| Page | Albaugh's Opera House | 18 | Amphitheater, Arlington | 43 | Arlington House | 40 | Baltimore Sun Building | 32 | Bartholdi Fountain | 17 | Blue Room, White House | 23 | Botanical Garden | 6 | British Legation | 37 | Bureau of Engraving and Printing | 3, 12 | Cabin-John Bridge | 46 | Capitol, The | 4, 5 | Capitol Vista from Soldiers' Home | 7 | Chinese Legation | 25 | Church of the Ascension | 33 | Church of the Covenant | 32 | Corcoran Gallery of Art | 36 | Diplomatic Room, Department of State | 14 | Dupont, Statue of Admiral Samuel Francis | 29 | East Room, White House | 22 | Farragut, Statue of Admiral David G. | 27 | Garfield, Statue of James A. | 7 | Henderson, Residence of Hon. J. B. | 34 | House of Representatives, Hall of the | 8 | Lafayette Memorial | 28 | Leiter, Residence of L. Z. | 35 | Library of Congress | 39 | Mall, The | 3, 24 | Marble Room, Capitol | 10 | Marine Hospital Service and U. S. Coast Survey | 37 | Masonic Temple | 38 | Morton, Residence of Hon. Levi P. | 36 | McClellan Gate, Arlington | 41 | Naval Monument | 39 | Naval Observatory | 31 | Navy Department | 15 | Pennsylvania Avenue | 6, 13 | Pension Office | 16 | Post Office Department | 16 | Red Room, White House | 22 | Roger's Bronze Door, Capitol | 10 | Scott, Statue of Gen. Winfield | 28 | Senate Chamber | 9 | Sheridan Gate, Arlington | 41 | Sheridan, Tomb of Gen. Philip H. | Page 16, "Eight" changed to "Eighth" (Seventh, Eighth, E, and)Page 47, "Amphitheatre" changed to "Amphitheater" to match photo caption (Amphitheatre, Arlington) Page 47, the numbers were cut off of the original image on the final column of the Table of Contents. All but one of the numbers could be ascertained by checking the original. The entry for the War Department was unclear as it was clearly a single number, but the War Department shows up on pages 15 and 18. These were both included in the Table of Contents.   |