
There was a brown squirrel on a tree
Hopping about so merrily;
And spying below some children near,
Said, "I wonder what they're doing here?"

Busy they brought both stones and sticks,
And ovens and fires they tried to fix,
Grand parlors too, sprang up beside,
Their greatest work, their greatest pride!

And there were Emma, and Willy, and Molly,
All so bright, and merry, and jolly;
With Charley too, and roguish Dan,
Named for the great New Hampshire man.

Says Bunny, "I'll try if I can see
Anything there, will do for me;"
So slyly he peeped from his high seat,
As they were munching their luncheon treat.

Says Molly to Willy and rosy Ju,
"Here's a piece of cake for both of you;"
And in the sunshine they cosily sat,
Eating and talking childish chat.

But pretty soon their play was o'er,
And each went in at the school-room door;
Then down came Bunny and ate their crumbs,
And then sat coolly wiping his thumbs.



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