CHAPTER VI. Besieging the Pilot.—Taken along.—Spoiling a Nap.—Fishing for a Plantation.—"Points" on the River.—A Gorgeous Pilot-house. CHAPTER VII. River Inspectors.—Cottonwoods and Plum Point.—Hat-Island Crossing. —Touch and Go.—It is a Go.—A Lightning Pilot CHAPTER VIII. A Heavy-loaded Big Gun.—Sharp Sights in Darkness.—Abandoned to his Fate.—Scraping the Banks.—Learn him or Kill him. CHAPTER IX. Shake the Reef.—Reason Dethroned.—The Face of the Water. —A Bewitching Scene.-Romance and Beauty. CHAPTER X. Putting on Airs.—Taken down a bit.—Learn it as it is.—The River Rising. | |