Color Plates
| Facing page | Coffee branches, flowers, and fruit (painted by Blendon Campbell) Frontispiece | v | Coffea arabica; leaves, flowers, and fruit (painted by M.E. Eaton) | 1 | The coffee tree bears fruit, leaf, and blossom at the same time | 16 | A close-up of ripe coffee berries | 32 | Coffee under the Stars and Stripes | 144 | Coffee scenes in British India | 160 | Picking and sacking coffee in Brazil | 176 | Mild-coffee culture and preparation | 192 | Coffee scenes in Java | 200 | Coffee scenes in Sumatra | 216 | Coffee preparation in Central and South America | 248 | Typical coffee scenes in Costa Rica | 336 | Principal varieties of green-coffee beans, natural size and color | 352 | Coal-roasting plant, New York | 408 | Coffee scenes in the Near and Far East | 544 | Primitive transportation methods, Arabia | 640 | Hulling coffee in Aden, Arabia | 656 |
STEPS_IN_COFFEE_GROWING" class="pginternal">First steps in coffee-growing | 199 |
Coffee nursery, Guatemala | 200 |
Coffee under shade, Porto Rico | 201 |
Boekit Gompong estate, Sumatra | 202 |
Estate in Antioquia, Colombia | 203 |
Weeding and harrowing, SÃo Paulo | 204 |
Fazenda Dumont, SÃo Paulo | 205 |
Fazenda Guatapara, SÃo Paulo | 206 |
Picking coffee, SÃo Paulo | 207 |
Intensive cultivation, SÃo Paulo | 207 |
Private railroad, SÃo Paulo | 208 |
Coffee culture in SÃo Paulo | 209 |
Heavily laden coffee tree, Bogota | 210 |
Picking coffee, Bogota | 211 |
Altamira Hacienda, Venezuela | 212 |
Carmen Hacienda, Venezuela | 213 |
Heavy fruiting, Coffea robusta, Java | 214 |
Road through coffee estate, Java | 215 |
Native picking coffee, Sumatra | 216 |
Administrator's bungalow, Java | 216 |
Administrator's bungalow, Sumatra | 217 |
Coffee culture in Guatemala | 218 |
Indians picking coffee, Guatemala | 219 |
Bungalow, coffee estate, Guatemala | 220 |
Thirty-year-old coffee trees, Mexico | 221 |
Mexican coffee picker | 222 |
Receiving coffee, Mexico | 223 |
Heavily laden coffee tree, Porto Rico | 224 |
Coffee cultivation, Costa Rica | 225 |
Picking Costa Rica coffee | 226 |
Mountain coffee estate, Costa Rica | 226 |
Mysore coffee estate | 227 |
Coffee growing under shade, India | 228 |
Coffee estate at Harar | 229 |
Wild coffee near Adis Abeba | 231 |
Mocha coffee growing on terraces | 232 |
Picking Blue Mountain berries, Jamaica | 233 |
Coffee pickers, Guadeloupe | 234 |
Coffee in blossom, Panama | 235 |
Robusta coffee, Cochin-China | 237
nder with flexible back head | 392 |
Trying the roast | 394 |
Monitor gas roaster | 394 |
A group of roasting-room accessories | 394 |
Dumping the roast | 395 |
A four-bag coffee finisher | 396 |
Burns sample-coffee roaster | 396 |
Lambert coal coffee-roasting outfit | 397 |
Coles No. 22 grinding mill | 398 |
Monitor coffee-granulating machine | 398 |
Challenge pulverizer | 398 |
Burns No. 12 grinding mill | 399 |
Monitor steel-cut grinder, separator, etc | 399 |
Johnson carton-filling, weighing, and sealing machine | 400 |
Ideal steel-cut mill | 400 |
Smyser package-making and filling machine | 401 |
Automatic coffee-packing machine | 402 |
Complete coffee-cartoning outfit | 403 |
Automatic coffee-weighing machines | 404 |
Units in manufacture of soluble coffee | 405 |
Types of coffee containers | 411 |
Fresh-roasted-coffee idea in retailing | 414 |
Premium tea and coffee dealer's display | 416 |
Chain-store interior | 417 |
Familiar A & P store front | 418 |
Specialist idea in coffee merchandising | 419 |
Monitor gas roaster, cooler, and stoner | 420 |
Royal gas coffee roaster for retailers | 420 |
Burns half-bag roaster, cooler, and stoner | 421 |
Lambert Jr. roasting outfit for retailers | 421 |
Faulder and Simplex gas roasters | 422 |
Coffee roasters used in Paris shops | 423 |
Small German roasters | 424 |
Popular French retail roaster | 424 |
Uno cabinet gas roaster and cooler | 424 |
Educational window exhibit | 425 |
Better-class American grocery, interior | 426 |
Prize-winning window display | 427 |
Americanized English grocer's shop | 429 |
Famous package coffees | 430 |
CafÉ Bauer, Unter den Linden, Berlin | 684 |