VII. Historical.



Christopher Columbus went to sea untill he was 14 years of age. He dreamed there was a place named America and after much adversity he finally discovered it.

Christopher Columbus was called the Father of his Country.

Queen Isabella of Spain sold her watch and chain and other millinery so that Columbus could discover America.

Columbus set sale in three small ships called Nina, Pinter and Santa Anna.

The first land Columbus discovered was Gibraltar.

Columbus was the first white man who discovered America.

Columbus knew the earth was round because he balanced an egg on the table.

Columbus perished in sight of land.

The West Indians was the first discovered by Christies Columbies.

The west Indaines was discovered in 1692 by Chrissor Columbius.

The Crusaders were the first to settle America.

The American colonies were settled by Dutch navegators who founded them.

The first English settlements were made in the Gulf of Mexico.

Slaves were introduced to this country by Spain and Portugese people.

Kink Louis decleared ware against Kink William who commanded the English Fources. A party of French and Indains came to Sketiney and the Indains tomahorks was frozen. It was a very bobloody war. For Fourty years the war was but it did not last longe. The war ended in 1776 because Kink Phillip discovered the dead. It was called his war because he was the cheaf mouver of it.

Virginia was named from Queen Virgin who was called Elizabeth.

The Indians were the first Americans and they settled over a vast expanse of the county.

Salem witch craft was a son of Massasoit.

The Indian wars were very desecrating to the country.

The Indians pursued their warfare by hiding in bushes and then scalping them.

Captain John Smith has been styled the father of his country. His life was saved by his daughter Pochahantas.

The Puritans found an insane asylum in the wilds of America.

They were called Puritans because they were more quiet than the Episcopalians.

Miles Standish discovered Plymouth and it was named in his honor.

Roger Williams called the settlement Rhode Island in honor of God’s merciful Providence shown to him.

William Penn was born in Boston in 1607. He was the first white man who founded Pennsylvania. He founded Pennsylvania because his name was William Penn.

William Penn discovered Philadelphia and laid out its streets.

The Stamp Act was to make everybody stamp all materials so they should be null and void.

Benedict Arnold was greatly regretted by the Americans as well as by the English.

Benjamin Franklin is the finest Example of a selfmad man that American History affords. He commenced life as a tallow chandelier boy and step by step became a Great Genius.

George Washington was born in 1492.

At White Plains Gen. Washington murdered several hundred men.

Gen. Washington is famous for the Washington Monument.

Washington wrote the Declareation of Independence in 1492.

George Washington inherited consumption in the army.

Washington died in Spain almost brokenhearted. His remains were taken to the cathedral in Havanna.

The Mexican war was the war of Texas with the United States.

Gen. Scott fought bravely at the battle of Wingfield.

When the Wig party was in power there was striks all over the laborers.

Slavery was caused by the admission of Missouri into the Union.

The Missouri Compromise compelled slaves to enter all the different states and territories.

Gorilla warfare was war where men rode on gorillas.

The Border Ruffians were founded to prevent all emigrants into Kansas and they sacrificed considerable lives.

John Brown was a very good insane man who tried to get slaves into Virginia. He captured all the inhabitants, but was finally conquered and condemned to his death.

The confederasy was formed by the fugitive slaves.


England was named by the Angels.

The Celts were driven out of England into Whales.

Julius Caesar invaded England 400 years B. C. The English condition was in a rude state. They joined in games such as cock fighting.

The Brittains were the Saxons who entered England in 1492 under Julius Caesar.

The Britains came from Brittany. They were a brave and warlike people and lived by fishing and manufactures.

The Britains conquered Julius Caesar and drove him ignominiously from his dominions.

The Britons founded the Druids. They ust to hold religious services out of doors.

The Druids were supposed to be Roman Catholicks.

The Crusaders were fanatics who fought in tournaments.

The Habeas Corpus Act said that a body whether alive or dead could be produced in court.

Alfred the Great reigned 872 years. He was distinguished for letting some buckwheat cakes burn and the lady scolded him.

Rufus was named William on account of his red hair. He established the curfew fire bell.

William the Conqueror was the first of the Mormons.

Edward the black Prince was famous for founding chivalry.

Chivalry is a fight on horseback between two horsemen in an open plain.

A night errant is a man who goes around in the night in search of adventures.

The Middle Ages come in between antiquity and posterity.

The War of the Roses was between the white and the red.

Henry Eight was famous for being a great widower having lost several wives.

Lady Jane Grey studied Greek and Latin and was beheaded after a few days.

Queen Mary married the Dolphin.

Elizabeth was called the Virgin queen because of her many accomplishments and she had a great many fine dresses.

The unfortunate Charles First was executed and after he was beheaded he held it up exclaiming Behold the head of a trater!

Cromwell was only a parallel with Bonaparte.

Queen Victoria was the 4th son of George Third the Duke of Kent.

John Bright is noted for an incurable disease.

Lord James Gordon Bennett instigated the Gordon Riots.


Joan of Arc lived in New Orleans where she was discovered and burned by the British.

Cardinal Richelieu was one of the most famous soldiers of France. He was cut down on St. Bartholomew’s Day.

St. Bartholomew was massacred in 1492.

The French Revolution was quite rapid. It made some changes in the government and many persons were slain.

Bonaparte gave away many thrones to his brothers and sisters.

Louis Napoleon besieged all Paris who elected him emperor.

By the Salic laws no woman or descendant of a woman could occupy the throne.

Luther introduced Christianity into England a good many thousand years ago. His birthday was November 1883. He was once a Pope. He lived at the time of the Rebellion of Worms.


The history of Rome is wrapped in antiquity.

The Gauls were a very brave people of the Tapean Rock.

Carthage was founded by Dido nearly one hundred years ago.

Hannibal at the early age of six years was raised to the command of the army.

Spartacus fought a war of several years against the Romans.

Cataline was defeated and slain by his entire army.

Pompey gave the Romans a splendid campaign.

Trajan was persecuted by the Christians.

The seven hills of Rome were the Capitoline, Palitine, Alpine, and I cannot remember those I have not written down.

The Colliseum was erected on the top of an inaccessible hill somewhere about the time of Nero. When it was burning down he played a tune on his violin.

In his military character Julius CÆsar probably never surpassed any other hero.

Cesar succeeded in wresting the crown from Mark Anthony.

Julius CÆsar was quite a military man on the whole.

Julius CÆsar is noted for his famous telegram despatch I came I saw I conquered.

When Julius CÆsar crossed the Hellispont it was the turning point in his carear.

The Crusaders were conquered by Julius CÆsar.

Julius CÆsar was really a very great man. He was a very great soldier and wrote a book for beginners in the Latin.

Cleopatra was caused by the death of an asp which she dissolved in a wine cup.

The reign of Augustus took place in the Christian era. He caused it to be introduced into the kingdom.

The emperor Vespasian destroyed his son Titus after a tremendous siege of six months.

Domitian was so cruel that he was noted for his killing flies.

The Roman priests were chosen by the gods and some by a special diety.

The toga was a robe that flowed over the body very neat and graceful.

The Forum transacted the principal business of Rome.

The Gordian knot was a very hard knot which Nero tied and by it he kept the Roman empire in subjection.

When a Gladiator was killed he held up his finger and if the spectators wanted him to live they held up their thumbs.


Greece is a country noted for its handsome people. They are all sculptures.

Greece is divided into periods.

The only form of government in Greece was a limited monkey.

Egypt and Rome were the principal divisions of Greece.

The inhabitants of Greece lived in huts, eating the skins of wild beasts and dressing themselves in berries and acorns.

Helen was the daughter of Troy a very beautiful woman and wrote the Illiad giving a long account of it.

Lycurgus was a legislature. He abolished commerce and dress.

Lycurgus was so strict he turned all the women into men they were bold and corageous.

Athens was the capital of Africa and the arts flourished.

Darius attacked both sea and land.

The introduction of Asia made the Greeks have great manners and wealth.

The Persian war lasted about 500 years.

Socrates was no use at fighting. He destroyed some statues and had to drink shamrock. Socrates was a great ridiculer.

The Lacons talked Laconic.

Philip when ten years old was sent as a hostess to Thebes.

Greece had only 7 wise Men.

Alexander surpassed all others in his rapidity extent and splendor. He was a model example to the career of others.

Ruins are almost always very historical for they show how much money the inhabitants must have spent on them. Ruins often give us the dates of their erection and are very useful in fixing the date of some event.

Elijah was a good man who went up to heaven without dying and threw his cloak down for Queen Elizabeth to step over.


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