CHAPTER LI. A Fresh "Cub" at the Wheel.—A Valley Storm.—Some Remarks on Construction.—Sock and Buskin.—The Man who never played Hamlet.—I got Thirsty.—Sunday Statistics. CHAPTER LII. I Collar an Idea.—A Graduate of Harvard.—A Penitent Thief. —His Story in the Pulpit.—Something Symmetrical.—A Literary Artist. —A Model Epistle.—Pumps again Working.—The "Nub" of the Note. CHAPTER LIII. A Masterly Retreat.—A Town at Rest.—Boyhood's Pranks.—Friends of my Youth.—The Refuge for Imbeciles.—I am Presented with my Measure. CHAPTER LIV. A Special Judgment.—Celestial Interest.—A Night of Agony. —Another Bad Attack.—I become Convalescent.—I address a Sunday-school.—A Model Boy. CHAPTER LV. A second Generation.—A hundred thousand Tons of Saddles.—A Dark and Dreadful Secret.—A Large Family.—A Golden-haired Darling. —The Mysterious Cross.—My Idol is Broken.—A Bad Season of Chills and Fever.—An Interesting Cave. | |