
The Nerves and Sensation—Production and Propagation of Sonorous Motion—Experiments on Sounding Bodies placed in Vacuo—Deadening of Sound by Hydrogen—Action of Hydrogen on the Voice—Propagation of Sound through Air of Varying Density—Reflection of Sound—Echoes—Refraction of Sound—Diffraction of Sound; Case of Erith Village and Church—Influence of Temperature on Velocity—Influence of Density on Elasticity—Newton’s Calculation of Velocity—Thermal Changes Produced by the Sonorous Wave—Laplace’s Correction of Newton’s Formula—Ratio of Specific Heats at Constant Pressure and at Constant Volume deduced from Velocities of Sound—Mechanical Equivalent of Heat deduced from this Ratio—Inference that Atmospheric Air Possesses no Sensible Power to Radiate Heat—Velocity of Sound in Different Gases—Velocity in Liquids and Solids—Influence of Molecular Structure on the Velocity of Sound

§ 1. Introduction: Character of Sonorous Motion. Experimental Illustrations

THE various nerves of the human body have their origin in the brain, which is the seat of sensation. When the finger is wounded, the sensor nerves convey to the brain intelligence of the injury, and if these nerves be severed, however serious the hurt may be, no pain is experienced. We have the strongest reason for believing that what the nerves convey to the brain is in all cases motion. The motion here meant is not, however, that of the nerve as a whole, but of its molecules or smallest particles.8

Different nerves are appropriated to the transmission of different kinds of molecular motion. The nerves of taste, for example, are not competent to transmit the tremors of light, nor is the optic nerve competent to transmit sonorous vibrations. For these a special nerve is necessary, which passes from the brain into one of the cavities of the ear, and there divides into a multitude of filaments. It is the motion imparted to this, the auditory nerve, which, in the brain, is translated into sound.

Applying a flame to a small collodion balloon which contains a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen, the gases explode, and every ear in this room is conscious of a shock, which we name a sound. How was this shock transmitted from the balloon to our organs of hearing? Have the exploding gases shot the air-particles against the auditory nerve as a gun shoots a ball against a target? No doubt, in the neighborhood of the balloon, there is to some extent a propulsion of particles; but no particle of air from the vicinity of the balloon reached the ear of any person here present. The process was this: When the flame touched the mixed gases they combined chemically, and their union was accompanied by the development of intense heat. The heated air expanded suddenly, forcing the surrounding air violently away on all sides. This motion of the air close to the balloon was rapidly imparted to that a little further off, the air first set in motion coming at the same time to rest. The air, at a little distance, passed its motion on to the air at a greater distance, and came also in its turn to rest. Thus each shell of air, if I may use the term, surrounding the balloon took up the motion of the shell next preceding, and transmitted it to the next succeeding shell, the motion being thus propagated as a pulse or wave through the air.

The motion of the pulse must not be confounded with the motion of the particles which at any moment constitute the pulse. For while the wave moves forward through considerable distances, each particular particle of air makes only a small excursion to and fro.

The process may be rudely represented by the propagation of motion through a row of glass balls, such as are employed in the game of solitaire. Placing the balls along a groove thus, Fig. 1, each of them touching its neighbor, and urging one of them against the end of the row: the motion thus imparted to the first ball is delivered up to the second, the motion of the second is delivered up to the third, the motion of the third is imparted to the fourth; each ball, after having given up its motion, returning itself to rest. The last ball only of the row flies away. In a similar way is sound conveyed from particle to particle through the air. The particles which fill the cavity of the ear are finally driven against the tympanic membrane, which is stretched across the passage leading from the external ear toward the brain. This membrane, which closes outwardly the “drum” of the ear, is thrown into vibration, its motion is transmitted to the ends of the auditory nerve, and afterward along that nerve to the brain, where the vibrations are translated into sound. How it is that the motion of the nervous matter can thus excite the consciousness of sound is a mystery which the human mind cannot fathom.

Fig. 2.
Fig. 2.

The propagation of sound may be illustrated by another homely but useful illustration. I have here five young assistants, A, B, C, D, and E, Fig. 2, placed in a row, one behind the other, each boy’s hands resting against the back of the boy in front of him. E is now foremost, and A finishes the row behind. I suddenly push A, A pushes B, and regains his upright position; B pushes C; C pushes D; D pushes E; each boy, after the transmission of the push, becoming himself erect. E, having nobody in front, is thrown forward. Had he been standing on the edge of a precipice, he would have fallen over; had he stood in contact with a window, he would have broken the glass; had he been close to a drumhead, he would have shaken the drum. “We could thus transmit a push through a row of a hundred boys, each particular boy, however, only swaying to and fro. Thus, also, we send sound through the air, and shake the drum of a distant ear, while each particular particle of the air concerned in the transmission of the pulse makes only a small oscillation.

But we have not yet extracted from our row of boys all that they can teach us. When A is pushed he may yield languidly, and thus tardily deliver up the motion to his neighbor B. B may do the same to C, C to D, and D to E. In this way the motion might be transmitted with comparative slowness along the line. But A, when pushed, may, by a sharp muscular effort and sudden recoil, deliver up promptly his motion to B, and come himself to rest; B may do the same to C, C to D, and D to E, the motion being thus transmitted rapidly along the line. Now this sharp muscular effort and sudden recoil is analogous to the elasticity of the air in the case of sound. In a wave of sound, a lamina of air, when urged against its neighbor lamina, delivers up its motion and recoils, in virtue of the elastic force exerted between them; and the more rapid this delivery and recoil, or in other words the greater the elasticity of the air, the greater is the velocity of the sound.

Fig. 3.
Fig. 3.

A very instructive mode of illustrating the transmission of a sound-pulse is furnished by the apparatus represented in Fig. 3, devised by my assistant, Mr. Cottrell. It consists of a series of wooden balls separated from each other by spiral springs. On striking the knob A, a rod attached to it impinges upon the first ball B, which transmits its motion to C, thence it passes to E, and so on through the entire series. The arrival at D is announced by the shock of the terminal ball against the wood, or, if we wish, by the ringing of a bell. Here the elasticity of the air is represented by that of the springs. The pulse may be rendered slow enough to be followed by the eye.

Scientific education ought to teach us to see the invisible as well as the visible in nature, to picture with the vision of the mind those operations which entirely elude bodily vision; to look at the very atoms of matter in motion and at rest, and to follow them forth, without ever once losing sight of them, into the world of the senses, and see them there integrating themselves in natural phenomena. With regard to the point now under consideration, we must endeavor to form a definite image of a wave of sound. We ought to see mentally the air-particles, when urged outward by the explosion of our balloon, crowding closely together; but immediately behind this condensation we ought to see the particles separated more widely apart. We must, in short, to be able to seize the conception that a sonorous wave consists of two portions, in the one of which the air is more dense, and in the other of which it is less dense than usual. A condensation and a rarefaction, then, are the two constituents of a wave of sound. This conception shall be rendered more complete in our next lecture.

§ 2. Experiments in Vacuo, in Hydrogen, and on Mountains

That air is thus necessary to the propagation of sound was proved by a celebrated experiment made before the Royal Society, by a philosopher named Hawksbee, in 1705.9 He so fixed a bell within the receiver of an air-pump that he could ring the bell when the receiver was exhausted. Before the air was withdrawn the sound of the bell was heard within the receiver; after the air was withdrawn the sound became so faint as to be hardly perceptible. An arrangement is before you which enables us to repeat in a very perfect manner the experiment of Hawksbee. Within this jar, G G', Fig. 4, resting on the plate of an air-pump is a Fig. 4. Fig. 4. bell, B, associated with cloc-kwork.10 After the jar has been exhausted as perfectly as possible, I release, by means of a rod, r r', which passes air-tight through the top of the vessel, the detent which holds the hammer. It strikes, and you see it striking, but only those close to the bell can hear the sound. Hydrogen gas, which you know is fourteen times lighter than air, is now allowed to enter the vessel. The sound of the bell is not augmented by the presence of this attenuated gas, though the receiver is now full of it. By working the pump, the atmosphere round the bell is rendered still more attenuated. In this way we obtain a vacuum more perfect than that of Hawksbee, and this is important, for it is the last traces of air that are chiefly effective in this experiment. You now see the hammer pounding the bell, but you hear no sound. Even when the ear is placed against the exhausted receiver not the faintest tinkle is heard. Observe also that the bell is suspended by strings, for if it were allowed to rest upon the plate of the air-pump the vibrations would be communicated to the plate, and thence transmitted to the air outside. Permitting the air to enter the jar with as little noise as possible, you immediately hear a feeble sound, which grows louder as the air becomes more dense, until finally every person in this large assembly distinctly hears the ringing of the bell.11

Sir John Leslie found hydrogen singularly incompetent to act as the vehicle of the sound of a bell rung in the gas. More than this, he emptied a receiver like that before you of half its air, and plainly heard the ringing of the bell. On permitting hydrogen to enter the half-filled receiver until it was wholly filled, the sound sank until it was scarcely audible. This result remained an enigma until it received a simple and satisfactory explanation at the hands of Prof. Stokes. When a common pendulum oscillates it tends to form a condensation in front and a rarefaction behind. But it is only a tendency; the motion is so slow, and the air is so elastic, that it moves away in front before it is sensibly condensed, and fills the space behind before it can become sensibly dilated. Hence waves or pulses are not generated by the pendulum. It requires a certain sharpness of shock to produce the condensation and rarefaction which constitute a wave of sound in air.

The more elastic and mobile the gas, the more able will it be to move away in front and to fill the space behind, and thus to oppose the formation of rarefactions and condensations by a vibrating body. Now hydrogen is much more mobile than air; and hence the production of sonorous waves in it is attended with greater difficulty than in air. A rate of vibration quite competent to produce sound-waves in the one may be wholly incompetent to produce them in the other. Both calculation and observation prove the correctness of this explanation, to which we shall again refer.

At great elevations in the atmosphere sound is sensibly diminished in loudness. De Saussure thought the explosion of a pistol at the summit of Mont Blanc to be about equal to that of a common cracker below. I have several times repeated this experiment; first, in default of anything better, with a little tin cannon, the torn remnants of which are now before you, and afterward with pistols. What struck me was the absence of that density and sharpness in the sound which characterize it at lower elevations. The pistol-shot resembled the explosion of a champagne bottle, but it was still loud. The withdrawal of half an atmosphere does not very materially affect our ringing bell, and air of the density found at the top of Mont Blanc is still capable of powerfully affecting the auditory nerve. That highly attenuated air is able to convey sound of great intensity is forcibly illustrated by the explosion of meteorites at elevations where the tenuity of the atmosphere must be almost infinite. Here, however, the initial disturbance must be exceedingly great.

The motion of sound, like all other motion, is enfeebled by its transference from a light body to a heavy one. When the receiver which has hitherto covered our bell is removed you hear how much more loudly it rings in the open air. When the bell was covered the aËrial vibrations were first communicated to the heavy glass jar, and afterward by the jar to the air outside; a great diminution of intensity being the consequence. The action of hydrogen gas upon the voice is an illustration of the same kind. The voice is formed by urging air from the lungs through an organ called the larynx, where it is thrown into vibration by the vocal chords which thus generate sound. But when the lungs are filled with hydrogen, the vocal chords on speaking produce a vibratory motion in the hydrogen, which then transfers the motion to the outer air. By this transference from a light gas to a heavy one the voice is so weakened as to become a mere squeak.12

The intensity of a sound depends on the density of the air in which the sound is generated, and not on that of the air in which it is heard.13 Supposing the summit of Mont Blanc to be equally distant from the top of the Aiguille Verte and the bridge at Chamouni; and supposing two observers stationed, the one upon the bridge and the other upon the Aiguille: the report of a cannon fired on Mont Blanc would reach both observers with the same intensity, though in the one case the sound would pursue its way through the rare air above, while in the other it would descend though the denser air below. Again, let a straight line equal to that from the bridge at Chamouni to the summit of Mont Blanc be measured along the earth’s surface in the valley of Chamouni, and let two observers be stationed, the one on the summit and the other at the end of the line: the report of a cannon fired on the bridge would reach both observers with the same intensity, though in the one case the sound would be propagated through the dense air of the valley, and in the other case would ascend through the rarer air of the mountain. Finally, charge two cannon equally, and fire one of them at Chamouni and the other at the top of Mont Blanc: the one fired in the heavy air below may be heard above, while the one fired in the light air above is unheard below.

§ 3. Intensity of Sound. Law of Inverse Squares

In the case of our exploding balloon the wave of sound expands on all sides, the motion produced by the explosion being thus diffused over a continually augmenting mass of air. It is perfectly manifest that this cannot occur without an enfeeblement of the motion. Take the case of a thin shell of air with a radius of one foot, reckoned from the centre of explosion. A shell of air of the same thickness, but of two feet radius, will contain four times the quantity of matter; if its radius be three feet, it will contain nine times the quantity of matter; if four feet, it will contain sixteen times the quantity of matter, and so on. Thus the quantity of matter set in motion augments as the square of the distance from the centre of explosion. The intensity or loudness of sound diminishes in the same proportion. We express this law by saying that the intensity of the sound varies inversely as the square of the distance.

Let us look at the matter in another light. The mechanical effect of a ball striking a target depends on two things—the weight of the ball, and the velocity with which it moves. The effect is proportional to the weight simply; but it is proportional to the square of the velocity. The proof of this is easy, but it belongs to ordinary mechanics rather than to our present subject. Now what is true of the cannon-ball striking a target is also true of an air-particle striking the tympanum of the ear. Fix your attention upon a particle of air as the sound-wave passes over it; it is urged from its position of rest toward a neighbor particle, first with an accelerated motion, and then with a retarded one. The force which first urges it is opposed by the resistance of the air, which finally stops the particle and causes it to recoil. At a certain point of its excursion the velocity of the particle is its maximum. The intensity of the sound is proportional to the square of this maximum velocity.

The distance through which the air-particle moves to and fro, when the sound-wave passes it, is called the amplitude of the vibration. The intensity of the sound is proportional to the square of the amplitude.

§ 4. Confinement of Sound-waves in Tubes

This weakening of the sound, according to the law of inverse squares, would not take place if the sound-wave were so confined as to prevent its lateral diffusion. By sending it through a tube with a smooth interior surface we accomplish this, and the wave thus confined may be transmitted to great distances with very little diminution of intensity. Into one end of this tin tube, fifteen feet long, I whisper in a manner quite inaudible to the people nearest to me, but a listener at the other end hears me distinctly. If a watch be placed at one end of the tube, a person at the other end hears the ticks, though nobody else does. At the distant end of the tube is now placed a lighted candle, c, Fig. 5. When the hands are clapped at this end, the flame instantly ducks down at the other. It is not quite extinguished, but it is forcibly depressed. When two books, B B', Fig. 5, are clapped together, the candle is blown out.14 You may here observe, in a rough way, the speed with which the sound-wave is propagated. The instant the clap is heard the flame is extinguished. I do not say that the time required by the sound to travel this tube is immeasurably short, but simply that the interval is too short for your senses to appreciate it.

Fig. 5.
Fig. 5.

That it is a pulse and not a puff of air is proved by filling one end of the tube with the smoke of brown paper. On clapping the books together no trace of this smoke is ejected from the other end. The pulse has passed through both smoke and air without carrying either of them along with it.

An effective mode of throwing the propagation of a pulse through air has been devised by my assistant. The two ends of a tin tube fifteen feet long are stopped by sheet India-rubber stretched across them. At one end, e, a hammer with a spring handle rests against the India-rubber; at the other end is an arrangement for the striking of a bell, c. Drawing back the hammer e to a distance measured on the graduated circle and liberating it, the generated pulse is propagated through the tube, strikes the other end, drives away the cork termination a of the lever a b, and causes the hammer b to strike the bell. The rapidity of propagation is well illustrated here. When hydrogen (sent through the India-rubber tube H) is substituted for air the bell does not ring.

Fig. 6.
Fig. 6.

The celebrated French philosopher, Biot, observed the transmission of sound through the empty water-pipes of Paris, and found that he could hold a conversation in a low voice through an iron tube 3,120 feet in length. The lowest possible whisper, indeed, could be heard at this distance, while the firing of a pistol into one end of the tube quenched a lighted candle at the other.

§ 5. The Reflection of Sound. Resemblances to Light

The action of sound thus illustrated is exactly the same as that of light and radiant heat. They, like sound, are wave-motions. Like sound they diffuse themselves in space, diminishing in intensity according to the same law. Like sound also, light and radiant heat, when sent through a tube with a reflecting interior surface, may be conveyed to great distances with comparatively little loss. In fact, every experiment on the reflection of light has its analogy in the reflection of sound. On yonder gallery stands an electric lamp, placed close to the clock of this lecture-room. An assistant in the gallery ignites the lamp, and directs its powerful beam upon a mirror placed here behind the lecture-table. By the act of reflection the divergent beam is converted into this splendid luminous cone traced out upon the dust of the room. The point of convergence being marked and the lamp extinguished, I place my ear at that point. Here every sound-wave sent forth by the clock and reflected by the mirror is gathered up, and the ticks are heard as if they came, not from the clock, but from the mirror. Let us stop the clock, and place a watch w, Fig. 7, at the place occupied a moment ago by the electric light. At this great distance the ticking of the watch is distinctly heard. The hearing is much aided by introducing the end f of a glass funnel into the ear, the funnel here acting the part of an ear-trumpet. We know, moreover, that in optics the positions of a body and of its image are reversible. When a candle is placed at this lower focus, you see its image on the gallery above, and I have only to turn the mirror on its stand to make the image of the flame fall upon any one of the row of persons who occupy the front seat in the gallery. Removing the candle, and putting the watch, w, Fig. 8, in its place, the person on whom the light falls distinctly hears the sound. When the ear is assisted by the glass funnel, the reflected ticks of the clock in our first experiment are so powerful as to suggest the idea of something pounding against the tympanum, while the direct ticks are scarcely if at all, heard.

Fig. 7.
Fig. 7.
Fig. 8.
Fig. 8.

One of these two parabolic mirrors, n n', Fig. 9, is placed upon the table, the other, m m', being drawn up to the ceiling of this theatre; they are five-and-twenty feet apart. When the carbon-points of the electric light are placed in the focus a of the lower mirror and ignited, a fine luminous cylinder rises like a pillar to the upper Fig. 9. Fig. 9. mirror, which brings the parallel beam to a focus. At that focus is seen a spot of sunlike brilliancy, due to the reflection of the light from the surface of a watch, w, there suspended. The watch is ticking, but in my present position I do not hear it. At this lower focus, a, however, we have the energy of every sonorous wave converged. Placing the ear at a, the ticking is as audible as if the watch were at hand; the sound, as in the former case, appearing to proceed, not from the watch itself, but from the lower mirror.15

Curved roofs and ceilings and bellying sails act as mirrors upon sound. In our old laboratory, for example, the singing of a kettle seemed, in certain positions, to come, not from the fire on which it was placed, but from the ceiling. Inconvenient secrets have been thus revealed, an instance of which has been cited by Sir John Herschel.16 In one of the cathedrals in Sicily the confessional was so placed that the whispers of the penitents were reflected by the curved roof, and brought to a focus at a distant part of the edifice. The focus was discovered by accident, and for some time the person who discovered it took pleasure in hearing, and in bringing his friends to hear, utterances intended for the priest alone. One day, it is said, his own wife occupied the penitential stool, and both he and his friends were thus made acquainted with secrets which were the reverse of amusing to one of the party.

When a sufficient interval exists between a direct and a reflected sound, we hear the latter as an echo.

Sound, like light, may be reflected several times in succession, and, as the reflected light under these circumstances becomes gradually feebler to the eye, so the successive echoes become gradually feebler to the ear. In mountain regions this repetition and decay of sound produce wonderful and pleasing effects. Visitors to Killarney will remember the fine echo in the Gap of Dunloe. When a trumpet is sounded in the proper place in the Gap, the sonorous waves reach the ear in succession after one, two, three, or more reflections from the adjacent cliffs, and thus die away in the sweetest cadences. There is a deep cul-de-sac, called the Ochsenthal, formed by the great cliffs of the EngelhÖrner, near Rosenlaui, in Switzerland, where the echoes warble in a wonderful manner.

The sound of the Alpine horn, echoed from the rocks of the Wetterhorn or the Jungfrau, is in the first instance heard roughly. But by successive reflections the notes are rendered more soft and flute-like, the gradual diminution of intensity giving the impression that the source of sound is retreating further and further into the solitudes of ice and snow. The repetition of echoes is also in part due to the fact that the reflecting surfaces are at different distances from the hearer.

In large, unfurnished rooms the mixture of direct and reflected sound sometimes produces very curious effects. Standing, for example, in the gallery of the Bourse at Paris, you hear the confused vociferation of the excited multitude below. You see all the motions—of their lips as well as of their hands and arms. You know they are speaking—often, indeed, with vehemence—but what they say you know not. The voices mix with their echoes into a chaos of noise, out of which no intelligible utterance can emerge. The echoes of a room are materially damped by its furniture. The presence of an audience may also render intelligible speech possible where, without an audience, the definition of the direct voice is destroyed by its echoes. On the 16th of May, 1865, having to lecture in the Senate House of the University of Cambridge, I first made some experiments as to the loudness of voice necessary to fill the room, and was dismayed to find that a friend, placed at a distant part of the hall, could not follow me because of the echoes. The assembled audience, however, so quenched the sonorous waves that the echoes were practically absent, and my voice was plainly heard in all parts of the Senate House.

Sounds are also said to be reflected from the clouds. Arago reports that, when the sky is clear, the report of a cannon on an open plain is short and sharp, while a cloud is sufficient to produce an echo like the rolling of distant thunder. The subject of aËrial echoes will be subsequently treated at length, when it will be shown that Arago’s conclusion requires correction.

Sir John Herschel, in his excellent article “Sound,” In the “EncyclopÆdia Metropolitana,” has collected with others the following instances of echoes. An echo in Woodstock Park repeats seventeen syllables by day and twenty by night; one, on the banks of the Lago del Lupo, above the fall of Terni, repeats fifteen. The tick of a watch may be heard from one end of the abbey church of St. Albans to the other. In Gloucester Cathedral, a gallery of an octagonal form conveys a whisper seventy-five feet across the nave. In the whispering-gallery of St. Paul’s, the faintest sound is conveyed from one side to the other of the dome, but is not heard at any intermediate point. At Carisbrook Castle, in the Isle of Wight, is a well two hundred and ten feet deep and twelve wide. The interior is lined by smooth masonry; when a pin is dropped into the well it is distinctly heard to strike the water. Shouting or coughing into this well produces a resonant ring of some duration.17

§ 6. Refraction of Sound

Fig. 10.
Fig. 10.

Another important analogy between sound and light has been established by M. Sondhauss.18 When a large lens is placed in front of our lamp, the lens compels the rays of light that fall upon it to deviate from their direct and divergent course, and to form a convergent cone behind it. This refraction of the luminous beam is a consequence of the retardation suffered by the light in passing through the glass. Sound may be similarly refracted by causing it to pass through a lens which retards its motion. Such a lens is formed when we fill a thin balloon with some gas heavier than air. A collodion balloon, B, Fig. 10, filled with carbonic-acid gas, the envelope being so thin as to yield readily to the pulses which strike against it, answers the purpose.19 A watch, w, is hung up close to the lens, beyond which, and at a distance of four or five feet from the lens, is placed the ear, assisted by the glass funnel f f'. By moving the head about, a position is soon discovered in which the ticking is particularly loud. This, in fact, is the focus of the lens. If the ear be moved from this focus the intensity of the sound falls; if, when the ear is at the focus, the balloon be removed, the ticks are enfeebled; on replacing the balloon their force is restored. The lens, in fact, enables us to hear the ticks distinctly when they are perfectly inaudible to the unaided ear.

How a sound-wave is thus converged may be comprehended by reference to Fig. 11. Let m o n o be a section of the sound-lens, and a b a portion of a sonorous wave approaching it from a distance. The middle point, o, of the wave first touches the lens, and is first retarded Fig. 11. Fig. 11. by it. By the time the ends a and b, still moving through air, reach the balloon, the middle point o, pursuing its way through the heavier gas within, will have only reached o'. The wave is therefore broken at o; and the direction of motion being at right angles to the face of the wave, the two halves will encroach upon each other. This convergence of the two halves of the wave is augmented on quitting the lens. For when o' has reached o, the two ends a and b will have pushed forward to a greater distance, say to a' and b'. Soon afterward the two halves of the wave will cross each other, or in other words come to a focus, the air at the focus being agitated by the sum of the motions of the two waves.20

§ 7. Diffraction of Sound: illustrations offered by great Explosions

When a long sea-roller meets an isolated rock in its passage, it rises against the rock and embraces it all round. Facts of this nature caused Newton to reject the undulatory theory of light. He contended that if light were a product of wave-motion we could have no shadows, because the waves of light would propagate themselves round opaque bodies as a wave of water round a rock. It has been proved since his time that the waves of light do bend round opaque bodies; but with that we have nothing now to do. A sound-wave certainly bends thus round an obstacle, though as it diffuses itself in the air at the back of the obstacle it is enfeebled in power, the obstacle thus producing a partial shadow of the sound. A railway train passing through cuttings and long embankments exhibits great variations in the intensity of the sound. The interposition of a hill in the Alps suffices to diminish materially the sound of a cataract; it is able sensibly to extinguish the tinkle of the cowbells. Still the sound-shadow is but partial, and the marker at the rifle-butts never fails to hear the explosion, though he is well protected from the ball. A striking example of this diffraction of a sonorous wave was exhibited at Erith after the tremendous explosion of a powder magazine which occurred there in 1864. The village of Erith was some miles distant from the magazine, but in nearly all cases the windows were shattered; and it was noticeable that the windows turned away from the origin of the explosion suffered almost as much as those which faced it. Lead sashes were employed in Erith Church, and these, being in some degree flexible, enabled the windows to yield to pressure without much fracture of the glass. As the sound-wave reached the church it separated right and left, and, for a moment, the edifice was clasped by a girdle of intensely compressed air, every window in the church, front and back, being bent inward. After compression, the air within the church no doubt dilated, tending to restore the windows to their first condition. The bending in of the windows, however, produced but a small condensation of the whole mass of air within the church; the recoil was therefore feeble in comparison with the pressure, and insufficient to undo what the latter had accomplished.

§ 8. Velocity of Sound: relation to Density and Elasticity of Air

Two conditions determine the velocity of propagation of a sonorous wave; namely, the elasticity and the density of the medium through which the wave passes. The elasticity of air is measured by the pressure which it sustains or can hold in equilibrium. At the sea-level this pressure is equal to that of a stratum of mercury about thirty inches high. At the summit of Mont Blanc the barometric column is not much more than half this height; and, consequently, the elasticity of the air upon the summit of the mountain is not much more than half what it is at the sea-level.

If we could augment the elasticity of air, without at the same time augmenting its density, we should augment the velocity of sound. Or, if allowing the elasticity to remain constant we could diminish the density, we should augment the velocity. Now, air in a closed vessel, where it cannot expand, has its elasticity augmented by heat, while its density remains unchanged. Through such heated air sound travels more rapidly than through cold air. Again, air free to expand has its density lessened by warming, its elasticity remaining the same, and through such air sound travels more rapidly than through cold air. This is the case with our atmosphere when heated by the sun.

The velocity of sound in air, at the freezing temperature, is 1,090 feet a second.

At all lower temperatures the velocity is less than this, and at all higher temperatures it is greater. The late M. Wertheim has determined the velocity of sound in air of different temperatures, and here are some of his results:

Temperature of air Velocity of sound
0·5° centigrade 1,089 feet
2·10 1,091”
8·5 1,109”
12·0 1,113”
26·6 1,140”

At a temperature of half a degree above the freezing-point of water the velocity is 1,089 feet a second; at a temperature of 26·6 degrees, it is 1,140 feet a second, or a difference of 51 feet for 26 degrees; that is to say, an augmentation of velocity of nearly two feet for every single degree centigrade.

With the same elasticity the density of hydrogen gas is much less than that of air, and the consequence is that the velocity of sound in hydrogen far exceeds its velocity in air. The reverse holds good for heavy carbonic-acid gas. If density and elasticity vary in the same proportion, as the law of Boyle and Mariotte proves them to do in air when the temperature is preserved constant, they neutralize each other’s effects; hence, if the temperature were the same, the velocity of sound upon the summits of the highest Alps would be the same as that at the mouth of the Thames. But, inasmuch as the air above is colder than that below, the actual velocity on the summits of the mountains is less than that at the sea-level. To express this result in stricter language, the velocity is directly proportional to the square root of the elasticity of the air; it is also inversely proportional to the square root of the density of the air. Consequently, as in air of a constant temperature elasticity and density vary in the same proportion, and act oppositely, the velocity of sound is not affected by a change of density, if unaccompanied by a change of temperature.

There is no mistake more common than to suppose the velocity of sound to be augmented by density. The mistake has arisen from a misconception of the fact that in solids and liquids the velocity is greater than in gases. But it is the higher elasticity of those bodies, in relation to their density, that causes sound to pass rapidly through them. Other things remaining the same, an augmentation of density always produces a diminution of velocity. Were the elasticity of water, which is measured by its compressibility, only equal to that of air, the velocity of sound in water, instead of being more than quadruple the velocity in air, would be only a small fraction of that velocity. Both density and elasticity, then, must be always borne in mind; the velocity of sound being determined by neither taken separately, but by the relation of the one to the other. The effect of small density and high elasticity is exemplified in an astonishing manner by the luminiferous ether, which transmits the vibrations of light—not at the rate of so many feet, but at the rate of nearly two hundred thousand miles a second.

Those who are unacquainted with the details of scientific investigation have no idea of the amount of labor expended in the determination of those numbers on which important calculations or inferences depend. They have no idea of the patience shown by a Berzelius in determining atomic weights; by a Regnault in determining coefficients of expansion; or by a Joule in determining the mechanical equivalent of heat. There is a morality brought to bear upon such matters which, in point of severity, is probably without a parallel in any other domain of intellectual action. Thus, as regards the determination of the velocity of sound in air, hours might be filled with a simple statement of the efforts made to establish it with precision. The question has occupied the attention of experimenters in England, France, Germany, Italy, and Holland. But to the French and Dutch philosophers we owe the application of the last refinements of experimental skill to the solution of the problem. They neutralized effectually the influence of the wind; they took into account barometric pressure, temperature, and hygrometric condition. Sounds were started at the same moment from two distant stations, and thus caused to travel from station to station through the self-same air. The distance between the stations was determined by exact trigonometrical observations, and means were devised for measuring with the utmost accuracy the time required by the sound to pass from the one station to the other. This time, expressed in seconds, divided into the distance expressed in feet, gave 1,090 feet per second as the velocity of sound through air at the temperature of 0° centigrade.

The time required by light to travel over all terrestrial distances is practically zero; and in the experiments just referred to the moment of explosion was marked by the flash of a gun, the time occupied by the sound in passing from station to station being the interval observed between the appearance of the flash and the arrival of the sound. The velocity of sound in air once established, it is plain that we can apply it to the determination of distances. By observing, for example, the interval between the appearance of a flash of lightning and the arrival of the accompanying thunder-peal, we at once determine the distance of the place of discharge. It is only when the interval between the flash and peal is short that danger from lightning is to be apprehended.

§ 9. Theoretic Velocity calculated by Newton Laplace’s Correction

We now come to one of the most delicate points in the whole theory of sound. The velocity through air has been determined by direct experiment; but knowing the elasticity and density of the air, it is possible, without any experiment at all, to calculate the velocity with which a sound-wave is transmitted through it. Sir Isaac Newton made this calculation, and found the velocity at the freezing temperature to be 916 feet a second. This is about one-sixth less than actual observation had proved the velocity to be, and the most curious suppositions were made to account for the discrepancy. Newton himself threw out the conjecture that it was only in passing from particle to particle of the air that sound required time for its transmission; that it moved instantaneously through the particles themselves. He then supposed the line along which sound passes to be occupied by air-particles for one-sixth of its extent, and thus he sought to make good the missing velocity. The very art and ingenuity of this assumption were sufficient to throw doubt on it; other theories were therefore advanced, but the great French mathematician Laplace was the first Fig. 12. Fig. 12. to completely solve the enigma. I shall now endeavor to make you thoroughly acquainted with his solution.

Into this strong cylinder of glass, T U, Fig. 12, which is accurately bored, and quite smooth within, fits an air-tight piston. By pushing the piston down, I condense the air beneath it, heat being at the same time developed. A scrap of amadou attached to the bottom of the piston is ignited by the heat generated by compression. If a bit of cotton wool dipped into bisulphide of carbon be attached to the piston, when the latter is forced down, a flash of light, due to the ignition of the bisulphide of carbon vapor, is observed within the tube. It is thus proved that when air is compressed heat is generated. By another experiment it may be shown that when air is rarefied cold is developed. This brass box contains a quantity of condensed air. I open the cock, and permit the air to discharge itself against a suitable thermometer; the sinking of the instrument immediately declares the chilling of the air.

All that you have heard regarding the transmission of a sonorous pulse through air is, I trust, still fresh in your minds. As the pulse advances it squeezes the particles of air together, and two results follow from this compression. First, its elasticity is augmented through the mere augmentation of its density. Secondly, its elasticity is augmented by the heat of compression. It was the change of elasticity which resulted from a change of density that Newton took into account, and he entirely overlooked the augmentation of elasticity due to the second cause just mentioned. Over and above, then, the elasticity involved in Newton’s calculation, we have an additional elasticity due to changes of temperature produced by the sound-wave itself. When both are taken into account, the calculated and the observed velocities agree perfectly.

But here, without due caution, we may fall into the gravest error. In fact, in dealing with Nature, the mind must be on the alert to seize all her conditions; otherwise we soon learn that our thoughts are not in accordance with her facts. It is to be particularly noted that the augmentation of velocity due to the changes of temperature produced by the sonorous wave itself is totally different from the augmentation arising from the heating of the general mass of the air. The average temperature of the air is unchanged by the waves of sound. We cannot have a condensed pulse without having a rarefied one associated with it. But in the rarefaction, the temperature of the air is as much lowered as it is raised in the condensation. Supposing, then, the atmosphere parcelled out into such condensations and rarefactions, with their respective temperatures, an extraneous sound passing through such an atmosphere would be as much retarded in the latter as accelerated in the former, and no variation of the average velocity could result from such a distribution of temperature.

Whence, then, does the augmentation pointed out by Laplace arise? I would ask your best attention while I endeavor to make this knotty point clear to you. If air be compressed it becomes smaller in volume; if the pressure be diminished, the volume expands. The force which resists compression, and which produces expansion, is the elastic force of the air. Thus an external pressure squeezes the air-particles together; their own elastic force holds them asunder, and the particles are in equilibrium when these two forces are in equilibrium. Hence it is that the external pressure is a measure of the elastic force. Let the middle row of dots, Fig. 13, represent a series of air-particles in a state of quiescence between the points a and x. Then, because of the elastic force exerted between the particles, if any one of them be moved from its position of rest, the motion will be transmitted through the entire series. Supposing the particle a to be driven by the prong of a tuning-fork, or some other vibrating body, toward x, so as to be caused finally to occupy the position a' in the lowest row of particles: at the instant the excursion of a commences, its motion begins to be transmitted to b. In the next following moments b transmits the motion to c, c to d, d to e, and so on. So that by the time a has reached the position a', the motion will have been propagated to some point o' of the line of particles more or less distant from a'. The entire series of particles between a' and o' is then in a state of condensation. The distance a' o', over which the motion has travelled during the excursion of a to a', will depend upon the elastic force exerted between the particles. Fix your attention on any two of the particles, say a and b. The elastic force between them may be figured as a spiral spring, and it is plain that the more flaccid this spring the more sluggish would be the communication of the motion from a to b; while the stiffer the spring the more prompt would be the communication of the motion. What is true of a and b is true for every other pair of particles between a and o. Now the spring between every pair of these particles is suddenly stiffened by the heat developed along the line of condensation, and hence the velocity of propagation is augmented by this heat. Reverting to our old experiment with the row of boys, it is as if, by the very act of pushing his neighbor, the muscular rigidity of each boy’s arm was increased, thus enabling him to deliver his push more promptly than he would have done without this increase of rigidity. The condensed portion of a sonorous wave is propagated in the manner here described, and it is plain that the velocity of propagation is augmented by the heat developed in the condensation.

Let us now turn our thoughts for a moment to the propagation of the rarefaction. Supposing, as before, the middle row a x to represent the particles of air in equilibrium under the pressure of the atmosphere, and suppose the particle a to be suddenly drawn to the right, so as to occupy the position a in the highest line of dots: a is immediately followed by b, b by c, c by d, d by e; and thus the rarefaction is propagated backward toward x, reaching a point o in the line of particles by the time a has completed its motion to the right. Now, why does b follow a when a is drawn away from it? Manifestly because the elastic force exerted between b and a is less than that between b and c. In fact, b will be driven after a by a force equal to the difference of the two elasticities between a and b and between b and c. The same remark applies to the motion of c after b, to that of d after c, in fact, to the motion of each succeeding particle when it follows its predecessor. The greater the difference of elasticity on the two sides of any particle the more promptly will it follow its predecessor. And here observe what the cold of rarefaction accomplishes. In addition to the diminution of the elastic force between a and b by the withdrawal of a to a greater distance, there is a further diminution due to the lowering of the temperature. The cold developed augments the difference of elastic force on which the propagation of the rarefaction depends. Thus we see that because the heat developed in the condensation augments the rapidity of the condensation, and because the cold developed in the rarefaction augments the rapidity of the rarefaction, the sonorous wave, which consists of a condensation and a rarefaction, must have its velocity augmented by the heat and the cold which it develops during its own progress.

It is worth while fixing your attention here upon the fact that the distance a' o', to which the motion has been propagated while a is moving to the position a', may be vastly greater than that passed over in the same time by the particle itself. The excursion of a' may not be more than a small fraction of an inch, while the distance to which the motion is transferred during the time required by a' to perform this small excursion may be many feet, or even many yards. If this point should not appear altogether plain to you now, it will appear so by and by.

§ 10. Ratio of Specific Heats of Air deduced from Velocity of Sound

Having grasped this, even partially, I will ask you to accompany me to a remote corner of the domain of physics, with the view, however, of showing that remoteness does not imply discontinuity. Let a certain quantity of air at a temperature of 0°, contained in a perfectly inexpansible vessel, have its temperature raised 1°. Let the same quantity of air, placed in a vessel which permits the air to expand when it is heated—the pressure on the air being kept constant during its expansion—also have its temperature raised 1°. The quantities of heat employed in the two cases are different. The one quantity expresses what is called the specific heat of air at constant volume; the other the specific heat of air at constant pressure.21 It is an instance of the manner in which apparently unrelated natural phenomena are bound together, that from the calculated and observed velocities of sound in air we can deduce the ratio of these two specific heats. Squaring Newton’s theoretic velocity and the observed velocity, and dividing the greater square by the less, we obtain the ratio referred to. Calling the specific heat at constant volume Cv, and that at constant pressure Cp; calling, moreover, Newton’s calculated velocity V, and the observed velocity V', Laplace proved that—


Inserting the values of V and V' in this equation, and making the calculation, we find—


Thus, without knowing either the specific heat at constant volume or at constant pressure, Laplace found the ratio of the greater of them to the less to be 1·42. It is evident from the foregoing formulÆ that the calculated velocity of sound, multiplied by the square root of this ratio, gives the observed velocity.

But there is one assumption connected with the determination of this ratio, which must be here brought clearly forth. It is assumed that the heat developed by compression remains in the condensed portion of the wave, and applies itself there to augment the elasticity; that no portion of it is lost by radiation. If air were a powerful radiator, this assumption could not stand. The heat developed in the condensation could not then remain in the condensation. It would radiate all round, lodging itself for the most part in the chilled and rarefied portion of the wave, which would be gifted with a proportionate power of absorption. Hence the direct tendency of radiation would be to equalize the temperatures of the different parts of the wave, and thus to abolish the increase of velocity which called forth Laplace’s correction.22

§ 11. Mechanical Equivalent of Heat deduced from Velocity of Sound

The question, then, of the correctness of this ratio involves the other and apparently incongruous question, whether atmospheric air possesses any sensible radiative power. If the ratio be correct, the practical absence of radiative power on the part of air is demonstrated. How then are we to ascertain whether the ratio is correct or not? By a process of reasoning which illustrates still further how natural agencies are intertwined. It was this ratio, looked at by a man of genius, named Mayer, which helped him to a clearer and a grander conception of the relation and interaction of the forces of inorganic and organic nature than any philosopher up to his time had attained. Mayer was the first to see that the excess 0·42 of the specific heat at constant pressure over that at constant volume was the quantity of heat consumed in the work performed by the expanding gas. Assuming the air to be confined laterally and to expand in a vertical direction, in which direction it would simply have to lift the weight of the atmosphere, he attempted to calculate the precise amount of heat consumed in the raising of this or any other weight. He thus sought to determine the “mechanical equivalent” of heat. In the combination of his data his mind was clear, but for the numerical correctness of these data he was obliged to rely upon the experimenters of his age. Their results, though approximately correct, were not so correct as the transcendent experimental ability of Regnault, aided by the last refinements of constructive skill, afterward made them. Without changing in the slightest degree the method of his thought or the structure of his calculation, the simple introduction of the exact numerical data into the formula of Mayer brings out the true mechanical equivalent of heat.

But how are we able to speak thus confidently of the accuracy of this equivalent? We are enabled to do so by the labors of an Englishman, who worked at this subject contemporaneously with Mayer; and who, while animated by the creative genius of his celebrated German brother, enjoyed also the opportunity of bringing the inspirations of that genius to the test of experiment. By the immortal experiments of Mr. Joule, the mutual convertibility of mechanical work and heat was first conclusively established. And “Joule’s equivalent,” as it is rightly called, considering the amount of resolute labor and skill expended in its determination, is almost identical with that derived from the formula of Mayer.

§ 12. Absence of Radiative Power of Air deduced from Velocity of Sound

Consider now the ground we have trodden, the curious labyrinth of reasoning and experiment through which we have passed. We started with the observed and calculated velocities of sound in atmospheric air. We found Laplace, by a special assumption, deducing from these velocities the ratio of the specific heat of air at constant pressure to its specific heat at constant volume. We found Mayer calculating from this ratio the mechanical equivalent of heat; finally, we found Joule determining the same equivalent by direct experiments on the friction of solids and liquids. And what is the result? Mr. Joule’s experiments prove the result of Mayer to be the true one; they therefore prove the ratio determined by Laplace to be the true ratio; and, because they do this, they prove at the same time the practical absence of radiative power in atmospheric air. It seems a long step from the stirring of water, or the rubbing together of iron plates in Joule’s experiments, to the radiation of the atoms of our atmosphere; both questions are, however, connected by the line of reasoning here followed out.

But the true physical philosopher never rests content with an inference when an experiment to verify or contravene it is possible. The foregoing argument is clinched by bringing the radiative power of atmospheric air to a direct test. When this is done, experiment and reasoning are found to agree; air being proved to be a body sensibly devoid of radiative and absorptive power.23

But here the experimenter on the transmission of sound through gases needs a word of warning. In Laplace’s day, and long subsequently, it was thought that gases of all kinds possessed only an infinitesimal power of radiation; but that this is not the case is now well established. It would be rash to assume that, in the case of such bodies as ammonia, aqueous vapor, sulphurous acid, and olefiant gas, their enormous radiative powers do not interfere with the application of the formula of Laplace. It behooves us to inquire whether the ratio of the two specific heats deduced from the velocity of sound in these bodies is the true ratio; and whether, if the true ratio could be found by other methods, its square root, multiplied into the calculated velocity, would give the observed velocity. From the moment heat first appears in the condensation and cold in the rarefaction of a sonorous wave in any of those gases, the radiative power comes into play to abolish the difference of temperature. The condensed part of the wave is on this account rendered more flaccid and the rarefied part less flaccid than it would otherwise be, and with a sufficiently high radiative power the velocity of sound, instead of coinciding with that derived from the formula of Laplace, must approximate to that derived from the more simple formula of Newton.

§ 13. Velocity of Sound through Gases, Liquids, and Solids

To complete our knowledge of the transmission of sound through gases, a table is here added from the excellent researches of Dulong, who employed in his experiments a method which shall be subsequently explained:

Velocity of Sound in Gases at the Temperature of 0° C.

Air 1,092 feet
Oxygen 1,040
Hydrogen 4,164
Carbonic acid 858
Carbonic oxide 1,107
Protoxideofnitrogen 859
Olefiant gas 1,030

According to theory, the velocities of sound in oxygen and hydrogen are inversely proportional to the square roots of the densities of the two gases. We here find this theoretic deduction verified by experiment. Oxygen being sixteen times heavier than hydrogen, the velocity of sound in the latter gas ought, according to the above law, to be four times its velocity in the former; hence, the velocity in oxygen being 1,040, in hydrogen calculation would make it 4,160. Experiment, we see, makes it 4,164.

The velocity of sound in liquids may be determined theoretically, as Newton determined its velocity in air; for the density of a liquid is easily determined, and its elasticity can be measured by subjecting it to compression. In the case of water, the calculated and the observed velocities agree so closely as to prove that the changes of temperature produced by a sound-wave in water have no sensible influence upon the velocity. In a series of memorable experiments in the Lake of Geneva, MM. Colladon and Sturm determined the velocity of sound through water, and made it 4,708 feet a second. By a mode of experiment which you will subsequently be able to comprehend, the late M. Wertheim determined the velocity through various liquids, and in the following table I have collected his results:

Transmission of Sound through Liquids

Name of Liquid Temperature Velocity
River-water (Seine) 15° C. 4,714 feet
Riverwater (S 30 5,013
Riverwater (S 60 5,657
Sea-water (artificial) 20 4,768
Solution of common salt 18 5,132
Solution of sulphate of soda 20 5,194
Solution of carbonate of soda 22 5,230
Solution of nitrate of soda 21 5,477
Solution of chloride of calcium 23 6,493
Common alcohol 20 4,218
Absolute alcohol 23 3,804
Spirits of turpentine 24 3,976
Sulphuric ether 0 3,801

We learn from this table that sound travels with different velocities through different liquids; that a salt dissolved in water augments the velocity, and that the salt which produces the greatest augmentation is chloride of calcium. The experiments also teach us that in water, as in air, the velocity augments with the temperature. At a temperature of 15° C., for example, the velocity in Seine water is 4,714 feet, at 30° it is 5,013 feet, and at 60° 5,657 feet a second.

I have said that from the compressibility of a liquid, determined by proper measurements, the velocity of sound through the liquid may be deduced. Conversely, from the velocity of sound in a liquid, the compressibility of the liquid may be deduced. Wertheim compared a series of compressibilities deduced from his experiments on sound with a similar series obtained directly by M. Grassi. The agreement of both, exhibited in the following table, is a strong confirmation of the accuracy of the method pursued by Wertheim:

Cubic compressibility
from Wertheim’s
velocity of sound
from the direct
experiments of
M. Grassi
Sea-water 0·0000467 0·0000436
Solution of common salt 0·0000349 0·0000321
”carbonate of soda 0·0000337 0·0000297
”nitrate of soda 0·0000301 0·0000295
Absolute alcohol 0·0000947 0·0000991
Sulphuric ether 0·0001002 0·0001110

The greater the resistance which a liquid offers to compression, the more promptly and forcibly will it return to its original volume after it has been compressed. The less the compressibility, therefore, the greater is the elasticity, and consequently, other things being equal, the greater the velocity of sound through the liquid.

We have now to examine the transmission of sound through solids. Here, as a general rule, the elasticity, as compared with the density, is greater than in liquids, and consequently the propagation of sound is more rapid.

In the following table the velocity of sound through various metals, as determined by Wertheim, is recorded:

Velocity of Sound through Metals

Name of Metal At 20° C. At 100° C. At 200° C.
Lead 4,030 3,951 ......
Gold 5,717 5,640 5,619
Silver 8,553 8,658 8,127
Copper 11,666 10,802 9,690
Platinum 8,815 8,437 8,079
Iron 16,822 17,386 15,483
Iron wire (ordinary) 16,130 16,728 ......
Cast steel 16,357 16,153 15,709
Steel wire (English) 15,470 17,201 16,394
Steel wire 16,023 16,443 ......

As a general rule, the velocity of sound through metals is diminished by augmented temperature; iron is, however, a striking exception to this rule, but it is only within certain limits an exception. While, for example, a rise of temperature from 20° to 100° C. in the case of copper causes the velocity to fall from 11,666 to 10,802, the same rise produces in the case of iron an increase of velocity from 16,822 to 17,386. Between 100° and 200°, however, we see that iron falls from the last figure to 15,483. In iron, therefore, up to a certain point, the elasticity is augmented by heat; beyond that point it is lowered. Silver is also an example of the same kind.

The difference of velocity in iron and in air may be illustrated by the following instructive experiment: Choose one of the longest horizontal bars employed for fencing in Hyde Park; and let an assistant strike the bar at one end while the ear of the observer is held close to the bar at a considerable distance from the point struck. Two sounds will reach the ear in succession; the first being transmitted through the iron and the second through the air. This effect was obtained by M. Biot, in his experiments on the iron water-pipes of Paris.

The transmission of sound through a solid depends on the manner in which the molecules of the solid are arranged. If the body be homogeneous and without structure, sound is transmitted through it equally well in all directions. But this is not the case when the body, whether inorganic like a crystal or organic like a tree, possesses a definite structure. This is also true of other things than sound. Subjecting, for example, a sphere of wood to the action of a magnet, it is not equally affected in all directions. It is repelled by the pole of the magnet, but it is most strongly repelled when the force acts along the fibre. Heat also is conducted with different facilities in different directions through wood. It is most freely conducted along the fibre, and it passes more freely across the ligneous layers than along them. Wood, therefore, possesses three unequal axes of calorific conduction. These, established by myself, coincide with the axes of elasticity discovered by Savart. MM. Wertheim and Chevandier have determined the velocity of sound along these three axes and obtained the following results:

Velocity of Sound in Wood

Name of Wood Along Fibre Across Rings Along Rings
Acacia 15,467 4,840 4,436
Fir 15,218 4,382 2,572
Beech 10,965 6,028 4,643
Oak 12,622 5,036 4,229
Pine 10,900 4,611 2,605
Elm 13,516 4,665 3,324
Sycamore 14,639 4,916 3,728
Ash 15,314 4,567 4,142
Alder 15,306 4,491 3,423
Aspen 16,677 5,297 2,987
Maple 13,472 5,047 3,401
Poplar 14,050 4,600 3,444

Separating a cube from the bark-wood of a good-sized tree, where the rings for a short distance may be regarded as straight: then, if A R, Fig. 14, be the section Fig. 14. Fig. 14. of the tree, the velocity of the sound in the direction m n, through such a cube, is greater than in the direction a b.

The foregoing table strikingly illustrates the influence of molecular structure. The great majority of crystals show differences of the same kind. Such bodies, for the most part, have their molecules arranged in different degrees of proximity in different directions, and where this occurs there are sure to be differences in the transmission and manifestation of heat, light, electricity, magnetism, and sound.

§ 14. Hooke’s Anticipation of the Stethoscope

I will conclude this lecture on the transmission of sound through gases, liquids, and solids, by a quaint and beautiful extract from the writings of that admirable thinker, Dr. Robert Hooke. It will be noticed that the philosophy of the stethoscope is enunciated in the following passage, and another could hardly be found which illustrates so well that action of the scientific imagination which, in all great investigators, is the precursor and associate of experiment:

“There may also be a possibility,” writes Hooke, “of discovering the internal motions and actions of bodies by the sound they make. Who knows but that, as in a watch, we may hear the beating of the balance, and the running of the wheels, and the striking of the hammers, and the grating of the teeth, and multitudes of other noises; who knows, I say, but that it may be possible to discover the motions of the internal parts of bodies, whether animal, vegetable, or mineral, by the sound they make; that one may discover the works performed in the several offices and shops of a man’s body, and thereby discover what instrument or engine is out of order, what works are going on at several times, and lie still at others, and the like; that in plants and vegetables one might discover by the noise the pumps for raising the juice, the valves for stopping it, and the rushing of it out of one passage into another, and the like? I could proceed further, but methinks I can hardly forbear to blush when I consider how the most part of men will look upon this: but, yet again, I have this encouragement, not to think all these things utterly impossible, though never so much derided by the generality of men, and never so seemingly mad, foolish, and fantastic, that as the thinking them impossible cannot much improve my knowledge, so the believing them possible may, perhaps, be an occasion of taking notice of such things as another would pass by without regard as useless. And somewhat more of encouragement I have also from experience, that I have been able to hear very plainly the beating of a man’s heart, and it is common to hear the motion of wind to and fro in the guts, and other small vessels; the stopping of the lungs is easily discovered by the wheezing, the stopping of the head by the humming and whistling noises, the slipping to and fro of the joints, in many cases, by crackling, and the like, as to the working or motion of the parts one among another; methinks I could receive encouragement from hearing the hissing noise made by a corrosive menstruum in its operation, the noise of fire in dissolving, of water in boiling, of the parts of a bell after that its motion is grown quite invisible as to the eye, for to me these motions and the other seem only to differ secundum magis minus, and so to their becoming sensible they require either that their motions be increased, or that the organ be made more nice and powerful to sensate and distinguish them.”


The recent explosion of a powder-laden barge in the Regent’s Park produced effects similar to those mentioned in § 7. The sound-wave bent round houses and broke the windows at the back, the coalescence of different portions of the wave at special points being marked by intensified local action. Close to the place where the explosion occurred the unconsumed gunpowder was in the wave, and, as a consequence, the dismantled gatekeeper’s lodge was girdled all round by a black belt of carbon.


The sound of an explosion is propagated as a wave or pulse through the air.

This wave impinging upon the tympanic membrane causes it to shiver, its tremors are transmitted to the auditory nerve, and along the auditory nerve to the brain, where it announces itself as sound.

A sonorous wave consists of two parts, in one of which the air is condensed, and in the other rarefied.

The motion of the sonorous wave must not be confounded with the motion of the particles which at any moment form the wave. During the passage of the wave every particle concerned in its transmission makes only a small excursion to and fro.

The length of this excursion is called the amplitude of the vibration.

Sound cannot pass through a vacuum.

A certain sharpness of shock, or rapidity of vibration, is needed for the production of sonorous waves in air. It is still more necessary in hydrogen, because the greater mobility of this light gas tends to prevent the formation of condensations and rarefactions.

Sound is in all respects reflected like light; it is also refracted like light; and it may, like light, be condensed by suitable lenses.

Sound is also diffracted, the sonorous wave bending round obstacles; such obstacles, however, in part shade off the sound.

Echoes are produced by the reflected waves of sound.

In regard to sound and the medium through which it passes, four distinct things are to be borne in mind—intensity, velocity, elasticity, and density.

The intensity is proportional to the square of the amplitude as above defined.

It is also proportional to the square of the maximum velocity of the vibrating air-particles.

When sound issues from a small body in free air, the intensity diminishes as the square of the distance from the body increases.

If the wave of sound be confined in a tube with a smooth interior surface, it may be conveyed to great distances without sensible loss of intensity.

The velocity of sound in air depends on the elasticity of the air in relation to its density. The greater the elasticity the swifter is the propagation; the greater the density the slower is the propagation.

The velocity is directly proportional to the square root of the elasticity; it is inversely proportional to the square root of the density.

Hence, if elasticity and density vary in the same proportion, the one will neutralize the other as regards the velocity of sound.

That they do vary in the same proportion is proved by the law of Boyle and Mariotte; hence the velocity of sound in air is independent of the density of the air.

But that this law shall hold good, it is necessary that the dense air and the rare air should have the same temperature.

The intensity of a sound depends upon the density of the air in which it is generated, but not on that of the air in which it is heard.

The velocity of sound in air of the temperature 0° C. is 1,090 feet a second; it augments nearly 2 feet for every degree Centigrade added to its temperature.

Hence, given the velocity of sound in air, the temperature of the air may be readily calculated.

The distance of a fired cannon or of a discharge of lightning may be determined by observing the interval which elapses between the flash and the sound.

From the foregoing, it is easy to see that if a row of soldiers form a circle, and discharge their pieces all at the same time, the sound will be heard as a single discharge by a person occupying the centre of the circle.

But if the men form a straight row, and if the observer stand at one end of the row, the simultaneous discharge of the men’s pieces will be prolonged to a kind of roar.

A discharge of lightning along a lengthy cloud may in this way produce the prolonged roll of thunder. The roll of thunder, however, must in part at least be due to echoes from the clouds.

The pupil will find no difficulty in referring many common occurrences to the fact that sound requires a sensible time to pass through any considerable length of air. For example, the fall of the axe of a distant wood-cutter is not simultaneous with the sound of the stroke. A company of soldiers marching to music along a road cannot march in time, for the notes do not reach those in front and those behind simultaneously.

In the condensed portion of a sonorous wave the air is above, in the rarefied portion of the wave it is below, its average temperature.

This change of temperature, produced by the passage of the sound-wave itself, virtually augments the elasticity of the air, and makes the velocity of sound about one-sixth greater than it would be if there were no change of temperature.

The velocity found by Newton, who did not take this change of temperature into account, was 916 feet a second.

Laplace proved that by multiplying Newton’s velocity by the square root of the ratio of the specific heat of air at constant pressure to its specific heat at constant volume, the actual or observed velocity is obtained.

Conversely, from a comparison of the calculated and observed velocities, the ratio of the two specific heats may be inferred.

The mechanical equivalent of heat may be deduced from this ratio; it is found to be the same as that established by direct experiment.

This coincidence leads to the conclusion that atmospheric air is devoid of any sensible power to radiate heat. Direct experiments on the radiative power of air establish the same result.

The velocity of sound in water is more than four times its velocity in air.

The velocity of sound in iron is seventeen times its velocity in air.

The velocity of sound along the fibre of pine-wood is ten times its velocity in air.

The cause of this great superiority is that the elasticities of the liquid, the metal, and the wood, as compared with their respective densities, are vastly greater than the elasticity of air in relation to its density.

The velocity of sound is dependent to some extent upon molecular structure. In wood, for example, it is conveyed with different degrees of rapidity in different directions.


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