
CHAPTER I.—A Strange Religious Epic. An Israelitish Type of Woman in the Age.

CHAPTER II.—The Mother of the Prophet. The Gifts of Inspiration and Working of Miracles Inherent in her Family. Fragments of her Narrative.

CHAPTER III.—The Opening of a Spiritual Dispensation to America. Woman's Exaltation. The Light of the Latter Days.

CHAPTER IV.—Birth of the Church. Kirtland as the Bride, in the Chambers of the Wilderness. The Early Gathering. "Mother Whitney," and Eliza R. Snow.

CHAPTER V.—The Voice, and the Messenger of the Covenant.

CHAPTER VI.—An Angel from the Cloud is Heard in Kirtland. The "Daughter of the Voice."

CHAPTER VII.—An Israel Prepared by Visions, Dreams and Angels. Interesting and Miraculous Story of Parley P. Pratt. A Mystic Sign of Messiah in the Heavens. The Angel's Words Fulfilled.

CHAPTER VIII.—War of the Invisible Powers. Their Master. Jehovah's Medium.

CHAPTER IX.—Eliza R. Snow's Experience. Glimpses of the Life and Character of Joseph Smith. Gathering of the Saints.

CHAPTER X.—The Latter-Day Iliad. Reproduction of the Great Hebraic Drama. The Meaning of the Mormon Movement in the Age.

CHAPTER XI.—The Land of Temples. America the New Jerusalem. Daring Conception of the Mormon Prophet. Fulfillment of the Abrahamic Programme. Woman to be an Oracle of Jehovah.

CHAPTER XII.—Eliza R. Snow's Graphic Description of the Temple and its Dedication. Hosannas to God. His Glory Fills the House.

CHAPTER XIII.—The Ancient Order of Blessings. The Prophet's Father. The Patriarch's Mother. His Father. Kirtland High School. Apostasy and Persecution. Exodus of the Church.

CHAPTER XIV.—An Illustrious Mormon Woman. The First Wife of the Immortal Heber C. Kimball. Opening Chapter of her Autobiography. Her Wonderful Vision. An Army of Angels Seen in the Heavens.

CHAPTER XV.—Haun's Mill. Joseph Young's Story of the Massacre. Sister Amanda Smith's Story of that Terrible Tragedy. Her Wounded Boy's Miraculous Cure. Her Final Escape from Missouri.

CHAPTER XVI.—Mobs Drive the Settlers into Far West. Heroic Death of Apostle Patten. Treachery of Col. Hinkle, and Fall of the Mormon Capital. Famous Speech of Major-General Clarke.

CHAPTER XVII.—Episodes of the Persecutions. Continuation of Eliza R. Snow's Narrative. Bathsheba W. Smith's Story. Louisa F. Wells Introduced to the Reader. Experience of Abigail Leonard. Margaret Foutz.

CHAPTER XVIII.—Joseph Smith's Daring Answer to the Lord. Woman, through Mormonism, Restored to her True Position. The Themes of Mormonism.

CHAPTER XIX.—Eliza R. Snow's Invocation. The Eternal Father and Mother. Origin of the Sublime Thought Popularly Attributed to Theodore Parker. Basic Idea of the Mormon Theology.

CHAPTER XX.—The Trinity of Motherhood. Eve, Sarah, and Zion. The Mormon Theory Concerning our First Parents.

CHAPTER XXI.—The Huntingtons. Zina D. Young, and Prescindia L. Kimball. Their Testimony Concerning the Kirtland Manifestations. Unpublished Letter of Joseph Smith. Death of Mother Huntington.

CHAPTER XXII.—Woman's Work in Canada and Great Britain. Heber C. Kimball's Prophesy. Parley P. Pratt's Successful Mission to Canada. A Blind Woman Miraculously Healed. Distinguished Women of that Period.

CHAPTER XXIII.—A Distinguished Canadian Convert. Mrs. M. I. Horne. Her Early History. Conversion to Mormonism. She Gathers with the Saints and Shares their Persecutions. Incidents of her Early Connection with the Church.

CHAPTER XXIV.—Mormonism Carried to Great Britain. "Truth will Prevail." The Rev. Mr. Fielding. First Baptism in England. First Woman Baptized. Story of Miss Jeannetta Richards. First Branch of the Church in Foreign Lands Organized at the House of Ann Dawson. First Child Born into the Church in England. Romantic Sequel. Vilate Kimball Again.

CHAPTER XXV.—Sketch of the Sisters Mary and Mercy R. Fielding. The Fieldings a Semi-Apostolic Family. Their Important Instrumentality in Opening the British Mission. Mary Fielding Marries Hyrum Smith. Her Trials and Sufferings while her Husband is in Prison. Testimony of her Sister Mercy. Mary's Letter to her Brother in England.

CHAPTER XXVI.—The Quorum of the Apostles go on Mission to England. Their Landing in Great Britain. They Hold a Conference. A Holiday Festival. Mother Moon and Family. Summary of a Year's Labor. Crowning Period of the British Mission.

CHAPTER XXVII.—The Sisters as Missionaries. Evangelical Diplomacy. Without Purse or Scrip. Picture of the Native Elders. A Specimen Meeting. The Secret of Success. Mormonism a Spiritual Gospel. The Sisters as Tract Distributers. Woman a Potent Evangelist.

CHAPTER XXVIII.—Mormonism and the Queen of England. Presentation of the Book of Mormon to the Queen and Prince Albert. Eliza R. Snow's Poem on that Event. "Zion's Nursing Mother." Heber C. Kimball Blesses Victoria.

CHAPTER XXIX.—Literal Application of Christ's Command. The Saints Leave Father and Mother, Home and Friends, to Gather to Zion. Mrs. William Staines. Her Early Life and Experience. A Midnight Baptism in Midwinter. Farewell to Home and Every Friend. Incidents of the Journey to Nauvoo.

CHAPTER XXX.—Rise of Nauvoo. Introduction of Polygamy. Martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum. Continuation of Eliza R. Snow's Narrative. Her Acceptance of Polygamy, and Marriage to the Prophet. Governor Carlin's Treachery. Her Scathing Review of the Martyrdom. Mother Lucy's Story of Her Murdered Sons.

CHAPTER XXXI.—The Exodus. To Your Tents, O Israel. Setting out from the Borders of Civilization. Movements of the Camp of Israel. First Night at Sugar Creek. Praising God in the Song and Dance. Death by the Wayside.

CHAPTER XXXII.—Continuation of Eliza R. Snow's Narrative. Advent of a Little Stranger Under Adverse Circumstances. Dormitory, Sitting-Room, Office, etc., in a Buggy. "The Camp." Interesting Episodes of the Journey. Graphic Description of the Method of Procedure. Mount Pisgah. Winter Quarters.

CHAPTER XXXIII.—Bathsheba W. Smith's Story of the Last Days of Nauvoo. She Receives Celestial Marriage and Gives Her Husband Five "Honorable Young Women" as Wives. Her Description of the Exodus and Journey to Winter Quarters. Death of One of the Wives. Sister Horne Again.

CHAPTER XXXIV.—The Story of the Huntington Sisters Continued. Zina D. Young's Pathetic Picture of the Martyrdom. Joseph's Mantle Falls Upon Brigham. The Exodus. A Birth on the Banks of the Chariton. Death of Father Huntington.

CHAPTER XXXV.—The Pioneers. The Pioneer Companies that Followed. Method of the March. Mrs. Horne on the Plains. The Emigrant's Post-Office. Pentecosts by the Way. Death as they Journeyed. A Feast in the Desert. "Aunt Louisa" Again.

CHAPTER XXXVI.—Bathsheba W. Smith's Story Continued. The Pioneers Return to Winter Quarters. A New Presidency Chosen. Oliver Cowdery Returns to the Church. Gathering the Remnant from Winter Quarters. Description of her House on Wheels.

CHAPTER XXXVII.—The Martyred Patriarch's Widow. A Woman's Strength and Independence. The Captain "Leaves Her Out in the Cold." Her Prophesy and Challenge to the Captain. A Pioneer Indeed. She is Led by Inspiration. The Seeric Gift of the Smiths with her Her Cattle. The Race. Fate Against the Captain. The Widow's Prophesy Fulfilled.

CHAPTER XXXVIII.—Utah in the Early Days. President Young's Primitive Home. Raising the Stars and Stripes on Mexican Soil. The Historical Thread up to the Period of the "Utah War."

CHAPTER XXXIX.—The Women of Mormondom in the Period of the Utah War. Their Heroic Resolve to Desolate the Land. The Second Exodus. Mrs. Carrington. Governor Cumming's Wife. A Nation of Heroes.

CHAPTER XL.—Miriam Works and Mary Ann Angell. Scenes of the Past. Death-Bed of Miriam. Early Days of Mary. Her Marriage with Brigham. The Good Step-mother. She Bears her Cross in the Persecutions. A Battle with Death. Polygamy. Mary in the Exodus and at Winter Quarters. The Hut in the Valley. Closing a Worthy Life.

CHAPTER XLI.—The Revelation on Polygamy. Bishop Whitney Preserves a Copy of the Original Document. Belinda M. Pratt's Famous Letter.

CHAPTER XLII.—Revelation Supported by Biblical Examples. The Israelitish Genius of the Mormons Shown in the Patriarchal Nature of their Institutions. The Anti-Polygamic Crusade.

CHAPTER XLIII.—Grand Mass-meeting of the Women of Utah on Polygamy and the Cullom Bill. Their Noble Remonstrance. Speeches of Apostolic Women. Their Resolutions. Woman's Rights or Woman's Revolution.

CHAPTER XLIV.—Wives of the Apostles. Mrs. Orson Hyde. Incidents of the Early Days. The Prophet. Mary Ann Pratt's Life Story. Wife of Gen. Charles C. Rich. Mrs. Franklin D. Richards. Phoebe Woodruff. Leonora Taylor. Marian Ross Pratt. The Wife of Delegate Cannon. Vilate Kimball Again.

CHAPTER XLV.—Mormon Women of Martha Washington's Time. Aunt Rhoda Richards. Wife of the First Mormon Bishop. Honorable Women of Zion.

CHAPTER XLVI.—Mormon Women whose Ancestors were on board the "Mayflower." A Bradford, and Descendant of the Second Governor of Plymouth Colony. A Descendant of Rogers, the Martyr. The Three Women who came with the Pioneers. The First Woman Born in Utah. Women of the Camp of Zion. Women of the Mormon Batallion.

CHAPTER XLVII.—One of the Founders of California. A Woman Missionary to the Society Islands. Her Life Among the Natives. The only Mormon Woman Sent on Mission without Her Husband. A Mormon Woman in Washington. A Sister from the East Indies. A Sister from Texas.

CHAPTER XLVIII—A Leader from England. Mrs. Hannah T. King. A Macdonald from Scotland. The "Welsh Queen." A Representative Woman from Ireland. Sister Howard. A Galaxy of the Sisterhood, from "Many Nations and Tongues." Incidents and Testimonials.

CHAPTER XLIX.—The Message to Jerusalem. The Ancient Tones of Mormonism. The Mormon High Priestess in the Holy Land. On the Mount of Olives. Officiating for the Royal House of Judah.

CHAPTER L.—Woman's Position in the Mormon Church. Grand Female Organization of Mormonism. The Relief Society. Its Inception at Nauvoo. Its Present Status, Aims, and Methods. First Society Building. A Woman Lays the Corner-stone. Distinguished Women of the Various Societies.

CHAPTER LI.—The Sisters and the Marriage Question. The Women of Utah Enfranchised. Passage of the Woman Suffrage Bill. A Political Contest. The First Woman that Voted in Utah.

CHAPTER LII.—The Lie of the Enemy Refuted. A View of the Women in Council over Female Suffrage. The Sisters know their Political Power.

CHAPTER LIII.—Members of Congress Seek to Disfranchise the Women of Utah. Claggett's Assault. The Women of America Come to their Aid. Charles Sumner About to Espouse their Cause. Death Prevents the Great Statesman's Design.

CHAPTER LIV.—Woman Expounds Her Own Subject. The Fall. Her Redemption from the Curse. Returning into the Presence of Her Father. Her Exaltation.

CHAPTER LV.—Woman's Voice in the Press of Utah. The Woman's Exponent. Mrs. Emeline Wells. She Speaks for the Women of Utah. Literary and Professional Women of the Church.

CHAPTER LVI.—Retrospection. Apostolic Mission of the Mormon Women. How they have Used the Suffrage. Their Petition to Mrs. Grant. Twenty-seven Thousand Mormon Women Memorialize Congress.

CHAPTER LVII.—Sarah the Mother of the Covenant. In Her the Expounding of the Polygamic Relations of the Mormon Women. Fulfilment of God's Promise to Her. The Mormon Parallel. Sarah and Hagar divide the Religious Domination of the World.

CHAPTER LVIII.—Womanhood the Regenerating Influence in the World. From Eve, the First, to Mary, the Second Eve. God and Woman the Hope of Man. Woman's Apostleship. Joseph vs. Paul. The Woman Nature a Predicate of the World's Future.

CHAPTER LIX.—Zion, a Type of "The Woman's Age." The Culminating Theme of the Poets of Israel. The Ideal Personification of the Church. The Bride. The Coming Eve.

CHAPTER LX.—Terrible as an Army with Banners. Fifty Thousand Women with the Ballot. Their Grand Mission to the Nation. A Foreshadowing of the Future of the Women of Mormondom.


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