VIII. Intellectual.



Lowell, Taylor and Irving stand foremost among the literature of the day.

James Russell Lowell, Henry Longfellow, Whittier and Horthorn have all written pieces of some note.

Bryant while still a child wrote thanatopsis and then became editor of a paper and lived for many years after.

A sort of sadness kind of shone in Bryant’s poems.

The Brasebrig Hall and of the Spy was also written by Bryant.

Washington Irving was a great poet and prose.

Bracebridge Hall was written by Henry Irving.

Washington Irving is noted for his sketch pieces. He also wrote the lives of men.

Cooper’s writings belong to that class of literature called bell lettres.

Snow Bound was written by Peter Cooper.

R. Waldo Emerson which is good for solid everyday use in extracting mottoes.

Emerson was first a minister but as he couldn’t agree he decided to become a poetical and essay writer.

Longfellow confined himself to poetry.

Longfellow wrote the “Reck of the Hesperus” and “Outer Mare.”

Longfellow has indeed told the tale of Evangeline fully well.

H. Wadsworth Longfellow is the most prominent writer in North America. Heawather is one of his principle poems a indian tale. Longfellow’s poetry is characterized by universalism.

J. Greenleaf Whittier whose poetry proves that he was a man into or upon whom the beauties of nature never passed unnoticed.

Whittier is the author of the famous sonnet, “Sonnet on my Blindness” and the “Marble Form.”

Whittier wrote Tam O Shanta about a Witch in Salem.

Oliver Wendell Holmes writeings are inclined to humerous.

Holmes is a very profligate and amusing writer.

Hawthorn has written a quite large selection of stories.

The Scarlit litter and the Spie was written by Hawthorne.

The House of the Seven Gables was written by Lord Bryant.

In the house of Seven Gables it is the story of seven devils who lived in the house. A house situated in Massachusetts.

Hauthorn wrote the Dear Slyer.

Cotton Mather was a writer who invented the cotton gin and wrote histories.

Mrs. Southworth’s works are among those classed among the Sentimental and are very much admired by people of that class.

Joseph Rodman Drake his principal work is lines to my mother’s picture.

Edgar A. Poe was a very curdling writer.

Marmion was written by Poe.

Rev. E. P. Roe writes religiously.

Webster is noted for his getting up the dictionary. He also wrote other things besides this.

Mrs. Beecher Stow wrote a very natural and symathetic uncle Tom’s cabin.

The author of uncle Tom gives good discriptions of the people and places with whom she is dealing.

Dread is a story of the disimal swamp.

Samuel Johnson an American writer. His writing is proved and accepted, being exciting and meretorious.

Wordsworth was an American writer whose works are such as will ever be admired.

Locke De Foe and Gibbons were all American novalists and I have forgotten their works.


Beowulf wrote the Scriptures.

Cadmus wrote pierce ploughman.

Adam Bede a prominent writer of his time for he threw his soul and body into his writings.

King Alfred wrote translations from the Bible and it is regarded as a very fine production yes one of the finest of the period.

Ben Jonson survived Shakespeare in some respects.

Fox wrote a very good book of Marters.

Ben Jonson was a Shakesperian Dramalist. He was a very rare writer as one of his friends declared.

Spenser’s Fairy queen shows the trials of a Night and the triumphs of a Vertue.

Chaucer was the father of English pottery.

Chauser was a bland verse writer of the third century.

Geoffrey Chaucer was a great young boy. His farther was lether seller. As time passed on he was an extraordinary writer of his time.

Geffrey Chaucer fix the date of his birth at 1340 suppose to belong to the high class of people from his sir name Chausier French he was armed a knight only very respectfull people could be armed knights.

Chaucer began his writings during the reign of Queen Anne and they are deserving of merit being the first of her reign.

Chaucer was an English poet who instructed Queen Elizabeth and she mourned greatly for him when he died. His principal Work was concerning the inhabitants of Bath.

When Chaucer was 21 years of old he engaged in war. He fought valliantly and was unharmed. He also wrote a great many other works on Fowl.

Chaucer displays his fame which shall always be distinguished from time immemoriable. His satyrical stanzas are deep and show that we have found a man of value. The Canterbury Tales are undertaken by several journeymen. The Jolly Man was the amusement for the multitude. We had 32 going on the journey but each had no time to Tell a Tale, so they did not tell tales.

King Arthur was to flourish as magnificence in Canterbury Tails.

Peter Simple was one of the Canterbury Tales.

In the Canterbury Tale it gave account of king Alfred on his way to the shrine of Thomas Bucket.

The Canterbury Tales are 24 volums. It concists or happens in an In in Canterberry and the people which is not uncustomary.

In the Canterbury Tales the Night of Fextivity arrives and each contributes by singeing or resitation. He is Inspired by angels who bids him sing of the origan of Man.

Now Chaucer must have been a very keen intelligent man to thus class various characters and put them in their right place as to have harmony. His mind was always planning.

Chaucer we find him gazing at his empty purse and apostrophizing it in despare and in terms that show his abject poverty.

Samson Augusta was one of Chaucer’s principal works as it contained his life giving a full account of it. He also wrote something about Paradise.

Chaucer was succeeded by H. Wads. Longfellow an American Writer. His writings were chiefly prose and nearly one hundred years elapsed.

Shakespere is an English author who is uncomputed.

Shakespeare was a fiction and allegorical writer. His father married a lady of means but they became greatly reserved in circumstances. His most intimate friend was Ben Butler who was also a great fiction writer.

Shakespears translated the Scriptures and it was called St. James because he did it.

Shakespere wrote Mackbeth, Orthello and Merchant of Vennice, it is a wealthy Jew and Arabella has many suters.

Hamlet one of Shakespeares best Tragedies in which Romeo and Juliet are the principal characters. It is a didactic poem.

Hamlet set to the stage by so many eminant artists bears strongly the character and mind of the writer. It has been judged not much over much and still holds the palm.

In the play of Hamlet Shakespere tries to show how brewing over trouble makes people insane.

In Hamlet the king gave a gladitorial combat in which Hamlet and Laertes is to take part. They all lie dead in the arena.

The soliloquies of Hamlet throughout the play are notorious.

Hamlet is very famous for the piece he used to speak about to be or not to be.

The play of Julius CÆsar consists of five acts each act being a Sene. He being the center around which all the rest are concerned is the main character.

King Lear is a play where King Lear has three daughters and is very ungrateful.

The merchant of Venice is old Shylock who lives in Venice.

Macbeth was terrified by the ghost of Bancroft.

Amanda was the heroine of the Tempest.

Shakespeare’s sonnits are on my blindness and ode to Imortallity.

Frances Bacon was born in England and was a chemist, being of a very experimenting sort of nature. He was a friar or Monk.

Bacon wrote many things in defense of philosophy and was received by the people. He also wrote a great many histories of all the countries.

Some of the folks say that Lord Bacon wrote a good many of Shakespeare’s plays for him.

Francis Bacon wrote under the name of Ovum Organum.

John Milton was a great of the Elizabethan age. He Graduated from Colledge and devoted himself to literary persuits. His principal works are Paridise lost and regained this poem is very great when we consider the circumstances which it was written under having been born blind he translated it to his daughter and after all that it was sold for 5 lbs.

Milton was called the blind poet and justly so as he was born blind. His brain worked and worked until it gave to the world a masterpece of poetry in Paridise Lost. It is his greatest effort though he is the author of several others.

John Milton’s parents paid great attention to his litarary talents. John was a mere boy when his parents noticed him displaying great genius and love for writting and they then set to work to have this spirit advanced.

John Milton’s parents could not send his son to school so long as he desired to. So he was sent to work at a early age to procure a means of livelihood, he was willing to do almost every thing to get along, so as to take part in some literary pursuit. So providence favored his attempts.

Milton’s father was a Pureitan but still wished to give his son a good education. He spent a few years with a privit tutor and then went to reside in his father’s palace where he studied music and mathematics.

Milton showed great aptitude for love of learning, so that his education was carefully looked into. He was very popular with the puritan party because he was such a very puritan.

Milton had a very intellectual mind.

The early part of Milton’s life was uphill work. He rose in favor towards the central part.

John Milton was always poor. He never became rich. He had a great many trials and suffering and povety.

Milton formed a type of the Puritan ascendency.

John Milton wrote translations and very sublime writings.

Milton is divided into three periods. L’Allegro was a novel written by him the greatest of English novelists since Shakespeare. Ill Penserose was written by him.

Three times Milton gave his hand and was united in matrimony.

Milton’s married life was not happy. He married three wives in succession.

Milton’s wife would not live with him. His life was to strict for her. At last thinking that he ment to get a Divorce as he was writeing on that subject she returned to him.

Milton wrote “Miltons Paradise” lost and “Paradise” regained in which Satan is represent as rebelling against our Saviour just as sinners and those who have sinned but have been converted.

Milton’s principal work is the exclusion of the bad angels out of heaven.

Paradise lost begins rather low at first, but ends in one great climax.

John Bunyan lived a life of scantity.

The principal works of John Dryden was Lives of the poets, belonging to Literature.

Addison is the author of child Harold.

Sam Johnson was so queer in his writings that he was always called Johnsonese.

Fielding his works have been regarded with great success.

Richardson had the honor of standing among the first of his time.

Sterne may be regarded as a formost writer of great praise.

Smollett is a writer of great renown to some but others have never considered his genius.

Peter the simple was written by Hume so as to describe a man who was not very bright.

By DeFoe’s genius he managed to get hold of the necessities of life and so managed to live.

John Locke was a writer of England who wrote very extremely on Political Economy.

John Locke’s works were ministerial.

John Locke’s writings are sarcastic and cold. He wrote a white Devil essay.

John Locke was not of a poetical turn of mind.

John Locke’s works are full of energy and lack no little want of thought.

Alexander Pope is an English Novalist and deserving of special praise when we consider his misfortunes in bodily ailments. No other is so instructive as Pope’s essay on man it shows deep knowledge of man caracter.

Alexander Pope the worthy successor to dryden to the Throne of Poesy. He was sick by deformed in body.

Pope’s life was quite bitter. He had a great deal of sarcasm and wrote a very fine essay upon Man. This was considered his master stroke.

Pope was deformed in many ways so much so that his mother was to be his servant at any moment he spoke. His writenings are famous for the lucid arrangement of matters and for much genius.

Pope writes a poem about a maid of honor has beautiful hair cut off and let to fly in the wind for which poem he is reproved and he tries to correct its falts.

Pope wrote Dunciade in which the thrown of the dunces is given to his litterary enimes. He wrote the Guardeen.

Pope belonged to the lake school and later on his writtings were free from the bitter sattire which shown out of his later works.

Pope’s masterpiece was essay on man in which he wrote his ideas. The quotations I do not think can be improved upon.

In the Rape of the Locke there is a Story depicted in it.

Jonathan Swift belonged to the English Church but was not much of a ornament from a religious point of view.

Jonathan Swift belonged to what is called the lake school of Poetry.

Swift wrote a Ulogy on His own death a touching poem is his lines to Stellar on her death.

Swift wrote the tale of a tub between Catholics and Protestants.

Swift wrote the famous poem of Twistam Shanty.

Jonathan Swift’s mind was from far away back tainted with insanity.

Swift wrote Gullifer’s travels which was discription of what he was supposed to see on a journey which he was supposed he took.

Oliver Goldsmith’s Histories are not very good but his other works are classed among the 1st.

Burns chief poem was called “Tamoschanta.”

Tam OShanter is a sort of a ghost story told by an old man. A superstitious something that people believed in those days.

Cowper had a melchomcally or sad disposition but wrote feeling lines.

Child Harold is Cowper’s most famous work. This was the only novel he ever wrote not being much of a novel writer. Robinson Cruso was William Cowper.

Wm. Wordsworth wrote the Barefoot Boy and Imitations on Immortality.

Gibbon wrote a History of His travels in Italy. This was original.

Lord Byron was a great novelist. He also wrote a few poems.

Lord Byron was the son of an heiress and a drunken man.

Coleridge has caused them much joy and pleasure as he has written a large number of charming and illustrated works.

Thomas Hood wrote the Song of the Shirt a very laughable and prety writing: About a lady riding.

Sir Walter Scott was the greatest poet Scotland ever produced his principal work was ye banks and brays he also wrote a poem entitled Ivan Hoe.

Sir Walter Scott ranked equal with any in point of genius as they did in popularity.

Scott’s great powers of discription and makes his works appear as if they happened all over again. Marmion is one example where the rattling of the chains and so on are brought back to us again.

Marmion is a neatly written tale.

Marmion was a beautiful maiden who had many trials and afflictions. It is filled with illusions to Nature.

Marmion was a story of country life described Marmion as a riding forth to gain glory.

Kenilworth is a story nicely delivered of the literature of the day.

Scott was the author of Watts on the Mind.

Scott was great in prose, poetry and misfortune.

Macauleys was a great poet having been educated in a village he then became an editor of an evening paper and among his best works are the clock on the Stairs. Macauleys and Wittier are compared because both labored for the good of mankind.

Lord Macauley was born in London at a time when there was the greatest need to England of a good historian.

Thomas B. Macauley’s was a man of stern but gentle parents. He had every amusement that parents could bestow on a child.

Thomas Babbington Makorley graduated at Harvard and then studied law, he was raised to the peerage as Baron in 1557 and died in 1776.

Macauley wrote Comeration Odes to a grecian earn under the willow.

Thomas B. Macauley was the author of Pilgrims Progress.

Maclauley’s writings are all essays. He has loose and peodic sentences nicely arranged. He is very carefull always to perfect harmony.

Macauley’s writings are noted for brilliant thought but not for very much accuracy. His works received a large sale.

It is a question is not Macauly sometimes to oratorical.

George Eliot is quite an authoress.

George Elliot is a writer of some worth.

Geo. Elliott is the best lady Novalist in English.

George Eliot left a wife and children who mourned greatly for his genius.

George Eliot gained renown by her work on Jane Ayre.

George Eliott Miss Mary Evans Mrs. Cross Mrs. Lewis was the greatest female poet unless George Sands is made an exception of.

Dickens is a great novelist he makes us fall in with his caracters.

Dickens is one of the Greatest American Novilist.

Dickens is noted for his multiplicity in telling stories.

Dickens is a very smart man and a portrait of character.

Dickens gives an incite into human life.

Dickens is the most human writer Old Curiosity Shop was written by David Copperfield.

Bulwell is considered a good writer.

Lord Lytton former Bulwer placed himself at the head of English poets.

Thackeray’s genius is original.

Thacerey is a Great Genius. He gives us the fashionable life.

Mrs. Browning wrote sonnets to the Pottery Geese.

Mrs. Brownings Song of the Shirt is in almost every reader.

Tennyson is a very populus poet.

The greatest writers of the present day are Lord Beconsfield who wrote the “History of Cyprus” and Miss Braddon who wrote “Peverel of the Peak.”

Sir Walter Scott Charles Bronte Alfred the Great and Johnson were the first great Novelists.

The most important event in the life of Horace was his birth in 45.

The Iliad is called an Epic poem because it was first written in the Epic dialect.

Homer’s writings are Homer’s Essays Virgil the Aneid and paradise lost some people say that these poems were not written by Homer but by another man of the same name.

Sanscrit is not used as much as it used to be as it went out of use 1500 B. C.


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