THOMAS TUSSER. The Edition of 1580 collated with those of 1573
A Lesson. A lesson how to confer euery abstract with his month,
The Table of Husbandrie. A Table of the pointes of husbandrie mentioned in this booke.
1 The Author's Epistle to the late Lord William Paget, wherein
2 To the Right Honorable and my speciall good Lord and Master,
3 To the Reader. Chap. 3 1 I have been praid to shew mine aid,
4 An Introduction to the Booke of Husbandrie . [1] Chap. 4 1
5 A Preface to the buier of this booke. Chap. 5 1 What lookest
6 The commodities of Husbandrie. Chap. 6
7 Chap. 7 As true as thy faith, This riddle thus saith. The
8 The description of Husbandrie. Chap. 8 1 Of husband, doth
9 The Ladder to thrift. Chap. 9 1 To take thy calling
10 Good husbandlie lessons worthie to be followed of such as
11 An habitation inforced better late than neuer, vpon these
12 [Not in 1577.] The fermers dailie diet. Chap. 12 1 A plot
13 [Not in 1577.] A description of the properties of windes all
14 [Not in 1577.] Of the Planets. Chap. 14 1 As huswiues are
15 Septembers Abstract. Chap. 15 1 [1] Now enter John, old
16 Septembers husbandrie. Chap. 15 September blowe soft, Till
17 A digression to husbandlie furniture. Barne furniture. 1
[16 contd. ]
18 Octobers abstract. Chap. 16 1 Lay drie vp and round, for
19 Octobers husbandrie. Chap. 17 October good blast, To blowe
20 Nouembers abstract. Chap. 18 1 Let hog once fat, loose
21 Nouembers husbandrie. Chap. 19 Nouember take flaile, Let
22 Decembers abstract. Chap. 20 1 No season to hedge, get
23 Decembers husbandrie. Chap. 21 O dirtie December For
24 A digression to hospitalitie. Chap. 22 [1] Leaue husbandrie
25 A description of time, and the yeare. Chap. 23 1 Of God to
26 A description of life and riches. Chap. 24 1 Who liuing but
27 A description of housekeeping. Chap. 25 1 What then of this
28 A description of the feast of the birth of Christ, commonly
29 A description of apt time to spend. Chap. 27 1 Let such (so
30 Against fantasticall scruplenes. Chap. 28 1 At this time and
31 Christmas husbandlie fare. Chap. 29 1 Good husband and
32 A Christmas Caroll of the birth of Christ vpon the tune of King Salomon. [E142] Chap. 30
33 Januaries abstract. Chap. 31 1 Bid Christmas adew, thy stock
34 Of trees or fruites to be set or remooued. Apple trEes of
35 Januaries husbandrie. Chap. 32 A kindly good JaniuEere,
36 Februaries abstract. Chap. 33
37 Februaries husbandrie. Chap. 34 Feb, fill the dike [E187]
38 Marches abstract. Chap. 35 1 White peason sowe, scare hungry
39 Seedes and herbes for the Kitchen. Auens . [E195] Betanie.
40 Herbes and rootes for sallets and sauce. Alexanders , at all
41 Herbes and rootes to boile or to butter. Beanes, set in
42 Strowing herbes of all sortes. Bassel , [E230] fine and
43 Herbes, branches, and flowers, for windowes and pots. Baies,
44 Herbes to still in Sommer. Blessed thistle . Betanie
45 Necessarie herbes to growe in the garden for Physick, not
46 Marches husbandrie. Chap. 36 March dust to be sold, Worth
47 Aprils abstract. Chap. 37 1 [1] Some champions laie to
48 Aprils husbandrie. Chap. 38 SwEete April showers, Doo spring
49 A lesson for dairie maid Cisley, of ten toppings gests.
50 Maies abstract. Chap. 39 1 Put lambe from eawe, to milke a
51 Maies husbandrie. Chap. 40 Cold Maie and windie, Barne
52 Junes abstract. Chap. 41 1 Wash shEep for to share , that
53 Junes husbandrie. Chap. 42 Calme weather in June Corne sets
54 Julies abstract. Chap. 43 1 Go sirs and away, to ted and
55 Julies husbandrie. Chap. 44 No tempest, good Julie, Least
56 Augusts abstract. Chap. 45 1 Thry fallowing won, get
57 Augusts husbandrie. Chap. 46 Dry August and warme, Doth
58 Corne Haruest equally deuided into ten partes. Chap. 47 [1]
59 A briefe conclusion, where you may see, Ech word in the
60 [ Mans age deuided into twelue seauens. 1614.] Mans age
61 Another diuision of the nature of mans age. Chap. 50 The
62 Comparing good husband with vnthrift his brother, The better
63 A comparison betweene Champion countrie and seuerall. Chap.
64 The description of an enuious and naughtie neighbour. [E394]
64.* To light a candell before the Deuill. [E403] To beard thy
65 A sonet against a slanderous tongue. [E406] Chap. 54 Doth
66 A sonet vpon the Authors first seuen yeeres seruice. Chap.
68 To the right Honorable and my especiall good Ladie and
69 To the Reader. [1] 1 Now listen, good huswiues, what dooings
70 The Preface to the booke of Huswiferie. 1 Take weapon away,
71 As true as thy faith, Thus huswiferie saith. The praise of
72 A description of Huswife and Huswiferie. [E428] 1 Of huswife
73 Instructions to Huswiferie. [E429] Serue God is the furst,
74 A digression. [1] Now, out of the matter, this lesson I ad,
75 Huswiferie. [Now listen, good huswiues, what doings are here
76 Breakefast doings. To breakefast that come, Giue erie one
77 Huswifely admonitions. ThEe for thriue. Learne you that will
78 Brewing. Brew somewhat for thine, Else bring vp no swine.
79 Baking. [E439] Newe bread is a driuell . Much crust is as
80 Cookerie. Good cookerie craueth, Good turnebroch saueth.
81 Dairie. Good dairie doth pleasure, Ill dairie spendes
82 Scouring. No scouring for pride, Spare kettle whole side.
83 Washing.
84 Malting. Ill malting is theft, Wood dride hath a weft.
85 Dinner matters. For hunger or thirst, Serue cattle well
86 Afternoone workes. Make companie breake, Go cherish the
87 Euening workes. Time drawing to night, See all things go
88 Supper matters. Vse mirth and good woorde, At bed and at
89 After supper matters. Thy soule hath a clog , Forget not thy
90 The ploughmans feasting daies. This would not be slept , Old
91 The good huswifelie Physicke. [1] Good huswiues prouides,
92 The good motherlie nurserie. [1] Good huswiues take paine,
93 Thinke on the poore. Remember the poore, that for Gods sake
94 A comparison betweene good huswiferie and euill. [E461]
95 For men a perfect warning How childe shall come by larning.
96 The description of a womans age by vi. times xiiij yeeres
97 The Inholders posie . [1] [1] At meales my friend who
98 Certaine Table Lessons. 1 Friend, eat lesse, and drinke
99 Lessons for waiting servants. 1 One diligent seruiture ,
100 Husbandly posies for the hall. 1 Friend, here I dwell, and
101 Posies for the parler. 1 As hatred is the serpents noisome
102 Posies for the gests chamber. 1 The slouen and the careles
103 Posies for thine owne bed chamber. 1 What wisdom more, what
104 A Sonet to the Ladie Paget. [1] Some pleasures take, and
105 Principall points of Religion. 1 To praie to God
106 The Authors beleefe. God the Father. 1 This is my stedfast
107 Of the omnipotencie of God, and debilitie of man. 1 O God
108 Of Almes deedes. Eleemosyna prodest homini in vita, in
109 Of malus homo. Malus homo , out of S. Augustine. Of
110 Of two sorts of people. Of two sorts of men, the tone good,
111 Of what force the devil is if he be resisted. Diabolo
112 Eight of S. Barnards verses, both in Latine and English
113 Of the Authors linked Verses departing from Court to the
114 The Authors life. [1] Epodium. 1 Now gentle friend, if thou
[115.] Of Fortune. The following poem is not to be found after
A hundreth good pointes of husbandrie.