Alphabetical list, by ranks—the latter as on 15/8/16—of London Rifle Brigade officers with service in France up to that date, excluding those now serving whose names have not been passed by the Censor for publication:— Lieutenant-Colonels. | Name. | Joined B.E.F as an Officer. | Left B.E.F. | Bates, A. S. | 5/11/14 | 15/8/16 | Cairns, W. D., Earl | 5/11/14 | 9/4/15 | King, N. C. | 5/11/14 | 6/1/15 | Matthey, C. G. R. | 5/11/14 | 12/1/15 | Majors. | Burnell, C. D. | 5/11/14 | 7/5/15 | Wounded | MacGeagh, H. D. F. | 5/11/14 | 13/1/15 | | 31/8/15 | 3/12/15 | Soames, M. H. | 5/11/14 | 17/7/15 | Captains. | Alcock, J. E. | 20/12/14 | 21/2/15 | Wounded | Bland, B. E. | 23/12/14 | 9/3/15 | Charles, F. D. | 8/5/15 | 16/9/16 | Wounded | Charles, R. D. S. | 19/2/15 | 7/5/15 | Wounded | Cholmeley, G. H. | 5/11/14 | 21/2/15 | | 18/7/15 | -/7/1 | Wounded | de Cologan, A. T. B. | 18/7/15 | 1/7/16 | Prisoner | Harvey, B. S. | 20/12/14 | 3/5/15 | Wounded | | 5/8/15 | 1/7/16 | Killed | Johnston, H. L. | 5/11/14 | 23/6/16 | Wounded | Kirby, A. G. | 5/11/14 | 20/12/14 | Wounded | Kitching, G. C. | 5/11/14 | 17/2/15 | Large, E. L. | 5/11/14 | 21/5/15 | Died of wounds | Lintott, A. L. | 5/11/14 | 20/1/15 | | 21/5/15 | 19/11/15 | Morrison, G. H. | 5/11/14 | 31/3/15 | Killed | Nobbs, H. G. | 8/8/16 | 9/9/16 | Wounded & Prisoner | | | | Now exchanged | Robinson, J. G. | 5/11/14 | 25/1/16 | Russell, R. | 11/2/15 | 21/4/16 | Somers-Smith, J. R. | 5/11/14 | 3/6/15 | | 24/10/15 | 1/7/16 | Killed | White, A. B. | 19/2/15 | 7/5/15 | Wounded | | 18/7/15 | 20/11/15 | Wills, E. C. | 8/5/15 | 13/10/16 | Wounded | Lieutenants. | Bantoft, E. S. | 5/7/16 | 11/9/16 | Died of wounds | Beard, H. C. | 18/3/15 | 3/5/15 | Wounded | Boston, G. G. | 8/5/15 | 27/7/16 | Wounded | Bromiley, B. | 24/12/15 | 5/7/16 | Cartwright, G. H. G. M. | 5/11/14 | 11/5/15 | Wounded | Clode-Baker, G. E. | 24/12/15 | 1/7/16 | Killed | Dodds, A. K. | 28/2/15 | 11/10/15 | Gassed | Flindt, R. E. H. | 11/2/15 | 7/5/15 | Wounded | Fursdon, G. E. S. | 5/11/14 | 2/5/15 | Wounded | | 18/7/15 | 4/9/15 | Long, C. W. | 27/5/16 | 27/7/16 | Maynard, M. J. | 8/5/15 | -/10/16 | Missing | Oldfield, P. B. B. | 1/5/15 | 27/7/16 | Wounded | Petersen, J. R. S. | 5/11/14 | 5/5/16 | Pocock, B. L. E. | 24/12/15 | 2/7/16 | Wounded | Price, H. B. | 5/11/14 | 3/5/15 | Killed | Sedgwick, A. E. | 26/2/15 | 6/5/15 | Wounded | | 12/8/16 | 10/9/16 | Killed | Slessor, P. | 5/11/14 | 22/12/14 | Titley, P. | 19/1/16 | 26/6/16 | Vincent, H. G. | 5/11/14 | 3/5/15 | Williamson, E. R. | 24/12/15 | 10/9/16 | Wounded & missing, believed killed | Wimble, A. S. | 29/4/15 | 7/5/15 | Wounded | Second-Lieutenants. | Appleton, E. R. | 18/7/15 | 20/12/15 | Aste, P. J. | 18/7/15 | 4/2/16 | Baldwin, N. E. | 3/8/16 | -/10/16 | Wounded & missing | Balkwill, C. V. | 27/5/16 | 1/7/16 | Killed | Balls, F. A. | 27/5/16 | 11/7/16 | Barker, H. C. | 29/4/15 | 22/1/16 | | 28/3/16 | 24/4/16 | Benns, A. L. | 5/3/16 | 1/7/16 | Killed | Betts, A. W. T. | 2/5/15 | 17/5/15 | Wounded | Brodie, C. G. | 18/7/15 | 15/9/15 | Camden, H. M. | 11/1/16 | 9/2/16 | Carrier, J. R. | 8/5/16 | 8/10/16 | Killed | Collis, L. W. | 2/8/16 | 20/9/16 | Cotter, G. H. | 11/2/15 | 12/4/15 | Killed | Crisp, H. J. F. | 27/5/16 | 14/9/16 | Wounded | Doust, C. B. | 14/3/16 | 1/7/16 | Killed | Dyer, P. T. | 19/7/16 | 29/9/16 | Wounded | Feast, A. C. | 8/5/15 | 17/5/15 | Forbes, K. | 5/11/14 | 10/2/15 | Killed | Gardiner, W. E. M. | 8/5/16 | 19/7/16 | Killed | Gooding, H. R. W. | 19/4/15 | 13/5/15 | Killed | Hill, R. L. | 13/8/15 | 6/6/16 | Hogg, S. R. | 2/5/15 | 23/1/16 | Howe, G. H. | 27/5/16 | 19/8/16 | Hewitt, F. E. | 11/1/16 | 20/5/16 | Keddie, G. D. F. | 1/5/15 | 7/6/15 | Lindsay, J. S. | 19/7/16 | 30/9/16 | Wounded | Lines, S. M. | 8/5/15 | 13/5/15 | Killed | Lintott, R. | 29/4/15 | 3/5/15 | Killed | Lydall, R. F. | 9/6/16 | 1/7/16 | Wounded | Moore, E. G. | 19/7/16 | 17/9/16 | Wounded | Petley, R. E. | 27/5/16 | 1/7/16 | Wounded | Pocock, B. E. | 29/4/15 | 13/5/15 | Missing, believed killed | Pogose, I. R. | 27/7/15 | 2/7/16 | Died of wounds | Pool, E. E. | 11/1/16 | 9/5/16 | Prior, T. A. | 5/3/16 | 19/5/16 | Radford, P. D. | 19/7/16 | 21/9/16 | Wounded | Rose, E. W. | 22/7/15 | 1/7/16 | Wounded | Rose, O. H. | 27/5/16 | 18/6/16 | Sawbridge, B. F. | 8/5/16 | 1/7/16 | Wounded | Sell, C. H. | 19/1/16 | -/9/16 | Wounded | Sharman, A. P. | 19/7/16 | 11/9/16 | Wounded | Smith, H. | 19/1/16 | 1/7/16 | Wounded | Stransom, J. H. | 29/4/15 | 30/4/15 | Wounded | Ticehurst, G. H. | 4/6/16 | 26/9/16 | Wounded | Thomas, E. G. | 27/5/16 | 5/7/16 | Wounded | Warner, A. | 27/5/16 | 1/7/16 | Killed | Wheatley, F. M. | 11/1/16 | 14/2/16 | Wounded | Whitehead, L. E. | 19/4/15 | 2/5/15 | Wounded | Willett, W. L. | 5/11/14 | 13/12/14 | Wounded | Wray, M. | 8/5/15 | 4/6/15 |