- Alabama, The, 297, 435.
- Alcinous v. Nigreu, 238, 432.
- Alexandra, The, 436.
- Anna, The, 102.
- Anne, The, 287.
- Atalanta, The, 308, 443.
- Bermuda, The, 322, 444.
- Bolton v. Gladstone, 31, 430.
- Brown v. United States, 241, 432.
- Caroline, The, 71, 289, 434.
- Chesapeake, The, 145.
- Commercen, The, 305, 441.
- Constitution, The, 138.
- Exchange v. M'Faddon, 138.
- Florida, The, 436.
- Foster v. Neilson, 46.
- Friendship, The, 442.
- Gen. Armstrong, Case of the, 287.
- Georgia, The, 436.
- Grotius, The, 258, 433.
- Harcourt v. Gaillard, 42, 430.
- Huascar, The, 57.
- In the Matter of Metzger, 142, 431.
- Jones v. United States, 46, 431.
- Jonge Tobias, The, 306, 441.
- Juffrow Maria Schroeder, 320, 443.
- Koszta, The Case of, 128, 129.
- Kow-Shing, 310, 442.
- La Manche, The, 327, 444.
- Magnus, The, 441.
- Maria, The, 310, 321, 444.
- Marianna Flora, The, 310.
- M'Ilvaine v. Coxe's Lessee, 42.
- Montezuma, The, 57.
- Nassau, The, 326.
- Orozembo, The, 309, 442.
- Pampero, The, 436.
- People v. McLeod, 434.
- Peterhoff, The, 303, 440.
- Prize Cases, 231, 323.
- Regina v. Keyn, 112.
- Rothschild v. Queen of Portugal, 136.
- Santa Cruz, The, 30,