I. Early Years 1
II. Was He Illiterate? 10
III. Becomes a Lawyer 22
IV. A Celebrated Case 36
V. First Triumphs at the Capital 56
VI. Consequences 77
VII. Steady Work 90
VIII. In the First Continental Congress 101
IX. After all, We must Fight 128
X. The Rape of the Gunpowder 153
XI. In Congress and in Camp 168
XII. Independence 189
XIII. First Governor of the State of Virginia 214
XIV. Governor a Second Time 240
XV. Third Year in the Governorship 257
XVI. At Home and in the House of Delegates 271
XVII. Shall the Confederation be made Stronger? 298
XVIII. The Battle in Virginia over the New Constitution 313
XIX. The After-Fight for Amendments 339
XX. Last Labors at the Bar 357
XXI. In Retirement 382
XXII. Last Days 407
List of Printed Documents Cited in this Book 424
Index 431

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