The First Boke of Moses called Genesis


W. T. To the Reader.

A prologe shewinge the vse of the scripture

The fyrst Chapiter.

The seconde Chapter.

The .iij. Chapter

The .iiij. Chapter.

The .v. Chapter

The .vj. Chapter.

The .vij. Chapter.

The .viij. Chapter.

The .ix. Chapter.

The .x. Chapter.

The .xi. chapter.

The .xij. Chapter.

The .xiij. Chapter.

The .xiiij. Chapter.

xv. Chapter.

The .xvi. Chapter.

The .xvij. Chapter.

The .xviij. Chapter.

The .xix. Chapter.

The .xx. Chapter.

The .xxj. Chapter

The .xxij. Chapter.

The .xxiij. Chapter.

The .xxiiij. Chapter

The .xxv. Chapter

The .xxvi. Chapter.

The .xxvij. Chapter.

The .xxviij. Chapter.

The .xxix. Chapter.

The .xxx. Chapter

The .xxxi. Chapter.

The .xxxij. Chapter.

The .xxxiij. Chapter.

The .xxxiiij. Chapter.

The .xxxv. Chapter

The .xxxvi. Chapter.

The .xxxvij. Chapter.

The .xxxviij. Chapter.

The .xxxix. Chapter.

The xl. Capter.

The .xli. Capter

The .xlij. Chapter.

The .xliij. Chapter.

The .xliiij. Chapter.

The .xlv. Chapter.

The .xlvi. Chapter.

The .xlvij. Chapter.

The .xlviij. Chapter.

The .xlix. Chapter.

The .l. Chapter.

A table expoundinge certeyne wordes.

Transcriber's Notes:

There are wide variations in spelling, spacing and punctuation. In addition some of the blackletter type is worn and difficult to interpret.

Unambiguous spelling has mostly been retained. Apparent errors that have been changed are noted at the end of the text. Uncertain spelling has been transcribed according to the sense of the text. The King James Version (which incorporated most of Tyndale's translation) has also been consulted.

Spacing and punctuation have mostly been retained. Apparent errors that are inconsistent with the text have been corrected. Ambiguities have been transcribed according to the sense of the text.

Inverted or displaced type has been corrected.

Abbreviating lines over letters have been transcribed as tildes (e.g. "Ã"). Superscript letters also indicate abbreviations. Some paragraphs and chapter titles begin with a "¶": these have been retained. Sidenotes begin with a "*" and refer to the "*" in the adjoining paragraph. The text of some of them (identified below) is uncertain. Ligatures (e.g. for "ll") have been ignored. Slanted bars (virgulae suspensivae) are equivalent to modern commas.

The fyrst boke of Moses called Genesis.


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