CHAP. | | PAGE | I | Somewhat Contagious | 9 | II | Treating of Larkin and his Commission | 23 | III | Miss Bibby | 31 | IV | The Famous Novelist | 43 | V | Ante-prandial Visitors | 55 | VI | A Grocery Order | 60 | VII | Letters to a Mother | 72 | VIII | Across the Rubicon | 87 | IX | The Interview for the “Evening Mail” | 96 | X | Anna enjoys Ill-health | 112 | XI | Miss Bibby’s Holiday | 126 | XII | In Black and White | 135 | XIII | An Interview with the Interviewer | 144 | XIV | The Literary Microbe | 156 | XV | “Out of the Mouths of Babes” | 170 | [p8] XVI | Wooing the Muse | 179 | XVII | Literature is Low | 190 | XVIII | An Editing Pencil | 197 | XIX | Max Runs Amuck | 205 | XX | A Lesson in Discipline | 216 | XXI | In Print at last | 227 | XXII | A Master Mind | 229 | XXIII | The Picnic at the Falls | 243 | XXIV | At the Second Fall | 259 | [Back to Contents]