Abila, inscription at, 268
Abraham, trust in God, 205, 210
—— promises to, 374
Account of creation, 117
Acts of Apostles, 287
—— accuracy, 288
—— authorship, 294
—— medical language, 296
—— date, 297
—— and Christ's Divinity, 407
—— of Pilate, 365
Adam and Eve, 132
Additions to Pentateuch, 159
Agreements, undesigned, 168
—— in Gospels, 315
Agrippa, called King, 289
Amalek, threat against, 164
Ambition, the great, 451
Amos, 160
Analogies and illustrations:
—— watch showing design, 12
—— mass of machinery, 22
—— house and tenant, 31
—— ship in distress, 36
—— king and child, 67
—— bird in egg, 89
—— telegraph clerk, 91
—— Mont Cenis tunnel, 102
—— telephone, 105
—— clock and magnet, 107
—— artist and pictures, 126
—— diseases of Normandy, 148
—— similar letters, 227
—— man's nature, 232
—— parents and children, 234
—— paying a debt, 242
—— regiments crossing, 245
—— whirlpool, 248
—— Indian Mutiny, 299
—— ingenious robbery, 399
—— founding a religion, 416
—— going for a holiday, 439
—— prayer to a father, 441
—— trees and storm, 447
—— key fitting lock, 450
—— planting a flower, 466
—— quicksands, 474
—— doctor and fever, 474
—— scarlet fever, 482
—— long frontier line, 484
Angels, their existence, 202
—— their influence, 203
—— at tomb, 310, 345
—— seen by the women, 310
—— and by soldiers, 311
—— not fellow-creators, 394
—— seeing and hearing, 202
—— are Christ's angels, 402
—— casting out evil, 351
Animals, their creation, 131
—— difference from man, 51
—— cannot know man, 227
—— not immortal, 91
—— their sufferings, 69
Antioch, inscription at, 267
Antiquity of man, 132
Apocryphal Gospels, 354
Apollos of Alexandria, 418
Apostasy, under trial, 475
Apostolic Fathers, 260
Aramaic words of Christ, 354
ArchÆology and O. Test, 172
Arianism, 475
Aristides, 259, 364
Aristion, 258, 305
Ark, 147
Arm of the Lord, 377
Artist and pictures, 126
Ascension, the, 314
—— and early converts, 344
Ashdod, taken by Sargon, 176
Assyria, prophecies as to, 187
—— army destroyed, 184
Athanasian Creed, warnings, 473
—— implies persecution, 475
—— dogmatism, 479
Atonement, doctrine of, 240
—— prophecies as to, 379
—— and human nature, 447
—— and other religions, 454
Baal and Jehovah, 183
Baalbec, inscription at, 268
Babylonia, prophecies, 187
—— messengers from, 197
Baker, the chief, 140
Baptismal formula, 461
—— witness of St. Paul, 461
—— of Teaching, 262, 461
Baptist (see John), 279
Barnabas, epistle of, 261
Bashan, bulls of, 385
Battering-rams, 192
Beauterne as to Napoleon, 251
Bees, cells of, 52
—— not due to heredity, 53
Belief, importance of true, 473
—— virtue not necessity, 487
Belshazzar, 174
Beneficence in nature, 59
—— and righteousness, 80
—— in Jewish Religion, 214
—— and in Christian, 242
Bernice, 290
Berosus, as to Nabonidus, 174
—— as to Sennacherib, 185
Bethany, 283
Bethel, altar at, 196
Bethesda, pool at, 277
Bethlehem, Birth at, 391
'Beyond Jordan', 156
Bible, mistakes in O. Test., 170
—— in N. Test., 268
—— inspiration, 437
Bible and Nat. Religion, 200
Blasphemy against Spirit, 460
—— Christ charged with, 412
Blood and water, 343, 385
Book of the Law, 162
Books buried in temples, 163
Bread, miracle as to, 108
Bricks with straw, 144
Brotherhood of man, 48
Butler, 431
By-product, pain is a, 60
CÆsar, no early MSS., 253
CÆsarea, Philip at, 295
Calmness of Evangelists, 317
Canaan, its peculiarities, 148
Canaanites destroyed, 209
—— but done gradually, 163
Cannibalism at Jerusalem, 192
Capernaum, centurion at, 360
Cats and mice, 70
Cause, must be free, 33
Cells of bees, 52
—— built by workers, 53
Celsus, Christ's miracles, 367
Cenis, tunnel in Mont, 102
Census of Israelites, 171
—— at Christ's birth, 266
Centurion at Capernaum, 360
Certainty not necessity, 27
Chabas, 143
Chance, really impossible, 21
Change of place in Acts I, 310
Changelessness, moral, 111
Character of God, 58
—— of man, 39
—— its permanence, 88
Chiefman of Malta, 290, 361
Child of God, man is a, 236
Child's belief, 478
—— temptations, 87
Chorazin, its significance, 350
Christ, His character, 396
—— teaching, 397
—— sinlessness, 400
—— in Old Test, 380, 388
—— always pleasing God, 401
—— claims, 401
—— sufferings unmerited, 241
—— His temptations, 447
—— foretold Resurrection, 317
—— beginning of creation, 409
—— seeing Him seeing God, 404
—— influence in world, 434
—— prophecies as to, 374
—— the perfect Example, 236
—— the Jewish Messiah, 375
—— the Paschal Lamb, 380
—— the One Mediator, 454
—— the only Saviour, 476
—— (see Divinity), 403, 459
Christiana, sand storm, 146
Christianity, meaning of, 3, 221
—— its leading doctrines, 222
—— its improbability, 249, 488
—— preparation for, 422
—— based on miracles, 435
—— and the Resurrection, 302
—— its early triumphs, 416
—— its later history, 425
—— effect on world, 426
—— future prospects, 430
—— its indestructibility, 432
—— and prayer, 437
—— and human nature, 445
—— and other religions, 452
—— its evidences, 483
—— unspeakable grandeur, 485
—— no half measures, 488
Classical writers, miracles, 368
—— no early MSS., 253
Clement of Rome, Gospels, 261
Cleopas, 276
Clock and magnet, 107
Closed questions, 481
Coincidences, superhuman, 100
Communion, Holy, 386, 402
Conscience, man has a, 50
—— the Voice of God, 50
Conservation of energy, 46
Constantine's vision, 335
Conversion, St. Paul's, 306
—— effect on companions, 339
—— Christ unrecognised, 340
Converts, early, 418
Crabs, and sense of pain, 70
Creation, 4
—— account of, in Genesis, 117
—— days of, 119
—— on three occasions, 123, 136
—— and evolution, 24
Creator, meaning of term, 8
Credentials, of messenger, 98
Credible, meaning of, 99
Creeping things, 131
Crispus of Corinth, 418
Crucifixion, Psalm of the, 384
—— no Jewish punishment, 388
Cyprus, proconsul at, 288
Cyrenius (see Quirinius), 266
Damnatory clauses, 473
Dana on Genesis I, 136
Daniel, Book of, 174
Darkness over land, 368
Darwin, 71
David, his character, 208
—— not subject of Ps. 22, 388
Days of creation, 119
Dead body of Christ, 337
—— offerings for, 147
Death, 448
Decalogue, its excellence, 211
—— preserved in temple, 215
Definitions, credible, 99
—— design, 10
—— dogmatism, 479
—— evolution, 20
—— free force, 4
—— instinct, 52
—— law of nature, 19
—— material universe, 4
—— miracles, 101
—— natural force, 20
—— omnipotence, 32
—— omniscience, 32
—— origin, 4
—— personal being, 30
—— revelation, 82
—— supernatural force, 9
Degradation of energy, 7
Delphi, inscription at, 289
Demoniacal possession, 351
Desert, of Shur, 143
—— laws suitable for, 149
—— journeys in, 165
—— wind, 145
Design, meaning of, 10
—— evidence in a watch, 12
—— in an eye, 14
—— throughout
0-h-14.htm.html#Page_354" class="pginternal">354
Final state of wicked, 463
Firmament, or expanse, 125
Firstborn from dead, 245
—— of Creation, 409
—— death of the, 146
First Cause single, 8
—— supernatural, 9
—— needed no cause, 8
First Witnesses, the, 325
Fishes and birds, 130
Five hundred, appearance, 307
—— explains Gospels, 321
Flesh and blood, 304
Flood, parallel passages, 159
Forces and causes, 33
Foreknowledge, free will, 26
—— and omniscience, 32
—— and prophecies, 99
—— and prayer, 439
—— and endless misery, 468
—— differs from foresight, 11
—— from foreordaining, 78
—— in man, foreguessing, 26
Forgiveness of sins, 242
Fourth Gospel, authorship,
—— and other three, 280
—— and Revelation, 285
Free force, meaning of a, 4
Free will, foreknowledge, 26
—— of man, 43
—— of animals, 52
—— of angels, 203
—— source of all force, 46
—— its introduction, 123
—— makes evil possible, 76
—— difficulties as to, 466
—— in religious belief, 487
Fruit-trees making fruit, 122
Fulfilled among us, 276
Future life (see Immortality and Resurrection).
Gabriel, man and angel, 311
Gadara, miracle at, 269, 352
Galilee, appearance in, 307
Gallio, proconsul, 289
Generations, meaning, 122
Genesis, the Creation in, 117
—— refers to Egypt, 138
—— partly written there, 142
Gentiles, conversion, 380, 388, 393
—— called dogs, 385
Geography of Palestine, 173
Gibbon and Christianity, 420
Gifts brought to the altar, 272
God, meaning of term, 30
—— argument from causation, 4
—— from design, 10
—— moral argument, 58
—— three combined, 81, 229
—— no physical proof, 31
—— a Personal Being, 30
—— who loves man, 234
—— Power, 32, 213, 228, 440, 465
—— Wisdom 32, 213, 228, 441
—— Goodness, 79, 214, 228, 242, 441
—— bearing on miracles, 112
—— and on the Trinity, 229
—— emphasized by Christianity, 235
—— three attributes combined, 80, 112, 199, 235, 488
—— Justice, 204, 466
—— and Mercy, 468
—— bearing on Atonement, 241
—— Love, 229
—— bearing on Trinity, 229
—— Greatness, 61
—— Omnipresence, 33, 213
—— Unknowable, 33, 214, 226
—— bearing on revelation, 94
—— Unchangeable, 110, 214
—— bearing on miracles, 110
—— and the Incarnation, 231
—— Omnipotent, 32
—— Eternal, 213
—— Creator of Universe, 8
—— and its Preserver, 33
—— Jewish idea of, 204
—— faith in, 486
—— (see Immanence)
—— (see Trinity)
Goodness, God's, 80, 214, 228
—— not below man's, 80, 235
—— man's, 48
—— depends on free will, 76
—— its infinite value, 76
Gospels, the Four, 252
—— external testimony, 252
—— internal evidence, 265
—— evidence of Acts, 287
—— probable date, 300
—— (see Synoptics, Fourth)
Governor, title of, 289
Grape-juice in Egypt, 140
Grave-clothes at tomb, 345
—— by themselves, 318
Gravity, force, universal, 8
—— known by effects, 35
—— an assumption, 46
Great ambition, 451
—— alternative, 413
—— surprise, 449
Greek philosophy, 423
Green grass, mentioned, 284
Guard at the tomb, 337
Harnack, unity of Acts, 295
—— date of Gospels, 300
—— as to Town Clerk, 292
Healing, gifts of, 370
Hebrews, Christ's Divinity, 410
—— land of the, 156
Hengstenberg, 387
Herod, Agrippa, death of, 288
Herod, called king, 289
Hezekiah, his sickness, 196
—— not subject of Ps. 22, 388
Hittites, 174
Holy Communion, 386, 402
Holy Spirit, the, 230
—— Divinity of, 459
Horses, time of Joseph, 141
Horus myth, and Christ, 454
Human sacrifices in O.T., 210
—— and Atonement, 240
Hume on experience, 104
Hurtful organs in nature, 59
Huxley on the Creeds, 249
Iconium, 291
Ignatius, 261
—— knowing, believing, 263
Illusions, not simultaneous, 335
Illyricum, 293
Image and likeness, 134
Immanence, God's, 109
—— and Evolution, 23
—— and secondary forces, 33
—— and miracles, 109
—— and the Incarnation, 239
—— and prayer, 440
Immortality, man's, 83
—— from unique position, 84
—— unjust treatment, 87
—— vast capabilities, 88
—— inherent belief, 90
—— counter-arguments, 91
—— and human nature, 448
—— in Egyptian religion, 455
Incarnation, doctrine of, 230
—— its difficulties, 231
—— its motive, 233
—— historical position, 238
—— and evolution, 239
—— and human nature, 447
—— and other religions, 452
Indian Mutiny, 299
Infinitely little, 64
Inhabitants, other planets, 67
Inherent convictions, man's, 39
—— as to mind, 41
—— free will, 44
—— responsibility, 47
—— sin, 48
—— immortality, 90
—— prayer, 438
Inscriptions at Erech, 174
—— Mugheir, 174
—— Khorsabad, 176
—— Tivoli, 266
—— Antioch, 267
—— Baalbec, 268
—— Abila, 268
—— Soli, Cyprus, 289
—— Delphi, 289
—— Malta, 290
—— Thessalonica, 290
—— Lystra, 291
—— Ephesus, 292
Insignificance of man, 60
—— counter-arguments, 61
—— real importance, 64
Instincts of animals, 52
Invertebrates, in Genesis, 131
Involution and evolution, 23
IrenÆus and Gospels, 254
—— Polycarp, 254
—— Papias, 258
—— date of Revelation, 285
—— value of prophecy, 367
Isaac, sacrifice of, 210
Isaiah, mentions Sargon, 176
—— test of a prophet, 199
—— prophecy of Babylon, 187
—— of Jerusalem, 196
—— of the Messiah, 377
—— of His Divinity, 391
—— implies the Trinity, 394
Israel, God's selection of, 204
—— going through cities of, 273
Israelites, great number, 171
Jacob's character, 208
Jairus' daughter, 353, 358, 360
James, St., Christ's brother, 272
—— unbeliever, 325
Japan, becoming Christian, 430
Jehovah adored by millions, 218
—— identified with Christ, 407
—— and with Holy Spirit, 460
Jehu not son of Omri, 176
Jephthah's daughter, 210
Jericho, discoveries at, 173
Jeroboam's rebellion, 195
Jerusalem, first destruction foretold, 196
—— accuracy of date, 177
—— and second, 191, 274
—— later than Gospels, 275
—— later than Acts, 299
—— hint to leave, 274
Jewish Prophecies, Egypt, 188
—— Assyria, 187
—— Babylonia, 187
—— dispersion of Jews, 189
—— the Messiah, 374
Jewish Religion, its origin, 137
—— its partiality, 204
—— its miracles, 177
—— its prophecies, 186
—— influence in world, 217
—— and Natural Religion, 216
Jews, dispersion of, 189
—— a peculiar people, 217
—— all from one man, 216
—— use of term, 280
John, St., his call, 278
—— author of Gospel, 279
—— the Baptist, 279
—— and Christ's miracles, 350
Jordan, beyond, 156
Joseph in Egypt, 139
Josephus, witness to Acts, 289
—— as to Sennacherib, 185
—— as to crucifixion, 342
—— siege of Jerusalem, 191
—— date of the taxing, 266
Josiah and Deuteronomy, 162
Journeys in Desert, 165
Jubilee, year of, 150
Judges and Pentateuch, 160
Justice, God's, 204, 466
Justin, witness to Gospels, 255
—— Book of Revelation, 285
—— guard at tomb, 337
—— Christ's miracles, 365
—— prefers prophecy, 365
—— the Name, persecuted, 434
—— Acts of Pilate, 365
King of the Jews, 392
Kings did not use plural, 393
Korah, rebellion of, 169
Koran, Christ's miracles, 424
—— authorises force, 428
Krishna myth, and Christ, 452
Lamb of God, 286
—— Paschal, 380
Land animals, 131
Laws, of nature, 19
—— in Pentateuch, 149
Laymen offering sacrifice, 162
Lazarus, raising of, 370
—— only in one Gospel, 283
—— well-known man, 360
—— case of resuscitation, 245
Lecky, on Christ's teaching, 398
Legend Theory, the, 329<
@html@files@42460@42460-h@42460-h-6.htm.html#Page_170" class="pginternal">170
—— in N. Test., 268
Monkey and evoluti
—— Rejection, 21
—— Religion, depends on, probability, 36, 96, 487
—— only partly known, 35
—— in Jewish religion, 216
—— in Egyptian religion, 455
—— in other religions, 457
—— in prehistoric times, 238
—— moral difficulties, 69
—— and the Bible, 200
—— and unity of God, 227
—— leads to Revelation, 39
Nature, its unity, 8, 18
—— its laws, 19
—— its forces, 20
—— acting rationally, 100
—— its uniformity, 106
—— its mysteries, 250
—— its perfection, 61
—— care of individuals, 62
—— a means to an end, 85
—— bearing on miracles, 112
—— immanence in God, 109
—— forgets nothing, 466
—— analogy, as to angels, 202
—— man's future life, 89
—— man's resurrection, 247
—— short probation, 468
—— his destruction, 472
Naville, 164
—— unity of Genesis, 142
Nazareth, dry ground, 377
Nebuchadnezzar, 174, 184
Nebula theory, 124
Necessity, doctrine of, 43
—— and certainty, 27
Nero addressed as Lord, 289
—— his persecution, 298
Nineveh, men of, 269
Numbers in O. Test., 171
Obedience and sacrifice, 161
Old Testament, genuine, 167
—— alleged mistakes, 170
—— miracles, 177
—— prophecies, 186
—— moral defects, 208
Omnipotence, 32, 213
Omnipresence, 33, 213
Omniscience, 32, 213
Origen and Celsus, 367
Origin of universe, 4
—— in Genesis, 118
—— of life, 123
—— of Jewish religion, 137
—— of Christian religion, 301
Osiris, 454
Pain, 69, 71
—— not always an evil, 72
Paley, watch argument, 11
Pantheism, 119
Papias as to Gospels, 258
Papyri, Egyptian, 271, 289
Papyrus used for writing, 253
Parables, teaching by, 273
—— some objected to, 399
—— Unrighteous Steward, 399
—— Wedding Garment, 400
Partiality in revelation, 95
—— to Jews, 204
Paul, St., conversion, 305, 339
—— teaching not new, 409
—— the two essentials, 476
—— (see Epistles)
Peace be unto you, twice, 320
Peculiar people, Jews a, 217
Pella, Christians go to, 275
Pentateuch, importance, 138
—— claims to be Mosaic, 164
—— language, 155
—— Egyptian references, 138
—— laws, 149
—— date and author, 164
—— excellent morality, 211
—— theory of late date, 155
Perish, its meaning, 475
Persecution for Name, 434
Persecutions, religious, 427
—— of Jews, 190
—— of Christians, 328
—— implied in Creed, 475
Person, not in N. Test, 460
Personal Being, meaning, 30
—— God is a, 30
—— man is a, 47
—— animals are not, 54
—— implies fellowship, 229
Persons and things, 67
Peter, St., called Simon, 321
—— connection with Mark, 259
—— appeal to miracles, 362, 408
Petrie, as to Exodus, 171
Peyreyrius, 132
Pharaoh's dreams, 140
—— heart hardened, 209
Philip, one of the Seven, 295
Philippi, gaoler at, 477
Philo, days of Genesis, 121
Pilate, Acts of, 365
Pinches, Book of Daniel, 175
Pithom, discoveries at, 144
Plagues, the ten, 144
—— superhuman coincidences, 178
—— and magicians, 182
Planets, inhabited (?), 67
—— not by sinners (?), 232
Pliny, numerous letters, 369
—— spread of Christianity, 418
—— Christ's Divinity, 418
Plural of majesty, 393
—— in P and J, 159
Politarchs, 290
Polycarp of Smyrna, 254
—— witness to Gospels, 261
Polytheism, 119, 212
Pomponia GrÆcina, 419
Prayer, subject of, 437
—— and experiment, 444
—— and observation, 444
—— a simple, 480
—— after the event, 439
—— for others, 442
Pre-existence of Christ, 404
—— in O. Test., 391
Prehistoric men, future life, 90, 238
Priests and Levites, 162
Probability, guide of life, 487
Proconsul and other terms, 288
Prophecy, credible, 99
—— in Old Testament, 186
—— word of Jehovah, 389
—— as to Christ, 374
—— His Resurrection, 317
—— why not plainer, 394
—— His own influence, 434
Prospective organs, 16
Psalm of the Crucifixion, 384
Publius, chief man, 290, 361
Pul of Assyria, 176
'Q' (Quelle) and Gospels, 270, 350, 361
Quadratus, as to miracles, 364
Quirinius, his census, 266
Quotations, Barnabas, 261
—— Butler, 431
—— Clement, 261
—— Dana, 136
—— Darwin, 71
—— Eusebius, 259, 364
—— Huxley, 249
—— Ignatius, 261
—— IrenÆus, 254
—— Justin, 365
—— Lecky, 398
—— Mill, 397
—— Napoleon, 250
—— Naville, 142
—— Papias, 258
—— Pinches, 175
—— Polycarp, 261
—— Quadratus, 364
—— Ramsay, 272
—— Renan, 397
—— Romanes, 87, 135
—— Teaching of Twelve, 261
—— Wallace, 71
Radium, 7
Ramsey, as to the census, 267
—— Lysanias, 268
—— early Gospels, 272
—— Lycaonia, 291
Rationalism, spread of, 430
—— and miracles, 369
Rawlinson, 176
Reason cannot judge of Christian doctrines, 249
Recognition, hereafter, 448
Recorders in O. Test., 173
Recurring series of events, 5
Red Sea, passage of, 178
Relics, resurrection of, 248
Remorse, 51
Renan, raising of Lazarus, 370
—— Christ's character, 397
Repentance, 243
Responsibility of man, 47
Resurrection, doctrine of, 244
—— applies to a body, 303
—— not resuscitation, 245, 323
—— Christ's, 301
—— falsehood theory, 326
—— legend theory, 329
—— vision theory, 331
—— swoon theory, 341
—— wanted missionaries, 347
—— a physical fact, 304
—— not really unique, 245
—— table of appearances, 308
—— three groups, 307
—— the narratives, 305
—— their discrepancies, 309
—— their agreements, 315
—— omissions, 312
—— signs of early date, 321
—— the real difficulty, 346
—— in other religions, 455
—— man's, 247
—— need not be of relics, 248
—— the period of life, 449
—— the great surprise, 449
—— and human nature, 448
—— terms not literal, 464
Resuscitation, 245, 323
Revelation, meaning of, 82
—— possible, 83
—— probable, 92
—— progressive, 93
—— after writing, 93
—— must be partial, 95, 204
—— evidence inconclusive, 95
—— miraculous, 98
—— Book of, and Gospel, 285
—— Divinity of Christ, 408
Risen Body difficulties, 245
—— record of eyewitnesses, 323
Roman provinces, 288
—— siege of Jerusalem, 191
—— State and Christians, 298
Romanes, man's probation, 87
—— accuracy of Genesis, 135
Sabbath, miracles on, 359
Sacrifices, heathen, 447
—— human, in O. Test., 210
Salvation, not selfishness, 451
Samaria, date of fall, 177
Samuel and Pentateuch, 160
Sanctuary, the one, 161
Sand-storms and darkness, 146
Sargon, named in Isaiah, 176
Satan, 203
Saurians, 131
Secondary forces, 33
Secrecy in Christ's miracles, 358
Seed, may be disciples, 378, 387
Selfishness, objection as to, 451
Sennacherib, 184
Sentry, pain a kind of, 72
Sergius Paulus, 289, 361
Servant, the Lord's, 376
Seventh day, the, 119
Shadow on dial, 196
Shaving in Egypt, 141
Shepherd, the Lord's, 391
—— kings, foreign, 139
Shur, desert of, 143
Siege of Jerusalem foretold by Moses, 191
—— and by Christ, 365
—— not said of Krishna, 452
—— not machines, 48
—— final state, 463
Will, man's, its action, 42, 45
—— its freedom, 43
Windows of heaven, 126
Wisdom, God's, 32, 213, 441
Word or Logos in Revelation, 286
—— among Greeks, 423
World, creation of the, 4, 117
—— end of the, 437
Wounded means pierced, 377
Writing, early use of, 138, 172
—— wanted for revelation, 93
X-rays, 246
Zeal of early Christians, 420
Zebulon, prophecy as to, 391
Zechariah, prophecies of, 392
Zeus and Hermes, 291
Transcriber's Notes
Some punctuation has been inserted to maintain consistency.
The reference in the index to page 541 was corrected to 441.
Spelling and hyphenation match the original text and may vary within the book.
Footnotes have been placed, for the most part, at the end of the paragraphs in which they appear.