy, the green sand is used only to form the portion of the mould next the pattern, in a stratum of about an inch thick; the rest of the surrounding space is filled with the sand of the floor which has been used in former castings. The interior layer round the pattern is called in this case, new sand.

It may happen that the pattern is too complex to be taken out without damaging the mould, by two frames alone; then 3 or more are mutually adjusted to form the box.

When the mould, taken asunder into two or more parts, has been properly repaired, its interior surface must be dusted over with wood charcoal reduced to a very fine powder, and tied up in a small linen bag, which is shaken by hand. The charcoal is thus sifted at the moment of application, and sticks to the whole surface which has been previously damped a little. It is afterwards polished with a fine trowel. Sometimes, in order to avoid using too much charcoal, the surfaces are finally dusted over with sand, very finely pulverized, from a bag like the charcoal. The two frames are now replaced with great exactness, made fast together by the ears, with wedged bolts laid truly level, or at the requisite slope, and loaded with considerable weights. When the casting is large, the charcoal dusting as well as that of fine sand, is suppressed. Every thing is now ready for the introduction of the fused metal.

Moulding in baked or used sand.—The mechanical part of this process is the same as of the preceding. But when the castings are large, and especially if they are tall, the hydrostatic pressure of the melted metal upon the sides of the mould cannot be counteracted by the force of cohesion which the sand acquires by ramming. We must in that case adapt to each of these frames a solid side, pierced with numerous small holes to give issue to the gases. This does not form one body with the rest of the frame, but is attached extemporaneously to it by bars and wedged bolts. In general no ground coal is mixed with this sand. Whenever the mould is finished, it is transferred to the drying stove, where it may remain from 12 to 24 hours at most, till it be deprived of all its humidity. The sand is then said to be baked, or annealed. The experienced moulder knows how to mix the different sands placed at his disposal, so that the mass of the mould as it comes out of the stove, may preserve its form, and be sufficiently porous. Such moulds allow the gases to pass through them much more readily than those made of green sand; and in general the castings they turn out are less vesicular, and smoother upon the surface. Sometimes in a large piece, the three kinds of moulding, that in green sand, in baked sand, and in loam, are combined to produce the best result.

Moulding in loam.—This kind of work is executed from drawings of the pieces to be moulded, without being at the expense of making patterns. The mould is formed of a pasty mixture of clay, water, sand, and cow’s hair, or other cheap filamentous matter, kneaded together in what is called the loam mill. The proportions of the ingredients are varied to suit the nature of the casting. When the paste requires to be made very light, horse dung or chopped straw is added to it.

Mould fabrication

I shall illustrate the mode of fabricating loam moulds, by a simple case, such as that of a sugar pan. Fig. 468. is the pan. There is laid upon the floor of the foundry, an annular platform of cast-iron a b, fig. 469.; and upon its centre c, rests the lower extremity of a vertical shaft, adjusted so as to turn freely upon itself, while it makes a wooden pattern e f, fig. 470., describe a surface of revolution identical with the internal surface reversed of the boiler intended to be made. The outline e g, of the pattern is fashioned so as to describe the surface of the edge of the vessel. Upon the part a d b d, fig. 469., of the flat cast-iron ring, there must next be constructed, with bricks laid either flat or on their edge, and clay, a kind of dome, h i k, fig. 470., from two to four inches thick, according to the size and weight of the piece to be moulded. The external surface of the brick dome ought to be everywhere two inches distant at least, from the surface described by the arc e, f. Before building up the dome to the point i, coals are to be placed in its inside upon the floor, which may be afterwards kindled for drying the mould. The top is then formed, leaving at i, round the upright shaft of revolution, only a very small outlet. This aperture, as also some others left under the edges of the iron ring, enable the moulder to light the fire when it becomes necessary, and to graduate it so as to make it last long enough without needing more fuel, till the mould be quite finished and dry. The combustion should be always extremely slow.

Over the brick dome a pasty layer of loam is applied, and rounded with the mould g e f; this surface is then coated with a much smoother loam, by means of the concave edge of the same mould. Upon the latter surface, the inside of the sugar pan is cast; the line e g having traced, in its revolution, a ledge m. The fire is now kindled, and as the surface of the mould becomes dry, it is painted over by a brush, with a mixture of water, charcoal powder, and a little clay, in order to prevent adhesion between the surface already dried and the coats of clay about to be applied to it. The board g e f is now removed, and replaced by another, g' e' f', fig. 471., whose edge e' f' describes the outer surface of the pan. Over the surface e, f, a layer of loam is applied, which is turned and polished so as to produce the surface of revolution e' f', as was done for the surface e f; only in the latter case, the line e' g' of the board does not form a new shoulder, but rubs lightly against m.

The layer of loam included between the two surfaces e f, e' f', is an exact representation of the sugar pan. When this layer is well dried by the heat of the interior fire, it must be painted like the former. The upright shaft is now removed, leaving the small vent hole through which it passed to promote the complete combustion of the coal. There must be now laid horizontally upon the ears of the platform d d, fig. 469., another annular platform p q, like the former, but a little larger, and without any cross-bar.

Mould fabrication

The relative position of these two platforms is shown in fig. 473. Upon the surface e' f', fig. 472., a new layer of loam is laid, two inches thick, of which the surface is smoothed by hand. Then upon the platform p q, fig. 473., a brick vault is constructed, whose inner surface is applied to the layer of loam. This contracts a strong adherence with the bricks which absorb a part of its moisture, while the coat of paint spread over the surface e' f', prevents it from sticking to the preceding layers of loam. The brick dome ought to be built solidly.

The whole mass is now to be thoroughly dried by the continuance of the fire, the draught of which is supported by a small vent left in the upper part of the new dome; and when all is properly dry, the two iron platforms are adjusted to each other by pin points, and p q is lifted off, taking care to keep it in a horizontal position. Upon this platform are removed the last brick dome, and the layer of loam which had been applied next to it; the latter of which represents exactly by its inside the mould of the surface e' f', that is of the outside of the pan. The crust contained between e f and e' f' is broken away, an operation easily done without injury to the surface e f, which represents exactly the inner surface of the pan; or only to the shoulder m, corresponding to the edge of the vessel. The top aperture through which the upright shaft passed must be now closed; only the one is kept open in the portion of the mould lifted off upon p q; because through this opening the melted metal is to be poured in the process of casting. The two platforms being replaced above each other very exactly, by means of the adjusting pin-points, the mould is completely formed, and ready for the reception of the metal.

Mould fabrication

When the object to be moulded presents more complicated forms than the one now chosen for the sake of illustration, it is always by analogous processes that the workman constructs his loam moulds, but his sagacity must hit upon modes of executing many things which at first sight appear to be scarcely possible. Thus, when the forms of the interior and exterior do not permit the mould to be separated in two pieces, it is divided into several, which are nicely fitted with adjusting pins. More than two cast-iron rings or platforms are sometimes necessary. When ovals or angular surfaces must be traced instead of those of revolution, no upright shaft is used, but wooden or cast-iron guides made on purpose, along which the pattern cut-out board is slid according to the drawing of the piece. Iron wires and claws are often interspersed through the brick work to give it cohesion. The core, kernel, or inner mould of a hollow casting is frequently fitted in when the outer shell is moulded. I shall illustrate this matter in the case of a gas-light retort, fig. 474. The core of the retort ought to have the form e e e e, and be very solid, since it cannot be fixed in the outer mould, for the casting, except in the part standing out of the retort towards m m. It must be modelled in loam, upon a piece of cast-iron called a lantern, made expressly for this purpose. The lantern is a cylinder or a truncated hollow cone of cast iron, about half an inch thick; and differently shaped for every different core. The surface is perforated with holes of about half an inch in diameter. It is mounted by means of iron cross bars, upon an iron axis, which traverses it in the direction of its length. Fig. 475. represents a horizontal section through the axis of the core; g h is the axis of the lantern, figured itself at i k k i; o i i o is a kind of disc or dish, perpendicular to the axis, open at i i, forming one piece with the lantern, whose circumference o o presents a curve similar to the section of the core, made at right angles to its axis. We shall see presently the two uses for which this dish is intended. The axis g h is laid upon two gudgeons, and handles are placed at each of its extremities, to facilitate the operation in making the core. Upon the whole surface of the lantern, from the point h to the collet formed by the dish, a hay cord as thick as the finger is wound. Even two or more coils may be applied, as occasion requires, over which loam is spread to the exact form of the core, by applying with the hand a board, against the dish o o, with its edge cut out to the desired shape; as also against another dish, adjusted at the time towards h; while by means of the handles a rotatory movement is given to the whole apparatus.

The hay interposed between the lantern and the loam, which represents the crust of the core, aids the adhesion of the clay with the cast iron of the lantern, and gives passage to the holes in its surface, for the air to escape through in the casting.

When the core is finished, and has been put into the drying stove, the axis g h is taken out, then the small opening which it leaves at the point h, is plugged with clay. This is done by supporting the core by the edges of the dish, in a vertical position. It is now ready to be introduced into the hollow mould of the piece.

Mould fabrication

This mould executed in baked sand consists of three pieces, two of which absolutely similar, are represented, fig. 476., at p q, the third is shown at r s. The two similar parts p q, present each the longitudinal half of the nearly cylindrical portion of the outer surface of the gas retort; so that when they are brought together, the cylinder is formed; r s contains in its cavity the kind of hemisphere which forms the bottom of the retort. Hence, by adding this part of the mould to the end of the two others, the resulting apparatus presents in its interior, the exact mould of the outside of the retort; an empty cylindrical portion t t, whose axis is the same as that of the cylinder u u, and whose surface, if prolonged, would be every where distant from the surface u u, by a quantity equal to the desired thickness of the retort. The diameter of the cylinder t t is precisely equal to that of the core, which is slightly conical, in order that it may enter easily into this aperture t t, and close it very exactly when it is introduced to the collet or neck.

The three parts of the mould and the core being prepared, the two pieces p q, must first be united, and supported in an upright position; then the core must be let down into the opening t t, fig. 477. When the plate or disc o o of the core is supported upon the mould, we must see that the end of the core is every where equally distant from the edge of the external surface u u, and that it does not go too far beyond the line q q. Should there be an inaccuracy, we must correct it by slender iron slips placed under the edge of the disc o o; then by means of a cast iron cross, and screw bolts v v, we fix the core immovably. The whole apparatus is now set down upon r s, and we fix with screw bolts the plane surface q q upon r r; then introduce the melted metal by an aperture z, which has been left at the upper part of the mould.

When, instead of the example now selected, the core of the piece to be cast must go beyond the mould of the external surface, as is the case with a pipe open at each end, the thing is more simple, because we may easily adjust and fix the core by its two ends.

In casting a retort, the metal is poured into the mould set upright. It is important to maintain this position in the two last examples of casting; for all the foreign matters which may soil the metal during its flow, as the sand, the charcoal, gases, scoriÆ, being less dense than it, rise constantly to the surface. The hydrostatic pressure produced by a high gate, or filling-in aperture, contributes much to secure the soundness and solidity of the casting. This gate piece being superfluous, is knocked off almost immediately after, or even before the casting cools. Very long, and somewhat slender pieces, are usually cast in moulds set up obliquely to the horizon. As the metal shrinks in cooling, the mould should always be somewhat larger than the object intended to be cast. The iron founder reckons in general upon a linear shrinkage of a ninety-sixth part; that is one-eighth of an inch per foot.

Cupola furnace

Melting of the cast-iron.—The metal is usually melted in a cupola furnace, of which the dimensions are very various. Fig. 478. represents in plan, section, and elevation, one of these furnaces of the largest size; being capable of founding 5 tons of cast-iron at a time. It is kindled by laying a few chips of wood upon its bottom, leaving the orifice c open, and it is then filled up to the throat with coke. The fire is lit at c, and in a quarter or half an hour, when the body of fuel is sufficiently kindled, the tuyÈre blast is set in action. The flame issues then by the mouth as well as the orifice c, which has been left open on purpose to consolidate it by the heat. Without this precaution, the sides which are made up in argillaceous sand after each day’s work, would not present the necessary resistance. A quarter of an hour afterwards, the orifice c is closed with a lump of moist clay, and sometimes, when the furnace is to contain a great body of melted metal, the clay is supported by means of a small plate of cast-iron fixed against the furnace. Before the blowing machine is set a going, the openings g g g had been kept shut. Those of them wanted for the tuyÈres are opened in succession, beginning at the lowest, the tuyÈres being raised according as the level of the fused iron stands higher in the furnace. The same cupola may receive at a time from one to six tuyÈres, through which the wind is propelled by the centrifugal action of an excentric fan or ventilator. It does not appear to be ascertained whether there be any advantage in placing more than two tuyÈres facing each other upon opposite sides of the furnace. Their diameter at the nozzle varies from 3 to 5 inches. They are either cylindrical or slightly conical. A few minutes after the tuyÈres have begun to blow, when the coke sinks in the furnace, alternate charges of coke and pig iron must be thrown in. The metal begins to melt in about 20 minutes after its introduction; and successive charges are then made every 10 minutes nearly; each charge containing from 2 cwt. to 5 cwt. of iron, and a quantity proportional to the estimate given below. The amount of the charges varies of course with the size of the furnace, and the speed required for the operation. The pigs must be previously broken into pieces weighing at most 14 or 16 pounds. The vanes of the blowing fan make from 625 to 650 turns per minute. The two cupolas represented fig. 478., and another alongside in the plan, may easily melt 61/2 tons of metal in 23/4 hours; that is 21/3 tons per hour. This result is three or four times greater than what was formerly obtained in similar cupolas, when the blast was thrown in from small nozzles with cylinder bellows, moved by a steam engine of 10 horses power.

In the course of a year, a considerable foundry like that represented in the plan, fig. 467., will consume about 300 tons of coke in melting 1240 tons of cast iron; consisting of 940 tons of pigs of different qualities, and 300 tons of broken castings, gate-pieces, &c. Thus, it appears that 48 pounds of coke are consumed for melting every 2 cwt. of metal.

Somewhat less coke is consumed when the fusion is pushed more rapidly to collect a great body of melted metal, for casting heavy articles; and more is consumed when, as in making many small castings, the progress of the founding has to be slackened from time to time; otherwise, the metal would remain too long in a state of fusion, and probably become too cold to afford sharp impressions of the moulds.

It sometimes happens that in the same day, with the same furnace, pieces are to be cast containing several proportions of different kinds of iron; in which case, to prevent an intermixture with the preceding or following charges, a considerable bed of coke is interposed. Though there be thus a little waste of fuel, it is compensated by the improved adaptation of the castings to their specific objects. The founding generally begins at about 3 o’clock, P. M., and goes on till 6 or 8 o’clock. One founder, aided by four labourers for charging, &c., can manage two furnaces.

The following is the work of a well-managed foundry in Derby.

200 lbs. of coke are requisite to melt, or bring down (in the language of the founders), 1 ton of cast-iron, after the cupola has been brought to its proper heat, by the combustion in it of 9 baskets of coak, weighing by my trials, 40 pounds each, = 360 lbs.

The chief talent of the founder consists in discovering the most economical mixtures, and so compounding them as to produce the desired properties in the castings. One piece, for example, may be required to have great strength and tenacity to bear heavy weights or strains; another must yield readily to the chisel or the file; a third must resist sudden alternations of temperature; and a fourth must be pretty hard.

The filling in of the melted metal is managed in two ways. For strong pieces, whose moulds can be buried in the ground at 7 or 8 yards distance from the furnace, the metal may be run in gutters, formed in the sand of the floor, sustained by plates or stones. The clay plug is pierced with an iron rod, when all is ready.

When from the smaller size, or greater distance of the moulds, the melted metal cannot be run along the floor from the furnace, it is received in cast-iron pots or ladles, lined with a coat of loam. These are either carried by the hands of two or more men, or transported by the crane. Between the successive castings, the discharge hole of the furnace is closed with a lump of clay, applied by means of a stick, having a small disc of iron fixed at its end.

After the metal is somewhat cooled, the moulds are taken asunder, and the excrescences upon the edges of the castings are broken off with a hammer. They are afterwards more carefully trimmed or chipped by a chisel when quite cold. The loss of weight in founding is about 61/2 per cent. upon the pig iron employed. Each casting always requires the melting of considerably more than its own weight of iron. This excess forms the gates, false seams, &c.; the whole of which being deducted, shows that 1 cwt. of coke is consumed for every 3 cwt. of iron put into the furnace; for every 138 cwt. of crude metal, there will be 100 cwt. of castings, 32 of refuse pieces, and 6 of waste.

Explanation of the plates.

Manner of constructing the Mould of a Sugar-pan.

Fig. 468. View of the pan.

g.469. Flat ring of cast-iron for supporting the inner mould.

g.470. Construction of the inner mould.

g.471. Formation of the outer surface of the pan.

g.472. Finished mould.

g.473. Position of the two flat cast-iron rings, destined to sustain the moulds of the inner and the outer surface.

Gas-retort Moulding.

g.474. Vertical projection, perpendicular to the axis of the retort; and two sections, the one upright, the other horizontal.

g.475. Construction of the core of the retort.

g.476. Disposition of the outer mould.

g.477. Adjustment of the core in the mould.

g.478. Cupola furnace. It is 3 feet wide within, and 131/2 high.

m m, solid body of masonry, as a basis to the furnace.

b b, octagonal platform of cast iron, with a ledge in which the plates a a a a are engaged.

a a, eight plates of cast iron, 1 inch thick, absolutely similar; only one of them is notched at its lower part in c, to allow the melted metal to run out, and two of the others have six apertures g g g, &c. to admit the tuyÈres.

c, orifice for letting the metal flow out. A kind of cast iron gutter, e, lined with loam is fitted to the orifice.

d, hoops of hammered iron, 41/4 inches broad; one half of an inch thick for the bottom ones; and a quarter of an inch for the upper ones. The intermediate hoops decrease in thickness from below upwards between these limits.

e, cast iron gutter or spout, lined with loam, for running off the metal.

f f, cylindrical piece of cast iron, for increasing the height and draught of the furnace.

g, side openings for receiving the tuyÈres, of which there are six upon each side of the furnace. Each of them may be shut at pleasure, by means of a small cast iron plate h, made to slide horizontally in grooves sunk in the main plate, pierced with the holes g g.

k k, interior lining of the surface, made of sand, somewhat argillaceous, in the following way. After having laid at the bottom of the furnace a bed of sand a few inches thick, slightly sloped towards the orifice of discharge, there is set upright, in the axis of the cupola, a wooden cylinder of its whole height, and of a diameter a little less than that of the vacant space belonging to the top of the furnace. Sand is to be then rammed in so as to fill the whole of the furnace; after which the wooden cylinder is withdrawn, and the lining of sand is cut or shaved away, till it has received the proper form.

This lining lasts generally 5 or 6 weeks, when there are 6 meltings weekly.

i i, cast iron circular plate, through which the mouth of the furnace passes, for protecting the lining in k during the introduction of the charges.

N N, level of the floor of the foundry. The portion of it below the running out orifice consists of sand, so that it may be readily sunk when it is wished to receive the melted metal in ladles or pots of large dimensions.


The fan distributes the blast from the main pipe to three principal points, by three branch tubes of distribution. A register, consisting of a cast-iron plate sliding with friction in a frame, serves to intercept the blast at any moment, when it is not desirable to stop the moving power. A large main pipe of zinc or sheet iron is fitted to the orifice of the slide valve. It is square at the beginning, or only rounded at the angles; but at a little distance it becomes cylindrical, and conducts the blast to the divaricating points. There, each of the branches turns up vertically, and terminates at b b, fig. 479., where it presents a circular orifice of 71/2 inches. Upon each of the upright pipes b, the one end of an elbow-tube of zinc c c c c, fig. 479., is adjusted rather loosely, and the other end receives a tuyÈre of wrought iron d d, through the intervention of a shifting hose or collar of leather c c d, hooped with iron wire to both the tube and the tuyÈre. The portion c c c c may be raised or lowered, by sliding upon the pipe b, in order to bring the nozzle of the tuyÈre d d, to the requisite point of the furnace. The portion c c c c may be made also of wrought iron. A power of 4 horses is adequate to drive this fan, for supplying blast to 3 furnaces.

The founders have observed the efflux of air was not the same when blown into the atmosphere, as it was when blown into the furnaces; the velocity of the fan, with the same impulsive power, being considerably increased in the latter case. They imagine that this circumstance arises from the blast being sucked in, so to speak, by the draught of the furnace, and that the fan then supplied a greater quantity of air.

The following experimental researches show the fallacy of this opinion. Two water syphons, e e e, f f f, made of glass tubes, one-fifth of an inch in the bore, were inserted into the tuyÈre, containing water in the portions g g g, h h h. The one of these manometers for measuring the pressure of the air was inserted at k, the other in the centre of the nozzle. The size of this glass tube was too small to obstruct in any sensible degree the outlet of the air. It was found that when the tuyÈres of the fan discharged into the open air, the expenditure by a nozzle of a constant diameter was proportional to the number of the revolutions of the vanes. It was further found, that when the speed of the vanes was constant, the expenditure by one or by two nozzles was proportional to the total area of these nozzles. The following formulÆ give the volume of air furnished by the fan, when the number of turns and the area of the nozzles are known.

Volume = 25·32 S n1,000,000n(1)

Volume = 0·86'6'7 S n1,000,000(2)

The volume is measured at 32° Fahr., under a pressure of 29·6 inches barom.

S = is the total area of the orifices of the tuyÈres in square inches.

n = the number of turns of the vanes in a minute.

After measuring the speed of the vanes blowing into the atmosphere, if we introduce the nozzle of discharge into the orifice of the furnace, we shall find that their speed immediately augments in a notable degree. We might, therefore, naturally suppose that the fan furnishes more air in the second case than in the first; but a little reflection will show that it is not so. In fact, the air which issues in a cold state from the tuyÈre encounters instantly in the furnace a very high temperature, which expands it, and contributes, along with the solid matters with which the furnace is filled, to diminish the facility of the discharge, and consequently to retard the efflux by the nozzles. The oxygen gas consumed is replaced by a like volume of carbonic acid gas, equally expansible by heat. Reason leads us to conclude that less air flows from the nozzles into the furnace than into the open atmosphere.

The increase in the velocity of the vanes takes place precisely in the same manner, when after having made the nozzles blow into the atmosphere, we substitute for these nozzles others of a smaller diameter, instead of directing the larger ones into the furnace. Hence we may conceive that the proximity of the charged furnace acts upon the blast like the contraction of the nozzles. When the moving power is uniform, and the velocity of the vanes remains the same, the quantity of air discharged must also be the same in the two cases.

Two tuyÈres, one 5 inches in diameter, the other 41/2, and which, consequently, presented a total area of 351/2 square inches, discharged air into one of the furnaces, from a fan whose vanes performed 654 turns in the minute. These two nozzles being briskly withdrawn from the furnace, and turned round to the free air, while a truncated pasteboard cone of 31/2 inches diameter was substituted for the nozzle of 41/2 inches, whereby the area of efflux was reduced to 29·3 square inches, the velocity of the vanes continued exactly the same. The inverse operation having been performed, that is to say, the two original nozzles having been smartly replaced in the furnace, to discover whether or not the moving power had changed in the interval of the experiment, they betrayed no perceptible alteration of speed. From the measures taken to count the speed, the error could not exceed 3 revolutions per minute, which is altogether unimportant upon the number 654.

It follows, therefore, that when the vanes of the fan have the velocity of 654 turns per minute, the expenditure by two nozzles, whose joint area is 351/2 square inches, both blowing into a furnace, is to the expenditure which takes place, when the same nozzles blow into the air, as 35·5 is to 29·3; that is, a little more than 4-fifths.

If this be, as is probable, a general rule for areas and speeds considerably different from the above, to find the quantity of air blown into one or more furnaces by the fan, we should calculate the volume by one of the above formulÆ (1) or (2), and take 4-fifths of the result, as the true quantity.

The fan A C here represented is of the best excentric form, as constructed by Messrs. Braithwaite and Ericsson. D is the circular orifice round the axis by which the air is admitted; and C C B is the excentric channel through which the air is wafted towards the main discharge pipe E.

FOUNTAIN; a stream of water rising up through the superficial strata of the earth. See Artesian Wells.

FOXING, is a term employed by brewers to characterize the souring of beer, in the process of its fermentation or ripening.

FRANKFORT BLACK; is made by calcining vine branches, and the other refuse lees of the vinegar vats in Germany. They must be previously washed.

FREEZING. (Congelation, Fr.; Gefrierung, Germ.) The three general forms, solid, liquid, and gaseous, under one or other of which all kinds of matter exist, seem to be immediately referrible to the influence of heat; modifying, balancing, or subduing the attraction of cohesion. Every solid may be liquefied, and every liquid may be vaporized, by a certain infusion of caloric, whether this be regarded as a moving power, or an elastic essence. The converse of this proposition is equally true; for many gases, till lately styled permanent, may be liquefied, nay, even solidified, by diminution of their temperature, either alone, or aided by a condensing force, to bring their particles within the sphere of aggregative attraction. When a solid is transformed into a liquid, and a liquid into a gas or vapour, a quantity more or less considerable of heat is absorbed, or becomes latent, to use the term of Dr. Black, the celebrated discoverer of this great law of nature. When the opposite transformation takes place, the heat absorbed is again emitted, or what was latent becomes sensible caloric. Upon the first principle, or the absorption of heat, are founded the various artificial methods of producing cold and congelation.

Tables, exhibiting a collective view of all the Frigorific Mixtures contained in Mr. Walker’s publication, 1808.

I.—Table consisting of Frigorific Mixtures, composed of ice, with chemical salts and acids.

Frigorific Mixtures with Ice.

MIXTURES. Thermometer sinks. Deg. of
Snow, or pounded ice 2 parts From
- to -5° *
Muriate of soda 1
Snow, or pounded ice 5 parts to -12° *
Muriate of soda 2
Muriate of ammonia 1
Snow, or pounded ice 24 parts to -18° *
Muriate of soda 10
Muriate of ammonia 5
Nitrate of potash 5
Snow, or pounded ice 12 parts to -25° *
Muriate of soda 5
Nitrate of ammonia 5
Snow 3 parts From +32° to -23° 55
Diluted sulphuric acid 2
Snow 8 parts From +32° to -27° 59
Muriatic acid 5
Snow 7 parts From +32° to -30° 62
Diluted nitric acid 4
Snow 4 parts From +32° to -40° 72
Muriate of lime 5
Snow 2 parts From +32° to -50° 82
Cryst. muriate of lime 3
Snow 3 parts From +32° to -51° 83
Potash 4

N. B.—The reason for the omissions in the last column of the preceding table is, the thermometer sinking in these mixtures to the degree mentioned in the preceding column, and never lower, whatever may be the temperature of the materials at mixing.

II.—Table, consisting of Frigorific Mixtures, having the power of generating or creating cold, without the aid of ice, sufficient for all useful and philosophical purposes, in any part of the world at any season.

Frigorific Mixtures without Ice.

MIXTURES. Thermometer sinks. Deg. of
Muriate of ammonia 5 parts From +50° to +10° 40 °
Nitrate of potash 5
Water 16
Muriate of ammonia 5 parts From +50° to +4° 46
Nitrate of potash 5
Sulphate of soda 8
Water 16
Nitrate of ammonia 1 part From +50° to +4° 46
Water 1
Nitrate of ammonia 1 part From +50° to -7° 57
Carbonate of soda 1
Water 1
Sulphate of soda 3 parts From +50° to -3° 53
Diluted nitric acid 2
Sulphate of soda 6 parts From +50° to -10° 60
Muriate of ammonia 4
Nitrate of potash 2
Diluted nitric acid 4
Sulphate of soda 6 parts From +50° to -14° 64
Nitrate of ammonia 5
Diluted nitric acid 4
Phosphate of soda 9 parts From +50° to -12° 62
Diluted nitric acid 4
Phosphate of soda 9 parts From +50° to -21° 71
Nitrate of ammonia 6
Diluted nitric acid 4
Sulphate of soda 8 parts From +50° to 0° 50
Muriatic acid 5
Sulphate of soda 5 parts From +50° to +3° 47
Diluted sulphuric acid 4

N. B.—If the materials are mixed at a warmer temperature than that expressed in the table, the effect will be proportionably greater; thus, if the most powerful of these mixtures be made when the air is +85°, it will sink the thermometer to +2°.

III.—Table consisting of Frigorific Mixtures selected from the foregoing Tables, and combined so as to increase or extend cold to the extremest degrees.

Combinations of Frigorific Mixtures.

MIXTURES. Thermometer sinks. Deg. of
Phosphate of soda 5 parts From 0° to -34° 34
Nitrate of ammonia 3
Diluted nitric acid 4
Phosphate of soda 3 parts From -34° to -50° 16
Nitrate of ammonia 2
Diluted mixed acids 4
Snow 3 parts From 0° to -46° 46
Diluted nitric acid 2
Snow 8 parts From -10° to -56° 46
Diluted sulphuric acid 3
Diluted nitric acid 3
Snow 1 part From -20° to -60° 40
Diluted sulphuric acid 1
Snow 3 parts From +20° to -48° 68
Muriate of lime 4
Snow 3 parts From +10° to -54° 64
Muriate of lime 4
Snow 2 parts From -15° to -68° 53
Muriate of lime 3
Snow 1 part From 0° to -66° 66
Cryst. muriate of lime 2
Snow 1 part From -40° to -73° 33
Cryst. muriate of lime 3
Snow 8 parts From -68° to -91° 23
Diluted sulphuric acid 10

N. B.—The materials in the first column are to be cooled, previously to mixing, to the temperature required, by mixtures taken from either of the preceding tables.

Water absorbs 1000 degrees of heat in becoming vapour; whence, if placed in a saucer within an exhausted receiver, over a basin containing strong sulphuric acid, it will freeze by the rapid absorption of its heat into the vapour so copiously formed under these circumstances.

But the most powerful means of artificial refrigeration is afforded by the evaporation of liquefied carbonic acid gas; for the frozen carbonic acid thus obtained, has probably a temperature 100° under zero; so that when a piece of it is laid upon quicksilver, it instantly congeals this metal. The more copious discussion of this subject belongs to chemical science.

FRENCH BERRIES; Berries of Avignon.

FRICTION, counteraction of; see Lubrication.

FRIT; see Enamel and Glass.

FUEL; (Combustible, Fr; Brennstoff, Germ.).

Such combustibles as are used for fires or furnaces are called fuel, as wood, turf, pitcoal. These differ in their nature, and in their power of giving heat.

I. Wood, which is divided into hard and soft. To the former belong the oak, the beech, the alder, the birch, and the elm; to the latter, the fir, the pine of different sorts, the larch, the linden, the willow, and the poplar.

Under like dryness and weight, different woods are found to afford equal degrees of heat in combustion. Moisture diminishes the heating power in three ways; by diminishing the relative weight of the ligneous matter, by wasting heat in its evaporation, and by causing slow and imperfect combustion. If a piece of wood contain, for example, 25 per cent. of water, then it contains only 75 per cent. of fuel, and the evaporation of that water will require 1/28 part of the weight of the wood. Hence the damp wood is of less value in combustion by 8/28 or 2/7 than the dry. The quantity of moisture in newly felled wood amounts to from 20 to 50 per cent.; birch contains 30, oak 35, beech and pine 39, alder 41, fir 45. According to their different natures, woods which have been felled and cleft for 12 months contain still from 20 to 25 per cent. of water. There is never less than 10 per cent. present, even when it has been kept long in a dry place, and though it be dried in a strong heat, it will afterwards absorb 10 or 12 per cent. of water. If it be too strongly kiln dried, its heating powers are impaired by the commencement of carbonization, as if some of its hydrogen were destroyed. It may be assumed as a mean of many experimental results, that 1 pound of artificially dried wood will heat 35 pounds of water from the freezing to the boiling point; and that a pound of such wood as contains from 20 to 25 per cent. of water will heat 26 pounds of ice-cold water to the same degree. It is better to buy wood by measure than by weight, as the bulk is very little increased by moisture. The value of different woods for fuel is inversely as their moisture, and this may easily be ascertained by taking their shavings, drying them in a heat of 140° F., and seeing how much weight they lose.

From every combustible the heat is diffused either by radiation or by direct communication to bodies in contact with the flame. In a wood fire the quantity of radiating heat is to that diffused by the air, as 1 to 3; or it is one fourth of the whole heating power.

II. Charcoal. The different charcoals afford, under equal weights, equal quantities of heat. We may reckon, upon an average, that a pound of dry charcoal is capable of heating 73 pounds of water from the freezing to the boiling point; but when it has been for some time exposed to the air, it contains at least 10 per cent. of water, which is partially decomposed in the combustion into carburetted hydrogen, which causes flame, whereas pure dry charcoal emits none.

A cubic foot of charcoal from soft wood weighs upon an average from 8 to 9 pounds, and from hard wood 12 to 13 pounds; and hence the latter are best adapted to maintain a high heat in a small compass. The radiating heat from charcoal fires constitutes one third of the whole emitted.

III. Pitcoal. The varieties of this coal are almost indefinite, and give out very various quantities of heat in their combustion. The carbon is the heat-giving constituent, and it amounts, in different coals, to from 75 to 95 per cent. One pound of good pitcoal will, upon an average, heat 60 pounds of water from the freezing to the boiling point. Small coal gives out three-fourths of the heat of the larger lumps. The radiating heat emitted by burning pitcoal is greater than that by charcoal.

IV. The coke of pitcoal.—The heating power of good coke is to that of pitcoal as 75 to 69. One pound of the former will heat 65 pounds of water from 32° to 212°; so that its power is equal to nine-tenths of that of wood charcoal.

V. Turf or peat.—One pound of this fuel will heat from 25 to 30 pounds of water from freezing to boiling. Its value depends upon its compactness and freedom from earthy particles; and its radiating power is to the whole heat it emits in burning, as 1 to 3.

VI. Carburetted hydrogen or coal gas.—One pound of this gas, equal to about 24 cubic feet, disengages in burning, as much heat as will raise 76 pounds of water from the freezing to the boiling temperature.

In the following table the fourth column contains the weight of atmospherical air, whose oxygen is required for the complete combustion of a pound of each particular substance.

Species of combustible. Pounds of
water which
a pound can
heat from
0° to 212°.
Pounds of
boiling water
by 1 pound.
Weight of
air at 32°,
to burn
1 pound.
Perfectly dry wood 35·00 6·36 5·96
Wood in its ordinary state 26·00 4·72 4·47
Wood charcoal 73·00 13·27 11·46
Pitcoal 60·00 10·90 9·26
Coke 65·00 11·81 11·46
Turf 30·00 5·45 4·60
Turf charcoal 64·00 11·63 9·86
Carburetted hydrogen gas 76·00 13·81 14·58
Oil - 78·00 14·18 15·00
Alcohol of the shops 52·60 9·56 11·60

The quantity of air stated in the fourth column, is the smallest possible required to burn the combustible, and is greatly less than would be necessary in practice, where much of the air never comes into contact with the burning body, and where it consequently never has its whole oxygen consumed. The heating power stated in the second column is also the maximum effect, and can seldom be realized with ordinary boilers. The draught of air usually carries off at least 1/7 of the heat, and more if its temperature be very high when it leaves the vessel. In this case it may amount to one half of the whole heat or more; without reckoning the loss by radiation and conduction, which however may be rendered very small by enclosing the fire and flues within proper non-conducting and non-radiating materials.

It appears that in practice, the quantity of heat which may be obtained from any combustible in a properly mounted apparatus, must vary with the nature of the object to be heated. In heating chambers by stoves, and water boilers by furnaces, the effluent heat in the chimney which constitutes the principal waste, may be reduced to a very moderate quantity, in comparison of that which escapes from the best constructed reverberatory hearth. In heating the boilers of steam engines, one pound of coal is reckoned adequate to convert 71/2 pounds of boiling water into vapour; or to heat 411/4 pounds of water from the freezing to the boiling point. One pound of fir of the usual dryness will evaporate 4 pounds of water, or heat 22 pounds to the boiling temperature; which is about two-thirds of the maximum effect of this combustible. According to Watt’s experiments upon the great scale, one pound of coal can boil off with the best built boiler, 9 pounds of water; the deficiency from the maximum effect being here 10/57, or nearly one-sixth.

In many cases the hot air which passes into the flues or chimneys may be beneficially applied to the heating, drying, or roasting of objects; but care ought to be taken that the draught of the fire be not thereby impaired, and an imperfect combustion of the fuel produced. For at a low smothering temperature both carbonic oxide and carburetted hydrogen may be generated from coal, without the production of much heat in the fire-place.

To determine exactly the quantity of heat disengaged by any combustible in the act of burning, three different systems of apparatus have been employed; 1. the calorimeter of Lavoisier and Laplace, in which the substance is burned in the centre of a vessel, whose walls are lined with ice; and the amount of ice melted, measures the heat evolved; 2. the calorimeter of Watt and Rumford, in which the degree of heat communicated to a given body of water affords the measure of temperature; and 3. by the quantity of water evaporated by different kinds of fuel in similar circumstances.

Fuel testing apparatus

If our object be to ascertain the relative heating powers of different kinds of fuel, we need not care so much about the total waste of heat in the experiments, provided it be the same in all; and therefore they should be burned in the same furnace, and in the same way. But the more economically the heat is applied, the greater certainty will there be in the results. The apparatus, fig. 480., is simple and well adapted to make such comparative trials of fuel. The little furnace is covered at top, and transmits its burned air by c, through a spiral tube immersed in a cistern of water, having a thermometer inserted near its top, and another near its bottom, into little side orifices a a, while the effluent air escapes from the upright end of the tube b. Here also a thermometer bulb may be placed. The average indication of the two thermometers gives the mean temperature of the water. As the water evaporates from the cistern, it is supplied from a vessel placed alongside of it. The experiment should be begun when the furnace has acquired an equability of temperature. A throttle valve at c serves to regulate the draught, and to equalize it in the different experiments by means of the temperature of the effluent air. When the water has been heated the given number of degrees, which should be the same in the different experiments, the fire may be extinguished, the remaining fuel weighed, and compared with the original quantity. Care should be taken to make the combustion as vivid and free from smoke as possible.

FULGURATION; designates the sudden brightening of the melted gold and silver in the cupel of the assayer, when the last film of vitreous lead and copper leaves their surface.

FULLER’S EARTH, (Terre À foulon, Argile Smectique, Fr.; Walkererde, Germ.) is a soft, friable, coarse or fine grained mass of lithomarge clay. Its colour is greenish, or yellowish gray; it is dull, but assumes a fatty lustre upon pressure with the fingers, feels unctuous, does not adhere to the tongue, and has a specific gravity varying from 1·82 to 2·19. It falls down readily in water, into a fine powder, with extrication of air bubbles, and forms a non-plastic paste. It melts at a high heat into a brown slag. Its constituents are 53·0 silica; 10·0 alumina; 9·75 red oxide of iron; 1·25 magnesia; 0·5 lime; 24 water, with a trace of potash. Its cleansing action upon woollen stuffs depends upon its power of absorbing greasy matters. It should be neither tenacious nor sandy; for in the first case, it would not diffuse itself well through water, and in the second it would abrade the cloth too much. The finely divided silica is one of its useful ingredients.

Fuller’s earth is found in several counties of England; but in greatest abundance in Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Hampshire, and Surry.

In the county of Surry there are great quantities of fuller’s earth found about Nutfield, Ryegate, and Blechingley, to the south of the Downs, and some, but of inferior quality, near Sutton and Croydon, to the north of them. The most considerable pits are near Nutfield, between which place and Ryegate, particularly on Redhill, about a mile to the east of Ryegate, it lies so near the surface as frequently to be turned up by the wheels of the waggons. The fuller’s earth to the north of the road between Redhill and Nutfield, and about a quarter of a mile from the latter place, is very thin; the seam in general is thickest on the swell of the hill to the south of the road. It is not known how long this earth has been dug in Surry; the oldest pit now wrought is said to have lasted between 50 and 60 years, but it is fast wearing out. The seam of fuller’s earth dips in different directions. In one, if not in more cases, it inclines to the west with a considerable angle. There are two kinds of it, the blue and the yellow: the former, on the eastern side of the pit, is frequently within a yard of the surface, being covered merely with the soil—a tough, wet, clayey loam. A few yards to the west, the blue kind appears with an irony sand-stone, of nearly two yards in thickness, between it and the soil. The blue earth in this pit is nearly 16 feet deep. In some places the yellow kind is found lying upon the blue; there seems, indeed, to be no regularity either in the position or inclination of the strata where the fuller’s earth is found, nor any mark by which its presence could be detected. It seems rather thrown in patches than laid in any continued or regular vein. In the midst of the fuller’s earth are often found large pieces of stone of a yellow colour, translucent and remarkably heavy, which have been found to be sulphate of barytes, encrusted with quartzose crystals. These are carefully removed from the fuller’s earth, as the workmen say they often spoil many tons of it which lie about them. There is also found with the yellow fuller’s earth a dark brown crust, which the workmen consider as injurious also. In Surry the price of fuller’s earth seems to have varied very little, at least for these last 80 years. In 1730, the price at the pit was 6d. a sack, and 6s. per load or ton. In 1744, it was nearly the same. It is carried in waggons, each drawing from three to four tons, to the beginning of the iron railway near Westham, along which it is taken to the banks of the Thames, where it is sold at the different wharfs for about 25s. or 26s. per ton. It is then shipped off either to the north or west of England.

The next characteristic stratum, owing to its forming a ridge of conspicuous hills through the country, is the Woburn land, a thick ferruginous stratum, which below its middle contains a stratum of fuller’s earth. This is thicker and more pure in Aspley and Hogstye-end, two miles north-west of Woburn, than in any known place.

Fuller’s earth is found at Tillington, and consumed in the neighbouring fulling mills.

Mode of preparing fuller’s earth:—

After baking it is thrown into cold water, where it falls into powder, and the separation of the coarse from the fine is effectually accomplished, by a simple method used in the dry colour manufactories, called washing over. It is done in the following manner: Three or four tubs are connected on a line by spouts from their tops; in the first the earth is beat and stirred, and the water, which is continually running from the first to the last through intermediate ones, carries with it and deposits the fine, whilst the coarse settles in the first. The advantages to be derived from this operation are, that the two kinds will be much fitter for their respective purposes of cleansing coarse or fine cloth; for without baking the earth they would be unfit, as before noticed, to incorporate so minutely with the water in its native state; it would neither so readily fall down, nor so easily be divided into different qualities, without the process of washing over. When fuel is scarce for baking the earth, it is broken into pieces of the same size, as mentioned above, and then exposed to the heat of the sun.

The various uses of fuller’s earth may be shortly explained. According to the above method, the coarse and fine of one pit being separated, the first is used for cloths or an inferior, and the second for those of a superior quality. The yellow and the blue earths of Surry are of different qualities naturally, and are like the above, obtained artificially, and used for different purposes. The former, which is deemed the best, is employed in fulling the kerseymeres and finer cloths of Wiltshire and Gloucestershire, whilst the blue is principally sent into Yorkshire for the coarser cloths. Its effects on these cloths is owing to the affinity which alumine has for greasy substances; it unites readily with them, and forms combinations which easily attach themselves to different stuffs, and thereby serve the purpose of mordants in some measure. The fullers generally apply it before they use the soap.

FULLING; for the theory of the process, see Felting, and Wool.

FULLING MILL. Willan and Ogle obtained a patent in 1825 for improved fulling machinery, designed to act in a similar way to the ordinary stocks, in which cloths are beaten, for the purpose of washing and thickening them; but the standard and the bed of the stocks are made of iron instead of wood as heretofore; and a steam vessel is placed under the bed, for heating the cloths during the operation of fulling; whereby their appearance is said to be greatly improved.

Fulling machine

Fig. 480*. is a section of the fulling machine or stocks; a, is a cast-iron pillar, made hollow for the sake of lightness; b, is the bed of the stocks, made also of iron, and polished smooth, the side of the stock being removed to shew the interior; c, is the lever that carries the beater d. The cloths are to be placed on the bed b, at bottom, and water allowed to pass through the stock, when by the repeated blows of the beater d, which is raised and let fall in the usual way, the cloths are beaten, and become cleansed and fulled.

A part of the bed at e, is made hollow, for the purpose of forming a steam box, into which steam from a boiler is introduced by a pipe with a stop-cock. This steam heats the bed of the stock, and greatly facilitates, as well as improves the process of cleansing and fulling the cloths.

The smoothness of the surface of the polished metal, of which the bed of the stock is constituted, is said to be very much preferable to the roughness of the surface of wood of which ordinary fulling stocks are made, as by these iron stocks less of the nap or felt of the cloth is removed, and its appearance when finished is very much superior to cloths fulled in ordinary stocks.

In the operation of fulling, the cloths are turned over on the bed, by the falling of the beaters, but this turning over of the cloths will depend in a great measure upon the form of the front or breast of the stock. In these improved stocks therefore, there is a contrivance by which the form of the front may be varied at pleasure, in order to suit cloths of different qualities; f, is a movable curved plate, constituting the front of the stock; its lower part is a cylindrical rod, extending along the entire width of the bed, and being fitted into a recess, forms a hinge joint upon which the curved plate moves; g, is a rod attached to the back of the curved plate f, with a screw thread upon it; this rod passes through a nut h, and by turning this nut, the rod is moved backward or forward, and consequently, the position of the curved plate altered.

The nut h, is a wheel with teeth, taking into two other similar toothed wheels, one on each side of it, which are likewise the nuts of similar rods jointed to the back of the curved plate f; by turning the central wheel, therefore, which may be done by a winch, the other two wheels are turned also, and the curved plate moved backward or forward. At the upper part of the plate there are pins passing through curved slots, which act as guides when the plate is moved.

The patentees state in conclusion, that steam has been employed before for heating cloths while fulling them, they therefore do not exclusively claim its use, except in the particular way described; the advantages arising from the construction of iron stocks, with polished surfaces in place of wooden ones, together with the movable curved plates described, are in their opinion “sufficiently important to constitute a patent right.”

FULMINATES, or fulminating powders. Of these explosive compounds, there are several species; such as fulminating gold, mercury, platinum, silver; besides the old fusible mixture of nitre, sulphur, and potash. The only kind at all interesting in a manufacturing point of view is the fulminate of mercury, now so extensively used as a priming to the caps of percussion locks. Having published a paper in the Journal of the Royal Institution for 1831, upon gunpowder (see Gunpowder), the result of an elaborate suite of experiments, I was soon afterwards requested by the Hon. the Board of Ordnance to make such researches as would enable me to answer, in a satisfactory practical manner, a series of questions upon fulminating powders, subservient to the future introduction of percussion musquets into the British army. The following is a verbatim copy of my report upon the subject:—

To the Secretary of the Board of Ordnance.

Sir,—I have the honour of informing you, for the instruction of the Honourable the Master General and the Board of Ordnance, that the researches on fulminating mercury, which I undertook by their desire, have been brought to a satisfactory conclusion, after a numerous, diversified, and somewhat hazardous series of experiments. The following are the questions submitted to me, with their respective answers:—

Question 1. What proportions of mercury, with nitric acid and alcohol of certain strengths, will yield the greatest quantity of pure fulminate of mercury?

Answer. One hundred parts, by weight, of mercury, must be dissolved with a gentle heat, in 1000 parts (also by weight) of nitric acid, spec. gr. 1·4; and this solution, at the temperature of about 130° Fahr. must be poured into 830 parts by weight of alcohol, spec. gr. 0·830.—Note. 830 parts of such alcohol, by weight, constitute 1000 by measure; and 1000 parts of such nitric acid, by weight, constitute 740 by measure. Hence, in round numbers, one ounce weight of quicksilver must be dissolved in 71/2 oz. measures of the above designated nitric acid, and the resulting solution must be poured into 10 oz. measures of the said alcohol.

Question 2. What is the most economical and safe process for conducting the manipulation, either as regards the loss of nitrous gas and residuum, or as respects danger to the operator; also, what is the readiest and safest mode of mixing the fulminate intimately with its due proportions of common gunpowder.

Answer. The mercury should be dissolved in the acid in a glass retort, the beak of which is loosely inserted into a large balloon or bottle of glass or earthenware, whereby the offensive fumes of the nitrous gas disengaged during the solution, are, in a considerable measure, condensed into liquid acid, which should be returned into the retort. As soon as the mercury is all dissolved, and the solution has acquired the prescribed temperature of about 130°, it should be slowly poured, through a glass or porcelain funnel, into the alcohol contained in a glass matrass or bottle capable of holding fully 6 times the bulk of the mixed liquids. In a few minutes bubbles of gas will proceed from the bottom of the liquid; these will gradually increase in number and magnitude till a general fermentative commotion, of a very active kind, is generated, and the mixture assumes a somewhat frothy appearance. A white voluminous gas now issues from the orifice of the matrass, which is very combustible, and must be suffered to escape freely into the air, at a distance from any flame. These fumes consist of an ethereous gas, holding mercury in suspension or combination. I have made many experiments with the view of condensing this gas, or, at least, the mercury, but with manifest disadvantage to the perfection of the process of producing fulminate. When the said gas is transmitted, through a glass tube, into a watery solution of carbonate of soda, a little oxide of mercury is, no doubt, recovered; but the pressure on the fermentative mixture, though slight, necessary to the displacement of the soda solution, seems to obstruct or impair the generation of the fulminate; this effect is chiefly injurious towards the end of the operation when the gaseous fumes are strongly impregnated with nitrous gas. When this is not allowed freely to come off, a portion of subnitrate or nitrate of mercury is apt to be formed, to the injury of the general process and the product.

As soon as the effervescence and concomitant emission of gas are observed to cease, the contents of the matrass should be turned out upon a paper double filter, fitted into a glass or porcelain funnel, and washed by the affusion of cold water till the drainings no longer redden litmus paper. The powder adhering to the matrass should be washed out and thrown on the filter by the help of a little water. Whenever the filter is thoroughly drained, it is to be lifted out of the funnel, and opened out on plated copper or stone ware, heated to 212° Fahr. by steam or hot water. The fulminate being thus dried, is to be put up in paper parcels of about 100 grains each; the whole of which may be afterwards packed away in a tight box, or a bottle with a cork stopper. The excellence of the fulminate may be ascertained, by the following characters. It consists of brownish-gray small crystals which sparkle in the sun, are transparent when applied to a slip of glass with a drop of water, and viewed by transmitted light. These minute spangles are entirely soluble in 130 times their weight of boiling water; that is to say, an imperial pint of boiling water will dissolve 67 grs. of pure fulminate. Whatever remains indicates impurity. From that solution beautiful pearly spangles of fulminate fall down as the liquid cools.

It may now be proper to show within what nice and narrow limits the best proportions of the ingredients used in making the fulminate of mercury lie. The following are selected from among many experiments instituted to determine that point, as well as the most economical process.

1. According to the formula given by the celebrated chemist Berzelius, in the 4th vol. of his “TraitÉ de Chimie,” recently published (p. 383.), the mercury should be dissolved in 12 times its weight of nitric acid sp. gr. 1·375; and alcohol of sp. gr. 0·850, amounting to 16·3 times the weight of the mercury, should be poured at intervals into the nitric solution. The mixture is then to be heated till effervescence with the characteristic cloud of gas appears. On the action becoming violent, alcohol is to be poured in from time to time to repress it, till additional 16·3 parts have been employed.

On this process I may remark, that it is expensive, troublesome, dangerous, and unproductive of genuine pure fulminate. One fifth more nitric acid is expended very nearly than what is necessary, and almost four times the weight of alcohol which is beneficial. Of alcohol at 0·83, 8·3 parts by weight are sufficient; whereas Berzelius prescribes nearly 4 times this quantity in weight, though the alcohol is somewhat weaker, being of sp. gr. 0·850. By using such an excess of alcohol, much of the fulminate is apt to be revived into globules of quicksilver at the end of the process, as I showed in my paper on this subject published in the Journal of the Royal Institution two years ago. There is no little hazard in pouring the alcohol into the nitric solution; for at each effusion an explosive blast takes place, whereas by pouring the solution into the alcohol, as originally enjoined by the Hon. Mr. Howard, the inventor of the process, no danger whatever is incurred. 100 parts of mercury treated in the way recommended by Berzelius afforded me only 112 parts of fulminate, instead of the 130 obtained by my much more economical and safe proportions and process from the same weight of quicksilver.

2. If 10 parts of nitric acid of sp. gr. 1·375 be used for dissolving 1 of quicksilver, and if 14 parts of alcohol of sp. gr. 0·85 be thereafter mixed with the solution, the product of such proportions will either be not granular, and therefore not fulminating, or it will be partially granular and partially pulverulent, being a mixture of fulminate and subnitrate of mercury ill adapted for priming detonating caps. Instead of 130 parts of genuine fulminate, as I do obtain, probably not more than 10 parts of powder will be produced, and that of indifferent quality. In fact, whenever the ethereous fermentation is defective, or not vigorous, little true fulminate is generated; but much of the mercury remains in the acidulated alcoholic liquid.

3. If the alcohol be poured in successive portions, and of proper strength (sp. gr. 0·83) into a proper nitric solution of mercury, the explosive action which accompanies each effusion dissipates much of the alcohol, and probably impairs the acid, so that the subsequent ethereous fermentation is defective, and little good fulminate is formed. From 100 parts of mercury submitted to this treatment, I obtained in one experiment carefully made, only 51 parts of a powder, which was impalpable, had a cream colour, and was not explosive either by heat or percussion.

4. When, with 100 parts of mercury, 800 of nitric acid of sp. gr. 1·375 are employed with 650 of alcohol of sp. gr. 846, no fulminate whatever is generated.

5. When with the proper proportions of mercury, acid, and alcohol, the process is advanced into a proper energy of fermentative commotion, if the matrass be immersed in cold water so as materially to repress that action, the process will be impaired, and will turn out ultimately defective both as to the quantity and quality of the fulminate. It is therefore evident that a certain energy or vivacity of etherization is essential to the full success of this curious process, and that any thing which checks it, or obstructs its taking place, is injurious and to be avoided.

When my proportions are observed in making fulminating mercury, somewhat less than one fourth of the nitric acid used in making the solution remains in the alcoholic mixture along with the fulminate. When other proportions are taken, much more acid remains. This acid is not recoverable to any useful or economical purpose, nor is the alcohol that is associated with it. Many distillations with various reagents have led me to this practical conclusion. In fact, when the process is most complete, as described in the first paragraph, the alcohol is entirely and profitably employed in etherization, and generating fulminic acid.

I have made a series of analytical experiments on the pure fulminate of mercury, with the view of determining its composition, the quantity of quicksilver present in it, and consequently the loss of mercury in the operation. I have stated that my maximum product of fulminate from 100 grs. of quicksilver is 130 grs. Occasionally from slight differences in the temperature of the mixture, or the ambient atmosphere, 2 grs. less may be obtained.

A. I dissolved 130 grs. with a gentle heat in muriatic acid contained in a small matrass, adding a few drops of the nitric to quicken the solution. On evaporating it to dryness, with much care to avoid volatilization of the salt, I obtained 125 grs. of corrosive sublimate or bi-chloride of mercury. But 125 grs. of this bi-chloride contain only 91·1 grs. of quicksilver. Therefore, by this experiment, 130 grs. of fulminate contain no more than 91·1 of mercury, indicating an exhalation of 8·9 parts in the form of fumes, or a retention in the residuary liquid of some of these 8·9 parts, out of the 100 originally employed.

B. In another experiment for analysis, 130 grs. dissolved as above, were thrown down by carbonate of soda. 95 grs. of black oxide of mercury were obtained, which are equivalent to 91·2 grs. of quicksilver; affording a confirmation of the preceding result.

C. 130 grs. of fulminate were dissolved in strong muriatic acid, and the solution was decomposed by crystals of proto-muriate of tin at a boiling temperature. The mercury was precipitated in globules to such amount as to verify the two preceding experiments.

Regarding fulminate of mercury as a bi-cyanate, that is, as a compound of one atom or one equivalent prime of deutoxide of mercury, and two primes of cyanic acid, we shall find its theoretical composition to be as follows, hydrogen being the radix, or 1.

2 Primes of Cyanic or fulminic Acid = 34× 2 = 68 24
1 Deutoxide of Mercury = 216 76
284 100

As these 284 parts of fulminate contain 200 of quicksilver, so 142 parts of fulminate will contain 100 of quicksilver. Whence it appears, that when only 130 parts of fulminate can be obtained in practice from 100 of quicksilver, 81/2 parts of quicksilver out of the 100 are unproductive, that is, are expended in the etherized gas, or left in the residuary acidulous liquid. By the above experimental and theoretical analysis, 91·5 parts of quicksilver enter into the composition of 130 parts of true crystalline fulminate. The complete accordance here exhibited between theory and practice removes every shadow of doubt as to the accuracy of the statements. 100 parts of fulminate consist of

Mercury - 70·4 - Peroxide 76 ·0
Oxygen 5·6
Fulminic acid 24
100 ·0

Question 3. May the gas or vapour produced by the inflammation of the fulminate of mercury, when combined with a portion of gunpowder, be considered in its nature corrosive of iron or brass?

Answer. I have suggested to Mr. Lovell, of Waltham Abbey works, that the fulminate may be probably diluted most advantageously with spirit varnish made of a proper consistence by dissolving sandarach in alcohol. When well mixed with this varnish, a small drop of the mixture will suffice for priming each copper cap or disc; and as the spirit evaporates immediately, the fulminate will be fixed to the copper beyond the risk of shaking or washing away. On the Continent, tincture of benjamin is used for the same purpose; but as that balsamic resin leaves in combustion a voluminous coal, which sandarach does not, the latter, which is the main constituent of spirit varnish, seems better adapted for this purpose. It is sufficiently combustible, and may be yet made by a due proportion, to soften the violence of the explosive mercury on the nipple of the touch-hole. Fulminate prepared by my formula has no corrosive influence whatsoever on iron or steel; and, therefore, if such a medium of applying it, as I have now taken leave to suggest, should be found to answer, all fears on the score of corrosion may for ever be set at rest.

Question 4. How far is the mixture (of fulminate and gunpowder) liable to be affected by the moisture of the atmosphere, or by the intrusion of water; and will such an accident affect its inflammability when dried again?

Answer. Well made fulminate, mixed with gunpowder and moistened, undergoes no change, nor is it apt to get deteriorated by keeping any length of time in a damp climate or a hazy atmosphere. Immersion in water would be apt to wash the nitre out of the pulverine; but this result would be prevented if the match or priming mixture were liquefied or brought to the pasty consistence not with water, but spirit varnish. Such detonating caps would be indestructible, and might be alternately moistened and dried without injury.

Question 5. Is it at all probable that the composition would be rendered more inflammable or dangerous of use, by the heat of tropical climates?

Answer. No elevation of temperature of an atmospheric kind, compatible with human existence, could cause spontaneous combustion of the fulminating mercury, or the detonating matches made with it. In fact, its explosive temperature is so high as 367° of Fahrenheit’s scale, and no inferior heat will cause its detonation.

Question 6. Is the mercurial vapour or gas arising from the ignition of a great number of primers, and combined with the smoke of gunpowder in a confined space (as in the case of troops in close bodies, squares, casemates, &c.) likely in its nature to be found prejudicial to human health?

Answer. I have exploded in rapid succession of portions, 100 grains of fulminate of mercury (equivalent to 300 or 400 primers), in a close chamber of small dimensions, without experiencing the slightest inconvenience at the period, or afterwards, though my head was surrounded by the vapours all the time of the operation. These vapours are, in fact, so heavy that they subside almost immediately. When the fulminate mixed with pulverine is exploded in the primers by condensed masses of troops, the mercury will cause no injury to their health, nor one 100th part of the deleterious impression on weak lungs which the gases of exploded gunpowder might by possibility inflict. These gases are all, theoretically speaking, noxious to respiration; such as carbonic acid gas, azote, carburetted hydrogen, and sulphuretted hydrogen, a deadly gas. Yet the soldier who should betray any fear of gunpowder smoke would be an object of just ridicule.”

In the following September, I executed for the Board of Ordnance a set of experiments complementary to those of the memoir, with the view of ascertaining the best manner of protecting the fulminate when applied to the copper caps, from being detached by carriage, or altered by keeping. The following were my results and conclusions.

1. Fulminate of mercury moistened upon copper is speedily decomposed by the superior affinity of the copper over mercury, for oxygen and fulminic acid. Dryness is, therefore, essential to the preservation of the fulminate; and hence charcoal, which is apt to become moist, should not be introduced into percussion caps destined for distant service.

2. An alcoholic solution of sandarach, commonly called spirit varnish, acts powerfully on copper, with the production of a green efflorescence, which decomposes fulminate of mercury. Indeed, sandarach can decompose the salts of copper. It is therefore ill adapted for attaching the fulminate to copper caps.

3. An alcoholic solution of shell-lac acts on copper, though more feebly than the sandarach.

4. A solution of mastic in spirits of turpentine, whether alone or mixed with fulminate, has no action whatever on bright copper, but protects it from being tarnished. Such a varnish is very cheap, dries readily, adheres strongly, screens the fulminate from damp, and does not impair or counteract its detonating powers. This, therefore, is in my opinion the fittest medium for attaching the fulminate, and for softening the force of its impulsion in any degree proportional to the thickness of the varnish.”

Fulminate of mercury is obtained in white grains, or short needles, of a silky lustre, which become gray upon exposure to light, and detonate either by a blow or at a heat under 370° F.; with the disengagement of azote, carbonic acid, as also of aqueous and mercurial vapours; to the sudden formation of which gaseous products the report is due. It detonates even in a moist condition; and when dry it explodes readily when struck between two pieces of iron, less so between iron and bronze, with more difficulty between marble and glass, or between two surfaces of marble or glass. It is hardly possible to explode it by a blow with iron upon lead; and impossible by striking it with iron upon wood. It fulminates easily when rubbed between two wooden surfaces; less so between two of marble, two of iron, or one of iron against one of wood or marble. The larger its crystals, the more apt they are to explode. By damping it with 5 per cent. of water, it becomes less fulminating; the part of it struck still explodes with a proper blow, but will not kindle the adjoining portion. Though moistened with 30 per cent. of water, it will occasionally explode by trituration between a wooden muller and a marble slab, but only to a small extent, and never with any danger to the operator. When an ounce of it, laid upon the bottom of a cask, is kindled, it strikes a round hole down through it, as if it had been exposed to a four-pound shot, without splintering the wood. If a train of fulminate of mercury be spread upon a piece of paper, covered with some loose gunpowder, in exploding the former the latter will not be kindled, but merely scattered. When gunpowder, however, is packed in a cartridge, or otherwise, it may be certainly kindled by a percussion cap of the fulminate, and more completely than by a priming of gunpowder. 81/2 parts of gunpowder exploded by a percussion cap, have an equal projectile force as 10 exploded by a flint lock. If we add to this economy in the charge of the barrel, the saving of the powder for priming, the advantage in military service of the percussion system will become conspicuous.

The French calculate that 1 kilogramme of mercury will furnish 11/4 kil. (21/2 lbs. nearly) of fulminate, which will be sufficient to charge 40,000 percussion caps. For this purpose they grind the crystalline salt along with 30 per cent. of water upon a marble table with a wooden muller; mixing with every 10 parts of the fulminate 6 of gunpowder. A consistent dough is thus obtained, which, being dried in the air, is ready for introducing into the bottoms of the copper caps. One quarter of a grain of the fulminate is said to be fully sufficient for one priming.

Mr. Lovell, of the Royal Manufactory of Arms, has lately executed a series of experiments upon priming powders. His trials, which occupied nearly 18 months, were made for the purpose of ascertaining what is the advantage in point of force obtained by using percussion primes. He had anticipated some extra energy would be imparted to the charge of powder in the barrel, because he had repeatedly proved that a good strong cap, exploded by itself on the nipple of the musquet, (without any charge of gunpowder), will exert sufficient force upon the air within the barrel to blow a candle out at a distance of 12 feet from the muzzle. He concluded also that stopping the escape of fluid from the vent, as is done by the cap, would have some effect, but he attributed most to the quickness and energy with which the powder of the charge is ignited by the vivid stream of flame, generated by the percussion prime. The trials were made from one and the same barrel, having a percussion lock on one side and a flint lock on the other. The balls were fired against Austen’s recoiling target, a very delicate plegometer, beginning with a charge of 150 grains (the present musquet charge), and descending by 10 grains at a time (firing 30 rounds with each weight), down to 50 grains. The machine marked the decrease of force at each reduction in the charge very satisfactorily, and the result of the whole average was that 8·84 parts of gunpowder fired by percussion are equal to 10 parts fired by the flint.

To find out what sort of liberties might be taken with fulminate of mercury in handling it, he placed 3 grains on an anvil, putting the end of a steel punch gently on the top of it, and while so placed he covered the fulminate over with a drachm of dry gunpowder. He then ignited the fulminate by a blow on the punch with the hammer, but not a grain of the gunpowder was lighted, though it was blown about in all directions. He then placed a train of fulminate as thick as a quill, and about 3 feet long, on a table, and covered it over entirely with gunpowder except about an inch at one end; this he lighted with a hot iron, when the whole train went off without blazing a grain of the gunpowder, which he swept together and blew up afterwards with a match. He then took a tin box containing 500 copper caps, made a hole in the top of the box, and through this hole ignited one of the caps in the middle, by means of the punch and hammer on the outside; only two other caps besides the one struck exploded; no injury was sustained by the remainder, except being discoloured. This he tried repeatedly, and always with the same kind of result, never more than 3 or 4 caps exploding. He then made a steel rammer red hot, and passed it through the hole in the box right in amongst the caps, but it only ignited them where the hot iron came in actual contact with the priming composition; when, however, he placed a few grains of gunpowder loose among the caps, the hot iron lighted this, and produced a flame that blew off the whole of them.

The same thing has been tried at Woolwich, where large packages of percussion caps (some thousands) have been fired at with musquet balls, and only a few of the caps actually hit by the ball exploded; but when any cartridges were connected with the packages, the whole, caps and all were blown up. The flame of the fulminate is therefore hazardous, but being so very ethereal, it requires for making primes, an admixture of some combustible matter, as a little gunpowder, to condense or modify the flame.

FULMINIC ACID; (Acide fulminique, Fr.; KnallsÄure, Germ.) is the explosive constituent of the fulminating mercury of Howard, and the fulminating silver of Brugnatelli, being generated by the reaction of alcohol and the acid nitrates of these metals. It is a remarkable chemical fact, that fulminic acid has exactly the same composition as cyanic acid; though the salts of the latter possess no detonating property, and afford, in their decomposition by an oxygen acid, ammonia with carbonic acid; while those of the former afford ammonia and prussic acid. All attempts to insulate fulminic acid have proved unsuccessful, as it explodes with the slightest decomposing force. It consists, by weight, of 2 primes of carbon, 1 of azote, and 1 of oxygen; or of two volumes of carbonic acid, and one of azote. When two different bodies, like the above, have the same composition, they are said to be isomeric.

FUMIGATION, is the employment of fumes or vapours to purify articles of apparel, and goods or apartments supposed to be imbued with some infectious or contagious poison or fumes. The vapours of vinegar, the fumes of burning sulphur, explosion of gunpowder, have been long prescribed and practised, but they have in all probability little or no efficacy. The diffusion of such powerful agents as chlorine gas, muriatic acid gas, or nitric acid vapour, should alone be trusted to for the destruction of morbific effluvia.

FUR; see Peltry.

Assaying furncace

FURNACE OF ASSAY. Under Assay, I have referred to a furnace constructed by Messrs. Anfrye and d’Arcet, which gives some peculiar facilities and economy to the ancient process by fire. It had originally a small pair of bellows attached to it, for raising the heat rapidly to the proper vitrifying pitch. The furnace, 171/2 inches high, and 71/2 inches wide, made of pottery or fine clay, is represented fig. 481., supported upon a table, having a pair of bellows beneath it. The laboratory is at b, the blow-pipe of the bellows at d, with a stop-cock, and the dome is surmounted by a chimney a, c, in whose lower part there is an opening with a sliding door, for the introduction of the charcoal fuel. The furnace is formed in three pieces; a dome, a body, and an ash-pit. A pair of tongs, a stoking hook, and cupel, are seen to the right hand, and the plan of the stone-ware grate, pierced with conical holes, and a poker, are seen to the left. This grate suits the furnace represented under Assay. The following are comparative experiments made by means of this furnace:

Numbers. Silver
Time of
Standards. Charcoal
1 1 Grain. 4 Grains. 12 minutes. 947 milliÈmes. 173 Grains.
2 11 950 86
3 13 949 93
4 10 949 60

Each assay was therefore performed at an average in 111/2 minutes, and not much more than a quarter of a pound of charcoal was used. An experiment of verification in the ordinary assay furnace showed the standard to be 949 thousandths.

This furnace becomes a very convenient one for melting small quantities of metals in analyses, by removing the muffle, and closing the several apertures with their appropriate stoppers. A small pedestal may be then set in the middle of the grate, to support a crucible, which may be introduced through the opening h. Coak may also be used as fuel, either by itself or mixed with charcoal. For descriptions of various furnaces, see Assay; Beer; Copper; Evaporation; Iron; Metallurgy; Ores; Silver; Tin; &c.

FUSIBILITY. That property by which solids assume the fluid state.

Some chemists have asserted that fusion is simply a solution in caloric; but this opinion includes too many yet undecided questions, to be hastily adopted.

Fusibility of Metals, as given by M. Thenard.

1. Fusible below
a red heat.
Mercury -39 °
Potassium +58 ° - Gay Lussac and Thenard.
Sodium 90
Tin 210 - Newton.
Bismuth 256
Lead 260 Biot.
Tellurium A little less fusible than lead.—Klaproth.
Arsenic Undetermined.
Zinc 370 ° Brongniart.
Antimony A little below a red heat.
Cadmium Stromeyer.
Pyrometer of
2. Infusible below
a red heat.
Silver 20 ° Kennedy.
Copper 27 - Wedgewood.
Gold 32
Cobalt A little less difficult to melt than iron.
Iron - 130 Wedgewood.
158 Sir G. M’Kenzie.
Manganese 160 Guyton.
Nickel As manganese.—Richter.
Palladium - Nearly infusible; and to be obtained at a
forge heat only in small buttons.
Titanium - Infusible at the forge furnace. Fusible at the
oxyhydrogen blowpipe. See Blowpipe.


FUSTET. (Fustec, Fr.) The wood of the rhus cotinus, a fugitive yellow dye.

FUSTIAN, is a species of coarse thick tweelled cotton, and is generally dyed of an olive, leaden, or other dark colour. Besides the common fustian, which is known by the name of pillow (probably pilaw), the cotton stuffs called corduroy, velverett, velveteen, thicksett, used for men’s wearing apparel, belong to the same fabric. The commonest kind is merely a tweel of four, or sometimes five leaves, of a very close stout texture, and very narrow, seldom exceeding 17 or 18 inches in breadth. It is cut from the loom in half pieces, or ends as they are usually termed, about 35 yards long, and after undergoing the subsequent operations of dyeing, dressing, and folding, is ready for the market.

The draught and cording of common fustian is very simple, being generally a regular or unbroken tweel of four or five leaves. Below are specimens of a few different kinds, selected from those most general in Lancashire.

The number of leaves of heddles are represented by the lines across the paper, and the cording by the cyphers in the little squares, those which raise every leaf being distinguished by these marks, and those which sink them left blank, as more particularly explained in the article Textile Fabric.

Of velvet, there are properly only two kinds, that with a plain, and that with a tweeled, or, as it is here called, a Genoa ground, or back. When the material is silk, it is called velvet, when cotton, velveteen; and this is the sole difference. In the same way a common tweeled cloth, when composed of silk is called satin; when of cotton, fustian or jean; of woollen, plaiding, serge, or kerseymere; and in the linen trade is distinguished by a variety of names according to the quality or fineness, or the place where the article is manufactured.

No. 1.—Pillow Fustian. No. 2.—Plain Velveret.
0 4 5 1 § 0 3 1
0 3 6 2 § 0 5
0 6 2 3 § 0 0 0 0 2
0 5 1 4 § 0 6 4
2 4 3 1 4 6 2 3 1

Of the above, each contains four leaves of heddles or healds; that represented by No. 1. is wrought by four treddles, and that which is distinguished by No. 2. by five; the succession of inserting the threads of warp into the heddles will be discovered by the figures between the lines, and the order in which the treddles are to be successively pressed down by the figures below.

No. 3.—Double Jean. No. 4.—Plain Thicksett.
0 0 1 § 0 8
0 0 2 § 0 0 0 6 4
0 0 3 § 0 5 2
0 0 4 § 0 0 0 7 3 1
4 2 3 1 4 6 2 3 1
5 7

These, like the former, are wrought with leaves. No. 3. requires four, and No. 4. five treddles. The succession of inserting the threads of warp, and of working the treddles, are marked by the respective numbers between and under the lines, as in the former example. Both are fabrics of cloth in very general use and estimation as low priced articles.

No. 5.—Best Thicksett. No. 6.—Velvet Tuft.
0 0 0 3 1 § 0 5 3 1
0 5 § 0 0 4 2
0 2 § 0 0 0 4 2
0 0 6 4 § 0 5 3 1
6 4 2 3 1 6 4 2 3 1

These are further specimens of what may be, and is, executed with four leaves, and in both examples five treddles are used. With two other specimens we shall conclude our examples of this description of work, and shall then add a very few specimens of the more extensive kinds.

No. 7.—Cord and Velveret. No. 8.—Thicksett Cord.
0 3 1 3 1 § 0 0 0 5 3 1
0 0 5 7 5 § 0 4 2
0 0 0 6 8 2 § 9 7
0 4 2 6 4 § 0 0 10 8 6
4 2 3 1 5 4 3 2 1
6 5

In these the succession of drawing and working are marked like the former. The next are examples of patterns wrought with six leaves. No. 9. has eight, and No. 10. five heddles.

No. 9.—Double Corduroy. No. 10.—Genoa Thicksett.
0 0 0 1 § 0 0 1
0 0 2 § 0 0 2
0 0 0 0 0 3 § 0 0 0 3
0 0 4 § 0 0 0 4
0 0 5 § 0 0 0 5
0 0 6 § 0 0 6
2 4 6 8 10 12 3 1 4 2 5 3 1
7 5 8 6 11 9 7
11 9 1 2 10

In both these the warp is inserted into the heddles the same way. The difference is entirely in the application of the cords, and in the succession of pressing down the treddles. We now give four specimens of the flushed and cut work, known by the name of velveteen. They are also upon six leaves, and the difference is solely in the cording and in the treading.

No. 11.Queen’s Velveteens.No. 12.
0 0 0 1 § 0 0 1
0 0 2 § 0 0 0 2
0 0 3 § 0 0 3
0 0 0 4 § 0 0 0 4
0 0 5 § 0 0 5
0 0 0 6 § 0 0 0 6
1 2 12 8 4 2 2 4 3 1
5 7 6 6 8 7 5
9 11 10 10 12 11 9
No. 13.—Plain Velveteen. No. 14.—Genoa Velveteen.
0 1 § 0 0 0 1
0 0 2 § 0 0 2
0 3 § 0 0 0 3
0 0 4 § 0 0 4
0 5 § 0 0 0 5
0 0 6 § 0 0 6
1 3 2 4 8 2 4 8 12 3 1
5 7 6 6 7 5
10 11 9

The additional varieties of figure which might be given are almost endless, but the limits of this article will not admit a further detail. Those already given are the articles in most general use. The varieties of fancy may be indulged to great extent, but it is universally found, that the most simple patterns in every department of ornamental weaving, are those which attract attention and command purchasers. We shall therefore only add two examples of king’s cord or corduroy, two of Genoa and common velvet, and two more of jean. These will be found below.

No. 15.—King’s Cord. No. 16.—Dutch Cord.
0 0 1 § 0 4 1
0 0 2 § 0 0 5 2
0 0 7 3 § 0 0 6 3
0 0 8 4 § 0 0 7
0 0 0 5 § 0 0 0 8
0 0 6 § 0 0 0 0 9
1 3 8 6 4 2 6 4 2 3 1
5 7 5
No. 17.—Genoa Velvet. No. 18.—Plain Velvet.
0 0 1 § 1
0 0 0 2 § 2
0 0 3 § 3
0 0 4 § 4
0 0 5 § 5
0 0 6 § 6
2 4 8 12 3 1 1 3 4 2 8
6 7 5 7 5
10 11 9

After the fustian cloth is taken from the loom-beam, it is carried to the cutter, who rips up the surface-threads of weft, and produces thereby a hairy-looking stuff.

Preparatory to its being cut, the cloth is spread evenly upon a table about six feet long, upon each end of which a roller mounted with a ratchet-wheel is fixed; the one to give off, and the other to wind up the piece, in the above six-feet lengths.

The knife is a steel rod about two feet long, and three-eighths of an inch square, having a square handle at the one end; the other end is tapered away to a blade, as thin as paper. To prevent this point from turning downwards and injuring the cloth, its under side is covered by a guide which serves to stiffen it, as well as to prevent its lower edge from cutting the fustian.

The operative (male or female) grasps the handle in the right hand, and insinuating the projecting point of the guide under the weft, pushes the knife smartly forward through the whole length of six feet, with a certain dexterous movement of the shoulder and right side, balancing the body meanwhile, like a fencer, upon the left foot. This process is repeated upon every adhesive line of the weft.

The next process to which fustians are exposed is steeping in hot water, to take out the dressing paste. They are then dried, reeled, and brushed by a machine, &c. From twenty to thirty pieces, each eighty yards long, may be brushed in an hour. The breadth of the cloth is twenty inches. The maceration is performed by immersing the bundled pieces in tanks of water, heated by waste steam; and the washing by means of a reel or winch, kept revolving rapidly under the action of a stream of cold water, for an hour or longer.

After being thus ripped up, it is taken to the brushing or teazling machine, to make it shaggy.

This consists of a series of wooden rollers, turning freely upon iron axles, and covered with tin-plate, rough with the burs of punched holes; and blocks of wood, whose concave under surfaces are covered with card-cloth or card-brushes, and which are made to traverse backwards and forwards in the direction of the axes of the revolving rollers, during the passage of the cloth over them.

After they are brushed in the machine, the goods are singed by passing their cut surface over a cylinder of iron, laid in a horizontal direction, and kept red hot by a flue. See Singeing. They are now brushed again by the machine, and once more passed over the singeing surface. The brushing and singeing are repeated a third or even occasionally a fourth time, till the cord acquires a smooth polished appearance.

The goods are next steeped, washed, and bleached, by immersion in solution of chloride of lime. They are then dyed by appropriate chemical means. After which they are padded (imbued by the padding machine of the calico printers) with a solution of glue, and passed over steam cylinders to stiffen them.

Smooth fustians, when cropped or shorn before dyeing, are called moleskins; but when shorn after being dyed, are called beaverteen, they are both tweeled fabrics. Cantoon is a fustian with a fine cord visible upon the one side, and a satiny surface of yarns running at right angles to the cords upon the other side. The satiny side is sometimes smoothed by singeing. The stuff is strong, and has a very fine aspect. Its price is one shilling and sixpence a yard.

Common plain fustian, of a brown or drab colour, with satin top, is sold as low as sevenpence a yard.

A fustian, with a small cord running in an oblique direction, has a very agreeable appearance. It is called diagonal. Moleskin shorn, of a very strong texture, and a drab dyed tint, is sold at 20d. per yard.

The weight of 90 yards of the narrow velveteen, in the green or undressed state, is about 24 pounds. The goods made for the German, Italian, and Russian markets are lighter, on account of the peculiarity in the mode of levying the import duty in these countries.

Velveteens as they come from the loom, are sold wholesale by weight, and average a price of 20d. per pound. They are usually woven with yarns of Upland and Brazil cotton wool, spun together for the warp; or, sometimes, New Orleans alone. The weft is usually Uplands, sometimes mixed with East India cotton wools.

Trowser velveteens are woven 19 inches wide, if they are to be cut up; if not, they are woven 30 inches, and called beaverteen.

Cutting or cropping fustians by hand is a very laborious and delicate operation. The invention of an improved apparatus for effecting the same end with automatic precision and despatch, was therefore an object of no little interest to this peculiar manufacture of Manchester. An ingenious machine, apparently well calculated for this purpose, was made the subject of a patent by Messrs. William Wells and George Scholefield, of Salford in November, 1834.

FUSTIC. (Bois jaune, Fr.; Gelbholz, Germ.) The old fustic of the English dyer, as the article fustet is their yellow fustic. It is the wood of the Morus tinctoria. It is light, not hard, and pale yellow with orange veins; it contains two colouring matters, one resinous, and another soluble in water. The latter resembles weld, but it has more of an orange cast, and is not so lively.

Its decoctions in water are brightened by the addition of a little glue, and more by curdled milk. This wood is rich in colour, and imparts permanent dyes to woollen stuffs, when aided by proper mordants. It unites well with the blue of the indigo vat, and Saxon blue, in producing green of various shades. Alum, tartar, and solution of tin, render its colour more vivid; sea salt and sulphate of iron deepen its hue. From 5 to 6 parts of old fustic are sufficient to give a lemon colour to 16 parts of cloth. The colour of weld is however purer and less inclining to orange; but that of fustic is less affected by acids than any other yellow dye. This wood is often employed with sulphate of iron in producing olive and brownish tints, which agree well with its dull yellow. For the same reason it is much used for dark greens.



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