Note. As this is a book about coffee, the entries in the Index refer—unless otherwise specified—to that general subject, and more particularly to Coffea arabica; other varieties are distinguished by their scientific or trade names. Thus, "Adulteration" refers to the adulteration of coffee; and "Adulterants," to the substances used for that purpose. Abbreviations Used | bev. | signifies | beverage | biog. | " | biography | C. or c. | " | coffee | C. | " | Coffea | chk. | " | coffee-house keeper | d. | " | died | hyb. | " | hybrid | ill. | " | illustration | inv. | " | invention | newsp. | " | newspaper | pamph. | " | pamphlet | pat. | " | patent, patentee | per. | " | periodical | pseud. | " | pseudonym | q. | " | quoted | v. | " | vessel, ship | Italicized words are either scientific terms or titles of publications. Titles of books are followed by the name of the author, if known; other publications are distinguished as broadsides, newspapers, pamphlets, or periodicals. Geographical names are distributed under various topics, such as "Acreage," "Coffee houses," "Consumption," "Cultivation," "Exports," "Imports," "Production," and the like. A Mon CafÉ, Ducis, 548 Abbas, wife of, 21 Abbey, Charlotte, q., 177 Abbey, Roswell, pat., 245 Abbey, Freeman & Co., 482 Abd-al-KÂdir, 14, 431 Abd-al-KÂdir ms., 31, 431, 542, 543 Description, 541 Abele, Chris, pat., 630, 638, 644, 645; d. (1910), 641 AbeokutÆ, C., 142 Java, 216 AbeokutÆ × liberica, hyb., 146 Abigail, 13 Aborn, A.C., q., Cost card for roasters, 392 Aborn, Edward, 439, 514, 651, 701, 713, 714, 716, q., 715 Aborn, W.H., 715 About, Edmund F.V., q., 685 Abraham, 18 Abyssinian c., 353, 376, 377 Account of his Journeys, An, Olearius, q., 22 Ach (chemist), 186 Ach, F.J., 488, 509, 511, 513, q., 408 Acidity, percentages in c., 719 Acid c.'s, 397 Acids, 159, 168 Acker, Finley, pat., 472, 645, 649, 701 Acker, Merrall & Condit Co., 478, 494, 498 Ackland, James, chk., 118 Acreage Africa, British East, 230, 285 Argentina, 236 Australia, 238, 284 Brazil (sq. miles), 277 Ceylon, 236, 283 Ecuador, 236, 278 Federated Malay States, 238, 284 Guadeloupe, 233 Guatemala, 219 Guiana, British, 279 Haiti, 220, 281 Hawaii, 241 India, 226, 227, 282 Jamaica, 232, 281 Java, 215 Leeward Islands, 282 Mauritius, 285 Nyasaland, 230, 285 Philippines, 284 Porto Rico, 223 Salvador, 219, 280 Uganda, 230, 285 Venezuela, 212 Yemen, 230 Adams, chk., 559 Adams, Abigail, q., 467, 468 Adams, Isaac, pat., 245 Adams, John, 110, 113, 593 Adams, Pygan, 609 Adams & Son, 710 Addison, Joseph, 75, 80, 84, 557, 558, 560, 572, 575, 576, 577, 578, 593 Addison, Life of, Johnson, q., 561 Adjudication (N.Y. Exch.), 334 Adulterant Act, British, 404 Adulterants, 153, 169, 170, 404 Adulteration, 404 Italy, 686 Reasons for, 170 U.S. law affecting, 410 rulings against, 337 Advertisements Arbuckle's (1861), 496 Boston (1748), 467 Cauchois's Private Estate, 498 Coffee-house Boston, 112 New York (1781), 119, 120 Coffee mills (1665), 617 Divination by coffee grounds, 558 First (Abd-al-KÂdir's, 1587), 431 First American-newspaper, 468 First newspaper (1657), 56, 432 Of coffee only, ill., 434 First printed (1652), q., 54, 432, 459, 461 London coffee-house, q., 582 Newspaper and periodical, 432–434 Piazza coffee room, q., 581 Song by Zecchini, 549 Turks Head coffee house, 582 Advertising, 431–465 Booklets (J.C.T.P.C.), 455 Brands, 455, 462–465 Early history, 431–434 Evolution of, 434, 435 France, 680 Government propaganda, 444–459 Injudicious, 435, 537, 438, 461 Joint coffee trade, 439, 445–459, 514, 515 Lantern slides, 443 Motion pictures, 443, 445 Package-coffee, 440–443 Retail, 443, 444 Trade, 442 Trade journalists as experts, 431 United States, 434–465 Advertising charts, 440, 441 Advice against the plague, Harvey, 58 Advisory Board, C. (see Gov't control) Affinis, C., hyb., 146 Aga, Soliman, 33, 92 Aging Artificial, 157, 158, 471, 474 Natural, 156, 157, 167, 342, 345, 353 Agriculture, U.S. Dept., 722 Aigentliche Beschreibung der Raisis, etc., Rauwolf, q., 12 Aiken, G., 612 Akers, Frederick, 498, 499 Alameda (brand), 441 Albanese, 185 Albertenghi, 558 Alcoholic beverages Coffee replaces in Am. colonies, 696 Sold in London c. houses, 61, 78, 81 Alcholism, effect of c. on, 182 Aldhabani (see Gemaleddin) Ale wives' complaint against c. houses (pamph.), 72 Alexander, S.R., 485 Alexander & Baldwin, 488 Alhadrami, Muhammed, 16 Al-Haiwi (The Continent), Rhazes, 11 Alison, Archibald, 102 Alkaloids in c., 159, 160, 161 All Souls' college, Oxford, 41 Allain, F.V., 487 Allanston, q., 179 Allen, q., 159 Allen, Ida C. Bailey, q., 723 Allen, James Lane, q., 564 Allom, Thomas, 663 Alpini (Alpinus), Prospero 43, 431, 541, 543; q., 2, 12, 26, 41 Alt und neu Wien, Bermann, q., 51 Altenberg, Peter, q., 549 Altitudes Best, 198, 200 Bolivia, 236 Brazil, 205 Colombia, 208 Costa Rica, 225 Guatemala, 219 Hawaii, 239 Honduras, 234 Indo-China, French, 237 Jamaica, 233 Java, 216 Mexico, 222 Nicaragua, 227 Peru, 236 Salvador, 217 Venezuela, 212, 263 Yemen, 231 Alumini Etonenses, Harwood, q., 581 Amarella, C., hyb., 140 Amber (essence of) in c., 695 Ambergris in c., 709 Ambrosia Arabica, CaffÈ Discorso, Rambaldi, 558, q., 696 American Can Co., 472, 473 Am. Chem. Journal, q., 165 American Coffee Co., 521 American Grocer, per., 526 American Hist'l Register, q., 126 Am. Journ. Ophthalmology, q., 182 American Legion, v., 316 American Mills, 502 American Sugar Refining Co., 689 Ames, Allan P., 448 Amman & Co., C., 477 Amsinck, Gustave, 479 Amsinck & Co., G., 479, 484, 485, 534 Amurath III, 20, 664 Amurath IV, 20, 38 Analyst, per, q., 165 Anatomy of Melancholy, The, Burton, q., 543, 38 Ancilloto, Marco, 27 "——" and Other Poets, Untermeyer, q., 553 Anderson, pat., 247 Anderson, Adam, q., 72, 73, 74 Anderson, E.D., 472 Anderson, Mrs. chk., 86 Andreas, A.T., q., 106 Andrews, William Ward, pat., 627, 479, 491, 518 Arnold & Co., B.G., 479, 480 491, 528 Arnold, Dorr & Co., 479, 482, 518 Arnold, Hines & Co., 482 Arnold, Mackey & Co., 477, 479 Arnold, Sturgess & Co., 479 Arnoldiana, C., 142 Java, 216 Aroma Advertising value, retail, 423 Best grinds to preserve, 719, 720 Cause of, 163, 165 Chaff rich in, 708 Cup-testing for, 356 Preservation of, 170, 712, 717 Aroma Coffee & Spice Co., 502 Aron & Co., J., 340 Arroba (weight), 268 Art collections Berlin museums, 46 Boston Mus. of Fine Arts, 612 Bostonian Society, 613 London Beaufoy (Guildhall Mus.), 62, 582, 602 British Museum, 604 Guildhall Museum, 602, 603 Armstrong & Barnewall, 476 Arne, Dr., 579 Arnold, q., 136 Arnold, Benjamin Green, 469, London Victoria and Albert Museum, 601, 603 New York Clearwater (Met. Mus.), 609 Halsey (Met. Mus.), 609 Metropolitan Museum Pictures, 591 Service, artistic and historical, 599, 600, 607, 608, 612 Paris: Clunny Museum, 600 Portland: Maine Hist. Soc., 614 Potsdam museums, 46 Salem (Mass.): Essex Inst., 614 Sam Ireland's, 593 Vienna: Austrian Art Soc., 590 Washington Peter (U.S. Nat'l Mus.), 599 Arthur, chk., 588 Arthur's, Lyons, q., 563 Aruwimensis, C., 144 Java, 216 Ashcroft, John, pat., 157 Trade mark, 470 Ashland, James, 477 Ashley, James, chk., 582 Astbury, 604, 612 Astor Library, 124 Atha, F.P., 509; q., 422 Athenae Oxiensis À Wood, q., 41 Atlas Mills, 498 Attal (Arabian bale), 266 Atwood & Co., 509 Atwood & Holstad, 509 Aubrey, John, 557; q., 40, 53, 56, 59, 60 Auctions Amsterdam, 44 First (1711), 213 London, 327 Netherlands E. Indies, 312 Augagneuri, C., 147 Auger & Co., B.E., 487 Austin, Nichols & Co., 494, 499 Australian c., 355, 376 Autobiography, Haydon, q., 583 Autocrat (brand), 441 Automatic Weighing Machine Co., 470 Avicenna (Ibn Sina), 11, 17, 431; q., 12 À Wood, Anthony, q., 41 Ayduis, 14 Ayer Bangies c., 355, 371 Ayer & Son, N.W., 448 Aymar & Co., 476 Babillard, q., 559 Bach, Johann Sebastian. 46; q., 595–599 Bache, Theophylact, 475 Bacon, Francis, 543, 557; q., 38 Bacon, Sir Nicholas, 570 Bacon, Raymond F., q., 714 Bacon, Williamson, 480 Bacon & Co., Williamson, 480 Bacon, Stickney & Co., 508 Bacteria, Effect of c. on, 180, 181 "Bad" coffee, 22 Bagnell, 579 Bags, paper (see Containers) Bahias (c.), 341, 343, 367 Baillon, 558 Baiz, Jacob, 485 Baiz & Wakeman, 478 Baker (chemist), q., 165 Baker, John Gulick, pat., 469, 639 Baker, Roger, 117 Baker, T.K., pat., 647 Baker, William E., pat., 649 Baker & Co., 649 Baker & Sons, Joseph, 640 Baker & Young, 485 Baker Importing Co., 539 Baker vs. Duncombe (pat. suit), 649 Baldi, q., 184 Baldwin, Captain, 538 Baldy & Co., J.B., 506 Bales, Arabian, 266, 268 Balis (c.), 355, 374 Balliol college, Oxford, 40, 41 Ballot-box, origin of, 60 Ballou & Cosgrove, 488 Baltagi, 22 Balzac, HonorÉ de, 102, 556; q., 557 Balzac, Lawton, q., 557 Ban, 26, 35 Bananas and c. (bev.), 694 Banesius (see Nairon) Bangs, John Kendrick, q., 564 Bank of New York, 120 Bank of Pennsylvania, ill., 129 Banks, H.W., 479 Banks & Co., H.W., 478, 479, 485 Baptized by Clement VIII, 26 Barbados c., 351, 362 Barbaro, Angelo Maria, 28 Barbor, inv., 637 Barclay, Florence L., q., 563 Barclay & Hasson, 508 Barker, pat., 640 Barmaids, 75 Barnardini, q., 186 Barnes, Dr., q., 176 Barnes, Sir Edward, 237 Barnicle, Michael, 482 Baro, JosÉ, 651 Barotti, L., 548 Barquisimento, v., 349 Barr, Thomas T., 482 Barr & Co., T.M., 529 Barr & Co., T.T., 477, 482 Barr, Lally & Co., 482 Barrington Hall (brand), 441 Barrington Hall Soluble (brand), 539 Barrowby, Dr., q., 580 Barth, G.W., 639 Barthez, 566 Bartlett (artist), 668 Bartow, H., 497 Baruch & Co., 488 Batavia c., 355, 373 Baudelaire, 565 Baukobensis, C., 216 Bay, Gottfried, 644 Bayne, Daniel K., 478 Bayne, L.P., 478 Bayne, Jr., William, 448, 473, 478, 535 Bayne, Sr., William, 478 Bayne & Co., William, 485 Beach & Co., J.D., 508, 509 Beaham-Moffatt Mfg. Co., 508 Bean broth, Javanese, 11 Beans as friendly tokens, 655 Beard, Eli, 496 Beard, Samuel S., 496 Beard & Co., Samuel S., 482, 496 Beard & Cummings, 482, 494, 496, 507 Beard & Howell, 496 Beard, Sons & Co., S.M., 499 Beards & Cottrell, 482, 496 Beaufoy Catalogue, Burn, q., 583 Beaumarchais, 94 Beauvarlet, J., 587 Beccaria, Cesare, 30, 558 Becker, Joseph, 482 Beckley, S.W., 507 Beckmann, Alfred H., q., 418 Bedford, Duke of, 576, 593 Beecher, C. McCulloch, 491 Beede, N.B., 508 Beekmans, The, 475 Beer, q., 182 Beer, Coffee, 710, 711 Beeson, Emmet G., q., 679 BÉgon, 6 Behrens & Co., A., 482 Belcher, Jonathan, chk., 112 Belgians, King of, 672 Bell & Co., J.H., 502 Bell, Conrad & Co., 485 Bell, Conrad & Webster, 502 Belli, 549, 557 Bello (Bellus), Onorio, 31 Belna (brand), 539 Bencini, Antoni, pat., 625 Benedicenti, q., 186 Benedict & Co., 485 Benedict & Gaffney, 494, 498, 499 Benedict & Thomas, 494, 501 Bengalensis, C., 146 Bengiazlah, 17; q., 17 Bennet, Henry, 582 Bennett, J. Hughes, q., 181 Bennett, James, 482 Bennett, William, 482 Bennett & Becker, 482, 499 Bennett & Son, William Hosmer, 478, 482 Bennett, Schenck & Earle, 499 Bennett, Sloan & Co., 498, 499 Bentley, Benton & Co., 482 Berchoux, 548 Berg, Thomson & Davis, 502 Berhard, Charles, 505 Berkeley, Bishop, 550 Bermann, M., q., 51 Bernard, Claude M.V., pat., 629 Bernard (Dean of Derry), 573, 574 Bernhardt, Sarah, 565 Bernheimer, q., 163 Bernier, 31, 543, 594; q., 616 Berry (see Fruit) Berry, Benjamin, 508 Berry & Sons, N., 501 Berthier, 102 Berytus (Beirut), Bishop of, q., 42 Besant, Sir Walter, q., 41 Bonaparte, Napoleon, 94, 96, 100, 485; q., 566 Bondzynski, 185 Bonifeur, CafÉ (Guadeloupe), 257 Bonnard, 98 Bonnieri, C., 147 Caffein content, 161 Bontius, Jac., q., 2 Book, Nicholas, inv., 617 Booker, 69 Booklets, advertising, 455 Booms, Ceylon (1845), 237 U.S. (1814), 468 Booms and Panics, 527–530 Booth, A.F., 508 Booth, Otis W., 480 Booth & Linsley, 477, 480 Boquette c., 348, 361 Borino & Bro., 486 Boscul (brand), 441 Bossi, Vernetti & Bartolini, 651 Boston coffee party, 467, 468 Boston News Letter, newsp., 433 Boston tea party, 106, 110, 689 Boswell, James, 81, 89; q., 567, 568, 583 Botanical description, 12, 26, 41, 131–138, 248, 249 Classification, 132 Species, number of, 132 Microscopic, 149–152 Botanical gardens (see Gardens) Botanists disagree, 132 Botany of coffee, 131–148 Bottega di caffÉ (comedy), Goldoni, 28 Bouche, Charles J., 505 Boucher, FranÇois, 588 Boulton & Co., H.L., 340 Boulton, Bliss & Dallett, 482 Bounties, Guadeloupe, 234 Australia (proposed), 239 Bour, J.M., 507 Bour Co., 443, 506, 507 Bourai c., 351, 368 Bourbon c., 353, 378 Bourbon, Grand, c., 352, 353 Bourbon Le Roy c., 352, 353 Bourbon rond, 352, 353 Bourbon-Santos c., 260, 341, 342, 366 Bourdon, Isid, q., 565 Bourne, H.R. Fox, q., 54 Bovee & Co., Wm. H., 506 Bowdoin, Gov. (see Chicory), 468 Bowers, B.O., 480 Bowman, chk., 53, 54 Bowman, John, pat., 637 Bown, W.J.H., 510 Bown & Bro., W.T., 507 Bowring & Co., 488 Boyd & Co., G., 501 Braas, Joseph, 507 Brancho, JoÃo Alberto C., 9 Bradford, Cornelius, chk., 119, 120 Bradford, John R. (Mrs.), 614 Bradford, Phebe C., 614 Bradford, William, chk., 127, 128, 129 Bradley, Prof. R., 42 Bradley, Richard, q., 58 Brady, Cyrus Townsend, 563 Brady, Dr., q., 177 Bramhall Deane Co., 634 Brand advertising, 455, 462–465 Brand, Carl W., 448, 507, 514 Brandenburg, Elector of, 45 Brandenstein, Edward, 506 Brandenstein, M.J., 506 Brandenstein, Manfred, 506 Brandenstein & Co., M.J., 471, 488, 506 Brands, 434, 435, 440, 441, 462, 465, 469, 470, 474, 496, 522–524, 538, 539 Brasher, Abraham, 609 Brasher, Ephraim, 609 Brass, Italico, 556 Braun Co., 472, 646 Brayley (topographer), 582 Brazil Coffee Co., 478 Brazil coffee delegation, 514 Brazil-grading, 331 Brazil Trading Co., 485 Brazils (c.), 341–345, 366 Breakfast (brand), 524 Bregolini, Ubaldo, 27 Brett, Colonel, 576 Breur, Moller & Co., 340 Brewing, Altitude limit 9,000 feet, 715 Art of Calkin's patent, 702 Muller's patent, 702 Below boiling point, 515, 707, 714, 717 Care in, 723 Chemistry of, 168, 718–720 Clarifying, 704, 705 Comparison of methods, 720, 721 Evolution of, 702, 704 Filtration vs. percolation, 515 Incorrect methods injurious, 179 N.C.R.A. recommendations, 717 Research, Un. of Kansas, 714 Scientific, 718–722 Thurber's method, 712 Brewing devices (1760–1855), 620–629 Acker's (1884), 645 American colonial, 709 Andrews' reversed Fr. drip (1841), 627 Best materials, 717, 721, 722 Blickman's (1916), 652 Care of, 722 Casseneuve's reversed Fr. drip, 623 Cauchois's porcelain-lined urn, 645 Cauchois's centrifugal pump, 651 Chapman's tea or coffee pot, 649 Chronology (1879–1921), 643–654 Combined making and serving pot, 616 Comparative test (1915), 714 (1917), 716 Criterion, 674 Earthenware, painted (Abyssinia), 655 First (boiler), 615, 616 First French patent (1802), 621, 699 First U.S. patent (1825), 469, 624, 625, 699 Fountain, 674 German patents (1877–85), 638 Levant (1691), 696 Le Brun's CafetiÉre, 710 Manning's combined, 637 Martelley's patent (1825), 699 Moneuse's urn (1869), 639 Muller's Art of Making Coffee, 653 Napier-List machine, 700 Parker's steam-fountain, 705 Platow, 674 Rabaut's reversed Fr. drip (1822), 623 Savage's tea or coffee pot (1904), 649 SenÉ's, "without boiling" (1815), 623 Still's steam coffee-maker (1902), 647 Syphon (Napier), 674 Verithing (Summerling's), 674 White's urn (1908), 651 Wyatt's distillation apparatus, 699 Brewing methods, Abyssinia, 655 American colonies, 708, 709 Arabia, 658–663, 695 Australia, 692 Austria, 671, 672 Belgium, 672 Brazil, 691 Bulgaria, 678 Canada, 686, 687 Ceylon, 670 China, 670 Cuba, 692 Denmark, 678 England (1662), 696; (1722), 697; (19th cent.), 704–707 Europe, 670–686 (19th century), 704–708 Finland, 678 France, 678–683 (1669), 696; (1711–1812), 696–698; (19th cent.), 707, 708 Buc'hoz's recipe, 708 Germany, 684, 685 Great Britain, 672–678 Greece, 685 India, 670 Italy, 686, 696 Japan, 670 Java, 670 Levant (1691), 696 Martinique, 692 Mexico, 687 Netherlands, 686 New Orleans, 689, 690 New York, 690 Hotel Ambassador, 691 Waldorf-Astoria, 690, 691 New Zealand, 692 Oriental, early, 31, 694, 695 Paris, 670 Panama, 692 Persia, 670 Philippines, 692 Portugal, 686 Scandinavia, 686 Roumania, 686 Russia, 686 Servia, 686 Spain, 686 Switzerland, 686 Turkey, 31, 665, 667, 668 U.S., 687, 691, 709–723 Jabez Burns' method, 712 Vienna, Arabia, 310, 312 Brazil, 303–308 Netherlands E. Indies, 312 Buying and selling green c., 303–312 Byerly, Thomas, 585 Byerley, Sir John, 585 Cabarets À caffÈ, 33 (See also Coffee houses) Cabarrus, E.T., 538 Cable-break panic (1884), 528 Cadwallader, pseud., 581 CafÉ À la crÈme, 708 À la minute, 708 au lait, 691, 696 avec beurre, 683 bonifleur (Guadeloupe), 257 brÛleau, 106 complet, 683 con lÉche, 691 de luxe (Guadeloupe), 257 en parchÉ (Guadeloupe), 257 en pergamino (grade), 261 filtrÉ, 675 gloria, 683 mazagran, 92, 655, 682 melangÉ, 671 nature, 683 sultan, 658 sultane, 694 CafÉ, The, per., 34 CafÉ, literary, artistic, and commercial, The, per. (French), 34 CafÉier et le CafÉ, Le, Jardin, ill., q., 2, 6, 14, 31 32, 33, 629 CafÉs Berlin Admiral's, 684 Bauer, ill., 684 Des Westens, 684 "Groessenwahn", 684 Josty's, 684 Kranzler's, ill., 684 Victoria, 684 Hague, The St. Joris, 686 London Gatti's, ill., 675, 677 Kardomah (chain), 675 London CafÉ Co., 674 Monico, ill., 675, 677 Nero, 674 Pioneer, 677 Popular, 675, 677 Ritz, 678 Trocadero, 657 Naples Toledo, 686 New York Fleischmann's, 690 Paris Paix, de la, 683 PrÉvost, 683 RÉgence, de la, 683 Venice Florian's, 686 (See also Coffee houses; Hotels; Restaurants; Taverns) CafÉs chantants (see Coffee houses) CaffÈ, 3 CaffÈ, Il, Belli, 549 CaffÈ, Il (almanac, 1829), 558 CaffÈ, Il, per., (1764–66), 30, 558 CaffÈ, Il, per., (1850–52), 558 CaffÈ, Il, per., (1884–89), 558 CaffÈ Pedrocchi, Il, per., (1885), 558 Caffearine, 159 Caffein, 159, 161, 162, 166, 167, 175, 176, 179, 182, 437, 711, 718, 721 Analyses for, 172 Chaff contains, 708 Harmless in moderation, 717 Hollingworth's experiments, 187, 188 Loss in roasting, 167 Physiological action, 183–188 Robusta, C., 145 Solubility, 160 Caffein content (C. arabica), 161 Caffein-free c., ill., 142, 404 Artificial, 161, 162, 163, 721 Natural, 161, 162, 721 Varieties, 147 Caffetannic acid, 158, 159, 166, 174, 721 Analysis for, 173 Lead number, 514 Misnomer, 716, 718, 719 Physiological action, 182 Caffinets (see Coffee houses) Caffeol, 163, 164, 719, 720 Physiological action, 183 Caffeone, 163 Cage, R.H., 505 Cage & Drew, 505 Cage, Drew & Co., Ltd., 505 Cahoa, 1, 2 Cahouah, 15 Cahove, 91 Cahua, 1, 38 Cahue, 1, 2 Cahve, 31 Cahwa, 45 Caleb, Negus, 5 Calkin, Benjamin H., pat., 652, 702 Calorific value of c., 180 Calvados, 682 Campaigning with Grant, Porter, q., 563 Campbell (chemist), q., 163 Campbell, chk., 576 Campbell, Charles, 482 Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors, q., 570 Campen, Christopher, q., 12 Canadian Bank of Commerce, 488 Canby, Edward, 509 Canby, Frank L., 509 Canby, Ach & Canby, 508, 509 Candle, Sales by, 571 Canephora, C. Botanical description, 145 Caffein content, 161 Ceylon, 236 Java, 216 Varieties, 146 Cannon & Co., F., 485 Canova, 28, 29 Cans (see Containers) Cantatas Bach's, q., ill., 595–599 Fuzelier's, music by Bernier, q., 594 Cantino, Cesare, 549 Caouhe, 2 Caova, 2, 26, 41 Caphe, 1, 38 Capodimonte c.-pot, 607 Capitazias, 306 (See Porthandling charges) Capuchin, CafÉ, 683 Caracanda FrÈres, 338 Caracas c., 348, 364 Caracol (grade), 261 Caracollilo (grade), 264 Caramel in c., 718 Carazo, Padre, 225 Carbohydrates, 165 Cardamom in c., 657, 696, 709 Caret, q., 555 Carey, 80, 576 Carey & Co., 480 Cargoes Damaged, 321, 322 Record (Brazil to U.S.), 315, 316 Carhart & Bro., 482 Carit & Co., S.A., 487 Carjat, 103 Carmen Caffaeum, Massieu, q., 543–547 Carne, John, q., 668–670 Carnegie, Andrew, 521 Carpenter, Samuel, 126 Carr, Chase & Raymond, 501 Carret & Co., J.E., 340 Carruthers, 549 Carson & Co., W.K., 485 Carte, D'Oyly, 678 Carter, James, pat., 469 Carter, James W., 494; pat., q., 629 Carter Bros. & Co., 507 Carter, Macy & Co., 480 Carter, Mann & Co., 501 Cartons (see Containers) Casanas, Ben. C., 503, 513, 535; q., 415 Case, Howard E., 496 Caseneuve, pat., 623, 699 Casilla (grade), 261 Castel, q., 548 Castle Bros., 488 Caswell, George W., 505, 506 Caswell Co., George W., 506 Catalog, Hudson-Fulton Celebration, q., 607, 609 Catalogue of the Rarities to be seen at Adam's, 559 Catalogue of Traders' Tokens, Burn, q., 62 Catch crops, 203 Cauchois, Frederick A., 498, 701; pat., 472, 645, 649, 651 Cauphe, 38 Cavanaugh, Rearuck & Co., 502 Cave, 31 Caveah, 2 Cavee, 26 Cavekane, 32 Cazeneuve, q., 159 Celebes c., 355, 374 Centlivre, Susannah, q., 554 Central American coffee San Francisco's fight for trade, 489–491 Central Americans (c.), 347, 359–361 Certified Java and Mocha (brand), 524 Ceylons (c.), 351, 352, 370 Chaa (tea), 35 Chabert, Josephine, 518 Chabraeus, 543 Chaff Removal deprecated, 714 Rich in caffein and aroma, 708 Chain-stores, 415, 417, 418 Chamber of Commerce (New York), 119, 120 Chamberlain, George A., q., 563 Chamberlain, Orville W., pat., 652 Chamberlaine, John, q., 432 ChampmeslÉ, 91 Champney, Elizabeth W., q., 563 Chaouah, 1, 2, 35 Chaova, 41 Chapin, Harold, 556, 563 Chapman, D.J., 501 Chapman, J.W., pat., 649 Character of a coffee house, The (broadside) q., 66–68 Characteristics Complete reference table, 358–378 Governing influences, 156 Green and roasted, Bread Street, 60 Devil Tavern, 60 Friday Street, 60 Mermaid Tavern, 60 Rota, 59, 60, 583 Turk's Head, 81 Turk's Head Society, 583 White's, 87 New York Coffee House, 690 South America, 690 Phila., supersede c. houses, 130 Clubs and Club Life in London, Timbs, q., 570–585 Coal roasting, 385, 386 Coarse (see Grinds) Coated c. Rulings (U.S.) against, 337 Coatepec c., 345, 358 Coating, 166, 396 Condemned by N.C.R.A., 513 Reasons for, 170 Coatzacoalcos c., 345, 358 Coava, 36 CobÁns (c.), 347, 359 Cobbett, William, q., 561, 562 Cochrane, q., 185 Cocoa, first used in Europe, 25 Coffa, 2, 36, 38 Coffalic acid, 719 Coffao, 2 Coffe, 2 Coffee, Keable, q., 181, 182 Coffee, A short historical account of, Bradley, 42 Coffee and Repartee, Bangs, q., 564, 565 Coffee Book, The, q., 714 Coffee cantata, Bach, 46 Coffee Club (U.S.), 453 Coffee Club, The, per., q., 177 Coffee from Plantation to Cup, Thurber, q., 182, 712 Coffee Grinding and Brewing, N.C.R.A., 715 Coffee house, most beautiful, 599 Coffee house, The (comedy) Rosseau, 88 Coffee house, The new and curious, per, 45 Coffee house or newsmongers' hall, (broadside), 68, 69 Coffee-house keepers, London Proposed newspaper monopoly, 74 Tokens, ill., 56, 62, 74, 89, 582, 602, 603 Coffee houses, 293 Advantages, 72 Algeria, 656 Arabia, 658 Augsburg, first (1713), 45 Berlin Arnoldi, 45 City of Rome, 45 English, 45 Falck's (Jewish), 45 First (1721), 45 Miercke, 45 Royal, 45 Schmidt, 45 Widow Doebbert's, 45 Boston, 108–113 American, 108, 111 Auctions held in, 112 British, 108 Crown, ill., 108 Exchange, 112, 113 First, 108 Green Dragon, ill., 109, 110, 111 Gutteridge, 108 London, 108, 116, 467 North-End, 112 Royal Exchange, 112 Stage coaches start from, 110, 112 Washington, 110 Brazil, 691 Cairo, number (17th century), 26 Chicago Exchange, 106 Lake Street, 106 Washington, 106 Constantinople, 663–667 Prices (1554), 19 Damascus, 668–670 First, 19 Gate of Salvation, 19 Roses, 19 Egypt, 656, 657 England First (1650), 41, 53 Decline, 75 Ordered suppressed, 72, 73 Proclamation by Charles II, 73 Proclamation rescinded, 73 Europe, first, 27 Exeter (Devon) Mol's, 42 France, 33, 682, 684 Germany, 683, 684 First (1675), 45 Hamburg, first (1675), 45 Italy, 27, 28 First, 27, 686 Leipzig, first (1694), 45 London, 53–89 Adam's (and museum), 559, 560 Baker's, 87 Baltic, 87 Batson's, 78 Bedford, 80, 84, 88, 576, 579, 580 Blue Hall, 575 Bowman's, 83 British, ill., 79, 86 Button's, ill., 80, 81, 83, 84, 570, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 593 Caledonien, ill., 84, 593 Chapter, 78, 80, 88, 582 Child's, 78, 88, 560, 582 Cocoa-Tree, 78, 79, 87, 560 Decline of, 61, 62, 81, 82, 674, 675 Dick's, ill., 87, 88, 555, 572 Dish of Coffee Boy, ill., 603 Don Saltero's, ill., 80, 86, 88, 558 Museum, 559 Edinburgh Castle, 75 Farr's, 54 Fire of 1666, 61, 62 First (1652), 42, 53, 54, 293 Folly (house-boat), 89 Garraway's (or Garway's) ill., 56, 77, 80, 83, 561, 570, 571, 572 Gaunt's, 588 George's, 584, 585 Giles's, 560 Grecian, ill., 61, 77, 80, 85, 560, 584 Groom's, 572 Hamlin's, 78 Jacob's, 42 Jamaica, 83 Jenny Man's, 560 Jerusalem, 88 Joe's, 571 Jonathan's, 88, 554, 560, 572 Little Man's, 79, 88 Lloyd's, ill., 75, 80, 85, 572 London 88, 582 Man's, 61, 88 Miles's, 583 Nando's, 80, 88, 572, 585 New England and North and South American, 88 New Lloyd's, 86 New Man's, 88 New Slaughter's, 84 News centers, use as, 77 North's, 78 Number (1715), 74 Old Man's, 77, 79, 88 Old Slaughter's, 84 "On the Pavement", 583 RosÉe's, 42 Peele's, 80, 88, 585 "Penny universities", 3 Percy, 89, 585 Piazza, 80, 89, 581 Piazza coffee room, 580, 581 Rainbow, 62, 77, 89, 572 Read's, 74 Red Cow, 83, 574 Robins's, 63 Robinson's, 570 Rochford's, Mrs., 79 Rose, 84, 574 Royal Swan (and museum), 559 Second, 54 Shakespeare, 84 Slaughter's, ill., 80, 84, 85, 580, 583, 584, 593 Smyrna, 79, 80, 89, 573 (1843), 94 Paix, de la, 103 Pascal's (Fair of St. Germain), 33, 92 Paris, ill., 101, 103 Procope, ill., 94, 95, 98, 566 Rambuteau, 98 RÉgence, 96, 98 Riche, 103, 104 Rocher de Cancale, 104 Rotonde, 100, 102 Royal Drummer, ill., 94 Stephen's, 93 Terre's, 103 Tortoni, 103 Tour d'Argent, 94 Trois FrÈres ProvenÇaux, 102 Vachette, 102 Venua's, 102 VÉry, 102 Voisin, 103 Persia, 21 Philadelphia, 125–130 Decline of, 130 Exchange (proposed), 130 Scene from Hamilton, ill., 556 Exchanges, use as, 128 First (1700), 126 James, 127 London, ill., 125, 126 Slave auctions, ill., 128 Sunday closing, 129 Swearing, gaming, etc., prohibited, 128 London (2nd), ill., 127 Merchants, 125, 129, 130 Roberts', 127 Social centers, use as, 125, 130 Ye coffee house, 125, 126, 467 Post-office, use as, 126 Portugal, 686 Regensburg: first (1689), 45 Santo Domingo, first (1738), 34 Spain, 686 St. Louis: Leonhard's, 105 Stuttgart: first (1712), 45 Turkey, Arco Celeste, 28 Aurora Plante d'oro, 28 Buon genio-Doge, 28 Coraggio-Speranza, 28 Dame Venete, 28 Ducca di Toscana, 28 Florian, ill., 27, 28, 29, 555 Fontane di Diana, 28 Imperatore Imperatrice della Russia, 28 Menegazzo, 28 Orfeo, 28 Pace, 28 Pitt. l'eroe, 28 Ponte dell' Angelo, 27 Quadri, 28 Redentore, 28 Re di Francia, 28 Regina d'Ungheria, 28 Spaderia, 27 Tamerlano, 28 Venezia trionfante, 28 Vienna, 671, 672 Blue Bottle, 50, 590 First, 51, 590 Kolschitzky's, 50 Mosee's, Franz, 51 Number of (1839), 52 Sacher, 50 Schrangl, 671 Coffee houses vindicated, pamph., q., 71, 72 Coffee, Its History, Cultivation and Uses, Hewitt, 480 Coffee kings First (Germany), 47 (U.S.), 517 Last (U.S.), 518 Coffee-makers' guild of Vienna, 51 Coffee man's granado, The (Broad-side), 66 Coffee palaces (see Coffee-houses) Coffee Pep (brand), 539 Coffee pots (see Service) Coffee Roaster & Mill Mfg. Co., 497 Coffee Roasters Traffic and Pure Food Association, 473 Coffee rooms (Norway), 686 Coffee scuffle, The (broadside), q., 64 Coffee shops (houses), London, 674 Coffee-smellers (Germany), 47 Coffee, tea, and chocolate, Concerning the use of, Dufour, 34 Coffee, tea, and chocolate, The manner of making, Dufour, 34 Coffee tree, Kentucky, 564 Coffee water (rosa-folis), 695 Coffey, 41 Coffi, 2 Cognac in c., 106, 686 Cogollo & Co., 34 Coho, 1, 2, 38 Cohoo, 2 Cohove, 91 Cohu, 2 Coit & Son, Henry, 476 Coke roasting, 385, 386 Colaux & Cie, pat., 625 Cole & Son, Stephen, 476 Coles Manufacturing Co., 472, 646 Colet M.H., q., 594 Colgate, Charles C., 492 Colgate, Samuel, 492 Collection of Voyages and Travels, A, q. 23 Collins, William, 580 Coloring substances, 170 Colombians (c.), 348–350, 363, 364 Colpani, 558 Columbia University, 186 Columbian Centinel, newsp., q., 434 Columnaris, C., hyb., 140 ComitÉ FranÇais du CafÉ, 445 Commaille, q., 165 Commercial Ass'n, Santos, 314 Commercial coffee chart, 191 Commercial Coffee Co., 478 Commercial Organic Analysis, q., 159 Commissario, 303, 304, 305, 306, 312, 491 Commissions New York, 334, 336 Santos, 304 Committee of Correspondence, 120, 474 Committee of One Hundred (1774), 120 Commonwealth and c., 54, 59 Competition, retail, 426 Complet, CafÉ, 683 Compton (Bishop of London), 570 Condorcet, 94 Confectionery, C., 695 Confessions, Rousseau, 102 Congensis, C., 147 Congensis var. Chalotii, 147 Congensis × UgandÆ, hyb., 146 Congo, Belgian, c., 353, 377 Congo coffee, caffein content, 161 Congress of Deputies, 120 Conkling & Lloyd, 476 Con lÉche, CafÉ, 691 Connoisseur (London), per., q., 579 Conopios, Nathaniel, 40, 41, 43 Conquest of Granada, Dryden's (censured by Rota), 60 Conrad & Co., J.H., 502 Consolidated Coffee Co., 508 Consortium of 1868, 476 Constantine, George, chk., 61, 84, 584 (See Jennings, George) Constantinople, Illustrated, Walsh, q., 663, 664 Constantinople in 1657, Relation of a Journey to, Rolamb, q., 23 Constantinople, Old and New, Dwight, q., 664–667 Constituents of c., Valuable, 693 Constitutional Antiquities of Sparta and Athens, Gilbert, q., 40 Consumo (grade), 261 Consumption, 285–302 Argentina, 279, 286, 287, 291 Australia, 286, 287, 291 Balkan States, 290 Belgium, 285, 287 Canada, 286, 287 Chile, 286, 287, 291 Colombia, 278 Cuba, 286, 287, 291 Denmark, 287, 290 Europe (19th Century), 295, 296 Federated Malay States, 284 France, 285, 287, 290 Average annual, 678 Germany, 285, 287, 290 Great Britain, 285, 287 Guiana, French, 279 Italy, 285, 287, 290 Mexico, 280 Netherlands, 285, 287, 290 New Zealand, 285, 287, 291 Norway, 287, 290 Peru, 278 Portugal (1919), 290 Russia, 285, 287, 291 Salvador, 280 San Francisco, 487 Scandinavia, 285, 290 Spain, 285, 287, 290 Sweden, 287, 290 Switzerland, 285, 287, 290, 291 Table of World, 287 Tea and c. comparisons, 288, 289 Union of South Africa, 286, 287, 291 United States, 106, 285, 287, 288, 293, 294 Popularity explained, 106 Prohibition; effect on, 689 World-war; effect on, 297 Venezuela, 278 Consumption per capita Foreign countries, 288–290 Groix, Island of, 176 Tables, 288 United States, 298, 299, 476 Methods of computing, 302 Containers, 402–404, 408–412, 470, 471 First paper and tin-end, 471 First strawboard (1881), 471 Leather bags, greased (1710), 620 Pots of various sizes (1790), 491, 492 Standardizing, 410 Vacuum, 471 Conti, Prince de, 590 Contracts, 329, 331 Cost-and-freight, 513, 515 In-store, 331 N.Y. Exchange, 333–335 To arrive, 335 Controversies England, 64–74 Commercial, U.S., 438 Medical, Eng., 58, 59 Political, Eng. (1666–72), 72, 73, 76 (See also Opposition; Coffee houses) Conway, Charles, 499 Cooling, 381, 636, 641 Cooling machinery, 394, 395 Cooling machines Burns's flexible-arm, 652, 653 Emmerich automatic (1897), 639 German patents (1877–85), 638 Grohens's rotary, 646 Cook, O.F., q., 202, 223 Cooper, Charles, q., 675 Cooper, Cornelius, 492 Cooper, L.S., 495 Cooper & Co., Nathaniel, 476 Coorg c., 351, 379 Copha, 1, 2, 38 Cophie, 56, 58 Cophy, 56 CoppÉe, FranÇois, 565 Cordoba c., 347, 358 Corinchies c., 279 Guiana, French, 235, 236 Haiti, 9, 220 Hawaii, 9, 239, 241 Honduras, 234 Honduras, British, 234, 235 Indo-China, French, 9, 237 India, 5, 9, 225–227, 282 Jamaica, 9, 74, 233 Java, 9, 43, 74, 213, 293 Liberia, 230 Martinique, 6, 7, 8, 9, 233 Mexico, 9, 220, 221, 222, 280 U.S. interest, 221 Netherlands, 5, 6 Netherlands E. Indies, 6, 213–217, 283 New Caledonia, 243 Nicaragua, 227 Panama, 235 ParÁ, 9 Paraguay, 236 Peru, 236 Philippines, 9, 241, 242 Porto Rico, 9, 222, 223, 225 Queensland, 9 Rio de Janeiro, 9 Salvador, 217, 219, 279 Santo Domingo, 9 SÃo Paulo, 205–208 South America (first), 279 Straits Settlements, 238 Sumatra, 216, 217, 283 Tahiti, 243 Tobago, 234 Tonkin, 9 Trinidad, 234 Uganda, 230 United States, 9 Venezuela, 9, 212, 213, 277 West Indies, 9 Western Hemisphere (first), 294 Cultured (brand), 474 Culver & Geiger, 509 Cumberland, q., 573, 574 Cummings, W.A., 496 Cunningham, 583 Cup of c., or c. in its colours, A (broadside), q., 64 Cup-testing, 356, 357 San Francisco, 487, 488 CuraÇoa c., 351, 363 Cure-all, 58 Cure for drunkenness, 58, 61 Curiosities of Literature, D'Israeli, q., 41 Curtis & Burnham, 508 Curtis Publishing Co., 441 Cushing, q., 179 Customs and Fashions in Old New England, Earle, q., 709 Custom-house procedure, New York, 319 Cutler, Benjamin, 492 Cuyler, Philip, 475 C.W. (brand), 441 Cyrill, Patriarch, 40, 41 da Ponte, Lorenzo, 28 Dagoty, 589, 590 Dahlman, Henry, 506 Dahlman, John, 506 Daily Post (Lond.), newsp., q., 588 Dakin, Elizabeth, pat., 633 Dakin, William, pat., 633 Dakin & Co., 633 Dakotan, v., 316 D'Alembert, q., 3 Dally, Gifford, 128 Dana, John Cotton, q., 712 Dancourt, q., 554 Daney, Sidney, q., 8 Daniel, chk., 78 Dannemiller, A.J., q., 409 Coffee-selling chart, 409 Dannemillers & Co., 484 Danton, George Jaques, 94, 98 Danvers' Letters, q., 2 d'Argenson, De Voyer, 594 Dark roast, 356, 387 Darouf (Arabian bale), 266 d'Arvieux, Chevalier, q., 2 Dash, Bowie, 479, 497, 527 Dash, J. Bowie, 497 Dash & Co., Bowie, 469, 477, 528 Dater, Henry, 482 Dater, Philip, 482 Dater & Co., Philip, 482 Dauchet, 554 Daudet, Alphonse, 103 Daughty, Charles, M., q., 661–663 Daugleish, Dr., 677 Dauphine of France, 600 Davenant, Sir William, 80, 576 Davenport & Morris, 485 David, 13 Davies, Tom, 567, 568 Davies & Co., John L., 502 Davies & Co., Ltd., Theo. H., 488 Davis, S.L., 499 Davis & Co., Noah, 501 Dawson, August T., q., 711, 712 Dayton & Co., 480 Dayton Spice Mills, 443 Dayton Spice Mills Co., 508 De Belloy, Jean Baptiste, inv., 94, 621, 622, 697, 698 de Boze, q., 543 de Bussy, Th. Roland, q., 656 de Chirac, 6 de Clieu, Mathieu Gabriel, 6, 7, 8, 233, 550 Memorial to, 9 Verses about, 8 Voyage to Martinique, 6, 7 De Constantinople À Bombay, Lettres, Della Valle, q., 12 de Coverley, Sir Roger, 86 De Fremery & Co., 488 de Goncourt, Jules, 102, 103 de Gourcuff, O., 557 de Jour, RouillÉ, 8 de Jussieu, Antoine, 6 De la CafÉ, de Gourcuff, 557 de la Motte, Houdard, 554 De Lancey house, New York, 121 de Lannay, Count, 47 de Laval, Pyrard, q., 2 de l'Écluse, Charles, 31 De Lessert & Co., J.S., 476 De Lima, D.A., 482 De Lima, D.A. & J., 482 De Lima & Co., D.A., 482 De Luxe, CafÉ (Guadeloupe), 257 de Mattei, Natale, pat., 653 De Mattia, pat., 166 De Mattia Bros., 686 de Maupassant, Guy, 565 de Mere, Mlle., 91 de Monteith, Fulbert, q., 22 de Musset, Alfred, 98, 102, 565; q., 103 de Noailles, Duke, 567 de Nointel, 542 De Quincey, Thomas, q., 562 de Pompadour, ill., 588, 600 de Rabutin-Chantal, Marie, 91 de Sacy, Baron Antoine Isaac Silvestre, 17; q., 2, 663 De SaluberrimÁ Cahue seu CafÉ, etc., Nairon, 16 de Santais, Edward Loysel, pat., 629 De Sarlo, q., 186 de Saxe, Marie-Josephe, 600 de SÉvignÉ, Madame, 91, 565 de ThÉvenot, Jean, 31, 91 de Tournemine, 591 de Wildman, M.E., q., 132 Dealers, Wholesale New Orleans, 486, 487 New York, 475–482 Dearman, Richard, pat., 621 Decaffeinated (see Caffein-free) Declaration of Independence, 111 Decoction defined, 698 Decreuse, 589 Deep Sea Hotel (Arbuckle's), 524 Deer Co., A.J., 443, 472, 473, 643, 646 Defendorf, George, 492 Deffes, 594 Defoe, Daniel, 80; q., 78, 79 Dehio, 186 del Castillo & Co., Rafael, 340 Delafield, Henry, 476 Delafield, William, 476 Delille, Jacques, q., 547 Dell, John C., pat., 644 Della Valle, Pierre (Pietro), Durieux, Elizabeth, 178 Duryee, P.S., q., 420 Dutch (see Netherlands) Dutch New York, Singleton, q., 105, 115, 125, 709 Duties, Export Angola, 268 SÃo Paulo, 315 Duties, Import Abyssinia, 310 Belgium, removed (1904), 296 England (1692, 1732), 74 United States, 296, 468 Porto Rico requests, 472 (See also Chronology) Dwight, H.G., q., 664–667 Dwinell, James F., 501 Dwinell & Co., 501 Dwinell, Hayward & Co., 501 Dwinell, Wright & Co., 485, 501 Dwinell-Wright Co., 501, 629 Dybowski, C., 144 Java, 216 Dybowski × excelsa, hyb., 146 Dyer & Co., 501 Dykes & Wilson, 480 Dymond & Gardes, 486 Eagle Coffee and Spice Mills, 503 Eagle Spice Co., 507 Eagle Spice Mills, 503 Eames, Wilberforce, 474 Earle, Alice Morse, q., 709 Early History of Coffee Houses in England, The, Robinson, q., 11 East Indies (c.), 350, 370–374 Eating coffee, 180, 615, 655, 693, 694 Eccles, William, 475 Eckert, q., 164 Eckhardt, pat., 167 Ecuadors (c.), 350, 367 Eddy & Co., L.B., 508 Eder, q., 179 Edmond, 102 Edtbauer, P.E. (Mrs. E.), pat., 472 Educational exhibits, 715 Edwards, Daniel, 53, 54, 459 Edwards, Hugh, 482 Edwards, J.M., 479 Edwards & Co., J.M., 479 Edwards & Maddux, 479 Edwards & Raworth, 482 Edwards, Townsend & Co., 507 Ekelund Charles, 509 Electric motors, 471, 646 Electric roasting, 386 Electric Scale Co., 471 Electric signs, 443 Elephant (grade), 258 Elers, 604, 612 Elford, chk., 83 Elford, inv., 616, 617 Elford the younger, q., 61 "Elixir of life", 174 Elkington & Co. Ltd., 637, 639, 699 Elliott, chk., 573 Ellis, Douglas, 557 Ellis, H.D., q., 602, 603, 604 Ellis Bros., 485 Elmenhorst & Co., 482 Ely & Co., D.J., 480 Ely & Co., D.J. & Z.S., 480 Emerson, E., 501 Emerson, Edward R., q., 566 Emmerich Machine Factory and Iron Foundry, pat., 638, 639 Emo, Angelo, 27 En pergamino (grade), 261 Encyclopedia, Diderot, 98 Encyclopedia Britannica, q., 11, 200, 657 Encyclopedia der Therapie, q., 185 Encyclopedia of Domestic Economy, q., 704 Encyclopedia of Practical Cookery, q., 710 Engelberg, Evaristo C., pat., 247 Engelberg, Huller Co., 247, 471 Engelhard, Albert, 505 Engelhard, Jr., Albert, 505 Engelhard, George, 505 Engelhard, R.W., 505 Engelhard, Victor H., 505 Engelhard, Jr., Victor H., 505 Engelhard & Sons, Inc., A., 505 English, Dr., q., 180 English c.-pots (1714–70), 620, 621 English Factories in India, Foster, q., 2 Ennis, Frank, 515 Ensaccador, 304 Enterprise Coffee Co., 485, 508 Enterprise Mfg. Co. of Pa., 469, 471, 639, 646 Eoff, Garrett, 612 Epicure, per., 675 Eppens, Frederick P., 482 Eppens, William H., 482 Eppens, Smith & Co., 482 Eppens, Smith & Wiemann, 482 Eppens Smith & Wiemann Co., 485, 496, 499 Eppens Smith Co., 494, 496, 499 Eppens-Smith Co., 496, 499 Erdmann, q., 163, 183 Erecta, C., hyb., 140 Esau, 13 Escoffier (chef), 678 Escott, q., 87 EsmÉnard, 548; q., 8 Esperanza Coffee Co., 497 Essential oil, 163, 164 Essmueller Mill Furnish'g Co., 649 Estienne, Jacques, 548 Estrado & Co., Pedro, 340 Établissements Lauzaune (see Lauzaune) Etherege, Sir George, 569, 570 Ethridge, Tuller & Co., 508 Etiquette Arabia, 658–663 Paris (17th century), 91 Turkey, 664–670 (See also Manners and Customs) Etruscan Coffee Pot Co., 645 Etymology, 1, 2, 3, 27 "European fiasco" (1888), 529 Evans, pat., 158 Evans, David G., 503 Evans, Gwynne, 503 Evans, Richard, pat., 624 Evans & Co., David G., 502, 503 Evans & Walker, 508, 635 Evelyn, John, q., 2, 40 Evening World, New York, q., 553, 554 EwÉ, 160 Ewell, q., 165 Ex-sailing ships, 316 Excellent Qualities of Coffee and the Art of Making It, The, Rumford, 621, 622 Excelsa, C., 142 French Indo-China, 237 Java, 217 Excelsa × liberica, hyb., 146 Excelsior Mills, 501, 502 Excelso (grade), 261 Excessive use, effect of, 179 Exchange, Foreign, 336 Exchanges, Coffee, 329–337 Amsterdam, 296, 491 Antwerp, 296, 491 Baltimore, 491 Hamburg, 296, 329, 491 Havre, 296, 329, 491 London, 296, 491 New York, 329–337, 471, 491 Change of name, 474 Clearing Ass'n, 331, 335 Contract, 321 Functions, 331–338 Incorporated (1881), 471 Initiation fee, 332 Membership, 333 Organized (1881), 528 Reincorporated (1885), 471 Rio gradings, 343 Robusta dealings prohibited, 341 Seats, Sales of, 332, 333 War-time suspension, 534–537 New Orleans, 491 Rotterdam, 296, 491 Royal (New York, 1752), 120 San Francisco, 491 Santos, 306, 308, 491 Trieste, 296, 491 Excursions through Asia-Minor, Fellows, q., 667, 668 Experimental gardens (see Gardens) Exports, 276, 277 Abyssinia, 228, 229, 276, 284, 285 Aden (1921), 276 Africa, British East, 276, 285 Arabia, 282 Borneo, Brit. North, 276, 284 Brazil, 190, 275-277, 295 First (1770), 204 Largest (1906–07), 275 Central America, first to U.S., 469 Ceylon (1741–1900), 283 First (1721), 236 Largest (1873), 237 Colombia, 192, 276, 278 Costa Rica, 193, 276, 280 Cuba, 233, 282 Dominican Republic, 194, 233, 276, 281 Ecuador, 276, 278 Federated Malay States, 284 France (1921), 290 Germany (1920), 290 Gold Coast (1916–17), 276 Grenada (1916), 282 Guadeloupe, 234, 276, 282 Guatemala, 192, 276, 280 Guiana, 276, 279 Haiti, 194, 276, 701 Kin-Hee, 646, 647 Make-Right, 651, 701 Minute, 645 Napier's vacuum, ill., 637, 699, 700 Parker's pneumatic, 705 Platow's vacuum glass, 705 Private Estate, 649, 701 Raparlier's pocket, 637 Rapid (see Rapid) Salazar's steam-pressure urn, 653 Tricolator, 445, 651, 652, 701 Tricolette, ill., 654 Tru-Bru, 651, 701 Vanderweyde's "continuous", 637 Wear's patent, 651 FiltrÉ, CafÉ, 675 Finch, William, q., 36 Findjans, 31, 36, 616, 661, 662 Findlay, Paul, q., 421 Fine; Very fine (see Grinds) Fine Arts, C. in relation to, 587–614 Fines (England), 59 Fin-ion (see Findjans) Finishing machinery, 396 Finjans (see Findjans) Fink & Nasse Co., 502 Finney, Samuel, 126 First Authoritative treatise, 27 Comprenenslve treatise in German, Meisner's (1721), 46 Description in print, 26 Mention by European, 5, 541 Printed mention, 25, 45 America, 105 England, 35 As "Coffe", 36 Europe, 12 France, 31 Printed treatise, 543 Written mention in Mass. (1670), 107 Fischer, B., 497 Fischer, Benedickt, 634; biog., 497 Fischer, Emil, 160 Fischer, William H., 497 Fischer & Co., B., 443, 485, 497, 499 Fischer & Lansing, 499 Fischer & Lehmann, 499 Fischer & Thurber, 499 Fischer, Kirby & Brown, 497, 499 Fishback, F.C., 509 Fishback, Frank S., 509 Fishback, John S., 509 Fishback Co., 509 Fisher, George, 497 Fitch & Howland, 484 Fitzgerald, 584 Fitzpatrick, Austin C., 496 Fitzpatrick & Case, 499 Fitzpatrick & Co., A.C., 496, 499 Flanders, Geo. W., 482, 491 Flanders & Co., Geo. W., 482 Flannel sack used for infusion, 620 Flasks and Flagons, Saltus, q., 552 Flat (see Flavors) Flat-bean Santos c., 260, 341, 342, 366 Flats, 1st, 2d, 3d (grades), 258 Flaubert, Gustave, 565 Flavoring, Use in, 723, 724 Flavors, 397 Fleury, pat., 640 Fleury & Barker, pat., 638 Flint, Austin B., q., 176 Flint, J.G., 485, 506 Flint, W.K., 506 Flint, Wyman, 506 Flint, W. & J.G., 506, 635 Flint Bros. & Co., 501 Flint Co., J.G., 506 Flint, Evans & Co., 502, 503, 635 Floor brokers, 336, 337 Flora de las Antillas, Tussac, q., 8 Florian, chk., 27, 28 (See Francesconi) Flower, Henry, 126 Flugel & Popp, 502, 503 Foley, John T., 478 Folger, J.A., 514 Folger & Co., J.A., 488, 505, 506, 509 Folger, Schilling & Co., 506, 507 Folkes, Martin, 578 Folkingham, 603 Fontenelle, 94, 98, 543, 554; q., 565 Food Administration, U.S. (See Government Control) Food and Dietetics, Hutchinson, q., 179 Food and Drugs Act, U.S., 404 Food and drugs inspection, 338 Food conservation show, 386 Food use, 136, 615, 655, 693 Food value, 174, 180, 711, 712 U.S. Army, 539 Food Values, Locke, q., 180 Foote, Samuel, 85, 89, 579, 580, 581, 584 Foote & Knevals, 485 Forbes, A.E., 503; q., 629, 631 Forbes, James H., 502, 503, 629, 635 Forbes, Robert M., 503, 510, 514 Force & Co., W.H., 482 Force & Co., W.S., 482 Force & Co., William H., 484 Formaleoni, Vincenzo, 27 Forrester, George R., 508 Forster, q., 159 Forster's Life of Goldsmith, q., 573 Forster, E.S., 508 Forsythe & Co., James, 502 Fossi & Co., 340 Foster, q., 2 Foster, A.C., 479 Fowler, John A., q., 269 Fox, 583 Francesconi, Floriono, 27 Francis, Norman, 492 Franco-American (brand), 441 FranÇois, Damame, 34 Frankel, E.M., 716 Frankel, F. Hulton, q., 180, 693 Franklin, Alfred, q., 7, 557 Franklin, Benjamin, 94, 98, 126, 467 Franklin, Samuel, 475 Franklin, Walter, 475 Franklin Tea Warehouse, 503 Fraser, q., 179 Fraser, David B., pat., 642, 644 Fraser Manufacturing Co., 644 Frederick the Great, 45; q. 46 Frederick William I, 45 Fredericq, q., 184 Freeman, W.G., q., 133 Freight forwarding bureau, 323 Freight rates Brazil to U.S. (1917–18), 535, 536 War-time, 338 French Color Prints of the XVIII Century, Salaman, q., 589 French Company of the Indies, 9 French Revolution, 100, 102, 293 French roast, 356, 388 Freund, 158 Fricke, E., q., 161 Frisbie & Stephens, 507 Frisi, 558 From Tree to Cup with Coffee, N.C.B.A., q., 713, 714 Fromm & Co., 482 Fruit Beverages from, 15, 694 Food use, 15, 693, 694 Fry & Co., Henry A., 501 Fryer, q., 2 Fuels, 385, 386 Coal, 620 Electricity, 647, 648 Gas, 640, 643 Natural, 642 Full city roast, 388 Full difference
, 331 Fullard, William, pat., 643 Fulton Mills, 498 Funk, C., q., 180 Fustian bag used for infusion, 620 Future of coffee, 585 Futures market (New York), 329 Fuzelier, q., 594 G.G. (hall mark; see Garthorne, G.) Gaa Paa, v., 316 Gabriel, Angel, 15, 23 Legend, 38 Gaffney, Hugh, 497, 498 Gage, H.N., 505 Gainsborough, Thomas, 84, 583 Galen, 11 Galla (see Eating coffee) Galland, Antoine, 31, 543, 548, 557; q., 2, 12, 16, 20, 22 Gallienii, C., 147 Caffein content, 161 Galt, Herbert, pat., 652 Galuppi, 556 Gambetta, 96 Gandais, J.A., pat., 625, 699, 708 Ganse, John H., 507 Garair (Arabian bale), 266 Gardell, Theodore, 85, 584 Gardens Botanical Amsterdam, 6, 44 Arabia, royal, 34 Paris (Jardin des plantes), 6 Martinique (Jardin Desclieux), 9 Experimental Bangelan (Java), 138, 146, 345 Camayenne (Fr. Guinea), 146 Indo-China, French, 237 Java, 43, 215 Pleasure (New York), 121, 123, 124 Cherry, 124 Contoit's, 124 New York, 124 Niblo's, ill., 121, 124 Ranelagh, 124 Sans Souci, 176, 182 Gomez, Juan Antonio, 9, 221 Gordon, Douglas, pat., 248 Gordon, Fred P., 478 Gordon, G.O., 485, 486 Gordon, John, pat., 246 Gordon & Co., Fred P., 478 Gordon & Co., Geo. O., 486 Gordon & Co., John, 246 Gorter, q., 156, 159, 160 Gothot, Ferd., 639 Gottlieb, 185 Gould (chemist), q., 167, 168 Gould, George J., 519 Gouverneur, Isaac, 475 Gouverneur, Nicholas, 475 Gourewitsch, q., 176 Gout, strange remedy for, 182 Government (brand), 434 Government control, War-time, 338, 474, 534–538 Government Monopoly Java, 213, 214 Netherlands E. Ind., 44, 283, 312 Grace & Co., W.R., 442, 482, 488, 489 Grade, Basic (N.Y. Exch.), 329, 335 Graders (N.Y. Exch.), 333 Grades, 258 Colombia, 260 Mocha, 351 New York, 329 Porto Rico, 264 SÃo Paulo, 260 U.S. (prohibited), 337 Grading Brazil, 304, 306 Hand, 258 Machinery, 246–248, 258, 383 Machine (Van Gulpen's), 638 New York Exchange, 333 Santos, 304 Grafe, q., 164 Grafting (see Propagation) GragÉ (see Peaberry) Graham, q., 153 Gram, pat., 158 Grand concern of England explained, pamph., 72 Grandin, 708 Granger & Co., 508 Granger & Hodge, 508 Grant, U.S., 563 Grassy (see Flavors) Gray, Arthur, q., 552, 553, 713 Gray, Louis R., 446 Gray, Thomas, 80 Great American Tea Co., 479, 499 Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., 417, 479, 485, 499 Premiums, 429 Great Boom (see Booms), 528, 529 Great London Tea Co., 435 Greeks of the Present Day, About, q., 685 Green, William, 492 Green coffee marks, ill., 338, 340 Green Dragon c. urn, 613, 614 Greene, Richard A., pat., 652, 653 Greenwood, Paul, 71 Gregory, chk., 93 Grenier, Dufougeret, 9 Grever & Bro., 501 GrÉvy, FranÇois Paul Jules, 566 Griebel, q., 159 Griffiths & Co., J., 508 Grigor & Co., T.S., 508 Grinding Arabia, 658–662 Australia, 692 Greece, 685 Household England, 695, 696, 704, 705 Greece, 685 United States, 711 Steel cut, 714 New Zealand, 692 Grinding and packing, 167, 168 Grinding machinery, 400–402, 615–654 Chronology, 643–654 Commercial Burstone Mills, 637 France, 680 Greece, 685 Household, 615–620 First French patent, 625 Grinding machines Household Book's (1665), 617 Bronson's patent (1903), 647 Bruff's patent (1798), 621 Clark's hand-mill (1832), 625 Colaux's patent (1829), 625 Dearman's patent (1779), 621 Electric (first, 1897), 471 First English patent, 634 First U.S. patent, 468, 621 Herbert's patent (1848), 634 Kenrich's mill (1815), 624 Lacoux' combined roaster and grinder, 625, 627 Moore's mill (1813), 623 Morgan's glass-Jar mill, 645 Hand mills, 644, 645 N.C.R.A. Home Mill (1915), ill., 652, 714 Parker's hand mill (1832), 625 Rittenhouse's hand-mill, 627 Selden's hand-mill (1831), 625 Stillman's "mica window", 627 Stowe's hand mill, 644 Strowbridge's box mill, 644 Turkish combination, 670 Van Vliet's hand mill, 634 Webb's box mill (1878), 644 Wilson's steel mill (1818), 623 Retail Dell's store mill, 644 Morgan's patent (1919), 653 Wholesale Barbor mill, 637 Burns's granulator, 637, 652 Ideal steel-cut mill (1916), 652 Knickerbocker (1882), 645 Grinds, 401, 402 Coarse and fine compared, 167 Comparative test (1917), 716 Definitions, 714 Greek preferences, 685 Irregular (King's patent), 167, 402, 474, 716 Griswold, H.F., 502 Grocer helps, 412 Grocers Engineering and Whitmee, Ltd., 640, 641, 642 Grocers, Retail, no. in U.S., 415 Grocery stores, 422, 423 Model c. departments, 415, 418 Groff & Co., Charles R., 508 Grohens, A.P., 646, 649 Gros, 589 Gross, March & Co., 479 Grossman, George A., 506 Grossman, William, 506 Grossman & Co., William, 506 Grossman Co., Wm., 506 Groundy (see Flavors) Growths, French preferences, 680 Gruner, Siegfried, 478 Gruner & Co., 530 Gruner & Co., S., 478 Gruppe, Charles P., 593 Guadeloupes (c.), 350, 363 Guam c., 355, 375 Guardian (Lond.), per., 80; q., 576 Guardiola, JosÉ, pat., 247 Guatemalas (c.), 347, 359, 360 Guildhall museum, 62, 602 Guillasse, Dr., q., 181 Guineas (c.), 353, 378 Gump Company, B.F., 474, 652 Gutteridge, Mary, chk., 108 Gutteridge, Robert chk., 108 Guy, Francis, 593 G. Washington's Prepared (brand), 538 Gwynn (architect), 584 Haas, Kalman, 482 Haas Bros, 482, 488 Haase, Heinrich, 484 Habit-forming: c. is not, 176, 186 Habitat, 133, 291 Hacendado Mex. El,501 Hillis Plantation Co., 501 Hinchman & Howard, 508 Hind, Rolph & Co., 488 Hinkle, Henry, 501 Hinz, F.W., 503 Hippocrates, 11, 12 Hire Co., Charles G., 539 Hires' Soluble (brand), 539 Hirsch, q., 186 Historia Vitae et Mortis, Bacon, q., 38, 543 History and Antiquities of the City of Boston, Drake, q., 108 History and Reminiscences of Lower Wall Street, Wakeman, 478 Historical and chronological deduction of the origin of commerce, Anderson, 72 History of Am. Manufactures, Bishop, q., 105, 115, 125 History of Literature, Routh, q., 561 History (of Phila.), Scharf & Westcott, q., 126 Hlasiwetz, q., 159, 165 Hobart Electric Mfg. Co., 646, 652 Hobart Mfg. Co., 646 Hobson-Jobson, q., 1, 2 Hoch, q., 186 Hodges, Alderman, 53, 54 Hodges, Dr., 58 Hodhat, Kadhi, q., 663 Hoepner, 472 Hoffman, Daniel H., 505 Hoffman, Lee & Co., 485 Hogarth, William, 80, 84, 576, 578, 579, 581, 583, 587, 593 Holbrook, E.F., 539 Holland (see Netherlands) Holland, Charles H., 501 Holland Coffee Co., 497, 501 Hollingworth, H.L., q., 176, 185, 186 Caffein investigations 187, 188 Holman & Co., 509 Holmes, F.T., 471, 472, 641, 642; pat., 643 Holstad, S., 509 Holstad, S.H., 514 Holstad & Co., S., 509 Holstad & Co., S.H., 443 Home, Chamberlain, q., 563 Home Economics Laboratories, Un. of Kansas, 714 Home, Life of, Mackenzie, q., 86 Homer, 12 Homeyer, H.L., 510 Honduras c., 347, 360 Honey in c., 105 Hookah, 668 Hoole, 575 Hoopes, B.F., 508 Hoover, Herbert, 536, 537 Hope, G.W., pat., 649 Horace, 543 Horn, William L., 509 Horner & Co., Henry, 502 Horter, John, 506 Hotel Astor (brand), 441, 465 Hotels London Cecil, ill., 675 Piccadilly, 675 Richardson's, 576 Sabloniere, 583 Savoy, ill., 675, 677 Tavistock, 580 Waldorf, ill., 675 New York Ambassador, 691 Astor House, 690 City, 121 Waldorf-Astoria, 690, 691 Philadelphia Mansion House, 130 Houghton, q., 40 Houghton's collection (1698), q., 54 House-boat coffee house, 89 Howard, q., 159 Howell, James, 40; q., 58 Howell, Son & Co., B.H., 479 Howells, William Dean, q., 548, 549, 567 Howland & Aspinwall, 476 Hoyt & Co., W.M., 485, 502 Huatusco c., 345, 358 Huber & Stendel, 508 Hubner, pat., 162 Hudson, D.D., 507 Hudson, Thomas, 84, 584 Hudson & Co., H.C., 507 Hudson-Fulton celebration, 607 Hudson Mills, 497 Huestis & Hamilton, 508 Hughes, Charles E., 332 Hugo, Victor, 98, 565 Hull, John, 607 Hulling machinery, 245, 246, 247, 248, 255, 256 Bucket and beam crusher, 260 Costa Rica, 264 First U.S. patent, 245, 469 Smout's, 257 Hulls, beverage from, 655, 658, 694 (See Husks) Hulls and pulp, beverage from, 15 Hulman, H., 508 Humboltiana, C., 147 Caffein content, 161 Hume (pseud. of Voltaire), 556 Humphrey, chk., 121 Humphreys, H.M., 482 Humphry (appr. to Bowman), 54 Hungerford, G.S., pat., 644 Hungerford, G.W., pat., 644 Hungerford Co., 644 Hunt, Leigh, 550, 557; q., 562, 578 Hunt, Mathew, 503, 631 Huntington, L.M., q., 155 Huntley Mfg. Co., 248, 472, 642, 643 Huntoon & Towner, 501 Hurd, Jacob, 612 Husks, beverage from, 26, 156, 231 (see Hulls) Husted, Ferguson & Titus, 482 Hutchins, John, chk., 116, 117 Hutchinson, chk., 109 Hutchinson, Edward, 112 Hutchinson, Gov., 109 Hutchinson, Jonathan, q., 175, 177, 179 Hutchinson, Woods, q., 176, 177, 180 Hybrids, 138, 140, 146, 236 Hyde, chk., 122 Hyde, E.J., pat., 634 Hydrolysis, 719 Ibrik, (boiler), 31, 615, 656, 658, 668, 695, 696 Ibriq (see Ibrik) Iced c., 724 Ichtoglan, 22 Ideals, Coffee, 585 Illustrated History of English Plate, Jackson, q., 601, 602, 603 Imbusch, J.F.W., 506 Importers Baltimore (Brazil c., 1894), 485 New Orleans (no., 1900–20), 491 New York, 475–482 Brazil c. (1894), 484 Number (1900–20), 491 Phila. (number 1900–20), 491 U.S., Brazil branches, 304 San Francisco, 487, 488 Number (1900–20), 491 (See Dealers, Wholesale) Importing ports Amsterdam, 327 Antwerp, 327 Baltimore, 482, 484 Hamburg, 327 Havre, 327 New Orleans, 296, 482, 484 New York, 296, 476, 482, 484 Rotterdam, 327 San Francisco, 296, 482, 484 Imports Aden (for re-export), 282 Argentine (1919), 291 Australia, 239, 291 Austria-Hungary (1913–17,) 290 Ceylon, 282 Chile (1920), 291 Cuba, 281, 282, 291 Denmark (1921), 290 Fed. Malay States (1920), 284 Finland (1921), 290 France, 32, 33, 290, 291 Germany (1920), 290 Italy, 290 Martinique, 282 Netherlands, 290, 294 Early, 43, 44, 291 New Orleans, 482, 484–487 New York (1881), 528 (1900–20), 480, 484 New Zealand (1920), 291 Norway (1921), 290 Panama, 280 Portugal (1919), 290 San Francisco, 325, 482, 484, 488, 489 Spain (1920), 290 Straits Settlements (1920), 284 Sweden (1921), 290 Union of So. Africa (1920), 291 United States, 296, 299–302 Brazil c., 296, 468, 475 Early, 468, 475 First in Am. vessels, 468 Value (1919–21), 299-302 Venice, early, 27 Impotence, C. and, 23, 46, 71 Inchbald, Mrs., 578 Indiana Coffee Co., 81, 88, 89, 557, 567, 568, 569, 574, 577, 583, 585; q., 561 Johnson & Co., Theo. F., 508, 635 Johnson Automatic Sealer Co., 472 Johnson-Locke Merc. Co., 488 Johnston, Herbert L., pat., 646, 652 Johnston, W.T., pat., 642 Johnston, William, 501 Johnston & Co., E., 445, 486 Johnston, Gordon & Co., 486 Joint Coffee Trade Publicity Committee, 489, 443, 445–459, 474 Booklets, 455 Brewing, 717, 718 Coffee Club, 453, 455 Information service, 453 Membership, 448 Organized (1919), 474, 514 Program, 514 Recipes, 723, 724 Scientific research, 453, 457 Jones, Dorothy, 107, 108, 467 Jones, J.F., 507 Jones, W.T., 505, 511, 513 Jones, Webster, 515 Jones & Co., S.L., 488 Jones Bros., 501 Jonson, Ben, 60 Joseph, chk., 93 Joseph Andrews, Fielding, 80 Joteyko, q., 186 Joubert, 96 Jourdain, John, q., 1, 2 Journal Am. Chem. Soc., q., 155, 160 Journal Am. Med. Ass'n, per., q., 175, 185 Journal d' Antoine Galland, q., 2 Journal of Assoc. Agric. Chem., per., q., 169 Journal of the Franklin Institute, q., 711, 712 Journal of the Gen. Assembly of the Colony of New York (1709), q., 117 Journal of Pharmachol., per., q., 184 Journal, Revett, q., 2 Journey through England, Mackay, 75 Julian, sec. to the Muses, 574 Julien (of Gobelins), 567 Jurgens, pat., 167 Kadoe c., 355, 373 Kaffa, 3 Kaffa coffee, 228, 229 Kaffee Hag Corp., 473 Kaffee-klatsch (first), 45, 433, 683 Kaffee-sieder, 50, 51 Kahoueh, 3 Kahua, 3 Kahvedjibachi, 20, 22 Kahveji, 665 Kahwa, 3 Kahwah, 15 Kahwah (coffee-room), 657, 658, 662 Kahwe, 45 Kair Bey, 17 Kaldi, 14, 15 Kaltenbach, George, 476, 529 Kant, Immanuel, 562 Kaspar, Adam J., 502 Kato, Sartori, 471, 538 Kato Coffee Co., 538 Kavah, 2 Kaveh, 1 Kaveh kanes, 17 (See also Coffee houses) Kavveghi, 22 Kawih, 11 Keable, B.B., q., 181, 182 Keats, John, 549; q., 550 Keen, William, chk., 120 Keen's Chop House, 498 Kelly, George, 501 Kelly, H.D., pat., 472, 649 Kemble, John, 581 Kendrick, F.G., 507 Kenny, C.D., 508 Kenrich, Archibald, pat., 624 Kentucky coffee tree, 564 Kentucky Warbler, The, Allen, q., 564 Kerr, Mary Alice, 523 Khawah (see Kahwah) Kickleburys on the Rhine, Thackeray, q., 563 Kidde, Frank, 479 Kidneys, effect on, 175, 181 Kilgour & Taylor, 503 Kimball, O.G., 527, 528 King, Dr., q., 584 King, John E., 513, 539, 701, 720; pat., 167, 474, 651; q., 168, 402, 716 (See also Irregular grind) King, Moll, chk., 581, 587 King, Thomas, chk., 581 King, Tom, chk., 587 King Coffee Products Corp., 539 King of American breakfast table, 107 King of perfumes, 565 Kingdom's Intelligencer, London, per., q., 433, 582 Kipfel, 50 Kirby, James H., 480 Kirby & Halstead, 480 Kirby, Halstead & Chapin, 480 Kirby, Halstead & Chapin Co., 485 Kirkland, A., 480 Kirkland, W.J., 480 Kirkland & von Sacks, 480 Kirkland Bros., 478, 480 Kisher, 231, 266, 655, 658 Method of preparing, 694 Kissing the cheeks, 387 Kitchen, James, chk., 130 Kitchen Directory and American Housewife, q., 709 Kneller, Sir Godfrey, 578 Knickerbocker & Cooke, 499 Knickerbocker Mills, 496 Knickerbocker Mills Co., 496 Knight, Eberman & Co., 507 Knowles, Cloyes & Co., 502 Knowlys, Thomas John, pat., 633 Knudsen & Co., P.J., 488 Koch, q., 186 Kock, Paul de, 565 Koenig & Co., J. Henry, 503 Kohwah, 12 Kolschitzky Franz George, chk., 49, 50, 51, 590 Introduces c. to Vienna, 50 Portrait, ill., 51 Statue, ill., 50, 599 Wife (Ursula), 51 Kolster & Co., 340 Kona c., 356, 375 Kooman, G.W., pat., 649 Koran, q., 15, 20 Kosmos Line, 489 Kraepelin, q., 186 Krag-Reynolds Co., 502 Kraut, Adolph, 471 Kreiser, Alexander W., 509 Kreissel, Fillip, 538 Kroberger, Charles, 501 Kroe c., 355, 371 Krout, J.M., 503 Krull, pat., 247 Krupp A.G. Grusonwerk, Fried, 247 Kuchelmeister, F., pat., 647 Kuhlemeir, Fred J., pat., 648 Kuhlke, George F., 482 Kunhardt, Henry, 482 Kunhardt & Co., 482 Kuprili, Grand Vizier, 20, 21 49, 71, 664 Labaree & Co., J.H., 480, 482, 484 Labeling machinery, 403 Labels, law affecting, 410 Labor Angola, 268 Arabia, 266 Arbuckle business, 524, 525, 526 Brazil, 207, 260, 261, 293, 445, 530, 531 Colombia, 260 Guadeloupe, 233 Guatemala, 219 Guianas, 236 Honduras, 234 Java, 269, 271 Mexico, 263, 264 Nicaragua, 264 Netherlands E.I., 283, 293, 294 Salvador, 217 Sumatra, 269 Venezuela, 263 West Indies, 293 LacedÆmonian (see Black broth), 13 La ChaussÉe, 94 La Coux, FranÇois RÉnÉ, pat., 627 La Guaira c., 348 La Roque, Jean, 31, 32, 34, 543, 557; q., 5, 15, 33, 197, 245, 542, 565, 616, 694, 695 La Seine c.-pot, 607 Lactation, Effect on, 177, 178 Ladies Home Journal, per., 177; q., 709 Ladies Home Magazine, per., q., 709, 710 Lahey, B., 480 L'AinÉ, inv., 620 Lait, CafÉ au, 691, 696 Lally, Albert V., q., 570 Lamb, Charles, q., 550 Lamb (Folger, Schilling & Co.), 506 Lambert, Joseph, 642, 646, 471, 472 Lambert Food & Machinery Co., 646 Lambert Machine Co., 649 Lamboray, C., 567 Light roast, 356, 387, 388 Lightfoot, Alexander, chk., 120 Lilly (astrologer), 69 Limbird, John, 585 LimonÁji, 670 Linn, A.R. & W.F., 508 Lins, Albuquerque, 531 Linschoten's travels, ill., 43; q., 35, 37 Lion (brand), 523 Lion's head (Button's c. house), ill., 80, 576, 593 Livre Commode (Paris, 1691), 433 Lippincott, Jesse H., 507 Lispenard, Anthony, 475 Lispenard, Leonard, 475 Literature of coffee, 541–585 Literature, Influence of c. on 552, 556 England, 60, 81 Paris, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 103 Littledo, L., pseud., q., 550, 551 Lives of Eminent Men, Aubrey, q., 40 Lives of the Lord Chancellors, Campbell, q., 570 Lives of the Poets, Johnson, 570 Livierato, B.A., 479 Livierato, Gregory B., 478 Livierato FrÈres (Bros.), 338, 478, 488 Livierato-Kidde Co., 479 Livingstons, The, 475 Lloyd, the law-student, 579; q., 584 Lloyd, Edward, chk., 85, 86 Lloyd, John C., 480 Lloyd & Co., John C., 480 Lloyd's (London), 120 Register of shipping, 85 Loading, Santos, 312, 314 Loaiza & Co., W., 488 Locke (chemist), q., 180 Locket, Mrs., chk., 570 Lockier, Dean, q., 574 Lockwood, Dr., q., 176 Lockyer, Captain, 120 Loeven & Co., E., 505 Loew, Oscar, q., 156 Logan & Strowbridge, 644 Logan & Strowbridge Iron Co., 644 London Fire (1666), 61, 62, 74, 83 (1748), ill., 76, 83 London, Paris & Am. Bank, Ltd., 488 London Pleasure Gardens of the 18th Century, The, Wroth, q., 82 Long, Mary, chk., 56 Long, William, chk., 56 Longe, W. Harry, 444 Longevity, Effect of c. on, 178 Longhi, Alessandro, 588 Longhi, Pietro, 556, 558 Lopez, Pedro, 220 Lopez & Co., P.A., 338 Lorand, q., 182 Lorimore Bros., 508 Lorraine, Prince of, 49 Lott & Low, 475 Loudon, Howard C., 495 Loudon, J. Carlyle, 495 Loudon & Johnson, 495, 499 Loudon & Son, 495 Loudon & Stellwag, 495 Louis XIII, 91 Louis XIV, 6, 33, 91, 92 Louis XV, 8, 92, 94, 563, 566 Love, N., q., 175 Low, Seth, 473 Low & Co., Adolphe, 487 Lowell, Ebenezer, 467 Lower Wall St. Bus. Men's Ass'n, 473 Lown Coffee Co., W.G., 508 Lowther, Sir James, 584 Loyal Association (London), 583 Lubricant to human machine, 585 Ludlow & Goold, 475 Ludolphus, q., 5 Lueder & Co., A., 485 Lure of coffee, 585 Lurman & Co., T.G., 484, 485 Lusk, q., 180 Luttrell, 579 Lyman, John Chester, pat., 245 Lyons, A. Neil, q., 563 Lytton, Lord, 102 Macassars (c.), 355, 374 Macaulay, Thomas B., q., 75, 77 Macedoine Poetique (1824), 548 Machinery Evolution of, 615–654 History of Manufacture, 468–474 Mackay, 75; q., 79 Mackey, William D., 477, 491 Mackey & Co., 477 Mackey & Small, 477, 480 Mackintosh, Sir James, 556 Macklin, Charles, 89, 580, 581 Maclachlan, C.H., 527 Maclaine, Jemmy, 578 Macrocarpa, C., 146 MacVeagh & Co., Franklin, 485, 502 Madagascar c., 353, 378 Madagascar, C., 146 Madagascariensis, C., 146 Maddux, H. Clay, 479, 491 Magic Cup (brand), 539 Maguire, Charles, 479 Maguire, Joseph, 497, 498 Maguire & Gillespie, 508 Mahomet (See also Mohammed), 38 Mahood, E.B., 507 Mahood, Samuel, 507 Mahood, W. James, 507 Maidi c., 351, 368 Mail-order houses, 415 Maine & Eckerenkotter, 505 Mairobert, q., 566 Maitland, Coppell & Co., 482 Maitland, Phelps & Co., 482 Makara, chk., 93 Makonnen, Ras, 310 Malabars (c.), 351, 369 Malang c., 355, 373 Malaria, Effect of c. on, 181 Maldonado & Co., 488 Maliban chk., 93 Mallet, J.W., q., 176 Malone, q., 61, 574 Man, Alexander, chk., 59, 88 Mandelsloh, Joh. A. von, q., 45 Mandheling c., 355, 371 Manet, Edouard, 103, 104 Manipulated Java, 338 Manizales c., 348, 364 Manner of Making C., Tea and Chocolate, Dufour, 543 Manners and Customs, 655–692 Abyssinia, 655 Africa, 655–657 Africa, Portuguese E., 657 Algeria, 655, 656 Arabia, 657–663 Argentina, 691 Asia, 657–663 Brazil, 691 Chile, 691 Constantinople, 19, 22, 23, 663–670 Damascus (c.-house), 668–670 England (c.-house), 60, 75–89 Egypt, 655–657 France, 33, 680–683 Germany, 683–685 Italy, 686 London (c.-house), 73 Mexico, 687 Netherlands, 686 New Orleans, 690 North America, 686–691 Norway, 686 Oriental, Early, 17, 19, 22, 23 Paraguay, 691 Paris, 91, 96, 98, 100, 102, 103, 104, 554, 683 Persia (c.-house), 22 Philadelphia (c.-house), 128 Saxony, 684 Somaliland, 655 Sweden, 686 Thuringia, 684 Turkey, 20, 27, 36, 38, 663–670 Uganda, 655 United States, 687–691 Uruguay, 691 Vienna (c.-house), 562, 671, 672 (See also Coffee-houses) Manning, E.B., pat., 637 Manning, Bowman & Co., 649, 701 Manthey-Zorn Laboratories, 653 Mantsaka c., ill., 142 Manual of Pharmacology, Sollman, q., 182 Manufacture, U.S., 298 Many, Daniel, 507 Marac, 682 Maracaibo c., 348, 349, 365 Maragogipe c., 345, 367 Maragogipe, C., hyb., 140 India, 227 Marat, 94 Marchand, pat., 640 M'Ardell (mezzotinter), 84, 584 Marden & Folger, 506, 507 Marden & Myrick, 505 Margins, 329, 333, 335 Mariahalden, 519, 520 Marie Antoinette, 96 Marilhat, 591 Marion Harland c.-pot., 645, 699 Market names, 191 (See also Characteristics) Marlborough, Earl of, 109 Marmontel, 98 Marquis de Someruelas, v., 468 Marshall, q., 183 Martelley, Lewis, pat., 624, 699 Martin, pat., Mengai, 694 Menico, 28 Menier, 566 Menosperma, C., hyb., 138 Menown, Hugh, 631 Menown, H. & J., 502 Menown & Gregory, 631 Men's Answer to Women's Petition, The, pamph., 71 Menslichen Genussmittel, q., 147 Mental and Motor Efficiency Effect of caffein on, 186 Effect of tea on, 186 Menzel, Adolph, 591 Merchants Coffee Co. of N.O., Ltd., 505 Merchants Exchange (New York), 123 Merck & Co., 473 Mercure de France, q., 8 Meridas (c.), 349, 365 Merrill & Co., S.C., 487 Merritt & Ronaldson, 499 Merwin & Co., Geo. A., 499 Mery, C.D., 548 Messenger & Co., Thomas H., 480 Metchnikoff, q., 178 Metropolitan Mills, 494, 495 Mexicans (c.), 345, 338, 359 Meyer (chemist), 164 Meyer, B., 535 Meyer, Fred W., 502 Meyer, Robert, 510, 511, 513 Meyerheim, Paul, 591 M'Ginley, Joseph, 492 M'Gregor, Coll., 476 Michaud, I.F. and L.G., q., 8 Michelet, q., 98 Microscopy of c., 149–153 Analysis, value, 152 Microscopy of Vegetable Foods, Winton, q., 150 Midland Spice Co., 508 Milde, 591 Milds (market name), 341, 345 (See also Characteristics) Milk in coffee, 38, 58, 399, 665 Effect of, 178 First used by Nieuhoff (1660), 696 Millar & Co., E.B., 502 Millar Spice Co., E.B., 502 Miller, Chas. A., 480 Miller, Harry, 480 Miller, Rev. James, 555; q., 554 Miller, R.O., 501, 514 Miller, Watts, 480 Miller, W.H., 488 Miller & Walbridge, 480 Miller, Smith & Co., 485 Milling (see also Cleaning), 383 Milreis, 336 Milton, John, 60; q., 549 Miner, W.H., 505 Minerva, v., 128 Minford, Thomas, 479 Minford & Co., L.W., 479, 485 Minford, Lueder & Co., 477, 479 Minford, Thompson & Co., 479 Mingo, Cirilo, pat., 471 Minkowski, 185 Minor, W.H., 485 Minott, Samuel, 609 Minute (brand), 539 Minute, CafÉ À la, 708 Mirror, London, per., 585 Misbranding Condemned by N.C.R.A., 513 Rulings (U.S.), 337, 338 Mitchell, George, 478 Mitchell, William L., 478 Mitchell Bros., 478 Mixing (see Blending) Mixtures, Strange c., 56, 57 Moat With the Crimson Stains, The, Champney, q., 563, 564 Mocengio, 27 Mocha c., 230, 351, 353, 368, 369 Mocha longberry c., 228 Mocha-seed Bourbon-Santos c., 341, 366 Mocha-seed Santos (grade), 260 Modern Italian Poets, Howells, q., 548, 549 Moegling, Carl, inv., 647 Mogeneti, C. (caffein content), 147, 161 Mohammed, 14, 15, 19, 20, 38, 54 Mohammed IV, 49, 50, 91 Mohedano, JosÉ Antonio, 9 Mohns-Frese Com. Co., 488 Moir, John R., 535 Mokaska Mfg. Co., 485, 508 MokkÆ, C., hyb., 138 Molded beans, 170 Molke, 9 Molmenti, Pompeo, q., 27, 28 Moncrieff (dramatist), 572 Moncrieff, Alexander, chk., 572 Moneuse, Élie, pat., 469, 639 Monin, Sieur, q., 696 Monitor machines, 248 Monk, General, 59, 69 Monkey coffee, 136 Monroe, James (Pres.), 113 Monstruo (grade), 261 Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 573 Montague, q., 551 Monte Carmelo c., 350, 365 Montealegre & Co., 487, 488 Montesquieu, 100 Montuori, q., 176 Moore, Alexander Duncan, pat., 623 Moore, C.T., 508 Moore, Dr., q., 179 Moore & Co., Geo. A., 488 Mopsy, 579 MorÉas, Jean, chk., 102 Morewood, T.C., pat., 642 Morey Mercantile Co., C.S., 508 Morgan, Charles, 644; pat., 645, 653 Morgan, Edward H., 644 Morgan Brothers, 644 Morize, pat., 623, 699, 708 Morley, W.T., 513 Morning Advertiser, Lond., newsp., 585 Morning Chronicle, London, newsp., 585 Morning Herald, Lond., newsp., 585 Morning Post, Lond., newsp., 585 Morosini, Gianfrancesco, 26 Morrison, S.B., 497 Morrison, Wm. J., 498 Morrison & Bolnest Co., 498 Morton, Robert, 69 Mosely, Dr. Benjamin, q., 2, 38 Moser (artist), 584 Mosso, Ugolino, q., 186 Most excellent virtues of the mulberry called coffee (1671), 34 Mother (grade), 258 Mother of cafÉs (Vienna), 50 Motion pictures, 443, 455, 514 Mott & Williams, 494 Mottant, A., 641, 645 Muddiman, 59 Mudiford, 58 Muhlberg, R. pat., 638 Muller, Frederick H., pat., 653, 702 Munden, Admiral, 86, 559 Murdock, Charles A., 506 Murdock & Co., C.A., 508 Murdock Mfg. Co., C.A., 506 Murger, Henry, 98 Murphy, Arthur, 584; q., 579 Murray, Sir James, 699; q., 1 Murray, James H., 496 Murray, Robert, 475 Murta, C., hyb. 138 Musgrave, James, 612 Music, C. in, 593–599 Music in coffee houses, 656, 666, 667, 669 Mustapha, Kara, 49, 50 Mustard in c., 58, 696 Myer, pat., 162, 473 Myers, Myer, 612 Mylne (architect), 584 Mysore c., 351, 369 Myrtle c. (Mexico), 222 Nabob (brand), 441 Nairon, Antoine Faustus, 16, 27, 543 Nakhel douin (palm), 266 Nalpasse, Valentin, q., 175, 176, 177, 179 Names for c. (English and foreign), 1, 2, 3 Names of places (see Note, p. 769) Nancy (tea ship) v., 120 Naphew, Charles, 479 Napier, Robert, inv., 637, 699, 700 Napier & Co., 486 Napier & Sons, Robert, 699 Narcotism, Effect of c. on, 181 Narghil (palm), 266 Narghillai, 663, 664, 665, 668 (Also nargile, narguileh) Nash Grocery Co., George, 503 Nash, Smith & Co., 502 Nash-Smith Tea & Coffee Co., 503 Nashville Coffee & Mfg. Co., 509 Nason, James H., pat., 637 Nat'l Ass'n of Retail Grocers of the U.S., 428 Nat'l Chain Store Grocers' Ass'n., 417, 418 National coffee day, 513 Nat'l C. Roasters Ass'n., 323, 439, 448, 473, 474, 509–515 Better c. making com., 713–717 Brewing recommendations, 717 Conventions, 512–515 Dues, 514 Freight forwarding bureau, 323 Home mill, 652 Industrial Expositions, 514, 515, 654 Membership, 511–514 National C. Roasters Traffic and Pure Food Ass'n., 510, 511 National Coffee Week, 439, 455, 473, 474, 514 Nat'l Packaging Machinery Co., 443, 472 Nat'l Retail Tea and Coffee Merchants' Ass'n., 417 National Review, per., q., 74 Nature, CafÉ, 683 Nature of the Drink Kauhi, The, Pocoke's trans. q., 12, 38 Nature, quality and most excellent virtues of c., The (broadside), ill., 543 Olendorf, Case & Gillespie, 478 Olivier, AbbÉ, 548 Omar, Sheik, 13, 14, 655 Opera: Le CafÉ du Roi, Meilhat and Deffes, 594 Opposition Commercial England, 64, 74 Medical Cairo, 19 Germany, 46 Marseilles, 32, 33 Mecca, 17 Political Constantinople, 293 England (c. houses), 72, 293 Proclamation, Charles II, 73 Germany, 46, 47 London, 293 Religious Cairo, 19 Constantinople, 20, 21 Mecca, 17, 18 Venice, 29 (See also Controversies; Coffee-houses) Options, 329 Orange Juice, peel, in c., 106 Ordinaries (see Taverns) O'Reilly, Count, q., 222 Organon salutis (1657), Rumsey's, q., 56, 58 Oriental Trip, Mandelsloh, q., 45 Origin of c., 5, 11, 13–16, 541–542 Orizaba c., 345, 358 Orleans, Regent of, 96, 98 Osborn, Lewis A., 434, 469, 496, 522 Osborn's Celebrated Prepared Java (brand), 434, 469, 496, 522 Oseretzkowsky, q., 186 O'Shaughnessy, John W., 480 O'Shaughnessy & Co., John W., 480 O'Shaughnessy & Sorley, 480 Ostrander, Loomis & Co., 508 O'Sullivan, Eugene, 479 O'Sullivan, James, 479 O'Sullivan & Co., Eugene, 479 Otis, James, 110, 111 Otis, McAllister & Co., 488 Otter v., 127 Otto, Carl Alexander, pat., 640, 641 Outlandish drink, 59 Over the Black Coffee, Gray, q., 713 Overton, John B., 479 Ovington, q., 2 Oxford Coffee Club, 41 Oxford, Lord, 584 Pacific Mail Co., 489, 490 Package coffees Advantages, disadvantages, 408, 409 Deterioration, 168 Early (U.S.), 469, 470, 522 First crude (1791), 491, 492 France, 680 Great Britain, 673 Packaging economics, 410, 412 Packaging machinery, 383, 402–404 United States patents, 470 Packard & James, 494 Padang, v., 317 Padang Interior c., 355, 371 Page, Judge, q., 570 Page, Thomas, pat., 637 Painter, John (see Paynter) Pal, q., 184 Palaces, C. (see Coffee houses) Paladino, q., 159 Palais Royal (Paris), 96, 102 Palambang c., 355, 372 Palatability aid to digestion, 180 Palgrave, q., 658–661 Palmer, David, 480 Palmer, Harvey H., 480 Palmer & Co., H.H., 480 Palmer, Warner & Co., 508 Paludanus, Bernard Ten Broeke, q., 2, 35, 41 Pamela, Richardson, 80 Pamphlets (see Broad-sides) Panamas (c.), 348, 361 Pan-American Congress, 472 Panics, U.S., 528–530 (See also Booms and panics) Panter, William, pat., 245 Paradise Lost, Milton, 584 ParchÉ, CafÉ, en (Guadeloupe), 257 Parchment, 136, 138, 149, 150 Pardon, q., 8 Parent & Co., J.A., 508 Parini, Guiseppe, q., 548, 549 Park, Fellowes & Co., 508 Park & Tilford, 484, 499 Parker, Charles, inv., 469, 625 Parker, Edmund, pat., 625, 636 Parker, Gilman L., 501 Parker, John, pat., 634 Parker & Dixon, 503 Parker & Harrison, 503, 635 Parker Co., Charles, 625 Parkes, q., 704 Parkinson, John, 534; q., 41 Parlin, Charles Coolidge, 441 Parmentier, 8 Parr, 557 Parrott & Co., 487, 488 Parry (Welsh harper), 85, 584 Parry, 543; q., 36 Parson, 557 Pascal, chk., 33, 92, 94, 554, 619, 670; q., 432 Paschius, George, q., 13 Patents, U.S., 654 Patrick (lexicographer), 576 Patterson, Robert W., q., 106 Pavoni, Desiderio, pat., 649 Pawinski, q., 185 Payen, q., 694 Paynter, Jonathan, 53, 54 Peabody, B.F., 535 Peaberry, 136, 249 Botanical description, 149 Peaberries, 1st and 2d (grades), 258 Pears in c. (Russia), 686 Pearson, George, 507 Pearson, Peter, pat., 638, 640 Pechey, 543 Peck, Edwin H., 477 Peck, Walter J., 477 Peck, E.H. & W.J., 477, 484 Peck & Co., Edwin H., 477, 479 Peck & Kellum, Benj., 508 Peck, Stowe & Wilcox Co., 644 Pedling Constantinople, 21 Florence, 670 Italy, 27, 29, 670 Padua, 29 Paris, 92, 93, 94, 96 Vienna, 51 Pedrocchi, Antonio, chk., 29, 599 Peeling (see Hulling) Pellicularia tokeroga (see Diseases) Pemberton, John, 128, 129 Penn, John, 127, 129 Penn, Letitia, 128 Penn, William, 105, 115, 125, 126, 467 Pennsylvania Gazette, newsp., q., 126, 127 Pennsylvania Journal, newsp., 127, 128 Penny-change plan, 427 Penny Magazine, per., q., 704 Penny universities, 73 Peonage (see Labor) Pepion, John, 508 Pepys, Samuel, q., 59, 554, 561, 574, 582 Percolator, The, per., q., 521 Percolators Acker's Mo-Kof-Fee, 645 testing-table, 649 two cylinder (1905), 645 Andrews's pumping (1841), 700 Bohemian, 654 Bouillon Muller's steam, 708 Bowman's valve-type (1876), 637 Bruning's vacuum jacket (1920), 653 CafetiÈre SenÉ (1815), 699 Carlsbad, 654 Chamberlain's automatic, 652 De Belloy's (1800), 621, 622, 697, 708 De Santais' hydrostatic, 629 Durant's pumping, 625, 699 First French patent (1806), 699 Galt (1914), 652, 701 Gandais' pumping, 625, 699 German (plug in spout), 708 Glass "balloons", 627 Hadrot's "filter", 621, 699 Half-minute (1881), 701 Hutchinson's, 710 Jones's pumping, 704 Kellum (1906), 649 Kin-Hee (1900), 701 Laurens' pumping, 623, 699 Laurent's steam "whistling," 708 Malen's, 708 Marion Harland, 645, 696 Mo-Kof-Fee (Acker's), 645 Morize's reversible, 623, 699 Nason's fluid-joint (1865), 637 Nelson's patents (1912–13), 649 Phylax (1914), 652, 701, 702 Potsdam, 710 Preterre's vacuum (1849), 634 Pumping discussed, 714, 715 (first, 1819), 623 Rabauts reversed (1822), 699 Raparlier's glass "filter", 708 Reversible double drip, 623 Rumford's (1806–12), 621, 622, <Java, 268, 269, 271 Mexico, 263 Netherlands E. Indies, 268, 269, 271 Nicaragua, 264 Porto Rico, 264 Salvador, 263 Sumatra, 268, 269 Venezuela, 261, 263 Plantations Abyssinia, yield per acre, 228 Angola Cazengo, 230 Australia, yield per acre, 239 Brazil (fazendas) Araqua, 208 Azevedo, L. de O., 208 CafÉeria SÃo Paulo, 208 Capital invested, 207 do Val, F.S., 208 Dumont, ill., 205, 208, 258 Ellis, Alfredo, 208 Irmaos, Alves, 208 Oliveira, 208 Principal, 208 Ribeirao Preto, ill., 208 SÃo Martinho, 208 SÃo Paulo Coffee Co., 208 Schmidt, 208, 258 Ceylon, first British, (1825) 237 Colombia, 211, 212 Namay, 212 Cuba, number, 282 Guadeloupe, yield per acre, 233 Hawaii, yield per acre, 241 India Cannon's Baloor, 227 Hoskahn, 227 Mylemoney, 227 Santaverre, 227 Sumpigay Kahn, 227 Yield per acre, 227 Java Jakatra, 44 Kedawoeng estate, 6 Typical, A., 269, 271 Mexico Orduna, 220 Porto Rico Capital invested, 223 Yield per acre, 223, 225 Salvador, first (1876), 217 Sumatra Gadoeng Batoe, ill., 217 Venezuela (haciendas) Altamira, ill., 212 Carmen, ill., 213 Yield per acre, 213 Planting (see also Propagation), 200 Plants of Egypt, Alpini, 26 Plants, Roasting, ill., 379, 381, 383, 385 Platow, Moritz, pat., 627, 699 Platt, Jr., James, q., 1 Plays Autocrat of the Coffee Stall, The, Chapin, 556, 563 Beaux' Stratagem, Farquhar, q., 587, 588 Bold Stroke for a Wife, A, Centlivre, q., 554 Boston, first performed in, 111 Bottega di CaffÈ, La, Goldoni, 555 CafÉ; ou, l'Ecossaise, Le, Voltaire, 556 CaffÈ, Le, Rosseau, 554, 555 CaffÈ di Campagna, Il, Galuppi, 556 CaffettiÉra da Spirito, La, 556 Coffee House, The, Rosseau, 88 Coffee House; or, Fair Fugitive, The, Voltaire, q., 556 Coffee-House Politician, The, Fielding, q., 554, 555 Devin du Village, Rousseau, 102 "English comedy," q., 61 Foire St. Germain, La, Dancourt (1696), q., 554 Hamilton, Hamlin and Arliss, q., ill., 556 Persian Wife, The, Goldoni, q., 556 Socrates, Voltaire, 556 Tarugo's Wiles; or, the Coffee House, St. Serf, q., 554 Pleasure gardens (see Gardens) Pletzer, q., 185 Pluehart, inv., 710 Plunket (highwayman), 578 Pneumatic Scale Corp., 471, 472 Pneumatic Scale Corp., Ltd., 471 Pocoke, Edward, q., 12, 38 Pods, 329 Poemata Didascalia, d'Olivet, 543 Poems "As long as Mocha's happy tree," Pope's, q., 549 Ballad of the South Sea Scheme, Swift, q., 571 Bouquet Blanc et le Bouquet Noir, Le, Mery, 548 CafÉ, Le (anon.), 548 CafÉ, Le, Berchoux, 548 CaffÈ, Il, Barotti, 548 Cap and Bells, Keats, q., 550 Carmen Caffaeum, Massieu, q., 14, 544–547 City Mouse and Country Mouse, Prior and Montague, q., 551 Coffee, Saltus, q., 552 Coffee—a Chanson (music by Colet), ill., 594, 595 Coffee and Crumpets, "Littledo," q., 550, 551 C. Companion (from Arabic), q., 543 Coffee Slips, The, Hood, q., 550 Comus, Milton, q., 549 de Clieu, EsmÉnard, q., 8, 548 FlogÉ du CafÉ, L'Estienne, 548 Frugality, Pope Leo XIII, q., 549 Gilbert K. Chesterton Rises to the Toast of C., Untermeyer, q., 553 Giorno, Il, Parini, q., 548, 549 Grandeur de Dieu dans les Merveilles de la Nature, La, 548 In Praise of C. (from Arabic), q., 542 Like His Mother Used to Make, Riley, q., 552 Lines (appended to broadside) Morton, ill., 69 Lines on C. (from French), 548 Long Story, A, Gray, q., 576 Ode to Coffee, Price, q., 553 Over the Black Coffee, Gray, q., 552, 553 Pity for Poor Africans, Cowper, q., 550 Plantes, Les, Castel, q., 548 Rape of the Lock, Pope, q., 550 Recipe for Making C., Hodhat, q., 663 Royal Drummer (Paris) q., 96 Rules and orders of the C. house (broadside) q., 60, 61 Song from The Coffee House, Fielding, q., ill., 555 Three Reigns of Nature, Delille, q., 547 To the Mighty Monarch, King Kauhee, Sephton, q., 552 To the Coffee House, Altenberg, q., 549 To Pasqua RosÉe, q., 54 (Unnamed), Belighi, 547 (Unnamed), Lloyd, q., 584 Verses, Maumenet, q., 548 Wealthy Shopkeeper; or, Charitable Christian, q., 572 What Every Wife Knows, Rowland, q., 553–554 Poetry, C. in, 542–554 Poffenberger, Jr., A.T., q., 723 Poison, C. a, 58, 174 Polished C., rulings (U.S.), 337, 338 Polishing machinery, 247, 248, 257 Political liberty; England's won in coffee houses, 74 Politics, C. and, 59, 62 Polli, Pietro, 558 Pollitzer, q., 176 Polstorff, K., 159, 160 Ponfold, Schuyler & Co., 482 Poore, G.W., q., 705, 707 Pop open, 389 Pope, Alexander, 78, 80, 81, 575, 576, 577, 578, 583; q., 549, 550 Life of, Carruthers, q., 549 Popularity of c. in U.S.; reasons for, 106 Portable c. making devices French (1691–1754), 618 Turkish, 615, 616, 617 Portable grinding machines, 685 Portal, Antoine, q., 58 Porthandling charges Brazil, 306, 315 New York, 323 Porthandling methods, U.S., 513 Porter, David (Capt.), 112 Porter, David D. (Admiral), 112 Porter, Horace, Gen., q., 563 Porter & Co., W.J., 480 Porto Rico Coffee C
o., 488 Porto Rico Planters' Protective Ass'n, 444, 445 Porto Ricos (c.), 350, 362 Posadas, J.Z., 488 Postman, London, per., 560 Postulart, pat., 640 Pot and Kettle, The, Lally, q., 570 Potter, pat., 167 Potter, Dr., q., 181 Potter, Ellis M., 498; pat., 642 Potter & Parlin, 503 Potter Coffee Co., 498 Potter-Parlin Co., 471, 641, 642 Potter-Parlin Spice Mills, 498 Potter, Sloan, O'Donohue Co., 498 Pounding c., 697, 705 Poursine & Co., P., 486 Poursini & Co., R., 505 Powdered (see Grinds) Power, q., 155 Power-Chestnut method, 172 Prado, Paulo da Silva, 532, 534 Praedium Rusticum, VaniÉre, 543 Pratt, A.H., 502 Pratt, David S., pat., 539 Preanger c., 355, 373 Pregnancy, Effect of c. on, 177 Premium for early shipping (Santos), 314 Premium distribution, retail, 429 Premiums, 412, 413 Arbuckle, 522, 525 Prendergast Bros., 482 Prentiss & Page, 637 Prepared Coffee, 404 Prescott, Prof. S.C., 515, 714; q., 717 Preterre, Apoleoni P., pat., 634 Price, William A., q., 553 Prices Advance notice of change, 514 Beverage Constantinople, 665 London, 675, 677 (1662), 582 (1677), 73 Blends, retail, U.S. (1922), 722, 723 Green American colonies, 467, 475 Amsterdam (1810–12), 468 England (1719), 441 Puerto Cabello c., 348, 364 Puhl, John, 502 Puhl-Webb Co., 502 Pulp, uses, 136, 156 Pulping, 250, 251 Pulping machinery, 245, 246, 247, 248, 252, 254 Puna c., 356, 375 Pupke, John F., 482, 496 Pupke & Reid, 482, 496, 499, 635 Pupke, Reid & Phelps, 496 Purcell, Alexander H., 477 Purcell, Joseph, 477, 480, 535 Purcell & Co., Alex. H., 477 Purser (artist), 668 Purchas his pilgrimes, q., 36 Purchas, Samuel, 36 Purdy, L.J., 479 Pure Food and Drugs Act, 337, 338, 410, 472, 722 Purin Bodies of Food Stuffs, Hall, q., 184 Purity Dried Fruits Cleansing Co., 471 Purpurescens, C., hyb., 140 Pyriform c.-pot, 604 Pythagoras, 13 Qahvah, 2 Qahwah, 1 Quadri, Giorgio, 28 Quakers (imperfections), 329 Quarry, Col., 126 Queen Anne, 82 Queen Mary, 601 Queensberry, Duchess of, 572 Quelle, Ralph J., pat., 648 Quick roast, 387, 388 Quillou, C., 146 Java, 216 Quillouensis, C., 146 Quin, James, 580, 583 Quinby & Co., W.S., 501 Quincy, Dr., 543 Quotation relationship (table), 330 Quotations Daily, how determined, 335 Foreign, 336 Rabaut, L.B., pat., 623, 627, 699 Racine, 91, 565 Radcliffe, John, 77, 572 Rainfall requirements, 198 Raleigh, Sir Walter, 42 Rambaldi, Angelo, 558; q., 696 Rameau's Nephew, Diderot, q., 96 Ramos, Augusto, 531 Ramos, Francisco F., 534 Ramponaux, Jean, chk., 94, 96 Rand, George, 480 Randall, John, 479 Ranelagh (see Gardens) Ransom, Amos, pat., 625 Raparlier, pat., 637 Rape of the lock, Pope, 80 Rapid-filtration devices de Mattel's patent (1920), 653 Express, 651 Italiana Sovereign, L., 651 J. & S. (Still's), 674 Victoria Arduino, La, (1909–20), 651 Rapid-infusion devices Bezzara system, 649, 651 Ideale, ill., 651 Malthey-Zorn centrif., 653, 654 Rapid-percolation device Loysel's hydrostatic, 708 Rasch, Anthony, 612 Rasis ad Almans (see Rhazes) Rauwolf, Leonhard, 43, 45, 431, 541, 543; q., 2, 12, 25 Ray, John, 42, 543 Ray & Co., Winthrop G., 478, 479, 480 Razi, El (see Rhazes) Ready and easy way to establish a free commonwealth, Milton, 60 Reamer, Sr., Abraham, 480 Reamer, Turner & Co., 480 Rebagging New York, 322, 338 Santos, 304, 306 Rebellious antidote (broadside), q., 58 Recipes, dessert's, etc., 723, 724 Reconditioning, 322 Recovery, v., 468 Red Can (brand), 441 Red D Line, 482 Red E (brand), 538 Red pottage, 13 Red Ribbon (brand), 441 Reed, Charles, 127 Reed, Charles B., q., 557 Reed, Nathan, pat., 245, 469 Reeve, Daniel, 482 Reeve & Van Riper, 482 Reeve, Case & Banks, 479 Re-exports London, 327 United States (1921), 299, 301, 302 Refining device Johnston's patent (1913), 652 Reichert, E.T., q., 183 Reid, Thomas, 469, 482, 494, 496, 497, 522, 526 Reid & Co., Thomas, 499 Reid, Murdoch & Fischer, 480, 502 Reiger, q., 184, 185 Reimers & Meyer, 485 Religious associations Christian, 26 Mohammedan, 15, 16, 17, 22 Remi c., 351, 368 Remington, J.R., pat., 633 Remington, Mortimer, 445 Remmer, Oscar, 502 Renan, 102 Renovating, 158 Renshaw, William, chk., 130 Rentschler, q., 161 Repassing machine, 252 Research, Scientific Brewing, comparative test, 714, 716 Dawson and Wetherill (1855), 711, 712 Grinds, comparative test, 716 University of Kansas, 714 Mass. Inst. of Technology, 515, 716–718 Mellon Institute, 539 N.C.R.A., 513–515, 539, 713–718 Prescott, 515, 714, 716–718 Robison, 715 Trigg, 539 Restaurants London A, B, C (chain), ill., 674, 677 Brit. Tea Table Ass'n., 675 Buzard's cake house, 677 Cabin, 677 Carlton, 678 Corner Houses (chain), 677 Express Dairy Co., 677 Groom's, ill., 674 Lipton's, 677 Lyons (chain), ill., 674, 675, 677 Peel's, 674 Slater's, 675, 677 Temple Bar, ill., 675 Trust-houses, Ltd., 675 Ye Mecca Co., ill., 674 New York Childs (chain), 691 Dorlon's, 690 Thompson (chain), 691 Restrepo, Dr., q., 181 Retailing, 415–429 Blending, 722 Channels of distribution, 415 Retaliation, Goldsmith, 573, 574 Reuter-Jones Mfg. Co., 649 Revere, Paul, 110, 609, 611; biog., 612, 613 Revett, William, q., 2 Revolution American, 110, 125, 128 French, 100, 102, 293 Revolution, C. and, 18, 20, 31 (See also Democracy: Politics) Rewards, 50, 51 Reynolds, J. B, 506 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 81, 88, 574, 580, 585 Reynolds, Hatcher & Pierce, 509 Rhazes, q., 11, 12, 25, 431, 541 Rheumatism, remedy, 182 Rhodes, Benjamin, 477 Rice, W.S., 502 Richards, Charles, 508 Richardson, Charles, 80, 576; q., 584 Richardson & Lane, 501 Richelieu, Duke of, 96, 98 Richheimer, I.D., 538, 539; pat., 651, 652; q., 715 Richter, q., 159 Ricker, Harvey, 701; pat., 645 Ridenour, Baker Gro. Co., 485 Riechelmann, q., 159 Ries, Maurice, 338 Riggs, J. H, 508 Riley, James Whitcomb, q., 552 Rinehart & Stevens, 507 Rios (c.), 341, 343, 366 Ripley, D.C., 497 Risley, Christopher, 479 Risley, Leander S., 479 Risley & Co., C., 479, 480, 528 Rittenhouse, John, pat., 627 Ritz, 678 Rivarol, 98 Rivers, 186; q., 187 Roach, Tiger, 579 Roasters Baltimore, 507, 508 Boston, 501 Chicago, 501, 502 Cleveland, 507 Detroit, 508 Louisville, 505 Milwaukee, 506 New Orleans, 505 New York (1790–94), 475, 476 (1805–1922), 492–501 Philadelphia, 501 Pittsburgh, 507 San Francisco, 505, 506 St. Louis, 502, 503 Toledo, 506, 507 Other cities, 508, 509 United States, 492–509 (See also Dealers, wholesale) Roasting 646 Monitor direct-flame, 642 Morewood sliding-burner (1901), 642, 673 Muhlberg patents (1878), 638 Otto spiral-tubular (1889), 640, 641 Page Pull-out (1868), 637, 638 Pearson patents, 638, 640 Perfekt, 639 Postulart gas (1888), 640 Potter direct-flame (1899), 642 Probat, 639 Rekord (quick gas), 641 Resson, 646 Royal (1905), 643, 646 Schmidt patent (1906), 649 Schnuck gas (1919), 653 Shortt electric (1919), 647 Sirocco, 641, 646 Thurmer quirk-gas (1891–93), 640, 641 Tornado quick-gas, 641 Tubermann (1877), 638 Tupholme direct-flame (1887), 640, 641 Typhoon, 638 Uno, 673 Van den Brouck cylinder, 646 von Gumborn gas (1892), 639 Van Gulpen (1870), 638 Roasting methods Automatic control, 166 Better C.-making com., 713, 714 Burns, Jabez; views on, 636 Butter; use in Gt. Brit., 673 Early, 694, 695 Electric, 386 Goldsworthy's process, 702 Lard; use in Gt. Brit., 673 Natural gas, 642 Quick vs. slow, 640, 641 Roasting plants France, 679 United States Arbuckle, 524, 525 First and second, 468 New York Number (1914–1919), 515, 516 Early (1790–95), 491 Number (1855–56), 496 Roasting trade France, 678, 679 Italy, 686 United States, 379–406, 491–515 Beginning of, 522 Methods and prices (1845), 635 Retail, 418 St. Louis (1857), 629–633 Roasts, 356 Brazilian preferences, 691 British preferences, 673 French preferences, 680 Greek preferences, 685 Italian preferences, 686 Roberts, Mrs., chk., 127 Robertson, Joseph C., 585 Robespierre, 94, 96, 102 Robinson Crusoe, Defoe, 80 Robinson, Dr., q., 176 Robinson, Edward Forbes, 557; q., 11, 54, 56, 59, 62, 72, 73, 107 Robinson, Tanered, 584 Robinson & Co., N., 501 Robison, Floyd W., pat., 158, 474; q., 715 Robusta, C. Botanical description, 144 Ceylon, 236 Cup-tests, 145 Guadeloupe, 234 India, 227 Indo-China, French, 237 Java, 215, 216 Netherlands E. Indies, 283 New Caledonia, 243 New York, Exchange excludes, 329, 338 Sumatra, 217 Trees; height (Java), 215 yield (Java), 216 Uganda, 353 United States, imports, 341 Varieties, 146 Robusta-achtigen (robusta-like), 216 Robusta hybrid (Ceylon), 236 Robusta × Maragogipe, hyb., 146 Rochester, Earl of, 575 Rodney, William, 126 Roe, Sir T., q., 2 Roettier, John, 62, 582 Rogers, chk., 121 Rolamb, Nicholas, q. 23 Rollins, Thornton, 485 Romance of Trade, Bourne, q., 54 Romero, q., 198 Ronan, James, 508 Roodbessige, C. (Java), 216 Roome, Luke, chk., 118 Roome, William P., 478, 498 Roome & Co., William P., 478, 498 Rooney, John, 475 Roosevelt family, 690 Ropes, Joseph, 468 Ropes, Ripley, 482 Roque, P. de la, 31, 543 Rosary, The, Barclay, q., 563 Rosebault, Charles J., q., 671 Roseburg, William, 521, 522 RosÉe, Pasqua, 42, 43, 53, 54, 58, 69, 462, 543; q., 432 Handbill, ill., 459, 461 Roselius, Ludwig, pat., 162, 473 Ross, C.J., q., 230 Rossbach & Bro., 485 Rosseau, Jean Baptiste, 88, 554 Rosseter, J.H., 490 Rossi, q., 186 Rossignon, q., 707 Rossini, 103 Rota (see Clubs, C.-house) Roth, 510 Roth Grocery Co., Adam, 485 Rothschilds, 531 Roubiliac, 84, 583, 584 Rouch, pat., 621 Roure, pat., 640 Rousseau, Baron Antoine, q., 656 Rousseau, J.J., 94, 98, 102, 566 Routh, Harold, q., 561 Rowland, pat., 625 Rowland, Helen, q., 553, 554 Rowland & Humphreys, 482 Rowland, Humphreys & Co., 480 Rowland, Terry & Humphreys, 482 Rowlandson, Thomas, 75, 593 Rowley, Levi, 494, 499 Roxbury "hourlies", 10 Royal Exchange Lloyd's, 85 Royal Exchange (London), 86 Royal Exchange (New York, 1752), 120 Royal Scarlet (brand), 441 Royal Society, 41 Royal, Thomas M., 471 Rubia Mills, 434, 496 Ruffio, P.A., 591 Ruffner, W.R., 538 Rule & Bro., Robert J., 501 Ruliff, Clark & Co., 505 Rulings (U.S.), 337, 338 Rumford, Count, inv., 557, 621, 622, 699, 704; biog., 697; q., 698 Rumsey, Walter, q., 56 Runkle & Co., J.C., 479, 482 Rupert, Prince, 69 Russell, Edward C., 495 Russell, Frank C., 478, 499 Russell, Robert, 482 Russell, Robert S., 499 Russell & Co., 482, 494, 499 Russell & Fessenden, 501 Ruth, 13 Ruth, Sylvester, 507 Rutter & Co., Thomas, 480 Ryan & Co., James, 506 Saccharin in c., 165 Saffron in c., 660 Saint-Foix, 566, 567 Saint-Victor, 102 Salaman, Malcolm C., q., 589 Salant, q., 184 Salazar, Alfredo M., pat., 653 Salazar c., 349, 365 Sales by candle, 571 Salesmanship, 407 Sales promotion Retail, 423–426 Wholesale, 412, 413 Saltero, Don, 559, 560 Saltus, Francis S., 541; q., 552 Salvadors (c.), 347, 360 Salvandy, Narcisse-Achille, q., 100 Samoa c., 355, 375 Sample distribution, 412 Samplers (N.Y. Exch.), 333 Sampling Brazil, 303, 304, 306 New York, 319, 321 San Francisco, 327 Santos, 303, 304, 306, 312, 316 Sanani c., 351, 368 Sanborn, Chas. E., 501 Sanborn, James S., 501 Sandys, Sir George, 12, 38, 543; q., 36 Sandys's Travels, q., 36 Sand, George, 565 Sanger, Abraham, 480 Sanger, Beers & Fisher, 480, 497 Sanger & Wells, 480 Santa Ana c., 350, 365 Santa Cecilia, v., 316 Santo Domingos (c.), 350, 362 Santos c., 341, 342, 366 Saportas Bros., 482 Saturday Evening Post, per., q., 177 Sauvage c., ill., 142 Savage, 578 Savage, George E., pat., 649 Savage, Richard, 570 Saxe, Marshall, 98 Saxon Coffee Co., 508 Sayre, q., 163, 164, 166, 183 Schadheli, Sheik, 13, 14 Schaefer, Henry, 478, 535 Schaefer, J.H., q., 428 Schams, Franz, 590 Schanne, Alexandre, q., 102 Scharf, q., 126 Sheaff, Henry, 475 Sheffield plate c.-pots, 607 Sheldon, Henry, 479 Sheldon & Co., Henry, 478, 479 Sheldon Banks & Co., 479 Shemsi, chk., 19, 668 Shenstone, q., 584 Shephard, Fleetwood, q., 584 Shepherd, T.H., 593 Sheppard, Alexander, 501 Sheppard & Sons, Inc., Alex., 501 Sherbet, 562 London c. houses sell, 61 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 80; q., 581 Sherif-Eddin-Omar-ben-Faredh, q., 543 Sherley, Sir Anthony, 35, 543 Sherman, Fred, 506 Sherman, Fred T., 477, 482 Sherman, Henry B., 506 Sherman, Lewis, 506, 514 Sherman, Jr., Lewis, 506 Sherman, Milo P., 506 Sherman, S.S., 506 Sherman, William, 506 Sherman, William H., 506 Sherman, William M., 506 Sherman, William T. (Gen.), 563 Sherman & Taylor, 477 Sherman Bros. & Co., 485, 502, 506 Shewbert, John, chk., 126 Shewbert, Mrs., chk., 126 Shields & Boucher, 507 ShihÂb-ad-DÎn manuscript, 542 Shinkle, Wilson & Kreis Co., 484, 485 Shipping Board, U.S., 338 Shipping c., 312–327 Brazil, 306 American vessels, 515 Colombia, 314, 315 Iron steamships (1868), 476 Longest voyage, 316 Santos, 312, 314 Time-table, port to port, 316 Shipping ports, principal, 191 Shope, W.C., 502 Shortt, Everett T., pat., 647 Shrinkage, 389, 391 Roasting, 388 Table (green c.), 393 Shubert (see Shewbert) Sias, Charles D., 501 Siddons, Mrs., 569 Siegfried, John C., 506 Siegfried & Brandenstein, 505, 506 Siegman, John G., 507 Sielcken, Hermann, 473, 482, 511, 518, 519, 520, 523, 531; biog., 517, 521 Valorization, 530–534 Woolson Spice Co., 506 Sielcken, Hermann (Mrs.), 518 Sielcken-Crossman contract, 519 Sierra c., 345, 359 Signs, Coffee-house London, 602, 603 Bowman's, 54 Morat (Amurath), 62 RosÉe's, 54 Soliman, 62 New York, 117, 124 King's Arms, 124 Signs, Grocers' Lowell, Ebenezer (New York), 467 Richards, Smith (New York), 124 Silver c.-pots, 619 Silver skin, 136, 138 Silversmiths, American, 609, 612 Silversmiths Society, 612 Simmonds, W. Lee, 478 Simmonds & Bayne, 478 Simmonds & Co., H., 478 Simmonds & Co., W. Lee, 478 Simmonds & Newton, 478 Simon, Jr., M., pat., 167 Simonds H., 478 Sinclair, Evans & Elliot, 508 Singleton, Esther, q., 105, 115, 709 Sinnot, J.B., 505 Sino-Lowestoft c.-pot, 607 Sion & Co., 340 Sir Antoine Shirlies Trauelles, Parry, q., ill., 38 Sirups (see Syrups) Sizing (see Grading), 258 Skiddy, Francis, 479 Skiddy, Minford & Co., 479, 485, 530 Skinner, Cyriac, 60 "Skyscraper" coffee house, 112, 113 Slacks, 322 Slave auctions, Phila., ill., 128 Slemmons & Conkling, 508 Sloane, Sir Hans, 86, 543, 582 Sloss, Robert, q., 531 Slow roast, 387 Small, C.K., 477, 480 Small, John, 480 Small Bros. & Co., 477, 479, 480 Smalls & Bacon, 480 Smart, Joseph F., pat., 653 Smith, Adam, 81, 583 Smith, Clarence 480 Smith, Daniel, chk., 129 Smith, Frank, 499 Smith, George H., 501 Smith, John (Capt.), 105, 543,; q., 36 Smith, John Thomas, 583; q., 569 Smith, Michael E., 503 Smith, Mrs., chk., 119 Smith, Nathaniel, 584 Smith, Robert, 501 Smith, Robert A., 501 Smith, Sidney, q., 567 Smith, William T., 501 Smith, William V.R., 523, 524 Smith & Co., D., 476 Smith & Co., Thomas, 700 Smith & Curtis, 507 Smith & McKenna, 505 Smith & McNell, 494 Smith & Schipper, 485 Smith & Son, Robert, 501 Smith & Son, Thomas, 637, 639, 699 Smith & Sons, Robert, 501 Smith Bros. & Co., 505 Smith Bros., 486 Smith Bros. & Co. Ltd., 505 Smith's Sons, M.V.R., 480 Smith's Sons, Robert, 501 Smoke screens (Guatemala), 219 Smollett, 559 Smooth (see Flavors) Smout, Jules, pat., 248 Smyser, Henry L., 523; pat., 470 Sobieranski, q., 186 Sobieski, King John, 49 Sociedade Promotora da Defesa do CafÉ, 446 SociÉtÉ de CafÉ Soluble Belna, 539 SociÉtÉ Generale, 532, 534 Society of Antiquaries, 602 Society of the Friends of Music, 597 Soda fountains, 689 Soils Australia, 238 Best, 198, 201 Brazil, 198, 205 Costa Rica, 225 Federated Malay States, 238 Venezuela, 212 Soliman Aga, 91 Soliman the Great, 18, 19 Sollmann, q., 182, 183 Soluble coffee, 404, 406 Brands, 470, 538, 539 History of, 538, 539 Kato's patent, 471 Processes, 169 U.S. Army war needs, 539 Washington's patent, 471 Soluble Coffee Co., 539 Somers, A.L., 507 Songs of Brittany, 548 Sons of Liberty, 120 Sorenson, John S., 520 Sorenson & Nielson, 482, 520 Sorley, William, 480, 491 Sorting machinery, 245 SorvSaloop (sassafras and sugar), 73, 74 United States (1st patent), 470 Wheat, 46 Succory (see Chicory) Succop & Lips, 503 Sucrose, 165 Suess-Oppenheimer, Joseph, 47 Sugar in c., 26, 58, 91, 98, 106, 667 Cairo (first use, 1625), 657, 695 Consumption (U.S.), 689 Great Britain (17th cent.), 696 Greece, 685 North America, 105 Sugar of c., 165 Sugar Trust fight, 521–523 Sullivan, Luke, 85, 584 Sully, D.J., 530, 572 Sultan, CafÉ, 658 Sultane, CafÉ, 694 Sumatras (c.), 355, 370–372 Sumerling & Co., 674 Sun, London, newsp., 578 Sun, New York, newsp., q., 175 Sunshine, per., 524 Sutton & Vansant, 485 Swain, Earle & Co., 501 Swaythling, Lord, 604 Swazey, S.L., 479 Sweated c., 316, 317 Artificial (U.S. rulings), 337 Sailing vessels, 353 Sweeney, John, 492 Sweet (see Flavors) Sweet c.'s, 397 Sweet-bitter c.'s, 397 Swett, E.H., 501 Swift, Jonathan, 80, 84, 88, 89, 557, 562, 570, 573, 577, 578, 579, 587; q., 571, 575 Swift & Co., H.H., 482 Swift, Billings & Co., 485 Sylva Sylvarum, Bacon, q., 38, 543 Syndicates Arnold-Dash-Kimball, 527, 528 German Trading Co., 528 Syria, The Holy Land, Carne, q., 668–670 Syrups, Coffee; recipe for, 724 Szekacs, q., 185 Szyszka, q., 185 Tabasco c., 345, 358 Taber & Place, 434, 496 Table, The, per., 675 Table Traits, Doran, q., 705 Tachiras (c.), 349, 365 Tackaberry, William, 509 Tackaberry Co., Wm., 509 Taine, 102 Talbot, Winslow & Co., 507 Talbutt, Robert H., pat., 647 Talleyrand, Prince, 103; q., 565 Tampico c., 345, 359 Tannin, 160, 182, 711 Tapachula c., 345, 358 Tapperi, David, q., 11 Tapping hands (Arabia), 312 Tatler, per., 75, 80, 85, 86, 561, 572; q., 558, 559, 571, 573, 575, 584 Tatlock, q., 159 Tavernier, 31, 543; q., 2 Taverns Boston Blue Anchor (inn), 109 Bunch of Grapes, 111 Cole's (Inn), 109 First, 108 Green Dragon, 613 Indian Queen, 109, 110 King's Head, 109 Ship, 109 Sun, 109, 110 Red Lyon (inn), 109 London Barn, 584 Golden, 583 Locket's Ordinary, 569 Mermaid, 60 Rose, 56 Shakespeare's Head, 576 New York Atlantic Garden House, 117, 121 Black Horse, 118 Fighting Cocks, 118 Fraunces', 121 Jamaica Pilot Boat, 118 King's Head, 117 Queen's Head, 119 White Lion, 117 Philadelphia, 125 Blue Anchor (first), 126 City, 125, 128, 129, 130 Globe (inn), 126 New, 129 Smith's, 129 Taxation Arabia, 231 England (1714), 59 Germany, 47 Royal monopoly (1781), 46 Porto Rico (exemptions), 222 SÃo Paulo (valorization), 534 Turkey, 20 (See also Duties; Fines; Licenses; Pure food, etc.) Taylor, C.K., q., 177 Taylor, James H., 477 Taylor, John, 578 Taylor, William, 475 Taylor & Co., James H., 477, 479, 485 Taylor & Co., Moses, 476 Taylor & Levering, 484, 485 Tea, 35 Action in stomach, 178 American colonies Introduction, 105, 106 Stamp act (1765) increases consumption, 106 Smuggled from Netherlands, 106 Antiquity, 15 Canada, 687 Discovery, 12 Great Britain Consumption compared with c., 288, 289 First sold in London (1657), 56 Imports (1700–57), 75 Introduced at Court, 582 National beverage, 75 Preferred to c., 674 Prices (1662, 1714), 582 Sold in c. houses, 61, 78, 80 Taxation, 59 Eulogized by Mosely, 38 Johnson, Sam'l, 568 Europe (first used, 1610), 23 Literary stimulus, 357, 358 Mental efficiency, Effect on, 186 Philadelphia (introduction), 125 Russia, 686 United States Consumption per capita (1783), 468 Consump. comp. with c., 288, 289 Imports (1783), 468 Laws affecting, 337 Tea and coffee pots, 609 Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, per., 138, 402; q., 34, 147, 155, 160, 161, 168, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 186, 387, 388, 399, 410, 418, 421, 422, 427, 439, 527, 558, 679, 689, 693, 715, 717, 720 Begins publication (1901), 472 Ukers assumes editorship (1904), 527 Urges nat'l organization of roasters, 511 Tea gardens (see Gardens) Tea party (see Boston; New York) Tea-rooms (London), 675, 677 Teeth, Effects of c. on, 175 Tegals (c.), 355, 373 T'eh (tea), 35 Teixelra, Pedro, q., 2 Telephone in retail stores, 424 Tellicherry c., 351, 369 Temperance, C. and, 61 Tennent, Robert Bowman, pat., 246 Terminology, 168 Terms and credits, 403, 513–515 Terms and discounts (Brazil), 306 Terry, Edward, q., 36 Testing (France), 679, 680 Text Book of Physiology, Flint, q., 176 Teyssonnier, 146 Thackeray, W.M., 103; q., 563 Thannhauser & Co., 488 Thayer, Byron T., 501 Theatrum botanicum, Parkinson, 543; q., 41 Thebaud, Joseph, 476 Thein, 160 Theobromin, 160 Therapeutic Gazette, per., q., 176 Thery, q., 543 ThÉvenot, 543 Thomas, C., 501 Thomas, Elizabeth, 575 Thomas, Gov., 127 Thomas, R.G., 494 Thomas Co., R.G., 494 Thomas & Son, J.W., 508 Thomas & Turner, 494 Thompson, Benjamin, inv., 621; q., 163 (See also Rumford) Thompson, Dr., q., 159, 181 Thompson, James, , 293 Bolivia, 279 Brazil, 303 Central America, 308 Colombia, 308, 316 Nicaragua, 280 Venezuela, 308 Transportation, Seven stages of, 323 Travancore c., 351, 369 Travels, Herbert, q., 36 Travels, Rauwolf, q., 25 Travels, Teixeira, q., 2 Travels and Adventure, Smith, q., 36 Travels in Arabia Deserts, Daughty, q., 661 Travels in India and Persia, Della Valle, 27 Travels of Certayne Englishmen, etc., The, Biddulph, q., ill., 36 Travers & Son, Joseph, 445 Treatise in Latin, Meisner, 543 Treatise on Modern Stimulants, Balzac, q., 557 Tree, Coffee Age, 203, 211, 213, 222 Salvador, 219 Chemistry of, 155 Height, 133, 142, 202 Arabia, 231 Indigenous to Abyssinia, 1, 5 Origin, 5 Wood, uses for, 138 Yield, 136, 203 Bolivia, 236 Brazil, 138 Colombia, 211 Mexico, 222 Nicaragua, 227 SÃo Paulo, 208 Trees, Coffee Number of Brazil, 207, 208 Ecuador, 236, 278 Indo-China, French, 237 Guatemala, 219 Pernambuco, 205 SÃo Paulo, 205, 207, 208 Venezuela, 212 Number to acre, 201 Colombia, 211 Haiti, 220 Porto Rico, 223 Venezuela, 213 Tremont Coffee & Spice Mills, 501 Trentman & Bro., C.A., 508 Trentman & Son, B., 508 Triage (grade), 258 Tribune, New York, newsp., q., 553 Tricolator, 168, 445, 651, 652, 701 Tricolette, 654 Triers, 321, 389 Trigg, C.W., pat., 406, 539; q., 155, 174, 718–722 Trillado (grade), 260, 263 Trillo (grade), 264 Trinidad c., 351, 362 Triumph of C., Fakr-Eddin-Aboubeckr, 543 Troemner, Henry, 646, 472 True Way of Making and Preparing C., Broadbent, q., 697 Trujillos (c.), 350, 365 Trusdell & Phelps, 495 "Truth in advertising" movement, 435 Truxtun, Scott, 444 Tubermann's Son, G., pat., 638 Tupholme, Beeston, pat., 640 Turguenieff, 102 Turkey gruel, 70 Turkish ewer, 602, 603, 621 Turkish pocket cylinder mill, 615, 616, 617 Turner, A., 508 Turner, Robert, chk., 109 Turner (or Torner) Richard, chk., 572 Turner, William F., 480 Tussac, 8 Twitchell, Champlin & Co., 508 Tyler, George C., 556 Tyler, Henry D., 480 Typhoid fever, Effects of c. on, 181 Typografia Pizzolato, 558 Uganda c., 353, 377 UgandÆ, C., 146 Ceylon, 236 Java, 216 Ungandae × Congensis, hyb., 146 Ukers, William H., 527 Ulman, Lewis & Co., 485 Umber, q., 182 Union Bag & Paper Corp., 472 Union Coffee Co., 477 Union Pacific Tea Co., 482, 501 Universal history of plants, Ray, 42, 543 University of Kansas, 714 University of Pittsburgh, 714 Unloading, 317–327 New Orleans, 323–325 New York, 317–323 San Francisco, 325–327 Unloading machinery, 325, 327 Uno Co., Ltd., 647 Untermeyer, Louis, q., 553 Urioste & Co., 488 Urruella & Urioste, 487 Urwin, William, chk., 84, 574 U.S. Dispensatory, q., 164, 184 Uses for c., New, 457 Utter, J.W., 503 Utter, Adams & Ellen, 503 Vacuum-packed c., 410 (see also Containers) Vacuum-packing, Effect of, 168 Valentijn, q., 2 Valorization (Brazil), 473, 530–534 N.C.R.A., 511 Norris, Senator, 532, 533 SÃo Paulo, 295, 472, 534 Surtax, 315 Sielcken, H., 521, 531–534 U.S. gov't action, 534 Van Cortlandt museum, 122 Van Dam, Anthony, 475 Van dan Broeck, Pieter, 43 Van den Bosch, Gov., 214 Van Dessel, Rodo & Co., 340 Van Essen, 43 Van Etten, E., 538 Van Gulpen, Alexius, 246, 638 Van Gulpen & Co., 638 Van Gulpen, Lensing & von Gimborn, 638 Van Linschooten, Hans Hugo (John Huygen), q., ill., 35 Van Loan, Thomas, 497, 498 Van Loan & Co., 498 Van Loan, Maguire & Gaffney, 497, 498, 499 Van Loo, 588 Van Ommen, Adrian, 6, 43 Van Ostade, Adriaen, 44, 587 Van Outshoorn, 6 Van Vliet, C.W., pat., 634 Van Zandt & Co., M.N., 508 Vancouver, 239 Vanderhoef, George W., 479 Vanderhoef & Co., George W., 479 Vanderweyde, P.H., pat., 637 Vane, Gov., 109 Vanessa (see Vanhomrigh) Vanhomrigh, Esther, 562 VaniÉre, 543 Vankorn, Guggenheimer & Co., 501 Vardy, James, pat., 627, 699 Variegata, C., hyb., 140 Varnar, 43 Vassieux, Madame, pat., 627, 700 Vatel, Charles, q., 566 Vaughn, V.C., q., 176, 177 Vauxhall garden, ill., 81, 82, 83 Velloni, chk., 103 Venard, G., 505 Venetian Republic, The, Hazlitt, q., 28 Venezuelas (c.), 348, 364, 365 Verborg, Henry, 503 Verdier & Closset, 507 Verlaine, Paul, 94 Verri, Alexander, 558 Verri, Pietro, 30, 558 Vertu and use of c., Bradley, q., 293 Vesling (Veslingius), q., 12, 26 Vickers. T.L., 498 Victoria Arduino-Societa Anonima, 651 Victorias (c.), 341, 343, 367 Vie privÉe d'autrefois, La, Franklin, q., 6 Viehoever, A., 160; q., 144, 145 Vienna Besieged by Turks (1693), 49 Coffee-makers' guild, 50 Vienna, Relation of the siege of, Vulcaren, q., 50 Villon, FranÇois, q., 135 Vilain, 594 Vincent c.-pot, 604 Vintschgau, 186 Virey, q., 20 Virgil, 543 Visconti, 558 Vitamins, 180 Vitamines, The, Funk, q., 180 Viviani, Count, ill., 578 Voit, Carl V., q., 177, 179 Volkman, George, 506 Voltaire, 94, 98, 178, 556, 557; q., 554, 565 Voyage de l' Arabie Heureuse, La Roque, 543; q. 15, 31, 32, 34, 197 Voyage into the Levant, A, Blount, q., 38 Vulcaren, John P.A., q., 50 Vyal, John, chk., 109 Wagama, v., 316 Wagner & Co., H.M., 485 Wagon-route distributers United States, 415, 416, 417 France, 681 Wagstaff, David, 476 Wahibis, 542 Waite, pat., 625 Waite, Creighton & Morrison, 477 Wakeful monastery, 14 Wakeman, Abram, 473, 478 Walbridge, Augustus, 480 Walbridge Inc., Augustus M., 480 Wales, Henry, 508 Walker, John, pat., 245, 246 Walker, Joshua, 478 Walker Sons & Co. Ltd., 246, 247 Wall, Dr., 579 Wallace, Alexander, 475 Wallace, Alfred Russel, q., 200 Wallace, C.L.H. (Mrs.), q., 181 Wallace, Hugh, 475 Wallace, John William, q., 126 Wallace, William, q., 657 Walle, Friedrich, White Rose (brand), 441 Whitefoord, Caleb, 573 Whiting & Taylor, 502 Whiting, Goeble & Co., 502 Whitmarsh, Theodore F., 535 Wholesale Grocers Corp., 502 Wholesaling roasted c., 407–413 Capital invested, U.S., 415 Sales, annual, U.S., 415 Wholesome advice against the abuse of hot liquors, Duncan, q., 59 Wickersham, Att'ney Gen., 593 Widlar, Francis, 507 Widlar & Co., F., 507 Widlar Co., 507 Wiji Kawih, 11 Wilcox, O.W., q., 147 Wild (see Flavors) Wild c. (Abyssinia), 284 Wild, James, 469, 492 Wilde, Herbert W., 492 Wilde, John, 492 Wilde, Joseph, 492 Wilde, Samuel, 482; biog., 492 Wilde, Jr., Samuel, 492 Wilde & Sons, Samuel, 492 Wilde's Sons, Samuel, 494, 499 Wilde's Sons Co., Samuel, 492 Wiley, Harvey W., q., 175, 176, 180, 182, 396 Wilhelm, R.C., q., 387, 393 Wilke, 579 Wilkie, 583 Willcox, O.W., q., 161, 388 Wille, Theodor, 532, 534 William III, 601 Williams, Frank, 477, 498 Williams & Co., R.C., 494 Williams & Potter, 494 Williams & Taft, 507 Williams, Chapin & Russell, 478 Williams, Dimmond & Co., 488 Williams, Russell & Co., 477, 478, 535 Williamson, C.G., q., 62 Williamson, Peregrine, pat., 468, 624 Williamson, S.H., 498 Willis, Thomas, q., 58 Wills & Co., Alexander, 508 Willson, Wm. B., 485 Wilson, Increase, pat., 623 Wilson, Woodrow, 534, 535 Wilson & Bowers, 480 Wilson & Co., J.W., 480 Wimmer, pat., 162, 473 Windbreaks, 201 Window-displays, 425 Window-trimming contest, 455 Wine C. classed as, 1, 17, 20 C. a substitute for, 15, 42 Made from fruit, 15 Made from hulls and pulp, 693 Wing Bros. & Hart, 498 Winter, H., pat., 158, 167 Winter & Smilie, 482 Winthrop, Gov., 109 Winton, Andrew L., q., 150 Wise, Capt., 128 Withington, Elijah, biog., 492 Withington & Pine, 492 Withington & Wilde, 492 Withington, Francis & Welch, 492 Withington, Wilde & Welch., 494 Witsen, Nicolaas, 6, 43 Wittenagemott, 582 Wogan, Sir Charles, 575 Wolf & Seligsberg, 478 Wolff. L., 485 Wolseley, Viscountess, 604 Women as coffee sellers, 56 Women's petition against c., The, pamph., ill., 70, 71 Wood, Jr., H.C., q., 176, 185 Wood, Jarvis A., q., 431 Woods, Rufus, 485 Wood, Thomas R., pat., 634 Wood & Co., Thomas, 501 Woodward (actor), 579, 580 Woolson, A.M., 506, 523 Woolson Spice Co., 503, 506, 521, 523 World War effects Arabia, 268 Consumption, 289 Guatemala, 219 Mexico, 222 United States trade, 534–538 Imports, 286 San Francisco, 325 World trade, 190–195, 294, 296 World's Commercial Products, The, Freeman, q., 133 World's Work, per., q., 531, 532 Worth, J.G., 499 Wright, q., 167 Wright, George C., 501 Wright, George S., 448, 501, 629 Wright, John S., 482, 491 Wright, John T., 488 Wright, Warren M., 501 Wright Hard & Co., 482 Wrightsville Hardware Co., 644 Wroth, Warwick, q., 82, 83 Wurffbain, 43 WÜrttemberg, Duke of, 47 Wyatt, Charles, pat., 621, 699 Wycherly, 575 Wyld, F. Lehnhoff, 538 XXXX (brand), 44 Yaffey c., 351, 368 Yarrow, Mrs., chk., 555 Yates & Dudley, 508 Yellow fever, effect of c. on, 182 Yemeni c., 351, 368 Yorke, Duke of, 554 Young, Arthur, q., 100 Young, D.K., 482 Young, Samuel, 507 Young, Mahood & Co., 507 Young-Mahood Co., 507 Youngs & Amman, 477 Yuban (brand), 441, 462, 524 Yuban advertising, 462–465 Yuengling, D.G., 508 Yungas c., 350, 367 Zamore, 590 Zamzam, 18 Zanzibar c., 353, 377 Zarf (cup-stand), 661 Zecchini, G.B., 549 Zenetz, q., 185 Ziegler Arctic expedition, 538 Zilmore & Co., A.G., 508 Zinmeister Sr., Frank, 505 Zinsmeister, Jacob, 505 Zinsmeister, L.G., q., 389 Zinmeister & Son, Frank, 505 Zinmeister & Sons, J., 505 Zola, Emile, 103, 565 Zoller & Little, 508 Zwaardecroon, Henrious, 6 Zwick, Charles, 505 [1] First written about tea; improperly claimed to have been written of coffee. [153] Monatsh. f. Chem. (vol. xxxiii: pp. 1389–1406). [311] Op. cit. (p. 50). (See 287.)