I IAcob lyfte vp his eyes and sawe hys brother Esau come/ & with him .iiij. hundred men. And he deuyded the childern vnto Lea and vnto Rahel and vnto ye ij. maydens. And he put the maydens Ãd their childern formest/ Ãd Lea and hir childern after/ and Rahel Ãd Ioseph hindermost. And he went before them and fell on the grownde .vij. tymes/ vntill he came vnto his brother. Esau ranne agaynst him and enbraced hym and fell on his necke and kyssed him/ and they wepte. And he lifte vp his eyes and sawe the wyves and their childern/ and sayde: what are these which thou there hast? And he sayde: they are the childern which God hath geuen thy seruaunte. Than came the maydens forth/ Ãd dyd their obaysaunce. Lea also and hir childern came and dyd their obaysaunce. And last of all came Ioseph and Rahel and dyd their obaysaunce. And he sayde: what meanyst thou with all ye drooues which I mett. And he answered: to fynde grace in the syghte of my lorde. And Esau sayde: I haue ynough my brother/ kepe that thou hast vnto thy silf. Iacob answered: oh nay but yf I haue founde grace in thy syghte/ receaue my preas?t of my hÃde: for I haue sene thy face as though I had sene ye face of God: wherfore receaue me to grace and take my blessynge that I haue brought the/ for God hath geuen it me frely. And I haue ynough of all thynges. And so he compelled him to take it. And he sayde: let vs take oure iourney and goo/ and I will goo in thy cÕpany. And he sayde vnto him: my lorde knoweth that I haue tendre childern/ ewes and kyne with yonge vnder myne hande/ which yf men shulde ouerdryue but euen one daye/ the hole flocke wolde dye. Let my lorde therfore goo before his servaunte and I will dryue fayre and softly/ accordynge as the catell that goth before me and the childern/ be able to endure: vntill I come to mi lorde vnto Seir. And Esau sayde: let me yet leaue some of my folke with the. And he sayde: what neadeth it? let me fynde grace in the syghte of my lorde So Esau went his waye agayne ye the same daye vnto Seir. And Iacob toke his iourney toward Sucoth/ and bylt him an house/ and made boothes for his catell: wherof the name of the place is called Sucoth. And Iacob went to Salem to ye cytie of Sichem in the lande of CanaÃ/ after that he was come from Mesopotamia/ and pitched before the cyte/ and bought a parcell of ground where he pitched his tent/ of the childern of Hemor Sichems father/ for an hundred lambes. And he made there an aulter/ and there called vpon the myghtie God of Israell. |