With my cradle scythe, feeling brisk and blithe,
In the breeze-tempered heat of this fine day;
I'll haste to the field with the wheaten yield,
And there will I manfully cut my way.
Now in all my walks, with broad, rapid strokes;
I bring down the waving grain quite low.
Every sweep I try seems to make it sigh,
But cheerful on, and still on I go.
I heed not the sweat, making my clothes wet,
The toil and care will be well repaid;
For this golden store drives want from my door,
And the surplus is farmers' profit made.
Binder now keep pace, for this hard-run race
Will tell on the field ere night come in;
And rest will be sweet in our plain retreat,
Until a new day with its toil begin.
O, I think I see with exhuberant glee,
The shocks in good order standing round,
And well-laden teams in my bright day-dreams,
Are now trotting briskly over the ground.
Then hasten the day when our grain and hay
Well secured beneath our good barn dome—
Will inspire our hearts to perform their parts
In the cherished joy of Harvest Home.