IV. Geographical.



The three natural divisions of America are Europe, Ashea and Africa.

North America is separated by Spain.

The countries of North America are Britschish, Washington, Canada Nina and Mexica.

America is divided into the Passiffic slope and the Mississippi valey.

America consists from north to south about 500 miles.

Amireca is in the torade zone.

The climit of America is very worm.

The climate of America is modrant—modern in the middle.

The principle mountains of America are the Alagany and on the cost range on the eastern part all.

The Rocking Mountains are the graitest in America.

The great Lakes of America is champagne.

The great lakes of America are Siperior, Ontarria and Hurryon, Michigan.

The principal mts. of America are lamb beaf veal.

The rivers of America are ohio Artic an drandartic.

The United States is quite a small country compared with some other countrys, but is about as industrious.

The capital of the United States is Long Island.

One of the leading industries of the United States is mollasses book-covers numbers gas teaching lumber manufactures paper-making publishers coal.

The chief products of the United States is troupil freuts an tobacto. The climit has 2 sesons a rainey and a dry.

The names of states on the Gulf of Mexico is United States.

The five seaports of the U. S. are Newfunlan and Sanfrancisco.

The principal seaports is cotton wool shoes.

The principal cities of the United States are Bath Lynn Lowell Lawrence.

The principal products of the U. S. is earthquakes and volcanoes.

The manufactured products of the United States is fish and agriculture and imports.

The principle products of New England are dairying shipbuilding wine coffee tropic fruets and cloathes.

The exports of New England are lumbering fishing ice cutting wood chopping.

The prinicpal sports of New England are cotten tobaco ice.

The principal occupation of New England is shipping goods.

Mineing is mostely carried on in new Englyn.

The climit of New English is hot worm and coal.

The coaste city’s of New England are New Haven and Seaport.

The coast cities of New England are Boston.

The Vermont state is south west of Mass.

The New London State is near the Meremack River.

The principal mountain range in England is Kartardin.

Providence is the leading commercial city of New England situated on the Southern part of the cost of Maine.

New York is bounded by Montreal.

The capital of New York is New Hamshire. Its principle cities are Portland an Susquehana.

Philadelphia is the capitol of New York and it is in the south West Part.

Washenton is in the Northron part of New York.

New York was once called the Emperor state because it once had a Emperor.

Aduculung and Mineing is the chief industry of New York State.

The Rocky Mountains are on the western side of Philadelphia.

The Rocking Mountain is east of Mass. Algany east of Rocky Sirranevada east of Algany.

The Alaginnies are mountains in Philadelfia.

The Arondack Mountains are north of Canada.

The White Mountains are in England.

The Yosemity Valley is the highest mountain in the world.

The Mississippi River runs soulth and empies into Mexico.

Mason and Dixon’s line is the Equater.

Cape Hatteras is a vast body of water surrounded by land and flowing into the Gulf of Mexico.

Canada is south of New York.

The City of Canada is Columbia in the westarn part of Columbia.

Two cities in Canada are andruscogin and kenibek.

Stock rason is the occupation of canada.

The rapids of St. Lorence is caused by the canoes of the Indianes.

British America is overturned by queen Victorier.

Alasca is governed by the Britished America.

The productions of Central America is fish.

Vancoover is the North West United States.

Cuba and Newfoundland is Southeast of America.

The climate of Mexico is very barren being hot or cold.

California is the capitol of San Francisco.

The occupation of Greenland is speering the seel.

The oppacation of the Greenland whisky lemon bannanars.

The occupation of the people of Greenland seals and the people of California gathrin gold.

The people of Greenland people do seal fishing and whailing of Alaska people are gathring furs of the Indies people fishing and shouting.


Charlemagne and Pepin were countries of Austria.

In Austria the principal occupation is gathring Austrich feathers.

France is parallel to America on a line running east and west.

The Bay of Biscuit is on the coast of France.

The principal industries of Germany are manufacturing, agriculture, and the cultivation of the intellect.

Germany has very little clubbable land.

Russia in the time of Peter the Great was a very cold country and its inhabitants lived in Siberia.

Russia is very cold and tyrannical. Boany Airs is in Russia.

St. Petersburg is in the Gulf of Finland.

The Baltic Sea is between Sweden and Norway.

Portugal is separated from Spain by the Mediteranian Sea.

Sicily is one of the Sanwich Islands.

Constantinople is called the queen of the Adriattic.

The Persian Gulf is the eastern part of Persia.

The Great Desert of Sarah was formerly discovered in Africa.

The two most famous volcanoes of Europe are Sodom and Gomorrah.

Terra del Fuego means Land of the Furies.

The Straits of Magellan separates North and South America.

Hindoostan flows through the Ganges and empties into the Mediterranean Sea.

No northwest passage has ever been discovered around the Cape of Good Hope.

One of the chief exports of England is live meat which grows in great quantities.

Ireland is called the Emigrant Isle because it is so beautiful and green.

Gibraltar is an island built on a rock. It has 15,000 inhabitants.

The Straight of Mabel Manden seperates the Rock of Gibralter from the ocean.

The width of the different zones Europe lies in depend upon the surrounding country.

The north tempered zone is the best one.

The frigide zone is the most hottest.

Latitude is a thing by which we can tell where a country is on the globe, like Africa.

Latitude are supposed lines which pass horizontally around the globe and longitude are supposed lines which pass perpendicularly in the same way from one circle to another.

The imports of a country are the things that are paid for. The exports are the things that are not.

Pine apples grow on pine trees.

Climate lasts all the time and weather only a few days.



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