* * * Februaries Abstract and Februaries Husbandry in the edition of 1577 differ much from that of 1580. 1 Lay compas ynow, er euer ye plow. 2 Place doongheapes alowe, more barlie to growe. 3 Eat etch er ye plow, with hog, shÉepe and cow. Sowe lintels ye may, and peason gray. KÉepe white vnsowne, till more be knowne. 5 Boy, follow the plough, and harrow inough. So harrow ye shall, till couerd be all. 6 Sowe pease not too thin, er plough ye set in. 7 Late sowen sore noieth, late ripe, hog stroieth. 8 Some prouender saue, for plowhorse to haue. To oxen that drawe, giue hay and not strawe. To stÉeres ye may mixe strawe with hay. 9 Much carting, ill tillage, makes som to flie village. 10 Use cattle aright, to kÉepe them in plight. 11 Good quickset bie, old gatherd will die. 14 Sowe mustard sÉed, and helpe to kill wÉed. Where sets doo growe, sÉe nothing ye sowe. 15 Cut vines and osier, plash hedge of enclosier. FÉed highly thy swan, to loue hir good man. Nest high I aduise, least floud doe arise. 16 Land meadow spare, there doong is good ware. 18 To wet the land, let mowle hill stand. 19 Poore cattle craue some shift to haue. 20 Cow little giueth that hardly liueth. 21 Rid barlie al now, cleane out of thy mow. Choice sÉed out drawe, saue cattle the strawe. Thus endeth Februaries abstract, agrÉeing with Februaries husbandrie.¶ Other short remembrances.[25] Poore cunnie, so bagged, is soone ouer lagged. Plash burrow, set clapper, for dog is a snapper. [27] KÉepe shÉepe out of briers, kÉepe beast out of miers. KÉepe lambes from fox, else shepherd go box. [28] Good neighbour mine, now yoke thy swine. Now euerie day, set hops ye may. [29] Now set for thy pot, best herbes to be got. all sorts ye can get. [30] As winter doth prooue, so may ye remooue. Now all things reare, for all the yeare. Here ends Februaries short remembrances. |