Now, little Sophy, come with me, To make a pudding you shall see; Now sit quite still, and see me do it; See, here's the flour and the suet. The suet must be chopped quite small, For it should scarce be seen at all; A pound of each will nicely suit, To which I put two pounds of fruit. One is of currants, one of plums (You'll find it good when boiled it comes); Then almonds, sugar, citron, spice, And peel, will make it very nice. Now see me stir and mix it well, And then we'll leave the rest to Nell; Now see, the pudding-cloth she flours, Ties it, and boils it full five hours. THE ENDPrinted by R. & R. Clark, Ltd., EdinburghFor a list of Children's books and others see the next pages. "THE DUMPY BOOKS FOR CHILDREN"No. I. |