Page - Different Accounts of the Birth of Hayy Ibn Yokdhan, 29
- Hayy Ibn Yokdhan, son of a Princess, 30
- Hayy is exposed by his Mother, 30
- Hayy is driven by the tide to another Island, 31
- Hayy is found by a Roe, which takes care of him, 31
- Spontaneous Generation, 32
- Hayy grows up nursed by the Roe, 33
- Hayy learns to imitate animals’ voices, 34
- Hayy begins to take a careful view of things, 34
- Hayy observes the difference between the animals and himself, 35
- Hayy as a boy of seven. He covers himself with leaves, 36
- Hayy becomes aggressive, and attacks wild beasts, 36
- Hayy covers himself with the skin of an Eagle, 37
- Hayy spreads terror among the beasts, 37
- Hayy is grief-stricken at the death of the Roe, 38
- Hayy takes an aversion to the dead body, 38
- Hayy buries the body of the Roe, 39
- Hayy observes divers kinds of living creatures and plants, 39
- Hayy discovers Fire kindled by the friction of reeds, 40
- Nature and character of Asal and Salaman, 66
- Further differences of Asal and Salaman, 66
- Asal repairs to Hayy’s Island, 67
- Hayy and Asal meet, 69
- Hayy catches hold of Asal, 70
- Hayy and Asal stroke one another, 71
- Hayy and Asal try to understand each other, 71
- Asal makes Hayy eat of his food, 72
- Hayy Ibn Yokdhan at last joins Asal at dinner, but repents afterwards, 72
- Asal becomes Hayy’s companion and teacher, 73
- Hayy enlightens Asal on his inner life, 74
- Asal tells Hayy of the Island from whence he had come, 75
- Hayy observes that men are dull, stupid, and brutish, 78
- Asal persuades Hayy to follow him to his Island, 79
- Hayy and Asal return together to Asal’s Island, 79
- Hayy begins to teach and instruct Salaman’s subjects, 80
- Hayy despairs of being able to reform the vulgar crowd, 81
- Hayy’s philosophical views on the value of this world, 81
- Hayy gives up his preachings and teachings, 84
- Asal and Hayy return to their Island, 85
- Epilogue of the Author, 86