e_226" class="pginternal">226, 241, 304, 325 Cleaveland, Gen. Moses, 133, 222, 257 Cleveland, 133, 150, 223, 231, 232 Clinton, De Witt, 195, 196 Coal supply, 313 Coast, Atlantic, 206; destiny, 295; interior and, antagonisms, 110 Coeducation, 353 Colden, Cadwallader, 80 Colonial life, 11 Colonial system, 127 Colonization, 312; English and French contrasted, 13-14; peaceful, 169 Colony of free humanity, 337-338 Columbus, Ohio, 162, 229 Combinations of capital and of labor, 245 Commencement seasons, 290 Commons, J. R., 327 Community, "beloved community," 358; life, 347; type of settlement, 73, 74, 125 Competition, 154, 203, 277, 308, 312 Compromise, 174, 198, 230, 236; slavery, 140, 142 Concentration of power and wealth, 245, 261, 266, 280 Concord, Mass., 39 Concurrent majority, 118 Congregational church, 74, 112 Congress and frontiersmen, 252-253 Connecticut, frontier towns, 42, 45, 53; land policy, 76 Connecticut River, 52, 53, 72 Connecticut Valley, 63, 73 Conquest, 269 Conscience, American, 328 Constitution, U. S., 206, 219, 304, 345; Ohio Valley and, 166; world politics, 246 Experts, 284, 285, 286 "Fall line," 4, 9, 68; efforts to establish military frontier on, 84 Fairfax, Lord, 92, 123 Far East, 315 Far West, 315, 341 Farm lands, 297 Farm machinery, 276 Farmers, 238, 239 Farmer's frontier, 12, 16, 18 Federal colonial system, 168, 169 Federal Reserve districts, 322 Fertility, 129 Field, Marshall, 265 Finance, 318, 325; pioneer ideas, 148 Fire-arms and Indians, 13 Firmin, Giles, 56 Food supply, 279, 294, 314 Foreign parentage, Indiana and Illinois, 232; Michigan, 233; Western States, 237; Wisconsin, 233-234 Foreign policy, 168, 219 Forest Service, 320 Forest philosophy, 207 "Foresters," 63 Forests, 270, 293; Middle West, 130 Fortified houses, 71 Fourierists, 263 France, efforts to revive empire in America, 167; Middle West and, 131; Mississippi Valley and, 180, 186; western exploration, 163; Franchise, 249-250, 252 Franklin, Benjamin, Mississippi Valley and, 182; on the Germans, 109 Free Soil party, 141, 173, 217 French explorers, 151; Populists, 238; settlers, 237 Kansas City, 151 Kentucky, 19, 122, 162, 167, 168, 169, 192, 225, 253; slavery, 174 King Philip's War 40, 46, 69 Kipling, Rudyard, "Foreloper," 270; "Son of the English," 262 Labor, combinations, 245; composition of laboring class, 316 Labor theorists, 303, 326 Lamar, L. Q. C. (1825-1893), 25 Lancaster, Mass., 48, 57, 61 Land, 328-329; abundance, 274; abundance, as basis of democracy, 191, 192; alien tenure, 110; free, exhausted, 244-245; free Western, 211, 259; fundamental fact in Western society, 211; "mongering," 61; see also Public lands Land companies, 123, 347 Land grants, 9; for schools and colleges, 74; to railroads, 276 Land Ordinance of 1785, 132 Land policies, 10 Land system, "equality" principle in New England, 61, 62, 63; Georgia, 97; later federal, 123; New England, 54; New England conflicts, 75; New York State, 80; North Carolina, 95; Old West, 122; Pennsylvania, 101; Virginia, 91; Virginia grants to societies, 85 La Salle, 180 Laurentide glacier, 129 Law and order, 298, 344 Leadership, 182 Mississippi River, 7, 180 Railroads, administration by regions, 322; Ch
ns>, A. G., 17 Spanish America 181, 182, 295 Spanish frontier, 125 Spanish War, 246 Speculation, 319 Spoils system, 32, 254 Spotswood, Alexander, 22, 88, 90, 91, 113, 247; Mississippi Valley and, 180 Spotsylvania County, Va., 90 Spreckles, Claus, 265 Squatter-sovereignty, 140 Squatters, 272, 343; doctrines, 273, 328; ideal, 320; Middle West, 137; Ohio Valley, 170; Pennsylvania in 1726, 101 Stark, John, 103-104 State historical societies, 340 State lines, 127 State universities, 221, 354; as safeguard of democracy, 286; Michigan, 233; peculiar power, 283-284; pioneer ideals and, 269, 281 States, checkerboard, 218; frontier pioneers' demand for statehood, 248; groups, 159; new states vs. Atlantic States, 207; System of, 168 Staunton, Va., 92 Steam navigation, 7, 135, 171 Steel, 313 Steel and iron industry, 152 Stockbridge, 79 Stoddard, Solomon, 45 Success, 288, 309 Sudbury, 39 Suffrage, 192, 216; basis, 249; frontier and extension, 30; manhood, 250, 352 Superior, Lake, 180, 314; iron mines, 152 Swedes, 233 Symmes Purchase, |