CHAPTER XXI. I get my License.—The War Begins.—I become a Jack-of-all-trades. CHAPTER XXII. I try the Alias Business.—Region of Goatees—Boots begin to Appear. —The River Man is Missing.—The Young Man is Discouraged.— Specimen Water.—A Fine Quality of Smoke.—A Supreme Mistake. —We Inspect the Town.—Desolation Way-traffic.—A Wood-yard. CHAPTER XXIII. Old French Settlements.—We start for Memphis.—Young Ladies and Russia-leather Bags. CHAPTER XXIV. I receive some Information.—Alligator Boats.—Alligator Talk. —She was a Rattler to go.—I am Found Out. CHAPTER XXV. The Devil's Oven and Table.—A Bombshell falls.—No Whitewash. —Thirty Years on the River.-Mississippi Uniforms.—Accidents and Casualties.—Two hundred Wrecks.—A Loss to Literature.—Sunday- Schools and Brick Masons. | |