Vibration of Strings—How employed in Music—Influence of Sound-Boards—Laws of Vibrating Strings—Combination of Direct and Reflected Pulses—Stationary and Progressive Waves—Nodes and Ventral Segments—Application of Results to the Vibrations of Musical Strings—Experiments of Melde—Strings set in Vibration by Tuning-Forks—Laws of Vibration thus demonstrated—Harmonic Tones of Strings—Definitions of Timbre or Quality, or Overtones and Clang—Abolition of Special Harmonics—Conditions which affect the Intensity of the Harmonic Tones—Optical Examination of the Vibrations of a Piano-Wire. § 1. Vibrations of Strings: Use of Sound-BoardsWE HAVE to begin our studies to-day with the vibrations of strings or wires; to learn how bodies of this form are rendered available as sources of musical sounds, and to investigate the laws of their vibrations. To enable a musical string to vibrate transversely, or at right angles to its length, it must be stretched between two rigid points. Before you, Fig. 31 (next page), is an instrument employed to stretch strings, and to render their vibrations audible. From the pin p, to which one end of it is firmly attached, a string passes across the two bridges B and B', being afterward carried over the wheel H, which moves with great freedom. The string is finally stretched by a weight W, of 28 lbs., attached to its extremity. The bridges B and B', which constitute the real ends of the string, are fastened on to the long Taking hold of the stretched string B B' at its middle and plucking it aside, it springs back to its first position, passes it, returns, and thus vibrates for a time to and fro across its position of equilibrium. You hear a sound, but the sonorous waves which at present strike your ears do not proceed immediately from the string. The amount of wave-motion generated by so thin a body is too small to be sensible at any distance. But the string is drawn tightly over the two bridges B B'; and when it vibrates, its tremors are communicated through these bridges to the entire mass of the box M N, and to the air within the box, which thus become the real sounding bodies. That the vibrations of the string alone are not sufficient to produce the sound may be thus experimentally demonstrated: A B, Fig. 32 (next page), is a piece of wood placed across an iron bracket C. From each end of the piece of wood depends a rope ending in a loop, The importance of employing proper sounding apparatus in stringed instruments is rendered manifest by Take the violin as an example. It is, or ought to be, formed of wood of the most perfect elasticity. Imperfectly elastic wood expends the motion imparted to it in the friction of its own molecules; the This is the place to make the promised reference (page 38) to Prof. Stokes’s explanation of the action of sound-boards. Although the amplitude of the vibrating board may be very small, still its larger area renders the abolition of the condensations and rarefactions difficult. The air cannot move away in front nor slip in behind before it is sensibly condensed and rarefied. Hence with such vibrating bodies sound-waves may be generated, and loud tones The increase of sound, produced by the stoppage of lateral motion, has been experimentally illustrated by Prof. Stokes. Let the two black rectangles in Fig. 34 represent the section of a tuning-fork. After it has been made to vibrate, place a sheet of paper, or the blade of a broad knife, with its edge parallel to the axis of the fork, and as near to the fork as may be without touching. If the obstacle be so placed that the section of it is A or B, no effect is produced; but if it be placed at C, so as to prevent the reciprocating to-and-fro movement of the air, which tends to abolish the condensations and rarefactions, the sound becomes much stronger. § 2. Laws of Vibrating StringsHaving thus learned how the vibrations of strings are rendered available in music, we have next to investigate the laws of such vibrations. I pluck at its middle point the string B B', Fig. 31. The sound heard is the fundamental or lowest note of the string, to produce which it swings, as a whole, to and fro. By placing a movable bridge under the middle of the string, and pressing the string against the bridge, it is divided into two equal parts. Plucking either of those at its centre, a musical note is obtained, which many of you recognize as the octave of the fundamental note. In all cases, and with all instruments, the octave of a note is produced by doubling the number of its vibrations. It can, moreover, be proved, both by theory and by the siren, that this half string vibrates with exactly twice the rapidity of the whole. In the same way it can be proved that one-third Again, the more tightly a string is stretched the more rapid is its vibration. When this comparatively slack string is caused to vibrate, you hear its low fundamental note. By turning a peg, round which one end of it is coiled, the string is tightened, and the pitch rendered higher. Taking hold with my left hand of the weight w, attached to the wire B B' of our sonometer, and plucking the wire with the fingers of my right, I alternately press upon the weight and lift it. The quick variations of tension are expressed by a varying wailing tone. Now, the number of vibrations executed in the unit of time bears a definite relation to the stretching force. Applying different weights to the end of the wire B B', and determining in each case the number of vibrations executed in a second, we find the numbers thus obtained to be proportional to the square roots of the stretching weights. A string, for example, stretched by a weight of one pound, executes a certain number of vibrations per second; if we wish to double this number, we must stretch it by a weight of four pounds; if we wish to treble the number, we must apply a weight of nine pounds, and so on. The vibrations of a string also depend upon its thickness. Preserving the stretching weight, the length, and the material of the string constant, the number of vibrations varies inversely as the thickness of the string. If, Finally, the vibrations of a string depend upon the density of the matter of which it is composed. A platinum wire and an iron wire, for example, of the same length and thickness, stretched by the same weight, will not vibrate with the same rapidity. For, while the specific gravity of iron, or in other words its density, is 7·8, that of platinum is 21·5. All other conditions remaining the same, the number of vibrations is inversely proportional to the square root of the density of the string. If the density of one string, therefore, be one-fourth that of another of the same length, thickness, and tension, it will execute its vibrations twice as rapidly; if its density be one-ninth that of the other, it will vibrate with three times the rapidity, and so on. The last two laws, taken together, may be expressed thus: The number of vibrations is inversely proportional to the square root of the weight of the string. In the violin and other stringed instruments we avail ourselves of thickness instead of length to obtain the deeper tones. In the piano we not only augment the thickness of the wires intended to produce the bass notes, but we load them by coiling round them an extraneous substance. They resemble horses heavily jockeyed, and move more slowly on account of the greater weight imposed upon the force of tension. § 3. Mechanical Illustrations of Vibrations. Progressive and Stationary Waves. Ventral Segments and NodesThese, then, are the four laws which regulate the transverse vibrations of strings. We now turn to certain allied phenomena, which, though they involve mechanical Fig. 35. Fig. 35. considerations of a rather complicated kind, may be completely mastered by an average Fig. 36. Fig. 36. amount of attention. And they must be mastered if we would thoroughly comprehend the philosophy of stringed instruments. From the ceiling c, Fig. 35, of this room hangs an India-rubber tube twenty-eight feet long. The tube is filled with sand to render its motions slow and more easily followed by the eye. I take hold of its free end a, stretch the tube a little, and by properly timing my impulses cause it to swing to and fro as a whole, as shown in the figure. It has its definite period of vibration dependent on its length, weight, thickness, and tension, and my impulses must synchronize with that period. I now stop the motion, and by a sudden jerk raise a hump upon the tube, which runs along it as a pulse Fig. 37. Fig. 37. If, instead of a single jerk, a succession of jerks be imparted, thereby sending a series of pulses along the tube, every one of them will be reflected above, and we have now to inquire how the direct and reflected pulses behave toward each other. Let the time required by the pulse to pass from my hand to the fixed end be one second; at the end of half a second it occupies the position a b (1), Fig. 37, its foremost point having reached the middle of the tube. At the end of a whole second it would have the position b c The vibrating parts a b and b c are called ventral segments; the point of no vibration b is called a node. The term “pulse” is here used advisedly, instead of the more usual term wave. For a wave embraces two of these pulses. It embraces both the hump and the depression which follows the hump. The length of a wave, therefore, is twice that of a ventral segment. Fig. 38. Supposing the jerks to be so timed as to cause each hump to be one-third of the tube’s length. At the end of one-third of a second from starting the pulse will be in the position a b (1), Fig. 38. In two-thirds of a second it will have reached the position b b' (2), Fig. 38. At this moment let a new pulse be started at a; after the lapse of an entire second from the commencement we shall have two humps upon the tube, one occupying the position a b (3), the other the position b' c (3). It is here There is no theoretic limit to the number of nodes and ventral segments that may be thus produced. By the quickening of the impulses, the tube is divided into four ventral segments separated by three nodes; quickening still more we have five ventral segments and four nodes. With this particular tube the hand may be caused to vibrate sufficiently quick to produce ten ventral segments, as shown in Fig. 38 (7). When the stretching force is constant, the number of ventral segments is proportional to the rapidity of the hand’s vibration. To produce 2, 3, 4, 10 ventral segments requires twice, three times, four times, ten times the rapidity of vibration necessary to make the tube swing as a whole. When the vibration is very rapid the ventral segments appear like a series of shadowy spindles, separated from each other by dark motionless nodes. The experiment is a beautiful one, and it is easily performed. If, instead of moving the hand to-and fro, it be caused to describe a small circle, the ventral segments become “surfaces of revolution.” Instead of the hand, moreover, we may employ a hook turned by a whirling-table. Before you is a cord more rigid than the India-rubber tube, 25 feet long, with one of its ends attached to a freely-moving swivel fixed in the ceiling of the room. § 4. Mechanical Illustrations of Damping Various Points of Vibrating CordThe subject of stationary waves was first experimentally treated by the Messrs. Weber, in their excellent researches on wave-motion. It is a subject which will well repay your attention by rendering many of the most difficult phenomena of musical strings perfectly intelligible. It will make the connection of both classes of vibrations more obvious if we vary our last experiments. Before you is a piece of India-rubber tubing, 10 or 12 feet long, stretched from c to a, Fig. 39, and made fast to two pins at c and a. The tube is blackened, and behind it is placed a surface of white paper, to render its motions more visible. Encircling the tube at its centre b (1) by the thumb and forefinger of my left hand, and taking the middle of the lower half b a of the tube in my right, I pluck it aside. Not only does the lower half swing, Fig. 39. I now encircle the tube at a point b (3) one-third of its length from its lower end a, and, taking hold of a b at its centre, pluck it aside; the length b c above my hand instantly divides into two vibrating segments. Withdrawing the hands wholly, you see the entire tube divided into three ventral segments, separated This sudden division of the long upper segment of the tube, without any apparent cause, is very surprising; but if you grant me your attention for a moment, you will find that these experiments are essentially similar to those which illustrated the coalescence of direct and reflected undulations. Reverting for a moment to the latter, you observed that the to-and-fro motion of the hand through the space of a single inch was sufficient to make the middle points of the ventral segments vibrate through a foot or eighteen inches. By being properly timed the impulses accumulated, until the amplitude of the vibrating segments exceeded immensely that of the hand which produced them. The hand, in fact, constituted a nodal point, so small was its comparative motion. Indeed, it is usual, and correct, to regard the ends of the tube also as nodal points. Consider now the case represented in (1), Fig. 39, where the tube was encircled at its middle, the lower segment a b being thrown into the vibration corresponding to its length and tension. The circle formed by the finger and thumb permitted the tube to oscillate at the point b through the space of an inch; and the vibrations And here let me add that, when the tube was divided by the timid impulses of the hand, not one of its nodes was, strictly speaking, a point of no motion; for were the nodes not capable of vibrating through a very small amplitude, the motion of the various segments of the tube could not be maintained. § 5. Stationary Water-wavesWhat is true of the undulations of an India-rubber tube applies to all undulations whatsoever. Water-waves, for example, obey the same laws, and the coalescence of direct and reflected waves exhibits similar phenomena. This long and narrow vessel with glass sides, Fig. 40, is a copy of the wave-canal of the brothers Weber. It is filled to the level A B with colored water. By tilting the Fig. 40. Fig. 40. In travelling recently in the coupÉ of a French railway carriage, I had occasion to place a bottle half filled with water on one of the little coupÉ tables. It was interesting to observe it. At times it would be quite still; at times it would oscillate violently. To the passenger within the carriage there was no sensible change in the motion of the train to which the difference could be ascribed. But in the one case the tremor of the carriage contained no vibrations synchronous with the oscillating period of the water, while in the other case such vibrations were present. Out of the confused assemblage of tremors the water selected the particular constituent § 6. Application of Mechanical Illustrations to Musical StringsFrom these comparatively gross, but by no means unbeautiful, mechanical vibrations, we pass to those of a sounding string. In the experiments with our monochord, when the wire was to be shortened, a movable bridge was employed, against which the wire was pressed so as to deprive the point resting on the bridge of all possibility of motion. This strong pressure, however, is not necessary. Placing the feather-end of a goose-quill lightly against the middle of the string, and drawing a violin-bow over one of its halves, the string yields the octave of the note yielded by the whole string. The mere damping of the string at the centre, by the light touch of the feather, is sufficient to cause the string to divide into two vibrating segments. Nor is it necessary to hold the feather there throughout the experiment: after having drawn the bow, the feather may be removed; the string will continue to vibrate, emitting the same note as before. We have here a case exactly analogous to that in which the central point of our stretched India-rubber tube was damped, by encircling it with the finger and thumb as in Fig. 39 (1). Not only did the half plucked aside vibrate, but the other half vibrated also. We can, in fact, reproduce, with the vibrating string, every effect obtained with the tube. This, however, is a point of such importance as to demand full experimental illustration. To prove that when the centre is damped, and the Fig. 41. Fig. 41. Fig. 42. Fig. 42. When the string is damped at a point which cuts off one-third of its length, and the bow drawn across the shorter section, not only is this section thereby thrown into vibration, but the longer section divides itself into two ventral segments with a node between them. This is proved by placing small riders of red paper on the ventral segments, and a rider of blue paper at the node. Passing the bow across the short segment you observe a fluttering of the red riders, and now they are completely Fig. 43. Fig. 43. Damping the string at the end of one-fourth of its length, the bow is drawn across the shorter section; the remaining three-fourths divide themselves into three ventral segments, with two nodes between them. This is proved by the unhorsing of the three riders placed astride the ventral segments, the two at the nodes keeping their places undisturbed, Fig. 43. Fig. 44. Fig. 44. Finally, damping the string at the end of one-fifth of its length, and arranging, as before, the red riders on the ventral segments and the blue ones on the nodes, by a single sweep of the bow the four red riders are unhorsed, and the three blue ones left undisturbed, Fig. 44. In To make, if possible, this identity still more evident to you, a stout steel wire 28 feet in length is stretched behind the table from side to side of the room. I take the central point of this wire between my finger and thumb, and allow my assistant to pluck one-half of it aside. It vibrates, and the vibrations transmitted to the other half are sufficiently powerful to toss into the air a large sheet of paper placed astride the wire. With this long wire, and with riders not of one-eighth of a square inch, but of 30, 40, or 50 square inches in area, we may repeat all the experiments which you have witnessed with the musical string. The sheets of paper placed across the nodes remain always in their places, while those placed astride the ventral segments are tossed simultaneously into the air when the shorter segment of the wire is set in vibration. In this case, when close to it, you can actually see the division of the wire. § 7. Melde’s ExperimentsIt is now time to introduce to your notice some recent experiments on vibrating strings, which appeal to the eye with a beauty and a delicacy far surpassing anything attainable with our monochord. To M. Melde, of Mar Fig. 45. Fig. 45. First, then, you observe here a large tuning-fork T, Fig. 45, with a small screw fixed into the top of one of its prongs, by which a silk string can be firmly attached to the prong. From the fork the string passes round a distant peg P, by turning which it may be stretched to any required extent. When the bow is drawn across the fork, an irregular flutter of the string is the only result. On tightening it, however, when at the proper tension it expands into a beautiful gauzy spindle six feet long, more than six inches across at its widest part, and shining with a kind of pearly lustre. The stretching force at the present moment is such that the string swings to and fro as a whole, its vibrations being executed in a vertical plane. Relaxing the string gradually, when the proper tension has been reached, it suddenly divides into two ventral segments, separated from each other by a sharply-defined and apparently motionless node. While the fork continues vibrating, if the string be relaxed still further, it divides into three vibrating parts. Fig. 46. Fig. 46. When white-silk strings vibrate thus, the nodes appear perfectly fixed, while the ventral segments form spindles of the most delicate beauty. Every protuberance of the twisted string, moreover, writes its motion in a more or less luminous line on the surface of the aËrial gauze. The four nodes of vibration just illustrated are represented in Fig. 46, 1, 2, 3, 4. When the synchronism between fork and string is perfect, the vibrations of the string are steady and long-continued. A slight departure from synchronism, however, introduces unsteadiness, and the ventral segments, though they may show themselves for a time, quickly disappear. Fig. 47. Fig. 47. In the experiments just executed the fork vibrated in the direction of the length of the string. Every forward stroke of the fork raised a protuberance, which ran to the fixed end of the string, and was there reflected; so that when the longitudinal impulses were properly timed they produced a transverse vibration. Let us consider this further. One end of this heavy cord is attached to a hook A, Fig. 47, fixed in the wall. Laying hold of the other end I stretch the cord horizontally, and then move my hand to and fro in the direction of the cord. It swings as a whole, and you may notice that always, when the cord is at the limit of its swing, the hand is in its most forward position. If it vibrate in a vertical Precisely the same is true of our tuning-fork. When the fork vibrates in the direction of the string, the number of vibrations which it executes in a certain time is twice the number executed by the string itself. And if, while arranged thus, a fork and string vibrate with sufficient rapidity to produce musical notes, the note of the fork will be an octave above that of the string. But if, instead of the hand being moved to and fro in the direction of this heavy cord, it is moved at right angles to that direction, then every upward movement of the hand coincides with an upward movement of the cord; every downward movement of the hand with a downward movement of the cord. In fact, the vibrations of hand and string, in this case, synchronize perfectly; and if the hand could emit a musical note, the cord would, emit a note of the same pitch. The same holds good when a vibrating fork is substituted for the vibrating hand. Hence, if the string vibrate as a whole when the vibrations of the fork are along it, it will divide into two ventral segments when the vibrations are across it; or, more generally expressed, preserving the tension constant, whatever be the number of ventral segments pro Fig. 48. Fig. 48. Fig. 49. Fig. 49. A number of exquisite effects may be obtained with these vibrating cords. The path described by any point of any one of them may be studied, after the manner of Dr. Young, by illuminating that point, and watching the In reflecting on the best means of rendering these effects visible, the thought occurred to me of employing a fine platinum wire heated to redness by an electric current. Such a wire now stretches from a tuning-fork over a bridge of copper, and then passes round a peg. The copper bridge on the one hand and the tuning-fork on the other are the poles of a voltaic battery, from which a current passes through the wire and causes it to glow. On drawing the bow across the fork, the wire vibrates as a whole; its two ends are brilliant, while its middle is dark, being chilled by its rapid passage through the air. Thus you have a shading off of incandescence from the ends to the centre of the wire. On relaxing the tension, the wire divides itself into two ventral segments; on relaxing still further, we obtain three; still further, and the wire divides into four ventral segments, separated from each other by three brilliant nodes. Right and left from every node the incandescence shades away until it disappears. You notice also, when the wire settles into steady vibration, that the nodes shine out with greater brilliancy than that possessed by the wire before the vibration commenced. The reason is this. Electricity passes more § 8. New Mode of determining the Laws of VibrationWe may extend the experiments of M. Melde to the establishment of all the laws of vibrating strings. Here are four tuning-forks, which we may call a, b, c, d, whose rates of vibration are to each other as the numbers 1, 2, 4, 8. To the largest fork is attached a string, a, stretched by a weight, which causes it to vibrate as a whole. Keeping the stretching weight the same, I determine the lengths of the same string, which, when attached to the other three forks, b, c, d, swing as a whole. The lengths in the four respective cases are as the numbers 8, 4, 2, 1. From this follows the first law of vibration, already established (p. 126) by another method; viz., the length of the string is inversely proportional to the rapidity of vibration. In this case the longest string vibrates as a whole when attached to the fork a. I now transfer the string We may extend the experiment. Here are two tuning-forks separated from each other by the musical interval called a fifth. Attaching a string to one of the forks, I stretch the string until it divides into two ventral segments: attached to the other fork, and stretched by the same weight, it divides instantly into three segments when the fork is set in vibration. Now, to form the interval of a fifth, the vibrations of the one fork must be to those of the other in the ratio of 2:3. The division of the string, therefore, declares the interval. In, the same way the division of the string in relation to all other musical intervals may be illustrated. Again. Here are two tuning-forks, a and b, one of which (a) vibrates twice as rapidly as the other. A string of silk is attached to a, and stretched until it synchronizes with the fork, and vibrates as a whole. Here is a second string of the same length, formed by laying four strands of the first one side by side. I attach this compound thread to b, and, keeping the tension The rapidity of vibration is inversely proportional to the square root of the weight of the string. An instructive confirmation of this result is thus obtained: Attached to this tuning-fork is a silk string six feet long. Two feet of the string are composed of four strands of the single thread, placed side by side; the remaining four feet are a single thread. A stretching force is applied, which causes the string to divide into two ventral segments. But how does it divide? Not at its centre, as is the case when the string is of uniform thickness throughout, but at the precise point where the thick string terminates. This thick segment, two feet long, is now vibrating at the same rate as the thin segment four feet long, a result which follows by direct deduction from the two laws already established. Here again are two strings of the same length and thickness. One of them is attached to the fork a, the other to the fork b, which vibrates with twice the rapidity of a. Stretched by a weight of 20 grains, the string attached to b vibrates as a whole. Substituting b for a, a weight of 80 grains causes the string to vibrate as a whole. Hence, to double the rapidity of vibration, we must quadruple the stretching weight. In the same way it might be proved that to treble the rapidity of vibra The rapidity of vibration is proportional to the square root of the tension. Fig. 50. Fig. 50. Let us vary this experiment. This silk cord is carried from the tuning-fork over the pulley, and stretched by a weight of 80 grains. The string vibrates as a whole as at A, Fig. 50. By diminishing the weight the string is relaxed, and finally divides sharply into two ventral segments, as at B, Fig. 50. What is now the stretching Thus, by a series of reasonings and experiments totally different from those formerly employed, we arrive at the self-same laws. In science, different lines of reasoning often converge upon the same truth; and if we only follow them faithfully, we are sure to reach that truth at last. We may emerge, and often do emerge, from our reasoning with a contradiction in our hands; but on retracing our steps, we infallibly find the cause of the contradiction to be due, not to any lack of constancy in Nature, but of accuracy in man. It is the millions of experiences of this kind which science furnishes that give us our present faith in the stability of Nature. HARMONIC SOUNDS OR OVERTONES§ 9. Timbre; Klangfarbe; Clang-tintWe now approach a portion of our subject which will subsequently prove to be of the very highest importance. It has been shown by the most varied experiments that a stretched string can either vibrate as a whole, or divide itself into a number of equal parts, each of which vi All bodies and instruments, then, employed for producing musical sounds emit, besides their fundamental tones, others due to higher orders of vibration. The Germans embrace all such sounds under the general term ObertÖne. I think it will be an advantage if we in England adopt the term overtones as the equivalent of the term employed in Germany. One has occasion to envy the power of the German language to adapt itself to requirements of this nature. The term Klangfarbe, for ex With your permission I shall henceforth employ these terms; and now it becomes our duty to look a little more closely than we have hitherto done into the subdivision of a string into its harmonic segments. Our monochord with its stretched wire is before you. The scale of the instrument is divided into 100 equal parts. At the middle point of the wire stands the number 50; at a point almost exactly one-third of its length from its end stands the number 33; while at distances equal to one-fourth and one-fifth of its length from its end stand the numbers 25 and 20 respectively. These numbers are sufficient for our present purpose. When the wire is plucked at 50 you hear its clang, rather hollow and dull. When plucked at 33, the clang is different. When plucked at The celebrated Thomas Young, once professor in this Institution, enables us to solve the question. He proved that when any point of a string is plucked, all the higher tones which require that point for a node vanish from the clang. Let me illustrate this experimentally. I pluck the point 50, and permit the string to sound. It may be proved that the first overtone, which corresponds to a division of the string into two vibrating parts, is now absent from the clang. If it were present, the damping of the point 50 would not interfere with it, for this point would be its node. But on damping the point 50 the fundamental tone is quenched, and no octave of that tone is heard. Along with the octave its whole progeny of overtones, with rates of vibration four times, six times, eight times—all even numbers of times—the rate of the fundamental tone, disappear from the clang. All these tones require that a node should exist at the centre, where, according to the principle of Young, it cannot now be formed. Let us pluck some other point, say 25, and damp 50 as before. The fundamental tone is now gone, but its octave, clear and full, rings in your ears. The point 50 in this case not being the one plucked, a node can form there; it has formed, and the two halves of the string continue to vibrate after the vibrations of the string as a whole have been extinguished. Plucking the point 33, the second harmonic or overtone is absent from the clang. This is proved by damping the point All the overtones which depend on this division, those with six times, nine times, twelve times the rate of vibration of the fundamental one, are also withdrawn from the clang. Let us now pluck 20, damping 33 as before. The second harmonic is not extinguished, but continues to sound clearly and fully after the extinction of the fundamental tone. In this case the point 33 not being that plucked, a node can form there, and the string can divide itself into three parts accordingly. In like manner, if 25 be plucked and then damped, the third harmonic is not heard; but when a point between 25 and the end of the wire is plucked, and the point 25 damped, the third harmonic is plainly heard. And thus we might proceed, the general rule enunciated by Young, and illustrated by these experiments, being, that when any point of a string is plucked or struck, or, as Helmholtz adds, agitated with a bow, the harmonic which requires that point for a node vanishes from the general clang of the string. § 10. Mingling of Overtones with Fundamental. The Æolian HarpYou are now in a condition to estimate the influence which these higher vibrations must have upon the quality of the tone emitted by the string. The sounds which ring in your ears so plainly after the fundamental tone is quenched mingled with that note before it was extin And this reminds me of an occurrence which took place in this room at the beginning of my acquaintance with Faraday. I wished to show him a peculiar action of an electro-magnet upon a crystal. Everything was arranged, when just before the magnet was excited he laid his hand upon my arm and asked, “What am I to look for?” Amid the assemblage of impressions connected with an experiment, even this prince of experimenters felt the advantage of having his attention directed to the special point to be illustrated. Such help is the more needed when we attempt to resolve into its constituent parts an effect so intimately blended as the composite tones of a clang. When we desire to isolate a particular tone, one way of helping the attention is to sound that tone feebly on a string of the proper length. Thus prepared, the ear glides more readily from the single tone to that of the same pitch in a composite clang, and detaches it more readily from its companions. In the experiments executed a moment ago, where our The harmonics of a string may be augmented or subdued within wide limits. They may, as we have seen, be masked by the fundamental tone, and they may also effectually mask it. A stroke with a hard body is favorable, while a stroke with a soft body is unfavorable to their development. They depend, moreover, on the promptness with which the body striking the string retreats after striking. Thus they are influenced by the weight and elasticity of the hammers in the pianoforte. They also depend upon the place at which the shock is imparted. When, for example, a string is struck in the centre, the harmonics are less powerful than when it is struck near one end. Helmholtz, who is equally eminent as a mathematician and as an experimental philosopher, has calculated the theoretic intensity of the harmonics developed in various ways; that is to say, the actual vis viva or energy of the vibration, irrespective of its effects upon the ear. A single example given by him will suffice to illustrate this subject. Calling the intensity of the fundamental Why should this be the case? Helmholtz has given the answer. Up to the tones which require these points as nodes the overtones all form chords with the fundamental; but the sixth and eighth overtones of the wire do not enter into such chords; they are dissonant tones, and hence the desirability of doing away with them. This is accomplished by making the point at which a node is required that on which the hammer falls. The possibility of the tone forming is thereby shut out, and its injurious effect is avoided. The strings of the Æolian harp are divided into harmonic parts by a current of air passing over them. The § 11. Young’s Optical IllustrationsFinally, with regard to the vibrations of a wire, the experiments of Dr. Young, who was the first to employ optical methods in such experiments, must be mentioned. He allowed a sheet of sunlight to cross a pianoforte-wire, and obtained thus a brilliant dot. Striking the wire he caused it to vibrate, the dot described a luminous line like that produced by the whirling of a burning coal in the air, and the form of this line revealed the character of the vibration. It was rendered manifest by these experiments that the oscillations of the wire were not confined to a single plane, but that it described in its vibra The amount of motion communicated by a vibrating string to the air is too small to be perceived as sound, even at a small distance from the string. When a broad surface vibrates in air, condensations and rarefactions are more readily formed than when the vibrating body is of small dimensions like a string. Hence, when strings are employed as sources of musical sounds, they are associated with surfaces of larger area which take up their vibrations, and transfer them to the surrounding air. Thus the tone of a harp, a piano, a guitar, or a violin, depends mainly upon the sound-board of the instrument. The following four laws regulate the vibrations of strings: The rate of vibrations is inversely proportional to the length; it is inversely proportional to the diameter; it is directly proportional to the square root of the stretching weight or tension; and it is inversely proportional to the square root of the density of the string. When strings of different diameters and densities are compared, the law is, that the rate of vibration is inversely proportional to the square root of the weight of the string. When a stretched rope, or an India-rubber tube filled with sand, with one of its ends attached to a fixed object, receives a jerk at the other end, the protuberance raised upon the tube runs along it as a pulse to the fixed end, and, being there reflected, returns to the hand by which the jerk was imparted. The time required for the pulse to travel from the hand to the fixed end of the tube and back is that required by the whole tube to execute a complete vibration. When a series of pulses are sent in succession along the tube, the direct and reflected pulses meet, and by their coalescence divide the tube into a series of vibrating parts, called ventral segments, which are separated from each other by points of apparent rest called nodes. The number of ventral segments is directly proportional to the rate of vibration at the free end of the tube. The hand which produces these vibrations may move through less than an inch of space; while by the accumulation of its impulses the amplitude of the ventral If an India-rubber tube, fixed at both ends, be encircled at its centre by the finger and thumb, when either of its halves is pulled aside and liberated, both halves are thrown into a state of vibration. If the tube be encircled at a point one-third, one-fourth, or one-fifth of its length from one of its ends, on pulling the shorter segment aside and liberating it, the longer segment divides itself into two, three, or four vibrating parts, separated from each other by nodes. The number of vibrating segments depends upon the rate of vibration at the point encircled by the finger and thumb. Here also the amplitude of vibration at the place encircled by the finger and thumb may not be more than a fraction of an inch, while the amplitude of the ventral segments may amount to several inches. A musical string damped by a feather at a point one-half, one-third, one-fourth, one-fifth, etc., of its length from one of its ends, and having its shorter segment agitated, divides itself exactly like the India-rubber tube. Its division may be rendered apparent by placing little paper riders across it. Those placed at the ventral segments are thrown off, while those placed at the nodes retain their places. The notes corresponding to the division of a string into its aliquot parts are called the harmonics of the string. When a string vibrates as a whole, it usually divides at the same time into its aliquot parts. Smaller vibrations are superposed upon the larger; the tones corre The addition of these overtones to the fundamental tone determines the timbre or quality of the sound, or, as we have agreed to call it, the clang-tint. It is the addition of such overtones to fundamental tones of the same pitch which enables us to distinguish the sound of a clarionet from that of a flute, and the sound of a violin from both. Could the pure fundamental tones of these instruments be detached, they would be indistinguishable from each other; but the different admixture of overtones in the different instruments renders their clang-tints diverse, and therefore distinguishable. Instead of the heavy India-rubber tube in the experiment above referred to, we may employ light silk strings, and, instead of the vibrating hand, we may employ vibrating tuning-forks, and cause the strings to swing as a whole, or to divide themselves into any number of ventral segments. Effects of great beauty are thus obtained, and by experiments of this character all the laws of vibrating strings may be demonstrated. When a stretched string is plucked aside or agitated by a bow, all the overtones which require the agitated point for a node vanish from the clang of the string. The point struck by the hammer of the piano is from one-seventh to one-ninth of the length of the string from its end: by striking this point, the notes which require it as a node cannot be produced, a source of dissonance being thus avoided. |