The .xvij. Chapter.


WHen Abram was nynetye yere olde & ix. the LORde apeared to hym sayenge: I am the almyghtie God: walke before me Ãd be vncorrupte. And I wyll make my bonde betwene the and me/ and wyll multiplye the excedyngly. And Abrà fell on his face. And God talked moreover with hym saynge: I am/ beholde my testam?t is with the/ that thou shalt be a father of many natiÕs. Therfore/ shalt thou no more be called Abram/ but thy name shalbe Abraham: for a father of many nations haue I made the/ and I will multiplye the excedyngly/ and wyll make nations of the: yes and kynges shall sprynge out of the.

Moreover I will make my bonde betwene me and the/ and thy seed after the/ in their tymes to be an everlastynge testament/ So that I wyll be God vnto the and to thy seed after the. And I will geue vnto the Ãd to thy seed after the/ the lande where in thou arte a straunger: Euen all the lande of Canaan/ for an everlastynge possession/ and wil be their God.

And God sayde vnto AbrahÃ: Se thou kepe my testamente/ both thou & thy seed after the in their tymes: This is my testamente which ye shall kepe betwene me and you and thy seed after the/ that ye circucyse all youre men childern Ye shall circumcyse the foreskynne of youre flesh/ Ãd it shal be a token of the bond betwixte me and you. And euery manchilde when it is viij. dayes olde/ shal be circucysed amonge you in youre generations/ and all seruauntes also borne at home or boughte with money though they be straungers and not of thy seed. The seruaunte borne in thy housse/ Ãd he also that is bought with money/ must needes be circumcysed/ that my testament may be in youre flesh/ for an everlastynge bonde. Yf there be any vncircuncysed manchilde/ that hath not the forskynne of his flesh cutt of/ his soule shall perish from his people: because he hath brok? my testam?t

And God sayde vnto Abraham. Sarai thy wyfe shall nomore be called Sarai: but Sara shall hir name be. For I will blesse her & geue the a sonne of her and will blesse her: so that people/ ye and kynges of people shall springe of her. And Abraham fell vpon his face Ãd laughte/ and sayd in his harte: shall a childe be borne vnto hym that is an hundred yere olde/ Ãd shall Sara that is nynetie yere olde/ bere? And Abrahà sayde vnto God. O that Ismaell myghte lyve in thy syghte.

Th? sayde God: na/ Sara thy wife shall bere the a sonne/ Ãd thou shalt call his name Isaac. And I will make my bonde with him/ that it shall be an everlastynge bonde vnto his seed after him. And as concernynge Ismaell also/ I haue herde thy request: loo/ I will blesse him and encrease him/ and multiplye him excedyngly. Twelve prynces shall he begete/ and I will make a great nation of him. But my bonde will I make with Isaac/ which Sara shall bere vnto the: even this tyme twelue moneth.

And God left of talkynge with him/ and departed vp from Abraham. And Abraham toke Ismaell his sonne & all the servauntes borne in his housse and all that was bought with money as many as were menchildren amonge the m? of AbrahÃs housse/ and circumcysed the foreskynne of their flesh/ even the selfe same daye/ as God had sayde vnto him. Abraham was nynetie yere olde and .ix. when he cutt of the foreskynne of his flesh. And Ismaell his sonne was .xiij. yere olde/ when the foreskynne of hys flesh was circumcysed. The selfe same daye was Abrahà circucised & Ismael his sonne. And all the men in his housse/ whether they were borne in his housse or bought wyth money (though they were straungers) were circumcysed with him.


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