CHAPTER XXVI. War Talk.—I Tilt over Backwards.—Fifteen Shot-holes.—A Plain Story.—Wars and Feuds.—Darnell versus Watson.—A Gang and a Woodpile.—Western Grammar.—River Changes.—New Madrid. —Floods and Falls. CHAPTER XXVII. Tourists and their Note-books.—Captain Hall.—Mrs. Trollope's Emotions.—Hon. Charles Augustus Murray's Sentiment.—Captain Marryat's Sensations.—Alexander Mackay's Feelings. —Mr. Parkman Reports CHAPTER XXVIII. Swinging down the River.—Named for Me.—Plum Point again. —Lights and Snag Boats.—Infinite Changes.—A Lawless River. —Changes and Jetties.—Uncle Mumford Testifies.—Pegging the River.—What the Government does.—The Commission.—Men and Theories.—"Had them Bad."—Jews and Prices. CHAPTER XXIX. Murel's Gang.—A Consummate Villain.—Getting Rid of Witnesses. —Stewart turns Traitor.—I Start a Rebellion.—I get a New Suit of Clothes.—We Cover our Tracks.—Pluck and Capacity.—A Good Samaritan City.—The Old and the New. CHAPTER XXX. A Melancholy Picture.—On the Move.—River Gossip.—She Went By a-Sparklin'.—Amenities of Life.—A World of Misinformation.— Eloquence of Silence.—Striking a Snag.—Photographically Exact. —Plank Side-walks. | |