
Out in the country there lives a funny little boy, who makes a great deal of sport in his family, by saying and doing a great many droll things.

This merry little fellow owns a beautiful Maltese kitten, which he calls "Minnie," and with her he has a great many frolics. She is a very great favorite with every body, and visitors are sure to notice her bright eyes, her white breast, and her graceful motions.

Like all little boys and girls, she likes to be noticed; and when she is caressed and petted, she shows her satisfaction by purring as loud as possible. But if she is teazed, she is very unhappy, and runs off into a dark hole in the cellar, so her little master cannot find her.

One day he took it into his busy head, that, as he had a cold bath every day, pussy must have one too. So off he goes to the bathing-tub, and notwithstanding Minnie's pitiful cries, he plunges her into the cold water, and gives her a thorough ducking.

Being missed by his mother, search was made for the little rogue, and he was found in the act, apparently very much satisfied with his performance. He was quite surprised to find, that instead of doing a kind act, he had unintentionally been very rough with his darling Kitty.

Great was his sorrow, and after carefully drying his pet, he tried, by every effort in his power, to make her forget his strange treatment. Minnie quickly recovered her health and spirits; and soon after she was seen chasing her tail, and jumping round among the chairs.

Her little master, in his first pair of boots, clattered round the room in great glee; and when tired of racing, he sat down in the corner, to teach his Maltese playfellow how to read. But she did not get any farther than "mew," and I guess her teacher will not try that much longer, for she cannot learn as fast as little Fanny. When she can read and spell, she too shall have a pretty little kitty for her next birth-day present, or if she likes better, a beautiful great doll.



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