| PAGE | Brass, how to clean | 22 | Bug poison | 9 | Carefulness, hints on | 86 | Carpets, how to clean | 26 | Clear-starching | 77 | Dress, observations on | 90 | Daily work, Housemaids’ | 34-75 | Economy, observations on | 91 | Fire, how to light | 38 | Floor-cloth, how to clean | 33 | French polish, how to clean | 15-20 | Grates, how to clean | 8, 18, 35 | Lamps, how to clean | 59 | Mahogany, how to clean | 16-21 | Marble, how to clean | 19 | Mirrors, how to clean | 16-24 | Nursing the sick, hints on | 94 | Paint, mixture for washing | 11 | Painted walls, how to clean | 20 | Papered walls, how to clean | 14 | Picture frames, how to clean | 24 | Pipeclay, how to prepare | 31 | Plate, how to clean | 81 | Scouring floor, different ways of | 12 | Stairs, how to clean | 31 | Sweeping, ways of | 11 | Washing muslins and lace | 76 | Windows, how to clean | 23 |