
In the name of God, Amen, the xxv of Aprill 1580. I, Thomas Tusser, of Chesterton, in the Countye of Cambridge, Gentleman, being feeble in bodye, but perfecte in memorie, thanks be to God, doe make and ordaine this my Last Will and Testament in manner and forme following, revokinge all other Wills heretofore made. That is to say, Ffirst and principallye I give and betake my sowle to Allmightie God the Father (my maker) and to his son Jesus Christ (my onelye Redeemer) by whose merites I most firmelye beleve and trust to be saved and to be partaker of lyef everlastinge, and to the Holye Gost (my Comforter) Three personnes in one ever Godheade, whome I doe most humblye thanke that he hathe mercifullye kepte me untill this tyme, and that he hathe given me tyme and space to confesse and bewaile my sinnes, and that he hathe forgiven me them all, thorough the merites of our Savioure Jesus Christ, which I doe undoubtedlye beleve, because he hathe mercifullye promised yt, to whome be praise for ever and ever, Amen.

Item. I give and bequeathe unto Thomas Tusser, my eldest Sonne, to be delivered unto to him within one yere next after my decease Fyftye Pounds of goode and lawful monye of England, parcell of the Three Hundrethe and Thirtie Pownds which William Tusser my Brother dothe owe unto me uppon one recognisaunce wherein he standethe bounde unto me for the true paiment thereof; and my will is, That suche trustye Frend or Frends, as shall be hereafter in this my last Will and Testament named, shall have the use of the said Fiftie Pounds for and duringe the nonage of my said Sonne Thomas, and untill suche time as he shall accomplishe and come to the Age of xx and One Yeres, putting in sufficient suerties for the true paiment thereof unto the said Thomas my Sonne, and alsoe to paye for and towards the bringinge up of my said Sonne Thomas, yerelye, the summe of Fyve Pownds untill he shall accomplish and come to the Age of Twentye and One Yeres; and when my said Sonne Thomas shall accomplishe his said Age of Twentye and One Yeres, I will that the said summe of Fyftye Pownds shalbe, within one monethe next ensueing after the said accomplishment of Twentye and One Yeres unto him well and trulye contented and paid at one whole and entire paiment, &c. &c. Thomas Tusser.

Item. I give unto John Tusser my second Sonne other Fyftie Pownds of lawfull monye of England due unto me by the foresaid recognisance, and to be bestowed and employed to his use duringe his minoritie, and likewise to be paid unto him in suche and as lardge manner and forme to all constructions and purposes as is before declared of the other Fyftie Pownds before devised unto my Sonne Thomas Tusser; and also Fyve Pownds to be paid yerely during his minoritie in manner and forme before rehersed. Thomas Tusser.

Item. I give and bequeathe unto Edmond Tusser, my Sonne, and to Marye Tusser, my daughter, and unto either of them the Summe of Fyftye Pownds, due to me by force of the foresaid recognisaunce, and to be bestowed and employed to the seuerall uses and benefitts of them and either of them duringe their minorities, and likewise to be paid to either of them in suche and as lardge manner and forme in everie respect, to all constructions and purposes, as is before declared of the Fyftye Pownds devised before to my Sonne Thomas Tusser; and also Fyve Pownds a peece yerelye duringe their minorities, in manner and forme before rehersed. Thomas Tusser.

Item. I give and bequeathe unto Amy Tusser, my Wyef, the summe of Foure score Pownds of lawful monye of England dewe to me by force of the said recognisaunce, and to be paid unto her within one whole yere next ensewinge after my decease. Thomas Tusser.

Item. My will and intent is, That yf my brother William Tusser doe accordinge unto the intent and true meaninge of this my last Will and Testament well and truelye pay the foresaid severall summes of monye before given and bequeathed, unto Amye, my Wyef, to Thomas my Sonne, and to the rest of my children before named, and alsoe doe from tyme to tyme and at all times hereafter save and kepe harmles my Heires, Executors, and Administrators, and everie of them, of and from all trobles, chardges, and excumbrances, which maye at anye time hereafter come, rise, or growe for or by reason of any manner of Bonds wherein I stande bounde for or with him as suertie, That then I give and bequeathe unto him the summe of Fyftie Pownds being the residue of the said Summe due unto me by the force of the said recognisance before rehersed; and yf he doe not well and trulye performe the same, then I give the said Fiftie Pownds unto my Executors of this my last Will and Testament. Thomas Tusser.

Item. I will that yf anye of my children dye before they come to and accomplishe theire foresaid severall Ages of xxi Yeres that then I will that his or theire parts or portions shalbe destributed and equallye divided to and amongst the rest of my other children then survyveinge. Thomas Tusser.

Item. I give and bequeathe unto the afore-named Thomas Tusser, my Sonne, and his Heires, all those seven Acres and a Roode of Copy holde, which I nowe have lyinge in the Parish or Feilds of Chesterton; to have and to holde the same, after the deathe of Amye, my Wyef, to him his Heires and Assignes for ever.

Thomas Tusser.

Item. I give also to the said Thomas Tusser, my Sonne, all suche Estate and Tearme of Yeares as I have yet to come in a certain Close called Lawyer's Close, lyinge and beinge in the Parish of Chesterton, which said Close I have demised unto one William Mosse for the tearme of one whole Yere begininge at the Feast of St. Gregorye last past, yeldinge and payeinge for the same xxxvs. Rente, which said Rente I doe also gyve to my said Sonne Thomas towards his bringinge up in learninge. Thomas Tusser.

Item. I give also to the said Thomas my Bookes of Musicke and Virginalls. Thomas Tusser.

Item. The residue of all my Bonds, Goods and Chattells, moveable and immovable in Chesterton aforesaid or ellswhere, beinge in this my last Will and Testament unbequeathed, I give to Amye, my Wyef, dischardging all my debts and Funerall Expenses, not amountinge unto above the summe of Twentye Marckes. And of this my last Will and Testament I constitute my said Sonne Thomas Tusser my full and whole Executor; and yf he happen to dye before he accomplishe his full Age of Twentye and One Yeres, then I doe constitute and make John Tusser, my second Sonne, my Executor. And yf yt fortune the said John to dye before he accomplish the Age of xxi Yeares, I constitute and make Edmond Tusser, my Sonne, my whole Executor; and yf yt happen the said Edmond do dye before he dothe accomplish and come to the Age of xxi Yeres, I do then make and constitute Amye Tusser, my Wyef, my full and whole Executor of this my last Will and Testament. Thomas Tusser.

Item. I doe constitute ordaine and make one Edmond Moon, Gentleman, Father to the said Amye, my Wyef, and Grandfather to my forenamed Children, my said trustie Frend before mentioned in this my said last Will and Testament, Guardian and Tutor unto my forenamed Children and Supervisor and Overseer of this my last Will and Testament, unto whome I doe next under God comitte bothe my Wyef and my forenamed Children trustinge assuredlye that he will take a fatherlye care over them as fleshe of his fleshe and bone of his bones.

Thomas Tusser.

Those whose names be hereunder written beinge Witnesses to this present last Will and Testament.

John Plommer Of Barnard's Inne, in the Countye of Middlesex, Gentleman.

Richard Clue.

Thomas Jeve.

James Blower.

Wiliam Hygeart.

Mem. That William Hygeart dwellethe in Southwerke, with Mr. Towlye, Copper Smith; Richard Clue in St. Nicholas Lane, free of the Merchant Taylers; Thomas Jeve, Ironmonger; James Blower, Servant, free of Clotheworkers.

Sealed and delivered in the presence of the parties above named.

John Bootes.

Francis Shackelton, the Parson of St. Myldred's in the Poultrie,

John Plommer.

Proved in the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the 8th day of August 1580, by his Son, Thomas Tusser.

Fiue hundred pointes of
good Husbandrie, as well for
the Champion, or open countrie,
as also for the woodland, or Seuerall,
mixed in euerie Month with Huswiferie,
ouer and besides the booke of Huswiferie,
corrected, better ordered, and newly augmented
to a fourth part more, with diuers other lessons,
as a diet for the fermer, of the properties of
winds, planets, hops, herbes, bees, and approoued
remedies for sheepe & cattle, with many other
matters both profitable, and not vnpleasant for
the Reader. Also a table of husbandrie at the
beginning of this booke: and another
of huswiferie at the end: for the
better and easier finding of
any matter conteined
in the same.

Newly set foorth by Thomas Tusser
Gentleman, servant to the honorable
Lorde Paget of

Imprinted at London, by Henrie
Denham, dwelling in Paternoster
Row, at the signe
of the Starre.



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