A list of references gathered from the principal general and scientific libraries—Arranged in alphabetic order of topics
Adulteration of coffee. Report of the proceedings of a public meeting held at the London Tavern, March 10, 1851. London, 1851. Dafert, Franz W. Las sustancias minerales del cafeto. San JosÉ, 1896. 33 pp. Also, Anales del Instituto mÉdico nacional, 1897, III: 25, 41, 62, 78. Graham, T. and others. Chemical report on the mode of detecting vegetable substances mixed with coffee for purposes of adulteration. London, 1852. 22 pp. (Board of Inland Revenue). Les Fraudes du cafÉ dÉvoilÉes per un amateur. Paris. Simmonds, P.L. Coffee as it is and as it ought to be. London, 1850. Periodicals Bertarelli, E. Su una sofisticazione del caffÈ torrefatto mediante aggiunta di acqua e borace. Giornale di Farmacia, 1900, 338–343. Also, Rivista d'Igiene e SanitÀ pubblica, 1900, XI: 467–472. Caballero, F.G. Inconvenientes del uso del cafÉ puro y del que se toma con lÉche; sofisticacion de los componentes de esta bebida, etc. Boletin de Medicina y Cirugia, 1851, 2 ser. I: 177–185. CasaÑa, J. Acerca del producto llamado legumina y sofisticaciones del cafÉ. Anales de la real Academia de Medicina, 1905, XXX: 359–364. Chiappella, A.R. Il caffÈ macinato che si consuma in Firenze—Alcune sofisticazioni non ancora descritte. Annali d'Igiene sperimentale, 1904, n. s. XIV: 427–448. —— Le sofisticazioni del caffÈ che si consuma in Firenze. SocietÀ toscana d'Igiene, 1905, n. s. V: 110–116. Chevallier, J.B. CafÉ indigÈne. Annales d'HygiÈne, 1853, XLIX: 408–412. Coffee and its adulterations. Lancet, 1851, I: 21, 465; 1853, I: 390, 477; 1857, I: 195. Also, Pharmaceutical Journal, 10: 394–396. Collin, E. Del caffÈ e sue falsificazioni. Giornale di Farmacia, di Chimica e di Scienze affini, 1879, XXVIII: 529–535; 1880, XXIX: 20–22. Coriel, F. Analyse d'un cafÉ artificiel torrÉfiÉ. Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie, 1897, 6. ser. VI: 106–108. Cribb, C.H. Note on (1) samples of coffee containing added starch; (2) a sample of artificial coffee berries. Analyst, 1902, XXVII: 114–116. Crombie, S. Examination of ground coffee as found in shops. Physician and Surgeon, Ann Arbor, 1882, IV: 401. Doolittle, R.E. Coffee sophistications. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII: Supplement to no. 6, 62–65. Draper, J.C. Coffee and its adulterations. New York Academy of Medicine. Bulletin, 1869, III: 210–218. Dubrisay. Falsifications des cafÉs, procÉdÉs employÉs À cet effet; moyens de reconnaÎtre et de reprimer la fraude. Recueil des travaux du ComitÉ consultatif d'HygiÈne publique de France, 1888, XVIII: 19–33. Ducros, H.A. De quelques falsifications du cafÉ Moka. Institute Égypt. Bulletin, 1901, 4. ser. pp. 293–306. Edson, C. Report on colored imitation Java coffee. Sanitary Engineer, 1883–4, IX: 614. Falsification du cafÉ. Annales d'HygiÈne, 1864, 2. ser. XXII: 437–443. Fricke, E. Neuere KaffeeverfÄlschung. Zeitschrift fÜr Medizinalbeamte, 1889, II: 178. Girardin, J. Rapports sur un cafÉ avariÉ par l'eau de mer et sur poudre destinÉe À remplacer le cafÉ. Annales d'HygiÈne, 1834, XI: 87–103. Griebel, C. and Bergmann, E. Ueber eine neue KaffeeverfÄlschung. Zeitschrift fÜr Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1911, XXI: 481–484. Harnack, E. Ueber die besonderen Eigenarten des KaffeegetrÄnkes und das Thurmsche Verfahren zur Kaffeereinigung und verbesserung. MÜnchener medizinische Wochenschrift, 1911, LVIII: 1868–1872. Harris, William B. Green and roast coffees, the adulteration and misbranding thereof. American Grocer, 1913, Nov. 19, pp. 19–20. Hesse, P. Ueber eine Kaffeefarbe. Zeitschrift fÜr Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1911 XXI: 220. Jammes, L. Le cafÉ torrÉfiÉ, en grains, factice. Revue d'HygiÈne, 1890, XII: 1044–1050. Mocha coffee. Scientific American, 1903, LXXXIX: 81. Munita, V. Apuntes acerca de las adulteraciones del cafÉ y medios para reconocerlas. La Gaceta de Sanidad militar, 1883, IX: 286, 394. Nottbohm, F.E. and Koch, E. Arsenhaltige Kaffeeglasierungsmittel. Zeitschrift fÜr Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1911, XXI: 288–290. Ottolenghi, D. Sopra una frequente sofistcazione del caffÉ in polyere. Atti della reale Accademia dei Fisiocritici di Siena, 1903, 4. ser. XV: 381–389. Parecer do commissÃo encarregada pela Sociedade pharmaceutica lusitana de investigar se uma determinada Èspecie de cafÉ É prejudicial Á saude 185. Also, Correio medica de Lisboa, 1874, III: 136, 147. Raumer, E. von. Beobachtungen Über Kaffeeglasuren seit dem Inkrafttreten der Kaffeesteuer. Zeitschrift fÜr Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1911, XXI: 102–109. Reiss, F. Ueber eine mechanische VerfÄlschung der Kaffeesahne. Zeitschrift fÜr Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1906, XI: 391–393. Soccianti, L. CaffÈ adulteraro con sostanze nocive. Rivista d'Igiene e SanitÀ pubblica, 1895, VI: 497–499. Sormani. Di un nuova falsificazione del caffÈ. Giornale della reale SocietÀ italiana d'Igiene, 1882, IV: 401. Spencer, G.L. and Ewell, E.E. Tea, coffee, and cocoa preparations. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Division of Chemistry. Bulletin, XIII, pt. 7. Various "coffees." Lancet, 1915, II: 1006. Vogel von Ferheim, A. Zur Frage der ZulÄssigkeit der Verwendung der sagenannten tauben oder Strohfeigen bei der Feigen Kaffeefabrikation. Oesterreichische SanitÄtswesen, 1903, XV: 101–102. Wiechmann, F. Coffee and its adulterations. School of Mines Quarterly, 1897–8, I: 8–15.
Schneider. Der Kaffee, als Gegenstand der medicinischen Polizei. Zeitschrift fÜr die Staatsarzneikunde, 1829, IV: 303–327. SchÜtze. Kaffee, Thee und Chocolade, als Nahrungsmittel und in sanitÄts-polizeilicher Hinsicht. Viertel jahrsschrift fÜr gerichtliche Medizin und Öffentliches SanitÄtswesen, 1860, XVII: 168–228. Weitenweber, W.R. Medicinisch-poliseiliche Bemerkungen Über den Caffee. Medicinische JahrbÜcher des kaiserl. kÖnigl. Österreichischen Staates, 1848, LXVI: 42, 151.
Coffea stenophylla. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1898:27. Cook, Orator Fuller. Dimorphic branches in tropical crop plants: cotton, coffee, cacao, the Central American rubber tree, and the banana. Washington, 1911. 64 pp. (U.S. Plant Industry Bureau. Bulletin, 198.) Dafert, Franz W. Mittheilung aus dem Landwirthschaftsinstitut des Staates SÃo Paulo, Brasilien. Der Nahrstoff des Kaffeebaumes. Landw. Jahrb. 1894, XXIII:27–45. Douglas, James. Lilium sarniense: or, a description of the Guernsay-lilly. To which is added the botanical dissection of the coffee berry. London, 1725. 59 pp. LaRoque, Jean. Voyage de l'arabie heureuse, par l'Ocean Oriental, & le dÉtroit de la Mer Rouge. Fait par les FranÇois dans les annÉes 1708, 1709 and 1710. Avec la relation d'un voyage fait du port de Moka À la cour du roy d'Yemen dans la 2. Expedition des annÉes 1711, 1712 and 1713. Un mÉmoire concernant l'arbre et le fruit du cafÉ. Paris, 1716. 403 pp. Also in English, London, 1726. La Roque. Gruendliche und sichere Nachricht vom Cafee- und Cafee-Baum. Leipzig, 1717. Liberian coffee. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1895:296–299. McClelland, T.B. The botany of coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXII:28–35. Mariana, J. Les cafÉiers; structure anatomique de la feuille. Paris, 1908. Natural caffein-free coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII:230–233. Natural history of coffee, thee, chocolate, tobacco with a tract of elder and juniper berries. London, 1682. A New hybrid Ceylon coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXX; 232–233. Sloane, Sir Hans. On the Bird the Cuntur of Peru and on the Coffee Shrub. London, 1694. Wildeman, É. de. Notes sur quelques espÈces du genre Coffea L. Cong, internat. d. botanique. Actes, 1900, I:221–238.
Analysis, General Allen, A.H. Commercial organic analysis. London, 1892, (v. 3 pt. 2 contains a chapter on vegetable alkaloids, including coffee.) Andalori, AndrÉ. Il cafÉ descritto ed esaminato. Messine, 1702. Boussingault, J.B.J.D. Sur les matiÈres sucrÉes contenues dans le fruit du cafÉier. Ann. Inst. Nat. Agron., 1878–79, IV: 1–4. CaffÈ di Girasole: analisi chemiche, consigli agronomici, etc. Padova, 1881. Coffee and chicory. Science readers and diagrams. Ser. 6, no. 3. Galeano, Joseph. Il caffÈ, con piu diligenza esaminato. Palerme, 1674. KÖnig, J. Chemie der menschlichen Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. 4th ed. Berlin, 1904. See v. 2, index for Kaffee, KoffeÏn. Locke, Edwin A. Food values. New York, 1911. Coffee analysed p. 54. Lythgoe, Hermann Charles. Report on tea and coffee. Washington, 1905. Marchand, N.L. Recherches organographiques et organogÉniques sur le Coffea arabica L. Paris, 1864. Sestini, J. Il caffÉ; lettura fatta nell' institutio tecnico di Fochi. Firenze, 1868. Standards of purity for food products. Tea, coffee and cocoa products. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Office of the Secretary. Circ. 19, p. 16. Thorpe, Edward. Dictionary of applied chemistry. London and New York, 1912. See pp. 97–103. Wanklyn, James Alfred. Tea, coffee, and cocoa: a practical treatise on the analysis of tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, matÉ (Paraguay tea). London, 1874. 59 pp. Warnier, W.L.A. Bijerage tot de kennis der koffie, mededeeling uit het laboratorium van het Kolonial museum te Haarlem. Amsterdam, 1899. 23 pp. Weyrich, R. Ein Beitrag zur Chemie des Thees und Kaffees. Dorpat, 1872. Wiley, H.W. Coffee and tea. In his, 1001 Tests of food, beverages and toilet accessories, pp. 10–18. Winton, Andrew L. The microscopy of coffee. In his, Microscopy of vegetable foods, New York, 1916. 2 ed. pp. 427–438. Reprinted, Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, XXI: 22–28. Periodicals Allen, A.H. Note on the examination of coffee. Analyst, 1880, V: 1–4. Bau, A. The determination of oxalic acid in tea, coffee, marmalade, vegetables and bread. Z. Nahr. Genussm, 1920, 40: 50–66. Bertrand, Gabriel. Sur la composition chimique du cafÉ de la Grande Comore. Comptes rendus de l'AcadÉmie des Sciences, 1901, CXXXII: 162–164. Binz, C. BeitrÄge zur Kenntniss der Kaffeebestandtheile. Archiv fÜr experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1878, IX: 31–51. BÖtsch, K. Zur Kenntniss der Saligeninderivate. Monatshefte fÜr Chemie (Sitzungs berichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften) 1880, I: 621–623. Canada (Dominion). Inland Revenue Department Laboratory. Coffee: results of analysis. Ottawa, 1888. Bulletin, 3. 8 pp.; 1891, Bulletin, 29. 19 pp.; 1892, Bulletin 31. 13 pp. —— Ground coffee: results of analysis. Ottawa, 1904, Bulletin, 100. 7 pp.; 1909, Bulletin, 172. 37 pp.; 1910, Bulletin, 216. 22 pp. Cazeneuve, P. and Haddon. Sur l'acide cafÉtannique. Comptes rendus de l'AcadÉmie des Sciences, 1897, CXXIV: 1458–1460. Charaux, Charles. Sur l'acide chlorogÉnique. FrÉquence et recherchÉ de cet acide dans les vÉgÉtaux. Extraction de l'acide cafÉique et rendement en l'acide cafÉique de quelques plantes. Journal de Pharmacie et de Chemie, 1900, 7. ser, II: 292–298. The Chemistry of a cup of coffee. Lancet, 1913, II, no. 2: 1563–1565. Reviewed in, Journal of Economics, 1914, VI: 466–467; Literary Digest, 1914, XLVIII: 376–377. Doolittle, R.E. and Wright, B.B. Some effects of storage on coffee. American Journal of Pharmacy, 1915, LXXXVII: 524–526. Ehrlich, J. Coffee in the laboratory. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXX: 569–570. Erni, H. The chemico-physiological relations of tea, coffee and alcohol. Nashville Monthly Record of Medical and Physical Science, 1858–9, I: 641–656. Frankel, E.M. Coffee by-products. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXIII: 43–44. —— Coffee identification. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 158 159. Frankel, F. Hulton. Calories in a cup of coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 446–447. Geiser, M. Welche Bestandteile des Kaffees sind die TrÄger der erregenden Wirkung? Archiv fÜr experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1905, LIII: 112–136. Gorter, K. BeitrÄge zur Kenntniss des Kaffees. Annalen der Chemie, 1907, CCCLVIII: 327–348; 1908, CCCLIX: 217–244; 1910, CCCLXXII: 237–246. Also, East Indies, Dutch. Dept. van Landbouw. Bulletins, 14, 33. Graf, L. Ueber Bestandtheile der Kaffeesauen. Zeitschrift fÜr angewandte Chemie, 1901, pp. 1077–1082. —— Ueber den Zusammenhang von CoffeÏngehalt und QualitÄt bei chinesischem Thee. Forschungs-Berichte Über Lebensmittel, 1897, IV: 88. Guigues, P. Note sur l'origine du cafÉ. Bulletin des Sciences pharmacologiques, 1903, VII: 350–357. Hanausek, T.F. Bemerkung zu dem Aufsatz von F. Netolitzky: Ueber das Vorkommen von Krystallsandzellen im Kaffee. Zeitschrift fÜr Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1911, XXI: 295. —— Die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Frucht und des Samens von Coffea arabica L. Zietschrift fÜr Nahrungsmittel Untersuchung und Hygiene, 1890, IV: 237–257. Harris, William B. Scientific study of coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1915, XXIX: 557–558. Hehner, O. An analysis of coffee leaves. Analyst, 1879, IV: 84. Howard, C.D. Report on tea and coffee. U.S. Chemistry Bureau. Bulletin, 1907, CV: 41–45. Husson, C. Étude sur le cafÉ, le thÉ, et les chicorÉes. Annales de Chimie et de Physique, 1879, 5. ser. XVI: 419–427. Jaffa, M.E. Report on tea and coffee, 1910, with list of references. U.S. Chemistry Bureau. Bulletin, 1911, CXXXVII: 105–108. Lancet special analytical sanitary commission on the composition and value of coffee extracts, The Lancet, 1894, II: 43–45. Lepper, H.A. Report on coffee. Journal of the Association of Official Agricultural chemists, 1920, 4: 211–216. Levesie, O. BeitrÄge zur Chemie des Kaffees. Archiv der Pharmacie, 1876, 3 ser. VIII: 294–298. Liebig, J. von. Chemistry of a cup of coffee. Every Saturday, I: 135. Loomis, H.M. Report on tea and coffee. Journal of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, 1920, 3: 498–503. Mazza, C. Sull' esame batteriologico della polvere che si trova negli spacci di caffÈ, con spÉciale riguardo al bacillo della tubercolosi. Rivista d'Igiene e SanitÀ pubblica, 1897, VIII: 8–20. Paladino, Pietro. Sopra un nuovo alcaloide contenuto nel caffÈ. Gazette Chimica Italiana, XXV: 104–110. Summarized in, Beilstein's Organische Chemie, 1897, III: 888. Paret, S.A. Quelques rÉsultats obtenus par l'emploi du valerianate de cafÉine (thÈse). Paris, 1874. Payen, Édouard. MÉmoire sur le cafÉ. Comptes vendus de l'AcadÉmie des Sciences, 1846, XXII: 724–732; XXIII: 8–15, 144–251. Pratt, David S. The microscopy of tea and coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1915, XXIX: 419–421. Prescott, A. Chemistry of tea and coffee. Popular Science Monthly, XX: 359. Robiquet, von, and Boutron. Ueber den Kaffee. Annalen der Chemie, 1837, XXIII: 93–95. Robison, Floyd W. What do we know about coffee? Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 556–562. Sayre, L.E. A pharmacologist on coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXII: 521–527. —— Coffee, its standardization and application to pharmacy. Merck's Report, 1907, XVI: 61–63. Some new facts about coffee. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXV: 436–437. Street, John Phillips. About hygienic coffees. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 52–54. —— Hygienic coffee analyses. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXIII: 42–43. —— Recent coffee analyses. Modern Hospital, 1916: 330–332. Reprinted in Tea and Coffee Trade Journal. XXX: 570–572. Tatlock, R.R. and Thomson, R.T. The analysis and composition of coffee, chicory, and coffee and chicory "essences." Journal of the Society of Chemical Industries, 1910, XXIX: 138–140. Trigg, Charles W. Caffetannic acid a bugaboo. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXIII: 437–439. —— Coffee oil and fats. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXV: 230–231. —— Coffee carbohydrates. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1919, XXXVI: 246–247. Tusini, F. Sul riconoscimento delle varie specie di grani di caffÈ, mediante la misurazione delle cellule del reticolo albuminoideo e dello spermoderma. Archivio di Farmacologia sperimentale e Science affini, 1903, II: 215–217. Vautier, E. The wastes of coffee. Mitt. Lebensm. Hyg., 1921, 12: 35–37. Van der Wolk, P.C. New researches into some statistics of Coffea. Zeitschrift fÜr induktive Abstammungs- und Vererbungslehre, 1914, XI: 355–359. Vlaanderen, C.L. and Mulder, G.J. SÄuren des Kaffee's. Jahresbericht der Chemie, 1858: 261–264. Warnier, W.L.A. Contributions À la connaissance du cafÉ. Recueil de Travaux chimiques du Pays-Bas de la Belgique, 1899, 2. ser. III: 351–357. Willcox, O.W. Coffee aroma secret out. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1913, XXV: 343–344. —— Tannin in coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1913, XXV: 485. Willcox, O.W. and Rentschler, M.J. Scientific analysis of coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal. 1910. XIX: 440–443; 1911, XX: 30–34, 109–111, 194–195, 355–356. Woodman, A.G. Report on tea, coffee, and cocoa products, 1909. U.S. Chemistry Bureau. Bulletin, 1910, CXXXII: 134–136. Caffein Clautriau, G. Nature et significatÍon des alcaloides vÉgÉtaux. Paris, 190?: 113. Dragendorff, Georg. Caffein und Theobromin. In his, Die gerichtlich-chemische Ermittelung von Giften, pp. 202–206. Fendler, G. and StÜber, W. CoffeÏnbestimmungen im Kaffee. Zeitschrift fÜr Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1914, XXVIII: 9–20. Fischer, Emil. Ueber das CaffeÏn. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft, 1882, XV, no. 5: 29–87. Frankel, E.M. Caffeine and theine. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 260. French, J.M. Caffein, its sources and uses. Merck's Archives, 1907, IX: 208. Jobst, Carl. Thein identisch mit Caffein. Annalen der Chemie, 1838, XXV: 63–66. Langlois, P. Kola et cafÉine. La Science IllustrÉe, July, 1890. Lendrich, K. and Nottbohm, E. Verfahren zur Bestimmung des CoffeÏns im Kaffee. Zeitschrift fÜr Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1909, XVI: 241–265. Paul, B.H. and Cownley, A.J. The amount of caffeine in various kinds of coffee. Pharmaceutical Journal, 1887, 3 ser. XVII: 565. Pfaff, C.H. Ueber die Darstellung des CoffeÏns, Über dessen charakteristische Eigenschaften und dessen Mischung, Über zwei SÄuren im Kaffee, so wie Über das sogenannte Kaffee-GrÜn. Neues JahrbÜch der Chemie und Physik, 1831, I: 487–503; II: 31–45. Polstorff, Karl. Ueber das Vorkommen von Betainen und von Cholin in Kaffein und Theobromin enthaltenden Drogen. Chemisches Zentralblatt, 1909, 5 ser. XIII: 2014–2015. Stehle, R.L. Caffeine, the alkaloid. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXII: 46–47. Sullivan, A.L. Determination of caffein in coffee, a comparison of the Hilger and Fricke method with a modification of the Gomberg method. Science, 1909, XXX: 255. Willcox, O.W. Coffee and caffein. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1913, XXIV: 460–461. Caffein-Free Coffee Rabenhorst, W. and Varges, J. KoffeÏnfreier Kaffee; enthalt der kaffeinfreie Kaffee fremde chemische Bestandteile, insbesondere Ammoniak, Benzol, SalzsÄure, SchwefelsÄure? Medizinische Klinik, 1908, IV: 1612. Salant, William, and Rieger, J.B. Elimination of caffein: an experimental study of herbivora and carnivora. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Chemistry Bureau. Bulletin, CLVII. Trigg, Charles W. About caffein-free coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXIV: 233. Willcox, O.W. "Caffein-free" coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1911, XX: 116. Bernheimer, Oscar. Zur Kenntniss der RÖstproducte des Caffees. Monatshefte fÜr Chemie (Sitzungs-berichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften) 1880, I: 456–457. Bertrand, G. and Weisweiller, G. Sur la composition de l'essence de cafÉ; prÉsence de la pyridine. Comptes rendus de l'AcadÉmie des Sciences, 1913, CLVII: 212–213. Also, Bulletin des Sciences pharmacologiques, 1905, XII: 152. Erdmann, Ernst. Ueber das KaffeÖl und die Physiologische Wirkung des darin enthaltenen Furfuralkohols. Archiv fÜr experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1902, XLVIII: 233–261. Also, Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft, 1902, XXXV: 1846. —— Beitrag zur kenntniss der kaffeeÖles und des darin enthaltenen furfuralkohols. Halle, 1902: 46. Grafe, V. Untersuchung Über die Herkunft des KaffeÖls. Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1912, XLIX: 267–268. Jaekle, H. Studien Über die Produkte der KaffeerÖstung ein BeitrÄge zur Kenntniss des sogenannte Kaffeearomas (Caffeol.) Zeitschrift fÜr Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1898, 457–472. Orlowski, A. Kilka slor o kawie palonÉj. (Extract of Coffee). Gazeta Lekarska, Warsaw, 1870, IX: 385–387. The Caffeol in roasted coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1913, XXIV: 241. Trigg, Charles W. The aroma of coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXV: 37–39. Green Coffee BittÓ, Bela von. Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung der inneren Fruchtschale der Kaffeefrucht. Jour. Landw. III: 93–95. Herfeldt, E. and Stutzer, A. Untersuchungen Über den Gehalt der Kaffeebohnen an Fett, Zucker und KaffeegerbsÄure. Zeitschrift fÜr angewandte Chemie, 1895, 469–471. Meyer, H. and Eckert, A. Ueber das fette Ol und das Wachs der Kaffeebohnen. Summarized in, Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1910, XLVII: 320. Rochleder, F. Notiz Über die Kaffeebohnen. Annalen der Chemie, 1844, L: 244–284; 1846, LIX: 300–310; 1852, LXXXII: 194. Trigg, Charles W. Aging green coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1920, XXXIX: 440. Zwenger, C. and Siebert, S. Ueber das Vorkommen der ChinasÄure in den Kaffeebohnen. Annalen der Chemie, 1861, 1 sup. pp. 77–85. Roasted Coffee Burmannn, J. Recherches chimiques et physiologiques sur les principes nocifs du cafÉ torrÉfiÉ. Bulletin gÉnÉral de ThÉrapeutique, 1913, CLXVI: 379–400. Ehrlich, J. In a cup of coffee. A consideration of the constituents of the roasted bean and of the sugar, milk or cream that goes with it. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXX: 547–549. Goblet, L. Analyses comparÉes d'un cafÉ torrÉfiÉ par des procÉdÉs diffÉrents. Association Belge des Chimistes. Bulletin, 1899, XIII: 172–173. Gould, R.A. The gases evolved from roasted coffee, their composition and origin. Eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry. Report, 1912, XXVI: 389. Lendrich, K. and Nottbohm, E. Ueber den CoffeÏngehalt des Kaffees und den CoffeÏnverlust beim RÖsten des Kaffees. Zeitschrift fÜr Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1909, XVIII: 299–308. Lythgoe, H. Chemical analyses of a few varieties of roasted coffee. Technology Quarterly, 1905, XVII: 236–239. Monari, A. and Scoccianti, L. La pyridine dans les produits de la torrÉfaction du cafÉ. CongrÈs international d'HygiÈne et de DÉmographie. Comptes rendus, 1894, VIII: pt. 4, 211. Also, Archives italiennes de Biologie, 1895, XXIII: 68–70; Chemisches Zentralblatt, 1895, I: 750. Trigg, Charles W. Coffee roasting. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1919, XXXVII: 170–172. —— Gases from roasted coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1920, XXXIX: 318.
Backer, P. La culture du witloof. Thielt, 1912: 22. —— De teelt van witloof. Thielt, 1911: 23. Boruttau, H. Die physiologische Wirkung des Absudes der gebrannten Zichorie. Medizinische Klinik, 1907, III: 644–647. Fries, M. Praktische Anleitung zum Kaffee Cichorienbau. Stuttgart, 1886. Kains, M.G. Chicory growing. Washington, 1900: 12. —— Chicory growing as an addition to the resources of the American farmer. Washington, 1898: 52. Schmiedeberg, Oswald. Historische und experimentelle Untersuchungen Über die Zichorie und den Zichorienkaffee in diÄtetischer und gesundheitlicher Beziehung. Archiv fÜr Hygiene, 1912, LXXVI: 210–244. Weismann, R. Ueber den schÄdlichen Einfluss von Zichorienaufguss. Aerztliche Rundschau, 1908, XVIII: 183. Zellner, H. Zichorie. Centralblatt fÜr allgemeine Gesundheitspflege, 1908, XXVII: 32–39. Chicory in Coffee Cauvet. Sur l'examen et l'analyse des Échantillons de cafÉ-chicorÉe et de cafÉ moulu saisis chez divers marchands de Constantine. Annales d'HygiÈne, 1873, XI: 302–317. Chevallier, A. Notice historique et chronologique sur les substances qui ont ÉtÉ proposÉes comme succÉdanÉes du cafÉ et sur le cafÉ-chicorÉe en particulier. Moniteur d'HÔpitaux, 1853, I: 1129, 1161, 1171, 1185, 1193, 1217. CloÜet, J. Du cafÉ-chicorÉe; empoisonnement de quatre personnes par l'usage de cette denrÉe. Mouvement mÉdicale, 1875, XIII: 505. Forsey, C.B. The new coffee and chicory regulations. Analyst, 1882, VII: 159. Guillot, Camille. La chicorÉe et divers produits de substitution du cafÉ. Lons-le-Saunier, 1911. 352 pp. Lawall, C.H. and Forman L. The detection of chicory in decoctions of chicory and coffee. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, 1914, 111: 1669. Leebody, J.R. Estimation of chicory in coffee. Chemical News, 1874, XXX: 243. Morin. Quelques rÉflexions sur un des moyens employÉs pour dÉterminer la prÉsence du cafÉ chicorÉe dans le cafÉ normal. Rouen, 1863. 5 pp. (Extrait des MÉmoires de l'AcadÉmie de Caen.) On the adulteration of chicory and coffee. Lancet, 1861, 11: 18.
Brewster, H. Pomeroy. The coffee houses and tea gardens of old London. Rochester, 1888. CafÉs de Paris par un flaneur patentÉ. 1849. Coffee public house, The. How to establish and manage it. London, 1878. 34 pp. Coffee stalls and taverns: hints on coffee stall management. London, 1886. 40 pp. Colman, George, and Thornton, B. Survey of the town.... Garraway's, Batson's St. Paul's, and the Chapter coffee houses. In their, the Connoisseur. Oxford. 1757, I:1–10. Dafert, F.W. Erfahrungen Über rationellen Kaffeebau. Berlin, 1896. 36 pp. 2nd ed., 1899. 60 pp. Delvau. Histoire anecdotique des cafÉs et cabarÉts de Paris. 1861. Hawes, C.W. Handbook to coffee taverns. Uxbridge, 1888. 17 pp. Macaulay, T.B. (Coffee houses in the 17th and 18th centuries.) In his, History of England. I: 334–336. Michel, Francisque, et Fournier, Édouard. Histoire des hÔtelleries, cabarÉts et cafÉs. 1854. Reid, Thomas Wilson, ed. Traits and stories of Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese. London, 1886. 133 pp. Robinson, Edward Forbes. Early history of coffee houses in England. London, 1893. 240 pp. Shelley, Charles Henry. Inns and taverns of old London. Boston, 1909. 366 pp. —— Old Paris. Boston, 1912. Timbs, J. Clubs and club life in London, with anecdotes of its famous coffee houses, hostelries and taverns. London, 1866. 2v. 2nd ed., 1872. 1v. 544 pp. Periodicals Andrews, A. Coffee houses and their clubs in the 18th century. Colburn's New Monthly Magazine, CVI: 107. Bethel Christian Mission, Providence. Annual report ... constitution, bylaws, etc. Buss, George. Kaffee und KaffeehÄuser. Westerman's Monatshefte, Sept. 1908: 805–821. Coffee house movement. Chambers' Journal, LVI: 143. Coffee house news. London Magazine, XX: 563. Coffee houses of old London. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXV: 116–125. Coffee Houses of old New York. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1920, XXXVIII: 160–174. Coffee Houses of old Philadelphia. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1920, XXXVIII: 308–312. Coffee houses of the Restoration. Tait, n. s. XXII: 104; Ecclesiastical Magazine, XXIV: 500. Coffee palaces. All-the-Year, LII: 520. Early Parisian coffee houses. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXV: 526–534. Fox, S. Coffee club movement in California. Arena, XXXII:519. Graham, R. Coffee houses as a counter action to the saloon. Charities Review, I: 215. Hall, E.H. Coffee taverns. Leisure Hour, XXVIII: 301. Hill, E. Coffee and coffee houses. Gentleman's Magazine, n. s. LXXI: 47. Holland and the cafÉ Krasnapolsky at Amsterdam. Idler, 1899, XVI: 31–39. Hope, Lady. Coffee rooms for the people. Good Words, XXI: 749, 844. Howerth, I.W. Coffee house as a rival of the saloon. American Magazine of Civics, VI: 589. Humphreys, J. Coffee houses. St. James Magazine, XLIII: 598. Jarvis, A.W. Old London coffee houses. English Illustrated Magazine, 1900, XXIII: 107–114. Page, H.A. Coffee palaces. Good Words, XVIII: 678. Rodenberg, J. Die kaffeehÆuser und clubs von London. Unsere Zeitung, 1866, II: 177–265. Schmitt, E. Volkskuechen und speiseanstalten fuer arbeiter; VolkskaffeehÆuser. Handbook der Architek, 4 theil, IV: 116. Sikes, W. English coffee palaces. Lippincott's Magazine, XXIV: 728. Some old London coffee houses. Cornhill Magazine, LVI: 527. Stevens, J.A. Coffee houses of old New York. Harper's Magazine, LXIV: 481. Sweetser, Arthur Lawrence. The coffee house plan. Gunton's Magazine, 1901, XXI: 239–245. Thomas, C. Edgar. Some London coffee houses. Home Counties Magazine, 1911, XIII: 1–9, 91–100. Wagner, H. ShankstÆtten und speisewirtschaften; KaffeehÆuser und restaurants. Handbook der Architek, 4 theil, IV: 116 pp.
General American Coffee Growers' Association. Coffee growing by proxy. New York, 1895. 30 pp. Arnold, Edwin Lester Linden. Coffee: its cultivation and profit. London, 1886. 270 pp. BoËry, Pascal. Les plantes olÉagineuses et leurs produits; cacao, cafÉ.... Paris, 1888. Bourgoin d'Orli, P.H.F. Guide pratique de la culture du cafÉier et du cacaoyer suivi de la fabrication du chocolat. Paris, 1876. Brougier, A. Der Kaffee, dessen Kultur und Handel. 1897. Brown, Alexander. The coffee planter's manual, with which is added a variety of information useful to planters, including the manuring of coffee estates. Colombo, 1880. 246 pp. Browne, D.J. On the cultivation of coffee. Washington, 1859. 12 pp. Burlamaqui, Frederico Leopoldo CÉsar. Monographia do cafÉeiro e do cafÉ. Rio de Janeiro, 1860. 62 pp. Camouilly. La plantation du cafÉ, en Nouvelle CalÉdonia. Paris, 1899. Civinni, G.D. Delle storiÆ naturae del caffÈ. Firenze, 1731. Cook, Orator Fuller. Shade in coffee culture. Washington, 1901. 79 pp. Cuevas, Hilario. Estudio prÁctico sobre el cultivo del cafÉ. MÉxico, 1895. 50 pp. Cunho, Agostino Rodriguez. De l'art de la culture du cafÉ et de sa propagation. Rio de Janeiro, 1844. d'Orli, P.H.F. Bourgoin. Culture du cafÉ, etc. Paris, 1874. FauchÈre, A. Culture pratique du cafÉier et preparation du cafÉ. Paris, 1908. 198 pp. Ferguson, John. The coffee planter's manual for both the Arabian and Liberian species. Colombo, 1898. 312 pp. Fuchs, M. Die geographische Verbreitung des KaffeebÄume. Leipzig, 1886. 72 pp. Garvens, Wilhelm. Kaffee: Kultur, Handel und Bereitung im Produktionslande. 2 ed. Hannover, 1913. 45 pp. —— Supplement to the report. London, 1848. 198 pp. Hanson, R. Culture and commerce of coffee. London, 1877. Herrera, Rafael. Estudio sobre la producciÓn del cafÉ. MÉxico, 1893. 141 pp. Huntington, L.M. Origin of oily coffee beans. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXIII: 228. International Bureau of the American Republics, Washington, D.C. Coffee in America. Methods of production and facilities for successful cultivation in Mexico, the Central American states, Brazil and other South American countries, and the West Indies. 1893. 36 pp. Jacotot, A. La culture du cafÉ, son avenir dans les colonies franÇaises. Paris, 1910. 191 pp. JimÉnez Nunez, Enrique. Medios prÁctios para evitar que las mieles de cafÉ infecten las aguas de los rios. Guadalupe, 1902. Jotapen, JosÉ. Cultivation and preparation of coffee for the market. Aberdeen, 1915. 102 pp. Jumelle, Henri. Plantes À sucre, cafÉ, cacao, thÉ, matÉ. In his, Les cultures coloniales. Paris, 1913. v. 3. Kramers, J.G. Verslag omtrent de proeftuinen en andere mededeelingen over koffie. Batavia, 1899–1904. 4v. Laerne, C.F. Van Delden. Brazil and Java. Report on coffee culture in America, Asia and Africa, to H.E. the minister of the colonies. London, 1885. 637 pp. Also in Dutch and French. Lascelles, Arthur Rowley William. A treatise on the nature and cultivation of coffee; with some remarks on the management and purchase of coffee estates. London, 1865. 71 pp. Le Comte, C.E.A. Culture et production du cafÉ dans les colonies. Paris, 1865. Lecomte, Henri. Le cafÉ: culture, manipulation, production. Paris, 1899. 342 pp. Lievano, Indalecio. Instruccion popular sobre meteorolojia agricola, i especialmente sobre el aÑil i el cafÉ. Bogota, 1868. 18 pp. McClelland, T.B. Effect of different methods of transplanting coffee. Washington, 1917. 11 pp. —— Some profitable and unprofitable coffee lands. Washington, 1917. 13 pp. McCulloch, R. William. Coffee-growing and its preparation for market. Brisbane, Australia, 1893. Madriz, F.J. Cultivo del cafÉ seu manual theoricopratico sobre beneficio de este frute con mayores ventajas para al agricultor. Paris, 1869. Meitzky, Jo.-Henry. De vario coffeÆ potum parandi modo. WittebergiÆ, 1788. Middleton, W.H. Manual of coffee planting. Durban, 1866. Milhon. Dissertation sur le caffeyer. Montpellier, 1746. Monnereau, Élie. Le parfait indigotier; ou Description de l'indigo ... ensemble un traitÉ sur la culture de cafÉ. Amsterdam and Marseilles, 1765. 238 pp. Morren, F.W. Die arbeiter auf einer Kaffee-plantage. 1900. —— Werkzaamheden op eene koffieonderneming. Handleiding voor opzichters bij de koffie-cultuur. Amsterdam, 1896. 266 pp. Nicol, R. A treatise on coffee, its properties and the best mode of keeping and preparing it. 4th ed. London, 1832. Owen, T.C. First year's work on a coffee plantation. Colombo, 1877. 55 pp. Pierrot, Édouard. Culture pratique et rationelle du cafÉier et prÉparation du grain pour la vente. Paris, 1906. 95 pp. Rossignen, Julio. Manual del cultivo del cafÉ, etc., in la America EspaÑola. Paris, 1859. Simmonds, P.L. Coffee and chicory, their culture, chemical composition, preparation, etc. London, 1864. 102 pp. —— Tropical agriculture. London, 1887. (p. 27–79 deal with coffee.) Tytler, R.B. Prospects of coffee production. Aberdeen, 1878. Ugarte, JosÉ P. The cultivation and preparation of coffee for the market. London, 1916. 124 pp. Wildeman, Em. de. Les cafÉiers. Bruxelles, 1901. —— Les plantes tropicales de grande culture—cafÉ, cacao, coca, vanilla, etc. Bruxelles, 1902. 304 pp. Zimmermann, Albrecht. Over het enten van koffie volgens de methode van den Heer D. Butin Schaap. Batavia, 1904. 54 pp. Periodicals Aubry-le-Comte. Culture et production du cafÉ dans les colonies. Revue Mar. et Col., Oct., 1865. Beugless, J.D. Coffee in its home. Overland Monthly, II: 319. Caswell, G.W. Coffee in our new islands. Overland Monthly, n. s. XXXII: 459. Coffee cultivation in the New World. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1893: 321–325. Cultivation and preparation of coffee. Great Britain. Imperial Institute, Bulletin, 1915, XIII: 260–296. de Vere, M.S. Culture and use of coffee. Harper's Magazine, XLIV: 237. Fesca, Max. Über Kaffeekultur. Jour. Landw. 1897, XLV:13–41. Hagen, J. De Koffiecultuur. Onze Kol. Landbouw No. 7. 1914. Hayward, C.B. Coffee and coffee culture. Scientific American, 1904, XCI: 189, 194–195. Linnean Society. Proceedings, 1875–1880, contain articles on coffee culture. Loew, Oscar. Fermation of cacao and of coffee. Porto Rico Agricultural Experiment Station. Report, 1907. pp. 41–55. Marcano, V. Essais d'agronomie tropicale. Ann. sci. agron. 1891, II: 119–152. Peatfield, J.J. Culture of coffee. Overland Monthly, XIII: 323. Rost, Eugen C. Coffee growing. Scientific American Supplement, 1902, LIV: 22189–22190. Torrens, J.H. Hydro-electric installation on a coffee plantation. General Electric Review, 1915. XVIII: 219–222. —— Electricity on a coffee finca. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 418–421. Regional ABYSSINIA Southard, Addison E. The story of Abyssinia's coffees. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXIV: 212–215: 324–329. AFRICA, NORTHERN RiviÈre, Charles. Le cafÉier dans l'Afrique du nord. Paris, 1903. Coffee cultivation in Angola. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1894: 161–163. ARGENTINE Argentine Republic. Departamento nacional de tierras, colonias y agricultura. El cafÉ. (Coffea arabica) Buenos Aires, 1896. 22 pp. AUSTRALIA Jackson, Henry Vaughan. The cultivation of coffee. Sydney, 1908. 8 pp. Reprinted from Agricultural Gazette, June, 1908. Newport, H. Coffee cultivation in Queensland. Philippine Agricultural Review, 1910, III: 514–524. Also, Queensland Agricultural Journal, 1910, XXIV, pt. 6; XXV, pt. 1. BRAZIL Berthoule. La culture di cafÉier au BrÉsil, communication faite a la SociÉtÉ nationale d'acclimation de France. March 28, 1890. Brazil and coffee. Souvenir of the Louisiana purchase exposition. 1904. 28 pp. CaffÈ, Il: la coltivazione, la produzione, le imitazione, le falsificazioni, il valore economico, il fisiologico, appendice. Rio Janeiro, 1910. 98 pp. Cruwell, G.A. and others. Brazil as a coffee-growing country. Colombo, 1878. 150 pp. da Costa Santos, H. Consideracoes sobre o nosso cafÉ. Rio Janeiro, 1881. 19 pp. Dafert, F.W. De bemesting en het drogen van kaffie in Brazilia. Amsterdam, 1898. 250 pp. —— Über die gegenwÄrtige Lage des Kaffeebaus in Brazilien. Amsterdam, 1898. Also in English, 1900; French, Paris, 1900. Dahne, Eugenio. The story of SÃo Paulo coffee from plantation to cup. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1915, XXVIII: 127. de Oltveira, Luiz Torquato, Marques. Novo methodo da plantaÇÃo fecundidade, durabilidade estrumaÇÃo e conservaÇÃo do cafÉ e extincÇÃo das formigas, exposto em beneficio da agricultura do Brasil e lugares cafeeiros, offerecido aos agricultores. Rio de Janeiro, 1863. 30 pp. Empire of Brazil at the World's industrial and cotton centennial exposition of New Orleans, The. New York, 1885. 71 pp. Koebel, Rothery and Tweney, editors. Enciclopedia de la America del sur. Agriculture, Brazil, v. I; SÃo Paulo, v. IV. London and Buenos Aires, 1913. LaliÈre, Amour. Le cafÉ dans l'État de Saint Paul (BrÉsil). Paris, 1909. 417 pp. Misson, Luis, and TÉllez O. Cultivo y beneficio del cafÉ en el Brazil: cÓmo se hacen en el estado de SÃo Paulo. MÉxico, 1907. 30 pp. O Fazendeiro; revista mensal de agricultura, industria e commercio, dedicada, especialmente, aos interesses da lavoura cafÉeiro. Anno 1, SÃo Paulo, 1908. Pacheco e Silva, Persio. Do cafÉ no o Éste de S. Paulo. SÃo Paulo, 1910. 64 pp. Peckholt, Theodoro. Monographia do cafÉ. In his, Historia das plantas alimentares e de gozo do Brazil, v. 5. 1871–84. SÃo Paulo, Brazil. Secretaria da agricultura, commercio e obras publicas. Il caffÈ. Brevi notizie per Eugenio LefÉvre. 1904. 68 pp. Schuurman, G.A.E. De koffie-cultuur in BraziliË. Amsterdam, 1901. 67 pp. Smith, H.H. Brazil: Amazona and the coast. (Special chapters on coffee) London, 1880. —— Culture of coffee in Brazil. Scribner's Magazine, XIX: 225. Penny Magazine, IX: 484. Story of SÃo Paulo coffee from plantation to cup. Pan American Union. Bulletin, 1915, XLI: 370–378. Teixeira, C. O cafÉ do Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, 1883. 24 pp. Ward. R.D. Visit to the Brazilian coffee country. National Geographic Magazine, 1911, XXII: 908–931. CENTRAL AMERICA Cater, R.W. Coffee in Central America. Chambers' Journal, LXXVI: 570. Choussy, Felix. Cultivo racional del cafÉ en centro AmÉrica. San Salvador, 1917. 92 pp. Fox, Alvin. Coffee growing in Central America. Simmons' Spice Mill, 1918, XLI: 420–421. CEYLON Abbay, R. Culture of coffee in Ceylon. Households Words, III: 109. Also, Nature, XIV: 375. Cruwell, G.A. Liberian coffee in Ceylon. Colombo, 1878. Hull, E.C.P. Coffee planting in southern India and Ceylon. London, 1877. 324 pp. Keen, W. Coffee cultivation in Ceylon. London, 1871. Lewis, G.C. Coffee planting in Ceylon. Colombo, 1855. SabonadiÈre, William. The coffee-planter of Ceylon. London, 1870. 216 pp. —— O fazendeiro de cafÉ em CeylÃo. Rio de Janerio, 1875, 196 pp. Van Spall, P.W.A. Verslag over de koffij en kaneelkultuur op het eiland Ceijlon. Batavia, 1863. COLOMBIA Saenz, Nicolas. Memoria sobre el cultivo del cafeto. Bogota, 1892. 65 pp. Also in French, Bruxelles, 1894. 121 pp. COSTA RICA Calvo, J.B. Coffee, its origin and propagation, its introduction and cultivation in Costa Rica. American Republics Bureau. Monthly Bulletin. 1904, XVIII: 1–6; 111–115. —— Report on coffee with special reference to the Costa Rican product. Bureau of American Republics. Publications. Washington, 1901, 15 pp. Costa Rica. Government. Estudio É informe sobre el cafÉ de Costa Rica. San JosÉ, 1900. 48 pp. Field, Walter J. Coffee culture and preparation in Costa Rica. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1908, XV: 13. Schroeder, John. Coffee culture in Costa Rica. San JosÉ, 1890. 4 pp. CUBA Borrero y EchevebrÍa, EstÉban. El CafÉ. Apuntes para una monografia. Habana, 1890. 46 pp. Coffee grounds of Cuba. All-the-Year, XXIV: 61. FernÁndez y JimÉnez, JosÉ MarÍa. Agricultura cubana. 3 ed. Habana, 1868. 69 pp. Fox, Alvin. Coffee culture in Cuba and Porto Rico. Simmons' Spice Mill, 1918, XLI: 1356–1359. Hillman, Joseph. Coffee planting. New York, 1902. 16 pp. Old Cuban coffee plantations. Harper's Weekly, 1908, LII: 31. EAST INDIES Arntzenius, G. Cultuur en volk. Beschouwingen over de gouvernementskoffie-cultuur op Java. 's Gravenhage, 1891. 158 pp. Chalot, C. and Thillard, R. Le cafÉ À Java. 1914. Coffee enterprise in the East Indies. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1893: 123–124. Cramer, P.J.S. Gegevens over de variabiliteit van de in Nederlandsch-IndiË verbouwde koffie-soorten. Batavia, 1913. 696 pp. Dumont, A. Consideraciones sobre el cultivo del cafÉ en esta isla. Havana, 1823. Koffiecultuur. Tijdsch. voor Nederlandsch-IndiË, 1901, ser. 2, V: 168–175. Nederlandsch-Indische maatschappij van nijwerheid en landbouw. Handleiding voor de gouvernements-koffiekultuur. Batavia, 1873. 56 pp. Parkhurst, E.T.Y. Coffees of the Dutch East Indies. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXV: 316–322; 416–420; 1919, XXXVI: 22–27; 118–122. Raedt Van Oldenbarnevelt, A.C. De koffie-cultuur op Java. 's Gravenhage, 1898. 48 pp. Smid, J.H. Handbook voor de kultuur der koffie in Oost en West IndiË. Middleburg, 1884. 112 pp. Van Ermel, W.K.L.K. Some facts about coffee in Palembang. Singapore, 1879. 16 pp. Van Gorkom, K.W. Groote cultuur in Nederlandsch Oostindie koffie. Haarlem, 1882. FEDERATED MALAY STATES Gallagher, William John. Coffee robusta. Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States, 1910. 7 pp. Liberian coffee at the Straits Settlements (C. Liberica bull.) Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. information, 1888: 261–263; 1890: 107–108, 245–253. Liberian coffee in the Malay native states. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1892: 277–282. FRENCH INDO-CHINA Briggs, Lawrence P. The coffee of French Indo-China. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXIII: 118–123. Cramer, P.J.S. Coffee plantations of Tonkin, Philippine Agricultural Review, 1910, III: 94–100. Paris. PrÉsident du syndicat des productions et explorateurs de Tourane. Le cafÉ d'Annam; Étude pratique sur sa culture. Tourane, Annam, 1895. 95 pp. GOLD COAST Coffee cultivation at the Gold Coast. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1895: 21–23; 1897: 325–328. GUADELOUPE Coffee in Guadeloupe. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII: 445. GUATEMALA Dieseldorff, E.P. Der Kaffeebaum. Praktische Erfahrungen Über seine Behandlung im nÖrdlichen Guatemala. Berlin, 1908. 36 pp. Morren, F.W. Koffiecultuur in Guatemale, met aanteekeningen betreffende de overige cultures de mijnen en den economischen toestand van deze republiek. Amsterdam, 1899. 142 pp. Parkhurst, E.T.Y. Coffee in Guatemala. Californian Magazine, II: 742. GUIANA Aublet, FusÉe. Histoire des plantes de la Guyane franÇaise. Observations sur la culture du cafÉ. Paris, 1775. Guiana (British) Permanent exhibitions committee. Cacao and coffee industries. Leaflet 6. 1911. 12 pp. HAWAII Great Britain. Foreign Office. Report on coffee culture in the Hawaiian Islands. London, 1897. 18 pp. (Diplomatic and Consular Reports. Miscellaneous Series, no. 425.) Hawaii. Board of Commissioners of Agriculture and Forestry. Culture of coffee. Hawaiian Forester and Agriculturist, 1911, VIII, no. 10. —— Blight-resistant coffees. Hawaiian Forester and Agriculturist, 1912, IX, no. 3. Haywood, Wm. Coffee culture in the Hawaiian Islands. Washington, 1898. 164 pp. McChesney, J.M. The great coffee corner. Hawaiian Forester and Agriculturist, 1911, VIII: 206–211. McClelland, J.L. Coffee culture in Hawaii. Overland Monthly, 1903, n.s. XLI: 170–178. United States Department of Agriculture. Division of Vegetable Physiology and Pathology. Circular No. 16. Danger of introducing a Central American coffee in Hawaii. Washington, 1898. Whitney, Henry Martyn. The Hawaiian coffee planter's manual. Honolulu, 1894. 48 pp. HAITI AND DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Inginac, G.B. Industrie agricole. Culture du cafÉier et prÉparation de la fÈve pour Être livrÉe au commerce. Port-au-Prince, 1840. 22 pp. Laborie, P.J. The coffee planter of Saint Domingo. Colombo, 1845. 204 pp. —— An abridgment of the coffee planter of Saint Domingo. Madras, 1863. 83 pp. Prestoe, H. Report on coffee cultivation in Dominica. Trinidad, 1875. HONDURAS, BRITISH Coffee cultivation in British Honduras. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1892: 253–259. INDIA Anstead, R.D. Coffee, its cultivation and manuring in South India. Bangalore, 1915. 3 pp. Anderson, G. Coffee culture in Mysore. Bangalore, 1879. Arnold, E.L. On the Indian hills, or coffee planting in Southern India. London, 1895. 350 pp. Cultivation of coffee in India. Scientific American Supplement, 1900, L: 20620. Culture of coffee in South Travancore. Fraser's Magazine, XC: 64. Elliott, R.H. Planter in Mysore. London, 1871. Elliot, Robert H. Gold, sport, and coffee planting in Mysore. Westminster, 1894. 480 pp. Experiences of a coffee planter in Southern India. Frasers' Magazine, XVIX: 703. Coffee planting in Southern India. Spectator, LV: 664. Hybrid coffee in Mysore. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1898: 30 and 207. India. Statistical Department. The coffee crop in Coorg. Simla, 1885. —— The cultivation of coffee in India. Simla, 1898, 6 pp. Watson, J.D. Liberian coffee cultivation in Tavoy. Tavoy, Burma, 1893. 5 pp. JAVA (see EAST INDIES) KAFFA Bieber, Frederick J. Die Kaffee- und Baumwolle-Kultur in Kaffa. Zeitschrift fÜr Kolonialpolitik, Kolonialrecht und Kolonial-wirtschaft, 1908, X: 774–781. KONGO FREE STATE Manuel pratique de la culture du cafÉier et du cacaoyer au Congo Belge. MinistÈre des colonies, Bruxelles, 1908. 96 pp. LAGOS Coffee planting in Lagos. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull, of Misc. Information, 1896: 77–79. LIBERIA Boutilly, V. Le cafÉier de LibÉria, sa culture et sa manipulation. Paris, 1900. 137 pp. Felle, W. Veeljarige waarnemingen en ondervindingen van een Liberia-koffieplanter. 1894. Morren, F.W. Cultuur bereiding en handel van Liberia koffie. Amsterdam, 1894. 36 pp. Morris, Sir Daniel. Notes on Liberian coffee, its history and cultivation. Jamaica, 1881. 14 pp. MADAGASCAR Buis, J. L'HÉmileia et L'avenir du cafÉier À Madagascar, et À la RÉunion. 1907. Rigaud, A. TraitÉ pratique de la culture du cafÉ dans la rÉgion centrale de Madagascar. Paris, 1896. 102 pp. MEXICO Cook, J.D. American coffee culture in Mexico. World Today, 1907, XII: 413–418. Fox, Alvin. Coffee culture in southern Mexico. Simmons' Spice Mill, 1918, XLI: 1080–1081. GÓmez, Gabriel. Cultivo y beneficio del cafÉ. MÉxico, 1894. 136 pp. Also in English. Ludewig, H. Jaun. Veinte aÑos trabajos de colonizaciÓn y el cultivo del cafeto en Soconusco. MÉxico, 1909. 53 pp. MoncÀda, M. Notas sobre el cultivo y beneficio del cafÉ. Memorias y revista de la Sociedad cientÍfica "Antonio Alzate," 1905–6, XXIII: 281–287. Romero, MatÍas. Cultivo del cafÉ en la costa meridional de Chiapas. 3 ed. MÉxico, 1875. 240 pp. —— El cultivo del cafÉ en la repÚblica mexicana. 2 ed. MÉxico, 1893. 127 pp. Also in English, New York, 1901. 74 pp. —— El estado de Oaxaca. Barcelona, 1886. 212 pp. Terry, E.G.C. Near view of coffee in Mexico. Pan American Union. Bulletin. 1914, XXXIX: 903–906. Terry, L.M. Coffee culture in Mexico. Overland Monthly, 1901, n. s. XXXVII: 702–709. Torres, J.T. Ensayo experimental sobre el cafÉ MÉxico, 1876. Yorba, J. Mexican coffee culture. 2 ed. MÉxico, 1895. 64 pp. NATAL Natal. Commission appointed to inquire into and report upon matters relating to coffee cultivation in the colony. Report. Maritzburg, 1881. 6 pp. Stainbank, H.E. Coffee in Natal; its culture and preparation. London, 1874. 78 pp. NICARAGUA Shedd, W.J. The story of Matagalpa coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXIV: 118–122. PARAGUAY Coffee growing in Paraguay. Scientific American Supplement, 1914, LXXVIII: 340. PORTO RICO Linck, J.H. Arbor caffÉ Lipsiae florens. Extrait factice des Ephem. Acad. naturae curiosorum. 1725. 7 pp. McClelland, Thomas B. Suggestions on coffee planting for Porto Rico. Porto Rico Agricultural Experiment Station. Circular, no. 15. Also in Spanish. McClelland, T.B. Restoring Porto Rico coffee. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXV: 420–421. National Coffee Growers' Association. Some facts about Porto Rico coffee. 1913. Van Leenhoff, Johannes W. Coffee planting in Porto Rico. Mayaguez, 1904. 14 pp. PORTUGUESE COLONIES Sociedade de Geooraphiade Lisboa. ExposiÇÃo colonial de algodÃo, borracha, cacau e cafÉ. 1906. 104 pp. SIERRA LEONE Highland coffee of Sierra Leone (Coffea stenophylla, C. Don). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1896: 189–191. SOUTH AMERICA Fox, Alvin. Liberian coffee in South America. Simmons' Spice Mill, 1918, XLI: 549–550. TRINIDAD Trinidad coffee. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1888: 129–133. UGANDA Brown, E. and Hunter, H.H. Planting in Uganda; coffee, ParÁ rubber, cocoa. London, 1913. 176 pp. Coffee and tea from Uganda. Imperial Institute. Bulletin. London, 1918, XVI. Small, W. Coffee cultivation in Uganda. Imperial Institute. Bulletin. 1914, XII: 242–250. UNITED STATES Jones, A.C. Thea viridis, or Chinese tea plant, and the practicability of its culture and manufacture in the United States. Also some remarks on the cultivation of the coffee plant. Washington, 1877. 26 pp. Kains, M.G. Chicory growing as an addition to the resources of the American farmer. U.S. Depart. of Agriculture. Div. of Botany. Bulletin, no. 19. Washington, 1898. VENEZUELA Ernst, A. El cafÉ de Liberia Én VÉnÉzuela. Caracas, 1878. Huntington, L.M. The story of Tachira coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXIII: 318–325. Junta de aclimatacion cuestionario sobre el cultivo del cafÉ. Caracas, 1895. 42 pp. Pelacios, G. Delgado. ContribuciÓn al estudio del cafÉ en Venezuela. Caracas, 1895. 93 pp. WEST INDIES Lowndes, John. The coffee-planter; or, An essay on the cultivation and manufacturing of that article of West-India produce. London, 1807. 76 pp. SOILS Clarke, T. On the management of soils under coffee in Madras. Madras Agricultural Exhibit. Report. 1883. FauchÈre, A. Du choix du terrain dans la culture du cafÉier. Colonie de Madagascar and Dependances. Bulletin Économique, 1907, VII: 349–353. Hughes, J. Ceylon coffee soils and manures. London, 1879. Kenny, J. Tea, coffee, tobacco (manuring, etc.) 1910. Kramers, J.G. Verslag omtrent grondanalyses van koffietuinen. Batavia, 1902. 86 pp.
Aulmann, G. and La BaumÉ, M. Die Faune der deutcher Kolonien. Pt. 2. Die SchÄdlinge des Kaffees. Berlin, 1911. Burck, W. Over de oorzaken van den achteruitgang von de gouvernementskoffie-cultuur op Java. 1896. —— Over de koffiebladziekte en de middelen om haar te bestrijden. Batavia, 1887:61. Bidie, G. Report on the ravages of the bore in coffee estates. Madras, 1869. 93 pp. Bosse. J. von. Eenige beschouwingen omtrent de oorzaken van den achterintgang von de koffie-cultuur der Sumatra's Westkust, etc. 's Gravenhage, 1895. Cameron, John. Prevention of leaf disease in coffee; report of a visit to Coorg. 1899. 23 pp. Cooke, M.C. Two coffee diseases. Popular Science Review, XV:161. Delacroix, Georges. Les maladies et les ennemis des cafÉiers. Paris, 1900. 212 pp. Ernst, Adolf. Estudios sobre las deformaciones, enfermedades y enemigos del arbol de cafÉ en Venezuela. Caracas, 1878. 21 pp. Goeldi, Emil August. Memoria sobre una enfermedad del cafeto en la provincia Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. MÉxico, 1894. 118 pp. Green, E.E. Observations on the green scale bug in connection with the cultivation of coffee. Colombo, 1886. 4 pp. Harman, F.E. Report on coffee leaf miner disease. Mysore Government. Bangalore, 1880. 41 pp. India. Mysore. Department of Agriculture. Short report of a tour made in Coorg during February and March, 1914. (Green bug on coffee.) 1914. 3 pp. Koningsberger, J.C. De dierlijke vijanden der koffie-cultuur op Java. Batavia, 1897–1901. 2 pts. Kuyper, J. Een fusicladium-ziekte op hevea. De zilver-draad-ziekte der koffie in Suriname. De gevolgen van keukenzout-houdend water voor begieting en bespuiting. 1913. LemariÉ, Charles. Une maladie du cafÉier. Hanoi, 1899. 6 pp. Massee, G.E. Coffee diseases of the New World, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1909: 337–341. MÉxico. Ministerio de Fomento, ColonizaciÓn É Industria. La fumagina y el pulgÓn de los cafetos en la RepÚblica Mexicana. 1897. 11 pp. Misson, Luis, and TÉllez, O. Cultivo y beneficio del cafÉ en el Brasil: cÓmo se hacen en el estado de SÃo Paulo, por Luis Misson; y Plagas del cafeto en MÉxico, por O. TÉllez. MÉxico, 1907. 30 pp. (Mexico, 1867-republic. ComisiÓn de Parasitologia Agricola. Circular 70.) Neitner, J. The coffee tree and its enemies in Ceylon. Colombo, 1880. 32 pp. Peelen, H.J.E. Eenige opmerkingen omtrent de koffie bladziekte. 1888. Prins, H.J. De oeret-plaag in de koffietuinen op Java. 1884. Sadebeck, R. Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen Über die durch Hemileia vastatrix verursachte Blattfleckenkrankheiten der KaffeebÄume. MÜnchen, 1895. 9 pp. Smith, Jared G. Two plant diseases in Hawaii. Honolulu, 1904. 6 pp. Thierry, A.J. Notes sur le greffage du cafÉier, du cacaoyer et du muscadier et la maladie vermiculaire du cafÉier. 1899. 77 pp. Reprinted from Bulletin agricole de la Martinique. Tins, H.J. De veret-plaag in de koffietuinen op Java. Enschede, 1885. 86 pp. Tonduz, Adolfo. Informe sobre la enfermedad del cafeto. San JosÉ (Costa Rica), 1893. 28 pp. Van Romunde, R. Koffiebladziekte en koffie kultuur. 's Gravenhage, 1892. 92 pp. Zacher, Friedrich. Die wichtigsten Krankheiten und SchÄdlinge der tropischen Kulturpflanzen und ihre BekÄmpfung. Hamburg, 1914. Zimmermann, Albrecht. De nematoden der koffiewortels. Batavia, 1898–1900. 2v. Periodicals Botanical Magazine, London, 1787–1904. Coffee arabica, XXXII, tab. 1303; CXXII, tab. 7475; coffee benghalensis, LXXXII, tab. 4917; coffee stenophylla, CXXII, tab. 7475; coffee travacarensis, coffee trifiora, CX, tab. 6749. Cook, Melville Thurston. The coffee leaf miner. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Bureau of Entomology. Bulletin, 1905, n. s. LII: 97–99. Cook, M.T. and Horne, W.T. Coffee leaf miner and other coffee pests. Santiago, 1905. 21 pp. (Cuba, 1902-republic. EstaciÓn central agronÓmica. Boletin 3. English and Spanish ed.) Faber, F.C. von. Die Krankheiten und SchÄdlinge des Kaffees. Centralblatt fÜr Bakteriologie, Abteilung 2. 1908, XXI: 97–117. Fawcett, George L. Fungus diseases of coffee in Porto Rico. Porto Rico Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 17. Giard, A. Sur deux cochenilles nouvelles Ortheziola fodiens nov. spec, et Rhizoecus Eloti nov. spec., parasites des racines du cafÉier a la Guadeloupe. Comptes rendus de la SociÉtÉ de Biologie, 1897. GÖldi, E.A. Relatorio sobre a molestia do cafÉeiro na provincia do Rio de Janeiro. Archivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, 1892, VIII: 7–121. Mann, B.P. Coffee leaf miner. American Naturalist, VI: 332–596. Marchal, Paul. Sur un nouvel ennemi du cafÉier; le "Xyleborus coffeÆ." Journal d'Agriculture tropicale, 1909, IX:227–228. Morris, D. Coffee-leaf disease of Ceylon. Nature, XX: 557. Morstatt, Hermann Albert. Die SchÄdlinge und Krankheiten des Kaffeebaumes in Ostafrika. Zeitschrift fÜr Land- und Forstwirtschaft in Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1912, VIII, Juli. Tea and coffee diseases. Royal gardens, Kew, Bulletin, 1899, CLI–CLII: 89–133. Van der Weele, H.W. Ein neuer javanischer kaffeeschÄlding. Xyleborus coffeivorus nov. spec. East Indies, Dutch. Department van Landbouw. Bulletin, 1910, XXXV. Zoologie 5. pp. 1–6. Zimmermann, Albrecht. De kanker (Rostellaziekte) van Coffea arabica. Buitenzorg, Java. Jardin botanique. Mededeelingen uit 's Lands plantentuin, 1900, XXXVII: 24–62. GENERAL WORKS Descriptive, Historical, Etc. Abbal, L. Étude sur le cafÉ. Montpellier, 1885. Abendroth, G.F. De coffea. Lipsiae, 1825. Alcott, William Alexander. Tea and coffee. Boston, 1839. 174 pp. Alves de Lima, J.C. Some revelations about the cultivation, the commerce and the use of coffee. Syracuse, N.Y., 1901, 16 pp. Blount (Blunt), Sir Henry. An epistle in praise of tobacco and coffee, prefixed to a little treatise entitled Organum Salutis. London, 1657. Bontekos, C. Tractaat van het excellente kruyd thee. I. Van de coffi. 's Gravenhage, 1679. Brill, Marbuger. Dissertation sur le cafÉ. 1862. Buc'hoz, P.J. Dissertation sur le cafÉ Paris, 1787. Chevallier, Alphonse. Du cafÉ, son historique, son usage, son utilitÉ, ses altÉrations, ses succÉdanÉs et ses falsifications, etc. Paris, 1862. 68 pp. Cornaillac, G. El cafÉ, la vainilla, el cacao y el tÉ, cultivo, preparaciÓn, exportaciÓn, clasificaciÓn comercial, gastos, rendimiento. Barcelona, 1903. 480 pp. Coubard d'Aulnay, G.E. Monographie du cafÉ, ou manuel de l'amateur du cafÉ, ouvrage contenant la description et la culture du cafÉier, l'histoire du cafÉ, ses caractÈres commierciaux, sa prÉparation et ses propriÉtÉs. Paris, 1832. Cripet, Dr. Histoire et physiologie du cafÉ. Paris, 1846. Delrue-Schrevens, L. Le cafÉ: Étude historique et commerciale. Tournai, 1886. 90 pp. de Vaux, Antoine Alexis FranÇois, Cadet. Dissertation sur le cafÉ; son historique, ses propriÉtÉs, et le procÉdÉ pour en obtenir la boisson la plus agrÉable, etc. Paris, 1807. 119 pp. Douglas, James. Arbor yemensis fructum cofÈ ferens: or, A description and history of the coffee tree. London, 1727. 60 pp. Duchartre, P. Plantes alimentaires. De l'usage du cafÉ, du thÉ, et du chocolat. Paris, 1865. Dufour, Philippe S. Traitez nouveaux et curieux du cafÉ, du thÉ, et du chocolat. Lyons, 1671, 1684; La Haye, 1693. Dumas, Leon. Le pays du cafÉ. 1885. Eggerth, J. De coffea. BudÆ, 1833. Ellis, John. An historical account of coffee. London, 1774. 71 pp. Étrennes À tous les amateurs de cafÉ; contenant l'histoire, la description, la culture, les propriÉtÉs de ce vÉgÉtal. Paris, 1790. 2 pts. in 1 v. Franklin, Alfred. La vie privÉe d'autrefois. Paris, 1893. Fauchon, L.J. Sur le cafÉ, Paris, 1815. Galland, A. De l'origine et du progrez du cafÉ. Sur un manuscrit arabe de la BibliothÉque du Roy. Paris, 1699. Galland, Antoine. A treatise upon the origin of coffee. London, 1695. Gentil, M. Dissertation sur le caffÉ. 1787. 180 pp. Georgius, J.C.S. De coffee. TubingÆ, 1752. Girard, A.L. Les sucres, le cafÉ, le thÉ, le chocolat. Paris, 1907. 96 pp. Gmelin, John George. Dissertation de coffee. TubingÆ, 1752. Gray, Arthur, comp. Over the black coffee. New York, 1902. 108 pp. Gubian, J.M.A. Sur le cafÉ. Paris, 1814. Guillot, A. Le cafÉ. Toulon, 1883. Hewitt, Robert, Jr. Coffee: its history, cultivation, and uses. New York, 1872. 102 pp. Houghton, John. Account of coffee. 1699. Hull, E.C.P. Coffee, its physiology, history and cultivation. Madras, 1865. James, Robert. Treatise on tobacco, tea, coffee and chocolate. London, 1745. Jardin, EdÉlestan. Jomand, J. Du cafÉ. Paris, 1860. Keable, B.B. Coffee from grower to consumer. London, 1910. 120 pp. Koebel, Rothery and Tweney, editors. Enciclopedia de la America del Sur. Coffee in South America, v. II: 14. London and Buenos Aires., 1913. Kramers, J.G. Waarnemingen en beschouwingen naar aanleiding van eene reis in de koffie. Batavia, 1898. 101 pp. Kruger, John G. Gedanken, vom Kaffee, Thee und Taback. 1743. Labat, Le P. TraitÉ de la culture du cafÉ, dans un nouveau voyage aux iles de l'AmÉrique. Paris, 1722. Lalou. Du cafÉ: son origine, le temps de sa dÉcouverte et celui ou l'on commence À en faire usage. Rouen, 1843. Law, W. The history of coffee, including a chapter on chicory. London, 1850. Le Ple, A. Le cafÉ: histoire, science, hygiÈne. Rouen, 1877. 38 pp. Lock, Charles George Warnford. Coffee: its culture and commerce in all countries. London, 1888. 264 pp. Lodge, J.L. Coffee. Birmingham, 1894. 14 pp. Maatschappij tot nut van't algemeen. Bijdragen tot de kennis van de voornaamste voortbrengselen van Nederlandsch IndiË. Amsterdam, 1860–61. v. II. De koffij. MacÉ, C. Du cafÉ. Paris, 1853. Marcus, C.J. De coffea. Leipzig, 1837. MartÍnez, Emiliano. Memoria sobre el cafÉ; su cultivo, beneficio, maquinas en uso, escojida, exijencias de los mercados, y otros conocimientos utiles. 2 ed. Nueva Orleans, 1887. 61 pp. Meyner. TraitÉ sur le cafÉ. 1624. Miedan, C. Du cafÉ. Paris, 1862. Moreira, N.J. Breve consideraÇoes sobre historia e cultura do cafÉeiro e consume de seus productes. Rio de Janeiro, 1873. Nairon, Antoine Faustus. De saluberrima potione cahue, seu cafÉ nuncupata discursus. Romae, 1671. Natur gemÆssige Beschreibung der Coffee, etc. Hamburg, 1684. Niebuhr, Karstens. Description de l'Arabie. Amsterdam, 1774. —— Travels through Arabia performed. London, 1792. Neubert, J. Der Kaffee. WÜrzburg, 1838. Novi tractatus de potu caphÉ; de chinensium thÉ; et de chocolata. GenevÆ, 1699. Oldmixon, John. Het Britannische ryk in Amerika, zynde eene beschryving van de ontdekking, bevolking, inwoonders, het klimaat, den koophandel, en tegenwoordigen staat van alle de Britannische coloniËn, in dat gedeelte der wereldt. Uit het Engelsch, als mede een omstandig Berecht aangaande de koffy en koffy-plantery uit het Fransch vertaald. Amsterdam, 1721. 2v. Pan American Union. Coffee. Washington, D. C. 1901. Paulli, S. A treatise on tobacco, tea, coffee and chocolate.... (tr. by Dr. James) London, 1746. Penilleau, Auguste. Étude sur le cafÉ, au point de vue historique, physiologique, hygiÉnique et alimentaire. Paris, 1864. 90 pp. Pennetier, G. Le cafÉ. Paris, 1878. Peters, F. De potu caffi. GiessÆ Hassorum, 1666. Pringle, W. Science and coffee. Madras, 1897. 66 pp. QuÉlus, de. Histoire naturelle du cacao, et du cafÉ, etc. Amsterdam, 1720. Ramsey (Rumsey), Walter. Organum salutis; or experiments on the virtue of coffee and tobacco. London, 1657. Raoul, Édouard FranÇois Armand. Culture du cafÉier, semis, plantations, taille, cueillette, de pulpation, dÉcorticage, expÉdition, commerce, espÈces et races. 2 ed. Paris, 1897. 251 pp. Reichenbach, Anton Benedict. Der Kaffeebaum, seine Verbreitung, Kulturgeschichte und natÜrliche Beschaffenheit, der Kaffeehandel und die Consumtion des Kaffee's, seine medicinische Anwendung, die Kaffeesurrogate und der Anbau der gangbarsten Sorten. Berlin, 1867. 92 pp. Rendle, A.B. and W.G. Freeman. Encyclopedia Britannica. 11th ed. v. 6: 646. Robin, L. MÉmoire sur le cafÉ, sur sa culture, son commerce, ses propriÉtÉs physiologiques, thÉrapeutiques et alimentaires. Abbeville, 1864. Roques, Joseph. TraitÉ historique de l'origine et de progres du cafÉ, tant dans l'Europe, de son introduction en France et de l'etablissement de son usage À Paris. Paris, 1715. Rumford, Count (Benjamin Thompson). Of the excellent qualities of coffee, and the art of making it in the highest perfection. Essay XVIII. pp. 155–207. Splitzerber. Drey Tractate von CafÉ, ThÉ und Chocolate. Budissin, 1688. Spon, J. De l'usage du caphÉ, du thÉ, et du chocolat. Paris, 1671. Tarr, A. De coffea. Pestini, 1836. Hungarian text. Thompson, Benjamin. (See Rumford, Count.) Thompson, William Gilman. Coffee. Composition; method of preparation; physiological action; adulteration; substitutes. In his, Practical dietetics, 1909. pp. 252–257. Thurber, Francis Beatty. Coffee: from plantation to cup. New York, 1881. 416 pp. Togni, M. Raccolta delle singolari qualitÁ del caffÈ. Venetia, 1675. Van den Berg, Norbert Pieter. Historical-statistical notes on the production and consumption of coffee. Batavia, 1880. 92 pp. Vilardebo, J. El tabaco y el cafÉ. Barcelona, 1888. 142 pp. Walsh, Joseph M. Coffee: its history, classification and description. Philadelphia, 1894. 309 pp. Welter, H. Essai sur l'histoire du cafÉ. Paris, 1868. Periodicals Ahlenius, Karl. Kaffe, te och rÖrsocker, deras ursprungliga hem och viktigaste produktionsomrÅden. Ymer, 1903, XXIII: 242–268. Bannister, Richard. Sugar, coffee, tea and cocoa, their origin, preparation, and uses. Journal of the Society of Arts, XXXVIII: 1000–1014. Branson, W.P. Coffee. Journal of the Society of Arts, 1874, XXII: 456–461. Coffee. Leisure Hour, 1882, XXXI: 45–48. Coffee King. Chambers' Journal, LXXXII: 23. Coffee infusion. Medical Standard, 1913, XXXVI: 52–56. de Jussieu. Histoire du cafÉ. Histoire de l'AcadÉmie Royal des Sciences, 1713; MÉmoires, 1716: 291. Dewey, Stoddard. How coffee came to Paris. English Illustrated Magazine, 1898, XX: 312–315. Ferris, W.M. Coffee. Nation, XXXIV: 192; Leisure Hour, XXXI: 45. GuÉrin, P. Le cafÉ. Revue Scientifique, 1908, ser. 5. X: 486–494. Harris, William B. Some coffees of today. Good Housekeeping, 1913, LVII: 264–268. Heraud, Aug. Fred. Le cafÉ. Science et Nature, Feb. 28, 1885, p. 209. History and cultivation of coffee. Godey's Lady's Book, LIV: 51. Hoffman, Paul. Aus dem ersten Jahrhundert des Kaffees. Zeitschrift fÜr Kulturgeschichte, 1901, VIII: 405–441, IX: 90–104. Jackson, J.R. Coffee. Nature, 11: 126; Blackwells' Magazine, LXXV: 86; Household Words, V: 562; Penny Magazine, 1: 49. Lesson, RenÉ-PrimevÈre. PrÉcis historique, botanique, mÉdical et agronomique sur le cafÉ. Annual Mar. et Col., 1820: 842. Marshall, W.B. Coffee, its history and commerce; an outline. American Journal of Pharmacy, 1902, LXXIV: 361–374. Om Kaffe, dess historica och anvÄndning. HelsovÄnnen, 1887, II: 157–163. Pictorial History of coffee. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXIV: 26–28; 124–127; XXXV: 116–125; 526–534; 1919, XXXVI: 322–324; 515–516; XXXVII: 140–145. Tuckermann, C.K. Coffee drinking in eastern Europe. North American Review, 1889, CXLVIII: 643–645. Ukers, William H. Better teas and coffees. Good Housekeeping, 1911, LIII: 495–498. Reprinted, Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1911, XXI: 274–276. —— A talk on coffee. Good Housekeeping, 1908, XLVI: 532–536. —— Tea and coffee economies. Joe Chapple's News Letter, 1913, I: 9. Reprinted, Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1913, XXV: 476–477. World's drink. Review of Reviews, 1909, XXXIX: 109–110.
Abd-al-KÂdir, AnsÂri Djezeri Hanbali. Des preuves les plus fortes en faveur de la lÉgitimitÉ de l'usage du cafÉ, in chrÉstomathie arabe, par Sylvestre de Sacy. Paris, 1806. Barotti, L. Il caffÉ (poem). Esprit des Journaux, 1681, 110–120. Blondeau. Étrennes littÉraires aux grands hommes ou l'empire du cafÉ, poÊme en 10 chants. Paris, date unknown. —— L'empire du cafÉ et le rapport de son influence sur l'esprit les moeurs et l'Économie animale, poÊme en 4 chants. Paris, 1824. Bouquet blanc et le bouquet noir, Le, poisie en 4 chants. 60 pp. Brady. Cyrus Townsend. A corner in coffee. New York, 1904. Caffee die schonste Panacee, in einem Lobgedicht Über die wunder baie Heikraft des nectarischen Caffeetranks. 1775. 23 pp. Character of a coffee house, with the symptoms of a town-wit. London, 1673; in Harleian Miscellany, VI: 429. Character of coffee and coffee houses. Hazlitt's Handbook to Popular Literature, 1661. Coffee and crumpets; a poem. Frasers' Magazine, XV: 316. Coffee houses vindicated: in answer to the late published character of a coffee house. London, 1675; also in Harleian Miscellany, VI: 433. Coffee scuffle; occasioned by a contest between a learned knight and a pitifull pedagogue, with the character of a coffee house. Printed and are to be sold at the Salmon coffee house, neer the stocks market, (London), 1662. Verses by Woolnoth or Sir J. Langham and Evans, a school-master. de Gourcuff, O. Le cafÉ, ÉpÎtre attribuÉ a SenecÉ. Nantes, 1888. 19 pp. de Mery, C. Le cafÉ, poÊme: accompagnÉ de documents historiques sur le cafÉ, sur son origine, sur son commerce et sur les peuples d'Orient qui font specialement usage du cafÉ. Rennes, 1837. 204 pp. D'Israeli, Isaac. Curiosities of literature. London, 1824. Contains article on, Introduction of tea, coffee and chocolate, in which the following items are mentioned: (1) An Arabic and English pamphlet on The nature of the drink, kouhi or coffee, pub. at Oxford, 1569; (2) A cup of coffee, or coffee in its colours, a satirical poem (quoted), 1663; (3) A broadside against coffee or the marriage of the Turk (quoted), 1672; (4) The women's petition against coffee, 1674. Drumont, E. Les cafÉs et les restaurants d'autrefois. Magasin LittÉraire, X: 264. Excellent virtue of that sober drink coffee, The. Popular ballad of the 17th century. Broadsheet. Geyer, E.E. An potus cafÉ dicti vestigia in HebrÆos sacrÆ scripturÆ codice reperiantur? Dissertation. WittebergiÆ, 1740. Goldoni, Carlo. La bottega di caffÈ. Venice, 1750. Laguerre, J.N. Essai sur le cafÉ. Paris, 1818. Le Page, Aug. Les cafÉs politiques et littÉraires de Paris. 1874. Massieu, G. Carmen caffaeum. Paris, 1740. Melaye, S. Éloge du cafÉ. (A song.) Paris, 1852. 4 pp. Miller, James. The coffee-house. A dramatick piece. London, 1737. 38 pp. Poem in Latin, A, on coffee; is found in the AbbÉ Olivier's, Collection of modern Latin poets; and in, Étrennes À tous les amateurs du cafÉ, Paris, 1790, in which a French translation is printed facing the Latin text; also Il caffÈ, in Poemetti Italiana, vol. 3, 1797. Rebellious antidote: or a dialogue between coffee and tea: verse, 1685. Rosseau, J.B. Le caffÉ, comÉdie. 1695. 56 pp. Schotel, G.D.J. Letterkundige bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van den tabak, de koffij en de thee. 's Gravenhage, 1848. 215 pp. St. Serfe, Thomas. Taruga's wiles, or the coffee house; a comedy. London, 1668. Smyth, Philip. The coffee house; a characteristic poem. London, 1795. Steele, Sir Richard. On characters in coffee houses. Spectator, No. 49. Voltaire, F.M.A. de. The coffee-house; or, Fair fugitive. A comedy. London, 1760. Ward, Edward. The humours of a coffee house. London, 1714.
Brewing Aborn, Edward. Better coffee making. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, Supplement to No. 6, XXIII: 49–52; 1913, XXV: 568–574; 1919, XXIX: 553–556. —— Better coffee for the army. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXV: 622–624. —— On boiling coffee. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1919, XXXVI: 48–49. —— Coffee-making developments. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1914, XXVII: 550–556. —— On coffee grinding and brewing. Yesterday, today and tomorrow in better coffee making. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 570–576. Bacon, Raymond F. Efficiency of coffee-making devices. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1915, XXIX: 427–429. Best method of making coffee. Journal of Home Economics, 1914, VI: 480–481. Bonnette. PrÉparation du cafÉ en campagne, filtrÉ "en rognon" adaptÉ À une marmite de campement. Revue d'HygiÈne, 1911, XXXIII: 459–462. Also, in Spanish, Revista de Sanidad militar, 1911, ser. 3, I: 427–429. Boyes, E. How to obtain an ideal cup of coffee; its cost and value. London, 1898. 16 pp. Broadbent, Humphrey. The domestick coffee man, shewing the true way of preparing and making chocolate, coffee and tea. London, 1722. Coffee making questionnaire. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXII: 31–34. Dufour, Philippe Sylvestre. Translation by John Chamberlayne. The manner of making coffee, tea, and chocolate. As it is used in most parts of Europe, Asia, Africa and Spanish America. Newly done out of French and Spanish. London, 1685. 116 pp. Ellis, H.D. Notes on the earliest form of coffee-pot. Preceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London, 1899, ser. 2, XVII: 390–394. Forest, L. L'art de faire le cafÉ du cuit a l'ancienne. Paris. Frankel, E.M. Coffee making comparisons. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXII: 336–337. Gentil, A.A.P. Dissertation sur le cafÉ et sur les moyens propres À prevenir les effets qui resultant de sa prÉparation, communÉment vicieuse, et en rendre la boisson plus agrÉable et plus salubre. Paris, 1797. Giraud, A. CafÉs de Paris, procÉdÉs uniques pour la prÉparation du cafÉ, glorias, grogs a l'americaine. Paris, 1853. 75 pp. Harris, William B. Coffee making comparisons. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXII: 336–337. How to make a cup of coffee. Godey's Lady's Book, LXIII: 107. Also, Sharpe's London Magazine, XLIV: 259. Masson, AbbÉ. Le cafÉ, ses propriÉtÉs, maniÈre nouvelles de la prÉparer. Epernay, 1885. 24 pp. Masson, P. Le parfait limonadier, ou la maniÈre de prÉparer le thÉ, lecaffÉ, le chocolat. Paris, 1705. Meitzky, J.H. De vario coffeÆ potum parandi modo. WittebergiÆ, 1782. T., C. de. CafÉ franÇais: recette Économique. Paris, 1824. Wilhelm, R.C. "Drip" method the best. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 338–339. Willcox, O.W. About coffee-making methods. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1913, XXV: 618–620. Woodruff, Sybil. Standard strength in coffee brews. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 133–137. World's largest coffee brewery. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1919, XXXVI: 230–233. Glazing Dannemiller, A.J. Coffee coating upheld. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1914, XXVII: 556–557. Harris, William B. Green and roast coffees, the adulteration and misbranding thereof. American Grocer, Nov. 19, 1913: 19–20. Krzizan, R. Ueber Eiweiss-Kaffeeglasur. Zeitschrift fÜr Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1906, XII: 213–216. Schaer, E. Notizen Über die Firnisierung von Kaffeebohnen. Zeitschrift fÜr Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1906, XII: 60. Willcox, O.W. Concerning glazed coffees. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1914, XXVI: 340–341. Miscellaneous Cultured coffee activities. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1921, XLI: 456–458. Giraud, A. Le cafÉ perfectionnÉ. Paris, 1846. Harris, William B. Making coffee for the consumer. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1914, XXVI: 335–338. How soluble coffee is made. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1921, XLI: 162–166. Preparation of coffee for use. Penny Magazine, III: 228. Walker, J. Handbook of coffee pulpers and pulping. Kandy, Ceylon, 1894: 36 pp. Modifications, Caffein-Free, etc. Daniels, Clinton K. Daniels' golden coffee. 1882, 3 pp. Detoxication of coffee. Scientific American, Mar. 27, 1915, CXII: 292. Non-Toxic coffee and tea. Scientific American, Nov. 13, 1909, CI: 346. Wimmer, K. Caffeinless coffee. Scientific American, Apr. 11, 1908, XCVIII: 258. Polishing and Coloring Halleux, Edmond. Le commerce des cafÉs avariÉs colorÉs ou enrobÉs. Annales des Falsifications, 1909, II, No. 7: 201–206. Morpurgo, G. Notizie sulla colorazione artificiale del caffÈ e sui mezzi scoprirla. Orosi, 1897, XX: 397–403. Raumer, E. von. Ueber den Nachweis kÜnstlicher FÄrbungen bei Rohkaffee. Forschungs-Berichte Über Lebensmittel, 1896, III: 333–338. Sauvage, Édouard. Note sur les cafÉs verts lustrÉs-colorÉs. Leur rÔle commercial. Annales des Falsifications, 1910, III: 113–117. Roasting and Grinding Ach, F.J. Roasting costs and accounting. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII: 133. Brand, Carl W. Increased packing costs. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 567–570. Burns, A. Lincoln. Factory efficiency. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII: 30–33. Dausse. Manuel de l'amateur du cafÉ, ou l'art de torrÉfier les cafÉs convenablement, basÉ sur l'analyse chÈmique. Paris, 1846. Electric coffee roasting in Germany. Electrical World, 1906, XLVIII: 117–178. Evolution of the coffee roaster. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1910, XVIII: 390–392. Gillies, Edwin J. Getting a roasting profit. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII: 65–68. Holstad, S.H. Keeping tab on costs. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII: 68–70. King, John E. Grinding and packing coffee. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXIII: 552–555. Knowlton, H.S. Power installation of a coffee-roasting and spice-grinding plant. Electrical World, 1905, XLV: 678–681. McGarty, M.J. Scientific coffee roasting. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 336–337. Turcq Des Rosiers, Le. Le cafÉ: une rÉvolution dans ses procÉdÉs de torrÉfaction. Paris, 1890. Wilhelm, R.C. The color of the roast. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 428–429. Wright, George S. Automatic weighing tests. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1915, XXIX: 568–570. Zinsmeister, Lee G. Roasting economies. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1914, XXVII: 558–561; 1915, XXIX: 545–550.
As Antiseptic and Disinfectant Barbier. Le cafÉ comme dÉsinfectant. Journal de MÉdecine et Pharmacie de l'AlgÉrie, 1881, VI: 315–318. Crane, W.H. and Friedlander, A. The antiseptic qualities of coffee. American Medicine, 1903, VI: 403–407. Heim, L. Ueber den antiseptischen Werth des gerÖsteten Kaffees. MÜnchener medicinische Wochenschrift, 1886, XXXIV: 293–312. Oppler. Der Kaffee als Antisepticum. Deutsche militÄrÄrztliche Zeitschrift, 1885, XIV: 567–577. Aignant ou Aignan. Le preste mÉdecin, avec un traitÉ du thÉ, du cafÉ, en France. Paris, 1606. B., W. Coffee, its origin, properties and virtues. London, 1908. Blegny, N. de. Le bon usage du thÉ, cafÉ et du chocolat pour la prevention et la guerison des maladies. Paris, 1687. BoutekoË, Corneille. Le thÉ, le cafÉ, et le chocolat. 1699. Bradley, Richard. The virtue and use of coffee, with regard to the plague, and other infectious distempers. London, 1721. 34 pp. BrilliÉ, L., and DuprÉ, E. Étude sur les cafÉs. Communication a la SociÉtÉ franÇaise d'hygiÈne. Paris, 1889. Chicou, T. Du cafÉ en hygiÈne et en thÉrapeutique. Paris, 1859. Daupley, C.E. Étude sur le cafÉ; ses applications À la mÉdecine. Paris, 1867. Eloy, Nicholas F.J. Question mÉdico-politique, si l'usage de cafÉ est avantageux À la santÉ, et s'il peut se conciler avec le bien de l'État dans les provinces belgique. 1781. Fontaine. Hernie traitÉ par l'infusion de cafÉ. Paris, 1865. Landarrhilco, Osmin. Nouvelles propriÉtÈs thÉrapeutiques du cafÉ vert dans les affections du foie, les coliques hÉpatiques et le diabÈtÈ. Montpellier, 1888. Leconte, A.H. Emploi du cafÉ thÉrapeutique. Strasbourg, 1859. Magri, D. Virtu del Kafe, bevanda introdotta nuovamente nell' Italia. 2 ed. Roma, 1671, 16 pp. Marvaud, Angel. Les boissons aromatiques. Le cafÉ. In his, Les aliments d'Épargne, Paris, 1874. 2 pt., pp. 292–320. Munday (Mundy), Henry. 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Beneficial effects of coffee as a drink. Review of Reviews, 1906, XXXIII: 245–246. Boltenstern, von. Zur Bewerkung des Kaffees als Volksgenussmittel. Deutsche Arzte-Zeitung, 1905, 457–461. Caron, D.A. Coffee and milk as a diet. Journal of Franklin Institute, LXIV: 349. Dalson, A.T., and Wetherill, C.M. Coffee as a beverage. Journal of Franklin Inst. LX: 60–111. Dombrovski, I.F. Kofe i yevo liechebniya svoista. (Coffee and its medical properties.) Vrachebnaya Gazeta, 1901, VIII: 733–736. Dujardin-Beaumetz. On new cardiac medicaments. Therapeutic Gazette, 1884, n. s. V: 444–449. Dusart, O. Étude critique sur l'action physiologique et thÉrapeutique des mÉdicaments dits antidÉperditeurs: cafÉ, coca, etc. Tribune mÉdicale, 1874, VII: 197–200. English, W. Reply to objections against the use of tea and coffee. Lancet, 1833–4, II: 75. Goliner. Ueber unschÄdlichen Kaffeegenuss. Frauenarzt, 1906, XXI: 205. Griswold, E.H. Coffee, its uses and medical qualities. Southern Practitioner, 1882, IV: 269. Hamilton, W. On the medical properties of the coffee arabica. Pharmaceutical Journal, 1851, X: 450–454. Holland, J.W. Coffee as a preventive for malarial diseases. Louisville Medical News, 1876, I: 63–65. Hornemann, E. Kaffe-Sporgsmaalet. (Hygienic value of coffee.) Hygieniske Meddelelser, Kjbenhavn, 1864. IV: pt. 3, 286–310. Medicinal properties of the husk of the coffee bean. Scientific American Supplement, Mar. 7, 1903, LV: 22–123. On the medical properties of coffea arabica. Pharmaceutical Journal, X: 450–454. Paul, J. On coffee, its medical, disinfecting, and dietetic properties. New Jersey Medical Reporter, 1851–2, V: 265, 297. Roques, J. Note sur les propriÉtÉs mÉdicales du cafÉ. Bulletin gÉnÉral de ThÉrapeutique, 1835, VIII: 289–294. "S. Culapius." The healthfulness of coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1913, XXV: 27–28, 129–130, 239–240, 345–346, 449–450; 1914, XXVI: 137–138. Squibb. Tea and coffee as therapeutic substitutes for coca and guarana. Ephemeris of Materia Medica, 1884, II: 637–647. Stutzer, A. Neues Über die Wirkung der daraus hergestellten GetrÄnke in gesundheitlicher Beziehung. Centralblatt fÜr allgemeine Gesundheitspflege, 1892, XI: 145–151. Weitenweber, W.R. DiÄtetischmedicinische WÜrdigung des Caffees. Oesterreichische medicinische Wochenschrift, 1845, pp. 1551, 1583. —— Therapeutische Abhandlung Über den Caffee. Medicinische JahrbÜcher des kaiserl. kÖnigl. Österreichischen Staates. 1846. LVIII: 1, 139.
General Use and Misuse, Coffee-Habit, Etc. Alcott, William Alexander. Tea and coffee: their physical, intellectual, and moral effects on the human system, rev. ed. Manchester, 1877. 31 pp. Also in German, Berlin, 1869. Boehmer, G.R. Pr.... inessentiÆ coffeÆ in novellis publicis nuper commendatÆ virtutem inquirit. Wittebergae, 1782. Bomby, R. Le cafÉisme. Paris, 1905. Bona, G. Dalla. Dell' uso e dell' abuso del caffÈ, dissertazione storico-fisico-medica. Verona, 1751. Boucard, E. Du cafÉisme; contribution À une Étude synthetique. Paris, 1899. Braeuninger, J.M. De potus caffÈ usu et abusu. Erfordiae, 1725. Bruchman, Francis Ernest. A treatise on coffee and a condemnation of its use. Brunswick, 1727. Calkins, A. Opium and opium appetite, with notices of alcoholic beverages, Cannabis indica, tobacco and coca, and tea and coffee, in their hygienic aspects and pathologic relations. New York, 1871. Calvert, Esprit. An potus cafÉ quotidianus valetudini tuendÆ vitÆ que producendÆ noxius? Avenione, 1762. Camerarius, E. Dissertationes tres, exhibentes ... III. Usum et abusum potum, "ThÉe," et "CaffÈ" in his regionibus. TubingÆ, 1694. Cathomas, J.B. Ist der Kaffee und Teegenuss gesundheitsschÄdlich? St. Gallen, 1910. Crothers, T.D. (Effects of the coffee habit.) In his, Morphinism and narcomanias from other drugs. 1902, pp. 303–305. Davier de Breville, J.P. An a frequentiori potu cafÉ vita brevior? Paris, 1715. Debay, A. Les influences du chocolat, du thÉ et du cafÉ sur l'Économie humaine. Paris, 1864. de Jussieu, Joseph. Litteratis ne salubris coffeÆ usus. Paris, 1741. Deltel, É. Du cafÉ, de ses effets physiologiques, et de son emploi en thÉrapeutique. Paris, 1851. Duncan, Daniel. Wholesome advice against the abuse of hot liquors, particularly coffee, tea, chocolate, brandy and strong waters. London, 1706. Garnier, A. Inaestio medica ... discutienda in Scholis Medicarum ... Joanne-Francisco Couthier, Praeside: An parisinio frequento potus thÉ, frequenti potu caffÉ salubrior? Paris, 1749. 4 pp. Gayant, L. An a frequentiori potu cafÉ vita brevior? Paris, 1715. Germany. Kaiserliches Gesundheitsamt. Der Kaffee; gemeinfassliche Darstellung der Gewinnung, Verwertung und Beurteilung des Kaffees und seiner Ersatzstoffe. Berlin, 1903. 174 pp. Gleditsch, J.G. De potus cofÈ abusu catalogum morborum augente. Lipsiae, 1744. Grimmann, J.N. De coffee potus usu noxio. 1730. GÜnther, Leo. Der Caffee als Hausgetrank. Eine Warnung. Leipzig, 1907. Hahnemann, S. A treatise on the effects of coffee. Louisville, 1875. Handbook of the medical sciences. Article on coffee, v. III: p. 190. Hilscherus, S.P. Pr ... de abusu potus caffee in sexu sequiori. Jena, 1727. Huss, M. Om kaffe, dess bruk och missbruk; en folkskrift. Stockholm, 1865. Husson, C. Le cafÉ, la biÈre et le tabac. Étude physiologique et chÈmique. Paris, 1879. 206 pp. Klamann, Carl, publisher. Der Kaffee in seiner heutigen Bedeutung als Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. Hamburg, 1882. 48 pp. Knoll, J.C.G. Lettre À un ami sur les opÉrations du caffÉ. Quedlinbourg, 1752. Lavedan, Antonio. Tratado de los usos, abusos propriedades y virtudes del tabaco, cafÉ, tÉ y chocolate. Madrid, 1796. 237 pp. Lemare-Piquet, de Honfleur. Etudes expÉrimentales de mÉdecin, contenant des observations sur l'action dynamique du cafÉ. Paris, 1864. Linne, Carl von. Dissertatio medica, in qua potus coffeÆ, leviter adumbratur. UpsaliÆ, 1761. 18 pp. Lorand, Arnold. Coffee. In his, Health through rational diet. Philadelphia, 1913. pp. 309–313. Excerpts reprinted in, Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1913, XXIV: 24–26. —— On other stimulants—tea, coffee, cocoa, tobacco: their merits and disadvantages. In his, Old age deferred, Philadelphia, 1910. pp. 362–367. Excerpts reprinted in, Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1911, XX: 188–190. Mappus, M. De potu cafÉ. Argentorati, 1693. Marchand, N.L. Recherches organographiques et organogÉniques sur le coffea arabica. L. Paris, 1864. 48 pp. Masson, V.P. De l'usage et de l'abus du thÉ et du cafÉ. Paris, 1848. Medicus, G.F. Anacrisis mÉdico-historico-diaetetica de caffÉ et chocalate, etc., 1720. Meisner, L.F. De caffÉ ... anacrisis mÉdico-historico-diaetetica. Norimbergae, 1721. MÉplain, F. Du cafÉ, Étude de thÉrapeutique physiologique. Paris, 1868. Michaelis, A. De koffie (Coffea arabica) als genoten geneesmiddel, naar hare botanische, dieetetische en geneeskrachtige eigenschappen. Amsterdam, 1894. Moseley, B.M. A treatise concerning the properties and effects of coffee. London, 1785. 69 pp. Omout, R. Contribution À l'Étude du cafÉisme. Montpellier, 1904. Ottleben, F.B. De potus ex coffeÆ seminibus parati noxio effectu. Helmstadii, 1870. Plaz, A.G. De potus cofÈ abusu catalogum morborum augente. Lipsiae, 1763. Also, in his, De jucundis morborum causis, Lipsiae, 1754. pp. 20–54. Poore, G.V. Coffee and tea. London, 1883. 44 pp. Prozorovski, I.D. VliyanÏe kofe i niekotorÎkh yevo surrogatov na bolieznetvornÎye nizshÏe organizmÎ. (The effect of coffee and of some of its substitutes upon pathogenic organisms.) St. Petersburg, 1895. Rambaldi, A. Ambrosia arabica, overo della salutare bevanda cafÉ. Bologna, 1691. Riant, AimÉ. Le cafÉ, le chocolat, le thÉ. Paris, 1875. 160 pp. Roche, A. Du cafÉ noir et de la cafÉine au point de vue de l'action physiologique et des applications À l'hygiÈne. Montpellier, 1873. Sabarthez, H. Étude physiologique du cafÉ. Paris, 1870. Saint-Arroman, A. De l'action du cafÉ, du thÉ, et du chocolat sur la santÉ, et de leur influence sur l'intelligence et le moral de l'homme. Bruxelles, 1845. Also in English, Philadelphia, 1846. 90 pp. Saleeby, C.W. Tea, coffee, cocoa and tobacco. In his, Health, strength and happiness, New York, 1908. pp. 190–208. Reprinted in, Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1908, XV: 299–301 —— Worry, drugs and drink. In his, Worry: the disease of the age, New York, 1907. pp. 93–110. Excerpts reprinted in, Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1911, XX: 190–192. Samuel, H. De usu et abusu potus coffee. Duisburgh ad Rhenum, 1747. Schwarzkopf, S.A. Der Kaffee in Naturhistorischer diaetetischer und medicinischer Hinsicht, seine Bestandtheile, Anwendung, Wirkung und Geschichte. Weimer, 1831. Silvestri, Domenico. Dissertazione chimico-medica sul caffÉ. Genova, 1815. Smith, Hugh. An essay on the nerves ... to which is added an essay on foreign teas, with observations on mineral waters, coffee, and chocolate, etc. London, 1794. Sparschuch, H. Potus coffeÆ leviter adumbratur. UpsaliÆ, 1761. Trifet, H.A. Histoire et physiologie du cafÉ. De son action sur l'homme À l'État de santÉ et À l'État de maladie. Paris, 1864. Van der Trappen, J.E. Specimen historico-medicum de Coffea, etc. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1843. 152 pp. Weidenbusch, N. De noxis ex abusu potus caffÉ in corpore humano. Moguntiae, 1769. Weigl, J. 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Also, Journal of Inebriety, 1910, XXXII: 23–27; Scientific American Supplement, Jan. 1910, LXIX: 26–27. Balland, A. Les cafÉs. Annales d'HygiÉne, 1904, 4 ser., II: 497–532. Bardet, G. Un cas d'empoisonnement aigu par le cafÉ. Bulletin gÉnÉral de ThÉrapeutique, 1911, CLXII: 56–59. Bent, T. On the disorders produced by the use of tea and coffee, with remarks on their treatment. Lancet, 1843, I: 893. Boetticher, J.G. Vertigo satis vehemens a nimio potu coffee, aliisque in diaeta commissis erroribus. Acta physico-medica Academiae Caesareae naturae curiosorum, etc. 1742, VI: 158–160. Boruttau, H. Zur Frage der wirksamen Kaffeebestandteile. Zeitschrift fÜr physikalische und diÄtetische Therapie, 1908, XII: 138–145. Bouret, O. Un nouveau cas de cafÉisme chronique. L'Écho mÉdical du Nord, 1902, VI: 171–173. Bram, I. The truth about coffee drinking. Medical Summary, 1913, XXXV: 168–173. Bridge, N. Coffee-drinking as a frequent cause of disease. Association of American Physicians, Transactions, 1893, VIII: 281–288. CabanÈs. Une lÉgende sur le cafÉ. Journal de MÉdecin de Paris, 1892, 2 ser., IV: 511. Also, translated, Cincinnati Lancet-Clinic, 1893, n. s. XXX: 13–17. Charanne, H. Coffee. Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey, 1911–2, VIII: 19–22. Cheever, D.W. Properties of coffee. Atlantic Monthly, III: 35. Cole, J. On the deleterious effects produced by drinking tea and coffee in excessive quantities. Lancet, 1832–3, II: 274–478. Coletti, F. Sull'azione del caffÉ. Gazzetta medica italiana, provincie venete, 1862, V: 424, 429, 440, 458; 1863, VI: 20. Combemale F. Quelques rÉflexions À propos d'un cas de cafÉisme chronique. Bulletin de la SociÉtÉ centrale de MÉdecine du Nord, 1900, 2 ser., IV: 77–87. Also, L'Écho mÉdical du Nord, 1900, IV: 97–100. Commaille, A. Étude sur le cafÉ. Moniteur scientifique, 1876, 3 ser., VI: 779–785. Coughlin, R.E. Use and abuse of coffee. New York Medical Journal, 1911, XCIV: 283–285. 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Des effets physiologiques du cafÉ; d'aprÈs des experiences faites sur l'auteur. Bulletin gÉnÉral de ThÉrapeutique, 1883, CIV: 550–554. Also, Comptes rendus de l'AcadÉmie des Sciences, 1883, XCVI: 793–796. Frankel, F. Hulton. Coffee truly a food. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXII: 142. Gasparin. Sur le rÉgime alimentaire des mineurs belges; influence remarquable du cafÉ. Bulletin gÉnÉral de ThÉrapeutique, 1850, XXXVIII: 380–383. Also, Comptes rendus de l'AcadÉmie des Sciences, 1850, XXX: 397–403. Gilles de la Tourette, and Gasne. Sur l'intoxication chronique par le cafÉ. Bulletin et MÉmoires de la SociÉtÉ mÉdicale des HÔpitaux, 1895, 3 ser., XII: 558–566. Gourewitsch, D. Ueber des Verhalten des CoffeÏn im TierkÖrper mit RÜcksicht auf die AngewÖhnung. Archiv fÜr experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1907, LVII: 214–221. Guelliot, O. Du cafÉisme chronique. Union mÉdicale et scientifique du Nord-Est, 1885, IX: 181, 221. Guimaraes, E.A.R. 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Tea and Coffee Trade Journal; 1919, XXXVII: 270. —— Saccharin in tea and coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1920, XXXVIII: 697. Unzer, J.A. Vom Caffee. Der Arzt, 1769, II: 126–139. Use of coffee as a beverage. Harper's Weekly, Jan. 21, 1911, LV: 26. Viaud. Le vertige stomacal et le cafÉisme. Tribune mÉdicale, 2 ser., XXIX: 928–930. Wallace. On the decrease in use of coffee as a beverage. Analyst, 1884, IX: 42–44. Also, Polyclinic, 1883–4, I: 169. Wesselhoeft, W. On the effects of coffee and their remedy. Journal of Inebriety, 1909, XXXI: 176–182. Also, Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, 1909, CLX: 608–611. Wiley, Harvey W. Our national beverages. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXII, Supplement to no. 6, 33–38. —— Temperance in tea and coffee drinking. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1910, XIX: 273–274. Wilhite, P.A. Coffee and its effects. Transactions of the South Carolina Medical Association, 1882, XXXII: 83–86. Zobel. Reflexionen Über kaffeeÏnhaltige Genussmittel. Vierteljahrsschrift fÜr die praktische Heilkunde, 1858, II: 105–136. Of Caffein-Free Coffee Bertrand, Gabriel. Sur les cafÉs sans cafÉine. Comptes rendus de l'AcadÉmie des Sciences, 1905. CXLI: 209–211. Also, Bulletin des Sciences Pharmacologiques, 1905, XII: 152. Bordet, M. Sur un cafÉ rendu inoffensif par la dÉcafÉination. Bulletin gÉnÉral de ThÉrapeutique, 1910, CLIX: 770–773. Chassevant, Allyre. Emploi du cafÉ dÉcafÉinÉ en thÉrapeutique. Bulletin gÉnÉral de ThÉrapeutique, 1912, CLXIV: 860–864. Einfeldt, W. KoffeÏnfreier Kaffee. Therapeutische Neuheiten, 1909, IV: 83–86. GlÜcksmann, S., and GÉrini, C. Einige Untersuchungen Über die physiologische Wirkung von koffeÏnfreien kaffee. Zeitschrift fÜr Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1910. XX: 100. Harnack, E. Ueber den coffeÏnfreien Kaffee Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift, 1908, XXXIV: 1943–1946; 1909, XXXV: 254. Lehmann, K.B. 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Philadelphia and London, 1914. 604 pp. See index: Caffeine. Parisot, E. Étude physiologique de l'action de la cafÉine. Paris, 1890. 112 pp. Potter, S.O.L. Caffeina, caffeine. Physiological action. Therapeutics. In his, Therapeutics, materia medica and pharmacy, 4th ed. 1912. pp. 186–192. Rivers, W.H.R. The influence of alcohol and other drugs on fatigue. II. Caffeine. London, 1908. pp. 22–50, 127–130. Schutzkwer, Nachum. Das CoffeÏn und sein Verhalten im ThierkÖrper. Inaugural dissertation, KÖnigsberg, 1882. 25 pp. Also, Schmidt's JahrbÜcher, 1883, CXCVIII: 232–233. Voit, Carl. Untersuchung Über die Wirkung des Kaffee's auf den thierischen Organismus. In his, Untersuchung Über den Einfluss des Kochsalzes, des Kaffee's und der Muskelbewegungen, MÜnchen, 1860. pp. 67–147. Weigl, J. Das KoffeÏn. Leipzig, 1905. Wilhelm, F. Ist das Coffeon an der Kaffeewirkung beteiligt? WÜrzburg, 1895. Periodicals Albanese, Manfredi. Ueber die Bildung von 3-Methyl-xanthin aus CoffeÏn im thierischen Organismus. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft, 1899, XXXII; no. 360, 2280–2282. —— Ueber das Verhalten des CoffeÏns und des Theobromins im Organismus. Archiv fÜr experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1895, XXXV: 449–466. Albers, J.F.H. Ueber die eigenthÜmliche Wirkung des Theinum und Coffeinum citricum auf den thierischen KÖrper. Deutsche Klinik, 1852, IV: 577–579. Aubert, H. Ueber den CoffeÏngehalt des KaffeegetrÄnkes und Über die Wirkungen des CoffeÏns. Archiv fÜr die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere, 1872, V: 589–628. Binz, C. Beitrag zur Toxikologie des CoffeÏns. Archiv fÜr experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1891, XXVIII: 197–200. Bondzynski, St. and Gottlieb, R. Ueber Methylxanthin, ein Stoffwechselprodukt des Theobromin und CoffeÏn. Archiv fÜr experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1895, XXXVI: 45–55. Also, Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft, 1895, XXVIII: no. 221, 1113–1118. Busquet, H. and Tiffeneau, M. Du rÔle de la cafÉine dans l'action cardiaque du cafÉ. Comptes rendus de l'AcadÉmie des Sciences, 1912, CLV: 362–365. Cogswell, Charles. On the local action of poisons. Lancet, 1852, No. 2: 488–491. FÉrÉ, Charles. Note sur l'influence de la thÉobromine sur le travail. Comptes rendus de la SociÉtÉ de Biologie, 1901, 2. ser., III: 593–594, 627–629. Frankel, F. Hulton. Caffein as a body warmer. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 354–355. Ganzer, E. Ueber ein neues Verfahren der Kaffee-Entgiltung auf physikalischer Grundlage. Der praktische Arzt, 1914, LIV: 152–175. Gerbis, H. Vergiftung mit anilinÖlhaltigen Kaffee. Aerztliche Sachverstandigen-Zeitung, 1913, XIX: 467. Geraty, T. Poisoning by citrate of caffeine. Lancet, 1889, I: 219. Gouget, A. Coffee and tea poisoning. Journal of Inebriety, 1908, XXX: 92–102. Hanna, W.J. Chronic coffee poisoning. 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Profound toxic effects from the drinking of large amounts of strong coffee. Proceedings of the Philadelphia County Medical Society, 1896, XVII: 195. Also, Medical and Surgical Reporter, 1896, LXXV: 549; Quarterly Journal of Inebriety, 1897, XIX: 62–64. Salant, William, and Rieger, J.B. Elimination and toxicity of caffein in nephrectomized rabbits. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin, 1913, CLXVI. —— Toxicity of caffein: an experimental study on different species of animals. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Bureau of Chemistry. Bulletin, 1912, CXLVIII. Schmid, Julius. Der Abbau methylierter Xanthine. Zeitschrift fÜr physiologische Chemie, 1910, LXVII: 155–160. Schmiedeberg, Oswald. Ueber die Verschiedenheit der CoffeÏn-wirkung an Rana temporaria L. und Rana esculenta L. Archiv fÜr experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1874, II: 62–69. Stuhlmann, J. and Falck, C.P. BeitrÄge zur Kenntniss der Wirkungen des KaffeÏns. 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General Bibra, Baron von. Der kaffee und seine surrogate. Munich, 1858. Christ, J.L. Der neueste und beste deutsche Stellvertretter des indischen CaffÈ oder der Coffee von Erdmandeln; zu Ersparung vieler Millionen Geldes fÜr Deutschland und lÄngeren Gesundheit Tausender von Menschen. 2 ed. Frankfurtam Mayn, 1801. Franke, Erwin. Kaffee, Kaffeekonserven und Kaffeesurrogate. Wien, 1907. 221 pp. Freeman, W.G. and Chandler, S.E. Coffee and coffee substitutes. In their, the world's commercial products. London, 1907. pp. 174–198. Gerster, C. Kaffee und Kaffee-Surrogate. In ihrer, Bedeutung fÜr den praktischen Arzt. Berlin, 1894. Gundrizer, R.F. O surrogatie kofe, prigotovly-ayemom iz siemyan sinyavo lyupina (Lupinus angustifolius L.) (On a substitute for coffee, from the seeds of....) St. Petersburg, 1892. Lehmann, K. Die Fabrikation des Surrogat kaffees und des Tafelsenses. Wien, 1877. 128 pp. Lochner, N.F. De novis et exoticis ThÉe et CafÉ succeÉdanÉis. Norimbergae, 1717. Menier, E.J. CafÉ: succÉdanÉs du cafÉ, cacao et chocolat, coca et thÉ matÉ. Paris, 1867. 24 pp. (Jury report, Exposition Universelle de 1867, À Paris.) Trillich, Heinrich. Die kaffee surrogate. MÜnchen, 1889. Weichardt, T.T. Succedaneorum coffeÆ inveniendorum regulas proponit. Lipsiae, 1774. Periodicals Acorn coffee. Pharmaceutical Journal, 1876, p. 772. Basch, Albert. Rapport sur le cafÉ de figue. SociÉtÉ de GÉographie d'Alger et de l'Afrique du Nord. Bulletin, 1901, VI: 604–607. Boullier, G. De la prÉparation de la soupe destinÉe À remplacer le cafÉ au rÉveil. Archives de mÉdecine et de Pharmacie militaires, 1903, XLI: 465–473. Brill, Harvey C. Ipel, a coffee substitute. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXV: 628–630. Deridder, H. Sur un succÉdanÉ du cafÉ. Archives mÉdicales belges, 1896, 4 ser. VIII: 237–241. Duchacek, F. BeitrÄge zur Kenntniss der chemischen Zusammensetzung des Kaffees und der Kaffee-Ersatztoffe. Zeitschrift fÜr Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1904, VIII: 139–146. Faber, E.E. Om kaffee, kaffesurrogater og koffeÏnfri kaffe. Ugeskrift for Laeger, 1909, LXXI: 841–847. GrÄf, H. Ein neues Kaffee-Ersatzmittel. Deutsche medicinische Presse, 1907, XI: 65–67. Guillot, C. Étude comparative sommaire des principaux produits de substitution du cafÉ. Gazette mÉdicale de Paris, 1912, LXXXIII: 125. Hanausek, T.F. Einige Bermerkungen zu den Kapiteln Kaffee und Kaffee-Ersatzstoffe in den Vereinbarungen. Apotheker-Zeitung, 1902, XVII: 657. Hanbury, Daniel. On the use of coffee leaves in Sumatra. Pharmaceutical Journal, 1853, XIII: 207–209. Kornauth, C. BeitrÄge zur chemischen und mikroskopischen Untersuchung des Kaffee und der Kaffeesurrogate. Mittheilungen aus dem pharmaceutischen Institute und Laboratorium fÜr angewandte Chemie der UniversitÄt Erlangen, 1890, III: 1–56. Kotsin, M.B. Kofe i yevo surrogatÎ (Coffee and its substitutes.) Vestnik obshestvennoi higieny, sudebnoi i prakticheskoi meditsiny, etc., 1894, XXIII: pt. 2. 36, 156, 226. Nicolai, H.F. Der Kaffee und seine Ersatzmittel. Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fÜr Öffentliche Gesundheitspflege, 1901, XXXIII: 294–346, 502–538. Nottbohm, F.E. Verwendung von Steinnuss zur Herstellung von Kaffeersatzmitteln. Zeitschrift fÜr Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1913, XXV: pt. 3. Oeller and Gerlach, von. Ueber die Einwirkung von Gerstenkaffee und Malzkaffee auf das Sehorgen. Therapeutische Monatshefte, 1912, XXVI: 429–431. Rampold. Ueber Kaffeesurrogate. Journal der practischen Heilkunde, 1838, LXXXVII: pt. 4, 94–109. Ruedy, J. Thee und Kaffee, deren Surrogate und FÄlschungen. BlÄtter fÜr Gesundheitspflege, 1876, V: 183, 195, 203; 1877, VI: 19, 32, 42, 53. Sale of dandelion coffee. Pharmaceutical Journal, 1860, II: 346–348, 357–358, 396. Stenhouse, J. On the dried coffee leaf of Sumatra, which is employed in that and some of the adjacent islands as a substitute for tea or for the coffee bean. Pharmaceutical Journal, 1854, XIII: 382–384. Trillich, H. and Gockel, H. BeitrÄge zur Kenntniss des Kaffees und der Kaffeesurrogate. Zeitschrift fÜr Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1898, V: 101–106. Also, Forschungs-Berichte Über Lebensmittel, 1897, IV: 78; 1898, V: 101. Weissman. Ueber Kornkaffee. Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift, 1903, XXIX: 20. Woods, C.D. and Merrill, L.H. Coffee substitutes. Maine Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin, LXV: 101–116. Malt Coffee Doepmann, F. Ueber Malzkaffee. Zeitschrift fÜr Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1914, XXVII: 453–466. Thellich, H. Welche Mindestforderungen sind an Malz fÜr Malzkaffee zu stellen? Zeitschrift fÜr Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1905, X: 118–121.
Bordeaux. Chambre de Commerce. Rapport fait À la Chambre par la Commission spÉciale chargÉe d'Étudier la question de la rÉduction des droits sur les sucres et les cafÉs. Bordeaux, 1858. 27 pp. —— Second rapport fait À la Chambre par la Commission spÉciale chargÉe d'Étudier la question de la rÉduction des droits sur les sucres et les cafÉs. Bordeaux, 1859. 16 pp. Corrie, Edgar. Letters on the subject of the duties on coffee. London, 1808. 61 pp. Great Britain. Statutes. Anno regni Georgii III. Regis Quadragesimo nono. Cap. lxi. An act for making sugar and coffee of Martinique and Mariegalante liable to duty on importation as sugar and coffee not of the British plantations. London, 1809: pp. 437–438. —— Anno regni Georgii II Regis vicesimo quinto. An act for encouraging the growth of coffee in His Majesty's plantations in America. London, 1752: pp. 723–734. —— Anno regni Georgii II Regis quinto. An act for encouraging the growth of coffee in His Majesty's plantations in America. London, 1732: pp. 411–415. Larrinaga, Tulio. Brief of Honorable Tulio Larrinaga, resident commissioner from Porto Rico to the United States of America before the Committee on ways and means. Washington, 1908. 9 pp. Madras. Statutes. The Madras coffee-stealing prevention act, 1878. Madras, 1908. 9 pp. Nelson, Knute. Export duty on coffee and tea. List of countries levying an export duty on coffee and tea, with statistics from the annual report on commerce and navigation for 1908. Washington, 1909. 6 pp. U.S. 61st Congress, 1st session. Senate Document, 120. Ordonnantie, waar naar in de stad Utrecht en Amersfoort, en in de vryheden van dien, by taxatie zal worden geheven de impost op de koffy, cicers en thee. Utrecht, 1767. 6 pp. Produce Clearing House. Regulations for coffee future delivery. London, 1888. 12 pp. Van Oosterwijk Bruyn, Pieter Adolf. Beschouwingen over eene belasting op koffij. Utrecht, 1863. 78 pp.
Exchange Tables MÜller, Victor R. Comparative tables showing the parity of prices of Havre good average and New York coffee exchange standard no. 7. New York, 1887. 15 pp. Seligsberg, Louis. Parity tables for quotations of coffee and sugar on the various exchanges of Europe, converted into American currency. New York, 1891. 23 pp. Zobel, Paul. ParitÄts-Tabellen zum Kaffee-Termin-Markt nebst Schnellrechunungs Tabellen, 1907. Triest. General Belli, B. Il caffÈ, il suo paese e la sua importanza. Milano, 1910. 395 pp. Bisio, G. Il caffÈ. Le ioni date dal Prof. G. Bizio alla Reale Scuola superiore di commercio, Venezia, 1870. Brougier, A. Der Kaffee, dessen Kultur und Handel, 1897. Burns, Jabez. The "Spice mill" companion: a collection of valuable information, original and selected, suited to the requirements of the present condition of the coffee and spice mill business. New York, 1879. 102 pp. Dowler, J.S.O. & Co. Coffee calculator. Saint Louis, 1907. 31 pp. Ferguson, J. Production of tea and coffee in British dependencies. London, 1896. 1 p. FÜrst, Max. Die BÖrse, ihre Enstehung und Entwicklung, ihre Einrichtung und ihre GeschÄfte. Die WelthandelsgÜter Getreide, Kaffee, Zucker. Leipzig, 1913. International Bureau of the American Republics. Coffee. Extensive information and statistics. Washington, 1901. 108 pp. Also, in Spanish. —— Coffee. Reprint of an article from the Monthly Bulletin of the International Bureau of American Republics, Nov. 1908. Washington, 1909. 11 pp. International Institute of Agriculture. Bureau of Statistics. Stocks visibles de froment et farine de froment, de sucre, de cafÉ, de coton et de soie; 1903–12. Rome, 1914. 79 pp. Schmedding, J.H.F. and Zonen. Coffee. Statistics running from 1884–1905. Amsterdam, 1901. 18 pp. SchÖffer, C.H. The coffee trade. New York, 1869. 58 pp. United States. Bureau of Foreign Commerce. Verslagen betreffende de cultuur en de bereiding van koffie en het keplante en nog beschikbare terrein voor dit product in Mexico, Centraal-& Zuid-America en West-IndiË. Amsterdam, 1889. 135 pp. In English, except introduction. Reprinted from Reports from the consuls of the United States, 1888, XXVIII, No. 98. United States. Statistics Bureau. The world's production and consumption of coffee, tea and cacao in 1905. Washington, 1905. 206 pp. Reprinted from Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance, July, 1905. Van Delden Laerne, C.F. Brazil and Java. Report on coffee-culture in America, Asia and Africa, to H.E. the Minister of the Colonies. London, 1885. 637 pp. Periodicals Bache, L.S. How the exchange works. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1921, XLI: 678–682. Brand, Carl W. Co-operative competition. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1914, XXVII: 534–540. Calvo, J.B., and Delfino, A.E. Commission for the study of the production, distribution and consumption of coffee. International Bureau of American Republics Monthly Bulletin, 1902, XIII: 1317–1321. Coffee. Statist, 1915, LXXXIII: 377–378. Coffee and coffee trade. Hunt's Merchant's Magazine, XXVII: 39; XLI: 165. Coffee trade. Leisure Hour, XXIX: 357. Cotton-Coffee quotation record. Monthly. N.Y. Duke, J.S. Coffee trade. De Bow's Commercial Review, II: 303. Hunt's Merchant's Magazine, 1850, XXIII: 59, 172, 451. El Cafetal, revista oficial mensuel dedicada exclusivamente a la industria cafetera en todos su ramos. New York, 1903. Federal Reporter, for planters, grocers, confectioners, canners and dealers in coffee, tea and spice. New York. Current monthly. Gardner, J. Coffee trade. Western Journal and Civilian, VII: 301. Also, Hunt's Merchant's Magazine, XIII: 273; J. Gardner Hunt's Merchant's Magazine, XXV: 690; Living Age, XXVII: 254. —— Production and consumption of coffee. Hunt's Merchant's Magazine XXIV: 194. Gill, W.K. Meeting coffee competition. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 238–239. Graham, Harry Crusen. Coffee. Production, trade, and consumption by countries. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Bureau of Statistics. Bulletin, 1912, LXXIX. 134 pp. Great Britain. Commercial, Labour and Statistical Dept. Tea and coffee. Statement "showing the imports of tea and coffee into the principal countries of Europe and into the United States: together with statistical tables relating thereto for recent years as far as the particulars can be stated." 1884–1900. House of Commons, paper 351, 1900. 27 pp. House of Commons paper 363, 1902. 42 pp. Hangwitz, Julian. The world's coffee trade in 1898. Consular Reports, 1899, LX: 258–261. Harris, William B. Coffee and the law. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII; Supplement to No. 6: 41–44. Heilprin, M. History of coffee. Nation, VI: 275. Huebner, G.G. Coffee market. Annals of the American Academy, 1911, XXXVIII: 610–620. International Bureau of the American Republics. Bulletin. Washington, 1893—date. Contains from time to time articles on coffee production in the various Latin-American countries. Kaffee verbrauch in den haupt sÄchlichsten LÄndern der Welt. Deutsche Handels-Archiv, 1901, 206–207. Lecomte, H. La culture du cafÉ dans le monde. La GÉographie, 1901, III: 471–488. Also, in Finnish, Geografiska FÖreningens Tidskr., 1901, XIII: 252–272. Leech, C.J., & Co. Table of coffee statistics. Annual. London. Lehy, Geoffrey B. Coffee distribution. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1913, XXV: 564–566. Lewis, E. St. Elmo. Promoting coffee sales. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1915, XXIX: 539–544. Mahin, John Lee. Advertising coffee. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII: 56–58. Mathews, Frederick C. Coffee advertising efficiency. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII: 38–40. McCreery, R.W. The penny-change system. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1911, XXI: 462–464. Macfarlane, John J. Coffee and tea statistics. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXXI: 329–333. Merritt, E.A. The world's coffee. U.S. Consul's report on commerce, 1883, No. 31, 125–147. New York. Coffee Exchange. Report. Annual. New York. Our coffee industry. Scientific American Supplement, 1902, LIII: 21994. Price, import, and consumption of coffee. De Bow's Commercial Review, XX: 253. Simmons' Spice Mill; devoted to the interests of the coffee, tea and spice trades. Monthly. New York. Tea and coffee consumption. Current Literature, 1901, XXX: 298. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, The. For the tea, coffee, spice and fine grocery trades. Monthly. New York. Ukers, William H. Advertising Brazil coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXII: 34–36. —— The right coffee propaganda. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII. Supplement to No. 6: 21–28. Ukers, William H., editor. Tea and coffee buyer's guide. Annual. New York. United States. State Department. Production and consumption of coffee, etc. Message from the president of the United States, transmitting a report from the secretary of state, with accompanying papers, relative to the proceedings of the International Congress for the Study of the Production and Consumption of Coffee, etc. Dee. 10, 1902. U.S. 57th Congress, 2nd session. Senate document 35. 312 pp. Vasco, G. Le cafÉ. Revue franÇaise de l'Étranger et des colonies et exploration, 1900, XXV: 598–603. Weir, Ross W. Coffee hints for grocers. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1913, XXV: 566–568. Westerfeld, Sol. Retailers' coffee problems. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXIII: 559–560. World's coffee trade. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1919, XXXVI: 129–130. Regional BRAZIL Alves de Lima, J.C. SolugÕes sobre o commercio de cafÉ. SÃo Paulo, 1902. 88 pp. Bolle, Karl. SÃo Paulo das bedeutendste Kaffeegebeit der Welt. Deutsche Rundschau fÜr Geographie, XXVIII: 66–77. Brazil. Ministerio de Fazenda. Direitos de ex-portaÇÃo e sua cobranca. Rio de Janeiro, 1895. 11 pp. Brazil. ServiÇo de Estatistica Commercial. Statistics of imports and exports. The movement of shipping, exchange and coffee in the republic of the United States of Brazil. (Yearly.) Rio de Janeiro. Brazil and coffee; souvenir of the Louisiana purchase exposition. 1904. 28 pp. Brazil coffee in England. Bulletin of the Pan American Union, 1915, XL: 514–515. Brazilian coffee propaganda, The. Commercial and Financial Chronicle, 1909, LXXXVIII: 1223–1224. Brazilian Review, The: a weekly record of trade and finance. Rio de Janeiro, 1907–1914. Coffee crop of Brazil, The. Economist, 1909, LXVIII: 1030–1031. d'Anthouard de Wasservas, A. Le cafÉ au BrÉsil. Journal des Économistes, 1910, ser. 6, XXVII: 16–37. da Silva Telles, A.E. O cafÉ e o estado de S. Paulo. SÃo Paulo, 1900. 60 pp. Empire of Brazil at the World's industrial and cotton centennial exposition of New Orleans, The. New York, 1885. 71 pp. Great Britain. Foreign Office. Brazil. RÉsumÉ of a report published in the "Journal do Commercio" of Rio de Janeiro on the production of coffee in Brazil, with statistics respecting its consumption in the United States. London, 1899. 7 pp. Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Miscellaneous series, No. 512. Grossi, Vincenzo. La crisi del caffÈ e i progetti per la fissazione del cambio al Brasile. Nuova Antologia, CCVIII; (ser. 5, CXXIV): 484–494. Kaffeefrage in Brasilien, Die. Grenzboten, LXVI: 335–339. Leroy-Beauilieu, Paul. Les droits sur le cafÉ. Le BrÉsil, la France et nos colonies. L'Économiste franÇais, XXVIII; no. 1: 101–103. Moreira, Nicolau Joaquim. Brazilian coffee. New York, 1876. 11 pp. N. Lettres du BrÉsil. La question du cafÉ. L'Économiste franÇais, XXVIII, No. 1: 374–377. Patterson, W. Morrison. Brazil's coffee trade of today. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXV: 323–324. Pinto, Adolpho Augusto. The state of SÃo Paulo. Chicago, 1893. 14 pp. SÃo Paulo (state) Brazil. Secretaria de Commercio se Orras Publicas. Estatistica especial da lavoura de cafÉ nos municipios de Aracariguama, Atibaia, Bananal, Pilar, SertÃozinho e RedempcÃo. SÃo Paulo, 1900. 33 pp. Supplemento do Boletin da Agricultura, 1900, ser. I: VI. —— Estatistica especial da lavoura de cafÉ nos municipios de Apiahy, Batates. Caconde, Campos Novos do Paranapanema, Dourado, Fartura, Faxina, Itarare, Jaboticabal, MocÓca, Monte-MÓr, Natividade, Nazareth, Pirassununga, Porto-Feliz. Remedios da Ponte do TietÉ, SÃo Pedro do Turvo. Sarapuhy, Serra Negra e Yporanga. SÃo Paulo, 1901. 177 pp. Supplemento do Boletin da Agricultura, 1901, ser. 2: IV. Seeger, Eugene. Coffee crop of Brazil. U.S. Consular Reports, 1898, LVII, No. 218: 334–336. Transporting Brazil coffee. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXII: 214–224. Ward, Robert De C. A visit to the Brazilian coffee country. National Geographic Magazine, 1911, XXII: 908–931. Williams, J.H. The Brazil coffee situation. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXV: 221–222. Windels, J.H. A coffee buyer's life in Brazil. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1916, XXX: 538–545. COLOMBIA Dickson, Spencer S. Colombia. Report on the coffee trade of Colombia. London, 1903. 8 pp. Great Britain. Foreign Office. Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Miscellaneous series, No. 598. COSTA RICA Costa Rica. Contabilidad Nacional. Exportacion de la cosecha de cafÉ. Costa Rica. Departmento Nacional de Estadistica. Diagrams de los promedios obtenidos en la venta del cafÉ de Costa Rica en Londres en los aÑos de 1890 a 1899. San JosÉ, 1900. —— Exportaciones de cafÉ de la RepÚblica de Costa Rica. San JosÉ, 1900. 14 pp. Alcance Á La Gaceta, 1900, No. 99. ——Fluctuaciones de los precios del cafÉ en Hamburgo, 1880–1899. San JosÉ, 1900. Costa Rica. Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores. Estudio É informe sobre el cafÉ de Costa Rica. 1900. 48 pp. EAST INDIES Dekker, Eduard Douwes. Max Havelaar; or The coffee auctions of the Dutch Trading Company; by Multaluli, (pseud.); trans. from the original ms. by Baron Alphonse Nahuijs. Edinburgh, 1868. Verwanging van de gedwongen koffieteelt door eene vrije volkskoffie-cultuur. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-IndiË new ser. 2, V: 252–261. FINLAND Granroth, Elias G. Om cafÉ och de inhemska wÄxter, som plÄga brukas i dess stÄlle. Abo, 1755. 18 pp. FRANCE Arrest du Conseil d'Estat du Roy, qui permet aux directeurs interessez en l'armement du vaisseaux la Paix, de vendre les balles de caffÉ dont il est chargÉ. Paris, 1720. 4 pp. —— Qui accorde À la Compagnie des Indes le privilege exclusif de la vente du caffÉ. Paris, 1723. 4 pp. —— Pour la prise de possession par la Compagnie des Indes du privilege de la vente exclusive du caffÉ, sous le nom de Pierre le Sueur. Paris, 1723. 7 pp. —— Qui ordonne que les commis et employez de la Compagnie des Indes pour l'exploitation des privileges du tabac et du cafÉ, procederont aux visites et executions au sujet des toiles et etoffes des Indes et du Levant. Paris, 1723. 7 pp. —— Que declare commune en faveur des habitants de Cayenne et de St. Domingue, la declaration du 27. Septembre 1735. Paris, 1735. 3 pp. —— Portant reglement sur les caffez provenant des plantations et cultures des Isles FranÇoises de l'AmÉrique. Paris, 1736. 4 pp. Darolles, E. Le cafÉ sur le marchÉ franÇaise. Paris, 1885. DÉclaration Du Roy, Qui regle la maniÈre dont la Compagnie des Indes fera l'exploitation de la vente exclusive du caffÉ. DonneÉ À Versailles le 10. Octobre 1723. Paris, 1723. 15 pp. —— Concernant les cafez provenant des plantations et culture, de la Martinique et autres Isles FranÇoises de l'AmÉrique. DonnÉe a Fontainebleau le 27. Septembre 1732. Paris, 1732. 9 pp. GERMANY SchÖnfeld, Karl. Der Kaffee-Engrosshandel Hamburgs. Heidelberg, 1903. 135 pp. GREAT BRITAIN Great Britain. Board of Trade. Tea and coffee, 1888, 1893, 1899–1900, 1903, 1908, 1910. Statistical tables showing the consumption of tea and coffee in the principal countries of Europe, in the Great Britain. Treasury Department. Copy of diagrams showing the consumption from 1856 to 1888 of tea, coffee, cocoa, and chicory, of alcoholic beverages, and of tobacco, compared with the increase of population. London, 1889. House of Commons, paper 121. Lifebelt Coffee Company, Ltd. The statutory meeting of the company. London, 1909. 2 pp. Oberparleiter, K. Der Londener Kaffeemarkt. 1912. GUIANA, DUTCH Roef-Praatje, tusschen verscheiden persoonen, over de tegenswoordige staat van Surinamen en de laage prys der producten; waarin klaar aangetoond word de verkeerde gewoontens, wegens het verkoopen der coffy by inschryving, tot merkelyk nadeel der houders en geÏntresseerdens der Surinaamsche obligaties. Amsterdam, 1774. 175 pp. HAWAII Hawaii (Republic) Labor Commission. Report on the coffee industry. Honolulu, 1895. 33 pp. Hawaiian Islands. Department of Foreign Affairs. The Hawaiian Islands, their resources, agricultural, commercial and financial. Coffee, the coming staple product. Honolulu, 1896. 95 pp. Also, Washington, 1897. 32 pp. INDIA Clifford, Frederick. Indian coffee: its present production and future prospects. Journal of the Society of Arts, 1887, XXXV: 519–534. India. Commercial Intelligence Department. Note on the production of coffee in India. India. Statistical Department. Production of coffee in India. 19—. Memminger, Lucien. The Indian coffee trade crisis. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917. XXXII: 506–510. Schuurman, G.E. Eenige beschouwingen over verkoop van gouvernements koffie in India. Rotterdam, 1877. 13 pp. JAVA Kamerwijsheid (Relating to forced native labor in the island of Java) 1879. 31 pp. Reprint from Algemeen Dagblad van Nederlandsche IndiË, Sept. 16, 18, 22, 24, 25, 1879. De Koffiecultuur op Java. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche IndiË, new ser. 2, No. 5: 660–667. Kuneman, J. De gouvernements koffie-cultuur op Java. 's Gravenhage, 1890. 201 pp. Rose, G.F.C. Eenge opmerkingen naar aanleiding van de conclusive van de neerderheid der commissie nit de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal over de nitkomsten van het onderzoek betreffende de koffij kultuur op Java. 1874. 39 pp. Suermondt, G., and London, H.H. Correspondentie. De West-Java-Koffij-Cultuur-Maatschappij verdedigd tegen den schrijver van de koloniale kronijk in de Economist. 1868. 15 pp. —— West-Java-Koffij-Cultuur-Maatschappij verdedigd tegen de aanvallen van Volksblad en Arnhemsche Courant. Amsterdam, 1865. 44 pp. —— West-Java-Koffij-Cultuur-Maatschappij. Toegelicht. Supplement van den eersten druk met voorrede. Amsterdam, 1865. 19 pp. Van den Berg, Norbert Pieter. Koffieproductie en koffieuitvoer. Batavia, 1884. 8 pp. Van Vliet, L. Van W. De koffij-enquÊte in verband met de ontworpen West-Java-Koffij-Cultuur-Maatschappij. Amsterdam, 1871. 35 pp. LIBERIA Ellis, George W. Coffee industry in Liberia. U.S. Monthly Consular and Trade Reports, 1904, No. 291: 21–22. Morren, F.W. Cultuur bereiding en handel van Liberia Koffie. Amsterdam, 1894. 36 pp. MEXICO Hinojosa, G. Cultivo del cafÉ. MÉxico, 1883. 8 pp. (Mexico. Ministro de Fomento.) Romero, M. Coffee and india rubber culture in Mexico; preceded by geographical and statistical notes on Mexico. New York, 1898. 416 pp. Terry, L.M. Coffee culture in Mexico. Overland Monthly, 1901, new ser. XXXVII: 702–709. NETHERLANDS Amsterdam. Vereeniging Voor Den Koffiehandel. Statistiek van koffie in Nederland. Amsterdam, 1914. Groeneveld, J. Tremijnzaken in koffie te Rotterdam. Rotterdam, 1893. 15 pp. Jacobson, J. "Ernstig bedreigd" "Opgeroepen," een woord naar aanleiding van "Ernstig bedreigd" door den heer J. Jacobson en de daarop gevolgde geschriften van de heeren G.H. Mees en A. Plate, door en Nederlandes. Amsterdam, 1879. 12 pp. Jets over de koffij-veilingen der Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij. Rotterdam, 1847. 24 pp. Netherlands (Kingdom) Laws, statutes, etc. Wij Willem, bij de gratie Gods, konig der Nederlanden ... enz., enz., enz. Allen den genen, die deze zullen zien ... salut! doen te weten: Alzoo wij, tot stijving der inkomsten van den staat, noodzakelijk geoordeeld hebben, dat de koffij binnen ons rijk gebruikt ... aan eene belasting op de consumptie worde onderworpen. 's Gravenhage, 18—. 8 pp. Suermondt, G., and London, H.H. West-Java-Koffij-Cultuur-Maatschappij. Het advys der Kamer van Koophandel te Batavia, de Ond Koopman, enz. wederlegd. Amsterdam, 1866. 127 pp. Waanders, F.G. van B. De koffiemarkt. The Hague, 1882. 27 pp. PORTO RICO Porto Rican coffee. Outlook, Mar. 24, 1906, LXXXII: 632; May 5, 1906, LXXXIII: 46–47. United States. President, 1901–1909 (Roosevelt) Message from the President of the United States relative to his visit to the island of Porto Rico. Washington, 1906. 200 pp. 59th Congress, 2d Session, Senate document 135. Message, dated Dec. 11, 1906, accompanied by petitions in relation to the coffee trade, etc., and losses by the hurricane of 1899; and the sixth annual report of the governor, Beekman Winthrop, dated July 1, 1906. Weyl, W.E. Labor conditions in Porto Rico. U.S. Bureau of Labor. Bulletin, 1905, XI: 749–753. SPAIN Spanien. Bestimmungen Über die Einfuhr von Kaffee und Kakao aus Fernando Po. Deutsche Handels-Archiv. 1901. 141. TONKIN Rottach, Edmond. L'organisation Économique de l'Indochine et le cafÉ au Tonkin. SociÉtÉ de GÉographic commerciale de Paris. Bulletin, 1913, XXXV: 643–660. UNITED STATES American tea and coffee trade from 1847 to 1916. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXIII: 28. Coffee Exchange of the City of New York. Annual Report. Coffee trade of the United States. Chamber of Commerce, New York. Annual Report 1908–1909, pt. 1: 23–29. Coffee Trade of the United States for the past six years. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1917, XXXIII: 326–329. Coffee Trade of the United States since 1821. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXIV: 336–338. Cunningham, E.S. Export of Mocha coffee to the United States. U.S. Consular Reports, 1899, LXI: 625–628. Our fastest growing coffee port, including handling green coffee at San Francisco. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1918, XXXIV: 524–528. Renaissance of tea and coffee. The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1919, XXXVI: 218–229. Sloss, R. New York coffee party. Everybody's Magazine. 1913, XXVIII: 772–783. Tea, coffee, wines, etc.; consumption of tea, coffee, wines, distilled spirits, and malt liquors in the U.S. since 1870, per capita of population. Washington, 1896–1899. U.S. Agriculture Dept. Yearbook, 1895: 552; 1896: 595; 1897: 754; 1898: 723. United States. Bureau of Statistics. Imports of coffee and tea. 1790–1896. Washington, 1896. Also, Monthly Summary of Finance and Commerce, 1896, new ser. IV: 670–690. Wakeman, Abram. History and reminiscences of lower Wall St. and vicinity. New York, 1914. 216 pp.
Altschud, F. Die Kaffeevalorisation. JahrbÜch fÜr Gesetzgebubg, 1910, 2. Attacking Brazil's coffee trust. Literary Digest, 1912, XLIV: 1242–1244. Brazil's failure to control the price. American Geographic Society. Bulletin, 1909, XLI: 220–222. Campista, David. ValorisaÇÃo do cafÉ e Caixa de conversÃo. Rio de Janeiro, 1906: 53. Chantland, William T. Valorization of coffee. A detailed report of the transactions and facts relating to the valorization of coffee. Washington, 1913. 15 pp. U.S. 63rd Congress, 1st session. Senate Document, 36. Coffee combine at bay. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXII: 497–513. Coffee valorization and the Sherman law. Journal of Political Economy, 1918, XXI: 162–163. Coffee valorization scheme and the coming harvest, The. Economist, 1909, LXVIII: 910–911. de Carvalho, J.C. O cafÉ do Brazil, estudos a favor da propaganda para a augmento do consumo e valorisaÇÃo do cafÉ do Brazil no estrangeiro. Rio de Janeiro, 1901. 41 pp. —— O cafÉ, sua historia, des valorisaÇÃo e propaganda pada o augmento do consumo na Europa o algodÃo, a industria da tecelagem do algodÃo, sua origem, appareicimento e desenvolvimento na America do Sul. Conferencias publicas realissadas na sÉde la Sociedade nacional de agricultura. Rio de Janeiro, 1900. 53 pp. Denis, Pierre. La crise du cafÉ au BrÉsil et la valorisation. Revue politique et parlementaire, 1908, LVI: 494–520. Ferreira Rangel, Sylvio. ValorisaÇÃo de cafÉ. Rio de Janeiro, 1906. 18 pp. Also, A Lavoura, IX: 81–90. Ferrin, A.W. Brazilian plan of limiting shipments. Moody's Magazine, 1912, XIII: 409–414. How the coffee trust has held its grip. Current Literature, 1912, LIII: 52–54. Huebner, G.G. Making green coffee prices. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912. XXI: 442–449. Hutchinson, Lincoln. Coffee valorization in Brazil. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1909, XXIII: 528–535. Kurth, Hermann. Die Lage des Kaffeemarktes und die Kaffeevalorisation. Inaugural dissertation, Jena, 1907. 34 pp. LaliÈre, A. La valorisation du cafÉ. Revue Économique internationale, Feb. 15–20, 1910, VII, pt. 1: 316–350. LÉvy, Maurice. La valorisation du cafÉ au BrÉsil. Annales des Sciences politiques, 1908, XXIII: 586–603. Macfarlane, John J. Coffee valorization analysed. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1910, XIX: 103–110. McKenna, W.E. Cause of advance in price. Public, 1912, XV: 508. Olavarria, I.A. Liga de los paises cafeteros. Caracas, 1898. 20 pp. Payen, Édouard. Au BrÉsil: la valorisation du cafÉ. Questions diplomatique et coloniales, XXIV: 728–740. Raising prices by destruction. Nation, 1909. LXXXVIII: 520–521. Ramos, F. Ferreira. La valorisation du cafÉ au BrÉsil. 1907. Ratzka-Ernst, Clara. Welthandelsartikel und ihre Preise. Eine Studie zur Preisbewegung und Preisbildung. Der Zucker, der Kaffee und die Baumwolle. MÜnchen, 1912. 244 pp. Schmidt, Fritz. Die Kaffeevalorisation. JahrbÜcher fÜr NationalÖkonomie und Statistik, 1909, ser. 3, XXXVIII: 662–670. Sielcken, Hermann. Coffee valorization explained. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1911, XXI: 471–481. —— A defense of valorization. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1912, XXIII, Supplement to no. 6: 17–21. Suit against the coffee trust. Nation, 1912, XCIV: 508–509. Syndicat gÉnÉral de dÉfense du cafÉ et des produits coloniaux. Bulletin, Paris, 1911, II: No. 6. Theiss, Lewis Edwin. Why the price of coffee increases. Showing how a few rich men, who want to be richer, are pushing up the price of coffee. Pearson's Magazine, 1911, XXVI: 456–463. Turmann, Max. Un État qui fait du commerce. Le BrÉsil et la valorisation du cafÉ. La Revue hebdomadaire, 1909, VIII: 450–470. Ukers, William H. The great coffee corner. Saturday Evening Post, 1909, CLXXXI: 5–7. Valorizing coffee. Review of Reviews, 1912, XLVI: 21–22. Value of coffee. Current Literature, 1903, XXXV: 746–747. Wessels, L. De opheffing van het monopolie en de vervanging van de gedwongen koffie-cultuur op Java door een staatscultuur in vrijen arbeid. 's Gravenhage, 1890. 72 pp. Wileman, J.P. Unparalleled valorization. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1911, XX: 444–445. Zur Frage der Kaffee-Valorisation. Deutsche Wirtschafts-Zeitung, 1913, IX: 237–243. |