Thus he continued in this state until he had passed the seventh septenary of his age, that is, until he was fifty years of age. Then it happened that he made the acquaintance of Asal. And the account of this meeting with him we shall now relate, with the help of God. They report that there is an Island near unto that where Hayy Ibn Yokdhan was born—according to one of those two different accounts as to the manner of his birth—unto which had retired one of those pious sects that had for its founder some of the ancient Prophets (the Mercy of God be upon them!), a sect which used to discourse on all things that had a new existence in nature and by way of parables to represent their images to the imagination, so that their impressions fixed themselves in the minds of men. This sect spread itself in that Island and began to prevail and become famous, till at length the King himself entered it and forced his subjects also to adhere to it. Now there were born in that same Island two men of great endowments and excellence, great |