Clouet and Hachette pointed out the three following processes for producing Damascus blades: 1, that of parallel fillets; 2, that by torsion; 3, the mosaic. The first, which is still pursued by some French cutlers, consists in scooping out with a graving tool the faces of a piece of stuff composed of thin plates of different kinds of steel. These hollows are by a subsequent operation filled up, and brought to a level with the external faces, upon which they subsequently form tress-like figures. 2. The method of torsion, which is more generally employed at present, consists in forming a bundle of rods or slips of steel, which are welded together into a well-wrought bar, twisted several times round its axis. It is repeatedly forged, and twisted alternately; after which it is slit in the line of its axis, and the two halves are welded with their outsides in contact; by which means their faces will exhibit very various configurations. 3. The mosaic method consists in preparing a bar, as by the torsion plan, and cutting this bar into short pieces of nearly equal length, with which a faggot is formed and welded together; taking care to preserve the sections of each piece at the surface of the blade. In this way, all the variety of the design is displayed, corresponding to each fragment of the cut bar. The blades of Clouet, independently of their excellent quality, their flexibility, and extreme elasticity, have this advantage over the oriental blades, that they exhibit in the very substance of the metal, designs, letters, inscriptions, and, generally speaking, all kinds of figures which had been delineated beforehand. Notwithstanding these successful results of Clouet, it was pretty clear that the watered designs of the true Damascus scymitar were essentially different. M. BrÉant has at last completely solved this problem. He has demonstrated that the substance of the oriental blades is a cast-steel more highly charged with carbon than our European steels, and in which, by means of a cooling suitably conducted, a crystallization takes place of two distinct combinations of carbon and iron. This separation is the essential condition; for if the melted steel be suddenly cooled in a small crucible or ingot, there is no damascene appearance. If an excess of carbon be mixed with iron, the whole of the metal will be converted into steel; and the residuary carbon will combine in a new proportion with a portion of the steel so formed. There will be two distinct compounds; namely, pure steel, and carburetted steel or cast-iron. These at first being imperfectly mixed will tend to separate, if while still fluid they be left in a state of repose; and form a crystallization in which the particles of the two compounds will place themselves in the crucible in an order determined by their affinity and density conjoined. If a blade forged out of steel so prepared be immersed in acidulous water, it will display a very distinct damascus appearance; the portions of pure steel becoming black, and those of carburetted steel remaining white, because the acids with difficulty disengage its carbon. The slower such a compound is cooled, the larger the damascus veins will be. Travernier relates that the steel crucible ingots, like those of wootz, for making the true oriental damascus, come from Golconda, that they are of the size of a halfpenny roll, and when cut in two, form two swords. Steel combined with manganese forges easily, but it is brittle when cold; it displays however the damascus appearance very strongly. A mixture of 100 parts of soft iron, and 2 of lamp black, melts as readily as ordinary steel. Several of the best blades which M. BrÉant presented to the SociÉtÉ d’Encouragement are the product of this combination. This is an easy way of making cast-steel without previous cementation of the iron. 100 parts of filings of very gray cast-iron, and 100 parts of like filings previously oxidized, produced, by their fusion together, a beautiful damascene steel, fit for forging into white arms, sabres, swords, &c. This compound is remarkable for its elasticity, an essential quality, not possessed by the old Indian steel. The greater the proportion of the oxidized cast iron, the tougher is the steel. Care should be taken to stir the materials during their fusion, before it is allowed to cool; otherwise they will not afford a homogeneous damasc. If the steel contains much carbon it is difficult to forge, and cannot be drawn out except within a narrow range of temperature. When heated to a red-white it crumbles under the hammer; at a cherry-red it becomes hard and brittle; and as it progressively cools it becomes still more unmalleable. It resembles completely Indian steel, which European blacksmiths cannot forge, because they are ignorant of the suitable temperature for working it. M. BrÉant, by studying this point, succeeded in forging fine blades. Experience has proved that the orbicular veins, called by the workmen knots or thorns (ronces), which are seen upon the finest Eastern scymitars, are the result of the manner of forging them, as well as the method of twisting the Damascus bars. If these be drawn in length, the veins will be longitudinal; if they be spread equally in all Damask belongs to that species of texture which is distinguished by practical men by the name of tweeling, of which it is the richest pattern. The tweel of damask is usually half that of full satin, and consequently consists of eight leaves moved either in regular succession or by regular intervals, eight leaves being the smallest number which will admit of alternate tweeling at equal intervals. In the article Carpet, two representations have been given of the damask draw-loom. The generic difference of tweeling, when compared with common cloth, consists in the intersections, although uniform and equidistant, being at determinate intervals, and not between the alternate threads. Hence we have specimens of tweeled cloth, where the intersections take place at the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, or sixteenth interval only. The threads thus deflecting only from a straight line at intervals, preserve more of their original direction, and a much greater quantity of materials can be combined in an equal space, than in the alternate intersection, where the tortuous deflection, at every interval, keeps them more asunder. On this principle tweeled cloths of three and four leaves are woven for facility of combination alone. The coarser species of ornamented cloths, known by the names of dornock and diaper, usually intersect at the fifth, or half satin interval. The sixth and seventh are rarely used, and the intersection at the eighth is distinguished by the name of satin in common, and of damask in ornamental tweeling. It will further be very obvious, that where the warp and woof cross only at every eighth interval, the two sides of the cloth will present a diversity of appearance; for on one side the longitudinal or warp threads will run parallel from one end of a web to the other, and, on the other, the threads of woof will run also parallel, but in a transverse direction across the cloth, or at right angles to the former. The points of intersection being only at every eighth interval, appear only like points; and in regular tweeling these form the appearance of diagonal lines, inclined at an angle of 45° (or nearly so) to each of the former. The appearance, therefore, of a piece of common tweeled cloth is very similar to that of two thin boards glued together, with the grain of the upper piece at right angles to that of the under one. That of an ornamental piece of damask may, in the same manner, be very properly assimilated to a piece of veneering, where all the wood is of the same substance and colour, and where the figures assume a diversity of appearance from the ground, merely by the grain of the one being disposed perpendicularly to that of the other. See Textile Fabric. From this statement of the principle, it results that the most unlimited variety of figures will be produced, by constructing a loom by which every individual thread of warp may be placed either above or below the woof at every intersection; and to effect this, in boundless variety, is the object of the Jacquard mounting; which see. The chief seat of this manufacture is probably the town and neighbourhood of Dunfermline, in Fifeshire, and Lisburn and Ardoyne, near Belfast, where it is considered as the staple, having proved a very profitable branch of traffic to the manufacturer, and given employment to many industrious people. The material used there is chiefly linen; but many have been recently woven of cotton, since the introduction of that article into the manufacture of cloth has become so prevalent. The cotton damasks are considerably cheaper than those of linen; but are not considered either so elegant or durable. The cotton, also, unless frequently bleached, does not preserve the purity of the white colour nearly so well as the linen. Its name shows the place of its origin, or, at least, the place where it has been practised in the greatest perfection; viz. the city of Damascus, in Syria; though M. Felibien attributes the perfection of the art to his countryman, Cursinet, who wrought under the reign of Henry IV. Damaskeening is partly mosaic work, partly engraving, and partly carving. As mosaic work, it consists of pieces inlaid; as engraving, the metal is indented, or cut in intaglio; and as carving, gold and silver are wrought into it in relievo. There are two ways of damaskeening; in the first, which is the most beautiful, the artists cut into the metal with a graver, and other tools proper for engraving upon steel, and afterwards fill up the incisions, or notches, with a pretty thick silver or gold wire. In the other, which is only superficial, they content themselves to make hatches,
By means of the cupric oxide we may separate, 1, the ferric oxide from the manganous oxide; 2, the cobaltic, nickelic, zincic and cerous oxides from the uranic, ferric, chromic, and aluminic oxides; 3, the ferrous oxide from the chromic oxide, when dissolved in the muriatic acid. In boiling a muriatic solution of the cobaltic, nickelic, and manganous oxides, with the mercuric oxide, the first two oxides alone are precipitated. Alumina separates the cadmic oxide from the bismuthic oxide, the stannous oxide from the stannic oxide, and the stannous oxide from the antimonic acid. The cupric oxide separates also by precipitation, the aluminic, uranic, chromic, titanic, and vanadic oxides from all the oxides which are precipitable in the state of sulphuret, by hydrosulphuret of ammonia. As an example of this mode of analysis— Dissolve pech-blende in aqua regia, precipitate its copper by sulphuretted hydrogen, boil the liquid along with nitric acid, in order to transform all the uranium into uranic acid. Next boil it along with cupric oxide, which precipitates only the uranic and ferric oxides. Redissolve the precipitate in nitric acid, and boil the solution with mercuric oxide, which does not precipitate the ferric oxide. Finally, separate the copper and the mercury from the uranium, by means of sulphuretted hydrogen. In this process we may substitute plumbic oxide for the cupric oxide, and succeed equally well. Knowledge, like the above, of the elective affinities and habitudes of chemical bodies, simple and compound, imparts to its possessor an irresistible power over the unions and Mix two ounces of quicklime, with half an ounce of orpiment or realgar, (sulphuret of arsenic;) boil that mixture in one pound of strong alkaline lye, then try its strength by dipping a feather into it, and when the flue falls off, the rusma is quite strong enough. It is applied to the human skin by a momentary friction, followed by washing with warm water. Such a caustic liquid should be used with the greatest circumspection, beginning with it somewhat diluted. A soap is sometimes made with lard and the above ingredients; or soft soap is combined with them; in either case to form a depilatory pommade. Occasionally one ounce of orpiment is taken to eight ounces of quicklime, or two to twelve, or three to fifteen; the last mixture being of course the most active. Its causticity may be tempered by the addition of one eighth of starch or rye flour, so as to form a soft paste, which being laid upon the hairy spot for a few minutes, usually carries away the hairs with it. The rusma should never be applied but to a small surface at a time, for independently of the risk of corroding the skin, dangerous consequences might ensue from absorption of the arsenic. Dextrine is much employed by the French pastrycooks and confectioners; it is a good substitute for gum arabic in medicine. For the conversion of potato or other starch into dextrine, by the action of diastase, see this article. The diamond possesses either single or double refraction, according to its different crystalline forms; its refractive power on light is far greater than it ought to be in the ratio of its density; the index of refraction being 2·44, whence Newton long ago supposed it to consist of inflammable matter. Its various forms in nature present a circumstance peculiar to this body; its faces are rarely terminated by planes, like most other native crystals, but they are often rounded off, and the edges between them are curved. When these secondary faces are attentively examined with a lens, we remark that they are marked with striÆ, sometimes very fine and almost imperceptible, but at others well defined; and that these striÆ are parallel to the edges of the octahedron, and consequently to those of the plates that are applied on the primitive faces of this figure. Diamonds are usually colourless and transparent; when coloured, their ordinary tint verges upon yellow, or smoke-yellow, approaching sometimes to blackish-brown. Green diamonds are next to yellow the most common; the blue possess rarely a lively hue, but they are much esteemed in Scotland. The rose or pink diamonds are the most valued of the coloured kind, and exceed sometimes in price the most limpid; though generally speaking the latter are the most highly prized. The geological locality of the diamond seems to be in diluvial gravel, and among conglomerate rocks; consisting principally of fragments of quartz, or rolled pebbles of quartz mixed with ferruginous sand, which compose sometimes hard aggregated masses. This kind of formation is called cascalho in Brazil. Its accompanying minerals are few in number, being merely black oxide of iron, micaceous iron ore, pisiform iron ore, fragments of slaty jasper, several varieties of quartz, principally amethyst. In Mr. Heuland’s splendid collection there was a Brazilian diamond imbedded in brown iron ore; another in the same, belonging to M. Schuch, librarian to the Crown Princess of Portugal; and in the cabinet of M. Eschwege there is a mass of brown iron ore, containing a diamond in the drusy cavity of a green mineral, conjectured to be arseniate of iron. From these facts it may be inferred with much probability that the matrix or original repository of the diamond of Brazil is brown iron ore, which occurs in beds of slaty quartzose micaceous iron ore, or in beds composed of iron-glance and magnetic iron ore, both of which are apparently subordinate in that country to primitive clay slate. The loose earth containing diamonds lies always a little way beneath the surface of the soil, towards the lower outlet of broad valleys, rather than upon the ridges of the adjoining hills. Only two places on the earth can be adduced with certainty, as diamond mines, or rather districts; a portion of the Indian peninsula, and of Brazil. India has been celebrated from the most remote antiquity as the country of diamonds. Its principal mines are in the kingdoms of Golconda and Visapour, extending from Cape Comorin to Bengal, at the foot of a chain of mountains called the Orixa, which appear to belong to the trap rock formation. In all the Indian diamond soils, these gems are so dispersed, that they are rarely found directly, even in searching the richest spots, because they are enveloped in an earthy crust, which must be removed before they can be seen. The stony matter is therefore broken into pieces, and is then, as well as the looser earth, washed in basins scooped out on purpose. The gravel thus washed is The diamond mines of Brazil were discovered in 1728, in the district of Serro-do-Frio. The ground in which they are imbedded has the most perfect resemblance to that of the East Indies, where the diamonds occur. It is a solid or friable conglomerate, consisting chiefly of a ferruginous sand, which encloses fragments of various magnitude of yellow and bluish quartz, of schistose jasper, and grains of gold disseminated with oligist iron ore; all mineral matters different from those that constitute the neighbouring mountains; this conglomerate, or species of pudding-stone, almost always superficial, occurs sometimes at a considerable height on the mountainous table-land. The most celebrated diamond mine is that of Mandarga, on the Jigitonhonha, in the district of Serro-do-Frio to the north of Rio-Janeiro. The river Jigitonhonha, three times broader than the Seine at Paris, and from 3 to 9 feet deep, is made nearly dry, by drawing the waters off with sluices at a certain season; and the cascalho or diamond-gravel is removed from the channel by various mechanical means, to be washed elsewhere at leisure. This cascalho, the same as the matrix of the gold mines, is collected in the dry season, to be searched into during the rainy; for which purpose it is formed into little mounds of 15 or 16 tons weight each. The washing is carried on beneath an oblong shed, by means of a stream of water admitted in determinate quantities into boxes containing the cascalho. A negro washer is attached to each box; inspectors are placed at regular distances on elevated stools, and whenever a negro has found a diamond, he rises up and exhibits it. If it weighs 171/2 carats, he receives his liberty. Many precautions are taken to prevent the negroes from secreting the diamonds. Each squad of workmen consists of 200 negroes, with a surgeon and an almoner or priest. The flat lands on either side of the river are equally rich in diamonds over their whole surface, so that it becomes very easy to estimate what a piece of ground not yet washed may produce. It is said that the diamonds surrounded with a greenish crust, are of the first water, or are the most limpid when cut. The diamonds received in the different mines of the district, are deposited once a month in the treasury of Tejuco; and the amount of what was thus delivered from 1801 to 1806, may be estimated at about 18 or 19 thousand carats per annum. On the banks of the torrent called Rio-Pardo, there is another mine of diamonds. The ground presents a great many friable rocks of pudding-stone, distributed in irregular strata. It is chiefly in the bed of this stream, that masses of cascalho occur, peculiarly rich in diamonds. They are much esteemed, particularly those of a greenish-blue colour. The ores that accompany the diamond at Rio-Pardo differ somewhat from those of the washing grounds of Mandanga, for they contain no pisiform iron ore; but a great many pebbles of slaty jasper. This table land seems to be very high, probably not less than 5500 feet above the level of the sea. Tocaya, a principal village of Minas-Novas, is 34 leagues to the north-east of Tejuco, in an acute angle of the confluence of the Jigitonhonha, and the Rio-Grande. In the bed of the streamlets which fall westward into the Jigitonhonha, those rolled white topazes are found which are known under the name of minas-novas with blue topazes, and aquamarine beryls. In the same country are found the beautiful cymophanes or chrysoberyls so much prized in Brazil. And it is from the cantons of Indaia and Abaite that the largest diamonds of Brazil come; yet they have not so pure a water as those of the district of Serro-do-Frio, but incline a little to the lemon yellow. Diamonds are said to come also from the interior of the island of Borneo, on the banks of the river Succadan, and from the peninsula of Malacca. It is known that many minerals become phosphorescent by heat, or exposure to the sun’s light. Diamonds possess this property, but all not in equal degree, and certain precautions must be observed to make it manifest. Diamonds need to be exposed to the sunbeam for a certain time, in order to become self-luminous; or to the blue rays of the prismatic spectrum, which augment still more the faculty of shining in the dark. Diamonds susceptible of phosphorescence exhibit it either after a heat not raised to redness, or the electric discharge. They possess not only a great refractive power in the mean ray of light, but a high dispersive agency, which enables them to throw out the most varied and vivid colours in multiplied directions. Louis de Berquem discovered in 1476, the art of cutting diamonds by rubbing them against one another, and of polishing them with their own powder. These operations may be abridged by two methods: 1. by availing ourselves of the direction of the laminÆ of the diamond to split them in that direction, and thus to produce several facets. This process is called cleaving the diamond. Some, which appear to be macle crystals, resist this mechanical division, and are called diamonds of nature. 2. by sawing the diamonds by means of a very delicate wire, coated with diamond powder. Diamonds take precedence of every gem for the purposes of dress and decoration; and The diamond possessed in the time of the traveller Tavernier, by the emperor of Mogul, a kingdom now no more, weighed 279 carats, and was reckoned worth upwards of 400,000l. sterling. It was said to have lost the half of its original weight in the cutting. After these prodigious gems, the next are:—1. That of the emperor of Russia, bought by the late empress Catherine, which weighs 193 carats. It is said to be of the size of a pigeon’s egg, and to have been bought for 90,000l., besides an annuity to the Greek merchant of 4000l. It is reported that the above diamond formed one of the eyes of the famous statue of Sheringan, in the temple of Brama, and that a French grenadier, who had deserted into the Malabar service, found the means of robbing the pagoda of this precious gem; and escaped with it to Madras, where he disposed of it to a ship captain for 2,000l., who resold it to a Jew for 12,000l. From him it was transferred for a large sum to the Greek merchant. 2. That of the emperor of Austria, which weighs 139 carats, and has a slightly yellowish hue. It has, however, been valued at 100,000l. 3. That of the king of France, called the Regent or Pitt diamond, remarkable for its form and its perfect limpidity. Although it weighs only 136 carats, its fine qualities have caused it to be valued at 160,000l. though it cost only 100,000l. The largest diamond furnished by Brazil, now in possession of the crown of Portugal, weighs, according to the highest estimates, 120 carats. It was found in the streamlet of AbaÏte, in a clay-slate district. The diamonds possessed of no extraordinary magnitude, but of a good form and a pure water, may be valued by a certain standard rule. In a brilliant, or rose-diamond of regular proportions, so much is cut away that the weight of the polished gem does not exceed one half the weight of the diamond in the rough state; whence the value of a cut diamond is esteemed equal to that of a similar rough diamond of double weight, exclusive of the cost of workmanship. The weight and value of diamonds is reckoned by carats of 4 grains each; and the comparative value of two diamonds of equal quality but different weights, is as the squares of these weights respectively. The average price of rough diamonds that are worth working, is about 2l. for one of a single carat; but as a polished diamond of one carat must have taken one of 2 carats, its price in the rough state is double the square of 2l., or 8l. Therefore, to estimate the value of a wrought diamond, ascertain its weight in carats, double that weight, and multiply the square of this product by 2l.
beyond which weight the prices can no longer rise in this geometrical progression, from the small number of purchasers of such expensive toys. A very trifling spot or flaw of any kind, lowers exceedingly the commercial value of a diamond. Diamonds are used not only as decorative gems, but for more useful purposes, as for cutting glass by the glazier, and all kinds of hard stones by the lapidary. On the structure of the glazier’s diamond, we possess some very interesting observations and reflections by Dr. Wollaston. He remarks, that the hardest substances brought to a sharp point scratch glass, indeed, but do not cut it, and that diamond alone possessed that property; which he ascribes to the peculiarity of its crystallization in rounded faces, and curvilinear edges. For glass-cutting, those rough diamonds are always selected which are sharply crystallized, hence called diamond sparks; but cut I shall here introduce Mr. Milburn’s valuable observations on the choice of rough diamonds, as published in his work on Oriental Commerce. The colour should be perfectly crystalline, resembling a drop of clear spring water, in the middle of which you will perceive a strong light, playing with a great deal of spirit. If the coat be smooth and bright, with a little tincture of green in it, it is not the worse, and seldom proves bad, but if there is a mixture of yellow with green, then beware of it; it is a soft greasy stone, and will prove bad. If the stone has a rough coat, so that you can hardly see through it, and the coat be white and look as if it were rough by art, and clear of flaws or veins, and no blemish cast in the body of the stone, (which may be discovered by holding it against the light) the stone will prove good. It often happens that a stone will appear of a reddish hue on the outward coat, not unlike the colour of rusty iron, yet by looking through it against the light, you may observe the heart of the stone to be white (and if there be any black spots, or flaws, or veins in it, they may be discovered by a true eye, although the coat of the stone be the same), and such stones are generally good and clear. If a diamond appears of a greenish bright coat, resembling a piece of green glass, inclining to black, it generally proves hard, and seldom bad; such stones have been known to have been of the first water, and seldom worse than the second; but if any tincture of yellow seems to be mixed with it, you may depend on its being a very bad stone. All stones of a milky cast, whether the coat be bright or dull, if ever so little inclining to a bluish cast, are naturally soft, and in danger of being flawed in the cutting; and though they should have the good fortune to escape, yet they will prove dead and milky, and turn to no account. All diamonds of cinnamon colour are dubious; but if of a bright coat mixed with a little green, then they are certainly bad, and are accounted among the worst of colours. You will meet with a great many diamonds of a rough cinnamon-coloured coat, opaque; this sort is generally very hard, and, when cut, contain a great deal of life and spirit; but the colour is very uncertain; it is sometimes white, sometimes brown, and sometimes of a fine yellow. Rough diamonds are frequently beamy, that is look fair to the eye, yet are so full of veins to the centre, that no art or labour can polish them. A good diamond should never contain small spots of a white or gray colour of a nebulous form; it should be free from small reddish and brownish grains, that sometimes occur on their surface, or in their interior. A good diamond should split readily in the direction of the cleavage; it sometimes happens, however, that the folia are curved, as is the case in twin crystals. When this happens, the stone does not readily cut and polish, and is therefore of inferior value. In the cut and polished gem, the thickness must always bear a certain proportion to the breadth. It must not be too thin nor thick; for, when too thin, it loses much of its fire, and appears not unlike glass. The term carat is said to be derived from the name of a bean, the produce of a species of erythina, a native of the district of Shangallas, in Africa; a famous mart of gold-dust. The tree is called kuara, a word signifying sun in the language of the country; because it bears flowers and fruit of a flame colour. As the dry seeds of this pod are always of nearly uniform weight, the savages have used them from time immemorial to weigh gold. The beans were transported into India, at an ancient period, and have been long employed there for weighing diamonds. The carat of the civilized world is, in fact, an imaginary weight, consisting of 4 nominal grains, a little lighter than 4 grains troy (poids de marc); it requires 74 carat grains and 1/16 to equipoise 72 of the other. In valuing a cut diamond, we must reckon that one half of its weight has been lost in the lapidary’s hands; whence its weight in this state should be doubled before we calculate its price by the general rule for estimating diamonds. The French multiply The diamond mines of Brazil have brought to its government, from the year 173~ till 1814, 3,023,000 carats; being at the average rate annually of 36,000 carats, or a little more than 16 libs., weight. They have not been so productive in the later years of that period; for, according to Mr. Mawe, between 1801 and 1806, only 115,675 carats were obtained, being 19,279 a year. The actual expenses incurred by the government, during this interval, was 4,419,700 francs; and, deducting the production in gold from the washings of the diamond gravel, or cascalho, it is found that the rough diamonds cost in exploration, per carat, 38 francs 20 c., or nearly 31s. British money. The contraband is supposed to amount to one third of the above legitimate trade. Brazil is almost the only country where diamonds are mined at the present day; it sends annually to Europe from 25 to 30 thousand carats, or from 10 to 161/2 libs. A flat circular plate of cast-iron is then charged with the powder produced during the abrasion of the diamonds; and by this means a tool is formed which is capable of producing the exquisite lustre so much admired on a finely-polished gem. Those diamonds that are unfit for working, on account of the imperfection of their lustre or colour, are sold, for various purposes, under the technical name of Bort. Stones of this kind are frequently broken in a steel mortar, by repeated blows, until they are reduced to a fine powder, which is used to charge metal plates, of various kinds, for the use of jewellers, lapidaries, and others. Bort, in this state of preparation, is incapable of polishing any gems; but it is used to produce flat surfaces on rubies and other precious stones. Fine drills are made of small splinters of bort, which are used for drilling small holes in rubies, and other hard stones, for the use of watch-jewellers, gold and silver wire-drawers, and others, who require very fine holes drilled in such substances. These drills are also used to pierce holes in china, where rivets are to be inserted; also for piercing holes in artificial enamel teeth, or any vitreous substances, however hard. 1. One part of diastase, dissolved in 30 parts of cold water, put with 408 parts of potato starch out of contact of air, did not exercise the slightest action upon this substance in the course of 63 days, under a temperature varying from 68° to 79° Fahr. 2. Two parts of diastase do not in the course of an hour, cause the globules of three parts of starch to burst, at a temperature approaching very nearly to that of the hot water which bursts them into a paste. It follows that diastase acts no part in the process of germination, towards eliminating the teguments of the starch, or transforming its interior portion into sugar, and a gummy matter assimilated by plants. 3. Diastase liquefies and saccharifies the paste of starch without absorption or disengagement of gas; a reaction which takes place equally in vacuo, as in the open air. 4. 100 parts of starch made into a paste with 39 times their weight of water, mixed with 6·13 parts of diastase dissolved in 40 parts of water, and kept for an hour between 140° and 149° Fahr., afforded 86·91 parts of sugar. 5. A paste containing 100 parts of starch, and 1393 parts of water, put in contact with 12·25 parts of diastase dissolved in 367 parts of cold water, having been maintained at 68° Fahr. during 24 hours, produced 77·64 parts of sugar. 6. The preceding experiment, repeated at the temperature of melting ice, afforded at the end of 2 hours, 11·82 parts of sugar. 7. The most favourable proportions and circumstances for the production of a great quantity of sugar, are a slight excess of diastase or barley malt, (at least 25 per cent. of the latter), about 50 parts of water to one of starch, and a temperature between 140° and 149° Fahr. It is of the greatest consequence for the saccharification to take place as speedily as possible, so that the sugar produced may not be left in contact with much gummy matter (dextrine), in which case, the diastase will not convert the latter into sugar. In fact, the liquefaction and saccharification should proceed simultaneously. 8. The sugar of starch, prepared either with diastase, or sulphuric acid, crystallizes in cauliflowers, or in prisms with rhomboidal facets. It has the same composition as sugar of grapes. 9. Diastase even in excess does not saccharify the gummy matter dissolved in the water along with the starch sugar, but when the gum is insulated, it is convertible almost entirely into sugar. 10. Gum arabic, cane sugar, and beer yeast, suffer no change from diastase. 11. A watery solution of diastase readily decomposes on keeping, either in contact or out of contact of air. 12. When starch-sugar, whether obtained by means of diastase or sulphuric acid, is submitted to the spirituous fermentation, the sum of the weights of the alcohol, carbonic acid, and water of crystallization of the sugar, is less than the weight of the sugar by about 31/2 per cent. This difference proceeds in a great measure from the formation The best kind of steel being thus selected, and properly forged at a high heat into the rough die, it is softened by very careful annealing, and in that state, having been smoothed externally, and brought to a table in the turning lathe, it is delivered to the engraver. The process of annealing the die consists in heating it to a bright cherry red, and suffering it to cool gradually, which is best effected by bedding it in a crucible or iron pot of coarsely-powdered charcoal, that of animal substances being generally preferred. In this operation it is sometimes supposed that the die, or at least its superficial parts, becomes super-carbonized, or highly-converted steel, as it is sometimes called; but experience does not justify such an opinion, and I believe the composition of the die is scarcely, certainly not materially, affected by the process, for it does not remain long enough in the fire for the purpose. The engraver usually commences his labours by working out the device with small steel tools, in intaglio; he rarely begins in relief (though this is sometimes done); and having ultimately completed his design, and satisfied himself of its general effect and correctness, by impressions in clay, and dabs, or casts in type metal, the die is ready for the important operation of hardening, which, from various causes, a few of which I shall enumerate, is a process of much risk and difficulty; for should any accident now occur, the labour of many months may be seriously injured, or even rendered quite useless. The process of hardening soft steel is in itself very simple, though not very easily explained upon mechanical or chemical principles. We know by experience, that it is a property of this highly valuable substance, to become excessively hard, if heated and suddenly cooled; if, therefore, we heat a bar of soft malleable and ductile steel red hot, and then suddenly quench it in a large quantity of cold water, it not only becomes hard, but fragile and brittle. But as a die is a mass of steel of considerable dimensions, this hardening is an operation attended by many and peculiar difficulties, more especially as we have at the same time to attend to the careful preservation of the engraving. This is effected by covering the engraved face of the die with a protecting face, composed of fixed oil of any kind, thickened with powdered charcoal: some persons add pipe-clay, others use a pulp of garlic, but pure lamp-black and linseed oil answer the purpose perfectly. This is thinly spread upon the work of the die, which, if requisite, may be further defended by an iron ring; the die is then placed with its face downwards in a crucible, and completely surrounded by powdered charcoal. It is heated to a suitable temperature, that is, about cherry red, and in that state is taken out with proper tongs, and plunged into a body of cold water, of such magnitude as not No process has been found to answer better than the above simple and common mode of hardening dies, though others have had repeated and fair trials. It has been proposed to keep up currents and eddies of cold water in the hardening cistern, by means of delivery-pipes, coming from a height; and to subject the hot die, with its face uppermost, to a sudden and copious current of water, let upon it from a large pipe, supplied from a high reservoir; but these means have not in any way proved more successful, either in saving the die, or in giving it any good qualities. It will be recollected, from the form of the die, that it is necessarily only, as it were, case-hardened, the hardest strata being outside, and the softer ones within, which envelope a core, something in the manner of the successive coats of an onion; an arrangement which we sometimes have an opportunity of seeing displayed in dies which have been smashed by a violent blow. The hardening having been effected, and the die being for the time safe, some further steps may be taken for its protection; one of these consists in a very mild kind of tempering, produced by putting it into water, gradually raised to the boiling point, till heated throughout, and then suffering it gradually to cool. This operation renders the die less apt to crack in very cold weather. A great safeguard is also obtained by thrusting the cold die into a red-hot iron ring, which just fits it in that state, and which, by contracting as it cools, keeps its parts together under considerable pressure, preventing the spreading of external cracks and fissures, and often enabling us to employ a split or die for obtaining punches, which would break to pieces without the protecting ring. If the die has been successfully hardened, and the protecting paste has done its duty, by preserving the face from all injury and oxidizement, or burning, as it is usually called, it is now to be cleaned and polished, and in this state constitutes what is technically called a MATRIX: it may of course be used as a multiplier of medals, coins, or impressions, but it is not generally thus employed, for fear of accidents happening to it in the coining press, and because the artist has seldom perfected his work upon it in this state. It is, therefore, resorted to for the purpose of finishing a PUNCH, or steel impression for relief. For this purpose a proper block of steel is selected, of the same quality, and with the same precautions as before, and being carefully annealed, or softened, is turned like the matrix, perfectly true and flat at the bottom, and obtusely conical at top. In this state, its conical surface is carefully compressed by powerful and proper machinery upon the matrix, which being very hard, soon allows it to receive the commencement of an impression; but in thus receiving the impression, it becomes itself so hard by condensation of texture as to require during the operation to be repeatedly annealed, or softened, otherwise it would split into small superficial fissures, or would injure the matrix; much practical skill is therefore required in taking this impression, and the punch, at each annealing, must be carefully protected, so that the work may not be injured. Thus, after repeated blows in the die-press, and frequent annealing, the impression from the matrix is at length perfected, or brought completely up, and having been retouched by the engraver, is turned, hardened, and collared, like the matrix, of which it is now a complete impression in relief, and, as we have before said, is called a punch. This punch becomes an inexhaustible parent of dies, without further reference to the original matrix; for now by impressing upon it plugs of soft steel, and by pursuing with them an exactly similar operation to that by which the punch itself was obtained, we procure impressions from it to any amount, which of course are fac-similes of the matrix, and these dies being turned, hardened, polished, and, if necessary, tempered, are employed for the purposes of coinage. The distinction between striking medals, and common coin, is very essential, and the work upon the dies is accordingly adjusted to each. Medals are usually in very high relief, and the effect is produced by a succession of blows; and as the metal in which they are struck, be it gold, silver, or copper, acquires considerable hardness at each stroke of the press, they are repeatedly annealed during the process of bringing them up. In a beautiful medal, which Mr. Wyon some time since completed for the Royal Navy College, the obverse represents a head of the King, in very bold relief; it required thirty blows of a very powerful press to complete the impression, and it was necessary to anneal each medal after every third blow, so that they went ten times into the fire for that purpose. In striking a coin or medal, the lateral spread of the metal, which otherwise would ooze out as it were from between the dies, is prevented by the application of a steel collar, accurately turned to the dimensions of the dies, and which, when left plain, gives to the edge of the piece a finished and polished appearance; it is Coins are generally completed by one blow of the coining-press. These presses are worked in the Royal Mint by machinery, so contrived that they shall strike, upon an average, sixty blows in a minute; the blank piece, previously properly prepared and annealed, being placed between the dies by part of the same mechanism. The number of pieces which may be struck by a single die of good steel, properly hardened and duly tempered, not unfrequently amounts at the Mint to between three and four hundred thousand, but the average consumption of dies is of course much greater, owing to the variable qualities of steel, and to the casualties to which the dies are liable: thus, the upper and lower die are often violently struck together, owing to an error in the layer-on, or in that part of the machinery which ought to put the blank into its place, but which now and then fails so to do. This accident very commonly arises from the boy who superintends the press neglecting to feed the hopper of the layer-on with blank pieces. If a die is too hard, it is apt to break or split, and is especially subject to fissures, which run from letter to letter upon the edge. If too soft, it swells, and the collar will not rise and fall upon it, or it sinks in the centre, and the work becomes distorted and faulty. He, therefore, who supplies the dies for an extensive coinage, has many accidents and difficulties to encounter. There are eight presses at the Mint, frequently at work for ten hours each day, and the destruction of eight pair of dies per day (one pair for each press) may be considered a fair average result, though they much more frequently fall short of, than exceed this proportion. It must be remembered, that each press produces 3600 pieces per hour, but, making allowance for occasional stoppages, we may reckon the daily produce of each press at 30,000 pieces; the eight presses therefore will furnish a diurnal average of 240,000 pieces. Chevreul has made a useful application of the digester to vegetable analysis. His instrument consists of a strong copper cylinder, into which enters a tight cylinder of silver, having its edge turned over at right angles to the axis of the cylinder, so as to form the rim of the digester. A segment of a copper sphere, also lined with silver stops the aperture of the silver cylinder, being applied closely to its rim. It has a conical valve pressed with a spiral spring, of any desired force, estimated by a steelyard. This spring is enclosed within a brass box perforated with four holes; which may be screwed into a tapped orifice in the top of the digester. A tube screwed into another hole serves to conduct away the condensable vapours at pleasure into a Woulfe’s apparatus. I shall consider in this place the first three of these subjects, reserving for the article Still an account of the construction and use of that apparatus. Whiskey, from the Irish word Usquebaugh, is the British name of the spirituous liquor manufactured by our distillers, and corresponds to the Eau de vie of the French, and the Branntwein of the Germans. It is generated by that intestine change which grape juice and other glutino-saccharine liquids spontaneously undergo when exposed to the atmosphere at common temperatures; the theory of which will be expounded under the article Fermentation. The production of whiskey depends upon the simple fact, that when any vinous fluid is boiled, the alcohol being very volatile, evaporates first, and may thereby be separated from the aqueous vegetable infusion in which it took its birth. Sugar is the only substance which can be transformed into alcohol. Whatsoever fruits, seeds, or roots afford juices or extracts capable of conversion into vinous liquor, either contain sugar ready formed, or starch susceptible of acquiring the saccharine state by proper treatment. In common language, the intoxicating liquor obtained from the sweet juices of fruits is called wine; and that from the infusions of farinaceous seeds, beer; though there is no real difference between them in chemical constitution. A similar beverage, though probably less palatable, is procurable from the juices and infusions of many roots, by the process of fermentation. Wine, cyder, beer, and fermented wash of every kind, when distilled, yields an identical intoxicating spirit, which differs in these different cases merely in flavour, in consequence of the presence of a minute quantity of volatile oils of different odours. I. The juices of sweet fruits contain a glutinous ingredient which acts as a ferment in causing their spontaneous change into a vinous condition; but the infusions of seeds, even in their germinated or malted state, require the addition of a glutinous substance called yeast, to excite the best fermentation. In the fabrication of wine or beer for drinking, the fermentative action should be arrested before all the fruity saccharum is decomposed; nor should it on any account be suffered to pass into the acetous stage; whereas for making distillery wash, that action should be promoted as long as the proportion of alcohol is increased, because the formation of a little acetic acid is not injurious to the quality of the distilled spirit, but rather improves its flavour by the addition of acetic ether, while all the undecomposed sugar is lost. Distillers operate upon the saccharine matter from corn of various kinds in two methods; in the first they draw off a pure watery extract from the grain, and subject this species of wort to fermentation; in the second they ferment and distil the infused mass of grains. The former is the practice of the distillers in the United Kingdom, and is preferable on many accounts; the latter, which is adopted in Germany, Holland, and the north of Europe, is less economical, more uncertain in the product, and affords a cruder spirit, in consequence of the fetid volatile oil evolved from the husks in the still. The substances employed by the distillers may be distributed into the following classes:— 1. Saccharine juices. At the head of these stands cane-juice, which fresh from the mill contains from 12 to 16 per cent. of raw sugar, and like the must of the grape enters into the vinous fermentation without the addition of yeast, affording the species of spirit called Rum, which is possessed of a peculiar aroma derived from an essential oil in the cane. An inferior sort of rum is fabricated from molasses, mixed with the skimmings and washings of the sugar pans. When molasses or treacle is diluted with twenty times its weight of warm water, and when the mixture has cooled to 78° F., if one twelfth of its weight of yeast be added, fermentation will speedily ensue, and an ardent spirit will be generated, which when distilled has none of the aroma of rum; proving this to reside in the immediate juice or substance of the cane, and to be dissipated at the high temperature employed in the production of molasses. Though the cane juice will spontaneously undergo the vinous fermentation, it does so more slowly and irregularly than the routine of business requires, and therefore is quickened by the addition of the lees of a preceding distillation. So sensible are the rum distillers of the advantage of such a plan, that they soak woollen cloths in the yeast of the fermenting vats, in order to preserve a ferment from one sugar season to another. In Jamaica and some other of our colonies, 50 gallons of spent wash or lees are mixed with 6 gallons of molasses, 36 gallons of sugar-pan skimmings (a substance rich in aroma), and 8 gallons of water; in which mixture there is about one twelfth part of solid saccharum. Those who attend more to the quality than the quantity of their rum, will use a smaller proportion of the spent wash, which is always empyreumatic, and imparts more or less of its odour to the spirit distilled from it. The fermentation is seldom complete in less than 9 days, and most commonly it requires from 12 to 15; the period being dependent upon the capacity of the fermenting tun, and the quality of its contents. The liquid now becomes clear, the froth having fallen to the bottom, and few bubbles of gas are extricated from it, while its specific gravity is reduced from 1·050 down to 0·992. The sooner it is subjected to distillation after this period the better, to prevent Mr Edwards gives the following estimate: “The total amount of sweets from an estate in Jamaica which makes 200 hogsheads of sugar, is 16,666 gallons. The wash set at the rate of 12 per cent. sweets, should return 34,720 gallons of low wines, which should give 14,412 gallons of rum, or 131 puncheons of 110 gallons each.” By my own experiments on the quantity of proof spirit obtainable from molasses by fermentation (afterwards to be detailed), one gallon of sweets should yield one gallon of spirit; and hence the above 16,666 gallons should have afforded the same bulk of rum. But here we are left somewhat in the dark, by not knowing the specific gravity of the rum spoken of by Mr. Edwards. The only light let in upon us is when he mentions rum oil-proof, that is, a spirit in which olive oil will sink; indicating a density nearly the same with our actual excise proof, for olive oil at 60° F. has the specific gravity 0·919. When a solution of sugar of the proper strength is mixed with wine lees, and fermented, it affords a spirit by distillation not of the rum, but of the brandy flavour. The sweet juices of palm trees and cocoa nuts, as also of the maple, and ash, birch, &c., when treated like cane juice, afford vinous liquors from which ardent spirits, under various names, are obtained; as arrack, &c.; the quantity being about 50 pounds of alcohol of 0·825 for every 100 pounds of solid saccharine extract present. Honey similarly treated affords the metheglin so much prized by our ancestors. Good whey, freed from curd by boiling, will yield 4 per cent. of spirit of wine, when fermented with the addition of a little yeast. 2. The juices of apples, pears, currants, and such fruits, afford by fermentation quantities of alcohol proportional to the sugar they contain. But the quality of the spirit is much better when it is distilled from vinous liquids of a certain age, than from recently fermented must. Cherries are employed in Germany, and other parts of the Continent, for making a high-flavoured spirit called Kirsch-wasser, or cherry water. The fully ripe fruit is crushed by a roller press, or an edge-stone mill, along with the kernels; the pulp is fermented in a mass, the liquid part is then drawn off, and distilled. More or less prussic acid enters from the kernels into this spirit, which renders it very injurious, as a liquor, to many constitutions. I was once nearly poisoned by swallowing a wine glass of it in the valley of Chamouni. The ripened red fruit of the mountain ash constitutes a good material for vinous fermentation. The juice being mixed with some water and a little yeast, affords when well fermented, according to Hermstaedt, 12 pounds, or 11/2 gallons, of alcohol from 2 bushels of the ripe berries. 3. Many roots contain sugar, particularly beet, from which no less than 7 per cent. of it may be extracted by judicious means. Hermstaedt recommends to mash the steam boiled clean roots, and add to the paste two-thirds of its weight of boiling water, and a thirtieth of its weight of ground malt, mixing the materials well, and then leaving them three hours in a covered vessel. The mixture must now be passed through a wire sieve, with meshes of one-third of an inch square each; the residuum is washed with a little cold water, and, when the temperature has fallen to 77° F., the proper quantity of yeast must be added, and the fermentation suffered to proceed in a covered tun. In 5 or 6 days it will be complete, and will afford by distillation, from 100 pounds of beet root, about 10 or 12 pounds of proof spirits. Carrots and parsnips, when similarly treated, yield a considerable quantity of alcohol. II. Ardent spirits or whiskey from fecula or starchy materials. I have already pointed out, in the article Beer, how the starch is transformed into a saccharine condition, by malting and mashing; and how a fermentable wort may be obtained from starchy meal. By like operations may all vegetable substances, which consist chiefly of starch, become materials for a whiskey distillery. To this class belong all the farinaceous grains, potatos, and the pods of shell fruits, as beans, vetches, horse-chesnuts, acorns, &c. 1. Whiskey from corn. All those species of corn which are employed in breweries answer for distilleries; as wheat, rye, barley, and oats; as well as buckwheat, and maize or Indian corn. The product of spirits which these different grains afford, depends upon the proportion of starch they contain, including the small quantity of uncrystallizable sugar present in them. Hermstaedt, who has made exact experiments upon the subject, reckons a quart (Prussian or British) spirits, containing 30 per cent. of the absolute alcohol of Richter, for 2 pounds of starch. Hence 100 pounds of starch should yield 100 pounds of the following grains afford in spirits of specific gravity 0·9427, containing 45 per cent. of absolute alcohol (= 9/11 of British proof,) the following quantities:— Wheat, 40 to 45 pounds of spirits; rye, 36 to 42; barley, 40; oats, 36; buckwheat, 40; maize, 40. The mean of the whole may be taken at 40 pounds, equal to 41/4 gallons imperial, of 0·9427 specific gravity = 3·47 gallons, at excise proof. The chief difference in these several kinds of corn consists in their different bulks under the same weight; a matter of considerable importance; for since a bushel of oats weighs little more than the half of a bushel of wheat, the former becomes for some purposes less convenient in use than the latter, though it affords a good spirit. Barley and rye are the species of grain most commonly employed in the European distilleries for making whiskey. Barley is mostly taken either partly or altogether in the malted state; while the other corns are not malted, but merely mixed with a certain proportion of barley malt to favour the saccharine fermentation in the mashing. It is deemed preferable to use a mixture of several sorts of grain, instead of a single one; for example, wheat with barley and oats; or barley with rye and wheat; for the husks of the oats diffused through the wheat flour and rye meal keep it open or porous when mashed, and thus favour the abstraction of the wort; while the gluten of the wheat tends to convert the starch of the barley and oats into sugar. When the whole of the grain, however, is malted, a much more limpid wort is obtained than from a mixture of malt with raw grain; hence the pure malt is preferable for the ale and porter brewer, while the mixture affords a larger product, at the same cost of materials, to the distiller. When barley is the only grain employed, from one-third to one-sixth of malt is usually mixed with it; but when wheat and rye are also taken, the addition of from one-eighth to one-sixteenth of barley malt is sufficient. Oats are peculiarly proper to be mixed with wheat, to keep the meal open in the mashing. The following are the proportions used by some experienced Scotch distillers.
From each boll, weighing 291 lbs., 14 imperial gallons of proof whiskey are obtained on an average; equivalent to 11·2 gallons at 25 over proof. The malting for the distilleries is to be conducted on the same principles as for the breweries, but the malt ought to be lightly kiln-dried, and that preferably at a steam heat, instead of a fire, which is apt to give an empyreumatic smell to the grain that passes into the spirits. For such persons, indeed, as relish the smell of burned turf, called peat-reek in Scotland, the malt should be dried by a turf fire, whereby the whiskey will acquire that peculiar odour. But this smell, which was originally prized as a criterion of whiskey made from pure malt, moderately fermented and distilled with peculiar care, has of late years lost its value, since the artifice of impregnating bad raw grain whiskey with peat-smoke has been extensively practised. Dr. Kolle, in his treatise on making spirits, describes a malting kiln with a copper plate heated with steam, 18 feet long, and 12 feet broad, on which a quantity of malt being spread thin, is changed every 3 or 4 hours, so that in 24 hours he turns out upwards of 28 cwt. of an excellent and well-kilned article. The malt of the distiller should be as pale as possible, because with the deepening of the colour an empyreumatic principle is generated. When Indian corn is the subject of distillation, it must be malted in the same way as described in the article Beer. According to Hermstaedt, its flour may be advantageously mixed with the crushed malt in the mash tun. But its more complete dissolution may be accomplished by Siemen’s mode of operating upon potatos, presently to be described. 1. Mashing. Barley and raw grain are ground to meal by millstones, but malt is merely crushed between rollers. If only one-tenth or one-eighth of malt be used with nine-tenths or seven-eighths of barley, some husks of oats are added, to render the mash mixture more drainable. When 40 bushels of barley and 20 of malt form one mashing, from 600 to 700 gallons of water, heated to 150° F., are mixed with these 60 bushels in the mash tun, If the wort be examined every half-hour of the mashing period, it will be found to become progressively sweeter to the taste, thinner in appearance, but denser in reality. The wort must be drawn off from the grains whenever it has attained its maximum density, which seldom exceeds 150 lbs. per barrel; that is, 360 + 150360 = 1·42, or 42 per cent. As the corn of the distiller of raw grain has not the same porosity as the brewer’s, the wort cannot be drawn off from the bottom of the tun, but through a series of holes at the level of the liquor, bored in a pipe stuck in at the corner of the vessel. About one-third only of the water of infusion can thus be drawn off from the pasty mass. More water is therefore poured on at the temperature of 190°, well mixed by agitation for half an hour, then quietly infused for an hour and a half, and finally drawn off as before. Fully 400 gallons of water are used upon this occasion, and nearly as much liquor may be drawn off. Lastly, to extract from the grains every thing soluble, about 700 gallons of boiling hot water are turned in upon them, thoroughly incorporated, then left quietly to infuse, and drawn off as above. This weak wort is commonly reserved for the first liquor of the next mashing operation upon a fresh quantity of meal and malt. The English distiller is bound by law to make his mixed worts to be let down into the fermenting tun of a specific gravity not less than 1·050, nor more than 1·090; the Scotch and Irish distillers not less than 1·030, nor more than 1·080; which numbers are called, gravity 50, 90, 30, and 80, respectively. With the proportion of malt, raw grain, and water, above prescribed, the infusion first drawn off may have a strength = 20 per cent. = spec. grav. 1·082, or 73 lbs. per barrel; the second of 50 lbs. per barrel, or 14 per cent.; and the two together would have a strength of 61·2 lbs. per barrel = 17 per cent., or spec. grav. 1·070. From experiments carefully made upon a considerable scale, it appears that no more than four-fifths of the soluble saccharo-starchy matter of the worts is decomposed in the best regulated fermentations of the distiller from raw grain. For every 2 lbs. so decomposed, 1 lb. of alcohol, spec. grav. 0·825 is generated; and as every gallon of spirits of the spec. grav. 0·909 contains 4·6 lbs. of such alcohol, it will take twice 4·6 or 9·2 lbs. of saccharine matter to produce the said gallon. To these 9·2 lbs., truly transmuted in the process, we must add one-fifth, or 1·84 lbs., which will raise to 11·04 the amount of solid matter employed in producing a gallon of the above spirits. Some distillers mash a fourth time; and always use the feeble wort so obtained in mashing fresh grain. 2. As the imperfect saccharine infusion obtained from raw grain is much more acescent than the rich sugary solution got from malt in the breweries, the distiller must use every precaution to cool his worts as quietly as possible, and to keep them clear from any acetous taint. The different schemes of cooling worts are considered under Beer and Refrigeration. As the worts cool, a quantity of starchy matter is precipitated, but it is all carefully swept along into the fermenting tun, and undoubtedly contributes to increase the production of alcohol. During the winter and temperate months, when the distilleries are most actively at work, the temperature at which the worts are set is usually about 70° F. When much farinaceous deposit is present, the heat may be only 65°, because, in this case, a slow fermentation seems to favour the conversion of that starch into sugar. In some German distilleries a little chalk is mixed with the worts, to check acidity. 3. The fermentation. The yeast added to the worts as a ferment, ought to be the best top barm of the London porter breweries. About 1 gallon of it is requisite for every 2 bushels of meal and malt worked up in the mashing process; and of this quantity only a certain proportion is introduced at the beginning; the remainder being added by degrees, on the second and third day. Should the fermentation flag, a little more may be added on the fourth or fifth day, and the contents of the tun may be roused by an agitator. About 8 or 9 gallons may be introduced four days in succession to the quantity of worts extracted from 60 bushels of the farinaceous materials; or the third day’s dose may be intermitted, and joined to the fourth on the subsequent day. Great diversity, and no little caprice prevail among distillers in respect of the periods of administering the yeast; but they should be governed very much by the appearance of the fermentation. This process continues from nine to twelve or even fourteen days, according to circumstances; the tuns being left quite open during the first five days, but being covered moderately close afterwards to favour the full impregnation of the liquor with carbonic acid, as a fermenting agent. In consequence of the great attenuation of the wort by the generation of so much alcohol, no good body of yeast continues to float on the surface, and what is formed is beat down into the liquor on purpose to promote the fermentation. The temperature of the wash gradually increases till towards the end of the fourth day, when it attains its maximum height of about 25° above the pitch of 55° or 60° at which it may have been set. The time of the greatest elevation of temperature, as well as its amount, depends conjointly upon the quality of the yeast, the nature of the saccharo-starchy matter, and the state of the weather. It is highly probable that the electrical condition of the atmosphere exercises a considerable influence upon fermentation. We know the power of a thunderstorm to sour vinous fluids. An experimental inquiry into the relation between electricity and fermentation, could not fail to prove both curious and profitable. The diminution of the density of the wort is carefully watched by the distiller, as the true criterion of the success of his process. This attenuation, as he calls it, is owing partly to the decomposition of the sugar, which communicated its gravity to the solution, and partly to the introduction of the lighter alcoholic particles. Were all the saccharo-starchy matter resolved into gaseous compounds, the wort would become water; but since a part of it remains undecomposed, and a portion of alcohol is produced at the expense of the decomposed part, the degree of attenuation becomes a somewhat complicated problem in a theoretical point of view; the density due to the residuary sugar being masked and counteracted by the spirit evolved. Could the alcohol be drawn off as it is formed, the attenuation would probably become greater, because the alcohol checks the fermentative action, and eventually stops it, before all the saccharum is decomposed. After the wash has taken its highest degree of temperature, not much more spirit is found to be generated; were this therefore removed by proper means, the remaining vegetable matter would undoubtedly yield a further product of alcohol. In the attenuation of raw-grain wash, the specific gravity seldom arrives at 1·000; but most commonly stops short at 1·002 or 1·004. When the vinous fermentation comes to an end, the acetous is apt to commence, and to convert a portion of the alcohol into vinegar; a result which is easily ascertained by the increasing specific gravity, sour smell, and acidulous reaction of the wash upon litmus paper, which remains after the paper is heated, showing that the red colour is not caused by carbonic acid. Fermentation proceeds with more uniformity and success in the large tuns of the distiller, than in the experimental apparatus of the chemist; because the body of heat generated in the former case maintains the action. But I have succeeded in obviating this inconvenience in operating upon 80 or 90 gallons, by keeping up the temperature, when it begins to flag, by transmitting hot water through a recurved pipe plunged into the tun. We have already mentioned that one gallon of spirits, one in ten over-proof, is upon the average generated from 11·04 libs. of starch sugar; hence we conclude that one pound water-measure of spirits at proof (= 1/10 imperial gallon) is produced from one pound of the saccharum. Malt whiskey.—The treatment and produce of malt distilleries are in some respects different from those of raw grain. Having been professionally employed by the proprietors of both, I am prepared to state the peculiarities of the latter, by an example. 500 bushels of ground malt are first mashed with 9000 gallons of water, heated to the temperature of 160° F.: 6000 gallons of worts are drawn off into the coolers, and let down into the fermenting tun at 68°. From 3 to 4 per cent. of a mixture of London porter yeast with quick Scotch barm, are added, and well stirred through the mass. At the end of two or three days, in general, the fermentation is finished. On the residuary grains of the malt, from 4500 to 5000 gallons of water at 180° are run, which after proper mashing as before, are drawn off; then 4500 more are poured on, the drainage of which is added to the second. Both of these together, constituting 9000 gallons, are heated next day, and employed for the mashing of 500 bushels of fresh malt. During the fermentation, the wash which was set at the spec. grav. 1·065, comes down to water = 1·000. The wash is distilled in two stills, appropriated to it, of about 800 gallons capacity each, provided with a rotatory chain apparatus for preventing the lees from adhering to the bottom of the still. Into about 800 gallons of wash 8 lbs. of soap are put. The liquor obtained at this first distillation is called low-wines. These low-wines are redistilled in the spirit stills; the first and last portions of liquid being more or less blue or milky in colour, and rank in flavour, are run into a separate receiver called the faints-back; According to some experienced distillers from raw grain, the mashing temperature of the first liquor should not exceed 140° F.; whereas with malt it may be safely and beneficially 165° or 170°. When rye is used instead of malt, 90 bushels of it are mixed with 190 bushels of raw grain, constituting 280 bushels in whole, for the mashing of which 5200 gallons of water are required. An hour and a half more time is necessary for settling the mashing of the above mixture, than of grain alone. Gin is made in this way. The distiller of malt whiskey calculates on obtaining two gallons of proof spirits from one bushel of malt, in average years. The highest yield is 20 gallons per quarter of 8 bushels; and the lowest is 16, when the malt and fermentation are indifferent. The best temperature to set the fermenting tuns with malt wash is about 70° or 72° F. When malt is 5s. the bushel, 6 bushels at 30s. will yield 12 gallons of proof spirits. These cost therefore 2s. 6d. per gallon for the malt; to which must be added 3d. per bushel for the amount of malt duty not returned, or 11/2d. on the gallon; this added to the Scotch duty of 3s. 4d. the gallon, makes the price altogether 5s. 111/2d.; besides the expenses in fuel, yeast, labour, and rent, which may be estimated at 81/2d. per gallon. But 3d. may be deducted for what is paid by the dairymen for the spent wash and grains. The total cost, therefore, exclusive of use of capital, is 6s. 5d. per gallon in Scotland. The following is the work of a Scotch distillery, where good malt whiskey was made. One bushel of the malt weighed 35 libs., or the boll, = 6 bushels, 210 libs. In mashing each boll of malt, 110 gallons of water were run on it at 160° F. As soon as the fermenting tun of 3000 gallons capacity was charged with the wash at from 64° to 74° F., 2 gallons per cent. of barm were added. When the wash had become attenuated from 1·060 to 1·040, another gallon of barm was introduced. The temperature of the fermenting wash sometimes rises to 96°, which is, however, an extreme case, and not desirable. When the bubbles of carbonic acid mount in rapid succession, it is reckoned an excellent sign. If the tun be small, and stand in a cool apartment, it should be started at a higher temperature than in the reverse predicament. Should the fermentation be suffered to flag, it is in general a hopeless task to restore vigorous action. Some try the addition of bubs, that is of some wort brought into a state of rapid fermentation in a tub, by a large proportion of yeast, but seldom with much success. Indeed the law prohibits the addition of any wort to the tun at a later period than 24 hours after it is set; so that if bubs are used afterwards, the distiller is apt to incur a penalty. The maximum quantity of proof spirits obtained on the great scale at any time from raw grain mixed with from one-fourth to one-eighth of malt, seems to be 22 gallons per quarter. By the British laws a distiller is not allowed to brew and distil at the same time but he must work alternately, one week, for instance, at fermentation, and next week at distillation. In fermenting solutions of sugar mixed with good yeast, the attenuation has been carried down to 0·984, and even 0·982, that is, in the language of the excise, 16 and 18 degrees below water, from 1·060, the density at which it was originally set in the tun. This was excellent work done on the scale of a great distillery nearly 30 years ago, when distillation from sugar was encouraged, in consequence of bad corn harvests. In an experiment which I made in 1831 for the information of a committee of the House of Commons, on the use of molasses in the breweries and distilleries, I dissolved 1 cwt. of raw sugar in water; so as to form 741/2 gallons, inclusive of 2 gallons of yeast. The specific gravity of the mixture was 1·0593 on the 31st of March. By the 6th of April, that is in 6 days, the gravity had sunk to 0·992, or 8 degrees under water, which was reckoned a good attenuation, considering the circumstances and the small quantity operated upon. By distillation it afforded at the rate of 14·875 gallons of proof spirits for 100 gallons of the wash. When the distillers first worked from sugar, they only obtained upon an average from 1 cwt. 10·09 gallons imp. of proof spirit; but they afterwards got no less than 11·92 imp. gallons. The following experiment, which I made upon the fermentation of West India molasses into spirits, for the information of the said committee, may prove not uninteresting to my readers. 150 libs. were dissolved in water and mixed with 2 gallons of yeast, weighing exactly 20 libs. The wash measured 70 gallons, and had a spec. gravity of 1·0647 at 60° F. In two days the gravity had fallen to 1·0055; in three days to 1·0022; and in five days to 1·001. The temperature was kept up at from 80° to 90° F., during the two last days, by means of a steam pipe, to favour the fermentation. The product of spirits was 11 gallons, and 35/100 of a gallon. Now 150 libs. of the above molasses were found to contain of solid matter, chiefly uncrystallizable, 112 libs. And as 112 libs. of sugar are estimated by the revenue laws to afford by fermentation 111/2 gallons imp. of proof spirit, the result of that experiment upon molasses must be considered satisfactory, bearing in mind that the saccharine substance in molasses has been not only partially decomposed by heat, but is mixed with some of the glutinous or extractive matter of the cane. Since the alteration of the excise laws relative to distillation in 1825 and 1826, when permission was given to set the wort at lower gravities, the quantity of spirits produced from 1 quarter of corn has been much increased, even up to fully 20 gallons; and the proportion of malt has been much diminished. The latter was soon reduced from three-sevenths malt, and four-sevenths barley, or two-fifths malt and three-fifths barley, to one-fifth of malt, and now to one-tenth or even one-sixteenth. A discussion having lately taken place in Ireland between certain persons connected with the distilleries and the officers of the excise, whether, and to what extent, raw grain worts would pass spontaneously into the vinous fermentation, the Board in London requested me to superintend a series of researches in a laboratory fitted up at their office, to settle this important point. I shall content myself here with giving the result of one experiment, out of several, which seems to me quite decisive. Three bushels of mixed grains were taken, consisting of two of barley, one half of oats, and one half of malt, which, being coarsely ground by a hand-mill, were mashed in a new tun with 24 gallons of water at 155°. The mash liquor drawn off amounted to 18 gallons, at the density of 1·0465; and temperature of 82° F. Being set in a new tun, it began to ferment in the course of 12 hours, and in 4 days it was attenuated down to gravity 1·012. This yielded, upon distillation in low wines, 3·22 gallons, and by rectification, in spirits, 3·05; while the quantity equivalent to the attenuation by the tables was 3·31, being an excellent accordance in such circumstances. The inquisitorial regime imposed by law upon our distilleries, might lead a stranger to imagine that our legislators were desirous of repressing by every species of annoyance the fabrication of the fiery liquid which infuriates and demoralizes the lower population of these islands. But alas! credit can be given them for no such moral or philanthropic motive. The necessity of the exchequer to raise a great revenue, created by the wasteful expenditure of the state, on the one hand, and the efforts of fraudulent ingenuity on the other, to evade the payment of the high duties imposed, are the true origin of that regime. Examinations in distilleries are constantly made by the officers of excise. There is a survey at 6 o’clock in the morning, when the officers take their accounts and gauges, and make calculations which occupy several hours. At 10 o’clock they again survey, going over the whole premises, where they continue a considerable time, frequently till the succeeding officer comes on duty; at 2 in the afternoon another survey takes place, but not by the same people; at 6 in the evening the survey is repeated; at 10 there comes another survey by an officer who had not been engaged in any of the previous surveys of that day. He is not relieved till 6 o’clock next morning. In addition to these regular inspections, the distilleries are subject to frequent and uncertain visits of the surveyor and general surveyor. “We are never,” says Mr. Smith, the eminent distiller of Whitechapel, “out of their hands.” Before the fermented wort goes into the still, a calculation is made of the quantity of wash drawn from the wash back, and which is first pumped into what is called the wash charger. If the quantity in the wash charger exceeds the quantity in the wash back, the distiller is charged upon the higher quantity; if it contains less, he must pay according to the wash back, as being the larger quantity. When the quantity of wash is all transferred to the charger, the discharge cock of the wash charger is unlocked, and the wash is allowed to be drawn off from the charger into the still, the charging and discharging cock of the still being locked by the officer. There can be no transfer of wash but through the pumps, which are locked also. The first distillation from the wash is worked into the low-wine receiver, which is also a locked-up vessel; then of There is a kind of ardent spirits manufactured in Holland, vulgarly called Dutch gin, Hollands, and sometimes geneva, from genievre, the French for juniper, a plant with the essential oil of whose berries it is flavoured. One cwt. of ground malt mixed with two cwt. of rye meal are mashed for two hours, with about 450 gallons of water at the temperature of 160° F. The mash drawn off is reduced with cold water till the liquid part has the density of 45 libs. per barrel, = specific gravity 1·047; and is then put altogether into the fermenting back at the temperature of 80° F. One or two gallons of yeast are added. The fermentation soon becomes so vigorous as to raise the heat to 90° and upwards, but it is not pushed far, being generally over in two days, when the gravity of the wash, still indicates 12 pounds of saccharum per barrel. By this moderate attenuation, like that practised by the contraband distillers of the Highlands of Scotland, it is supposed that the fetid oil of the husks is not evolved, or at least in very small quantity. The grains are put into the alembic along with the liquid wash, and distilled into low wines, which are rectified twice over, some juniper berries and hops being added at the last distillation. But the junipers are sometimes bruised and put into the mash. The produce of worts so imperfectly fermented, is probably little more than one half of what the British distiller draws from the same quantity of grain. But the cheapness of labour and of grain, as well as the superior flavour of the Schiedam spirits, enables the Dutch distiller to carry on his business with a respectable profit. In opposition to the above facts, Dubrunfaut says that about one third more spirits is obtained in Holland from grain than in France, because a very calcareous spring water is employed in the mashing operation. Were this account well founded, all that the distillers of other countries would have to do would be merely to introduce a portion of chalk into their mash tuns, in order to be on a par with the Dutch. But the statement is altogether a mistake. In the vine countries, the inferior wines or those damaged by keeping, as also a fermented mash of the pressed grapes, mixed with water, are distilled to form the eau de vie de Cognac of the French, called Brandy in this country. It contains less essential oil, and that of a more agreeable flavour, than corn spirits. See Brandy. Berzelius says that there are distillers who are guilty of putting a little arsenious acid into the still; that the spirits contain pretty frequently traces of arsenic, which may be detected by adding to them a little muriatic acid, then evaporating off the alcohol, and passing a current of sulphuretted hydrogen gas through the residuary liquid, which will give it the characteristic orpiment yellow tinge, arsenic being present. Copper, which is sometimes introduced into distilled grain, or even malt spirits, in consequence of the soap employed in the process of distillation, may be detected best by the brown precipitate which it occasions with ferroprussiate of potash. No arsenic is ever used in this country. When damaged grain has been mashed in making whiskey, a peculiar oily substance makes its appearance in it. On approaching the nostrils to such whiskey slightly heated, this volatile matter irritates the pituitary membrane and the eyes very powerfully. These spirits have exactly the smell of an alcoholic solution of cyanogene; they intoxicate more powerfully than pure alcohol of equal strength, and produce even temporary frenzy, with subsequent sickness and disordered functions. This volatile body is not cyanogene, though it be so like it, for it forms no such combinations as cyanogene does. It may be extracted from diluted alcohol by agitating it with an unctuous oil, and then distilling the oil along with water. At the end of 3 or 4 months, this volatile matter disappears in a great measure, even when the spirits impregnated with it are inclosed in well-corked bottles; obviously from its undergoing a spontaneous decomposition. It may be preserved much longer in the state of a watery solution. When acetic ether is added to well purified or clean spirits, such as the distillers call IV. Of making whiskey from potatos.—This root in certain localities where it abounds at a moderate price, is an excellent material for fermenting into alcohol. When sound, it possesses from 20 to 25 per cent. of solid substance, of which starch constitutes at least three-fourths; hence 100 pounds contain from 16 to 22 pounds of starch susceptible of being saccharified. In the expressed juice there is a small quantity of tartaric acid. Previously to mashing, potatos must be first well washed in a horizontal cylindrical cage revolving partially in a trough of water, as will be described in treating of the manufacture of sugar from beet root. They must be then boiled in a close vessel with steam, provided with a perforated bottom a few inches above the real one. The top has an opening with a cover fitted tightly to it; through that the potatos are introduced; and immediately above the false bottom there is a similar aperture through which the boiled potatos are taken out. The steam-pipe enters at the top, runs down the side a little way; and terminates in a widened mouth. The large lids are secured by cross bars, the small hole by folds of linen. In the lower valve there are two small holes closed with pins, for inserting a wire to feel whether the potatos be sufficiently boiled. If so, the steam is immediately stopped off, the lower lid is removed, and the potatos pulled out with a hook into a tub. They must be immediately made into a homogeneous paste before they get cold. Fig. 361. represents, in plan, or horizontal section, the apparatus used in France for this purpose. A B are two cylinders covered with wire cloth, but open at the ends; C C and D D are two pieces of wood fixed on the two axes, in the form of two cones, with the adjoining surfaces truncated; upon which, as also upon iron rings E F, of the same diameter, made fast to the axes, the wire cylinder rests. Of the two wheels G, H, the smaller has 18, the greater has 21 teeth. The diameter of each cylinder is 14 inches, the length 18. Above and between the two cylinders, there is a hopper for the reception of the boiled potatos. This machine triturates 1200 pounds of potatos per hour. Their paste must be forthwith mashed with some ground wheat or barley, and a proportion of malt; then be set a fermenting. As in the above mode of trituration, the potatos are apt to cool to such a degree as to obstruct their ready admixture with water, it is better to make them into a paste in the vessel in which they are steamed. The apparatus contrived by Siemens fully answers this end. It consists essentially of a tub A, represented in fig. 362. in section. It is cylindrical, and made of planks from 3 to 4 inches thick, joined firmly and steam-tight; the upper and under ends being well secured with iron hoops. The lower part is about 2 inches more in diameter than the upper. About a foot from the bottom, in a circular groove, a cast iron partition W or disc full of holes is made fast, which serves the purpose of a scarce, the apertures being an inch asunder; above, from 1/8 to 1/10 of an inch in diameter, and below, scooped out to half an inch. This disc is half an inch thick in the edges, and five fourths of an inch in the middle. Through the female screw a in the top of the cylinder, there passes the screwed rod b, one and a half inches thick, provided at top with a strong cross bar C C, for turning it round. The under end of this rod has a square piece terminating in a short screw, upon which a wrought iron cross is secured by means of a screw nut, so as to stand at right angles to the rod. This cross is composed of two distinct arms; of which one of them is mounted on the upper side with little knives an inch and a half long; the other, upon the under side, with a wire brush, that may be made to rub against the perforated cast iron disc. On the side of the cylinder at E, fig. 362., there is a narrow aperture provided with a bung secured by a cross bar, and near the bottom at H there is another like it. Both openings serve for taking out the residuary matter. Through the opening E, the above two arms are introduced; and secured to the square of the rod by the screw nut. In the top there is an opening, D, With this apparatus the potatos are prepared as follows: when the screw rod is so fixed that the cross touches the disc, the cylinder is to be filled with washed potatos to within one foot of the top, leaving them some space to expand. The orifice D is to be then closed, and the steam admitted. When the potatos are boiled enough, two labourers lay hold of the lever handles C C, of the screw rod b, and turn it round with the effect of screwing up the spiked cross, and of triturating the potatos; an operation which may be still more effectually done by screwing it down again. The potato paste is now let off by the plug hole H, into the tub L, where it is mixed with about 30 per cent. of boiling water, and one thousandth part of potash, made caustic with quicklime, in order to dissolve the albuminous matter coagulated by the heat, and give complete fluidity to the mass. The alkali also neutralises the tartaric acid present. The mashed matter must now be mixed with the crushed malt diffused through 40 or 50 pounds of cold water for every 100 pounds of potatos, which lowers the temperature to 167°. The wort must be then diligently stirred during two hours; mixed with 40 or 50 pounds of cold water for 100 pounds of potatos, and when reduced to the temperature of 77° put into the fermenting tun along with the proper quantity (3 or 4 per cent.) of yeast. As potatos readily pass into the acetous fermentation, the admixture of the malt, the mashing, and the cooling should be rapidly performed, while the utmost cleanliness must be observed. The fermentation is brisk, probably from the agency of the albumen, and furnishes a good head of barm, which answers well for the bakers; 100 pounds of potatos yield from 18 to 20 pounds measure of spirits, nine elevenths of our excise proof; or about 16 pounds measure of proof, = about 12/3 gallons. It has been observed that after the month of December potatos begin to yield a smaller product of fermented spirits; and when they have once sprouted or germinated, they afford very little indeed. From the difficulty of keeping and transporting potatos, distillation from them, even though our laws now permit it, can never become general till some plan be adopted for overcoming these disadvantages. A scheme of this kind, however, has been successfully practised in Vienna, which consists in subjecting the washed potatos to strong pressure in a perforated chest by a hydraulic or screw press, whereby they lose about three fourths of their weight, and may then be readily dried into a white flour, that may be kept for several years without injury, and transported to considerable distances with comparative ease. This flour, mixed with a moderate quantity of ground malt, and saccharified by mashing with water, at the temperature of 167° F., becomes capable of affording a sweet wort convertible by fermentation either into beer or whiskey. Horse-chestnuts, according to Hermstaedt, are an eligible material for producing alcohol, as 128 pounds of them afford 100 pounds of meal; which 100 pounds yield, by proper treatment, 34 pounds of spirits, containing 36 per cent. of absolute alcohol, by Richter’s tables. Barley to the extent of 10 pounds per 100 should be ground up with them, after they have been boiled in a steam apparatus, not only for the purpose of softening them, but freeing them from their bitter astringent matter. Acorns are productive of alcohol by similar treatment. The best means hitherto discovered for depriving bad whiskey of its nauseous smell and taste, is to pass it through well-burned and coarsely pulverised charcoal, distributed as follows in a series of cylindrical casks. Each vessel must have a double bottom, the false one being perforated with conical holes, and placed a few inches above the true. Upon this perforated board a layer of chopped clean straw one inch thick is laid; and over the straw, a stratum of small river gravel, the size of large peas. This is to be covered with a pretty thick stratum of the charcoal, previously freed from dirt and dust by washing; upon which a piece of close canvass is to be spread, and pressed down by a thin bed of river sand. The cylinder or cask should be filled with these successive layers to within two inches of its top, and it is then to be closed air-tight. Immediately below the head, a round orifice is pierced in the side, for receiving an overflow tube, which is either screwed rectangularly to another elbow pipe, or is bent (when of block tin) so as to enter tight into an orifice beneath the false bottom of the second cylinder or cask. In this way, the series may be continued to any desired number of vessels; the last discharging the purified spirit into the store-back. The foul spirit must be made to flow into the bottom space of the first cylinder down through a pipe in communication with a charging-back placed upon such an elevated level as to give sufficient pressure to force the spirits up through the series of filters; the supply-pipe being provided with a regulating stop-cock. The spirit may be filtered downwards through sand and cloth in In the year 1831, 23,000,000 gallons of spirits were made in the United Kingdom, equivalent to the consumption of 1,500,000 quarters of grain, and for that year and the four preceding years, there were imported annually 2,000,000 of quarters of foreign barley.
We may add to the last quantity, 3 millions of gallons at least on the score of smuggling, in licensed and illicit distilleries; making 30 millions to be the frightful amount of whiskey consumed by the British people, independent of other intoxicating liquors. After discovering an ore of some valuable metal, it is essential to ascertain if its quantity and state of combination will justify an adventurer in working the mine, and smelting its products. The metal is rarely found in a condition approaching to purity; it is often disseminated in a mineralizing gangue far more bulky than itself; and more frequently still it is combined with simple non-metallic substances, such as sulphur, carbon, chlorine, oxygen, and acids, more or less difficult to get rid of. In these compound states its distinctive characters are so altered, that it is not an easy task either to recognize its nature, or to decide if it can be smelted with advantage. The assayer, without neglecting any of the external characters of the ore, seeks to penetrate, so to speak, into its interior; he triturates it to an impalpable powder, and then subjects it to the decomposing action of powerful chemical reagents; sometimes with the aid of alkalies or salts appropriate to its nature, he employs the dry way by fire alone; at others, he calls in the solvent power of acids with a digesting heat; happy, if after a series of labours, long, varied, and intricate, he shall finally succeed in separating a notable proportion of one or more metals either in a pure state, or in a form of combination such, that from the amount of this known compound, he can infer, with precision, the quantity of fine metal, and thereby the probable value of the mine. The blow-pipe, skilfully applied, affords ready indications of the nature of the metallic constituents, and is therefore usually the preliminary test. The separation of the several constituents of the ore can be effected, however, only by a chemist, who joins to the most extensive knowledge of the habitudes of mineral substances, much experience, sagacity, and precision, in the conduct of analytical operations. Under the individual metals, as also in the articles Metallurgy, Mines, and Ores, I have endeavoured to present such a copious and correct detail of docimastic processes, as will serve to guide the intelligent student through this most mysterious labyrinth of nature and art. Dragon’s blood is used chiefly for tingeing spirit and turpentine varnishes, for preparing gold lacquer, for tooth tinctures and powders, for staining marble, &c. According to Herbenger, it consists of 9·07 parts of red resin, 2 of fat oil, 3 of benzoic acid, 1·6 of oxalate, and 3·7 of phosphate of lime. Along the middle of the building a strong beam of timber e e, extends, and is supported by cast-iron pillars; from this beam, to bearings on the side walls, a series of rails are carried in a cross direction, over which rails the wet cloth is to be hung in folds, and the steam or evaporation emitted in drying is allowed to escape through apertures or ventilators in the roof. The mode in which the cloth is delivered on to the rails, on either side of the beam, will be best understood by reference to the delivering carriage, which is shown, with its rollers partly in section. The wet cloth is first to be coiled upon a roller, and then placed in the carriage, as at f, with its pivots bearing upon inclined planes. The carriage is to be placed at the commencement of the rails, running upon the middle beam, and also upon the side-bearings or railways extending along the side walls of the building, parallel to and upon a level with the same beam. It is made to travel by means of an endless band passing over two riggers, g and h, in fig. 363., and over pulleys and a band-wheel attached to the carriage, as will be explained. The rigger g, which moves this endless band, is actuated by bevel geer, seen at i, which is put in motion by a pinion at the end of a revolving shaft leading from a steam engine. In the same fig., k k is the endless band passing over a pulley under the band-wheel, and over the pulley n, by which it will be perceived that the traversing of the band, as described, would cause these pulleys and wheels to revolve. On the axle of the band-wheel m, there is a drum against which the roll of wet cloth f presses, and as this drum revolves, the roll of wet cloth is, by its friction, made to turn in a contrary direction, and to deliver off the cloth on to the periphery of the drum, whence it passes over a roller and descends to the tails. Upon the end of the axle of the As soon as the wheels begin to move, and the carriage to advance, the wet cloth begins to uncoil, and to pass down over the first roller; a small roller attached to the carriage, as it passes over the rails in succession, holds the cloth against each rail for a short space of time, and prevents it from slipping, by which means the cloth descends in folds or loops between the rails, and is thereby made to hang in a series of folds or loops, as shown in the figure. It will be perceived that as the pivots of the cloth roller f bear upon inclined planes, the roller will continually slide down as the cloth diminishes in bulk, keeping in contact with the drum, and delivering the cloth from the roller on to the several rails, as described. In order to stop the carriage in any part of its course, or to adjust any of the folds of the cloth, a man is usually placed upon the platform travelling with the carriage, over which he has perfect command. This apparatus may be also employed for taking the cloth when dried off the rails; in which case the carriage must be made to travel backwards, and by first guiding the end of the cloth on to the roller f, and then putting the wheels in a retrograde motion, the cloth will be progressively coiled upon the roller f, in a similar way to that by which it was uncoiled. Table of the ductility and malleability of Metals.
There appears to be therefore a real difference between ductility and malleability; for the metals which draw into the finest wire are not those which afford the thinnest leaves under the hammer or in the rolling press. Of this fact iron affords a good illustration. Among the metals permanent in the air, 17 are ductile and 16 are brittle. But the most ductile cannot be wire-drawn or laminated to any considerable extent without being annealed from time to time during the progress of the extension, or rather, the sliding of the particles alongside of each other, so as to loosen their lateral cohesion. 1. To determine the entire combination of the aluminous sub-salts with the stuffs, by 2. To dissolve and carry off from the cloth a portion of the thickening matters. 3. To separate from the cloth the part of the mordant that is uncombined, and merely mixed mechanically with the gum or starch. 4. To prevent, by the peculiar action of the dung, the uncombined mordant, as well as the acetic acid with which the bath is apt to get loaded, from affecting the blank parts of the cloth, or being injurious to the mordant. The aluminous base or mordant on the cloth, more or less neutralized by the dunging, is next subjected to the dash-wheel or fulling mill, where by the stream of water the remainder of the thickening and other impurities are washed away. No very exact analysis has been made of cowdung. Morin’s, which is the most recent and elaborate, is as follows:—
According to M. Koechlin’s practical knowledge on the great scale, it consists of a moist fibrous vegetable substance, which is animalized, and forms about one-tenth of its weight; 2. of albumen; 3. of animal mucus; 4. of a substance similar to bile; 5. of muriate of soda, muriate and acetate of ammonia, phosphate of lime and other salts; 6. of benzoin or musk. Probably the hot water in which the calico-printer diffuses the dung, exerts a powerful solvent action, and in proportion as the uncombined mordant floats in the bath it is precipitated by the albumen, the animal mucus, and the ammoniacal salts; but there is reason to think that the fibrous matter in part animalized or covered with animal matter, plays here the principal part; for the great affinity of this substance for the aluminous salts is well known. All practical men are aware that the affinity of cotton for alumina is increased by its combination with oil or animal substances, to such a degree as to take it from the dung bath; which would not be possible without this combination. It would therefore appear that the principal function of dunging is to hinder the uncombined mordant, diffused in the dung bath, from attaching itself to the unmordanted portion of the cloth, as already observed; for if we merely wished to abstract the thickening stuffs, or to complete by the removal of acetic acid the combination of the aluminous base with the goods, dung would not be required, for hot water would suffice. In fact, we may observe, that in such cases the first pieces passed through the boiler are fit for dyeing; but when a certain number have been passed through, the mordant now dissolved in the water is attracted to the white portions of the cloth, while the free acid impoverishes the mordanted parts, so that they cannot afford good dyes, and the blank spaces are tarnished. The cow dung may be in some measure replaced by bran, but not with perfect success. The former both answers the purpose better and is cheaper. The bran is only preferred for the most delicate yellows, for cochineal pinks and lilacs, to which the dung may sometimes impart a greenish cast. It is to be presumed that the action of the bran in this process has much analogy with that of the dung, and that the ligneous fibre is the most active constituent; with which the gluten and mucilage co-operate, no doubt, in seizing the aluminous salts. It seems to be ascertained that the mordant applied to the cloth does not combine entirely with it during the drying; that this combination is more or less perfect according to the strength of the mordants, and the circumstances of the drying; that the operation of dunging, or passing through hot water, completes the combination of the cloth with the aluminous base now insoluble in water; that this base may still contain a very minute quantity of acetic acid or sulphate of alumina; that a long ebullition in water impoverishes the mordant but a little; and that even then the liquid does not contain any perceptible quantity of acetate or subsulphate of alumina. The manner of immersing the goods, or passing them through the dung bath, is an important circumstance. They should be properly extended and free from folds, which is secured by a series of cylinders. The cistern is from 10 to 12 feet long, 41/2 feet wide, and 6 or 8 feet deep. The piece passes alternately over the upper rollers and under rollers near the bottom. There are two main squeezing rollers at one end, which draw the cloth through between them. Whenever the goods come out of the bath they are put into the dash-wheel. It is difficult to determine the number of pieces which may be passed through a given quantity of dung and water. This depends upon the state of the mordants, whether they are strong or acid, and on the quantity of the surface covered with the figures. The number varies usually from 20 to 60 pieces, for from 240 to 300 gallons of water and 6 gallons of dung. The time of the immersion varies with the concentration of the mordants, and the nature of their thickening. The temperature must be regulated by the same circumstances; for starch or flour paste a much warmer bath is needed than for gum. The heat varies usually from 130° to 212° F. When the printing is heavy and the thickening is starch or flour, the goods are usually twice dunged, with two washings between the two dungs. A strong acid mordant is more difficult to dung and to wash than a neutral mordant, especially when it is to receive the madder dye. Sometimes a little chalk is added to the bath, when the goods have been padded in an acid mordant. Too much dung is injurious to weak mordants, as well as to pinks. It has also been remarked that a mordant when neutralized does not produce as brilliant tints, especially yellows. The latter are obtained of a finer shade when, instead of dunging, they are exposed for an hour in a stream of water, provided its temperature is not too low. In winter they are passed through a slightly chalky water, then washed at the wheel, and dyed in quercitron or weld. A very able and learned memoir upon this subject, by M. Penot, Professor of Chemistry, appeared in the Bulletin of the Society of Mulhausen, in October, 1834, with an ingenious commentary upon it, under the title of a Report by M. Camille Koechlin, in March, 1835. Experience has proved that dunging is one of the most important steps in the process of calico printing, and that if it be not well performed the dyeing is good for nothing. Before we can assign its peculiar function to the dung in this case, we must know its composition. Fresh cow’s dung is commonly neutral when tested by litmus paper; but sometimes it is slightly alkaline, owing, probably, to some peculiarity in the food of the animal. The total constituents of 100 parts of cow dung are as follows: Water, 69·58; bitter matter, 0·74; sweet substance, 0·93; chlorophylle, 0·28; albumine, 0·63; muriate of soda, 0·08; sulphate of potash, 0·05; sulphate of lime, 0·25; carbonate of lime, 0·24; phosphate of lime, 0·46; carbonate of iron, 0·09; woody fibre, 26·39; silica, 0·14; loss, 0·14. In dunging calicoes the excess of uncombined mordant is in part attracted by the soluble matters of the cow’s dung, and forms an insoluble precipitate, which has no affinity for the cloth, especially in presence of the insoluble part of the dung, which strongly attracts alumina. The most important part which that insoluble matter plays, is to seize the excess of the mordants, in proportion as they are dissolved by the water of the bath, and thus to render their reaction upon the cloth impossible. It is only in the deposit, therefore, that the matters carried off from the cloth by the dung are to be found. M. Camille Koechlin ascribes the action of cow dung chiefly to its albuminous constituent, combining with the alumina and iron, of the acetates of these bases dissolved by the hot water of the bath. The acids consequently set free, soon become evident by the test of litmus paper, after a few pieces are passed through, and require to be got rid of either by a fresh bath or by adding chalk to the old one. The dung thus serves also to fix the bases on the cloth, when used in moderation. It exercises likewise a disoxidating power on the iron mordant, and restores it to a state more fit to combine with colouring matter. Dyeing is altogether a chemical process, and requires for its due explanation and practice an acquaintance with the properties of the elementary bodies, and the laws which regulate their combinations. It is true that many operations of this, as of other chemical arts, have been practised from the most antient times, long before any just views were entertained of the nature of the changes that took place. Mankind, equally in the rudest and most refined state, have always sought to gratify the love of distinction In the article Calico Printing, I have shown from Pliny that the antient Egyptians cultivated that art with some degree of scientific precision, since they knew the use of mordants, or those substances which, though they may impart no colour themselves, yet enable white robes (candida vela) to absorb colouring drugs (colorem sorbendibus medicamentis). Tyre, however, was the nation of antiquity which made dyeing its chief occupation and the staple of its commerce. There is little doubt that purple, the sacred symbol of royal and sacerdotal dignity, was a colour discovered in that city, and that it contributed to its opulence and grandeur. Homer marks no less the value than the antiquity of this dye, by describing his heroes as arrayed in purple robes. Purple habits are mentioned among the presents made to Gideon by the Israelites from the spoils of the kings of Midian. The juice employed for communicating this dye was obtained from two different kinds of shell-fish, described by Pliny under the names of purpura and buccinum; and was extracted from a small vessel, or sac, in their throats, to the amount of only one drop from each animal. A darker and inferior colour was also procured by crushing the whole substance of the buccinum. A certain quantity of the juice collected from a vast number of shells being treated with sea-salt, was allowed to ripen for three days; after which it was diluted with five times its bulk of water, kept at a moderate heat for six days more, occasionally skimmed to separate the animal membranes, and when thus clarified was applied directly as a dye to white wool, previously prepared for this purpose by the action of lime-water, or of a species of lichen called fucus. Two operations were requisite to communicate the finest Tyrian purple; the first consisted in plunging the wool into the juice of the purpura; the second, into that of the buccinum. Fifty drachms of wool required one hundred of the former liquor, and two hundred of the latter. Sometimes a preliminary tint was given with coccus, the kermes of the present day, and the cloth received merely a finish from the precious animal juice. The colours, though probably not nearly so brilliant as those producible by our cochineal, seem to have been very durable, for Plutarch says, in his Life of Alexander, (chap. 36.), that the Greeks found in the treasury of the king of Persia a large quantity of purple cloth, which was as beautiful as at first, though it was 190 years old. Nec Laconicas mihi Trahunt honestÆ purpuras clientÆ. (Carm., lib. ii., Ode 18.) The difficulty of collecting the purple juice, and the tedious complication of the dyeing process, made the purple wool of Tyre so expensive at Rome that in the time of Augustus a pound of it cost nearly 30l. of our money. Dyeing was little cultivated in antient Greece; the people of Athens wore generally woollen dresses of the natural colour. But the Romans must have bestowed some pains upon this art. In the games of the circus parties were distinguished by colours. Four of these are described by Pliny, the green, the orange, the grey, and the white. The following ingredients were used by their dyers. A crude native alum mixed with copperas, copperas itself, blue vitriol, alkanet, lichen rocellus, or archil, broom, madder, woad, nut-galls, the seeds of pomegranate, and of an Egyptian acacia. Gage, Cole, Plumier, Reaumur, and Duhamel have severally made researches concerning the colouring juices of shell-fish caught on various shores of the ocean, and have succeeded in forming a purple dye, but they found it much inferior to that furnished by other means. The juice of the buccinum is at first white; it becomes by exposure to air of a yellowish green bordering on blue; it afterwards reddens, and finally changes to a deep purple of considerable vivacity. These circumstances coincide with the minute description of the manner of catching the purple-dye shell-fish which we possess in the work of an eye-witness, Eudocia Macrembolitissa, daughter of the Emperor Constantine VIII., who lived in the eleventh century. The moderns have obtained from the New World several dye-drugs unknown to the antients; such as cochineal, quercitron, Brazil wood, logwood, annatto; and they have Indigo, the innoxious and beautiful product of an interesting tribe of tropical plants, which is adapted to form the most useful and substantial of all dyes, was actually denounced as a dangerous drug, and forbidden to be used, by our parliament in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. An act was passed authorizing searchers to burn both it and logwood in every dye-house where they could be found. This act remained in full force till the time of Charles II.; that is, for a great part of a century. A foreigner might have supposed that the legislators of England entertained such an affection for their native woad, with which their naked sires used to dye their skins in the old times, that they would allow no outlandish drug to come in competition with it. A most instructive book might be written illustrative of the evils inflicted upon arts, manufactures, and commerce, in consequence of the ignorance of the legislature. Colours are not, properly speaking, material; they are impressions which we receive from the rays of light reflected, in a decomposed state, by the surfaces of bodies. It is well known that a white sunbeam consists of an indeterminate number of differently coloured rays, which being separated by the refractive force of a glass prism, form the solar spectrum, an image distinguishable into seven sorts of rays; the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Hence, when an opaque body appears coloured, for example, red, we say that it reflects the red rays only, or in greatest abundance, mixed with more or less of the white beam, which has escaped decomposition. According to this manner of viewing the colouring principle, the art of dyeing consists in fixing upon stuffs, by means of corpuscular attraction, substances which act upon light in a different manner from the surfaces of the stuffs themselves. The dyer ought, therefore, to be familiar with two principles of optics; the first relative to the mixture of colours, and the second to their simultaneous contrast. Whenever the different coloured rays, which have been separated by the prism, are totally reunited, they reproduce white light. It is evident, that in this composition of light, if some rays were left out, or if the coloured rays be not in a certain proportion, we should not have white light, but light of a certain colour. For example; if we separate the red rays from the light decomposed by a prism, the remaining coloured rays will form by their combination a peculiar bluish green. If we separate in like manner the orange rays, the remaining coloured rays will form by their combination a blue colour. If we separate from the decomposed prismatic light the rays of greenish yellow, the remaining coloured rays will form a violet. And if we separate the rays of yellow bordering on orange, the remaining coloured rays will form by their union an indigo colour. Thus we see that every coloured light has such a relation with another coloured light that, by uniting the first with the second, we reproduce white light; a relation which we express by saying that the one is the complement of the other. In this sense, red is the complementary colour of bluish green; orange, of blue; greenish yellow, of violet; and orange yellow, of indigo. If we mix the yellow ray with the red, we produce orange; the blue ray with the yellow, we produce green; and the blue with the red, we produce violet or indigo, according as there is more or less red relatively to the blue. But these tints are distinguishable from the orange, green, indigo, and violet of the solar spectrum, because when viewed through the prism they are reduced to their elementary component colours. If the dyer tries to realize the preceding results by the mixture of dyes, he will succeed only with a certain number of them. Thus, with red and yellow he can make orange; with blue and yellow, green; with blue and red, indigo or violet. These facts, the results of practice, have led him to conclude that there are only three primitive colours; the red, yellow, and blue. If he attempts to make a white, by applying red, yellow, and blue dyes in certain quantities to a white stuff, in imitation of the philosopher’s experiment on the synthesis of the sunbeam, far from succeeding, he will deviate still further from his purpose, since the stuff will by these dyes become so dark coloured, as to appear black. This fact must not, however, lead us to suppose that in every case where red, yellow, and blue are applied to white cloth, black is produced. In reality, when a little ultramarine, cobalt blue, Prussian blue, or indigo, is applied to goods with the view of giving them the best possible white, if only a certain proportion be used, the goods will appear whiter after this addition than before it. What happens in this case? The violet blue The dyer should be acquainted also with the law of the simultaneous contrast of colours. When the eye views two colours close alongside of each other, it sees them differing most in their optical composition, and in the height of their tone, when the two are not equally pale or full-bodied. They appear most different as to their optical composition, when the complementary of the one of them is added to the colour of the other. Thus, put a green zone alongside of an orange zone; the red colour complementary of green, being added to the orange, will make it appear redder; and in like manner the blue, complementary of orange, being added to the green, will make it appear more intensely blue. In order to appreciate these differences, let us take two green stripes and two orange stripes, placing one of the green stripes near one of the orange; then place the two others so that the green stripe may be at a distance from the other green stripe, but on the same side, and the orange at a distance from the other orange, also on the same side. As to the contrast in the height of the tone, we may satisfy ourselves by taking the tones No. 1. No. 2. No. 15. and No. 16. from a graduated pallet of reds: for example, by placing No. 2. and No. 15. close alongside, putting No. 1. at a distance from No. 2. on the same side, and No. 16. at a distance from No. 15. on the same side,—we shall see (if the pallet is sufficiently lowered in tone) No. 2. equal to No. 1., and No. 15. equal to No. 16.; whence it follows that No. 2., by the vicinity of No. 15., will appear to have lost some of its colour; while No. 15. will appear to have acquired colour. When black or gray figures are printed upon coloured grounds, these figures are of the colour complementary of the ground. Consequently, in order to judge of their colour, we must cut out spaces in a piece of gray or white paper, so as to allow the eye to see nothing but the figures; and if we wish to compare figures of the same colour, applied upon grounds of different colours, we can judge rightly of the figures only by insulating them from the grounds. The relations of dyeing with the principles of chemistry, constitute the theory of the art, properly speaking; this theory has for its basis, the knowledge—1. of the species of bodies which dyeing processes bring into contact; 2. of the circumstances in which these species act; 3. of the phenomena which appear during their action; and 4. of the properties of the coloured combinations which are produced. These generalities may be specified under the ten following heads:— 1. The preparation of the stuffs to be dyed, whether fibres, yarn, or cloth; under the heads of ligneous matter, cotton, hemp, flax; and of the animal matters, silk and wool. 2. The mutual action of these stuffs, and simple bodies. 3. The mutual action of these stuffs, and acids. 4. The mutual action of these stuffs, and salifiable bases, as alumina, &c. 5. The mutual action of these stuffs, and salts. 6. The mutual action of these stuffs, and neutral compounds not saline. 7. The mutual action of these stuffs, and of one or more definite compounds. 8. Of dyed stuffs considered in reference to the fastness of their colour, under the influence of heat, light, water, oxygen, air, boilings with soap, and reagents. 9. Of dyeing, considered in its connections with chemistry. 10. Of dyeing, considered in its relations with caloric, mechanics, hydraulics, and optics. 1. The preparation of stuffs. The operations to which stuffs are subjected before dyeing, are intended—1. to separate from them any foreign matters; 2. to render them more apt to unite with the colouring tinctures which the dyer proposes to fix upon them, in order to give them a more agreeable, or more brilliant aspect, or to lessen their tendency to assume a soiled appearance by use, which white surfaces so readily do. The foreign matters are either naturally inherent in the stuffs, or added to them in the spinning, weaving, or other 2. Mutual action of stuffs, and simple bodies. Stuffs chemically considered being composed of three or four elements, already in a state of reciprocal saturation, have but a feeble attraction for simple substances. We know in fact, that the latter combine only with each other, or with binary compounds, and that in the greater number of cases where they exert an action upon more complete compounds, it is by disturbing the arrangement of their elements, and not by a resulting affinity with the whole together. 3, 4. Although stuffs may in a general point of view be considered as neutral in relation to colouring reagents, yet experience shows that they are more disposed to combine with acid than with alkaline compounds; and that consequently their nature seems to be more alkaline than acid. By steeping dry wool or other stuff in a clean state in an alkaline or acid solution of known strength, and by testing the liquor after the stuff is taken out, we shall ascertain whether there be any real affinity between them, by the solution being rendered more dilute in consequence of the abstraction of alkaline or acid particles from it. Wool and silk thus immersed, abstract a portion of both sulphuric and muriatic acids; but cotton and flax imbibe the water, with the rejection of a portion of the acid. The acid may be again taken from the stuffs by washing them with a sufficient quantity of water. 5. The affinity between saline bodies and stuffs may be ascertained in the same way as that of acids, by plunging the dry stuffs into solutions of the salts, and determining the density of the solution before the immersion, and after withdrawing the stuffs. Wool abstracts alum from its solution, but it gives it all out again to boiling water. The sulphates of protoxide of iron, of copper and zinc resemble alum in this respect. When silk is steeped for some time in solution of protosulphate of iron, it abstracts the oxide, gets thereby dyed, and leaves the solution acidulous. Wool put in contact with cream of tartar decomposes a portion of it; it absorbs the acid into its pores, and leaves a neutral salt in the liquor. The study of the action of salts upon stuffs is at the present day the foundation of the theory of dyeing; and some of them are employed immediately as dye-drugs. 6. Mutual action of stuffs, and neutral compounds not saline. Several sulphurets, such as those of arsenic, lead, copper, antimony, tin, are susceptible of being applied to stuffs, and of dyeing them in a more or less fast manner. Indigo, hematine, breziline, carmine, and the peculiar colouring principles of many dyes belong to this division. 7. Mutual action of goods with one or more definite compounds, and dye-stuffs. I shall consider here in a theoretical point of view, the most general results which a certain number of organic colouring matters present, when applied upon stuffs by the dyer. Indigo. This dye-drug, when tolerably good, contains half its weight of indigotine. The cold vat is prepared commonly with water, copperas, indigo, lime, or sometimes carbonate of soda, and is used almost exclusively for cotton and linen; immersion in acidulated water is occasionally had recourse to for removing a little oxide of iron which attaches itself to the cloth dyed in this vat. The indigo vat for wool and silk is mounted exclusively with indigo, good potashes of commerce, madder and bran. In this vat, the immediate principles with base of carbon and hydrogen, such as the extracts of madder and bran, perform the disoxidizing function of the copperas in the cold vat. The pastel vats require most skill and experience, in consequence of their complexity. The greatest difficulty occurs in keeping them in a good condition, because they vary progressively as the dyeing goes on, by the abstraction of the indigotine, and the modification of the fermentable matter employed to disoxygenate the indigo. The alkaline matter also changes by the action of the air. By the successive additions of indigo, alkali, &c., this vat becomes very difficult to manage with profit and success. The great affair of the dyer is the proper addition of lime; too much or too little being equally injurious. Sulphate of indigo or Saxon blue is used also to dye silk and wool. If the wools be ill sorted it will show their differences by the inequalities of the dye. Wool dyed in this bath put into water saturated with sulphuretted hydrogen, becomes soon colourless, owing to the disoxygenation of the indigo. The woollen cloth when exposed to the air for some time, resumes its blue colour, but not so intensely as before. The properties of hematine explain the mode of using logwood. When stuffs are dyed in the infusion or decoction of this wood, under the influence of a base which acts upon the hematine in the manner of an alkali, a blue dye bordering upon violet is obtained. Such is the process for dyeing cotton and wool a logwood blue by means of verdigris, crystallized acetate of copper, and acetate of alumina. When we dye a stuff yellow, red, or orange, we have always bright tints; with blue we may have a very dark shade, but somewhat violet; the proper black can be obtained only by using the three colours, blue, red, and yellow, in proper proportions. Hence we can explain how the tints of yellow, red, orange, blue, green, and violet, may be browned, by applying to them one or two colours which along with themselves would produce black; and also we may explain the nature of that variety of blacks and grays which seems to be indefinite. Nutgalls and sulphate of iron, so frequently employed for the black dye, give only a violet or bluish gray. The pyrolignite of iron, which contains a brown empyreumatic matter, gives to stuffs a brown tint, bordering upon greenish yellow in the pale hues, and to chestnut brown in the dark ones. By galling cotton and silk, and giving them a bath of pyrolignite of iron, we may after some alternations dye them black. Galls, logwood, and a salt of iron, produce merely a very deep violet blue; but by boiling and exposure to air, the hematate of iron is changed, becoming red-brown, and favours the production of black. Galls and salts of copper dye stuffs an olive drab, logwood and salts of copper a violet blue; hence their combination should produce a black. In using sumach as a substitute for galls, we should take into account the proportion of yellow matter it contains. When the best possible black is wanted upon wool, we must give the stuff a foundation of indigo, then pass it into a bath of logwood, sumach, and proto-sulphate of iron. The sumach may be replaced by one third of its weight of nutgalls. 8. Of dyed stuffs considered in reference to the fastness of their colours, when exposed to water, light, heat, air, oxygen, boiling and reagents. Pure water without air has no action upon any properly dyed stuff. Heat favours the action of certain oxygenized bodies upon the carbonaceous and hydrogenous constituents of the stuff; as is seen with regard to chromic acid, and peroxide of manganese upon cotton goods. It promotes the solvent action of water, and it even affects some colours. Thus Prussian blue applied to silk, is reduced to peroxide of iron by long boiling. Light without contact of air affects very few dyes. Oxygen, especially in the nascent state, is very powerful upon dyes. See Bleaching. The atmosphere in a somewhat moist state affects many dyes, at an elevated temperature. Silk dyed pink, with safflower, when heated to 400° F. becomes of a dirty white hue in the course of an hour. The violet of logwood upon alumed wool becomes of a dull brown at the same temperature in the same time. But both stand a heat of 300° F. Brazil red dye, turmeric, and weld yellow dyes display the same phenomena. These facts shew the great fixity of colours commonly deemed tender. The stuffs become affected to a certain degree, under the same circumstances as the dyes. The alterability even of indigo in the air is shewn in the wearing of pale blue clothes; in the dark blue cloth there is such a body of colour, that it resists proportionally longer; but the seams of coats exhibit the effect very distinctly. In silk window curtains, which have been long exposed to the air and light, the stuff is found to be decomposed as well as the colour. Boiling was formerly prescribed in France as a test of fast dyes. It consisted in putting a sample of the dyed goods in boiling water, holding in solution a determinate quantity of alum, tartar, soap, and vinegar, &c. Dufay improved that barbarous test. He considered that fast-dyed cloth could be recognized by resisting an exposure of twelve hours to the sunshine of summer, and to the midnight dews; or of sixteen days in winter. In trying the stability of dyes, we may offer the following rules:— That every stuff should be exposed to the light and air; if it be intended to be worn abroad, it should be exposed also to the wind and rain; that carpets moreover should be subjected to friction and pulling, to prove their tenacity; and that cloths to be washed should be exposed to the action of hot water and soap. In examining a piece of dyed cotton goods, we may proceed as follows:— Suppose its colour to be orange-brown. We find first that it imparts no colour to boiling water; that protochloride of tin takes out its colour; that plunged into a solution of ferroprussiate of potash it becomes blue; and that a piece of it being burned, leaves a residuum of peroxide of iron; we may thence conclude that the dyeing matter is peroxide of iron. Suppose we have a blue stuff which may have been dyed either with indigo or with Prussian blue, and we wish to know what it will become in use. We inquire first into the nature of the blue. Hot water slightly alkaline will be coloured blue by it, if 9. Division. Of dyeing viewed in its relation to chemistry. The phenomena of dyeing have been ascribed to very different causes; by some they were supposed to depend upon mechanical causes, and by others upon the forces from which chemical effects flow. Hellot, in conformity with the first mode of explanation, thought that the art of dyeing consisted essentially in opening the pores in order to admit colouring matters into them, and to fix them there by cooling, or by means of a mordant imagined to act like a cement. Dufay in 1737, Bergmann in 1776, Macquer in 1778, and Berthollet in 1790, had recourse to chemical affinities, to explain the fixation of the colouring principles upon stuffs, either without an intermedium, like indigo, walnut peels, annotto; or by the intervention of an acid, a salifiable base, or a salt, which were called mordants. When bodies present phenomena which we refer to an attraction uniting particles of the same nature, whether simple or compound, to form an aggregate, or to an affinity which unites the particles of different natures to form them into a chemical compound, these bodies are in apparent contact. This happens precisely in all the cases of the mutual action of bodies in an operation of dyeing; if their particles were not in apparent contact, there would be absolutely no change in their respective condition. When we see stuffs and metallic oxides in apparent contact, form a mutual union of greater or less force, we cannot therefore help referring it to affinity. We do not know how many dyes may be fixed upon the same piece of cloth; but in the operations of the dye-house sufficiently complex compounds are formed, since they are always stuffs, composed of three or four elements, which are combined with at least binary acid or basic compounds; with simple salts compounded themselves of two immediate principles at least binary; with double salts composed of two simple salts; and finally with organic dye-stuffs containing three or four elements. We may add that different species belonging to one of these classes, and different species belonging to different classes, may unite simultaneously with one stuff. The union of stuffs with colouring matters appears, in general, not to take place in definite proportions; though there are probably some exceptions. We may conclude this head by remarking, that, besides the stuff and the colouring matter, it is not necessary, in dyeing, to distinguish a third body, under the name of mordant; for the idea of mordant does not rest upon any definite fact; the body to which this name has been given being essentially only one of the immediate principles of the coloured combination which we wish to fix upon the stuff. 10. Division. Of dyeing in its relation with caloric, mechanics, hydraulics, pneumatics, and optics. Dyeing baths, or coppers, are heated directly by a furnace, or by means of steam conducted in a pipe from a boiler at a certain distance from the bath. In the first case, the vessels are almost always made of copper; only, in special cases, for the scarlet and some delicate silk dyes, of tin; in the second case, they are of copper, iron, or wood. A direct fire is more economical than heating steam pipes, where there is only one or two baths to heat, or where the labours are often suspended. Madder and indigo vats, when heated by steam, have it either admitted directly into the liquor, or made to circulate through pipes plunged into it, or between the copper and an exterior iron or wood case. See the end of this article. Every thing else being equal, dyeing with heat presents fewer difficulties towards obtaining an evenly colour, than dyeing in the cold; the reason of which may be found in the following facts:—The air adhering to the surface of stuffs, and that interposed between the fibres of their constituent yarns, is more easily extricated in a hot bath than a cold one, and thus allows the dye liquor to penetrate more easily into their interior: in the second place, the currents which take place in a hot bath, and which tend incessantly to render its contents uniform, by renewing continually the strata of liquid in contact with the stuff, contribute mainly to render the dyeing evenly. In cold dyeing, it is necessary to stir up the bath from time to time; and when goods are first put in, they must be carefully dipped, then taken out, pressed, and wrung, several times in succession till they be uniformly moistened. The mechanical relations are to be found in the apparatus employed for wincing, siring, and pressing the goods, as we have described under Calico Printing and Bandanna. The hydraulic relations refer to the wash-wheels and other similar apparatus, of which an account is given under the same articles. The optical relations The extracts of solutions of native dye-stuffs may be divided into two classes, in reference to their habitudes with the oxygen of the atmosphere; such as continue essentially unaltered in the air, and such as suffer oxidation, and thereby precipitate a determinate colouring matter. The dyes contained in the watery infusions of the different vegetable and animal substances which do not belong to the second class, are feebly attached to their solvents, and quit them readily for any other bodies that possess an attraction for them. On this principle, a decoction of cochineal, logwood, brazil wood, or a solution of sulphate of indigo, by digestion with powdered bone black, lose their colour, in consequence of the colouring particles combining by a kind of capillary attraction with the porous carbon, without undergoing any change. The same thing happens when well-scoured wool is steeped in such coloured liquids; and the colours which the wool assumes by its attraction for the dye, is, with regard to most of the above coloured solutions, but feeble and fugitive, since the dye may be again abstracted by copious washing with simple water, whose attractive force therefore overcomes that of the wool. The aid of a high temperature, indeed, is requisite for the abstraction of the colour from the wool and the bone-black, probably by enlarging the size of the pores, and increasing the solvent power of the water. Those dye-baths, on the contrary, whose colouring matter is of the nature of extractive or apothÈme, form a faster combination with stuffs. Thus the yellow, fawn, and brown dyes, which contain tannin and extractive, become oxygenated by contact of air, and insoluble in water; by which means they can impart a durable dye. When wool is impregnated with decoctions of that kind, its pores get charged by capillarity, and when the liquid becomes oxygenated, they remain filled with a colour now become insoluble in water. A similar change to insolubility ensues when the yellow liquor of the indigo vat gets oxidized in the pores of cotton and wool, into which it had been introduced in a fluid state. The same change occurs when protosulphate of iron is converted into persulphate, with the deposition of an insoluble peroxide in the substance of the stuff. The change here effected by oxidation can, in other circumstances, be produced by acids which have the power of precipitating the dye-stuff in an insoluble state, as happens with decoction of fustic. Hence we perceive that the dyeing of fast colours rests upon the principle, that the colours dissolved in the vat, during their union with the stuff, should suffer such a change as to become insoluble in their former menstruum. The more this dye, as altered in its union with the stuff, can resist other menstrua or agents, the faster it will be. This is the essential difference between dyeing and painting; or applying a coat of pigment devoid of any true affinity for the surface. If we mix a clear infusion of a dye with a small quantity of a solution of an earthy or metallic salt, both in water, the limpid liquids soon become turbid, and there gradually subsides sooner or later, according to the nature of the mixture, a coloured precipitate, consisting of the altered dye united with a basic or subsalt. In this compound the colouring matter seems to act the part of an acid, which is saturated by a small quantity of the basis, or in its acid relationship is feeble, so that it can also combine with acids, being in reference to them a base. The decomposition of a salt, as alum, by dyes, is effected principally through the formation of an insoluble subsalt, with which the colour combines, while a supersalt remains in the bath, and modifies, by its solvent reaction, the shade of the dyed stuff. Dyed stuffs may be considered as composed of the fibrous body intimately associated with the colouring matter, the oxide, and acid, all three constituting a compound salt. Many persons have erroneously imagined, that dyed goods contained none of the acid employed in the dye bath; but they forget that even potash added to alum does not throw down the pure earthy basis, but a subsalt; and they should not ascribe to colouring matter a power of decomposition at all approaching to that of an alkali. Salts, containing strong acids, saturate a very large quantity of colouring matter, in proportion to their place in the scale of chemical equivalents. Mere bases, such as pure alumina, and pure oxide of tin, have no power of precipitating colouring matter; when they seem to do so, they always contain some acid. Such salts, therefore, as have a tendency to pass readily into the basic state, are peculiarly adapted to act as mordants in dyeing, and to form coloured lakes. Magnesia affords as fine a white powder as alumina, and answers equally well to dilute lakes, but its soluble salts cannot be employed to form lakes, because they do not pass into the basic state. This illustration is calculated to throw much light upon dyeing processes in general. The colour of the lake depends very much upon the nature of the acid, and the basis of the precipitating salt. If it be white, like alumina and oxide of tin, the lake will have, more or less, the colour of the dye, but brightened by the reflection of white Upon these principles a crimson precipitate is obtained from infusions of cochineal by alum and salt of tin, which becomes scarlet by the addition of tartar; by acetate of lead, a violet blue precipitate is obtained, which is durable in the air; by muriate of lime, a pink brown precipitate falls, which soon becomes black, and at last dirty green; by the solution of a ferruginous salt, the precipitates are dark violet, and black; and, in like manner, all other salts with earthy or metallic bases, afford diversities of shade with cochineal. If this dye stuff be dissolved in weak water of ammonia, and be precipitated with acetate of lead, a green lake is obtained, which, after some time, will become green on the surface by contact of air, but violet and blue beneath. Hence it appears, that the shade of colour of a lake depends upon the degree of oxidation or change of the colour caused by the acid of the precipitating salt, upon the degree of oxidation or colour of the oxide which enters into union with the dye, and upon its quantity in reference to that of the colouring principle. Such lakes are the difficultly soluble salts which constitute the dyeing materials of stuffs. Their particles, however, for the purposes of dyeing, must exist in a state of extremely fine division in the bath liquor, in order that they may penetrate along with it into the minute pores of textile fibres, and fill the cavities observed by means of the microscope in the filaments of wool, silk, cotton, and flax. I have examined these stuffs with an achromatic microscope, and find that when they are properly dyed with fast colours, the interior of their tubular texture is filled, or lined at least, with colouring matter. When the bath contains the colouring particles, so finely divided that they can pass through filtering paper, it is capable of dyeing; but if the infusion mixed with its mordant be flocculent and ready to subside, it is unfit for the purpose. In the latter case, the ingredients of the dye have already become aggregated into compounds too coherent and too gross for entering into combination with fibrous stuffs. Extractive matter and tannin are particularly liable to a change of this kind, by the prolonged action of heat in the bath. Hence also an alkaline solution of a colouring matter, affords no useful dye bath, when mixed with the solution of a salt having an earthy or metallic basis. These circumstances, which are of frequent occurrence in the dye-house, render it necessary always to have the laky matter in a somewhat soluble condition, and to effect its precipitation within the pores of the stuffs, by previously impregnating them with the saline solutions by the aid of heat, which facilitates their introduction. When a mordant is applied to any stuff, the portion of it remaining upon the surface of the fibres should be removed; since, by its combination with the colouring matter, it would be apt to form an external crust of mere pigment, which would block up the pores, obstruct the entrance of the dye into the interior, and also exhaust to no purpose the dyeing power of the bath. For this reason the stuffs, after the application of the mordant, are drained, squeezed, washed, and sometimes (particularly with cotton and linen, in calico printing), even hard dried in a hot stove. The saline mordants, moreover, should not in general possess the crystallizing property in any considerable degree, as this opposes their affinity of composition for the cloth. On this account the deliquescent acetates of iron and alumina are more ready to aid the dyeing of cotton than copperas and alum. Alum is the great mordant employed in wool dyeing. It is frequently dissolved in water, holding tartar equal to one fourth the weight of the alum in solution; by which addition its tendency to crystallize is diminished, and the resulting colour is brightened. The alum and tartar combine with the stuff without suffering any change, and are decomposed only by the action of the colouring matters in the dye bath. The alum operates solely in virtue of its sulphuric acid, and earthy basis; the sulphate of potash present in that salt being rather injurious. Hence, if a sulphate of alumina free from iron could be readily obtained, it would prove a preferable mordant to alum. It is also probable, for the reason above assigned, that soda alum, a salt much less apt to crystallize than potash or ammonia alum, would suit the dyer very well. In order to counteract the tendency of common alum to crystallize, and to promote its tendency to pass into a basic salt, one eighth part of its weight of potash is added to its solution, or the equivalent in chalk or soda. We shall conclude this account of the general principles of dyeing, with Mr. Delaval’s observations on the nature of dyes, and a list of the different substances used in dyeing, in reference to the colours produced by them. Sir Isaac Newton supposed coloured matters to reflect the rays of light; some bodies reflecting the more, others the less, refrangible rays most copiously; and this he conceived to be the true, and the only reason of their colours. Mr. Delaval, however, proved in the 2d vol. of the “Memoirs of the Philosophical and Literary Society of Manchester,” that, “in transparent coloured substances, the colouring substance does not reflect any The art of dyeing, therefore, (according to Mr. Delaval) “consists principally in covering white substances, from which light is strongly reflected, with transparent coloured media, which, according to their several colours, transmit more or less copiously the rays reflected from the white,” since “the transparent media themselves reflect no light; and it is evident that if they yielded their colours by reflecting, instead of transmitting the rays, the whiteness or colour of the ground on which they are applied, would not in anywise alter or affect the colours which they exhibit.” But when any opaque basis is interposed, the reflection is doubtless made by it, rather than by the substance of the dyed wool, silk, &c., and more especially when such basis consists of the white earth of alum, or the white oxide of tin; which, by their strong reflective powers, greatly augment the lustre of colours. There are, moreover, some opaque colouring matters, particularly the acetous, and other solutions of iron, used to stain linen, cotton, &c., which must necessarily themselves reflect, instead of transmitting the light by which their colours are made perceptible. The compound or mixed colours, are such as result from the combination of two differently coloured dye stuffs, or from dyeing stuffs with one colour, and then with another. The simple colours of the dyer, are red, yellow, blue, and black, with which, when skilfully blended, he can produce every variety of tint. Perhaps the dun or fawn colour might be added to the above, as it is directly obtained from a great many vegetable substances. 1. Red with yellow, produces orange; a colour, which upon wool, is given usually with the spent scarlet bath. To this shade may be referred flame colour, pomegranate, capuchin, prawn, jonquil, cassis, chamois, cafÉ au lait, aurora, marigold, orange peel, mordorÉs, cinnamon, gold, &c. Snuff, chesnut, musk, and other shades are produced by substituting walnut peels or sumach for bright yellow. If a little blue be added to orange, an olive is obtained. The only direct orange dyes are annotto, and subchromate of lead; see Silk and Wool Dyeing. 2. Red with blue produces purple, violet, lilac, pigeon’s neck, mallow, peach-blossom, bleu de roi, lint-blossom, amaranth. 3. Red with black; brown, chocolate, marone, &c. 4. Yellow with blue; green of a great variety of shades; such as nascent green, gay green, grass green, spring green, laurel green, sea green, celadon green, parrot green, cabbage green, apple green, duck green. 5. Mixtures of colours, three and three, and four and four, produce an indefinite diversity of tints; thus red, yellow and blue, form brown olives, and greenish grays; in which the blue dye ought always to be first given, lest the indigo vat should be soiled by other colours. Red, yellow, and gray, (which is a gradation of black), give the dead-leaf tint, as well as dark orange, snuff colour, &c. Red, blue and gray give a vast variety of shades; as lead gray, slate gray, wood-pigeon gray, and other colours, too numerous to specify. See Brown Dye. The following list of dyes, and the colouring substances which produce them, may prove useful. Red. Cochineal, kermes, lac, madder, archil, carthamus or safflower, brazil wood, logwood, periodide of mercury, alkanet. Yellow. Quercitron, weld, fustic (yellow wood), annotto, sawwort, dyer’s broom, turmeric, fustet (rhus cotinus), Persian and Avignon berries (rhamnus infectorius), willow, peroxide of iron; chromate of lead (chrome yellow), sulphuret of arsenic, hydrosulphuret of antimony; nitric acid on silk. Blue. Indigo, woad or pastel, Prussian blue, turnsole or litmus, logwood with a salt of copper. Black. Galls, sumach, logwood, walnut peels, and other vegetables which contain tannin and gallic acid, along with ferruginous mordants. The anacardium of India. Green. These are produced by the blue and yellow dyes skilfully combined; with the exception of the chrome green, and perhaps the copper green of Schweinfurt. Orange. Annotto, and mixtures of red and yellow dyes; subchromate of lead. Brown. See the remarks at the beginning of this article; Brown in its alphabetical place; Calico Printing, Catechu, and Manganese. Fawn, Dun or Root. Walnut peels, sumach, birch tree, henna, sandal wood. See Calico Printing, for a great variety of these dyes. Fig. 364. and 365. represent in a cross and longitudinal section the automatic dyeing steam copper, so generally employed in the well-appointed factories of Lancashire. A is the long reel, composed at each end of six radial iron arms or spokes, bound at their outer extremities with a six-sided wooden frame; these two terminal hexagons are connected by long wooden laths, seen above and below A in fig. 365. F shows the sloping border or ledge of the copper. B and C are rollers laid horizontally, for facilitating the continuous motion of the series of pieces of goods stitched together into an endless web, which are made to travel by the incessant rotations of the reel. Immediately above the roller B in fig. 364., all the spare foldings of the web are seen resting upon the sloping wooden grating, which guides them onwards in the direction indicated by the arrow. The dye stuffs are put within the middle grating, like a hen-coop, marked G. Each copper is 6 feet long, 31/2 feet wide, 31/2 feet deep, exclusive of the top ledge, 9 inches high. Such steam coppers are usually erected in pairs, and moved by a common horizontal bevel wheel seen at D in fig. 365., fixed upon a vertical shaft, shifted into geer by a wheel at its top, with one of the driving shafts of the factory. Upon each side of D, the two steam pipes for supplying the right and left hand coppers are seen; each provided with a stop cock for admitting, regulating, or cutting off the steam. These steam pipes descend at E E, the horizontal branch having several orifices in its upper surface. The horizontal shaft in a line with the axes of the reels, and which turns them, is furnished upon each side with a clutch for putting either of the reels into or out of geer, that is to say, setting it a going, or at rest, in a moment by the touch of a forked lever. The steam pipe of distribution E lies horizontally near the bottom of the middle coop, as shown under G in fig. 364., and sends up the steam through its numerous orifices, among the dye-stuffs and water by which it is covered. Thus the infusion or decoction |