chr. = chancellor, v.-c. = vice-chancellor, proc. = proctor (of the university), M. = master (of a college), abp. = archbishop, bp. = bishop.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z
Acre, Joan d’, 64 n., 298
Acton, 1st lord, professor, 192, (quoted) 99
Adams, Prof. John Couch, 126, 172 n., 191, 291, 318 n., 329 n.,
Mrs., 329 n.,
Sir T., founder of chair of Arabic, 190
Addenbrooke, Dr. John, 115
Agnes, daughter of Philip the tailor [Rot. Hund. Cant.], 42, 43
Aidan, S., 2
Airy, G. B., prof., 139, 172 n., 191, 291
Albert Pr. Consort, chr., 113
Alcock, 347 n.
John, bp. of Ely, 76, 150, 152, 259, 260,
his arms on the watergate of Coe fen, 57 n.,
probably a Peterhouse man, ibid.,
a pluralist, 63,
chancellor of England, 76 n.,
obtains dissolution of nunnery from Alex. VI., 115, 271,
founds Jesus, 115,
restores the church of S. Rhadegund, 116,
his gateway at Jesus, 141,
scope of his foundation, 153,
its dedication, 319 n.,
friend of the new learning, 270
Alcuin, 1, 2, 172, 252, 254 n.
Aldrich, 306, 308
Robert, bp., 105, 174 n.,
Thos., Puritan M. of Corpus, 276
Alexander VI., 78, 115, 271
Alfred, 8, 252, 254 n.
Alfred of Beverley, 3
Alley, Wm., bp. of Exeter, 106
Andrewes, Lancelot, bp. of Ely & Winchester, M. of Pembroke, 74, 189 n., 259, 273, 280, 282, 354 n.
Anjou, see Margaret of
Anna, king of the East Angles, 311 n.
Anne, queen, visits Cambs., 113,
Jacobites there in her reign, 267
Anselm, S., 101 n.
Antony of Padua, S., 23 n.
Arthur, Prince (duke of Brittany), 295
Arthur, Prince (Tudor), 176 n.
Arundel, abp., 29, 58, 235 n., 269,
Wm. FitzAlan, earl of, 75
Ascham, Roger, 3, 126, 173, 174, 175 n., 207, 243, 253, 254 n., 281, 283, 360
Athelstan, 32, 87 n.
Audley, 296, 297, 298
Thos., Ld., founder of Magdalene Coll. 76, 129, 150, (quoted), 129,
pedigree, 300, 301
Audrey, S., see Etheldreda
Augustine, S., of Canterbury, 2
Austen, Jane, 257
Babington, 296, 302
abbot of Bury, 302,
Prof. C. C., 329 n.,
Henry, v.-c., 205 n., 302,
Humphrey, Dr., 302
Bacon, 244, 296, 302
Francis, lord, 3, 85, 137, 139, 215, 218 n., 244, 253, 254 n., 255, 256, 258, 281, 282, 285, 290, 302, 303, 308,
Sir Nicholas, 83, 85, 106 n., 107, 244, 302,
Thos., M. of Gonville, 302
Badew, Ric. de, chr., 64, 64 n., 150, 152
Baker, Dr. Philip, v.-c., 106 n., 142,
Thos., historian of S. John’s (Ñ1656-Ñ1740), 126, 215
Bale, John, bp. of Ossory, 16 n., 20, 20 n., 116, 245, 258
Balfour, Frank, prof., 329 n.
Ball, Sir Wm., Royal Soc., 283
Balsham, Hugh de, bp. of Ely, 15, 27, 29, 30, 54, 55, 76, 150, 192 n.
His judgment cited, 6 n., 28 n., 203,
limits archidiaconal authority in university, 14, 28, 37,
design to graft secular scholars on the canons’ house of S. John, 38, 55, 122-123,
founds Peterhouse, 55-6, 62,
his motives for so doing, 62,
leaves money to build a hall, 56,
leaves his books to the college, 58, 138 n.,
scope of foundation, 153, 154,
sides with de Montfort, 260,
S. Simon Stock his contemporary, 325,
see general index
Bancroft, abp., 99, 116, 118, 259
Bardenay, John de, prior of Benedictine students, 128 n.
Barnes, prior, 22, 272, 275
Baro, Peter, 60, 280
Barrow, Isaac, prof., 60 n., 139, 170, 191, 225, 263
Bassett, 44, 110 n., 292, 296, 306, 307 n., 347 n.
Alan (quoted), 68 n.,
John, 306,
Philip, chief justice 44,
William, proc. 19, 306
Bateman, Wm. bp. of Norwich, 76, 150, 152, 153, 259, 330.
Changes character of Gonville statutes, 67,
Gonville’s executor, 78, 83,
Edw. III.’s ambassador, 79,
founds Trinity Hall, 79,
motives of the foundation, ibid.,
founds the library, 80,
obtains licences for the 2 college chapels, 109 n.,
Ely hostel conveyed to him, 127,
Norwich monks come to Cambs. during his episcopate, 128 n., 143 n.
Bateson, Wm., M. of S. John’s, 329 n.,
Mrs., 329 n.
Beauchamp, 150 n.
Eleanor dss. of Somerset, 299,
Margaret dss. of Somerset, 299, 305 n.
Beaufort, 262, 292, 294, 296-97
Anna, sister to Ly. Margaret, 308 n.,
Henry, Cardinal, scholar of Peterhouse, 58 n., 59, 106, 259, 260, 262,
Thos. duke of Exeter, 58 n., 156
Beaumont, 202, 297 n.
Charles, 62,
Francis (the dramatist), 257, 306,
Joseph, M. of Peterhouse, 62,
Dr. Robt. v.-c., 302
Bede, 2, 5, 5 n., 10, 10 n., 172, 252, 254 n.
Behn, Mrs. Afra, early novelist, 258
Beket, Thos. À, educated at Merton priory, 44 n.
Benedict XI., 143 n., 144 n.,
XII. 127, 144 n.
Benjamin the Jew, his house in Cambridge, 21 n.
Benson, abp., confers Lambeth degree, 194 n.
Bentley, 347 n.
Ric., 126, 135, 139, 174, 175 n., 176, 191, 219 n., 245
Betham, Edw., fellow of King’s, his letter to Cole, 212
Beverley, John of, 2, 172
Bill, Wm., bp., v.-c., 139, 274 n.
Billingford, Ric., chr., 205 n.
Bilney, Thos., 80, 275, 275 n.
Bingham, 347 n., & see Byngham
Blomfield, bp., 239
Blount, Chas., the deist, 279
Bodichon, Barbara L. S., 317 n., 318 n., 319, 320, 327 n.
Boleyn, 102 n.
Anne, 102, 102 n.,
Henry, 102 n.,
Wm., 102 n.
Bolingbroke, Ld., the deist, 279
Bonham-Carter, Mrs., 347
Boniface IX., 204
Bonner, bp., 273 n.
Bonney, T. G., 303,
Lord John, 302,
Sir John de, chr., 203, 260, 302,
Wm., M. of Peterhouse, 302,
Mary, countess of Shrewsbury, benefactor of S. John’s, 124, 125,
Spencer, 8th duke of Devonshire, chr. 205,
Thos., the circumnavigator, 282
Caxton, 75, 99, 112
Cayley, Prof., 139, 172 n., 329 n., 348
Cecil, 296, 302, 303
Wm. lord Burleigh, chr., 126, 215, 260, 282, 303,
Thos. earl of Exeter, chr., 303,
Robert earl of Salisbury, chr., 126, 260, 282, 303,
lady Dorothy (see Neville),
lady Mildred, 313 n.,
Mr. Cecil, moderator, 303,
‘Cecil at the castle’ [Rot. Hund. Cant.], 42 n., 292
Chantrey (quoted), 137
Chapman, Geo. (dramatist), 257
Charlemagne, 2
Charles I., 113, 263, 264 n.
Charles II., 113
Charles V., Emperor,
Pole’s letter to 121,
(quoted) 129 n.
Chatham, lord, 268,
(quoted) 74 n.
Chatillon, 69, 296, 297
Marie de, see Valence, Gaucher de, 1st Comte de Saint-Paul, 295, 296,
Guy de, 69, 299,
Walter de, 69,
pedigree of, 299
Chaucer, 3, 88, 89, 252, 254 n., 255, 256
Cheke, Sir John, first Professor of Greek, fellow of S. John’s, 105, 126, 174, 175 n., 177 n., 191, 207 n., 281, 303
Chester, Gastrell, bp. of, 193
Chesterfield, Philip 4th earl of, 80, 260
Chillingworth, Wm., 278, 279, 286 n.
Clare, 292-293, 296, 297, 297 n., 320,
pedigree of, 298
Elizabeth de 64, n., 67, 95, 151 n., 152, 293, 295, 296, 297, 312, 320 n., 325 n.
Benefactor to Austin priory at Stoke Clare, 22 n., 293,
founds Clare, 64-5,
conveyance to her of the domus universitatis, 65 n.,
her statutes quoted, 67-8,
scope of foundation, 153, 154,
founds Greyfriars of Walsingham, 293,
sends timber to King’s Hall, 293, (quoted) 64 n., 86 n., 201,
lineage, 64 n., 150, 299,
pedigree of, 298
Gilbert de (temp. Conquest), 292,
Gilbert earl of Hertford & Glouc. (ob. Ñ1229), 292, 298,
Gilbert ‘the red’ (father of the founder of Clare), 40, 44, 64 n., 298,
Gilbert earl of Glouc. (killed Ñ1314), 65, 151 n., 298
Richard, earl of Glouc., 22 n., 292-3, 298,
Richard de, abbot of Ely, 298,
Richard, 2nd earl of, 320 n.
Clarence, Elizabeth dss. of, see de Burgh,
George duke of, 111,
Lionel duke of, 94, 95, 295 n., 297 n., 298
Clarentia, Philippa de, 298
Clark, 308
J. W. 8, 31, 32, 44,
Rev. W. G. 318
Clarke, Robert, 179,
Samuel, 144, 279
Clarkson, Thos., 126, 253 n., 269
Clerk, Sir Francis, 152
Clerk Maxwell, Jas., first Cavendish Prof., 139, 192
Clerke, Ric., a Cambs. colonist at Cardinal College, 272, 273
Cleveland, John, 263
Clifford, 3rd earl of Cumberland, 282
Clifford, W. K., 329 n.
Clive, Robt., 251, 253, 254 n.
Close, Nicholas, bp., 105, 327
Clough, Anne J., 326, 327, 327 n., 329, 330-337, 338, 339, 346, 347, 350, 357 n.,
Arthur Hugh, 330,
Sir Ric., 330
Coke, Edw., lord, High Steward of the University, 139, 260,
(quoted) 100
Cole, Wm., (ob. Ñ1782), 66, 105, 212
Colenso, bp., 126, 172 n., 288
Coleridge, S. T., 116, 232, 302
Colet, dean, 173, 176 n., 253, 254 n., 270
Collier, Jeremy, 267
Collins, Anthony, of King’s, the deist, 279
Compton, bp., 265 n., 266 n.
Coningsby, Sir Wm., 105
Constantia, wife to Earl Eustace, grants Cambs. fisheries, 116 n.
Cook, R. S. (Mrs. Scott), 321 n.
Cornwallis, 1st marquess, 66
Cosin, Cousins, 308
John, bp., M. of Peterhouse, 58, 59, 259, 274, 280
Cotes, Roger, 1st Plumian Prof., 139, 191
Cotton, Sir Robert, 139
Courtney, abp. of Canterbury, stays with the Whitefriars, 20
Coverdale, Miles, an Austinfriar at Cambs., 22, 245, 272
Cowley, Abraham, 139, 244, 263, 284
Cowper, Wm., 303, 303 n.
Cox, Richard, bp. of Ely, 105, 175 n., 272, 273, 274 n.
Cranmer, abp., 116, 194, 243, 253, 254 n., 259, 271, 273, 273 n., 274, 275
Crashaw, Ric., 59, 60 n., 263
Crawden, John de, prior of Ely, 127
Creak, E. M., 340
Creighton, 347 n.
Crofts, Ellen, see Darwin
Croke (Crooke), first Reader in Greek at Cambs., 105, 172, 173, 174, 175 n., 191, 207, 281
Cromwell, Oliver, 22, 146, 147, 253, 254 n., 260, 264, 264 n., 275, 277, 308,
Thos. 151, 167, 175, 205, 244 n., 276, 276 n.
Cromwells, the, 229
Crook, 347 n.
Crouchback, Edmund earl of Leicester, 42 n.
Croyland, 294
Robert de, 132
Cudworth, Ralph, prof., 66, 119, 145, 145 n., 191, 286, 289
Culverwell, Nathanael, 145, 286
Cumberland, Ric., bp., 130
Cunningham, Dr. W., fellow of Trinity, archd. of Ely, 247, 322 n.
Curteys, abbot of Bury, 16 n.
Curthose, Robert, 8
Dakins, Wm., of Trinity, a translator of the bible, 275
Daniel, Samuel, 256 n.
Darwin, 302
Charles, 119, 178, 253, 254 n., 255, 290, 291, 303, 309,
Ellen Wordsworth Crofts (Mrs. Francis), 353,
Erasmus, 126, 303,
Francis, 353
D’Aubeney, Reiner, 75 n.
David of Scotland, 36 n., 297 n.
David’s, S., Thirlwall, bp. of (see also Thirlwall), 318 n.,
see Langton
Davies, Miss Emily, 314, 317 n., 319, 348, 351
Davy, Humphry, 255
Day, 307, 347 n.
George, bp., v.-c., 105, 273 n.,
W., bp., 105, 273 n.
Defoe, Daniel, 257, 354 n.
Dekker, Thos. (dramatist), 257
De Morgan, Prof., 139, 172 n.
Derby, css. & earl of, see Ly. Margaret & Stanley
Descartes, 287
Devereux, 302
Robert earl of Essex, 139, 282, 301, 304
Devonshire, see Cavendish
Dickens, Charles, 251, 257
Digby, Sir Kenelm, 284
Dillingham, Francis, M. of Emmanuel, a translator of the bible, 175 n., 273.
Dillon, viscount, 319 n.
Diss, Walter, 16 n., 20, Wm. 15 n.
Dodwell, Prof., 267
Doket, Andrew, 109, 111, 152
Donne, John, 139, 308
Downing, Sir George, senr., 66, 147,
founder of Downing, 147, 150, 153, 154
Downside, abbot of, 149
Drake, Sir Francis, 83, 251, 253, 254 n., 282
Drayton, Michael, 256 n.
Dryden, John, 139, 255, 258, 258 n., 264, 274, 284, 305, 308
Dudley, 297 n.
Robert earl of Leicester, 194 n.
Ethelbert of Kent, 4
Etheldreda, S., 311, 311 n., 312 n., 337
Ethelred, king of the East Angles, 8 n.
Eugenius IV., 140 n.
Eustace, earl, 116 n.
Evelyn, John, 284
Everett, Wm., (quoted) 171, 213 n.- 214 n., 243
Exeter, see Beaufort & Cecil
Exmew, Blessed Wm., 119, 275
Fagius, Paul, 60
Fairfax, Thos., lord, 126
Falkland, Lucius, viscount, 126, 278
Faraday, Michael, 251, 255
Fawcett, Rt. Hon. H., prof. 328, 329 n., 355,
Mrs., 328, 329, 329 n., 346 n.,
P. G., 328, 340
Fawkes, Francis, the poet, 116
Felix, bp., 4 n.
Felton, Nich., bp. of Ely, 75
Fenton, Elijah, the poet, 116
Ferrers, Eligius, receives a Lambeth D.D. (Ñ1539), 194 n.,
Dr., M. of Gonville & Caius, 329 n.
Fielding, Henry, 257
Fisher, John bp. of Rochester & Cardinal, 3, 105, 119, 125, 150, 152, 253, 254 n., 259,
281, 330.
Suggests foundation of Christ’s to Ly. Margaret, 118,
co-operates with her, 120,
her panegyrist, 120, 120 n.-121 n.,
perpetual chancellor, 120, 204,
succeeded by Thos. Cromwell, 205,
chancellor & vice-chancellor, 205 n.,
Master of Michaelhouse, 120,
completes foundation of S. John’s, 120, 124,
statutes for, 67, 126,
President of Queen’s, 111,
establishes study of Greek in Cambs., 172, 174 n.,
& invites Erasmus 173,
upholds Erasmus, 174 n., 273,
a reformer before the Reformation, 120, 270,
first Lady Margaret Professor, 191,
created cardinal priest, 121 n.,
Hen. VIII.’s opinion of, 121,
Hallam’s, 121 n.,
martyred, 121, 275, (quoted), 120, 120 n.
Fitz-Eustace, a Cambridge name, 292
Fitzhugh, a Cambridge name, 308
Flamsteed, John, 1st astronomer royal, 146, 284, 290, 291
Fleetwood, Wm. bp. of Ely, 105
Fletcher, 302, 303
Giles, LL.D., 282, 304,
Giles (poet), 304,
John (the dramatist), 257, 304,
Phineas (poet), 304,
Ric. bp. of London, 303,
John, of Caius, 304
Ford, John, 257
Fordham, bp. of Ely, 61, (quoted) 62 n.
Foster, Saml., Royal Soc., 146, 283, 284,
Sir Michael, prof., 329 n.
Fowler, Edw., aftw. bp. of Gloucester, 266 n.
Fox, Edw. bp. of Hereford 105,
Ric. bp. of Winchester, M. of Pembroke, chr. (Ñ1500), 3, 74, 177 n., 205 n., 259, 260, 270, 273, 283
Frampton, bp., 266, 266 n.
Francis, S., of Assisi, 21, 22, 22 n.
Frost, 292, 347 n.
Henry, 18, 122 n.
Fry, Mrs., 253 n.
Fuller, Thos., 5 n., 47, 51, 99, 111, 120, 146, & see general index
Galileo, 291
Gamble, Jane C., 320, 322
Gardiner, Stephen, bp. of Winchester, M. of Trinity Hall, chr., 79, 80, 177 n., 240, 243, 259, 304
Garrett, Dr. G. M., 329 n.
Garth, Sir Samuel, 260
Gaunt, 294 n., 347 n.
Gaunt, House of, 294, 297,
John of 20, 27, 95, 261, 292, 295 n., 297 n., 308 n.
George I., 99, 113, 192, 268
George II., 113
George IV., 138
Gibbon, Edw., 309
Gibbons, Orlando, 252
Gilbert, S., of Sempringham, 19
Gilbert, Wm., 126, 260, 281, 290, 291
Gladstone, W. E. 253, 254 n.,
Miss H., 347
Glisson, Francis, prof., 80, 144, 191
Gloucester, duke of,
see Clare
Goddard, Jonathan, Royal Soc., 283
Goldcorn, John, 98 n.
Goldsmid, Sir Francis, 318 n.,
lady, 318 n.
Goldsmith, Oliver, 257
Gonville, 294, 295
Edmund, 77, 78, 150, 152, 153,
Sir Nicholas, 77
Goodrich, Thos., bp. of Ely, 106, 260
Goulburn, bp., 2nd wrangler, 184 n.
Grafton, 3rd duke of, chr., 59
Gray, Thos., prof., 7, 58, 59, 73, 74, 75, 104 n., 139, 184, 192, 232 n., 235, 255, 308, 308 n., (quoted) 7, 56, 74 n., 176, 249
Green, W. C., 329 n.
Greene, Robt., 257
Gregory the Great, 4
Gregory XIII., 230
Gresham, Sir Thos., 78, 143, 144, 218 n., 282, 330
Greville, 302, 304
Fulke, 1st Ld. Brooke, 99 n., 116, 192 n., 282, 304, 308,
2nd Ld., 304,
Sir Bevil, 304,
(Grenville or Granville) 1st Ld. Lansdowne, 139, 304
Grew, Nehemiah, of Pembroke, 260, 284
Grey, 252, 295, 297, 297 n., 299, 300
earl, 268, 269,
lady Jane, 113, 175 n.,
Sir Thos., 295, 296,
of Wark, Ld. 264 n.,
pedigree of, 299
Grindal, Wm., the classic, pupil of Ascham, 126,
Edmund, abp., 74, 99, 118, 130, 130 n., 259, 263, 274 n., 282
Grocyn, Wm., 173, 173 n., 176 n.
Grosseteste, Robert, bp. of Lincoln, 172 n., 252, 254 n.
Grosvenor, Sir Robert, 94
Grote, Geo., 251
Guest, Edm., bp. of Rochester & Sarum, 106
Guilford, Francis North, Ld., 260, 284
Gunning, Peter, bp. of Ely, M. of Clare, then of S. John’s, 126
Gurgentius, 4
Gurney, Rt. Hon. Russell, 318 n.,
Mrs., 318 n.
Guthlac, S., of Mercia, 12 n.
Hacket, bp. of Lichfield, 138
Haddon, 294
abbot of Thorney, 294 n.,
Walter, v.-c., 80, 105, 191, 282, 304
Hainault, John, count of, earl of Cambridge, 36 n.
Hale, Chief Justice 284,
Sir Matt., 309
Hales, John, 278, 279, 286 n.
Halifax, Geo. Savile, visc. & marq., 260, 267,
see Montague
Hall, Joseph, of Emmanuel, bp. of Norwich, 277,
Ric., biographer of Fisher, 119
Hallam, Arthur, 139
Halley, Edm., Royal Soc., 284, 309
Hamilton, Sir Wm., 177
Hampden, John, 244, 264, 265
Harison, Thos., a translator of the bible, 273
Harrington, 307
Sir John, 1st Ld., 105, 282
Hartley, David, 116
Harvey, Hervey, 302, 304
Gabriel, 74, 74 n., 256, 281, 304, (quoted), 182,
Henry, v.-c., 304,
Wm., 144, 253, 254 n., 260, 281, 304
Hastings, 297, 297 n.
Henry earl of Huntingdon, 111,
John earl of Pembroke, 27, 295, 295 n.,
Warren, 251
Hatfield, Wm. of, 104 n.
Hatton, 203 n., 294 n., 303, 307
Sir Christopher, 309,
Ric. Provost of King’s, 307
Hawkins, John, 251
Heath, Nicholas, abp., a translator of the bible, 66, 273, 273 n.
Henrietta Maria, queen, 114
Henry I. (Beauclerk), 18 n., 88.
Favours the town, 8, 36, 36 n.,
gives it a charter, 9,
charter referred to, 5-6, 6 n., 13,
fabled to have studied at Cambs., 36
Henry II.,
"pginternal">256 n., 301,
John, 253 n.,
Thos. earl of Suffolk, chr. 301, 303 [see Norfolk]
Howe, John [Rot. Hund Cant.], 42, 43,
Walter [Rot. Hund. Cant.], 42
Hrostwitha of Gandersheim, 108
Huddleston, Sir Robert, 5 n., 113
Hudson, Prof. H. H., LL.M., 347
Hughes, Miss E. P., 335 n.
Hugolina, wife of the Norman sheriff, 17
Hulle, Wm., English Prior of the Order of S. John, 24
Humphry, Prof. Sir Geo., of Downing Coll., 318 n., 340
Huntingdon, css. of 149,
earl of, see David of Scotland & Hastings & 297 n.
Hutchinson, Col., 59, 264, 265
Huxley, T. H., 251
Ingulph, abbot of Crowland, 13, 13 n.
Ingworth, Ric., Franciscan friar, 20
Innocent VI., 72, 75
Ireton, Henry, 264
Jackson, Henry, Prof., 329 n.
James I., 113, 116, 163, 229
James II., 265, 266
James, Thos. of King’s, Headmaster of Rugby, 283
Jaquetta of Luxembourg, 152
Jebb, 347 n.
Dr. John, 183 n.,
Sir Ric., prof., 139, 176 n., 191, 329 n., (quoted) 153 n.
Jessopp, Dr., 10 n., 80
Jocelyn of Bury, 16 n., (quoted) 15 n.
Jocelyn, John, secretary to abp. Parker, (quoted) 81, 82
Joffred, abbot of Crowland, 12, 122, 127
John, king, 6 n., 11, 32,
36, 113, 260, 295
John XXII., 28, 35, (quoted) 35
John, prior, of Cambridge, 261
Johnson, Samuel, opposes American claims, 269
Jones, Burne, 57 n., Miss E. E. C. 321,
Inigo, 65, 118
Jonson, Ben, 126, 256, 257, 281
Keats, John, 251, 255
Kelvin, Ld., 59, 172 n., 255
Ken, bp., 266, 267
Kennedy, B. H., D.D., prof., 338 n., 348,
Miss M. G., 329 n., 338, 338 n., 346 n., 347
Kenton, Nicholas, Carmelite, chr., 20
Keynes, J. N., Dr., 329 n.
Kilkenny, bp. of Ely, 38 n., 40, 192 n.
King, Edw., 119,
Oliver, bp., 105
Kinglake, A. W., 139
Kingsley, Chas., prof., 130, 192
Kirke, Edward, 139
Knollys, Sir Francis, 282
Kyd, Thos. (the dramatist), 257
Lake, of Chichester, one of the 7 Bishops, 266
Lancaster, Henry, the “good duke” of, 89, 89 n., 261,
earl of 297 n., 298
Lanfranc, abp., 18 n.
Langham, 304 n.
Simon, bp. of Ely, afterwards primate, 62
Langley, 304 n.
abp., 194 n.,
Edmund earl of Cambridge, 20, 36 n., 295 n.
Langton, 296, 302, 304
John, chr., M. of Pembroke, bp. of S. David’s, 101, 304,
Stephen, abp., 252, 254 n., 260,
Thos., proc. fellow of Pembroke, bp. of S. David’s, Winchester, & elect of Canterbury, 3, 74, 259, 270, 304
Latimer, 306
Hugh, bp., 66, 119, 244, 259, 271, 275, 275 n., 306
Latymer, Wm., 176 n.
Laud, abp., 143 n., 259, 280, 288, 289, (quoted) 208 n.
Law, 59
Edm., bp. of Carlisle, 59,
Wm., author of the “Serious Call”, 146
Layfield, J., a translator of the bible, 273
Lee, abp. of York, opposes Erasmus, 174 n.
Leicester, Henry of Lancs., earl of, 297 n.,
Robt. Dudley, earl of, 206 n.,
de Montfort, earl of, 42 n., 260, 261, 298, 307 n.,
Robt. Sidney, earl of, 301,
Wm. of [Rot. Hund. Cant.], 43 n.
Leland, John, 119
Le Strange, Roger, 258
Lewes, G. H., 251
Lichfield, bp. of, see Hacket, Sampson, Scrope
Lightfoot, 292, 302, 304
J. B., bp. of Durham, fellow of Trinity, prof., 3, 139, 191, 288, 305, 318 n.,
John, 115, 119
Lily, Wm., 176 n., 283
Linacre, Thos., 80 n., 125, 167, 173, 176 n., 179, 190 n.
Lincoln, bp. of, see Close, Wickham, Williams, & general index
Liveing, Prof., 126, 318 n.
Lloyd, non-juring bp. of Norwich, 266, 266 n.,
bp. of S. Asaph’s, one of the 7 Bishops, 266
Locke, John, 178, 253, 254 n., 309
Lodge, Thos., 256, 257
London, Dr., Warden of New Coll. (quoted), 272
Louis the Dauphin, 33, 260, 261, 295
Loyola, S. Ignatius, college founded by in Rome, 230
Lubbock, Sir John (Ld. Avebury), 251
Lucas, Henry, founds Lucasian professorship, 190
Lumsden, L. I., 321 n.
Luther, Martin, 272, 288
Lydgate, monk of Bury, 4, 88, quoted 7 n., 88 n.
Lyly, John, 256, 257
Lyndhurst, Ld., 139, 172 n., 260
Lyttelton, 308
4th Ld., 318 n.
Lytton, 302, 305
Bulwer, 80, 305,
Sir Rowland, 305
MacArthur, Thos., an early Cambs. Protestant, 275 n.
Macaulay, 308
Thos. Babington, Ld., 137, 138, 139, 184, 211, 308, 309
Main, P. T., 329 n.
Maine, Sir Henry, prof., 74, 80, 191
Maitland, 308
F. W., prof., 192, 308
Malcolm ‘the Maiden,’ 36 n., 116 n., 151 n., 297 n.
Malherbe, Michael, owns land at Newnham, 325 n.
Manchester, earl of, see Montague
Mandeville, earl of [Rot. Hund. Cant.], 24 n.
Manfield, 292
Wm. de, 39, 42, 292 n., 325
Manners, 302, 303
Sir John, 1st Ld., 110 n.,
lord, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, 172 n.,
lord John (duke of Rutland), 139,
Roger son of 1st earl of Rutland, Esquire of the Body to Eliz., 86,
Roger 3rd earl of Rutland, 111, 222, 232 n., 282
Manning, Card., 150,
Mrs., 317 n.
Mareschall, 297 n., 298, 299
Margaret of Anjou, 114, 123, 150, 152, 296, 312,
founds Queen’s, 100, 109,
her motives for so doing, 109, 112 n., 313,
dedication, 109, 112,
scope, 153,
Eliz. Woodville co-founder with, 112, 262
Margaret, lady, 119-120, 125, 133, 150, 252, 254 n., 305, 312, 312 n.
Most conspicuous figure in university hist., representative of John of Gaunt, 299,
joins Ho. of Edw. III. to Ho. of Tudor, 297, 299,
reconciles Houses of York and Lancs., 262,
in her own person, & through alliance with Stafford, stands mid-way between founders of King’s Hall Clare & Pembroke & founders of Queens’ Magdalene & Sidney, 297, 299, 300,
Three times married, 64 n., 299, 296,
Guy de, 293, 326,
Philippa, 295 n., 299,
Roger, 295,
Thos. de, 132, 294
Morton, Card., 259 n.
Moulton, J. F., 329 n.
Mowbray, Anne, wife to Ric. of York, 86 n.
Mulcaster, Ric., 283, 354 n.
Munday, Anthony (the dramatist), 257
Nash, Thos. (the dramatist), 257
Necton, Humphrey, Carmelite, 20
Nelson, Horatio lord, 245, 251, 253, 254 n.
Nelson, Edmund (Hobhouse) bp. of, 41, 44 n.
Neville (Nevile), 297, 300, 302, 304, 305
lady Dorothy, css. of Exeter, 303,
Henry, proc., 305,
Latimer 6th lord Braybrooke, M. of Magdalene, 305,
Thos. (Nevile) v.-c., M. of Trinity, 113, 135, 139, 140 n., 145, 305
Newton, 302, 305
Fogg, Prov. of King’s Coll. (1610-12) v.-c., 305,
Francis v.-c. (1562-3), 305,
John de, M. of Peterhouse, 305,
Isaac, fellow of Trinity, prof., 3, 31, 66, 137, 139, 170, 191, 218 n., 219 n., 225, 253, 254 n., 265, 290, 291,
Isaac, of Peterhouse, 305
Nicholas, S., of Bari, 101, 106
Nicholson, John (”Lambert”), 275
Nightingale, Florence, 253, 254 n.
Nix, bp., 144
Norfolk, Eliz. Talbot, dss. of, 86, 155,
Margaret Audley dss. of, 301,
Henry Howard 15th
Northumberland, see Percy & Dudley
Norwich, John, bp. of, prior of Ely, 156,
see also Bateman, Hall, Montague, Nix, Overall, Thirlby, Walpole
Nottingham, Daniel Finch, earl of, 267
Occam, Wm., 88
Ockley, Simon, professor of Arabic, 111
Odo, monk of OrlÉans, 14 n.
Ogle, Amy, 340
Oswy, king of Northumbria, 311, 311 n.
Oughtred, Wm., mathematician, 105
Overall, John, bp. of Norwich, M. of S. Catherine’s, 28, 115, 126, 126 n.
Oxford, see de Vere
Pace, Ric., 176 n.
Paget, 308
Sir James, 318 n.
Paley, 347 n.
Mary (Mrs. Marshall) 340 n.,
Wm., Preb. of S. Paul’s 118, 172 n.,
& see general index
Palmer, 302, 306
Edw., prof, (sheikh Abdullah), 306
Palmerston, Hen. Jno. Temple, visc., 126, 239, 260, 306, 309
Paris, Dr. J. A., 260,
Matthew, 23 n., 33 n., 55 n., 84
Parker, 308, 347 n.
Matthew, v.-c., abp., 49, 84, 85, 99, 106 n., 244, 245, 259, 273, 273 n., 274, 274 n., 282
Parr, 347 n.
Samuel, 146, 308
Parsons, the Jesuit, 294
Partholin, Spanish king of Ireland, 4
Paston, 261, 308, 308 n.
Sir Wm., 85
Patrick, Simon, bp. of Ely, 266 n., 274
Paul III., 121 n.
Paulinus of York, 2
Peacock, Geo. dean of Ely, Lowndean prof., 139
Pearson, bp., 106, 111, 111 n.
Perse, Stephen, 99 n.
Peele, Geo. (dramatist), 257
Peile, Dr., M. of Christ’s, 329 n.
Pembroke, css. of, see Chatillon, earls of, 292, 297 n., 298, 299
Pepys, Samuel, 130, 145, 308
Percy, 301, 307, 307 n.
Eleanor, 301,
Wm., bp., son of 2nd earl of Northumberland, chr., 307
Perfect, Anne, 330
Perne, Andrew, M. of Peterhouse, 58, 60, 99 n., 143
‘Peter of Blois,’ 13 n., 14, (quoted) 14 n.
Peterborough, Francis Jeune, bp. of, (Oxonian), 317 n.,
see also Cumberland, White
Petrarch, 88
Peverel, 110 n., 292
Pain, 17, 292, 303
Pfeiffer, Mrs., 338
Philip of France, 296
Physwick, Wm., first esquire bedell, 50, 208 n.
Picot, Hugh, baron of Bourne, 17, 292
Pigott, 292
Pilkington, Jas., bp. of Durham, 10th M. of S. John’s, 274 n.
Pitt, Wm., 73, 74, 74 n., 100, 218 n., 253, 254 n., 260, 268
Plantagenet, 8 n., 152, 292, 300
Beatrice, 69,
Joan, see Joan d’Acre
Pole, 296, 297 n.
Card., chr., 259 n.,
(quoted), 121,
Humphrey de la, 78, 143,
Edw. de la, archd. of Richmond, 78
(sons of 2nd duke of Suffolk), Wm. de la, earl & 1st duke of Suffolk, 117 n.
Porson, Ric., prof., 137, 139, 174, 175 n., 190
Porteous, bp., 172 n.
Porter, Rev. Jas., M. of Peterhouse (1876), 318 n.
Potts, Mr., 348
Prior, Matthew, 126, 305
Pritchard, fourth wrangler, 172 n.
Pugin, Aug. W., 130
Puttenham, Geo., writes of art of poetry, 256
Pym, John, 264
Raddyng, frater, of Rome, incorporated as a Cambs. doctor, 193 n.
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 251, 253, 254 n., 282
Ramsay, Agnata (Mrs. Butler), 322, 322 n.
Ratcliffe, 307, 307 n.
Thos., 3rd earl of Sussex (crd. M.A. 1564), 146, 282, 301
Ray, John, the botanist & zoologist, 115, 139, 284
Rayleigh, 3rd lord, prof., 172 n., 192
Rede, Sir Robt., 130, 192 n.
Rennell, Thos., of King’s, (quoted) 209 n.
Repingale, bp. of Chichester, chr., 204 n.
Rhadegund, S., 115, 311, 312 n., 319 n.
Richard II., 18, 20, 67, 113
Richard III., 104
Richard of Devon, Franciscan, 21
Richardson, Saml., 251, 257
Richmond, earl of 299, css. of, see Margaret, lady
Ridley, 306
Nicholas, bp., M. of Pembroke, 74, 75, 79, 212 n., 259, 275, 306, 347 n.
Rivers, earl, 112
Rochester, Dr. Plume archd. of, 191
Rochester, bp. of, see Bottlesham, Fisher, Merton
Rogers, John, 75, 272, 275, 275 n., 307
Rooke, Lawrence, Royal Soc., prof. at Gresham Coll., 283
Rosse, Ld., see Manners, 3rd earl of Rutland
Rotherham, Thos., abp. of York, chr., 74, 76 n., 97, 98, 98 n., 105, 115, 259, 260, 270, 307
Roubilliac, sculptor, 137
Routh, E. J. of Peterhouse, senior wrangler, 172 n.
Rowley, Wm., dramatist, 257
Roy, Wm., Franciscan translator of the bible, 273
Ruthall, Thos., bp. of Durham, chr., 260
Rutland, see Manners
St. John of Bletsoe, Anne, 305 n.
Saint-Paul, 152, 296, 300
Gaucher, 1st comte de, 296,
Guy comte de, see Cotillon,
Marie de, see Valence
Salisbury, see Cecil
Salisbury, bp. of (temp. Hen. VI.), 101
Sampson, abbot of Bury, 15, 15 n., 16 n.
Sampson, bp. of Lichfield, 80
Sancroft, abp., 145, 267
Sanderson, 347 n.
(Saunderson), Nicholas, prof., 118, 191
Sandys, Edwin, abp., v.-c., 115
Sanger, Ralph., proc., 98
Savona, Wm. of, printer, 99
Scory, bp. of Hereford, 273, 273 n.
Scott, Sir Gilbert, 57 n., 102 n., 124, 125
Scott, Miss E. P., 321,
Sir Walter, 251, 257, 257 n.
Scrope (Scroope), 93, 239, 260, 306
abp., confers Lambeth degree, 194 n.,
Sir Wm., 146, 245, 260, 284, 306, 308
Tenison, abp., 85, 259, 266 n., 274
Tennyson, lord, 139, 255
Thackeray, 302
Wm. Makepeace, 139, 257
Theodore, abp., 2
Theresa, S., 325
Thirlby, Thos., bp. of Ely, then of Norwich, 80
Thirlwall, bp., 139, 175 n.
(see S. David’s)
Thixtil, John, fellow of Pembroke (1519), 74
Thompson, W. H., prof., 176 n.
Yates, Mr. & Mrs., 338
Thorpe, Sir Robt., M. of Pembroke, 27, 75, 76 n., 96, 260, 295,
Sir Wm., 98 n.
Thurloe, secretary to Cromwell, 308 n.
Tillotson, abp., 66, 259, 266 n., 274 n.
Tindal, Matthew, the deist, 279
Tiptoft, John, earl of Worcester, 112
Todhunter, senior wrangler, 172 n.
Tokerham, Ric., proc., 98
Toland, John, the deist, 279
Tomkinson, H. R., 317 n.
Tonnys, John, prior of the Cambs. Augustinians, 174 n.
Tooke, Horne, 126
Tonstall, Jas., of S. John’s, 215
Trelawney, bp. of Bristol, 265 n., 266
Trench, R. C., Protestant abp. of Dublin, 139
Trevelyan, 308
Macaulay’s biographer (quoted), 211
Tuckney, Anthony, Puritan M. of Emmanuel, 245, 277, (quoted) 286
Tudor, see the Tudor sovereigns & general index
Tulloch, Principal (quoted), 285 n., 286 n., 287, 288 n.
Tunstall, Cuthb. bp. of Durham, 98, 139, 174 n., 259, 273, 273 n.
Turner, bp. of Ely, one of the 7 Bishops, 266, 266 n.
Twining, Miss, 318 n.
Tyler, Wat, 261
Tyndale, 308
Wm., 175 n., 271, 272, 281
Upton, Jas., headmaster of Taunton school, 105
Urban V., 72
Ussher, abp., 279
Valence, 27, 294, 295, 297, 297 n.,
pedigree of, 299
Aymer de, earl of Pembroke, 69, 150, 151 n., 293, 299,
Marie (or de Saint-Paul, born Chatillon) css. of Pembroke, 74, 77, 150, 296, 312,
Founds Pembroke, 69, 71,
scope of foundation, 152, 152 n., 153,
statutes of, 68, 73, 73 n.,
founds Denney, 25, 25 n., 73, 73 n.,
lineage, 69, 152, 293, 297,
pedigree, 299
Venantius Fortunatus, bp., monk of Sainte-Croix, 312
Venn, Dr. J., 318 n., 329 n.,
Mrs., 329 n.
Verdon, Theobald Ld., 298
Vere, 36 n., 292, 292 n., 301
Alice de, css. of Oxford, 21 n.,
Aubrey de, 1st earl of Oxford, 36 n.,
Maud, wife of 8th earl, 111
Vernon, 110, 296
Dorothy, of Haddon, 110 n.
Verulam, visc., see Bacon, Ld.
Vesalius, early Italian anatomist, 141
Victoria, queen, visits Cambs., 113, 176 n.
Villiers, dukes of Buckingham, 297 n.
Geo. 2nd duke of Buckingham (Trinity College), 99 n., 284
Wallace, Alf. R., 255
Waller, Edm., 105, 244
Wallis, John, fellow of Queen’s, one of founders of Royal Soc., 145, 146, 265, 277, 283, 286, 347 n.
Walpole, 292, 294
Ralph, bp. of Ely & Norwich, 294,
Robt., 105, 260, 294,
Horace, 105, 139, 235, 294
Walsingham, 291, 292, 294
Edm., owns land in Cambridge, 132,
Sir Francis, 105, 260, 307,
Ld., 206 n.,
prior of Ely, 294
Ward, John, bp. of Salisbury, one of the founders of Royal Soc., 284,
Prof. James, 340 n.,
Seth, 147
Warham, abp., 12 n., 144, 174, 175 n., 259 n., 273
Warkworth, John, M. of Peterhouse, 58, 59, 261
Washington, Godfrey, bur. at Peterhouse, 61, 262
Watson, Thos., early sonneteer, 256 n.
Watts, Wm., of Gonville & Caius, archd., 175 n.
Webbe, Wm., writer on art of poetry, 256
Webster, John (dramatist), 257
Wellington, duke of, 251
Wentworth Ld. Strafford, 126
Wesleys, the 280, John, 253
West, Nicholas, bp. of Ely, 105
Westcott, B. F., bp., fellow of Trinity, prof., 139, 191, 288
Wharton, Thos., the anatomist, 74, 260,
Thos., fellow of Pembroke, Gray’s letter to, 249
Whewell, Wm., M. of Trinity, prof., 3, 136, 137, 138, 139, 172 n., 177, 179
Whichcote, Benj., the Platonist, 105, 145, 245, 286, (quoted) 287
Whiston, Wm., prof, in succession to Newton, 66, 191
White, bp., one of the 7 Bishops, 266, 266 n.,
Jessie, 360 n.,
Kirke, 126
Whitefield, Geo., 280
Whitehead, David, one of the 8 men on Cecil’s memorandum, 274 n.,
Wm., poet laureate, 66
Whitgift, abp., v.-c., 59, 60 n., 74, 74 n., 139, 259, 274, 282, 306,
his thesis for the D.D., 169 n.
Whittlesey, Wm., abp., M. of Peterhouse, 58
Wickham of King’s, bp., 105
Wilberforce, John, 126, 260, 269
Wilfrid of York, 2, 172
Wilkins, architect, 102 n., 147,
John, bp. of Chester, M. of Trinity, 139, 283
William the Conqueror, 5, 8, 10, 11, 114, 254 n., 292,