Crown 8vo. Antique Paper. Bound in Full Cloth. Price, 3/6; posted, 3/9. Those acquainted with this poet's "Egmont" will be glad to see this announcement of a further collection of poems. The present volume includes a few of the best poems in "Egmont," and a number of fine additions, some published for the first time, make up a most attractive volume. "In Hubert Church we have a poet who worthily upholds the highest traditions of Australasian poetry. Grandeur, simplicity, tenderness and power are all reflected in this fine collection of poems."—Dundee Advertiser. "The ripe work of a genuine poet ... a book that will live."—The Triad. "He is a delightful writer, and has been well advised to bring together in one volume the best of his work."—Adelaide Register. |