

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y.

A dip and a wallop for a bawbee!, 29, 125, 126
Act, Chimney Sweeps’, 64
Addison, Cries of London, 25, 30
Albert Smith’s “Covered Uncertainties”, 111
Ale Scurvy-grass, 32
All my teeth ache!, 30
All the fun of the fair!, 50
Ancient tavern sign, 110
Anecdote of a simpler, 32
Aphorisms, Book of, 36
Area sneak thieves, 48
’Arry and Emma Ann, 50
Bartholomew Fair, 38, 39, 42
Bartholomew Fair, Ben Jonson’s (1614), 25
Beating of one’s wife, 51
Beaumont and Fletcher’s Bonduca, 25
Beau pot? Will you buy a, 86
Bellows-mender, 94
Bells, Merry Christ Church, 33
Belman, 20
Blacking, cake, 44
Black sheep, 48
Blowing a horn in the night, 51
Bonduca, Beaumont and Fletcher’s, 25
Book of Aphorisms, 36
Boot-black, The modern, 44
Boot laces—AND the boot laces!, 54
Brickdust, 92
Bridgwater Library, 14
British Museum, Collection of cries in, 16
Buggs! Water for the, 29, 125, 126
Buns! Hot cross, 97
Busby’s Costumes of the Lower Orders, 35
Business card of pussy’s butcher, 65, 120
Buy a beau pot?, 86
Buy a bill of the play?, 97
“Buy a broom” criers, Flemish, 96
Buy a flower, sir?, 68
Buy my rumps and burrs?, 38
Buy my singing glasses?, 12
Cake blacking, 44
Calling price before quantity, 64
Candlewick, 5
Cantlie’s (Dr. J.) “Degeneration among Londoners”, 72
Canwyke Street, 5
Caricature, political, Cries the vehicle for, 29
Catnach illustrations, 118
Cats, London, 64
Caveat against cut-purses, 42
Chairs in Queen Anne’s time, 108
Chairs in Queen Elizabeth’s time, 108
Chairs, rush-bottomed, 108
Characteristic sketches of the lower orders (1820), 117
Characters, Humorous, 52
Charles II., Cries in the time of, 18
Cherryes in the ryse, 3
Chimney Sweeps’ Act, 64
Clean yer boots?, 44
Coachman, Hackney, 70
Cockney pronunciation, 31, 53, 72, 73, 74, 126-129
Cockney pronunciation, London Globe, 78
Colly Molly Puffe! Spectator, 12
Costermonger, or Costardmonger, 46
Costumes of the Lower Orders, Busby’s, 35
“Covered Uncertainties,” Albert Smith’s, 111
Crawhall’s (Joseph) illustrations, 119
Cream made of turnips, 60
Cries—Collection in British Museum, 16
Cries, Old London Street—Examples of, 76-92
Cries, Tempest’s, 6
Cries in the time of Charles the Second, 18
Cries, Under-street, 70
Cries, vehicle for political caricature, 29
Cries of London, Addison’s mention of, 25, 30
Cries of London as they are daily Practised, J. Harris (1804), 120
Cries of London, earliest mention of, 3
Cries of London, engraved by Schiavonetti and Wheatley, 42
Cries of London for the amusement of good children, 119
Cries of London, Humorous, 52, 53, 54
Cries of London, Lumsden’s, 119
Cries of London, Roxburgh collection of, 25-33
Cries of London, Sandby’s, 31
Cries of London (J. T.) Smith’s, 16
Cries of London. Specimens of versification, 111-117
Cries of London, Spectator, 25
Cries of York, 14
Cruikshank’s London barrow-woman, 100
“Cryer,” Public, 22
Cryes, Tempest’s, 6
Cuckoo flowers, 35
Cut-purses, Caveat against, 42
Dead letter act, A, 51
“Degeneration amongst Londoners,” Dr. Jas. Cantlie’s, 72
Description of Illustrations, 117-120
“Doing” the public, 47
Door Mats, 94
Doublets, Old, 10
Do you want a lick on the head?, 30
Du Maurier’s Steam Launch in Venice, 72
Earliest mention of London Cries, 3
Early green peas, 94
Early matches, 56
Early umbrellas, 70
Elizabethan Statutes of the streets, 51
Everyday Book, Hone’s, 36, 42, 52, 96, 102, 110, 120
Facetious salesmen of the streets, 52
Fair, Bartholomew, 38, 39, 42
Faux, the Conjurer, 40
Fine tie or a fine bob, sir?, 36
Fleas! Tormentor for, 24, 121-125
Flea trap, 25
Flemish “Buy a broom” criers, 96
Flower girls at the Royal Exchange, 68
“Flowers, Penny a Bunch!” (frontispiece), 119
Frontispiece, “Flowers, Penny a Bunch!”, 119
Gardner’s Collection of Prints, 7
Gay’s poor apple girl, 28
Gay’s Trivia, 26
Gazette, London, 14
Gingerbread, Hot spiced, 102
Green peas, Early, 94
Green rushes, O!, 98
Grose, Francis—The Olio, 30, 62
Ha! ha! Poor Jack!, 8
Hackney Coachman, 70
Hanway (Jonas) the philanthropist, 64
Herb gatherers, 32
Heywood’s Rape of Lucrece, 24
Highest ground in London, 109, 110
Hokey-pokey, 58
Hone’s Everyday Book, 36, 42, 52, 96, 102, 110, 120
Honest John Newbery, 120
Hot-baked wardens!, 38
Hot cross buns!, 97
Hot mutton trumpery!, 30
Hot pies, 111
Hot pudding, 96
Hot rolls, 96
Hot spiced gingerbread, 102
Hogarth’s Idle Apprentice, 104
Hogarth’s Laughing Audience, 98
Houndsditch, 47, 50
Humorous characters, 52
Humorous Cries of London, 52, 53, 54
Humorous nonsense, 104
Ices, Neapolitan, 58
Ices, penny, 58
Idle Apprentice, Hogarth’s, 104
Illustrations, Catnach, 118
Illustrations, Crawhall’s, 119
Illustrations, Description of, 117-120
Illustrations, McEgan’s, 120
Illustrations, Rowlandson’s, 117
I’m on the woolsack!, 31
Imitators of Tiddy Diddy Doll, 104
Inner and Outer Circle Railway, 75
Inner Circle Railway, 73
Irons! Marking, 42
Itinerant traders, Plates representing (1805), 118
Jack-in-the-box seller, 56
Japan your shoes, your honour?, 44
Jaw-work, up and under jaw-work!, 54
Johnson (Dr.), Turnips and carrots, O!, 43
Jonson’s (Ben) Bartholomew Fair (1614), 25
Knives to grind!, 98
Laughing Audience, Hogarth’s, 98
Laroon, Capt., 7
Laroon, Marcellus, 6
Lice, penny a pair, boot lice!, 53
Lights—pipe and c’gar, 56
Loftie’s Old London, 110
London barrow-woman, Cruikshank’s, 100
London cats, 64
London Cries, as they are daily Practised, J. Harris (1804), 120
London Cries, earliest mention of, 3
London Cries, engraved by Schiavonetti and Wheatley, 42
London Cries, Humorous, 52, 53, 54
London, Cries of—for the Amusement of Good Children, 119
London Cries, Sandby’s, 31
London Cries, Specimens of versification, 111-117
London Gazette, 14
London, Highest ground in, 109, 110
London Lyckpenny, 3
London Spy (1703) Ned Ward’s, 38
London street cries, Old, Examples of, 76, 92
London, The Three Ladies of (1584), 96
Lord Mayor’s day, 50
Lower Orders, Busby’s Costumes of the, 35
Lower orders, Characteristic sketches of (1820), 117
Lucifer match, The, 56
Lumsden’s Cries of London, 119
Lyckpenny, London, 3
Lydgate, John, 3
Marking irons!, 42
Marking stones, 16
Marquis Townshend’s, The Pedlars (1763), 29
Match, Brimstone, 56
Match, Lucifer, 56
Match-selling, 48
Match, Vesuvian, 56
Matches, Early, 56
McEgan’s illustrations, 120
Merry Christ Church bells, 33
Metropolitan and District Railways, 73
Milk below, maids!, 67
Modern boot-black, 44
Modern street cries, 62, 64, 67-70
Morning in Town, Swift’s, 10
Muffin man, 62
My name and your name, etc., 42
Nameless toy, A, 54
Neapolitan ices, 58
New laid eggs, crack ’em and try ’em!, 54
New laid eggs, eight a groat, 110
Newsman, The, 68
Newspaper, Shilling for a, 68
Nonsense, Humorous, 104
Notes and Queries, References to, 36, 121, 122, 125
Novelties from the continent, 50
Newbery, Honest John, 120
O’ Clo!, 62
Old chairs to mend!, 106
Old doublets, 10
’Okey-pokey, 58
Old London, Loftie’s, 110
Old London street cries, Examples of, 76-92
Olio, The—Francis Grose, 30, 62
On the bough, 3
On’y a ha’penny!, 54
Orange seller, Dr. Randal, The, 52
Oranges! Oratorio, 53
Ornaments for your fire stoves!, 60
’Orrible railway haccident—speshill ’dishun, 68
Outcries in the night, 51
Panyer Alley, 109
Pedlars, The (1763) List of Cries in, 29
Penny for a shillin’ ’lusterated magazine!, 51
Penny ices!, 58
Penny pieman, The, 111
Philanthropist, Jonas Hanway, The 64
Pieman, The penny,



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[1] On the bough.

[2] Candlewick.

[3] Rushes green.

[4] Mr. J. E. Gardner’s collection of prints and drawings illustrating London, and numbering considerably over 120,000, contains many fine prints illustrating Old London Cries, including numerous examples of the alterations here indicated.

[5] “The Cries of London:” Copied from rare engravings or drawn from the life by John Thomas Smith, late Keeper of the Prints in the British Museum, 1839. On inquiring at the Print Department of the British Museum for a copy of this work, the attendant knew nothing of it, and was quite sure the department had no such book. It turned up on a little pressure, however, but the leaves were uncut.—Les morts vont vite!

[8] “The best wigs are those made in Great Britain; they beat the French and German ones all to sticks.” The Book of Aphorisms, by a modern Pythagorean, 1834.

[9] Francis Grose tells us, in 1796, that some trades have from time immemorial invoked musical assistance,—such as those of pie, post, and dust men, who ring a bell.

My bell I keep ringing
And walk about merrily singing
My muffins.

[10] “Degeneration amongst Londoners.” By James Cantlie, M.A., M.B., F.R.C.S. One Shilling. The Leadenhall Press, E.C.

[11] Hammersmith.


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