CHAPTER XI. In thg Tract Business.—Effects of the Rise.—Plantations gone. —A Measureless Sea.—A Somnambulist Pilot.—Supernatural Piloting. —Nobody there.—All Saved. CHAPTER XII. Low Water.—Yawl sounding.—Buoys and Lanterns.—Cubs and Soundings.—The Boat Sunk.—Seeking the Wrecked. CHAPTER XIII. A Pilot's Memory.—Wages soaring.—A Universal Grasp.—Skill and Nerve.—Testing a "Cub."—"Back her for Life."—A Good Lesson. CHAPTER XIV. Pilots and Captains.—High-priced Pilots.—Pilots in Demand. —A Whistler.—A cheap Trade.—Two-hundred-and-fifty-dollar Speed. CHAPTER XV. New Pilots undermining the Pilots' Association.—Crutches and Wages. —Putting on Airs.—The Captains Weaken.—The Association Laughs. —The Secret Sign.—An Admirable System.—Rough on Outsiders. —A Tight Monopoly.—No Loophole.—The Railroads and the War. | |