This list contains the titles of books most frequently cited in the following pages:— - Bluntschli, J. C. Le droit international. (Lardy), 1886.
- Bonfils. Droit International Public. (Fauchille), 1898.
- Calvo, Ch. Droit International. 5e Éd. 6 vols. 1896.
- Cobbett, Pitt. Leading Cases and Opinions on International Law. 2d ed, 1892.
- Dahlgren, J. A. Maritime International Law. 1877.
- Davis, G. B. The Elements of International Law. 1901.
- Despagnet. Droit International Public. 2d ed. 1899.
- Field, D. D. Outline of an International Code. 1876.
- Glass, H. Marine International Law. 1884.
- Glenn, E. F. Hand Book of International Law. 1895.
- Grotius, H. De Jure Belli ac Pacis. 3 vols. Whewell. 1853.
- Hall, W. E. International Law. 4th ed. 1895.
- Halleck, H. W. Elements of International Law. 3d ed. Baker. 1893.
- Heffter, A. G. Droit International. 4th ed. Geffeken. 1883.
- Hertslet, E. Map of Europe by Treaty, 1815-1891. 4 vols. 1875-1891.
- Holls, F. W. The Peace Conference at the Hague. 1900.
- Hosack, J. Rise and Growth of the Law of Nations. 1882.
- Kent, J. Commentaries on American Law. 14th ed.
- Lawrence, T. J. Principles of International Law. 2d ed. 1901.
- Lehr, E. Manuel des Agents Diplomatiques et Consulaires. 1888.
- Maine, H. International Law. 1888.
- Moore, J. B. Extradition and Interstate Rendition. 2 vols. 1891.
- —— International Arbitrations. 6 vols. 1898.
- Ortolan, T. Diplomatie de la Mer. 4th ed. 2 vols. 1864.
- Perels, F. Manuel de Droit Maritime International par Arendt. 1884.
- Phillimore, R. International Law. 3d ed.
- Pomeroy, J. N. International Law in Times of Peace. 1886.
- Pradier-FodÉrÉ, P. Trait de Droit International Public EuropÉen et Americain. 7 vols. 1885-1897.
- Rivier, A. Principes du Droit des Gens. 2 vols. 1896.
- Snow, F. Cases and Opinions on International Law. 1893.
- —— American Diplomacy. 1894.
- —— International Law. Naval War College. Prepared by Stockton. 2d ed. 1898.
- Takahashi, S. Cases on International Law, Chino-Japanese. 1896.
- Treaties and Conventions between the United States and Other Powers, 1776-1887. 1887.
- Treaties in Force, Compilation of United States. 1899.
- Vattel, E. Law of Nations. Trans. Ingraham. 1876.
- Walker, T. A. Science of International Law. 1893.
- —— Manual of Public International Law. 1895.
- —— History of the Law of Nations, vol. 1. 1899.
- Westlake, J. Chapters on Principles of International Law. 1894.
- Wharton, F. Digest of International Law. 3 vols. 2d ed. 1887.
- Wheaton, H. Elements of International Law. 1836.
- —— Edited by Lawrence, W. B. 1863.
- —— Edited by Dana, R. H. 1865.
- —— Edited by Boyd, A. C. 2d ed.
- Woolsey, T. D. International Law. 6th ed. 1891.