Henry of Monmouth, Volume 2 / Or, Memoirs of the Life and Character of Henry the Fifth, as Prince of Wales and King of England |
[Transcriber's note: Obvious printer's errors have been corrected. The original spelling has been retained. Different spelling as been kept, e.g.: - Ruisseauville and Ruissauville - Azincour and Azincourt, etc ... Some words on page 94 were partly unclear / illegible. - Page 249: ii. vol. changed to vol. ii. - Page 412: The anchor for the footnote 305 was missing and has been added.]
Great seal of Owen Glyndowr as Prince of Wales Great seal of Owen Glyndowr as Prince of Wales HENRY OF MONMOUTH: OR, MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE AND CHARACTER OF HENRY THE FIFTH, AS PRINCE OF WALES AND KING OF ENGLAND. BY J. ENDELL TYLER, B.D. RECTOR OF ST. GILES IN THE FIELDS. "Go, call up Cheshire and Lancashire, And Derby hills, that are so free; But neither married man, nor widow's son; No widow's curse shall go with me." IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. LONDON: RICHARD BENTLEY, NEW BURLINGTON STREET, Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty. 1838. LONDON: PRINTED BY SAMUEL BENTLEY, Dorset Street, Fleet Street.