PAGE Introduction xiii Bad Boys and Good— The Window-Breaker 3 A Gunpowder Plot 5 Peter Imitates the Clown 7 Ben's Heavy Punishment 9 The Chimney-Sweeper 11 The Fighting Wicket-keeper 13 The Good Scholar 15 The Good Scholar Fights 16 The Death of the Good Scholar's Foe 17 Robert's Thoughtless Brothers 19 Joe's Light Punishment 20 Falsehood "Corrected" 22 The Superior Boys 24 George's Curious Taste 25 Thomas Brown's Disappointment 27 Considerate Philip 28 The Models 29 Politeness 30 Richard's Reformation 31 James's Sacrifice 32 The Excellent Lord Mayor 34 Clever Little Thomas 36 William's Escape 37 Good Girls and Bad— Rebecca's Afterthought 41 A Hint to Mary Anne 42 How to Write a Letter 44 News for Papa 46 Maria's Charity 48 The Neglected Turk 50 Pride and Priggishness 52 How to Look when Speaking 54 Isabella's Parachute 56 Maria Snubbed 57 Matilda's Extravagance 58 Papa's Watchfulness 60 Isabella's Defeat 61 The Two Patients 62 Fanny's Bad Habit 63 Sarah's Danger 64 The Hoyden 65 The Giddy Girl 67 A Warning to Frances 69 Playing with Fire 71 How to Heal a Burn 72 Mary Anne's Kindness 74 Ambitious Sophy 75 Dressed or Undressed 76 Mrs. Birch's Influence 78 Rebellious Frances 80 Kindness and Cruelty— The Harmless Cow 83 The Harmless Worm 84 The Bad Donkey-Boy's Good Fortune 86 Grateful Carlo 88 Grateful Lucy 90 Grateful Trusty 91 Something in Store for Richard 92 The Result of Cruelty 93 Things to Eat— What is Best for Children 97 Billy Gill's Good Fortune 99 Civil Speech 101 The Cook's Rebuke 103 The Lost Pudding 105 Sammy Smith's Sad Fate 106 Stupid William 107 Poisonous Fruit 109 Harry's Cake 111 Peter's Cake 113 William's Cake 115 How to Make a Christmas Pudding 117