LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONSCHAPTER I.Popular Talk of the Excursion—Programme of the Trip—Duly Ticketed for the Excursion—Defection of the Celebrities CHAPTER II.Grand Preparations—An Imposing Dignitary—The European Exodus— Mr. Blucher's Opinion—Stateroom No. 10—The Assembling of the Clans— At Sea at Last CHAPTER III."Averaging" the Passengers—Far, far at Sea.—Tribulation among the Patriarchs—Seeking Amusement under Difficulties—Five Captains in the Ship CHAPTER IV.The Pilgrims Becoming Domesticated—Pilgrim Life at Sea—"Horse- Billiards"—The "Synagogue"—The Writing School—Jack's "Journal"— The "Q. C. Club"—The Magic Lantern—State Ball on Deck—Mock Trials— Charades—Pilgrim Solemnity—Slow Music—The Executive Officer Delivers an Opinion CHAPTER V.Summer in Mid-Atlantic—An Eccentric Moon—Mr. Blucher Loses Confidence—The Mystery of "Ship Time"—The Denizens of the Deep—"Land Hoh"— The First Landing on a Foreign Shore—Sensation among the Natives— Something about the Azores Islands—Blucher's Disastrous Dinner— The Happy Result CHAPTER VI.Solid Information—A Fossil Community—Curious Ways and Customs—Jesuit Humbuggery—Fantastic Pilgrimizing—Origin of the Russ Pavement— Squaring Accounts with the Fossils—At Sea Again CHAPTER VII.A Tempest at Night—Spain and Africa on Exhibition—Greeting a Majestic Stranger—The Pillars of Hercules—The Rock of Gibraltar—Tiresome Repetition—"The Queen's Chair"—Serenity Conquered—Curiosities of the Secret Caverns—Personnel of Gibraltar—Some Odd Characters—A Private Frolic in Africa—Bearding a Moorish Garrison (without loss of life)—Vanity Rebuked—Disembarking in the Empire of Morocco CHAPTER VIII.The Ancient City of Tangier, Morocco—Strange Sights—A Cradle of Antiquity—We become Wealthy—How they Rob the Mail in Africa—The Danger of being Opulent in Morocco CHAPTER IX.A Pilgrim—in Deadly Peril—How they Mended the Clock—Moorish Punishments for Crime—Marriage Customs—Looking Several ways for Sunday—Shrewd, Practice of Mohammedan Pilgrims—Reverence for Cats—Bliss of being a Consul-General CHAPTER X.Fourth of July at Sea—Mediterranean Sunset—The "Oracle" is Delivered of an Opinion—Celebration Ceremonies—The Captain's Speech—France in Sight—The Ignorant Native—In Marseilles—Another Blunder—Lost in the Great City—Found Again—A Frenchy Scene |