lass="pginternal">345 Guillotine, 90, 299, 311 Hall of Kings, 285 Hanging in Public, 304 Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates, 239 Hardinge, Sir A., 221 Hare, 112, 234, 301 Hartington, Marquis of, 292 Hayter, Sir George, 154 HÉbert, 56, 87, 91 Henry VIII and his Wives, 218, 239 Hinton, Viscount, 224 Holland, Queen Wilhelmina of, 223 Hood, Tom, 352 Hornn, Jean, 122, 124 Horrors, Chamber of, 76, 174, 187, 233, 244, 251, 278, 290, 297, 306, 307, 314, 318 HÔtel d’Aligre, 59 Houdon, 68 Hume, 118 Indian’s Diary, 240 Induna Envoys, 189 Iron Cross, Story of, 326 Irving, Sir Henry, 245 Jackson, Bishop, 318 Jameson, Doctor, 294 Jellicoe, Admiral Lord, 235 John Bull, 322 Josephine, Empress, 96, 111 Juno, The Elephant, 218 Jutland, Naval Battle of, 336 Kaiser, The, 320, 325 Kavanagh’s Jaunting Car, 198 Keller, Von, 123, 137 Kemble, 113 Kenney, Miss Annie, 279 Kent, Duchess of, 100 Kintore, Earl of, 221 Kipling, Rudyard, 286, 317, 354 Kirk, Sir John, 240 Kitchener,
69-h@54369-h-9.htm.html#Page_286" class="pginternal">286 Seven Years’ War, 57 Shackleton, Sir Ernest, 295 Shah of Persia, 185, 216, 221 Shahzada of Afghanistan, 215 Shakespeare, 112 Shaw, George Bernard, 277 Sheppard, Jack, 350 Shipwreck in Irish Channel, 102 Siam, King of, 215 Siddons, Mrs., 99, 113 Sims, George R., 218 Sleeping Beauty, 102, 239, 285, 295 Smith, Bruce, 342 Spain, Alphonso, King of, 225 Speaker, The, 345 St. Amaranthe, Madame, 101, 285, 295 St. Dunstan’s Hostel, 332 St. Helena, 120, 139, 153 Stage Favourites, 242 Stanley, H. M., 181 Suffrage, Woman’s, 280 Suleau, 89 Sully, Duc de, 113 Sun Yat Sen, President of China, 287 Swedenborg, Emanuel, 112 Talleyrand, Prince, 100, 118 Tenniel, John, 136, 175 Tennyson, Lord, 203, 252, 286 Terry, Miss Ellen, 242 Thackeray, 238 Thistlewood, Arthur, 210 Tichborne Claimant, 177 Tippoo Sahib, 75 Tom Thumb, 232 Treloar, Sir William, 290 Tsar, The late, 147 Tsarina, The late, 147 Turkey, Sultan of, 321 Turnerelli Wreath, 191 Tussaud, Francis, 8, 102, 143, 357, 359 Tussaud, FranÇois, 96 Tussaud, Joseph, 8, 116, |