Arithmetic is the signs of numbers. A factor is a number which divided by another number equals the number of parts. A Prim Facktor is a Factor that stands for a Facter. The sins of Division are a short horizontail line between two doits and a curve line between the Deviser and Divident. The sines of Division will be like the quocient. A common fraction is made up of two parts with a separation between them. A vulgar fraction has one fraction over the line and the other under it. The Denomator is the bottom of the fraction. The Numerator tells how many there are in it. A Decimal Fraction is one with a point. A straight line is any distance between two places. Parallel lines are lines that can never meet until they run together. A Horace uncle line is a line that isn’t crooked. A circle is a round straight line with a hole in the middle. A hexameter is inscribed in a circle. A foursided figure is a trapezium which is the general name for a kite. A parallelogram has all its sides parallel. Things which are equal to each other are equal to anything else. To find the number of square feet in a room you multiply the room by the number of the feet. The product is the result. |