CHAP. | | PAGE | I. | Early Years | 1 | II. | Was He Illiterate? | 10 | III. | Becomes a Lawyer | 22 | IV. | A Celebrated Case | 36 | V. | First Triumphs at the Capital | 56 | VI. | Consequences | 77 | VII. | Steady Work | 90 | VIII. | In the First Continental Congress | 101 | IX. | “After all, We must Fight” | 128 | X. | The Rape of the Gunpowder | 153 | XI. | In Congress and in Camp | 168 | XII. | Independence | 189 | XIII. | First Governor of the State of Virginia | 214 | XIV. | Governor a Second Time | 240 | XV. | Third Year in the Governorship | 257 | XVI. | At Home and in the House of Delegates | 271 | XVII. | Shall the Confederation be made Stronger? | 298 | XVIII. | The Battle in Virginia over the New Constitution | 313 | XIX. | The After-Fight for Amendments | 339 | XX. | Last Labors at the Bar | 357 | XXI. | In Retirement | 382 | XXII. | Last Days | 407 | | List of Printed Documents Cited in this Book | 424 | | Index | 431 | [Pg 1] ToC PATRICK HENRY